You have got to love A-merry-ca. We set up a Constitution, amend it to make all slaves citizens, -giving them equal rights to the rest of A-merry-cans-and then, just for the sake of political expediency, we try to change it.
"Changing the Constitution's guarantee of U.S. citizenship for anyone born in the United States is "worth considering" if it helps reduce illegal immigration, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives said Sunday.
"It's a serious problem that affects our country, and in certain parts of our country clearly our schools, our hospitals are being overrun by illegal immigrants. A lot of them came here just so their children could become U.S. citizens.
They should do it the legal way," House Minority Leader John Boehner told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"The Ohio congressman, who could become speaker of the House if Republicans win back control of the chamber in November, is the latest GOP leader to float the idea of changing the 14th Amendment. Several leading GOP senators, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, have said they would support holding hearings into the matter as part of the heated debate over immigration. " [Article]
Oh Lawd! So being born in A-merry-ca is not good enough? I guess all you Negroes who were born in A-merry-ca- like your people before you- will be right back on shaky ground. Yep, we just can't have pregnant women jumping over the border to drop those babies. Look what it got us. One of them became president. Oh, wait, that's right, he still isn't a citizen.
I liked the movie "Planet of the Apes". (The one with Charlton Heston, not Mark Whalberg.) It made you think. The costumes were a little silly, but hey, it was 1968, what did you expect?
Anywhooo, it seems that very fine movie is back in the news, because my man Glenn Beck things that Obama's A-merry-ca is just like that movie. My man Glenn must have liked Planet of the Apes like I did.
"Glenn Beck compared Obama's America to "the damn Planet of the Apes," Thursday during a rant against the president's praise for the AFL-CIO.
Beck made the comparison while trying to blame union support of strong pensions for the nation's high unemployment rate. He doesn't like that former SEIU president Andy Stern sits on the president's panel on deficit reduction. " [Article]
"Special interest! What planet have I landed on? Did I slip through a worm hole in the middle of the night and this looks like America? It's like the damn Planet of the Apes. Nothing makes sense! "
Actually, Glenn, a lot of things in the Planet of the Apes did make sense; if you were an Ape.
Anyway, if Obama is Dr. Zaius, does that make Beck Charles Taylor?
*Pic courtesty of ArtMaggot
You have got to love A-merry-ca. We set up a Constitution, amend it to make all slaves citizens, -giving them equal rights to the rest of A-merry-cans-and then, just for the sake of political expediency, we try to change it.
"Changing the Constitution's guarantee of U.S. citizenship for anyone born in the United States is "worth considering" if it helps reduce illegal immigration, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives said Sunday.
"It's a serious problem that affects our country, and in certain parts of our country clearly our schools, our hospitals are being overrun by illegal immigrants. A lot of them came here just so their children could become U.S. citizens.
They should do it the legal way," House Minority Leader John Boehner told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"The Ohio congressman, who could become speaker of the House if Republicans win back control of the chamber in November, is the latest GOP leader to float the idea of changing the 14th Amendment. Several leading GOP senators, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, have said they would support holding hearings into the matter as part of the heated debate over immigration. " [Article]
Oh Lawd! So being born in A-merry-ca is not good enough? I guess all you Negroes who were born in A-merry-ca- like your people before you- will be right back on shaky ground. Yep, we just can't have pregnant women jumping over the border to drop those babies. Look what it got us. One of them became president. Oh, wait, that's right, he still isn't a citizen.
I liked the movie "Planet of the Apes". (The one with Charlton Heston, not Mark Whalberg.) It made you think. The costumes were a little silly, but hey, it was 1968, what did you expect?
Anywhooo, it seems that very fine movie is back in the news, because my man Glenn Beck things that Obama's A-merry-ca is just like that movie. My man Glenn must have liked Planet of the Apes like I did.
"Glenn Beck compared Obama's America to "the damn Planet of the Apes," Thursday during a rant against the president's praise for the AFL-CIO.
Beck made the comparison while trying to blame union support of strong pensions for the nation's high unemployment rate. He doesn't like that former SEIU president Andy Stern sits on the president's panel on deficit reduction. " [Article]
"Special interest! What planet have I landed on? Did I slip through a worm hole in the middle of the night and this looks like America? It's like the damn Planet of the Apes. Nothing makes sense! "
Actually, Glenn, a lot of things in the Planet of the Apes did make sense; if you were an Ape.
Anyway, if Obama is Dr. Zaius, does that make Beck Charles Taylor?
*Pic courtesty of ArtMaggot
1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»ditto fn:
being born in america has never been good enough for any designated "other" including:
children of same
children of captive & enslaved africans
children of undocumented/refugee "aliens"
all of the hatreds/-isms are related
the rabid black holy racist haters on this blog prove that each day as they bash mexicans and gays...
hobama really is not a us citizen
history will prove that someday too...
but he is a bush by blood
that trumps citizenship 10 fold
AB, you are relentless on Obama. Btw, here is factual evidence why that sorry SF judge was wrong. Read it and weep:
Christopher Hitchens has cancer and Field is talking about Beck and the planet of the apes.
What happened to CF? Ever since he left, Field has not been himself.
only homohating fools like you weep over legal hatred...
Black people who witnessed a racist moron and his brazenly evil brother and other politrickal allies steal an entire election, by tampering with democracy and national voter processes, are eager to allow this same thief to tamper with the U. S. Constitution.
Black people who believe that the very same Constitution that had to be amended to remind Americans that slavery was legal, that slaves were property on all American soil, and that blacks can vote, truly feel that same Constitution should now be amended to remind gays that we are lesser humans who can never marry.
Black people who were legally forbidden to marry white lovers now encourage and plan to vote for the very same marital outlawing of gay spouses.
More than 66% of black heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Yet, Black people dare to feign that homosexual weddings will “destabilize” marriage.
Black people who dare to lament how “The Black Family” is wounded by countless toxic, sexist, dysfunctional, criminal, misogynist, pathological heterosexuals can never explain how positive homosexuals hurt any black family. Black people would rather lament absent or toxic heterosexual family members than respect and honor superior homosexual family members who are present and productive.
Black people, who increasingly define “family” as a poor, single, uneducated mother with children by multiple fathers, dare to deny two stable, professional, educated, gainfully employed gay persons the legal right to rear biological or adoptive children as married parents.
Black people who truly believe that homosexuals arbitrarily choose to be gay can never ever give one valid reason why any person would ever choose to be homosexual.
Black people refuse to accept scientific evidence that proves that homosexuals are born into literally every living species. Accurately, Black people never refer to heterosexuality as a mere “lifestyle”. Black people do define and revere “pimping” as a lifestyle and they dare to equate being born a homosexual with being a pimp.
Black people who know all about the infamous “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment” and countless other documented cases of federally sanctioned biological and chemical warfare dare to believe that AIDS is a plague from God created to kill homosexuals.
Black people who know that sexually transmitted AIDS never affects exclusive lesbians refuse to believe that lesbians are God’s chosen people. Black people refuse to accept the documented fact that King James was a homosexual even as they use his own misinterpreted bible to gaybash.
Black people were abused by the bible and other religious texts, and wounded by white supremacist and sexist religions, which made their own global kidnapping and enslavement divine, and annihilated their own African religions, which are rooted in female polygoddesses. Yet, black people have decided to embrace that very same racist and sexist book/buybull, penned by human men, to lend a similarly evil and false divinity to their hatred and abuse of gays.
Black homosexuals who are habitually verbally, emotionally, and spiritually tortured by gaybashing hypocritical preachers still attend their hateful and sinful “Christian” churches faithfully and pay tithes. Gay dollars are NEVER rejected by gaybashing preachers. Masochistic gay fools must stop attending and tithing at homohating churches!!!
I would tell you to pray for Hitchens but he doesn't believe in god.
And, not to be mean, but why exactly should I care if Hitch has cancer?
i love hitchens
and i do pray for him
all humans need prayer...atheists or not
i pray to the same god that trees do
Hmmm, anon -- until that jerk Perkins keeps his wingnut nose out of people's lives, he has no business telling anyone to recuse themselves. Gay or straight, the judge made a salient legal point -- you can't ban grown people's actions because it gives people the ickies. Gay people are simply being asked to be left alone live normal lives like everyone else -- not to give conservative Christians a reach around.
And Alicia, Obama was born here -- get over it. You can disagree with the man without throwing in with the crazy. Every piece of 'evidence' the Birthers come up with has been shown to be faker than
Pam Anderson's breasts.
your adoring denial will never an authentic document make
and many who were called crazy were vindicated by history
check the links
every document presented to date by hobama and his expensive team of lawyers being paid to hide his real bc have been fake...indeed
why pay a team of lawyers to conceal a valid doc???
he FEC shows Obama's campaign has made regular payments to Perkins Coie since Jan. 1, 2007 – the month he formed a presidential exploratory committee and only weeks before he formally announced his candidacy for president.
In total, Obama has paid Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. By contrast, a cumulative total of all of Sen. John McCain's legal consulting fees from Jan. 1, 2007, to June 30, 2009, amounts to $1.46 million.
Alicia, why do even bother? You're convince that Obama's the anti-Christ no matter how the rest of us try to snap you back to reality. For God's Sake, you're quoting the Globe, home of 'Bat Boy' and the every changing Nostradamus predictions. And, World Net Daily, is such a great resource..
Again, if someone told you Obama was a martian cyborg, you'd be looking through press photos for batteries and a death ray.
One thing's for sure, anyone that can digest the verbal diarrhea Beck or the other Fox Fools spew and believe any part of it has a lower IQ than an ape...or any other mammal for that matter. That doesn't say much for America since Fox Noise is the most popular new network.
read your post?
see your lies?
see your passion?
that is why...
i respect the truth from any source...
just as
i respect no lie from hobama
i promise to quote hobama's media fans when and if they ever catch up...
it has been documented the the globe and the soon to win a pulitzer national enquirer for the john edwards baby daddy saga "lies" they printed first....
often slay the main stream media
they are the tmz's of print media
if not, they would have been nullified by bankruptcies long ago...
why bother pretending that you would believe anything less than messiah like about hobama even if it was printed in the nyt and the bible?
AB, "Black people who were legally forbidden to marry white lovers now encourage and plan to vote for the very same marital outlawing of gay spouses.
More than 66% of black heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Yet, Black people dare to feign that homosexual weddings will “destabilize” marriage."
I see you are on a rampage against the black race. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all speak against same sex marriage. I don't care if gays want to get married. They just can't do it in the church. What's wrong with civil union? Not good enough is it. You gays and lesbians want to tear down the traditions and morals of three religions.
And I wouldn't care if 100% marriages failed between a man and woman. Are you saying that's a good reason to for gays and lesbians to be married? GET REAL.
BTW, your brothers and sisters were busy showing their normal abnormal behavior at the gay pride parade in SF. Men were screwing each other in the ass to show people that it's ok to fuck anywhere like dogs whenever the fever lust hits you.
If you think that makes people want to vote against Prop8 and to support jackasses against public decency then you have no inner moral compass or right or wrong, whatsoever.
It'll be a cold day in hell before the voters of CA. vote out Prop8. The only way it will happen is some dictator-like biased GAY judge illegally overturns it!
But fret not. If you think a conservative Supreme Court of Scalias and CTs are going to go along with that crap you are totally looney tunes. And Kagan is going to surprise you.
i assure you no gay person wants to wed in your church...
we DEMAND that YOU to keep your church rules out of our public courts
we will die seeing that u do
get over that
i am on a rampage against liars in the black race
thanks for continuously reminding me of the urgency and divinity of that mission herein...
hobama betrayed tons of qualified bf judges...i see that elates u too...
r u uts???
kagan is a bankster
she will be a clone of hobama the bankster
i will not be surprised
your hypocrisy is consummate
you ignore legal hatred as blatantly as you ignore that hobama and kagan are also gay
u amuse me
Field, "I would tell you to pray for Hitchens but he doesn't believe in god.
And, not to be mean, but why exactly should I care if Hitch has cancer?"
You really have the spiritual maturity of an eight year old. Was that the age that you lost faith? People pray for others whether the person believes in God or not. Prayer is the greatest expression of love a human being can do.
You just finished telling LAA about the "oneness of the human race". And now you are wondering why you should care? In YOUR case, there is no reason for YOU to care. Continue to remain self-centered and heartless. It has taken you this far, why not finish out your life that way? You make a great Mexican ally. By any chance are you part of the Mexican drug cartel? I ask because you seem to have a heart similar to them.
nothing is as indecent as ignorance and hatred
you are a dual public outlaw
Wow, Eva Mendes is hot. I didn't believe she had a sex tape. B-list actresses don't need sex tapes, they're already doing okay in the biz. It's just the c-list and lower who go the sex tape route.
you hets are no sexual or marital role models
seen the divorce stats?
ever been to a strip club?
public indecency is a billion dollar HET industry
and alimony attys are rich!!!
While I don't share the same racist motives as some, I still do have an issue with people deliberately giving birth to human green cards, I don't have issues with the babies given some sort of partial/incomplete American status.
However since they are minors, I think their illegal parent/s still need to be deported, and the babies need to accompany them until they themselves reach eighteen and would like to "return" on their own. Then again we all know before that child reaches 2 weeks he/she will be back again in the country with their illegal parent/s. If such is the case, the American status needs to be revoked. When that child reaches eighteen, let them blame their parents and eat shit.
Yes I am still annoyed from that last thread.
ever been to a het spring break?
ever been to freaknik in atl?
ever been to any whore strip after dark?
public indecency is routine in america
but i refuse to believe the lie u told about a gay pride parade until see u send some links...
u amoral rabid homohaters just lie so!
civil unions are not 100% equal legally
we will settle for no less
and we do not give a damn about your fake religions and churches
my taxes are not tithes
and your religion has no place in ANY of my laws
AB, "hobama betrayed tons of qualified bf judges...i see that elates u too...
r u uts???"
You are a liar. The lies you see in the black race are your own projections, you liar. Show me links as proof. No wait....On second thought, "NO links please".
I will ask you again. What is wrong with civil union marriage for gays? Why must you try to tear down our nations tradition and religious tradition of marriage between one man and one woman? WHY??? I'll tell you why...You don't give a shit about tradition because you are not part of it. The sooner you can tear it down the sooner you folks can start screwing in the streets and sidewalks like you do at your gay pride parade in SF. You ought to be ashamed of that behavior but I can tell that you are not.
Folks like you consider filthy abnormal sexual behavior like that "normal".
kagan is not a judge
there are MANY black judges who were better qualified
your lack of research is not my problem
but my links will help you fix that
this was my first choice
AB, "public indecency is routine in america"
NO IT IS NOT!! You lie so much that you don't know reality from fantasy. It's against the law for such indecency unless it's in SF. Then of course, it's routine. Ever wonder why indecency is routine in SF? Take an educated guess.
BTW, if two gays tried f...k... on the sidewalk in Chicago, that would be their last f...
Val, there is no sex tape. It's a spoof, which is why I have it on the sidebar. This is a family blog. :)
i live in the usa
land of playboy/strip clubs/sexting/sex tapes/nude pix on camera phones/internet porn/live web cam het sex etc...
what country are u in?
and i am still waiting on the parade link u liar!!!
AB, "and we do not give a damn about your fake religions and churches"
Yeah, all Christians, Mormons, Muslims and Jews know you don't give a damn. BTW, we do not consider our religions fake like you do. So I hope you don't mind our being offended at your attitudes toward us to feed your selfish same-sex needs.
And you want us to support you? GET REAL. Prop8 is gaining more and more supporters because of people like you.
also assnon:
in america
we have indecent het music videos on tv and online 24 hrs per day
and explicit het sex lyrics on the radio all day
and het sex sells EVERYTHING in increasingly sexual het ads everywhere each day too
Field, "Val, there is no sex tape. It's a spoof, which is why I have it on the sidebar. This is a family blog. :)"
Damn. I was planning to watch that a midnight....Field, don't ever do that again.
maybe you should try to model some of that godliness before you convert and codemn another?
hatred NOR legal hatre are godly values
i do not give a damn about you or your religions or support
i want one thing only
and it is not a request
it is a promise
there is no option
not in cali or any other state
AB, "in america
we have indecent het music videos on tv and online 24 hrs per day"
Oh? Is that suppose to make it ok? Chicagoans don't put up with that kind of Bay Area liberal godless crap.
prop 8 just lost
miss that?
and it will lose again because of holy haters who disgrace god as you do so well herein daily!!!
holy demons like you are running MILLIONS away from religion in general each day
what is no ok is your pretending that hets are all moral and gays are all amoral
you are no less human or less sinful than we are
and that is why we demand 100% equal human rights
chicago is cooler for gays than many cali cties
wake up
i live in both areas
and have done so for decades
hey assnon:
like all homohaters
u r a liar
Laws are suppose to be ethical and moral. They are supposed to exemplify justice and goodness. When religion is removed those laws become perverted, like you. We need an integration of religion and law to keep liberals like you and that SF Judge from becoming a dictator.
I am not worried though. Prop8 will be reinstated once it reaches the Supreme Court. The will of the people will prevail.
only evil fools like you need religions to tell them how to be fair and good/whom to hate...
the will of the people is far more truly fair and godly than holy drone haters like you
you sound really very worried...
wk on that
AB hopefully you will get a lesson from the great prophet, ISEEISEE. Please listen and keep an open mind and heart.
she is equally demonic and another inept faceless witch in your coven
i will never open and poison my mind and heart to any hateful man made religion
i would rather die
AB, "the will of the people is far more truly fair and godly than holy drone haters like you"
Well, you should have told that SF Judge about the fairness of the will of the people. Maybe he would have seen things differently. huh?
hey assnon:
pray for your own evil soul
"Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth
I know you don't know what life is really worth
Is not all that glitters in gold and
Half the story has never been told
So now you see the light,
Stand up for your right. Come on
We're sick and tired of your ism and schism game
Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord
We know when we understand
Almighty God is a living man
You can fool some people sometimes
But you can't fool all the people all the time
So now we see the light
We gonna stand up for our right
So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight
Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right
Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight."
“Get Up Stand Up”
Bob Marley and The Wailers
we gays will fight for 100% equal rights to our deaths!!!
just as slaves fought for freedom
as blacks found to vote etc
handle that
Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away everything, and make everybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
You stand up for your right, yeah!
AB, "i will never open and poison my mind and heart to any hateful man made religion
i would rather die"
Religions are inspired by God, who works through humans.
You are already dead. It happened when you turned your back on God.
god never inspired the men who penned religions to hate women and gays as they do
you are the epitome of the sexist blasphemy sinned in her name
9. There are thousands of REAL SINS in the bible that gaybashers ignore/commit. Selective smoke and blasphemous mirrors will never save their souls or mask their hypocrisy. Unlike the misinterpretations and exaggerations regarding homosexuality, the bible makes SPECIFIC references to many actual sins that gaybashers habitually ignore. (See NUMEROUS biblical references to adultery, lying, judging, dietary laws, gosiping, infidelity, disrespecting authority, betraying family etc....)
10. The bible is not a primer for hatred. The bible is “the good book”. Gaybashers use it exclusively as an evil bat; one they use exclusively to bash the skulls of homosexuals.
Religion has destroyed spirituality. Religion is man-made and divisive. Spirituality is divine and unifying. Religion selects the designated few. Sprituality embraces the divine in us all.
hatred + ignorance = death
and nothing is as dead as your religions/churches/you...
AB, "pray for your own evil soul"
I don't pray for myself, I pray for the well-being of others.
I will pray for you because you are one of God's lost children. You are blind but trying to get back HOME.
hypochristian assnon:
i am one of god's most blessed and charmed children
and i stay that way by staying completely away from evil holy mfs like you and your horrid fake churches
...as far as i can
you holy legally married haters sure do break a lot of biblical married law yourselves...u ever pray about that?
These vicious black gaybashers get stranger every day. Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:
Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)
Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles 11:21)
A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)
Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden. (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)
Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)
If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew 5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)
Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10) …
AB, "hatred + ignorance = death"
Sounds like the behavior of white gays toward Blacks in California. But I am sure things will be more peaceful once gays start to marry each other. Blacks will be safer from the attacks of white gays because a married gay is a safe and happy gay. Right?
we will be happier than all you legally divorced hets...for sure!
black hets attacked all gays first
in cali
we got next and last!
get over that.
AB, "you holy legally married haters sure do break a lot of biblical married law yourselves...u ever pray about that?"
Yes. I pray everyday to do the right thing and to ask God's forgiveness. You see, I am not perfect. That's why I pray and go to church-to become a better person.
But you have no chance to become better because you don't pray or go to church. In fact, you have called religions "fake".
do not forget that prop 8 was only the 3rd time blacks indecently and publicly wilded on gays
the 1st and 2nd times were when hobama's cousin king shrub pimped them to steal 2 elections in
2000 & 2004
political baseball = 3 strikes
AB, "black hets attacked all gays first
in cali"
You lie! Black hets have never hurt or attack gays. You make up lies and try to sell them as truth. shame!!! No wonder your family kicked you out of the house.
and for all the violence that fags mite have suffered in life blacks have always had it worse remember all the fags calling blacks niggers after prop 8 u lying buceta!
prop 8 was indeed an attack at the polls
we just won round 2
and we will win the war for 100% marital equality
wait. watch. see.
feel free to rsvp to ALL of those biblical marital laws i listed above that you legally married hets break daily...
"oh remember kiss ins in the 70s and 80s back in the day where fags would get together and show gross public displays of affection and bombard CHILDREN with that shit?"
I sure do remember it. thanks for reminding me of it. Gays have always been indencent jackasses. I now understand why the Bible talks about their sinful ways. They ARE sinful and filthy and indecent. The worst part is they don't give a damn about anyone else, including children.
It makes me shudder to think some of them teach our children.
The worst part is they don't give a damn about anyone else, including children.
It makes me shudder to think some of them teach our children.smart anon
yep anon ure rite the resident fag troll here shows us this every day she only wants to talk about buceta licking each day and every day shell derail the conversation from anything to talk about her fagisms she also will quickly call someone a NIGGER if they dont agree with her she aint representing her demographic well and even deeper she calls people retarded and she claim to be a teacher she is a lying sack of shit who could care less about our nation and cares more about creating soddom or gomorrah
"feel free to rsvp to ALL of those biblical marital laws i listed above that you legally married hets break daily..."
Oh AB, you are sooo selective and outdated. Marriage is between one man and ONE woman, WITHOUT concubines. It is against the law to be married to more than one woman in America. Of course, a Lesbian like you wouldn't know that because gays and lesbians don't give a damn about the law, UNLESS it is to their benefit only.
It didn't take long for this thread to go into a death spiral.
millions of gays are great teachers
and millions of gays are racists
just like all het humans
i have been documenting and doing shows on gay racists for years
homohating assnons are all pathological liars on denial about EVERYTHING!!!
mostly rabid always destroys this blog
and as long as rabid assnons like her are allowed to do so they will
gay racism had NOTHING to do with the black racism and homohatred that started the prop 8 war that gays just won
and please do tell all those gays to drop in here and read mostly rabid's racist black gaybashing whenever they need a gay warrior boost!
Gregory, "It didn't take long for this thread to go into a death spiral."
Hey, AB had the weekend night shift. Stop complaining and start seeing life as a gift. Do you have bouts of depression, by any chance? Well, try asking Field for referrences for some of that good Jamaican shit and your depressions will be over. The effects of that stuff is mindboggling...take a look at Field's picture in the sidebar where he says, "twitter me." Seriously, take a look. At his eyes. Don't they look crossed? That is the mark of a well-Lit man who has never been depressed in his life.
Gregory, I can tell from your depressed comments that you need some of that shit. Just think. Your mind will no longer attack you with "this thread has gone to shit," or "these comments give me a headache"....
Call immediately and you'll be one smoke away from nirvana. You too can have crossed eyes like your hero Field.
Btw, I hear that CF will be back tomorrow, and Thrasher will be back the following week....Looks like August is going to be a fucked up month, cause this blog is about to catch on fire with comments. I hope you have a fire suit.
i do not have to explain my schedule to anyone here...
but explain this to me:
why do homos have to be the only humans legally forced to live by "outdated" ancient biblical marital laws???
we will not do so until bold fake hets do!!!
all of u whiners will never make enough smoke and mirrors to mask the fact that i slay u all in debate!!!
AB, "gay racism had NOTHING to do with the black racism and homohatred that started the prop 8 war that gays just won"
Blacks did not have anything to do with the initiating of Prop8 and you know it. You just want to bash Blacks for whatever your reasons are. As I said before, I believe in traditional marriages, between husband and wife where it takes place in a sacred church on holy ground...and a marriage where new souls, called children can be born.
Thank you Glenn Beck! You are finally saying, what you think, I can take a deep breath now, Glenn is getting closer and closer to saying, the N word! after he said APE'S, he has to come back with something stronger! it has to be the N word!
I want to know, what are the Italian's? are they Immigrant's! they look like IMMIGRANT'S TO ME! oh I forgot, they have BLUE EYE'S! AL CAPONE, who was a HOODLUM! set up shop in this country and killed people and all day long!
Come on with it, White man, let's talk about who is ILLEGAL in this Country! do they really want to go there? do they really want to open that can of worm's? if the white man say's, HISPANIC'S don't have a right to be here in America, then, ALL the other BLUE EYED IMMIGRANT'S, should be sent back to their country as well, they commit crime's, they get help from the Government! can someone tell me, why HISPANIC'S are not screaming this to the top of their lung's?
I will not allow the White man, to bait me into thinking the Hispanic's are the worst people in america, no, They are! Black folk have a nerve, they said the same thing about us year's ago, don't yall know these white devil's by know?
Think about it black folk, if God forbid, they were to get rid of every HISPANIC in America, then what? black folk would really really be, the Minority in this country! this is about WHITE RULE! they will try every trick in the book, to get at us, we are the Thorn in the Flesh of the white man, not hispanic's, these people work hard and pay Tax's, just like other folk in this country! never saw a white man or black man, stand in the middle of the street and sell Orange's! what a white man or black man, find beneath them to do, a Hispanic man will not hesitate to do the job!
AB, "all of u whiners will never make enough smoke and mirrors to mask the fact that i slay u all in debate!!!"
Where did you learn to debate, on S.79th street near the junk yard?
Anon Inc, has a number of debaters who can make you look bad, very bad. Don't tempt me to call on them because you won't ever recover. They would slay you into tiny bits that even a microscope could not see. So watch your bragging cause believe me, you don't want to tangle with them.
Stick with Gregory, Uts and maria. they are more your speed.
ditto on the sidebar
but google is only doing what hobama and his banksters are demanding as they shut down the net for the poor/rebels!
evasive busted assnon:
the het marital laws are listed above
blind lying assnon:
scan up
from blasting black hypocrites, to posting specific biblical law, to redeeming chicago's stellar gay culture...
my surgical serial slayings shine herein...as always
the only thing more pathetic than a faceless fool too inept to debate me
is that same fake idiot shouting out to fictional phantoms...
bring it!!!
i will slay u all as always...
IseeIsee, "Thank you Glenn Beck! You are finally saying, what you think, I can take a deep breath now, Glenn is getting closer and closer to saying, the N word! after he said APE'S, he has to come back with something stronger! it has to be the N word!"
I don't know, Iseeisee. He could say gorillas. then colored. then Negro. and then maybe the N word. That could take some time, maybe years. It takes Whites like Beck a long time to work up to that N- word.
But if you start praying it might happen sooner. forget it. Your prayers haven't had much punch lately. I mean, look at Field. He hasn't changed a bit. Actually, he has gotten a little more liberal, which means he has gotten worse. The man is helping Mexicans over Blacks. ISEEISEE, your prayers are having a reverse effect on Field. They ain't doing shit.
Please start showing some positive results on Field cause he is sinking fast. At this rate he will end up with Al Pacino in "Devil's Advocate".
Axing the 14th Amendment. Is this some roundabout way of disenfranchising Blacks, Mexicans and other minorities so that the abberation that is President Obama never happens again? What's next, poll taxes? Ancestry Clause? Paper bag test?
The hatred of Blacks with any appreciable amount of power is getting to the point where Whites infected with such hate are willing and ready to tear apart the very fabric of the nation. It's getting to be like the Civil War, writ large.
I've explained before how to solve the immigration issue -- cut off the financial incentives and apply copious amounts of monetary pain for those willing to perpetuate it. But no one wants to do that. They all want to have their cake, eat it, and kick around a few spics and nigs while they're at it.
ISEEISEE, evey time you post a comment I think you are yelling at me. Are you?
Has anybody seen Ms. Manitoba? Boy, she didn't last long did she?
It's RT's fault.
i stay high on life and truth
i have never smoked and never will
the "depressed" gays are the meek silent doormats who do NOT fight back...
they have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with our prop 8 victories...bet!!!
you wish i was depressed!
never that...trust.
I don't know, Iseeisee. He could say gorillas. then colored. then Negro. and then maybe the N word. That could take some time, maybe years. It takes Whites like Beck a long time to work up to that N- word.
Guys like Beck tend to be cowards, first and foremost. They're not gonna jump headlong into the racial waters and risk a rapid disowning by mainstream America. Nah, he's gonna slowly wade into the water, getting farther out every time he's gotten used to the temperature. He's waiting for mainstream America to get used to the rhetoric before turning it up a notch. Mainstream America is playing the literal frog in the boiling pot.
This is why Blacks should be more proactive in discrediting and basically shitting on the careers of guys like Beck before they can get mainstream America to not only be comfortable with the stealth bigotry, but before they start enjoying it as well. Once mainstream America gets into the latter stages of the Stanford Prison Experiment, it's a fucking wrap for minorities and most definitely Black folk.
"Oh Lawd! So being born in A-merry-ca is not good enough? I guess all you Negroes who were born in A-merry-ca- like your people before you- will be right back on shaky ground."
Did you REALLY go to law school field? I don't know about you.
Why should a baby dropped out of someone who sneaks in ILLEGALLY be a citizen?
Btw, I hear that CF will be back tomorrow, and Thrasher will be back the following week....Looks like August is going to be a fucked up month, cause this blog is about to catch on fire with comments. I hope you have a fire suit.
Fuck 'em.
Given the Field's new outlook on moderation, I wonder if these alleged Negros will put that to the test ASAP?
Macklying, "I've explained before how to solve the immigration issue -- cut off the financial incentives and apply copious amounts of monetary pain for those willing to perpetuate it. But no one wants to do that. They all want to have their cake, eat it, and kick around a few spics and nigs while they're at it."
What the hell are you talking about? We are talking about racist Mexicans. do you know the difference between Mexicans and Latinos/Hispanics? There is a major difference in their attitude toward Blacks.
Hell, in LA the battle is between the Mexicans and Blacks...not the Latinos or Hispanics. Get a clue.
"This is why Blacks should be more proactive in discrediting and basically shitting on the careers of guys like Beck before they can get mainstream America to not only be comfortable with the stealth bigotry, but before they start enjoying it as well."
Mack B. Lyin' again. There is not a racist bone in Glenn Beck's body, and there is not a single bit of evidence that points to the contrary.
You seem to be an intelligent fellow; think for yourself Mack.
"Think about it black folk, if God forbid, they were to get rid of every HISPANIC in America, then what? black folk would really really be, the Minority in this country! "
So you want Latin/Hispanics in America so they can help with the burden of blacks being the last down-trotted minority group on the totem pole? LOL. Think about this, what if the rapidly growing and thriving Latin/non-black Hispanic minorities became the majority in this country next to the "ebol white man" where do you think you'll fit in then? LOL.
We all know why the white immigrants both illegal and legal blend in with the white majority society. And we also know why Asians and East Indians are more tolerated by said majority. Its also becoming obvious why some blacks would also prefer to tolerate these other non-black immigrant groups as well as "brown" immigrants over their own black people who are also trying immigrate and stay in this country.
Have you ever showed this much outrage or prayed for your "tar baby" Haitian/African brothers and sisters to stay in this country without being deported at the alarming rate that they do?
Anon, "Did you REALLY go to law school field? I don't know about you."
ROFL...That reminds me that even though the country is full of lawyers very few know what the hell they are doing. I bet every American has a story about a sorry ass lawyer who knew less about the law than they did.
Take a look at those Congressmen. Most of them have law degrees and most are some of the most incompetent, crooked and dumbest people in America. Go figure.
For the record, I have not ever posted as an anony. I realize I might be sharing strong feelings and sentiments with one or two of them.
What the hell are you talking about? We are talking about racist Mexicans. do you know the difference between Mexicans and Latinos/Hispanics? There is a major difference in their attitude toward Blacks.
Hell, in LA the battle is between the Mexicans and Blacks...not the Latinos or Hispanics. Get a clue.
You remind me of a child who jumps into a conversation between a bunch of adults with no understanding of the discussion.
Allow me to tell you to "go play". And very much like any obedient child should do, you should run off and go play.
LAA, "Have you ever showed this much outrage or prayed for your "tar baby" Haitian/African brothers and sisters to stay in this country without being deported at the alarming rate that they do?"
You continue to hit the nail on the head with the hard truth. I am amazed how resistant most Blacks on this blog are to the trip hammering facts of reality. No wonder we end up last. We are kids who are unable to face reality. We deserve to be last and we will be last. All other groups in America are counting on us to continue thinking like Mack dumb lying lyons...Hathor and Field too.
We deserve to be last and we will be last. All other groups in America are counting on us to continue thinking like Mack dumb lying lyons...Hathor and Field too.
"Mack B Lyin", "Mack dumb lying", "Slack Lyin".......ad hominem attacks used by those who can't otherwise put together a coherent refuttal of any of my points. Sounds like Thrasher's back early.
Some people here are focused on the Mexican vs. Black gang warfare and instances of Mexican racism towards Blacks. And they want to stay focused on that, to the detriment of other events that could have negative changes on Black America. So while we're pissing and moaning about how Mexicans don't like us, said Mexicans are steadily becoming the most powerful minority group in this country. Hell, the Mexican/Latino population will eventually shadow ours given a few more decades. And all the while, we black folk are still on the ground floor, fighting each other for scraps and other petty ass shit.
I'm saying Black America should get back to amassing political and social power instead of letting it slip out of our hands. We can't afford to focus on trifling matters while letting the bigger issues pass over our heads.
"I'm saying Black America should get back to amassing political and social power instead of letting it slip out of our hands."
Power? You can't even hold onto that taco!
Have you ever showed this much outrage or prayed for your "tar baby" Haitian/African brothers and sisters to stay in this country without being deported at the alarming rate that they do?
Black Americans don't see eye to eye with their African and Haitian (or Caribbean, for that matter) counterparts, and vice versa. You want to see these groups united in support of one another and all that, but I guess Black Americans fear being lumped in with other Africans, subsequently losing their own identity in the process. I know that sounds a bit jacked up, and I wish there was a better way to put it. Black Americans have struggled to find their own identity and don't want to be associated with another group of black-skinned people, for fear of having their own cultural identity set aside or vanished or whatnot. As I said, I need a better way to put it.
Power? You can't even hold onto that taco!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Alright, I see how some people here are angry over how it seems that Blacks are willing to help other races in the cause of civil rights and equality, but those same peoples won't bat an eye in the defense of blacks. Therefore, why should Blacks give a fuck about what's happening to Mexicans and other ethnic groups? And why do we continue to help these people knowing that we won't get anything in return?
I guess the answer can be summed up by the famous words of Martin Niemoller, modified for Field Negro consumption:
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Mexicans,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Mexican.
THEN THEY CAME for the Muslims,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim.
THEN THEY CAME for the Homosexuals,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't one of those.
THEN THEY CAME for us Black folk
and by that time no one was left to speak up."
50 bazillion comments later the same old shit is happening a buceta is saying bullcrap hoping it will pass for debate *cough* laa is hating on hispanics cuz shes a bitter hateful shrew who hates everyone and Mack and Anons r the ones with sense
anon inc ure funny that buceta with the mentality of a three year old wouldnt know lincoln or douglas if they shit down her neck!
buceta thinks she slays people the bitch is so full of crap that shed call catshit yogurt if it conformed to her delusions!
btw its apparent the buceta ia a paid troll liar! prolly a fifteen year old white guy with a pic of a teacher he hated or something
"Black Americans have struggled to find their own identity and don't want to be associated with another group of black-skinned people, for fear of having their own cultural identity set aside or vanished or whatnot."
But many black-Americans in America don't mind being culturally engulfed and associated with everyone else who's white, Asian, and Latin etc? Obviously. And I've seen countless black men out there in particular who showcase DNA evidence which identifies how much they did't mind being assimilated and associated with what Becky and Consuela had to offer between their legs. Cultural and self identity my ass.
Let me see if I can analogize this. We're playing a game, whites on one side and blacks on the other, where the object of the game is not for the white team to defeat the black team, but merely to keep the black team from scoring.
Oh, the black team can advance the ball down field, but if it gets within scoring distance, a penalty flag goes up and the ball is moved back a certain number of yards, frustrating the efforts of the black team and, for some players on the black team, delivering what can only be described as a demoralizing blow.
And to make matters worse, the black team is required to play by the rules that the white team devised, a construction that took place long before the game began in earnest, and long before the black players learned to play the game well, or was allowed to play at all, or had a coaching staff, and a front office to represent them.
Now we learn that those very whites on the white team, those who created the rules, and the rule book in the first place, are dissatisfied with one of the rules.
They're dissatisfied with the rule, it seems, because the existing rule is rapidly creating another team, a brown team, with which the white team must contend, not necessarily compete with just yet, but may have to down the road, if the brown team's numbers continue to grow, while the white team numbers decline.
While the white team was busy keeping the black team from scoring, another team was forming in its midst--a team that has a large bench, and any number of players in reserve, players willing to play, if only they can find a way to climb over that fence surrounding the playing field.
In the interim, some players on the black team also see the brown team that's newly developing as a threat, too, and believe that a change in the rules may give them an edge, as well as shield them from the brown team's seemingly illimitable number of players.
Yet others on the black team are quite ecstatic to see the white team numbers dwindling, and don't see the brown team as a threat at all.
They're envisioning a day where the game is played more fairly, where the referees are unbiased, not favoring one team over the other, and the rule book is applied to all equally.
Yet, I ask the question: "Why play at all?"
LAA, "For the record, I have not ever posted as an anony. I realize I might be sharing strong feelings and sentiments with one or two of them."
You are sharing some feelings that I am quite passionate about. And for the record, I rarely post regarding your comments. However, this subject is one of my hot buttons, and has been ALL of my life as a Black person living in America.
I am increasingly fed up with Blacks sabotaging themselves over and over again, generation after generation, and later crying a river about how we always end up at the back of the line. It's because dumb-ass Blacks put themselves there by helping others who not only don't care about Blacks, but have no intention of helping Blacks. Helping Mexicans and hoping they will care for us is like nuturing a baby chimp and expecting once it is grown it will be there to love us. Nope... It will tear your ass to shredds and won't lose one night's sleep over it.
I am becoming convinced that most Blacks either don't care about their race, or they actually feel every non-Black should naturally be pushed ahead of them.
Whatever the reason, it is clear that Blacks do not have their own interest AT HEART. They are self-saboteurs...And this is the part of being Black all of my life that haunts me.
If Blacks aren't for themselves then who the hell is? The answer is NO ONE. NO ONE gives a damn about us, including ourselves. Yet, Blacks are willing to sacrifice and support other groups trying to get ahead.
Sometimes it really sucks to be Black. And I mean that.
LAA, it's good to know there are a few Blacks 'out there' who see and feel what I see and feel. You give me some hope but unfortunately most Blacks are like Hathor and Field...either they don't care, or they haven't a clue. Either way, the results will keep Blacks at the end of the line. And NO ONE WILL CARE. That's the reality of the way the world works.
NO ONE is going to save us but us. And I can guarantee you that the Mexicans won't! COUNT ON IT!!
And Mack, like I told you similarly on the previous thread, they have always been coming for black people, they've been doing so for hundreds of years. When did they ever stop? The thing is, you don't see Latin/Asians/Indian/Middle Eastern etc. immigrant groups expending energy on our behalf, they never did, and they never will.
Where were the Latin groups? Where were the non-black homosexuals? Where were the non-black muslims? When did these groups ever come to our collective rescue?
Macklying, "I'm saying Black America should get back to amassing political and social power instead of letting it slip out of our hands. We can't afford to focus on trifling matters while letting the bigger issues pass over our heads."
You have got to be the biggest ignoramus on the planet. You have been advocating supporting Mexicans which gives them political power but haven't advocated shit for Blacks.
So, please lay it all out how you as our leader, will bring us together? From your comments you have already isolated Black Americans from all other Blacks--the Haitians, Africans and others.
Hell, what's left, Mack? Pray tell where are you going to get the power? the NAACP? Yeah, I am sure Jealous will help like he did Sherrod. Why not call up Obama...he'll jump right on it I am sure. Try Field. Oh I forgot. He's a Mexican. Well, don't forget Michael Steele. He'll be a lot of help to you in accomplishing your plan.
Why don't you chase some arsenic down your throat with some kool-aid be done with it?
Thank you, Mack Lyons, for that nod to Pastor Niemoller. That's an important lesson, often forgotten.
And I agree, it really is a free for all with the ad hominems in here--what's the deal?
BTW, do you all really have so much hatred for the LGBTQ crowd or are you just trying to piss off Alicia? It's ridiculous, seriously. Live and let live, folks.
I can tell you, for a fact, that the Salt Lake City Pride parade is way more mellow than what y'all are describing. Ours is a family event.
Ms. Manitoba is still around, I'm sure. But, self-proclaimed dyke she is--maybe she just doesn't feel like taking the bait in this hatefest. A few of you have some ugly ways.
Field, can you make a comment section for people who want to talk about the post? LOL
cosign w/Black Diaspora
Anony 2:29 am, you have said volumes. You are not in solitude on this issue. Many are simply silent with disgust. What Mack said about other black groups non-association was shuttering. It hurts me to see so much black men and black women who hate themselves and people like them. Black people who rather be suicidal mission fighters for other people's cause.
Its interesting how the various nationalities within the Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern or Latino/South Amer. groups cling together collectively when they come to America. Only the Africans and descendants of Africans seem to have such a horrid self-hating and self-sabotaging curse. The curse of Africa. Good night.
In San Antonio, Texas, the SNCC and Brown Berets often supported each other in marches against the Vietnam War and jail conditions at the Bexar County Jail. SNCC ran African American candidates for State offices under the La Raza Unida Party and often supported Mexican American activists.>
"They're envisioning a day where the game is played more fairly, where the referees are unbiased, not favoring one team over the other, and the rule book is applied to all equally."
BD, the game will never be played fairly nor unbiased. Throughout history it has been proven how one tyrant only seems to get overturned or replaced by another. Sadly, this has been human nature.
RT, that article is filed under "riding the coattails" of blacks in this country to eventually uplift and benefit YOUR OWN non-black community.
Now, Good Night.
Ok, let me rephrase. When did these groups ever come to our collective "rescue" since the late effin SEVENTIES. wtf.
Wow, the childish namecalling and tit-for-tat started early tonight, huh Field?
Field said:
"Yep, we just can't have pregnant women jumping over the border to drop those babies. Look what it got us. One of them became president. Oh, wait, that's right, he still isn't a citizen."
I understand what you're getting at, but even so, the illegal immigrant situation and the Obama citizenship "issue" are not the same thing. On one hand, there is a significant amount of immigrants who (however, nice and angelic they are automatically assumed to be by sympathizers) intentionally entered, reside, and work in the U.S. illegally. On the other hand, the POTUS was born to a woman who was a legal U.S. citizen and whose father was a legal resident of the U.S..
AB said:
"being born in america has never been good enough for any designated "other" including:"
IMO, sexuality doesn't play as much a role in who is considered American as phenotype. I'm willing to bet Clay Aiken would sooner be considered American than say Shamar(?) Moore or Miss J.
re: gay marriage
Unless the Prop8 proponents are going to publicly protest in favor of stricter marriage laws (e.g., criminalizing adultery, prohibiting divorce, etc.) and publicly denouncing straight celebrities who change spouses like they change coke dealers, they really need to shut the fcuk up. Homosexuals aren't going to do anymore damage to heterosexual marriages than heterosexuals.
La♥audiobooks said
"I think their illegal parent/s still need to be deported, and the babies need to accompany them until they themselves reach eighteen and would like to "return" on their own."
I completely agree with that post. As screwed up as the U.S. government is, the parents are the ones that deserve the blame in such situations. They are the ones who mistreated their children by using them as pawns/political tools in order to gain the system.
"Think about it black folk, if God forbid, they were to get rid of every HISPANIC in America, then what? black folk would really really be, the Minority in this country"
The Hispanics & Latinos being in the U.S. (legally or otherwise) has no positive affect on the Black population--their prescence here does not deflect racism from us. The Hispanic & Latino population is just another non-White group to be racist against and another non-Black group to be racist against us.
For some of you out there you should learn that some Blacks are Hispanic! Some blacks are Phillipino, Hindu, Scottish, Chinese, and other. What's going on is called niche marketing.Every group that isn't exclusively white male is being mobilized to attack the Presidency of the President. PUMA wasn't a figment of our imagination. Some site I seen like "Jews against Obama" connected to "Gays against Obama", and "Blacks against Obama". You're looking at the final death gasps of white supremacy. Winston Churchill once said to fight the enemy in front of you.There's no time to fight each other.
kid u r as rite as rain these stupid assholes like some trolls here intentionally skew the discussion to an obselete black white paradigm and those who aint black r against blacks without seeing that there r blacks all around the fucking planet of differing nationalities for zample what the fuck is a BLACK MEXICAN supposed to think about this shit? hes marginalized in his own country and from the rhetoric of laabuceta and others ude think that theyd be on the chopping block from OTHER BLACKS in the usa too
fucking ignorant motherfuckers!
Hey Folks,
There's another "fake" doctored tape flying around. The President's broadcast of his message to the Boy Scouts seemed to be doctored by some of Michelle Malkin's people. Other film of the event doesn't show the excessive booing of her version.
O/T A church in Florida is offering a Koran burning on 9/11. The Right wants everybody who's not white and male to burn every damn thing down. Don't fall for the bait.
anon said, "fucking ignorant motherfuckers!"
Kid, I see you have found another eruditic friend....quite colorful.
Which prison released him? San Quentin?
he has quite an extensive vocabulary. very prolific and deep... Do you think Frank knows him?
RT, the info you provided about the Chicanos was damn near half century ago. Do you have anything recent to show?
Well, today the Chicanos in LA will shoot Blacks if they are caught in their territory. FYI. Today Chicanos are racist Mexicans who hate Blacks and intend to destroy them.
Ms Manitoba is gay? You are lying. Even if she is, so what? Why did you find it necessary to mention it?
You have got to be the biggest ignoramus on the planet. You have been advocating supporting Mexicans which gives them political power but haven't advocated shit for Blacks.
You fucked up here.
Somewhere within your thought process, you came to the conclusion that I supported Mexicans. I don't.
And neither do I support internecine back-biting and crabbing from Blacks who can't seem to get it together. Nor do I support Black people who redirect fellow Black folks' attention to petty issues when there are bigger fish to fry.
Well, today the Chicanos in LA will shoot Blacks if they are caught in their territory. FYI. Today Chicanos are racist Mexicans who hate Blacks and intend to destroy them.
So what do you advocate? Blacks teaching Chicanos a lesson by shooting them and burning them out of their neighborhoods? You want Blacks to remain focused on Chicano hate at the expense of everything else? Exactly what do you want Blacks to do?
And I realize I won't get a good answer from an anon. I'd be expecting too much.
Field, when you awaken and check you blog, you will be very pleased. FYI. I orchestrated all of these late night comments to surprise you in the AM. SURPRISE!!
Now will you hire me as your assistant?
Why don't you chase some arsenic down your throat with some kool-aid be done with it?
I'd probably be well within my right to tell you to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.....but I'm not completely coarse.
Mack Lying, "Somewhere within your thought process, you came to the conclusion that I supported Mexicans. I don't.
And neither do I support internecine back-biting and crabbing from Blacks who can't seem to get it together. Nor do I support Black people who redirect fellow Black folks' attention to petty issues when there are bigger fish to fry."
Mack, it's good to hear that you don't support Mexicans. I could have sworn early on that you did. But it's alright with me if you change your mind.
You often say, "we have bigger fish to fry", what exactly are those bigger fishes?
BTW, anons always give answers. It's some of you folks with IDs who don't give answers. And then you complain about us anons? Anon Inc is a corporation that is beyond reproach.
anon, "mack lyons dont respect people that skew discussions to petty bullshit yep he is rite as rain as usual"
I will keep that in mind. thanks anon.
Sorry about the autobiography being too long. I thought you were from Stormfront and your ego would feel good about your 4 page life. Your readers woould be able to understand your lingo.
But since you are Black, there is no need for a book at all.
@Anonymous 2:38 AM: "If Blacks aren't for themselves then who the hell is? The answer is NO ONE. NO ONE gives a damn about us, including ourselves. Yet, Blacks are willing to sacrifice and support other groups trying to get ahead.
"Sometimes it really sucks to be Black. And I mean that."
I don't usually respond to anonymous commenters, but you have set yourself apart from the others with the depth and width of your passion and your sincerity.
I understand your concerns. Really! I do!
I asked earlier: "Why play at all?"
The System is designed to pit one group against the other. And, believe it or not, whites, too, are as much a victim of the System as anyone else.
That's the part that's hard for most blacks to accept, as well as most whites.
The game is an old one, and only a few benefit from playing it. Let me give you one example, first by asking several questions: Who benefited from slavery?
Was it poor whites?
I don't think so. Slave labor replaced them. Slaves were doing the work that whites would have been paid handsomely to do, but wasn't.
Why didn't these poor whites rebel?
Here's why: They were told that they were superior to the black cheap labor, and were convinced that one day, they, too, would become wealthy, powerful landholders, and slaveholders.
It rarely, if ever, materialized that way, but it didn't stop these poor whites from buying into the myth.
That's how some in the majority population stays on top--that and having most of the means of production, the financial wherewithal to fund or not to fund, and the power to hire and to fire in numbers large enough to keep us all vying for spots on the team.
Think about it: If we can help others to the extent that you think we can, we'd be the ones in the driver's seat, steering the economy of this nation, rather than sitting in the back of the bus.
Clearly, any help that we can offer any other ethnic group struggling along with us to move from the social, political and economic back of the bus is limited at best, and constitutes little or no threat to the black masses, unless we fail to move concomitantly.
I hate to disabuse you of the notion you've formed that blacks don't help blacks. The Internet is replete with groups, organizations, and social entities, all dedicated to helping our black youth, and black people in general.
Use Goggle to find them. I've been collecting these organizations for a while now. They're in many states, cities, and towns throughout the nation.
Whether it "sucks to be black" or not, I wouldn't change one thing about my life, were it possible to do so.
I wouldn't face lift my life, or lighten the color of, or bleach, my black experience, nor have I allowed the presence of racial barriers to stand in the way of that which I wished to attain.
And I've been faced with many racial barriers over my lifetime.
Further, on another level, there's more than enough to go around. We don't have to kill each other, steal from each other, beat down each other, or discriminate against each other to get ahead.
We merely have to be willing to share. Share of ourselves: our time, our talent, our skills, our expertise, and, when necessary, what we have in our storehouse.
You'd be amazed how giving alone, with the sure knowledge that what goes out comes back ten fold, will enrich your life, as well as your wallet or purse.
The System is the enemy, not poor immigrants, or the several racial groups in our midst.
The System thrives on the strife that comes because we're fighting everyone around us to get our little piece of the rock.
Many in the news media aid and abet this strife. Many in our government aid and abet this strife. Many of our institutions participate in the furtherance of this strife.
This conflict has a purpose. As long as we're fighting with each other, our focus is diverted away from the real problem, away from those who have set this conflict in motion, and who benefit because of it.
It's better to have us focus on each other than on them.
You often say, "we have bigger fish to fry", what exactly are those bigger fishes?
1) Restoring our eroding political power, maintain it when restored and grow it afterwards
2) Putting an end to the "ghetto/hood/thug" culture that's completely taken over most of Black America
3) Repairing the damage done by 2) and restore the community that respects itself and one another
Changing how Whites perceive us? That's a lost cause in most cases. I'd rather Black folk repair the damage in the Black community and let the results speak for itself. Getting Mexicans/Latinos to "not be racist" to us? Who cares? File it under "getting Whitey to like us" and get back to work.
La♥audiobooks said...
"BD, the game will never be played fairly nor unbiased. Throughout history it has been proven how one tyrant only seems to get overturned or replaced by another. Sadly, this has been human nature."
And you're right. That last statement was tongue-in-cheek. That's why I concluded with the query:
Yet, I ask the question: "Why play at all?"
Read my next comment. I detailed my reasons for the query in a reply to an anonymous commenter.
bd u r so long winded cant u sum it up by saying Bacons Rebellion? shit!
Anonymous said...
"bd u r so long winded cant u sum it up by saying Bacons Rebellion? shit!"
I'll make one more exception as to replying to anonymous commenters.
Read Rudolf Flesch: Conciseness has its place, but compactness often impedes comprehension.
Did you use "shit" as an intensifier, or as a rhetorical flourish?
Did you use "shit" as an intensifier, or as a rhetorical flourish?bd
as both ya ignint self impo'tant fool!
bd eye was giving u a hint as u obviously dont know ur history bacons rebellion was at the early part of our country history and it was a concerted effort to get poor whites not to bond with blacks and natives but instead to pit them against each other cuz the colony leaders were afraid that theyd align due to similar socio status but ur ignorant ass aint know that i guess
u so busy tryin to correct somebody grammar that u aint even get a hint when u see 1 buceta
BUT u clearly feel the need to write books when u could just as well leave a sentence or two provided u know history
1 last thing the bacon rebellion comment supported ur previous comment but ur ignint ass was 2 dumb 2 see that
pathetic long winded fool!
"However, this subject is one of my hot buttons, and has been ALL of my life as a Black person living in America.
'I am increasingly fed up with Blacks sabotaging themselves over and over again, generation after generation, and later crying a river about how we always end up at the back of the line. It's because dumb-ass Blacks put themselves there by helping others who not only don't care about Blacks, but have no intention of helping Blacks."
You might need to get some bigger walls in your house. Maybe you can hang some bigger pictures to look at. The big picture is always better.
BTW, see what kid said about blacks in his first sentence. That might help.
Mack, nice try, but you won't change minds here. I feel your pain. But just keep it popping and hopefully the next generation will get it.
"The System is the enemy, not poor immigrants, or the several racial groups in our midst.
The System thrives on the strife that comes because we're fighting everyone around us to get our little piece of the rock."
Ahhhh, that feels like fresh air. Thank you BD.
123, I was not making a direct analogy between the birthers and the 14th amendment wingnuts. Rather, I was making a connection between the two and their ignorant rhetoric and politics.
Race T, thanks for the link. Facts are always good. :)
You are confronted with your misstatements by RT, then you want to qualify it. You didn't initially say this had to have happened now. This probably happened before you were born, but Indians in this country did support and participated in the civil rights movement. Perhaps you should do a little research before you spout off.
What about all those Latin people who are American citizens, because America expanded its land. If you look at Mexico in the late 18th century Mexico covered most of Texas and California. Puerto Ricans are Americans also. There is no way to cleanse America of Latin people.
Do you wish for the Indigenous people of Hawaii to leave also? While we are at it, why don't we just remove citizenship from those in Guam and the US Virgin Islands.
With your xenophobic self, why are you even concerned by what happens in the US?
BD, "We merely have to be willing to share. Share of ourselves: our time, our talent, our skills, our expertise, and, when necessary, what we have in our storehouse."
I agree. the key word is "willing" and my life experience is that not many Blacks have been willing to help Blacks but are more than willing to help non-Blacks. My esperience with Mexicans have been horrible. And I don't know many Blacks who haven't had terrible racist experiences with them.
How many centuries must Blacks continue to cator to racists like Mexicans who could care less about our well-being? hell, we might as well be helping some racist hate group against Blacks. Yet, we won't, or can't even help our own. I will say it again, "Mexicans are racists and hate Blacks." COUNT ON IT.
I get sick of this crap. BD, you are right. This is a game that has been crafted from long ago. And it's a trap that very few can spring from. The Mexicans have been playing it a long time and will use us, then piss on us and not lose one moment of sleep.
I have devoted my life to helping Blacks only to see other Blacks helping other races, but not their own. I remember Field proudly displaying a snapshot in his sidebar of a non-Black child he was mentoring. Wouldn't you think that a blog with the name "Field Negro" who chases racists would at least have a big brother who mentored a black child in Philly?
From Field's remarks to LAA in the thread of the previous post, he showed his true color and it wasn't Black.
As you might guess, I am not a happy camper with my own people and I have had it with illegal and racist Mexicans.
There are two House Negroes in Philly who love illegal racist Mexicans. One is full of shit and the other can't put tow sentences together that make sense. I used to live in Philly, and the city of 'brotherly love' is full of weak self-hating powerless Blacks. They run nothing in that shit racist city and never will.
Well, I'm starting to rant again, so I had better go. Thanks again, BD. For the record, I don't consider Mexicans as being part of the Latino description. Latinos have completely different attitudes and are more connected to the human race.
anon 7:31,
Can't fathom that there are Black people who have not had any encounters with Mexicans. Just how many did you meet in Philly?
How do you know that wasn't a Black child, Field was mentoring or are you a colorist?
It might help to understand what others mean if you could spell.
How can you criticize if you don't know what some one is talking about?
mack lyons
"This is why Blacks should be more proactive in discrediting and basically shitting on the careers of guys like Beck before they can get mainstream America to not only be comfortable with the stealth bigotry, but before they start enjoying it as well. Once mainstream America gets into the latter stages of the Stanford Prison Experiment, it's a fucking wrap for minorities and most definitely Black folk."
You better believe it.
What worries me is that the right seems to be ratcheting up the race hate rhetoric while prominent blacks seem to be getting more complacent and passive.
We know Oprah isn't going to say $hit about race.
You think Juan Williams is going to criticize the very racists who pay him his fat salary to be the Fox Spook who sat by the door?
But where is the CBC, The Urban League, West, Dyson, Smiley etc...
Illegal Immigration? Change the Constitution to repair the situation?
Why not?
The Founding Fathers were smart enough to know they were NOT smart enough to know what was ahead for the nation. What did they do? They created a framework for change.
A way to Amend the Constitution.
Brilliant. And trusting. Unlike muslims who want the world to adhere to the purported original 7th-century beliefs of muhammad.
What about those Constitutional Amendments?
The very first amendment. Imagine. When they wrote the Constitution, they did not nail down Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion. Ooops.
Amendment Number 3. No forced quartering of soldiers. Okay. How does that square with muslims in America who build mosques?
Islam is a religion, a government and a military. Islam is at war with America. But under the protection of Freedom of Religion, we trick ourselves into allowing the islamic military into America.
13th Amendment. Ahh. A change of perspective on slavery. Maybe the old idea is a bad idea and has to go?
The Constitutional rationale for slavery was the same as today's rationale for abortion. The slave was not a person. Therefore, the slave was not protected by the Constitution. Today, the fetus is not a person. Therefore the fetus is not protected.
18th Amendment: No more drinking.
21st Amendment. Ooops. A repeal of the 18th. The drinking ban was a bigger problem than the drinking.
22nd Amendment: Ooops. Democracy demands change. Hence, no de facto kings. Two terms for the president. That brilliance should go for all elected officials and Supreme Court Justices. We are harmed by senators like Kennedy, Byrd and Thurmond who stick around for 40 years. We lose when 90-year-old justices are on the bench.
14th Amendment: when it was written there were NO immigration policies, limits or quotas to stop the arrivals of immigrants. More important, there were no financial incentives to come to America. Times changed. Now there are incentives. It is time to change our position on citizenship.
All other countries with generous social programs have tougher citizenship laws than America.
Hathor, you think I don't know the distinctions between various Spanish speaking minority groups and Mexicans in America, common wealth and territories? I also made the distinctions between Hispanics in previous comments when I stated non-black hispanics.
As for the Mexicans losing their land rhetoric, are you aware that Mexico also had a small hand in the African slave trade? Were you aware of how the African Slaves and now "blackish" mexicans have been treated in Mexico? Were you aware that the Mexican Gov. were in bed with the US making contracts and deals as to one of the reasons why they eventually got effed over by the "white man" and lost some of said land?
And you think you are more "worldly" than anyone else on this blog? You want a reaction from me, Hathor? Let me tell you something you dumb Bitch. Don't you ever question my integrity as an American or anyone else who was born and raised on my Native islands. You do not know my personal political status, where I have lived/traveled, nor what I actually do for a living. I pay taxes just like you that benefit every fucking hand-out indigent that wants to come to "America", and I have to abide by the same Federal and white racist laws as you. My Native home has paid a hard price for that American flag being planted on top of it. No one ASKED my grand/great grand parents if they wanted to be an American either.
I know better than you what it is like to have everybody from all over the fucking rainbow immigrate and take over what little your African Ancestors have been forced to make for themselves "after" slavery. I know better than you what it is like to live in a society that is predominately black and yet still powerless due to white British/Danish rule and now the "American Flag" rule for generations. I too know what it is like to have great uncles and male relatives who fought and lost their lives in World War II. I too know what it is like to have two uncles and relatives who had never stepped foot on the US mainland, yet got drafted to fight and perish in the Vietnam war. I too know what it is like to have a willingly enlisted military brother fight in the Middle East and come home with his FUCKING MIND MESSED UP. No benefits there either sweetie, he cussed out the "white man", so they sent him home with a ziplock bag of seven Prozac pills. So now he can sleep with knives under his bed to protect himself from the imaginary enemy outside is fucking WINDOW.
btw, America borrowed money from China so people like you can collect an extra check or continue to receive your food stamps, how will they pay them back? China is all over the Caribbean looking for allies so they can somehow own or have access to a piece of the Caribbean. When America can not pay back China, who or what the hell do you think America will trade? And guess what, no body is going to ask me my fucking opinion if I care to become a damn Chinese citizen.
If you think that's all, there is much more that concerns me and should concern me as a BORN American citizen. So YES I give a fuck what happens on the US mainland. You ignorant culturally confined condescending pretentious no-nothing Bitch.
UTS did you ever respond to that nailing you took on Friday and Saturday?
You're going to have to come with something a little stronger than "Boy UTS you really got served!"
BTW you know what white racists say about black anti-immigrationists?
"Stupid assed niggers."
Then they laugh.
What relevance does your response have to do my comment?
Hathor stop with the stupid incoherent one-liners. You are doing it again.
Btw Hathor, it seems like you need something productive to do. You said you were a military black woman? Well check out one of my tribute sites that show how many military black women have fought and DIED especially from "non-combat" related issues. Take a guess what's going on.
Black women seem to be in all kinds of "in-home" danger in the US military left and right. Why don't you expend all that energy on them! The Mexican community sure wasn't going to sit back and watch that happen to women in their groupings, and they sure don't give a shit about these black women and black-hispanic women. But of course you know it all.
Mack, nice try, but you won't change minds here. I feel your pain. But just keep it popping and hopefully the next generation will get it.
I know. I'm doing this for the next crop of folk. If some of the current generation here happen to "get it", that's just icing on the cake.
If you think that's all, there is much more that concerns me and should concern me as a BORN American citizen. So YES I give a fuck what happens on the US mainland. You ignorant culturally confined condescending pretentious no-nothing Bitch.
I see what I think is Hathor's response and I'm thinking you got off pretty light, considering what you said. He's right -- what does all of this have to do with the topic at hand?
Black people can't afford the luxury of being jealous of some other ethnic minority when we have tons of work ahead of us in elevating our own people. Stay pissed off at "racist" Mexicans and watch them fulfill your prophecy of passing Blacks by, all while we're still stuck in "hatin' ass hatin'" mode.
Black women seem to be in all kinds of "in-home" danger in the US military left and right. Why don't you expend all that energy on them! The Mexican community sure wasn't going to sit back and watch that happen to women in their groupings, and they sure don't give a shit about these black women and black-hispanic women. But of course you know it all.
You should take this shit over to Gina's blog. You know where to find it, if you're in THAT kind of mood.
"The Mexican community sure wasn't going to sit back and watch that happen to women in their groupings,"
Oh Lawd!
Here we go again. Every other community looks after their women except us good for nuthin niggas.
I was in the damn military La*Audio. Worked in personnel.
And 90% of the time when we had to go to a serviceman's home to pull him off his wife or go to the county jail to get some clown out accused of rape or sexual assault, they were WHITE.
You show me any stat that establishes that black woman are under any more seige or danger in the services than other women.
The minute I mention attacks on black women, two black men get offended for some reason. I didn't even mention the circumstances or the race of these women's attackers. Yet Steve the most malevolently defensive and vile black female oppressor had something negative and unsupportive to say.
Blackdemographics.com 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. What does this tell you UTS about the black community?
Take your time.
I have to agree with the assnon, steve appears to be the epitome of spousal abuse.
"Blackdemographics.com 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. What does this tell you UTS about the black community?"
It tells me that 70% of black children are born to parents that aren't married.
What does it tell you Jethro?
Hathor said...
What relevance does your response have to do my comment?
hathor, I think it is the comment you made to her here. You really are dumb.
Hathor said...
You are confronted with your misstatements by RT, then you want to qualify it. You didn't initially say this had to have happened now. This probably happened before you were born, but Indians in this country did support and participated in the civil rights movement. Perhaps you should do a little research before you spout off.
What about all those Latin people who are American citizens, because America expanded its land. If you look at Mexico in the late 18th century Mexico covered most of Texas and California. Puerto Ricans are Americans also. There is no way to cleanse America of Latin people.
Do you wish for the Indigenous people of Hawaii to leave also? While we are at it, why don't we just remove citizenship from those in Guam and the US Virgin Islands.
With your xenophobic self, why are you even concerned by what happens in the US?
I totally concur with LA AUDIO, I too get so sick of Hathor's jumping in with her stupid one liners.
The minute I mention attacks on black women, two black men get offended for some reason. I didn't even mention the circumstances or the race of these women's attackers. Yet Steve the most malevolently defensive and vile black female oppressor had something negative and unsupportive to say.
So now you are accusing us of being misogynistic. Wonderful.
You couldn't win on your previous argument, so you switch tactics.
UTS it makes me sad cause it's so much higher than other ethnicities.
hathor you tried to dis where she was born in sneaky way and then you pretend like you don't know what you said... with your "what you talkin bout Willis" act.
MackLyons I think hathor got off light. I'm glad somebody finally shining some light on her dumb ass.
"UTS it makes me sad cause it's so much higher than other ethnicities."
Well 50% of white marriages end in divorce so alot of "other" ethnicities end up in the same place.
BTW, do you have any suggestions for increasing black marriage rates or are you just taking your daily dump on the community?
"UTS it makes me sad cause it's so much higher than other ethnicities."
Well 50% of white marriages end in divorce so alot of "other" ethnicities end up in the same place.
BTW, do you have any suggestions for increasing black marriage rates or are you just taking your daily dump on the community?
"UTS it makes me sad cause it's so much higher than other ethnicities."
Well 50% of white marriages end in divorce so alot of "other" ethnicities end up in the same place.
BTW, do you have any suggestions for increasing black marriage rates or are you just taking your daily dump on the community?
"So now you are accusing us of being misogynistic."
It's amazing, isn't it?
Stand up to her frothy mouthed hatred of black men and WE'RE MYSOGYNISTIC.
Speaking of WOAD, now those bearillas are going after the NAACP!!!!!!
Is there anyone they DON'T hate?
Besides white boys, that is.
We had that birthright here for over 1000 years, if you were born in England you were an Englishman.
Margaret Thatcher took it away from us in one of her 30 some-odd changes to U.K. immigration and nationality law. The people didn't seem to notice, the press and other media barely raised a whimper.
That's how depressingly easy it is to lose a human right that has stood for a thousand years.
How does that saying go?
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Having a baby out of wedlock is not the same thing as having a child, then divorcing. Just chiming in.
I don't care if gays want to get married. They just can't do it in the church. What's wrong with civil union? Not good enough is it. You gays and lesbians want to tear down the traditions and morals of three religions.
Make marriage a private matter. In the eyes of the law, people should get civil unions whether they are gay or straight. Let the churches handle it however they want. The "gay marriage" issue could be solved in 20 minutes if people wanted to do it, but it's obvious that a bunch of people have something to gain by prolonging the fight.
"Having a baby out of wedlock is not the same thing as having a child, then divorcing. Just chiming in."
Either way, a lot of white children are growing up in single parent homes.
Just sayin'
hatred and oppression are always contagious!
anyone can be a designated "OTHER" at anytime!
These are the words of Reverend Martin Niemoeller. They were his explanation of why he spoke out against the Nazis. He spent eight years in concentration camps for leading The Protestant Church's opposition to Adolph Hitler. The Nazis imprisoned him at Sachsenhausen in 1937 for criticizing the Third Reich. He was freed from Dachau in 1945. He died at the age of 92 on March 6, 1984:
"""" They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not object.
They came after the Catholics, and I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.
They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so I did not object.
Then they came after me and there was nobody left to object."
hatred and oppression are always contagious!
anyone can be a designated "OTHER" at anytime!
These are the words of Reverend Martin Niemoeller. They were his explanation of why he spoke out against the Nazis. He spent eight years in concentration camps for leading The Protestant Church's opposition to Adolph Hitler. The Nazis imprisoned him at Sachsenhausen in 1937 for criticizing the Third Reich. He was freed from Dachau in 1945. He died at the age of 92 on March 6, 1984:
"""" They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not object.
They came after the Catholics, and I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.
They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so I did not object.
Then they came after me and there was nobody left to object."
Alicia banks said...
but google is only doing what hobama and his banksters are demanding as they shut down the net for the poor/rebels!
I have a really big problem with this.. I think this is partly stemmed from cell phones pricing reaching their "peak", lots off competition. Why do people need to pay $120 of month for unlimited access for text, phone and data from Verizon/Google when you go to Frawg and get the same for $50 bux. Not too much competition as far as the internet is concerned at this point. Verizon knew what they were doing when they started in the cable industry.
Mack Lions said...
The hatred of Blacks with any appreciable amount of power is getting to the point where Whites infected with such hate are willing and ready to tear apart the very fabric of the nation. It's getting to be like the Civil War, writ large.
"If it ain't white, it ain't right" And my girlfriend can't seem to understand why I'm not fond of older white males. Yep, she calls me a racist - so be it and personally I don't care.
LAA says..
But many black-Americans in America don't mind being culturally engulfed and associated with everyone else who's white, Asian, and Latin etc? Obviously. And I've seen countless black men out there in particular who showcase DNA evidence which identifies how much they didn't mind being assimilated and associated with what Becky and Consuela had to offer between their legs. Cultural and self identity my ass.
So what are you trying to say? And why would you assume that? Is it because of Reggie Bush? Or maybe Seal? No wait - Flava Flav? Have you ever thought it might be all about just getting some.....There are plenty of black men that runs around with Becky/Consuela but won't marry 'em or breed with them for fear of having a mixed kid or other "outside" problems. I do like how you've used "DNA evidence", nice touch in your wording. But the problem I have is you've "seen" countless "black men out there", once again assuming - Have you talk to at least one of them "Reggie's"? Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, because I'm sure you can rebut me with much more elequence, but it's how you word shit that gets me.."sounds" like your constantly pissed off at black men.
Well shows up with his daily dump on black folks.
Relly helps your self esteem, doesn't it.
You didn't mention that $5 median wealth amount was the same for hispanic women, did you?
This might have something to do with white women being more likely to have inherited money, wouldn't it?
thats cuz that shrew hates black men she isnt just pissed off with them she also hates mixed kids who dont have a black mother and she hates white women and light skinned black women shit the jerk hates everyone shes picked on u for having a mixed son ever since u revealed that abt urself what an asshole
in jamaica they call her 'Meeserable'
@Anon 4:39 am
RT, the info you provided about the Chicanos was damn near half century ago. Do you have anything recent to show?
LAA didn't ask for recent, she asked for one example ever. That's the first one I found in less than one minute of Googling.
Well, today the Chicanos in LA will shoot Blacks if they are caught in their territory. FYI. Today Chicanos are racist Mexicans who hate Blacks and intend to destroy them.
I am aware of the acrimony between Blacks and Chicanos in LA. Los Angeles is not the entire USA. It's one place with its own problems. Its problems don't even extend to the western US, let alone the whole country.
Ms Manitoba is gay? You are lying. Even if she is, so what? Why did you find it necessary to mention it?
She mentioned it. I just referenced it as a reason she might not be part of the conversation, since the homophobic attacks are so over the top. But I don't presume to speak for her; I was speculating.
AB, "all of u whiners will never make enough smoke and mirrors to mask the fact that i slay u all in debate!!!"
Where did you learn to debate, on S.79th street near the junk yard?
Anon Inc, has a number of debaters who can make you look bad, very bad. Don't tempt me to call on them because you won't ever recover. They would slay you into tiny bits that even a microscope could not see. So watch your bragging cause believe me, you don't want to tangle with them.
Stick with Gregory, Uts and maria. they are more your speed.
muah muah muah muah muah
I don't like to assume, but I felt like that line about "DNA Evidence" was pointed right at me..Oh well..just like white racist she learned that way of thinking from somewhere. lol..Only if she knew my...They'd get along real well.
You show up daily to remind everyone what an ignoramus you are.
"You didn't mention that $5 median wealth amount was the same for hispanic women, did you?"
You're right, it is. Still, black females suffer from worse rates of economic and social dislocation than do Hispanic women. Hispanic women are also more likely to be married and have another source of income.
Lastly, black women have suffered far more from historic discrimination-which has been shown to correlate with wealth-and colorism than have Hispanic women.
uts well is rite on a number of things and so r u just because u dont see marginalized black women in ur daily life or even in ur state there r tons that u simply DON'T see and ure rite about the Latino women as well said but u r overlooking some difficult realities that r true blacks actually slid backwards after a while wonder why that is?
a buceta is talking to herself shes so caught up on the defensive she aint know her ass from a hole in the ground f zample some people r against gay marriage who r christian but others r not religious at all her rhetorical skills r so weak that she has to debate herself over and over and over again
professional trolling must pay overtime on gay topics huh?
u stupid buceta and others already mentioned that about arizona and other states ure always late cuz ur retarded brain takes longer to process information asshole
are u moderating me?
my respones are being deleted?
i will not be modertated solo!
Black Diaspora.. I always like reading your posts, especially 5:29AM
What exactly do you do to alleviate the problems amongst us black folks which seem to obsess you so?
I'm sure it's not one damn thing.
Because I'm sure you're just another buckdancing handkerchief who devotes his life to corroborating white racism and perpetuating stereotypes.
are u moderating me?
my respones are being deleted?
i will not be modertated solo! a cig butt
so what chu gone do harass field now for taking ownership of HIS blog? or does this take away ur commission per post for ur trolling?
maybe its a hint that u ought to get the fuck out of here u bane on this blog that never contributes shit but insults and distractions to fagisms
to the topic of this post ur support for beck and those yahoos at fox news is puzzling and totally inconsistent with ur professed values it is very clear that ure a liar and have no real integrity otherwise ude call glen beck out for the fraud racist birth of a nation type hnoggard that he really is
What exactly do you do to alleviate the problems amongst us black folks which seem to obsess you so?
I'm involved in volunteering whenever I can. Currently, I'm helping to organize get out the vote campaigns and town halls for office seekers in upcoming state elections. We'll be pushing an agenda for the inner city and for numerous aspects that affect the local area, from food deserts, to a lack of minority owned businesses.
"i will not be modertated solo!"
What local area is that Well?
Far from you and Fantasy land, buddy.
It's a real to shame to see some of the same viewpoints on black women that are echoed on the worst right wing blogs on this one too. A real shame...
uptownsteve said...
"i will not be modertated solo!"
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
as if that hnoggrd has the gall to tell the blog admin what he can and cannot do
forty six year old going on four is now throwing a tantrum maybe shes more like the terrible twos instead!
muah muah muah
Well, are you black?
Well its also sad to see how some posters view black men too clearly we have an issue with unity and this blog reflects that which is why other immigrant groups outdo us in time cuz they have unity
u and uts r speaking past each other but both bring up valid points although sometime he do be in lala land though congrats on ur volunteering which is worthwhile
Well is AB.
"Far from you and Fantasy land, buddy"
Are you saying that the black middle class is a fantasy?
Do you really believe most blacks are poor and in the ghetto?
"It's a real to shame to see some of the same viewpoints on black women that are echoed on the worst right wing blogs on this one too. A real shame..."
For example?
You're correct. There's already too much infighting on this blog. I didn't come here to fight with folks, but I'm as much to blame as most.
Of course there's a black middle class. Much progress has been made over the past few decades. The real concern is all those who have been left behind and the completely unacceptable gaps between blacks and white on a variety of measurements.
The "gaps" mainly come from 24% of the black community in poverty.
The poverty number was over 60% in 1960.
I don't buy the "achievement gap" rap which is just more white supremacist bull$hit designed to deemphacize social programs and Affirmative Action.
A standardized test is not an accurate indicator of either intelligence or future success.
Well said...
What exactly do you do to alleviate the problems amongst us black folks which seem to obsess you so?
Problems amoung Black folks will exist forever and this blog is simply an accurate microcosym of why. Many black folks seem to have a REAL hard time getting on board with what's "right", often opting for what's "popular". In other words, it's reprehensible that assnon/MR is continually allowed to harass commenters on this blog without a damn thing being done about it because some of you happen not to like the people(persons) being harassed. Obviously, other people weren't taught, wrong is WRONG!!!!!
Like UTS, with his home in the richest black neighboorhood in the US, he's supposed to represent the "best" black america has to offer, yet he's here co-signing with an obviously mentally disturbed black woman because what, she puts up with a cheating black man of a spouse???
Yeah, ya'll keeping dreaming of that black utopia!
That's right.
You're only for tolerating cheating abusive white boys.
You know what y'all say.
If you're white you're right.
If you're brown, stick around
If you're yellow, your mellow
And if you're black, get back.
'Specially if you're one of dem black MEN.
In other words, it's reprehensible that assnon/MR is continually allowed to harass commenters on this blog without a damn thing being done about it because some of you happen not to like the people(persons) being harassed. Obviously, other people weren't taught, wrong is WRONG!!!!!mental midget
there r many anonymous commentators why is that? fuckwads like u who team up with a buceta and others to harass those with views the resident bully deems unacceptable u almost never comment without the support of that nasty cretin or u come to harass maria by calling her ethnic slurs
u r a low down dirty ghetto talking wannabe somebody who really aint shit
u r the lowest of the low cuz u have selective amnesia and use this to justify ur continuous negativity on people here well anon inc aint gonna tolerate that anymore so get the fuck over urself and stop bothering people and besmirching their names
Rottnkid said...
"Black Diaspora.. I always like reading your posts, especially 5:29AM"
Thanks, Rottnkid.
So true anon 4:22.
I know that everyone (rightfully) is fed up with the alicia banks troll's antics.
The WORST offender, however, is La Audiobooks/Incognita/Kola Boof (whatever the hell she calls herself -- she changes names and avatars every week). She is the true Eris of this blog, causing discord and strife every time she posts.
Anon, LaAudio is not Kola Boof, that was the name Alicia troll give her when they were both fighting once upon a time. You are just mad because she's a very smart young sister and you don't like the things she say. You are trying to talk smack because other regulars still respect her on this blog.
-Long time Lurker
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