Pssst; hey field, do you feel like doing a little running? You being Jamaican and all I know you like to get your run on.
No racism, please leave me alone! I am not chasing you tonight. I just had a meeting with my accountant, and life is too good here in A-merry-ca. Not even you can ruin my red white and blue high, tonight.
OK field, but think about it, I have a new story for you:
"The photos taken by Jordan Miles' mother show his face covered with raw, red bruises, his cheek and lip swollen, his right eye swollen shut. A bald spot mars the long black dreadlocks where the 18-year-old violist says police tore them from his head.
Now, 10 days after plainclothes officers stopped him on a street and arrested him after a struggle that they say revealed a soda bottle under his coat, not the gun they suspected, his right eye is still slightly swollen and bloodshot. His head is shaved. The three white officers who arrested him have been reassigned. And his mother says she is considering a lawsuit.
"I feel that my son was racially profiled," Terez Miles said. "It's a rough neighborhood; it was after dark. ... They assumed he was up to no good because he's black. My son, he knows nothing about the streets at all. He's had a very sheltered life, he's very quiet, he doesn't know police officers sit in cars and stalk people like that."
OK field, but think about it, I have a new story for you:
"The photos taken by Jordan Miles' mother show his face covered with raw, red bruises, his cheek and lip swollen, his right eye swollen shut. A bald spot mars the long black dreadlocks where the 18-year-old violist says police tore them from his head.
Now, 10 days after plainclothes officers stopped him on a street and arrested him after a struggle that they say revealed a soda bottle under his coat, not the gun they suspected, his right eye is still slightly swollen and bloodshot. His head is shaved. The three white officers who arrested him have been reassigned. And his mother says she is considering a lawsuit.
"I feel that my son was racially profiled," Terez Miles said. "It's a rough neighborhood; it was after dark. ... They assumed he was up to no good because he's black. My son, he knows nothing about the streets at all. He's had a very sheltered life, he's very quiet, he doesn't know police officers sit in cars and stalk people like that."
A judge continued the case until Feb. 18 after the officers failed to appear at a hearing Thursday, Miles' attorney, Kerrington Lewis, said.
The police department is saying little as it investigates and isn't releasing the officers' names. Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said that the city is investigating whether the officers' actions were justified and that if they weren't, "they will be held accountable for those actions."
"The incident was very troubling to me, and we're taking it very seriously," Ravenstahl told reporters. "It seems as if there was a tremendous amount of force used."
Miles' family describes him as a studious teenager who plays the viola for a jazz band and the orchestra at Pittsburgh's prestigious Creative and Performing Arts High School.
The confrontation began around 11 p.m. Jan. 12, when the teenager walked out of his mother's home and headed to his grandmother's, where he spends most nights. His mother complimented him on the new jacket he had gotten for his birthday.
"It looks handsome," she said, smiling as he walked down the front steps.
As Miles walked up the block, he noticed three men sitting in a white car, "but I thought nothing of it," he said.
The criminal complaint says Miles was standing against a building "as if he was trying to avoid being seen." But he says he was walking when the men jumped out of the car.
"Where's the money?" one shouted, according to Miles. "Where's the gun? Where's the drugs?" the other two said. "It was intimidating; I thought I was going to be robbed," Miles said.
That's when he says he took off back to his mother's house but slipped on the icy sidewalk. Before he could pull himself up, Miles said, the men were at his back.
"That's when they started beating me, punching, kicking me, choking me," he said.
Not until 15 minutes later, when uniformed officers drove up in a van and Miles overheard their conversation, did he realize he had been arrested, he said. Initially, when the handcuffs were clamped around his wrists, he thought he was being abducted, he said.
The police believed Miles, who appeared to have something heavy in his pocket, was carrying a gun, according to the affidavit. The police say they used a stun gun on the teenager. According to the affidavit, the object in Miles' pocket turned out to be a bottle of Mountain Dew. But Miles says he didn't have anything in his pocket and rarely drinks Mountain Dew."
Sorry racism, I still won't bite. Hey, the kid could be lying. I know damn good and well that those black kids love Mountain Dew. And besides, as one of my regular black conservative readers like to point out, he could be one of those "street pirates". The police can't be too careful these days. If the kid wants to avoid these types of confrontations tell his mama to move to a better neighborhood.
Furthermore, the president didn't talk about it like he did with Skip Gates, so I don't see anything here to get excited about. It's not like the kid was a college professor or anything.
Field, you are no more fun. The man has finally gotten to you.
I know. Next week I am checking out country club memberships.
this is a damn shame!
I thought at some point, people were gonna start burning down police stations and mobbing random cops over this shit. Instead, there's a sense of apathy in the air, followed up by the fact that most people in the 'hood see the cops as a bigger threat than the most vicious drug dealer. At least the dealers won't harass individuals out of the blue.
Where will this lead? See how people in the Third World regard cops. Not saying America is descending into Third Worldism, but we are taking on quite a few aspects of it.
Wait, I thought we were post-racial now... you mean white cops are still beating black teenagers for no reason?
Hey Filled Negro:
Notice from the time stamp - I was on it before you were.
Police Misconduct In Pittsburgh
Even a Pro-Police/Anti-Street Pirate person like me can admit that the police went too far.
But of course I had to balance it out:
Dekalb County Police upgrade to .40 Caliber Pistols To Match The Firepower Of The Street Pirates
Field I wondered if you were going to post about this. Its a clear indication of how much things have not changed.
Folks always wonder why this -police brutality --is a big deal, well it is because when a citizen assaults you at least there is the chance that one can get recourse. But when a representative of the State abuses someone --in this case rightly referred to as "pigs" --there is a very good chance that there will be no recourse and thus no justice.
Unconstructive one no one needs to balance this and your example is not a good one because there is no concrete evidence that cops in Dekalb need more weaponry. What is obvious is that young people need more opportunity so that they can indeed compete fairly. And if you know anything about cops they seldom run to where shots are actually are being fired they usually wait until the shooting is over. And they seldom engage in shooting unless they have the clear numerical and weapons advantage.
You have a warped way of thinking. Captalist abuse can not be balanced, they have State Power and thus ultimately can do what they want. In other words street offenders have a chance of being brought to justice. I find the term street pirates offensive esp. since you seem to aim the term at black youth, yet you steadfastly refuse to call out those who rob with pen and pencil and those who use lies to rob steal, invade and occupy and kill thousands in the process.
It strikes me that you never use derogatory language toward those who steal millions and cause much more suffering than any street thug could ever do.
liberation then peace
"Unconstructive one no one needs to balance this and your example is not a good one because there is no concrete evidence that cops in Dekalb need more weaponry"
Mel, the [un]constructive one always has to be "fair and balanced". :)
Still, it's nice to see him chasing racism for once.
"Wait, I thought we were post-racial now... you mean white cops are still beating black teenagers for no reason?"
Hank..he was drinking a "Mountain Dew". It's Pittsburgh, I think he is only supposed to drink Coke.
police are a necessary evil
who over step their bounds
most are mainly harmless
some are dangerous clowns
I will never trust them
the power warps their mind
nothing to do about it
they are the thin blue line
when they're over zealous
who are you gonna call
they're one big happy family
all for one and one for all
have to trust your instincts
when you see them near
make yourself real tiny
try to hide and disappear
this guy couldn't see them
undercover as they were
soon he took a pounding
they made his vision blur
his mother's saying lawsuit
and with that I do agree
but shouldn't there be prison
for this senseless brutality
I can't stant these lying ass Negroes who scream police brutality. Now this dude knows that his braids were too long and caused him to trip and fall on those police nightsticks.
They should've tasered his black ass so he would be dead right about now and we wouldn't have to read this nonsense.
"Field I wondered if you were going to post about this. Its a clear indication of how much things have not changed."
I love how two or three officers get to dictate whether things "have changed" in the minds of folks like you. People that look for negative stories will get them. Always.
This blogs readership mainly falls into a very predictable demo. People that will excuse the murders of cops that has been on the uptick recently, but will jump on any and every "brutality" case. Most of which don't have a leg to stand on. This MAY be one of those rare cases of brutality where there isn't grey area and the police overstepped.
finefroghair, I bet your fan club is growing.
Rippa, yu need Jesus buway.
"This blogs readership mainly falls into a very predictable demo. People that will excuse the murders of cops that has been on the uptick recently,."
You must have missed those posts where I condemn cop killers and praise all the brave men and women who put their buts on the line to protect the likes of moi.
But I know, it's much easier to just jump into the fray with the same old bullshit talking points.
Sad. :(
Anon: You obviously have your mind made up about what goes on in this society. You are either dishonest or terribly ill-informed if you think that brutality cases are rare. But that is the point isn't it, "you think." Your thinking is obviously not supported by the facts. Because you want to think that brutality doesn't occur then in mind it doesn't. That's just foolish. If you haven't noticed folks on this blog at least attempt to back up what they say by facts or at least good anecdotes.
And BTW the cops don't just harrass black folks and other people of color, they beat poor working class whites and women who ever they need to remind of their place in society at that particular time.
If you disagree so vehemently with the reality that is America, why don't you just sit back and enjoy your fake version of reality and leave those alone who talk about the real country and how we can hopefully change it.
This track by Lupe...does a pretty good job on this issue.
White Man's Justice Black Man's Grief -author Donald Goines. I watch MSNBC and CNN all the time and this is the first time I am hearing about what happened to this young man.
I wish some of the commenters on this blog would, like Field does, attempt to discern what is specifically racist behavior as opposed to what is just human nature. Greed & exploitation feed on racism, because racism is a weak link in the chain of human community. But the most nakedly racist acts gain the racist nothing but a perverse pleasure derived from hatred, which is undisguised evil. A commentator in a previous post seemed believe rich white liberals were racist because they didn't sell their mansions & give their money to poor black people. That's ridiculous. They won't sell their mansions & give their money to anyone. It's only human.
@mellaneous - You're damn right. Anybody who doesn't look wealthy is a target for a bad cop. If you're in a poor white neighborhood you're a target too because cops know who can and can't fight back. The poor are easily abused because they lack the connections and education to successfully punish those who abuse them. Bad cops are the same as any other predator. They know who to target without getting punished or caught and boy do they target.
The problem even with 'good cops' is that if they live in a large enough or crime ridden enough place they will start to think every civilian is a criminal who hasn't been caught. A lot of honest cops will admit this aspect. The truth is being a police officer takes a part of a person and changes them because most of your time is spent with human tragedies and the worst of people.
I honestly believe that cops should be constantly rotated as a buffer against developing that attitude. Put them on desk duty, safety patrol, traffic, ball games and everything else to keep any single one from spending too much time on the bad side. I think this would do both the police and the rest of us a service even though the police would howl about it. Stop the officers from developing the attitude that inevitably develops from always seeing tragedy and crime and police brutality and stupidity will go down.
blah blah blah i cant stand it anymore.
She needs to stop the consideration and get on with the consultation of a lawyer and file some documents. We got their back. If someone gives the time and place i will get on the bus and be their to support this brother. Peace
@ FN:
Just when I was trying to think of how I can get my program started in Haiti at the end of the year and feel as if I have done something worthwhile for my fellow man...you show me this and my heart is aching once again. There is so much we need to do as a people.
My son was a victim of police brutality when he was younger than this young man (16) and has to live with the physical and mental scars everyday. These types of actions cause PTSD with a big "T"...which is difficult to recover from (as opposed to the small "t" which one can learn to live with through counseling). That was intended to progress and not digress.
I have said time and time again...the fight in this country is between white men and black men...it always has been and always will be. White men at once love and hate the black man...they envy them and want to kill them...and anyone that does not know that is not only foolish but will likely become a victim, in some way, at the hands of white gang members such as the ones depicted in that young man's story.
SMH and sobbing....
Peace (if you know what it is)
~agape (if you know what that is too) 2010~
FN did you ever speak to Exodus' comment on yesterdays post? She/he had a good point. But was it one that you pretend to not see and overlook?
A judge continued the case until Feb. 18 after the officers failed to appear at a hearing Thursday, Miles' attorney, Kerrington Lewis, said.
The COPS don't show up for the hearing. SMH
This is sad, field. You know I have a soft spot for the youth of America. What a horrible lesson for him to learn.
I saw this and it still make me SMH
@agape--white men envy black men and want to kill them.
what makes you say they envy them?
Hows the smoking coming along?
FN did you ever speak to Exodus' comment on yesterdays post? She/he had a good point. But was it one that you pretend to not see and overlook?"
Not worth commenting on. My body of work speaks for itself. Google is a wonderful search engine. Tell"exodus" to use it.
Agape, you are a brave person, you said what Black people should know by now, but, most of our people Refuse to believe RACISM is alive and well! most do not want to deal with it, so they sweep it under the rug and think they still a have a right to be EQUAL to the WHITE MAN, well, NO, not in the WHITE MAN'S eye's the WHITE MAN'S job is to remind BLACK MEN that they are MASTER!
There are Black men like CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK that put our PEOPLE in DANGER! they think they have ARRIVED! so they try to tell us to ignore RACISM! they tell us it is our Fault, they tell us NOT to think in term's of RACE! well, I say as a Black Woman in AMERICA, get far away from people like CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK! for they are far worse than any WHITE RACIST! for these black people, give the WHITE MAN the okay to Persecute our people!
I am not surprised at what is taking place in AMERICA, we have a Black President, and as long as he is President, our PEOPLE will pay a PRICE, it is left up to our people to accept AMERICA for what it is, this country was build on RACISM!
People like CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK is very watchful when it come's to the President and other BLACK MEN! he will NOT hesitate to tear these men down, but, he refuse's to CHALLENGE RACISM! he is AFRAID too, and I can understand why, it must be HARD to be a man and be told day by day that you are LESSER than, you don't amount to very much, as long as you are a BLACK MAN! it matter's NOT what degree of Education you have, you are still LESSER!
Ii is a shame what happened to this young man but, our people should be more watchful, don't take anything for granted, if they will come after the President, they will come after you, don't matter where you live, what type of car you drive, what type of job you have, what matter's is, staying alive in 2010, the year of OBAMA, because, if you don't look after yourself as a Black man, the President surely can't! the President has BLACK and WHITE'S coming after him and his family on a daily basis! this is NON STOP, the BLACK'S are worse than the WHITE'S! BLACK PEOPLE putting the President's life in DANGER!
It's time for BLACK MEN to think BLACK! and for God's sake, don't think for one minute, you can't and won't find yourself on FIELD'S BLOG being talked about!
Mountain Dew...the new grape Kool-Aid.
@ maria:
Please read..."The Envy of the World" by Ellis Cose.
@ iseeisee:
Honestly, I really do not read what everyone says on this blog (much to my chagrin). However...
If there is one black man in these un-united United States that does not believe that he is under a constant threat from white men I would ask that they do some real research on eugenics.
What I am about to "say" does not apply to EVERY white man...but it does apply to the majority:
I could write and postulate on the when, where and why of it all...but I have "bigger fish to fry". The eugenics movement began in these United States by some of the names we have all come to know...the Carneigies, the Hiltons, the Kennedy's, the Rothschilds, the the DuPont's...ect.
It is ingrained in the white man of America that his mission in life is to keep his foot on the neck of the black man...not the black woman...the black MAN.
The argument in this country has been and always will be about the term known as "race". The word itself is divisive...and who do you think invented that term?
It would be foolish for the black man to attempt to think that he is not under constant seige by white MEN...it is what it is. It is what all black women with black male children still must explain to them.
When my son was coming up the stats said that he was not supposed to be 25 without being incarcerated or dead. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when he turned 30 thinking he turned that corner. Now I realize that his whole life will be about him on a constant look out from real danger by the white MEN in this country. And they run in packs like wild animals...never doing anything one on one...always needing help from each other to create chaos and wreak havoc.
And yet...I still ask and beg for an answer to this question that I posed over a year ago to one of the greatest American philosophers living today...Professor Cornel West...WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF BLACKS IN AMERICA?
All one has to do is listen to the "statistics" and believe the hype coming our way about who we are, what we are, and where we are as a people and believe that our "race" will be a thing of the eventual past.
Won't it be great if the black WOMAN decides to "marry out" from the black man...ALL black men...then we could make some half black babies and our spouses can tell our daughters not to marry anything "dark"...what a genius plan devised...so we can help them eradicate us from these unholy United States.
Some black men already think that the black woman is not worth their weight in gold (except for their mama)...so let's get the black WOMAN to think it's better that she "marry out"...then we can have a country of beige people...no color variation...no differences...no appreciation...just a bunch of beige people living in a world of color.
Who's zoomin' who?
I usually never get on a soapbox on this blog...and I make no apologies to anyone for doing so now. For those that want to comment on what I said...your welcome to your "freedom" of speech...just as I am.
I'm done.
I wish some of the commenters on this blog would, like Field does, attempt to discern what is specifically racist behavior as opposed to what is just human nature. Greed & exploitation feed on racism, because racism is a weak link in the chain of human community. But the most nakedly racist acts gain the racist nothing but a perverse pleasure derived from hatred, which is undisguised evil. A commentator in a previous post seemed believe rich white liberals were racist because they didn't sell their mansions & give their money to poor black people. That's ridiculous. They won't sell their mansions & give their money to anyone. It's only human.
Don't even try, Bob. Thing is, neither Field nor his fan club understands that genuinely racist incidents are ignored because the large volume of completely bogus claims of "racism" have desensitized the public.
If the glove don't fit ...
grinder == "Thing is, neither Field nor his fan club understands that genuinely racist incidents are ignored because the large volume of completely bogus claims of "racism" have desensitized the public.
If the glove don't fit ..."
Claims of homophobia have pretty much overtaken claims of racism. Is that why we're seeing a "desensitization" of the public in that arena?
Proposition 8 is most certainly a response to such desensitization.
I see racism as a curable disease when it can be isolated & called out. It is a treatable psychological & spiritual malaise in individuals. But racism in America is entwined with economic oppression. It has become nearly impossible for poor people of all colors to be poor & maintain dignity. If you're poor & criminals assault you whether you live in the 'hood or a run down trailer park, & police can't protect you, & the government isn't for you, you have no stability. Maybe the preacher makes you feel good one a week. This is what Prez Obama is not delivering - the sense of a having a friend in a high place.
I'm not surprised that incidents like this still occur in 2010, the 21st century, and in a "post racial America" Honestly I fear the police more than I do the so called thugs. I've seen police, 4 to 5 grown men take down one small black teenager, and I've seen it numerous times. I've seen police make situations way worse than what it would have or should have been by being over aggressive. And ofcourse whatever they do they'll get away with it because they are just doing their job. My encounters with police have not been great ones. And a lot of black people have similar experiences. It's also just one of the reasons blacks are less likely to cooperate with police. Racial profiling is real and police brutality is real. These are only isolated incidents if you don't fit the profile. But of course me, and others like me that have had experiences will get dismissed as being paranoid and searching for something that wasn't there. Meanwhile stories like this will continue to happen and the only solution some people have is to shut up and wait for some "real" racism to happen like a lynching or something.
Never forget that the police were the main gangbangers and urban cowboys for many years. There was always a 'black enforcer" in their crew. Now the slant that i take is that in some areas of the city crime is allowed...with the intelligence gathering capabilities..no area of any city in America should be under the hostage of children (the called thugs), Durham in the 80s had the police rotate to firefighters, Dont know what happened to that progham. About this situation with the young man ...EACH AND EVERY BLACK MALE should be taught by a BLACK MALE how to circulate in America society to decrease the odds that you wont get your coconut cracked... Then in some situation...nothing will help if you live/travel in areas that have been allowed to be a taining ground for police tactics and weapontry,as well as new medical techniques when war is not advancing new medical techniques. The Blackman's task is to compete and not have his family mired down in these area. Easy said... but a lot of positive effort must be there.Just by reading these comments, this info must be delivered to the ones that are not reading, Oh yeah as a Panther I have in the day had peaceful and non-peaceful encounters with polce. Dont let emtions rule the moment.
I have a son. Situation like these are tragic and it's a shame how some things haven't changed from 100 years ago.
I think that some of the solutions will require time and careful planning from handfuls of parents and grandparents...one neighborhood at a time.
You see, a bully does this to a child. Sorry white america. This is a child. Bullies feel threatened by those that are more powerful than they. So they retreat. Did you really think they would have done this to Johnny Wonderbread from the burbs?
The only thing that the cops will understand is panther-esque patrols of our children going and coming to school, church whatever. There's strength in numbers. There's not many of our men that are availible, can, or are willing to do this. I know that some of the older boys might not like it if momma or the neighborhood grandmomma acts as crossing guard. Sadly, our kids need bodyguards against the police and other criminals. If it's good enough for Puffy or Jakko's kids, then why not yours. Aren't yours more precious in your eyes? Are we not known for "coming up with something" when stuff hits the fan?
Maybe like minded parents can get some security vans going. All black boys are vunerable. We need to think of some solutions rather than continue on with the wailing. I have no faith in the justice system to correct this. Maybe some of the elders can give some real self-defense classes. Maybe some of you have some better ideas. Either way, our kids can't just be told to "man up" and be put outside to pasture like cows. The picture shows the results. We adults, especially the parents, need to hold ourselves accountable. And where are the local churches and mosques on this one? I hope they took time away from the collection plate counting to find some solutions.
My son isn't a teen. I can't isolate him forever. Seems to me that this poor boy was in an unavoidable situation. The cops will get no punishment. They weren't even held in content for failing to show up to court. Respect?
I say lets think of some solutions. You may think mine are unrealistic. Fine, just do something.
BTW...And to all of the white, other or mentally disturbed readers who are saying..."you're not discerning racism from this situation."
Tough tenders.
This odds of this happening to our male children is ridiculous. I care about them. Not your sensibilities. Not your children.
Please, my people. Let's all do what we can to prevent this from happening again. Some can blog, some can protest, come can give lectures, some can do legal legwork, some can watch their kids and your kids friends carefully....you get the point.
agape said:
"What I am about to "say" does not apply to EVERY white man...but it does apply to the majority:
I could write and postulate on the when, where and why of it all...but I have "bigger fish to fry". The eugenics movement began in these United States by some of the names we have all come to know...the Carneigies, the Hiltons, the Kennedy's, the Rothschilds, the the DuPont's...ect.
It is ingrained in the white man of America that his mission in life is to keep his foot on the neck of the black man...not the black woman...the black MAN.
The argument in this country has been and always will be about the term known as "race". The word itself is divisive...and who do you think invented that term?
It would be foolish for the black man to attempt to think that he is not under constant seige by white MEN...it is what it is. It is what all black women with black male children still must explain to them. "
do the black commenters on this blog believe this? the "majority" of white people think this way--that they have their foot on the black man's neck?
i don't believe that. but maybe it's where i live--dc area and how i was raised--and if you DO believe that, i think it's very sad for everyone. and what about black women?
agape, i do really come here to to learn. i would hope that you could explain your statement that white men love and envy black men and then want kill them in your own words, rather than telling me to read a book.
maybe someone else could expand on that thought, if they agree with it.
Well folks I have known about this story for over a week,the local media covered it for two days and it was a rap!As many around the country may not know there is no Black media in the city of pittsburgh,the two radio stations that were considered black were sold over a year ago to the Catholic Church.The Pittsburgh Courier onces a great Black Newspaper brings no news to help a city who's black population is slowly disappearing into the bowels of hell!
[quote]Field I wondered if you were going to post about this. Its a clear indication of how much things have not changed.
I think you like me Mellaneous because I am always on your mind.
The only problem is that you suffer from myopia.
This incident of Police Brutality as a meme for "NOTHING HAS CHANGED" pales in comparison to the fact that the #1 CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATOR of Black people's RIGHTS is the MURDEROUS STREET PIRATE and yet the Black Community remains SILENT despite seeing "Black people crying on television JUST as was the case when WHITE FOLKS killed us.
Here is a video clip from yesterday Filled Negro.
It tells the tale of some Street Pirates that had beef with a Black man at a club. They follow him home, break into his house and then SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD as he laid in the bed.
You can't tell me that this is not some "KLAN-Style Sh*t"!!! A 9mm and a clip is much more sanitary than a rope and a tree. Besides few Street Pirates were Boy Scouts when they were young and thus they don't know how to tie a strong knot. A 'shot to the dome' is quicker - they lament.
Since Street Pirates are not required to carry "dash board cameras" we may never know who registered this pirate attack.
@ marie:
I do not understand what it is YOU do not get...i refer you to the author Ellis Cose who is as much an authority on the suject as any researcher in a scientific journal. If you really want to know...read that book, or any of his other books. Trust me they are very telling...and reading is fundamental.
As for being in the DC area you sould know better than anyone...Capital Hill is a place where laws and deals are made... not jusT for DC but for the entire world.
I too am from the DC area...Silver Spring to be exact. I was raised with a sense of supporting black businesses, and generally "keeping it in the community". Those days are long gone.
I have lived in Great Britian and witnessed the violence committed to men of color over there (mostly against the "ragheads" because they were afraid of the Rahstahfarians). I also lived in Europe and visited the majority countries there and I witnssed the overt racism exhibited by whites against blacks of every nationality. Belgium is by far the the worst in my opinion.
The book that I refer you to can expound in a much better way than this forum allows. The title (once again) is...THE ENVY OF THE WORLD...by Ellis Cose. If you seek enlightenment start there...or...as I stated earlier...do some research on the eugenics movement in this country...before the idea was GIVEN to Hitler.
If you are serious about learning, as you state, then you will seek the enlightenment and decide for yourself. Critical, independent thinking will serve you far better than me spelling things out for you.
Be well and be blessed.
I hope the lawyers who take this civil suit, and there should be a suit... will include as a part of their demands, not just money, but policy changes in the police department. That can go toward change. It can create policies, if violated in the future, can be grounds for additional criminal charges against any officer that violates them. FYI folks, this young man has one year to file a civil suit and he has to wait until all criminal charges are resolved against him.
Not worth commenting on. My body of work speaks for itself. Google is a wonderful search engine. Tell"exodus" to use it.
What? Your response does not make sense. Did you even read the post he/she wrote? I think it's worth responding to. Google has nothing to do with it.
All I can say is sue in civil court. At least get some $$$ for your pain and suffering. I know an all-white jury is going to set these cops free, so it's best to file a civil action.
"Thing is, neither Field nor his fan club understands that genuinely racist incidents are ignored because the large volume of completely bogus claims of "racism" have desensitized the public."
And of course the grinders of the world will determine what the "genuinely racist" incidents are.
I assure you grinder that some smug white folks may be desensitized to racial incidents but black folks are not.
Why would the pigs, err, "police" expect someone to stop if he sees 3 seemingly crazy people running after him? I mean, c'mon! People avoid people on the street that aren't running after them much less when some nuts are.
P-thetic! I hope they get their asses handed to them and quickly, but I won't hold my breath.
no, a lot of it is covered up and journalists just don't care. many are too cozy with the cops they cover. local journalism doesn't really even exist anymore, either.
i love ellis cose and that book!
see more:
music = healing
my fav songs on killer kkkops:
poetry = healing too
my fav poem abuot killer kkkops
Poem about Police Violence
June Jordan
Tell me something
what you think would happen if
everytime they kill a black boy
then we kill a cop
everytime they kill a black man
then we kill a cop
you think the accident rate would lower subsequently?
sometimes the feeling like amaze me baby
comes back to my mouth and I am quiet
like Olympian pools from the running
mountainous snows under the sun
sometimes thinking about the 12th House of the Cosmos
or the way your ear ensnares the tip
of my tongue or signs that I have never seen
I lose consciousness of ugly bestial rapid
and repetitive affront as when they tell me
18 cops in order to subdue one man
18 strangled him to death in the ensuing scuffle
(don't you idolize the diction of the powerful: subdue
and scuffle my oh my) and that the murder
that the killing of Arthur Miller on a Brooklyn
street was just a "justifiable accident" again
People been having accidents all over the globe
so long like that I reckon that the only
suitable insurance is a gun
I'm saying war is not to understand or rerun
war is to be fought and won
sometimes the feeling like amaze me baby
blots it out/the bestial but
not too often tell me something
what you think would happen if
everytime they kill a black boy
then we kill a cop
everytime they kill a black man
then we kill a cop
you think the accident rate would lower subsequently
"As many around the country may not know there is no Black media in the city of pittsburgh,the two radio stations that were considered black were sold over a year ago to the Catholic Church.The Pittsburgh Courier onces a great Black Newspaper brings no news to help a city who's black population is slowly disappearing into the bowels of hell!"
Don't listen to this bootlickin Tom people.
There is a vibrant black media in Pittsburgh and my cousin Ronald Davenport happens to be a prominent part of it.
Glad to see black folks are getting over this Post-Racial bullshit. Too bad it takes incidents like this to help do it.
We still need to work and build together educationally and economically and spend less time worrying about what white folks are doing wrong.
Stick to the facts you know uptown,there is not a black radio station in Pittsburgh,by the way ask your cuz why he backed out a deal to buy a station two months ago?
You said there was no black media in Pittsburgh Tom.
Ron and Sheridan Broadcasting determined that WAMO was bleeding money.
I know for a fact that they tried desperately to sell the station to minority owners.
Why didn't you and your black conservative buddies step up to the plate?
i absolutely KNOW that blacks are harassed, arrested and attacked a a higher rate than whites. profiling is a fact, encouraged and taught. they do pick on kids.
my son, who is white, and his friends were man-handled and cursed at and verbally threatened ("i ought to stick this shoe up your ass") by undercover cops in my city and had property confiscated (skateboards) with no documentation--no records of who owned what or why they were taken.
i think they drew their attention partly because they are all different races and these cops are definitely racists who don't like to see that. they were not doing ANYTHING but all sitting together on a bench.
my son called me and took him and all the other boys to the police station and i filed a formal complaint, which was sustained and two cops were reprimanded. one was taken off undercover as a result. the sad thing is that as much as i tried, i could NOT get any of the other kids' parents to come in an testify. they thought it was pointless.
i know there would have been more repercussions if all the boys and their parents had come forward.
i feel certain this boy's parents will press a claim.
Uptown I don't know who is full of the bullshit you or Ron,the Catholic Church offered Davenport enough money to say fuck black Pittsburgh.And because they know most black folk here are not media savey,they ran some bullshit about not being able to find a black buyer.Again uptown stick to shit you know!
"they ran some bullshit about not being able to find a black buyer."
So you have some information on this BigMac?
Who was the black buyer that Sheridan bypassed to sell to St. Joseph's?
NAME 'EM or admit you pulled this out of your ass.
I read about this yesterday. Very sad. They tore the hair out of his head. That is horrible. Poor boy. I hope he is able to get the counseling and whatever else he needs to get over this.
I love the folks who are saying that this has nothing to do with racism. Guess it is only racism if you have a white sheet over your head right?
Anyway, Brother Field, have you seen that your girl, and my former neighbor Angela McGlowen is running for Congress in her homestate of Mississippi? Of course as an R. If by some chance those folks down there elect her we will never see the end of her b/c she'll be all over the tv at every Republican event to talk about us bad black folk. Someone needs to send out the drop squad ASAP.
In Pittsburgh?! Why, who would have thought such a thing could happen there?
Pitt is notorious for racial profiling and cops beating and even killing black "suspects."
As much as I like Pittsburgh, it's still a rednecked midwestern bubba town.
Unconstructive one: NO you aren't on my mind I only respond to your ill informed and asinine posts because I feel that since you don't agree with most folks on the blog there has to be a reason you keep coming back. I suspect that you know you are on the wrong side of history.
What you fail to see is that young folks who commit crimes only affect those in their immediate environment. Well yes it is annoying and downright maddening to watch young people do things that just don't seem to make sense,(but a serious analysis shows it does make sense) they don't have power to make law, nor do they have the power to enforce law. If they are shown on videotape beating someone damn near to death they go to jail-everytime. While the cops can be shown doing it and somehow becomes a matter of degree and we have to analyze whether the cops liked the victim or if he had coffee or tea for lunch. And after all that they are set free by those who buy into the capitalist propaganda.
Your so-called street pirates cannot convince folks to sign up and go and kill people that they don't know for a government that proves when they come back from doing its bidding that it doesn't give a damn about them.
You see UCF they didn't with a smile and stroke of a pen put millions of folks out of their homes. They didn't discriminate against folks and make it hard for them to get work and then accuse them of being lazy.They didn't raise prices on housing so that some families are sleeping in the streets tonight. They didn't give folks pink slips not because they couldn't afford to keep them on, but because they could make more money without them and knowing that folks had no way to make a living. They didn't deny someone medical coverage knowing in affect that it would be a death sentence for the person denied. They didn't ship tainted products knowing that they could result in someones demise. They didn't order bombings of folks who haven't done anything to them and then when they bombed civilians refused to apologize.They didn't institute a justice system that locks up poor folks indiscriminately and then throws the book at them and locks them up for long periods of time and all the while knowing that the same system created the conditions that made their crimes if not inevitable but damn likely.
See UCF the real pirates are those with State Power.
And the so-called street pirates can be reformed and redeemed and many of them have and become model citizens.
But this system you love so dearly can not be reformed or redeemed it is evil and in order for humanity to advance it must eventually be done away with it along with those who refuse to act and be human..
liberation then peace
Where'd BigMac go?
He must be serving lunch.
Constructive Feedback said...
Dekalb County Police upgrade to .40Caliber Pistols To Match The Firepower Of The Street Pirates
If you carry anything under .40 cal, (with the exception of .357 mag), you're either a pussy or a pimp.
[quote]People like CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK is very watchful when it come's to the President and other BLACK MEN! he will NOT hesitate to tear these men down, but, he refuse's to CHALLENGE RACISM! he is AFRAID too, and I can understand why, [/quote]
I am still trying to figure you out. Keep talking.
Let me ask you a question.
If I agreed to find you 20 YOUNG BLACK MALES who are MURDERED for every POLICE BRUTALITY claim that you could find across America - would THIS TELL YOU that...............RACISM IS NOT THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH OR ASSAULT for the NEGRO TODAY?
You and Mellaneous are ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT. You are NOT "Pro-Black Safety and Life". IF YOU WERE you'd spend more of your time focus on the MOST FREQUENT MODALITY of MURDER for Black folks. Hint - IT AIN'T THE COPS and it AIN'T Tasers.
it must be HARD to be a man and be told day by day that you are LESSER than, you don't amount to very much, as long as you are a BLACK MAN! it matter's NOT what degree of Education you have, you are still LESSER![/quote]
When Ted Kennedy died this past summer - did you hear what I heard so frequently? Many Negro Leaders who favored Kennedy kept calling Black people" THE LEAST OF THESE".
Thus I AGREE WITH YOU that it is UNHEALTHY to be seen as INFERIOR!!!! We have a connection on this one.
I must ask you though - WHY DIDN'T YOU GO "APE SH**#" when so many people who recounted the life of Kennedy kept proclaiming the INFERIORITY of BLACK PEOPLE by calling us "The Least Of These"?
It is my opinion that Ted Kennedy was the MOST DESTRUCTIVE PERSON to Black Consciousness elected in the past 50 years. Why are you so surprised that the same Black leaders who LOVED TED KENNEDY also referred to Black people as THE LEAST OF THESE?
How Do A People Become the UN-Least Of These?
[quote]Let me ask you a question.
If I agreed to find you 20 YOUNG BLACK MALES who are MURDERED for every POLICE BRUTALITY claim that you could find across America - would THIS TELL YOU that...............RACISM IS NOT THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH OR ASSAULT for the NEGRO TODAY?[/quote]
C.F. Are you seriously suggesting that you cannot see the fault in your own logic there?
[quote] I suspect that you know you are on the wrong side of history.[/quote]
Can't one claim that people who VOTED AGAINST BUSH were "On The Wrong Side Of History" MERELY because he was the president and thus is a HISTORIC FIGURE?
Think about it Mellaneous.
Shouldn't you have a more QUALITATIVE reference to measure this against?
Seriously Mell - HOW MANY BLACK MALES who are not "Resident Fathers" have YOU PERSONALLY told "You stand on the wrong side of HISTORY and thus I REBUKE YOU"?
Or is your rebuke reserved only for people who you disagree with IDEOLOGICALLY?
Please detail the harm that I have done to YOU compared to other people in your life who YOU HAVE NEVER, NEVER, NEVER said this same thing to?
[QUOTE]What you fail to see is that young folks who commit crimes only affect those in their immediate environment[/quote]
HEY ISEEISEE - are you reading these words from Mellaneous? IT sure sounds like she is making the case for the INFERIORITY of the unattached man on the street as compared to a man who is not genetically different but WEARS A BADGE given to him by the "beast" who's BELLY Mellaneous lives within.
Again Mell - lets follow your reasoning. The "Street Pirate" has no POWER as compared to a cop and thus I should not focus upon him.
In YOUR MIND is this how YOU SEE this man or do you fear that society sees him as a fraction of what a police man is DESPITE their ability to punch and shoot people and tender the same results?
HOW CAN WE make the male who has morphed into a STREET PIRATE to transform into an AUTHORITY FIGURE that is TRUSTED BY THE COMMUNITY with the burden of their EXPECTATIONS?
Here was I was thinking yesterday when I was thinking about you. Instead of our daily tit-for-tat I challenge YOU to define a greater framework for BOTH OF US to be bound to.
For starters TELL ME WHAT WE MUST DO to have the MAN who's ACTIONS have him functioning like a "Street Pirate" into a RESPONSIBLE MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY.
Here is your binding: FOCUS ON WHAT HE MUST DO and what YOU EXPECT FROM HIM.
We already know that you have a 500 page PDF file on the USB stick that you carry around on what SOCIETY must do for him.
[quote]C.F. Are you seriously suggesting that you cannot see the fault in your own logic there?
Do tell, governor!
What is the flaw, bloke .
Those cops sound like they were rabid and using steroids. That's why I left the states! In the early 80's I remember in all of New York, they would stop,threaten and verbally abuse anybody that wasn't lily white, blonde haired and blue eyed or had an Irish or Italian accent! Too much! My brother in law almost got killed one day...long story..we got the hell outta there, you can't live like that, you just can't, too much stress....and I guess that's what they wanted, to run all non whites out....fuck them (s'cuse the language :)
Mellanous - STUNNING!!!
You have it bad. Are you really Amy Goodwin?
[quote]Your so-called street pirates cannot convince folks to sign up and go and kill people that they don't know for a government that proves when they come back from doing its bidding that it doesn't give a damn about them.[/quote]
I bet you do a lot of spitting on Veteran's Day - don't you Mell?
So you are saying that the BEAST doesn't care THAT you kill. It only cares WHO you kill and as long as it is in line with the ends that the BEAST desires? You get no argument from me.
At least the BEAST didn't charge the GI with murder. Oh wait - with our new progressive administration that is changing per Blackwater and the Navy Seals who were recently charged with murder.
Which would you prefer though Mellenous?
To have the BEAST charge all of his infantrymen with MURDER, just as he does domestic Street Pirates?
OR would you like to have the BEAST stop sending men to train for and execute MURDER?
BUT WAIT MELLANEOUS - what message do you have for DOMESTIC MURDERS, as you tell them the new rule: "No murders!! Not the beast. Not YOU!!"?
You can LEGISLATIVELY convince the beast to stop KILLING.
What exactly is your message for the Street Pirates? Or is he inferior and thus you don't impart your mandate upon him?
[quote]You see UCF they didn't with a smile and stroke of a pen put millions of folks out of their homes.[/quote]
Mell - didn't the PEOPLE USE A PEN STROKE to get into the house in the first place? I know I did.
They didn't discriminate against folks and make it hard for them to get work and then accuse them of being lazy.[/quote]
Hard to "get work"? How so?
I contend that there is not a "Work Problem" in this nation.
INSTEAD we have an expected PAY RATE and STANDARD OF LIVING by which people who seek to SELL THEIR LABOR INTO THE MARKET are not willing to trade for cash below a certain amount. (Again - Purple Cow - please refute my reasoning).
[quote]They didn't raise prices on housing so that some families are sleeping in the streets tonight.[/quote]
In a gentrifying community Why don't you ask the existing residents to FOREGO PROFITS and instead sell to a low income person at "Social Justice Rates"? (Again Purple - tell me where I am wrong)
They didn't give folks pink slips not because they couldn't afford to keep them on, but because they could make more money without them[/quote]
In the marketplace JOBS are created as a derivative of CONSUMER DEMAND for products or services. IF a company pink slips people out of GREED and then are not able to address the market demand they will either be:
* Missing out on making MORE MONEY
* Will create poor customer service and thus lose customers
* Will hire some of them back to handle the overload
Which of these are not plausible Mellaneous?
[quote] and knowing that folks had no way to make a living.
They didn't deny someone medical coverage knowing in affect that it would be a death sentence for the person denied.
Mellanous - Fear not - in the near future your theories are going to be put to the test inside of the BEAST. Next year the government's deficit will be $1,200 BILLION. The Debt about $14,000 billion.
We are going to see IF "living beyond your means in aggregate" in order to BE ALL TO EVERYONE - Entitlements and Military is SUSTAINABLE.
Mellaneous - you THINK you are "making me conscious". In actuality you are driving me to need a drink to deal with you.
I don't think you realized that you insult most Black people here, not because of any conservative ideas, but because you paint black people with such a broad brush. Many of us here don't have the experiences that you describe and have children that have manners, values and no interest in thuggery. There is also many here that are not one generation into the middle class; but have not run to live in oblivion of white suburbia. Perhaps this is what you don't know, and perhaps you shouldn't speak in ignorance so much. Once again this has nothing to do with the right or the left, it has to do with not projecting your own biases on others.
CF is the prototypical black righty.
He thinks that 90% of us blacks are crack smokin, nine totin baby droppin welfare beggin project dwellin cretins and he and his fellow coonservatives are the only functional black people in America because they parrot the words and thoughts of their beloved white conservative massas.
If you ever want to get rid of him, just ask him a direct question.
Those Cops should get nailed to the wall !
In Detroit we had the Big Four!
They weren't racist.You just had to live in the hood!I know my neighborhood had so many pins on the police map,you couldn't see it.
you got thrwn against the wall and they would rip your car seats out of your car.When they finished they left.
[quote] but because you paint black people with such a broad brush[/quote]
WHERE did I say "All Black people".....
Besides that you are acting a bit "Republican here".
When I see the daily assault or murder of a Black person IN METRO-ATLANTA ALONE and then see the subsequent "Black person crying on the Television news" - are you asking me to TUNE IT OUT - that ain't MY family?
I thought that I was supposed to play the part of the "Selfish Conservative" Hathor?
Here is what I sense.
You fear that in my calling out the prevailing POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT that I am attacking them for no just cause. Thus you feel a bit defensive about my "attack".
Think about it Hathor. I just saw the SCLC do a protest march.........against their own INTERNAL B.S.!!!!!
What if my AGITATION force them to focus upon what matters and what is threatening us?
Is this worthwhile in your book?
It is not that you attack, it is that it is your only pathology. Someone can say the sky is blue and you speak about the liberals or the thugs. That is what I mean about painting with a broad brush.
This post was about an injustice toward an individual young Black man in Pittsburgh and the particular circumstances, not about a murder of a Black person in Atlanta.
Constructive Feedback, Good, you will never be able to figure me out, before I go any further, I think you are the FIELD NEGRO!
Now, I speak as a Prophetess! and that's why you can't Read me, oh how I wish, I could really write in the Prophetic, but, you see, I have to hold back!
Constructive Feedback, you write Pretty, but, that will not keep you from being CRACKED UP SIDE your HEAD, by a WHITE MAN! or maybe you all been Cracked on your head and that's why you have memory LOST, if not, you are a good candidate for a 2010 awakening! and I still think you are the FIELD NEGRO!
I don't know who you are, and I could care less, as far as I am concerned, you and the rest of those 2010 folk's that talk like you, can believe we live in a RIGHTEOUS AMERICA all you want, but, the reality is, WHITE FOLK'S are the most CALLOUS RACE walking on the face of the EARTH sorry, but, Proof is all around!
Marie, from the moment Barack became PRESIDENT, it was open season on YOUNG BLACK MEN all around the age of Twenty Two to Twenty Six! black men being Murdered by White Policemen! this was a pattern, did you miss it? were you paying attention? because trust me, I was! so, you should be grateful your White Son is still alive, and notice I said WHITE!
I am a Christian, and I am not suppose to really talk this way, so excuse me, if I get BLACK!
I want every White person on this comment form to know, I am NOT leaving the face of this ,until God say's so! you people can try to Agitate OUR people into a RACE WAR, but, as long as I know how to Pray, our people will Restrain from Your Planned Tactic's! the key word my people, AGITATE!
Agape, you are Insightful, thank God for that, because if our people don't wake up, we will find our self Herded together like cattle being sold off to the Highest bidder! think it won't happen! keep being BLACK! this may be 2010, but, the moment a BLACK MAN decided to run for President, all HELL broke LOSE! and where is that HELL coming from? I say hell in the Christian context!
Constructive Feedback, God forbid a RACE WAR were to happen, which side are you going to take? are you going to stand with the STREET PIRATE'S or the COP'S that arrest the STREET PIRATE'S?
As long as I live on the face of this EARTH! word correction.
grinder said: "Thing is, neither Field nor his fan club understands that genuinely racist incidents are ignored because the large volume of completely bogus claims of "racism" have desensitized the public."
I guess it's kinda' like when white gay men always claimed they were "gay bashed" when leaving a particular gay night club in LA. Maybe the attackers just simply hated the brand of socks they were wearing.
Now you are standing in MY SHOES!!!
Let me explain MY interpretation when I LISTEN TO MANY PEOPLE ON THIS BLOG.
YOU say that I am "negative toward BLACK PEOPLE".
I say that many of YOU toward:
* America
* The Establishment
* Authorities (Police, Criminal Justice System)
* Corporations
So you are likely to say "YOU ARE RIGHT......they are the bad guys in this world!!".
Thus Hathor - I then back up and ask the question:
"What are the permanent interests of the Black Community?"
* Safe Streets (you know the rest)
Thus Hathor IF our mutual goal are "safe streets" then how is it that YOU can worry about "Killer Cops", noting that THERE IS NO POINT THAT IS TOO EXCESSIVE to talk about "Police Brutality". Yet when I talk about the assault wave upon Black people by STREET PIRATES - I get a soliloquy from Mellaneous about how these INDIVIDUALS don't have the POWER as do a POLICEMAN? This despite the BLACK VICTIM being just as DEAD?
In summary how is my "negativity" against the Progressives that are running these communities were our people are terrorized any more "sellout" than YOUR unwillingness to focus on these EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS that are terrorizing us?
If that same Black man became a COP instead of a STREET PIRATE - he would be fair game for YOUR attack.
Are you (and Mellaneous) really sure that the official title as bestowed by the government is the key to making an INFERIOR man into a SUPERIOR ONE?
What about when you are Somalia which has no (effective) functioning national government?
Is it REALLY the "government sanction" that defines the worth of a man's BRUTAL ACT?
I think NOT - Mellaneous.
[quote]not keep you from being CRACKED UP SIDE your HEAD, by a WHITE MAN![/quote]
[quote]Marie, from the moment Barack became PRESIDENT, it was open season on YOUNG BLACK MEN all around the age of Twenty Two to Twenty Six! black men being Murdered by White Policemen![/quote]
Look at the large POPULATION CENTERS for Black people IseeIsee. Since my friend Mellaneous imparts so much power to the GOVERNMENT you must note that in these places there are TWO LIKELY FACTS:
* City Police Departments run by Black Mayors (Philly, ATL, DC, Newark)
* City Police Departments run by PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC mayors that THE BLACK VOTERS SAW FIT TO VOTE FOR!!!!! (ORD, NYC, BOS)
Here is what is frustrating with you and others IseeIsee - you are NOT WILLING to accept the facts about the ESTABLISHMENT POWERS that YOU ASSISTED TO PUT INTO PLACE via your OWN FREE WILL.
You put your ballot into the 'cookie jar' as you voted "straight ticket" with overwhelming passion as to what POWER would bring you. BUT YOU always reserve the right to CURSE THE BEAST once something that hints of RACISM kicks off.
Is it the "Police Shooting" that is problematic to you OR can you claim that they "get away with 'murder' - as was the case in 1949?"
Again - Black males were the ONLY population segment to see an INCREASE instead of decline in our homicide rate recently (http://newsone.com/nation/news-one-staff/murder-rate-up-for-young-black-men/).
You COMPARTMENTALIZE about the Officer Involved shooting as you are UNWILLING to notate the VIOLENT COMMUNITIES that these same police are asked to control. (NO HATHOR - ALL BLACK COMMUNITIES ARE NOT VIOLENT)
[QUOTE]WHITE FOLK'S are the most CALLOUS RACE walking on the face of the EARTH sorry, but, Proof is all around![/quote]
Wow. I am not going to touch that one. (Jody, RaceTraderess)
This is a case of cops working undercover and not recognizing the folks in the neighborhood they are supposedly saving. I don't understand how these cops probably on stakeout for days/weeks on end can make a mistake like this. What is the description of the drug dealer they are looking for. I don't know how large the black community is in Pittsburgh, but I do believe they know who the dealers and who aren't the dealers.
I don't don't how you can say what I think. I very seldom comment and when I do, I doubt you read them.
When I did speak as what to do, I suggested "feet on the ground" instead of talking an issue to death. I even posted on my blog. Ideas have to be actuated, even if it is one deed at a time.
Recently I wrote a comment (FN's Jan 20 post )about the differences in policing two neighborhoods and why I think its makes a difference in the crime in the neighborhoods.
Did you reply to me about that?
Hey Field you gota talk about this guy in South Carolina who compared feeding poor people to feeding animals.
And help me out Field, Hathor, granny does anyone know what the hell Unconstructive is talking about. It seems whenever he gets painted in a corner and can't really defend the indefensible he becomes obtuse and vague and just plain even more relevant than he usually is. However I get his game he is the one who has no real program so he wants to slow us down. I only respond to some of his stuff for the benefit of making a point I wanted to make otherwise. Usually its probably best to ignore him. Why doesn't he go and hang out with his conservative and right wing buddies. He is not going to convince anybody to see things his way and it is obvious that only God can redeem him so I don't see the point anymore.
Dude you are boring!
[quote]It seems whenever he gets painted in a corner and can't really defend the indefensible he becomes obtuse and vague and just plain even more relevant than he usually is.[/quote]
YOU "painted me into a CORNER"?
I thought that you spilled your Kool-Aid on the floor and that's why it was sticky. I hope that I didn't mess up your water colors.
Mellaneous - SERIOUSLY - your scenario that you "painted me" with up above was not a serious challenge to me. The bottom line of it all is that DESPITE your condemnations of the BEAST - you want to EXPAND your favored people's DEPENDENCY upon the BEAST'S system of RESOURCE REDISTRIBUTION.
If you were to take a step back and inspect yourself you would see that you are a barrel of contradictions and hypocrisy.
[quote] However I get his game he is the one who has no real program so he wants to slow us down.[/quote]
Who is "US"?
Where ARE YOU GOING Mellaneous that SPEED is even relevant?
PLEASE ARTICULATE YOUR GOALS and AGENDA. I am not even sure that your most ardent compatriots know your flow.
[quote]only God can redeem him so I don't see the point anymore.[/quote]
Mellaneous - DO YOU EVER RECALL telling a young man who has GONE ASTRAY that "God offers him SALVATION"?
I am a:
* Black man
* A resident father
* Married (and she is even Black)
* A home owner
* A college graduate
* Gainfully employed
(This makes me elitist to some)
Why is it that I am your ADVERSARY Mellaneous? Because I refuse to agree with your viewpoint?
* Have I KILLED any Black people?
* Have I denied any Black education?
What is it Mellaneous that disturbs you about me so? I don't HATE the institutions of America as you do. The same institutions that you want to CHANGE so that they provide SERVICE - right?
Dude you are boring![/quote]
A banker is the one who is BORING.
Yet he has an Excel spread sheet that knows the TIME VALUE OF MONEY.
With his BORING SELF - he knows how to parcel money out to you and sit back and WAIT as he collects your monthly payment and adds interest charges. MORE MONEY into the accounts of those with SAVINGS accounts. MORE DEBT into those with credit accounts.
Is BORNINGNESS the real THREAT to you Mellaneous? Or is it your DISPLACEMENT inside of a system that GENERATES WEALTH for those who observe and position themselves accordingly?
I don't think that BORING is relevant.
[quote]I suggested "feet on the ground" instead of talking an issue to death. [/quote]
WHO'S "feet on the ground"/
What of the EXISTING"feet on the ground"?
What RESPONSIBILITY do you impart upon them for being the primary vehicle in their own salvation?
How do you SELL THEM on certain attributes of THEIR OWN COMMUNITY and get them to be the "Boots On The Ground" instead of the "Pants On The Ground"?
All I have to say it this, if that was my brother, I'd be another Abu Jama Mumia. I would've had no problem busting a cap in their collective asses. And white people bitched and moaned when 44 said that cops act stupidly.
What happen to "protect" & "serve"
obviously it didnt happen in this situation. sad.
i am a black female and i have been stereotyped as well. trust my education, occupation, morales & values doesnt equal to the color of my skin when it comes to the police. The deck is stacked against me.
Uncon: I am not really disturbed by you, in fact the only time you come to mind is when you get on this blog and make robbers and thieves look like principled people because they wear suits and ties.
And what makes you appear elitist is the way you seem to talk down to folks on the blog.
What is disturbing about you is your disdain for your poorer brothers and sisters and your continuing attempt to make business ripoffs encouraged under capitalism appear legitimate. And you pretend that racism is not a problem and that class society that keeps as much for itself while taking as much from the poor is okay.
I don't hate anyone or anything but I do hate evil.
So yes I hate institutions that drop bombs on folks who haven't done anything to them just for profit and power. And yes I hate a system that has a double standard and is still fundamentally racist and unfair. I could go on but you obviously don't get it, but you probably do but you made it, it has worked for you so more power to it, Right!
You even recently applauded Clarence Thomas who everyone knows hates himself and is an unreconstructed Uncle Tom.
And while you have not killed any black people or failed to educate any black folks you seem to commend the folks who do.
And I really don't understand why you continue to mingle with folks who see that the system is the cause of most of the problems in this society. I mean I really don't understand your constant haranguing on this blog. Clearly we are not your cup of tea.
And stop trying to make it personal, its your ideas that I find despicable I don't know you and from what I am reading I don't care to.
Constructive Feedback, there you go again, DEFENDING the White man, as if he care's about YOU, has he NOT shown you time and time again what he think's of YOU as a MAN or shall They say, A LESSER THAN!
YES, you say, you are a well EDUCATED BLACK MAN, well, you pose the greatest THREAT to the WHITE MAN, YOU are the ONE'S they HATE! you see, you were NOT bought to be EDUCATED! you were purchased to be SUBMISSIVE! if you are a educated BLACK MAN, then you become WISE in the LAW of the LAND, there is a LAW that the WHITE MAN abide by, and this is not the LAW of GOD!
The WHITE MAN has their own LAW, History has NOT lied on the WHITE MAN! so when I say CALLOUS, I mean what I say! if you can beat down the BLACK MAN, you can call out the FAULT'S of the WHITE MAN! but, that is one thing you will not do, why is that? why are you afraid to CALL out the UNJUST BEHAVIOR of the WHITE MAN in AMERICA? you tend to stay in a SAFETY ZONE, why is that? are you afraid GRINDER will challenge you? GRINDER is a WHITE MAN, CALL him out, make him accountable for the UNJUST BEHAVIOR of the WHITE MAN! if you can throw back at me, a mere BLACK WOMAN, why not tell GRINDER he is wrong for defending Racism!
The TRUTH will stand forever! our people have that own our side, we don't have much, but,it is one thing I know, we are MISTREATED in AMERICA! I know this to be the GOD'S HONEST TRUTH! it matter's not what our people achieve, we are still MISTREATED! the young man on the Picture was MISTREATED! and trust me, as he was being beat, he knew it was because he was BLACK! those WHITE policemen PULLED his Braid's OUT! so what were they saying's?
i read about this case the other day.
agape, i must tell you that black PEOPLE are underseige. it is not just the black man. every ill the bm suffers, bw have been right there getting the same treatment without respect for her femininity. in fact, to make the mistreatment of bw more palatable, bw were just deemed less feminine than other women. seems to me that quite a few bm got the memo as evidenced by the rampant mistreatment of bw and bgs.
you mentioned that bw must teach bm....
i tend to agree with the following comment instead:
"EACH AND EVERY BLACK MALE should be taught by a BLACK MALE how to circulate in America society to decrease the odds that you wont get your coconut cracked... Then in some situation...nothing will help if you live/travel in areas that have been allowed to be a taining ground for police tactics and weapontry,as well as new medical techniques when war is not advancing new medical techniques. The Blackman's task is to compete and not have his family mired down in these area."
thank you to the commenter that told that plain truth. ahhh, responsibility and accountability. i love it when folks just make it plain. see, folks get all emotional and REFUSE to address the bigger issue. bfolks, particularly more bm must step up and get down to business. the name of the game is survival of the fittest. those that refuse to adapt don't survive. integration has made bfolks so "colorblind" that quite a few of us can't seem to see each other. most are focused on the "individual". as a direct result, the black american collective is well on its way to permanent underclass in this country. that's for the ones that manage to escape annihilation.
agape, you mention beige baby making relationships. i take it that interracial relationships involving bw trouble you? lol! have you checked the statistics lately to see who is leading the way, and has been for decades, in that respect? hmmmm?
again, bm at some point, will need to act as other men of the planet, and understand that the protection and provision of the women and children is done by all other men to ensure the survival of those people. shirking your responsibility and leaving it to the bw, alone, DOES.NOT.WORK. plus, it makes folks not respect you.
and why do so many bm moan all day about WM as if ww aren't right by their sides aiding, abeiting and reaping the benefits of white supremacy? lol! how do so many bm operate in such forgiveness of ww? i am convinced this is so the mad chase and white female flesh lust/worship will not have to cease. lol! bw have had enough game run, for so long, that i for one reserve the right to call it out. it is long overdue for bw to operate with good old- fashioned common sense and look out for their best interests. bm love bm. bw love bm. who is loving and protecting bw? lol!
unlike quite a few, i cannot get all emotional and pretend as though i have not seen clearly, for sometime now, that there is an annihilation project underway. this project includes, bm, bw and bchildren. as per usual, quite a few bm, are focused only on themselves. as if their suffering is greater than bw and bchildren; who suffer as they do because bm, collectively, don't function as protectors and providers...men. and before folks start making excuses, bm have done more with less in this country. look. see. excuses are killing folks.
the reality is, IF bm are to be saved and live...they will need to save themselves. help is NOT on the way. bw cannot save you either, so who bw choose to partner, marry and procreate with should be the LAST thing bm are focused on right now imo. if interracial relationships bug you, you will be super busy trying to sway other bm from participating in them. lol!
it is mention worthy that for all the dirty cops that have target practice on black people (not just bm folks!) and go on paid vacation after doing so; many more bm and bw are annihilated by other bfolks, especially bm. krs and company rapped about it awhile ago, self destruction...before rap became a vehicle for destroying the image of bm AND bw, internationally, and the minds of bchildren.
folks say his mama should move him out that bad neighborhood, my question is...where is his father? seems to me his family is in need of some provision and protection...
i have a son and i have taught him often that life is not fair. thanks to the media, bm and bb walking around with locs, sagging pants, etc look like "criminals". so, if one does not want to be perceived that way, it would be wiser to pull your pants up, get a haircut, and steer clear of areas where criminals hang out. if you live in such dangerous areas...join the women and children, in the house, if you can't organize and regulate the behavior of other males and the criminal element in your neighborhood!
it isn't fair. but then it isn't quite fair that i can't dress a certain way, go certain places at night, have long hair without folks asking me if it is a weave,folks telling me incredulously that i am "articulate", asking if my ex-husband is my "baby daddy", etc. as a bw. deal with it. we do what we must in order to surive, live and thrive.
life isn't fair nor easy. seems to me that more bm need to roll up their sleeves and go to work...saving themselves. help is not on the way. if you don't value your life enough to save it, why would anyone else?
blessings all,
Maria "agape, i do really come here to to learn. i would hope that you could explain your statement that white men love and envy black men and then want kill them in your own words, rather than telling me to read a book."
That's because she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. Therefore, she has to do the ole 'go read a book trick' to cover her broadstroke guilt inducing lies. Don't believe her and don't bother to read a book based on agape's bs. If she can't take the time to explain her incendiary comment, then it isn't worth your time to read an entire book that she claims will explain her outrageous comment.
Believe me, nobody believes what she has claimed.
@ focusedpurpose:
You are absolutely correct in what you've stated...it is black people as a whole under seige, but it does begin with the black man...and anyone with a hint of intellect can also pick up on what is most important in what you wrote...and that is...
that the bm MUST step up...otherwise we as a people are doomed...the bw cannot continue alone in helping to keep the black family together and educating the young bm on the evils of white america...we need the black man back in the hoome, community and in charge.
I am glad that you wrote what you wrote...it made me feel good to know that I can get "checked" by the black man and learn something about me and the bm in the process...kudos to you for that! and I thank you (saying it humbly and sweetly :)
Now watch how I deal with that azzhole annon...:/
@ annon @ 11:09 pm:
hush chile...grown folks talkin'
@ focusedpurpose:
apologies for thinking that you were a bm...and proud to to be "checked" by a black woman (saing it not so humbly and not so softly now :)
I guess I'm back where I started on this...
@ et. al:
For the record...I am pro black...which does not make me anti anything...
Mellaneous - YOU are a bigot. Plain and simple. There are "right-wing bigots". There are "left-wing bigots". You are a victim of your world view.
You fail to see the contradictions in yourself.
You HATE but you believe that you HATE out of "justice".
[quote]And what makes you appear elitist is the way you seem to talk down to folks on the blog. [/quote]
So let me understand this. The CORE of my belief is that EVERYONE ONE IS AN EQUAL HUMAN BEING. Yet you believe that I am an "elitist"?
I think what you are sensing is my unwillingness to wallow into YOUR "victim theory".
You should not confuse the contempt that I have with "Black Inferiorists" - a political tactic with any contempt that I have for "Black people". I would have to have contempt for my BLACK SON if I had such contempt. Indeed it would be self hatred.
Mellaneous - I challenge you to read the judicial record of Brother Justice Clarence Thomas against Ruth Bader Ginsberg on race related matters. BY FAR - Ginsberg is the BLACK INFERIORIST. She will insure that the next 100 years for the Negro will be subordinate like the last 200.
The Grio focused upon Thomas' ruling in the school strip search case. They FAILED to look at "Kelo vs New London. The government TOOK PRIVATE LAND and gave it to another PRIVATE entity. Mellaneous - consider how Blacks have been impacted by URBAN RENEWAL.
What you fail to see is that Thomas is attacked by a SWARM OF LEFTISTS and thus he is mocked. Ginsberg is LOVED by your ideological soul brothers. FOR ME - Ginsberg is a "Female Ted Kennedy" - assaulting Black consciousness by her "fish distribution".
What is disturbing about you is your disdain for your poorer brothers and sisters and your continuing attempt to make business ripoffs encouraged under capitalism appear legitimate.[/quote]
Mellaneous - MY WORDS are far, far, far less of a VOTE OF SUPPORT than are YOUR DOLLARS and continued presence inside the BELLY OF THE BEAST. It appears to me that you are overcompensating for YOUR OWN INTERNAL DEMONS by focusing upon my apparent "defense". You hate the beast yet in your proximity to it YOU FUND IT with your daily productivity and taxes paid.
You rationalize that your RESOLVE AGAINST IT counterbalances your complicity. IT DOES NOT!!! A person living in Guatemala, Chad or Laos who also resents America for just cause - IS NOT BENEFITING FROM the fruit that the BEAST eats, sending it into the BELLY for consumption by those trapped WITHIN.
You are merely BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU Mellaneous. You can't stand this fact.
I have NO CONTEMPT for these poor people. I ONLY have contempt for THOUGHTS that some people have SETTLED UPON.
THOUGHTS can make an EQUAL HUMAN BEING grovel, form a network of GROVELERS. Accept POLITICAL HELP from people who see them as INFERIOR and who feed them enough for nourishment but who FAIL TO ASK ANYTHING OF THEM so that one day their own ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT will no longer have them GROVELING but instead working together for community uplift.
And you pretend that racism is not a problem and that class society that keeps as much for itself while taking as much from the poor is okay.
Mellaneous (and IseeIsee):
Would you agree that it is important that both of our MODELS OF THE WORLD be ACCURATE in order for it to effectively prioritize a set of SOLUTIONS?
I make the case that an airplane designer has to factor for ALL of the forces that bear down upon a plane in order for it to FLY but also LAND WITHOUT CRASHING.
What if he focused on the gravity of RACISM but failed to make note of turbulence, crosswinds and microbursts DUE TO his obsession with GRAVITY (racism)?
THE PLANE WILL likely have powerful engines to over come GRAVITY.
The plane will CRASH and all on board will DIE because she failed to implement controls to handle these other forces seeking to push this craft off course.
It is NOT the predominate M.O. for DEATH OF THE NEGRO in 2010!!!!!!!!
Not even close.
I counter, Mellaneous - that those who focus upon the threat of MURDER from WHITE FOLKS when STREET PIRATES are, BY FAR, the most frequent source are infected with "NON-WHITE WHITE SUPREMACY".
Oh I realize, Mellaneous that you have crafted an elaborate scheme by which the WHITE MAN WITH A BADGE who is a racist is a SUPERIOR threat per his "license" provided by the government than a Black man who was given "license" by a local drug gang/Warlord to enforce the corners.
In truth YOU are NEVER going to look at the EQUAL OUTCOMES and thus view BOTH as EQUALLY DETRIMENTAL if left unchecked.
Even still - If I assume that the police of Newark are the AUTHORITY per their official sanction - this QUALITATIVE appraisal as compared to the Street Pirate does not trump the QUANTITATIVE number of MURDERS that far outdistance the number rendered by the AUTHORITIES.
THE ONLY way you can hold your ground on this point (and IseeIsee) is for you to be a BIGOT!!
* Drug Sales
* Property Crime
* Physical "Booty" per the women that he impregnates but fails to be a RESPONSIBLE FATHER and a DEPENDABLE MATE
The difference between you two and ME is that YOU BLAME SOCIETY for his fate and DEMAND that the BEAST - RESTORE HIM int he name of SOCIAL JUSTICE!!!
I see the CONTRADICTION of this notion and demand that the LOCAL ECO-SYSTEM that bears down MOST upon this YOUNG PERSON DURING HIS/HER MOST FORMATIVE YEARS focus upon developing an END PRODUCT that is able to DEFEND the interests of the community rather than BEING THE threat that OUTSIDE FORCES OF "AUTHORITY" must "occupy" in order to maintain the semblance of "community" there is.
You may call this "BLAME THE VICTIMS".
I call what YOU subscribe to as "ASSUMED INFERIORITY of those you call VICTIMS". You DON'T THINK that some of these people are COMPETENT to map their DAILY ROUTINE with a long term course of action that expresses their own best interests.
Thus it is FAR FAR EASIER to constantly lean against the AUTHORITY, demanding that THEY lift you up in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Mellaneous - YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY want to exit the BELLY within which you reside. YOU ARE DEPENDENT UPON IT. Your GRIEVANCE AGAINST IT bonds you per your hope of a REPARATIONS payout for "what it DID TO YOU".
[quote]Constructive Feedback, there you go again, DEFENDING the White man, as if he care's about YOU, has he NOT shown you time and time again what he think's of YOU as a MAN or shall They say, A LESSER THAN![/quote]
IseeIsee - what is your view on UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FOR THE BLACK MAN?
You see - I am a GROWN AZZED MAN!!!
I no longer am subject to TAUNTS!!!!
YOU ALL go against your own notions about how "He cannot be trusted". HE will be the main one sticking medical instruments in all of the ORIFICES OF YOUR BLACK BODY!!
Do you TRUST that which PROBES YOU?
I would like to shift from your overgeneralized statement about "The White man" over to the PRINCIPALITY of Capitalism or the "Beast" called the United States. A Puerto Rican solider fighting for America can KILL as many people as can a WHITE solider when they are given the same M-16.
Your contradiction is shown by the fact that your "attacks" on the Principality is not matched by YOUR OWN ACTIONS as you live within.
I bet that when you went on that international cruise a few years ago and LEFT THE BELLY - you didn't think twice about using your passport for reentry BACK INTO THE BELLY. 6.3 BILLION human beings on this planet DO NOT have this privilege that YOU DO. (I am not saying that all would want to come).
The TAUNTS don't work IseeIsee.
It appears that you want me to BE ANGRY and lash out.
You WANT others to believe that in my "access" to the network that the AUTHORITY has afforded me that I have the disposition of "You see - if you Negroes would simply learn how to behave - you could be like me".
Instead I AM looking at those who WILLFULLY assault INNOCENT BLACK PEOPLE from WITHIN the protected space and I am calling out YOU for not calling out the "loved one's" who's SLASHING BLOW is more painful. It is so because it is against your UNPROTECTED UNDERBELLY which you afford them access to for no other reason than their SKIN COLOR.
You should be MORE PISSED that an INSIDER has KILLED YOU just as you would expect a WHITE PERSON who hates you to have done. The White is driven by RACISM.
You provide cover for the Pirate, saying that he was CONDITIONED by the White man and thus HE HAS KILLED.
* Isn't he one have YOUR genetic instruction and the other half from the Black man that you honor?
* Didn't HE come from YOUR WOMB?
* Weren't YOU the Hand that rocked the cradle?
WHAT WAS HE NOT TAUGHT during the formative years that YOU MANAGED?
How did he turn against YOUR interests and into the hands of the Beast?
You MUST have the BEAST AS SUPERIOR for the CONSPIRACY to remain.
The conspiracy says that:
We must constantly FIGHT this EXTERNAL FORCE, this TRUMPING OUR FOCUS on the INTERNAL.
You have a choice to make IseeIsee, along with every other person in our community:
BOIL THE OCEAN by which the BEAST will be cooked and thus KILLED
Make sure that all of the HUMAN RESOURCES that you DO HAVE INFLUENCE UPON are adequately yolked with CONSCIOUSNESS so that they COMPLIMENT the ECO-SYSTEM instead of triggering OUTSIDE AUTHORITIES sent by the "beast" to come in and retain ORDER.
Worst of all IseeIsee - the true test of the credibility of your agenda is if this ECO-SYSTEM could survive IF it was removed from the BELLY OF THE BEAST and forced to survive on its own WHERE EVER it lands.
Keep in mind that forced exodus is NOT the only means by which you will be left alone.
It is far more likely that THE BEAST will become FINANCIALLY INSOLVENT and thus you will be freed from the belly once the SCAVENGERS in the Wilderness come along and open up the beast's stomach as it feeds on its body.
What "Social Justice Rights" does a person living in EXPOSURE around the world have to draw upon?
[quote C.F.]What is the flaw, bloke .[/quote]
'Mate', not 'bloke'.
The flaw in your logic is simple.
Racism leads to poor education and poverty.
Poor education and poverty lead to crime.
Crime leads to violence.
I'm not excusing people who commit violent crimes. But the truth is racism directly leads to, and is one of the most important drivers of, black-on-black violence.
[quote]* Racism leads to poor education and poverty.
* Poor education and poverty lead to crime.
* Crime leads to violence.[/quote]
Purple Cow:
Have you EVER called a Black man who has gone trough the process of oppression (and had it stick in his mind and radiate from his persona) that you have listed above and thus NEEDS YOUR PROTECTION an "Idiot"?
Or is such a word reserved for Black men who DON'T SEE THEMSELVES as a VICTIM, per your prescription? Thus your word appears to be a weapon used only against those who you believe can withstand your verbal attack without having his self-worth damaged.
Your mission should be to make more Black men who are strong enough for YOU to call them an "Idiot". Then when a RACIST calls them as such - it will flow off of their backs BECAUSE the NAME CALLER DOES NOT DEFINE THEIR WORTH. They are INTERNALLY YOLKED.
Just for grins - If RACISM is as you say it is - WHAT ABOUT the White people who are poor? I have a clip of "European Journal" which shows a poor WHITE neighborhood in the UK where there is violence, murder, fatherless children and drug dealing.
In certain African nations where Black Africans are the monopoly majority THERE IS POVERTY. Surely your list does not model the REAL WORLD. But is this your intent in the first place?
You can't "make poverty" any more than you can "make COLD". An air conditioner TAKES HEAT AWAY and thus the ABSENCE OF HEAT is experienced as COLD to the human senses.
RACISM ------> Poor Education & Poverty
Poor EDU & POV ------> Crime
Crime ------> Violence
1) When THE VICTIMS of racism start TAKING CONTROL OVER the political, administrative and labor establishment OF THEIR OWN SCHOOLS, Purple Cow - HOW MANY YEARS should tick by BEFORE you are willing to look toward THIS ESTABLISHMENT to SUCCESSFULLY take in a new crop of BLACK 6 YEAR OLDS and turn out a well adjusted crop of Black 17 year olds upon MATRICULATION through the educational system and COMMUNITY ECO-SYSTEM that they now control?
There is NO WAY IN HELL that you can claim that THE FORCE OF RACISM IN 2010 is the DEATH BLOW upon the Black in America and "God's Country" - the UK.
EDUCATION is EMPLOYED as the means of DISCIPLINING THE MINDS of young HUMAN RESOURCES to fulfill a ROLE that has been identified by the ESTABLISHMENT.
There is a need to stop the bridges from collapsing - WE TRAIN ENGINEERS!!
There is a need to more efficiently manage a factory - we train PROFESSIONAL MANAGERS and skilled technicians and more proficient laborers
Or is his ABILITY TO ORGANICALLY PRODUCE THIS STANDARD OF LIVING per his interplay with OTHER HUMAN RESOURCES that he provides services TO, receives COMPENSATION in exchange for the VALUE that he has passed to them and he now has money to PURCHASE and CONSUME something of value to him, paying this MONEY to this other individual. Rinse and Repeat.
CRIME is a function of:
* Not having a SET OF SKILLS that afford you the ability to OPERATE WITHIN A SYSTEM that brings you wealth in a more ACCEPTABLE mode.
* Not living WITHIN THE BELLY of a "SYSTEM" that has a SLOT for you to apply your skills - thus the "criminal act" IS the SYSTEM that you work within.
agape--we need the black man back in the home, community and in charge.
you need the BM in charge in the home? or everywhere? can't agree that men should be in charge--in the home or elsewhere. it's not 1955 and i'm not living my mother's life. it's supposed to be a partnership.
and thank you, anon. when folks throw down incendiary statements with no details or facts and then say "go read a book...." when you ask them to explain does leave you wondering...and i didn't see anyone backing up his/her? claim.
"it is long overdue for bw to operate with good old- fashioned common sense and look out for their best interests. bm love bm. bw love bm. who is loving and protecting bw? lol!"
Oh bull$hit.
You despise black men and it colors your every utterance.
50% of white marriages end in divorce and a significant portion of white children are growing up in single parent homes but women like you still exclusively demonize black men for supposedly refusing to be "protectors and providers".
You looked down your nose at my relationship simply because my wife is an attorney and I have a mere bachelors degree.
The fact that I've been a provider and protector of my family for 23 years doesn't matter to a nut like you..
My wife "married down".
The fact is that scowling bitter castrating bw like you repel men because of your negativity and refusal to evaluate yourselves.
Whether you want to accept it or not there are plenty of positive brothers out here who do the right things for the right reasons every day while no one but their families and friends are looking.
Don't expect any of them to get with somebody like you though.
Life is tough enough for a brother.
You don't need still another adversary right in your house.
Now, where's my coffee?
lol! are you going to take on CF after a cup?
ignore uts sista!
i get accused of hating all black men every time i tell the truth on any one bm too:
[quote]lol! are you going to take on CF after a cup?[/quote]
Maria - I would prefer that Steve detail WHAT HE AGREES WITH ME ABOUT and use this as the FOUNDATION of our PERMANENT INTERESTS.
From there we can evaluate the worth of our THEORIES based on the RESULTS delivered over time. In a "cultural exchange" the result typically takes the best from both sides.
I asked Mellaneous previously to engage in a dialogue in which BOTH OF US are bound to a productive END. These keyboard battles merely wear out our finger tendons
"i get accused of hating all black men every time i tell the truth on any one bm too:"
AB: Pot meet kettle
BW like you and focused can't stand brothers like me who will stand up to your pathetic male bashing and bitterness.
Just peep one thing for a second.
Sistas like my wife are happy and content.
You and focused?????
Baying at the moon.
Once again, do the math.
i think AB is happy. she may be on a mission, but she's in a committed relationship. she also has a wife. she can speak for herself...and i am sure she will.
Don't believe it.
She's too anti-male and that usually comes from either abuse or rejection.
I will be the first to admit that there are far too many abusive, irresponsbile, and immature brothers out here who are not fulfilling there responsibilities as fathers, husbands and men.
However I will never accept that irresponsibility..et al is a TRAIT of black men.
This is when AB and focused start yelping that they didn't mean "ALL BLACK MEN".
So why do most of their comments start with "bm haven't done such and such" or "bm don't protect or provide" or "bm don't love their women" and other out and out BULL$HIT.
If I or any other black man were to say that "black woman don't provide a soothing home for their men" or "black women tend to try to boss and disrepect their men while simulataneously demanding their money" or "black women are great at finger pointing but never introspection" the black women on this board would have a fit and rightly so.
Even though and any other black man can't point to real life examples of this.
Why do these sisters feel so comfortable stereotyping black men?
Because it's a cheap and easy way to explain why they haven't been able to achieve meaningful relationships with men in their own lives.
"Even though and any other black man can't point to real life examples of this."
I meant to say........
Even though I and any other black man can point to real life examples of this.
Gotta slow down.
i have listed many bm i adore in the link above
i have never been hurt by any man
and i have been a lesbian all of my life...
everyone knows uts is a dirty resident court jester that never fights fairly like the african kings like fn herein...
quote me!!!
like obama, YOU LIE!!!!
ps: we all noticed how you dodged that note about the het 10 n'bushe w never being wed too!!!!
ps: we all noticed how you dodged that note about the het 10 n'bushe WHO never wed too!!!!
Is N'Bushe complaining about black men?
She probably has her pick of 'em and is isn't in a hurry to marry.
how do you know that AB has never had a meaningful relationship with any male in her life? that's a total red herring here and unsubstantiated and unknowable by you!
well we know you haven't.
You said it right here on this board.
The guys were totally intimidated by your greatness.
such a juvenile.
nope, i never said that, and i see you are projecting and evading again. i made reference to men i was romantically involved with and being married 22 years might imply that SOME period of time was "meaningful," ya think?
do you know about the relationships i had with male colleagues, friends or family members?
or about this AB has had for that matter?
"i have made many mistakes in my choice of men, and realized with age that few are strong enough to not feel threatened by me and all that i have accomplished in life."
Now shoo fly.
I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time with you.
i admire your honesty about your relos...uts will never be equally honest about anything herein!!!...especially if about women as he is a rabid misogynist and proud of it!
uts never seeks knowledge about any female...he prefers sweeping insane blanketed assumptions!!!
"all single women are bitter rejects" etc...
such bs fits into his bogus "wisdom about women"...
and uts is a liar and a coward
see that pathetic "reply" about nw?
after stating for certain that she could never be single???
as if nw would ever have any convo with him as i do???
as if he does not just LIE about and ignore all i say anyway???
i know no adult who has been blessed with only bliss...most adults of all genders have had their hearts broken at least once
i have never loved a man but i dated ONLY kings while closeted...
i have dated women only since i came out at 21...
once i had my heart crushed by a bf lesbian clone of tiger woods
...but i am no elin so i released her to be the whore she will be eternally...unlike me, she will never be noble or honest or monogamous....
i found a monogamous bf and spouse over 13 yrs ago and she is my soul mate and best friend...and yes, unlike the clearly miserable uts, we are blissfully happy!
i would never date any man or woman as evil and insecure as uts!!!
i am on a mission
and that mission (like my queen) makes me happy too!
it is a mission of justice, truth, revolution...NONE of which sexist dogs like uts can relate to!
that's right, steve. my choice of men, which i said in the context of romantic relationships.
i wonder why you wasted time finding my quote! that must have taken quite some time. it was from several days ago and you had to go through hundreds of posts to find it. wow.
shoo fly, you made my point. i am not on here bashing men, or women for that matter.
thanks, ab. and i am glad you are happy.
thanks maria!
i pray that you will be happy and find your soul mate asap too!!!
most of us have to kiss a few toads/whores before we find our princes/princesses...
ever notice how whores never date each other? only wound monogamous people they lie too?
ie tiger wanted a queen like elin but would never wed (only bed) a slut like rachel?
game recognizes nasty game!!!...
TONS of perfect 10 women of all races are alone because they refuse to settle for a whore like tiger....even as uts foolishly bashes only the single black ones!!!
ps maria:
my first love was a man (like most gays we are closeted petrified teens LONG before we come out as aduts)...i was 17 and dated him and other men until i was 21...
he has been married twice and we are still BEST friends...he is still even close to my mom, dad, and bros etc...i will always love him!
like all women, uts knows NOTHING about me!!!!
"even as uts foolishly bashes only the single black ones!!!"
This is such a lie.
I have stated several times that I know sisters who have a trail of men running after them.
These sistas don't have the time or desire to settle down.
My ire is directed at females who claim to want to be married but they can't find any "decent" men, or they can't find anyone "on their level" or "men ain't nothing but dogs".....etc....
And when you meet these females it becomes no mystery why they are by themselves.
They're just to blind to see it.
NO women of any race are single solely because they are rejects or flawed!!!
being a perfect man or woman gurantees nothing in life for anyone of any race/sexuality etc!!!
love is a rare gift for anyone no mattter whom/how they are!
you are so blinded by bashing smart strong women that you refuse to see that just as many weak dumb women are just as lonely
ps uts:
and men are generally even loneliER than ALL those women you bash!!!
that is why strippers and porn and pimps rule the world!!!...
"NO women of any race are single solely because they are rejects or flawed!!!"
I didn't say that.
Read my quote again.
The ones who are rejects and flawed are the ones who claim that can't find anyone "good enough".
It's a smokescreen.
"and men are generally even loneliER than ALL those women you bash!!!
that is why strippers and porn and pimps rule the world!!!..."
You got that all wrong.
Women's fantasies are the knight in shining armour, perfect in every way, who comes through on his horse, sweep her off her feet and carry her off to everlasting happiness.
Men's fantasies are a mute with a big butt, small waist and 44DDDs.
we agree to disagree
some women really do refuse to settle...and that is their choice
would YOU have settled for anything less than your queen?
i would not have done so!
elin has allegedly decided to keep slumming with tiger...probably because his dog clones are broke!
unhappy parents who stay together
"just for the kids" only damage the kids!
i think you are bashing men now
most men have 2+ fantasies
one fantasy wife
and endless fantasy whores
most men would never marry a stripper etc!
ps uts:
most men do not endure 1/100th of the abuse they dish out to women
tiger would NEVER stay with elin after she cheated 16+ studs!
"would YOU have settled for anything less than your queen?"
I don't look at it that way.
I really wasn't looking for a relationship when I met my wife and neither was she.
We met, dated for about 18 months and then we got engaged.
She grew up in a home with a strong steady loving father so she knew what she was looking for in a man and it wasn't necessarily titles or big money although we've done pretty well.
I knew that I didn't want a showcase girl or a shrew but someone I could hang out with, laugh with, and build a life with.
And of course enjoy sexually.
THAT's very important.
I got all my wishes with my girl and she with me.
A lot of sistas who talk about not "settling for less" are dealing in fantasties or pining for the type of guys who aren't going to talk to them.
you are blessed
but you are very wrong to deny any woman her ideal mate chosen equally... or not
you are way too hard on all single women!!!...who are truly hurting and lonely!!!
my wife and i were best friends before we became lovers and that always works best for all lovers
Yes, I'm a very lucky man.
I'm also man enough to admit that I will probably never see it totally from a woman's point of view.
My attitude is definitely from the male vantage point but it has no grounding in anger or resentment.
Believe me I love my sisters will all my heart.
Only honest and open conversation will ever improve the chasm between many black men and women.
we love you too
when you are showing some sanity and empathy as now!
that is all we want from bros always
see this
proof that millions of bfs still adore bms
Thank you too ab.
We fight like cats and dogs on these boards sometimes but you are still my girl!
ditto us
sometimes i just wish we were married....because all i get now is angry...and no make-up sex...
UTS--since your initial attack was on me, and you sought to twist my words, let me say again:
there's no "smokescreen" at work in my life. i am not looking. i am not complaining about being alone. i am not lonely. i am focusing on making myself a better person, raising my children and working on behalf of others. snicker if you want but i am very involved in local advocacy issues as a volunteer.
i am not saying i'm alone because no men are good enough for me--but i did say that i will not be with someone who doesn't appreciate me, as i had been before.
i am simply choosing not to be involved for the time being. after my divorce, i have worked very hard to bring peace and stability to my household, and i guard that with my life.
it's also incredibly sexist to say the reason women think the way they do is because the real problem is they can't get or keep a man.
ditto maria!
which is why i am so mad at elin and all who accept any perpetual abuse from any whores like tiger!
what is life without peace?
why/how can elin EVER trust tiger again?
what worth is any relo with 0 trust???
i would rather be alone and at peace than worried/stressed/depressed/frantic about what tiger is doing whenever he leaves the house!
and tiger could never touch me again without a minimum of 3 condoms/lysol/etc...ick!!!!
elizabeth edwards just gave john the boot!
and sanford's wife did, and maybe elin is just biding her time.
As you said about Conan and Leno: Seriously? Who gives a f**K?
Of course, that's because it was about a White thang and you being a Nigger racist, you could care less.
Personally? I can't wait to beat the living shit out of every nigger, you included, right when we're kicking all your fat, worthless asses outta America for good.
Got that, you Jigs?
uh, thot F was deleting filth. will ping him on FB.
"i am not saying i'm alone because no men are good enough for me--but i did say that i will not be with someone who doesn't appreciate me, as i had been before.
i am simply choosing not to be involved for the time being. after my divorce, i have worked very hard to bring peace and stability to my household, and i guard that with my life."
I respect that and never suggested otherwise.
"it's also incredibly sexist to say the reason women think the way they do is because the real problem is they can't get or keep a man."
I think it's sexist to believe that the reason why so many women are single is because there is a shortage of "good men" which is exactly what many women on this board like focused and fly have said.
If I misunderstood you and this is not what you believe then I apologize.
"which is why i am so mad at elin and all who accept any perpetual abuse from any whores like tiger!"
It seems to me that Elin DIDN'T accept Tiger's abuse and is about to dump him and get paid bigtime.
Same for Elizabeth Edwards.
I say RIGHT ON to both of them!
In a bit of a rush and so couldn't read all the comments. Pardon me if someone already pointed this out:
To the anonymous poster who claimed murders of cops have been on the uptick - That is not true. In fact murders of cops have decreased substantially. Unfortunately, few ever make the effort to verify police claims.
Please read
Stats are at the bottom
What are your thoughts about WVEE letting Joyce Lattel GO from her "Quiet Storm" post as they transition to a "Jockeyless" format to save money at night?
I think that they are IGNORANT for letting go a quality personality and good representative for the station.
They SHOULD HAVE done their cuts on the morning show. But that's a whole different discussion.
[quote]However I will never accept that irresponsibility..et al is a TRAIT of black men.[/quote]
Why then do you have so much of a problem with me when I make the case that we have a HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROBLEM in our community more than any other force that one could reasonably blame for the situation?
If there is no force that is directing our 6 year old little Black boys through the struggles of life into manhood - they are as susceptible to predators as are the young bears, coyotes and elk that I watched get eaten as I was watching National Geographic the other day.
i think it is tragic but typical of radio..i was a fan for years!
jl was very cool and is a close friend of one of my best friends in atl...
kudos to both wiser wives!
re: elin
this is what tiger would have to do before i ever touch him again:
FP-"the black american collective is well on its way to permanent underclass in this country. that's for the ones that manage to escape annihilation."
I agree 100%. From where I am standing the black race is on its deathbed, except for the "few" who manage to escape. But for those who escape, it's going to be very lonely, and scary. IMo, this is not something in the far distant future, it is closer than we think.
uts-"Whether you want to accept it or not there are plenty of positive brothers out here who do the right things for the right reasons every day while no one but their families and friends are looking."
You are right, uts. Except Fp doesn't know any. Her experience has been with irresponsible bm. It is unfathomable to her that there are millions of bm in America who are responsible hard working family men with morals and ethics.
Instead of being critical of Fp, you should open your heart and have compassion for her that she has never known such a man in the midst of plenty. I weep for her.
"Why then do you have so much of a problem with me when I make the case that we have a HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROBLEM in our community more than any other force that one could reasonably blame for the situation?"
Dammit CF, when are you going to get through head that every black community is not a depraved ghetto?
YES, YES, YES, there is a dysfunctional and self-perpetuating black underclass which comprises about one-fourth of the entire black American population but why do you insist on making THEM representative of all of US?
Let me share this with you.
My 14 year old son played in a youth football league last fall (and went to the state championships!).
When our team (Bowie/Mitchellville) played the Glenarden team (the hood) some of the Glenarden players were taunting my son and his teammates by calling them "white boys"
Our team is all black and most of the teams we play are majority black.
The Glenarden game was the first time he experienced this kind of taunting and he was confused.
Our team was comprised of well-groomed, well-spoken and well behaved young men.
I explained to him that there are some ignorant folks who believe that acting the ass is "being black", to ignore the taunts, keep your composure and beat the crap out of them on the field.
Which they did.
Now tell me honestly, with all your intelligence, erudtion and education, how is your attitude fundamentally different than that of the Glenarden players?
oh AB, he makes me laugh so. it pleases me greatly to share this fact with him.
yes, "man-hater", "bitter", etc. yawn. terms/labels designed to silence bw with the courage to tell the truth. i.could.not.care.less. lol! i am snitching for every literate bw and bg close to a computer or within the sound of my voice offline, so that she can be free. i.am.not.sorry.
the fact of the matter is i love bMEN. the whiny, petulant, excuse making, cowards that REFUSE to abide in the first rule of nature---SELF PRESERVATION---got nothing coming from me. the statement he called bs is evidenced every single day. uts' selective perception troubles me not in the least. just because he refuses to see the evidence doesn't mean it does not exist! lol! who can argue with the fact that most bw will fight harder to protect bm than they will fight to protect themselves? can the same be said for bm? ESPECIALLY when the perpetrator is black, which will be the case more times than not. hmmm? THAT'S what i thought.
as such, i am on purpose, inviting more bw to reject the social control agents, within the so-called "blk community", that are cultivated by name calling ("bitter", "man-hating", "man-bashing", and even "lesbian") that mandates that all energies and efforts be focused on bm, at all times. and for all the disrespect quite a few bm aim at bw, we haven't quite got around to calling it bw "bashing". this madness is further reinforced by refusing to just tell the plain truth; God be with anyone that bothers. i am good in that respect:-)and committed to walking boldness, power and love.
the truth of the matter is that the biggest threat to the life and safety of bm, bw and bchildren these days come from bm. telling that truth doesn't mean i hate bm. folks that love you will tell you the truth. long ago i retired the tendency to get all worked up when i see these cases. i read the story. and all i have to say is that the mothers of bm that find themselves on the wrong side of the law, usually say exactly what this one is saying. all of their sons are "good boys". it seems it is against the black codes (LOL!) for a mother to say, that boy has been begging for a police beating for awhile now. yep, i said it! ok, now i am cracking MYSELF up now.
my fragile egoed friend is still stinging, it seems, from my innocent and accurate assessment that his wife married down. lol! lick those wounds uts and know that the truth hurts sometimes. lol! accept and embrace the truth...make it your friend. lol! you may also consider getting some home-training. didn't your father teach you that it was not gentleman behavior to address a woman with profanity? yet, you are angry because i said your wife married down many posts ago. lol!
uts thanks as always for making me laugh. AB, i got love for you sis. Agape, thanks for the respectful exchange.
blessings all,
Hey IseeIsee and Mellaneous:
Jobless black men are in crisis
The economic downturn has an unprecedented number of Americans agreeing that too many of us are unemployed and underemployed. As the numbers of unemployed rise, one population segment is more at risk than others: African-American males. As 2009 ended, the unemployment rate for black men was a staggering 17 percent, which is almost double the 9.5 percent rate for white males.
National statistics show that fewer than 41 percent of black males graduate from high school, and fewer than 4 percent attend college. Low education has a proven effect on the likelihood that individuals, particularly males, will be arrested and/or jailed. African-Americans comprise 27 percent of Georgia’s population, but they are 68 percent of the state prison population. Conversely, high school and college graduates are more likely to occupy their time with career-track employment and positive community contributions.
Often referred to as “the most progressive city in the South,” Atlanta is known for diversity, its role in the civil rights movement, and for the largest consortium of historically black colleges and universities in the country. But for all of its progressiveness, fewer than 21 percent of our African-American male high school students go on to college.
While pundits and intellectuals debate the causes of this crisis, I submit that the entire community must actively come together to support and provide opportunities for African-American men. It is impossible for Atlanta to sustain its reputation as a global leader if all of her citizens are not provided the opportunity to earn a living wage. The strength of Atlanta rests in citizens whose education and skills make them productive and competitive.
Atlanta Technical College recognizes the role that we must play in strengthening our economy by recruiting, retaining and graduating African-American men. In February 2009, we launched the Atlanta Technical College Institute for Males, or AIM, designed to advance positive educational outcomes for African-American men. We have set robust goals for this program, and we are in pursuit of solid partnerships to address this crisis. We are working with community, business and elected leaders to increase African-American educational success and to implement mentoring and career counseling for African-American young men in metro Atlanta high schools.
In addition to AIM, Atlanta Technical College’s Georgia Fatherhood Program is working to provide a support network for African-American men and other students hardest hit economically. The program provides educational and financial counseling and job placement assistance for noncustodial parents with court-ordered child support. Providing mostly African-American fathers with the tools and resources to obtain gainful employment creates opportunities to support the well-being of their children and contribute to the economy.
There are many students who are becoming who they were meant to be because of the support of these programs and others like them, but there is much more to be done. Therefore, we consistently seek innovative, progressive initiatives that will enable all students to be leaders in the community. Civil rights attorney Charles H. Houston wrote, “Without education, there is no hope for our people and without hope, our future is lost.” I am convinced that the “people” includes all of the people. Those who are out of sight because of lack of access to educational resources and services cannot be out of mind.
Alvetta Peterman Thomas is the president of Atlanta Technical College, which is having a summit today on African- American male education with Fulton County.
"who can argue with the fact that most bw will fight harder to protect bm than they will fight to protect themselves?"
Prove it.
"the truth of the matter is that the biggest threat to the life and safety of bm, bw and bchildren these days come from bm."
That goes for every race of human beings on the planet.
Men are the primary perpetrators of violence on the planet and most violence is directed at those closest to you.
The reason you are trying to make violence a "black male thang" is because of your irrational hatred.
"you are angry because i said your wife married down many posts ago. lol!"
Angry? puh-leeze.
It never ceases to amaze me how women like you who don't have and can't get a man try to judge those who have achieved meaningful relationships with men.
My wife is upstairs waiting for me and we will embrace and enjoy still another evening of being together.
And you will be diddling your battery powered toy while ranting about how every bm is out to hurt you.
You're a CLOWN.
while you write pure comedy much of the time, please don't add lies to the mix.
you said:
"I think it's sexist to believe that the reason why so many women are single is because there is a shortage of "good men" which is exactly what many women on this board like focused and fly have said."
at NO time have i told the big fat lie that there is a shortage of good men. i have not ever believed that whopper that some women tell themselves. thanks for not continuing to lie on me. trust, if i said it, i would own it. bm are on the bad end of the annihilation project, so there are fewer of them. all bw that want one, won't have one. YOU do that math. praise God that i don't think my man must be black, just as quite a few bm don't think their woman has to be black. more bw/bgs need to get THAT memo. it pleases me greatly to see that more are.
i have tried to be clear. let me try it again. those times in my life when i have been single, it has been MY choice. i told you that before and you went into your low class shenanigans and starting talking about vibrators. lol! which was funny because i do not now, nor have i ever owned one. i told you at that time that i am in a committed relationship that works for me. thanks nevertheless for your concern. you may want to figure out why you immediately choose to make assumptions about folks' personal lives when you know all of nothing about them.
if you will be the first to talk about the substantial numbers of bm (i only have three "brothers". may bw cease and desist promptly with that "brother" mess. it works to our disadvantage.) that are NOT doing what they should be doing, why do you stuff your foot in a shoe that was not designed for you if you in fact take care of your responsibilities? why do you immediately act as if bw like me that will tell that same truth are lying, hate bm, etc? it is OBVIOUS that more bw and bgs need SOMEONE to tell them the truth. look at the oow rates among bw/bgs and argue. for the record, quite a few bw are in great company with their refusal to embrace the disciplines of introspection, emotional discipline, and being honest with themselves. no?
why do folks expect that the condition of bw can be addressed without speaking of those that assist in creating and exacerbating (sp?) those conditions? it would be like bm speaking to their condition WITHOUT mentioning wfolks. lol!
uts, you already said you know full well that AB and i mean "some" bm. so this was just an exercise in patience for me. i will not continue to engage you while you play the nutrole with your coward anon cheerleader. lol.
a point of agreement:
"Only honest and open conversation will ever improve the chasm between many black men and women."
whew! finally i found it!
blessings all,
Anon 7:41 PM- don't be afraid. understand that we live in the animal kingdom. those that refuse to adapt and do what it takes to preserve themselves...perish. the name of the game is survival of the fittest.
create alliances and keep it moving. though i must confess that even now, i feel a sense of sadness as i see how my armenian, persian, jewish, mexican, guatemalan, puerto rican and other friends/acquaintances/business contacts clan up and make it happen for themselves. unlike some, i am not angry with my "tourist" status though. why would i be angry with others for doing what bfolks should be doing for ourselves?
hey Anon 7:56 PM-
before you get all cried out unnecessarily, may i offer you this?
because i can see clearly and reserve the right to tell the truth as i understand it, does not mean that i don't know decent responsible bm. in fact i do. you may want to try to silence someone else. you lack the power to silence me. the fact of the matter is you don't know me oh silly one.
that said, go back and re-read my words. am i lying about anything?
i was raised and taught that women don't argue with men...not even the ones that act like silly, emotionally undisciplined women.
so, having said that, i bid you a great evening:-)
Fp, "because i can see clearly and reserve the right to tell the truth as i understand it, does not mean that i don't know decent responsible bm. in fact i do. you may want to try to silence someone else. you lack the power to silence me. the fact of the matter is you don't know me oh silly one."
It's nice to hear that you know decent responsible bm. I have never read a comment by you over the past year where you said anything good about bm. So I assumed that you, along with a few others had bad experiences with bm, who cared nothing about their own lives, let alone yours.
@Fp "that said, go back and re-read my words. am i lying about anything?"
I would never call you a liar. To me, you have been waaay too truthful in your comments to be a liar. But If you know good decent bm your truth about bm has not been the 'entire' truth. There are decent bm who ARE being responsible to bw, and to the Black Community. Why haven't you acknowledged them as supporters even though they 'might' be smaller in numbers?
Regardless, you have always held my admiration and respect for speaking up. You have articulated truth well, and I have agreed with 'most' of what you have said on FN over the past year.
But again, it seems to me that you have ignored those responsible bm who support the bc, and bw. That's where I agree with uts, although I hardly ever agree with him. (But hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day. LOL.)
I DO feel that Blacks are separating farther and farther away from each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually,-imho...and we are in denial about that.
But hasn't that 'heart' movement-'away' from each other been happening over the past four decades? (Maybe even before?)
Anon 11:58 PM-
so i gather it would make you feel better if each time i spoke the truth about a significant number of bm that i took a moment and also remind folks of decent bm? really? can black folks only act like grown folks when it is time to become sexually explicit? what the heck! (and even THAT is not done like RESPONSIBLE grown folks in greater numbers than not. THAT statement is for the men AND the women!)
you know, i started to act contrary to my nature and try to appease you. on second thought, i will not. that is not my job, a part of my focus, or a wise expenditure of my energy as far as i am concerned. Anon, i say this with ALL due respect.
because i refuse to appease you and others that need the truth to be sugar-coated, you may consider not continuing to err with your assumptions about me. or continue if it amuses you. either way it is of no great consequence to me. life is about choices. i must remember that none that elected to tell the truth have been well received. i am okay with this. i choose to persist undaunted.
IF i were not determined to be HAPPILY married, rather than just married, i could be married to a beautiful, driven, disciplined, great father, great friend, intelligent black man...right now. despite all these traits, we are not very compatible in an intimate context.
instead, i have chosen in truth/love/wisdom to be his fiercely loyal, back-having, supportive, love (action stuff-not just lip-service) him to the day i die friend. we are great friends. MY guy and i are very compatible. the notion that i can't see/speak clearly AND have a man cracks me up. i am a woman. i excel at multi-tasking. lol!
Anon, are you as quick to admonish bm that are perpetually whining about wm and racism-when they should try introspection, personal accountability, and personal responsibility that decent wm exist? are you as quick to admonish bm that disrespect bw/bgs for the whole world to witness, in words and deeds, that there are many decent bw? have i missed your rebuttals when uts bw bashes regularly and routinely? or you stand up when folks attempt to harshly hold bw responsible for everything BUT the weather while delicately, gently, if at all suggesting more bm need to get it together? can you imagine Dr. King, Malcolm X, or Minister Farrakhan as they fight for bm's rights, stopping to appease the white folks that wanted them to acknowledge that not ALL folks-er- WM (bm seem ONLY annoyed with the men. lol!)are racist? i can't. i won't even attempt such silliness.
however, i must say that i do greatly appreciate you not coming at me disrespectfully or using profanity while addressing me. your father and mother taught you well. they must be proud and i thank you.
a final thought- the decent bm i know come even harder than i do, privately, as it relates to bm assisting internally with external annihilation efforts. we have had many exchanges as to why fewer of them (the good ones) are willing to stand and speak out against those males that damage not only bw and bchildren, but also other bm?
to date, i have not gotten an answer that registers with me as anything other than misguided efforts of solidarity, saving face, and excuse making. the fact is, whether more bm get the courage to speak the truth/act on it or not, other folks see clearly. at this point, it is not airing dirty laundry. neither it is always racism. other folks.see.the.mess.and.wonder.why.blacks.refuse.to.get.real.and.stop.blaming.others.for.our.mess.
you said:
"But hasn't that 'heart' movement-'away' from each other been happening over the past four decades? (Maybe even before?)"
uh, yes it has. now, i have a question for you. who started this movement away from each other among blacks?
have bw not been staunch supporters of bm in the past four decades? during the "i am a man", civil rights, human rights movement, bw were RIGHT THERE. have bw not stood with bm in the last four decades, made excuses and great sacrifices, sought to protect bm, resigned themselves to providing for and protecting black babies alone in great numbers (or with the assistance of elders), slower to marry out and divest as bm have in much greater numbers? heck, there are STILL more bw than i would EVER like to see waiting and begging for bm to "come home".
it is not true that only most recently have some bw stood and said enough? (we do it knowing full well that folks will get angry and try to silence us. lol!) contrary to what some may think, as bw and bchildren are being murdered, molested, maimed, abandoned, and just suffering in general; no one is thinking to themselves this "goes for every race of human beings on the planet.
Men are the primary perpetrators of violence on the planet and most violence is directed at those closest..."
as those before me did not stop to acknowledge the good white folks as they addressed the evil racist ones, i don't feel compelled to do that either. i care about truth, justice, and life lived abundantly by more bw/bgs. i could not care less about the wee little feelings of those that refuse to tell the truth and resent my refusal to stop telling it.
i hope that helps.
blessings to you Anon,
[quoteCF:]Purple Cow:
Have you EVER called a Black man who has gone trough the process of oppression (and had it stick in his mind and radiate from his persona) that you have listed above and thus NEEDS YOUR PROTECTION an "Idiot"?[/quote]
No, firstly because they are not idiots and secondly because they do not need my protection.
Some people do need our protection, that's the only true measure of a society's worth - how it looks after those unable to look after themselves. But that is not to say that all poor people need protection they don't - they just need a fair suck of the pineapple.
[quote}Or is such a word reserved for Black men who DON'T SEE THEMSELVES as a VICTIM, per your prescription? Thus your word appears to be a weapon used only against those who you believe can withstand your verbal attack without having his self-worth damaged.[/quote]
No clue what this paragraph is supposed to mean.
[quote]Your mission should be to make more Black men who are strong enough for YOU to call them an "Idiot". Then when a RACIST calls them as such - it will flow off of their backs BECAUSE the NAME CALLER DOES NOT DEFINE THEIR WORTH. They are INTERNALLY YOLKED.[/quote]
My "mission" is to drink beer and watch cricket.
[quote]Just for grins - If RACISM is as you say it is - WHAT ABOUT the White people who are poor? I have a clip of "European Journal" which shows a poor WHITE neighborhood in the UK where there is violence, murder, fatherless children and drug dealing.[/quote]
There are indeed a lot of poor white people in Britain. 40% of all the poor people in the European Union are British. This is not a new phenomenon, if you have read Engels's 'Conditions of the Working Class in England' you would know that those conditions in Manchester and the Northwest (where I now live, incidentally) were comparable to, and arguably worse than the conditions of African slaves in the USA. For instance of every 10,000 working class children born in Carlyle 4,738 would be dead before the age of five.
Similarly, conditions in the worst estates in modern day England and Scotland are very comparable to ghetto's in the USA.
[b]The process is the same. Racism is just class warfare fought by other means[/b]
As Ludwig pointed out, every 1% increase in poverty leads to a 2.6% increase in crime, (as I understand it this holds true across ever social strata). They are caught in a poverty trap, where they do not have the resources to escape their environment, where they have to send their kids to school in grim victorian slums where getting [b]one child per year into University, is considered a major triumph.[b]
[b]In certain African nations where Black Africans are the monopoly majority THERE IS POVERTY. Surely your list does not model the REAL WORLD. But is this your intent in the first place?[/b]
Straw man.
I never said that racism is the only cause of global poverty. Racism is just another tool of capitalism - there are many.
Yes I've read Ayn Rand as well, and it's still nonsense. We are not born poor, we are born as members of a community, a society, it's that belonging that gives us wealth and purpose.
[quote]You can't "make poverty" any more than you can "make COLD". An air conditioner TAKES HEAT AWAY and thus the ABSENCE OF HEAT is experienced as COLD to the human senses.[/quote]
Jeez louise, that's a crock C.F. You certainly can make poverty, (for instance) by getting people's money and taking it away from them.
"have bw not been staunch supporters of bm in the past four decades? during the "i am a man", civil rights, human rights movement, bw were RIGHT THERE. have bw not stood with bm in the last four decades, made excuses and great sacrifices, sought to protect bm, resigned themselves to providing for and protecting black babies alone in great numbers (or with the assistance of elders), slower to marry out and divest as bm have in much greater numbers? heck, there are STILL more bw than i would EVER like to see waiting and begging for bm to "come home"."
The Civil Rights movement was about black MEN?????
Black women did not benefit from the Civil Rights struggle every bit as much as black men?
You really are a wacko.
"i care about truth, justice, and life lived abundantly by more bw/bgs."
You're a dyke. I thought so.
"IF i were not determined to be HAPPILY married, rather than just married, i could be married to a beautiful, driven, disciplined, great father, great friend, intelligent black man...right now. despite all these traits, we are not very compatible in an intimate context."
Probably because you have more facial hair than him.
FP, sis, your voice is well appreciated!
The messenger of truth will always taste "bitter" to those who require sprinkled sugar.
the solution is simple.white cops in white hood & black cops in Black hoods racial aspect defused more justice served & less typical white male bull shit.But then white cops wouldn't want the job they are in it to abuse non whites & whites who get out of line.This is the only way they can balance it out.
Okay you convinced me.
Us black men are violent irresponsible disloyal brutes who are the single greatest danger to our women and children.
Now what?
You expect us to ask you out after THAT?
love you sis. you have held it down without regard for popularity. i stand in solidarity!
i have already outlined the silencing tactics. accusing me of being a "lesbian" was one of them. yet, you refuse to depart from your tired, played out script. lol!
i am not feeling patient today and leave you to play, alone, out in left field. keep in mind that the annihilation continues.
and yes, if you choose to get serious, the fact of the matter is:
bm are, in greater numbers than not "violent irresponsible disloyal brutes who are the single greatest danger to our women and children."
EVERYONE but you sharp tools, that dwell in a place of denial, can see this. didn't you just say that such was the case for all men on the planet by way of an excuse? i beg your pardon as i continue to make every effort to help bw and any children that might survive, thrive and live abundantly get free. the offense you take troubles me not. IF you were anything other than indecent, the truth would offend you LESS.
have a great day uts. i am done engaging you now. throw an emotional tantrum, tickle me, and make my point; if you feel so inclined.
"You expect us to ask you out after THAT?"
You see Steve, that's the other thing you can't seem re-program out your mind. Black males like you are so smug in your thinking, you still believe black women should be sitting around waiting and begging for "black" males to ask them out. LOL. Keep it up.
You know, you are my guy when it comes to grinding up that racist irritating shit agent, no one understands me like you do. But sadly, it seems you and I may never be on the same level when it comes to these topics. Such is life.
FP, you bring it all the time, and NEVER stop.
Peace and Blessings to you!
i love you sis! those misguided bms like uts are in for a rude awakening. their stock is bolstered by misguided bw mean mugging and acting like they care one whit when they see them doing the most in other places with other races. his little hollow cries about his poor bwife that has married down don't throw me off. there are a LOT of mcnairs out there. if he were decent and righteous he would not work so hard to be on the WRONG side of the truth hurling low class insults at WOMEN. the fact of the matter is most bm are content with the status quo. they don't have to step up or uphold ANY responsibilities of men under the present system. they are free to move around, eff around and do right by NO ONE. i REFUSE to play along.
as such, i can't stop. though it makes me unpopular and much maligned, i WON'T stop. we are talking life and death stuff here. bw MUST be free in order to save themselves. much like bm, help is NOT on the way! unlike bm, i am not sitting making excuses for why we can't help ourselves.
gotta handle business now. stay up and focused La.
blessings sis,
Fp-"have i missed your rebuttals when uts bw bashes regularly and routinely? or you stand up when folks attempt to harshly hold bw responsible for everything BUT the weather while delicately, gently, if at all suggesting more bm need to get it together?"
As a matter of fact, you have missed my rebuttals in the past to not only UTS, but to others as well. However, during those times I sensed that you did not notice, considering you did not acknowledge it.
Nevertheless, I will continue to align myself with the truth, do the right thing, and let the chips fall where they may. Even though it would be nice to be acknowledged in this fight for the respect, support and dignity of the bw, it is not necessary.
In any case, I have to look at myself in the mirror and be accountable for my actions and life--like everyone else. For me, I would like to die with a clear and peaceful conscience, as I am sure you do.
I wish you God-speed and much success in your fight for bw and bgs. It is a noble and worthy cause.
"bm are, in greater numbers than not "violent irresponsible disloyal brutes who are the single greatest danger to our women and children."
And you're sick pathetic homely lonely dyke trying to rationalize why nobody wants you.
Peace out.
"Black males like you are so smug in your thinking, you still believe black women should be sitting around waiting and begging for "black" males to ask them out. LOL. Keep it up."
Well what exactly DO YOU WANT?
Do you really expect black men to accept your fingerpointing and self-righteousness?
Do you really think anybody but women like you and focused are going to accept that black men are the single reason for the chasm between black women and men?
Women bear no responsibility? Have no faults? No culpability?
Good luck with that.
""Black males like you are so smug in your thinking, you still believe black women should be sitting around waiting and begging for "black" males to ask them out."
Ain't nobody else asking you out.
If they were, you and focused wouldn't be so bent out of shape.
"Praise God that i don't think my man must be black, just as quite a few bm don't think their woman has to be black. more bw/bgs need to get THAT memo. it pleases me greatly to see that more are."
See this is what you're really about.
I personally don't have any problem with black women dating outside the race.
THE FACT IS that non-black men still aint pursuing black women and black women like you aren't helping the situation at all.
Now go ahead and tell me how much white and asian men run after you.
I hear it all the time from you types.
Why are you so damn angry then?
Anon 9:05 PM-
i apologize that i was not able to discern that you were the anon that stands and speaks when it is time. your anon status makes it difficult to exercise discernment, in addition to the emotionally immature ladyboy anon that usually posts right behind you.
had you a name, i would acknowledge you just as i freely acknowledge the other righteous bm i give props to regularly.
BlkSeagoat, Truth over at the Enclave, Victor over at Ensayn Reality and Aaron Laramore over at a Political Season, just to name a few of the on-line men i appreciate (though we don't always agree. we respect one another and agree to disagree). you are not always Anon insert a time.
additionally, you are unwittingly, it seems falling in with the okey doke by employing silencing tactics when bw refuse to stay in the God forsaken place quite a few bm have chosen for them. i say this place is God forsaken, because God has NOT given any of us a spirit of fear. we have ALL been gifted with sound mind, power and love. we are called to walk in boldness. those folks that refuse to walk in these gifts are freakishly threatened by those of us that do.
9:13 AM- go in peace.
uts, at no time have i indicated that bw are without fault, have no responsibility, etc. we have a LOT of responsibility. i have said plainly, in english, that IF bw are to be saved, WE must SAVE OURSELVES! i speak just as plainly to bw as i do to bm.
the point of agreement is that we need HONEST dialogue. why do you insist on lying about my position?
why do you insist and persist in spreading lies about the desirability of bw? straight men like beautiful women. this is the truth and fact of the matter. this truth is NOT less true when the women are black. the very same attributes that threaten the heck out of SOME bm are actually praised by others. quite a few bm deliberately lie about the qualities of bw (i don't even think they believe this nonsense) so their veritable harems can remain in tact. if bw took their efforts and resources ELSEWHERE where would bm be? bm rely heavily on bw to carry them. lol! i don't hate the players, just the dirty game. as such, i call it out without apology. IF bm can overcome their awfully pr campaign and still be attractive to non blk women, bw can do the EXACT same thing. the difference is bw have been very vocal, publicly, about how they are bm only women. why would any other man bother? add the azz on shoulders that quite a few bm get when they see bw with non blk men. THANK GOD this is changing.
uts, you know, you may consider that my message isn't for you. you don't demonstrate good faith as far as i am concerned in this dialogue. i have to give it further thought as to whether i will continue to bother with you. i am thankful, however, that you grow me. thanks for that!
i don't feel compelled to attempt to convince you that i am attractive to men of all colors, as you taunt and try to bait me to do so. see, here's the thing...
...some of us black women realize that men (all colors) don't decide our worth. men (all colors) can only RECOGNIZE our worth. you, son, need to recognize. (or not, as life is about choices and some other poor souls have already raised and married you! lol! you are OFFICIALLY someone else's headache.)
someone asked:
"Why are you so damn angry then?"
i ask, do any of you "brothers" ever ask each other that same question? or do you get when folks are male, that INJUSTICE will make you angry? for the record, i am not so much angry, as i am committed to not playing along with the destruction of bfolks, particularly bw and bgs. it is just that simple for me. your lesbian/angry/lonely/homely/manless/etc. taunts don't change this for me. the fact that you seem angry because i refuse to waste time talking bb/bm that are not my immediate family or friends crack me up. surely you educated males must know that MEN DON'T LISTEN TO WOMEN. it is the menfolk's job to reach the bb and bm. men and their behavior is regulated by OTHER MEN. lol! that seems so elementary to me, yet you folks seem stumped.
see, ww want me to focus on my gender in this so-called feminist movement (i am NOT a feminist). bm want me to focus on my color. i realize that all of this done so i can be a footsoldier in moving their (ww and bm's) agendas forward. i refuse.
it is my choice and desire to get other bw to choose instead to focus on our best interests at all times without making apologies. we are BOTH female AND black. WE.HAVE.SPECIAL.INTERESTS.
be real clear. it saddens me and makes my heart heavy that more bm can't seem to figure things out. they die needlessly as a result of their cluelessness. it troubles me deeply that more bw refuse to read the writing on the wall and keep churning out innocent cannon fodder while the bw die after living overburdened, long suffering, unfulfilling lives . it gives me NO PLEASURE to witness what i see everso clearly.
through it all, i am committed to telling and acting on the truth.
as it relates to the topic of this post, again i ask...
where is this boy's father?
blessings all,
"uts, at no time have i indicated that bw are without fault, have no responsibility, etc. we have a LOT of responsibility. i have said plainly, in english, that IF bw are to be saved, WE must SAVE OURSELVES!"
Save yourselves from WHOM?
BLACK MEN????????
Your fathers, grandfathers, husbands, brothers and lovers?
They've all tried to harm you?
You're still positioning bw as exclusively innocents being victimized by the men they live with and among.
I'm all the way with you if you are calling out brothers who have abdicated their roles as responsible men and societal contributors.
But you seem to think that most black men are inherently evil.
And, AMAZINGLY, that black women are inherently good and heroic.
That is a hateful, unrealistic and stereotypical mindset.
Would you like to see black men and women come together as a community and build families and unity?
Or have you totally given up and encourage bw to seek wm and gays?
You do realize that we're the only people who talk like this even though the same issues exist among men and women of every other race.
Why do you think so many white American men are pursuing mail order brides from Russia and Asia?
You my dear are in desperate need of some humility.
If you stop the superior posturing and speak from the heart you'll be surprised at the honesty and vulnerability many brothers will reveal.
uts "You my dear are in desperate need of some humility.
If you stop the superior posturing and speak from the heart you'll be surprised at the honesty and vulnerability many brothers will reveal."
Amen. She is a self-centered closeminded egomaniac with an inferiority complex. She claims that she is NOT angry. Now that is a big fat lie, and any moron can see that.
Yet, she exclaims that she is only interested in the truth! LOL
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