Saturday, July 13, 2013

Not guilty says the Florida justice system.

Congratulations Mr. Zimmerman, you are a free man.
 You can no longer be tried for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

You can start the rest of YOUR life now.
Find a good agent and accountant because things good get interesting for you from here on out.
There will be book deals,  movie scripts, speaking tours, and no doubt a guest  hosting spot on FOX news.
Blacks are understandably outraged, but it’s not surprising that a jury of mostly white Floridians decided to set him free. To them, Trayvon Martin is not like their children; his life was  deemed less valuable.   As a young African American male he fits into a stereotype that was placed firmly in their minds years ago. It’s unavoidable when you live in America. Besides, the thinking goes, aren’t thousands of young African American males murdered and senselessly killed every year by other young African American men? 
To the jurors and some people in America, George Zimmerman’s actions on that rainy winter night  was justifiable. They would have done the same thing.  It was a jury of his peers. It was not a jury of  Trayvon Martin’s peers.
People will argue that the prosecution did a poor job, and that their hearts were never in it. While I agree that they could have done a better job, it didn’t really matter how well they prosecuted their case; they were fighting an uphill battle from the very start.
The fact that we had to raise our voices to even get an arrest in this case speaks volumes. If it was not for the case becoming something African Americans rallied around ---because many of us saw in Trayvon Martin our cousins, our brothers, and our sons--- George Zimmerman would not have been arrested in the first place, and cable news advertising directors would not have been celebrating over the past few months.
So now it’s over, and all is quiet (so far) on the streets of Florida. The riots FOX News and others in America were predicting have yet to materialize.  All the people implying that blacks would riot like a bunch of savages are as racist and ignorant as the man who profiled a 17 year old and shot him to death on that February night in 2012.
What they failed to realize is that most of us (black folks) expected this. People of color in this country did not expect justice for the Martin family. We know, that because of prejudices and other imperfections in American life, that lady justice is not truly blind. And we understand,  that sadly,  children who look like Trayvon Martin will never be looked at like the children who look like the Judge (or five of the six jurors) who presided over the case.   
 #IAmGeorgeZimmerman was recently trending on twitter.
I think I will go on twitter and start another trend: #AmericaisGeorgeZimmerman


Anonymous said...

It's "The Summer of George"!

Chauncey said...

"Blacks are understandably outraged, but it’s not surprising that a jury of mostly white Floridians decided to set him free. To them, Trayvon Martin is not like their children; his life was deemed less valuable"

What an ignorant thing to say. You don't know what was in the minds of the women on that jury, and you do not know the facts of this case as well as they do.

The killing of Trayvon Martin was a horrible tragedy, but this case was tried before the public and George Zimmerman was found not guilty. Impugning the motives of the jury should be beneath you.

Wesley R said...

Yes Sir, Zimmerman will be all over Foxnews. But he wont learn his lesson. You'll hear about him trying to play Superman again.

Dave said...

Stunned. Considering African-American experience with the justice system, it seems like yet another depressing blow. And yet, there are too many white folks who still don't get it, don't care, whatever.

We still have a damned long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is simply a matter of the prosecution not proving its case beyond a reasonable doubt and nothing more.


Field lets not forget theres another trial coming up ...

Jordan Davis 17 was murdered for playing his music too loud.. According to Police Michael David Dunn, 45, and his girlfriend were in Jacksonville Friday for Dunn's son's wedding when they stopped at a convenience store, Jacksonville sheriff's Lt. Rob Schoonover said.

Jordan Russell Davis, 17, and several other teenagers were sitting in a sport utility vehicle in the parking lot when Dunn pulled up next to them in a car and asked them to turn down their music, Schoonover said.

Jordan and Dunn exchanged words, and Dunn pulled a gun and shot eight or nine times, striking Jordan twice, Schoonover said. Jordan was sitting in the back seat. No one else was hurt.

Dunn's attorney Monday said her client acted responsibly and in self-defense. She did not elaborate.

Dunn's girlfriend and the driver of Jordan's vehicle were in Gate Food Post, 8251 Southside Blvd., when the shooting happened. Dunn and his girlfriend took off afterward, and witnesses jotted down their tag number, deputies said.

Not to mention we have Marissa Alexander who gets 20 yrs for a damm warning shot in the same state..

Now I propose our Justice Dept, and Mr. Holder ..redeem themselves ,and start flipping some things around down there in FL....

Obvious perversions of justice are being fostered all over the state.

Almost like you have to approach it as we are integrating the South again.

Anonymous said...

Dave said...
Stunned. Considering African-American experience with the justice system, it seems like yet another depressing blow

What, like the OJ trial?

This was one case, one that got a full hearing.

Meanwhile, thousands of other young black men are killed by other young black men every year.

Get some perspective.

Timothy said...

This should not surprise anyone of color. This is a America...enough said!!

Swiffness said...



Whitey's Conspiracy said...

My dad used to say that it was better for one hundred guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to go to jail. I've always believed that, and seen it justified by the tendency of the guilty who've gone free to roll the dice again and again until they finally lose. Its as if even they know that the universe is out of balance.

Anonymous said...

I agree Field.

It's a sad day.

I guess that being darker than a whiter shade of pale down there makes you an instant target.

I guess all young males and females will have to walk around in a constant state of hyper-vigilance, and stay out of white neighborhoods in order to survive,stay alive.

Unbelievable. Not even the proverbial slap on the wrist!

focusedpurpose said...

'So now it’s over, and all is quiet (so far) on the streets of Florida. The riots FOX News and others in America were predicting have yet to materialize.'

and THIS is the blessing...the technology has advanced significantly since Rodney King, may he rest in peace. the devil requires blood and non stop sacrifices. hence our nonstop warmongering.

maybe folks' eyes are being opened to the police state in which we live and realizing that if the tv says riot than the exact opposite will be the best course of action. there is also a heavy military, um police presence there i am sure.

i saw clearly this end result. all the freemasons may take a bow. and THAT is what it looks like folks! i feel harnessing of my emotions and energy. nope. the spirits are subject to me not i to it is written. Set Apart Power. get some, if will believe.

to Trayvon's mom...i feel your pain and pray that Almighty sends the whole host of heaven to heal, renew and restore your family's Peace. i pray His Love, in triple portions for your family.

if one ever looks into history at the different lynchings/torture/sacrifices that took place as sport, in this great 'Christian' will see that FL has ALWAYS been a stronghold for such obvious demonic racist behavior. NOTHING coming out of FL shocks me. nothing. it has been a hot demonic mess for longer than a minute now, if one checks the reports.

alicia banks said...

cc huey newton & the OBPP

the racist just us system they lamented is no relic

ONLY blacks are tried by all white juries...

whites are NEVER tried by all black juries...

do not revolt!


cc the mafia!

focusedpurpose said...

'Obvious perversions of justice are being fostered all over the state.'

imprisoning people is HIGHLY profitable. plus it the Constitutional way to maintain slavery...

prison planet. america is leading the way. Dave thinks we have a long way to go? i am not sure WHAT Hebrews in America are thinking really. HOW are folks trying to make a curse for disobedience COMFORTABLE? make their historical enemies WELL documented transgressions and CONTINUED transgressions something for which they are sorry? all of this is written, whether folks decide to read the book, believe, or not.

america's judgment is lining up. in the interim, it seems Almighty is taking His people back to basics, so we can wake up. all the little accoutrements that got folks all comfy and cozy...wave bye bye.

focusedpurpose said...

YES AB! FLIP it!!!

the world is inverted...perverted. time to flip the script. if one can see it that way, the whole thing becomes a spiritual peaceful non violent protest...

Anonymous said...

Whites are never tried by all black juries, because :
1, Many blacks won't do their civic duty and serve on a jury.
2, Many blacks are unable to serve on a jury because of previous criminal convictions.
3, Statistically blacks make up around 13% of the population.

Anonymous said...

Fuck that! Kill a hundred white children for every Trayvon! It is too late for anything other than vengeance.

alicia banks said...

Queen FP:

amen sista fire!

my heart is broken...but there is no shock.

the just us system in amerikkka is unchanged

cc hobama
the PIC prez

we must heal
and move on

karma is real
gz will NEVER be free from teh karma of this cold blooded murder...

alicia banks said...

gz will NEVER be free from the karma of this cold blooded murder...

cc gz's health/peace/safety...

karma is real

Anonymous said...

Spare me, you snake tongued witch! You have nothing but the white man's interest in your heart. You have spewed illiterate and vile filth on this board for so long. You have tried to take up oxygen from those who were level headed and failed. When this tide turns, Alicia, you will be remembered as a house negro (no caps intended), and treated accordingly. May you rot in hell along with every other fake negro on this board.
In summary, I'm laughing at you and I hope you are cut down by the same white biased system you represent.

alicia banks said...

moron assnon 1246:

my truths do vex u so!

that is why u sound as scared as that fool kkkiller gz!

i get that a lot from blind deaf sheeple bitches who adore that racist bitch hobama as u do!

i am sure the beckies on the tm jury love hobama too.

so they followed his lead and ignored black misery....

i pray the next gz clone who hunts a nigger finds u!!!

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

moron assnon 1246:

my truths do vex u so!

that is why u sound as scared as that fool kkkiller gz!

i get that a lot from blind deaf sheeple bitches who adore that racist bitch hobama as u do!

i am sure the beckies on the tm jury love hobama too.

so they followed his lead and ignored black misery....

i pray the next gz clone who hunts a nigger finds u!!!

alicia banks said...


u lie like hobama...

thanks for the retarded kudos u slithering idiot!

i am so proud that i slay u fools

my venom is more lethal than the lies u tell

damn i am good!

Anonymous said...

When I look at the rejoicing at this verdict, I see disproportionately rejoicing from people associated with the political party associated with "stand your ground", voter suppression, the party that maintains that medical care is a privilege and not a right and so forth.

The pragmatic answer to this particular symptom is to overcome the voter registration suppression, register and vote in the 2014 elections.

alicia banks said...

stupid lying assnon:

cc your snake shit to that global serpent hobama!

hobama has trayvon's blood dripping from his scaly hands!

your blind lies and deaf slander will wash not one drop of that blood

“The rule of law is everywhere in retreat. Racist vigilante justice trumps Blacks’ right to life in Florida and a growing number of 'shoot first' states, while the U.S. president claims the right to kill at will, internationally. 'The Florida laws are the local articulation of a US foreign policy that deploys murder and mayhem at any sign of a threat.' Eric Holder, the nation’s top lawman, condones assassination without trial, yet ‘is now tasked to investigate Trayvon Martin’s murder.’

Our righteous indignation and anger over the Trayvon Martin murder has to stretch beyond our community to consider a global humanity – and especially the nonwhite victims of US militarism and racism. We must pause and reflect on the injustice of the US government’s extrajudicial assassinations, and the fact that the Obama administration has claimed the right to kill people in multiple countries around the world whenever it wants. And we also should ask ourselves the question recently posed on twitter by @public_archive [15]: ‘Trayvon was executed because of a perceived threat; US launches target assassinations because of perceived threats. Both are somehow legal?’ Unfortunately, they are. And they are related: the Florida laws are the local articulation of a US foreign policy that deploys murder and mayhem at any sign of a threat—even as our officials generate these threats behind closed doors and without any pretentions of legality. And both Trayvon and Abdulrahmana, Black boy and brown, were victims of a culture of vigilantism masking itself through false appeals to white security.”

Jemima Pierre
Black Agenda Report

Anonymous said...

When I look at the bemoaning at this verdict, I see disproportionately complaining from people associated with the political party associated with "Free Mumia", voter fraud, the party that maintains that medical care at their neighbor's expense is a right and not a privilege and so forth.

Fred said...

I hope some Mexican shoots Alicia Banks and gets away with it based on some "shut your mouth" law.

alicia banks said...

eunuch 'fraid:

dickless morons like u prefer their women silent

each time u "speak" herein

we all kmow why

how does it feel to know that u will never silence me u pathetic powerless beta male bitch???

alicia banks said...

gz mall cop cloned assnon:

...we all know why...

where is your blog u fecal fool?

go play blog kkkop there!!!

alicia banks said...

all sane persons and all real men know gz is a kkkiller

Anonymous said...

There were no lies in my statement. Unlike you. I feel no need to simplify my world. I don't fear you: I despise you for your lack of integrity. When it all comes down to it, you're nothing more than the sad feelings of failure.
Genius? You are the divide that we have to cross to rise up. Go suck up to Romney and all your other white heroes... you are done.
I could not fear you, as I could not fear a breeze from a trash heap. May your Being grant you peace, because no one on this planet will wish it on you.

alicia banks said...

lying fool assnon:

u speak for ignorant suicidal hobama nazis only

thanks again for the endless retarded kudos u kkklown!!

fools like u simply make all others appear to be geniuses!

those like me
who despise u hobama drones are legions globally


that failed blackish racist hobama makes romney look like a black panther genius banker saint!!!

cc cbc/africom/ndaa/nsa/irs/the hobama loving becky jury etc

alicia banks said...

filthy fool assnon:

do not be afraid to clean your home/PC/top lip/reeking dumb ass...

that may alleviate that rank breeze lament!

Jose Hose said...

Desertflower said...
I guess that being darker than a whiter shade of pale down there makes you an instant target.
Do you know anything about America? The only reason Zimmerman was prosecuted was that he was a whiter shade of brown, pale enough to make this a racial issue.

This prosecution was a travesty, and Angela Corey should be disbarred.

The Zimmerman case will be remembered like the Duke Lacrosse Hoax.

alicia banks said...

stinking blinking hobama nazi:

what do u say about the horrid lethal breezes from hobama's drones that reek around the globe?????

cc trayvon
the stench of that foul hobama cloned hunter gz slew him

cc ndaa/wwiii/dhs etc

alicia banks said...

u lie like hobama assnon

it was gz's 46 previous racist calls to 911

and the racist slurs on his 911 call the night he hunted and killed tm like a deer

that made this a racial issue

u stand your ground corrected

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

did u see the judge smiling?


was she elated about this verdict?

Anonymous said...

Repetition is the last resort of children and the weapon of fools. I still believe you and GZ are from the same cloth. Bark all you want, but your bite is muzzled by your white masters.
Kudo's? Please, if you can't tell when you are despised, then you are not only not a genius, but you are a fool.
More's the pity. GZ got off and you can only ride your mono-talented pre-pubescent horse... sad, but all you

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I've NEVER had faith in the justice system in America for black people, today's verdict just reinforced my belief! You can't teach an old dog (America) new tricks.

No blood on the concrete, not one tiny weeny drop from all that so-called head banging on the sidewalk. Why is that? Blood is hard to get up. Concrete is porous. Water will not wash it away. Blood on concrete will fade to an orange rust color, but it does not wash away. Anytime someone is murdered, a detox crew is sent out to spray a special chemical to clean up the blood. The way the blood flowed or rather trickled down Zimmerman's head.

The sequester violations ignored as minor by Judge Nelson. They swept it all under the rug. The prosecutor’s hands were tied by Judge Nelson, and she allowed the sequester violations to stand. The ATF agent that Zimmerman assaulted supposedly unavailable to testify, not even by computer or skype like those other witnesses were allowed to do. Victim and defendant’s roles switched and the victim blamed for his own death. Yep, the fix was in from the very beginning.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

No one questioned the recoil of his gun causing those injuries. Those two pin holes marks on his nose match those the back of a 9mmm. The position of the dead body and how his legs were twisted. I've seen many dead shot bodies before, so I know that so-call top defense specialist was lying his azz off.

I could go on and on showing all that was overlooked and I'm not a lawyer, investigator, or law officer. The fix was in from the beginning to appease Black folks.
Do you still wonder why Black people practice a no snitch policy or choose not to co-operate with the law? Why should they when they know without a doubt that equal rights under law does not apply to them. The only time the laws apply to them is when Johnny law wants to send them to one of the prison plantations (modern day slavery).

Dang, I wish NWA would have made a song called______da American racist justice system. Trayvon Martin killed behind a stereotype and the demon that killed him was freed to do it again and give other demons like him the right to do it again.

Word for today:

But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Freedom has a cost. It is one that gz will ultimately have to pay.

Anonymous said...

R Campbell said...
Freedom has a cost. It is one that gz will ultimately have to pay.

It was "freedom" that cost Trayvon his life. In the old days, he wouldn't have been out casing houses in a white neighborhood.

Miguel G. said...

I hope Zimmerman sues NBC over that doctored 911 call and soaks that filthy network for every buck he can get.

Mr. Anon said...

"We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict," said Ben Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP. "We stand with Trayvon’s family and we are called to act. We will pursue civil rights charges with the Department of Justice, we will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state, and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed."

That's rich, given that Zimmerman is about as black as Jealous is. What will the bills to strike down SYG laws be called, I wonder - The Kill Whitey act of 2014? Django's Law?

alicia banks said...

tm was casing nothing

he was ONLY walking home
and all sane persons know that

that mf kkkiller gz slew tm for the crime of WWB

walking while black

and 46 prior stalked black boys/men who walked while black are simply lucky to be alive...

PilotX said...

"I guess all young males and females will have to walk around in a constant state of hyper-vigilance"

Always have Desert.

Anonymous said...

Dave said...
Stunned. Considering African-American experience with the justice system, it seems like yet another depressing blow. And yet, there are too many white folks who still don't get it, don't care, whatever.

We still have a damned long way to go.

11:12 PM
If you are stunned, then YOU along with many other BLACKS still don't get it. How could you expect an all-White jury and one Hispanic IN FLORIDA, to find Zimmerman guilty for shooting TM? WHY do you keep forgetting that we are NOT seen the way we keep 'hoping'. That is, as human beings just like Whites...

Nope. Those white jurors saw Zimmerman as a white man fighting a bm, an animal, for his life- and out of desperation had to do what so many other Blacks do to each other everyday: "SHOOT."

Remember Rodney King? In Orange County, Cali- an all-White jury set free white policemen for beating Rodney King in 1991... And they had visual PROOF of those cops beating Rodney ON TAPE!

It wasn't until a full-blown riot in Watts happened Bush brought had those cops retried and convicted in Federal court. But DON'T expect that to happen this time because we have vowed to not riot and ACCEPT the verdict of the "justice system" IN FLORIDA. Hell, Blacks in Florida catch hell trying to vote in a Presidential election. And you thought GZ would be found guilty? GET REAL.

How many centuries does it take for YOU and so many of our brothers and sisters to "get it" that there is no such thing as a justice system for us. It's an "injustice system" rigged to imprison and kill us off. Personally, my stomach began turning with the selection of an all-White jury or women, with one Hispanic.

That alone, left me feeling there would be no justice for TM. You see, with no Black on that jury, who would feel anything or relate to TM? NO ONE.

The state of FL had one thing in mind: to let Zimmerman walk, which is what 'initially' happened after he shot TM. In that respect, the prosecution did a splendid job for Zimmerman and the defense by doing a lousy job for TM.

We are powerless and afraid. We continue to think we will be accepted in America as full-fledged humans. We won't. And the pitiful thing is we keep believing that Whites can be trusted. Things are closing in on us. VRA, stop and frisk, and now THIS. Only one thing comes to my tormented mind: LOSERS in America. We are a NOBODY.

It's too frightening to be Black in America. At any time a precious black life can be snuffed out by ANYONE, Black or White, without consequence.

Anonymous said...

FN is a blog of 'stunned' and 'surprised' posters. It's really pathetic. Depressing. This is my last comment. Good luck to all of you with your 'lives'. Be careful. You never know when a white person may shoot you. PEACE.


LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Hotep Field:

Thank you for keeping me grounded and clear in my old age;)
Need a Crocodile:)??

Book deals, half smirks, and a willingness to get on board with piers morgan, cnn knock knock, ice cream this time chocolate as if to say I TOLD YOU SO! And so we have come to this Not guilty but not innocent

Right now we are on l.4 headed home to the Bay..It was a rough week
Have their been tears? not yet and perhaps not today They prob won't come
To the deceased we owe " truth"

My grand "SUN asked if he could drive after i opened the drivers side and i gave up the keys..

Field. i shut my eyes for the first time and saw Trays face in the pic with his dad they gave me one.

And felt sorta like i feel when a client is min away from execution or a life sentence and we have failed to save him..
"To the innocent we owe justice

Now, Field you know me and how i am part of an Afrikan spirituality and how i always call on Yemaya!
i talk about what i believe whether its little PENISES or justice, mi Kuba, or my courage to spk how i like

Well my esteemed colleague Yemaya answered and even though her answer came contra to justice i never believed that an all white jury of some gun owners and WOMEN would not ACQUIT However i did hope! which did not support the heart (John Guy)

Field, it would be easy for me to BLAME the prosecution and say any manner of things. about the sloppy less than stellar job they did, however you and i know the real deal

The state of "MY FLA" never had any intentions of providing the right evidence in this case and as a matter of fact that office in Tallahassee, may have done the unacceptable from the get go..Just saying
And this starts at the top with Angela Corey The killer is not innocent

Prosecutor Angela Corey has not spoken to Trayvon Martin's family, went straight to media after Zimmerman verdict read. google it

And this was days after this case>


Having said that, you know enough about me to know that for the most part as i always say of the amerikkn judiciary. And thats its in the creepy crakkers DNA to profile. stalk. and murder the Afrikan at every chance he gets
(if our people don't do it first smh!)
And that the legal remedy does not lie with the pros it,lies in favor of creepy crakkers unless it is JUST US Now what?

On then other side at the same time 57, 49, or 77 murders of various races of men, over a July 4th weekend is unacceptable

Now i commented about a civil, suit on my blog, but what will that matter?? $$$ cannot bring his life back
i guess in my pain that i was simply looking for a way to feel better and come out of my WTF NOT!

The bottom line The Martins need a way out of theirs, which i know as a co parent( my hus suffered more than i did) who has lost a son to murder will only come by walking THROUGH the only way out is through

As we shared with Tracy and yesterday and with Sybrina months ago We have lost a son just like they lost Trayvon..The only diff is that our sons killer is in prison with a life sentence And he is a creepy crakker more than likely bumping buttholes in FSP and vice versa

Anyone play Dominoes? dayummmm the pieces are all laying on their faces eating dirt YUP those beige and black dots are face down..
So lets play chess

Ps leave the penis pump home!
YUP i'm back! and Trays killer is indeed a creepy crakker And it will feel good to get in our kingsized cali !

Good Domingo oy:(((((((((((

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Hotep Field:

Do i recall reading in my printed out portions here that someone called this and said that the killer would be found GUILTY? Who was that i do not remember Does anyone here remember OR will i have to post the comment?

Chess anyone?

Ps i will be off a few days

The Purple Cow said...

Here's an article from Gary Younge from today's Guardian, I reproduce it here in full.


"Let it be noted that on this day, Saturday 13 July 2013, it was still deemed legal in the US to chase and then shoot dead an unarmed young black man on his way home from the store because you didn't like the look of him.

The killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year was tragic. But in the age of Obama the acquittal of George Zimmerman offers at least that clarity. For the salient facts in this case were not in dispute. On 26 February 2012 Martin was on his way home, minding his own business armed only with a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles. Zimmerman pursued him, armed with a 9mm handgun, believing him to be a criminal. Martin resisted. They fought. Zimmerman shot him dead.

Who screamed. Who was stronger. Who called whom what and when and why are all details to warm the heart of a cable news producer with 24 hours to fill. Strip them all away and the truth remains that Martin's heart would still be beating if Zimmerman had not chased him down and shot him.

There is no doubt about who the aggressor was here. The only reason the two interacted at all, physically or otherwise, is that Zimmerman believed it was his civic duty to apprehend an innocent teenager who caused suspicion by his existence alone.

Appeals for calm in the wake of such a verdict raise the question of what calm there can possibly be in a place where such a verdict is possible. Parents of black boys are not likely to feel calm. Partners of black men are not likely to feel calm. Children with black fathers are not likely to feel calm. Those who now fear violent social disorder must ask themselves whose interests are served by a violent social order in which young black men can be thus slain and discarded.

But while the acquittal was shameful it was not a shock. It took more than six weeks after Martin's death for Zimmerman to be arrested and only then after massive pressure both nationally and locally. Those who dismissed this as a political trial (a peculiar accusation in the summer of Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden) should bear in mind that it was politics that made this case controversial.

Charging Zimmerman should have been a no-brainer. He was not initially charged because Florida has a "stand your ground" law whereby deadly force is permitted if the person "reasonably believes" it is necessary to protect their own life, the life of another or to prevent a forcible felony.

Since it was Zimmerman who stalked Martin, the question remains: what ground is a young black man entitled to and on what grounds may he defend himself? What version of events is there for that night in which Martin gets away with his life? Or is it open season on black boys after dark?

Zimmerman's not guilty verdict will be contested for years to come. But he passed judgement on Trayvon that night summarily.

"Fucking punks," Zimmerman told the police dispatcher that night. "These assholes. They always get away."

So true it's painful. And so predictable it hurts."

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I've NEVER had faith in the justice system in America for black people, today's verdict just reinforced my belief! You can't teach an old dog (America)
LaCubana Said
Nice piece and one which spks truth
There will never be an answer other than what proceeds out of the hearts of men and in your bible 2nd Tim 3-1-7 shares all we need to know at this time

However as the Orisha spks

After Trayvon died, his enemies' houses were set on fire, probably by his killers friends. But some people believed Trayvon had gone up into the heavens and was sending fire down to Earth. That is why Fla is the realm of thunder and lightning.

As the god of thunder and lightning, Shango has some powerful energy. He is often depicted with a double ax on his head, the symbol of a thunderbolt, Shango’s thunderous energy became a symbol of the resistance of the Yoruba

All is not lost rain brings thunder and lighting and will continue to rain down on the killers family There will be no rest because lightning brings light and raises the darkness

focusedpurpose said...

anybody can see it...if they know what to look Trayvon.

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand why Zimmerman's violent, hot-headed past was inadmissible.

I have other thoughts but if expressed them, the federales might drop in for a visit.


LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I've NEVER had faith in the justice system in America for black people, today's verdict just reinforced my belief! You can't teach an old dog (America) new tricks.
------------------------------------------Milagros the miracle said:
No we can't only we must recall old tricks" and not the ones who buy pussy

Hey ya'll my grdson said he will repost the GUILTY comments a small head made about this case a few weeks back and recently 7 days ago later this week See we know that a comment can be deleted but we printed them HA!

Right now We are tired and need sleep we are on 75 headed to the stretch
After checking the office and seeing what is on my appt book my hus will guide me to the bath

Consciuos people Hold on to your seats and tell me what the indigeous people meant when they said FORKED TONGUE I am going to show you
Twitter me if u want

Be safe some creepy crakker/house negro has a gun

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Alicia banks said...
filthy fool assnon:

do not be afraid to clean your home/PC/top lip/reeking dumb ass...

that may alleviate that rank breeze lament!

1:42 AM


Dayum!! and i thought i was rough dayum nuff said After mid weak i do not believe there will be anything else to day DROP squad arrives in 6 inch heels!

Bob said...

CBS News) JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A Florida woman who fired warning shots against her allegedly abusive husband has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville had said the state's "Stand Your Ground" law should apply to her because she was defending herself against her allegedly abusive husband when she fired warning shots inside her home in August 2010. She told police it was to escape a brutal beating by her husband, against whom she had already taken out a protective order.

CBS Affiliate WETV reports that Circuit Court Judge James Daniel handed down the sentence Friday.

Under Florida's mandatory minimum sentencing requirements Alexander could receive a lesser sentence, even though she has never been in trouble with the law before. Judge Daniel said the law did not allow for extenuating or mitigating circumstances to reduce the sentence below the 20-year minimum.

"I really was crying in there," Marissa's 11-year-old daughter told WETV. "I didn't want to cry in court, but I just really feel hurt. I don't think this should have been happening."

BARBBF said...

I had hoped for a just verdict, but am not surprised..just disgusted that this did not happened. After looking at a few excerpts from the prosecution questions and closing argument, and talking to friends and siblings who had watched the procedure daily...I was convinced that they were not serious about getting Zimmerman convicted.
I am still wondering why they did not introduced any evidence of Zimmerman's violent past..or his use of a prescription drug which has caused hallucinations, aggressive behavior, memory loss and more.... which he was reportedly (by paramedics) using the night he killed Trayvon Martin. There was no mention either of his being fired from his part-time job as a house-party security guard...for being too aggressive (tossing a women who was drunk against a wall)..or his arrest for attacking a policemen..or the restraining order filed by his ex-fiance against him and her reports of his physically abusing her. Then there were the nearly 4 dozen calls (46) he made over the course of several years reporting suspicious behavior of Black men in the neighborhood.

While the mainstream media made sure to report with exclamations and gasps that marijuana was found in Trayvon Martin‘s system on the night that he was killed, many outlets failed to also report that the level was well below what medical studies show cause “performance impairment.” The same can not be said for George Zimmerman. According to the paramedic report, the vigilante neighborhood watch captain was on the prescription drug Temazepam, reports

I am also wondering why there were 5 whites and one Hispanic on the jury. The census for that county reported that there was a population of 78% white and 16.5% Black..which meant that the Hispanic population was 5.5% or less.....

There were reports that there were 7 jurors who were black who were interviewed and were qualified for jury duty..and all were rejected. WHY?

FN mark this day! You and I totally (and sadly) agree.

Anonymous said...

Guess $ybrina and Fruit will have to mark down those t-shirts with 8 y/o Trayvons picture on them. Hope the "Trash Can" tour is over. What a bunch of gum chewing thugs. Who in their right mind would dress up like the Grim Reaper, get high, and go out walking in the pitch dark and cold rain! This is normal behavior? Apparently it is for negroes, more civilized people disagree. The News tries to hide all the black crime. St. Skittles tried the "knock-out game" on GZ, it didn't work out well for him. Had this been 2 negroes, it would have never made the News, there was no racial injustice, it was self defense. Hardy har har, tee hee hee.

field negro said...

"It was "freedom" that cost Trayvon his life. In the old days, he wouldn't have been out casing houses in a white neighborhood."

His father lived in that development, he had every right to be there.

Anon@7:52, may a George Zimmerman type visit you in your lifetime. If we are lucky, you will meet the same fate as young Trayvon Martin.

BARBBF, the prosecution did botch the voire dire process, and I am stunned that they would say that race did not play a role in the trial and yet argue that Martin was profiled. I know that the Judge ruled against explicitly talking about race, but the defense certainly found a way to bring it in (think of the testimony and evidence of break ins being committed by young black men in the neighborhood),and they (the prosecution)could have as well by playing up the state of mind angle which was relevant to a second degree murder case.

But hey, that's Florida for you.

Bob, thanks for making mention of Marissa Alexander, and let's not forget Jordan Davis

Anonymous said...

Field, will you be rioting with your fellow Bell Curvites? Heck you deserve a free TV, after all your hard work as a race hustler these past months. Perhaps you'll learn cursive, or retake that law class about "self defense".

Unknown said...

Very Nice Post as many foreign businesses choose to do in-depth studies and even order white papers to determine the best location to showcase their goods or services. This can cost considerable time, expense and, ultimately, have an outcome only equal to the research capacity and knowledge of the specific industry, which are often of questionable unreliability. I have bookmarked you...

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


Changing laws is the key albeit don't hold your breathe
too late or too little or both People who supported SYG should care about whether or not they can be next..Fla is notorious and Tray will not be the last

We are going to chill for a few days and get ready to fly overseas to take care of some biz This is it for me Other than discussions i have been asked to leave the law alone and to let him handle all things NOT! bro knows better however i will pull in the reins a bit a teeny weeny bit

Look at msnbc and Former Gov Wilder

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Feld negro said...
"It was "freedom" that cost Trayvon his life. In the old days, he wouldn't have been out casing houses in a white neighborhood."

His father lived in that development, he had every right to be there.
Making it plain keeping it real
can't sleep :(((
One thing is certainly true Had Trayvon lived there would still be a possibility of not guilty verdict

Anonymous said...

Instead of crying fake racism and bemoaning how you are victims, maybe you should watch the trial clips and learn what happened.

And teach the young ones that in a civilized society it is not a good idea to punch someone in the nose take him down, smack his head into the concrete and tell him "you gone die tonight" because you didn't like the way he looked at you.

You might just get shot.

field negro said...

"Perhaps you'll learn cursive, or retake that law class about "self defense"."

You must be from Florida. You can keep your barbaric self defense laws.

"Cursive"? You must also be from the early 20th Century.

Anonymous said...

a tweet from Liam McEneaney (whoever that is), taken from Huff Post:

George Zimmerman has just been handed a life sentence of looking over his shoulder.

My thoughts, too. A particle of justice in that, perhaps?


LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Hotep Field

Another sleepless morning i guess will continue for a ferw hours i refuse to pop pills

The Naacp and his mixed up fked up half crakker leader Zeolous wants to bring a civil rights inv into the killing I say he is pandering to Afrikans

Salon has it as do others

NAACP urges DOJ to press federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman
The NAACP has written a letter and an online petition in an attempt to seek justice for Trayvon Martin

Now Akinyele says we need it and that we must bring it i agree but i do not trust the half euro creepy cracker org to lead such an effort
And you know why WAITING!!!

Anonymous said...

CTTOOI, there's a dream job for Zimmerman waiting in Noo Yawk! The bar is obviously lower to become a cop, and he can be used in the Stop & Frisk task force! Chances are the next mayor will keep it in place! You get to say and do all sorts of fun stuff:


LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

No more urls my way of hwy Or you can stop reading Git little penis's

The half cooked NAACP has launched an online petition and written a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging the Dept. of Justice to press civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, who on Saturday night was acquitted over the death of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

From the letter to Holder:

The Department of Justice has closely monitored the State of Florida’s prosecution of the case against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin murder since it began. Today, with the acquittal of George Zimmerman, it is time for the Department of Justice to act . . .

The most fundamental of civil rights — the right to life — was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin. We ask that the Department of Justice file civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman for this egregious violation.

Politicians like Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), along with civil rights icon Rev. Jesse Jackson, have expressed support for the NAACP’s sentiments and called for further review of the Zimmerman case.

As The Hill notes, however, the decision to pursue civil rights charges may be difficult: “The public pressure leaves Holder, the nation’s first African-American attorney general, facing a difficult decision on a controversial case that has grabbed the nation’s attention and sparked renewed debate about racial profiling.”

From The Hill:

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain
The assassinator
never crakked a smile until the HOUSE negro white penis likking stoolie smiled at him

Google it no urls my way!
The verdict was a stunning end to a more than year-long drama that began on a rainy night when Zimmerman encountered 17-year-old Trayvon walking through his town house complex in Sanford, Fla.

George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the murder of Trayvon Martin on Saturday, July 13, 2013.
George Zimmerman smiles after being found not guilty of second-degree murder just before 10 p.m in Sanford, Fla.. Saturday. He was accused in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
A Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty Saturday night in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin — triggering a storm of outrage among civil rights activists.

The 29-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer barely reacted after the verdict was read at 9:59 p.m.

His face nearly blank, Zimmerman merely shook the hands of one of his lawyers. It wasn’t until three minutes later that he cracked a smile.

When the dick likkin little penis seekin house negress grinned like jemima. Look out wifey you may have some comp for that little head

Bill said...

A Hispanic kills an African American. Is acquitted by an all women jury. And this is what people consider "white male privilege?"

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Akinyele said that this may be a class issue as it relates to why Tray was killed
i shared and he agreed that this case was also forced on the state and Field, they did not want it

He will be traveling back to Goldboro and meeting with the youth prog director about our prog in Tampa and how something similar may help the youth in Sanford

i for one am sick of fighting for what is everyones right to be heard in this united snakes of amerikkka, and this is why i am no longer willing to defend in lower courts And not sure if i should walk away
Osun talk to me!
Field i am tired and in the shadows of my life which i want to continue live to the best of my ability. i am being urged to prepare to settle down..
This is why hubby want me to step down, ride our horses spend a little time traveling and preparing for the move(almost done)

Counselor i know that my mate is right and i admit that i promised him that i would stop after this slap in the face in Sanford..hmmmm it will be hard but i gave my word

Class issue other than the killers hue there was no class

This below is the kind of stuff creepy crakkers put out and one wonders why i call them out?

Trayvon Martin’s Own Father Was One of The people texting Trayvon about buying and selling guns –

No wonder why they have short dicks always worrying about an Afrikan

Bill said...

I wonder what it feels like to be a black parent and have your child killed by another black. Knowing that since your kid wasn't killed by a white person there will be no justice. No outrage. No concern. No arrest. No trial. Nothing but loss.

500 blacks shot in Chicago the last year and the only focus is only on one killing by a white Hispanic.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Bill said...
I wonder what it feels like to be a black parent and have your child killed by another black. Knowing that since your kid wasn't killed by a white person there will be no justice. No outrage. No concern. No arrest. No trial. Nothing but loss.

500 blacks shot in Chicago the last year and the only focus is only on one killing by a white Hispanic.

11:27 AM
Bill my son was killed at aged 16 by a nut with a gun So i know what it feels like The only diff the man who killed him is in prison doing life NEXT question?>

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG, Field did you see that Crump guy on TV last night, guess you have to be a negro to understand what he was saying, dis, dat, fo, chile, splain, pooleeze,dade, deh, ebidence, ima, arress, def. I did catch one phrase, "Tryvon will go down in the anals of history". Wow, justice didn't fail him or Tryboon, evolution did.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain:

Also Bill we as a people have the right to focus on the MURDER of a young man who did nothing! and we must
People want us to sit down and have a conversation? NOT! i am sick of that sick of faking the funk

We will sit with our family and children and listen to how they speak to our grands adding if need be, the OTHER truths

Young people must know that multiculturalism is not for everyone ( we are mutli cultural already)

The world wants a conversation about what? RACE! NOT been there done that people we have been through this its another slap and an excuse Only when riots were a threat was a conversation in the making smh! BULL shit

Everytime we try to get solutions another creepy cracker kills another of our children OR another creepy cracker cop or HOUSE negro does the same

You are not privy to know what it is like after 500 yrs of oppression slavery rape and mis judgement by our former slavers to even sit at this table And if you looked like us you would know the fears we have

We have 5 sons all of whom are adult prof. However trust me each time they left our home we asked them to remember who they are and how they were raised

it worked! I am now the grandmother to 18 grands and 4 grts
Two MD's, a dentist another atty and an entrepreneur who owns horses
Good job huh! All of my sons are married to women who look like them and the band plays on!


Anonymous said...

Field, "You must be from Florida. You can keep your barbaric self defense laws.

"Cursive"? You must also be from the early 20th Century."

10:12 AM
Field, as Americans we are ALL part of the state of Florida. If not, why all the concern about shooting TM by a white man/Hispanic?

America IS barbaric, it's not just Florida. In NYC they have 'stop and frisk'. The Supremes set up the rights of states to deny Blacks the right to vote. No, FL represents OUR CONDITION IN AMERICA. PERIOD.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

MatanzasGV said...
Also Bill we as a people have the right to focus on the MURDER of a young man and we must
People want us to sit down and have a conversation?

I ask a conversation about what?
Everytime we try to get solutions another creepy cracker kills another of our children OR another creepy cracker cop or HOUSE negro does the same
You are not privy to know what it is like after 500 yrs of oppression slavery rape and mis judgement by our former slavers to even sit at this table And if you looked like us you would know the fears we have

We have 5 sons all of whom are adult prof however trust me each time they left our home we asked them to remember who they were and how they were raised

it worked! I am now the grandmother to 18 grands and 4 grts Good job huh! All of my sons are married to women who look like them and the band plays on!

This case was about RACE


11:56 AM Delete

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

Bill oh by the way i am not an amerikkan i gave my cit up last yr
I have an open right to be here though under the JD and immigration laws Have u figured it out yet? Good now lets dialogue

If u are in Fla you are welcome Just remember our laws

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain:

malice aforethought
class and perhaps on the hunt for a forced blow job IE GET OFF!

Ms Jeantel said that he could have been a sex pervert following him or nothing less than what Tray allegely said was a creep crakker

No i was not thtere and neither was anyone here even the one who said GUILTY hmmm ,lmao
Thats coming as soon as Field tells me how i can bring it back even though its erased and i have the copy

Now, Don lemonade, HLN Cnn Msnbc etc are all moochin except one sister on HLN who said Robert Zimmerman needs to shut his racist mouth WOW that was classic

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Field negro said...
"Perhaps you'll learn cursive, or retake that law class about "self defense"."

"Cursive"? You must also be from the early 20th Century.
Teach ! this is 2013

Reuben the Cuban said...

MatanzasGV really blew that case, huh?

I knew any legal team that included her in any way, no matter how periphally, was doomed to failure.

You can't fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

Wesley Snipes is wrong, you can't always bet on black.

Belagro said...

The Purple Cow said...
For the salient facts in this case were not in dispute. On 26 February 2012 Martin was on his way home, minding his own business armed only with a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles. Zimmerman pursued him, armed with a 9mm handgun, believing him to be a criminal. Martin resisted. They fought. Zimmerman shot him dead.

Purple Cow can always be counted on to be wrong, even when he is just being a parrot.

Zimmerman did not "pursue" Martin; he observed Martin. It was Martin who attacked Zimmerman. These are the facts that were settled in a court of law.

Trayvon jumped the wrong dude. It's tragic, but you know, given his proclivities, he was destined to meet a similar end, or best case, wind up in prison.

Anonymous said...

"There were reports that there were 7 jurors who were black who were interviewed and were qualified for jury duty..and all were rejected. WHY?"

Because everyone knows black people don't vote on facts, only on race.

Look at al the comenters here -every single black person 'knows' Zimmerman was guilty, even though they were not in that jury box for the whole trial.

Grow up, Black America.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain and nasty

The SYG law here is FLOHA and it will remain the same as long as Afrikans continue to believe in creepy crakkers and unless we change what we are doing And as has been said We will keep getting what we get as long as we keep doing what we are doing

Zeolous is pulling at strings like the sister said Trays killer got away with murder and how can you change anything when you are going along with the shts strem? My spelling

Also i am about to watch american violet whew!
Earlier some in Goldsboro are listening to a creepy crakker woman deliver the sermon not rev Houston at Allen Chapel???

YES, Sanford is not afraid All guns are out and if any Afrikan is found out walking alone???'
double standards

'Michael Vic prison
Marisa Alexander gets 20 yrs for shooting over her perps head YES she did wrong children were there but 20!??? google it no urls
BOTH AFRIKANS what is wrong here? Angela Coreys office convicted her

Yes there are too many killings in our comm, but where is the fairness this is worse than the sentencing laws Chokwe myslf and Nkechi Taifa fought
?? Talk to me and the other conscious Afrikans Field!

This started with the killer and then the crime lab
He was free 45 days enough time to clean house
Both of them are cupable BOTH however, Holly said it best look at HLN sister is spitting fiyah!

Are you on greyhound yet wanna be shooter? Can u be here for dinner/ supper? 4:45pm

ps leave your viagra home littler dick cuz these women in this tribe don't seek wanna be's or house negros

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

Trays killer may be free and stay alive but he must know that like OJ found out Its not over

Do i believe he killed Tray YES and do i accept the verdict NO! and i do not have to
i always said it may not happen and i understand why

i do not accept the amerikkkn system i have helped over 1000 clients to prove it The innocense project and the DC sentencing commission will make my case

What makes yours walmart? See i don't work for anyone i can say what i want with out fear and put my REAL name out here

Anonymous said...

I would ask, and forgive me,it is not my blog and I have no right to impose, but I am extremely sad today.

For my grandmama who was a slave and endured the inequities of same along with her kin.

For myself who has also born the sting of unsolicited and undeserved hatred.

I am sad that the country that I love, as represented here by the anonymous commentary, can bear such malice towards me and mine.

Yet I cannot reciprocate with anger, only sadness. I feel today A great engulfing sadness.

Would you, could you, please stop spouting the hateful comments? If only just for today? and maybe try to understand just a little, what we go through? I really can't bear to read them today.

I thank you in anticipation, for not, at least not you all, defrauding me in my esteem of you all.

Thank you. :(

Neil Gillespie said...

George Zimmerman killed, by a 9mm point-blank shot through the heart, Trayvon Martin. "Fucking punks," Zimmerman told the police dispatcher that night. "These assholes. They always get away." Killing excused under the color of law may still be a section 1983 civil rights violation, and a wrongful death.

"Section 1983 of Title 42 of the U.S. Code is part of the civil rights act of 1871. This provision was formerly enacted as part of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 and was originally designed to combat post-Civil War racial violence in the Southern states. Reenacted as part of the Civil Rights Act, section 1983 is as of the early 2000s the primary means of enforcing all constitutional rights..." The Free Dictionary

42 U.S.C. § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights

"Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress..."

"Not guilty" said the jury. But not innocent by Zimmerman’s own words. Zimmerman was then, and is now, the undisputed killer of Trayvon Martin. Yes, Zimmerman beat the rap under Florida law, so said a jury of Zimmerman’s peers. Unfortunately the jury did not have any of Martin’s peers. The not guilty verdict may be the result of a faulty voir dire process, the jury selection.

Miscreants like Zimmerman must not be permitted to play god, play cop, and walk the streets as self-appointed armed vigilantes. Zimmerman killed Martin under color of law. When civil rights are denied under color of law, federal authorities may be able to prosecute. Zimmerman acting under color of law denied Martin civil rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right against unreasonable searches or seizures. Question: Does Zimmerman’s status as an armed neighborhood watch captain establish liability, as a law enforcement officer would be liable? "A law enforcement official using authority provided under the color of law is allowed to stop individuals and, under certain circumstances, to search them and retain their property. It is in the abuse of that discretionary power - such as an unlawful detention or illegal confiscation of property - that a violation of a person’s civil rights may occur..." - FBI website.

"The Fourteenth Amendment secures the right to due process; the Eighth Amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. During an arrest or detention, these rights can be violated by the use of force amounting to punishment (summary judgment). The person accused of a crime must be allowed the opportunity to have a trial and should not be subjected to punishment without having been afforded the opportunity of the legal process." - FBI website.

"The Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of American government must operate within the law ("legality") and provide fair procedures..." - Cornell Law Legal Information Institute.

Neil Gillespie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

>malice aforethought
>class and perhaps on the hunt
>for a forced blow job IE GET OFF!

MatanzasGV, do you feel any of this was proven in court?

If you're right and Zimmerman was after a blowjob, do you think Trayvon had the same fear of a gay guy following him as he would a vigilante?

Neil Gillespie said...

Part 2

Unfortunately all Americans grieve yet another denial of justice under the color of law for an African-American, 394 years and counting (1619 - 2013). MLK reminds us, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963. See the Grieving Process, by Joseph A. Bailey, II, M.D.

Who regulates armed neighborhood watch captains? "The public counts on its law enforcement officials to protect local communities. If it’s shown that an official willfully failed to keep an individual from harm, that official could be in violation of the color of law statute." - FBI website.

While Zimmerman beat the murder rap, the parents of Trayvon Martin may have grounds for a wrongful death action against Zimmerman and those who empowered him as an armed neighborhood watch captain.

"Wrongful Death - The taking of the life of an individual resulting from the willful or negligent act of another person or persons. If a person is killed because of the wrongful conduct of a person or persons, the decedent's heirs and other beneficiaries may file a wrongful death action against those responsible for the decedent's death. This area of Tort Law is governed by statute. Wrongful death statutes vary from state to state, but in general they define who may sue for wrongful death and what, if any, limits may be applied to an award of damages...."

Direct justified anger toward available legal remedies. Change the system.

Godspeed to each and every one of you.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Milagros said and Bill repeated:
spite>malice aforethought
class and perhaps on the hunt
for a forced blow job IE GET OFF!

MilagrosgvillamilEsq. said (ie MatanzasGV
No it was not proven in court because that was the intent

Making it plain and simple

malice aforethought wanna be cop and white supremacy in this country you are what your father is a JEW
class and perhaps on the hunt
>for a forced blow job IE GET OFF!

Yes i do believe that he had the same fear as anyone else EVEN me at 5'11 had i known i was being followed by a european at night( i am a female) or by any one regardless of race or hue
Wouldn't you or would you pull out the equalizer?


1:54 PM

focusedpurpose said...

much is hidden in plain sight. i posted a link earlier...chose not to suggest the freemasons take a bow, yesterday. because folks, THAT'S what a sacrifice, hunted like prey, cover up looks like! Tracy Martin, i see you...and the foolish women caught up in the mix. truly the friends, children, women, and all close to fools suffer and are it is written.

it would not shock to learn that the prosecutors, judge, and jury were all in on the masonic fix. jfk and others have warned of the secret society conspiracy. if you peek over in parts of Africa, you will see men scrambling to become a part of freemasonry, as those involved seem to enjoy a measure of prosperity.

for those that REFUSE to apply a spiritual perspective to what is reading i came across this little ditty:

'At the same time, President Barack Obama was making his Triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the Democratic Party Donkey. With a novel twist occurring when his limousine, which is called the “BEAST” was filled with diesel and was unable to operate. Thereupon the president flew into Jerusalem in a helicopter. Even more symbolic than a luxury tank limo.'

LOL. and the masses keep sleeping...these fools are BRAZEN. they mock and make war with Almighty in plain sight. while educating the good sense Almiighty gave at birth right out of folks. Lol. it's a dirty game, and those that attempt to navigate it of their own strength DON'T stand a chance...

at some point, humanity will wake up to the fact that Almighty is attempting to get our attention. what is happening to Blacks is happening to others in varying degrees. all one has to do is listen to the voices coming out of Europe, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and around the world.

all that is transpiring impacts on a global scale. since TM was sacrificed, there have been and will be many more.

focusedpurpose said...

while the powers that be seek to confuse others and believe they serve satan/Lucifer with a disciplined rigidity that one would be hard pressed to find in the Abrahamic faiths...and all the latest man made religious offerings.

you think Christians (which i am not btw) won't stop trying to get people to see their G-d as the THE G-d.

the satanic/Lucifer crew simply seek to dismantle ALL other faiths and FORCE folks to worship the demon devil that has deceived them all. all signs indicate that is the end game. see, despite all the illusions of choice...even the devil knows there is no such thing as spiritually neutral. there are ONLY 2 teams...despite the illusion of there being many.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain:

The truth about murder of Afrikans

Who are we required to like and dislike.? Should a persons class color and race play a part or is this a matter of the heart?

Trays killer is considered a good guy who is also a smooth quiet talker like Jeffrey Dahmer
and any number of killers who walk the streets with firearms or with a desire to eat, rape and otherwise control stop a human from living their lives.

But these perceptions may be like red herrings, who frequently buildon these impressions only to fool the simple
This is the strategy which builds on my truths and my lack of belief in the less than virtuous comm watch volunteer i am not impressed
Sometimes its good to look at people ( a persons eyes reveal HIS SOUL) and if anyone takes a moment to really look at that creepy, depraved, little penis sexually void crakker who claimed to be afraid of Tray yet followed him into the dark rainy night with a gun
i suggest that he is a liar And even though Trays family is devastated they are clear, that this is amerikkka and this is the dirty South And the verdict was intentional This was no accident

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Focused purpose said

and the masses keep sleeping...these fools are BRAZEN. they mock and make war with Almighty in plain sight. while educating the good sense Almiighty gave at birth right out of folks. Lol. it's a dirty game, and those that attempt to navigate it of their own strength DON'T stand a chance...
Matanzas said This is real and the best thing or worst thing is IT IS!

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

There will be no marches lawsuits ni na which will correct this This is an illness of the spirit
ni na is a Afrikan Cuban expression in my family which means NADA from an Afrikan Cuba perspective

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Reckless, negligent or hate crime

hmmmm I do not think so Zealous needs to stop and be still!

Sec. 249. Hate crime acts

In General.—
Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.—
Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person—
(A) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and
(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if—
(i) death results from the offense; or
(ii) the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.

BARBBF said...

From January 2012 to June 2012

The list of Black Americans killed by white cops this year goes on and on. It’s an epidemic. As researchers Ariene Eisen and Kali Akuno show in a detailed report prepared for the Malcom X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) last month, we know of at least 120 cases of black people being killed by police, security guards, and “self-appointed law-enforcers“ (e.g. George Zimmerman) between January 1 and June 30th, 2012. That’s 1 killing every 36 hours.

MXGM’s Report on the Extrajudicial Killings of 120 Black People provides a chilling anatomy of racist, state-terrorist murder. Of the 120 black lives taken by police, guards, and vigilantes in the first seven months of this year:

46% were killed without the police even pretending that the victims were wielding weapons.

36% were killed with the police claiming that the victims wielded weapons but with the claim challenged by witnesses and/or family members.

Just 18% were incontestably armed.

Just 12.5% actually shot at officers.

69% were ages 13 to 31.

11% were children under 18.

28% suffered from mental health problems that contributed to their deaths.

31% had engaged in no conduct that could have reasonably been called criminal.

40% came into fatal contact with their killers because of police “stop and frisk” interventions conducted on the pretext of “suspicious behavior,” “suspicious appearance” or “traffic violations.”

More than a third were attempting to “run away” when they were killed.

9% were suspected of nothing at all (e.g. Rekia Boyd)

38% were forgotten: “a careful Internet search could not find their names after an initial flurry of news about their killings” (Eisen and Akuno).

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

bill said:

If you're right and Zimmerman was after a blowjob, do you think Trayvon had the same fear of a gay guy following him as he would a vigilante?
Matanzas said:
YES he was
Who wants some big fat creepy crakker likking on his penis? And why pic a young boy? Pedophile?
We heard that he had tried to have sex with a relative smh!

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

Hey killa/ shooter/ and the idiot who used this blog to threaten and intimidate me/us with the possibility that they will shoot us

So i have provided a visual of the house where we can be found Address etc We have yet to hear from the wanna be shooter as to whether he will show up
So if i do not hesar from you hear within the next hour my offer is off

Now, i know that you are slinking around peeping and trying to figure out if you are the one i am talking to You know i am and u know who you are Come out come out big talker we want to give you a way to call us if need be

i will set our table at 4pm i will send someone to the BUS depot in Tampa to pick you up or you can spend the $$ to take a taxi for 12+. miiles to the house.

This is my oldest sons home where we will all gather to watch movies and discuss the verdict You are welcome You are not welcome at my home this is why my son wants to host you We want to see just how worldly you are and if you like horses
i want you to see real Afrikan men united and willing to spktruth2power

Remember you are welcome but know we take no shit from small heads

Ps remember little dick you came here and threatened to shoot me or someone i want you to prove it

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

This was a disgraceful day for American justice. The Zimmerman jury, intentionally or not, sent a message to the world that to be a young black man is to be "the suspect" in America. They as good as said that black life, particularly young male black life, is so void of value in America that it exists only at the sufferance of white comfort. Their decision echoes Dread Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson instead of 21st century justice. But, there's blame to go around, and I think this prosecution team bears a lot of the blame.

With Zimmerman the only surviving witness, their best shot at a conviction on his version of the facts was what is called the "imperfect self defense" theory of voluntary manslaughter where the killer has a genuine fear of death or great bodily harm, but that fear is objectively UNREASONABLE and does not justify the killing. Instead they charged it standard Murder II on the theory that he bore the victim such malice that he killed him intentionally without even imperfect justification, arguably requiring them to present the case as one of prior racial animosity, but then failed to put in evidence (all of his previous 911s about suspicious black males) or any other reason for the prior animosity than the burglaries in the area. Then, in argument they specifically disclaimed a racial aspect to Zimmerman's actions. What was the jury to think of that? Overcharged, and underfought, in retrospect it looks more and more like a thrown game.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Someone said:

Zimmerman's not guilty verdict will be contested for years to come. But he passed judgement on Trayvon that night summarily.

"Fucking punks," Zimmerman told the police dispatcher that night. "These assholes. They always get away."

So true it's painful. And so predictable it hurts."

Matanzas said:
I thank the author

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


and supremacy

what would have happened had he shot her?

“Dylan Here.... Lester was just assaulted on stage at The Russell City Hayward Blues Festival by a crazed woman after dad dedicated ‘People Get Ready’ to Trayvon Martin. He is on the way to the hospital now.”

Lester Chambers, founding member of popular 1960s recording artists, The Chambers Brothers, was on stage at The Russell City Hayward Blues Festival tonight when his son said the attack occurred. It is indeed disturbing news for the 73-year-old singer, who just yesterday announced on his Facebook page, he’d completed the last hurdle prior to releasing his first album in over 40 years.

field negro said...

Anon@12:01, Mr. Crump pays more in taxss in one year than you will earn in five. So I guess the joke is on you.

parvenu said...

Field, you left out the fact that the jury "not guilty" verdict down in Sanford was highly predictable simply because of Sanford's history. Virtually NO African-American families live in Sanford and this goes way back.

The old Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team had two spring training camps one in Miami and one in Sanford. When Branch Rickey broke baseball's color line and put Jackie Robinson on the team roster, he sent Jackie down to Sanford for his first spring training camp with the Dodgers. When the white men on Sanford Town Council heard that a black man would be playing baseball with white men on the Dodger's practice field, they went to Branch Rickey and threatened the life of any Negro who came out to play with white men. That night Branch Rickey arranged for Jackie Robinson and his wife to immediately leave town and transfer to the Dodger facility in Miami. Branch Rickey within weeks closed down the Dodger's Sanford spring training facility and moved all of the Dodger operations to Miami, ending all connection and association with Sanford forever.

After Jackie Robinson became celebrated nationally both as a great ball player and the person who broke baseball's color line in America, the white folks down in Sanford started boosting Sanford as a historic tourist location by a heavy duty advertising pitch that "Jackie Robinson played at Sanford when he broke into major league baseball". The tourist package included formal tours of the old Dodger playing field and training facilities. As matter fact this Jackie Robinson/Brooklyn Dodger tourist trade has become the primary income generator for the City of Sanford.

However with this "not Guilty" Zimmerman verdict the Jackie Robinson tourist trade business is now in the toilet, and Sanford has instantaneously acquired a lasting public image as a southern racist haven that allows/encourages random acts of murder of black male children by white people. Believe me this stigma will stick with Sanford for generations, and long after their "window dressing" black police chief has been fired.

Remember "justice denied" in the end will always remain "justice prescribed", and only GOD knows the final form of the prescribed restitution.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

Okay wanna be shooter all deals are off You are uninvited and if you show up, be real careful it does not get dark until late so be careful of the dogs

However remember when you threaten to kill someone or allege to want to c cause harm be real careful that people do not take your threats serious and call you out

After all there are a lot of creepy crakkers and house negros out there to say nothing about the women who know how to defend themselves

Ps be a good boy;)))

Bill said...

>Matanzas said: replying to me
>YES he was
>Who wants some big fat creepy
>crakker likking on his penis?

That question would best be answered by a gay black male.

>And why pic a young boy?

I agree that Trayvon was legally a minor, to call him a young boy isn't accurate. Please remember, the picture of 12 year old Trayvon the media kept using isn't an accurate judge of his age.

>We heard that he had tried to
>have sex with a relative smh!

I followed the link here someone posted. The link ended at someone telling the story and no proof. If you have a better link(s) I would be glad to check them out.
If I remember, wasn't that a female relative?

Pancho Villa said...

And of course the media hates concealed carry, stand-your-ground laws (which had nothing to do with this case) and other elements that were present here so much that they coined the term "white Hispanic" and turned Obama-voting Hispanic Zimmerman into a lily white, NRA-supporting GOPer for the purpose of the pushing their narrative. I've said from the beginning that if he were named Jorge Zapata, he'd have never been charged.

Anonymous said...

FP said, "while the powers that be seek to confuse others and believe they serve satan/Lucifer with a disciplined rigidity that one would be hard pressed to find in the Abrahamic faiths...and all the latest man made religious offerings.

you think Christians (which i am not btw) won't stop trying to get people to see their G-d as the THE G-d.

the satanic/Lucifer crew simply seek to dismantle ALL other faiths and FORCE folks to worship the demon devil that has deceived them all. all signs indicate that is the end game. see, despite all the illusions of choice...even the devil knows there is no such thing as spiritually neutral. there are ONLY 2 teams...despite the illusion of there being many.

2:10 PM
You are just as confusing as the powers that be when it comes to spirituality. Satan, Lucifer, the devil....all are aspects of GOD. There is no other. Just GOD. There is the light side and the shadow side, that's all. Right now we ARE in darkness and ignorance with some people with varying interpretations ALL claiming to be right, that their path is the 'true' way to God. You seem to be in that number. So does DESERT.

Yet, both of you are embroiled in a court decision made IN FLORIDA! I capitalize FLORIDA because if there is anything I've learned about that state is it is the "kiss of death" for Blacks when it comes to voting and so-called injustice. On the other hand, you talk about GOD and how 'clear' the Bible should be to those who can read it. Why don't you explain it and help 'awaken' some of us? Because right now you are confusing us much like our Christian preachers have done from day#1.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bosephus said...

So a Hispanic shoots a black and is acquitted by women, but it's still white men's fault.


alicia banks said...


i am these blind deaf amoral illiterate hobama nazis worst nightmares herein..

that is why they blatantly and ineptly lie about me as hobama lies about everything!

as a formal academic comm scholar
with a black belt in verbal karate

speaking fluent snake to slay snake haters is just what i was born to do...

much love and respect to u!

alicia banks said...


i am these blind deaf amoral illiterate hobama nazis worst nightmares herein..

that is why they blatantly and ineptly lie about me as hobama lies about everything!

as a formal academic comm scholar
with a black belt in verbal karate

speaking fluent snake to slay snake haters is just what i was born to do...

much love and respect to u!

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

AB, "i am these blind deasf amoral illiterate hobama nazis worst nightmares herein.."

You talkin to me? I'll ask you again: ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? Let me tell you don't scare me. I will verbally tear you so apart you won't be able to find yourself. And stop calling people illiterates and nazis.

Anonymous said...

AB, "speaking fluent snake to slay snake haters is just what i was born to do..."

No you are speaking fluent "ebonics", not snake. Therefore, you have slayed no one because ebonics doesn't have the power to do anything.

AB, you are just another weak powerless sistah making a lot of noise with pots and pans.

alicia banks said...

latinos and wf bimbos are often far more racist than white men

gang wars in LA
emmett till's fatal action
paula deen etc...

the attys for tm were a horrid tragic disgrace

i pray that the martins will seek a whole new civil crew of attys and sue gz anew

their attys botched this case

they should have:

prepped and coached their witnesses to counter their routine legalese slaughters...

focused on ALL 47 of the slam dunk 911 tapes and the crime scene
THEY made this a racial murder and they proved that gz was a racist liar and a kkkiller!!!!

focused on gz's psycho racist sadist criminal rapist medicated coddled history

played an actual deer boxing a hunter as their closing argument while asking:

"tell america that trayvon's right to life and self-defense are akin to those of this deer!"

i have been enraged at their attys since they put that illiterate pookie rachel on the stand to be an easy kill...

that set the was a bad omen

even tm's parents were not prepped!

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Desert, "I am sad that the country that I love, as represented here by the anonymous commentary, can bear such malice towards me and mine.

Yet I cannot reciprocate with anger, only sadness. I feel today A great engulfing sadness.

Would you, could you, please stop spouting the hateful comments? If only just for today? and maybe try to understand just a little, what we go through? I really can't bear to read them today.

I thank you in anticipation, for not, at least not you all, defrauding me in my esteem of you all.

Thank you. :("

1:11 PM

My dear Desert, do you 'really' think they will honor your sadness and feelings of loss because of TM? Remember they are of the same mindset that freed Zimmerman.

Why o' why, do we as a people keep going back to "evil" itself and plead with them for mercy? Why? It's been over 400 years and we keep doing the same ole impossible thing. We have got to the most 'retarded' group of people on the planet.

alicia banks said...

scared dumb nazi kapo gd reptilian fool assnon:

u lie like hobama
u love him less than u adore envy
your envy is glaring nigger

u doth protest too much

i do know the inspiration for your retarded visual fantasies

u r audibly a fry cook...
but dyam!
they are making u wash pots and pans too???

on a sunday no less?

alicia banks said...

blogless weak powerless lifeless assnon:

your envy is as endless as hobama's scandals u skinned snake nigger

where is your strong powerful bio/life online?????

cc asap

alicia banks said...

quasi illiterate dishwashing assnon:

u are generically ignorant

ebonicsssssssssssss included

u yellow bellied sssssssslithering euro moron!

Anonymous said...

AB, "atinos and wf bimbos are often far more racist than white men"

Of course they are. EVERYBODY Knows that EXCEPT Blacks looking for justice for TM. Then, we are 'stunned' when the verdict is against TM? How naive (or is it stupidity?) can you be?

ONE Anon in the previous thread and this one kept repeating that it was an ALL-WHITE FEMALE JURY WITH ONE HISPANIC FEMALE, And NO ONE acknowledged that truth. No one seemed to get it or even considered the 'possibility' that the prosecution and the defense had purposely set up this sham to free Zimmerman. Every FN Negro ignored it. That is unbelievably amazing EVERY FN Negro ignored this. We effectively joined Zimmerman and the state in going against ourselves and TM.

So, I ask again: is it naivety or stupidity? YOU folks be the judge.

alicia banks said...

illiterate hobama nazi envious inept rabid reptile assnon:

more on the illiteracy of u and your apolitical ssssssssssuicidal racist deaf blind hobama sssssssssucking peers

alicia banks said...

illiterate hobama nazi envious inept rabid reptile assnon:

more on the illiteracy of u and your apolitical ssssssssssuicidal racist deaf blind hobama sssssssssucking peers

Anonymous said...

AB, "u r audibly a fry cook...
but dyam!
they are making u wash pots and pans too???

on a sunday no less?

6:27 PM

There is no shame in being a cook. and yes i wash pots and pans on occasion when it is needed.

but you have no job you jobless hussie.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

AB, "blogless weak powerless lifeless assnon:

your envy is as endless as hobama's scandals u skinned snake nigger"

I have a depression leaves me lifeless and powerless as a bm, you fool. And what power do you have? NOTHING!

I have never been skinned except when I was circumcised, which made me pure according to the Bible.

alicia banks said...

shaky snaky flaky assnon:

u lie like hobama

and your lies are sexist and racist too


even fry cooks should never sound like fry cooks...

especially online u frying fool!


alicia banks said...

tmi u lewd letch!

who caresssssssss????

Anonymous said...

AB, shut up! don't make me slay you!

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

racist sssssssssstupid assnon:

cc all the humans of all races who are depressed

yet find the power and strength to do more than lie and whine and envy/wash pots and pans/fry snake skins/cook cannibal snake dishes with tiny snake foreskins etc

u lie like that uncut joker dick hobama

Anonymous said...

AB, "fyi

even fry cooks should never sound like fry cooks...

especially online u frying fool!


I have many of our peeps lining up to taste my cooking. Your jealousy of me as a great frying cook is astonishing. Of course, you can't get a job cleaning toilets. No wonder you are jealous of me! Loser!

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

AB, "yet find the power and strength to do more than lie and whine and envy/wash pots and pans/fry snake skins/cook cannibal snake dishes with tiny snake foreskins etc"

Say what!?

Anonymous said...

FYI, being a fryer cook and washing pots and pans is an honorable profession you jealous jobless fool.

Anonymous said...

dear FN readers and posters, AB and myself put on this little skit for your early Sunday evening entertainment.

Please respond to let anon how you liked it. Field paid a rather hefty sum for this and we always want our clients their moneys worth, esp Mr Field. He is our most valued customer.

Thank you,
Anon Entertainment,
A Division of Anon, Inc.

ThatDeborahGirl said...

I finally had a white woman admit to me yesterday that all black people are suspect to white people. All black people under any circumstances. You don't have to be doing anything but standing there or existing.

I know it sounds crazy, but it was nice to hear her say it. It's nothing I didn't already know, but yesterday, we tried to have an honest conversation about race and I think we made some headway.

It was interesting - to hear a white person get real and just break down all the stuff they always deny.

We're gonna talk again today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"My dear Desert, do you 'really' think they will honor your sadness and feelings of loss because of TM?"
Yes, and they did!
And I feel all better now because of it! :)

I went shopping, (which distracted me for awhile) to Wallyworld and of course they had sold out of the material I wanted! X(

But I did get the Fire Ant killer, I needed.

I've been having invasions every night around this same time! Man those things bite hard!!!

My son spread it so we'll see if they come up again tonight...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"dear FN readers and posters, AB and myself put on this little skit for your early Sunday evening entertainment.

Please respond to let anon how you liked it. Field paid a rather hefty sum for this and we always want our clients their moneys worth, esp Mr Field. He is our most valued customer.

Thank you,
Anon Entertainment,
A Division of Anon, Inc."
Cool! Made me hungry for some french fries!

Except not the tiny fried snake foreskins, I think I'll skip those:)

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

there is a classic scene in this film that features sheer historical poetry about why whites fear blacks

Anonymous said...

It's time for Africans in America as of today, to alleviate the "hypenated American" from their description. Truth be told, it has never applied to us. Black women you can remove those dog-haired weave hats from your heads also. They don't make you "pretty" and they never have. Stop emulating your oppressor. We've always been despised in this country and we always will. African men in America stop killing your brothers and sisters and stay out of this "criminal just us" system. Wake up, you've been asleep for 5 centuries.

alicia banks said...

it is a fear driven by ancient guilt and

ask the racist ssssssssscared assnon...

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


Making it clear:
Matanzas said:
YES he was
Who wants some big fat creepy
crakker likking on his penis?
Bill said:
That question would best be answered by a gay black male.
Milagrosgvillamil RN MPH Esq says:
Question why would it have to be answered by a Afrikan male?
Are you in such position Feel free i am reading?

I agree that Trayvon was legally a minor, to call him a young boy isn't accurate. Please remember, the picture of 12 year old Trayvon the media kept using isn't an accurate judge of his age.

Whether you agree or not with my decision to call him YOUNG boy, is not your call..So i suggest that you remember the picture i have a few of his given to me by Sybrina
i am in charge of what i call Trayvon, i control my language, my descriptions and my defintions in fact here i control everything i write and am responsible for my words which i have no intention of letting you dictate? Are we clear? "
Moving along
Case in point under Fla law that is what he is a boy.
Now teen is also okay as is adolescent
Or young teen NOT Man and not adult.
And as far as the pic of him as a 12 yr old So what? This is not about being 12 its about MURDER and the murder of a 16 yrs 2 month old young boy.

Let me be clear you nor anyone else without the Afrikans experience cannot define our people with your ..story

Link? i like your attempt LOL but i need no links, i have spent half my life getting the best educ possible by living in around the world for most of it

The racist hysterical histrionic close eyed DSM 4 murderer is simply a potential sex offender waiting for the right time

If you do your research of sex offenders you will learn if you have cojones and hutzpah that the state of Fla and most states call all boys betwee 13 and 17 adolsecent BOYS"
Now those who commit illegal sexual behavior as defined by crime stats, those boys are called adolescent sex offenders

Now as to why this info was not presented is clear It had no relevance!

Also Bill i do not do urls This info is all over the web. And where not PROOF positive my career does allow me a window into his depraved mind
info for you
Approximately one-third of sexual offenses against children are committed by teenagers. Sexual offenses against young children, under 13 years of age, are typically committed by boys between the ages of 121/2 to 15 years old Which he was at that time

Bill the ncjrs os a good source of info as well as the DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
i have used it on many ocassions to save a life or argue a case and whether accepted or believed
it is what it is

Look at the killer, look at him hard and recognize a man with a sick depraved mind. and one lacking the basics needed to live amongst civilized people.
Is he a racist? Perhaps and perhaps not What i do know and believe is that he is a killer who was judged not guilty after judging another human. However, he is not innocent and more will be revealed
As a man speaks so is he! To the dead we owe the truth

alicia banks said...

Queen FP:


the illuminati is real

unseen hands rule all
even this horrid racist murder saga...

alicia banks said...

kudos to all who did not riot!

they wanted us to kill and die!

let us hunt and reverse now....

karma ia real

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

<Making it plain

YUP the big bad wolf removed the shooter comments ))))) But now thr little head wants to slay another human being??? yikes@@jajajjajjajja

Wtheck Field is wrong here Why are people threatning to kill is that what makes some more important or savvy?

Help this human Obatala ellegua Oshun yemaya shango whew

My son was murdered by a Jewish wanna be south amerikkkn and he is doing life
Why? because this fam made sure! Google it one of the biggest stories about two parents who challenged the system

All of this online F/N commentary nand threats about killing shooting and slaying others? huh? this is sad and troubling

ink cartridge please

Good eve see you in a few days
Carry on rolling my eyes

focusedpurpose said...

FN said:

'Anon@12:01, Mr. Crump pays more in taxss in one year than you will earn in five. So I guess the joke is on you.'

ACTUALLY the joke is on those that think in this manner...i call them mammonites. lol. it is ALL about their g-d mammon. truly small matters such as integrity and principle are of no great concern/consequence in their little 'ole pathetic lives.

the BIGGEST joke is that it is in REALITY worthless paper. it only has value because we believe it does...if folks started to barter and go back to basics...they would alas, materialism reigns, plus what i describe takes faith.

FN...i hope your comments are all jokes. you speak as if you have no clue this is all one fantastic ponzi scheme illusion. a true dead head. no disrespect. this is just how i see those indicate they are equivalent to walking dead. caught up in the matrix deliriously enslaved and too cowardly to take the red pill...which is what they desperately need. spiritually, it seems as if they are oblivious to how dead/cut off they are in their present condition.

hope the matrix reference goes down a bit better for you. same difference in message, though. or do you wish the matrix chocolate as well? lol. i'm pulling for you bruh. i believe one day you will have the scales removed from your eyes...i have enough faith for both of us;) i requested triple portions...

for the Anon that sounds so increasingly hopeless, i wrote something with you in mind. there are so many layers of yumminess in Scriptures when one spends time breaking things down, as we are all called to do. who knew each letter in Hebrew holds meanings? who knew that if you broke down words He would reveal many different nuggets of Truth? this is why we are warned that we are not to live on belly bread alone...but every Word that proceeds out of His mouth.

when one says says more than a mouth full. you can check it out here:

with esoteric is filled with MUCH prayerful hope. if you do all within your power to be on the right side and stand- He will have your back in your obedience. it seems He delights in finding favor in His;) those of us that choose wisely and stand.. win. those that seem to be ahead in the game, if one walks by sight-lose. much has been revealed in the last few years...their tape runs out. right in the middle of their show. which is why we are called to be vigilant, prayed up, and close to Him in obedience. when He says go, go. when He says stay, stay. someone said it is hard to be spiritual when they are hungry. i submit to you it is EASIER that way...some demons are only loosed by fasting and prayer. so if folks go to sin instead of Him, they make their choice, really. the righteous won't be forsaken, nor their seed begging it is written. consider this: folks are suffering for their sins. the sins of fathers are visited upon children to 4th generation.

it seems time for the lost Hebrews to change the way they are looking at things and for the love of Almighty...change BEHAVIOR. stat.

White people said...

ThatDeborahGirl said...
I finally had a white woman admit to me yesterday that all black people are suspect to white people. All black people under any circumstances. You don't have to be doing anything but standing there or existing

And...? Of course all black people are suspect - they are 50 times more likely to commit a serious crime than are white people. 50 times!

It's not racism, it's reality.

focusedpurpose said...

@ ThatDeborahgirl-

good! this is why we are told not to discuss the life impacting topics like politics, religion,etc. and are being beat over the head with pc. it keeps us AWAY from healing.

if one goes to Scriptures they will see that Almighty and Adam do this call- it- what- it- is exercise. that is our example, i believe, to call things what they are; good, bad, cannot begin to fix a problem they won't honestly acknowledge/call/name. this constant lying is one of the many ills that plague the united states of satan.

white supremacy is bad for humanity. in Truth, it jacks white folks the worst. they are the most compromised nation on the planet. just as in rwanda, the plan is to put those antagonized in position of power over the antagonizers. un boots are slated to land in america. the global community we have terrorized will police us...if the powers that be have their say about it. i mean how dumb does one look claiming superior intellect based on a melanin deficiency? just dumb. final answer. glad i saw that early on and kept it moving. i am happy to see so many white folks finally waking up. i routinely welcome them to america. lol. my mother told me that i would know things were getting turned up when white folks' image started to take a beating. honey boo boo was when i was sure that i was sure. end days. we are in them. lol.

it breaks my heart to see so many of my people's brains mangled by white supremacy and self loathing, as evidenced by their behavior. you know, it is time for everybody to get real. notice the world is OBSESSED with simulating reality...

focusedpurpose said...

'Satan, Lucifer, the devil....all are aspects of GOD. There is no other. Just GOD.'

um...there is an enemy to your soul. if you don't know that, i don't know what to tell you. to your is all permitted by Almighty. for those that serve satan/lucifer...he IS their g-d. i don't subscribe to that notion. he is defeated and the accuser of Almighty Yahweh and His people.

i speak to what i believe. you are free to do the same. Almighty respects free will and so do i. your beliefs don't threaten mine in the least.

it is FOOLISH to spend time arguing about isms. those are distractions. i am called to deliver a certain message. what folks choose to believe is on them...real soon here...according to all signs...folks are going to need to go for what they know. whatever that may be. looking around...there will be many many many sinking sand foundations. i don't presume to know where you fall in the grand scheme of things. i don't have enough information. the same is true for you when it comes to making assessments about me. know this.

there is no need for you to be confused in the information age. if there is something i am saying that you don't get...ask a question. i can point you in the direction that you can go read it for yourself. suggest reference materials where you can more adequately study to show yourself approved and rightly divide the Word for yourself. the preachers/money changers only lead the disobedient astray. the Word is there for instruction, reproof, Wisdom, encouragement, anything one could need. usually people don't find because they don't seek. real talk.

Almighty is not the author of confusion. He has given sound mind, power and love. we are at spiritual war right now. if you don't know your are behind the eight ball already. pretending the defeated one doesn't exist simply disadvantages you. we keep seeing folks lose as a result of operating in this manner.

we can agree...there is a dark spiritual stronghold in FL. if you read my comments, i am not lamenting what i predicted well in advance of it manifesting. this was a set up on top of a set, wrapped in a set up. those that know what to look for saw this coming a mile away. there are so many layers/dimensions to what we see. the masses are focused on all the wrong per usual. lol. namely bickering and acting as if there is a whit of difference between a repub/dem. the predicament humanity finds itself in despite hue...

it is written the elect may be fooled. folks better act like they know this is serious business. these folks are NOT playing and LYING, stealing, murdering is what they do. it is a part of their religion in fact. sacrifices are a part of the gig. folks wandering around like they have no idea...all bad.

focusedpurpose said...

Matanzas said This is real and the best thing or worst thing is IT IS!

may more folks, all hues, act like they know. i think it is best personally.

Whitey's Conspiracy: it was a thrown game. this is what a sacrifice coverup looks like. Tracy Martin, his women, the prosecution, judge, etc were all in on it. this trial was designed to racially polarize and trigger a race war/riots hence the media attn. to trigger gun confiscation and the other nazi steps they are working overtime to implement on US soil...i pray all are wise enough to stand down in peace.

'Why o' why, do we as a people keep going back to "evil" itself and plead with them for mercy? Why? It's been over 400 years and we keep doing the same ole impossible thing. We have got to the most 'retarded' group of people on the planet.

6:22 PM'

Deuteronomy 28-we are a stiff necked crowd. we refuse to humble ourselves and turn our hearts to Him. we, collectively, have a love of golden calves, strange people, strange religions, strange land, etc. this propensity did in the wisest man on earth, even.

in a nutshell...we just don't act right. the whole world is waiting for us to get it together. our true history is Scriptures. teaching folks that it was about white folks is another one of those white lies...and despite the lie that white lies are little...they are NOT. they break civilizations and people that believe them. we are seeing both people and the empire of america being broken as a direct result of the love of lies.

for those that know their history...they recognize the star of david as the seal of solomon. solomon in his fall was a demonologist. the ancient mystery egyptian religions find folks smack dab in kemet-ancient egypt. lol. black folks central. lol. sometimes when folks wander all up into other folks' stuff pillaging they get more than they bargained for. lol. waking up is a beautiful thing...may more get is not easier to hurt than to heal, my Black people and fellow american citizens. we gotta know this and act like we know in much greater numbers.

Anonymous said...

"If the glove don't fit, you must acquit."

Ain't karma a bitch, though!

BARBBF said...

It's worse than the MSM bothers to report. Here is an article by Paul Street..writing for over a year ago. The title should have included "and Would-be-Cops":

Killer-Cops and the War on Black America

by Paul Street

“46% were killed without the police even pretending that the victims were wielding weapons.”

You probably know about Trayvon Martin, the young back man shot dead by the young white neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman last February 26th. Trayvon’s case became a national sensation, sparking large demonstrations across the country

It is possible that you have heard of Ramarley Graham, an 18 year-old black man followed to his home in the Bronx and killed there by police (who falsely claimed that he “ran away”) last February 2nd. Graham’s killing and the subsequent charging of the officer who murdered him with a single shot received coverage in The New York Times.

I doubt, however, that you have heard of Wendell Allen, a black 20 year-old former high school basketball star who was shot in the back while wearing pajamas by New Orleans police who invaded his home on marijuana suspicions. There were four children in the house when Allen was murdered by white officers from the infamous NOPD last March 7th. (Large mobilizations and a Grand Jury investigation followed).

I don’t suppose you’ve heard of a 31 year-old black man named Manuel Loggins, Jr. either. Last February 10th, the former Marine sergeant was shot dead by San Clemente, California police while he was praying and exercising at a local school track. After witnessing the murder of their father, his two daughters, 9 and 14, were detained in isolation for 13 hours.

You didn’t likely hear anything either about Johnnie Warren, a 43-year old black man who used to live in Dothan, Alabama. Last February 15th, Warren was killed by police taser there for the crime of pubic intoxication.

Or Stephon Watts, a black 15 year-old mentally disturbed boy shot to death by Calumet City, Illinois police last February 1st. Cops responding to a 911 call exercised deadly force after finding Watts in possession of a harmless pen knife.

Or Raymond Allen, a 34-year-old black man who was hog-tied and tasered to death after being picked up by Galveston, Texas cops for “suspicion of being under the influence of drugs” last February 29th.

“The list of Black Americans killed by white cops this year goes on and on.”

Or Angelo Clark, a 31 year-old black man, killed by a SWAT team searching for drugs in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas, last January. Clark was accused of pointing an AK-47 at the police but he had no way of knowing that the people who broke into his home were police until after he was shot.

And then there’s Justin Sipp, a 20-year-old black man shot dead by an NOPD officer with a long history of brutality. Sipp died because he argued with the cops after being pulled over for “look[ing] suspicious” as he drove with a broken taillight last March 1st.

And Nehemiah Dillard, a 29 year-old black man tasered to death for “behaving strangely” in Gainesville, Florida last March 5th.

And Dante Price, a 25-year-old black man shot 22 times by White Ranger Security guards at Summer Square apartments in Dayton, Ohio last March 1st. Price was on his way to baby-sit his children. (Significant community protests and a Grand Jury investigation followed)

And Rekia Boyd, 22, an innocent bystander shot to death by an off-duty Chicago cop who was angry over loud noise in a city park last March 27th.


The total for the first 6 months of 2012 was 120 killed...

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

We would do well to ask OJ simpleton who was free and had it all if that CONDOM fits his butthole
Ask him at Nevada state prison Oh Ying Yang your so mean


Bill said...

>We would do well to ask OJ
>simpleton who was free and had
>it all if that CONDOM fits his

What is it about MilagrosGVillamil Esq. and his/her obsession with penises and gay sex?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bill said...
What is it about MilagrosGVillamil Esq. and his/her obsession with penises and gay sex?

It's called schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur.

Or do you actually believe all that crap she spouts lol?

NickG said...

2009, Greece, NY, 17-year-old unarmed white Christopher Cervini was shot by black man Roderick Scott.

Chris was drinking gin and rummaging through cars, however, Roderick acted as a vigilante just like Zimmerman did. Zimmerman should've kept his fat ass in the car after calling the police and Roderick should've stayed in his home after calling 911.

"Unlike Florida, New York does not have a "stand your ground" law. New York law allows a person to use deadly force to defend his residence from home invasion only as a last resort. It does not allow the use of deadly force to prevent a property crime, and requires retreat if possible. Thus, while Zimmerman was not arrested under Florida law, Scott was tried for manslaughter.

New York law does allow a person to use deadly force anywhere, including off his own property, if he feels that his life is in imminent danger and retreat is not possible. Despite the fact that he left his own property, confronted, and shot dead an unarmed white person thought to be committing a petty property crime, Scott was acquitted by a majority-white jury after claiming that the Cervini charged at him, putting him in imminent fear of his life."

Scott saw what he called suspicious activity. Scott said that he felt threatened. There wasn't even a struggle. Scott left his home and pursued the teen. Scott didn't wait for the police. NY strongly discourages self-defense. Scott was acquitted of all charges by a majority white jury. No riots. No protests. No media attention. No cries of racism. Where is "Justice for Chris"?

Anonymous said...

I haven't read all your comments here, but is anyone here following the trial in Honolulu of the Federal Agent who is being tried at this time after killing a young local man in a McDonald's during the AIPAC meeting in 2012? They had both been drinking in local bars before the confrontation in the early morning inside the restaurant.

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...


That is the nature of this game down here in the doi tay south Told ya Yemaya had it right Not guilty and not innocent

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain from my tablet''
Waiting for my grson

There is always one thing that strikes me as strange, even though i "over" the sell out mentality i ??
Where do all of the short penis, house negros, stepin fetchit and cave men get the nerve to discuss an Afrikan they never knew anything about?
Moreover, to blatently bash his non guilty parents while fiendishly supporting an admitted killer?

FN u giving out awards?

The stormfront fokes are having a ball, all over the net and the TV. And we only have to wait for the shoe to be on the other foot to see what happens and how the tune changes

HOLD IT wingnuts let me finish Cuz i know your reading and i want to make this plain WITHOUT" apologies
YES! you can't help but read every word i type because falsehood runs from truth And even a few whuts can accept that premice
If not besame conjo!

Now, lets just say that Trayvon did cold cock the killer and that the killer fought back

OKAY it was a fight Kewl now, the killer senses that he is about to be whooped so he pulls a gun, Tray struggles for it, they are back and forth from one place to another but Tray never lets go The killer grabs his hoodie string and tries to strangle Tray

Now he is 5'11 wgt 158 where Jew boy is 5'7 at 204 hmmm 60 pds? Now he YANKS THE GUN AWAY AND SHOOTS Why?
That was his intent

Other scenario the killer accosts him with gun inn= hand and demands that Tray do something? Tray being from Miami remembers Rachels statement "he might be a rapist " and like he said a creepy crakker
Action kicks in immediately and Tray, thinks OMG i gotta fight or end up getting BUTT fucked, this is no faggot this is a rapist Two diff species)

Bottom line we all know no child is an angel and that neither of the two were perfect The killer was a liar and a over zealous histrionic DSM candidate who was obviously frustrated and may i add a racist.

Was he yelling? who knows who was yelling the voice people said they could not tell so who could? REALLY?
Senor histrionic, bipolar schizonphenic Libra was determined to seek the recog daddy and others never gave him. And like tarzan he beat that chest and hollered awe ew awe..ew aww " Now he belongs to the big boys club

The NRA must be proud, albeit they do not wake up sweating at night or go to sleep with eyes open

In retropsect the pros had its orders. do not use the RACE word walk light, in fact creep because our case has already been lost . The police FKED up and we really have no work to do besides its vacation time
Do not worry there will be no firing Del la riondo hardly loses?

Ps The reason i am as passionate as i am is because i (we conscious Afrikans have paid a dear price to rep "we the people"

and because

1 i live here
2 i am a member of 6 bars( not rooms) the Scourt and 6courts of appeal
And i have seen what a caveman will do to anyone esp an Afrikan they hate

In the mid-1980s i took on the system of capital punishment in Alabama where often defendants in capital cases, predominantly Africans have little access to information or competent counsel.

It is in their their fear and vulnerability, when they often erroneously follow the advice of prosecutors to plead guilty and end up serving life in prison

See people i learned from the best that fear and bad info can force a person to cop a plea "RATHER" than take their chances with a jury and get death.
Death sentences and executions in the united snakes are full of racial disparities, the former execution of juvenile and mentally disabled prisoners, and conviction of people who are later found to be innocent. i can prove it
Just imagine had Tray lived?

Anonymous said...

Let's keep it real. I appreciate what you do in your blog. But if we are going to criticize others and hold them to be accountable for what they say, the same should also apply to those of us who write popular blogs. Not to address criticism of what you say leads me to believe that you, just like our so called Black leaders can give it but can't take it; which is a type of dishonesty.
(Not true dialogue.) I am still baffled by what witness gave testimony in the trial where they say, I saw Trayvon throw the first punch and hit George Zimmerman in his face and continually pummel George repeatedly? Let me help. No witness said it. This was the defense's theory period. Furthermore, I guess in Fields world every black urban youth who poses on Facebook with a fake grill holding a gun, who has smoked or tried marijuana, has been expelled from high school at some point for a period of time or who had a fight in high school, is a menace or a thug. If this is the criteria then I guess there are a lot of Black, Brown, White, Latino, Mexican and Asian menacing-thugs types out here. The problem with your statement and assessment of Trayvon is you sound like the defense team of Zimmerman. Or one of those types who is very much afraid to go into the so called black neighborhood. In agreeing with the defense's assessment of Zimmerman and blogging it like it is the gospel you do a disservice to Trayvon and all the young black youth who are just trying to grow up to be men. Keep it real Field.

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