As the A-merry-can government (Hillary will be in Haiti tomorrow) and her people continue to give generously to the relief effort in Haiti, unfortunately we are constantly reminded of the evil hearts that dwell in many who live among us.
I am talking, of course, about the Rush Limbaughs, Glen Becks, and Michael Medveds of the world. These men, in their own twisted demented ways, have chosen to use this tragedy as a wedge issue between political groups and races, and as an opportunity to tell us of the superiority of the christian religion and capitalistic form of government. What a shame.
Rush was going on and on about Obama, using this horrific tragedy to score cheap political points and discouraging people from donating funds to the government to help the relief effort. Beck was basically saying, on his program today, that Obama preferred black people to white people and that he was dividing the nation because he was so involved in the Haitian effort, but waited three days to come out and calm the nations fears about the panty bomber. (Damn it Kanye! See what you started?) Medved had a some fraud masquerading as a man of god on his program, telling his listeners that Haiti has to be rebuilt into a Christian nation, (No, it wasn't Pat Robertson) and that part of the (The Haitians) problem is that they worship old African religions and believe in voodoo. Yes, he really said that. Medved and his guest wanted strings attached to A-merry-ca helping to rebuild Haiti. Only if they embrace our culture, religious teachings and way of life. "Flood the country with missionaries". Yeah, that's the ticket. Because if they pray hard enough god will shift his wrath the next time.
“There are people that have been trying to save Haiti, just as we’re trying to save Africa. You just can’t keep throwing money at it, because the dictatorships there just take it all,” he continues, apparently having drifted onto the topic of Haitian poverty. Besides, even if the people did get the money, that would just stop them from bothering to support themselves. “It’s a simple matter of self-reliance.”
Hmmm, "self reliance"; a familiar conservative theme. Sorry Rush, I am guessing that a 7.0 magnitude earthquake would have put a serious ass whupping on all those hard working A-merry-cans in places like Beverly Hills and West Palm Beach as well. Oh come on field, you still don't get it do you: God will spare you his wrath when you are self reliant and your government follows conservative free market principles. But if you are a stinking progressive commie, or a country without Christian principles, well then, that's your ass. Well, if that's the case, I guess Haiti's neighbors over in Cuba better prepare themselves.
Yes my friends, sometimes tragedies have a way of bringing out the best in people. But sadly, it can bring out the worst in people as well. And with some people, that is never too hard to do.
Before I go, props to Sixer's center Samuel Dalembert, who wrote a check for $100,000.00 for the Haitian relief effort. Sammy, that was serious Field Negro behavior. Now just keep working on your game.
*Pic from Gawker.com
Christianity is already hurting Haiti: The influence of the Catholic church there has prevented family planning; hence, high population density has continued to strain the resources of that part of the island. Missionaries won't help Haiti. However, anti-corruption task forces, family planning, environmental sustainability efforts, and an infusion of intelligentsia (a return of Hatian intellectuals and investors?)
Jack Limbaugh. But, I just had to come to this site to my this observation and ask if others have noticed the same- I have been watching the coverage of my brothers and sisters in Haiti on CNN,MSNBC, and FOX. Today especially, I've noticed, CNN milking personal stories and exploiting the choas of a moment when a UN truck stop giving out rations and water because people were not acting as they wanted, I guess - but FOX reporters are the only ones I have heard talk about the dignity of the people under these circumstances or the fact the Haitians are delivering food to other Hatians without incidence.
flush rush!
and send bill o'reilly down that toilet with him....he has been even MORE offensive on fox
he is attacking danny glover now
i am sure he is lying on dg too!
i hope so!
"The influence of the Catholic church there has prevented family planning; hence, high population density has continued to strain the resources of that part of the island. Missionaries won't help Haiti. However, anti-corruption task forces, family planning, environmental sustainability efforts, and an infusion of intelligentsia (a return of Hatian intellectuals and investors?)"
That's a great observation.
Anon.I have to be honest, I haven't been watching the coverage on FOX. And I haven't noticed CNN doing that. If they have, shame on them. I praised them earlier, but I can change my mind.
Post-racial America?!!??
Obama's election seems to have given the goobers over at FOX motivation to ratchet up the race-baiting and hate-mongering.
I wouldn't be surprised if Drugbo drops the n-bomb on the air in the near future.
Of course CF will yelp that we don't get upset when the rappers do it.
Keep the machete of wisdom sharpened. Continue to expose the lack of humanity of the creeps with network contracts that could single-handedly feed haiti, fat fuckers. there is an african-american woman who has been doing relief aid for haiti for 20 years stuck 6 miles from the us embassy named mawiyah duperval who would love to go tete-a-tete with those assholes. as far as cnn, with their good comes their misunderstandings and priveleged thinking that wavers the coverage. but, fox ha, they care less. so continue you critiques.
So we have another (if the report about Tiger Woods is true) black athlete stepping up to the plate, as I had suggested ought to happen. Now, how about some other eminences? Oprah? The Johnsons? (I don't know a whole lot about them, but aren't they the ones with the hair care empire?)
There is some pretty serious money in the black community, and now's the time of need. People who have the dough should be stepping up to the plate, and some of them are.
Oh and BTW, so you know: Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson are festering, pus-draining open sores. Just thought I'd say that.
Oh, and I agree with you about something else: If you want to find out what someone is made of, observe them in tough times, not good times.
The thing about the Rush Limpballs of the world is that they are all about creating controversy, which leads to more attention, which leads to bigger rating, which leads to the big bucks. I refuse to give whores like the aforementioned more search engine exposure.
Just some food for thought.
With all the xenophobia and hate mongering that Fox does it's ironic that the network was founded and owned by a foreigner.
Haiti is about 80% Catholic and 16% Protestant. And the practice of Voodoo has it's roots in both Catholicism and African tradition.
And yet, Limbaugh got his XXL knickers in a wad when the mean old lib-ruls made fun of him when he was in the hospital. Maybe Limbaugh is living proof that our medical care is *too* good.
This notion that victims of disaster are being punished by Gawd implies that those of us who are spared from disasters are somehow favored by this same deity. Thus, scumbags like Limbaugh can reassure themselves that their wealth is evidence of Gawd's approval. Calvinism and the prosperity heresy, mixed with old fashioned 'mur-kan hucksterism; not much has really changed since Mencken's day.
Hey Field,
Do you have a link to the story with that preacher man who said that dumbshit you posted above? Shit, I thought the Heritage Foundation article the other day was bad. Well, obviously it was considering that they changed the title and re-edited the piece to be more Voodoo friendly.
BTW: I resent that email to you, bro.
"You just can’t keep throwing money at it, because the dictatorships there just take it all”
The U.S. propped up the Duvaliers and countless other butchers over the Cold War years as their hedge against "Soviet influence". Yes we are complicit in the sad state of Haiti and many other non-industrialized nations. And we are still at it. Shit, we kidnapped Aristide and put in our favored stooges 5 years ago!
And what the fuck is wrong with Chris Matthews? Tonight he was comparing Haiti to Somalia, and saying that he was uneasy with the military going in there because they could be ambushed or some shit like that. These media morons not only blame the victims, they DEMONIZE the victims, especially when they are Black and poor.
"There is some pretty serious money in the black community, and now's the time of need. People who have the dough should be stepping up to the plate, and some of them are."
You bet they are.
In fact there is all kind of activity toward the Haitian relief effort in the black community.
On black radio, fraternities, sororities, churches and black business networks.
My blackberry is exploding from solicitations and information.
"Now, how about some other eminences? Oprah? The Johnsons?"
I notice you didn't mention Bill Cosby.
Grinder, you're a trip.
And what the fuck is wrong with Chris Matthews? Tonight he was comparing Haiti to Somalia, and saying that he was uneasy with the military going in there because they could be ambushed or some shit like that. These media morons not only blame the victims, they DEMONIZE the victims, especially when they are Black and poor.
Don't know exactly what Matthews said, but it sounds about right. According to the news reports, Port-au-Prince is melting down into anarchy; machete-wielding gangs are ruling at least some of the streets; and aid workers are becoming frightened.
Once the U.S. military is able to get into the streets, I won't be surprised one bit if there are armed battles. I'm afraid this is going to be very nasty.
I notice you didn't mention Bill Cosby.
Him, too.
In fact there is all kind of activity toward the Haitian relief effort in the black community.
Outstanding. Glad to hear it.
Grinder, have you contributed to Haitian relief or do you consider this a "black thang"?
Hey Field you are right these folks are incrediblly backwards but we have to take them seriously because whether we like it or not there are folks out there who listen and believe this crap. The reason that no evangelical leaders and no fundamentalist or conservative church leaders have denounced Robertson and his wild accusations is because they believe what he said. The little sister that you posted as Aunt Thomasina of the year Kristi, also believes it. But what changes folks like this is when someone patiently points out the foolishness of the assertion and the reality on the ground.
I have been there I know of what I speak and you do too. Even in the black/Carribean communities there is a brand of Christianity preached and believed that is anti-thetical to the very well being of the community.
We have to begin to intelligently refute this crap and be willing to take our politics to the next step because the people listening are the potential shock troops for any move toward fascism in this country. Notice how corporate entities financed the tea baggers and were able to actually mobilize these folks around hate,greed and selfishness.
Grinder, have you contributed to Haitian relief or do you consider this a "black thang"?
Yes, through the Salvation Army. And you?
These WHITE MEN are DEMON'S from the pit of HELL! and I use this word in the Christian context.
Now, when the English came to AMERICA, they brought with them WITCH CRAFT!! DO NOT get me started! those so called WHITE PILGRIM'S and so called Christian's, brought everything under the sun with them from ENGLAND!
This country is satuated with WITCH CRAFT!!!! why do you think HOLLY WOOD made all those movie's in the SEVENTY'S and EIGHTY'S? they were trying to tell us something, KKK GRAND WIZARD!!!! WITCH CRAFT!!! they dress in CLOAK'S! HIGH PRIEST! BLACK FOLK'S better wake up! we better be aware of who live amongst us!!
Notice how, at a certain season, a lot of little WHITE GIRL'S end up missing, all the same age, same hair color! DO NOT get me started!!! cause I will take this to the HILT! I am Sick and Tired of DEMONIC WHITE FOLK'S!!!
FIELD, you talk about Christian's, but, a True Christian has to WATCH and PRAY!!! and TRUST me, better, because if we don't, the President would have given up a long time ago, we have to PRAY for him, because we know what is really going on, he is fighting against POWER'S of DARKNESS!!! and these people want him GONE! but, I PRAY, that his FAITH, FAIL him NOT!!!
Alicia DO NOT come against what I said, for you have no IDEA what is really going on in America! you don't have a CLUE! trust me, you Don't!
Their is a CITY in ENGLAND called COVENTRY! that HARRY POTTER writer is from ENGLAND! that book is SATUATED with DARKNESS!
I have been to both Somalia and Haiti and I can say with some certainty that Matthews is full of shit. The situations are not really analogous, unless you don't look beyond the scary pictures of armed black men.
The US has a very long history of military intervention in Haiti, as well as economic and strategic interests in the nation. Nearly 50k Americans reside in Haiti and for that reason alone the US government has an interest in the situation.
"According to the news reports, Port-au-Prince is melting down into anarchy..."
I see a pattern here. These were the same news reports that said the same thing about New Orleans after Katrina and 99 percent of the stories were BULLSHIT. What I see in the actual news footage are people dying of thirst and in desperate need of supplies. You see "gangs of thugs". Are you purposefully trying to be provocative?
Now let's try thinking about this: say an earthquake hit Ireland, for example. I doubt Chris Matthews (or you) would be using the terms "looting", "anarchy", "gangs", etc. etc.
There is an attitude out there that economically disadvantaged Black people are somehow subhuman, a scant step away from animals. You would never admit it, but you believe it. Your words say it loud and clear to those of us who have heard it before. Then when you get called on it you turn it around and try to play like your the victim of other people's prejudices. You are in the same boat as Limbaugh and the rest of the racists, far as I'm concerned.
Hey Field check out the MSN headline: "Fears of unrest; looting hinder aide to Haiti"
Why when these people cover black suffering do they always try to make the sufferers look as bad as possible. These guys never leave their propaganda machine off do they. I was watching MSNBC and they had the author from a well reputed doctors group on I believe he wrote the book Mountains and Mountains, somebody will know who I'm talking about. Anyway he couldn't help himself when the newscaster began to talk about looting he said as they were cutting his food what would you all do if you hadn't had food or water in a few days. I thought good for him.
I personally don't see this as an important part of the story at this point especially since there are troops on the ground now and as one British reporter said he found it ironic that there were more soldiers keeping order than distributing food.
We are strange society first we send the voyeurs and then guns and then a little help.
I salute what the government has done already, but I still think that something could have been dropped into the country on Thursday when it was apparent that the people had nothing. Even I knew on Thursday evening that the people needed digging equipment even shovels and pick axes and portable jacks would have helped. And even I knew that the second greatest need was for medical equipment and medical personnel to aide the injured and dying.And of course food and water would have been next. These were not impossible things to have already gotten done before this evening.
Haiti is only several hundred miles from Miami not that far away. The US Coast Guard should have been the first org. on the scene with its ships I mean they get to Hait pretty quick when they intercept poor struggling Haitians at sea, and what happened to the carriers that carry helicopters. A fleet of helicopters could have
deliver digging equipment and other much needed medical supplies.
Curious about what you and others think.
David Brooks commentary in NYT today makes Rush look like an angel..It was pure racist speech from indicting the religious beliefs of Haitian people to attacking the parents( why go there?) to demonizing the entire culture with nonsense about a progress resistance people...
Brooks shit was truly depraved he could not even wait for them to bury the dead or save some kids..
Brooks clearly an angry white jewish male...Truly ugly..
A place I worked for spent millions building plants in Haiti and the DR. They just walked away from the ones in Haiti. Never understood why. Rush did not say don't send aid, just not through the government.
I am in total agreement with Ernesto and Mellaneous.
I can see through the news commentators remarks. Now it seems that the Dr. and Nurses were made to leave for their safety. Imagine that, people that are injured and dying are thinking about rioting. Yeah right! The Dr. and Nurses didn't want to leave but were told they had to leave and left the injured there to die! These people are full of it and they know it. Also, I noticed yesterday how CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest of them were hunting for violence. Yeah, I thought the hunt was for people trapped under the buildings. Nah, not so, Gupta even told a bald face lie and said he heard gunshots. Yeah, black folks got the picture real well, they don't intend to save too many of the victims. Just start another lie like they did with Katrina and block the help for those that truly need it. Smh!
America must remember that we have earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes right here in America. Karma is something else. What goes around, comes around! I wonder how they will feel when their turn comes. It is coming soon, just like the economy broke down, they had no feeling for the homeless. Well, I wonder how they feel now since a lot of them are homeless.
I still haven't seen much help with them digging people out from those buildings. However, I did see a lot of rescuer sitting down at the airport. I saw a lot of haitians trying to dig people out with their hands.
Yeah, we see it! Believe me, we see!
Like IseeIsee said, I am doing likewise and pray because I know without a doubt that God still sits on a throne and looks down low. God is not a man that he would lie, but whatsoever a man soweth, SO SHALL HE REAP!
A comment on CNN’s coverage and another comment on the US Coast Guard.
I’m certain when Doctor Sanjay Gupta is covering hurricane, tsunamis, earthquakes etc. he does assist injured people when he can. But don’t film every second by second and broadcast it around the world on different CNN shows.
Someone brought him a 15 day old baby with a head injury. Dr. Gupta examined the baby and determined the child had no head injury other than a contusion which he bandaged and then said he would try to get antibiotics for the child. Every second of this event was filmed and then aired. Dr. Gupta, treat the child and don’t milk it for your network.
The first on site was the US Coast Guard. Sound familiar? Just like Katrina, it was the US Coast Guard that reached the area first.
I suppose you are relying on most of your readers not actually listening to Rush, thus uninterested or unable to call you on your rather cowardly distortions. Rush asked listeners to donate to those organizations such as the salvation army who are already down there working. Wow, what a terrible idea? I guess from your perspective. Additionally, wouldn't trade any America, not even the most ignorant, race baiting bigot for any number of Haitians. Their AIDS rates are way too high to risk that. Although, I don't think they're as high as DC, where I live.
Rush Limbaugh is a fat fuck of a person who makes money off of divisiveness and spewing hatred. I have laughed at some of his comments on occasion but don't take his word as gospel like so many people do. He is so hateful and mean!
The economy has brought out some really funky ideas and it hurts me deeply. For example, years ago when the Gosselins had all their kids, they got sponsorship and money and well wishes. When Nady Suleman has a bunch of kids, she was a victim of hate crimes! When the tsunami occurred a few years back, we were morally obligated to donate money to those poor Pacific Islanders. Now God forbid we should give a damn about the Haitians.
For Gods sakes this disaster has brought out racism of the worst sort and I think Glen Beck ought to be tarred and feathered.
Although I truly have been disgusted with Obama's policies, I cannot help but think that these pundits are fomenting racial disharmony and they are blaming all of our countries problems on him.
Sorry for rambling but I am incensed that some asshole would have the nerve to blame a countries suffering on their past religious practices.
As to the commenter above, the fusion between the African religions and Catholicism has created an interesting set of beliefs that have been villified for no good reason!
The recorded tape of what he said was played on national television for all to see and hear. No one is lying on him. I watched it! I'm not relying on hearsay. I heard and saw it with my own eyes.
"FIELD, you talk about Christian's, but, a True Christian has to WATCH and PRAY!!! and TRUST me, better, because if we don't, the President would have given up a long time ago, we have to PRAY for him, because we know what is really going on, he is fighting against POWER'S of DARKNESS!!! and these people want him GONE! but, I PRAY, that his FAITH, FAIL him NOT!!!"
Preach it!! Field, get on your knees and pray before it's too late. Listen to the Christian prophets like iseeisse, for she "sees". Amazing Grace!
This deserves to be repeated! I agree!
"Rush Limbaugh is a fat fuck of a person who makes money off of divisiveness and spewing hatred."
"...I think Glen Beck ought to be tarred and feathered."
"Alicia DO NOT come against what I said, for you have no IDEA what is really going on in America! you don't have a CLUE! trust me, you Don't!"
Pray, ab. Pray for forgiveness for not having a clue!
I see a pattern here. These were the same news reports that said the same thing about New Orleans after Katrina and 99 percent of the stories were BULLSHIT. What I see in the actual news footage are people dying of thirst and in desperate need of supplies. You see "gangs of thugs". Are you purposefully trying to be provocative?
Good point about New Orleans. It really hit home with me when I saw a picture of white people carrying food, labeling them scavengers, and a nearly identical pic of black people carrying food, labeling them looters.
But I don't think this is at work in the coverage of what's happening in Haiti. The streets of Port-au-Prince were pretty dicey even before the quake, and now you've got increasingly desperate people.
We are strange society first we send the voyeurs and then guns and then a little help.
Yeah, and if they didn't have news crews in there then you'd be saying there was a conspiracy by the White Media to impose a news blackout on millions of stricken people.
Gupta even told a bald face lie and said he heard gunshots.
Granny, how do you know he was lying?gicrano
"50,000.00 Haitians" for one fat bastard. That exchange rate could only be the other way around times infinity.
Except for the tea crowd, I've found many conservatives disparaging Limbaugh on this. And the baggers' answer is usually 'Danny Glover'.
I was watching, it when it said it. Wasn't no gunshots fired! People would have been running and screaming, including Gupta and Anderson.
They just had an earthquake, building were collapsing do you actually think that people had time to get a gun. Are you really that isolated and sheltered from life?
Yeah, there are a lot of conservatives coming out doing that. Even Pat Buchanan did, which shocked me somewhat. He defended the President.
Granny, I didn't see the report myself. I was asking. I think it's plausible that some people would have guns.
Did anyone see Diane Sawyer going on about how frightened she was of all the Negroes? Apparently the people of Haiti are a little upset about not having any food or water and when they spoke about that they scared poor Diane.
I swear it's Katrina all over again.
I need to calm down and take a deep breath because I feel my chest tightening up a little bit. So, granny is heading over to the corner and sit in between Babygurl (Incognita) and IseeIsee. Rigmaiden can I borrow your fan for a minute, its getting a little too hot up in here and I need to cool down a little bit.
What business is it of anyone to ask if wealthy Black Americans are doing their part to provide monetary aid to Haiti?
This is no more Black America's responsibility than it is mine or anyone elses.
From those to whom much is given, much is expected, (to paraphrase Sister Souljah paraphrasing Jesus) regardless of skin color.
What business is it of anyone to ask if wealthy Black Americans are doing their part to provide monetary aid to Haiti?
This is no more Black America's responsibility than it is mine or anyone elses.
Hmm. You feel no extra sense of fraternal responsibility at all?
I haven't watched much TV on this yet but did see Bill Clinton talking about what has to be done in Haiti on one of the morning programs today.. He and George W. Bush were both asked by Pres. Obama to assist in the recovery effort on this tragedy,,so far I've seen Bill but not George W. yet? Has anyone seen George W. speaking out on what needs to be done? Just asking.
Has anyone seen George W. speaking out on what needs to be done? Just asking.
He's probably too drunk. Seriously. The guy never quit.
Brother Field and others check out this dribble from David Brooks of the NY Times this liberal crap is worse than the Limbaugh/Beck crowd.
The Underlying Tragedy
On Oct. 17, 1989, a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck the Bay Area in Northern California. Sixty-three people were killed. This week, a major earthquake, also measuring a magnitude of 7.0, struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The Red Cross estimates that between 45,000 and 50,000 people have died.
This is not a natural disaster story. This is a poverty story. It’s a story about poorly constructed buildings, bad infrastructure and terrible public services. On Thursday, President Obama told the people of Haiti: “You will not be forsaken; you will not be forgotten.” If he is going to remain faithful to that vow then he is going to have to use this tragedy as an occasion to rethink our approach to global poverty. He’s going to have to acknowledge a few difficult truths.
The first of those truths is that we don’t know how to use aid to reduce poverty. Over the past few decades, the world has spent trillions of dollars to generate growth in the developing world. The countries that have not received much aid, like China, have seen tremendous growth and tremendous poverty reductions. The countries that have received aid, like Haiti, have not.
In the recent anthology “What Works in Development?,” a group of economists try to sort out what we’ve learned. The picture is grim. There are no policy levers that consistently correlate to increased growth. There is nearly zero correlation between how a developing economy does one decade and how it does the next. There is no consistently proven way to reduce corruption. Even improving governing institutions doesn’t seem to produce the expected results.
The chastened tone of these essays is captured by the economist Abhijit Banerjee: “It is not clear to us that the best way to get growth is to do growth policy of any form. Perhaps making growth happen is ultimately beyond our control.”
The second hard truth is that micro-aid is vital but insufficient. Given the failures of macrodevelopment, aid organizations often focus on microprojects. More than 10,000 organizations perform missions of this sort in Haiti. By some estimates, Haiti has more nongovernmental organizations per capita than any other place on earth. They are doing the Lord’s work, especially these days, but even a blizzard of these efforts does not seem to add up to comprehensive change.
Third, it is time to put the thorny issue of culture at the center of efforts to tackle global poverty. Why is Haiti so poor? Well, it has a history of oppression, slavery and colonialism. But so does Barbados, and Barbados is doing pretty well. Haiti has endured ruthless dictators, corruption and foreign invasions. But so has the Dominican Republic, and the D.R. is in much better shape. Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same island and the same basic environment, yet the border between the two societies offers one of the starkest contrasts on earth — with trees and progress on one side, and deforestation and poverty and early death on the other.
As Lawrence E. Harrison explained in his book “The Central Liberal Truth,” Haiti, like most of the world’s poorest nations, suffers from a complex web of progress-resistant cultural influences. There is the influence of the voodoo religion, which spreads the message that life is capricious and planning futile. There are high levels of social mistrust. Responsibility is often not internalized. Child-rearing practices often involve neglect in the early years and harsh retribution when kids hit 9 or 10.
We’re all supposed to politely respect each other’s cultures. But some cultures are more progress-resistant than others, and a horrible tragedy was just exacerbated by one of them.
He didn't stop there check this out and peep intrusive paternalism;
Fourth, it’s time to promote locally led paternalism. In this country, we first tried to tackle poverty by throwing money at it, just as we did abroad. Then we tried microcommunity efforts, just as we did abroad. But the programs that really work involve intrusive paternalism.
These programs, like the Harlem Children’s Zone and the No Excuses schools, are led by people who figure they don’t understand all the factors that have contributed to poverty, but they don’t care. They are going to replace parts of the local culture with a highly demanding, highly intensive culture of achievement — involving everything from new child-rearing practices to stricter schools to better job performance.
It’s time to take that approach abroad, too. It’s time to find self-confident local leaders who will create No Excuses countercultures in places like Haiti, surrounding people — maybe just in a neighborhood or a school — with middle-class assumptions, an achievement ethos and tough, measurable demands.
The late political scientist Samuel P. Huntington used to acknowledge that cultural change is hard, but cultures do change after major traumas. This earthquake is certainly a trauma. The only question is whether the outside world continues with the same old, same old.
David Brooks is not a liberal. He's a Republican.
My bad grinder you are right I wrote that because he sometimes tries to cling to that compassionate conservative thing.
But what do you think of what he said. I can't believe he talked of paternalism I mean this is a seriously racist and condescending attitude toward Haitians.
Black folks are in more trouble than we know. Brooks pretty much said we have to take care of those darkies, their problem isn't poverty, their problem is that they are irresponsible dumb children.
I was so taken aback by the blatantness of this attack that I actually looked up paternalism, because surely he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying.
paternalism -the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children:
And then add intrusive to it and you get the picture we should interfere with their affairs whether they like it or not with or without permission.
liberation then peace
CNN does have a place on their site where you can ask about missing people or look to see if they've been found for all of those who have family and friends in Haiti.
I was watching that man on television today who had been told that his daughter had been found and was safe, but when they got to Miami, he was told that it was a mistake. I cried tears with that man because I felt his hurt and pain as he pleaded with the President to send more help to Haiti. I can relate to how he feels because I feel the same way.
When I watched those two young ladies whose mother died right before their eyes, I cried with them because I felt their grief. They have lost their mother and you only get one of those.
When I heard that the little girl with the reddish blond braids and eyeglasses had died before they could get her to the hospital, I sat there, crying, and praying Lord to help my people.
I had to stop watching it for a minute because it was too heartbreaking and I can pick up on how those people are feeling. I just wanted to give them a hug and show them love and do whatever I can do to alleviate their pain and suffering.
I thought about some of those poor helpless children who have lost their parents, or their own lives, who are suffering tonight and traumatized wishing it was some way I could bring those who have no one now all home with me.
What business is it of anyone to ask if wealthy Black Americans are doing their part to provide monetary aid to Haiti?
This is no more Black America's responsibility than it is mine or anyone elses.
Hmm. You feel no extra sense of fraternal responsibility at all?
Are you assuming I'm Black?
I feel an enormous sense of responsibility for my Haitian sisters and brothers, as we are all members of the Human family.
But I really don't get why Black people, anywhere, would or should feel any "extra sense of fraternal responsibility."
You know, I am really beginning to understand how the middle east feels and why they feel like they do after hearing all of these racist folks in the GOP party.
why do racists call blacks in crises like haiti/nola "anarchists/looters"?
but when whites are in the very same crises they are called "survivors/heros/"???
your arrogant bigot is showing again...
ignorance is the truest evil on earth
you are the epitome of a religious witch
doubly blind, triply lost, and quasi-illiterate...
tragic indeed!!!
Why would you take a screen named called Race Traitoress, unless you were trying to cause controversy?
As to feeling extra compassionate because Haitians are part of the Black Diaspora...if you don't feel it then it cannot be rationally explained. But I agree with you; our hearts should go out to them because they are all humans and we ought to care about each other as fellow humans.
Did anyone really read the David Brooks article. If you missed the total put down of Haitian culture did any of you notice that Mr. Brooks accused African Americans of having a culture of no or low achievement, poor parenting or neglible parenting and lazy. Just read what he says for yourself. I can't remember the last time someone suggested that poor black folks were struggling because of their inherited cultural inferiority.
"These programs, like the Harlem Children’s Zone and the No Excuses schools, are led by people who figure they don’t understand all the factors that have contributed to poverty, but they don’t care. They are going to replace parts of the local culture with a highly demanding, highly intensive culture of achievement — involving everything from new child-rearing practices to stricter schools to better job performance."
Yes, I read it, and I was highly insulted by it. Right now, I am trying to cool off a bit to avoid going all ballistic because it wouldn't be nothing nice.
I refuse to argue about what Brooks said. Instead, I say this: At a time when people there are desperately and frantically trying to survive, this was not the time to write that kind of column. It is also not the time to argue about Haiti's colonial history.
This is a time to rescue. Period.
@Grinder: "There is some pretty serious money in the black community, and now's the time of need. People who have the dough should be stepping up to the plate...."
Grinder, what is this preoccupation of yours with seeing wealthy blacks respond to the Haitian tragedy?
If I preferred some group to step up, which I don't, it would be wealthy whites, especially bankers, and others in the financial sector, that are ripping off Americans, both black and white, and all those white descendants who benefited, because land was stolen from Native Americans, and slaves were brought in to work the land that was stolen.
Further, I'd like to see the French step up in a big way. Surely they can trace some of their economic greatness back to Haitian slave exploitation, and, if not, do it just for the moral correctness of it.
If you've done your part to address this human tragedy without being pressed, criticized, coerced, shamed, or ridiculed, take comfort it that, and allow others to make their own statement without having you beat them into submission.
From those to whom much is given, much is expected, (to paraphrase Sister Souljah paraphrasing Jesus) regardless of skin color.
Here's another Sister Souljah quote: "why not have a week and kill white people." "If my survival means your total destruction, so be it"
Not to mention refering to white feminists and lesbians, bashing of gay black men, having stero typical Jewish Hukster plotters in here videos-a real mess.
Maybe you should also read her book where she espouses a frank dislike for white women who claim to admire Africans.
Grinder, what is this preoccupation of yours with seeing wealthy blacks respond to the Haitian tragedy?
It's not my preoccupation, it's yours. I've commented on it a couple of times, and black people are have gone batshit about it. What is your preoccupation with seeing a racial plot in every remark?
Now that Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson have justly been raked over the coals, how about this fucking idiot who blamed the Haitian earthquake on global warming?
Great post as usual. Rush gets old. I've vowed time and time again not to even give him the dignity of a post from me. But he's so vile and hateful...it's difficult not to call him on a lot of the crap he's peddling to his flock.
Have you seen the letter from the devil that was sent to Pat Robertson.
It's a goodie! http://ow.ly/1n718i
Wow! Word verification: BLESSERS
Correction: " ... black people here have gone batshit ..."
Bunch of lying DEMON'S! I see everything going on, and I Hear as well, I don't know what's going on but, SOMEONE is holding up supply's from reaching HAITI! They want the HAITIAN people to DIE!
I see the HAITIAN people trying to hold on, they are doing the best they can, and yet, for some reason, their need's are NOT being met as fast as it should be, the MEDIA want's the HAITIAN people to RIOT! oh yes they do, but, I PRAY that they don't!
The HAITIAN men are BURYING their dead, they are looking after the little children! they are doing the best they can, under the circumstance's, and why do they need the military standing over them with RIFLE'S anyway?
I don't know what's going on but, where are the BLACK RELIEF WORKER'S? the MEDIA is only showing WHITE RELIEF WORKER'S!!!
KEITH OLBERMAN want's the people of HAITI to riot! they want it to be another KATRINA! and trust me, it is beginning to look like one, look at the way those people are begging for food and water, we have a BLACK PRESIDENT, and yet, this is going on!!!!they can't drop water down from helicopter's? is the President watching what's going on? and why doe's he need BUSH help? help me LORD! who are the PRESIDENT'S adviser's? GOD, they are making the President look like a WEAKLING!
BARACK and MICHELLE, need to get off their BLACK BUTT'S and look after these people better than what they are doing! don't they know, most white people feel the same way RUSH and the rest doe's!
SOMEONE is SABOTAGING help for the HAITIAN PEOPLE! and you mean to tell me, we have TWO smart BLACK FOLK'S in the WHITE HOUSE and they don't see or know what is really going on? what is their problem?
Hillary Clinton is going to HAITI to look after BLACK FOLK'S! please, MICHELLE has been roaming all over the world, and now, she can't go look after BLACK FOLK'S! please, I am not going to give her a PASS, this is serious!!! this is about our people! my daughter said to me earlier( MOMMA, those are our people, over there SUFFERING)yes, it is, these are our people! old men and women roaming around confused! is anyone watching this? we don't need MICHELLE begging for money, we need her to take her butt, to HAITI and see what is really going on!
I don't care who disagree's with me, I am FEED UP! this is good as most WHITE FOLK'S want, less BLACK PEOPLE on the EARTH make's their DAY!
Sometimes I see posts like Anon 1:55 and wonder if this entire site isn't a parody
@Grinder: "What is your preoccupation with seeing a racial plot in every remark?"
"Maybe, it's because you keep putting it there."
Let it rest, already!
You're coming across like a jerk: bitter, unhappy, and needing a life.
I agree with you someone is sabotaging the help to Haiti on purpose. And yes, they do want the people of Haiti to riot and for them to die. They're trying to be slick about it and feel if they hold off on the help long enough knowing that those people are hungry it will provoke them into committing violence. Part of the reason is to undermine the President and make him look bad and they want that money that is being raised.
Think about all the other disasters they've profited off of. Even 9/11. The sick part is that even some of their own people are over there, but they've made sure they gotten most of them out first. While the Haitian people have had to dig theirs out with their hands.
All these evil people are going to pay for all their wrongdoing sooner than they think.
Let it rest, already!
I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up, BD.
@Field -- This is OT but THANK YOU for naming Lane Kiffin HHN of the day. This VOL burst out laughing! You made my evening. :)
@Makaii & Regarding Haiti and Bill Clinton -- The reason you're seeing Bill all over the place is that he was made UN Special Envoy to Haiti several months back. The Clintons honeymooned in Haiti (a friend of theirs gave them a free trip using his airline miles) and have had a love for Haiti ever since.
This is VERY GOOD news for Haiti because Bill is a fundraising machine through the Clinton Foundation and had already been committed to take on Haiti as a special cause. For him, helping Haiti is personal and with the job he now has he'll be absolutely tireless fighting to help and uplift the Haitian people.
I know we're in the midst of an absolute catastrophe right now and untold human suffering but I honestly believe that Haiti has the opportunity right now to become the country it should be. With Bill especially committed, Hillary at SoS, and Obama wanting to prove he is capable of handling an enormous crisis, Haiti's future may be brighter than ever in the long run. I think the US foreign policy community sees the opportunity too.
Here's a chance to nation build without a war or any kind of hard imperialism. The US wants and needs this. We need to do good in the world again and the rebuilding can be mutually beneficial in many ways. Economically US companies can benefit from the work of rebuilding and a stable Haiti offers new investment opportunities. Politically we gain an ally, credit in the world, and strategic advantages while Haitians may finally gain the government they deserve. We've got so much History and culture in common as well as strong national interests in Haiti.
It really can be a rosy future for all despite the absolute hell that is going on now. Haiti has suffered for more than 200 years under grinding poverty, violence, and corruption. I think this may be the event that changes that. Both the opportunity and the right people are there. Here's to hoping the Becks and Limbaughs of the world stay the hell out of the way.
Let this be the event that starts a whole new chapter for Haiti.
The TRUTH hurt's doesn't it GRINDER? do you think you are on a site with DEAF and DUMB AFRICAN AMERICAN'S? like I said before, I SEE YOU!
GRANNY, I was going to comment on this very subject yesterday, but, I deleted my comment from FIELD'S site, you see sometime's I have to wait on other's to speak!
Oh yes we see what's going on, these people are NOT going to allow this President to be President, what type of EVIL PEOPLE are these? HELP us LORD! what in the world, are we living amongst?
I pray before the weekend is over, GOD will expose and dispose of some of these DEVIL'S, their is a GOD, and I think GOD want's the PRESIDENT to begin to come against these DEMONIC FORCE'S! for that is what they are!
What group of people will want men and women to DIE? I know who? let's NOT forget what went on in SLAVERY, we better NOT ever forget! for we are living amongst the Slave Master's children, and they carry the SEED of EVIL!
It's sad I have to say these thing's, but, GOD want's us to be alert as people at all time's, for he know's ALL THING'S! he will NOT his people in TOTAL DARKNESS!
Yes, they are trying to do a job on the Haitian people, but, GOD has a plan, and when this is all over, we will see people for who they really are!
Yes, they brought a PACT of WHITE CHRISTIAN'S out of HAITI yesterday, who managed to bring them to SAFETY? but, yet, they find it HARD to bring FOOD and MEDICAL SUPPLY'S to HAITI?
Granny did you hear about the WHITE COUPLE from NASHVILLE, that had plan's to ADOPT a group of BLACK HAITIAN CHILDREN, NASHVILLE is in the SOUTH, and why in this world, would WHITE PEOPLE want to ADOPT a group of BLACK children? and what for? I am glad, I know about this!
You need to fix your Teddy P link. It links to an article about Beck's tax problems. Thanks.
@granny and iseeisee -- I don't think anyone's sabotaging aid unless you mean the Limbaughs who are trying to depress giving. The problem is the same as Katrina: TWO DAMN WARS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD HAVE LEFT US NO EQUIPMENT AT HOME. We can't respond as quickly as we could if our ships and our service men and women with all of their equipment were here. :( Beyond there being so much devastation that it's impossible to use the roads and the airport being limited, that's the real problem. The real aid, has to come by ship and those ships are going to have to bring in heavy machinery to start clearing things and both the ships and machinery have to be manned but we don't have what we should close at hand nor do we have national gaurdsmen, reserves, and regular military ready to deploy.
I'm going over to CNN and check the Haiti missing and found list, and then I going to bed. I have to get to get up early in the morning. I need some rest anyway because I didn't go to sleep until 5 am this morning and was back up at 8 am. I'm tired and upset over how certain folks want to play hateful, mean-spirited, political games at a time like this with a tragedy such as this. It is irritating and vexing my spirit.
So, I'm saying night to everyone.
J, and you believe what the MEDIA is saying, don't you? you sound like CNN MSNBC! are you BLACK?
I don't know you from ADAM, but, I know the WHITE RACIST want the PRESIDENT to FAIL, and if they have to use the HAITIAN people to do it, then so be it, I do not need you to break down anything to me, you see, the MEDIA speak's in CODE'S, did you know that? don't you think the MEDIA would love to see the people in HAITI to RIOT? they would love this.
I know the MEDIA by now, and so should you, now, you can believe their LIE'S if you want, but, their job is to BRAINWASH AMERICAN'S! and I don't fall for their MESS, you may, but, some of us don't, who run's the MEDIA? who do you see on CABLE NEW'S telling HALF TRUTH'S?
For as long as their is a BLACK MAN in the WHITE HOUSE, he will be SABOTAGED! the WHITE MAN cannot allow a WHITE MAN to out do him, look at the HEALTH CARE BILL, the closer they get to passing it, something pop's up, the President's own party has been trying to SABOTAGE the HEALTH CARE BILL, if the President win's, the WHITE MAN will look weak, and we know from history, they cannot deal with FAILURE!
Rush is an idiot. How can he say Obama cares more about black people b/c it took him longer to respond to the panty bomber? That's basically implying there were no people of color on the plane and there are no people of color in this nation. This is why drug addicts shouldn't have radio shows.
Brother Field...reminds me of when I was in the military the second time (early 80s),more than ONE truck was sent out to feed us while in the fields. I am saying when they feed the Haitians it would be nice to have several lines/trucks to delay the anxiety in lieu of ONE truck. Hungry people needs a sense that there IS ENOUGH as well as "I Will get to the head of the line-SOON!". Oh yeah, I did see a lot of men with automatic weapons. Not having a grsp of these peoples' language or nuances-- this is a recipe for conflict.
@ISEEISEE -- I won't jump like a trained dog to insults. I gave respect in my initial post and I expect it in return. Otherwise, it's not worth my time or energy to engage.
And for the record, I don't think you read what I had to say with any care because your response doesn't match what I said.
@Thrasher, Mellaneous
I did see the David Brooks column and had the same reaction as you.
Brooks also just recently wrote a rather odd self-congratulatory column in which he pointed out Jewish success and attributed it all to Jewish culture. He happens to be Jewish but seems to be blind to his own ethnic cheerleading or hateful bias.
And since Brooks is by most accounts one of the more thoughtful and intelligent conservatives, I am reminded of Malcolm's story about the snarling wolf and the sly fox.
This Haiti situation has really touched the id of a lot of conservatives and many simply can't resist letting their inner racist out to say hi.
The sci-fi writer Jerry Pournelle echoed Robertson's and Brooks' and Limbaugh's views.
Pournelle is hateful and wrong
Rush Limbaugh is a very wealthy asshole who does not value anything in life but the money he has acquired over the years. He has no wife, no children, and probably believe does not have good relationships with family members. I mean to have a talk show and be provocative is one thing, but it is a cold-hearted person. This is a tragedy and as Jon Stewart said the other night cannot you put aside your political ideology for a second to give the Haitian people help. No he has continue to be an asshole come hell or highwater.
Rush Limbaugh is a very wealthy asshole who does not value anything in life but the money he has acquired over the years. He has no wife, no children, and probably believe does not have good relationships with family members. I mean to have a talk show and be provocative is one thing, but it is a cold-hearted person. This is a tragedy and as Jon Stewart said the other night cannot you put aside your political ideology for a second to give the Haitian people help. No he has continue to be an asshole come hell or highwater.
This is CLASSIC YOU!!! This story is within your groove.
This is the type of "journalism" that will keep your site popular!!!!
The last MESSAGES from you focused on CONSERVATIVES in the context of HAITI
* Limbaugh
* Roger Ailes/Murdoch
* Pat Robertson
Filled Negro - THIS IS WHO YOU ARE!!! Keep it up because this is where I like to battle you most. Skip the indictments about "Harry 'Woodrow' Reid". It is not natural for you to attack progressives man.
You see, Filled Negro - my media monitoring is in overtime. This is because people with your ideology have also ramped up their attacks. As much as it is true that "the right" has use this Haiti situation to advance their ideology - SO HAS THE LEFT!!! (Or don't you watch Rachel Maddow?)
The day after the Earthquake, in Jody's mind, President Obama had done more in one speech than George W Bush had done in the first 3 weeks after Katrina. It did not matter if Jody could MEASURE this claim. She FELT IT in her soul and THIS is all that mattered.
Oh Filled Negro - what about "Al Jezeera News" (I have the video coming out today). After a Haitian ex-pat told of his desperate search for his relatives - the host asked "It must be very DISCONCERTING TO YOU that former President George W Bush has been appointed as co-chair of the American fund raising event for Haiti?". TALK ABOUT "FAIR AND BALANCED" journalism!!!!
Ironically this ideological bigot failed to see that the "ClintonBushHelpHaiti" fund is purely FUND RAISING and not POLITICAL. I was happy that the brother did not bite the hook.
Then I listened to WRFG - "The PROGRESSIVE Information Station" on the way home. They had a lineup of Haitian-American who were talking about how they would help their country men. We heard "YOU OWE US!!" from some of them. They made note that if they got the $21 billion that France and the USA and UK owe them THIS WOULD NOT BE AS DESPERATE of a situation.
Filled Negro - one day you will see the SINS OF ALL and not just who you hate.
Ironically these evil, racist Conservative radio stations are leading a concerted effort to raise funds for Haiti EVEN THOUGH it is a BLACK NATION.
My evil corporation sent out a mass e-mail on yesterday with a web site by which EVIL CAPITALIST cronies could deliver.
I think YOU and other ideological bigots need to understand what properties your REAL enemy has. Unwillingness to GIVE to Haiti due to RACISM is not one of them.
You merely want them to not comment about the forces that hurt the nation, instead focusing upon the misery.
Say it ain’t so Wyclef
[quote]"The influence of the Catholic church there has prevented family planning; hence, high population density has continued to strain the resources of that part of the island.[/quote]
THIS IS STRAIGHT UP AN IGNORANT PIECE OF ANALYSIS!!!! Sadly Filled Negro and others bought into it.
Let's analyze this from the concept of "forces" bearing down upon a nation that is impacted by HIGH POPULATION DENSITY and HIV. (Note - I generally label these as "Unchecked Exchange Of Body Fluids" since both pregnancy and HIV are derived from such.
Anon - YOU claim that the FORCE of the Catholic Church is the CAUSE of the high population density since they don't permit CONTRACEPTION.
I can EASILY challenge your claim by going to OTHER NATIONS that have "high population densities" and ARE NOT CATHOLIC/Christian and thus DEMAND that you explain. (China is not Christian, neither are many of the African nations in crisis)
Ironically still, Anon - is the question of the INTENSITY of the control of the dogma of Catholicism in Haiti causes your theory to fail as well. While you pretend that the Catholic prohibition against condoms has some sort of GOVERNMENT POLICY impact (ie: condoms are officially banned) the truth is that you fraudulently PICK AND CHOOSE how to attack the "failure" of Catholicism.
For example we can argue that the fact that so many are practicing pre-marital sex and thus having babies that THEY ARE VIOLATING CHURCH DOGMA.
The thing that frustrates me about the PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALIST line of thinking is that you are mentally satisfied with your attacks against the establishment order that you hate. YET when it comes to seeing that the problem resides in the much larger domain of the "UNMANAGED IGNORANCE" of a population in the USA or Haiti or elsewhere and how YOUR anti-establishment bias contributes to it - you refuse to render a SELF-INDICTMENT.
Anon and Filled Negro - tell me about Washington DC and Baltimore. They DID NOT adopt the conservative "Abstinence Only" policy and yet THESE TWO CITIES have the highest rates of HIV INFECTIONS IN America.
Despite this YOU ALL are not going to say "Wrap It UP" HAS FAILED. You only go after conservative-driven message.
You are no different than RUSH LIMBAUGH in that you are injecting your own ideological biases upon the situation at hand. The Filled Negro blog merely has more FISH that like the flavor of your chum.
Harry Potter is demonic? What about witchcraft?
You really are a religious nutcase. Seems you've finally gone complelely unhinged. There are dementia patients with greater coherence and reason than you.
You are such a low-level, dollar store thinker that you can only comment on a situation from the most utterly boring, insignificant racial aspect. Go back to counting the number of black and white people you see at K-Mart or your TV screen and keep your "profound" racial ramblings that result to
People like you and granny are the reason Tyler Perry has a job. Petty and pathetic caricatures.
"the President's own party has been trying to SABOTAGE the HEALTH CARE BILL, if the President win's, the WHITE MAN will look weak, and we know from history, they cannot deal with FAILURE!"
Are you going to dance for us too?
You remind the slave from Huckleberry fin expect your stupider.
Lawd Mercy Deez White Menz is Worried Bout Lookin Weak. JESUS Save US Lawd SO Deez White Menz Is Sumthin Demonic LAWDZ... Well Yes S'uh Ill tell ya.
I can't stomach watching any of the mainstream media on this. They're all clueless. There is an independent journalist who has been in Haiti for 4 months and who is posting video.
He's on twitter too. Says he has seen no violence and (last I heard) no help.
To the person up-thread who told me about the broken Teddy P link, thanks, I have corrected it.
Mel. I finally read the David Brooks piece, and I am sorry I did. All it did was piss me off and send my pressure up. I swear I am going to have to stop blogging.
"Say it ain’t so Wyclef"
I don't know. Wyclef has been walking the walk for awhile. I wonder why his charity is the only one under scrutiny? Still, if true, he should be called out on it. And just to be safe, I changed the link in my donate to Haiti side-bar to the American Red Cross. They are as safe a bet as there is right now. I trust the Seventh Day Adventist relief efforts as well. (I was raised SDA so I have a bias where that is concerned)
I agree with Race Traitoress, this is a human tragedy. We should all want to give to help these people. Besides, I don't expect folks who are selfish and wealthy (black or white) to give anyway.
"The influence of the Catholic church there has prevented family planning; hence, high population density has continued to strain the resources of that part of the island.[/quote]
THIS IS STRAIGHT UP AN IGNORANT PIECE OF ANALYSIS!!!! Sadly Filled Negro and others bought into it."
Is it? I actually think that there is a lot of truth to that statement.
"Filled Negro - one day you will see the SINS OF ALL and not just who you hate."
And maybe one day you will do the same. Do you no see the irony of your posts? You defend those I "hate" at every turn, and attack ones you think I love or defend.
Rippa, I listened to Medved on 990
AM here in Philly WNTP. The man he had on was actually a Rabi named Daniel Lipin, he was on yesterday during drive time. I might be able to post a transcript of the program for you. Hopefully, if you google some of the names I mentioned, you will be able to find something. Hey, where are you sending me the e-mails? Is it fnblg@yahoo.com, or bogle1998@gmail.com? I never check the bogle e-mail box.
"FIELD, you talk about Christian's, but, a True Christian has to WATCH and PRAY!!! and TRUST me, better, because if we don't, the President would have given up a long time ago, we have to PRAY for him, because we know what is really going on, he is fighting against POWER'S of DARKNESS!!!"
ISEEISEE, could you please pray for me?
"he is fighting against POWER'S of DARKNESS!!"
Yes, they are called conservatives.
BroadSnark, thanks for that link.
If Haiti broke out into riots with relief workers getting shot, people on this blog would blame on the relief workers and media.
To all the people complaining about conservative pundits, why do you even tune into them unless your looking for something to be pissed about? You already know their views, everyone who disagrees with you isn't racist.
I don't have a stomach for conservative talking heads but I don't go listening to them to find something to get angry about either.
"I don't have a stomach for conservative talking heads but I don't go listening to them to find something to get angry about either."
I happen to like Medved's movie reviews. I occasionally listen to him on Fridays on my way home to see what he says about the new movies for the weekend. So sue me. I thought it was a free country.
My life has to go on in spite of the ignorance that flows through my sanity filter. :)
[quote]Is it? I actually think that there is a lot of truth to that statement.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
As an attorney - how many juries and judges have you convinced of your point JUST BECAUSE you say so???
I thought that you had to express an opinion and then PROVE YOUR POINT?
I thought that this was the essential job of a barrister?
I see that with you in company of an "All White Jury - 2010 Edition" you feel no compulsion to PROVE YOUR CASE.
Again I ask you HOW DOES a RELIGIOUS DOGMA that preaches TEMPERANCE ON UNMARRIED SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ONLY get held to account by you and ANON on their "failure" to stop UNMARRIED PEOPLE from having sex and when they do fail to use a condom?
Here is the key point that you must understand Filled Negro. Your position ONLY HAS VALUE in your fight AGAINST organized religion. YOU WIN in this domain. No doubt you and others seek to loosen the grip of "Jesus" upon everyone's minds.
YOU FAIL MISERABLY when we focus on what the ULTIMATE GOAL of the religion of Christianity OR the religion of SECULAR PROGRESSIVISM - that you worship to:
These common goals are to DELIVER A HEALTH ECO-SYSTEM by which the PEOPLE have their actions oriented toward a goal that produces favorable outcomes in certain key areas.
YOU prefer GOVERNMENT and its redistributive effects to be the PRIMARY vehicle for this.
A more religiously doctrinal person would seek to unite the INDIVIDUAL in line with settled religious practices and uses the CHURCH BODY as the means of caring for his brother.
The key difference between the two is that the church does not have an IRS and it can't lock people up for REFUSING to "share".
Haiti is the worse possible case for your ideological orthodoxy. It has NO FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT that can fill the void that you wish to displace RELIGION FROM.
Thus, per your jaundiced world view the notion that "THE FRENCH DID THIS TO US 200 YEARS AGO AND THUS HERE WE ARE TODAY" is a more POWERFUL mental theory to you and Mellenous than is your ability to TAP INTO the EQUAL HUMAN POWER that is present within each and every Haitian on the island.
Executive Summary: YOU SUCK Filled Negro!!!
Hey Filled Negro:
Look what I found on Onelook.com:
▸ noun: a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods
Did you ever think about going into politics? You would have both areas covered if you did.
[un]constructive one, you are funny. Here is the thing; Haiti is a religious country, is it not? It's not a secular progressive one, it's leaders have been put in place up by Imperialistic interest over the years, and it's people have been hoodwinked into believing that religion (regardless of who organized it) will save them. It won't. Religion won't pay the IMF when(Sorry Pat Robertson)they come calling and set up their draconian interest rates and stipulations.
" Again I ask you HOW DOES a RELIGIOUS DOGMA that preaches TEMPERANCE ON UNMARRIED SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ONLY get held to account by you and ANON on their "failure" to stop UNMARRIED PEOPLE from having sex and when they do fail to use a condom?"
How about married people using a condom? Doesn't your church frown on that as well. News flash! Married people have children, too.
if Limbaugh is human
it would be in his DNA
sent the lab a sample
and here's what they say
this shit ain't human
it didn't come from a man
it's a kind of animal
from a garbage can
it's a form of slime mold
parasitic and mean
it clings to it's host
and it's always obscene
it thrives on bullshit
which it spews every day
a continuous babble
that won't go away
it can be killed
and we suggest you try
make it tell the truth
and then watch it die
" Again I ask you HOW DOES a RELIGIOUS DOGMA that preaches TEMPERANCE ON UNMARRIED SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP ONLY get held to account by you and ANON on their "failure" to stop UNMARRIED PEOPLE from having sex and when they do fail to use a condom?"
Go Field! It's your birthday! It's your birthday!
ps fn:
and how do these very same hypochristians justify attacking gay sex for being sterile when hets SIMULTANEOUSLY & BOLDLY use birth control/abort babies/do not pay child support/abandon, neglect, resent, hate, and abuse their very own children...???????
ps fn:
and they get vasectomies/tubiligations...and routinely pray hard that they fail pregnancy and paternity tests etc....
all while they scream to us
gays: "sex is for procreation!!!"
these bold lying amoral souless brainless buybull toting haters are heartless brazen gd fools!!!
Quote: So we have another (if the report about Tiger Woods is true) black athlete stepping up to the plate, as I had suggested ought to happen.
Now, how about some other eminences? Oprah? The Johnsons? (I don't know a whole lot about them, but aren't they the ones with the hair care empire?)
There is some pretty serious money in the black community, and now's the time of need. People who have the dough should be stepping up to the plate, and some of them are.
Respectfully Grinder: I am quite sure there are a lot of people (Black, White, etc.) that have given/gave and people have no knowledge of it.
There are some of us that actually do believe in practicing the following -
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
I realize that the above can not always be followed when one is a celebrity, high-profile, etc.
If I were in their shoes I would try my hardest not to let the left hand (media… LOL!!) know what my right hand (Me) is doing.
Not preaching just sayin….
haiti is a catholic nation. the catholic cathedral was destroyed and the bishop was killed. i left the church long ago (before the pedophile scandals) because of its stance on ordaining women, choice, birth control and believing jesus was, well, jesus. i blame catholics for global warming/climate change, with their position against birth control.
thanks to catholic school, i'm now an atheist.
[quote]Here is the thing; Haiti is a religious country, is it not?[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You are making this too easy.
To you the fact that Haiti it is claimed that "90% of all Haitians" are Catholics serves as your gateway to attack CATHOLICISM and CHRISTIANITY.
Ironically (as with Americans)......IF someone were to make note of this and then seek to put forth a FUNDAMENTALIST REVOLUTION in Haiti (and the USA) in which "Christian dogma" was actually ENFORCED to the "Letter of the Law" you and other Progressives would be the FIRST to stand in OPPOSITION to such enforcement.
You see, Filled Negro, you and other Progressive Operatives are really "Hypocrisy Chasers". On the front end you attack right-wing fundamentalists, claiming that their de facto disposition is INTOLERANT. Thus you seek to have them to yield on their dogmatic enforcement.
The progressive-operative returns to his perch and looks upon his great victory in having "liberated" the status quo. He self-applauds his own greatness.
Time lapses by.
The society lives their life with reference to the "cultural water way" that is no longer bound by the LEVEE WALLS that the previous enforcement had it bound to.
In the name of "diversity" (for diversity's sake) people are permitted to do as they please.
The "cultural admonitions" of the past that which had the effect of "SLOWING ONE'S ROLL" and thus, for example reducing their aggregate number of "BODY FLUID EXCHANGE PARTNERS" as they pursued their VICES were seen as a SUPPRESSION OF ONE'S "INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES".
Over time we see that SOME of their actions have imperil them beyond a point that they could handle. The veritable "Pandora's Box" has been opened.
The religious/cultural borne dogma of control has been replaced by the self-indulgent notions of SOCIAL JUSTICE bind between humans which provoke others who see the individuals who have been IMPERILED as they pursued their DOGMA-FREE LIBERTY. Thus the INDICTMENT is never focused upon the line of THINKING which got them imperiled. INSTEAD it is more common to CONDEMN those who dare cast "judgment" as they see a pattern of "imperil-ation" associated with those who strayed from convention.
Filled Negro and others - it is clear that you see your notions of "FREEDOM FROM DOGMA" as SUPERIOR to those who adopt "ancient dogma" that has been crafted thousands of years ago.
We all know - YOU ARE MUCH SMARTER than those who wrote on SCROLLS.
The thing that you FAIL to understand is that MAN DOES NOT CHANGE. Only the technology by which he travels in a broader circle and he lives in air conditioned comfort with the ability to 'flush' away his excrement CHANGES over time.
Where as the "establishment" order of the CHURCH or "conservative" GOVERNMENT are real-world structures that you can fight your perpetual struggle AGAINST - the truth is that it is YOUR RELIGIOUS DOGMA that can ALSO be rendered to a predictable structure.
In short Filled Negro (and Granny and Mellenous and IseeIsee) YOUR DOGMA NEEDS TO BE PUT ON TRIAL to make note of the DAMAGE that it renders upon human civilizations. You are the "Yang" to the "conservative Yin" that you despise.
If the conservative harms people by SYSTEMS that he ASSEMBLES then you harm them by DISASSEMBLY and exposure to the void that you leave.
YOU choose to count the number of Catholics in Haiti and condemn Catholicism.
I CHOOSE to read what CHRISTIANITY sets up as "stakes in the ground for the christian to follow" and make note of the LARGE GAP between the daily actions of those who "self-describe as Christians" and these markers in the ground.
If Haiti broke out into riots with relief workers getting shot, people on this blog would blame on the relief workers and media.
BINGO! I wonder how long it will be until Field, et. al. begin bitching about the "military occupation" of Haiti.
If I were in their shoes I would try my hardest not to let the left hand (media… LOL!!) know what my right hand (Me) is doing.
I generally agree with that, but there are exceptions. When someone's celebrity can be used to inspire more donations, it ought to be used that way. I think this is one of those cases.
I have come to expect Limbaugh and Robertson to spew hateful venom when anything happens to people of color. As many others have said, it is our duty as human beings to help each other in a time of need. Haiti is poor, but that does not devalue them as people. Suffering should not be tolerated unless the people who are doing the suffering are named Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Robertson, because they are only corporate whores who are paid to say what mindless morons are thinking, but are too afraid to say. They may believe what they are saying or they may not, it doesn't matter. They have huge followings so there are people out there who clearly agree with them and those are the people we need to worry the most about. President Obama did the right thing and I'm sure if he didn't help, he'd be crucified for that too. The Rethugs and Neo-Conservative Christian hypocrites are going to criticize him no matter what.
Filled Negro,
Other Contemptible Fellows:
I printed out all posts on this thread and read through them, underlining certain key points and themes contained within.
Here is what I have come up with as a result of my analysis.
It comes as no surprise that there is an ideological divide on the subject of Haiti. In fact Haiti is merely a PROXY for the larger, perpetual struggle that is in existence.
Filled Negro - the UNIVERSALLY AGREED UPON position is that Haiti Is In Trouble. Its situation, even before the Earthquake, is inferior and unacceptable to all
The SPLIT comes when we talk about the reasons WHY Haiti is as it is today.
The more PROGRESSIVE oriented folks accept this analysis of Haiti - AS LONG AS we point to the HISTORY of molestation of the people on the island by EXTERNAL forces.
The more CONSERVATIVE forces are inclined to make note of the cultural and societal forces ON THE INSIDE of the masses and how they are failing to provide the people with a synergized order that allows them to prosper....just like their neighbors are doing.
Filled Negro - the other day I used the analogy of an AIRPLANE DESIGNER to make my point. The goal of an airplane designer at Boeing is to IDENTIFY the forces that bear down upon the craft and to MODEL THEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR ACTUAL PROPORTIONS.
IF, for example they ONLY identify the force of GRAVITY (the legacy of White Supremacy which derailed Haiti) they might be inclined to build the most POWERFUL ENGINES which can allow the craft to overcome this evil force of gravity.
When the plane takes flight on its initial test - it will soar down the runway and take off - gaining altitude faster than any other plane.
HOWEVER, Filled Negro, as the pilots start to attempt to STEER THE PLANE, the flaws of the biased designer will come into view. He failed to factor for the forces of cross-winds, tail-winds, inertia and down-drafts. With the heavy emphasis on GRAVITY/White Supremacy and past Invasions - the engines will keep propelling the craft higher and higher against gravity.
With no ability to compensate for these other forces - the airplane will eventually run out of fuel and crash to the ground - KILLING ALL OF ITS OCCUPANTS.
In summary Filled Negro - YOUR GOAL must be to ACCURATELY MODEL the forces that are bearing down upon the people of interest - not only those forces that FIT YOUR IDEOLOGICAL BIASES.
Having obtained this accurate model - your goal must be to field a plan that adequately addresses ALL OF THESE FORCES, placing the plane in proper balance and thus.......allowing it to take the people to the DESIRED DESTINATION that they all seek to arrive at.
I REFUSE to believe that the actions from 1791 are the MOST POWERFUL FORCES bearing down the EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS IN HAITI 2010.
Most of you would be wise to develop the vocabulary which allows you to detail WHY these incremental invasions were triggered. Since Haiti doesn't have OIL - what else was the motivating factor?
IF it was to "Killed Off all of the BLACK PEOPLE" then the White man failed. As someone else said - Haiti has TOO DENSE of a population
[quote]it is our duty as human beings to help each other in a time of need. [/quote]
How is it that you speak with any less VENGEANCE than do Limbaugh and others that you have indicted?
I DISAGREE with your statement above.
You and other Progressive-Fundamentalists seek to have us configured as "Serial Helpers". We are to look out of our windshield, see a person in need and RENDER HELP. I get that.
However, Kitty, if someone DARES to note a PATTERN of "distress" and then make notes that there is a common theme that ales all of them. If, for example all of those under distress BOUGHT INTO a salesman's claim that PLACING WATER IN THEIR GAS TANK would allow them to run off of clean burning Hydrogen in the water - you'd likely argue "THIS IS NO TIME TO SEEK A MORE SYSTEMATIC UNDERSTANDING for their condition.
Instead we must provide UNCONDITIONAL HELP!!!
I can't accept this Kitty.
As long as you all achieve an INDICTMENT of some external force that has molested the victim - you are fine coasting along, feeding the masses SOUP in your soup line.
My version of HELP is seen in developing SYSTEMS by which "equal human beings" might reach their full potential while consciously avoiding threats that distract from this point
David Brooks racist commentary in the NYT far more evil than Rush's usual hate speech..Why is the chatter class giving Brooks a pass??
Anonymous 8:55:
"granny are the reason Tyler Perry has a job. Petty and pathetic caricatures."
For the life of me I don't know why you included me in on your disagreement with IseeIsee. She has her opinion and I have mine. Some things she says I agree with and some I don't, and I'm sure she feels likewise.
However, since you chose to include me in your little insult. I want to know where do you know me personally from? Since you seem to think you know me so good and you think you know what I am about. Could you answer that question for me please?
If I am responsible for Tyler Perry having a job, then that is one less black man out on the streets having to commit something illegal in order to survive. Therefore, I am glad I could be of help in him being able to have a job or anyone else for that fact. However, my field of expertise is getting young people who have lost hope to turn their lives around, and before I retired I worked for I.R.S, Personnel, Office of Civil Rights.
BTW, what is wrong with a Tyler Perry having a job? I mean he has one and he is not out stealing, robbing, or selling drugs, or doing anything illegal. Or would you prefer for him to be on the unemployment line or homeless? He has to eat too.
Another thing, did it ever occur to you that I might be irritated, vexed, and stressed out over the situation in Haiti because of love ones? Or is it okay in your high and mighty book for me to feel those types of emotions? Do I need your permission since the last time I checked my birth certificate it told me that I had made it pass 21 years of age more than once?
@J: "Beyond there being so much devastation that it's impossible to use the roads and the airport being limited, that's the real problem."
J, the problem appears to extend beyond impassable roads, an airport that can't handle flight capacity, and the lack of people power.
Your vision for Haiti is also my hope, although it's tempered by my cynicism, and my certainty that human nature (greed, exploitation, and power arrogation) will more likely prevail, rather than the actual creation of a Haitian economy that will serve the people first, and foreign investors second.
I have a great deal of respect for Iseeisee, and granny's analysis of what's going on in Haiti.
You haven't done this, but many are dismissive of their comments, especially when those comments run counter to the prevailing wisdom, and the supposed facts on the ground.
I distrust government. Let me say that flat out. And I usually distrust the motives of people. I have lived long enough to know that trust is often violated by individuals and governments, when their interests clash with yours.
Here's what I have learned, perhaps you have heard it, by now, yourself. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's medical commentator, their man on the ground, reporting firsthand from Haiti, had this to say, and I paraphrase in narrative form:
At one of the makeshift hospitals, medical personnel were ordered to desert the facility, for fear that a riot was imminent. (A riot that never materialize, I might add).
He angrily deplored that decision, refusing, himself, to leave the site, where only that very day, several patients had undergone surgery. His anger was palpable, and no pretense was made to cloak it.
General Honoré who responded to the Katrina crisis, and brought to it some measure of sanity, structure, and organization, had this to say, and I paraphrase:
"The responders are operating with an abundance of caution. The people need help now. We can't wait for it all to be perfect. We have to throw caution to the wind, and place human life above that of security and personal safety."
Honoré didn't see the threat being so great that the response would lag, and the people allowed to suffer as a result.
Whether the slow response is a matter of putting security first, or that of saboteurs, we may never know.
But this I do know: If the responders don't find ways to dispense food and water to the survivors, they will riot, and overrun the airport--and I, for one, will be applauding.
Many of those rescued from the rubble are struggling with dehydration, and many have died as a result.
And like the two ladies, IseeIsee, and Granny, I'm not ruling out anything. To be sure, I'm a cynic. I have seen too much in recent days, and in our past, not to tread lightly and cautiously--to remain cynical, especially when that cynicism seems foolish, and unwarranted.
My cynicism has served me well. I'm still alive, and aware of the machinations that have beset the unwary--the trusting, and the unaware.
If that cynicism makes me a denizen of Kooksville, so be it. I'm in good company.
kitty said:
Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Robertson, because they are only corporate whores who are paid to say what mindless morons are thinking, but are too afraid to say. They may believe what they are saying or they may not, it doesn't matter. They have huge followings so there are people out there who clearly agree with them and those are the people we need to worry the most about.
not that huge. remember who is president, despite their best efforts.
Maybe this blog's report about shooting will dispel the belief among some here than reports of violence are invented by the white devils.
**Grinder** "reports of violence are invented by the white devils."
grinder, you're the only "white devil" that's implying the existence of widespread violence.
It's not in the newsmedia, but taking shape in your overactive imagination.
You're sounding a lot like Dick Cheney, who can't wait to see this country attacked again by terrorists.
What satisfaction would you get--except to say that you and other whites are right--by insisting violence is taking place in Haiti?
I would be shocked, if it wasn't taking place--the prisons have been compromised, and several thousand prisoners are back into the general public, and help is a trickle, as people face the growing possiblity of death, from lack of water and food.
One of our large cities wouldn't fair as well, if millions of people were displaced by the devastation of an earthquake with a magnitude large enough to turn our homes, buildings, and vital structures to rubble.
You cite one instance of violence to justify your statement designed to rescue the veracity of whites.
When blacks do it here, according to your judgment, you're quick to rail against them, and call it unfair, and overreactive.
Your motives are becoming as clear as a bad case of acne.
If help is being delayed and people are hungry and haven't ate or had water in 5 days, medical attention, regardless of color how do you think will react?
Do you honestly believe that if this happen say in Sweden, Germany, or France that those people wouldn't do the same thing under those circumstances? My grandmother always told me if I see someone hungry feed them because if a person can't eat they will do all sorts of things that they ordinarily wouldn't do to survive. That's human nature.
One of the news commentators also made a statement last night that other trucks have made it in there and yet the people are hungry, thirsty, and need medical attention and are dying. He said that it is no reason that help should not have arrived by now. Not only that he said that other vehicles are driving back and forth and going whereever. As for the situation now, even the news commentators, everyone in involved, anyone with common sense knew what would happen in that type of situation because they've said it from day one over and over and over. Almost as if that is what was planned so they could say all blacks are violent forget what their situation is.
Please don't forget that all the prisoners were able to escape from prison when the earthquake hit. That could account for the violence, because I am sure they are trying to get far away so they won't be captured.
BTW, when Honore went to NO he was able to organize and help without delay. He didn't seem to have any problems, and frankly speaking, they should have sent him, because he would understand black people better.
Can you for once put yourself in the victims shoes and imagine how they feel in a situation like this.
BTW, no one called those sent to help white devils, but now, Rush, Pat, and the rest of them on the GOP side who have made callous, and mean-spirited remarks in a time like this, they are devils because their way of thinking is evil.
Yesteday, when I said I cried with that man whose daughter is missing, he is white. Do you think when I was crying with him it mattered to me what color he was? That man was hurting and in pain and I felt it and my tears flowed for him as well as my prayers. I know how I would feel if I were in his position and that was my child. He could have been green for all I care, it didn't matter, hurt feels the same for any human being. So why is so hard for some whites to feel that same way?
BTW, I'm signing off because I have somewhere to go today. Maybe, it will help take my mind off of what is going over in Haiti and the hurt and pain I'm feeling.
I wish God would make that trade. Can we throw in Pat Robertson to sweeten the pot?
Field, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been dealing with sinus issues and the usual drama at the office.
In case you haven't done so already, you can donate in $10 increments up to $30 to the Red Cross by texting HAITI to 90999. The charges will appear on your next month's cell phone bill.
Constructive Feedback said...
"Filled Negro,
Other Contemptible Fellows:"
Wow, CF, you're winning converts today! I'm convinced that it's the hunt that trills you, and not the bagging of game.
How are you going to win over people, if you keep insulting them: "Contemptible Fellows," you say?
CF, you're a blowhard, with a craving for attention. You don't care about the plight of blacks as much as you care about being heard.
It doesn't matter if you have anything of substance to say, as long as it sounds erudite, and impressive.
Rather than excoriating us here on this blog, get out there and change what you see as wrong in the black community.
You'll get more converts with action than vapid words--horrid words more designed to massage your vast ego than to find viable solutions for the ills you see in the black community.
[quote]BTW, when Honore went to NO he was able to organize and help without delay. He didn't seem to have any problems, and frankly speaking, they should have sent him, because he would understand black people better.[/quote]
Granny - I love you but too many of your views are out of line with reality.
COULD YOU TELL ME what about "New Orleans" and the evacuation effort that General Honoree took over LENT ITSELF to some special interaction with BLACK PEOPLE who needed to be evacuated was different for WHITE EVACUEES?
Some of you play to your ideological soul mates by telling them WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR.
If you could lay out 3 things that were UNIQUE TO a "Black General" that the MOSTLY WHITE forces that he commanded did differently than if a WHITE GENERAL had led them - I, for one, would greatly appreciate it.
On an expanded point please recognize two things:
1) Post Hurricane Katrina was a RESCUE AND EVACUATION effort. Post the Haitian Earthquake is a RESCUE/RECOVERY and IN-COUNTRY RESETTLEMENT effort
2) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton IS ACTIVELY INVOLVED in the Haitian situation because HAITI IS ANOTHER NATION.
Then Secretary of State Condi Rice DID NOT NEED TO BE INVOLVED in New Orleans in that N.O. was a DOMESTIC issue.
Why won't racist grinder just go away and get lost?
@black diaspora -- I don't think you or anyone else is a denizen of Kooksville. Well maybe I am but that's neither here nor there. I also love to hear what granny and iseeisee have to say and have much respect for them both and agree with them a lot of the time.
When I hear sabotaging aid I think of people deliberately making things worse. But what you're describing sounds more to me like cowards not doing all they can to help because they're too scared. Does that make sense? The end result is probably the same in that people aren't getting what they need.
As to the rumors, those damn rumors happen every disaster. Remember all the rumors during Katrina? That one hospital likely euthanized lifecare patients on the basis of losing hope that help was coming and those rumors. And the media bears direct responsibility for spreading those rumors.
Who other than the Limbaughs and Becks would have incentive to sabotage the efforts? Baby Doc? Aristide? Do you mean the media?
I follow events like this online. I try my best not to watch events like this through television. I'll watch AP clips but I don't watch CNN/MSNBC/FOX/ABC or anyone else's live coverage of disasters because I honestly can't stand the patronizing psuedo-sympathy and victim exploitation that they always do when disasters strike. Online media like twitter and standard news/websites keep me informed without me feeling like I'm watching some reporter salivate at someone else's pain. I'll also watch video clips if there's something I need to see in that format.
That said, that leaves me in the dark about some of the stuff you're talking about since I'm not watching how the various anchors behave. I gave up on them treating humans in the midst of tragedy with dignity a few years ago.
As to Haiti's future, I'm probably the craziest one of all because I believe in my heart that this is the beginning for Haiti. I believe that if we can keep the righties to a dull roar, America will help rebuild Haiti not just physically but nation build and that the future will be beneficial to both the US and Haiti. Yes, people will make a ton on both sides off the contracts but I think/hope that the end product will be a free independent, proud, wonderful, Haiti. We've got a President who wants it, an SoS who wants it and a Special Envoy ex-president who wants it and I don't think the three of them will be denied easily.
Now ain't I messed up? Too cynical to watch broadcast news and yet optimistic/insane enough to think that after 200 years Haiti's time has come.
P.S. I apologize straight up to anyone who thought I was being dismissive when I said I didn't think aid was being sabotaged. It wasn't my intention to dismiss but if you read it that way then I failed somewhere in the delivery.
[quote]Wow, CF, you're winning converts today! I'm convinced that it's the hunt that trills you, and not the bagging of game.
How are you going to win over people, if you keep insulting them: "Contemptible Fellows," you say?[/quote]
Thank you for pointing out one key point.
Let me explain something to you.
Lets pretend that the "Tersi house" was on FIRE. I come walking down the street and see the flames coming from your roof. YOU DON'T LIKE ME.
I bang on your door and desperately ring your doorbell.
You open your door, SEE ME standing there and hear me tell you "Tersi - get all of your LOVED ONES out of the house. THERE ARE FLAMES JETTING OUT FROM YOUR ROOF!!!!!! You are going to DIE!!!!!".
Tersi - you have two options:
1) Focus on YOUR CONTEMPT for me and thus IGNORE MY MESSAGE. You won't even bother to DO YOUR OWN SAMPLING of the world around you, sampling for SMOKE as a means of counter-checking the words said by a contemptible person to you - such as me.
2) After listening to me, but not TRUSTING WHAT I SAY - YOU DO YOUR OWN EVALUATION OF THE SITUATION AT HAND. Upon retaining your HATED OF ME but noting the smell of SMOKE - you go to your LOVED ONES and tell them to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE - IT IS ON FIRE!!!!!!
Do you see Tersi - I have no CONDITION that you like me as part of my expectation that you will read my analysis of YOU and measure it against the continuing PROBLEMS that you suffer from.
More importantly, Tersi, let us flip it around. Consider the people that YOU LIKE who also have given you advice and strategy.
In Filled Negro's city of Philadelphia - there is an array of 'LIKABLE FELLOWS' running the place that have a high degree of IDEOLOGICAL COMPATIBILITY with his own views.
Instead of INSULTING HIM - they deliver roses as they give speeches that sit well with him.
Unfortunately Tersi - as we evaluate the end results in this particular city - we must OBJECTIVELY conclude that "What appeases Filled Negro and Jody" DOES NOT intrinsically translate into THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE MASSES.
Tersi - I spent about 15 pages and some ink to PRINT OUT every post on this message thread for review. I showed "respect" in desiring to understand where everyone is coming from.
You seem more bothered by "how I speak to you" than you are about the analysis that I provide as to WHY some of the seemingly insurmountable problems keep reoccurring with you.
What of the people who bring you roses and yet screw you over?
you said-- "That one hospital likely euthanized lifecare patients on the basis of losing hope that help was coming and those rumors. And the media bears direct responsibility for spreading those rumors."
you are wrong. it wasn't the media's "fault" and it wasn't a rumor. take the time to read this report, which appeared in the NYT. you need to be thanking some of the media for telling the truth!
The Deadly Choices at Memorial
by Sheri Fink, ProPublica - August 27, 2009 9:00 am EST
The floodwaters from Katrina had knocked out the power. Doctors and nurses were overstretched and overtired, patients were dying and the evacuation of many of the sickest seemed impossible. Injecting drugs was one answer that some members of the medical staff decided on. Were they trying to comfort those patients – or hasten their deaths.
[quote]When I hear sabotaging aid I think of people deliberately making things worse.[/quote]
[quote]Who other than the Limbaughs and Becks would have incentive to sabotage the efforts? Baby Doc? Aristide? Do you mean the media? [/quote]
Do you recall the various "domestic terror" plots that have been broken up over the last 9 years or so? (Some Black Muslims training in FL, some in NY, some in plotting to blow up the Sears Tower).
J - the key point of DISMISSAL that I heard from the peanut gallery was the fact that these operates DID NOT HAVE THE "CAPACITY" TO CARRY OUT WHAT THEY INTENDED.
As I listen to you - I find it strange that you don't apply this same FILTER to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.
Instead for you it is sufficient to render an indictment against them even though they not only have the CAPACITY to do a DAMNED THING to disrupt the Haitian Rescue Effort, they also haven't said one damned thing to cause anyone else to do so.
It is ironic that while Michael Medved and other "racist conservatives" have been running DONATION drives all week long - they are accused of HOPING THAT EVERY HAITIAN AND BLACK PERSON AROUND THE WORLD 'Just Die Already'.
I won't even talk about the fact that Street Pirates have killed more Blacks last year than anyone who is "Down with Rush" has in the past 20 years.
@maria -- What I mean when I say the rumors contributed to the euthenasia is that the media created a climate of fear that compounded what the doctors were feeling. All of those things we were told about the super dome and 90% of the rumors of violence didn't happen. Doctors and nurses don't just give up like that when the power goes out -- they wanted out of hell. They were told armed people were trying to steal from the hospital. Field hospitals operate for months in worse physical conditions and do not do what those doctors did. They got scared and fear helped them rationalize murder.
@J "Now ain't I messed up? Too cynical to watch broadcast news and yet optimistic/insane enough to think that after 200 years Haiti's time has come.
"P.S. I apologize straight up to anyone who thought I was being dismissive when I said I didn't think aid was being sabotaged. It wasn't my intention to dismiss but if you read it that way then I failed somewhere in the delivery."
I didn't read it that way, and you make a strong case for hope in a part of the world that's been deprived it, for a variety of reasons.
Although a perennial cynic, I have my optimistic side as well. A brighter day is coming for us all, but the human heart needs several by-pass operations to make that happen.
All efforts to reconstruct Haiti has to be done with better supervision, and oversight, than was given to Wall Street, and the derivative market.
With greater accountability than was given to the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With more compassion than was shown cobbling together a health-care reform bill.
With more persistence and application than was given to NOLA after Katrina.
Too many people are reaping vast riches, and harvesting undeserved wealth, at the expense of others, especially the American taxpayer.
I have cause to be cynical. But, I also have cause to be optimistic. And, I know which of the two will eventually win out.
But in the meantime, I'm cynically optimistic, and cautiously sanguine, about our future, here at home, in Haiti, and the world.
**CF** "You seem more bothered by 'how I speak to you' than you are about the analysis that I provide as to WHY some of the seemingly insurmountable problems keep reoccurring with you.
"What of the people who bring you roses and yet screw you over?"
CF, you don't bother me at all. I'm inured to bullshit. I have no problems, and have never had an "insurmountable problem."
And, no one "screws me over," and my house is not on fire, you're not my neighbor, nor do I have "contempt" for you.
I have other feelings, but "contempt" is not one of them.
CF, you speak as though words, and their presentation don't matter. I don't think you'd speak to your clients in the same arrogant, and supercilious manner you speak to us here--thinking that results trump means.
You just wouldn't!
You'd show them more respect, because you're depending on them to provide you equal kind for your efforts on their behalf.
Yet, you speak to us as though we're children that need chastising, that the spanking you administer is for own good, and that, one day, we will see the wisdom of your ways.
Well, we won't.
First, we don't think the spanking is justified and, if justified, administered, not with love, but a harsh reckoning, a heavy hand, and an air of intolerability.
Second, who made you our daddy? We don't need parental, patronizing, nor paternal intrusion into our lives. We have rejected your solution. We have no need of your panacea. We're not asking for your advice, your counsel, or your guidance.
You have forced them on us. You have rammed them down our throat, and we wish merely to regurgitate you and your twelve-step program for our recovery.
We have repudiated you. Now, can you accept that?
j--those in the hospital had no access to media reports. did you read the series? they didn't base their actions on fear--they based them on fact.
fact=help was NOT on the way.
fact=their supplies were dwindling.
fact=they could not help certain patients.
fact=conditions were worsening.
fact=there was no end in sight.
you do know that the media are the ones that are trying to hold the govt. accountable for what happened?
grinder, you're the only "white devil" that's implying the existence of widespread violence. It's not in the newsmedia, but taking shape in your overactive imagination.
Yes it is. You apparently haven't been reading or listening to the reports.
If help is being delayed and people are hungry and haven't ate or had water in 5 days, medical attention, regardless of color how do you think will react?
I agree with that. I'd point out that "help is being delayed" because the need is huge and the country's infrastructure, which was lousy to begin with, is in a shambles.
I think it is absurd to say that anyone has "sabotaged" anything.
Rush, Pat, and the rest of them on the GOP side who have made callous, and mean-spirited remarks in a time like this, they are devils because their way of thinking is evil.
I agree with that. They are beneath contempt, and so are the white evangelicals who remained silent rather than denouncing Robertson's vile remarks.
"Although a perennial cynic, I have my optimistic side as well. A brighter day is coming for us all, but the human heart needs several by-pass operations to make that happen."
I co-sign 100%
Tersi, I don't mind the [un]constructive one. If you take him for what he is (a partisan republican hack) he will be a little easier to stomach.
@maria -- I can't honestly say whether or not I've read the exact article you reference but I can say that I've followed the story from the beginning as well as its many follow ups from multiple sources.
You say:
fact=help was NOT on the way.
fact=their supplies were dwindling.
fact=they could not help certain patients.
fact=conditions were worsening.
fact=there was no end in sight.
Yes, this was what was claimed during the inquiry and it is the story most have heard. Most national news outlets didn't go any further than this because the case was officially closed afterward. And, for a long period of time I believed this account to be the case. However, since the State of Louisiana closed the inquiry and cleared Dr. Pou people who were there talked about what happened on record.
This report from August of 2009 tells a very different story of what happened. After reading it and the other reports, I no longer believe Dr. Pou's account of what happened nor do I believe that they had no other choice.
It's a hard story to read and it's fairly long but it's well worth your time if you've followed this story.
@black diaspora -- Agreed 10000%. There has to be commitment, accountability, and thought -- real strategic planning -- to make this work.
@M. Rigmaiden
Why would you take a screen named called Race Traitoress, unless you were trying to cause controversy?
As to feeling extra compassionate because Haitians are part of the Black Diaspora...if you don't feel it then it cannot be rationally explained. But I agree with you; our hearts should go out to them because they are all humans and we ought to care about each other as fellow humans.
I'm a little confused by your question, here. I chose "Race Traitoress" as a nod to Noel Ignatiev of the online journal Race Traitor, which has as its tagline, "Treason to 'whiteness' is loyalty to humanity." I agree with Ignatiev that the so called "white" race is an "historically constructed social formation." He goes on:
It consists of all those who partake of the privileges of the white skin in this society. Its most wretched members share a status higher, in certain respects, than that of the most exalted persons excluded from it, in return for which they give their support to a system that degrades them.
The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race, which means no more and no less than abolishing the privileges of the white skin. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue, domestic and foreign, in US society.
The existence of the white race depends on the willingness of those assigned to it to place their racial interests above class, gender, or any other interests they hold. The defection of enough of its members to make it unreliable as a predictor of behavior will lead to its collapse.
My moniker is a statement of my defection.
I've met, here on this blog, those who say it is not possible for me to fight against "white" privilege or even attempt to behave with anti-racist intent. They may be right; I'm not immune to the influence of living in a white supremacist culture. But what else can I do but work for change? Giving up is not an option.
I don't know if I answered your question--as I said, I'm not entirely sure what you were asking. But that's my story and now you know what motivates me.
@CF -- How can I apply the same filter? I'm not. There's no comparison between a bunch of nobodies with no connections and two very wealthy and politically connected pundits who shape the thoughts of millions. If you don't think Limbaugh is powerful you must've missed all those elected officials as well as the official head of the RNC who all fell on their knees to apologize to Rush lest they pay the consequences.
Damn Field, I sure hope God gave you a big cock, cause you sure lost out in the brains department man.
grinder said...
"grinder, you're the only "white devil" that's implying the existence of widespread violence. It's not in the newsmedia, but taking shape in your overactive imagination.
"Yes it is. You apparently haven't been reading or listening to the reports."
Perhaps more than you, especially more than you, if you're getting reports of widespread violence.
You know, grinder, you're altogether too gleeful to report this violence that you've imagined.
Let me lay it out for you. I don't think you like blacks. I don't think you like people. Period.
You spend too much time putting blacks down. You use the pretext of standing up for them, just so you may hide your deception.
What you gain from all this, only you know. But let me assure you. It ain't healthy.
Tersi, stop imagining things. You'll live longer.
@Race Traitoress: "But what else can I do but work for change? Giving up is not an option."
I like your spirit, Race Traitoress. "Giving ups is not an option." True: Giving up is a death sentence.
Change is the only constant. When we stop changing, we stop living. When we stop growing, we surrender to death--Our spirit die, and our soul wither for lack of proper watering and feeding.
Thanks for the link. I know it wasn't intended for me, but thanks anyway. I'd like to pursue Noel Ignatiev line of reasoning.
The situation is increasingly chaotic, due to Haiti's lack of working infrastucture. Of course, that is a white devil plot.
[quote]You'd show them more respect, because you're depending on them to provide you equal kind for your efforts on their behalf.[/quote]
Can I let you in a secret?
I DON'T HAVE RESPECT for certain "Adults" and the way they THINK!!!! And the OUTCOMES that are produced as a consequence of their BIGOTRY.
You appear to be one of the authors of "Elementary Education Through Confidence & Self Worth Building". Were the score of a "59" is not FAILING it only means that there is a 41 point "UP SIDE" that we all must put our hands together and BRING OUT OF THE CHILD!!!!
Here is where you are clueless:
SOME PEOPLE ARE HAPPY IN THEIR BIGOTED POSITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You PRETEND that everyone has EARNED a modicum of RESPECT because they are still breathing. (Of course - except Rush Limbaugh, Michael Steele and Glenn Beck of course. THEY NEED TO JUST DIE.....just as some of you insert as a motivation of them - absent the proof).
This difference between you and I extends to our differences on the basic assumption of EQUALITY.
You (appear to) believe that the EQUALITY of a human being should flow from the SOCIETY to the INDIVIDUAL. Once the individual sees that he is VALUED - his spirts will be lifted. (Thus you focus on MY perceived "respect/contempt" for others)
What you fail to note, Tersi is the TWO WAY TRANSACTION that is fundamental with EQUALITY. What is it that you EXPECT from an "EQUAL ADULT HUMAN BEING" Tersi - as you look to him to EXPRESS his "equality" per his willingness to inject a certain amount of "respect", "civility" and "productivity" INTO THE SOCIETY AT LARGE?
Where as MY "transaction" is a TWO WAY FLOW between EQUALS - yours is a CONDITION: "IF the society TRIES HARD ENOUGH to win the FAVOR of the said individual who is beaten down THEN they will come around and agree to turn their hostility into a pleasant disposition.
Now keep in mind - Tersi - scattered all throughout this thread are HOSTILE ATTACKS and LIES against people who they disagree with IDEOLOGICALLY. I am supposed to look past these infractions - and instead REACH OUT TO THEM - without any contempt that they seemingly are UNABLE to focus on the freaking HAITIANS rather than doing EXACTLY what they accuse the "hate filled conservatives of doing" : USING THE HAITIAN SITUATION AS A PROXY TO CONTINUE THEIR DOMESTIC AMERICAN IDEOLOGICAL FIGHT WITH THEIR ENEMIES.
Tersi - I challenge you to read through some of the nonsense and ask your ideological soul mates to FOCUS on what is important rather than what is "mastabatorially pleasing to them ideologically".
Kerry Sanders of MSNBC: "The violence that I've seen has been very tiny."
j--i sent you the same link!
I read the article you linked. Other than the title, "Officials Strain to Distribute Aid to Haiti as Violence Rises" and this one sentence, "Reports of isolated looting and violence intensified as night approached, and there were reports of Haitians streaming out of the capital," there was no other mention of violence in the article. The article mostly highlighted the problems with distribution.
Why such a provocative title? That's a rhetorical question, of course.
Yeah, everything is the fault of the white devils. Who are bringing food and water, when they can get through the local roadblocks.
I have decided that folks are just plain crazy... and in my business I know.. there is no such thing as "crazy" and that insanity is a legal defense term...But I just have to say...folks are crazy and they have lost what little mind they had.
Rush (to eat) Limberger (just stank cheese) is not someone I EVER listen to and don't care what he's up to. I only hear about him if I happen to read something or overhear something... (Lord keep me away from evil so that it may not grieve me).
The smartest thing I read today about Rush to eat came from Kathleen Parker:
"Is it possible that Limbaugh doesn't know Haiti's history also includes the post-slavery oppression of dark-skinned descendants of slaves by the lighter-skinned descendants of colonialists who bred with the enslaved?
Surely, there should be the occasional time and place when circumstances transcend the usual and free us from the race-baiting and ignorance-pandering panhandling that characterizes so much of American politics: When God and Satan are given a holiday from the news cycle. When a president can be granted the pure motives of a good nation. When science isn't an insult to the divine and no demon earns credit for human misery.
Haiti is one of those places. Now should be one of those times."
I am in full agreeemnet with this...people either put God (for lack of a better term) in the category of Santa Claus... or people categorize God (I really do have a better term but ya'll aint ready) as the one that has caused destruction based on whatever is determined in their own hearts and minds. Crazy I tell you...I think folks have just gone crazy.
Wel, well, well well...
Tiger (he'll hit that) Woods was on Russell Simmons Tweet saying he's giving three mill(ion) to Haiti. Big ups to Tiger!
1. Do you think Tiger finally arrived at his "blackness"?
2. Is there an ulterior motive behind the three million?
3. Why three million to Haitai and only 200 thou(sand) to the Katrina Relief?
Whut choo tink?
@maria -- LOL! For some reason, I thought it was a NYT article you were linking to! I even went through the work of looking it up again. That's what I get for doing too many things at once. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. That same article is why I'm suspicious. I think things were covered up and I think they made bad calls because they wanted out and were scared. I understand they were in hell but I think the fear that was spread around got to them.
Read that article, too, which seemed much more balanced and gave a pretty clear explanation of what motivates those who build the roadblocks.
I'm not saying anything about "white devils," or whatever you're going on about. I'm just saying that the reports of violence seem overblown. People are desperate, yes, but "white" folks are sometimes (often) too quick to assume that our darker brothers and sisters are inherently violent.
"Constructive Feedback" is obviously MENTALLY ILL. He seems to have DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, as evidenced by his writing style and absence of meaningful content. SHOUTED RANTS are not evidence of informed thought or rational discourse, despite what the sock puppets may say.
I am sick of the media and posters gleefully highlighting the violence of Haiti. The infrastructure is completely devastated. I have friends that are most certainly dead. There are others like me in my area that have no idea if friends or family are still alive. There is nothing, no food no water and no hope as many survivors die due to disease, malnutrition and untreated wounds if they weren’t crushed under mounds of concrete.
As always the face of violence in unnatural disasters is a black face. The machete gangs in Haiti and the looters in New Orleans. Funny thing is when the Tsunami occurred in 2004, the reports showed a united and seamless global effort with America at the helm. No hysterical reports of Indians, et al killing. But the horrible thing is they did loot. They did enact violence. They did something ravenous desperate humans do--just google:
Looting begins as a million left homeless
The International Red Cross says more than one million people have been displaced in Sri Lanka, Thailand and India, as hungry islanders in Indonesia turned to looting to survive.
The Red Cross said desperate residents in Meulaboh and other towns in northern Sumatra broke into stores and homes for supplies.
Throughout the region, entire villages have disappeared. Major buildings such as multi-storey banks, hotels and shopping centres collapsed. In many places people have been left entirely without telephones, drinking water, electricity and gasoline.
In some communities survivors have no choice but to sleep on the muddy streets.
Or how about this the aftermath was quite different:
The majority of people who died in the 2004 tsunami were women. Women endured rape, and sexual and gender-based violence in camps and places of supposed refuge.
Similar reports have come from other disasters. This article examines the roles that social workers can take to respond to these issues.
Women on the receiving end of violence: At least 60% of women suffered violence in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami
No orderly superior Asians and Whites being civilized and working together.
Funny how when non-Blacks do it they are attempting to survive or the violence in the aftermath was downplayed (CNN wasn’t screaming about the roving gangs of looters and the very real violence that followed as they have done in Orleans and theya re doing now), that I am sure no one felt the need to pathologize the absolute desperation and destruction that occurred in that area. However with Haiti and any hotspot in which the majority of the victims are Black—of course we are a roving band of crazed, blood thirsty evil black people who are not able to show the appropriate gratitude or humanity because we are so prone to violence and propensity to kill.
To all those who see fit to demonize Black people and to callously politicize this horror with your scatological rantings about the failure of Black people----in which this remarkably tragic incident in devastated a country and its people—FUCK YOU. You are loathsome, inhumanity and callousness is beneath contempt.
"Damn Field, I sure hope God gave you a big cock, cause you sure lost out in the brains department man."
Actually, he gave my "big cock" a brain as well.;) Isn't God great?
"I DON'T HAVE RESPECT for certain "Adults" and the way they THINK!!!! And the OUTCOMES that are produced as a consequence of their BIGOTRY."
I agree [un]constructive one, I don't like conservatives either.
J and 8:55 sorry but, I see in DEPTH not Simplicity!
We are living in a time when AFRICAN AMERICAN'S, cannot afford to be SIMPLE MINDED!
Today I saw BLACK face's, looking out of a gate at food they could not get too, and yet, those in charge, would NOT open up one of those CRATE'S and pass out water to POOR HUNGRY BLACK PEOPLE!
There is no way in this world, if those had been WHITE FACE'S, those crate's would have been wrapped up! those in charge would have been passing out water and food left and right, do you think PROTOCOL would have came in the the picture! NO! BLACK suffering is treated different than WHITE suffering!
Let me say this, (I speak what I observe) call me name's if you must, but, I will never ever STOP observing! BLACK'S are FORCED to live BENEATH and WHITE'S are GIVEN the BEST no matter what, call me a RACIST, I can deal with it, but, just know this, I have HISTORY to back me up!
I don't care what anyone on this post has to say about me, (TRUST me I DON'T) I stand for what's FAIR and RIGHT, and at the end of the day, BLACK PEOPLE are NOT treated FAIR and JUST, so if some of you people are upset, with what I post, well, too bad! for as long as I witness Wrongdoing, then I will SPEAK UP! so you better get use to it, cause I will NOT be changing anytime soon!
The Haitian's have been doing good under the circumstance's, I saw two little boy's playing today, one was pushing the other on a bike, they were laughing as if everything was fine, and it SHALL be so!
Scott Brown wonders if Obama was born out of wedlock
DARK MOON, that's it! say it! and trust me, I agree, I love to read a POST that call's it, the way it is!
LOOK at the way those WHITE PEOPLE were carrying on, during those TOWN HALL meeting's, can you Imagine how they will react if they had to be without FOOD and WATER for a day? the President would have to bring every troop there is from IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN to keep them under control! talk about RIOTING, NO, it would be the ATTACK of the HUNGRY FLESH EATER'S! and do you think, they would care what COLOR the FLESH would be! RUSH LIMBAUGH would have to be, TIED and CHAINED down like a ANIMAL and put in a CAGE!
I Repent Lord!
@iseeisee -- I'm not sure what you're talking about but I'm not calling anyone names.
Hell, I don't even think we disagree all that much but I'm having sh*t luck when it comes to communicating today. The stars are against me.
Some of the commenters here seem to think I am somehow "gleeful" about the reports of looting and violence. I'm not "gleeful" at all.
General Honoré who responded to the Katrina crisis, and brought to it some measure of sanity, structure, and organization, had this to say, and I paraphrase:
"The responders are operating with an abundance of caution. The people need help now. We can't wait for it all to be perfect. We have to throw caution to the wind, and place human life above that of security and personal safety."
Honoré didn't see the threat being so great that the response would lag, and the people allowed to suffer as a result.
Whether the slow response is a matter of putting security first, or that of saboteurs, we may never know.
I read Honore's comments with interest, and hope we'll hear more from him later. Something else he said was that the wrong people were put in charge in the beginning: the State Department and AID (the Agency for Int'l Development), rather than the U.S. military.
But this I do know: If the responders don't find ways to dispense food and water to the survivors, they will riot, and overrun the airport--and I, for one, will be applauding.
This reminds me of a remark I made during the O.J. Simpson trial. I told someone that if he were acquitted, it would be a bit of poetic justice for the LAPD. Payback for decades of their militaristic brutality, arrogance, and racism.
But when the acquittal actually came down, I realized that I was wrong. Simpson was a stone-cold murderer. Two people lost their lives, and he was let off. Nothing justifies that.
Now, if rioters overwhelm the Port-au-Prince airport, the result will be more deaths. Not of American soldiers and Marines, who are well armed, but of Haitians. So be careful what you hope and cheer for.
Someone sent this link to me and I thought people here might like to see these incredible photos of a beautiful, strong, and wonderful people. Here are images of Haiti and it's people as seen through the eyes of a Haitian photographer. These aren't of the earthquake but of the people of Haiti. I thought they were particularly nice because they show Haiti from an insider's point of view and prior to the quake.
If you click the images they will take you to relief links so just sit back and watch the slide show if you want to see them all.
I just got back and haven't turn on my television yet to get an update on what has been going on over in Haiti. Have they started passing out the food and supplies to them yet or are they still claiming that they can't get to them?
Does anyone know where I can get a can of BS spray? I think I need to stock up on it and get enough to last for the next three years.
They are dropping stuff from helicopters.
"it would be the ATTACK of the HUNGRY FLESH EATER'S!"
You made something come back to my remembrance with that statement. Back some years ago, in the USA, the group of white settlers known as the Donner party resorted to cannibalism while snowbound in the mountains for the winter.
It had slipped my mind until I happened to read your comment.
@Grinder: "Now, if rioters overwhelm the Port-au-Prince airport, the result will be more deaths. Not of American soldiers and Marines, who are well armed, but of Haitians. So be careful what you hope and cheer for."
Who's cheering. Who's hoping. Poor choice of words, grinder, but that's to be expected. I said I would be applauding, that is, "commending their actions highly."
And I would.
I'd rather fight to live than sit on my ass waiting for food and water, if that aid is delayed-- especially if it's in reach, and being held back.
To die because of thirst and hunger could be slow and painful. And if soldiers are obtuse enough to kill me, as a result of my desperation, then the blame falls to them.
You keep seeing this through the lens of violence. But then that's expected, too.
The airport could be overrun without anyone being hurt. All the soldiers have to do is move aside, or move away.
It's my understanding that the soldiers have orders not to incite violence, nor escalate it, by an act of intervention.
All of this would be unnecessary, if the responders merely dispensed food and water, and throw caution to the wind.
How you managed to work
O.J. Simpson's trial into this discussion is beyond me. But, then, that, too, is expected.
May you never face the dilemma Haitians are now facing. Our patina of civilized behavior is the first to go when human desperation overtakes all semblance of social decorum.
When are people going to wakeup and realize this relief effort is not about the little people but the natural resources of Haiti?
[quote]To all those who see fit to demonize Black people and to callously politicize this horror with your scatological rantings about the failure of Black people----in which this remarkably tragic incident in devastated a country and its people—FUCK YOU. You are loathsome, inhumanity and callousness is beneath contempt.[/quote]
Don - I AGREE WITH YOU on those people who's purpose is to DEMONIZE "Black People". This is IGNORANT because there is no GENETIC disposition in Black people that has us to do anything in particular EXCEPT not go to "Tanning Salons".
There are indeed some things that these people point to that are merely EQUAL human responses to a desperate situation that present circumstances AND HISTORY has caused!!! (Do you see that one Mellaneous?)
HOWEVER - I must also focus on the people who come from the other side of your equation. In their desperate attempt to OFF LOAD the present day ADULTS from their obligation to manage the community affairs and that of their NATION - they INFERIORIZE this collective group of Blacks by OVER-REPRESENTING what is not possible for EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS who are Black are able to do TO-DAMNED-DAY to put into motion a set of actions which would have THEIR PEOPLE who are alive in 2291 to be FREED from that which was unjustly put upon them in 1791!!!
I fail to see how the "Yang" is any less contemptible to the "Yin" that you speak of. BOTH base their views upon the INFERIORITY OF THE BLACK MAN despite their endpoints being different in their INTENT.
[quote]When are people going to wakeup and realize this relief effort is not about the little people but the natural resources of Haiti?
Big Mac - you are hurting me man.
Could you detail for the board WHICH NATURAL RESOURCES Haiti has?
CIA Factbook: Haitian Natural Resources: bauxite, copper, calcium carbonate, gold, marble, hydropower
Do you know of any moves by American mining conglomerates to use the desperate situation in Haiti to steal bauxite (aluminum) or gold from the island?
I think we had better KEEP AN EYE ON that EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT that will be landed on the Island under the guise of assisting in the recovery efforts by moving the cement slabs of the collapsed houses. These John Deere and CAT equipment might later be used to mine the bauxite - IF Big Mac's fears are justified.
I think we need to demand that the US imperialist resources be forced to put GPS receivers on this construction equipment so that we can monitor the location of this gear at all times. They are NOT going to get over on ME, for one. Thank you Big Mac for peeping me to the game.
You managed to step in it big time with your disposition in this Haiti situation.
Just a few short weeks ago you were on "the team". The "Field Negros" and "Field Nigretts" accepted you in just as the Na'vi did!!!
You were attacking ME from your position as a trusted insider.
Now you have been put OUT of the protected circle like an alley cat.
How are you going to recover from this?
You had better find a "Great Leonopteryx" to fly back into the circle upon so that you can gain their confidence back and resume your fight against the CONSERVATIVES
the resources in haiti?
what would those be? please provide a link; i lived in s. fl for 30 years and never heard any talk of resources in haiti...or were you being sarcastic? because THAT is true--if haiti had been iraq w/oil, you can bet we would have done something.
but govt.-wise, we have done a lot. esp. in the 80s, in terms of aristide's election and return to power. then we did our usual thing of cutting and running.
"To all those who see fit to demonize Black people and to callously politicize this horror with your scatological rantings about the failure of Black people----in which this remarkably tragic incident in devastated a country and its people—FUCK YOU. You are loathsome, inhumanity and callousness is beneath contempt"
"Don - I AGREE WITH YOU on those people who's purpose is to DEMONIZE "Black People". This is IGNORANT..
"However"? Why is there a "however"? Oh yeah, that's right, always your yang to the other guy's ying. Pathetic. :(
As far as I am concerned, Rush Limbaugh should be in jail. His recent brush with death didn't teach him a thing, did it?
My brother commented that back in his early days, Rush was genuinely funny - when he was poor. Now that he's a rich, fat slob, he's become an ugly, nasty, resentful and hateful human being. Doesn't that beat all?
**CF** "You were attacking ME from your position as a trusted insider.
Now you have been put OUT of the protected circle like an alley cat.
How are you going to recover from this?
You had better find a "Great Leonopteryx" to fly back into the circle upon so that you can gain their confidence back and resume your fight against the CONSERVATIVES"
You've stooped to an all-time low, CF. Now you're hoping to exploit what you see as dissension in the ranks.
Pathetic! Just pathetic!
It's makes the snake oil you're selling all the more unsavory, and you nothing more than a charlatan.
You confirm everything I think of you. You need us, more than we need you. You're using us to give yourself legitimacy, a sense of worth, and a reason for living.
Here's a painful truth. We don't need you.
First all Medved and Robertson are idiots, raving liars are both. (I say both.) Both men are educated enough to know that Haiti is almost entirely Catholic and Voodoo is more a cultural aspect of Afro-Caribbean culture than devil worship.
This really comes down to the fact that neo-con (and a lot so called 'liberals') still see brown skinned people as ignorant children at best or subhuman savages at worst. Also, conservatives can't admit that a good bulk of problems in Haiti pre-earthquake were caused by US and French intervention. Like many Caribbean nations that gained their independence -- Western Europe and the US have been putting the squeeze on political development in those country.
Also, conservatives can't admit that a good bulk of problems in Haiti pre-earthquake were caused by US and French intervention. Like many Caribbean nations that gained their independence
That's only partially true. The Dominican Republic was long subjected to a variety of dictators; however, the decisions made under those regimes-particularly environmental ones-were far better than those made in Haiti. The Dominican Republic also benefited from an influx of educated European professionals who bolstered the economy of that country.
Filled Negro:
I am not even going to bother responding to you, Tersi or LAC.
Here is my view of many of YOU ALL!!!:
They Ret Gen. Russel Honore out there calling the shots.
Will somebody please sacrifice their sanity and go post on nonconstructive feedback's site so he'll think somebody is listening to him?
[quote]Will somebody please sacrifice their sanity and go post on nonconstructive feedback's site so he'll think somebody is listening to him?[/quote]
Fear not Lynne - I can see the "hits" that I receive and I am content.
Do you see the flaw in your logic?
You focus upon people "Listening to me" as the evaluation of MY "accuracy".
What you NEED TO DO is to look around at to where people have LISTENED TO PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE YOU are most dominate and have promoted these type of people as their LEADERS.
Do you see an abundant attainment of your Permanent Interests Lynne OR do you merely see a lot of people who are pleasing to your soul in office?
They comfort you as they focus your struggle off of THEIR BACKS and upon some external enemy who's DEPARTURE freed up the seat that they now sit in. All the while your grievances have remained. Only your FOCUS on who to go after has increased.
I follow the NBA, but I had no idea the league had a Haitian-born player. I think it’s great that Dalembert is contributing to the relief effort in Haiti after the recent earthquake there.
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