"In fact, there’s concern throughout Genesee County as police search for a knife-wielding man who has attacked 13 men since May, killing five.
Arnold Minor was killed Monday morning on South Saginaw near Burton on Flint’s south side in front of Deuces Wild Kustom motorcycle shop. The blood was there today.
“We’re just trying to get the word out to our friends and family,” said Rashandia Jones, a clerk at Diamond Cleaners, next to the bike shop. “Watch where you’re at.”
All of the victims have been black men, and the attacker is described as a younger white man with a muscular build. The victims have tended to be vulnerable — some with slighter builds, some older and each walking by himself. "
You brothers in Flint better start getting your workout on. And, if you are an old head, you better dig out that straight razor you have hidden away in the attic.
So it's official, Elena Kagan was confirmed today, and now we have three women as members of the supremes (Hmmmm, somehow that seems fitting). I guess his O ness can count this as a minor political victory. Lords knows he needs all the wins he can get. Kagen clerked for Thurgood Marshall, so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt until she proves me wrong.
I see Kanya West is styling with a look he calls "Rosewood" these days. Good for him. I like to see young brothers getting their sartorial side on. And if he sends the right message by reminding youngsters of their history, all the better. We need more high profile people to send these types of messages. The fact that someone in the hip hop community is taking that step makes it even more gratifying.
Finally, folks in A-merry-ca are criticizing Michelle Obama for taking her vacation over in Spain. Apparently some folks think that the First Lady is going overboard and letting being the First Lady get to her head.
"Andrea Tantaros has penned a scorching editorial for the New York Daily News deeming First Lady Michelle Obama a "modern-day Marie Antoinette" for her vacation in Spain with her daughter.
"The First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her 'closest friends,'" Tantaros writes, pointing to a CNN report that Michelle Obama and her group are expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms. "Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times." [Article]
What's the matter with you Michelle? Don't you know that Negroes are supposed to vacation in Virginia Beach?

And now for some housekeeping business: Lots of e-mails from folks (and some comments) about some of the people who have been front and center in the comments section after my recent posts. Most of you don't like the acrimony and the rancorous nature of the folks commenting. And you sincerely believe that they are trolls who are on a mission to destroy and not to uplift. All I can say is I hear you. I detest censoring and I doubt I will ever do it, but I am considering moderating the comments section and not for the reasons that I am sure that most of you think: Let's just say it's external and not internal forces which are causing me to reconsider. I will leave it at that.
I promise that if I do go the moderation route I still will not censor anyone for their beliefs or their urge to call me the most foul thing that they can think of. Trust me, it will still be open season on whatever; there just might be less of it, that's all.
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Good post, field.
I respect your dilemma and your decision, whichever way it goes.
Wow, those brothers in Flint better get with the NRA and get them some gats.
Yep, the comments get pretty crazy, during the day especially. That's why I try to get my comments in early before 'they' show up.
This sends chills down my spine. I live in Buffalo, and this brings back very unpleasant memories of the 22-caliber killer, a young white man that was killing black cab drivers here in the 80's. I pray they catch this guy soon...
Moderation will slow them down. It will end rapid fire retorts and possibly some scatology.
Michelle Obama has an obligation to spend money given to her by taxpayers at an American resort that employs American workers who deserve the financial benefit of a visit from the first lady and her entourage.
By selfishly going to Spain, Michelle has exported several service jobs, showing once again she is NOT leadership material.
Well considering "them" I had to stop blogging because of "them" If I even have one post within minutes this goon will post some trivial clap trap. Really it's all they have.
Wayne is really lucky in one regard, he has a following here that will out the idiots on notice. One act of moderating that could be done is not allowing anonymous posting. It really doesn't prove anything, but shows even if these ass hats have to create a blog they will never use it because it would open THEM to criticism, and really that is something that they can not deal with. I feel the pain Field of the decision you may have to make. It's a shame that people have to suck and take everything down with them. They took me down.
As for that killer I hope he gets caught soon. There is nothing new to ugly in this country but it seems to me that it has gotten way worse with a black man in office. Did I say "seems"? Who am I kidding, IT IS!
n_s, you cannot be serious. Do me a favor: look in the mirror tonight and ask yourself this question: If that was Laura Bush would you take the same position?
Tell me your answer in the morning after you sleep on it.
sistermoon you are scaring me.
RT,Hathor,and Val; thanks for your support and for holding it down in the fields. Yep, what's that old "Heatwave" song? Mind blowing decisions?
"By selfishly going to Spain, Michelle has exported several service jobs, showing once again she is NOT leadership material."
Are you serious? Are you mad because she didn't ask you? That's why teabaggers and real racists like you will win the battle, but you will lose the war. Badly.
I think that the real issue is not the spending of money, or the resources expended for this or any trip.
It that the Obamas don't have to ask you. Obama may very well be a one-term president,(he probably won't) but he's president now.
I wonder if Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston had been in Ibiza on the taxpayer dime, would you be online complaining?
You know black folks can't do what white folks do. It's just that simple.
Michelle's mistake was not understanding that fact.
When white elected officials take "junkets" or "fact finding missions" and take their families along, it is rarely discussed, much less devolves into controversy. The public has so little experience with the simple optic of a black president, first lady, and their circle of friends that may or may not be entirely comprised of African-Americans, that the experience of seeing them, the leaders of a country, scares and angers many whites who would not even question the same activities of a white president.
Where were all of the column inches dedicated to the Bush vacays?
We, as black Americans, should take a good read of the comments and reactions of a lot of our white countrymen to this so-called "incident" as a barometer of the feelings of a lot them toward this family in particular and all black Americans in general.
Ignorance and fear mixed with a little resentment.
What a dangerous mix.
As far as your moderating comments goes, do what you gotta do man. Folks who support and those who want to have constructive dialogue will stay.
This is an awesome blog.
This one and Ta-Nehisi are my faves.
So a white man is attacking black men, and only now we are hearing about it? If the equation was flipped, that black guy wouldn't have made it to his third victim much less thirteen before he gets riddled by the popo and Billy-Bob and dem.
As for the moderating etc, do what you have to do.
LOL at Val and the NRA.
Sup Topper? Sorry to hear you are not putting it down over at "The Tap" anymore .:( Come on, get back up on the horse. Don't let the trolls win.
About Michelle, well she could go to Mexico, stay at an American hotel there, AND drive around in luxury in a Chrysler 300 that was assembled there. Really this thought of buy American is really getting ludicrous when you research how very little is made here.
Oh I hear ya Field I found a place, newsvine where I can take many more of these fools head on and not just one fool at my blog. Much more fun and there's safety in numbers.
Field, "Kagen clerked for Thurgood Marshall, so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt until she proves me wrong."
You hope. I think you are going to be surprised and disappointed!
"What's the matter with you Michelle? Don't you know that Negroes are supposed to vacation in Virginia Beach?'
Of course. Spain is too good. But you know what Field, I can't even defend Michelle. When she came to the VI, I heard she wasn't near friendly with the locals. Let her eat cake.
"Of course. Spain is too good. But you know what Field, I can't even defend Michelle. When she came to the VI, I heard she wasn't near friendly with the locals. Let her eat cake."
Damn La~Audio, I need more on that.
"You hope. I think you are going to be surprised and disappointed!"
Yes Anon. hope is all I have at this point. But actually, if she flipped on me, I would not be surprised.
Topper, I will have to check you out over there.
Perhaps Andrea should wonder why it is so unremarkable that an accomplished citizen would have so many friends and the money to have them along....
This is the kind of double standard in the justice system that breeds mistrust in the black community. If this were black attacking whites-all the major news outlets would be up in arms.
But I blame the black community for not having a major news station or main media outlet of their own where issues as important as this can be addressed.
See what too much freedom of speech can do?..Beck..the crazies scream the loudest and have the most to say. Who are the external forces, anyway? Just hint.
thats sad about the poor men who got
shot eye thought u was putting on
comment moderation what happened?
that way u can stop those nasty foul
mouthed trolls like that cretinous
sow ab!
Field, I am for you doing whatever you have to do. After all, it is your blog. Do you plan to let everyone know what your rules of moderation will be?
I hope this won't interfere with you having the time to post daily? That is one of your blog's great features. I hope you don't let your blog become just like other blogs...that would be a bore.
Frankly, I don't think you should change anything except give warning comments to posters who need to tone down their offensive filthy rhetoric.
Anyway, I have appreciated your daily posts, your insightful writings and sharp witted comments.
I agree with Val. The comments at the beginning are generally worth considering (some exceptions) but if I come back and read the comments made later and tomorrow, they seem to rapidly degenerate. Thus, I read along until I get to that point and then quit. I'm sorry you will have to use your good energy to moderate but absolutely support whatever you choose to do.
Field, I think it was in 2008 before he got elected. He has strong support in the VI. There was also little talk about it on a popular radio show. I don't know the details, but reliable sources noted that while Barack seemed friendly and welcoming to everyone, Michelle seemed oddly unfriendly and somewhat dismissive towards the black locals in particular - not even a smile.
I know when to take a story with a grain of salt, but because of the sources, sadly I'm inclined to believe that story might be highly possible.
Why does it take this for people to get the word about about Flint? The city has had one of the highest murder rates since the 1980s.
Flint has also been trying hard to pursue a "smart shrinkage" program of redevelopment, yet its efforts have only been moderately publicized.
I don't understand the upset about Michele going to Spain. Then again, I am not tethered to a trailerpark mentality like N_S. International travel is a good thing, even if it means visiting places like Alabama or that hellhole that Drackman calls "home" occasionally.
FWIW, I understand your dilemma regarding moderation. It will certainly increase your workload, no small consideration in your decision. However, if votes count then you may add mine to the "Yes on Moderation" column.
Finally, I am not going to say that I miss CF but I can only imagine his consternation that a white person seems to be muscling in on street pirate territory in Detroit.
re: mass murders
Highlighting them I believe does more harm than good. How many people won't stop to help someone in genuine distress, etc. because they fear a bogeyman, be he black, white she or ET.
Commonsense should dictate your behavior, and if I happen to cross paths with a pscho serial murderer, may be my time is up, but I'd much rather go through life looking to help people when asked then fear them.
I supported when our local newspaper stopped reporting the race of accused criminals. Saying a black/white man between 18-35, 5' 8" and 6' 2", medium build, etc. did something bad doesn't help catch the bad guy and feeds distrust of each other.
I was in the military in Australia when some wacko killed +30 people in Tasmania - the alledged reason was to see if he could kill more people than the wacko in Scotland the year before. The more we advertise 'em, the more we end up getting
your comments section has been crying out for moderation for a while now.
While I don't think you should hold comments for approval before they go up, you should definitely delete comments that exist for no purpose other than personal abuse.
Anonymous commenters aren't the problem, although they should really give themselves made-up names, it's too confusing otherwise.
The ugly and ridiculous atmosphere is collectively created by a few people, but it basically all revolves around a single commenter who derails the whole thread with their egotistical need to be the centre of attention. Not too hard to figure out who that is.
I'm glad to see Kagin's finally on board. It seemed like getting her confirmed was like pulling hen's teeth.
The First Lady can vacation whereever she wishes. If this was Laura Bush, everyone would be fawning over how she's getting a "well needed break" from the White House.
As for this SOB you first mentioned, he's gonna end up picking the wrong target.
Now, I'm gonna have to call and check on a few of my cousins because some of them live in Flint, and one of them is blind. That's scary.
But the thing, I didn't quite get was what the Police said about he didn't know if the killer was targeting blacks. That doesn't make sense. Of course, he is targeting blacks if that is all he's has murdered. Wouldn't that be a simple logical deduction. I tell ya, some folks don't need to be in law enforcement work. Smh!
As for the first lady going to Spain, all of the other first ladies went to other countries, including Laura Bush. Oh, but it's okay to ask for tax cuts for the rich. Lawd, this country would be under the feudal system by now if we had a GOP President and that's a fact.
I'm cool with the moderation thing, myself.
How are the killings linked to Beck? Not doubting it...
If Michelle Obama treated anyone badly I'd be surprised. People do have bad days...did she wipe her hands off on the President after she touched someone?
[Quote:Andrea Tantaros] "The First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain...[/quote]
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, that's the funniest thing I've ever read in my life - The Costa Del Sol - chic ????
Obviously the moron who wrote that has never been to the Costa Del Sol - with it's army of sunburned Brits eating fish and chips and vomiting Grolsch into the gutter - in her entire tiny little life.
Purple Cow:
What is Grolsh?
Purple Cow:
I'm just asking because I'm curious. Whatever it is it sounds nasty. Is it some type of beverage or name of an appetizer or some of food? I'd probably vomit that up myself, whatever it is.
L'union fait la force
Yep, folks like PC and Gregory are international travelers, to them that rip on Michelle must seem particularly silly. :) BTW Gregory, I loved the Alabama line.
"While I don't think you should hold comments for approval before they go up, you should definitely delete comments that exist for no purpose other than personal abuse.
ES, I would love to be able to do that, but I just don't have the time. I must spend 8 hours a day on one courtroom or the other.
The ugly and ridiculous atmosphere is collectively created by a few people, but it basically all revolves around a single commenter who derails the whole thread with their egotistical need to be the centre of attention. Not too hard to figure out who that is.EA
yep that piece of catshit ab is who ure talking about!
the NYT moderates and basically says it wants stuff that's not abusive and on topic. they also care about quality. that's a bigger problem--AB's constant repetitive attacks on me, and her engagement with the anons.
this is the Q&A:
Frequently Asked Questions About Comments
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Our goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. By screening submissions, we have created a space where readers can exchange intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information.
While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers and generally cannot alter a comment once it is posted.
What kind of comments are you looking for?
We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments – either by the same reader or different readers.
We follow the same standards for taste as the daily newspaper. A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence and SHOUTING.
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maybe you could at least ask that comments be ON TOPIC! (and not the same topic or involving the disgusting word, hobama. which. coming from a gay person, is surreal).
the NYT moderates and basically says it wants stuff that's not abusive and on topic.
Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ.
they also care about quality. this is the Q&A:Frequently Asked Questions About Comments
You are solely responsible for your comments and by using NYTimes.com you agree to our Terms of Service.
Why do you moderate readers' comments?
Our goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. By screening submissions, we have created a space where readers can exchange intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information.
While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers and generally cannot alter a comment once it is posted.
What kind of comments are you looking for?
We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments – either by the same reader or different readers.
We follow the same standards for taste as the daily newspaper. A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence and SHOUTING.
Do you edit comments?
No. Comments are either approved or they're not. We reserve the right to edit a comment that is quoted or excerpted in an article or in the "Comment of the Moment" blog feature. In those cases, we may fix spelling and punctuation.
When and where will my comment be displayed?
i want to call special attention to THIS PART:
What kind of comments are you looking for?
We value thoughtful comments representing a range of views that make their point quickly and politely. We make an effort to protect discussions from repeated comments – either by the same reader or different readers.
We follow the same standards for taste as the daily newspaper. A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence and SHOUTING.
you are making things way to complicated.
Most bloggers use software to moderate only the comments that contain to many links, certain words or scrambled letters like spam.
Field has said some specific things, when he ask the commenters to refrain from some using some words and requested some not to engage certain types of commenters.
Even a spam filter would eliminate some comments because of the style of the writing.
Bloggers who don't get a lot of traffic will look at every single comment, but they do list the criteria. I wouldn't feel Field list would be long, if he did so.
Maria, after you awakened a 3 month + old beef between us, you're actually part of the problem!!! Check YOURSELF, then worry about the rules Field should have on his blog.
Now about Mrs. Obama, they were squarely in the high 6 figure range salary wise BEFORE Pres. Obama's election, so why in the hell should they vacation any differently than they probably did before?
Man, SOME folks get so bent outta shape whenever they see Black folks doing some of the same things "they" do!!!
Average middle class people travel to Europe, including Spain.
Where has Ms. Tantaros been? I know her audience thinks Hawaii is a foreign country and don't know that Spain is about the same distance as Alaska is to Washington, DC.
sorry, but you are wrong. that's a lie. yesterday, in anon comments, you called me macaroni.
YESTERDAY. that's what i responded to, yesterday.
i am not going to waste my time cutting and pasting your comments--you know you did.
hathor, i'm not making anything complicated.
i was sharing how the NYT moderates--that's all. obviously field doesn't have the time or resources to duplicate what the NYT does, but short of moderating the way they do, he could at least have something on the sidebar for what his expectations are for comments.
it's like porn--you know a bad comment when you see it. he can delete comments. i doubt he really has time to even moderate--that means hold comments, review them and then post them. my guess is in his spare time he will delete the worst ones, and chances are they won't be those by AB.
Presidential and spouse vacations during economically tough times only becomes a problem when those negroes do it.
The hypocrisy is not to be believed.
I guess Tantaros and slappy don't remember Nancy Reagan's extravagant balls and $10,000 evening gowns during a time of record unemployment and inflation.
BTW anybody seen Grinder?
Doubtful we will with a white boy cappin brothers in Flint.
Good morning.
As for the moderation route, good idea.
You have to. Too much trash is clogging up the bandwidth these days.
Only rightwingers censor posters for their beliefs.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
4:55 AM
It's beer and it's good stuff! My Dad used to drink that stuff back in the 80's - that and Lowenbrau. Also the way the cap works you can reuse the bottle.
Rottnkid said...
FN, for a while I thought you needed to moderate but at this point I've noticed how the people have been ignoring most of the disrespectful postings. Neh, don't moderate, I want people to see how some of these cowards think. But I would suggest this - I would require every person who posts to have a handle. After all you will still be anonymous. OK, now back to our regularly scheduled dissing contest.
try to imagine gwb and laura spending MORE cash and taking MORE vacations in THIS depression than they actually did during BETTER economic times...
michelle and obama are rabidly elitist and ALIEN to the misery of all races in america
and the only reason they are being given a pass is because they are black/blackish respectively.....shame!!!
hobama could not care less about detroit...way too many poor blacks there for him
best wishes
banning all assnons works for me
eurasian your'ekdding!?!:
you have missed 100s of vulgar comments from assnons or you are a blatant liar...
which is it???
when does your martyr act end?
it is bogus and tired!
where is YOUR blog with YOUR rules???
thank you for not ignoring ALL of the vulgar assons as eurasian brazenly did...
get a life, AB. not playing the martyr, and never have. i can share how others moderate.
you fight with ghosts all day. isn't that tiring?
you haven't posted a cogent thought in at least six months.
oh steve, you need to find a brown tit and suckle old man, you cry like a baby god forbid you realize much of the trash posted on here is from the mind of a senile old man who beats his wife
the external pressure field fears is not from the mess his field has become, but legal/political pressures from the outside.
i cannot wait to see how this plays out...got my popcorn and diet soda too fake christ lady.
Let's try this AB.
Why don't you just deal with the topic at hand?
Don't get caught up in the vortex.
you are my least fav troll on this blog
do not ever say a single thing to me
i have 0 respect for colorists/sexist dogs/liars who post as assnon/illiterates/unethical letches/arrogantly ignorant fools/oj clones etc....
you are the epitome of all of the aforementioned ills...gratuitous OFF TOPIC shout out to your resident nicole included...
mostly rabid shoo!
"you haven't posted a cogent thought in at least six months."
further proof that you blatantly lie as much as eurasian at will
got a 2nd act?
time to change up
good advice, steve. actually, i never respond to anons, so i will ignore AB as if she were one. thanks for the reminder.
what chronically fatigues me is watching you play the innocent herein
and watching your schizo waffling from lying clone of eurasian to doormat clone of nicole etc...
i am more tired of that than you could ever know in your schizoid delusions!!!
nothing would please me more than for oj and nicole to ignore me...
steve = you are not the moderator stop playing like you got a brain one in that head of yours. your stupidity makes this blog foul.
Assnon #2 since you want a signature
Maria, you do play the martyr bit, just like that RM always did.
Folks like Granny, LA, MMM, AB they do not
"so i will ignore AB as if she were one. thanks for the reminder."
Believe me. She is one of the anons.
See "9:59 AM"
A really sick, sad person.
I will no longer feed the beast.
all sane americans who are not racists are really enraged by the blatant elitist betrayals of hobama and his banksters etc...
how can lavish constant vacations ever do anything more than FURTHER enrage the broke jobless homeless masses who may never afford even a frugal vacation ever again????
i have never posted as anon anywhere in my life and cowards like you know it!!!
YOU are such a tiny old elitist geezer beta male clown that you deliberately try to make assnons sound like those you target here...
we all know this is your crusty old crazy niche.
and that is why i hate you with a deep hot passion...
you are a disgrace to all real men as you have no spine/brain/soul/heart/conscience/common sense/skills/nominal intelligence etc...
the thing i love most about hobama is that his genocide will delete your defective gene pool.
I think some form of moderation or comment policy would be a good thing FN. As you said that wouldn't mean that people still couldn't vehemently disagree with you or each other or whoever. I respect the no censorship position. There's nothing more annoying than bloggers who generally only allow comments they like, mock those they don't and then ban people before they have a chance to respond. I don't think any person wants that. Usually that's the hallmark of a closed and insecure mind.
But there's a distance between that and ensuring that comments don't inevitably deteriorate into scatological/racist/sexist insult fests. Good luck with whatever change (or no change) you decide.
but the sickest saddest thing about you is that you actually think you are clever and clandestine.
just like the sloppy double murder
committed by your clone oj...none of ius are fooled.
karma is real.
that is why oj is on his stomach in NV.
and that is why you are equally exposed and laid out herein each day.
@ Alicia:
I've been a reader of this blog for a long time and am quite familiar with the way the comments section inevitably turns into "The Alicia Banks Show".
The "I didn't do nuthin', they started it" thing is so high school. If you can't recognise the role you play in turning these threads into a farce, you need to open your eyes.
not only are u so rabid a mongrel that you would post as an inept flagrantly fake cowardly lying assson
but you then have the audacity to be your own PR agent herein and ADVERTISE the fake bs you post
you are a disgrace to all your fellow rabid spineless amoral mongrels everywhere!!!!
got envy because you feel unworthy of my shine???
not my problem
NOTHING is more high school than saying:
"i did not see the posse of bullies...just the one they attacked who slew them"
you are a pasty white lying weasel.
go tan fool!
are u a racist liar too?
what is with the ebonics???
i outshine you herein because i am far more articulate than you!
so then...what gives anemic mr. clean???
what i do notice is that i eloquently post more sanity and links and rebel truths and books and evidence...to this blog than ANY other poster...
especially selectively blind reticent fools like you who somehow manage to even miss 100s of vulgar posts by stalkers like mostly rabid
clearly it is you who needs to polish up your attn skills akin to your shiny ghostly white dome!
you take care of your role herein by doing that asap!
UTS are your panties still in a wad cause you got served? Perhaps you should look at the "meat" of the serving and see how ridiculous you truly are.
field, you wrote:
n_s, you cannot be serious. Do me a favor: look in the mirror tonight and ask yourself this question: If that was Laura Bush would you take the same position?
Tell me your answer in the morning after you sleep on it.
As expected, you went into standard black defense mode. What's that? When criticized, respond with a hypothetical question that substitutes an imagined white player for the actual black performer.
With respect to the purportedly white killer/attacker in Flint, this game is well underway.
In this drama, it is supposed that if the victims were white and the perp were black, he'd have been caught by now.
Inasmuch as there are murders and attacks in black communities every day, it's never immediately clear that one person is committing a string of them. At what point did police determine a lone white man was attacking blacks? Since dead men tell no tales, it's tough to link them -- at first.
Anyway, back to your Laura Bush hypothetical.
Maybe you should check the Laura Bush Travel Itinerary. The woman was a homebody. Sure she went to state dinners in foreign capitals, but, to the best of my recollection, she was traveling with George on official US visits.
Meanwhile, the press was rabid over the possibility of catching any mis-steps by the Bush family. One daughter was a partier, and the press counted every beer she drank.
If Laura had been a spendthrift with taxpayers' money, there would have been plenty of media effort devoted to informing the world.
We did get regular reminders of the fatal car accident in which her high school boyfriend was killed, which means nothing was off limits -- when it came to covering the Bush family.
In comparison, Obama is getting a free pass.
Eurasian Sensation,
Hey, how are things going over there in that non-muslim nation of Indonesia?
I just went to Euros site.
He's a poser, just thinks he's black.
Get out poser.
Like Maria.
no slappz
"In comparison, Obama is getting a free pass."
Your drooling racism is a wonder to behold.
The media barely touched Bush's dry boozing, his alleged cocaine use, his numerous failed businesses, family ties to the Bin Laden family etc.....
I don't remember anyone going after Bush Sr. and family regular speedboat cruises in Kennebunkport while the economy was tanking in the early 90s.
People like you won't be satisfied until you see Obama scratchin his head and sweatin on TV like a Mississippi sharecropper.
"As expected, you went into standard black defense mode. What's that? When criticized, respond with a hypothetical question that substitutes an imagined white player for the actual black performer."
As usual, you have it backwards goober.
The only reason why you raised this ridiculous and gratuitous attack is BECAUSE they are black.
You didn't say shit about the Bushes or the Reagans vacations, did you?
bush was routinely maligned for his visits to his OWN ranch that he owns unlike the hobamas using OUR cash while we starve at home....
gwb was dogged for golfing so much that he stopped doing it
the media dogged bush for everything from his grades at yale to his manchurian cousin hobama cloned "military career" to his bumbling speeches...for 8 entire yrs!!!
as usual, uts is just creating his own facts
all hobama nazis MUST pretend that gwb was beloved to justify the hitlerish adoration and media's coddling of hobama
can u even imagine what uts would be screaming about gwb if he had called blacks mongrels on the view???
This has been a short glimpse of the history of the “mongrel” term that Obama brought to the morning broadcast couch like some benign little nugget. Of course, even a president has the personal right to call himself any names he pleases. But Obama told the ladies of “The Show” and millions of viewers that “we” African Americans are “a mongrel people” – a label he is not entitled to inflict on 40 million Black folks, many of whom know full well the poisonous historical (and, yes, contemporary) properties inherent in the term. Obama’s talk show behavior is consistent with his politics, which constantly tries to erase the very idea of Black America. (As in his introduction to most Americans, at the August, 2004 Democratic National Convention: “There is no Black America…there is only the United States of America.”) In ways big and small, Obama reveals that he does not accept or respect African Americans as a distinct people, culture and polity who cannot be reduced to a flotsam and jetsam of various and sundry human parts. Apparently, that’s how he thinks of himself.
hobama is WORSE than gwb in every way!!!
Grolsch is a Dutch Pilsener-type beer, I've seen it on sale in Minneapolis so you should try it some time. It's a bit stronger than most U.K. beers (which typically come in at about 3.5%) so it tends to catch British tourists out.
At least that's their excuse.
In honor of the 44th President of the United States , Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: " Barocky Road ." Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. The cost is $82.84 per scoop....so out of a hundred dollar bill you are at least promised some CHANGE..! When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but after you pay for it, the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you at no charge. You are left with an empty wallet, holding an empty cone, with no hope of getting any ice cream. Are you stimulated?
"let them cake & ice cream"
In honor of the 44th President of the United States , Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: " Barocky Road ." Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow. The cost is $82.84 per scoop....so out of a hundred dollar bill you are at least promised some CHANGE..! When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but after you pay for it, the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you at no charge. You are left with an empty wallet, holding an empty cone, with no hope of getting any ice cream. Are you stimulated?
the persons who get the free cones are all banksters!:
seen this?
goober? are you playing with a full deck of cards?
who is this wife beater assnon is talking about is it referring to you?
Yep, the comments get pretty crazy, during the day especially. That's why I try to get my comments in early before 'they' show up. <<
@Val You’re right about getting in early. It seems, without fail, that most interesting, informative thread descends into a flurry of insults and pissing contests before it’s done.
Michelle Obama has an obligation to spend money given to her by taxpayers at an American resort that employs American workers who deserve the financial benefit of a visit from the first lady and her entourage.
By selfishly going to Spain, Michelle has exported several service jobs, showing once again she is NOT leadership material.<<
@NS What makes you think that Michelle isn’t spending her own money? As Field wondered earlier, would you carry on so if this were Laura Bush and the twins vacationing in Spain?
thats sad about the poor men who got
shot eye thought u was putting on
comment moderation what happened?
that way u can stop those nasty foul
mouthed trolls like that cretinous
sow ab!
12:20 AM <<
Here we go. :-(
uptownsteve, you wrote:
The media barely touched Bush's dry boozing, his alleged cocaine use, his numerous failed businesses, family ties to the Bin Laden family etc....
I see. That explains why you know about his past. Meanwhile, the lunacy about Bush ties to the bin Laden family seem rather quaint next to the fact that Obama is an ex-muslim who is showing treasonous deference to islamic dictators everywhere on the planet.
I don't remember anyone going after Bush Sr. and family regular speedboat cruises in Kennebunkport while the economy was tanking in the early 90s.
You don't remember? Get checked for Alzheimer's. There were critics and crackpots hard at work blasting Bush every day. One of the most successful was Ross Perot. Had Perot stayed out of the 1992 election, Bush would have beaten Clinton. Perot took about 15% of the popular vote which was enough to swing the results in the electoral college.
Meanwhile, Bush 41 had the bad luck to serve when the Savings & Loan Crisis was peaking. He and his administration had to undo the damage to the S&L industry inflicted by the stupidity of Jimmy Carter when he ended Regulation Q.
I'll let you look up Regulation Q for yourself. But it's over your head, so I doubt you will understand how badly Carter blundered.
Anyway, Bush 41 and his administration made some tough decisions that revived the banking industry with minimal harm. If the soundness of financial thinking from the Bush administration had lasted, we would have avoided the collapse of the mortgage market.
But Democrats were determined to make mortgage loans available to borrowers too strapped to return a cup of borrowed sugar.
Anyway, Bush 41 was ripped for tearing around in his gas-guzzling speedboat.
Meanwhile, when it comes to Bush critics, in my view, the most severely cracked pots were the 9/11 Truthers who from moments after the dust settled at Ground Zero claimed that Bush and his administration either Made It Happen or Let It Happen. Every year at the 9/11 memorial service at Ground Zero I was faced by these idiots.
But imagine my surprise when, after Obama's election, they skipped the following 9/11 memorial. I was set for my annual battle with those screwballs, but they simply did not show in 2009.
Obviously the moron who wrote that has never been to the Costa Del Sol - with it's army of sunburned Brits eating fish and chips and vomiting Grolsch into the gutter - in her entire tiny little life.<<
@Purple Cow,
Eww! I'd like to think Michelle and the girls are staying somewhere nicer than that.
no slappz
"I see. That explains why you know about his past."
Nice try Jethro but the reason why I know about Bush is because I read books, not bubblegum wrappers.
Try "Shrub" by Molly Ivins or The Lies of George Bush by David Corn.
"Meanwhile, Bush 41 had the bad luck to serve when the Savings & Loan Crisis was peaking."
Bush did relieve another Republican who had been in office for 8 years yet the S&l debacle was Carter's fault?
I guess that's how you clowns can postulate with a straight face that even though under George W. Bush:
Unemployment doubled from 4.2% to 8.2%
National debt doubled from 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion
Yearly budget went from a 236 billion surplus to a 1.2 TRILLION deficit (a 1.4 trillion drop)
Dow Jones plunged 25% from to 10,587 to 7949
Gasoline tripled from 1.44 to 4.11 per gallon on July 11, 2008
Lost 700,000 jobs monthly
Economy in total freefall
...somehow the economic crisis was Obama's doing.
sharon from wi, you wrote:
@NS What makes you think that Michelle isn’t spending her own money?
Several reasons. First, when she travels she travels with a Secret Service entourage. That's covered by taxpayers. Second, she's traveling on Air Force 2, which is funded by taxpayers. According to published operating figures for that plane, the cost of the flight for her and the entourage is about $300,000. Meanwhile the hotel she picked in considered one of the world's finest. The Obama's financial picture is improving rapidly, but they are not up to covering bills of this size.
Obviously it costs a lot for her to travel domestically too, but at least the money would flow through the US economy.
Meanwhile, it was said that some of the expenses were picked up by friends. Well, here in America, when one person pays for the vacation of a politican, the gift is generally considered a bribe. Thus, I'd like to know which campaign donor chipped in.
As Field wondered earlier, would you carry on so if this were Laura Bush and the twins vacationing in Spain?
Like I said, this is standard black redirection. The game is to dodge the obvious by asking a hypothetical question of no real relevance.
Rather than ask a question that you hope is rhetorical and damaging, you should check on Laura Bush's spending as first lady.
As ab said, for vacations they went to their Crawford, TX ranch. I'd bet they spent very little taxpayer money traveling anywhere. Bush was heavily criticized for his lack of travel and it was said he had not visited Europe until he became president.
There's no reason to think George and Laura suddenly began to spend all their free time and tons of taxpaper's money in Paris after he was elected.
there's no comparison.
40% of bush's time in office was spent at crawford. he took more vacation time than ANY president. he was "heavily criticized" for that, too, and for letting cheney be the real president. and rove was VP.
no slappz
"Like I said, this is standard black redirection. The game is to dodge the obvious by asking a hypothetical question of no real relevance."
As usual you have it backwards.
Why are black folks held to a different (higher) standard than whites?
"As ab said, for vacations they went to their Crawford, TX ranch."
Yeah I notice that AB has resorted blowing white supremacist beef now.
"I'd bet they spent very little taxpayer money traveling anywhere."
Bush Made 77 Trips to Crawford TX at $226,072 a pop.
That's the minimum cost per trip - just the estimated cost of flying Air Force One round trip - about two hours of flight time each way at $56,518 per hour.
Back to the drawing board Jethro.
Mollie Ivins? Who cares? You, I guess.
Anyway, yes, Carter ended Regulation Q, which, by itself, opened the door to outright criminality in the S&L industry and brought on its collapse.
I'll help you out here stevie. Rather than change the financial rules to allow banks the right to take over Savings & Loans (an S&L is like a bank, but there is a legal difference), Carter chose to do what Democrats always do.
He worked a ridiculous compromise that granted S&Ls lending powers equal to the lending powers of banks. The idea was to preserve jobs. Instead of remaining quiet low-key lenders serving the home-buying market, S&L managements went wild making direct investments in commercial real estate and huge real estate development programs. Unfortunately for everyone, they were totally incompetent when it came to measuring their risk levels.
But managments knew they had little to worry about because they were gambling with depositors' money that was insured by the FSLIC -- Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, the sister organization to the FDIC.
Anyway, yes, Carter gets the blame for starting the S&L Crisis. Both the Reagan and Bush administrations worked double time to stop the collapse and repair the damage. Meanwhile, during Reagan's presidency -- 1983 -- oil prices collapsed. Oil went to $10 a barrel, which meant corporate debt that had been supported by revenue from oil sales was in deep trouble. There were bankruptcies all across the oil industry, which, in turn, led to defaults on mortgages in oil states. A nightmare.
As for Bush 41, he was the president who chased Saddam out of Kuwait. Obama should wise up. Saddam rolled into Kuwait because he was led to believe we would not intervene.
Muslims saw that a direct military confrontation between a sovereign muslim nations and the US military was the best way to get blown to bits. So they changed their strategy.
Repeatedly and endlessly failing does not stop muslim idiocy. Where are we today? We are foolishly allowing islamic enemies to build a mosque near Ground Zero. For them this mosque is comparable to Neil Armstrong planting the US flag on the Moon.
Sadly, Obama is their domestic agent.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Bush Made 77 Trips to Crawford TX at $226,072 a pop.
In other words, over his eight years in office, about 10 trips a year. Less than one a month.
Maybe you should check on Obama's travel.
Anyway, as I said, the commentary here had been focused on the wives. But, you wanted to redirect, obviously because you believe, but will not admit, that Michelle should have traveled and vacationed in the US. Like Bush and family.
Here we go. :-(sharon from cheeseland
sharon sorry to have offended u that
cretinous sow made me so mad but
eye didnt mean to bother all of
yall only that nasty buceta
as soon as field moderates
comments from her crazy ass eyel
leave trust that
Believe me. She is one of the anons.
See "9:59 AM" uts
obviously this sack of platypus bucetas creates anons to caress her fragile ego created by straight up lies and bullshit if this troll heifer really is a woman and not some teenage boy sitting in his room trolling all day lol!
get a life, AB. not playing the martyr, and never have. i can share how others moderate.
you fight with ghosts all day. isn't that tiring?
you haven't posted a cogent thought in at least six months.maria
maria is on the prowl again uh oh
guuurrrrrl u is toooooo much 4 me!
slay that nasty buceta
*parola, parola*
michelle has 60 rooms and an entourage of 40+ pals????
are we paying for all of them too???
how can anyone say this ok???
do not count on the real story from the hobama nazi us media
see the brits doing the best usa news as always
Michelle Obama could care less about what white folk say about her, before she took her trip, she heard the ridicule from white folk, but, she took the trip anyway!
I hope she spend's white folk tax paying money, left and right, SHOP TIL YOU DROP, MICHELLE! white folk have Persecuted this black woman, as if she is a big pile of junk, NO RESPECT AT ALL! think she doesn't see the picture's they post of her as a Monkey? that's right Michelle, spend those Racist money! spend those TEA PARTY money, after all, don't nobody work in america, but, white folk anyway, that's what white folk say, don't they?
I heard a tape of the young black man that, killed those white folk in the beer warehouse, they would'nt leave him ALONE! look at how they are doing the First Lady! and they wonder why, black folk are FED up with their MESS!
That CRAZY WHITE boy will be caught, and when he do's, he will go to the white man's, special Crazy House! the police could care less, about black men being stabbed to death! notice how, white men will rob bank's without a disguise on? and the police will say, "oh, we don't know who is robbing the bank's" so I say, Lord expose that, DEMONIC KNIFE CARRING WHITE BOY!
Shop on First Lady, live it up! you don't owe white folk squat! they OWE YOU and your Ancestor's as well! see people, whatever Michelle OBAMA'S ancestor's were suppose to get during Slavery, Michelle will recieve it! you may not understand it, but, this is how God doe's thing's, this is God's way! you may ask, but, what about the other poor black's in america, well, their great great grandchild will REAP, what was suppose to come to them! that big Mansion that, a white person is living in today, will one day fall into the hand's of a Black person! the proff is, MICHELLE OBAMA LIVE'S IN A BIG MANSION! think about it!
maria and uts:
u r both blatantly lying and revising history in stereo oas always
carry on
hobama has taken more vacations and golfed more and spent more public cash in LESS than 2 yrs than his cuz king shrub did in 8
only hobama nazi drones like u deny what is evident to all who are paying attn and not hypnotized by hobama's blackish skin
here's a little clip of "bush" on the ranch.
if laura bush and her kid had
done what michelle did solo there would be outrage and outcries...
but if she took 40 others with her, it would be sheer mutiny from jay leno to al sharpton.
for michelle, silence...shame!!!!
this opulent elitism is NOT ok...especially during a depression!!!
alicia banks said...
you are my least fav troll on this blog
do not ever say a single thing to me
you are the epitome of all of the aforementioned ills...
9:51 AM"
Now, AB....you know I just HATE coming in 2nd, you bug-eyed cockroach.
Apparently, I've been away too long!
the only thing more repulsive than the fugly uneducated illiterate plagiarist mostly rabid is seeing her praise a blatant racist liar like eurasian
the audacity of baldness x2
I missed you too:)
the uneducated mostly rabid praises a racist LIAR like eurasian to deny that racists coddle the obamas...
what profound complex irony in that...
i could see both these bald headed fools in high school...
thanking god daily for any attn they get from the bullies because they know they would never be loners who slays bullies like me...
smooth brained clear scalped fools travel in packs!
somebody farted
"hobama has taken more vacations and golfed more and spent more public cash in LESS than 2 yrs than his cuz king shrub did in 8
An out and out LIE
"Obama has spent all or part of 65 days on vacation during his presidency thus far, according to Mark Knoller, a CBS news reporter who scrupulously tallies presidential vacation time. Mr. Knoller’s tally shows that President Bush had 120 full or partial vacation days by this point in his first term."
u r a dirty lying old goat
i am counting golf days TOO!!!
and i know why u do not
President Obama has spent all or part of 26 days "on vacation" during his first year as president, according to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller.
Knoller, who has covered every president since Gerald Ford and is known for keeping detailed records on presidential travel, counts the following among President Obama’s "vacations" in 2009:
A four-day holiday weekend in Chicago in February where the president played some basketball and treated First Lady Michelle Obama to a Valentine’s Day dinner date.
An eight-day stay with his family at a rented house on Martha’s Vineyard in August.
A trip out west to the U.S. states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona that combined both business and pleasure. The president held town hall meetings on health care during the trip. And he went fly fishing and took trips to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon with his wife and two daughters.
An 11-day stay in Hawaii where the president and his family celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Some of the president’s recent predecessors, however, have spent more days — either entirely or partially — away from the White House "on vacation" during their first year in office.
yep of course she came back with an
insult first then had to find a link
to obliquely justify her position
bias confirmation anyone???
FN, do you need more proof? You got to do what is needed. This is ridiculous.
hey uts
stop the LYING dated stats & facts!!!
it is 2010
gwb is not on vacation and he is not prez
"The First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her 'closest friends,'" Tantaros writes, pointing to a CNN report that Michelle Obama and her group are expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms. "Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times."
mostly rabid = n word
mostly rabid is always so late!!!
mostly rabid is too ignorant to realize that few share her low bar for "difficulty" and fewER brag about the same.
all who do ride short yellow busses with uts.
Nice try Jethro but the reason why I know about Bush is because I read books, not bubblegum wrappers.
I call bullshit on your old man ramblings. And ugly cocksucking wife too. I hope you don't make her gag to show your alpha maleness.
mostly rabid is now bashing cursing and anon posting...
that is akin to uts bashing sexism and colorism...
both of those mostly rabids are truly schizo!!!
Field; I have read through all of the comments (102) posted here. If you are sincerely interested in stopping the back and forth personal attacks and extreme written venome you should start with a immediate ban on alicia banks. This person is a perfect prototypical example of the type of commentary responder that you DON'T WANT polluting the majority of the comments posted here. One thing further, the first commentary posted from alicia banks was an unprovoked salvo of extremely negative castigations totally OFF TOPIC. From my perspective and taking my recommendations into consideration, it shouldn't take much work to add a real spirit of positive urbaneness to your excellent blog.
From my perspective and taking my recommendations into consideration, it shouldn't take much work to add a real spirit of positive urbaneness to your excellent blog.
hey mane ure rite all he gots to do is
press that ONE button that says
Ban who? and then type in that
sows name she needs to go big time
and eyel leave when she leave
you are:
a blatant liar
severely blind
an inept blog police
all of the above
pick one
it was a trick question
as we all know the real answer:
you have to really "go some" to get dumber and more obvious posting as assnon/parvenu than uts
kudos mostly rabid you schizoid mongrel!!!
ab how many insulting comments
have u made today? eyem sure
Grandpa Isadore would be proud of
what with the constant degrading
of the FIRST Black President and
all along with his wife who u
continuously degrade (got
projection?) oh wait u call the
president blackish Grandpa would
be hurt by that cuz wasnt he part
Jewish or something? after all he
was still treated as a black man
Grandpa must be in
heaven cheering for ur successes
in life huh? eyem sure that
Grandpa would be very proud of ur
incessant diatribes, need to be
the center of attention and ur
desire to humiliate and harm
anyone who disagrees with u
Grandpa sure has a lot to be proud
of *cough cough sneeze sneeze
buceta breath*
all real black people despise hobama because he really depises poor uneducated black mongrels like his mostly rabid hobama nazi fans...
mostly rabid is too broke to vacation and michelle will not send her a t-shirt from spain....shame
mostly rabid is now daring to bash multi posting...
she is far more insane that i knew.
iseeisee writes:
Michelle Obama could care less about what white folk say about her,
Posibly true. But clearly you are speaking for yourself. Meanwhile, it would not surprise me to learn Obama told her taking a trip to Spain and spending a lot of taxpayers' money was a bad idea and she should wait till he's out of office and they have millions of dollars coming their way in their post-presidency life.
Inasmuch as we know she's a hothead, it's within reason to think she's angry with him and letting him know by going out of the country on his birthday. Let's be serious, she controls her schedule and she chose to book a trip when she did.
before she took her trip, she heard the ridicule from white folk, but, she took the trip anyway!
No. This is the noise that fills YOUR head, which is filled with some of the same nonsense that was clogging the brain of Omar Thornton.
I hope she spend's white folk tax paying money, left and right, SHOP TIL YOU DROP, MICHELLE!
Whether you intended it or not, you have admitted that blacks, in the aggregate, pay no taxes. At least you got that right.
No_Slappz, as usual the issue goes over your head. The media is in a fit about the FLOTUS (who happened to pull a lot more bank than her husband before he was elected, so she has her own damn money) took her daughters to Spain for vacation. First of all, so what, dignitaries travel the world all the time. No one bats an eye in other nations when their leaders decide to hang out in New York or LA. She's the first lady -- she's not going to hangout in the Motel 6 in NOLA.
Second, like I said, she's got her own money. She's a former VP and legacy advisor to a big name hospital. As a healthcare professional, I can say that hospital executives aren't broke -- they pull in at least as much, if not more than, a Congressman or a Senator. She doesn't need the money. Whose to say that she didn't pay for the whole thing (not counting security) herself?
Third, and most importantly -- this is the "Willie Horton/OJ" move on the Obamas, or As Rachel Maddow put "Scare White People" politics.
The conservatives don't attack the President on policy or politics, because attacking Obama on merits of argument is a losing situation for them. Like Clinton, they don't want to battle a Progressive-Moderate who a skilled lawyer and a lot more knowledgeable than they are as a whole.
They tried that once and came up, by even their own admission, looked like Buffoons. In a battle of brains -- the GOP is currently lacking against Barak Hussein Obama, Jr.
No, make him out to be an uppity Negro who doesn't know his place. He's a Marxist-Muslim Kenyan double agent with an Angry Black Female for a wife who are acting as Marie Antoinette.
Again, let the silly season begin.
A four-day holiday weekend in Chicago in February where the president played some basketball and treated First Lady Michelle Obama to a Valentine’s Day dinner date... - Don't see nothing wrong with that he was with his Boo for a romantic weekend. I'm guessing the President still likes to get ass.
An eight-day stay with his family at a rented house on Martha’s Vineyard in August... - Don't see nothing wrong with that, Summer vacation with the family. Most families do that.
A trip out west to the U.S. states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona that combined both business and pleasure. ... - Again, nothing wrong with that either. He was killing 2 birds with one stone but here's the problem - he gets shit for hanging with the "normal folks" and gets shit for NOT hanging with "normal folks". Critics need to make up their minds.
An 11-day stay in Hawaii where the president and his family celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve... Once again, nothing wrong with that. He was Holiday, at Christmas and New Years with his family - Again, most families to that.
I think his time off was and is justified. Dude can't and should not work 365 a days a year and his critics shouldn't expect him too, because I'm sure they don't.
alicia banks said...
4:31 PM
AB, I know you hate the Obama family with extreme prejudice as much as any conservative (but for very different reasons). But put your angst aside and use logic.
Michelle Obama is one of the most famous women in the world. She's the wife of the most powerful man on earth -- the damn well better keep security tight. Its common for world leader and celebrities to cause a security uproar -- primarily because there are quite a few nuts and terrorists who would think nothing of snatching the FLOTUS for a ransom.
I'm sure that no one was allowed within 20 yards of Laura Bush when she went to Africa without a through background check. Hell, whole African countries came to a halt just so rich white women like Angelina Jolie and Madonna could go window shopping for orphans.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Dignitaries show up, the local cops get antsy. Would it be any different if she went to Disneyland?
NS says..Whether you intended it or not, you have admitted that blacks, in the aggregate, pay no taxes. At least you got that right.
4:27 PM
I now a quite a few white folks, "in the aggregate", that pay no taxes either, so what's your point?
i hate ALL lies and hoaxed with extreme prejudice
i hate that lying hoax hobama
i do not hate the obama family
i hate hobama and his rabid fans
i hate that he is being excused for being a crueler more brutal clone of his cousin gwb
and this opulent trip is ill timed and tacky...and callous...i do hate all that too
i also do deeply hate everyone who pretends they hated bush while excusing every cloned act of bush by hobama
Again, use logic Alicia. Short of walking in circles around the White House, anything Michelle Obama goes will become a three ring circus, simply because of security logistics. Even is she took her kids to Bush Gardens, they're be some wing nut cretins whining that.
She went to Spain -- big whoop.
why do you love the obamas?
why can you not admit that you would be blasting the bushes if they vacationed/golfed as the hobamas do???
why did no one ever accuse me of "extreme hatred" for gwb when i dedicated countless hours of radio shows and columns to bashing him even worse than i did hobama????
i will never ever pretend that what gwb did was ok simply because hobama is now doing worse
please know that i will die hating hobama even more than i did gwb because gwb never lied about being a neocon elitist drone the way hobama STILL lies each day
that is a blatant lie
there is nothing wrong with a vacation
only black racist coddlers are pretending that there was no other vacation option othre than this OPULENT INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS and 40/60 DEEP...
and the 40/60 are pals/kin not agents!!!
this is indefensible.
this is not michelle's/kid's first vacation
this is their first vacation as a posse of rock stars though
while this country is more enraged and jobless and homeless and hungry than ever!!!
black skin or no = inhumane shame!!!!
did the bushes ever vacation with 40 friends????
Let's stipulate: A five-star resort on the Spanish Costa del Sol was probably not the first choice of White House spin-meisters for a mother-daughter getaway. Especially when the getaway included a posse of 40 friends of the first lady staying at the Hotel Villa Padierna, where rooms start at $330 a night, and photos of Michelle Obama strolling in Marbella wearing an off-the-shoulder number by Jean Paul Gaultier.
another black racist defending michelle:
all who hate hobama hate him with extreme REASON...
for the very same REASONS we hate gwb
and we hate that anyone would UNREASONABLY deny that just because his skin is blackish
alicia banks said...
why do you love the obamas?
why can you not admit that you would be blasting the bushes if they vacationed/golfed as the hobamas do???
You assume because I don't agree with you there's a picture of Barak Obama on my wall. Please don't insult me. Simply because I see this whole "Obamas invade Spain" as pure media BS doesn't make some mindless Obama-loving Brown Shirt.
Actually, I had no problem with Bush vacationing, per se. And I certainly didn't care if Laura Bush wants to globe trot -- its not like she had anything else to do.
I would have a problem if Obama was, say, watching Spamalot during Katrina like Condi Rice or partying with John McCain like Bush. Also, Obama didn't spend over 40% of his time on vacation, much like the last President.
Here's my question -- why do you hate this man so much? And its not politics, don't even go there -- because a pure political disagreement wouldn't rise to level of irrational vitriol.
You bring up your almost holy quest to convince all Black folks that Obama is worse than cancer on every post on this blog -- even when Field's comments have nothing to do with the President. And frankly, many of your political statements contradict your claimed core values.
Personally, I just think you're a generally angry person and the O-man is a convenient bullseye.
Your problem with me and others is that because many others on this blog won't follow you down the rabbit hole of your irrational Obama-hating obsession, we're all mindless zombies who can't think for ourselves.
We all have our gripes and disagreements with the President, but most of us don't hate the man with noose-hanging bile only found the nether-regions of the Tea Party movement. Or a jilted ex-girlfriend.
Criticism of Michelle's vacation is just more of the same old small minded people who invest the anti-Obama sites, I even read a while ago that they had not right to spend tax payer's money buying a dog for the girls, or that they had no right to buy the girls toys, it's that petty.
I hope they find that killer, he is a sick.
I really don't know how to solve the comment problem, maybe restrict to ONE link per comment might help, and sticking to a reasonable topic, and banning ad-hom attacks? Dont' know, sometimes I do try really hard to scroll past, other times I probably get sucked in. I really do hate the way it's been overloaded with the same old mundane,(hobama, nazi, link) blather, especially since some of the ppl who post that nonsense can make some very good observations at times.
ditto for hobama nazis who can only condemn and slander those who hate obama with extreme reason
yet NEVER post any reasonable defenses as to why they adore hobama etc...
i share your pain as deeply as i reject your hobama nazism
Alicia, do you think it is reasonable to criticize the President for buying his kids a dog? Or buying them toys? Or his wife taking a vacation in Europe?
Alicia, when you worked as a teacher, didn't your pay come from people's tax money?
quote me.
i have never said anything about hobama for any of your listed items...
what does my nominal teacher salary have to do with bailouts/rock star entourages in spain
i will not pretend you are being fair
and will not reply until u tell me what hobama has done to earn your love
i have detailed herein and all over my blog PRECISELY why he has earned my hatred
what do you love so that hobama has done for poor blacks/usa's economy etc
cc same queries to kathy
it is far too late for you all to pretend that we are hating hobama for no REASON
see more anytime:
i explain my hatred for hobama anh king shrub all over my blog
lac & kathy:
please please send me links to see your love detailed similarly
i truly want to know how and why you adore hobama so when he is WORSE than gwb - whom you scapegoat and hate incessantly and unfairly - each day
no one ever said i hated gwb too much
ditto for my cloned hatred for his clone hobama
stop playing and tell me why you love him so
the usa is dying
hobama is killing it
game play time is over
Alicia, what you characterize as a rock star entourage is for me, her vacation. it isn't any different than the criticsm I have read online about the President buying his kids a dog, or buying them toys. For me, these criticism are small minded pettyness.
your nominal salary is still sourced from tax payers' money, and no one cares how you spend your money.
millions of blacks agree with the tea party as i do
even as we skip the rallies
your denial will never change that fact
your deeply flawed analogy severely petrifies me...
teachers are not presidents
we are pvt citizens
hobama and all he does is far more powerful even as imagery as he is the blackish mask of the new world order
You bring up your almost holy quest to convince all Black folks that Obama is worse than cancer on every post on this blog -- even when Field's comments have nothing to do with the President. And frankly, many of your political statements contradict your claimed core valueslac
another sensible person making an
astute observation this is cuz she
is a paid shill sent here to
derail progress that black folk
can make on this blog thru
networking etc she is sent as a
distraction, a liar, and an
embarassment she cares not about
forging past differences but
instead focusing on them and lets
see she hates just about everyone
who isnt a fucking rugmuncher or
dating a white guy she is a sick
twisted fuck just a few days ago
field had to ask her to stop
calling people ni**ers cuz it was
so offensive she is a wasted fuck
Again, use logic Alicia.lac
yeah thats like asking the devil to be
good! it aint gonna happen for that
buceta eating fucknut!
to somewhat answer your question, Alicia, in all honesty, I do greatly admire President Obama, for his many accomplishments, President of the Harvard Review, his community service organizational skills, and his very talented and gifted writing. I thought his books were beautiful, it was in those books that I felt that I met him, which is true about many authors, we meet them in words.
He became President, with a middle name of Hussein, a birth father who was born a Muslim, he, in my opinion, helped America to rise above pettyness, even if only for a short while.
He got a health care passed, got two women on the supreme court, and I know his administration is working on the GLBT issues in the military, I am sure that will be next.
In addition he took over when the entire world was in an economic tailspin collapse. Yes, it's bad still, but I know from my mother what the depression was like and this does not in anyway compare to what my mother and father's generation suffered.
Of course, he has made mistakes, and not been able to accomplish all that he wanted, but I remember well, he promised that he couldn't deliver all his promises in one or even two terms.
All right y'all I've been in the A-T-L the whole last 2 months...
In fact Michigans's one of the few States I've never been to.
and FWIW(thats "for what it's worth") I commend Omar Thornton for "Doin the Right Thang" (Shout out to my Dawg Spyke Lee!!!)and not takin up space on Connecticuts death row for the next 30 yrs...
And that's where we're more advanced in the South..
"Nigger's just stealing BEER??????
You gotta promote that Boy!!!!"
Frank "I can't even Spell Michigen" Drackman
APOI said, "Now, AB....you know I just HATE coming in 2nd, you bug-eyed cockroach.
Apparently, I've been away too long!"
AB replied, "a perv bug fuckeroi:
you have truly stated the impossible!
it could never be too long...
just like your missing penile implant.
you little maggot eunuch!"
Dear Field, why would you want to change anything about the comment section? It is both hilarious and unique at the same time. Why drive away these academy award characters? No other blog can boast such entertainment.
ROFL!!! I still can't believe they are real. LOL
UTS, please don't let Frank D. get away with what he said about your folks. I DO believe Frank is White and has a small bug up his ass about Blacks.
no slappz
"Whether you intended it or not, you have admitted that blacks, in the aggregate, pay no taxes. At least you got that right."
You still haven't revealed what you do for a living slappy.
Methinks that you ab and CF (whatever blogs he's polluting today) are professional TROLLS.
Hey y'all I admit...
I'm Black below the waste...
Frank "Its Adam and Eve, not Adam & Uptown Steve" Drackman
PS, C'mon y'all help a brutha out...
Magic Johnson....
how'd he catch the Hiv-ie???
Frank "you can steal all the Beer y'all wants" Drackman
Frank Drackman,
"In fact Michigans's one of the few States I've never been to."
C'mon Frank.
We already know you don't have the balls to run up on black men and stab 'em, even if they're 80 years old.
You're more the Charles Stuart type.
Kill a pregnant relative, shoot yourself in the leg, and then claim a black man attacked you.
and u would be rite uts those fuckwads are professional trolls and likely have concocted these identities or maybe they r real fucking nutjob idiotas!!!
eye shouldnt call CF a fuckwad though he was alrite he rambled but never went the ad hominem nasty abuceta route!
cf goes to denmarkvesey.blogspot.com to get his kicks now but weirdly enough he usually agree with them
Field, I have lurked here for almost two years and only occassonally comment - I must say you have the patience of Job and a heart of gold.
I enjoy your postings and it's obvious you have people responding who are intelligent, insightful, sophisticated, well read, with wicked senses of humor.
I understand your need to exercise some degree of moderation, but hope you don't have to lose the "no holds barred" environment you've created. (It really does make for great dialogue and exchange of ideas.)
As for the vacation "extraordiaire", I understand there is a "public" aspect as well, a lunch date with the King and Queen.
All of her personal expenses are personal; we taxpayers will pay for security, staffers and costs associated with use of the plane.
Those costs aren't trivial - but not exorbitant.
If she's paying for her guests or they're going dutch (apparently they didn't hitch a ride on the plane)- who cares!?!?!?
Mr. FN ... good golly, I agree with pierced ... you have the patience of a saint ... one of those saints burned at the stake or the one that got stabbed 17 times! You can see I'm a Catholic Girl Gone Bad.
Hang in there, FN, you're the best!
1. no one is forcing you to read comments.
2. you can scroll rather quickly through those commenters that you dislike and move on to the next one.
I remember when the president took his wife out to dinner in NYC. Right wingers b!tched and moaned about that.
They b1tched about the dog the Obamas got for the kids (a present from Sen. Edward Kennedy), they b!tched about the veggie garden at the White House and now they are b!tching about Michelle's vacation in Spain.
Screw them, I say.
Back to Flint for a second. Here's something that concerns much more than knifing white boys and Michelle adventures. Majority black cities are at the top of the list for worst cities as far as major indexes go: New Orleans, Flint, Gary, Detroit, Youngstown, Buffalo, etc. What we need fro this president and the dipshitocrats is a road map for America's urban cores.
What we've gotten fro the past fifty some years is a road map for the suburbs. How can we match the energy and organization of the tea party-minus the vitriol-and harness a campaign for our troubled urban centers? Neither does such a campaign have to race specific; any real reinvestment in troubled metro areas will be a reinvestment in black communities. That is where we can truly help those like the folks in Flint.
I rarely post here anymore. It's clear that it has become the private preserve of a view. Which ones?
Those who have an ideology to push, those who don't like each other, and push buttons until someone cries uncle (which is rare), the racist trolls, and those who use the blog to blast blacks in order to elevate the white race, and those out to destroy your blog by personally attacking those who have something worthwhile to say, in hopes that they'll desert you.
And it's working. Many fine commenters have deserted this blog, weary of the personal attacks, and the incessant infighting.
Were I to take the time, I could come up with several dozen.
It's your blog, of course, and the decision to moderate, or not to moderate, to permit anonymous comments, or not to permit them, is yours.
But a good blog is driven as much by the comments of the blog host as by the posts in the comment section.
Count them up. If you're pushing for quality over volume, the quality has diminished proportionally to the increase in volume.
There are several anonymous posters here who have but one aim and that's to destroy your blog, at least the portion where comments are invited.
They're the primary scourge. The others are mostly tolerable.
If you can't find a way to moderate that, the quality of your comments will go down, and certain readers just won't feel it's worth their time to either wade through them, respond, or drop by as often to see what's up in the field.
And that would be a shame.
BTW Sharon,
Let me apologize for making the "hook-nosed" comment to Drackman the other day.
I didn't mean to offend you or any other Jewish person (except Drackman).
It just seems to me that a Jewish white supremacist is the ultimate oxymoron.
I mean really.
It wasn't black people cooking Jews at Auschwitz and Dachau.
Are you saying that the old urban centers you cite are dysfunctional because they are majority black?
Or is it because blacks were the last immigrant group (along wtih hispanics) into these areas as they deindustrialized?
I am sick and tired of people like you asserting that a black community automatically equals a ghetto.
Middle class blacks have gone to the suburbs as well and established stable, positive, functioning neighborhoods.
I live in one. Living proof.
Yes, I will agree with you that America should committ itself to a reinvestment in the dying urban centers the same way they invested in allowing white people to escape them in the first place.
Or how America invested in rebuilding Japan and Western Europe after WWII.
Black folks served and died in that war (before we were even considered first class citizens) and paid taxes.
Where's the return?
Whooo..And a another day on the Field.
rarely post here anymore.
Same here. My main purpose here is to learn and exchange ideas, not to read these juvenile attacks people are making on each other. That is a real turn off. It's hard to even skip over the stuff as on some days, the comment section is full nothing but a bunch of back and forth attacks. This is not something that's infrequent, so the attitude of someone like me is why the hell bother.
The tone is set from the blog owner. No moderation or censorship is needed. A statement is needed, posted on the blog, about what's acceptable behavior and what's not and if someone runs afoul of the rules, ban their ass.
Do that a couple of times, you'll clear up the damn air here in a hurry and improve the quality of the blog. Don't do it and you'll see folks peeling away and going somewhere else.
I used to post a lot too. But folks like AB and UTS are polluting this place with their fowlness.
AB does not shut up.
UTS has nothing between the ears.
I will be moving on to.
Rosewood isn't the only race riot we should learn about.
i spend all day on 4 pcs
posting briefly etc
i am home now where i can elaborate and condense this post...
we will never agree
i assure you that my hatred for hobama is no more personal than your love for him
and i promise that my mission to awaken black hobama nazis is no more passionate than any other hobama seer's mission/hobama fans' mission
ie glen ford/cornel west/tavis smiley
ie al sharpton/mostly rabid/uts
i am prouder to be in the anti-hobama tribe every single day
from app 2006...hobama gets worse than gwb rather than better each day
it is the same passion huey felt as he awakened the masses to police brutality/the prisons hobama is funding/racist jurors etc...
most black people and u are on an EQUALLY passionate mission to paint hobama as some cool liberal dem bro man messiah...
he is nothing at all like that
he is an icy snake
he is a colder gwb
and he is allowed to be so because of your UNOCONDITIONAL love
he is a WORSE enemy than gwb because he destroys you/us all
as you SIMULTANEOUSLY shake his hand/worship him/excuse him/codddle him/don his t-shirts and beg for his authograph...
words cannot express how deeply i hate that...i hate that even more than i hate hobama
the repulsion that breeds is what fuels me....not some fantasy as you joked about earlier
you ignored all app 40 ACTUAL "girlfriends" that are OPULENTLY vacationing at this very moment ...why???
have you ever seen a teacher give her check to a banker???
your analogy is so severely flawed it is moronically mostly rabidish
I am sick and tired of people like you asserting that a black community automatically equals a ghetto.
Mr. Jack and Jill strikes again. If you've paid attention to me then you'll know I've said no such thing. However, the worst ghettos are majority black. I've also explained why I think that is, and no, it doesn't have anything to do with theories of innate inferiority.
Would you at least agree with this?
America has a large number of failing urban centers
Blacks inner cities and black majority cities bear the brunt of this
We need a road map for urban recovery
when i post typos and errors all day it is because i am interrupted and distracted all day...
have a great weekend
well said:
uts is a rabid elitist who pretends that every black person in america lives in a gated community as he does
he is hopelessly deluded/calloused/detached/amoral/heartless...etc
if he was a slave, he would make sure massa whipped his dumb ass only with the FINEST leather whip...
he is a shallow old fool
we agree to disagree
what u admire i see as all lies and
his harvard record is completely sealed
bill ayres penned his books
i truly believe that EVERYTHING we know about hobama is a lie
even his age and birth date
he was born in kenya
even his dad may be another man
see more here:
"However, the worst ghettos are majority black."
Worst than the hispanic barrios of East LA and the South Bronx, just for instance?
How so?
"Blacks inner cities and black majority cities bear the brunt of this."
You are pathetically trying to tie dysfunction and pathology to being black.
The fact that the majority of black Americans are working to middle class and law abiding
lays bare that lie.
The fact the Prince Georges County in Maryland saw it's median household income rise significantly when it changed from majority white to majority black is more proof.
Yes, lets reinvest in the inner cities where there are large swaths of unemployment and dysfunction.
But stop stigmatizing BLACK AMERICA.
hobama really does look a lot like frank marshall davis
stop ignoring MOST americans who are the abject poor of all races!!!
trapped in sc:
countless volumes of tv and print news were devoted to every vacation/blooper/choked pretzel etc bush took for 8 entire yrs
but i understand you have to lie about/ignore all that to make the hobamas look uniquely persecuted rather than uniquely coddled....
carry on
bill ayres recently retired...he may come clean now about penning hobama's memoirs
The fact the Prince Georges County in Maryland saw it's median household income rise significantly when it changed from majority white to majority black is more proof.
That doesn't sound like a problem. However, in countless other cities (Cleveland, Akron, Buffalo, Gary, Newark, Detroit, Flint, etc. The exact opposite took place.
Your rank obsession with middle class is sad. I imagine your own and not my belief in black inferiority is white drives you to bring it up all the time. Maybe it's just your inferiority that drives it? Either way it makes no difference.
Here's some reading for you though
A black child poverty rate of fifty percent in our future
The urgent problem of black unemployment
Modern Jim Crow: Black men and the prison industrial complex
Top issues facing blacks in urban centers
RE the serial killer: If it keeps negroes off street corners, maybe it's a good thing.
RE the FLOTUS: who cares? Jealous colored people and white people who think she doesn't know her "place.". Screw 'em.
RE moderation: Glad someone externally has the sense to kick your ass about the stupid racist crap you allow here. It makes you look like someone who is not serious and just lilkes to mindlessly stir the pot. It makes you look ridiculous and
thanks for the links ws!
see many more here:
see more here too:
On the campaign trail in 2007, Barack Obama flippantly declared that African Americans had “already come 90 percent of the way” to equality, with only 10 percent more to go. Whatever the future president was thinking, it wasn’t economics. The meter of progress is running backwards on Black America, toward greater inequality and relative poverty. Everything else you’ve heard is propaganda.
ntrary to the Big Lie that holds that Blacks have been making general progress in closing various economic “gaps” with whites since the Sixties, African American households have been getting poorer for the past 23 years. “The meter of progress is running backwards on Black America, toward greater inequality and relative poverty.”
Study Shows Blacks Will Never Gain Wealth Parity With Whites Under the Current System
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
“African Americans are tumbling out of the nation’s economic orbit, wealth-wise, on a trajectory that can never achieve parity with whites.”
You make no sense.
"Your rank obsession with middle class is sad. I imagine your own and not my belief in black inferiority is white drives you to bring it up all the time. Maybe it's just your inferiority that drives it? Either way it makes no difference."
Your obsession with so-called "black dysfunction" is a direct manifestation of your self hatred and internalization of white bigotry.
You don't WANT to hear about the black middle class majority because it shoots a big hole in your "niggas ain't shit" mindset.
"That doesn't sound like a problem. However, in countless other cities (Cleveland, Akron, Buffalo, Gary, Newark, Detroit, Flint, etc. The exact opposite took place."
And I'll ask AGAIN.
Are you stating the these older urban centers are dysfunctional because they are majority black but because the industry which initially made them great is now gone?
Are you stating the these older urban centers are dysfunctional because they are majority black but because the industry which initially made them great is now gone?
Neither. Pick up a good William Julius Wilson book. Deinsdustrialization is part of it, but so is the breakdown in the family structure and the rise of spatial isolation and resegregation.
Secondly, you ignore the fact that African American progress has been highly uneven and is, as we speak, being reversed. Blacks have still not achieved parity with whites in most major indexes. That needs to be front in center in a progressive agenda. Why not? And we need to make clear that fixing the problems in black America benefits America as a whole.
UTS, Well gave you a shitload. Here is another that shows you that your folk are over represented in poverty. Source is the national poverty center.
Now will you shut the fuck up please?
Cut and pasted the important stuff for your slow mind old man.
How does poverty differ across subgroups?
The poverty rate for all persons masks considerable variation between racial/ethnic subgroups. Poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics greatly exceed the national average. In 2008, 24.7 percent of blacks and 23.2 percent of Hispanics were poor, compared to 8.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 11.8 percent of Asians.
Poverty rates are highest for families headed by single women, particularly if they are black or Hispanic. In 2008, 28.7 percent of households headed by single women were poor, while 13.8 percent of households headed by single men and 5.5 percent of married-couple households lived in poverty.
There are also differences between native-born and foreign-born residents. In 2008, 17.8 percent of foreign-born residents lived in poverty, compared to 12.6 percent of residents born in the United States. Foreign-born, non-citizens had an even higher incidence of poverty, at a rate of 23.3 percent.
So, let me play peace maker here and say that you're both right --
Well (and Anon) are correct, Black people are over-represented in poverty rates and poverty is a pandemic within our community. There issues of family breakdown and de-industralization are key factors. Well's point is that if we don't fix these things, Black people are destined to be a permanent underclass.
To Uptown Steve's point -- most Black people don't live in the 'hood and today's Black people's problems are poor people's problems, i.e. they're not uniquely Black folks. First, the majority of Black people are working to middle class and aren't living in the projects. By projecting the idea that Black people == Poor People puts us at a psychological disadvantage, as well as reinforce unfounded white privilege.
Second, the issues of de-industralization and the destruction of the social economy has decimated the Black community, not certain pathologies. If anything, the pathologies were a result of and not tangential to the shifts in political economy.
And to the point, Well, Steve has a lot good points to make, though you may not agree with his overall analysis. And the same goes for Well, Steve. Well is certainly despondent about the state of Black America, but that certainly doesn't make him a Tom.
Anyway, can we all agree to discuss ideas instead of tossing verbal barbs at one another?
OK, fight's over folks. Have a good weekend.
A major problem currently facing the American black middle class is the threat of downward mobility, which affects middle-class blacks significantly more than the rest of the middle class. A report done by the Pew Research Center in 2007 reveals that of the sons and daughters of the black middle class, 45% of black children end up "near poor", and the comparable rate for white families is 16%.[4] The trend of downward mobility has caused the overall majority of middle-class-black children to end up with lower incomes than their parents. While 68% of white children earn incomes above their parents, 31% of black children earn incomes more than their parents did.[4] The trend of downward mobility could be caused by the lack of married blacks, and the number of blacks born out of wedlock. In 2009, 72% of black babies are born out of wedlock, compared with 28% of white women.[5]
Let me help
According to Blackdemographics.com 70% of niglets are born out of wedlock.
You must be proud of that statistic. Being such a fiercely proud black man and all.
I just wanted to chime in sense you been served so much today, I didn't want to miss out.
Yes, urban usa is not solely black. Most blacks are middle class ( I think 21-24% ore poverty) but what I just posted and other asses posted above, you can read and weep. If you even have balls enough to come back here after all this ass kicking.
White folk live in poverty, not only that, but, white girl's get pregnant left and right! those no good white boy's, will get a girl pregnant, leave them and go on to the next girl, they have babie's all over the place, those little ROTTEN HEATHEN'S! they are just like their ROTTEN PAPA'S!
See, it is a part of White America that, the media hide's out, the poor white trailer people! hello, they live in Trailer's, what wealthy white person, would live in a broken down trailer, if they had money? they are poor! as in, poverty stricken! as in, we ain't got a dime! as in, we need HELP from the Government, to Survive! as in, some of us, use DRUG'S and sell them as well! and we also go to prison, just like Black folk!
I have new's for you white man or white woman! your people, are Messed up, as in a TOTAL MESS! SCREWED UP! the one's that have, are too selfish, to share what they have! they would rather give money to SARAH PALIN, than to help poor white's that, live below the poverty line! what a SELFISH group of people!
Ms. Manitoba, "Others:
1. no one is forcing you to read comments.
2. you can scroll rather quickly through those commenters that you dislike and move on to the next one."
I agree. You would think that it would be a simple matter to scroll past such comments....But some folks react, read, and comprehend sooo slowly that by the time they have realized what they have read, it's too late to scroll.:D
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