Tuesday, August 10, 2010

She is ready for her close-up.

You have got to feel for my man Furious Styles these days. His little girl has decided to go the porn route to gain fame and fortune. That's cool if you are a horny little school boy, it's not cool if you are her father.

Now Montana has a right to do what she pleases with her body. She is, after all, an adult. -Albeit just barely. But I have to wonder why she would choose to go this route to get some of the fame and fortune that her daddy has. Hollywood is a town that is full of nepotism, I am sure "Fish" could have made a call or two to one of his buddies and get Montana a more...ahem ahem, main stream acting gig. But then, that begs the question; can she act? Or does she even want to. Apparently Montana has decided to go this route because she thinks that she is good at it.

"Montana Fishburne likes sex. That's all there is to it, she says.

It started for her at age 16. "I lost my virginity and the whole sexual world sparked my interest," Fishburne tells E! News anchor Giuliana Rancic . Yes, she sees how Kim Kardashian's sex tape launched her career, but Lawrence Fishburne's 18-year-old daughter tells E! she just really wants to do porn.

"I think it was just wanting to explore sexuality," she added. "Cause I know it's such a big world I was just like, wow, well since I like sex ... I wanted to see everything that I would like, every kind of fantasy I would like and porn is a way that I could explore that."

Hmmm, no nice boys your age out there in "La La Land" to explore with, Montana? Somehow I find that hard to believe.

Still, it's a good thing that Montana is doing this just for the sex, because apparently this is not the way to go if you want to get into mainstream acting. This is according to folks like DeWayne Wickham.

Well, daddy's little girl *has grown up, [You people who want to take the moral high ground, please do not look at that link I just provided.*]and I know this must be tough for dad to deal with. The fact that he is a well known celebrity just makes the spotlight burn all that much hotter. But this isn't a post questioning the moral leanings of Ms. Montana. Rather, it's a post about modern day A-merry-ca, and our constant lusting (no pun intended) for fame. Hell even folks who go nuts on their jobs are becoming overnight Internet sensations. And, as is to be expected in A-merry-ca; the rest of us are jealous.

Anyway, I am going to fight my hedonistic urges, I am going to stay away from Montana's sex tape. It just wouldn't seem right to watch. Besides, somehow trying to shock the rest of us with a sex tape seems to be such an anachronism in 2010. It's so yesterday.


Whitey said...

Don't know about you Field, when we were 18, it wouldn't have taken a dollar for me to "do a scene in Montana."

Anonymous said...

It is so obvious that she is doing it to hurt her father. There is something wrong between daughter and father in the Fishburne family.

Or, maybe Mom has something to do with it too?

This poor girl is ruining her life at a very young age. There must be deep resentment against Lawrence.

brohammas said...

SInce when did "porn" become sex tapes, and naked pictures become mainstream? Seriously, I see kids wearing shirts that say "porn star", and we all think its just all good fun.

When exactly did this all change?
(writing that made me feel old)

Val said...

My first thought upon hearing about this was that she's really, really mad at her dad or mom or maybe both.

Doing porn is not the choice of a well adjusted woman. It's not a career choice it's a cry for help.

I hope Montana gets the help she needs, and soon, the porn world is seedy and dangerous.

La♥audiobooks said...

Well if that's what she wants to do, then let her do it. At least she is in control of her body while doing so. I once did a sex tape, you can watch it here. I want the world to see it.

Dr. Nuwang said...

BEAT HER ASS DOWN!! That would be my reaction if my daughter pulled some shit like this, I don't care how old she is!!!!!

Well said...

Very tricky, La Audio...

field negro said...

La~Audio, girl you have some skills! Let me stop before these people crash my server.

"Don't know about you Field, when we were 18, it wouldn't have taken a dollar for me to "do a scene in Montana."

"Scene IN Montana"? Clever, very clever.

M&M, just not publicly, right? :)

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Thanks for giving a link to that sex tape out so everyone can see. Because they seem to have short memories when it comes to Haiti a country suffering and in need that is being colonized as we speak. That's American charity for you. Smh!

RiPPa said...

As a father of two teenaged daughters I gotta be blunt on this one. This chick was a prostitute so its hard to feel sorry for her dad. Instead of even worrying about her doing porn. I'm more concerned about my 17 & 16 year olds suckin dick for free.

Chances are Larry missed it somewhere since she's been on some hoe-shit this early.


La♥audiobooks said...

Well, Field, Granny... Thanks. You know what they say, "sex always sells" if you want to get your message across.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


I always did say that you are better than Perry Mason and Matlock combined, now I got to add to the list John Burris to the list. Gurl, if you keep it up, you might be the next Johnny Crochran. I'm just saying. *wink*

Dr. Nuwang said...

Publicity stunt?? Probably, but it doesn't work that way for brown girls, only white chicks advance thier "acting" careers.

no_slappz said...

la audiobooks, you linked:

Rape a Part of Daily Life for Women in Haitian Relief Camps

July 28, 2010 by Gina Ulysse

Even after the aftershocks of the devastating Jan. 12 quake subsided, women’s bodies were still trembling in Haiti. The cause, according to a new report, is the systematic, persistent (and often gang) rapes that have become part of women’s daily lives in camps for internally displaced persons (IDP).

The report, entitled Our Bodies Are Still Trembling–Haitian Women’s Fight Against Rape, and authored by Madre, the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti and others, is based on data gathered by two delegations of U.S. attorneys, community researchers and a women’s health specialist.

The research was done in May and June of this year. Members of the delegation interviewed more than 50 women ranging, from five to 60 years of age, who were referred to the delegation by KOFAVIV and FAVILEK, two grassroots organizations that focus on gender-based violence.

Leaders of these two organizations, who have documented over 230 rape cases, have been targeted in their camps for involvement with pro-democracy movements.

The report found that women and girls are particularly vulnerable in overcrowded IDP camps. Women lack privacy (they often bathe in public) and have weakened family and community structures, as many lost their support networks in the quake.

According to “Our Bodies Are Still Trembling,” most of the women “reported being raped by two or more individuals, who were unknown to them and almost always armed with guns, knives or other weapons.”

The report also found that 95.7 percent of the victims suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and more than half suffered from depression.

After women were assaulted, they had little access to medical services and, when they did, there were hardly any women health care providers. The practitioners who were available often could not provide evidence of medical certification.

Women’s access to justice has been even worse. Women who reported rapes–and were already struggling with stigmatization and the psychological effects of sexual assault–were often mocked or ignored by police.

In some instances, these women have had to deal with police corruption as well. Moreover, cases have not been prosecuted by the Haitian judicial system.
Survivors remain vulnerable since they continue to live in the same areas of the camps where they were attacked and their rapists remain at large. Several women reported that they’ve been raped on different occasions since the quake.

Thus far, the government of Haiti’s response to this increasing crisis is practically non-existent, especially with the loss of feminist leaders who were fierce advocates for gender equality in Haiti and who had worked in the women’s ministry to address gender-based violence.

Local and international officials interviewed have actually downplayed the report’s findings.

The United Nation’s Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster’s response to rape in Haiti received a critical assessment by the delegation. The Sub-Cluster was cited in the report for failing to substantively consult with impacted groups.

La♥audiobooks said...

Thanks Granny, LOL.

no_slappz said...

la audio books, you linked:

Specifically, “Poor women report they were not included in the post-disaster needs assessments (PDNA) … and have difficulty accessing sub-cluster activities.”

One of the Sub-Cluster’s initiatives–a referral card for survivors of sexual violence distributed throughout the camps–actually contained inaccurate information such as out-of-service phone numbers and incorrect street addresses for rape-related resources.

According to the report, the UN group did not conduct any systematic tracking of rape cases, while the local grassroots organization, KOFAVIV, did. In short, it seems the same women who were victims were left to handle the situation themselves and provide their own security.

The report concludes that the current situation in Haiti is dire, especially since rapes are oftentimes unreported and the government of Haiti “fails to take the minimum steps required under international law to protect women’s rights to bodily integrity and, in some cases, to life.”

The report’s authors advise donor states to work in concert with the Haitian government and take a more active role in addressing the security crisis that underscores this persistent violence.

They make a number of notable recommendations to stakeholders, including the immediate provision of security and lighting in camps; inviting a UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women to visit Haiti; guaranteeing full participation of women in all phases of Haiti’s reconstruction; systematically collecting data concerning violence against women; and, finally, acting with due diligence to prevent, investigate and punish such acts.

Haiti is yet another country that historically ascribes little value to its women and girls when it comes to acknowledging and prosecuting gender-based violence.

Thus it not surprising that women have no faith in the justice system, as they are only too aware of their value to the state. It is quite telling that, according to the report, some women in Haiti prefer the term victim as opposed to survivor. Their bodies remain the scenes of crimes that we must not allow to go unpunished.

La♥audiobooks said...

No Slappz seems disappointed, he must be trying to verify the link in confusion. I can't give him the benefit for anything else.

no_slappz said...

Based on the article linked to the comment by la audiobooks, there is a huge contingent of rapists overrunning the entire nation of Haiti.

I'm shocked.

RiPPa said...

And one more thing: Furious Styles sucks as a parent. His damn son Tre grew up, moved out of Compton, married a white chick and is now known as an actor with a penchant for coonery.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

For once no_slappz is right! Those rapist happen to be those rich and famous folks from America (y'all know who they are) that are over there trying to colonize Haiti and sell those poor little children into slavery as sex slaves. Doggone it, I knew that no_slappz, would eventually get something right.

Clap, clap, clap. Y'all give no_slappz a hand will ya.

rikyrah said...

Black women do NOT become cottage industries because of porn tapes.

they are labeled A HO.


someone forgot to tell Lawrence's daughter this.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

As for the topic at hand. I am wondering if she was molested at an early age. That's my thoughts on it. Because her excuse that this is a way for her to make it into stardom just does not compute, especially when you have a dad that is big star like her father. And the fact that both of his children chose to take paths that to embarrass their father tells me that something wasn't right in their childhood with the relationship with their father and that they are rebelling.

La♥audiobooks said...

Granny, that was my initial thought as well. Some sort of sexual violation is usual the driving source for this "flip it psychology" behavior. Some women/girls venture in this type of avenue because of low self esteem, but more so because they think it gives them the internal power and the control to "take back" whatever sexuality that was once taken from them in some forced way.

I have mix feelings about Montana's decision though, maybe she really does enjoy the thrill of having sex on camera etc. And she should be if that is what she wants. A black woman should also be given the same "respect" and admiration as Jenna Jemison and Pamela Anderson. But I also agree with Rikirah, we all know that's not how society will receive Montana. Ask Karrine Steffans and a few others.

field negro said...

n_s I will bite; why are you shocked? *with the strong whiff of sarcasm* Oh wait, I forgot, they don't rape women in white countries.*sarcasm off*.

Rippa, you are a fool. :)

rikyrah, that's a great point.

field negro said...

"No Slappz seems disappointed, he must be trying to verify the link in confusion. I can't give him the benefit for anything else."

)))LOL(((( No, he is hitting up the google boyz as I type this, Right about now he is trying to find the statistic for rapes in poor black countries.

Whitey said...

"Publicity stunt?? Probably, but it doesn't work that way for brown girls, only white chicks advance thier "acting" careers".

"Black women do NOT become cottage industries because of porn tapes.

they are labeled A HO.

period. "

This is a bullet aimed @ her parents' hearts, mostly her dad's. The pay-dolla-whorin just wasn't public enough, and jail wasn't as fun as she thought it would be. I predict a tell-all on the horizon.

This all puts me in mind of Ike saying that Larry did a number on him. Karma and all.

Race Traitoress said...

Not all women who work in pornography do it because they have low self-esteem or were sexually abused. Some of them choose this line of work because they can make fairly good money compared to other "unskilled" labor. I don't know what the situation is here, and she's mighty young to be making this decision, but it's her call.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I wonder what ever happened to that porn star back in the 60s or early 70s that made front pages called "Deep Throat" and if she made it to Hollywood.

Nevertheless, Montana will be wore out body wise, look harden, and old before her time choosing that route. She needs prayer.

With her dad making the type of money that he's made, More than likely, he sent them to private schools and being an unskilled laborer would hardly apply in her case.

Anonymous said...

RT, you have a point there. Unfortuately, she is taking the road of immorality. No where in the bible does it say porn is ok. Lust is one of the seven deadly sins. You should know that.

I am surprised that Field would post something so sensational and sinful. That fellow needs some religion. And so do you, RT.

And don't get me started on Granny. She used to be a Christian. Now she is nothing but a worldly sinner destined for hell.

Anonymous said...

Granny nailed it. I want to know if she was molested.

I love how she is thoroughly trashed as a ho without considering that something apparently went very wrong in her childhood to be arrested for prostitution and choosing a career as porn star. This young lady had every advantage, one would presume, as the daughter of a successful actor. Many doors would have been opened to her just because of her name. Something went wrong.

Chris Brown received more sympathy from negroes for beating the shit out of Rihanna than Montana does for making such a damaging choice. Come to think of it, negroes blamed Rihanna for the beating. Why do black people hate black females so much?

Anonymous said...

u guys r analyzing this a bit too much too how bout she likes to fuck? and it feels good so make a little money off of it laa u have antiquated ideas about femininity and sex if u still on that 70s 'women r exploited or victimized by porn' aint u ever heard of good vibrations? ur rugmunching buddy abuceta is into adult shit shede tell u in a second that there r tons of pro women pro clit worship pro lesbian pornos out there eye dont know what kind of porn miss fishburne is interested in but it could be of her own volition and sure she wants attention but u dont make porn nowadays unless U really like fucking cuz theyll have u screwing fifteen guys in a couple of hours and the snatch is awful sore after that! trust

here is a link to good vibrations they r pro femme and totally sex positive eye doubt any woman whose ever been in a good vibrations produced video will feel exploited at all

LACoincidental said...

Larry Fishburne obviously failed the Chris Rock Fatherhood Rule : Your only job as a father is to keep your daughter out off the sex industry.

I'm with Granny, a girl with Morpheus for her dad is hooking and now doing porno? Something went screwy in her head.

Anonymous said...

"Why do black people hate black females so much?"

Did you check out RT's response? Tons of bf's are molested than most, but that white heifer practically thinks that that bf is doing it for the money.

Race Traitoress said...

@Granny - I know she doesn't need the money and is likely well educated; I just meant that some women find sex work more profitable than what they see as their other options. I'm not making a judgment about her or about women in pornography in general; I'm just saying I don't believe all sex workers are victimized.

Anon 12:43 - I've had enough religion to last me the rest of my life. I appreciate your concern, though, and you're welcome to include me in your prayers as often as you wish.

Anon 12:56 - I wish you could read more carefully so that you wouldn't misunderstand what I wrote. Or maybe you did understand, but just purposefully twisted my meaning.


And just when I was starting to think that Anon, Inc. was cleaning up its act.

Anonymous said...

like eye said above race traitor some of us KNOW that some folks like to fuck it is what it is so not only does she like to fuck but she also likes to make money nothing wrong with that is there? she dont seem exploited to me!

R.J. said...

Kim Kardashian has a career? All she's been doing is reality TV and hopping from one NFL player to another, neither of which takes talent.

Unknown said...

I think is so sad. My heart goes out to the entire family. They need healing...there has been too much public discord.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

RT, I'm not saying that you were making a judgment of her either. :)
I was only ruling out that in her case is all because of her father's income.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Arneader, I agree with you the entire family needs healing.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 12:45:

So, did God put you in charge of heaven and hell now and have you been given the power to decide who goes to heaven and hell and who doesn't? Answer that question!!! Lucifer tried to take God's place too, but that didn't work out quite so well did it.

Thank God for his MERCY and GRACE! And thank God that he looks on the inside of the cup and not the outside.

Anonymous, you remind me of the people that brought that woman to Jesus and accused her of being an adulterer. Jesus said to them, he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Not one said a word and turned and left. Jesus asked the woman where are thou accusers now. BTW, you do know that we all sin and fall short of the glory of the Lord? And that it is by his mercy and grace and you anonymous have nothing to do with it right. It is not by your grace. You are nothing but a mere human being--from dust you came and dust you will return.

Now, once again, you sit on the accusers seat condemning me and others to hell when your own cup needs cleaning on the inside from self-righteousness and a few other things.

Let me break down what being humble means for you. It means to be aware of your own shortcomings and faults. But then, since you are holier than thou, I guess you wouldn't have to worry about that self-righteous spirit, huh?

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children. Jesus didn't come to condemn the world he came to save it. But you are a certified condemner! Why is that?

Dymphna said...

Ma Nature is much harder on women than men when it comes to numerous sexual encounters. Each one increases her likelihood for coming down with any of a variety of cancers of her reproductive organs -- e.g., cancer of the vagina used to be extremely rare. It's not anymore.

We're hardwired both neurologically and biologically (if you can really separate the two) to mate very selectively. Men aren't and they don't.

Women have bought the line that lots of sex partners make them the equal of men. In reality, it makes them more prone to serious disease and death.

OTOH, if it's any comfort, both sexes are experiencing an increase in oral cancer. Seems like Ma Nature wants the mucosa she custom designed for different tasks to stay that way.

Ain't no free sex. It's all expensive as can be.

And this child seriously needs to grow up before she does any further damage to herself.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Sometimes, all that is missing is love. Every child makes mistakes along the way. We all do that, some make minor mistakes, and some make more serious mistakes than others. That's a part of the learning process. Most of the time, they don't realize their mistakes until later on in their life. I just hope that she'll realize her mistake early instead of later. My heart goes out to her and her family and I feel a sadness.

Black Diaspora said...

No one here, including myself, know precisely why this young woman has embarked on this journey.

So I won't speculate, but take her at her word: "Montana Fishburne likes sex. That's all there is to it...."

It's sex that she likes, not the military, or war, or the opportunity to kill others and believe, perhaps naively, that it's being done for God and country--a Sarah Palin-like quest to get the right people elected to protect the U.S. Constitution, and to make our already exceedingly strong, and wide-flung, military, even stronger and more wide-flung.

It's sex that she likes, not politics, or political office, where some office holders would like nothing better than to change the Constitution, to tinker with those parts of it that keep them awake at night, although they'll swear, to all who will listen, that they're the True Patriots, with mad, unbridled, love for the Red, White, and Blue, and "The Republic for which it stands."

It's sex that she likes, not Wall Street Wizardry, the ultimate confidence game, leveraging trillions of dollars in derivatives (Credit Default Swaps) against absolutely nothing, that resulted in the ruination of many--as the ravenous wolf at the door keeps "huffing and puffing" in a relentless effort to blow down our flimsy house of straw.

It's sex that she likes, not the heady position of Captain of Industry, a wealthy owner of a coal company, or a stock-rich, bonus-spoiled executive of an oil company, where, almost routinely, regulations are flouted, or regulators bribed--where the lust for money overrides safety concerns, government regulations, and the lives of workers.

It's sex that she likes, and "that's all there is to it".

'Twould be glorious, if that were true for all the endeavors of men and women, where it could be said:

"That's all there is to it."

But always there's more--painfully more, devastatingly more, destructively more--well beyond the scope of the individual, as we watch circles widen concentrically as large stones are pitched into lakes of cold, unfeeling water, from the treacherous, slippery banks at the water's edge.

Anonymous said...

ever heard of Carol Queen BD? once again ur bloviatin could be summarized succinctly but clearly ur ignorance and willingness to ramble overshadows anything of worth that u have to say anyhow shes a good example of a woman who is a total sex freak but has a PhD AND has authored many books along with being active in the sex positive female centered porn biz trust she dont seem to be ashamed or damaged from it either;)


field negro said...

Ok Dympnha has totally depressed me today.

Looking...looking...looking.nope, never called her a "ho".
If she likes to get her freak on, god bless her. Hell....let me stop.

This post was more about modern day A-merry-ca and how fame affects us than Montana's sexcapades.

And I co-sign with what someone above said about making $ anyway you can. I knew a young lady who stripped at bachelor parties while we were in college and she was paid. She is married to a very successful guy and living out a very happy suburban life in a major southern city these days. Lord I hope she doesn't read this blog. :(

And I know stripping isn't the same as getting it on in front of a camera for thousand of folks to watch while they get acquainted with mr. johnson, but the stigma is still there.

Hathor said...

DeWayne Wickman assumes that she has acting talent. She may truly know her limitations and fame may be the only career she wants.

Jody said...

BD.... that was right on!

Anonymous said...

She's "just barely" black....
Straight Hair, thin lips, non-Field Negro Nose.. and...
heck I'd darker than her, well at least after a few hours in the Sun.
Seriously, whats with Black Women and straight hair? I mean if you're so proud of y'alls selves and everything.
I know, I wouldn't want pubic hair on my haid either...

Frank "Black as Hell(below the waist) Drackman

maria said...

dunno, worked for sasha gray. she's now on entourage.

bayoucreole said...

LaAudio...that was great!

uptownsteve said...

"A black woman should also be given the same "respect" and admiration as Jenna Jemison and Pamela Anderson. But I also agree with Rikirah, we all know that's not how society will receive Montana. Ask Karrine Steffans and a few others."

Jenna Jemison and Pamela Anderson get "respect"????

Oh Lawd I done heard it all now.

Some of you sistas are totally wacked out with your victim complexes.

Listen very carefully.

Screwing before cameras does not garner anyone "respect".

Money and noteriety maybe, but not respect.

Dr. Nuwang said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I always did say that you are better than Perry Mason and Matlock combined, now I got to add to the list John Burris to the list. Gurl, if you keep it up, you might be the next Johnny Cochran.

Sorry Granny, but I seriously doubt Johnny Cochran would go into court and accuse a person with 3 Science degrees of posing in front of a "cheap" microscope.

I'm just saying...............

Hathor said...


I think the UN missed the point of all the donations that went to that country. Many wanted their donations to provide food, medicine, safety and secure shelter NOW, not some future rebuilding of Haiti. There were engineers who offered solutions to provide temp shelters that would at least provide privacy and security, but could not unlock the funds. There has been an atmosphere in which the NGO's that could have perhaps helped these women, but their help has been severely limited by the UN. I don't pretend to know all of the situations in Haiti, but I have read of the frustrations of trying to get things done. One can be outraged, but where can one actually help and improve the situations on the ground

Rottnkid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rottnkid said...

brohammas said...

Since when did "porn" become sex tapes, and naked pictures become mainstream? ...When exactly did this all change?(writing that made me feel old)


With the invention of cable TV and the internet.

maria said...

far as i know, pamela anderson never did what this girl is doing. she's been in magazines but the sex tapes were not made for sale, or released by her.

also, at some point you have to stop blaming the parents. and plenty of white actors have kids with problems--michael douglas' son comes to mind. and that's been all over the news.

CareyCarey said...

Hello field & Company,

I didn't know anything about this. I saw a few headlines but had no idea fishburn's daughter had decided to go the porn route.

I stayed with this post (reading all the comments) because I wanted to see the surface level reactions, and those that looked a little bit deeper.

Having done that, I believe Black diaspora killed it. Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning her decision, nor am I indicting her parents. I am saying she's young. She made a decision based on the wisdom of a kid. She choose sex, while other kids of her age (like many of us) choose drugs & alcohol & hatred & religion & war & power, to ease our own deamons.

As field pointed out, this is America, the show-place of greed,power, fame, quick fix scemes and all sorts tomfoolery. To lay blame blame at the feet of her parents woefully unfair. Some of our greatest leaders and popular american famlilies have had children that traveled a road less traveled. To say this woman's action are in rebelion to her parents, is a shot in the dark! (look inside our own families) When I look in mine, I see lawyers, Ho's, Homosexuals, school administrators, pro sports figures, alcoholics, politicians, Pastors and a garbage man.

More importantly, within each of those "careers" there is a person that might do just about anything.

This kid is 18. She decided to explore sex a little more deeply than most of us. Who knows what inspired that move? I don't.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, for anyone to believe her wanting to go mainstream via porn, must be smoking crack. This is the route she wanted to go. She knows good and well she won't be doing any Shakespeare in the Park.

no_slappz said...

careycarey, you wrote:

She decided to explore sex a little more deeply than most of us.

No. That's NOT what she's doing. Unless you believe that making movies is the same as real life.

She's indulging her exhibitionist tendencies.

If she were simply exploring sex, she would have no need for a camera to record her activities so she could share them with the world.

About now her father is probably considering a conversion to islam so he can perform an honor killing.

Anonymous said...

maria said...
dunno, worked for sasha gray. she's now on entourage.
Yeah, because they are banging her on the side. Yes, the casting couch still exist you know.

maria said...

wow, a hollywood insider on FN! like you'd know.

CareyCarey said...

"No. That's NOT what she's doing. Unless you believe that making movies is the same as real life"

@ no-slapz, I don't know if you're being facetious, or maybe that line was simply an intro to the rest of your comment? Or, maybe you're a cynic? I mean, you didn't address any other parts of my comment.

Nevertheless, so that we don't get stuck on the word explore, let me clean my side. We can call it explore or made a decison, yet, she did engage in sex. Now, like anything we do, there is a first time. So, once she cracked the door, she obviously went a little further. Some might call that an exploration which found her in front of the camera.

I don't know what you're talking about.

no_slappz said...

Someone asked about the fate of Linda Lovelace, the star of Deep Throat.

She's dead. From a disease, I think. Not AIDS. Along the way she had a bad car accident.

But the troubled part of her life came from her handlers. Her manager.

That raises the question of who's managing Ms Fishburne? She can pretend all she wants, but she's getting into a sleazy business, even if it is much closer to mainstream than ever.

I suppose Vivid Productions is less predatory than others.

Meanwhile, how much can nobody actresses earn in porn? Inasmuch as porn is free on the internet, the source of their paychecks is unclear.

The porn industry has the look of a Ponzi Scheme. New talent is drawn in. The girls appear in videos for a brief period but quickly fade away. They bring in others, but the money from sales goes to people up the ladder.

Meanwhile, they are not members of the Screen Actors Guild, which means they do not get the benefits and protections of the standard contracts signed by mainstream performers.

Where do aging porn actresses go? To making sex therapy videos? Selling real estate?

Years later:

"Oh look, Montana. Look sweetie. Here you are on YouPorn. Jeez, you were a knockout. Too bad about your dad. What happened to that old gang of yours?"

Rottnkid said...

N_S says.."Oh look, Montana. Look sweetie. Here you are on YouPorn. Jeez, you were a knockout. Too bad about your dad. What happened to that old gang of yours?"


eh..never mind.

Anonymous said...


A great photo of one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...


Part II

I think they are funny, I hope you do too.

Anonymous said...

Some girls just like a big, fat dick, you know. Up their hoo hahs, asses, and down their throats.

They get to see LOTS of them in the porn industry. Hell, what other qualifications do you have to have to be a male porn "actor"?

Anonymous said...


Kathy said...

I just read that her movie is already sold out, she will make a lot of money from this and probably just move on. Probably few people in her age group are going to care about it or stigmatize her. And anyway, why should she want to be dependently wealthy when she can be independently wealthy
I do understand her father being upset about it, but if you ask me, it's her choice. The woman who did Deep Throat didn't want to do that movie, there's a difference.

LACoincidental said...

Gotta go with No_Slappz -- Porn is a dead end industry filled with women (and quite a few men) tossed by the wayside. How many Playboy bunnies went on to do anything other than run around Hugh Hefner's house? He and Larry Flint are sitting on millions while thousands of the women they've photographed or filmed are infected with HIV and living on food stamps. The Porn industry makes the rest of Hollywood look as pure as the driven snow by comparison.

Because of our puritanical society's rather childish double standard about sex -- very few people can enter the porn industry and not get labeled a whore, even though we're only outpaced by the Japanese in our appetite for smut.

And because sex workers have little to no legal recourse, many die alone, penniless and with serious health issues while their smut peddler 'producers' walk off with millions.

Also, this girl is mistaken -- porn is a dead end all of these starlets like Hilton and Kardashian will soon be forget. As people pointed out Kim Kardashian isn't respected -- she's still seen as a skanky, talentless, coal-burning party girl who got famous for screwing Brandi's talentless little brother.

She was just savvy enough to spin it into a lucrative enterprise and get her money before her DD's sag to her ankles (if they're even real). Again, in our media obsessed, YouTube generation -- freakish trailer trash like the kids from "Jersey Shore" make the cover of major magazines. Being famous is a matter of being seen, not actual talent. Sad really.

Don't worry -- once her looks go to pot, and the next big booty white girl decides to screw a semi-famous pop star, we'll all be saying "Kim Who"?

I feel sorry for this Montana Fishburne -- destroying her life at such a young age. Yeah, I know girls who strip. There's a big difference between dancing on a table on the weekends and getting gang-raped on a DVD for money. The porn industry is typically a dead end industry - a pit few people escape from. And now with the internet -- this girl could find Jesus and become an evangelist 20 years from now and there will be some teenage boy downloading her movie on YouTube 4.0 or whatever.

Mr. I. M. BLACK said...


Once again you have made some very valid points,however I do believe that if she was not LFs' daughter the attention would not be the same. Many have used this as a reflection of his parenting skills, and whose say what his feelings are.

Let those of us who are parents look in the mirror and judge not.....

Anonymous said...

lac ure a liar u have absolutely no proof that ex porn stars r sitting up there with hiv in fact ever since the aids scandal in early 2000s there is compulsory testing and if u test + then u r out the door

sumtimes eye swear u talking out cher asshole

LACoincidental said...

Anonymous said...

lac ure a liar u have absolutely no proof that ex porn stars r sitting up there with hiv in fact ever since the aids scandal in early 2000s there is compulsory testing and if u test + then u r out the door

sumtimes eye swear u talking out cher asshole

Anon - the porn industry saying that they 'regularly test' is like the oil industry claiming that they can do self-regulation on safety and spill clean up. They are stories of plenty of young men and women who were infected as recently as two years ago.

The only person naive is you.

LACoincidental said...

As for my claim that HIV and porn inudstry cover-up, here's a story from last year.

mellaneous said...

What up Field! When I first read about Montana Fishburne I started to write an editorial about it because I think it says something about just how lost even privileged black youth are these days.

It seems that even black middle class and upper middle class youth lack direction. On one hand they feel freer to pursue their dreams than our generation and generations before, but on the other hand they are really confused about the state of race relations and just how unfree we as black folks still are in this country.

The hard truth is that Montana Fishburne cannot do what Kim Kardashian does. Montana will be scarred and labeled a hoe, while Kim will be said to just having had a little fun. And Vivid entertainment and all the others are sleazy big business enterprises that make money off the backs primarily of children who are not old enough to make really intelligent decisions, while also exploiting young women who don't have good choices. And at the same time they are wreaking havoc on relationships and reinforcing all the worst views of women by a society that is still sexist to its very core.

On a personal level Montana's choice is a bit disturbing, she really is only 18 and the truth is you just don't have enough information to make great choices or at least very few 18 year olds do.

Its dissappointing that even the children of folks that have so-called made it still wind up making foolish choices.

And this indeed is a foolish choice, its not like appearing in Playboy in which, the novelty of her being the famous daughter of a popular actress might get her really paid. She is going "all the way" on tape for a few bucks and the tape will never go away. It will be used by some to point out that no matter how high black folks get they still manage to do something immoral.

Montana will be seen as just another black whore in the hypocritical lexicon of the majority society.

Black Diaspora had it right though, before we judge young Montana we should put this in perspective. She has not like BP dug deep into the ocean without a contingency plan if something goes wrong, or look someone in the eye while selling them a house with a flexible interest rate that they knew was going to double in a year or two, she didn't gamble with other folks money and then ask to be bailed out when she lost it all, she didn't sign up nor did she issue orders to start a war or continue wars that would cost ten of thousands of human beings their lives (most weren't even their supposed enemies but were innocent victims) and she hasn't run around blaming the victim or as in the case of Haiti blame them when their aggressive next door powers have done everything in their power to undermine their efforts at establishing an independent and democratic society, and she didn't send troops to Haiti to make sure that no real democratic movement would arise among the wreckage left by the earthquake (that's right anyone who believes that the US sent troops first to bring aide, is just plain naive)

A sad day brother Field a sad day indeed. And like someone said, the aged Monatana will surely regret this no matter how liberated sexually she thinks she is. Granny may be right this feels like there is more to this because she is not just engaging in sex, but exhibitionism.

And she is not really going to profit from it, well at least not like the company that produces the tape.

I hope however that she stops here and this indiscretion of youth is somehow forgotten and she achieves some kind of success and that the rest of us are big enough to forgive her, keeping in mind that we all live in glass houses.

uptownsteve said...

"It seems that even black middle class and upper middle class youth lack direction."

Moreso than any other group of upper middle class kids?

How so?

This is such a pile of crap.

Montana Fishburne is a spoiled, immature Hollywood brat.


It's no referendum on black youth or the black middle class or black people period.

If this was Brad Pitt's daughter nobody would even mention race.

Are the Kardashian's indicative of aimlessness amongst Armenians????

Anonymous said...

UTS do you like the pictures I posted? There are many more to come.

uptownsteve said...

Whatever floats your boat numbnuts.

Believe me, I don't spend one second thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

God Bless her little twisted mind, she must really be angry at her father, if this will not get his attention, what will? but, then again, she is apart of the care free young black generation, anything go's!

I don't know much about Larry Fishburne, but, hasn't he been a black actor for year's, don't remember him being on magazine cover's, accused of doing drug's! don't remember him going to prison, for not paying his tax's!

I don't know what type of father he has been, but, maybe he wasn't around to give her the attention she needed, after all, he was trying to make a Living! and i am sure, she benefited from his Labor, she is probably spoiled rotten! went to private school's! had a car before she was sixteen! most black kid's of today, are spoiled rotten! look at PUUF DADDY!

Look at her, posing as if, she has arrived at stardom! she would not be my daughter, what is wrong with Larry, he played IKE in (WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT) didn't he? well he just need's to bring that, Ike character forth and act as if, he is really beating his daughter's behind! see people, most of the character's those actor's play, are really who they are deep down on the inside, in other word's, Larry Fishburne played IKE too good, to say he can't show his daughter that IKE side of him! maybe he already has, who know's!

I do not promote Child Abuse, I promote (I will beat your behind) if you don't STOP your MESS!


mellaneous said...

Uptown please stop being so defensive and just think about what I said.

It is true that many of out youth are struggling. Why wouldn't they struggle? White children of privilege are struggling.

The reason I brought it up is because its easy to see that too many poor black inner city kids are struggling but I have noticed that a lot of middle class black kids who it seems should be better able to ignore or avoid some of the pitfalls that trip up their poorer bretheren instead fall victim as well.

And its not always the parents fault or the case of them being spoiled. And you don't know what is driving Montana.

Rottnkid said...

Anonymous said...


A great photo of one of my favorites.

11:52 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Part II

I think they are funny, I hope you do too.

11:55 AM


Dude your are corny as hell! Please, PLEASE - go waste your time doing something that ACTUALLY constructive..Steve, he would have been better off drawing stick figures, trust me.

Anonymous said...

lac u tryin to save face the article u cited clearly said that the girl infected does not work frequently in the biz and her partners in the biz have all tested negative so ur case is not closed by any measure

Anonymous said...

wow that uts troll is a sicko messing round with his wifes picture nigga u is crrrrrrrrazy!

Anonymous said...

nigga is crazzy, but who puts out their family photos? crazier!!

uptownsteve said...


Don't try that "defensive" bull$hit on me.

When FN posted stories on the black female valedictorian at Notre Dame or the Urban Prep Academy in Chicago, I didn't hear negroes like you making any references to race or black success.

These were seen as individual achievements or "outliers".

But let a negro screw up and it becomes a commentary on black people everywhere, poor or upper class, from Rosedale to Rwanda.

Mellaneous I don't where you live or what your realities are but the black children in my community are pretty much like middle class children everywhere.

Spoiled, smart, materialistic, ambitious, and totally removed from the hood.

I understand just what the inner city is about.


But it seems to me that some folks, SOME BLACK FOLKS, can't even give black folks credit for upward mobility.

They still have to smear middle and upper class black folks with the ghetto gene.

I just don't get it.

uptownsteve said...

"but who puts out their family photos"

You ever heard of Facebook?

Anon, internet stalkers like you are downright pathetic.

You don't intimidate people.

You make them pity you.

Hathor said...

Hmmm, no nice boys your age out there in "La La Land" to explore with, Montana? Somehow I find that hard to believe.

Why is it hard to believe when exploration isn't even a full grown man's goal? Especially when the dominant myth, is that it is expected that women have no interest in sex.
I think this isn't a matter of parenting, I think it is about having not enough information to know how to be a sex positive adult, without having to engage in porn.

Anonymous said...

of course you don't get it, because you are selectively looking at hte world through your myopic lens. have you brainwashed your boys with that stuff too? does yoru wife know how much time you are on here? Do you ever get tired of playing the grumpy old man who seems bitter with life?

mellaneous said...

Field this gets deeper. Young Montana was arrested for prostitution last year. On Huffington Post today there is an interview with a friend of hers who says that she has been hanging out with a smooth talking guy who is in fact a pimp.

According to the friend her and her parents were having strained relations and Montana was living with the grandmother who insisted that Montana pay rent.

Montana it seems was the typical nice girl that has suffered from at least feelings of a lack of attention from her Dad and has gotten instead from young men and one it turns out is a predator. According to Monatana's friend it is the pimp who suggested that Montana do porn and he is controlling her and it seems that she is living with him.

So it seems that young Montana was ripe to be exploited and is now a cautionary tale.

I say to folks all the time that they have to be careful when they give up on girls or their girl children especially when they talk about putting them out. Where do folks think these girls are going to wind up? There are so many vultures waiting to take them down a road from which they simply may not recover.

It appears that this combination is what is driving Montana. She desperately needs help and Fishburnes friends attempts to buy up her tapes is not the solution. She badly needs intervention. The time for the draconian measures is over someone close to her or a family member needs to try to get her attention.

Anonymous said...

You ever heard of Facebook?


Fbook is private, it's not public domain you stupid piece of jack meat. Lord, only my friends can see my pictures on FB, my profile pic is generic because I am not old and stupid like you.

mellaneous said...

Field this gets deeper. Young Montana was arrested for prostitution last year. On Huffington Post today there is an interview with a friend of hers who says that she has been hanging out with a smooth talking guy who is in fact a pimp.

According to the friend her and her parents were having strained relations and Montana was living with the grandmother who insisted that Montana pay rent.

Montana it seems was the typical nice girl that has suffered from at least feelings of a lack of attention from her Dad and has gotten instead from young men and one it turns out is a predator. According to Monatana's friend it is the pimp who suggested that Montana do porn and he is controlling her and it seems that she is living with him.

So it seems that young Montana was ripe to be exploited and is now a cautionary tale.

I say to folks all the time that they have to be careful when they give up on girls or their girl children especially when they talk about putting them out. Where do folks think these girls are going to wind up? There are so many vultures waiting to take them down a road from which they simply may not recover.

It appears that this combination is what is driving Montana. She desperately needs help and Fishburnes friends attempts to buy up her tapes is not the solution. She badly needs intervention. The time for the draconian measures is over someone close to her or a family member needs to try to get her attention.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, this anon 543 pities you Steve cause I can only image where you pictures has landed up and doing what with whom. You may not care about yourself, but I wouldn't want my wife's face out there on some of the sick sites and all. Food for thought man, food for thought. Don't let being stubborn hurt her.

uptownsteve said...

I guess that would put me a few rings up the evolutionary chain from a fool who stalks supposedly angry grumpy old men.


Kathy said...

JibJab comes with a browser that you can't get rid of, and Francis Holland told me that some browsers can give a virus, maybe anony already caught it?

Anonymous said...

UTS, wrong anon old man, wrong anon.


mellaneous said...


Slow down brother I am on your side. I don't put black folks down. I am not agreeing with the racists I was just pointing out their thinking. Remember we disagree about the need to restructure society. I don't have no bones to pick with middle class youth. I am just trying to point out that even they struggle and I suspect sometimes its because their parents don't tell them how serious the challenges are that are waiting for them, sometimes they result from a lack of understanding of where black folks have risen, and sometimes they get caught up believing that they have to BS to be considered to be a hip Black person.

And you are wrong, I didn't make any big deal about the kids from the academy at all because I know that black folks and black children, can do anything anybody else can do provided equal opportunity

Anonymous said...

Man up dammit, don't grave to steve, c'mon he loves that shit. he likes the play the role of bitter old man.

uptownsteve said...

Alright Mellaneous.

I'm not going to pursue this any further and will take you at your word.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of FB, one of my favorite pages is Walter D. Smith. He lives in Columbus Ohio and has a Street Soldiers group. He's "open for friends" and has quite a few from all over the world. He is a dude who was set free after DNA evidence proved he was not guilty and is doing some good things with inner city youth.

Check him out.


I think the above link will get you there. If not just search him. Some of you all have great input and he poses questions on a daily basis (kind of like FN does).


Anonymous said...

Walter is pretty cool. Actually, one person on there commented he was the "new field negro" not sure if they know about this one.

Black Diaspora said...

Jody said...

"BD.... that was right on!"

Thanks, Jody.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, "I just read that her movie is already sold out, she will make a lot of money from this and probably just move on."

I hate to tell you this but very few actors and actresses make a lot of money in the porn industry. It's not like the mainstream movie industry.

Anonymous said...

Mell, I agree with everything you have said. Forget trying to communicate with UTS. He's the most defensive bm on the planet. He is not all there, remember?

no_slappz said...

hathor, you wrote:

Especially when the dominant myth, is that it is expected that women have no interest in sex.

What planet are you on? Who expects women to have NO interest in sex? Who's telling this tale?

That's not to say there's never been a phony veneer of primness. But women have always been deeply interested in sex. Scared at times, too, but always interested.

Hathor said...


You are making the distinction between myth and fact.

Kathy said...

no_slapz thanks for pointing out Hathor's comment, I missed it,

Hathor I completely agree, what I was really thinking, and this doesn't have anything to do with Ms. Montana, is, why is it that ppl think that a woman must have been abused as a child to have an interest in porn?

Race Traitoress said...

@Hathor and Kathy -- I agree.

If anyone is interested in reading a different (sex-positive) perspective on sex workers and the pornography industry the entire text of Wendy McElroy's book, XXX: A Woman's Right To Pornography, is available online. While it was written in 1995, it still offers some insights that apply today.

"Wendy McElroy's most valuable contribution is to introduce the voices of the women who work in the sex industry. Her fascinating interviews defy many stereotypes and should deter all who are concerned about women's rights from supporting censorship measures."

Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union and author of Defending Pornography

"Wendy McElroy's book strikes a rare blow for sexual tolerance in a world that has never tolerated much sexual freedom."

Bart Kosko, author of Fuzzy Thinking

"Wendy McElroy has made an astonishing contribution to the well-being of contemporary sexuality."

Rachel Hickerson, president of Feminists for Free Expression

"Wendy McElroy eloquently exposes and courageously opposes the evil naïveté of the currently fashionable anti-pornography movement."

Thomas Szasz, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, State University of New York

Anonymous said...

Immoral, Mell, you need to be monitored, excuse me, but, since when did Black people, carry the Major label of being immoral, yes, our people live in Sin, but, are you saying, we are a bunch of lust filled freak's? explain yourself, black man, that is, if you are a black man!

Black people are basicly Church going people, yes, we are way off course, thank's to some black men, how many black men get up on sunday morning and take their family to the house of God? very few, in order to understand the depth of Morality, you must be taught, by, who? the Preacher man, he/she is suppose to bring forth the teaching's of God, how can you truly live a moral life, unless you know right from wrong!

The black race is NOT the carrier of Immorality, SIN is all around us, All the race's Sin, so stop making our race look as if, we are a race of Freak's, when was the last time, you went to the house of God? and i will be willing to bet you, you agree with men marrying men! is that Moral? NO!!! if a upright man, agree with men marrying men, his thinking is beyond immoral! how doe's this picture look to you? BLACK MEN MARRYING WHITE MEN! hugging and kissing as if this is Natural, NO! it is (A SIGHT FOR SORE EYE'S)forget about right's, Black men that are suppose to be with black women, are kissing on white men and enjoying it! how far has the black man fallen? they don't want black women or white women, but, they want the white man!

I will leave white immorality alone, for now, but, Jessica Simpson father, is suppose to be a minister and yet, he Pimped Jessica out, she exposed Flesh all over the place! lindsey Lohan father Pimped her out, he was suppose to be a minister, but, he pimped Lindsey out, these were suppose to be men of God, they were suppose to know better, but, no, they cared more about money, than they did about Moral's!

Some of you people need to watch MTV on tuesday night's, White girl's, having baby's out of Wedlock all over America! from upper class to the poor! they are all mixed in together.


Anonymous said...

race traitor eye already beat u to it when eye cited Carol Queen yall r always late to the party

muah muah muah muah muah muah muah

as eye said if u like to fuck porn is a natural career choice not everybody is hard wired to be in a monogamous heterosexual relationship sum folks is freaks and Carol Queen and Wendy McElroy r some educated ass freaks aint they!

Kathy said...

as eye said if u like to fuck porn is a natural career choice not everybody is hard wired to be in a monogamous heterosexual relationship sum folks is freaks and Carol Queen and Wendy McElroy r some educated ass freaks aint they!

9:24 PM_____
LOL if that isn't funny!

Kathy said...

Black men that are suppose to be with black women, are kissing on white men and enjoying it!
Hey, it's a free world, no woman would want that man anyways, so who cares?

Anonymous said...

hey Kathy eye had to say somethin cuz eye think that a lotta posters r postulating 2 dam much on whether the gal was sexually abused or whatever else shit eye remember when eye was in my late teens and lost my virginity boy howdy eye was only thinkin about one thing and that was getting laid with whomever it just didnt matter eye went buck wild and dont regret NONE of it and always used condoms and the pill cuz eyem from that aids generation
this was healthy sexual exploration on my part and at the time eye considered doing movies and the reason eye didnt is cuz they didnt want u to use condoms and eye wasnt trying to be risky; just get my jollies off
maybe miss fishburne is a young freak and has to get it out her system maybe she mite be under the influence of a dude who knows but best believe an orgasm is an orgasm and she likes what she do and if we werent all so concerned about getting stds many of us mite try it at some point lol!!!!!
dont write off miss fishburne yet yall she mite very well get her PhD like Susan Block or Carol Queen or shit eye cant remember that other broads name but she was also from the 70s with big tits (is it sally sprinkle maybe) but they all r still alive and writing sex positive books and may even do a burlesque show every now and then
eye swear so many of yall r prudes but behind closed doors a universal behavior that ALL humans seem to enjoy is FUCKING yall fa real folk like to FUCK and theres nothing wrong with that PROVIDED that they accept full responsibility for what they doing

Anon Inc, Retired Agent 456

Race Traitoress said...

Anon 456, you are on a roll.

I noticed your Carol Queen reference, but I added Wendy McElroy because her book is available right here on the WEB!

And I believe you're referring to Annie Sprinkle--but don't forget Violet Blue (the blogger, not the porn actress) and the multi-talented Nina Hartley.

Anonymous said...

race traitor thanks gurl cuz eye was like sprinkle something eye even read one of her semi biographies years ago but a niggas mind be escapin sometime...

thx for the correction miss lady;) and violet blue eye aint seen her blog but eyel check it out as eye can in truth eye havent watched any of those old gals since eye went out to berkeley to good vibrations and rented 'bend over boyfriend' in *cough* 1999 or sum shit!

muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah

muah muah muah muah muah

have a good nite;)

ANON Inc Retired Agent 456

Anonymous said...

ISEEISEE, "I will leave white immorality alone, for now, but, Jessica Simpson father, is suppose to be a minister and yet, he Pimped Jessica out, she exposed Flesh all over the place! lindsey Lohan father Pimped her out, he was suppose to be a minister, but, he pimped Lindsey out, these were suppose to be men of God, they were suppose to know better, but, no, they cared more about money, than they did about Moral's!"

Get off the white man's back! You should be concerned about Blacks and whether they are being moral or not. We already know some Whites can be demonic. So What?

Are Blacks supposed to be as bad as Whites? Who the hell wants to be like them? Blacks should be better than that, and you should know that!!!

anon 1952 said...


"Black men that are suppose to be with black women, are kissing on white men and enjoying it! how far has the black man fallen? they don't want black women or white women, but, they want the white man!"

This is America. Black men and black women DO NOT (I repeat, DO NOT) own each other.

I am a black gay man and MOST of the black gay men I know who are in long-term relationships have white partners. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. We are moving on with our lives. You should move on with yours.

Anonymous said...

fare enuff anon 1952 all the energy these angry broads spend on being mad at the handsome gay guy fucking around with a white cat they coulda had theyselves a dude of any race

oh wait...usually those bitter nasty braods r uuuuuugggggleeeee!!!

Anon Inc, Newly Reinstated Agent 456

anon 1952 said...

Anon Inc, Newly Reinstated Agent 456 said:
"fare enuff anon 1952 all the energy these angry broads spend on being mad at the handsome gay guy fucking around with a white cat they coulda had theyselves a dude of any race"

Black gay men are not just "fucking around" with white gay men. Some of us are getting MARRIED to white gay men. Some of us are getting MARRIED to each other. In any case, black gay men are not just "fucking around". We are livin' and lovin' AND getting MARRIED.

Anonymous said...

baby, fucking around is a colloquial expression meaning to get entangled with in a relationship pardon me for offending ur sensibilities but dude u need to lighten up specially since my comment was supportive of u

boy stop being such a tight ass if u get the spirit that eye was talking about dude

btw why do u suppose there r so many interracial couples in the gay black male community in the castro u almost never see a black man with another black man why is that?

cuz in truth eye like to see black love in all its incarnations but aint mad when others r involved cuz love is love

just a question do not be offended dearie

Anonymous said...

I"m anonymous 12:45 who agreed with Granny but then Granny accused me of being god. This place really is a zoo. Next time I'll bring peanuts.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I apologize Anonymous 2:57, please forgive me:

I got the last digit wrong on the time, I meant that for Anonymous
12:43. Sorry about that and thanks for pointing my error out to me! I make mistakes sometimes too, I'm not perfect like Anonymous 12:43 thinks they are.

Field, you need to change the format for your time display and add the dates too because that can get confusing at times.

anon 1952 said...

"btw why do u suppose there r so many interracial couples in the gay black male community in the castro u almost never see a black man with another black man why is that?"

What difference does it make?
I said in an earlier comment that black men and black women don't own each other. Well, black gay men don't own each other either. Black people do not own each other. Get over that mindset. "We" DO NOT own each other.

Adults, and that includes black adults, should have the right to love who they want to love. For whatever reason.

You have called me "boy", "baby" and "dearie". Why? I don't need your "support" because based on the aforementioned name calling, you are not as "supportive" as you apparently think you are. I'm going to live my life regardless.

Anonymous said...

anon hon get over urself u cant tell eyem an older woman by what eyeve said to u then u need to take a chill pill and shut the hell up

ure rite about one thing though black people dont own each other however theres nothing wrong with asking why particular demographics r more likely to out date or marry

the stick up ur ass is so hard that its impeding ur ability to see if someone is really trying to see ur perspective

*bitter bitter bitter bitter fool!*

Don said...

Agreed - as a father of three daughters I seriously hope to never endure such heartache as either involved in pornography.

I wonder what is it that Montana rebels against?

alicia banks said...

this is why i am childless by choice

thank u god and please bless larry f!!!

On Children
Kahlil Gibran

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, I have not seen anyone mention the Baby mama rampant culture. If you look at some Black celebrity males out there on dating shows, these men have lots of kids behind them. Yet they are living the Bachelor life. Who is taking care and guiding those kids? So many Black Males in the limelight have known or unknown children scattered all over the place. And no one in the Black community is holding them accountable.

Don't blame these kids when they grow up and want to take what they believe is rightfully theirs. And that is their famous Father's name. Montana is that thing tha came back to bite Lawrence in his backside. She is getting from her Father what he wouldn't freely give to her which was attention. I don't feel sorry for him, I feel bad for here though.