I first learned about Rupert Murdoch's daughter's having a bi-racial husband (African father Dutch mother) from a friend of mine who happens to be from Ghana. When she first told me I couldn't believe it. Murdoch? The same Rupert Murdoch who runs the most racist and insensitive news organization in the world? That Rupert Murdoch? As it turns out, it was true. Later on, of course, Elisabeth ditched her bi-racial husband and has since remarried. Her new husband is the subject of this post.
Seems Murdoch's new son in- law is speaking out about the evil empire, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda are not pleased. If he had his way Robert Ailes (That man with a mug that only conservatives and a mother could love) would be out the door.
“I am by no means alone within the family or the company in being ashamed and sickened by Roger Ailes’s horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corporation, its founder and every other global media business aspires to..”
Bravo Mr. Freud! Your great grandfather would be proud of you. We all know that Roger Ailes is a despicable excuse for a human being, and he runs an equally despicable organization, [please note how they initially covered the Haitian earthquake. They gave more coverage to the ACORN incidents.] but having one of Rupert's family member say it was very refreshing. Especially one from a family tree who should know a psycho when he sees one.
Now, of course, Roger is fighting back, and he vows that he is not going anywhere. The scum bag made over 20 million last year, so why should he. Still, at the end of the day, it's Rupert writing the checks. So we will see.
And finally, before I go, a few words about another news organization: I have to give props to Anderson Cooper and the folks over at CNN for being all over the Haitian earthquake from day one, and for keeping us updated by putting this tragedy right in the middle of our living rooms. That is what a real news organization does. The folks over at FOX should be taking notes....wait, never mind, that would actually involve writing.
And have you heard good ol' Rash Windbag's comments? Now he's trying to discourage people from contributing to relief efforts. Isn't it time to start boycotting his sponsors?
Damn Field...that "bye homie" was not a proper homage to Theodore DeReese Pendergrass Sr...aka "Teddy". I know the brotha got paralyzed in his Rolls on some suspicious kinky-type shit with some transexual mofo but damn..."Turn Out the Lights"!
I don't care what niggas say about you, I scored at many high school dances to that baritone....ya dig!
RIP Teddy.
PS...also pray for and donate anything you can to our people suffering in Haiti.
Field, Damn color me shocked as hell to read about Rupert Murdoch having Black in the family tree...So, I guess they are planning to produce there own little future Obama...
My only question is does the racist Republican troll supports of Fox News know this about there dear overlord?!!! Just saying
On more thing finding out about this Black Family blood running through Rupert Murdoch granddaughters...make me wonder if they are ashamed of grandpa just like Strom Thurmond bi-racial daughter was?!!!
Also, this further proves my point the Rich elite in this country is using race as a issue to just keep power and make more money...Even to the point of attack a racial group within there own family tree...sicking!
If the family was ashamed as Mr. Freud claims why has no one removed Roger Ailes? I think I already Know the answer even though they don't like his tactics it still brings them Millions. Their problem is very similar to how some Slave owners felt...who hated having to own slaves but loved the money they made off the free labor...Greed is a powerful drug.
If the family was ashamed as Mr. Freud claims why has no one removed Roger Ailes?
Only Rupert Murdoch has the power to do that.
"Murdoch's daughter's having a bi-racial husband (African father Dutch mother)"
Inherent parallels of self-loathing are always interweaving and amusing at the same time. I'd rather plead the fifth.
Filled Negro is BACK!!!!
I feel more comfortable with you attacking your ideological enemies than focusing upon a Democrat like Harry Reid.
[quote]please note how they initially covered the Haitian earthquake. [/quote]
Filled Negro - do you find it curious that you and other Anti-Fox operatives (new label coming up) are fond of "Self-Chumming The Waters" in order to rile up the Progressive Sharks as you make an UNSUBSTANTIATED reference to Evil Fox's coverage of Haiti.......while I have NEVER heard you make the case that the NEWS MEDIA IN PHILADELPHIA has failed to cover the Murder and "Crime & Justice" Meltdown - which imperil many Black residents in a cloak of terror?
"Now he's trying to discourage people from contributing to relief efforts."
A lie. Told by a piece of shit liar.
[quote]And have you heard good ol' Rash Windbag's comments? Now he's trying to discourage people from contributing to relief efforts. Isn't it time to start boycotting his sponsors?[/quote]
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Other evil conservatives have said one of 2 messages:
1) We hope that you give money to Haiti if you are inclined to do so Do NOT give your money to the "Whitehouse.Gov" site OR the United Nations' site BECAUSE they are going to take YOUR MONEY and claim that THEY are responsible for it. (Rush said that the UN will not give out bags of relief supplies with the USA logo on it. Instead it will be there own
2) Evil O'Reilly expressed concern about WHERE THE MONEY WILL GO. He pressed his guest about having "Thugs" intimidate local citizens and taking their supplies. He spoke of the Corruption in the nation.
HERE IS THE IRONY Anon - The LEFT doesn't trust American Contractors in Iraq on military servicing AND REBUILDING EFFORTS. You all demand ACCOUNTABILITY.
The evil, racist Conservatives, on the other hand are demanding accountability with the money that is provided in Haiti. For this audacity they are said to be RACIST or meanspirited in the time of great need.
Anon - can you explain the difference for me?
I will wait for MEDIA MATTERS to provide to you the audio clip of Rush Limbaugh doing what you CLAIM.
I will spend the weekend on my back porch in shorts and a t-shirt if they accurately substantiate your claim. It will rain in the day and get cold at night.
[quote]On more thing finding out about this Black Family blood running through Rupert Murdoch granddaughters...make me wonder if they are ashamed of grandpa just like Strom Thurmond bi-racial daughter was?!!![/quote]
Anon - I realize that you are a LEFTIST and thus I should not see you as a "hateful" person but instead look at the good ends that you desire.
I was wondering how is it that you build up a straw man on Murdock and his relationship to his grandkids (ie: an "absentee grand dad") YET I couldn't help but notice an article from "City-Journal" regarding how the high rate of ABSENTEE FATHERS is problematic in Chicago's South side and elsewhere.
You clearly HATE YOUR ENEMIES more than you love yourself.
Chicago's Real Crime Story
Some of you are hatefilled and SORRY.
Anon@10:34- RM is a mega-wealthy, powerful, and corrupt man. If his family members tried to get rid of him, I wouldn't doubt the he'd cut them off financially, sabotage their careers & social standing, or even have them killed.
Anderson redeemed himself for the ridiculous New Year's Eve show I doubt he'll do again.
guess you could watch msnbc and hear what you want to hear.
@ 12:14...guess you could watch msnbc and hear what you want to hear.
Or watch Fox News and hear more lies...How about routing for a freaking News Station that will report the news. Oh that's right real news is no longer reported on any media now days.
I'm in London and quite watching Fox a while back. Couldn't even tell what goes on there anymore as it was too bad for my bloood pressure.
CNN have been a total class act throught this ordeal and I have been glued to it.
When Dr Sanjay Gupta held and treated the 15 day old baby with head lacerations, it was more than I could handle.
thanks to CF for exposing field's lies once again. Maybe he'll start to think twice before spreading falsehoods? Nah, never happen.
I have a suggestion for a motto for field to post at the top of every article he writes: "I love idiots and hate mongers, for they are my only fans".
"When Dr Sanjay Gupta held and treated the 15 day old baby with head lacerations, it was more than I could handle."
Yep, that was FN behavior.
CF and others who worship at the alter of Radio Rwanda, please explain to me why their hosts have to make a politcal issue of giving to help fellow humans? I mean honestly, WTF? Everything with these clowns is us against them.
"Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Other evil conservatives have said one of 2 messages:
1) We hope that you give money to Haiti if you are inclined to do so Do NOT give your money to the "Whitehouse.Gov" site OR the United Nations' site BECAUSE they are going to take YOUR MONEY and claim that THEY are responsible for it. (Rush said that the UN will not give out bags of relief supplies with the USA logo on it. Instead it will be there own"
And CF, you support that bulls&*t?
BTW, the media here in Philly does a very good job of covering crime. And please note my side-bar for a running count of our murders. So I am not sure what you mean when you say this:
".......while I have NEVER heard you make the case that the NEWS MEDIA IN PHILADELPHIA has failed to cover the Murder and "Crime & Justice" Meltdown - which imperil many Black residents in a cloak of terror?"
"thanks to CF for exposing field's lies once again. Maybe he'll start to think twice before spreading falsehoods."
Show me ONE "lie" Anon. Just one.
Take your time, I will wait........
And I and the other thoughtful around here will join Field in waiting...tick, tick, tick...
Show me ONE "lie" Anon. Just one.
You lied about the Aussie chicken parade.
Mrs. C,
Field does not need a babysitter, he's a big boy and can handle his own.
Dear Sambos,
You took the Rush comment and distorted it. Perhaps you should listen to what he says. If English is your second language, then get someone to help you.
It's kinda fun reading this blog, cause I liken it to a bunch of little ants in a jar, someone shakes the jar, and everyone just runs around screaming, fighting etc.
You sambos give the rest of the world something to laugh at.
I am glad the Black guys I work with aren't Sambos. Instead, they are men. They have college degrees, work, support families, send their kids to good schools, don't sag their pants and listen to that Sambo music (glorifying thug behavior). They realized that the only thing holding them back was themselves, not their skin color. And they are more successful than I dare say all of you. Sambos let their skin color become a crutch. Throw out your crutches folks.
Thank you so much for the heads up, Lamar--and here I was simply attempting to gently push back against any notion that I--and others who regularly read here--are mindless dolts without the power of discretion.
(damn--now I'M feeding the trolls! And I promised myself I would stay above the fray. My bad.)
don't give to wyclef; doctors w/o borders is a better bet.
Wyclef Jean Charity's Funny Money
Haiti earthquake aid pours into group that has enriched singer
This post speaks volumes about the flawed logic that this blog continually puts forth.
Notice that the 1st inportant fact in your righting is someone's ethnicity. It is amazing to me to see the importance continually placed on someones color or ethnicity for the purpose of either giving them any credence or denying any releveance. And it's not just Field that does this, but is a continual theme, and must be hashed out over just about anyone who is a subject on this blog.
In your quest to "chase racism" you have become the thing you purport to despise. In your chase, you should chase yourselves.
Yep, Wyclef is going to make loads of money off this. He'd make a good African dictator. Mugagbe and him would be friends.
I'm hoping that CF is at least receiving a fat check from somewhere in the house. It would be a crying shame for him to volunteer such destructive services for free.
Wooo hooo! The trolls are out in force! I'd always suspected that Hannity read this blog....
no defenses from me today...
fox has done horrid coverage on haiti except to allow bill o to tell people not to bother to help
they are still doing the best domestic coverage of obama
but they get the same grade as he does on haiti: F
racists are everywhere...especially in tv media
clearly the WORST racists are in charge of the haitian coverage at fox
even abc tv/obama tv has been doing great coverage in haiti
it is truly shameful that anyone would ever suggest that mourning a classic soulful crooner like teddy p should be lessened because he may have been bi/gay/freaky as any other bored superstar sex symbol etc...
only hateful gaybashers would decide how much to mourn any gifted artist based on what they chose to do with any consenting adult in any car/bed/etc
field had already been exposed in his lying by CF. To wit: "And have you heard good ol' Rash Windbag's comments? Now he's trying to discourage people from contributing to relief efforts". But you and the racist clones just claim that's not a lie. On top of that, field, who is about nothing but 'us vs them', now accuses others of that. This is a black racist cesspool. In a nation where reverse-racism is promoted, field should get even more awards from a-hole organizations like 'black weblog awards'.
Since black racist Wayne Bennett has political aspirations, all this will one day come back to haunt him - if even for the childishness alone (with "racist freak" "scum bag" and on and on).
Watching Constructive Feedback furiously buckdancing for the racists at Fox is sort of like watching a court appointed defense attorney representing someone he knows damn well is guilty.
Only difference is that CF is grinnin' the whole time!
He's loves his massa so.
When you have someone who looks like jabba the Hut, wouldn't you ashamed to have someone who looks like that as a family member? Some people have no shame....
I have been watching the coverage on CNN and has been bar none the best coverage on TV. Especially with Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta who is actually putting his medical skills to use to help the people. To see him tending to a 15-day old baby is compelling and compassionate. I think watching the coverage is important for viewers to see. It is compelling and yet horrible, but it is necessary to see nonetheless.
it's quite apparent that most, if not all, of the black racist regulars here have some sort of personality defect or mental disorder. Filled with anger over imagined societal discrimination, they nevertheless have no personal morality. I bet most have a history of petty theft. I bet most lie to their spouses on a regular basis, just because that's the way they operate in the world. They wake up in the morning feeling as if every problem they've ever had is someone else's (aka whitey's) fault. The black racists never once have a moral thought - only spouting 'we are victims' ad nauseum. Oh, and always there is the narcissistic bragging about supposed accomplishments and abilities. Just check out any of their profiles.
In their warped system, a 'Tom' is someone who believes in doing the fair thing, not the 'stand up for tha brothas' thing.
Now let's watch the black racists defend Wyclef. Why? Because he's black and it's all about black us-vs-them racism. So it's okay for him to CHARGE to appear at benefit concerts, and on and on putting donation money into his own pocket. C'mon black scumbags, defend your bro.
i missed something?
what has wyclef ever done but make great music and be a constant philanthropist/ambassador for haiti???
i love him!
and i gave to yele...
can you read?
I thought I read somewhere a while back that Murdoch has a new Chinese wife. i could be wrong.
As to his kids hating on Roger, meh. I bet this is just embarrassment, Freud lives in London and believe me when i say folks over there are much less tolerant of lies and bullshit in the media. when i was there last year, i was saddened and shocked to discover that they actually have a functioning, critical press over there. the contrast with the fluff we get couldn't have been stronger. But i can see Freud and the other kids, at posh London parties and the like, taking a lot of shit from intelligent English people who know what propaganda looks like and aren't afraid to say so.
anonymous posters are pussies.
Especially the white racists ones who talk smack on black websites.
How gutsy of you.
ditto cd
my fav media are all in the UK
Steve, I'm gonna post anonymously, and let's see if you can guess who I am:
Alicia has a big ole stanky booty!
Now......guess who? :)
Well it ain't Flynmy40s!
POI I'm starting to think you have a thing for AB.
Ain't nuttin' wrong with a little flava!
Man, I got it bad for AB!
see uk on haiti here
I'm afraid the shooting is about to start, and things are really going to get bad....as if they could get much worse.
Since black racist Wayne Bennett has political aspirations,
No way, brother ain't got a chance! He's too racist.
Please consider donating to Partners in Health who have been in Haiti for 25 years already:
And for reasons why donating to Wyclef Jean is not the best option at this time, see:
Don't know if it's true, but I heard that Murdock was really angry with his daughter, which made him even more virulent.
posted for CF:
nicky r:
but i prefer smaller orgs like wyclef's
less admin overhead/expenses etc
Wyclef Jean Charity's Funny Money
Haiti earthquake aid pours into group that has enriched singer
JANUARY 14--The Haiti earthquake has already triggered hundreds of thousands of donations to musician Wyclef Jean's charitable foundation, which expects to raise upwards of $1 million a day in the disaster's wake. However, Internal Revenue Service records show the group has a lackluster history of accounting for its finances, and that the organization has paid the performer and his business partner at least $410,000 for rent, production services, and Jean's appearance at a benefit concert. Though the Wyclef Jean Foundation, which does business as Yele Haiti Foundation, was incorporated 12 years ago--and has been active since that time--the group only first filed tax returns in August 2009. That month, the foundation provided the IRS with returns covering calendar years 2005, 2006, and 2007--the only periods for which it has publicly provided a glimpse at its financial affairs. In 2006, Jean's charity reported contributions of $1 million, the bulk of which came from People magazine in exchange for the first photos of a pregnant Angelina Jolie (the actress reportedly directed that the publication's payment go to Jean's charity, not her personally). As seen on the following pages from the foundation's 2006 tax return, the group paid $31,200 in rent to Platinum Sound, a Manhattan recording studio owned by Jean and Jerry Duplessis, who, like Jean, is a foundation board member. A $31,200 rent payment was also made in 2007 to Platinum Sound. The rent, tax returns assure, "is priced below market value." The recording studio also was paid $100,000 in 2006 for the "musical performance services of Wyclef Jean at a benefit concert." That six-figure payout, the tax return noted, "was substantially less than market value." The return, of course, does not address why Jean needed to be paid to perform at his own charity's fundraiser. But the largest 2006 payout--a whopping $250,000--went to Telemax, S.A., a for-profit Haiti company in which Jean and Duplessis were said to "own a controlling interest." The money covered "pre-purchased...TV airtime and production services" that were part of the foundation's "outreach efforts" in Haiti. No further description of these services was offered, though the return claimed that "the fees paid are below market" and that the use of Telemax was the "most efficient way of providing these services." The group's tax returns also report "consultant" payments totaling $300,000 between 2005-2007, while the 2006 return reported nearly $225,000 in "promotion and PR" costs. These line items are not itemized further in the IRS returns. (6 pages)
AB-- the man is running a scam operation with HUGE overhead and nothing to show for it.
long before the quakes
i saw wyclef constantly take flack for refusing to let anyone ever forget his beloved haiti...
do you find it curious that the other org's accounting pracitces are not suddenly being made so public?
why is it ONLY the lone black male who is garnering millions in funding who is suddenly under this meticulous fiscal microscope?
i must begin some COMPARITIVE research of his PEER orgs asap!...
i posted this link earlier.
they're all public except his because he never filed til now.
go to charitynavigator.org
every real charity is listed. down to the salary of the executive, the percentage of admin vs. services, etc.
i like him and maybe he's cleaned up his act. but he's getting a free pass right now that he doesn't deserve. i don't trust him with my money.
my wife refused to donate to yele because she is a lauryn hill fan and hates how wyclef cheated with lh/abused her etc...
so, she gave her donation to the red cross
i will research this
if i find he is scamming, i will not donate to him anymore...
ps maria:
i hate what happened with lh and the fugees too
i forgave wyclef...
i love lh too
they were both consenting adults...
peace! thank you!
uptownsteve said...
anonymous posters are pussies.
Especially the white racists ones who talk smack on black websites.
How gutsy of you.
Agreed. My thing is, why so scared to voice an opinion without a handle?
"Wyclef Jean Charity's Funny Money'
Good grief, who to trust.
LOL! Wall Street called us Sambos. LOL! I don't know about you folks but granny is bringing out the popcorn, peanuts, and diet pepsi. Ain't nothing like sitting back watching a good white buffoon show. clap...clap...clap...bravo!
I want to give a shout out to Wall Street and Anonymous because in their ignorance and stupidity they have proven a point that I have been trying to make to you good people over and over many times on here. To all of the regular posters on fields, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Eastern Indian,etc. You folks are getting a good demonstration of what I've been telling y'all all the time that regardless of the color of someone's skin, people are all the same, it's human nature. Ignorance, stupidity,and being a fool, etc., has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with a person's WAY OF THINKING.
BTW, I am positive that the person who made the quote "Ignorance is bliss" was being sarcastic in a humorous way because ignorance is not bliss, it is pathetic and dysfunctional.
Now on with the show! Folks please stay in your seats while the show is going on and try not to interrupt them. Let them do what they do best. Ain't nothing like watching Stepin Fetcher in reverse and Anonymous and Wall Street have skills in buffoonery. Yes indeed, they are very skilled in showing their ass. Would y'all pass the popcorn please.
Well, if I remember correctly, there were a lot of complaints concerning the so-called legit organizations for Katrina. Matter of fact, the majority of my dad's side of the family lived in NO, and some of the things they told me about the legit organizations handling of Katrina left something to be desired. Didn't that woman that headed Red Cross back then quit right after Katrina. Why?
Also, if I remember correctly, they found a lot of supplies intended for the Katrina victims in warehouses years after Katrina hit.
When the Katrina victims evacuated to Houston, the things they received were from people bringing those supplies straight to the Center who lived in Houston.
As for Fox News, that's who I wouldn't send any donations too, because Hannity's Freedom Concerts for the soldiers is questionable and he refuses to show his tax forms for it.
BTW, I almost forgot. Yesterday on the news, they were saying that people who text their donations using cells phones, the money will be slow getting to them because it depends on a person's billing date. In addition, they had something about credit card companies making money off of this disaster too. I didn't get a chance to read it but that is what the headline said.
All in all, I just pray that Haiti gets the help it needs and that the approx death toll will not be as much as they are predicting and pray for the children who have been traumatized by this that they will have peace and some joy.
Weeping endured for a night but joy cometh in the morning is my desire for them
I would hate to be as stupid as granny. She is probably wearing her saggy pants smokin' a blunt like the other Sambos.
Thank you again for demonstrating that the lack of parenting skills and lack of education is not just a color of the skin problem, white households have that problem too. Human nature! Respect for others is not taught in some of their homes either, it, especially, wasn't taught in Anonymous home. People like anonymous like to pick and start fights but they can't back it up so they hide behind a screen and talk smack so they can feel safe. That's why they always get their behinds kicked and whine about it later claiming that they are being victimized. However, in reality they start it. But let them tell it after they get their behinds kicked, they wasn't doing nothing but minding their own business. LOL! Smh!
On with the show!
You sambos give the rest of the world something to laugh at.
I am glad the Black guys I work with aren't Sambos. Instead, they are men. They have college degrees, work, support families, send their kids to good schools, don't sag their pants and listen to that Sambo music (glorifying thug behavior). They realized that the only thing holding them back was themselves, not their skin color. And they are more successful than I dare say all of you. Sambos let their skin color become a crutch. Throw out your crutches folks."
Yeah right. And I bet that most of the "black sambos" who come to this site pay more in taxes than you and your imaginary friends earn.Dope!
"You sambos give the rest of the world something to laugh at.
I am glad the Black guys I work with aren't Sambos. Instead, they are men. They have college degrees, work, support families, send their kids to good schools, don't sag their pants and listen to that Sambo music (glorifying thug behavior). They realized that the only thing holding them back was themselves, not their skin color. And they are more successful than I dare say all of you. Sambos let their skin color become a crutch. Throw out your crutches folks."
If you were really a person who admired successful blacks, you wouldn't need to use the term "Sambo". Or any derogatory term drummed up for blacks by people who wanted to feel superior to someone.
You remind me of those old bigots who try to patch over their bigotry by claiming they have "black friends". Hell, they even let them use their toilet (but not sleep with their granddaughters ;) ).
@ FN:
This may be a case of "chickens coming home to roost". I remember when Murdick (sic) began building his empire in Great Britan and the backlash he encountered from Brits that were left with little choice (no CNN then) except what Murdick (oops) spoon fed them. Rumor control at that time said that he was building an "evil empire". Well, now it's here.
I doubt all that much that Murdick (oops again) cares what is disemmenated, how or where...as long as he gets his money. Murdick (dang I keep doin' that) is greedy...and as you already know...greed is one of the 7 deadly's...it will interesting to seem him get his come uppance.
As an aside...I thought Fox News was undergoing some changes and was under the gun anway....? Any enlightenment here?
PS - I never listen/watch any news show that names itself after an animal that is known for being sneaky.
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