Sometimes you post an essay that you regret........Ahhh fuck it, I can't even lie, I don't ever regret anything that I post. I recently posted about the copious (is that a good word woozie?) amount of nooses popping up all over A-merry-ca, and I attempted to do it in a satirical way. Some people were offended. "Would you think it was funny if someone made a joke about oven shops when talking about Jews field?" Well let's see now; if a bunch of ignorant mother fuckers were going around putting toy ovens on the homes of known Jews, or on synagogue doors, and a Jewish person decided to call attention to the barbarous and cruel nature of such an act in a satirical way; then yes, I probably would.
But here is the problem when I use satire to make a point. I get ignoramuses like this, who actually believe that everyone is as stupid and as limited in their knowledge as their inbred trailer park asses. So they approach the shit in a literal way, and you get links like the one I just gave you. You see, these types of people think that putting up nooses is actually funny. And if they were alive back in the day; they would have been the same motherfuckers that would bring their children to town lynchings for some popcorn and candy while they watched the bad niggers hang and burn.

So I really hated to give that link, because I don't like giving traffic to those clowns. But it's important for people to see what we are dealing with in A-merry-ca. A place where the pursuit of happiness has become a full time job; right along with putting niggers in their place.
Besides, it's too damn late to apologize. Satire isn't always meant to be funny, but it should always be used to make a point, and that's what people don't understand. Just because you get numbers like no other FN doesn't mean you're trying to drive them up with posts like that.
To the contrary, if it wasn't for posts like that, I'd be heavily discouraged about the Black blogosphere's means of creativity. To that end, do your thing. It's too damn late to apologize, my dude.
Satire isn't your strong suit; straight no-doubt-about-it talk is.
A noose is never funny. People who can entertain the literal are people with privilege.
Its like dealing with the a psychology that affects one with a psyche and does not affect the other because there is no psyche. kwim.
I knew where you were coming from. Satire - that's a nice way of putting it. How about putting the bitterness and bile onto a computer screen rather than keep it in like Black folks do, thus increasing our stress levels. I thought the store was a biting way to say,' SIGNIFY, M#($*#$ER'.
So often, 'They' say that we are too ' sensitive'. They love to take isolated incidents and say, ' see, that's an isolated case.' But, when we can link them together and show a PATTERN- a PATTERN that indicates that we are NOT 'imagining things' - it upsets ' them' and they want to ' move on'.
Now, for some housekeeping stuff:
1. Can't wait to hear you on NPR.
That's right; no money for Kid's insurance, and poor people can freeze, but gotta get 190 BILLION for his War Profiteer buddies.
3. Agree with the House Negro of the Day.
"1. Can't wait to hear you on NPR." Rikyrah
Really? That's good.
Am I to assume that the Field Negro will be on News and Notes?
housekeeping issues, I thought it was real "special" for Frat Boy to deny millions of children health insurance early last week and then take it up a notch on Friday afternoon (when a lot of news people aren't watching him) and deny them heat this coming winter. So when they get the flu or pneumonia, their parents won't have the insurance to take them to the doctor. Nice touch from the "compassionate conservative."
Yeah, their place seems to be behind bars, tragically.
Yours is a voice of reason; when I heard about the Nas album, my first thought was, "What's Field going to say about this?" I immediately thought of you as a voice of reason and insight.
Satire has a place. I can see having second thoughts about the piece, but some of the comment that it provoked was inspired. The noose bling, for example.
Does satire take away from the seriousness of the affront? I don't know, but I doubt it.
Interesting link. I went in open minded and actually left that site laughing. How funny that these beet-neck, trailer trash, inbreds are so consumed with my people. Imagine how many thoughts of Black people must haunt their tiny Cro-Magnon brains to afford them the material they use.
why do you give the frat boy credit......its closer to 7 Billion (with a B) a month for the wars and reconstruction. - a desert Field Negro
Good morning, Field:
I've had those moments over at DKos.
Which is probably why I don't keep a diary there anymore - too much group think and too many kool-aid drinkers over there.
Satire is meant for those with high intelligence. It's the reason Stephen Colbert was able to infiltrate the White House Correspondence dinner last year and give a gigantic "F-U" to Shrubya and Darth Cheney; the White House corps actually believes that crap he spews in spoofing the Falafel Man on the "Colbert Report".
I think many of us got what you were trying to say - which is why we're complicit in suggesting names for your noose shop.
Someone had to say it. Might as well been you.
Farai is going to have a REAL left black blogger on her show with an ALTERNATIVE view?
This is a fucking first considering the months of listing to conservative Sunday school-sermonizing, lip smacking, and unoriginal thoughts. When do you go on?
Thanks for not apologizing, that person is pissed because you took away the sting of the nooses instead of ranting about the noose incidents popping up everywhere. The noose bulllsh*t finally hit in my back yard last night, fortunately the perpetrator who claimed it was a joke was put out on his a$$ and the company made it very clear they are not tolerating it.
IMO, the people who are hanging the nooses wish they could be burning crosses. That’s what they do when life is screwing their butt cheeks tight; they have to blame someone for their lack of achievements or accomplishments. Ironically, these hate mongers are so damn busy hating on the black race, when they should be effing concern about what is going to happen when the US crumble. Their hate is miss-directed; it should be pointed at the POTUS and his men because every dynasty FALL and it is only a matter of time when the USA come tumbling down. When that happens they can thank the POTUS and his men for putting the destruction of the US on fast track not the black race.
Much love Field, we watched the story on the news Sunday night, but as you know we've been here from the beginning. With the spot light of course comes the Euro's with their nooses, it doesn't surprise me one bit, the more things change the more they stay the same. Don't ever apologize for doing the right thing.
Keep doing what your doing Field, and remember your not the only brotha in the field, your not alone.........................
The good news is the rappers will come to the rescue on this. They are way ahead of you fools. Exploitation has no boundaries. You'll see rap CD covers with Nooses on them. Brothas callin' themselves 'Noose Niggas', 212 Noose patrol, etc. You know how we do. Rappers will come into this contreversy, make money, empower the word and it's meaning. Videos with sistas scantilly clad dancin' around nooses will hit BET probably around spring of 08'. Thank God for BET. Always on time when it comes to positive black imagery.
Black folks have got to connect the dots: N-word and nooses come from the same family tree of white hatred.
Anon at 10:23, I never understand the Nas comment either. Empower the word? You empower a word by using it, all right... by keeping it in the lexicon. Language stays relevant only through usage. Instead of letting the hateful thing wither on the grapevine, you keep it on life support. And you're not even subverting its meaning because you keep the meaning the same. Yeah, I have no doubt that white racists would have kept it going without blacks helping, but why help at all?
Field, listen, brah...white folks don't sit around thinking about putting niggers down. Which is why the noose thing is trivial to them at best. Thinak about it: The NASCAR turds and turdettes maybe devote a few minutes a day to it b/c they have nothing better to do, and they are fulfilling the lovely plan to distract them from their own plights w/the old Roman Empire method of Bread, Circus and War. The rest of whitey world is so far removed from either Nas' moronic and self agg or west Philly idiots shooting one another. Hedge Funds and private equity firms and commodities billion dollar deals, Fratboy and the rest of the GOP fools crowing about spending and taxes and yet they're charging up the national credit card and selling the cheap debt to whom...the Chinese and Indians. WTF? New products, new transportations system debates, this and that. We are officially marginalized except when it comes to sports and entertainment, and even then we don't own the means of production, and some of us who do (including in my world, the book world) are producing dog shit at worse, rotting brain candy at best.
It's not racism, hatred, prejudice, elitism etc. that fuels this noose thing or the non- or silly responses thereto. Or the utter unwillingness to see the history of lynching. Hell, until the 1960s it was white people who rioted in this republic for 200 years. Ever see "Gangs of New York?" Nah. It's plain insouciance. They just don't give a fuck. We are not relevant anymore except for dribbling, touch downs and ass shaking. The only reason this immigration thing has bitten the Republicans int he ass is that too many of them secretly depend on this slave labor from El Salvador. It has shit to do with national identity (except with the NASCAR/Wal Mart crowd).
In short, we are not important or even relevant. We used to be one or the other, or both. Some of that is our fault (and I don't mean Jason Whitlock et al). But yeah, white folks have moved on...
Hey field, if I might make a political segue as a comment today, I want to share my latest post (lynching/noose references included) with you and your readers. Please share the link with the ten bloggers you read the most and ask them to comment on it directly to me as well as post about it on their blogs.
Naturally, I'd like you to do the same. I'm using the "blogggers I read" method of making this one as viral as possible and to get this perspective circulating on a large scale. What's it about? I'll give you hint. O'Bama is the man, and the point in history is now.
Here's the link, http://www.martyblogs.com/?p=30 , and I appreciate you checking it out and considering it.
umm... didn't they hang anyone from nooses?
isn't that a symbol of death first and racism in a narrower context?
Well, I see I'm in good company because they attacked me as well.
They said I should be rape, and a bunch of other nonsense. They had my picture and a link to my site.
Fortunately, I got them to take it down, but not before they tried to come to my site and act a fool.
Anyways, I think of it as an honor to be attacked by them because they are the kinf of people I want to piss off.
"We are officially marginalized except when it comes to sports and entertainment, and even then we don't own the means of production, and some of us who do (including in my world, the book world) are producing dog shit at worse, rotting brain candy at best."
Chris, I might actually agree with you here. And I agree that we contribute to our own marginalization. But hey, don't for a minute think that A-merry-ca doesn't contribute to it as well.
"umm... didn't they hang anyone from nooses? "
Yes b.s., but did they always hang from the public square to make a point? Nope, I don't think so. These hangings were to make a racial point. "Don't look at our women; know your place; stay in your lane nigger!
rachel, I am glad I am not alone :)
martin, as soon as I leave the plantation i will get over to your site bra. I know it's always interesting over there.
The link above is just a little something to think about as far as Mr. Stark is concerned. I just saw the infamous video, and he rocked that joint. Well done by him.
In any case, he's doper than even I gave him credit for. And Wade Sullivan should be in that big house ...
'if they were alive back in the day; they would have been the same motherfuckers that would bring their children to town lynchings for some popcorn and candy while they watched the bad niggers hang and burn.'
I def agree!!!
I sincerely do not understand how someone thought a black guy was really considering opening a noose shop. Uncle Ruckus is a cartoon character, not based on an actual person as far as I know.
So people who are suffering through the fires in California are rich and white people?
"So people who are suffering through the fires in California are rich and white people?"
"rich" is a relative term. But compared to the folks in New Orleans; I would say yes. White? Well, compared to the folks in New Orleans; I would say yes :)
Did I answer your question kitty?
I think it is a false analogy, a divisive analogy and does nothing but suggest that humans cannot learn from past suffering. To expect every diaster to be like the last is to say people are doomed to fail. It is saying every diaster should suffer the same in order to pay for the last one. If that is the ideology then why live at all? The two are so different. Katrina was horrible, awful, it killed over a 1000 people, real people, it compares nothing to what is happening in San Diego. To compare life with property is to cheapen that life.
WTF did I miss, FN? I truly didn't need to see that link. I clicked on it reluctantly and was not shocked to see the topics.
Satire is a jump for you, but after reading you over the past several months, it wasn't hard to see your point at all.
i see keep up the great works and I'll be checking in more regularly so that something like that doesn't slip past me again.
peace, brother Field!
Chris Chambers...
"Field, listen, brah...white folks don't sit around thinking about putting niggers down."
Au contraire, mon ami. The ones that count, in any case.
That's the danger of satire. Concrete thinking buffoons have no sense of irony, shit, they don't have any sense at all.
Fuck Rednecks.
Comparing Katrina to SD doesn't make a lot of sense. There is no restricted access to the Qualcom, there is food and water readily available, there are tons of volunteers (almost as many volunteers as those camping out) because you don't risk your life to get to the stadium. And yes, these are people who have resources and choices. This is an a middle community community without large sections of poverty. I'm not about to blow off anyone's misery because they are largely white and doing okay. In today's LA Times is a story about a homeless guy who found his way to Qualcom and is getting the best treatment he could imagine. Good for him and eveyone else there. He was terrified because he literally had no place to go.
My cousin who is in her freshman year at UCSD, and is by no means well off, came home last night. He mother said she reeked of smoke. I'm sure a lot of students are being put in a difficult situations.
I live in Oakland and when the big one hits, and the prediction is not pretty because the fault everyone is waiting to rupture runs right through Oakland and a bunch of other cities, it will be a lot like Katrina. In Oakland no one will be ready (except white folks who have their emergency stash, tents, etc) and everyone else will expect the government to save them. Most people don't even know how to shut off the gas to their homes.
I'm not about to blow off anyone going through this kind of hell. When part of Oakland burned up 16 years ago, it was the "nicest" parts of town. Yes, they did very well with their insurance companies and some probably stole them blind. But having to flee your home and lose everything you have, losing your neighborhood, is a real nighmare for anyone.
Not to mention the devastating economic impact on the whole city.
There is some very bad ju ju associated with chortling over someone else's misery just because they don't look like you. SD is typically conservative and not terribly progressive. I still don't wish this on anyone.
It is terrible about the fires,but is hard to feel sorry for people with million dollar homes,with vintage car collection in the garage. ya feel me.
"It is terrible about the fires,but is hard to feel sorry for people with million dollar homes,with vintage car collection in the garage. ya feel me."
I feel ya!
The whole comparison to Katrina is a slap in the face.along with the party scene,massages good food & water,yet they report this crap as if no one would be offended.Now they think it was arson,i hope they catch these pyro's i cant wait to see thier faces,& here how they were good people that went wrong somewere along the way & not animals or all the things they say about blacks when they fuck up.this should be intresting.
Well, that makes you quite a bit like the kind of people you despise so much, doesn't it?
Kind of reminds me of the conservatives who wouldn't support healthcare for kids because they didn't consider them poor enough and worthy of government assistance.
Well, that makes you quite a bit like the kind of people you despise so much, doesn't it?
Kind of reminds me of the conservatives who wouldn't support healthcare for kids because they didn't consider them poor enough and worthy of government assistance. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
8:00 PM
Sometimes you post an essay that you regret........Ahhh fuck it, I can't even lie, I don't ever regret anything that I post. I recently posted about the copious (is that a good word woozie?) amount of nooses popping up all over A-merry-ca, and I attempted to do it in a satirical way. Some people were offended. "Would you think it was funny if someone made a joke about oven shops when talking about Jews field?" Well let's see now; if a bunch of ignorant mother fuckers were going around putting toy ovens on the homes of known Jews, or on synagogue doors, and a Jewish person decided to call attention to the barbarous and cruel nature of such an act in a satirical way; then yes, I probably would.
But here is the problem when I use satire to make a point. I get ignoramuses like this, who actually believe that everyone is as stupid and as limited in their knowledge as their inbred trailer park asses. So they approach the shit in a literal way, and you get links like the one I just gave you. You see, these types of people think that putting up nooses is actually funny. And if they were alive back in the day; they would have been the same motherfuckers that would bring their children to town lynchings for some popcorn and candy while they watched the bad niggers hang and burn. [Photo]
So I really hated to give that link, because I don't like giving traffic to those clowns. But it's important for people to see what we are dealing with in A-merry-ca. A place where the pursuit of happiness has become a full time job; right along with putting niggers in their place.
posted by field negro at 8:21 PM on Oct 22, 2007
An elderly lady said once, we need to stop laughing at things that are detrimental to ourselves. No other group of people does that. Those nooses represent something to white people’s consciousness and they understand the importance to the symbolism. This is not a joke. Maybe if you lived 70 or 80 years ago and saw your relatives hanging from those nooses, it wouldn’t be so funny. Maybe if you could smell the stench of rotting bodies hanging from the trees (in the sun and rain), you would have more respect for the memories of those who were murdered. This is very disrespectful to all those innocent people who died in those nooses at the hands of white people. This is not a joke.
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