I want to break away from the tragic events and human suffering taking place in Haiti to write about some tragic events and human suffering a lot closer to home. Here in Philly we are used to murders. I am surrounded by killings and killers in both my professional life and my life as a citizen. I could blog about a different murder every day, but I wouldn't have time to blog about anything else.
Sadly, every now and then one of the murders in our city strikes a nerve with me. The murder of Ellen Walton in East Germantown struck struck such a nerve. Here was a woman who dedicated her life to helping others, working as a social worker and volunteering to help food banks and her church in service to her community. A solid citizen and human being who contributed in a positive way to the fabric of this city. Yet some animal [or animals] saw it fit to brutally take her life away from her. The poor woman could not even enjoy her golden years.
"Sometime during the last week, Walton apparently returned to her house on the 6300 block of Magnolia Street, parked her car, and opened her back door to enter through the basement, as she usually did. Police believe she turned the key in the lock, and was then forced inside by an unknown number of people, who beat her to death and ransacked her home. The intruders took two televisions, cash, and possibly some jewelry, and drove away in Walton's Toyota Rav 4.."
"Two televisions, cash, and possibly some jewelry." "Two televisions,cash, and possibly some jewelry." Two televisions....no matter how many times I say it, it's still not making sense to me. When an act of nature destroys hundreds of thousands of lives it's horrific, but it's an act of nature. The elements are not supposed to have a soul or a conscience. When a human being does shit like this-take the life of someone so innocent and defenseless-it makes us all angry.
"Neighbors described Walton as a friendly woman who mostly kept to herself and had a kind smile for everyone. 'I can't even talk about it," said Karen Bruce, a nurse who regularly makes home visits to a house on Walton's block. "It's very upsetting - a tragedy."'
Of course, here in A-merry-ca, we have had our fair share of those lately. Tragedies are becoming the norm.
Just yesterday, in Virginia, another animal masquerading as a human being killed eight people (Including his wife and son.)
"The shooting occurred around noon Tuesday when Speight shot and killed his wife and son amid a domestic dispute, a vice-chairman of the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors told the Washington Post....Last night, Molnar confirmed to the Daily News that eight people -- including both men and women -- were slain. Their names were not released.
Three bodies were found inside a home in Appomattox County; four were found just outside, Molnar said, who declined to discuss a possible motive for the shooting.
The bloodshed came to light after a 911 caller notified authorities that a man, his eighth man, was lying in the middle of a rural road, mortally wounded."
Wow! Just wow!
And finally, back to the natural tragedy, the one without a conscience. It's nice to see different countries coming together to help the cause in Haiti. (This is what different countries coming together can do. Look what Italy, Ireland, and Jamaica coming together gave us: Alicia Keys!) Cooperation is always a good thing. And I usually never have anything nice to say about the IMF and the World Bank, but I am glad to see that they forgave about 1.2 billion in debts that Haiti owed them. It's just sad that it took a tragedy like this to get them to do the right thing.
Oh well, I won't trip, maybe there is some good in the world after all. It's just that it's so hard to find it sometimes.
What is taking so long for aid to reach the people of Haiti? I expected more from the Obama administration. Too much talk and not enough action.
"Two televisions,cash, and possibly some jewelry
The work of nigger thugs. If it takes a village, I would hate to see your village Field.
Very nice Alicia Keys joke.
There's never a necessary time to use that word. Have some respect for the man's blog. He's done nothing to you.
1. If I were black I could use it.
2. And you have no idea of Field and my relationship. You might just be surprised.
At least he's not chasing racism tonight. That's all I got to say.
People have lost their mind. They did not have to kill that woman and especially behind some material things that did not belong to them in the first place. Material things can be replaced but that woman's life will never ever be able to be replaced. The world we live in is becoming more disturbing each and every single day. Sickening and disgusting!
I am with you concerning the delay in aid reaching Haiti. What disturbs me even more is some of the reports I keep hearing about help being turned away by whoever from the USA is in charge at the airport. In addition, why are the Haitians fleeing their home in order to get help if help is reaching them like it should? Now is not the time for photo ops of so-called helping if some of the images shows something different. People are dying of what would be considered minor here in the USA such as infections that can be treated with antibotic and that shouldn't be happening. Why is the main focus on finding violence, looting, and showing people that haven't eaten since last Tuesday scrambling for food being thrown to them like they are animals being highlighted instead of rescuing people from under all that rubble? That too seems like it is a delayed process. Also, another thing that disturbs me is what that French diplomat stated to the USA regarding "We're suppose to be their helping the Haitians, not occupy their country."
I realize that I am under a little stress and extremely irritated because these are my people and some are my loved ones. Nevertheless, from my eyes and ears, I do not like what I am seeing or hearing. When I hear some of the callous and cold-hearted remarks made by some, I wonder how they would feel if they shoe was on the other foot and it was one of their own.
We live in a cold-cold world!
We live in a cold-cold world!
It's a good thing that looking for racism everywhere will warm a body up real good.
"At least he's not chasing racism tonight. That's all I got to say."
Well...there is this whites only basketball league....but no, you are right, I will leave it alone.:)
Besides, who would want to play in that league.
Hey ?, am I right about Ms. Keys or what?
"People have lost their mind. They did not have to kill that woman and especially behind some material things that did not belong to them in the first place.."
Granny, I feel you.
Yes, Field, there is some good in the world, but it's rare. That's why we give out awards to humans who actually do good because we don't see much of it.
And it takes a major catastrophe to actually notice that human beings do have a heart and actually sense some connection to the human race. But again, it is rare.
As you know from your job and living in Philly, a few hundred murdered folks a year is considered normal. It's expected behavior from human beings-the most dangerous animals on earth.
Enjoy your trip to DC.
No, looking for racism is not what warms me up. What warms me up is ignorant, callous, cold-hearted, people who lack compassion for their fellow-human beings, who are full of hate. But it doesn't warm me up as in the definition of heat type of warmth, but warms me up with a hotter than fish grease anger that makes me want to slap them upside down backwards!
Now! How is that for some warmth?
"Besides, who would want to play in that league."
I hear our boy CF is trying out right now. He has his heart set on playing in the "All-American Basketball League". In fact I think CF's real name is Don "Moose" Lewis:
Lewis told the paper he defines "fundamental basketball" as different from the "street-ball" played by "people of color," and claimed recent scandals in professional basketball -- such as the gun charges dogging the Wizards' Gilbert Arenas -- have made the creation of all-white teams a necessity.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/01/20/2010-01-20_allamerican_basketball_league_creates_racial_controvery_with_call_for_allwhite_a.html#ixzz0dDKZiC4n
what causes such a sickness
to casually take a life
for such petty possessions
that shit just isn't right
was this gang related
did they need to get a fix
or were they just demented
out to have some kicks
it isn't just in Philly
but all across this land
a horrible disconnection
how'd it get so out of hand
can we stop this problem
or is this to be our plight
an evil phantasmagoria
of never ending blight
as our nation crumbles
this might become routine
neighbors killing neighbors
it won't be a pleasant scene
Field I feel your sorrow
what else can I say
if I could find the culprits
they'd not see another day
finefroghair, you need a publishing deal.
Ernesto, go easy on our boy CF. Hey, he is from Philly, I know he has some game. :)
"Enjoy your trip to DC."
Thanks Anon. I always do. I have nothing but love for that town.
You got skills in poetry. In the future I would like for you if you don't mind to write one for blog that I can post on my sidebar. I would be honored if you do.
What a horrible story about that poor woman. To kill someone over a couple of TVs and some jewelry was not worth taken her life. It is just mindless and senseless.
Ernesto, "I hear our boy CF is trying out right now. He has his heart set on playing in the "All-American Basketball League". In fact I think CF's real name is Don "Moose" Lewis:
Lewis told the paper he defines "fundamental basketball" as different from the "street-ball" played by "people of color," and claimed recent scandals in professional basketball -- such as the gun charges dogging the Wizards' Gilbert Arenas -- have made the creation of all-white teams a necessity.
You should respect CF because he has more brain power in his little finger than you have in your entire body. Maybe that's why you resent and envy him.
After Arenas ignorant ass stunts I can understand the desire for a 'different and safer' kind of league. Of course, you wouldn't understand that cause your comments have been as dumb as Arenas.
Then to top it off, the man in Virginia kills his own flesh and blood along with other human beings. People don't value human life these days not even their own flesh and blood. Smh in disgust!
The value of life now is not worth two cents to some of these sick-minded folks and that's sad!
That is sad about the lady who was murdered FN. May she RIP. As far as the IMF 'forgiving' Haiti. That is the silliest thing I've ever heard. They are a terrorist organization who likes people to think they are helping but instead give loans to impoverished nations that can never ever pay them back. I hope the IMF comes to a demise soon.
1. If I were black I could use it.
(sorry, Granny)
field, I'm immensely angry about the Erroll Southers bullshit.
Did you guys read the story about the burglar who broke in someone's house,fried some chicken, took a shower, sat down to relax, and watched tv?
Lord help him!
Will there ever truly be peace in this world when on local levels people are victimized like this poor lady?
Before communism fell and I was an officer in the Army we were told never to do the 'usual' thing every day. From the route we take home, to the time of getting home, etc. It's not a bad practice for everyone. We don't know who the enemy is anymore.
Hearing about stories like these are the reason that I do not want to have children. Why bring a child into a world like this?
Another thing, I'm not at all surprised. I've just about lost hope for humanity. We live in a violent world. This culture, American culture is violent. I think many including myself are desensitized to it and that's scary.
Well, Nina baby, all we can do is take one day at a time and pray. We can try our best to focus in on the positives more and things that are uplifting to the spirit. I realize that in this day and age that is hard to do with so many negative things going on around us. But even in times like this, it can be done and will help you to keep your sanity and uplift your spirit.
Thanks Granny for the words! You give me hope :)
Granny, "The value of life now is not worth two cents to some of these sick-minded folks and that's sad!"
Those who killed her probably would have done it for less materials. These days people kill to get what they want, even if it is for a few bucks.
Field's post and your phrase "the value of life" jogged an old memory going back to the 70's when Mother Teresa spoke about the road to increase violence in society that the US was headed on.
Her remarks came during the time of Roe vs. Wade. Her letter to the Supreme Court was a very powerful letter, IMO. Anyway, her words stuck with me, even though at the time I was in favor of Roe vs Wade.
Mother Theresa:
"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, 'but to use any violence to get what they want...'"
"And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"
I still wonder if what she said is coming to pass where the 'value of life' won't be worth very much.
may her soul rest eternally...
people who have nothing to live for have no reason to respect anyone else's life...nor their own
such violence will only worsen globally!...
may god help us all
Field, animals don't kill for TV's and jewelry.
The question that never gets "seriously" posed is: why does the American conveyor belt continually PRODUCE murderous human beings, be they mobbed up, gang bangin', corporate henchmen?
And if we don't ask the question, seriously and only bemoan the barbarians and their barbaric behavior, will we ever find a solution?
Do we even want to find a solution? Just wondering
Field's post and your phrase "the value of life" jogged an old memory going back to the 70's when Mother Teresa spoke about the road to increase violence in society that the US was headed on.
Actually violent crime is wayyy down. The 1980s and 1990s were were far more violent. The media likes to perpetuate the myth of ever increasing crime, but the stats don't bear that out.
Hey anon why stop at abortion. The US government kills with regularity every day. They kill because they want what some other folks have. They try to convince us that its different than street crime but the only real difference is the governments murder of Iraqis Afghans and Pakistanis and the occassional Somali or Phillipino is well thought out.
If we are criticize violence we have to criticize all of it.
where do you live?
i live in 2 states filled with crimes each day
and most crimes are never reported
and they are getting more brutal
like home invasions etc
and the most brutal criminals are getting younger
Dear Mr. Field, Granny, et.al,
Please. I am an animal lover. Animals do not kill for the same reasons that humans kill, even though humans are animals. Do not besmirch the reputation of animals with what MONSTROUS HUMANS choose to do. Let's put the true name to the people who chose to kill that woman - MONSTERS.
Maxjulian - co sign.
I live in a violent city, but we had three times as many murders in the 90s. Check the violent crime stats. They are down. In the 80s a thousand people or more a year were killed in New York. In 2008 it was down to 460. Washington D.C., and Los Angeles are on track for fewer killings this year than in any other year in at least four decades. Boston, San Francisco, Minneapolis and other cities are also seeing notable reductions in homicides.
And it's very hard to not report murder.
My mind went back to one of my great aunts who lived in the country, deep in the woods. She was very poor,didn't have much, and lived a simple life, but little she had she would share with othersin need even if it was her last. She always said don't worry the Lord will provide and he did just that he made a way out of no way every time.
The things I remember the most about her is that she was always happy, with a humble spirit, soft-spoken, and had a glow on her face. In fact, that's the first thing that everyone and anybody who knew her always remembered.Just being around her, you could feel the peace around her,and in her house. Auntie would sit on her porch in her rocking chair and sometimes she'd sing and rock back and forth.
When I ever think about, I hear that song, "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" playing in my mind. In time likes this, we ought to keep our eyes on the Sparrow. Because we living in some perilous times.
Why should I feel discouraged
And why should the shadows come
And why should my heart feel so lonely
And long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion
My constant friend is He
His eyes in on the sparrow
And I know he watches me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing becaause I'm free
His eye in on the sparrow
And I know he watches
And I know he watches
I know he watches me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing bcaause I'm free
His eye in on the sparrow
And I know he watches
And I know he watches
I know he watches me
I know he watches me
"Actually violent crime is wayyy down. The 1980s and 1990s were were far more violent. The media likes to perpetuate the myth of ever increasing crime, but the stats don't bear that out."
Try telling that to folks who live in the cities where there is gang banging, robberies, brutal killings, and teens dying in the streets every day. Those stats that you depend on to help you deny the truth or deny what's happening don't mean much, esp. in places like Philly, Chicago, Detroit and other places where murders are going up.
You obviously live in the country or some safe disneyland suburb. But fret not, it's coming your way soon.
Field, your lawn jockey alert is unfounded. Harold went Cabalasian when he hit Wall Street. He even has a blond to prove it.
The more I think about it, he might be Presidential material for 2012...the dark horse.
Okay, could someone please tell me what in the world is going on?
This don't sound right.
Although Google does not need your blog to advertise for them, it may behoove your reading public to ask them to check out Google.com because they have devoted a site giving information and resources on how to help the earthquake victims of Haiti...even to the point of how you can give help the workers on the ground right now. It is worth checking out and well worth passing the information along. For those that use Google it may be easy to go unoticed because...well...who woulda thunk it?
Neither does this sound right either.
And this really doesn't sound too good. Lord help my people!
This is so sad. If they were going to steal shit just tie her up and take the shit. They didn't have to beat her to death. She was an old lady. I hope when they hit her the first time it knocked her out cold and she didn't feel anything else. I hope the people that did this burn in hell. And I mean it.
Yeah, I don't think murderes are down in the cities. At least it sure doesn't feel that way. I am guessing other violent crimes are down but not murder.
"Field, your lawn jockey alert is unfounded. Harold went Cabalasian when he hit Wall Street. He even has a blond to prove it.
The more I think about it, he might be Presidential material for 2012...the dark horse."
Field, animals don't kill for TV's and jewelry.
The question that never gets "seriously" posed is: why does the American conveyor belt continually PRODUCE murderous human beings, be they mobbed up, gang bangin', corporate henchmen?"
Max, I have a theory:materialism, and and a culture where we glorify violence. (See Cowboy movies, video games etc.)
"Please. I am an animal lover. Animals do not kill for the same reasons that humans kill, even though humans are animals. Do not besmirch the reputation of animals with what MONSTROUS HUMANS choose to do. Let's put the true name to the people who chose to kill that woman - MONSTERS."
I might have to agree with that.
Granny, I hope that finefroghair hooks you up, he has some skills.
I enjoy read your left-wing blog and I would like to put your blog on my bloglist. I disagree with some of your articles because I am a African-American Conservative. I also, disagree with President Obama Socialist Progressive Agenda which has already destroyed the African-American community in the past with these Great society programs which have failed our community.
why does the American conveyor belt continually PRODUCE murderous human beings
Who decides to get/stay married? Who decides what they teach their own children?
Who controls the schools? Who controls what's on TV, on the radio and in the movies? Who controls what their kids watch/learn?
Brother Field... I feel your "hi" regarding the cooperations and 'good thing' that the countries are providing in Haiti. Buttt.... about the banks forgiving anybody that they have raped and plundered...I dont know. And Haiti what I see/know about them..who in the hell had any ability or knowledge to even get into any financial situation from an even position? A tourist spot for all its' existance should have been on top in business situation. "I got what YOU want". StillaPanther2
just because other people produce fucked-up kids doesn't mean there's no reason to have your own.
but if you doubt your abilities as a parent, please don't! and then devote some energy to helping with kids who don't have parents. i never worried that my kids might turn about to be murderers. no one can predict the future but i take care of them fine and keep them close.
the future of the country depends on the youth--isn't that the truth?
Hey Ernesto:
Executive Summary: Pimp'in Ain't Easy.
I AM the guy who wants to put together an ALL WHITE LEAGUE.
I am the new "Maurice Star" of "New Edition" and (What is the name of that all White group prior to "Backstreet Boys")
You see Ernesto YOU saw this story and saw RACIAL EXCLUSION.
I saw an untapped market of WHITE FOLKS who want to see WHITE FOLKS playing and I stand to PROFIT GREATLY off of their IGNORANCE. If I told you that I planned to use the proceeds from these WHITE FOLKS to supplant the lost revenues from GOVERNMENT in all of the cities that have a team would this alter your view?
BUT instead of giving the money to the GOVERNMENT (they will take their taxes out anyway) I plan to funnel this money RECEIVED FROM WHITE FOLKS in to Private Academies for Black and Hispanic Students.
Do you see the difference Ernesto and Frog?
I leveraged the knowledge of WHAT WHITE FOLKS WANT IN THE MARKET to have them open their wallets and fund what I ultimately WANTED.
I did not tap into any SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS to compel them to educate any Negroes or "La Razas".
The White folks MOVED OUT OF PHILLY. Instead of me sending Black kids to go swim in THEIR pools because the budget crisis in Philly has a number of MY OWN pools closed down........I sent a WHITE BASEBALL TEAM into the WHITE COMMUNITIES and I ultimately got out of them WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF THEM.........THEIR MONEY IN MY POCKET.
Oh by the way Ernesto in my shirt pocket I got to retain what YOU HAD TO GIVE AWAY TO THEM: MY DIGNITY - for I know that I am an EQUAL TRADING PARTNER to them.
(You see Purple - this is how its done. Draw upon their consciousness so they can blow out their torches and put away their pitchforks as they stand outside of their enemy's gate. You must show them that their real enemy is IGNORANCE that is fomented by the LACK OF DIRECTION from their THOUGHT LEADERS.)
looks like CF has his own personal troll - named ernesto
it reminds me of how Olberman sought to get some standing for himself by attaching himself to O'Reilly's butt.
Meanwhile, aid to Haiti is slowwwww. Funny how when aid to New Orleans was slow, that was absolute proof of racism. But in this case, the 'r' word is never used. Yep, double standards rule everything in this sorry-assed country of reverse racism and a left-wing media.
Filled Negro:
That's what I like about you man. I know that when you take off that cochlea shaped shell that rides upon your back as a defense attorney who works diligently to release some of the key forces that are oppressing our community today we are exposed to your raw humanity that has always been inside of you.
NOT even your own abstract theory which says "EVERY GUILTY MAN DESERVES JUSTICE and SOMEONE NEEDS TO STAND IN THE BREACH TO INSURE THAT HE GETS IT" can endure certain acts of brutality that are rendered on the streets of Philadelphia and other "God forsaken" metropolises (or are the "Metro-Police's"?).
Filled Negro - I honestly am not bothered by the frequent redirection by UptownSteve and Mellaneous (Blame the Victim) of the question of the motivation of these "Street Pirates" in doing what they do. I realize, again, that these abstract theories are only as good as the purvey of them NOT BEING A VICTIM HIMSELF.
In the end, however, these narratives merely offer a different version of history than the tale told in our history books. NEITHER can claim absolute fidelity to anything other than the Grio's INTERESTS.
Trumping both editions, Filled Negro, is the need to DO SOMETHING TO-DAMNED-DAY to address these new born Black males, molding them into COMMUNITY MANAGERS rather than operates that THE STATE must manage IF the community is to not be poached by their antics.
It is my view, Filled Negro, that one's reliance on HISTORY to explain how a 6 year old little Black boy, born in 2003, in 1st grade at a school run by the VICTORS OF YOUR STRUGGLE can turn into an 18 year old INMATE who, if he is in Cook County IL or Fulton County GA ALSO is locked up by the VICTORS OF YOUR POLITICAL STRUGGLE that run the JAILS.....is merely a COVER for the fact that the struggle that has been FOCUSED UPON is not(!!!!) the struggle that we need to CORRECT the HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT problem that we have.
Sadly we have been conditioned into 3 phases, Filled Negro:
* Angry Protest
* Tuned Out - Benign Neglect as our stomachs are rubbed after been feed and serviced
* Irrational Exuberance, like the kind felt 366 days ago, in which our emotions were stroked in the "American Political Domain" for someone else's benefit
IF our mutual goal is to MODEL THE REAL WORLD as a pretext for solving problems, despite coming from different ends of the ideological spectrum THE MODEL must contain ALL of the variables involved in order to be credible. NOT just the variables that one favors because of his ideological proclivities.
domestic violence is being committed by all races about equally.
But when a woman is beaten to death by home-invaders who get not much more than tv set, we pretty much KNOW the race of the killers.
yet field is mystified over how/why that could happen... as he merrily promotes his amoral philosophy of reverse-racism and perpetual-victimhood at every turn.
[quote]The work of nigger thugs. If it takes a village, I would hate to see your village Field.[/quote]
Anon - I have no idea if you are one person or a network of fools.
I won't even defensively shift over to the White guy in Virginia that murdered a few people the other day. In fact I won't even talk about the other White guy in Kennesaw Georgia that did the very same thing just last week at his former work place.
All that I want to know from you is - if the Blacks are called "Nigger Thugs" by you - what should we call the VICTIMS who were shot dead by the White Pirates in VA and GA? They both appear to be as dead as the woman in Philly.
I am only trying to assess if you are more interested in assailing Black people because of the actions of Street Pirates OR if you are more concerned with the VICTIMS who are terrorized in the land REGARDLESS of who is the killer?
I'd seen a segment on tv recently where some 30-something blacks in Phila were interviewed, and were talking about the violent crime committed by teens and 20-somethings in their neighborhood. To a man they attributed the problem to this: the killers had no morals and no concern for anybody but themselves. They were raised by mothers who had them just to get on welfare, then left them to more or less raise themselves.
Now, any white who had said that would immediately be branded as a 'racist', especially by the type such as field or granny. So in a way, you get what you deserve.
People are getting away with too much shit. They need to start hanging folks like they do in St. Kitts. People would think twice if there were actual consequences to their actions. And then maybe they wouldn't. They only downside to that here in the US is I see a disproportionate number of minorities swinging from rope. And to that I would say is make sure you're not in the wrong place at the wrong time. Get your ass inside before the street lights come on. Other than that if you are proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt I say hang 'em high.
CF is missing the point, along with field. Anybody who lives within a 100 miles of Phila will constantly see this on their tv set: a murder-by-stranger/shooting/home invasion was committed today. Not one member of the media will ever care to mention what everyone can see when the criminals are arrested: the violent criminals are black 99% of the time in non-domestic violence cases.
That's what happens to a people who abandon morality and instead obsess on victimhood, real and (now mostly) imagined. What culture came up with "gangsta rap" that appeals to the psychopathic tendencies of amoral teenagers of every race?
Field calls the killers 'animals'. When Reginald Denney was nearly beaten to death by gleeful scum on tv, the white reporter overhead called them 'animals'. Blacks reacted by saying the reporter was a 'racist'. Black racist congresswoman Maxine Waters actually soon went before the cameras to praise the gang-member rioters as 'soldiers' in a revolution. You reap what you have sown, though you would have been content if the scum of the country would have somehow restricted themselves to only murdering whites. Some of you even were on the verge of calling Cosby a racist. You certainly use your usual slew of names against Jesse Lee Peterson for saying the same things that Cosby does.
If only white liberals could be forced to live among you and also have to personally live with the consequences.
If only white liberals could be forced to live among you and also have to personally live with the consequences.
uh, and you think we don't?
and what would be the consequences?
and what excually do you mean by "you"?
@maria: how can you have missed that the 'consequences' are the violent crime directed at innocents like the woman at the top of the article.
and "you people" expressly means BLACK people. The ones who created the black culture of no morality. You know, as in "it's a black thing and whites wouldn't understand" - in case you're going with the supposed divisiveness created supposedly only by whites.
An no, most white liberals do not live in black neighborhoods - or else they'd soon leave anyway to get away from the CRIME.
What a horrible way to die. And what a monstrous way to live.
When I hear about things like this, I just have to remember that most people don't do that. We may not be our best selves, but most of us aren't our worst selves either.
The people of Haiti, despite all news reports sensationalizing fears of violence, have not been violent at all. Here they are with little food or water or medical care or safe places to go - having lost family and friends - and they are calm and helping each other. That's what humanity really is. If they aren't succumbing to despair under those circumstances, how can I let a few violent thugs bring me down.
how can you assume that woman had no white neighbors? or that the killers are black?
and who likes crime? white? black? liberal or conservative, poor or rich?
"Now, any white who had said that would immediately be branded as a 'racist', especially by the type such as field or granny. So in a way, you get what you deserve."
What a pile of horse$hit.
The point, you idiot, was that violence and depravity have nothing to do with RACE.
The people who made these statements were just as black as the criminals, weren't they?
When certain white boys go on mass killing rampages, do you feel that their actions reflect upon your skin color or culture?
"Yeah, I don't think murderes are down in the cities. At least it sure doesn't feel that way. I am guessing other violent crimes are down but not murder."
Actually they are Field.
Not that it matters to any victim of homicide or their families but check the stats for yourself.
The homicide rate in DC for 2009 was a 30 year low.
For some reason the city of Philadelphia is experiencing a violent crime spike.
I was just there over the last two days (father-in-law is gravely ill) and people in Mt. Airy (a stable neighborhood) are very scared.
However in DC you'll see old folks and white yuppies walking casually down H St NE by Hechinger Mall at night nowadays.
That's something you never would have seen 20 years ago.
For all the non-believers: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/07/19/AR2009071902154.html
Violent crime down
"While the crime rate had risen sharply in the late 1960s and early 1970s, bringing it to a constant all-time high during much of the 1980s, it has drastically declined ever since 1993."
nina simone:
(i love your name!)
this world does not deserve the fruit of my womb...i never wanted to have children/be a mom...i grew up in a great safe area of chicago and have traveled/lived all over the usa...but i have never felt truly safe anywhere...
you are uniquely blessed
if only fn and i could be se lucky to live in the same utopia as you...
there are countless other violent crimes in addition to murder/rape/elderly abuse/assault/non-fatal severe gun shots that i see daily...
but i feel that good humane parents and kids are far too rare today...
so that numerically having a great kid in a horrid world brimming with violent amoral toxic turbo bred peers is like releasing sheep among wolves...bringing a new soul into this world is akin to child abuse to me...moreso each day...ask any public school teachers...
that is why i admire all people who adopt
i do not want my kids to die like the wonderful young man and stellar honors student derrion albert did....or like laci peterson and her unborn son connor did...or like natale holloway in aruba etc...
i live in fear for myself and my country BECAUSE of the vast MAJORITY of the youth!!!...and our evil "leaders" like obama inc who betray that youth in many ways also!!!
you black racists are truly mired in delusion, so let me connect the dots for you:
1) stats show that violent crime is down around the country
2) blacks and other reverse racists complain that so many blacks are locked up in prison
see the connections?
let's add another part, where everyone was talking here about how certain violent criminals were on a revolving door in Philadelphia and right back on the streets. See that link with the rate in Philadelphia?
so what's the solution? let's all gather round field and other race-baiters who say all problems are whitey's fault.
"But when a woman is beaten to death by home-invaders who get not much more than tv set, we pretty much KNOW the race of the killers."
Oh really?
Even if it's New Hampshire?
"blacks and other reverse racists complain that so many blacks are locked up in prison"
Activists complain about blacks being incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses.
You know, the kind that white druggies get rehab or probation for?
AB--i agree. just my "luck" that i had twins. never meant to! parenting is the hardest job i've ever had (and the lowest paying!) my x could not deal and left b/c of the kids.
Ignore that fool. It's better not to argue with idiots.
no one is more deluded than a black racist like field. He says, "a culture where we glorify violence. (See Cowboy movies, video games etc."
yes, he's right about the culture... but cowboy movies?!?!? how about gangsta rap, field? how about crips and bloods? how about the endless string of hollyweird movies glorifying black gangstas.
one hero to blacks was Tupac. I saw him in an interview saying, "prison is where you get your manhood". Now that's 100% black culture.
Remember when Giuliani cracked down on human street trash and ALL crime in NYC then went down? What did you field negroes say then? Surprise, surprise, you said he was 'racist'. That's black culture, too.
Steve quotes the usual liberal drivel (aka Human Rights Watch). Reality: More blacks get locked up because the blacks are the DEALERS. Dealers always get harsher sentences than users.
Again, anybody with a tv sees the constant stream of black drug dealers from Phila and elsewhere. And those people are almost always the source of the worst violent crimes. Note the word "dealer" does not even appear on that page.
But you go ahead and blame it in 'racism', Steve. Pure delusion. And that's why blacks will actually defend black criminals at almost every turn these days. When the animals that murdered that woman get put away, you and white liberals will complain that they're not allowed to vote.
"Steve quotes the usual liberal drivel (aka Human Rights Watch). Reality: More blacks get locked up because the blacks are the DEALERS. Dealers always get harsher sentences than users."
White folks always go to black neighborhoods to get their drugs.
There goes the Bell Curve Theory!
more of the "how to lie with statistics" by liberals, from steve's ref:
"Among persons convicted of drug felonies in state courts, whites were less likely than African-Americans to be sent to prison. Thirty-three percent (33%) of convicted white defendants received a prison sentence, while 51% of African-American defendants received prison sentences."
notice it makes no mention of prior record, or severity of crime (with a gun, e.g.)
but you just go on, keep blaming everything on "racism" - then live with the results. maybe you should even invite some parolees to live in your house, since you are "brothers"
> White folks always go to black neighborhoods to get their drugs.
more disingenuous evasion
it's a known fact that drug dealers from Philadelphia and elsewhere have fanned out to surrounding areas to sell the drugs. They then get into murderous conflict with the black gangstas from Newark or elsewhere, who have also fanned out to white areas to sell drugs.
are you really that sheltered, or do you deliberately try to mislead?
next we'll hear the old canard that so many blacks are in prison because of 'racism'
so then, since the vast majority of inmates are male, that must mean there's an anti-male conspiracy in the entire world.
most on death row are male, so that's de facto proof of anti-male GENDERCIDE!!!
steve, you shouldn't mention the Bell Curve, when people like yourself proved that it's true
I'll be back to expose steve's lack of thinking ability again tomorrow
have a nice day, black racists :)
it's a known fact that drug dealers from Philadelphia and elsewhere have fanned out to surrounding areas to sell the drugs. They then get into murderous conflict with the black gangstas from Newark or elsewhere, who have also fanned out to white areas to sell drugs.
What isn't perhaps as well know in is the fact that black criminal groups (like the Junior Black Mafia) often work the drug trade with the Philadelphia Italian mafia family, which presumably services are more white clientele.
Steve quotes the usual liberal drivel (aka Human Rights Watch). Reality: More blacks get locked up because the blacks are the DEALERS. Dealers always get harsher sentences than users.
You must be locked up in the hills somewhere with your satellite dish. I PROMISE you I know more WHITE dealers than BLACK dealers.
Welcome to VA.
[quote]The homicide rate in DC for 2009 was a 30 year low.[/quote]
The LEADERSHIP in nearby Montgomery County MD are concerned about the record number of homicides that have taken place in their boundaries: 30!!!!
Per their standards this is UNACCEPTABLE.
I am 100% sure that you are a good man Steve. If we ever hung out I am sure that you'd be a hoot. The main problem that I have with you is that you accept a certain BASELINE of violence in DC, Baltimore and Philly and then give alms when they go below YOUR THRESHOLD.
You don't note that the threshold upon THEM are many times HIGHER than what would be acceptable in Montgomery or Bowie.
You make the case that the white paper with green ink that is given VALUE per the authority of the US Government from afar is the key distinction between these two communities. One prone to have flashes of violence the other peaceful.
The thing that you fail to see is that the CURRENCY that you note as the being abundant in one area while sparse in the next DOES NOT EQUATE TO THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE.
Here is my point Steve. The progressive rant "PEOPLE OVER PROFITS" should not only be said to the evil corporation or banker. You all need to come up with new language that tells the IMPOVERISHED male that his desire to supplement his income CANNOT come with the letting of another man's blood.
Be it Montgomery County or Trinidad DC - they both start out the year with ZERO homicides. The count is increased drop by drop.
I wish that you and others could be as resolute AGAINST Black on Black homicides as our ancestors VOWED: NO MORE BLACK MEN SHALL BE MADE INTO "STRANGE FRUIT"!!!!!
I do not "run to White folks" and point out what you all do as a means of getting people to back off their criticism of Black people and the problems with crime that we have.
I think that while much of what you say is true - you fail to make note how White people who aggregate their blood lust, carry out their carnage by comparison.
White people have no more respect for life than do Blacks. History has shown that you all have more of a proclivity to do your killing as a "nation-state" and in more scientific ways.
Where as the Street Pirate at 52 and Spruce in Philly might indeed kill another man in order to relieve him of his gold chain and fashionable watch - organized armies of European Vikings traveled the inland waterways all the way into what we now know as Turkey - KILLING, RAPING and LOOTING their neighbors for the sake of aggressive pursuit of material wealth.
With the magic of "branding" their names are hoisted upon a football team in their honor. It will be a long time before we see a professional team named after "The Hill Top Hustlers" of Philly or the "Junior Black Mafia" which recently were taken down by the feds.
Where as the Street Pirate at 52 and Spruce in Philly might indeed kill another man in order to relieve him of his gold chain and fashionable watch - organized armies of European Vikings traveled the inland waterways all the way into what we now know as Turkey - KILLING, RAPING and LOOTING their neighbors for the sake of aggressive pursuit of material wealth.
You speak of the past, events are true. But they do not align with today's street pirate actions.
You all know to whom I speak.
White folk are morons, because they are on crystal meth and marry their 1st cousins; what else can we expect, that's white culture.
Blow yourself up.
"The LEADERSHIP in nearby Montgomery County MD are concerned about the record number of homicides that have taken place in their boundaries: 30!!!!"
But Tom, I mean CF, the political leader of nearby Montgomery County is a liberal black Democrat named Isiah Leggett!
Now how do you square that with your "kneegrows can't govern" mindset?
"Be it Montgomery County or Trinidad DC - they both start out the year with ZERO homicides. The count is increased drop by drop."
What do you think the difference in the areas are?
Please answer the question.
A difference in neighborhoods is Police presence, When I moved into this neighborhood, becoming a spec in the buttermilk. Police constantly patrolled this area, which at that time the residents were mostly elderly white folk. At the same time, that same precinct was harassing and falsely arresting the residents of the projects just 100 feet over the railroad tracks, in which the Police were convicted of their wrong doing.
I use to live in the neighborhood where this lady lived. In fact I lived behind one of the Police hideouts (not for catching criminals though). No patrols then and I suspect no patrols now. Never saw a Police presence until after the fact and someone had to be dead then; no response to robbery, car theft or vandalism. In fact during a Block safety meeting a Policeman said if we wanted a response, tell 911 that you heard gunshots.
I am not saying that patrols would have kept this lady alive, but I think the best deterrent is the presence of Police.
but I am transitioning from the person whose natural tendency is destruction.
How is that working for ya?
you were dually blessed with twins
and they are both blessed to have you as a mom...
and i like us both better when we are not enraged at each other....thanks!
racist assnon:
ronald reagan and ollie north are two INFAMOUS white drug dealers!
your racist psycho revisionist IGNORANT delusions about drug dealers crossed the line when you slandered tupac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when the FBI set up and framed tupac for rape and incarcerated him with 0 evidence of semen/forced intercourse/ just as they framed his regal BPP mom for "treason" while he was in her womb, tupac DENOUNCED all prisons/thug life etc
tupac's warrior mom was so innately brilliant that she slew a dream team of WHITE fed attys who tried to frame her...she did so self-taught to become a fiercely gifted legal sage!....then she was wooed by an FBI drone who made her a crack addict
tupac was murdered by suge knight and the fbi in collusion...just as malcolm x was killed the fbi and the noi/louis farrakhan
you are shockingly and arrogantly ignorant about tupac's regal missions/blood
just as you deny that that "stream" of black drug dealers you lament on tv are PEONS/STREET DRONES for rich WHITE CORP/CARTEL drug dealers/bosses with boats and planes way too large to park in the hood!!!
you also ignore millions of white CIA agents who INITIATED crack in black america and lsd in white america....and MILLIONS of global political drug dealers who traded heroine in vietnam just as obama inc is invested in opium in afghanistan!
wake you racist eyes and they may see the global rainbow of drug dealers who rule ALL the races of the world!!!!
i am honored to be mentioned in this classic book that documents how WHITE drug dealers and the FBI tortured tupac and his warrior kin for decades...even before his birth!!!
gary webb was murdered for penning this book about WHITE CIA drug dealers!!!:
you blatantly lied on tupac!!!!
wake up!!!!
your rabid ignorance will never excuse your repulsive racism!!!
dreg peasants like you should never even be allowed to speak the name of a king like tupac
see tupac speaking inside prison and disavowing all prison life/thugs etc here:
and tupac hated drugs as he watched crack nearly kill his mom
see his regal aunt here:
ab--THANK YOU. i feel blessed to have them all (3)...and ditto! i value your insights!
i wish so many haters would stop slandering and distracting me so....
like that holy fool ublindublind!!!
why is it always the most EVIL fools like her who are always claiming to speak for god????
i always speak only for me!
...as that is all any human ever can or should do!
i had to ban a rabid hater from my radio shows in atlanta once...
he is a conservative bm wed to a wf...now he is one of my best friends
when i asked him:
why did you hate me so?
he said:
"you made me question/change/ research everything i was ever taught and knew...it was painful..."
i truly believe there are some similarly petrified haters on this blog...
the loss is theirs
if YOU are speaking for god,
i must tell jesus to hurry the hell up and get his dad some new staffers!!!!
AB says:
and tupac hated drugs as he watched crack nearly kill his mom.
I do respect your words, more than you know but on this note - But Tupac smoked hella weed. I'm not mad at him though, I've seen the horrors of crack in it's hey day. With that said, keep on doing your thing!
i stand corrected!
i am 46 and have never smoked anything...not even a cigarette.
many rastas have schooled me on the medicinal and religious nature of ganja...
so i admit that i am guilty of not regarding weed so much as a drug and more of a natural organic sacrament that is grossly abused recreationally just like a drug...see?
ditto though!
alcohol is a drug too
and tupac was also an alcoholic
i think all chemical addictions are also genetic...and tupac's uniquely abused kin all self- medicated due to extreme stress
i think racism and the stress of it fuels such fatal and suicidal addictions in many people who are too weak to resist...
i am addicted to work
a self-confessed workaholic
and constant sleepless multi- tasker etc
that is why i am so envied and hated by all the alicia addicted/unemployed/uneducated/counters/
slackers herein like tpcowpie
we all have our addictions indeed...
tupac's dad was an absentee sperm donor/deadbeat
but his father/stepdad was a bpp king who he watched be framed and caged when he was a kid...mutulu shakur is still a political prisoner...
i miss tupac daily...
he would help me check obama!!!
i think of tupac/his pain/his demons/his addictions/his gifts/his demis etc each time i watch this:
"ronald reagan and ollie north are two INFAMOUS white drug dealers!"
"you also ignore millions of white CIA agents who INITIATED crack in black america and lsd in white america....and MILLIONS of global political drug dealers who traded heroine in vietnam"
"you lament on tv are PEONS/STREET DRONES for rich WHITE CORP/CARTEL drug dealers/bosses with boats and planes way too large to park in the hood!!!"
Amen! They also smuggle guns into neighborhoods.
That's why I've always said if they want to put a stop to the violence and drug dealers then first they need to start at the top and start busting the real men at the top--CORPORATION AND GOVERNMENT, instead concentrating on the bottom of the totem pole. That would have been the real war on drugs instead of the fake war on drugs.
i am glad u liked my post
but i have to let you know i noticed that you edited out obama and opium in the NEW wars...
ok, AB, et al -- what do you all think about legalizing pot?
as a parent, i say NO, but i see that the drug war has failed and that too many blacks are in prison and get harsher sentences v. white--it is not equally applied (of course). and the states could make money by taxing it..."ahnold" says yes!
i think maybe the time is coming.
ditto maria
i see the damage it does to chronic weed heads...but...i also know it fuels a grossly imbalanced pipeline to prisons for far too many young black addicts
mixed emotions...
great for "crime"
bad for minds/gateway ills
AB, because I haven't saw proof of that anywhere yet. Although, I have read about the others many times and I live in CA and pretty much knew about the Panthers, Tupac, and Ricky and what went down with that and knew some of them personally. Could you provide me with proof of your accusation of the President? I do know that Bush Sr. was the drug czar of the poppy fields.
Other then that, I pretty much agree with just about everything you said.
I meant to say drug czar of the poppy fields over in Afghan.
Oh yeah, and yes I did like your post very much!
sure granny
and see:
dup err i meant:
see MANY more NEW drug war links here:
here is more on obama's own drug wars:
i KNOW that all blacks really want to love obama...but he really is just a clone of BOTH bushes
and his opium is being secured by the very same poor corpses that heroine was in vietnam
it is a painful truth
but the truth no less
we cannot allow ourselves to be played by a clone just because his father was black....and that is why i hate obama just as i did both bushes
cornel said it best:
“…I was ready because I draw a radical distinction between the symbolic and the substantial. As a critical supporter of Barack Obama, engaged in over 50 events for him from Iowa to Ohio , I knew that at a symbolic level something could happen that was unprecedented. And it did happen. At that symbolic level, I can understand the tears, I can understand the jubilation, I can understand the euphoria. But I always knew there was a sense in which he, now heading the American empire, was tied to the shadow government, tied to CIA, FBI, tied to the establishment waiting to embrace him. It was clear when he chose his economic team, when he chose his foreign policy team, he was choosing, of course, the recycled neo-liberals and recycled neo-Clintonites that substantially you're going to end up with these technocratic policies that consider poor people and working people as afterthoughts. Beginning with bankers, beginning with elites.
Symbolically, black man breaks through makes you want to break dance. So, yes, we have to be able to relate to both of these...because the hopes that were generated and the call for change, and then we end up with this recycled neo-liberalism. There's no fundamental change at all.
granny check your e-mail
cf you are starting to make sense keep chiseling on my rock hard brain who knows ... stranger thing have happened
I can't agree with you about Cornel West today or Michael Eric Dyson YESTERDAY!!!!
This man ACTIVELY SUPPORTED OBAMA - the "Commander In Chief".
He, like Ernesto and L.A.C. now seek to DENY their association to Obama a year after doing all that they had within them to PUT HIM WHERE HE IS.
Don't you see that Cornel West practices mere MENTAL MASTURBATION with his voice as the vibrator of other people's eardrums?
Aside from being at the podium and TALKING - I see no evidence of his propensity to REBUKE the "beast" by rejecting the fresh fruit that it uses its long neck to pick from the top of the tree and hand it to him for consumption.
Thanks AB, very interesting and you have my attention. Did you read those links that I provided up above about Haiti. Those articles don't sound right either and made a red flag go up in my mind and is very troubling to me and just don't set too well with me.
As for those folks he chose from back in the Clinton and Bush years, I wasn't really feeling none of them either. Nor did I feel good about the interview the other day with Clinton and Bush regarding Haiti. It was somethings Bush and Clinton said that made a red flag go up in my mind. Clinton had his hand in sweat shops over in Haiti.
John Conyers made a statement back some months ago that the President was listening to and involved with the wrong people, no one paid it any mind, but I did.
I have been defending the President, but some things that I have been noticing lately are rapidly making me change my mind about him. You see, I am a person that sits back and pays close attention first to what people say and do before I say anything. I try to give a person the benefit of the doubt first, but its some things that have been happening lately that are troubling me quite a bit.
Okay, finefroghair. I will. Thanks!
i trust no politico...not even hillary and bubba.
bc would be the shadow prez to hc just as cheney was to gwb and gwb is to obama...
but we all must choose lesser evils in our corrupt govts...
i do see the clintons as FAR less evil than obama and his blood cousins the bushes
bill clinton evaded most wars and left a surplus!
and that is why i voted for hillary and i will do so again in 2012 id she decides to endure even more abuse than she did in 2008.
[quote]But Tom, I mean CF, the political leader of nearby Montgomery County is a liberal black Democrat named Isiah Leggett!
Now how do you square that with your "kneegrows can't govern" mindset?[/quote]
Steve - you are so frustrating..
So, according to your logic - because Montgomery County has ONE BLACK LIBERAL running the place I am supposed to look at this point instead of the fact that you were previously bragging that PGC "only" had 150 homicides?
I like how you keep inserting lies on me (Black people can't govern).
The only thing that I have ever said is that Kneegrows like you keep focusing upon EXTERNAL CONSERVATIVE BOOGIEMEN more than you handle your business regarding the local institutions that YOU NOW CONTROL. This is where we are missing the boat as a community.
As to WHY MC has less crime than does DC - the bottom line is the salient VALUE OF LIFE per the CULTURE that is maintained between the two sets of people.
If "Young Jeezy" the drug dealer the #1 entertainment icon in MC?
CF-"The only thing that I have ever said is that Kneegrows like you keep focusing upon EXTERNAL CONSERVATIVE BOOGIEMEN more than you handle your business regarding the local institutions that YOU NOW CONTROL. This is where we are missing the boat as a community."
I wish more of our people could "see" and "understand" what you have been saying all along. Instead, they get caught up in externals, mismanagement and politics that do not serve them at all.
I am glad that you are a voice for real freedom for Blacks instead of the same ole blind ignorant bs that uts gives out everyday.
Thanks, CF.
lots of people loved obama who woke up
i am not mad at them
i am only mad at the obama nazis who are bashing them and those of us who never slept on obama...
i respect that you are...
we agree to disagree
Now, that's where I disagree with you at because we need to keep our eye on the Conservatives as well, because they practice "Southern Politics".
Those are the same type of politics that ushered in Jim Crow in and the reason African Americans left the south in droves and some even went so far as an exodus to Liberia. Southern politics is what divides this country and breeds hatred and greed. They don't believe in diversity or equal rights. They've proven that over and over and over all throughout history. Some of what you say I agree with, even though some it borders on paranoia sometimes. Some I don't, and that's one of them.
CF, I like you and I like you a lot because I think that you are a very intelligent man even though we don't always agree. However, I disagree with you when it comes to the GOP party because I know the harm their type of policies breeds. I've lived through them and so did my parents and grandparents before me. Neither one of the political parties are better than the other but at least we have a breathing chance with the lesser of the two evils.
You think the "Young Jeezy" culture is worse, but trust me, the "Southern Politics Culture" is worser, because at least they will put the "Young Jeezies" in prison for their violent crimes, that didn't and won't happen with the crimes of violence "Southern Politics" breeds. You see, they got away with their violent crimes scott free and a slap on the wrist and will continue to do that.
i respect that cornel is not your hero as he is mine
i will never curse you because you do not adore him as i do
he is also a real christian who holy blaspheming haters like ublinublind disgrace!!!
i just wish people would give me the same i give to u cf regarding obama/gwb 2.0 rather
than cursing me and lying on me etc....
Granny I love you too but you are frustrating as heck to me.
[quote]Now, that's where I disagree with you at because we need to keep our eye on the Conservatives as well, because they practice "Southern Politics".[/quote]
Granny at Gompers Elementary School in Philly there is NO GOP AROUND to screw the Black student body. Despite the fact that you have "WON the struggle" in these areas you see a struggling school like this and you see CONSERVATIVES who "DID IT!!!".
Their crime? They LEFT YOU ALL ALONE to implement the policies that you had longed for.
Those are the same type of politics that ushered in Jim Crow in and the reason African Americans left the south in droves and some even went so far as an exodus to Liberia.[/quote]
My ancestors left South Carolina and moved to Baltimore/Philly/NYC because of JOB OPPORTUNITIES!!!!
Now these very same areas are going to lose congressional seats to the evil South because THE JOBS are drying up in these "Rust Belt" areas.
[quote]Southern politics is what divides this country and breeds hatred and greed.[/quote]
Granny PLEASE!!!!!
There is no less "hatred" on the left. It is merely encapsulated in what appears to be ADVOCACY for the "best interests of the people". I look at Rochester NY or Cleveland and I don't see the BEST INTERESTS of the people being expressed where there has been victory.
You relent that there has not been ENOUGH "progressive policies" that have taken root yet and thus you continue your struggle.
Granny it is time to ROPE YOU OFF and keep you focused upon a land mass that YOU HAVE WON OVER. You need to focus on building up a plot of land into a PRIZE WINNING GARDEN. From this you document the best practices and take them onto another plot of land. You can pluck the conservative weeds and remove the Republican rocks that are buried which jam up your tiller.
Show me a reference model for your success and I TOO will become a LEFTIST!!! Me and Ernesto will become BFFs.
[quote] They don't believe in diversity or equal rights. [/quote]
Granny - I DON'T BELIEVE IN "DIVERSITY" for the mere sake of DIVERSITY!!!
As the old saying goes "WE HAVE A MISSION TO ACCOMPLISH" (Or whatever the guy on the "A Team" used to say).
The ironic part about the conundrum that you face is that you need to DISASSEMBLE elements of the very system that feeds you per its militaristic antics.
Today that military is rendering aid in Haiti. And STILL the HATERS are talking - claiming that it is a military invasion.
Unless you can show me some OIL in Haiti - I will continue my believe that some people have "hateration" as an essential part of their advocacy.
[quote]i respect that cornel is not your hero as he is mine.
i will never curse you because you do not adore him as i do.
he is also a real christian who holy blaspheming haters like ublinublind disgrace!!![/quote]
Do you mind if I properly analyze Dr West for you?
I will even admit that every society needs a "critic who is the 'conscious'", asking questions of the status quo. Ironically I see myself as playing that function against the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT hegemony that dominates our people.
I get frustrated with Dr West and others because sometimes you can't retain your MORAL HIGH GROUND!! You need to deal with reality.
I have said about my friend Jody - she is so committed to retaining the "Endangered Species Act" that when an endangered shark is consuming her body up to her knees and gulping fast - she will refuse to use the harpoon gun in her hand to kill it BECAUSE she is so committed as such.
I am a "Lincoln Man". The best line he ever said (in my book) is that "More rouges than good men have used the claim of Habeas Corpus". This was in reference to his arrest of the MAYOR OF BALTIMORE. (No, no, no - not Shelia Dixon.) I am talking about the Civil War Era mayor who tried to rile up Marylanders to go into REVOLT against the Union.
Here is the bottom line - it was the UNION that provided the mayor with the CLAIM of Habeas Corpus. To allow the "right granting" entity to fall because one wants to stand on his HIGH HORSE at a time when it is about to be devoured by a threat IS abstract thinking taken too far.
The invader will take your constitution and use it for kindling!!!!
My frustration, AB, is that the "leftist theories" held by West and the other members of the "Black Establishment" ARE the prevailing viewpoints in Black America. They are never going to PUT THEMSELVES ON TRIAL regarding the outcomes that we experience today.
Instead they SELF-PRESCRIBE and SELF-MEDICATE always keeping our people focused on the next plateau UP the mountain we are scaling rather than looking at the ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE that they wrought on the plateaus that they have already conquered.
There needs to be a REVOLT by the Black community but it needs to be against their LEADERSHIP. Not VIOLENT but one where a MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY FRAMEWORK is erected to keep them focused on DELIVERING OUR PERMANENT INTERESTS rather than INTENDING TO DELIVER THEM.
I choose to put PROGRESSIVISM ITSELF on trial!!!
Either it proves itself to be worthy and thus silences me OR the flaws are identified and the course is corrected.
The only people who oppose such TRANSPARENCY are the Negroes who have achieved POWER in our present UNREGULATED state. They use a combination of "Negro Emotionalism" and the knowledge that BLACK FOLKS HATE WHITE ESTABLISHMENT FIGURES more than we will yield ourselves to a system which can construct an overlay establishment of our own.
Instead of kicking off a war with gunshots......we would have FEWER bullets flying in our communities as a result of this HEIGHTENED CONSCIOUSNESS.
CF you forgot I live in CA and our school system has been totally dismantled and guess what, it was a CONSERVATIVE that did it! I am sure that the people of CA are wishing that he would have left us alone, as they did with Pete Wilson another CONSERVATIVES.
Yes, jobs are drying up but whose polices caused them to dry up by sending jobs overseas? Whose policies are trickle down economics? And CF, I had grandparents that came from S. and N. Carolina, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Georgia. My parents migrated out here for jobs too. I have lived in the North and South of the USA.
CF, go back and read where I said neither party is better than the other. AND THAT: However, we do have a BREATHING chance with the lesser of two evils.
And the military is blocking aid to Haiti. Why do you think that some of the Haitians are fleeing to neighboring places where they have relatives. Can you explain why they are setting up GITMO for Haitian refugees? Why are they sending so much military force if they are helping but people are dying from minor stuff because the supplies are hold up at the airport under USA command? Why did the French diplomat speak out and tell the USA that we are suppose to be helping not occupying Haiti? When we see the people on TV, we see them acting calm and orderly, with the exception of those who haven't eaten since last Tuesday and you do know that this is THUR, right?
CF, I don't know if they have oil in Haiti but I do know they have sugar, gold, and very forced cheap labor.
Seems like to me with that much military on ground in Haiti, that's enough hands to pass out food. Oh, I forgot they told them stop passing out food. Just give them water.
As many military men and women as they sent look like to me they could stand in line and pass the medical supplies needed to those in need of them. Not only that, look like its enough of them that could be digging out bodies as well instead of focusing in on security and security only.
Why are they turning back medical teams from other countries?
I listened to a Dr. last night state my same concerns who is over in Haiti.
Not only that, why are hearing about people dying more than we are hearing about them saving lives?
CF, I am gone stop talking about Haiti for right now. Because it has me on edge and pissed. And I do want to live to see another birthday and my new grandbaby that is due any day now.
[quote]I am sure that the people of CA are wishing that he would have left us alone, as they did with Pete Wilson another CONSERVATIVES.[/quote]
You didn't think that I thought that YOU THOUGH that it was someone else who screwed up California besides those damned CONSERVATIVES did you?
Why don't you simply convince your brothers and sisters in the state to stop voting for the Republican candidates for president and giving away your states numerous ELECTORAL VOTES to elect Republicans!!!!????
Purge the GOP out of SFO, LAX, OAK and SAN (San Diego).
We'll show those bastards once this becomes a reliable blue state!!!!
Anon said of CF:
I wish more of our people could "see" and "understand" what you have been saying all along. Instead, they get caught up in externals, mismanagement and politics that do not serve them at all.
I am glad that you are a voice for real freedom for Blacks instead of the same ole blind ignorant bs that uts gives out everyday.
Anon nothing could be further from the truth. If black folks followed Constructive Feedback we would be worse off. Because we would back a government and a system that at bottom is immoral. WE would be running around beating ourselves up for conditions that we didn't create in the first place, but spend time overcoming.
Black folks generally don't have anything to conserve and yes liberals have done a whole lot better because we (blacks, working people) have had an easier time moving them in a more progressive direction, because they have to maintain the fasod of being for the people, when they really aren't-- they too are supporters of the ruling class. Their position is give them at least a few crumbs.
And when Constructive Feedback's plan doesn't work he will conveniently blame the victim rather than admit that the system is inherently unjust. The system US imperialism/Capitalism is about making profits and maintaining power, period.
Constructive Feedback has nothing to offer, in fact he has no real program and he can barely hold in his disdain for the common folks. Just look at his posts and the "tone" he takes with folks.
I understand folks frustration. There are murders and killings in the neighborhood, dope dealers and dope buyers, whoeing and pimping and kids walking around with their pants hanging down. But this is the outward manifestation of the haunting feeling that society sees them as second class and does everything to try make that false supposition look true --unequal education, job discrimination, ghetto's, easy access to dope and guns. And what we see around us is also the manifestation of the very real function of racism in our society. No matter how frustrated you get the truth is until everyone gets to play on a level football field you can't really in good conscious criticize the man that started 10 yards behind and running uphill.
IN the meantime you can and we can help our brothers and sisters by getting involved in programs designed to give a young person who is supposed at risk a hand.
Yes we can argue with one another and chastise folks who fail, but nobody changes like that anyway. We have to call out the system that hinders our brothers and sisters progress and lovingly encourage them to do better or at least the best they can in the meantime.
And BTW Constructive Feedback as I have told you before --obviously you aren't paying attention --I am not a democrat or republican, I believe that as Malcolm said both parties have sold us out. I am someone who believes that this system needs to be changed and that it doesn't work, so I am not a progressive either (especially the kind that begs these capitalist politicians to do things they have no intention on doing) And I am not of the same political mind of anyone that runs any public school system in the US, so stop acting like I do.
NO I have an old fashioned revolutionary perspective. YOu on the other hand are what revolutionary minded folks call a reactionary.
You are reactionary because you really don't believe, another world is possible. Which is why you spend so much time on this blog trying to convince us to shut up because some kind of benevelont magical ruling class is just going to do right by everyone. Please!
We waste our time debating with you because you really don't support the idea of a just society. A society in which everyone has equal opportunity guaranteed and enforced by the governing rulers as it should be. And you think its okay to underpay folks under the pretense that's all they are worth. You really don't support the idea of a living wage so that folks can feed their family. You don't support labor rights. YOu don't really support the idea of a society where everyone that wants a job can have one. YOu think the justice system is fair because, after all everyone locked up is guilty.
No you are who Malcolm X was talking about when he talked about the slave who chose to stay on the plantation while the other slaves said lets get out of here because any place is better than here, you are the slave that says 'where we going to find a place better than this, a house (master's house) better than this, a master better than this.
liberation then peace
Thank you Sisters AB and Sis Granny for reminding me AND OTHERS about our history when we had a cause and truly represented. Black Panther Party. it brought a smile to just remember those days. Buttt.. when we were in the mix... Still..
There are sociopaths who consider the Ellen Waltons to be suckers & naive do-gooders, as little more than potential prey. & she was singled out, tracked down, & killed like prey.
I just heard on CNN 2 young Haitians men were executed on the street of Haiti by Haitians Policemen for allegedly stealing 5 Bags of rice.
Smh! People are starving and hungry, some haven't eaten, since Tues of last week, here is Thru of another week, two Tues have come and went, they were ordered to stop giving food, and the Haitian police execute 2 boys for stealing some rice from more than likely stores that are no longer standing.
Lord help! Even King David stole bread from the church when he and his men were hungry.
Anonymous said...
What is taking so long for aid to reach the people of Haiti? I expected more from the Obama administration. Too much talk and not enough action.
Joy: President Obama is planning to don his superman suit, his cowboy boots and spurs and fly over Haiti to personally deliver food and water, remove all of the broken and flatten concrete from from all of the downed buildings and then build new buildings.
Oh, and he is also going to personally build several new hospitals and perform all of the surgery himself.
Now move on. You have nothing to add that is of value to anyone.
Cornel said?
Cornel who?
Isn't he the dirty looking guy with the dirty teeth who shills for the white boys on the white teevee shows?
Yeah, that's him.
Your favorite White Racist, INCOG MAN here.
I wrote a dozey that I'm certain the braindead readers here will love: "Useless Tears for One Worthless Race."
I hope you can guess what race I'm referring to.
CF "Why don't you simply convince your brothers and sisters in the state to stop voting for the Republican candidates for president and giving away your states numerous ELECTORAL VOTES to elect Republicans!!!!????"
CF, LOL! Why do you keep talking to her? You must really love her.
I may not agree with Granny on many things but just like Amy Goodman as compared to Olbermann/Maddow - I believe that SHE ACTUALLY BELIVES in what she says and are not just running games.
I am going to clearly articulate my views to you. After that I will consider your false claims against ME as slander. You will be permanently placed in the ranks with UptownSteve.
You are on this "Blame The Victim Kick". To you - a 6 year old Black boy will be a VICTIM OF HISTORY more than anything that the present array of ADULTS in his life can do about it.
I struggle to understand why you, Filled Negro and others can't see that favorable people now RUN YOUR SCHOOLS!!!! Just as you have struggled for.
I think the real problem with you Mellenous is that you want to be on a PERMANENT STRUGGLE OUTWARD. As long as you remain in denial of the control over these institutions - you can still justify your activism.
You are one of the BIGGEST CONSUMERS of the nutrition that the BEAST feeds you. Yet you want to register a permanent grievance against it.
You say "conservative". I say CONSERVATOR.
Here is the thing that you don't seem to understand. Once a PROGRESSIVE gains control over the key institutions he must now FIELD POLICIES THAT ARE EFFECTIVE AT PRODUCING THE BENEFITS THAT HE HAS CLAIMED.
Once these policies are in place he must become a CONSERVATOR - making sure that this new system is MAINTAINED among the masses and INCULCATED into the new crop of children that come along.
The difference between you and me, Mellenous, is one of ACTIVISM vs MANAGEMENT.
You feel compelled by your notions of "Social Justice" to continue on with your righteous cause. AT SOME POINT you must accept that you have enough POWER and control over your immediate community. Instead you have a freaking BOIL THE OCEAN APPROACH.
You and others want to TAKE OVER THE NATION - when you can't even RUN THE SCHOOL BUILDING that you have control over!!!!!!
You think "Take control of the top and rain social justice DOWNWARD".
I see this nation as an aggregation of local economies, governments and WELL RUN COMMUNITIES. We are being failed more by the INSTITUTIONS WE INTERACT WITH ON A DAILY BASIS than by any notions that you have about the heartless capitalistic government run by conservatives.
You are not going to be satisfied until you "win". "Win" is not the political victories - you already have this. "Win" means that you DESTROY YOUR IDEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ENEMIES.
Ironically Mellenous - what you fail to see is that YOU CAN "WIN" by first learning how to BOIL THE CUP OF WATER that you already have in your hand, then a pot, then a bath tub, then a lake..........
[quote] I am someone who believes that this system needs to be changed and that it doesn't work[/quote]
Again - your DOMAIN for change is NATIONAL because!!............you know that your agenda WOULD NOT WORK if it was left to be carried forth exclusively by the people YOU ARE TRYING TO HELP.
Your notion of "Empowering Them" has more to do with your change of EXTERNAL FORCES than by CHANGING THEM!!!
My main criticism of Social Justice Activist is that you all see these people as "The Least Of These" AND you don't see the need to tap THEIR STRENGTH on the front end as the PRE-TEXT for their gains.
Instead you see their strenght as THE RESULT OF you successfully changing THE SYSTEM.
They only need to stand by and allow the external resources that will now rain down upon him to wash the layer of dirt that THE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM has thrown upon them. There is NOTHING that they need to do beyond RECEIVING THE BENEFIT AS CONSUMERS.
Mellenous - I am seeing right through you. I see that "ACTIVISM ITSELF" IS your agenda.
Upon successfully obtaining what you have desired - YOU ARE NOT READY TO ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE RESULTS.
Thus you STRUGGLE SOME MORE for change.
My goal is to HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE for what you do control already.
"The question that never gets "seriously" posed is: why does the American conveyor belt continually PRODUCE murderous human beings, be they mobbed up, gang bangin', corporate henchmen?"
Do you really think this is an American problem?
In parts of Mexico, they'll kill you for your clothes.
The homicide rates of Moscow and Caracas dwarf those of any American city.
Anywhere in the world, whether it's Manila, Bangkok, Dublin or Port-a-Prince, whenever you have substantial pockets of urban poverty and young unemployed males, you have violent crime.
Mellaneous - I just saw this statement in your post:
[quote]. Because we would back a government and a system that at bottom is immoral. [/quote]
Help me out here.
If this system is IMMORAL......why would YOU have it to be your PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER?
Why would you allow this system to STICK ANYTHING INTO YOUR BODY intravenously?
you are welcome by bpp comrade!
power to the people
cornel west does address all that we do to hurt ourselves as a race...but he always points out the origins of that genocide beyond the ghetto that begin with govt etc
you need to read his books
i think you will like him more
I have read at least 2 C. West books.
In fact I credit him for hipping me to the book "When Affirmative Action Was White".
However - when I digested the information I interpreted it radically differently than he did.
His argument, which was in line with the book's authors was that White people are being hypocritical in their attacks on AA today because there was a time in this nation in which racism prevented Blacks from gaining access to public resources.
When I read the book (from cover to cover) I read an INDICTMENT of White Progressives. When it came time for them to stand up for RACIAL JUSTICE or.......for the receipt of resources FOR THEMSELVES in line with their own leftist/quasi-socialist leanings - they left Black folks in the dust.
It comes as no surprise that UNIONS had been the biggest source of racism against the Black employee. They form a "labor monopoly". This is a good thing - as long as you are under their protective veil.
When Blacks began migrating from the South and seeking jobs in the unionized North - Blacks were seen as a THREAT to labor in the same way that the Mexican is today. EXCEPT BLACKS WERE CITIZENS!!!!!
AB - I am less prone to tear down the institutions of America for the sake of REVOLUTION. My main criticism of those who portray themselves as "Real Black" as they take this disposition is that they don't accompany this with clear evidence of the construction of ORGANIC STRENGTH among the Black community that will fill the void in their revolution.
Thus their real agenda is exposed.
They are, in fact, NOT running a "Revolution" that would tear down the system. The ONLY want a revolution that will RADICALLY REDIRECT WEALTH and the system of WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.
I can't stomach West mostly because if he and other progressives were to ever find themselves ALL ALONE with their THEORIES as the main force by which their standard of living would be developed - they would merely find a NEW "ESTABLISHMENT" by which to struggle against.
At some point, AB, one must realize their own INCUMBENCY and the requirements that it has to field a workable system that delivers the standards that they have struggled for.
we agree to disagree
but you need to know much more about cornel:
no one slays black christians for the evil they do the way cornel does
he slays them for abusing women and homos
he even slays turbo breeders and academic slackers for their own sabotage of the black race
he is a reverend rebel hip hop prof!
please see MUCH MORE on cornel here:
Why don't you worthless blacks just move back to Africa and STFU?
because we stolen africans built the usa!!!
you owe us millions with interest!!!
sell yuor rusty trailers en masse and try to buy us out or YOU stfu!!!
[quote]no one slays black christians for the evil they do the way cornel does[/quote]
You are making my case for me.
West is able to retain the moral high ground and ATTACK because he will never be put into a position where he has to put forth the policies that are the prevailing agents of control within an ECO-SYSTEM OF HUMAN BEINGS, all of whom had competing interests that need to be CONTAINED and redirected toward a CONSTRUCTIVE END.
He merely needs to stay on his high perch and PONTIFICATE.
Again AB - I am not discounting the need for a Cornel West or Desmond Tutu.
I am ONLY saying that they must not be made into something that they are not.
[quote]Why don't you worthless blacks just move back to Africa and STFU?[/quote]
My ancestors, who are YOUR ANCESTORS were "chilling in Africa" minding their own business until someone saw their VALUE as laborers and KIDNAPPED THEM.
Now we are AMERICANS after having shed our blood to make this nation live up to its creed.
After centuries of PERVERTING GOD'S mandate that "All men are created equal" for the sake of seeking to economically exploit an "equal human being" why do you complain now?
While I will be the first one to admit that some Black people have a distorted mindset as they think for one minute that a person like YOU is superior to them - the fact is that you are a descendant of the force that created your "current problem" per the previous greed that was expressed.
Clearly we were not "Worthless" 300 years ago when your ancestors saw our people a NECESSARY COMPONENT to the build up of their economic system.
Now that it is ILLEGAL to do what was previously done you struggle to figure what to do as your next step.
mellaneous-"Yes we can argue with one another and chastise folks who fail, but nobody changes like that anyway. We have to call out the system that hinders our brothers and sisters progress and lovingly encourage them to do better or at least the best they can in the meantime."
Why are you arguing with the truth that CF has spoken? Why are you against his reasoning to lift up the black community?
You must have X-Ray vision into the future to know that CF’s ‘constructive’ suggestions won't work. You leave us in a hopeless and doomed situation. Those Liberal Democrats that YOU believe will at least give us ‘crumbs’ leaves us in a hopeless not-going-anywhere situation. Thus far there has been nothing but crap-ola- or crumbs, as you call it. And you say we are better off with them than conservatives? Dear Mellaneous, that is slave “House Negro” thinking.
That kind of thinking takes the local BC no where... It is impracticle, an insult to the black race-and continues to leave them powerless.
Where is the 'empowerment' for the BC in your ideology? How do Blacks become empowered when they depend on crumbs from those guilt-ridden bleeding hearts liberals?
[quote]he is a reverend rebel hip hop prof![/quote]
There are large segments of the Hip Hop community that function as "VOICES OF THE STREET PIRATES" who are terrorizing the hell out of our community.
You see, AB, here is my logic as I look toward the words of Cornel West. I listen out for his ATTACKS upon those who speak in the voice of the "Street Pirate" and standing resolute until they CHANGE THEIR WORDS.
If the Klan released a "rap album" which has the same content - attacking Black people - Dr West would be all over it.
It is my opinion that West and others are good for attacking "Principalities" while he seems averse to attacking the INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEINGS that are favorable to him, who's behavior - in aggregate - function in the same way as the cluster of people he attacks.
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