"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.."
Yeah well that's Congress. But the people of these divided states of A-merry-ca don't necessarily agree with that portion of the First Amendment of our Constitution which speaks to religious freedoms.
I know folks like William Kristol don't necessarily agree with that troublesome little amendment. Mr. Kristol and others are not too pleased that some folks in New York want to build a mosque within a stones throw of Ground Zero. (I say within a stones throw, because contrary to what some wingnuts would have you believe, the mosque is not actually going to be built at Ground Zero) They consider it an affront to our sensibilities since it was just about nine years ago that a bunch of men who claim to worship this very same religion flew planes into buildings and killed over three thousand people.
"Planting a mosque just two blocks from where Muslims murdered Americans on 9/11 in the name of Islam is a huge slap in the face. Why shouldn't Muslims be sensitive enough to realize that a huge mosque planted right near the horrific wound to the U.S. created at Ground Zero by Muslims is outrageous to us? They claim a right to be insulted by cartoons mocking their prophet, even to the point of beheading people.
The Imam of the Ground Zero Insult, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is not the nice guy he likes to hold himself out to be. At his Friday afternoon khutbah services and in his book What's Right With Islam Rauf states that he wants the mosque to be a place where inter-faith understanding is fostered."
I wonder if there were Muslims murdered on 911 by those religious fanatics? I am sure there was. And aren't Muslims A-merry-cans, too? And who is this "us" that Madeline Brooks is referring to. Oh lord I don't want to be in that number, not with these Saints.
Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, gets it. He understands the Constitution and what true religious freedom means in this country. It's why a lot of folks came here in the first place; to escape religious persecution. But try telling that to the wingnuts.
"Last Tuesday, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on the subject of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. His remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas that are held onto, at once smugly and desperately, by today’s liberal elites. Our liberation from those dogmas, and from those elites, is underway across the nation. But it’s worth taking a look at Bloomberg’s speech, if only to remind us of what we need to ascend from so our descendants can look back with curiosity at the ethos to which we did not succumb.
As is the way of contemporary liberals, Bloomberg spoke at a very high level of abstraction. He appealed to the principle of religious toleration, while never mentioning the actual imam who is responsible for and would control the planned Ground Zero mosque. To name Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf might invite a consideration of his background, funding, and intentions. Do Rauf and his backers believe in the principles underlying the “inspiring symbol of liberty” that greets immigrants to the United States and before which Bloomberg stood? Bloomberg didn’t say. It apparently doesn’t matter. Toleration means asking nothing, criticizing nothing, saying nothing, about whom or what one is tolerating. This is the Sergeant Schultz standard of toleration: I know nothing."
Yeah well that's Congress. But the people of these divided states of A-merry-ca don't necessarily agree with that portion of the First Amendment of our Constitution which speaks to religious freedoms.
I know folks like William Kristol don't necessarily agree with that troublesome little amendment. Mr. Kristol and others are not too pleased that some folks in New York want to build a mosque within a stones throw of Ground Zero. (I say within a stones throw, because contrary to what some wingnuts would have you believe, the mosque is not actually going to be built at Ground Zero) They consider it an affront to our sensibilities since it was just about nine years ago that a bunch of men who claim to worship this very same religion flew planes into buildings and killed over three thousand people.
"Planting a mosque just two blocks from where Muslims murdered Americans on 9/11 in the name of Islam is a huge slap in the face. Why shouldn't Muslims be sensitive enough to realize that a huge mosque planted right near the horrific wound to the U.S. created at Ground Zero by Muslims is outrageous to us? They claim a right to be insulted by cartoons mocking their prophet, even to the point of beheading people.
The Imam of the Ground Zero Insult, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is not the nice guy he likes to hold himself out to be. At his Friday afternoon khutbah services and in his book What's Right With Islam Rauf states that he wants the mosque to be a place where inter-faith understanding is fostered."
I wonder if there were Muslims murdered on 911 by those religious fanatics? I am sure there was. And aren't Muslims A-merry-cans, too? And who is this "us" that Madeline Brooks is referring to. Oh lord I don't want to be in that number, not with these Saints.
Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, gets it. He understands the Constitution and what true religious freedom means in this country. It's why a lot of folks came here in the first place; to escape religious persecution. But try telling that to the wingnuts.
"Last Tuesday, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on the subject of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. His remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas that are held onto, at once smugly and desperately, by today’s liberal elites. Our liberation from those dogmas, and from those elites, is underway across the nation. But it’s worth taking a look at Bloomberg’s speech, if only to remind us of what we need to ascend from so our descendants can look back with curiosity at the ethos to which we did not succumb.
As is the way of contemporary liberals, Bloomberg spoke at a very high level of abstraction. He appealed to the principle of religious toleration, while never mentioning the actual imam who is responsible for and would control the planned Ground Zero mosque. To name Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf might invite a consideration of his background, funding, and intentions. Do Rauf and his backers believe in the principles underlying the “inspiring symbol of liberty” that greets immigrants to the United States and before which Bloomberg stood? Bloomberg didn’t say. It apparently doesn’t matter. Toleration means asking nothing, criticizing nothing, saying nothing, about whom or what one is tolerating. This is the Sergeant Schultz standard of toleration: I know nothing."
This is the obvious question, but I will ask it again: If the Catholic church (Or any Christian religion for that matter) wanted to build a cathedral just a few blocks from where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building stood in Oklahoma City, would we care? Of course we wouldn't. And, yet, Timothy McVeigh was a Christian.
How Ironic that Mr. Kristol would use a quote from Sergeant Schultz-the fictional Sergeant in a German prison camp during World War II- to make his point. Because quite honestly, if we continue down this road, World War II Germany will start to look very familiar.
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Field,
The proposed cultural center and mosque are being built by a Sufi organization. That is a distinction that will be lost on most wingnuts and know-nothings, because as slappy will tell us, all Muslims are the same. Teh stupid, it burns.
I co-sign on your choice of Honorary Field Negro of the Day, an apropos choice.
This is ridiculous. The "outcry" over the so-called defilement of Ground Zero is nothing short of a manufactured propaganda campaign launched by extremists looking to strike fear in the public.
It's amazing what little has been thoroughly explained to the public about the cultural center and mosque that won't be at Ground Zero.
Islam is not just a religion, it is also a legal and a politcal system. Whatever one may think of Islam’s spiritual tenets, the part about establishing an Islamic state and imposing Sharia law is completely incompatible with our core values as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Religious tolerance is a core American value, but tolerating a fascisitc, totalitarian ideology is just stupid. To hell with this idea of building this, or any other mosque in America.
Akbar Zeb
I wonder what would happen if some folks decided to build a Christian church of any denomination in a town bombed by the United States in Iraq or Afghanistan? How would the shoe feel on the other foot?
I really can't even wrap my mind around this. These people are as dumb as rocks and don't mind the entire world knowing about their dumbness.
Many years ago, someone told me that I must tolerate his intolerance of gays and lesbians because I was a liberal, and it's part of our job description to be tolerant. That's when I began to get an inkling of how this game works.
The right-wingers, birthers, 9/12ers, teabaggers, and all the rest, have been going on and on for the last 9 god-forsaken years about why o why don’t the Muslims repudiate–or is it refudiate?–the actions of the 19 men who claimed to share their faith. And many many have, but only vocally, so it was just a blip on the nightly news and then disappeared, because we all know what a short memory most Americans have. And now here is a community of Muslims that wants to spend its money right here in the United States to build a community center–Of all things! The nerve!–to try to help “steer the world back to the course of mutual recognition and respect and away from heightened tensions.” And what’s our response? Well, some of us? Let’s face it, there is nothing any American Muslim can do that will meet with right-wingers' approval. Nothing.
~sharon in nh
cosign @Val and sharon in nh
Islam is not just a religion, it is also a legal and a politcal system. Whatever one may think of Islam’s spiritual tenets, the part about establishing an Islamic state and imposing Sharia law is completely incompatible with our core values as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Substitute "Christian" for Islam, Islamic, and Sharia, and it's still true. How is this a threat? There are already mosques all over America.
I wonder what would happen if some folks decided to build a Christian church of any denomination in a town bombed by the United States in Iraq or Afghanistan?
We weren't attacked by Iraq or Afghanistan, neither of those countries claim to offer their citizens freedom of religion, and Christianity isn't an American religion.
I loved what Fareed Zakaria said, field, and am glad you noticed. He mentioned dozens of NYC Muslims died in the WTC.
It's a testament to how far right we've become as a nation that this is even an issue.
I'm glad I got here relatively early because I'm sure this discussion is going to be painful downthread.
Peace to you, field, and thank you for your posts and the bit of encouragement they give me.
Val said...
"I really can't even wrap my mind around this. These people are as dumb as rocks and don't mind the entire world knowing about their dumbness."
Who is the idiot Val? Are you ready to live with people who want a society where you can't drive, you can't go outside without being escorted by a male relative and being wrapped in a sheet from head to toe, where they'd chop your clit off when you turned 12?
How dumb can someone be?
There it is, already. Sigh.
RT: "Substitute "Christian" for Islam, Islamic, and Sharia, and it's still true. How is this a threat? There are already mosques all over America."
You can't see the difference between a Muslim and a Episcopalian?
Remember how the "threat level" always went up to orange before an election? I think this is more of the same. The Reptilikans don't control the DHS right now, but they still have FAUXNews.
~sharon in nh
Anon 10:35, don't forget she won't be allowed to like other women the way she does.
Y'know, if it came packaged with laws against usury, the US of A could do with a little dose of Sharia law in the mix.
~sharon in nh
@~sharon in nh: How long have you been out of the coma?
Ginrich mentioned that no mosque should be built at ground zero until a Christian Church can be built in Saudi Arabia-which of course will never happen. Yet, our buddy Newt doesn't seem to see that the best way to affirm American ideals over those of the despotic Islamic states is to allow this to be built. Let's let them choke on their hypocrisy, instead of us choking on ours.
Anonymous said...
"Y'know, if it came packaged with laws against usury, the US of A could do with a little dose of Sharia law in the mix."
~sharon in nh
No more usury or clitorises. Or maybe you coud ask them to just take a little off the top.
" Let's let them choke on their hypocrisy, instead of us choking on ours."
You'll be choking on your own blood as they saw your head off. Fuck Islam.
The New Black Woman said...
"It's amazing what little has been thoroughly explained to the public about the cultural center and mosque that won't be at Ground Zero."
What's really amzing is a "Black Feminist" that is a proponent of Islam!
Trolls are like little kids. If you just ignore them and talk over their heads, sometime they just go away and bother someone else.
~sharon in nh
First of all, a Christian with wisdom, would not go anywhere near, Afghanistan or any other Muslim country in the middle east, we have no business in those country's, to begin with, what is taking place in the middle east, has been taking place for thousand's of year's, this is all Biblical! and the answer lye's with ISRAEL!
I hope this doe's not cause a problem for the Nation of Islam, I am a Christian, but, we all know when white folk get started with someting, they will try to make everyone suffer.
This has to do with wisdom, can someone tell me why, a Mosque just had to be build, anywhere near the 911 disaster site, why oh why, did someone come up with this? aren't Muslim's persecuted enough in this country? don't they see what is going on with the Hispanic's, and now, they want more hate from white folk?
White people want to change the constitution, it doesn't work them anymore, people are getting a little bit to UPPITY! a Black President, Hispanic's about to be the Majority in America, now this, a Mosque of all thing's, one single mosque, God forbid, the Indian's would RAISE up and demand their land back! I would love to see that, LOL! Indian's in WARFARE GEAR, carring bow and arrow's ready to do battle, the white man would have to deal with, black's, hispanic's, muslim's and indian's! all these people, at the same time, we may not be powerful in number's, but, just the fact that, we are United as one, will put a little fear in the white man! the key word here is FEAR!
Anonymous said...
"Trolls are like little kids. If you just ignore them and talk over their heads, sometime they just go away and bother someone else.
~sharon in nh"
You couldn't talk over a carrot's head. Seriously, why do you feel the need to repeat snippets of ignorance that you don't really understand?
ISEEISEE would make a deal with Devil himself if it meant striking down the white man. What a cesspool of evil lurks in your mind!
Who is the idiot Val? Are you ready to live with people who want a society where you can't drive, you can't go outside without being escorted by a male relative and being wrapped in a sheet from head to toe, where they'd chop your clit off when you turned 12?
How dumb can someone be?:
Let me guess..Your an African Freedom Fighter?
Since when does two blocks away equal RIGHT AT ground zero? And this is Manhattan we're talking about, where Embassies of countries that are at odds with one another are in the same vicinity.
"Who is the idiot Val? Are you ready to live with people who want a society where you can't drive, you can't go outside without being escorted by a male relative and being wrapped in a sheet from head to toe, where they'd chop your clit off when you turned 12?"
@ANON 11:33: To be quite honest, I'd rather not be in close proximity to ANY religious extremism and the ensuing criminality when members are blinded by fanaticism. This includes church leaders who steal from their own congregations, damn their members to Dante's 9th circle of hell from the pulpit while doing the same stuff (or worse), suppressing the rights/equality of female members, and deliberately covering up years and years of priests diddling little boys and simply reassigning them to a new parish upon thediscovery. Should I go on?
But that's just an aside. Anon, do you know the difference between your average oppressive sect of Christianity (or whatever religion) and state-enforced Sharia Law? The latter is often practiced in countries that do not separate church and state. It's funny because many Christian conservatives who want to abolish Islam, gay marriage, sex ed, abortion, etc, from the US entirely, don't realize that by blurring the line between church and state, they are becoming exactly what they fear in Muslim countries. As a matter of fact, we already have a taste of this with Blue Laws.
they r just using muslims as the new niggas rite now its sad if they were croatian white muslims best believe the tone would be different but god forbid some brown skinned middle eastern or black folks go to islam the world will end gosh darnet!
this shit breaks my heart yall that 911 shit almost seems orchestrated to the degree that anti arab muslim hatred is almost a fucking trend that ann coulter cretin was praised for saying some racist shit to a student a few months ago
these motherfuckers is crazy
You can't see the difference between a Muslim and a Episcopalian?
Episcopalian is to Christian as Sunni is to Islam.
There are many sects of Christianity, and there are many sects of Islam. They don't all agree, just like not all the Christian sects agree. I've met (am related to, actually) fundamentalist Christians who think there will be no Catholics in heaven. And Mormoms consider themselves Christians, but many more traditional sects of Christianity disagree.
Not all Muslims are alike; they don't all think alike. There are fanatics just like there are fanatical Christians. I don't want a theocracy run by the most extreme Christians or the most extreme Muslims. I don't want a theocracy, period.
And the church says amen!
field they found bones in malibu canyon and have to run analysis to see if its mitrice richardson maybe u took down the bring home mitrice on ur sidebar prematurely?
race traitor what u said is profound
ANON INC Agent 456
I hurt my ribs playing with grandkids and it hurts when I laugh, and some of y'alls comments are sorta funny and causing me pain. LOL!
"According to reports, she was disoriented upon her release from detention and was sent into the dead of night without her cell phone, purse, or car."
If I were her parents, I would sue the jail for every penny I could get because that was neglience on their behalf and they put her in a vulnerable situation. They'll let a drunk sleep off their alcoholic binge and you mean to tell me a young female that they know is disorientated is released under those circumstances with every thing and anything under the sun in the way of lawlessness happening nowadays out in the streets. Wow! I pray that her spirit gives them no rest when they try to go to sleep at night.
Granny her mother filed suit against the malibu sheriff dept last month sometime in light of possible sightings of mitrice in las vegas the case is really weird but please continue to pray for the family and eyem serious not in a troll mood rite now please pray for the family of whoever those bones belong to and if shes alive for her safe return
good night Granny
ANON INC agent 456
Goodnight ANON INC, agent 456, I am praying for her family.
Thank you for that link, Agent 456. I read another one, I think from field's sidebar, that said there was video of her being released and followed outside by an officer shortly after. Now, that might mean nothing, but I don't like the possibilities it raises.
I hope she returns home soon, preferably alive, but home regardless.
@Anon/ 12:56 AM
Thanks for the possible info about Mitrice.
I see it as totally a property rights issue. If I own the land, and if my permits are in order, then I am going to build what the hell I want. I don't anyone's approval or permission. Now, with that said, I've read a lot of different opinions, on a lot of different threads and some of them made me laugh and some of them got me riled up.
Christianity is no better than Islam when it comes to violence. Historically, there has been more death, destruction and suffering dished out by Christians than Muslims. Check the history if you doubt what I claim. People claim that they know Islam and they don't know squat. Islam is so vast that it would take countless life times to learn it all. You see A-Merry-ka is built on false patriotism, that is based on hatred of the other, whether it be communists, "Blacks" Muslims, gays or immigrants. Some of you have said "well, when we can build churches and synogoges in Mecca than you can build a Mosque near groudn zeor". To that arguement I say well, you people didn't hesitate to build churches by Native reservations did you? Or how about those churches that you built in Hawai'i after you people stole it from the Native Hawaiians? Hypocritical bitches.
And the church says amen!
Anonymous said...
... Whatever one may think of Islam’s spiritual tenets, the part about establishing an Islamic state and imposing Sharia law is completely incompatible with our core values as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I guess you haven't seen the 700 Club. Rat Robertson said God made the Government of the United States. Rat's church hates Gays, blacks,Hispanics,and Jewish Prime Ministers. Rat said God made a Prime Minister have a heart attack because he negociated with the Palistialians.
Sophia said...
I wonder what would happen if some folks decided to build a Christian church of any denomination in a town bombed by the United States
I have to agree with you about that. There should be no church built where thousands of our citizens were cowardly bombed from the air. Churches for white people in Tulsa should be torn down. They had no right burning down "Black Wall Street".
Granny tiptoeing out with one of her pointing fingers curved and in the air amd saying goodnight to all and peaceful dreams before all other folks in the pew start a riot up in the field. I'm in a disabled condition right now and can't be dodging no bibles, korans, flags, snakes, crosses, etc being hurled across the isles. :)
Goodnight and blessings to all and peaceful dreams.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add no Buddha statues, Hindu sacred cows, voodoo dolls and dust.
Goodnight Granny.
Granny eye thought u was already in bed! Kid is rite as rain they shouldntve built any churches around black wall street if they was consistent but what u see ultimately is that they feel they can throw the book at u when it suit them and then break the rules and make new rules when it suit them they just using this shit as a excuse to denigrate arab muslims and the fact that the adl is one of the main proponents of disallowing the mosque at the 911 site is proof that they r a bunch of wacko nutjob control freaks who the fuck r they to have the gall to halt a fucking CHURCH from being built and yet if muslims said that they were protesting a synogogue being built around them then theyd be accused of racism of the highest order phukking hypocrites! as to the commenter above who said christians did more harm then muslims nigga check urself u just falling for that bullshit propaganda from both sides for every instance that u cite telling me that Christians were oppressors eyel show u something else that says the same thing about muslims this is why it is not good to compare suffering of peoples nor to compare which group phukked up the most otherwise u get into these bullshit discussions that go nowhere and ultimately r not productive
*cough red eyed time for bed*
Gregory, "The proposed cultural center and mosque are being built by a Sufi organization. That is a distinction that will be lost on most wingnuts and know-nothings, because as slappy will tell us, all Muslims are the same. Teh stupid, it burns."
Mr. Gregory, Sufis have our own spiritual discipline, we are still Muslims and all Muslims are ONE. We are the same.
I have noticed that most of your comments appear to be slanted to make you seem knowledgeable while making others seem ignorant. You should stop because your arrogance displays ignorance. That is, you misunderstand your own ignorance as knowledge. Please do not talk about a religion that you know little about. You only put out misinformation.
Thank you.
RT, "Not all Muslims are alike; they don't all think alike. There are fanatics just like there are fanatical Christians. I don't want a theocracy run by the most extreme Christians or the most extreme Muslims. I don't want a theocracy, period."
Oh my goodness! girlfriend has turned atheist.
Granny, as President of Anon, Inc. let me say that I am glad that you have come back. It is a good sign of your ability to forgive some anons for what they said to you. How fitting for you to choose Field's post on religion to forgive them! How appropriate and very moving! It is bringing tears to my eyes, and I don't cry easily.
In closing and on behalf of Anon, Inc let me say...."Kumbaya, Granny". Let us weep together, 'for those who weep together, cry tears together.' (anon Ps. chapt.1, verse 1)
It is late, but Anon Inc never sleeps. This should be great comfort to Field to know that his blog is being watched 24/7.
"You are in good hands with Anon, Inc."
"Who is the idiot Val? Are you ready to live with people who want a society where you can't drive, you can't go outside without being escorted by a male relative and being wrapped in a sheet from head to toe, where they'd chop your clit off when you turned 12?"
Well, if she lives in certain sates (Texas comes to mind) she already is living in such a society.
"You can't see the difference between a Muslim and a Episcopalian?"
Why don't you explain the difference to us.
"Religious tolerance is a core American value, but tolerating a fascisitc, totalitarian ideology is just stupid. To hell with this idea of building this, or any other mosque in America."
What color car do you drive? I just want to know if it goes well with your Palin bumper sticker.Wow! :)
Agent 456, thanks for that info, I will check it out.
OK Anon 6:43 & 6:45 AM, is kind of funny.:)
i think some of these groups might more be termed "radical." if they exist to do harm to the US, we shouldn't host them. there's no evidence this group falls in that category. the writer of that piece, meanwhile, is intolerant and barely literate. her piece is awful.
that said, i'm an atheist, and i don't get houses of worship, period. but bloomberg is right.
as greg said, they're SUFI, not suni. if we're going to talk, at least be accurate.
Wow. When it comes to islam, the ignorance factor among field and too many commenters is frighteningly high.
It's especially frightening that Mayor Bloomberg is among the bamboozled.
Islam is a religion. But it is also a system of government and a military.
Unfortunately, non-muslim Americans seem unable to grasp these obvious facts. Instead, they act like field and construct silly hypothetical rhetorical questions like:
If the Catholic church wanted to build a cathedral just a few blocks from where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building stood in Oklahoma City, would we care?
With respect to the relationship between the 9/11 hijackers and islam, field's question displays profound ignorance of islam, Christianity and Timothy McVeigh himself.
As field noted, our CONSTITUTION separates Church and State. If there is one aspect of our government that inflames muslims, it is separation of church and state. Separating the two violates their deepest principles.
For the last 1,400 years that have shown the world how dearly they believe in church rule, how deeply they believe the church and the state are inseparable.
That's one point on which all muslims agree. However, in one way islam is very different from Christianity and Judaism. In islam there is no central authority. Islam is whatever any group of self-declared muslims say it is.
Muslims cannot even agree on which version of the Koran is the "official" version. Why? Because this silly book of fiction was spread by people who claimed to have MEMORIZED its thousands of verses.
As we know, stories change as they are retold. Thus, there are many versions of the Koran and each version has its followers who will tell you THEY are the true muslims who have the one TRUE version of the Koran while all other muslims are stuck with erroneous versions.
That makes it easy for some muslims to disclaim the wahabbists, who are defined by their ultra-violence and their ties to 9/11. Meanwhile, wahabbism is popular in Saudi Arabia, a theocracy where women are forced to wear the full-body burqa and it is a capital crime for a Christian to seek converts from islam.
Meanwhile, non-muslims are barred from entering the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina. The idea of a church in Mecca is even more repulsive to muslims than a shrine to hitler in Jerusalem would be to Jews.
In any case, to muslims, building mosque at Ground Zero is to Americans like Neil Armstrong planting the American flag on the Moon.
And as for the location of the proposed mosque -- two blocks from Ground Zero. Close enough that debris from the falling Trade Center towers hit it.
Out of sensitivity to all those who lost friends and relatives on September 11, the mosque should not be build close to Ground Zero.
Muslims are always screaming that non-Muslims do not understand them, then this is the time to show some type of sensitivity.
Extreme Muslims have been sabotaging Islam lately and have presented an intolerant and warrish religion to the world and practically this is all that many of the non-Muslim world (who don't know absolutely anything about Islam) have been seen lately.
It is true that in the West, Muslims have the freedom that non-Muslims do not have in the Muslim world.On that note, Muslism also should be sensitive.
Most normal people do not hate Muslims, but often it appears that Islam is waging war against the non-Muslim world.
Tolerance ist the key word here.
Most Americans or Westeners are not going to convert to Islam, a religion that appears to be incompatible with the tenets of freedom ,democracy and the rights of women, therefore moderate Muslims need to step up to the plate and counteract the Islamism and radicalism that is too powerful within the Muslim collective.
Islam is not just a religion, it is also a legal and a politcal system.
This much is true. Islamic tenets have a strong hold on both the legal and political handles. The biggest side effect is that a country could end up being run not by its president, but by a bunch of religious clerics whom the president has to defer to, out of concern for being labeled an "infidel" and given the bum's rush by both his people and the clerics.
Not all Muslims are alike; they don't all think alike. There are fanatics just like there are fanatical Christians.
And this much is true.
All I can say on the subject is that whenever this building is actually built, what are the chances of some fanatics crashing a Ryder truck full of fertilizer into it? Building a mosque that close to Ground Zero could make a tempting target for some fundamentalist nutcases.
Alright..Today, I want a good clean fight.
The islamic religion/government/military believes it is the supreme power in the world. Its self-aggrandizement would mean little if this religion/government/military confined itself to the spiritual realm, like the other major religions of the world.
Unfortunately this multifaceted belief system is aiming to create a global caliphate, and given the fact there are 1.5 BILLION muslims in this world of 6.8 BILLION people, it's clear headway has been made.
Do islamic theocracies improve life? No. Certainly not by American standards. For the most part, women are slaves and anything seen as an affront to muhammad is prohibted, which is practically everything.
Prohibitions go far beyond alcohol. Learning itself is prohibited. There's a reason muslim nations are creatively dead. One reason explains their total lack of innovation and devotion to backwardness -- islam itself.
Anyone read about the murders in Pakistan? The murders of the American volunteers helping impoverished Pakistanis?
That's the taliban for you. Yet another disgusting muslim group. As legitimate as any other muslim sect.
I'm with Tatiana a bit here, I don't want to come off as a racist. It would be nice if someone could kindly identify the differences between the groups of muslims for us. I've been googling and I need a clean cut short perspective. Thanks.
i fail to see why that's relevant.
so you'd allow SOME versions of islam to come and not others? how does that work? so you'd allow ones whose beliefs you approve of?
short of a hate group bent on US destruction, that's NOT the way freedom of religion works.
RK--care to moderate?
you know it's gonna get nasty, oh, no later than 11 a.m.
possible new neighbor for possible mosque:
Greg Gutfeld To Open A Gay Bar Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men”
mack lyons,
You really do not get it.
YOu wrote:
All I can say on the subject is that whenever this building is actually built, what are the chances of some fanatics crashing a Ryder truck full of fertilizer into it? Building a mosque that close to Ground Zero could make a tempting target for some fundamentalist nutcases.
What are the chances? Almost ZERO. For several reasons.
First, only nitwits believe muslims in the US have faced violence from non-muslims. If there was no backlash after 9/11, there is no reason to think something is brewing now, especially in NY City, which most of the country sees as being a little too Jewish.
Moreover, since McVeigh's mass murder, it has become difficult, if not impossible for unauthorized people to buy the explosive components he used in his bomb.
Meanwhile, muslims around the world are slaughtering other muslims and non-muslims daily -- doing their slaughtering in the name of muhammad and islam -- daily. We expect it. It's what they do.
Do Christians commit murder to express their religious devotion? Does Major Hasan have a Christian counterpart shouting Jesus is my Lord while shooting a group of muslims?
Meanwhile, another reason an attack on THIS mosque is unlikely boils down to the NY City version of safety. Since 9/11, actually, since the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, it has become far more difficult to get trucks close to buildings that are likely terrorist targets.
Barriers separating the street from the sidewalk are built. In many locations barriers are built into the streets themselves. The barriers are raised and lowered by armed guards.
Considering the controversy around this mosque, it is likely sidewalk and street barriers will appear, not that any non-muslims intend to attack the building.
On the other hand, muslims have repeatedly attacked non-muslims in NY City. One attack occurred ON the Brooklyn Bridge, when a muslim gunman fired his machine gun at a van filled with Jewish school kids. He hit several and killed Ari Halberstam for whom the roadway on the bridge is now named.
In addition to the absolute impossibility of separating church and state in the muslim mind, there is no chance of muslims accepting the American notion of plurality.
Muslims do not accept the existence of other religions, as their preference for muslim theocracies shows.
maria, you wrote:
short of a hate group bent on US destruction, that's NOT the way freedom of religion works.
I see the muslims have fooled you.
Like most people, you look at the issue of islam from the wrong end of the telescope. The muslim perspective boils down to advancing islam in the US by selling it as a religion and ignoring the truth that islam is a religion, a government and a military. Only non-muslims appear dumb enough to see islam as a religion only.
Inasmuch as muslims account for only 1% of the US population, America is a long way from sliding into islamic theocracy. But they've been at it for 1,400 years and have managed to create many theocracies over that time.
don't take my comments out of context.
i just to believe facts, in contrast to you. i have muslim friends, a muslim hairdresser. my guess is you, in your little white world of hate, don't know a single one. otherwise you'd never be able to stereotype the way you do.
move along; i'm not playing.
choose to believe
"This is the obvious question, but I will ask it again: If the Catholic church (Or any Christian religion for that matter) wanted to build a cathedral just a few blocks from where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building stood in Oklahoma City, would we care? Of course we wouldn't. And, yet, Timothy McVeigh was a Christian.:
Great question.
You're committing the worse sin of blogging.
You're becoming boring.
No race, no religion can come close to the carnage and violence perpetrated by Christians over the last millenium.
Whether it be the Crusades, The African Slave Trade, The Colonial Conquests or the Holocaust no other race or religion compares with Christian carnage.
Or how about Bosnia in the early nineties where Christian slaughtered over 300,000 Muslims.
Oh yeah, prior to 9/11 who was committing the domestic American terrorism?
Oklahoma City, the 96 Atlanta Olympics, abortion clinic bombings and murders?????
Get real.
Maria, Sufi can be classified as Sunni or Shiite. The distinction I believe Gregory was trying to make was between sufism and Salafism. Sufi is a pluralistic and moderate approach to religion, while Salafism is a strict, literal and narrow interpretation. The 9/11 hijackers were all salafi extremists, or what some muslims call 'wahhabis'.
Wahhabism is a fundamentalist movement that started about 200 years ago in Saudi Arabia...meanwhile traditional Islam is much older than that.
As to the comments about FGM..this is a strictly cultural practice and has no basis in religion. Christian villages also practice FGM. And to the comments about lack of churches in muslim countries...Saudi Arabia is the only muslim country that does not allow churches, and it pretty much imposes sate-sanctioned wahhabism.
Yet there are many liberal voices in Saudi Arabia, let alone the rest of the muslim world.
Despite what slappy will have you believe, muslims are all wahhabi extremists as much as christians are all members of the FDLS. The taliban were despised by most Afghans, just as the Islamic Regime of Iran is despised by the majority of Persians.
There are muslim dominated countries where you could visit and do pretty much what you do here if you wanted..drink, go clubbing, wear a bikini..etc. Then there are many more that are much more conservative..however socially conservative does not equal violent.
If you do not have any muslim friends, instead of listening to people like Slappy and other xenophobes/racists, try reading some muslim blogs to gain a better perspective.
those links are to two great blogs i follow written by 2 different muslim women, one Egyptian and one Saudi.
I don't know about you sweetie but people black white and brown call me "Sir" everywhere I go.
UTS that's cause you are OLD. Don't mistake it for respect or anything else dude.
I love your tunnel vision statements. It's like a little kid who hides his eyes and thinks others cannot see him. That's you, if you don't see it, it does not exist. You really don't get how polar opposite you are of those you detest (CF, AB, etc.). You are the extreme on the other end that makes us LOL.
I seems to me that YOU (whoever you might be AB) are the one who is obsessed.
You follow me around like a horny bar skank.
What's with that?
People like you tend to try to project the disdain and abuse you recieve personally (for obvious reasons) onto the rest of the community.
Nobody shows YOU respect, YOU cannot maintain meaningful relationships, YOU can't keep a job.
And you're mad at the world.
Particularly people, like me, who you deeply envy.
BTW, I'm 50 but look 35!
hi, coffee. thanks for the info. the story said they were sufis, so that's what greg said...vs. whatever. just trying to stay with what the group is.
i'd love to check out those blogs. as i said my hairdresser is muslim. from egypt. not a scary person at all -- just like me. imagine that, slappy!!!!
my point is that the distinctions are irrelevant to the principle at issue.
BTW, I'm 50 but look 35!
You just made my day with that one old man!!!!
Oh thank you, I just spit out my coffee.
Horny bar skank may be how you met your wife, but this man does not role like that!
Watch out anon 10:20/21 he'll start beating on you like he does his wife if you are not careful. Or that's the rumor anyway.
Somebody's all hot and bothered!!!!
AB, you're so easy!
Let me repeat cause I think you missed what I said:
BTW, I'm 50 but look 35!
You just made my day with that one old man!!!!
Oh thank you, I just spit out my coffee.
maria said...
RK--care to moderate?
you know it's gonna get nasty, oh, no later than 11 a.m.
So far so good. And no I don't want to moderate because I wouldn't moderate, besides Anon Inc is handling that.
Where is that photo of your hot bod? Take down that censor shit and give momma something to look at.
Anon #4 (I guess, I think there are 3 above me)
Without saying too much(because of corporate reasons, I have to answer here )- I'm Liking the response...Oh well..
Tatiana said...
Out of sensitivity to all those who lost friends and relatives on September 11, the mosque should not be build close to Ground Zero.
Tatiana, go fuck yourself.
Dara said...
I'm with Tatiana a bit here, I don't want to come off as a racist. It would be nice if someone could kindly identify the differences between the groups of muslims for us. I've been googling and I need a clean cut short perspective. Thanks.
Dara, when you say you don't want to come off as racist, it makes you come off as racist. Islam is almost like Judaism, except Muslims regard Jesus as a prophet, that's it basically.
Many people were upset when Oklahoma was bombed. When thousands were bombed from the sky the loss was terrible. I'm not talking about Oklahoma or 9/11 I'm speaking of one event, Black Wall Street. It was the first time in American history that American citizens were bombed from the air.
From Wikipedia:
"Troops were evenually deployed on the afternoon of June 1, but by that time there was not much left of the once thriving Greenwood district. Over 600 successful businesses were lost. Among these were 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores and two movie theaters, plus a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, schools, law offices, a half-dozen private airplanes and even a bus system.[12] Property damage totaled $1.5 million (1921).[12] Although the official death toll claimed that 26 blacks and 13 whites died during the fighting, most estimates are considerably higher. At the time of the riot, the American Red Cross listed 8,624 persons in need of assistance, in excess of 1,000 homes and businesses destroyed, and the delivery of several stillborn infants".
Now Black people didn't bitch about white people putting up churches in Tulsa, so bitch about Mosques.
Roseanne.....I mean Dara grunted..
"It would be nice if someone could kindly identify the differences between the groups of muslims for us"
I guess they all look alike to you, huh.
Well, you have Sunnis, Sufis, Ghulats, Shi'ites, and Wahhabis.
Just as with Judaism you have conservative sects and reformed sects.
And don't forget the Nation of Islam.
Born, bred and buttered in the USA.
Rttn, a woman can keep her fingers crossed ;) You were my eye candy for a long time. Back from hiatus to find you moniker replaced. You can imagine I was not happy about that ;) xoxo
uh..thanks? You sure you got the right dude?
Hey uptownsteve, tell me if this makes sense, real live Satanist can have a "church" in New York but Muslims can't.
Righties and racists DON'T make sense.
"Major Hasan have a Christian counterpart shouting Jesus is my Lord while shooting a group of muslims?"
I don't know who Major Hasan is, but fundamentalist Christians have been busy infiltrating the American military for several years now. I refer you to Michael Weinstein's website, http://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org/ and book, "With God on Our Side: One Man's War Against an Evangelical Coup in America's Military."
Will the Cordoba Center be a target for violence? Probably. Mosques all across the country are being targeted for violence, some of them a thousand miles or more away from Manhattan. How close is "too close"? How far is "far enough"? And whatever happened to respect for private property?
Yes, you can always tell when it's nearing election time in the US of A. The "threat level" goes to orange and teh Interwebs go nuts and FAUXNews kicks into fear Overdrive.
~sharon in nh
Nation of Islam is much different than any other of the other Muslim sects. No racial criteria dictate who can join any strain of Sunni or Shia Islam. NOI is unique in that respect.
Kristol and his kin probably never realize that the biggest difference between Islam and Christianity today is that Christianity has lost its power over governments in Europe, while Islam is still tightly bound to many majority Muslim nation's power structures. However, as history has shown, when the barrier between church and state in Chrisendom breaks down the effect is no less barbaric and destructive than what we see in Islam.
seriously sharon?
major hasan is the guy who went postal on his fellow soliders at the fort hood army base.
"Nation of Islam is much different than any other of the other Muslim sects. No racial criteria dictate who can join any strain of Sunni or Shia Islam. NOI is unique in that respect."
Although not much different than many Southern white Christian churches where a there would be a riot if a black attempted to enter the church.
That goes for Catholic Churches in South Boston, South Philly and Bensonhurst as well.
"However, as history has shown, when the barrier between church and state in Chrisendom breaks down the effect is no less barbaric and destructive than what we see in Islam."
You better talk to those Christian Conservative Republicans who eagerly want to force their beliefs and values on everyone else.
This is why I've always tried to stay anonymous on this blog. Clearly some people have issues with race and name calling.
Kid, I don't think they all 'look alike'. I just didn't want anyone to think I have a problem with muslim people. I am very impartial to this subject, I don't have an opinion, I was simply curious. My husband on the other hand doesn't like this happening, but for the exact reasons Tatiana stated.
Oh, that Major Hasan. And that was fundamentally different from the American soldiers who shoot Afghan and Iraqi civilians from helicopters, how? Atrocities have been committed by both sides. That's not a justification for escalating them.
~sharon in nh
Dara, great point. I always stay anon too, cause one little thing and the comments begin coming. White comments are only welcome if they don't sound ignorant or unknowing, but the bottom line is that htere are many whites (like me) who don't know a lot about racism etc. And if we say something (without knowing it is wrong, or not meaning anything by it) we are then labeled etc.
Here in oh-so-conservative Arizona, my town is predominantly Mormon. The town council just approved a new Temple a few miles down the street from where I live. This included approving a change in the current zoning law for their 95 ft. steeple. Freedom of religious expression- if you stick with the religions they say are OK!
Dara and anon 12:21..Welcome to the Terrordome - Hope your stay is wonderful. PS..This is a "light" day so far.
dara, you asked a legitimate question and you didn't say they all "looked alike." you also didn't get a straight answer.
it's hard not be labeled a racist just for being white (or called worse things, as i regularly am).
on the other hand, be careful not to agree with anyone black or you'll be called nicole simpson. if you agree with obama (even a little) that will get you another non-stop attack.
you may feel you can't win, as anon or otherwise. but if you've been around a while, you know this.
I wonder how many white advocates (i am not white, nor black) have been ushered away due to the racism and feelings of others on this blog?
Wow, is it me, or has bigotry gotten even more ridiculous and irrational since the election?
We literally have folks impeding on the 1st Amendment Rights of Muslim Americans to build a community center, trying to change the 14th Amendment (which guaranteed full legal citizenship to Blacks and Native Americans back in the 19th Century) because they don't like Latinos. Oh, and one's that close to my backyard - Californian conservatives losing their collective minds because those icky queers can now get married. And lets not forget that over half the GOP thinks Obama was smuggled into America from Indonesia/Kenya/the Lost City of Atlantis (because you know, a Black man can possibly be President with some a secret plot by the Trilateral Commission).
For Black folks who are sitting on the side lines -- wake up, you're next.
Ahh yes the great hypocrisy in action. Field likes to call this place A-merry-ca. Not much merry about it. Accept for the flag wavers that believe it to be the greatest place on earth.
Never to practice what we preach we built a military base right on top of a spiritual center in Iraq. Also in Iraq, and a slap to the inhabitants and American tax payers, had they been awake enough not to approve, we also built the worlds largest if not THE ugliest embassy ever.
But that is the style of the great hypocrisy. Most architects that build embassies here from foroegn lands build into the surroundings, or maybe that is a mandate by the great hypocrisy, THEY HAVE TO.
Wouldn't surprise me. Once this nation gets a toe hold on the idea of the separation of church and state we may get somewhere in this country.
LA LOL I needed that today.
Just stopping by to see if UTS has gotten his ass served again. I love it when old "I know it all cause it's what I see outside my window" guys get smacked. Hard.
Whoever told you that you look 35 (excuse me I just puked in my mouth a little) is BLIND. LOL
Dara and the other white anons
Stop your whining.
You come here trying to be cute (I just asked a question) knowing damn well you're just provoking people and when there is pushback you cry little kids.
If this room is to tough for ya, go somewhere else.
FN doesn't ban people unlike most rightwing blogs.
I most certainly did answer her question.
Check 11:08 AM
"but the bottom line is that htere are many whites (like me) who don't know a lot about racism etc."
In America????????
Shirley you jest.
maria dont nobody care if somebody who is purple comments but if the purple person always gotta say 'eyem purple' then it is retarded not every black person on this blog always say 'eyem black' quit looking at urself as some fucking novelty and get along with commenting HONESTLY the reason u here is so see some honesty now u need to stop ur games and be honest urself
lately u took off the veneer and started handing it to that nasty phukked up sow abuceta (and u did good) now take it to another level and state comments and stand by them phukk if others beat u down or dont agree with them its their loss
until u adopt this attitude ure goin to be sad at this shit and feel rejected where its not about that its about putting ur thoughts out there regardless of who talks shit back
Ignore UTS, he's what we call a nigger wife beater, most of us don't act like that. Just ignore him.
UTS I just saved your pic to my deskop (stupid of you to have a photo of yourself up there). Since you posted it, it becomes public domain. Gonna draw some nice big cum drops on your wife's chin and post it in some various places, or better yet, use it at my own moniker on some right wing blogs.
peace bro
Dara don't be disengenuious, I didn't mention that they "all look alike", you said "...I don't want to come off as a racist". Islam is just like Christianity or Judaism, there are peaceful comments in those holy books and violent ones in them. Every day people like Rat Robertson and Rod Parsley claim that the President is the anti-Christ. People can take the words of those holy books and use them for their own means. Dubya didn't take control on his job until 9/12. Factor into that what the Bible says about seven years of trial and tribulation, that means that George W. Bush was President for seven years. I COULD say that he's the anti-Christ. BTW, he's not, just a piss-poor example of leadership. If you seriously want to learn , this is the place.
Field, thank you for this post, it's a topic I have really, really struggled with.
My reason for not wanting the mosque 2 blocks from the WTC is quite selfish, I am sick and tired of the high alerts and I think this will just increase the m&m alert from green to red, sorry, but that is my honest opinion.
The other thing I don't understand, and I hope somebody with more knowledge can explain to me, is:
I read that the Iman said on 60 minutes that while not deserved, the US was responsible for the attacks, why is it that the liberal progressive community did not support Rev. Wright for his statements about the attacks. To me, this failure on the part of liberal progressives seems more racist than not wanting the mosque being built.
As I said, I have really struggled with this issue, so the post and many comments have been helpful to me, thanks again.
Kathy, some in the liberal progressive community did defend Reverend Wright.
Many of us are quite disappointed with what passes for liberal and progressive these days in US media, government and policy.
steve, you just listed the names of the different groups.
she asked how their beliefs differ.
RT, "some", more like like few to none, except for one priest.
Link christians in Bosnia please?
Tell her to read and learn.
Link christians in Bosnia please?
Try this one.
Thank me later.
I love sharing knowledge.
Steve, I am new here,but are you always in a bad mood or just when someone hijacks your picture? Which btw I would take down if I were you, you don't want that all over the net with all kinds of stuff attached to it.
Do you go to church? You might try church to make you a happy person.
"Although not much different than many Southern white Christian churches where a there would be a riot if a black attempted to enter the church."
More than that, at least the NOI is involved in community uplift, that's more than you can say about many southern white churches.
"You better talk to those Christian Conservative Republicans who eagerly want to force their beliefs and values on everyone else."
That would be a waste of time.
la coincidental, you wrote:
We literally have folks impeding on the 1st Amendment Rights of Muslim Americans to build a community center
Wrong, as usual. If Freedom of Religion (more accurately, a LACK of freedom) were the issue, then there would be NO mosques in America.
Those objecting to the mosque DO object to the presence of islam so close to Ground Zero. But NOT to the right of muslims to build a mosque.
Big difference. Nevertheless, the muslims, as always, are showing how much they detest non-muslims by pursuing this project.
Keep in mind that non-muslims cannot enter the cities of Mecca or Medina. That's how much we're loved. Does the Vatican operate like that?
Meanwhile, the imam of this offensive Ground Zero mosque is seeking funding from the same people, the same government and the same nation that prohibits non-muslims from entering Mecca and Medina.
They -- muslims -- approve of this Jim Crow law.
With respect to the 14th Amendment, among muslims it would not stand a chance.
They have proven over the last 60 years how willingly they twist the concept of citizenship by the way the governments of Syria and Lebanon and Jordan have treated the so-called palestinians.
Bottom line -- there is ONE reason that NONE of the muslim nations in this world has a founding and guiding document like the US Constitution. One Reason.
Islam. Freedom is an insult to islam.
Whats' so wrong with saying "they all look alike" if they do based on your own personal experiences, and what kind of political correct bullshit is this anyway?
Has no one else NEVER used their nose to kinda guess where someone is from? And is that racist too?
no_slappz said...
la coincidental, you wrote:
We literally have folks impeding on the 1st Amendment Rights of Muslim Americans to build a community center
Wrong, as usual. If Freedom of Religion (more accurately, a LACK of freedom) were the issue, then there would be NO mosques in America.
Those objecting to the mosque DO object to the presence of islam so close to Ground Zero. But NOT to the right of muslims to build a mosque.
So Mr. Two Slappz and a hand up does that mean that all the WHITE churches in Tulsa near the site of Black Wall Street can be torn down?
well said, you wrote:
More than that, at least the NOI is involved in community uplift, that's more than you can say about many southern white churches.
The NOI has done exactly NOTHING for black America except co-opt Muhammad Ali and Kareen Abdul Jabaar.
If you were to look into the so-called community uplift activities of the NOI you would find they involved extortion, fraud and outright theft.
There was a housing project here in Brooklyn that hired the NOI to provide security, maintenance and management services. The NOI bled it dry. I believe Mo Vaughn's real estate company took possession of the project after the NOI was run out.
Anyway, inasmuch as leadership changes at the NOI are generally determined by assassinations, it's more than obvious the organization is a criminal enterprise.
First, you know virtually nothing about the Tulsa riot of which you've written.
Sorry to have to break it to you, but there was never a black Wall Street anywhere.
Meanwhile, as you attempt to make a point you exercise the standard black problem of resting your hopeless arguments on non-sequiturs.
If you want to claim that whites tore up a black section of Tulsa, there might be some truth in your statement. But if whites tore up the place, the critical factor of the attackers was their whiteness. NOT their religion.
Unless you are hopelessly naive -- and you may be -- even you should recognize that it is islam itself -- the religion as presented in the Koran and as practiced by its followers that detests, hates, despises infidels -- that's us.
The firmest belief is of bringing their church and state together everywhere in the world.
no slappz
As usual you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
The NOI has a record of reforming drug addicts and ex-offenders that should be emulated by the CDC and the DOJ.
They have cleaned up drug and gang infested DC housing projects like Benning Heights, Carver Terrace and Edgewood Terrace.
Why don't you post a link to support you assertions?
BTW azzhat, Kareem Abdul Jabbar is Sunni Orthodox Muslim, not Nation of Islam.
no_slappz said...
Sorry to have to break it to you, but there was never a black Wall Street anywhere.
Thanks for the reminder on why I ignore your comments too, LOL!!!
What a dummy!
maria, you wrote:
i just to believe facts, in contrast to you.
More accurately, you prefer self-delusion.
i have muslim friends, a muslim hairdresser. my guess is you, in your little white world of hate, don't know a single one.
I have no idea what you know about the demographics of NY City, but I will share this. Where I live, in Brooklyn, my neighborhood borders on a muslim neighborhood of about 50,000 muslims who are largely Pakistani.
If you care to google the area, it is the stretch of Coney Island Avenue from Avenue C to Avenue H. In fact, I was at a Pakistani street fair on Sunday. As street fairs go, this one is always boring, but some of the food is good.
Those hot muslim babes in full-body black burqas walk down my street every day. Many of the men they follow are fundamentalists who look and dress like osama bin laden. Full beards and man dresses.
My gym is on Coney Island Avenue. At many times it looks like an al-Qaeda recruitment center. It probably is. Meanwhile, the FBI operates here, occasionally arresting people for sending money to known terrorist organizations.
Before 9/11 the population of this muslim neighborhood was said to be 90,000. But following the attack it was claimed that 30,000 to 40,000 of the muslim residents fled. I doubt all the numbers. Too high in every case. But the population was higher before 9/11.
Meanwhile, shortly after 9/11, when I was having coffee at a shop in the muslim neighborhood I struck up a conversation with a muslim resident.
He told me the reason the US was attacked was this: "You have too much freedom here. It is wrong."
He said he was opposed to the attack, but he also said he understood the motivations of the attackers. That sums it up.
otherwise you'd never be able to stereotype the way you do.
I've also traveled in muslim countries. You really should wake up to the fact that non-muslims are hated by muslims for being non-muslims. For being infidels.
They oppose democracy, freedom, equality, plurality and the separation of church and state.
When people are part of a religion/government/military that opposes the core of our nation, those people are trouble.
me and my microscope,
The story of a black Wall Street is another unfortunate myth. However, when people understand nothing about the actual Wall Street, they will believe anything.
I have read the same nonsense about a black Wall Street that you've read. That's why I know it's nonsense. That plus the fact that I've spent most of my career working for real Wall Street firms.
uptown steve, not that it matters, but Jabbar is another nitwit muslim whether he is a sunni or part of the NOI. Meanwhile, since you seem to know something of his life, you probably know about the murders in his house.
Excerpts from His Book, Kareem
The following are excerpts from the second book he wrote about his basketball career, Kareem, published in 1990[1], telling his reasons for being drawn toward Islam:
[Growing up in America,] I eventually found that . . .emotionally, spiritually, I could not afford to be a racist. As I got older, I gradually got past believing that black was either the best or the worst. It just was. The black man who had the most profound influence on me was Malcolm X. I had read "Muhammad Speaks", the Black Muslim newspaper, but even in the early sixties, their brand of racism was unacceptable to me. It held the identical hostility as white racism, and for all my anger and resent meant, I understood that rage can do very little to change anything. It’s just a continual negative spiral that feeds on itself, and who needs that?
. . .Malcolm X was different. He’d made a trip to Mecca, and realized that Islam embraced people of all color. He was assassinated in 1965, and though I didn’t know much about him then, his death hit hard because I knew he was talking about black pride, about self-help and lifting ourselves up. And I liked his attitude of non-subservience.
. . .Malcolm X’s autobiography came out in 1966, when I was a freshman at UCLA, and I read it right before my nineteenth birthday. It made a bigger impression on me than any book I had ever read, turning me around totally. I started to look at things differently, instead of accepting the mainstream viewpoint.
. . .[Malcolm] opened the door for real cooperation between the races, not just the superficial, paternalistic thing. He was talking about real people doing real things, black pride and Islam. I just grabbed on to it. And I have never looked back.
OK Slappz,
Don't worry about the NOI, worry about the people they THREW OUT!
"Sorry to have to break it to you, but there was never a black Wall Street anywhere."
Why can we always count on no_slappz, the resident bigot to come up with false anti-black statements to soothe his white superiority myth sentiments in his quest to discredit the black community?
Once again, he knows nothing about black people or their accomplishments because he chooses to close his bigoted mind and ignore them or dismiss them as not real, but the thing is that he is spreading falsehoods.
Even critics of the Nation of Islam have noted its work. Over 1.5 million black men registered to vote after the Million Man March. The Nation owns large tracts of land that provide farming and they taught proper nutrition and eating in the black community long before it was in vogue. They opened restaurants in underserved areas. As Steve mentioned, The NOI also works with ex cons, attempting to clean them up and get them involved in their community, something state and federal government have failed to do, or even attempt to do.
"[Malcolm] opened the door for real cooperation between the races, not just the superficial, paternalistic thing. He was talking about real people doing real things, black pride and Islam. I just grabbed on to it. And I have never looked back."
After reading Malcolm's Autobiography I felt the same way.
I could never be a Muslim cause I can't give up the beer.
anonymous wrote:
no ballz is lying as usual about black wall street thats why the state of oklahoma had to issue an apology to the survivors including someone close to me who was ninety three at the time and died within three years of the fucking apology
Yeah, the state of Oklahoma HAD to issue an apology. HAD to. You were born yesterday.
As for the memories of people who said they were there. Well, guess what, they were babies at the time. At best they are telling you what was told to them by other people. The geezers are probably the worst source of accurate information. They were too young and later too easily influenced by too many people who retold stories in ways to suit themselves.
Anyway, like I said, there was no black Wall Street. There may have been a part of Tulsa where blacks did most of their banking and engaged in most of their commercial activities, but that's it.
"Those hot muslim babes in full-body black burqas walk down my street every day."
I guess, you actually stare at them with lust in your eyes taking their clothes off too. Smh!
See, y'all I knew no_slappz was a pervert.
Black folks alert! Pass the word around and call y'all Big Mommas so that she can pass the word to Ms. Jenkins and she can pass it around that no_slappz is on the loose up in Harlem. Be on the lookout. Oh yeah, Muslims better pass the word around too. It ain't safe up in Harlem.
And the church says amen!
like i said, NS, you have no muslin friends or acquaintances. thanks for admitting that.
you have talked to one in your life and have "visited countries" (speaking of self-delusion) on the basis of this you develop your hatred and stereotyping and fear-mongering.
i find it hard to believe you do more than walk by your gym exercise usually keeps the brain sharp.
granny, thanks for calling him out on his derisive description of women. what a prize this man is!
hating the whole world, yet thinking everyone hates him.
oh yeah, and some were older than thirteen.
OK Slappz,
no_slappz said...
First, you know virtually nothing about the Tulsa riot of which you've written.
Sorry to have to break it to you, but there was never a black Wall Street anywhere
IT'S NOT IN ANY HISTORY BOOKS, THEY TRIED TO ERASE IT. Some sources say there were 3,000 dead. I know that the White Citizens Council told you that we didn't have the intellgence to do it.
From Wikipedia:
Investigating riots and lynchings
White used his appearance to increase his effectiveness in conducting investigations of lynchings and race riots in the American South. He could "pass" and talk to whites, but also managed to identify himself as black and talk to the African-American community. Such work was dangerous, but he investigated 41 lynchings and eight race riots while working with the NAACP.[4]
One of the first riots he investigated was that of October 1919 in Elaine, Arkansas, where white vigilantes and Federal troops in Phillips County killed more than 200 black sharecroppers. The case had both labor and racial issues. The white militias had come to the town and hunted down blacks in retaliation for the killing of a white man. He was killed in a shootout at a church where black sharecroppers were meeting on issues related to organizing with an agrarian union.
White was granted credentials from the Chicago Daily News. That enabled him to obtain an interview with Governor Charles Hillman Brough of Arkansas, who would not have met with him as the representative of the NAACP. Brough gave White a letter of recommendation to help him meet people, and his autographed photograph.
White was in Phillips County for only a brief time before his identity was discovered; he took the first train back to Little Rock. The conductor told him that he was leaving "just when the fun is going to start", because they had found out that there was a "damned yellow nigger passing for white and the boys are going to get him." Asked what they would do to him, the conductor told White that, "[W]hen they get through with him he won't pass for white no more!"
White published his findings about the riot and trial in the Daily News.
uptownsteve said...
I could never be a Muslim cause I can't give up the beer.>>>>>>>>>
Yes, that belly of yours is proof of that, LOL!!!!
BTW, can you see your feet when you tie your shoes, LOL???
well said, you wrote:
Even critics of the Nation of Islam have noted its work. Over 1.5 million black men registered to vote after the Million Man March.
This silly claim is right up there with claiming the sun rises because the rooster crows.
It is a logical fallacy known as Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.
Meanwhile, the biggest voter registration efforts are always among blacks because there are so many who have moved around and need to register or re-register.
The Nation owns large tracts of land that provide farming and they taught proper nutrition and eating in the black community long before it was in vogue.
Please. Your source for this silliness is the NOI itself, a source with zero credibility.
They opened restaurants in underserved areas.
Every NOI restaurant has failed. Failed totally because a restaurant serving dinner cannot survive without selling alcohol unless the entire neighborhood is filled with nothing but muslims.
As Steve mentioned, The NOI also works with ex cons, attempting to clean them up and get them involved in their community, something state and federal government have failed to do, or even attempt to do.
Yeah. Every once in a while I run into a young black male in a suit and bow-tie hawking The Final Call on subway platforms. I always buy a copy because it's ever interesting to see how much anti-white and anti-Semitic hate Farrakhan can pack into his vicious rag of a paper. It's not a NEWS-paper, but its vileness is on paper.
If you believe this nonsense about the good works of the NOI, then consider yourself among the bamboozled.
I could never be a Muslim cause I can't give up the beer
Which is why you are fat old man. Well not fat, just an atrocious beer belly.
no_slappz said...
I have read the same nonsense about a black Wall Street that you've read. That's why I know it's nonsense. That plus the fact that I've spent most of my career working for real Wall Street firms.
I believe the term is metaphor but it's clear that you only believe white owned firms could be "wall street" title worthy anyway..
That was just ONE lynching that Walter white a mamber of the NAACP went to and passed for white.
If anyone is bamboozled it is you! That's a straight up FACT!
Granny how is your fake Christianness coming along? Are you witnessing the Word or hiding behind it? Just checking.
Or do you want FN to look over something today?
"I believe the term is metaphor but it's clear that you only believe white owned firms could be "wall street" title worthy anyway.."
And the church says amen!
Funny that your initials spells MAMM? Is it short for Mammy?
At Rosewood they sold tickets and had picnic lunches. Picnic is a French word but to black Southerners it had the same conocatation as to mobsters "going for a ride". Picnic meant Pic-A-Ninny.
Anonymous 5:25:
LOL! I could less what you believe or think about me. You can believe or think what you want. Because I know who I am. BTW, that's not gonna stop me from saying what I have to say.
Pretending that having a muslim friend or a muslim hairdresser somehow changes 1,400 years of islamic mayhem is sadly amusing.
Someone will say the same of nazis.
If the muslims you know are mild mannered and themselves uninterested in imposing sharia law on you that changes nothing about the spread of this vile religion/government/military.
For muslims, the idea of building this mosque near Ground Zero gives them the same satisfaction Americans got when Neil Armstrong planted the US flag on the Moon.
Walter White and the "Talented Tenth " wasn't a joke, it was real and it worked!
omg. ever muslim = a nazi? all muslims are NOT radicals. you are insane.
me and my microscope,
As you comment shows, you know nothing about Wall Street.
It's true there is a near absence of blacks on Wall Street, which is a subject in itself. Inasmuch as nothing bars anyone from starting a new Wall Street business, the absence of blacks is an indication that blacks are not interested in the financial world.
However, if we look at the black firms that have existed, we see their founders have generally done themselves in with drinking and drugs. But I'll leave it to you to research what I've witnessed.
By the way, NO, Metaphor is not what is meant by those who spout about a black Wall Street.
There were no black investment banks in Tulsa. There might have been a branch office of some brokerage firm selling some stocks to people in the area. But that is NOT the defining characteristic of Wall Street. However, members of the media, especially then, were unaware.
a muslim = a nazi????
Oh Lawd, no_slappz's bigotry knows no bounds. Smh!
Is it news to you that muslims did partner with the nazis in WWII?
Anyway, as I see, you really know nothing about islam or the people who practice it.
Individually they have different degrees of devotion. But they are part of a religion/government/military that believes in shredding the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
They prove their belief over and over and over.
What do you think of the muslim practice of female genital mutilation? How about honor killings? How about the chattel slavery status of muslim women?
Anonymous 5:29:
You really do need Jesus! ugggh, you nasty sick puppy! That foul perverted legion of sexual demons you possess has taken over your mind. I pray that the Lord delivers your mind from the enemy.
Anonymous 5:54:
How come your so worried about me? Do I get under your skin because I speak the truth? You are a very sick person and Lord knows that is the truth! I actually feel sorry for you because your mind is messed up, confused, and your way of thinking is derange.
BTW, you cannot communicate without the filth from your heart flooding out because it is so embedded in your heart. That's what you feed your mind day in and day out. So a man thinketh, so is he! And yours is filled with filth.
wow Granny these fuckwads have been bothering u today sorry for that they really r wackos phukkem btw u ought to perform an excorcism on these troll fuckers like so:
I rebuke these troll demons in the name of Jesus Christ!
thatll show em
meanwhile sorry they was bothering u so much
ANON Inc Agent 456 *recently reinstated*
No_Slappz -- You use a lot words to say a whole lot of nothing and to show yourself racist buffoon.
By your rationale, because a strict Middle Eastern theocracy will not allow non-Muslim structures to be built near Holy Sites -- a Secular Western Government, who enshrines the principle state neutrality on matters of religion in its own founding documents, should ban a religious sect from building a community center on land that they paid for?
It stupid and irrational. The government doesn't own the land and nobody was doing anything with it. This Muslim group bought the land with their own money.
Oh, and by the way, there are US military installation right outside of Mecca. One of the main gripes of bin Laden was the presence of those military bases near the holy city. (Kind of like build a Chinese outpost near the Vatican.)
And the reason why Middle East nations don't have secular democracies is because Western nations don't like it when brown people get uppity and demand to control their own natural resources.
Iran was a secular Democratic government before the CIA tossed his ass and replaced him with the Shah. The Taliban, Al Qaida and all the other freaks were propped up by Western government
And last time I checked, Christianity, Hinduism and to a lesser extent, Judaism & Buddhism have long histories of authoritarian theocratic governance. Small minded, power hungry men using God's Word to subjugate and enslave people is nothing new. And Islam doesn't hold a patent on it.
How anyone can live in the Big Apple and be as hopelessly closed minded and ignorant as you baffles me.
Do us all a favor, stop blogging for a few days and read some books that aren't written by Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly.
And the church says amen!
The Blood of Jesus!
Said it a million time, until EVERYONE stops responding to anons the foolishness will continue.............
MMM, your right!
kid said...
Funny that your initials spells MAMM? Is it short for Mammy?
At Rosewood they sold tickets and had picnic lunches. Picnic is a French word but to black Southerners it had the same conocatation as to mobsters "going for a ride". Picnic meant Pic-A-Ninny.
So what, you decided to join the be-a-dumb-ass- group with UTS?
"Meanwhile, the biggest voter registration efforts are always among blacks because there are so many who have moved around and need to register or re-register."
So blacks are Gypsies now? Get out the vote efforts are needed not because of wanderlust, but because of traditional efforts to disenfranchise the black voting base.
'Every NOI restaurant has failed. Failed totally because a restaurant serving dinner cannot survive without selling alcohol unless the entire neighborhood is filled with nothing but muslims"
I'm guessing you've never been to Salaam's Restaurant in Chicago
Anonymous said...
I could never be a Muslim cause I can't give up the beer
Which is why you are fat old man. Well not fat, just an atrocious beer belly.
5:19 PM
And I agree-I like my beer too much..lol..."Assumers"...I drink beer EVERY DAY..Will be 40 in October and I can GUARANTEE YOU, I have a 6 pack and not just in my hands either..lol..Some People on this blog are always trying to "one up" someone else. Oh well.. **sits back and waits for the lashing as I sip my beer**
The comments directed at Granny are beyond the pale. There's no reason why this stuff should be allowed.
I'm guessing you've never been to Salaam's Restaurant in Chicago
Well, no doubt. What black person who grew up in the hood in the 70's and 80's never had a fish sandwich and bean pie?
Last time I checked, there's a a whole section of Brooklyn where NOI and other Muslim small business thrive.
But again, no_slappz lives in alternate universe where facts and logic don't trump racism and sheer ignorance.
Well said...
The comments directed at Granny are beyond the pale. There's no reason why this stuff should be allowed
She's Tough..Trust me. She can roll with the best of them.
"One of the main gripes of bin Laden was the presence of those military bases near the holy city."
And you know, people tend to overlook that and act as if he didn't say that too. They had legitimate complaints as well, but Americans only see one side of the story, and that's the reason why no agreement can be worked out. With Uncle Sam its you do it my way or no way. But it is always two sides to every story and admit it usually when the truth comes out years later, America's hands have not been clean.
I was just as upset as the next American about 9/ll because it was a senseless murder of innocent human beings. However, in all fairness, Americans closed their mind and did not want to hear what the other side had to say because Bush and Cheney were busy convincing them that all Muslims are our enemy. But anytime America goes to war, they use those tactics and everyone eats it up.
Right is right and wrong is wrong, and that's the bottom line. In the first place, we had no business over in Iraq. Everyone knew that, but yet, you didn't hear a peep out of MSM, or the people. Americans just went along with instead of questioning why would Bush want to go to Iraq when Osama was not there.
la coincidental,
In your naivete, you seem to think the fused religion/government/military links that define every sovereign state in which muslims form the majority are somehow broken when people who purport to represent only the religion seek permission to build a forward unit in strategic territory.
Again, to support your naivete, you refer to a time in history before the existence of America, which shows your failure to recognize that over the last two centuries a big part of humanity learned how to form more perfect unions while the muslim segment improved its ability to repress and destroy.
Once again, you and others are confounded by the obvious. Muslims violently oppose and will not permit the separation of their state and their church. If there is ONE fact to which we can point the accounts for the 1,000 years of muslim failure, it is the refusal to separate church and state.
You underscore the point when you raise the issue of earlier governments controlled by other religions. It's always bad news.
But you -- and a lot of other nitwits -- want muslims to expand their base in america by accepting the silliness that a mosque is just a mosque and not a site of islamic government and/or islamic military action.
I have never read anything by Beck or O'Reilly. However, I've read the Koran -- it's boring. And I've read work by the leading scholars of islam. You should too.
Granny the only blood you be seeing is that from your stretched pucker hole.
now what does jesus tell you about the word and witnessing to ALL folks?
hmmm....oh you don't know, I get it.
I'm not upholding the method that Bin Laden choose to take to get our attention by killing thousands of innocent people because he was wrong as two left shoes for that. However, I did listen to his tape and he sounded sincere in his complaints against Bush.
When Michael Moore made Fahrenheit 9/11, the GOP rushed out and did their usual slander and smears tactics against him. However, he showed proof of it in the documentary. Bush and Laden were business partners and probably still are. Why else would he stop the military from capturing Laden when they had him cornered? Could it be to keep the truth from coming out? That's something that has always been on my mind. Not only that, the way the Bush Administration handled the 9/11 investigation the little blocks thrown in the way. Why did they erase the White House emails? There are a lot of things that don't compute with me. Why would they go to that extent if they had nothing to hide themselves. I admit there are conspiracy theories out there and there is also the truth.
la coincidental, you wrote:
Last time I checked, there's a a whole section of Brooklyn where NOI and other Muslim small business thrive.
But again, no_slappz lives in alternate universe where facts and logic don't trump racism and sheer ignorance.
There are NO thriving NOI businesses in Brooklyn except their occasional fraud or extortion programs that suck state money out of housing projects.
However, the NOI does have its mail order business through which it sells its anti-white and anti-Semitic publications, videos, etc.
As I said, there are muslim businesses all over the borough. The best known restaurants are on Atlantic Avenue, and they all serve alcohol. Otherwise, they would fail like the NOI restaurants.
Along Atlantic Avenue there are muslim clothing stores where those lovely burqas are sold. And there are muslim bookstores, where -- and I have checked the inventory -- you can find vile anti-American and anti-Semitic lunacy.
But it is islam itself that is most offensive. As I have mentioned, and you have ignored, islam ahbors freedom of speech, freedom of religion, democracy, capitalism, equality and plurality.
Anyone who rejects these fundamental principles of America is not and cannot be an American.
Welp..Today I learned another lesson learned about ******. Now I'm on my way to play "international" poker..Whites, Blacks, Rednecks, Indians, Disabled, Latinos, Fatties, Skinnys, Beautiful, Down right ugly, Smelly People, Drug Dealers, Policemen/women, Attorneys, Doctors, Oh and we have a couple of Muslims too(I suspect not to strict)..All sorts of people. The beautiful thing about it is - Poker brought us together. See ya'll in a bit! Keep up the good fight!
Have fun Rottnkid.
granny, you wrote:
Not only that, the way the Bush Administration handled the 9/11 investigation the little blocks thrown in the way.
Here we go. Granny is part of the loony-tune brigade of 9/11 Truthers.
Why did they erase the White House emails?
Where did you get this gem? From Louis Farrakhan?
There are a lot of things that don't compute with me.
At last -- a true statement.
Why would they go to that extent if they had nothing to hide themselves. I admit there are conspiracy theories out there and there is also the truth.
Inasmuch as bin laden has admitted that he and his pals plotted and executed the attack, we know who's responsible. Moreover, the 9/11 Report spells out everything.
But it's clear you side with nations that commit acts of war against the US. That makes you a traitor granny.
"That makes you a traitor granny."
no_slappz, I take that as a compliment coming from a bigoted, pervert, and white superior myth specialist such as yourself. We all know how you love to twist the truth and persecute nonwhites. So, therefore, I count it all joy!
BTW, are you by any chance gonna be walking around in Harlem at midnight again tonight because I want to make sure I get that alert out to blacks and Muslims ASAP?
and Granny, don't forget the Pakistani Street fair in Brooklyn no slapps was eating at the other day, lmao.
Thanks Kathy for reminding me. *wink*
Granny what does your bible say about gambling...SMH, you fucking hypocrite. It's folks like you who give real Christians a bad name. SMH
Anonymous 7:36:
Pray for me then, if it bothers you that much. That's if your prayers will get through.
Notice to any blacks that live in Virginia, that serial killer is on the loose there now. Be on the lookout for a white male driving a dark green Chevy S-10 Blazer with tan trim, with a model year ranging from 1995 to about 2000.
no_slappz, you or your offsprings wouldn't happen to own a vehicle like that would you?
no_slappz, you or your offsprings wouldn't happen to own a vehicle like that would you?
and jesus wept
no_slappz said...
la coincidental,
In your naivete, you seem to think the fused religion/government/military links that define every sovereign state in which muslims form the majority are somehow broken when people who purport to represent only the religion seek permission to build a forward unit in strategic territory.
Again, to support your naivete, you refer to a time in history before the existence of America, which shows your failure to recognize that over the last two centuries a big part of humanity learned how to form more perfect unions while the muslim segment improved its ability to repress and destroy.
no_slappz, once again someone needs to slap you into reality. (Figuratively, no need for physical violence).
By your logic, every Catholic should be suspect because the Vatican is a sovereign city-state.
The point is that those theocracies exists because, until recently, they supported our geopolitical interests. So long as the Taliban were shooting Russians, we were all good.
And, there are plenty of examples of theocratic nonsense in American history -- or did you just skip over the Salem Witch Trials or the Mormons in Utah? Or, the history of anti-Semitism within the United States? Or, the fact that until the 50's, it was legal to force children to pray in school?
But you -- and a lot of other nitwits -- want muslims to expand their base in america by accepting the silliness that a mosque is just a mosque and not a site of islamic government and/or islamic military action.
I have never read anything by Beck or O'Reilly. However, I've read the Koran -- it's boring. And I've read work by the leading scholars of islam. You should too.
Man, you are one ignorant scared white dude. The Koran boring? Wow, you don't appreciate culture or history much -- as its one of the most influential books in the world, as well as having beautiful poetry.
And BTW, it helps to have taken comparative religion in college -- i.e., yes I've read scholarly works on Islam. And they don't support the ignorance you spout.
Also, should every Synagogue under construction be suspects since Jews are rightfully dual citizens on one of the biggest military powers on Earth -- a military power that is suspected of attacking a relief boat for refugees?
The only person who naive is you. Writing long winded, asinine statements that have little bearing or reflection of history doesn't make you smart. You're still spouting race-baiting, xenophobic nonsense, you just happen to be long winded.
granny is a faux christian, so she doesn't even see how her trying to be fun upsets her Lord and Savior. old senile and stupid
no_slappz, you or your offsprings wouldn't happen to own a vehicle like that would you?
Granny, I was thinking the same thing!
Kathy, you are a stupid cunt too. And jesus hates you for it. You need some jesus juice.
Man, you are one ignorant scared white dude. The Koran boring? Wow, you don't appreciate culture or history much -- as its one of the most influential books in the world, as well as having beautiful poetry.
And BTW, it helps to have taken comparative religion in college -- i.e., yes I've read scholarly works on Islam. And they don't support the ignorance you spout.
before slappy worked on Wall Street, he used to teach in NYC, I guess he couldn't teach or steal, LOL
"Notice to any blacks that live in Virginia, that serial killer is on the loose there now. Be on the lookout for a white male driving a dark green Chevy S-10 Blazer with tan trim, with a model year ranging from 1995 to about 2000.
no_slappz, you or your offsprings wouldn't happen to own a vehicle like that would you?
7:50 PM"
Yeah, and the "Beltway Sniper" was a white guy driving a white panel contractor's van with no windows.
Oops. Uh, that was a bit off the mark, wasn't it?
So I'll wait on passing judgment.
And BTW, two of the victims have been white, and at least one has been hispanic. But don't let something like "facts" get in the way of a really, really, really good racist meme.
SMH! and FBHO!
Anon Inc, Agent 7-11
Anon 8:10 is UTS.
Anon Inc, Agent 7-11:
Did I tell you that the description of the vehicle was a taken straight out newspapers online? Yeah, don't let facts get in the way. So now, who is passing judgment? Stop riding the fence, playing different roles and trying to save no_slappz from recognizing that narrow-minded bigotry is not a good thing and the error of his ways.
It's amazing what little has been thoroughly explained to the public about the cultural center and mosque that won't be at Ground Zero.
Amen, sister!
Which is why I am SO EXCITED about attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new, muslim-friendly gay bar opening up right next door to the "Ground Zero" mosque, as an example of living the "tolerance" and "communication" the Imam for the Ground Zero mosque is always braying about. My top two fav names so far are the "Special Packages" and "Grind Zero", although "U Mecca Me Hard" is pretty catchy as well. I love the concept of the 72 different Virgin drinks. I'm sure that all the Muslims who preach about "tolerance" and "freedom of speech and religion" will be so supportive.
It's inspiring!
Agent 7-11
BTW, his victims are predominantly black; therefore, I want to help make sure that my brothas who are my people are made a aware so they can be alert. Life is too precious and black men's lives are included in that too whether others may think so or not.
Although I realize that your brain has turned to mush, the "white contractor van" APB was also ALL over the headlines during the Beltway Sniper days.
It also turned out to be completely false and wasted time and resources going down alot of blind alleys, not to mention harassing a lot of perfectly innocent white guys who happened to drive white vans, allowing the dirtbag muslims Mohammed and Malvo to continue on their murderous rampage.
But like I said, don't let "facts" get in the way, and gee, if it's in print, IT MUST BE RIGHT!
"DEWEY BEATS TRUMAN" was also in print ... (Chicago Tribune headlines) but that didn't make it correct or accurate information.
But keep on keepin on...
Worried about you,
Agent 7=11
Agent 7=11. You mean if it's in print it may not be true. Granny sure says it is, and I believe my some granny. Even though she wouldn't know Jesus from a barstool.
I like FAG HEAD rather than RAG HEAD. Agent, I am so thankful you are on top of these queer happenings. God/Jesus/Cher Bless You!!
Life is too precious and black men's lives are included in that too whether others may think so or not.
Hey Prunie, who said that black men were not precious? My man is precious, speak for yourself you damned ho.
Do you have a big J-E-S-U-S inked on your neck? I be thinking you might, to show your loyalty an all. Cause that's what some kneegrows do. Not all, UTS would not do it cause his gated suburb of magic negroes would not like it. FN would not, cause he smokes too much weed. How can one attorney all day high? I will never know...
What up Field wish I had more time this was my kind of post. Thanks for the link to Bloomberg's speech. I think you should post the speech itself it was great and a very teachable moment.
LAC you did some good teaching earlier, especially the explanation about the theocratic tendencies of Christianity. That was right on the mark.
But I am starting to suspect that NO Slapz is not really interested in facts. But he sure does have a lot to say to us primarily black folks.
He doesn't lack for arrogance. But I think we have seen his show before.
Anon 7=11 u too much eye cant believe ur satirical hilarity but cmon now u got to stop messing wit Granny shes okay u gotta focus on better bait
Anon Inc Retired Agent 456
As a white reader, how could I disagree but not be labeled a racist? I rarely ever respond, and when I have it's been as anonymous due to the backlash I feel that well meaning white folks have endured.
Not all, UTS would not do it cause his gated suburb of magic negroes would not like it. FN would not, cause he smokes too much weed. How can one attorney all day high? I will never know...
8:35 PManon
nigga u toooooooooooooooooo fuuuuny!!!
*cough from smoke inhalation of the first kind ;)*
Retired---There is a reason you are retired and I am not, cause you couldn't handle the job anymore, you got weak and soft. Now move over sissy boy!
Anon Agent 211
"Not all, UTS would not do it cause his gated suburb of magic negroes would not like it."
You keep thinking my community is full of soft poindexter negroes.
Just shows your incredible ingorance.
This ain't Project 21.
Most of us grew up in the streets of the inner city.
Our community is safe and tight because the men protect it.
We're just laying for the Flint serial killer.
Git your gun there nigga. Git your gun.
Our community is safe and tight because the men protect it
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