Last night a posted about a sister in Germany who had unprotected sex and failed to tell her partners. Well tonight, I am sad to report, that two can play that game.
"A U.S. Air Force sergeant infected with HIV is under criminal suspicion for allegedly failed to inform a “multitude” of sexual partners about his medical status, The Smoking Gun reported Thursday.
The Air Force Office of Special Investigations reportedly launched a criminal probe last month after receiving information that Sgt. David Gutierrez, 43, “engaged in numerous, unprotected sexual acts…over the course of three years.”
Gutierrez, stationed at McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kan., was apprehended on Aug. 9 for allegedly violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the website reported. Investigators then reportedly searched his home to “identify potential witnesses and victims.”
Shame on you David. You should be protecting this country from weapons of mass destruction, not making your johnson become one.
Tomorrow my man Glenn Beck will have his "I HAVE A SCHEME" rally in Washington D.C., and I hear that Albert Pujols along with his fraud of a manager will be participating. Now I am starting to believe that maybe he did juice up,(don't sue me Albert, it's just an opinion) because only someone who is not in his right mind would think that this event is not political. Albert, just make sure you have your green card.
But I can't hate on Albert for attending as I can the next clown I am going to write about. Albert Pujols is a baseball player, so maybe he doesn't have time to read much. Harry R. Jackson, Jr., on the other hand, is supposed to be a man of god, so he should know better. Sadly, it would appear that he does not:
"The only question I have is whether the events of this weekend will lead to more of the same old race-based politics of the past or not. You know exactly what I am talking about. Further, I am concerned that everything is set in motion to create a political stalemate - the PR equivalent of two people attempting to shout over one another to impress a third party.
At this critical juncture in history, all Americans need solution-based moral and political leadership. We need to break the historically tainted lenses through which we view our collective moral and political decisions. African Americans are at an even more acutely strategic moment. Having slipped to the second most numerous minority African-American civic and moral leaders must decide to exert their political power and become a conscience to both Democrats and Republicans.
If only 18 to 20 percent of black voters feel at liberty to vote their values, blacks could become the swing vote that changes the destiny of our nation - race by race, candidate by candidate. The most natural unifying alliance that African Americans could build is with white and Hispanic evangelicals, who share their core values and worldview. With this kind of radical new alignment, new approaches to our most pressing problems could be developed and tested. Our newly defined “good guys” of whatever party could begin to emerge. Wishful thinking? Perhaps.
Yet this weekend we are celebrating the legacy of the ultimate dreamer, whose famed words moved him from being seen as a national security threat to center stage of the nation’s value system. Forty-seven years after the speech, everyone wants to be identified with the passion, power, and purpose of his message. In order to make real moral and political change possible in 2010, once again some black leaders have to wander off the “political plantation” upon which their people currently reside - the Democratic Party.
Therefore, although I have very close friends and associates on both sides, I have chosen to participate with Glenn Beck and to attempt to build the new coalition I have just discussed. Rallying with Beck may temporarily bring a backlash of ridicule and rebuke to many of the black civic and religious leaders who join me. Long term, however, the courage of these leaders will point the way and embolden others. Despite any personal discomfort, we feel that it is time to make a real change. "
Let me translate that for you: I am going with who has given me... whoops, I mean my ministry, the most money. I can't wait to see who is up there jigging with you, Reverend. Brother Martin would never have sold out to the highest bidder. Shame on you and your slave catching dancing friends.
"My personal reasons for involvement in the Restoring Honor Rally are primarily moral, not political. First of all, I believe that there needs to be a spiritual alarm sounded in the nation. I am convinced that the only answer to our country’s moral freefall is another great awakening. This means that we preachers must preach to individuals with a desire to see them transformed internally and spiritually.
Second, this critical mass of faithful believers will need to start a grassroots movement to recapture the essentials of “living faith.” We then must take responsibility for the disappointing political and cultural leaders we have elected or tolerated.
I would like to encourage everyone to pray for a spiritual awakening in America, which will affect the way we vote and the way we rebuild our most cherished institution. This weekend, I will join hundreds of thousands of Christians in prayer and reflection...."
"A U.S. Air Force sergeant infected with HIV is under criminal suspicion for allegedly failed to inform a “multitude” of sexual partners about his medical status, The Smoking Gun reported Thursday.
The Air Force Office of Special Investigations reportedly launched a criminal probe last month after receiving information that Sgt. David Gutierrez, 43, “engaged in numerous, unprotected sexual acts…over the course of three years.”
Gutierrez, stationed at McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kan., was apprehended on Aug. 9 for allegedly violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the website reported. Investigators then reportedly searched his home to “identify potential witnesses and victims.”
Shame on you David. You should be protecting this country from weapons of mass destruction, not making your johnson become one.
Tomorrow my man Glenn Beck will have his "I HAVE A SCHEME" rally in Washington D.C., and I hear that Albert Pujols along with his fraud of a manager will be participating. Now I am starting to believe that maybe he did juice up,(don't sue me Albert, it's just an opinion) because only someone who is not in his right mind would think that this event is not political. Albert, just make sure you have your green card.
But I can't hate on Albert for attending as I can the next clown I am going to write about. Albert Pujols is a baseball player, so maybe he doesn't have time to read much. Harry R. Jackson, Jr., on the other hand, is supposed to be a man of god, so he should know better. Sadly, it would appear that he does not:
"The only question I have is whether the events of this weekend will lead to more of the same old race-based politics of the past or not. You know exactly what I am talking about. Further, I am concerned that everything is set in motion to create a political stalemate - the PR equivalent of two people attempting to shout over one another to impress a third party.
At this critical juncture in history, all Americans need solution-based moral and political leadership. We need to break the historically tainted lenses through which we view our collective moral and political decisions. African Americans are at an even more acutely strategic moment. Having slipped to the second most numerous minority African-American civic and moral leaders must decide to exert their political power and become a conscience to both Democrats and Republicans.
If only 18 to 20 percent of black voters feel at liberty to vote their values, blacks could become the swing vote that changes the destiny of our nation - race by race, candidate by candidate. The most natural unifying alliance that African Americans could build is with white and Hispanic evangelicals, who share their core values and worldview. With this kind of radical new alignment, new approaches to our most pressing problems could be developed and tested. Our newly defined “good guys” of whatever party could begin to emerge. Wishful thinking? Perhaps.
Yet this weekend we are celebrating the legacy of the ultimate dreamer, whose famed words moved him from being seen as a national security threat to center stage of the nation’s value system. Forty-seven years after the speech, everyone wants to be identified with the passion, power, and purpose of his message. In order to make real moral and political change possible in 2010, once again some black leaders have to wander off the “political plantation” upon which their people currently reside - the Democratic Party.
Therefore, although I have very close friends and associates on both sides, I have chosen to participate with Glenn Beck and to attempt to build the new coalition I have just discussed. Rallying with Beck may temporarily bring a backlash of ridicule and rebuke to many of the black civic and religious leaders who join me. Long term, however, the courage of these leaders will point the way and embolden others. Despite any personal discomfort, we feel that it is time to make a real change. "
Let me translate that for you: I am going with who has given me... whoops, I mean my ministry, the most money. I can't wait to see who is up there jigging with you, Reverend. Brother Martin would never have sold out to the highest bidder. Shame on you and your slave catching dancing friends.
"My personal reasons for involvement in the Restoring Honor Rally are primarily moral, not political. First of all, I believe that there needs to be a spiritual alarm sounded in the nation. I am convinced that the only answer to our country’s moral freefall is another great awakening. This means that we preachers must preach to individuals with a desire to see them transformed internally and spiritually.
Second, this critical mass of faithful believers will need to start a grassroots movement to recapture the essentials of “living faith.” We then must take responsibility for the disappointing political and cultural leaders we have elected or tolerated.
I would like to encourage everyone to pray for a spiritual awakening in America, which will affect the way we vote and the way we rebuild our most cherished institution. This weekend, I will join hundreds of thousands of Christians in prayer and reflection...."
And, his prayer will sound something like this: "Dear Jesus, please help these white folks remember me, so that when I solicit them for funds they will send a check. Hey, preachers gotta eat too, lord."
I hoping it will rain in D.C. tomorrow. And a few thunderstorms with some serious lighting bolts wouldn't hurt either.
Hey field, do you ever feel like a puppet on a string? Does it ever occur to you that racism isn’t the subtext of everything? If you can spare two minutes, check out this Washington Post Column.
You're another year older. Shouldn't you be getting wiser?
Why are people still supporting this Sambo? And further more why are we not boycotting the companies that support Glenn Beck. I stopped supporting marches a long time ago. In Amerika money talks and bullshit walks. I libe in the DMV and f&*! all of this marching. Start closing your wallets people. That is the only way to get their attention! As for this foolywang ass preacher. Stop going to this church! Thats what's wrong with us, Christianity. Stop practicing a religion that was given to us to make us behave. Research and learn...damn! Jumping off my soapbox now...
Anon 10:24 did you give me a link to CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER!!!?? Sorry, you lost me at hello.I am older and wiser now, which is why I would never read that garbage.
Val, I think the weather will be beautiful in DC tomorrow. All those prayers must be good for something.
"I would never read that garbage."
Just as I thought. Keep those blinders on Field, it's easier than thinking.
"I hoping it will rain in D.C. tomorrow. And a few thunderstorms with some serious lighting bolts wouldn't hurt either."
I thought I heard thunder outside my window a moment ago. You might get your wish.
Meanwhile, I'm looking at what is apparently Satan's very own deathgrip on the state of Mississippi. To wit: http://www.rippdemup.com/2010/08/you-can-be-president-of-us-but-not-of.html
Don't you just love people who're THIS set in their ways?
"Just as I thought. Keep those blinders on Field, it's easier than thinking."
All because he refuses to subscribe to the same thought patterns as you. Sounds a bit childish.
The weather will be beautiful and picture perfect. Field, Beck is there to speak on moral spiritual values that we as a nation must turn to. That is why the good Rev is there. Stop being so negative. Look upon Beck's rally as something good that will carry the country and its citizes a long way.
I know you don't believe in God or even care what's moral or not, but many people need the guidance of a higher power.
MackLying, "I thought I heard thunder outside my window a moment ago. You might get your wish"
Mack Lying is lying as usual. You have no moral compass.
"All because he refuses to subscribe to the same thought patterns as you. Sounds a bit childish."
Didn't the bible say "suffer little children to come unto me"? Well then there is hope for Anon after all.:)
Mack is that the link to those school rules down in Ms.? Anon. I think racism is chasing me again.
"know you don't believe in God or even care what's moral or not, but many people need the guidance of a higher power."
Sorry, I don't think Glenn Beck is who we need as our guide. Where we would end up I am guessing white folks would need lots of sun screen. Just saying.
Field, do you think the Sgt. will get off like you said Nadja will? Or will prejudice against bm prevail?
Field, "Sorry, I don't think Glenn Beck is who we need as our guide. Where we would end up I am guessing white folks would need lots of sun screen. Just saying."
Well, we'll see how he does tomorrow. My guess is that he will double his following and triple his black followers.
Field you are cute.
Didn't you just suggest attempted murder by HIV was a GENDER issue? Is this REALLY the first time you have heard of males doing PRECISELY the same thing? REALLY?
Interestingly enough, you get hip when the male perpetrator is non blk and you can attach THAT visual. There have been quite a few Black males doing it for awhile now. But I guess THAT fact would strike too close to home, huh?
Hispanic men are the ONLY ones that DON'T outnumber their women. LOL! I would smell a conspiracy and ulterior motive if... LOL!
Vetting and walking in wisdom is the name of the game for BOTH genders and ALL colors! It is NOT about what someone looks like and the material possessions they have collected. And there is really NO.SUCH.THING as "looking clean".
Typo alert:
"Hispanic men are the ONLY ones that DON'T outnumber their women."
Hispanic men are the ONLY ones that are OUTNUMBERED by their women.
OK, let me try this again.
Hispanic men are the only males that OUTNUMBER their women!
I think I am tired as evidenced by how hard it was to make THAT point. LOL! Truly, have a great weekend all!
"Interestingly enough, you get hip when the male perpetrator is non blk and you can attach THAT visual. There have been quite a few Black males doing it for awhile now. But I guess THAT fact would strike too close to home, huh?"
I thought the anons were above this racism chasing business. Oh well.
That spiritual glow is missing on Rev Harry's face. I wouldn't sit under him. Nope, not I.
"Jackson and his wife own two houses (blessed are the poor?) in Montgomery County, Maryland, and neighbors claim they reside in one of those houses, a $1.1-million mansion. The Jacksons, however, claim neither home as their principal residence according to tax records."
You've probably seen this, an interesting post at C&L by David Neiwert:
Glenn Beck does remind us of the Civil Rights Era -- that is, the people who hated Martin Luther King
As for the good Reverend Harry Jackson, I will repeat my usual prayer. Jesus, please protect me from your followers.
Since you're dedicated to chasing racism, FN...why have you not blogged about this:
I suppose & hope we will be able to hear about the repercussions, on all sides after Beck's little Nuremburg rally this weekend..
Anonamid swarm, I see. Krauthammer now that's a reliable source.
Remember, Mr. Field, these people don't like reading that much so it takes em a while to find someone who writes what they want to see.
Second, this critical mass of faithful believers will need to start a grassroots movement to recapture the essentials of “living faith.” We then must take responsibility for the disappointing political and cultural leaders we have elected or tolerated.
Beck is the new Isaiah?
"Hathor said...
Second, this critical mass of faithful believers will need to start a grassroots movement to recapture the essentials of “living faith.” We then must take responsibility for the disappointing political and cultural leaders we have elected or tolerated.
Beck is the new Isaiah?
6:52 AM"
Does any one of us have a copyright on these words? MLK could've said thesame thing, and it would have been taken as gospel.
(BTW....I think Beck is a lunatic)
Harry Jackson, Alveda King, Lloyd Marcus have one thing in common, they all get paid. Show me a poor Black RepubliKlan and I show you a dumbass.
Field look up Christopher Chambers and Lloyd Marcus on RT (Russia Today). The Tomming by Marcus would make you cry. Mr. Chambers said to Marcus "the President does love White people... but not as much as you". I thought I smoked a joint or something. Well his blog is called Nat Turner's Revenge.
Let's pray that our people don't beat the living shit out of any Pee Baggers in D.C. today.
Alveda King is on TV telling people that her father was murdered. Her father committed suicide.
Two Births Lengthen List In One-Man H.I.V. Spree
Published: January 29, 1998
ALBANY, Jan. 28— Two women infected with H.I.V. by Nushawn J. Williams have given birth to babies who are also infected with the virus that causes AIDS, raising the number of H.I.V. cases in western New York linked to him to 16, state health officials said today.
In addition, at least 10 of Mr. Williams' sex partners in New York City have tested positive for the virus that causes AIDS, officials said today.
The Williams case has become one of the most notorious outbreaks of H.I.V. and has prompted proposals for a wide range of changes in state law. Legislators have cited him in calling for, among other things, required reporting of every H.I.V.-positive person to a state registry, and a law making it a felony for a person with H.I.V. to fail to warn a sexual partner.
The information about the infants was disclosed today by Dr. Barbara A. DeBuono, the State Health Commissioner, who appeared before a joint hearing of the State Senate and Assembly on the 1998-99 state budget. Dr. DeBuono said a total of 13 women and teen-age girls in Chautauqua County, south of Buffalo, are believed to have been infected with the AIDS virus by Mr. Williams directly, up from 10 cases known last fall. In addition to the infants, Dr. DeBuono said, a man had contracted the virus from one of the 10 women.
Mr. Williams moved back to New York City, where he grew up, after leaving Chautauqua County, and was arrested in September in the Bronx for selling crack. He pleaded guilty in the case and is being held at Rikers Island, but his sentencing has been postponed pending the results of a psychiatric evaluation.
Health officials say they are certain that Mr. Williams directly infected the 13 women in Chautauqua County because they have interviewed the women and tested all the sexual partners they say they have had up to the time they were tested for H.I.V., and of those contacts only Mr. Williams has tested positive.
Dr. Robert Berke, the Chautauqua County Health Commissioner, told The Associated Press, ''We have not done any paternity testing.''
Chautauqua County officials have described Mr. Williams as a drug dealer who preyed on lonely teen-agers. One of the girls he is said to have infected was 13 at the time.
Health officials say that of the 13 women and girls Mr. Williams infected in Chautauqua County, he exposed 10 of them to the virus after he learned he was H.I.V.-positive, in September 1996, while in the Chautauqua County jail on a charge of stealing a car. In those instances where he knew the risk, the Chautauqua County District Attorney, James Subjack, plans to prosecute Mr. Williams for assault, a legal theory that has never been tested in New York. He also faces a charge of statutory rape in the case of the 13-year-old.
In Chautauqua County, investigators have identified 48 sexual partners of Mr. Williams. In addition to the 13 who tested positive, 28 have tested negative and 7 have not been tested.
Mr. Williams has told health officials that he had sex with 50 to 75 women in New York City, but in many instances could not provide a name or address, so officials have been unable to trace many of them.
"kid said...
Let's pray that our people don't beat the living shit out of any Pee Baggers in D.C. today.
7:51 AM
I'll AMEN that, kid. Because it won't stop there, I'm afraid.
no_slappz since you want to play games, name patient zero and what race was he. Stop trying to blame AIDS on Black people, besides who was the President when NOTHING WAS HAPPENING?
anon 7:05,
I was questioning why the minister would follow Beck.
Glen Beck: "Baa Baa black sheep, have you any wool"
Harry R. Jackson: "yesa yesa, three backs full. One for you massa and one for your dame, and one for this little boy that lives off the lame"
Glen Beck: YIPPIE! "This old man , he played one, he played knick knack with his thumb (up his ass), with a knick, knack, paddy whack, give po Harry a bone; this old man came rolling home.
Harry R. Jackson: "Thank ya Jesus"
Glen Beck: "This old man, he played two, he played knick knack with his shoe (up Harry R. Jackson's ass), with a knick, knack, PADDY whack, gave that dog a bone; this old man gonna roll on home. And where is my black sheep?"
Harry R. Jackson: "Here I is massa, got the good book too"
CareyCarey: "Washington DC is not on my mind, I have other things to worry about... that's beyond race. Besides, who wants to watch interracial gay porn?"
"kid said...
no_slappz since you want to play games, name patient zero and what race was he. Stop trying to blame AIDS on Black people, besides who was the President when NOTHING WAS HAPPENING?
9:24 AM
kid, perhaps you should read this link. It may change your perspective:
As far as "doing nothing", whatcha gonna do? Slap a rubber on everybody? AIDS is still a death sentence. Modern medicine has just managed to delay the final outcome.
Any Black person who supports Republicans, Glenn Beck, or the KKK is bound to get 15 minutes of fame, since there are so damned few of them. They are and always will be an peculiar oddity, an anomaly.
I, too, hope it rains on their parade, but even better would be that nobody bothers to attend the rally. That would shut Glen Beck up.
Failing that, I hope they shout color-aroused antagonistic epithets, so that the public and the media can see them for who they are and then reject the whole Republican Party because of it.
Oh, yeah, "Anonymous": If you have to cite Charles Crauthammer to make your points, then you've already lost you way.
If Crauthammer had anything useful to say, I'm sure you would have quoted it above. But, that's guy serves up the same garbage day after day.
I have a feeling this will turn out like prior wingnut marches on DC.
I was just checking a WAPO news feed and the slant already indicates the numbers of wingnuts aren't measuring up to hype, just like every prior incursion.
The tell is WAPO's mention that 'crowds on the mall are notoriously hard to count blah blah blah..'
If it was stupifyingly huge they'd be all over it. Salivating and gloating.
In general I get a sense his urge to piss on the King legacy drove him to more bad timing. His claims are a contrary lie..'I didn't know blah blah blah..' If his lips are moving there is lying involved.
A better impact might be had nearer to elections. This is the shredded dog end of summer. Most people aren't paying that much attention and we are an easily distracted bunch.
Paris Hilton's coke arrest seems to be stealing the News Cycle thunder..go figure.
Wingnuttia once again blows its wad in a bit of premature extrapolation.
Obama is like a their red flag and the thought of a 'colored' in power totally makes a mess of the sort of cool, careful calculations they'd need to make to have best impact.
I've been to Beck's home town Puyallup WA.. It bills itself as the Daffodil Capitol and is very right wing.
It has a crappy fair slowly going broke that was noted for singing pig creatures in its advertisements.
Daffodils...singing pigs.... Glen Beck in a nutshell.
By the way, Puyallup is pronounced 'pew' as in church pew wedded to 'allup' as in gallop.
Just checked the news feed again.
NYT report snippet
"..“Something that is beyond man is happening,” Mr. Beck in opening the event as the overwhelmingly white crowd thronged near the memorial grounds."
Remember there were supposed to be 300 thousand people coming to this thing... uh uh.
The NYT photo is hilarious too, a gaggle of middle aged white eggs with legs gathered around an abe lincoln imitator while in the background you can see an interesting expanse of sparsely populated lawn in front of the giant ridiculous video screens set up to accommodate the imaginary hugeness of it all.
There's plenty of room closer to the Memorial.
You, like so many other blacks so poorly misinformed on so many subjects, should study the known facts about AIDS:
During the last few years it has become possible not only to determine whether HIV is present in a blood or plasma sample, but also to determine the particular subtype of the virus.
Studying the subtype of virus of some of the earliest known instances of HIV infection can help to provide clues about the time it first appeared in humans and its subsequent evolution.
Four of the earliest known instances of HIV infection are as follows:
1.A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2.A lymph node sample taken in 1960 from an adult female, also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
3.HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.
4.HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.
A 1998 analysis of the plasma sample from 1959 suggested that HIV-1 was introduced into humans around the 1940s or the early 1950s.
In January 2000, the results of a new study14 suggested that the first case of HIV-1 infection occurred around 1931 in West Africa. This estimate (which had a 15 year margin of error) was based on a complex computer model of HIV's evolution.
However, a study in 2008 dated the origin of HIV to between 1884 and 1924, much earlier than previous estimates.
The researchers compared the viral sequence from 1959 (the oldest known HIV-1 specimen) to the newly discovered sequence from 1960. They found a significant genetic difference between them, demonstrating diversification of HIV-1 occurred long before the AIDS pandemic was recognised.
The authors suggest a long history of the virus in Africa and call Kinshasa the “epicentre of the HIV/AIDS pandemic” in West Africa.
They propose the early spread of HIV was concurrent with the development of colonial cities, in which crowding of people increased opportunities for HIV transmission.
If accurate, these findings imply that HIV existed before many scenarios (such as the OPV and conspiracy theories) suggest.
Despite spending BILLIONS of dollars on research over the last 25 years, there is NO cure for AIDS and NO vaccine for AIDS.
However, we do know how it's spread. Unsafe sex and IV drug use.
Thus, AIDS is like lung cancer -- it is a lifestyle disease. AIDS simply does not affect people who practice safe sex and people who are not IV drug users.
Like lung cancer, AIDS is easy to avoid. Nevertheless, the US spends billions to cure it and prevent it. Moreover, morons around the world seem to think the US and a few other leading nations should pick up the healthcare bills for African nations where the disease is totally and wildly out of control.
However, inasmuch as Magic Johnson supposedly has AIDS and has been living with it for 20 years, scientists should closely examine him to discover the secret that's keeping him alive and healthy for so long.
Slapz, I have to give it to you, you've come prepared. But lets look @ your next to last sentence. But wait, some would associate the word "Africa" with POC. However, you (your reference source) did say "colonial" cities. Now, when did Europeans scronge the continent of Africa?
Taking that into consideration, I would suggest YOU dig a little deeper (in your reference source) and come back with some more supporting data.
But Slap happy, if you don't come back, or before you come back, let me add a little mo spice to this stew.
Now, since I am not going to contest your claim that HIV is primarily spread by unsafe sex and IV drug use. In fact, I'm going to champion that sentiment. lets take another look at Europe. I know, and you know, and everyone knows that Europeans have always (thousands of years) been into the freaky deaky. You know that, right. Oh yeah, it's also in your history books. And, we all know that "African nations"
are the strongest oppositions to same sex skullduggery. And, if drug use (again, a European life style) is another leading factor to HIV, I think it's wise to start at the source. And, you do know that Germans invented Herion?
So Slapz, talk to baby.
"Remember there were supposed to be 300 thousand people coming to this thing... uh uh."
You are incorrect. It was estimated that 20,000 people would come. What ever the numbers, it will be a good wake up calling, a calling to awakening to something happening beyond man. It is an awakening that prideful pompous man is NOT the alfa and omega of the universe.
Beck is just an instrument of God to get man to wake up. Unfortunately, many will refuse to wake up and continue their doomed secular lives as usual.
I am appreciative to Beck and his courage and his choice to rally on this glorious day.
Field, "Sorry, I don't think Glenn Beck is who we need as our guide. Where we would end up I am guessing white folks would need lots of sun screen. Just saying."
That's your problem, Field...you think too much. Considering your feelings and attitude about the existence of God, nothing God does will satisfy nor convince you, anyway. Your mind is closed and unwilling. Good luck in your journey of life.
Christopher Rustin, "Remember, Mr. Field, these people don't like reading that much so it takes em a while to find someone who writes what they want to see."
Yeah, and this blog is one of their choices. Thanks for the heads up.
no_slappz ,so are you a virgin motherfucker?
Yea you racist had fun with your motherfuck Dr. King and black people day. THIS WILL MAKE BLACK PEOPLE GO TO THE POLLS! There's no difference with Beck and al-Qaeda, THEY BOTH WANT BLACK PEOPLE DEAD!
kid, you are stupid-crazy, dude! Take your meds!
Backup a little you are playing into slappz hands. Don't let a fool make a fool out of you.
LOL @ Slappy!
I can appreciate your refusal to allow quite a few black males to get brand new and act like death by HIV is late breaking news.
FN even went so far as to indicate it could be a "gender" issue.
Folks even made the bi/multi-racial woman from the last story Black. Despite her Moroccan and Serbian heritage. LOL!
So I can appreciate you taking a moment to post just one horrifying look at an OLD case where a demon was taking out infants AND little girls with this destructive behavior.
I do understand that your reasons for posting this information are coming from a totally DIFFERENT place than mine. I know this all too well from my dealings with you at another blog years ago. LOL! My purpose is to help the Black community. Yours seems to be to help bolster your unfounded superiority complex often present in those that have swallowed whole the white supremacy lie.
That said, it doesn't change the fact that IF more Black males called EACH OTHER out for their poor, counter-productive if not destructive behavior, there would be a BIG change within the so-called Black community. IF half the effort that is devoted to chasing racism and finger pointing at White Men was devoted to working on self, by Black Men, it would be a new day for Black folks. IF more Black males were AS protective of the Black Woman's image as they are of the Black Man's (even if they have omit huge chunks of truth to protect their image) it would be a new day.
Slappy, you may consider NOT repeating the lie that the man-made HIV virus originated in Africa. UNLESS you tell the whole truth and include the name of the deranged white scientist(s) that invented it and spread it in Africa to depopulate and take over the immense wealth of the land. LOL! Because we all know, and you are a smart boy, that IF you tell the truth about the goings ons in Africa; where there is death, destruction and suffering...there are WHITE PEOPLE. ALWAYS. LOL! That is in NO WAY excusing the Black ones that aid and abet them in their destruction. Yet when Winnie Mandela, the TRUE revolutionary in that coupling, was accused of "necklacing" this type of folk...everyone got all cute and special.
By the way, anyone needing a blood transfusion can also be affected by AIDS. Just as folks that have never smoked may die of lung cancer, as Dana Reeves did. I do understand that those are exceptions and not the rule however.
Slappy you are entertaining as always. The inflated unfounded sense of intellectual superiority routinely cracks me up. Your education is very WHITE, (but White folks are good for whitening everything.) hence your assertion that Africans contributed nothing to civilization. When in FACT Africans date back to antiquity and were THE FIRST civilization.
nah, kid's his own foolish creation
Viva Pujols!
careycarey, you wrote:
However, you (your reference source) did say "colonial" cities. Now, when did Europeans scronge the continent of Africa?...Taking that into consideration, I would suggest YOU dig a little deeper (in your reference source) and come back with some more supporting data.
Here's the way it works. If, as you imply, Europeans are the agents spreading AIDS in Africa, then the nations of Europe would report high numbers of deaths from AIDS.
However, that's not happening.
Or, if you are suggesting that Europeans are responsible for STARTING the spread of AIDS in Africa, then all it would take to stop the spread is people refraining from unsafe sex and avoiding IV drug-taking.
But that's not happening. AIDS in Africa is out of control, running wild. Some nations have infection rates of about 25%.
In any case, why do you care how AIDS got its start in Africa. Knowing how it started will not stop it from spreading and it is spreading because Africans are having unsafe sex with other Africans.
Europeans have no role in the African AIDS plague. Exept that Europeans are providing medical services.
careycarey, you wrote:
And, if drug use (again, a European life style) is another leading factor to HIV, I think it's wise to start at the source. And, you do know that Germans invented Herion?
Ah, I see you flunked your logic course too.
Meanwhile, did you know that Guinea-Bissau -- small, poor African nation -- is a wild, out-of-control country with a drug-based economy?
Meanwhile, do you think drug addicts are somehow affected by knowing when and where their favorite substances were created?
Is it news to you that the guy selling you your drugs is in it to get YOUR money?
anon 3:43, you wrote:
Slappy, you may consider NOT repeating the lie that the man-made HIV virus originated in Africa. UNLESS you tell the whole truth and include the name of the deranged white scientist(s) that invented it and spread it in Africa to depopulate and take over the immense wealth of the land.
I see. Based on your comment, you think blacks in Africa are so dumb they cannot get those resources out of the ground and into the hands of people who want to pay big bucks for them.
In your scneario, that means some white guys have no choice but to kill all the blacks on the African continent so they can seize the resources.
Well, I do agree that blacks have no idea how to extract the abundant natural resources in Africa.
But you will have to explain your reason for thinking that killing all the blacks on the continent would help.
It's not as though the presence of Africans causes the cost of extracting resources to rise.
Well, when the Africans blow up oil pipelines in Nigeria, that adds to costs.
And it's not as though the black leaders of the black nations are unaware of the resource wealth buried beneath their feet.
Even if the black leaders are nothing more than the kleptocrats and thugs we know them to be, they still need to hire experts -- whites -- capable of extracting the resource wealth and getting it to market. The thugs get to collect the money, stash it in Switzerland and leave their hapless citizens living in filth.
I'm still waiting to read about ONE successful black nation, somewhere in the world. And, no, it is not Barbados.
Slappy at no time in history has the European EVER treated themselves the same way they treat the people they seek to annihilate or oppress. You need to stop...
...but you won't. LOL!
So I will...you win. Feel superior?
" Exept that Europeans are providing medical services."
And WE ALL KNOW that our melanin deficient brothers and sisters would NEVER DELIBERATELY infect folks with diseases! Gasp! I shudder at the evil, wicked, devilish notion!
Slappy you seem a flushed and peeved. Take a moment and breathe...Anger kills the host.
Ok, for REAL, I am going to go back to not responding to you. We have been down this road before and I don't want to be responsible for you driving around in your Saturn burning crosses on folks' lawns. LOL!
anon 6:00 pm, you wrote:
And WE ALL KNOW that our melanin deficient brothers and sisters would NEVER DELIBERATELY infect folks with diseases! Gasp! I shudder at the evil, wicked, devilish notion!
If by your comment you are suggesting something about the Tuskeegee experiment, you really ought to work with the facts.
Troubling as that experiment was, the scientists did NOT infect blacks with syphilis.
The scientists monitored the progression of the disease. But the infections were acquired the old fashioned way -- through sex.
Moreover, the experiment began before the existence of penicillin, a time when syphilis was a death sentence, like AIDS.
Yes, after the discovery of penicillin, giving the subjects in the study a shot would have been the right thing to do.
Meanwhile, how have blacks been doing the disease-curing department? Any breakthroughs to report?
CNN gave us a quick glimpse of the two competing rallies taking place in Washington D.C. today--the "Restoring the Honor" rally, and the "Reclaim the Dream" rally.
In both rallies, if you look really hard, you might spy in the "Honor" a black face or two, and in the "Dream" a white face or two.
How many of each race was present and represented at the respective rallies--I can't say for sure. But one thing is clear--there weren't many.
Another thing that's clear: This nation is still as much divided along racial lines as when Dr. King gave his much anticipated, and much lauded speech, "I Have A Dream."
Dr. Alveda King – the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., – explains why she's speaking at the Glenn Beck 8/28 rally in Washington this Saturday.
"When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true.
"Other groups are planning rallies and demonstrations in Washington that day, and freedom of speech gives them the right to do so – and to criticize me for not jumping on their bandwagon. But Uncle Martin’s legacy is big enough to go around."
Beck's rally is calling for a restoring of the honor of America. My questions is this: How and when did America lose its honor so that it might be restored?
Further, why must that restoration be identified with Martin Luther King's fight for racial justice in this country? Although Beck is eager to make that connection, too, it's a stretch at best, and a dishonor to King's legacy, who sought to speak for the disenfranchised and the downtrodden--conditions that don't define or characterize most whites in this country, notwithstanding Beck's attempts to do so.
Whites are not the aggrieved party in this struggle, no matter how hard Beck strives to cast them as such.
It's a lie, and a misrepresentation of who has been wronged in this society (suggesting that it's whites), and whose honor and rights must be addressed and restored.
The Bible states that you'll know them by their fruit.
But it would be wiser still to taste it first--that peach may be an apple in disguise, and that pear a green persimmon.
And all who call for peace, and oneness are seeking it.
But beware: The enemy in our midst are those who exploit our separateness to make us more separate, and our division to make us more divided.
They who use our vulnerabilities for self-aggrandizement, although presenting themselves as friends, are neither friends nor trustworthy allies.
Those who appeal to anything other than your "innate goodness" to gain your attention, is out to exploit, and to subdue.
anon6pm, most of what Slappz has said is correct. So why are you laughing when you should be concerned? Are you that divorced and confused about your feelings?
Black diaspora said,,,
"Another thing that's clear: This nation is still as much divided along racial lines as when Dr. King gave his much anticipated, and much lauded speech, "I Have A Dream."
The question that should be asked is: Why? Is it because consevatives want to "take away the progress" blacks have made? Or is it because the continuation of racial division suits the purposes of the Democratic Party?
"They who use our vulnerabilities for self-aggrandizement, although presenting themselves as friends, are neither friends nor trustworthy allies."
True words, BD. Who exactly has presented themselves as the "friend" of Black America for the past 50 years?
There is one ideology that is obsessed with race, and it isn't conservatism.
"anon6pm, most of what Slappz has said is correct."
Emphasis on "most". It is his regular racist rant/slant that makes me laugh. Like I have said before Slappy is like a stopped clock. You know the rest...
Actually, Slappy I was NOT referring to the Tuskegee experiment. As if that would be the ONLY example of my assertion in American history. You are cute. I was referring to the anthrax on blankets deliberately given to the indigenous Americans, as but one example; by way of thank you for teaching the settlers how to survive in their new environment. Folks celebrate the massacre of the indigenous folks each year and call it "tradition". Smh.
You know everything, I know you know or could know if you wanted to of this instance and many others.
And actually there are African herbalist in my neck of the woods that prescribe herbs for most ailments. I don't believe in Western medicine. There seems to be more in it for pharmaceutical companies than anyone else. I don't have any diseases, and am proactively working to keep it that way, but I am sure that there are herbs that would/could minimize/eliminate the effects of disease. Personally I don't think there is anything new under the sun. ALL of this has ALREADY been done before. And from what I can see Whites like you like to lie and claim credit even when it is NOT due to them. But take it if you need it. Ok? Have a great weekend Slappy. You should go do something interesting. That's my plan!
Nice try Slappy, but no cigar. Your premise has one big flaw. Lets take a look... "Here's the way it works. If, as you imply, Europeans are the agents spreading AIDS in Africa, then the nations of Europe would report high numbers of deaths from AIDS"
First, I did not say "agents spreading AIDS". So, although you tried to shift the focus, lets get back on point.
Well, lets first take a look at the American Indian. lets start there. Were they given diseases by Europeans? Okay, and they(the Europeans) had the resources and knowledge to stops it's spread. However, the Indian suffered because they lanquished on the outside looking in.
Now, lets go back to the European in Africa. He may not be "spreading" the problem, however I was suggesting that he may be the seed of the problem.
You have to agree that the control and/or spread of a disease is directly related to resources, communications, civil unrest and the basic necessities of life. Many countries on the African continent are under considerable distress in all those areas. Consequently, your comparison of the Aids problem in both countries holds little weight.
"There is one ideology that is obsessed with race, and it isn't conservatism."
Very true. Liberal progressives like Field use race-baiting to further their own agendas. I hope people are beginning to see through that, esp. Blacks. It's time to take a different road, AWAY from Democrats. Hasn't Obama finally proved that Dems don't give a damn about us?
Once again your words ring with truth, and I hope all who read will do so with open eyes.
Within our group tomuch time is spent lookong at others. (you don't have to eat a whole cow to know its beef).
SO WHAT! "glen beck" So what, a pimple on the butt of america. Once agin our focus is being misdirected. SO WHAT! "glen beck" and his elk.
Look at our communities and who is repersenting OUR PEOPLE, and what they are doing to better US.
glen beck, a simple minded diversion. WAKE UP PEOPLE does he matter. NO!!!!
My grandma been praying all week for God to bind all demonic force at beck rally. She swares it works.
And by the way, the teaparty and Beck think they are fooling anyone by using God and religion to sway minds. They are still no good. The core is rotten. Evil is as evil does. People, stay away from the teaparty, House of Demons, y'all.
Don't be fooled by beck and company. Still House of Demons.
Stay close to the truth we know.
Oh yeah, Glen Beck's message to return back to honor,integrity, and return to back to God. Oh yeah...that's a good message. Sho is!
Now...I want to know if Beck, Palin, and Fox News plan to honor that message? I want to know does Beck plan to repent and ask Van Jones and a few others for forgiveness and admit that he smeared and spreaded falsehoods about them because that is under the umbrella of integrity and honor.
I want to know if Beck is gonna repent and ask the President to forgive him for smearing and slandering the President with the Birther conspiracy, for calling him a racist, and all the other little smear jobs he has been doing? Because that too falls under the umbrella of integrity and honor.
You see, the word says they honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
I want to know is Palin gonna repent and love her black brothers and sisters? Is she gonna stop spreading malicious and petty accusations against the President?
Oh yeah, let's restore our country back to integrity, honor, and return back to God, but first there are some steps both of them need to take in order for that message to be accepted as sincere.
Does Fox News intend to stop spreading falsehoods and lies and distorting the truth? Because see, you cannot have those three things contaminating and defiling the truth.
Obama hasn't proved that the Dems don't care about us...Congress has proved that there are still those up in it that believe in the good ole days. He can't do it all by himself! Everyone in here that knows even basic government knows that. A President is not suppose to twist arms in a democracy and dictate unless what Americans really want is a DICTATOR.
Granny you are against God? You hate on people who call for a return to faith and good works? You have thrown your lot in with the Devil. Lord have mercy on your soul!
@Granny: "Oh yeah, let's restore our country back to integrity, honor, and return back to God, but first there are some steps both of them need to take in order for that message to be accepted as sincere."
Granny, Beck and company cloak themselves in righteousness, and evoke the memory of Dr. King to give themselves legitimacy, and to christen their New Civil Rights Movement.
Beck has co-opted Dr. King's message, and is now portraying himself as the Protector of Dr. King's Dream, and the heir apparent to his legacy.
Now, I fully expect Beck to arrogate to himself the entire black experience--to embrace our long history of unimaginable suffering, and call it his own.
What better way to diminish that experience than for whites to embrace it, and whitewash it, in an effort to dilute it--to make it less destructive, and less of a crime against humanity.
If Beck succeeds, he becomes emblematic of the Civil Rights' struggle in this country. And without actually taking on the mantle of that struggle, Beck's embrace, his hostile takeover, of it, displaces Dr. King's iconic place in that movement, while, simultaneously, replacing it with his own.
It all depends, of course, on how willing Beck is to keep this charade going--for a day, or for years to come.
What Beck has also managed to do, perhaps unwittingly, is to have any and all of his future actions measured against Dr. King's record, and against Dr. King's mostly irreproachable character.
Change is coming dumb Negroes. Better wake up!
Is there an asian Martin Luther King?
Are asians obsessed with their past? Do they see their lives in terms of the unpleasantness faced by their ancestors in America?
Are they crying and whining that doors are closed to them?
Here's one problem asians have created for themselves.
They've become such over-achieving students the best colleges in the US have established quotas limiting their accpetances. The schools feel the need for diversity. The schools want to give the kids of other races a chance to get a seat in a freshman class.
Adopting some of the asian ways would do blacks a lot of good.
no_slappz, "Adopting some of the asian ways would do blacks a lot of good."
Once again, I agree with you. Unfortunately, it takes a strong family system that is 'intact' with honesty, integrity and faith. The black family and black community is pretty short on those qualities. That's where we need to start. However, because Beck mentioned those qualities they will be rejected as you can tell from comments made by some on this blog. That is what happened to education in the black community. They mistakenly perceived it as something connected to Whites and therefore pushed the value of an education. The result is masses of uneducated Blacks. That's what hatred will do. It is self-destructive.
If white folks want to exchange beck for KING, to me thats their problem. It has always been easy for white folks to alter the truth. What has been hard is for US to reconize and undersand our truths.
beck is a joke, but a pied piper to the uninformed, and those who are blinded by their fears in addition to the fact that in the end they feel that Black folks will do to them what they have done to people of color throughout the years.
As a people me must maintain our focus, EDUCATE OURSELVES, understand the importance of our history and culture. Reconize the importance of true Economic Development.
There are times when some things that you write might make a little sense.
But, there are other times when you are so completely off the mark that you should be embarrassed to revel your lack of knowledge of american history.
Asians, were never denied their heritage or culture, they were never denied their ability to read or wright.
The Asians contributions with regard to the world and america have been expressed in positive terms, even in terms of their spiritual and cultural heritage.
They even received reparations for the time the spent in holding camps during the war, in addition to full apologies.
In this day the benefit of affirmative action has benefited more people then the people that fought for it. Today everybody is a minority.
Maybe if BLACK PEOPLE would wine a little more more unity would come of it and more things would get done, and people like charles rangel would not have been elected as many times as he was without doing for the community. Maybe if we wined a little more there would not be a need for charter schools. Maybe if we wined a little more we would not be killing each other the way we do. Maybe if we wined a little more we would see that there is more value in building a community then buying a $2 million dollar car.
So don't talk about wining because I think we need to wine a little more, just like those who talk about bring pride back to this country, when they were the ones that destroyed the pride.
Anonymous 11;12:
Oh I get it, you think if you attack me as a Christian long enough than people will fall in line and won't listen to what I have to say. You fear me because of the truth that I speak. Well...do what you do. I know who I am and where I stand with the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper!
Ahhhh...I get it, my truth is too strong for you to swallow and there just might be someone paying attention to what I'm saying. Could it be insight and foresight that you fear? Or could it be because I refuse to sit mute and accept disrespect or let anyone use me for their rug?
BTW, the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy? Does that sound familiar with some of the things that have been done by and to others by those who which to control the world? Hey...that destroy part should sound very familiar to you since Beck and Palin use it everyday in their quest to take back "their" country. They are out to destroy another human being...the President. So should "Kill" since they set out from day one to kill the President's influence with falsehoods and smears. Or does "steal" sound familiar, you know, like in BANKERS, Wall Street, AIG, MoRTGAGE COMPANIES, OIL COMPANINES and BUSH ,CHENEY, and rightwing folks who have stolen people's livelihood with their greed tactics and are the cause of millions and millions of people becoming homeless? They've also destroyed families.
I haven't killed anyone, stolen anything, or destroyed anything or anybody. Nope, not I! In fact, my mission was to heal the blind so to speak.
I understand that you do not like me because of the words I write. Oh well! I could care less. Woe to you when ALL men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets. Nevertheless, anonymous, you don't have to fret too much longer because granny won't be posting much longer and I'll be out of the way. My time here is almost up.
Certain folks on here with IDs are posting in anonymous and playing games that causes a lot of unnecessary confusion. Nothing gets done in the midst of confusion and good ideas are bogged down in the mire of it. Besides which, too much confusion vexes my spirit.
Amen, black folks need to keep on whining until their struggle is over and fairness, justice, and equality is truly given to blacks without a catch 22 attached to it.
Beck is a racist moron. The real problem is that he was ignored for too long.
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