The following cut and paste job is kind of long, but I need you to read it all the way through. It's important if we are going to discuss the post in a rational and objective way. The article is from Anette John-Hall, writing for my hometown paper, the Philadelphia inquirer.
"Any teenager will tell you that senseless fights happen almost every day in high school. Detentions and suspensions are served and students move on, in the hope they have learned their lessons.
But the penalty meted out to Tiana Drummond-Phiri by Archbishop Carroll High School in Radnor and the Delaware County District Attorney's Office gives new meaning to "cruel and unusual punishment."
As with so many overblown teenage spats, it all started with a dustup. On March 16, an argument erupted between two classmates at Carroll - in theology class, of all places. A white student complained about the teacher's erasing a classmate's name from a demerit list on the board, suggesting that the reprieve was only because the student was black.
Dozing in the back of the room, senior Steven Farley said in court testimony, he heard the commotion and yelled "shut up" at the black student several times.
Dozing in the back of the room, senior Steven Farley said in court testimony, he heard the commotion and yelled "shut up" at the black student several times.
Tiana, a senior, was not in the class, but entered the oral sparring in the hallway afterward, taking up for the black student, a friend of hers.
"What's your friend's problem?" she asked Farley, who told her to get away from him and to "shut the f- up," according to the police report.
Their angry exchange marked the beginning of a high school beef that would have an unfathomable result.
Though the two were not even the original combatants, they sniped at each other the rest of the day and into the next.
Tiana, who took the train back to Overbrook every day, called her ex-boyfriend to meet her at the station and ride home with her.
Her ex, Jamar Cann, arrived with a friend. Farley showed up, too - driving there with a group of his pals. Witnesses testified that virtually the whole senior class followed. Rumors had circulated throughout the day that there would be a fight, they said.
And there was. Cann and Farley exchanged punches, though witnesses couldn't agree on exactly what happened.
What is certain is that at some point, Farley ended up with a fractured eye from a sucker punch inflicted by an "unknown black male," not Cann, according to the police report.
If anyone was to be charged, you'd think it would be the people throwing the punches.
Farley. Cann. Unknown black male sucker-puncher.
But no.
What happened next defies logic.
Authorities sucker-punched Tiana, though she stood 40 yards away and never threw a punch herself.
They didn't just throw the book at her - they pummeled her with the entire Criminal Code, nine charges in all: simple assault, aggravated assault, terroristic threats, three different counts of harassment, two counts of conspiracy, and reckless endangerment. All because of a phone call that they said started the trouble.
"The person who created the situation is clearly her," said Thomas F. Laurie Jr., a Delaware County assistant district attorney, before her sentencing in Media last Friday. "She's the one who had these guys show up and inflict serious injury."
You don't need a police dog to sniff out this bull.
You don't need a police dog to sniff out this bull.
The charges were so bogus that the judge found Tiana not guilty of eight of the nine during her trial in December - but let conspiracy to commit simple assault stand.
Let's see if I have this straight.
Tiana had to be at the station to take the train home. No one can explain why Farley was there, including Farley. (Well, the detective noted in his report that kids often go to the station to hang out and smoke cigarettes. Nothing like a cigarette after a hard day at school.
Farley fought. Tiana didn't.Tiana gets slapped with nine criminal charges. No one even looks in Farley's direction. Tiana goes home fearing her fate. Farley, fractured eye and all, goes out later that day to indulge in some underage drinking for more than two hours, according to his own testimony. Farley is allowed to testify without repercussions. But Cann, Tiana's primary witness, is pulled from the stand after the prosecutor asks for a conference, according to Tiana's lawyer. A public defender called by the court then tells him he could be criminally charged if he testifies. He doesn't.
Need more travesty?
Tiana is suspended from school for the rest of the year. Farley? Welcomed back with open arms.
For Tiana, the suspension was a shock. Her mother, Violet Phiri, said that when she took Tiana to school two days after the incident, she was assured by school officials that there would be no repercussions for the off-campus brawl. But later that day, Tiana was pulled out of class, summoned to the school office, and aggressively interrogated by Detective James Santoliquito of the Radnor Township Police Department - without counsel.
It was a traumatizing experience, Tiana said. She called her mother, who arrived to find her daughter alone. The next day, Tiana was called to the principal's office. Her mother said the school wanted Tiana to write a statement saying that Tiana had never had any racial problems at school, nor had reported any. She refused and was told to go home.
It was a traumatizing experience, Tiana said. She called her mother, who arrived to find her daughter alone. The next day, Tiana was called to the principal's office. Her mother said the school wanted Tiana to write a statement saying that Tiana had never had any racial problems at school, nor had reported any. She refused and was told to go home.
At the insistence of Tiana's mother, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia sent a letter weeks later confirming Tiana's suspension. She also received a notification from the prosecutor's office instructing her when to report to the police station for fingerprinting and processing.
This teen, who only months before was lauded by her teachers as a stellar student, even enthusiastically supported for an academic scholarship, was now barred from going anywhere near the school. God forbid she'd infect the students with such gangster tendencies.
Devastating ordeal.The whole ordeal devastated her. Even though she lived only blocks away from Overbrook High, her parents, South African immigrants, had sacrificed to send her to Carroll. Tiana was forced to complete her studies at home to earn her degree. By mail.
Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Or student mediation? Or conflict resolution? Or Catholic values? What could students possibly have learned from such draconian actions, as though only one of them had shown poor judgment?
The school didn't return my calls, referring all questions to the archdiocese. An archdiocesean spokesperson said she was not allowed to discuss personnel matters.
The callousness of the archdiocese's decision to suspend her still bothers Tiana. "It seemed like they had already made up their minds about me - that's what hurt me the most," she said.
At her sentencing last Friday, it was obvious just how much the deck was stacked against her.
Common Pleas Court Judge Charles C. Keeler was clearly aggravated by Tiana's lawyer. "My client's an honor student, waiting for the train to go home," William J. Ciancaglini said. "If this were a white honor student and a big black kid was yelling in her face, guess who's getting arrested. It's the black kid, guaranteed. . . . I'm sorry if I've offended the court."
At her sentencing last Friday, it was obvious just how much the deck was stacked against her.
Common Pleas Court Judge Charles C. Keeler was clearly aggravated by Tiana's lawyer. "My client's an honor student, waiting for the train to go home," William J. Ciancaglini said. "If this were a white honor student and a big black kid was yelling in her face, guess who's getting arrested. It's the black kid, guaranteed. . . . I'm sorry if I've offended the court."
"You have," said the judge, who admonished him with "you be quiet" and "you shut up" later in the proceedings.
The prosecutor made sure to use the ample time allowed him to scold Tiana for having the nerve to be offended by her peer's racial remark, which he declared unintentional. She missed "the opportunity that was presented to give someone the benefit of the doubt, to engage someone who said an improper remark," he insisted. "This young lady took it way too far." Did I forget to say the school is just 6 percent black?
Meanwhile, Santoliquito, the detective who investigated the incident, chummily sat with Farley's parents in court and escorted them outside.
I tried to ask the Farleys why their son went to the train station. "No comment," they said.
I also wanted to ask the detective why they never found the unknown sucker-puncher.
He said he couldn't talk.
In the end, Tiana received one year's probation and a fine to be determined. Her family already has paid $4,000 in legal fees.
She plans to appeal." [Story here]
I will not comment on this case for fear of being called a "racism chaser." [And other professional reasons.] But since it was in my local paper I just thought I would put it out there. There. There. And There.
*Pic courtesy of Philly.com
You know, field, my first impulse is to say that there must be something more to this story. It doesn't make sense the way it stands.
But that would be my ignorance and naivete speaking.
I'm dumbfounded by this.
When institutionalized racism targets are children and we are left defenseless, what do we do?
This smells of a nasty political move. Someone's daddy knew someone's uncle, who saw someone's mama doing something unnecessary and Tiana becomes the scapegoat.
Is this a juvenile case?
It makes my stomach turn when we have become so vulnerable that these modern-day Emmit Till variations are inflicted upon our seeds at the satisfaction of some sickos.
I feel for the Phiri family. Welcome to America, home of the injustice, especially when it comes to people of color, working folk and the poor.
Where is Al Sharpie when we need him? Oh, I forgot, he doesn't deal with black female cases since Tawana Brawley.
Filled Negro - (for once) I am with you on this one.
Someone getting the "Metro-Philly Beat Down" should NOT be absolved from his complicity in the situation.
EITHER Farley should have been charged as a combatant as well OR all of it should have been chalked up as a "high school brawl" that got out of hand.
Where is the LEADERSHIP among the stundents?
[quote]When institutionalized racism targets are children and we are left defenseless, what do we do?
EcoSoul - I ASSURE YOU - there are Black on Black fights and assaults that go on in which the same INDIVIDUAL outcome is rendered. All WITHOUT the involvement of the authorities.
Can you tell me that an outcome in which NEITHER PARTY INVOLVED WITH THE FIGHT "Snitches" to the Police and thus no one is prosecuted at all IS, in fact, a MORE JUST outcome?
In summary - can you claim that INJUSTICE in which Black folks are punished while White folks GO FREE......is any WORSE than NON-JUSTICE in which there is a violation of the law and NO ONE gets punished due to a coordinated suppression of testimony.
1) WHICH happens more frequently in 2010?
2) WHICH assault triggers "Black people crying on the local news", grieving the loss of a loved one?
Wow between beating up Band Geeks to arresting college students for not fighting, our man racism has a got brand new track shoes this week.
Wow, this is just wrong on many levels. Not only where the charge against this girl trumped -- the cops had the audacity to arrest a bystander to a high school fist fight and the Catholic school did nothing in her defense. Wow. So much for a post racial America.
I am too upset to accurately express my deep thoughts about this absurd outcome.
The racist disdain for black femalehood is highly prevalent and showing it's ugly head.
Furthermore, I'm going to sit back and count how much support this black female will or won't receive from readers on this blog, especially some black folks.
Sometimes you don't have to "chase" the racism. Sometimes it chases you.
A 'church' taking the lead in racism. Typical.
The kid that got punched parents probably have some pull, that's why the unfortunate outcome of the judges verdict turned out the way it did. I'm thinking he was looking for a fight at the train station, got his ass whooped, and then had to get Mommy and Daddy to help him get even.
This is a very strange case indeed. Werid...
The kid that got punched parents probably have some pull, that's why the unfortunate outcome of the judges verdict turned out the way it did.
I'm starting to think that way, too. The way the school and authorities handled this could be grounds for a major lawsuit.....if Tiana's parents had the finances to sustain one, which seems to be the contrary from what I read.
Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty? Or student mediation? Or conflict resolution? Or Catholic values? What could students possibly have learned from such draconian actions, as though only one of them had shown poor judgment?
As said, someone somewhere had some pull and the school gave way.
Field, this story has a foul smell to it- on both the Black and White side. Either there is more to it, or Philly is the "el-suck-o racist city" of A-merry-ca.
Either way, Philly has always been a double-minded city that stood as a city of 'brotherly love' for Whites; and a city of 'brotherly hatred' for Blacks.
Philadelphia's justice system has never been a justice system for Blacks. You being a black lawyer working in Philadelphia certainly know this. Blacks in Philly have always been "powerless" when it comes to justice, so the outcome of this story was inevitable.
Obviously, there are some details left out of this 'outrageous' story that will remain secret... UNLESS some Whites decide that the injustices were too much. Then they might pickett like they did in front of that racist swimming pool outside of Philly.
Otherwise, 'Injustice' has been served(gavel). And that's how the 'justice system' ROLLS in Philadelphia..it is truly "blind justice".
This story sounds like it came out of Paris, TX. Field, don't ever talk about Texas justice again.
Another little nugget found on Philly.com's comments. For a city of "Brotherly Love", it sure as hell isn't loving. Or brotherly:
This story should have been covered by a white male columnist, it would have given it more credibility.
Apparently, a black female columnist's articles are only worth 3/5ths of that of a white man's, therefore the need to have a white person give it more "credibility" by writing it. White Privilege on display.
"As said, someone somewhere had some pull and the school gave way."
Have you considered it might have been God's will? Where's ISEEISEE on this?
Yup, Justice is indeed blind! Same thing here, a daddy has a buddy that knows a politico that knows a good lawyer that will do the favor and get the good ole boy system rolling against the poorer litigant. and of course as usual justice, being blind and all, doesn't see any of this! I've seen it happen all the time. Not a nice thing for a kid to have to face and learn, but it seems that's life.
Just a few thoughts on this:
1) Farley's bitch ass should've been put up on charges, and Cann as well. That, in my opinion is extreme. Make them do strenuous community service for a year or two, and actually I will stop there because fights suck, but they are normal, especially at that age. Still, those two, should've been facing the repercussions.
2) I am going to say that they are royally hosing her, but I will say this much. Our black children, and us as parents, need to learn how to play the game right. Miss Phiri did not have to jump into anything with the guy. I laud her for defending her friend, but instead of escalating things by trying to play on HIS turf (one which will give him the win by virtue of his privilege), she should've put HIM on the defensive. She fell for the trap, hook, line and sinker.
I'm not saying she should just let the little piss ant walk all over her, because he will take to mean that he can get away with murder. But, we've got to teach our kids, and know ourselves, how to hit bastards like Farley and Santoloquito where it hurts FIRST. ALWAYS be on the offensive.
3) The prosecutor is a piece of shit. It is not up to any person of color to EDUCATE white people on shit. It is by that POC's discretion only. If he didn't know not to get racial by the time he was a senior in HS, he's too stupid to get it.
"The kid that got punched parents probably have some pull, that's why the unfortunate outcome of the judges verdict turned out the way it did."
She was only convicted on one of the nine charges, and a fairly minor one -- conspiracy to commit simple assault.
I do think she knows the guy who fractured the kid's eye, but is probably protecting him. Which may have created more problems for her with the law and her school.
Wow. I'm speechless, and that is a rare thing indeed.
Keith, that young man was WHITE, he knew he had the ADVANTAGE! why do you think he went to the train station? these WHITE kid's know about RACISM, some embrace it, they watch the NEW'S, They know most WHITE'S can do whatever they want, and get away with it!
Someone said the name (Emmit Till) well, this Young Lady was Assaulted by a WHITE BOY, a WHITE Policeman, a WHITE Judge, and a White SCHOOL System! KKK had her locked in! but, they weren't hiding behind WHITE SHEET'S!
What is strange about this case? this happen's all the time! it matter's NOT about the age of the Black victim! what matter's is that, they are found GUILTY! the BLACK person will pay the price and the WHITE person will be seen as the VICTIM! the WHITE PERSON can do NO WRONG! this is their TWISTED, STRANGE, WEIRD, MINDSET!
I cannot believe someone said(IT must be something more to this STORY) where have you AMERICAN'S been hid? this is the NORM in AMERICA! what will be strange is, the day a WHITE AMERICAN will finally be CHARGED, for CRIME'S against PEOPLE of COLOR, now, I want to see that day,
Brother Field this was heartbreaking to read in so many ways.
Thanks for posting it otherwise I wouldn't know about it.
As you know I have done human rights and civil rights work for years and I have actually seen this kind of thing before. Especially the part in which the school decides that one party usually the poorer kid or the outcast kid or the kid of color is tossed to the dogs. And I have seen schools allow the justice system come into school and question kids that are accused of pretty serious stuff without the parent being notified and definitely without a lawyer.
Unfortunately this kind of thing happens more often than people can imagine in the US.
Its obvious that the white kid had some clout and invited on some level the fight that ensued and when he lost he got his folks to scapegoat the girl.
Whats so dissappointing is that the church should know better and do better. This may be expected in the so-called secular world. But it just goes to show how little these religous institutions are infected by the God that they claim to represent.
I hope that you or someone can help her with her appeal and find some way to sue the school for this grave injustice.
This is the problem with racism it affects everything. Kids can't even be kids. The two knucleheads that fought should have been the ones disciplined but then again since it was off school property and after school the school should have stayed out of it.
There really is something wrong with this system and it needs changing
iseeisee, "this is the NORM in AMERICA! what will be strange is, the day a WHITE AMERICAN will finally be CHARGED, for CRIME'S against PEOPLE of COLOR, now, I want to see that day,"
It is the 'norm' today because men such as Marshall, Malcolm X, MLK, Cochran, and a few other skillful ones are gone, except maybe Rev Sharpton. But he seems to do only special cases.
There probably is little help for someone like Tiana because Blacks lack legal and political power in places lack Philadelphia. Hence, the injustices and demoralization of Blacks will continue at will and without a conscience.
I sometimes wonder if there is a line of demarcation between 'hope and hopelessness'; and how close are Blacks to that line mentally, emotionally and spiritually?
"The prosecutor made sure to use the ample time allowed him to scold Tiana for having the nerve to be offended by her peer's racial remark"
It was legit... the white kid accused a black kid of getting away with something because they were black. Black kids accuse whites of the same thing all the time and we don't threat them and go bonkers....even if we believe they are playing the race card. His remark (that a black kid was getting away with something cause of racism) is no worse than you FN accusing a white kid of getting away with something.
"She missed "the opportunity that was presented to give someone the benefit of the doubt, to engage someone who said an improper remark,"
It wasn't an improper remark. I'm sick of being told that it is impropoer to say something black folks don't like to hear.
"Did I forget to say the school is just 6 percent black?"
So the f what. When you have use a fact like this when accusing someone of racism you are grasping at straws.
Have you kept up with those Chinese students being assaulted by black lynch mobs or have you forgotten all about it already. Apparently it is still goin on. When are all those Jena 6 supporters backing up those Chinese students?
High school is hell enough when you have to deal with people who look just like you. Once you add race into the mix, you are asking for trouble.
Defending a child in the juvenile system, with it's professional chumminess, court (judge only) trials, diminished standards of proof, and lackadasical review is beyond frustrating.
Does anyone else find it odd that the guy went after her with his friends after school? It seems like they were expecting her to be alone. Good for her for recognizing that she needed someone to be with her for protection.
Why can't they charge HIM for conspiracy of assault?
[quote]The racist disdain for black femalehood is highly prevalent and showing it's ugly head. Furthermore, I'm going to sit back and count how much support this black female will or won't receive from readers on this blog, especially some black folks.[/quote]
La♥Incognita of the Virgin Islands:
IF you think this is the most prevalent display of disdain for "Black Womanhood" you need to "Go To 'The Hood' ".
The most abundant disrespect for Black women can be seen in the dialogue that can be captured in these places.
Any of you NetFlix subscribers should check out some of the independent "straight to DVD" titles that are available. I noted last year that the dialogue between Black women and Black men in certain situations are meant to put one down verbally as a means of establishing or maintaining hierarchy. It comes at the expense of civility and self-confidence of the person listening in.
Surely you don't need me to go get some hip hop lyrics to prove this to you?
Why do we need to hear from you ANON 12:17? You people come on this BLOG and complain about ( wanting to HOLD on to YOUR RACISM) well, keep it, because you can't get rid of it, you are STUCK with it for life!
Why do we need you to remind us of our people's short coming's? we know full well what they are, but, the question is, do YOU and YOUR PEOPLE know, what your short coming's are? I doubt it! and if you do know, you will never ever admit what they are, and trust me,they are too many for me to remind you of!
You have the Gall to even whisper the word RACISM! but, yet, you are BOLD to come on a BLOG called the (FIELD NEGRO) and call OUT BLACK FOLK! you should be Apologizing to us for this!
RAPE of innocent BLACK WOMEN!
BLACK WOMEN FORCED to RAISE WHITE CHILDREN, CAUSE the MISTRESS was too LAZY to look after her own children!
BLACK WOMEN FORCED to give up her seat on the BUS to a pitiful WHITE MAN!
The list go's on and on, but, I remembered MOST of it! did you know about this? this was called RACISM! now, you should be apologizing to us!
"Whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty?"
Ask the guy who was stomped by the Jena 6 and then was slurred as a racist when they (falsely) said he called them the N word. I don't remember too many black folks seeing that kid of being innocent of racism until proven guilty. Apparently the word of a couple of black thugs was enough for them
Anon 2:03a Are you anti-God?
ok, let's see if i have this straight?
1. farley and phiri had been going at it for two days at school?this didn't all happen in one day.
2. kids at school apparently knew there would be a fight (assuming not between farley and phiri so must have been farley and cann just guessing) folks she had to have set it up?
3.one of cann/s buds is chicken shit and throws a sucker punch (cann knows who he is, phiri does too and refused to tell police and the court)
i can only guess the school decided due to her part (not the only one)in the whole mouthy mess and her refusal to cooperate with the court and police they didn't want her back there creating more drama?
i feel certain farley and phiri both were causing disruptions in the school over this mess instead of allowing the adults to take care of the situation. farley may been in a fair fight with cann but not the guy that sucker punched him. i'm sure the police wanted to charge him with assault bodily injury. realisticly we all know she knew who that is!
i think she got she asked for covering for this guy.
field if your truely about justice put your money where your mouth is take her appeal see that justice is done and tell all about it?
what you say big guy?
She looks sexy. I think i have jungle fever.
more innocent black girls....hummm
I really love this post-racial America we've been living in since January 20, 2009.
I see a future Civil Rights attorney in Tiana.
Anon- "one of cann/s buds is chicken shit and throws a sucker punch (cann knows who he is, phiri does too and refused to tell police and the court)"
As I have said in my comments there's more to this story that is not being told- by both sides. Of course, some folks on this blog think the white kid's father had connections to the extent that the school, the prosecutor, the judge, and maybe even the defense atty, marched to his demands.
But we live in A-merry-ca and most Americans think in suspicious racial terms about the other race, very much like you are doing too. It is perfectly normal to have this disease of racist conspiracy in this great country of ours. You might have noticed that Field has an acute case of it. But once in a while, it turns out to be mostly true.
However, I must say that that is an incredible amount of power for one white man, even for a racist slimy town like Philadelphia. Hell, I don't believe that even the Governor of PA could do what that kid's father did! On the other hand, it is PA and white parents kids have gotten away with murdering a POC in that state. Of course, he was in A-murder-ca illegally from another country down South, so I am not sure if Whites consider that murder or not?
"I see a future Civil Rights attorney in Tiana."
There are no skillful Civil Rights lawyers in America who will take cases involving a black teen female.
It would be ideal if the black families could take their six percent, fed subsidies and tuition elsewhere.
I agree. Something stinks here. Field, sometimes you chase & have to come back to the rabbit. But, you should admit it, when you do so.
This happened to me as a student, but I didn't end up in jail or anything like that. I feel for the girl.
There is more to the story. Like the teachers encouraging this behavior from my experience. Stuff like this is not supposed to happen in private schools. Parents pay to avoid this crap.
I hope someone takes this girl's case.
We really need to open more of our own private schools and support them. That's the only way this is avoided.
Thanks Field!!!!!
For convincing me that $40,000 I spend in private school tuition isn't wasted money...
Or even if it is, better than givin it to Uncle Barry...
I went to a few Anal City integrated schools "Back in the Day"..what memories, the huge Fro's, Switchblades, Platform Disco shoes with the Goldfish in the Heel...
Yeah, the Principal was quite a guy...
And hey, any of y'all Jigaboos who can surf, surf on over to My Blog, I got the "Abortion Counter" up and running, you know, how many Black Babies have been killed, I mean Terminated since 1973....Inspiring really.
And a downloadable Martin Lucifer Coon Dart Board...
Well not really, but any y'all know where I can find one?
Later, Speerchuckers,
Have you kept up with those Chinese students being assaulted by black lynch mobs or have you forgotten all about it already. Apparently it is still goin on. When are all those Jena 6 supporters backing up those Chinese students?"
Posted about it here, and I was all over the black students for their actions. Next.
"I agree. Something stinks here. Field, sometimes you chase & have to come back to the rabbit. But, you should admit it, when you do so."
I am not sure what you mean. There is a trial transcript and people who were actually in the courtroom. Are you saying that the reporter made up the story, or that is leaving something out about the young lady?
BTW, she is a freshman at Temple U now, but she also has a criminal record. The other young man involved, does not.
I will shut up now.
That is INSANE. But I'll tell you those who mentioned that there's more going on and nepotism are on to it. This sounds straight up like everyone involved had some sort of inside connection to someone in power except this poor girl. I've seen this in all over small towns even ones that were all-white or all-black where race wasn't a factor as both parties shared the same ethnicity. The families with deep roots even if they're POS's will keep their kids out of trouble and any newcomer will get blamed and god forbid you're in a family who is either poor or rooted but also traditionally hated by the 'power families.' That is exactly the kind of thing that I think is going on here.
Yeah! Frank is back. Nice to see you back, Frank. We missed you.
I hope they treated you well in solitary.
any of you ant-choicers who want to see women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen should know:
tim tebow's mother wasn't even IN THE US when this alleged issue occurred of a doctor advising an abortion. she was in the phillipines, which some of you might now is NOT under our laws and government, yet some how they are the poster children. as i pointed out earlier, her story is totally unsubstantiated and this mystery doc unknown.
AND guess what--abortion was illegal in the phillipines at the time.
i am glad to see tha gloria allred, who i usually dismiss as a media whore, is on this one.
Didn't know you cared Field...:)
But why aren't you down in Port au Prince helpin out your fellow Negroes????
Thats where I've been BTW, and your welcome.
And anyway, just bustin your balls, why get Malaria if you don't really have to???? That Chloroquine sucks.
And talk about Racial Hatred...you ain't seen nuthin Willis, till your the Point Guard on an all White YMCA team tryin to keep an All Black team from scorin a hundred points (Thats alot when your playin 10 minute quarters)Even the Refs were givin us elbows...
Oh yeah, the counters at 45,678,934 give or take a fetus or two...
What I don't understand is why Tiana didn't talk to her parents about this situation before it blew up.
We make it VERY clear to our kids, that just because you're brilliant kids (like your parents, LOL) doesn't mean that folks at school are gonna treat you "fair".
The "rules" for our kids have never been equal, so why aren't we doing a better job educating our kids about avoiding even the slightest hint of trouble at school?
Wow, Fly, you're so smart. Be an Uncle Tom! Great parent you must be!
Have you had Malaria Frank? Chloroqiune is a highly toxic drug that is used for it's anti parasitic value in Malaria but,is also being studyed as an anti HIV/AIDS drug. Highly toxic, it builds up in the bodies adipose tissues causing in particular retinal problems.It has anti immune qualities that can work in rheumatic arthritis patients, and is being studied as an alternative to chemo for cancer.
"Didn't know you cared Field...:)
But why aren't you down in Port au Prince helpin out your fellow Negroes????
Thats where I've been BTW, and your welcome."
Glad to hear it Frank. You are a medical doctor, no? I wonder if those people know how you really feel about their kind?
I plan to get to Haiti at some point. I think I would do more harm than good now. Unfortunately I am not a doctor like you. For now I will send my money and hope that it's put to good use.
maria, thanks for the 411 in that story.
Fly, I am not sure that teenage girls make it a habit of talking to their parents about everything that goes on at school. I am sure that she didn't expect it to "blow up" like this.
I thought parents sent their kids to Catholic school to get away from this sort of thing.
Tiana, Tiana, Tee Anna; a nigguh-assed motherfucking name if there ever was one. Violet Phiri, ware huh punk-assed daddy at? Violet Phiri, ware he be at?
The racially insensitive classroom remark, was none of her (Tiana's) hoe-assed-motherfucking business; she should have stayed out of the mixx. Don't you Ignutt negroes have a saying: my name am Bennett and I ain't In-It.
She has gotten what she deserved; to hell with these low-dogg Negroes. But then field-negro, you supported those punk-assed Jena-Six Negroes, too.
Frank, um I mean Vernon... which is it? According to your own blog, Doctors Without Borders wouldn't take you for Haiti.... And, you comment you would not help out in a couple of places.. but here you say you were there..... So, which place are you lying.... here, or on your own blog?
You are on welfare and have atleast three kids and I guarantee your not married. You don't have to tell me. I already know. lol
By the way, turn off maury and get a job. Your own this blog ALL DAY.
Bless Tiana for keepin' No Snitchin' alive. You know they put them in catholic schools and they still have ex-boyfriends who are destined for prison, wannabe gangster losers.
Oh ohh Frank, I think Jody is on to you again.
IF you think this is the most prevalent display of disdain for "Black Womanhood" you need to "Go To 'The Hood' "."
Thank You! People are only concerned with "black womanhood" when it is in the context Tuuur'ble White Oppressuh' Lord Hav Murrcy!
Forget about what goes down daily in the 'hood.
I think they were saying the same thing after the Duke "Rape" Case. And countless other bogus cases like it.
"We really need to open more of our own private schools and support them. That's the only way this is avoided."
LOL....good one.
field negro said...
Fly, I am not sure that teenage girls make it a habit of talking to their parents about everything that goes on at school. I am sure that she didn't expect it to "blow up" like this.
She may not have expected it but what I'm saying is that as a Black child as a predominately white school, especially a private one, her parents should have and instructed her to behave accordingly.
My point isnt about blame its about reality and the reality is that life for a Black kid in America can be extremely unfair sometimes.
the article is so badly written, i won't even try to have an opinion about the relevant facts. i'm sure there's a point here, to this post and to the article, and i'm sure i'd have an opinion about the matter. but i will not develop one, not based on shoddy writing like this. it's too close to propaganda, which is not to say this article is propaganda, but only that i won't try to form an opinion without more information i can trust. writing this bad isn't trustworthy to me. i can't say for sure i understand what happened. a total failure of the SCLM, as usual.
i looked all over the intertubes, and could only find that one column about this girl and i have a lot of unanswered questions.
i did discover the girl is now a freshman at temple, so her time at home didn't result in her not getting into college.
maybe she tried for a better school--dunno. temple is not a bad school.
most schools would NEVER suspend a child for an off-school fight, let along for the balance of their senior year. THAT is an outrage. senior year can be such a special year -- i am assuming they didn't even let her gradate. she will never get that time back.
i don't know why the parents couldn't get that suspension reversed. i wonder how hard they tried. and why the school got away with this--a strong PTA-type org SHOULD have come to this family's aid.
second, her lawyer might not have been competent. he did get an acquittal on all but one charge, but the charges all seemed so outlandish they should never have been brought. i don't know if the lawyer tried to intervene with the school. someone should have.
how did she get all the way to trial, and her legal bill was only $4,000? was this a public defender? did he depose anyone? take discovery? my point is you can blow $4,000 in 10 hours with a half-way decent attorney. preparing for trial of this sort should have been far more costly.
and the judge sounds awful. telling a lawyer to shut up? has the judge had any disciplinary actions? because some should be coming.
i surely hope she does appeal and has a better attorney. it was not clear what her sentence would be if that conviction stands.
Maria is becoming the new Grinder. Watch her...
Anon 4:25p "Maria is becoming the new Grinder. Watch her..."
How did you come to that conclusion? I have the same questions and I am Black. Her atty was a powerless useless lawyer, but most lawyers are worthless, anyway.
Regarding lawyers fees: there are all kinds of fee ranges for lawyers from $250-1000+/hr. Her sorry-ass lawyer wasn't worth a dollar, let alone $4,000... But you get what you pay for.
Maria... in your last post you said, "maybe her lawyer was incompetent" and then go on to question his tactics, fee, etc.
1. A criminal defense attorney has no control over what charges are brought against his client.
2. This is not a public defender. There is no fee for a public defender.
3. $4,000 is not an unreasonable fee for the charges she was facing... I have seen higher, but I have seen lower as well. It is about average here in the Philly area for the charges she faced. Most criminal defense attorneys charge a flat fee... they do not bill by the hour.
4. Depositions are done in civil cases, not criminal ones.
5. I am sure he requested discovery in the case.... or he would not have been able to try the case and get not guilty on all but one charge.
7. Her criminal defense attorney would have no role in the issue of suspension. A civil attorney would handle that based on a decision to sue the school. That is a separate legal matter from her criminal case.
6. Judges are like little kings and their courtrooms are little fiefdoms. Telling a lawyer to shut up happens all the time and is not grounds for discipline in and of itself.
7. This case took place in a Delaware County courtroom, which is considerably more conservative than a Philadelphia courtroom and much harder to get not guilty... that he got all charges dismissed but one does not suggest incompetence of counsel as much as a reflection of the county and the court he was in.
Just answering the questions you asked.
the new grinder? are you serious? i am not "becoming" anyone racist.
i just came to this girl's defense in like 8 ways. because i didn't say, gosh all this happened to her because she's black? is that what i needed to say? it may be true. did that mean what i said wasn't? are the motives what matter or the outcomes?
i was trying to dissect the facts of her sad story.
i am speaking as a mom whose son was suspended from school for a fight ON CAMPUS. for a week.
and someone who happens to hate the catholic establishment with a passion. quite honestly, i would never have sent my daughter--black or white--to that school. they are the most close-minded, racist, radical conservatives on the planet. oh, did i leave out hypocritical?
thank you, anon.
i have known, worked with and been represented by my share of attorneys and i wouldn't say most are worthless. maybe 1/3. but there are really good ones, too.
what i have to conclude most of all is that this girl had no one really fighting for her. except maybe someone who accepted her at temple. i am not sure how she got in when she was facing a trial. you have to write on your application whether you've ever been arrested and most people assume you'll never get in anywhere as a result.
i am very glad to see that didn't spell the end of college for her.
maria said...
the new grinder? are you serious? i am not "becoming" anyone racist.
You may want to double back on that mirror a few more times, LOL!!!
sorry, i can't see...your ass is blocking my view, you pathetic piece of shit. oh, wait, that's what you called me, yesterday.
you attack me because i have shown more than once how uninformed you are and hold you to wild statements you make, then refuse to address later.
i thought you weren't going to "bother" with me anymore.
4. Depositions are done in civil cases, not criminal ones.
i don't think that's true. according to wiki (not the best source but others back this up)"
In the United States, depositions may be taken in criminal cases, for reasons that vary between jurisdictions. In federal criminal cases, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 15 governs the taking of depositions. Each state has its own laws which govern the taking of depositions.
Most jurisdictions provide that depositions may be taken to perpetuate the testimony of a witness, that is, preserve their testimony for trial. If the person requested to testify (deponent) is a party to the lawsuit or someone who works for an involved party, notice of time and place of the examination before trial can be given to the other side's attorney, but if the witness is an independent third party, a subpoena must be served on him/her if he/she is recalcitrant. This occurs when a witness may not be able to testify at trial. The deposition of the witness is taken and, if the witness is unable to appear at trial, the deposition may be used to establish the witness' testimony in lieu of the witness actually testifying. Regarding depositions to preserve testimony, the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution establishes a constitutional right of the defendant to be present during the examination before trial and to cross-examine the witness. The defendant may waive this right.
Some jurisdictions provide that depositions may be taken for purposes of discovery. In these jurisdictions, the defendant does not have a constitutional right to be present, although such a right may be established by statute.
A defendant in a criminal case may not be deposed without his consent because of the Fifth Amendment right to not give testimony against oneself.
i'm not a lawyer. i'm a journalist. so you know more than i.
it seems to me some lawyers handle BOTH civil and criminal cases--am i wrong? i wasn't implying her criminal attorney should have intervened with the school. i said someone. and you can get a lawyer involved without filing suit. maybe if they had threatened to file, she would have been back in.
a lawyer really would have nothing to say about what charges are brought. aren't there discussions with the defense attorneys about charges, plea bargains?
do you think her attorney did a good job? why didn't he know that his one witness would have been facing charges if he testified?
and they said her total legal bill was $4k. maybe there was a public defender at some point, then a private attorney. you say private, so that answers that.
Hey Field- I so enjoy you punditry.
Although this tragic anomaly happens all too often here (in ‘A-merry-ca’), it can be used as a ‘teachable moment’ in that we parents must teach our children the importance of emotional intelligence. When, during a school bus altercation, a wanna-be-thug caucasian slapped my gonna-be-intelligent daughter (now college grad and corporate financial manager), I went up to the school first; and the police station second. To that end, the judge scolded the caucasian and thug witnesses, ordered the caucasian and his lawyer to send my daughter a formal letter of apology, and then demanded they the wanna-be-thug and his coherts return to school that day. The judge also said if she saw them in her courtroom again, she would not be sending them back school; instead… Long story short, one must fight fire with fire, intelligently.
Maria....what you just wikied is rarely used in state courtrooms... it is reserved for witnesses who, because of highly rare circumstances cannot testify in open court. I have never seen it used in a Philadelphia Commonpleas courtroom for a criminal matter. You asked why he didnt do depositions in this case. There would have been no reason that I can see for that.
Here is the bottom line from what I read... You had an extraordinarily ASSHOLE of a prosecutor in this case... basically the sidebar for her witness was a threat by the DA that her witness would be facing serious charges if he testified. They had to bring in a Public Defender because her attorney could not explain this or advise him... conflict of interest.
Since she was charged with conspiracy, I suspect the DA threatened to charge him with all charges as well. He COULD have testified, but on explanation from the public defender, HE decided he did not want to risk it. I am sure her attorney was extemely pissed at this, but this shit was beyond his control.
I cannot stress enough that Delaware County is a friggin nightmare for criminal defense attorneys.
I cannot say whether her attorney was good or not. I would have to read the notes of testimony to have an opinion. All I am saying is from this article, I don't think one can say. The fact that all but one of the charges were dismissed suggests he was not bad.
I suspect the grounds for an appeal have more to do with the DAs behavior, and what the judge allowed him to do than her lawyer.
maria said...
sorry, i can't see...your ass is blocking my view, you pathetic piece of shit. oh, wait, that's what you called me, yesterday.
you attack me because i have shown more than once how uninformed you are and hold you to wild statements you make, then refuse to address later.
My ass is blocking your view? Gee, thanks for the compliment because surely you're aware by now that asses are HIGHLY regarded in the Black community, LOL!!!
FYI, I don't debate you because I think you're an unintelligent idiot.
actually, i said did he depose anyone not why didn't he. i was just going on what little i know that builds into a case and was asking what was done.
thanks for all that other info. too bad the column didn't focus more on the DA and the judge. and they brought in a public defender to advise her attorney? yikes.
craazy all around. do you know what the penalty would be if the conviction stands? you don't think she'd get jail time, do you?
Jody said...
Maria....what you just wikied is rarely used in state courtrooms...
Yeah, good ol' Maria is the Field's resident "Scientist" and now "Attorney" thanks to the internet, LOL!!!!
Like I said before, unintelligent idiot, LOL!!!!
i wasn't wrong. and fuck you, fly. the adults are trying to talk.
Maria, one point of clarification... the Public Defender was brought in to advise HER WITNESS... because her attorney could not. It would be considered a conflict of interest... that being, her lawyer has to represent her interests, which would have been for him to testify. The DA was threatening to charge him if he had testified, which suggests he was going to say she did not ask him to stand up to this guy, that he acted without her prompting. If he had done that, then the DA could have turned around and said, ok... its not her fault, it is yours and he would be facing the charges. That is the conflict of interest here and I am sure is what the public defender explained to him... again "him" being her witness, not her attorney. The public defender was summoned to the courtroom because he was there to represent the interests of the witness. Again, I am quite sure her attorney was pissed.
In Philly, there are cases that go south for the prosecution because witnesses suggest they did something, not the accused, or suggest that someone else did it, all without the witness being charged. It is a threat that only a super aggressive DA would make. Mostly because they would have to then build a case against someone else for a crime that any half decent lawyer could argue the DA is full of shit, cuz they already made one mistake about who was responsible, and so it is reasonable they are making a mistake again.
and, moron, "unintelligent idiot" is redundant.
you don't "debate" me because you can't argue with facts.and you don't answer direct questions that challenge the truth of what you say.
you are stupid beyond words, in fact --as your comment above just verified. again.
sorry, jody. i had to swat a fly...i'm not talking to you above.
thanks for clarifying the situation with the public defender.
@Jody-"I cannot stress enough that Delaware County is a friggin nightmare for criminal defense attorneys.
I cannot say whether her attorney was good or not. I would have to read the notes of testimony to have an opinion. All I am saying is from this article, I don't think one can say. The fact that all but one of the charges were dismissed suggests he was not bad."
Baloney. He was bad. What happened to her any hard-working decent lawyer would have prevented. But I can understand 'why' you are in her lawyers corner. Nevertheless, that lawyer was a sorry lawyer and all the excuses about the Delaware Court system won't change that.
NONE of this outrageous crap should have happened to her, "IF" that story is true.
Again, this story stinks to high heaven and any good detective, journalist, or good lawyer with a nose would know that.
maria said...
and, moron, "unintelligent idiot" is redundant.
Did you have to put your teeth in fisrt to say that, becuase I hear folks out your way aren't into having teeth in their 30's and 40's, LOL!!!! Heeeeee Hawwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
we both live in the dc area, remember?
What do you expect from a church that has tortured, murdered and molested MILLIONS in the Americas? Why do we insist on sending or kids to them?
"What do you expect from a church that has tortured, murdered and molested MILLIONS in the Americas? Why do we insist on sending or kids to them?"
This Catholic bashing by you and Maria has got to stop. Catholics like Pope John Paul and Mother Teresa have been good people. In God's name, please stop the bashing.
Maria you need to attend church, preferably a Catholic church to confess your sins. There are plenty in the DC area.
yeah, i'll get right on that. i'm an atheist, having gone to catholic school. and i have no sins to confess, perhaps you do?
@Maria, what do you mean by being an atheist? How do you go from being a Catholic to being an atheist?
No human being is an atheist.
if you spend enough time with catholics--such as going to school as i did--you turn into an atheist.
I have two things to say about this shit. 1) Where can I send a donation to her legal defense fund(if she doesn't have one then why the hell not?) 2) Reading shit like this always reminds me why I can't fucking stand THOSE people. I wish someone would create a disease to kill them off.
Maria, "if you spend enough time with catholics--such as going to school as i did--you turn into an atheist."
Yeah, I know. Many are angry at the church and God, but they are not atheists. They have lost faith due to their encounters with spiritually sick folks in the school. So they reject God and church. But rejecting God and church out of anger doesn't make you an atheist. Because what you rejected still exists in the dark corners of your mind.
That is why you have an adverse reaction whenever the word "Catholic" or "God" is mentioned. And 'God forbid' that you read a negative story about a Catholic school.
You overreact and go into a tirade like other angry ex-Catholics do. But that is a sign of someone who has lost faith. It has little to do with atheism. I doubt if there is any human being who is truly an atheist. Deep down in every man, woman, or child there is a Greater Reality than their self-centered petty ass ego that goes around creating conflict.
nice try, but i have no interest in discussing the many reasons i reject the concept of god and all religions and none are the superficial ones you raise.
catholic just happens the religion of my parents. my actions and intentions are to live a good life as a person of integrity and morality and to do what i can for others...i don't need a single "god" figure to guide my actions.
you're wasting your words on me.
Maria,"my actions and intentions are to live a good life as a person of integrity and morality and to do what i can for others...i don't need a single "god" figure to guide my actions."
That's everybody's intentions but they can't do it. Nevertheless, it's good to know that there are good people like you want to do what you can in serving humanity, which are God's children.
I remember this stroywhen it broke...so they gave the young black female all the negative weight...figgers...or to those in that white power structure (it rhymes with figgers).
I am not shocked, however it seems an appeal may be the order of the day. (To clear her name...also that sentence means she probably will not get into a college if she has to take out a loan from the feds).
I tell you those Catholic schools are getting worse by the minute. Pedophiles, racists, porno freaks, and money changers in the temple...their day is on it's way.
Looks to me this kid has the basis for one hell of a lawsuit, not the least on a Federal Level based on Civil Rights.
Suggest she contact the DOJ, which after 8 years of the Bushit...
Is now back in the business of Civil Right.
I guess you can't expect much from any school, public or private. But it seems to me that the school missed an opportunity to give a lesson or two on conflict resolution.
The sentence is too harsh given that nothing happened to anyone else, like the people doing the actual fighting.
Jody - you are such a 'legal PROCESS technician'.
If only you were about to REAL "societal JUSTICE" instead of the dogma of law.
I like you despite not being able to get along with you.
BET Uncut on the other hand........
[quote]Looks to me this kid has the basis for one hell of a lawsuit, not the least on a Federal Level based on Civil Rights.
Is now back in the business of Civil Right.[/quote]
I have the feeling that BET Uncut is opposed to DEFENSE CONTRACTORS getting money out of the government (that are not 8A certified that is) BUT he believes than a VICTIM should receive MILLIONS in punitive damages from this same government.
I look forward to the day when the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is sued in the "International Criminal Court". This will be the day were BET Uncut and other "Anti-America Americans" are more conflicted on which way to go than EVER BEFORE in their lives.
They will demand that OBAMA become a witness for the PROSECUTION and then their world will return to normal.
This is a sad case. The parents are from South Africa, their daughter first generation in AmeriKKKa. She/her family has been exposed to white racism before, she knows all about it. The family talks about it, its in the archives of her oral family history. Yet, instead of focusing on her schoolwork and handling the beef in a different manner, she is in the middle of a disruption. Is that what she picked up regarding African-American culture? She could be the valedictorian of her class, but she knows deep down that racism could cut her down. Calling her boyfriend, the big showdown afterschool and all of it gone. Many of the posters are right, we need to teach ourselves and our children how to fight intelligently without all the histrionics and drama.
"Many of the posters are right, we need to teach ourselves and our children how to fight intelligently without all the histrionics and drama."
I agree also. This would require a major shift in the way most think in the black community because you can't know what you don't know. Most Blacks have felt powerless and therefore react out of exploding emotions for instant justice, instead of thinking first. It is highly dysfunctional but it is also understandable because Blacks have had to be 'reactive' to injustices most of their lives.
I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, as was my mother and many generations, back to Native Americans. Now we are African Americans, and we caught hell in Pennsylvania. My brothers spent much of their teen years chased and harassed by white policemen. You could not go in certain neighborhoods. We were segregated, meaning whites could live in our neighborhood, but we could not live in theirs.
My brother was taken away from us at the age of fifteen and sent to an all boys school. The alleged crime he committed was never proven, but he was accused by a white female. He did not hit her, or rape her, but she said she saw his private parts. We were a family of Middle class blacks, mother, father, and children. This same brother got out and graduated from Harvard & Stanford. It seems they only go after the best and brightest.
Many times they would arrest young black men for little or nothing, and throw them in jail to be raped and abused. Many of these young men were just barely 16-17 years of age. They will put a young black person in jail, over a white man who is raping and killing little girls. They are trying to recreate slavery, that is why they are taking the best and brightest. It is just another version of the stealing of the young from Africa and enslaving them.
I will spread the word about this young lady. Her future is still before her and we cannot give up on her.
How did this turn out??
Detective Santoliquito did the same thing to me in 2010, was very unprofessional, and told my parents I would mount to nothing and end up in and out of jail for the rest of my life. He badgered me and judged me because of who I was
I am completing my Master's this summer.
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