Poor Teddy must be turning in his grave. It looks like the people of Massachusetts-that bluest of states-is about to reject that candidate from the Dick Cheney Charm School and pick the republican, Scott Brown. Martha Coakley probably ran the worst political campaign in the history of political campaigns. Girlfriend was up by 20 points and now she is about to lose big time in a state where his O ness carried every county. If you are a dumbocrat you are reaching for the Kleenex right about now. You have to be thinking that it just might be bye bye health care reform.
Field, the people spoke loud and clear to your boy, Obama. They don't want health care reform. It will only empower the federal government even more. If this isn't a referendum I don't know what is. Teddy Kennedy held this seat for over 40 years, and now thanks to your boy and his new brand of Socialism, it's gone. A-merry-cans don't want Socialism field, this is middle to right nation.
OK repukes, but don't roll out the party train just yet. Didn't Massachusetts elect Mitt -the slick- Romney? The last time I checked he was a repukelican. And I am guessing that damn near anyone else with a pulse would have ran a better campaign than Ms. Coakley. And besides, I just saw some so called expert on television from Massachusetts saying that they never elect women to national offices from that state. If true, maybe this wasn't as big of an upset as people thought.
And I honestly don't think that this election was a total rejection of Obama's health care plan. I think there was a perfect storm working against his O ness. If the dems had a better candidate they might have won. The guy straight out of central casting (Hey didn't this guy pose nude in Cosmo back in the day? I wonder what would have happened to a female candidate that did that? Hmmm.) was working the state with his pick up truck and promising to block health care reform passage all by his lonesome, while Martha was vacationing some damn place. (Hip Hop Mike is calling it a blue print for future repukelican races.) When Martha finally woke up and realized that she was in a race, it was too late. Martha, let this be a lesson to you, nothing is ever just given to you. I don't give a damn if you are a dumbocrat in very blue Massachusetts. You have to work for people's votes. That's just the way it is. Eugene Robinson and others are calling it a populist uprising of sorts. I respectfully disagree. I think it's more like bad candidate combined with bad messaging from the White House about health care reform. When you don't get out your message in the right way that is always going to be a recipe for disaster. You can't just chalk it all up to voter anger about the economy O man.
What's troubling, if you are a fan of his O ness, is that the people around him and all those political operatives in Washington didn't see this coming. They had to have known how important this seat was, but they took it for granted like the clowns who were on the ground in Mass. (Word is that their campaign didn't even have a pollster.) They were all scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off to close the gap in the last days, but as we will soon find out, it was too little too late. (And no, I don't know the official results yet, but Stevie Wonder can see what's happening. I know the Opera isn 't over until the fat lady sings, but I don't think there are any acts left in this one. )
So yet another loss for O. He stomped for Corzine in New Jersey and another bad candidate in Virginia and they both lost. After tonight he will be 0-3 since he became POTUS. Those kind of numbers will send you back to the dugout, O man. You only get three strikes in baseball. Fortunately for you, this isn't a baseball game, and you have three more years to get it right. Although If I were you, to stay with my baseball analogy, I would get a new hitting coach.
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Dumbocrats to the nth degree, SMDH!!!!!!!
Democrats rock... szpork
This was a combination of she being horrendous and he, very cleverly, did not talk about being a republican... Funny that the republican strategy is to not talk about being a republican.
He ran a good campaign and it worked. She failed, miserably.
Two words: Rahm Emanuel.
I knew we were screwed soon as Obama picked him. He and the corporate Democrats in the DLC were the reason 1994 happened. Unless Obama dumps him and actually bails out Main Street instead of Wall Street, the mid-terms will be a disaster.
It's not too late. This is the wake up call Obama needs.
Of course, "Rhambo" and the MSM will tell Obama to run further to the right, the exact OPPOSITE of what should be done to avoid further disaster in November.
"This was a combination of she being horrendous and he, very cleverly, did not talk about being a republican... Funny that the republican strategy is to not talk about being a republican."
Yes, Christie used the same formula in NJ.
"Two words: Rahm Emanuel."
Co-sign Ernesto, he ain't the hitting coach we are looking for. :)Hopefully O will wake up after this.
I know some on the left could have cared less about this watered down version of the healthcare reform bill, but I would have taken it. We will see what happens. Let's see when our Pin Up Boy gets certified by the state. It should be fun.
Maybe we will now get something done with 51 votes because we sure as hell wasnt getting anything done with 60. Also the selfish Dems like Liberman and Nelson that held the Senate hostage for their vote will now be less powerful. Most of all I hope this tell Emperor Obama that he is not wearing clothes since it seem that no one around him want to break the news.
Coakley lost because of whats going on in Washington, President Obama & ALL those broken promises:
expanding the wars, bailouts for banks, scam health care bill, scam mortgage assistance bill, lack of transparency, backroom deals, retaining all those crooks from the clinton/bush administration, etc.
the list of sellouts and broken promises by Obama is seemingly endlless. its obvious to many now that O hasn't really tried to do anything for average americans , except to deceive them.
the small ripples in NJ & Va have now grown to a tidal wave that just passed thru Mass. & is heading toward the nov. elections.
There are NO SAFE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SEATS. i just hope some of those who get the boot include high profile CBC Uncle Toms like John Conyers & John Lewis.
Its time for a 3rd Party.
They forgot the rules and depended on the so-called "woman's vote".
The rules are: If you are black you have to be three times as good, of you are a white woman, twice as good.
She was less than mediocre!
Get rid of the DLC and build some party discipline!
"Two words: Rahm Emanuel."
No, it's Obama and his broken promises for change. Period. Of course, you folks will never own up to that. It would be admitting that you were wrong about your man Obama...
This year will be the year of the Republicans.
This is what happens when you try to make friends with the person who is trying to kill you by giving them a gun and turning around.
Obama has let us down on so many levels. Immediately after the election, he should have known, with amazing clarity, that he would lose seats in the midterms so he would have is best(and maybe only) chance to get many of the things he campaigned for in the general election.
He has let the teabaggers set the agenda. No matter what he does, no matter what place in history he's chasing, he will not be the guy who managed to tame the Angry While Male by showing him the value of intelligence. He actually lost the seat held by TED KENNEDY!!! And make no mistake, Obama lost it. He was up there campaigning for her just 48 hours ago. He had his foot on the neck of the conservative movement in this country, but he let it up, and wanted to talk it over and see if they could meet "common ground".
He has let the pursuit of statesmanship obscure the sometimes necessary need to destroy and steamroll your opposition. Do you think that George W. Bush would have let this shit happen? Do you think that he would have not pulled out all the stops, sent Rove, and not had Fox News make it their mission in life to help elect a Republican if the tables had been turned?
We are on the verge, if Obama doesn't act, of having a moron tsumani in this country. All the Palin-morons, Birthers, Teabaggers, Dittoheads, Racist Jesusfreaks in the south, all of these people are emboldened by the win of a person who should not even been allowed to file to run, much less win.
As much as I hate to say this and quote Anonymous 10:35, "This year will be the year of the Republicans". Get ready for President Sarah Palin.
Smh! Will the people be voting for Liz Cheney for Vice President too? Michelle Bachmann, maybe?
Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face... Let the chips fall where they may is all I have to say. UNCLE!
I cosign, Field.. Democratic has got very comfortable with O'man. But they forget, GOP was down but not out... Let this be a lesson to Democratic.
Now go back to the grass root, go over the lesson plan to get the job as the President and fire all those stupid mofos and start over.
What happened to the young crowd instead of these old fart that cant get another job?
Where is the change that got this man elected? Probably left it with beer that he was drinking with Gate and the crook cop.
President find your base..call up Mike, Al, Steve, Wanda, and even Warren.. Not talking or discussing things with us since over a year, making your fans go away..
1 year down..3 to go. Let make the best of these 3 years before we discuss the other 4 years.
now there's a reason
why the dems are blue
the repukes are laughing
as they turn the screw
just one year later
the tide has turned
are we this helpless
just made to be burned
look it is simple
a choice to be made
lesser of evils
man we been played
where are we heading
what dark alley this
bend over and take it
without even a kiss
Obama is flailing
we're all going down
if you dispute this
you ain't been around
this is not a new story
we all know the theme
there's nowhere to hide
it's a nightmarish dream
The title said it all, you did not even have to write four paragraphs after than that title. What the difference a year makes. Coakley was one of the worst candidates I have come across, but the problem is that democrats became complacent. The national democratic organization did not do anything until Coakley was floundering in the polls two weeks ago and by then it was too late. She did not campaign. She had a Sarah Palin moment by saying Shilling is a Yankee fan right there in bean town.
I agree with Eugene Robinson because MA is not a blue 15 minutes outside of Boston. There are democrats but not liberal democrats and the populist rheotic works - always has. When David Gergen asked Brown about taking Ted Kennedy's seat and responded that it was Kennedy's sit it is the people's sit, and the people ate it up. That is how you win elections. I just want to know how do you become an encumbent when you are running for the first time in a senate because Coakley managed mastered that skill. This is truly a WTF moment.
This is the part of politics I hate, but as long humans are humans this is what we have. Politics is emotions, it is not about intellect. It is about who looks good on camera.
MA elected Repug governors four straight elections before Deval Patrick won. Coakley ran the worse possible campaign while Brown put 100,000 miles on his pickup truck. Coakley spurned help from Obama's experienced people (who would've told her to get off her ass) & even from the Kennedy family until only a few weeks ago, while Brown downplayed his teabagger support. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, "They knew Ted Kennedy, & you, Martha Coakley, are no Ted Kennedy."
Obama will have to get tough with the democrats like he did the other day with the bankers with this simple statement: "We want our money back, and we are going to get it". I am going to say this and forgive me, but he needs a little George Bush with I am the decider and a little more passionate. It does not bother me that he sounds like a professor, but people want to see in the way of Bill Clinton with I feel your pain and be more engaged with the people. I think Obama is an excellent politican, but he reign in those democrat and tell them I am boss. The democrats need a backbone and simply tell the republicans fuck and the boat you came in on because this is not about your egos it is about the what is good for the country and you might as well fall into place or get out of the way.
Ernesto said...Two words: Rahm Emanuel."I knew we
were screwed soon as Obama picked him"
Amen, so did I
So far about 6 Dems have issued statements tonight running from Healthcare. Look like Healthcare died tonight.
ooh! can't wait to see Michael Steele tomorrow. bet he'll be wearing white gloves and jigging all over the tv screen. the democrats are so stupid, watch them move even more to the right and watch Obummer invite Senator Brown for tea and crumpets
The laughable and ironic part is that they tried to sell Obamacare as "Kennedy's Legacy", and "Kennedy's Seat" (more properly know as the "Peoples Seat") will likely torpedo the whole thing....
...BWA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!
I'm with Trapped in SC - at some point the Obama Administration and the Dems need to wake up...
That's what the democrats get for being so damn tepid. How are you gonna take the white house and the legislature and STILL act like bitches? Obama is too conciliatory. Get shid done and ram it thru like the repubs and worry about the fallout/opinions later on. Grow some balls for chrissakes!! Obama is def a one term fluke. Black people better enjoy this cuz it'll be another 400 years before there's another black man in the white people's house.
I just read an interesting diary over at dailykos by a person whose relative is a Massachusetts Democrat Party machine insider. According to the diarist, it's not on Obama or Washington. It seems that the Democratic Party in Massachusetts is suffering from "crabs in a barrel"(so to speak) syndrome. Read for yourself:
As for Rahm Emanuel---I'm actually glad that Obama got his azz out of the House of Reps, where he would probably be Speaker pretty soon. I'm GLAD his azz, once fired, will not be in that kind of position of power. Same goes for Hillary...her azz is OUT of the Senate, where she damn sure woulda been a thorn in the Prez's side.
Always a silver lining amongst the clouds...
I talked to my cousin who lives in Mass yesterday and she told me that Coakley didn't even bother to send out flyers, make phone calls, go out and greet and meet people, or anything else that a normal campaign does. The woman ran a terrible campaign and I can't help but wonder if she did it on purpose. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know that those are just basics in campaigning.
To be honest, when she was on tv talking she didn't even have any passion in her voice trying to sell her self. It was like she didn't care one way or the other. That woman didn't even try a teensy weensy bit.
Oh well, now these crazy folks got me wanting to chant let's take back America.
Not only has Obama lost Ted Kennedy's seat to a Republican, he will lose Ted Kennedy's dream of health care. Obama is racing to show he can be the kind of President Jimmy Carter was.
The idea that the Dems got too complacent is not the reason. The truth is the Democrats have never been half the politicians that the Republicans have been. Even with a majority in Congress the Repubs can still kick their dumb asses.
Make no mistake about it, the American people won't make the same mistake by voting Democrat again. I know I won't be voting for him.
AB and CF have been right all along.
That's what happens when you try to fill a man's job with a weak ass woman.
Anonymous 11:37:
"Black people better enjoy this cuz it'll be another 400 years before there's another black man in the white people's house."
Sadly, I have to agree but then that was the GOP, lobbyist, some Democrats, Liebermann, teabaggers, gun toting townhouse folks, Health Insurance companies, MSM, Corporations, Roger Ailes, and Rupert Murdock's game plan all the time. Oh yeah and CF.
Roger Ailes is the head of the GOP party.
it's time to admit that it was a gigantic mistake to elect a president according to the Affirmative Action plan. Obama was never up to the job, he got in just because he's black. Now he's proven that besides knowing nothing about governing, he also knows nothing about campaigning. Let's face it, the only position he or Michelle ever got were given to them out of reverse racism. That has run out of steam.
Oh yeah I left out Bankers in prior post.
Well, at least I have a lot of solid wood furniture in my house. It will come in handy when I have to burn it for heat after the Republicans take back control of the White House.
You think Bush and Cheney did a number on you just wait until the ole grand party finishes the job. I wonder will MSM be taping desperate Americans getting violent and looting.
The GOP is king, always has been! I equate the Dems to those sorry ass Eagles- they always lose when it counts.
To think that there 'might' be another black Prez in 400 years is an underestimation. Make that 1000years. By then, it won't matter.
Anony 12:00 AM
Didn't your parents ever teach you to show respect for your elders, u fool?
@anon 11:58
At least sign your statement and pick yourself a name if you want to contribute to the conversation.
That way others can answer your statements better than I can.
I don't believe Affirmative Action had anything to do with any of the Obama success. It may have been a Perfect Storm in the 2008 election, not Affirmative Action that played any part of the steady climb to the nomination for Obama.
I understand you like to do your part in volunteer work and that greats. Nevertheless, do you think you could at least warn us when you plan to have vicious, flea-infested, rabies, infected mutts like Anonymous 12:00 in the same room with us?
I mean they bring a terrible odor with them that just seems to fume up the room every time. People get tired of smelling dog sh...!
Good thing Barack played basketball instead of baseball. No three strikes your out in basketball, keep running, keep shooting , play hard and all is not lost.
If you want to read a good take on this whole subject of Pres. Obama's Other Worst Enemies --His "Friends" take a look at what Patt Morrison wrote on the Huff Post:
Aloha from Makaii
Well, I and everyone else has seen this coming for months now. A lost message, a lost possible agenda all within 1 year. Obama has squandered goodwill and turned his back on the Dems that got him elected.
Rahm Emmanuel is #1 on the hit list of blame. When picked I knew what was up and since then Howard Dean is removed from the DNC...3 big losses and TED KENNEDY's seat is now gone. The GOP is partying all over his grave, you know it...they wanted him gone bad and tonight they got it....Thanks Oman.
If anyone in this party has some balls please use them like Alan Grayson, otherwise....weakneed Dems are meat for the Rethug lions.
Granny, Those racist Anons must be from your state.
That is exactly what I have been trying to tell people but nah, they want to listen to the very people that got them into the mess we are in now.
Anonymous 12:27:
You must really feel threatened by me. I understand!
it's time to admit that it was a gigantic mistake to elect a president according to the Affirmative Action plan.
Please idiot, white skin privilege is the original affirmative action plan.
Dumbocrats being the dumbs asses they are will read this to mean they need to go more to the "right". They are not seeing the point that Progressives have become disillusioned because there is no damn "change", ie little in the form of a progressive agenda.A colleague pointed out that she might as well as have voted for McCain the way that Obama's "change" is shaping up.
On the point of Rahm. He mentioned in a recent interview that he was not worried about the concerns of Progressives because: "we already have them."
Crack head n. meaning 1. a person who is addicted to crack cocaine. 2.a person acting erraticly or with no logic. 3. Rahm Emanuel
The problem with Obama is that he sees his job as trying to get a second term instead of doing the job he was elected to do.He wasted time on this bipartisan fiasco for the entire summer even when everybody and their mama saw that that it was not going to happen.Then his hands off approach to healthcare, especially his lack of pressure on Blue dogs (whom i predict by the midterm will become Republicans)is another clear failure.
I guarantee tomorrow Obama will be asking: Why does it always have to end like this?
The answer is best found in a quote from the great Gangster Philosopher Riley Freeman:
"...because youse a bitch"
Boondocks is the TRUTH. :)
Coakley's gaffe's were merely icing on the cake. The true culprit for the Democrats' loss can be laid at the feet of that God awful healthcare bill.
On one had Obama and the Dems are telling the people there is a healthcare crisis that needs to be solved now, yet they provide a bill where the benefits do not kick in until 2013? If that is the case, why all this rushing?
They tell the people nothing will change with your current plan, then add all these requirements on insurance companies that must cause prices to rise. How are we to keep our current plans if they become unaffordable?
Mandating that people buy healthcare from insurance companies or face a fine? WTF? Who the hell has money like that these days?
Then there is all this bribery with taxpayer money [that we are borrowing in the first place] to get votes for this horrible bill. This was the tripping point. Why should everyone have to pick up the tab for Nebraska? Really, Nebraska?
At anytime during this nasty year long process, Obama could have threatened Nancy and Harry with a VETO if they deviated from his stated goals. He did not. So, now it is time to reap what they have sown.
I know you are a big fan of his O ness and the left, but you are also a very bright man. Please take the time to look over the bill: http://help.senate.gov/BAI09A84_xml.pdf
then come back and tell me if you really think it was all Coakley's fault. Something tells me you won't be pleased with that bill either.
Boondocks is the TRUTH. :)
it's time to admit that it was a gigantic mistake to elect a president according to the Affirmative Action plan. Obama was never up to the job, he got in just because he's black. Now he's proven that besides knowing nothing about governing, he also knows nothing about campaigning. Let's face it, the only position he or Michelle ever got were given to them out of reverse racism. That has run out of steam.
He got it just because he's Black, and a Harvard grad, and a constitutional law attorney, and an intellectual who offered the citizens of the US a POTUS with whom they might disagree but of whom they would never be embarrassed.
btw, wtf is "reverse racism"?
who invited all the trolls, anyway?
The President doe's not Feel the people! he was NOT born in poverty, so he doe's not know what it really mean's to FIGHT in behalf of the PEOPLE, he did not waddle in poverty, his mother may have received food stamp's for a short period, but, it was NOT a long term period.
I am fit to be TIED! and yes GRANNY, I think, COAKLEY did not CAMPAIGN on PURPOSE! not only that but, the first time I saw her, I knew she was the WRONG person, I didn't see a FIGHT for the people, in her! I didn't TRUST her from day one! and now look! TED KENNEDY'S seat was lost on PURPOSE! I don't know how they did this, but they did it!
The PRESIDENT has allowed those OLD REPUBLICAN'S to INTIMIDATE him, he should have DISMANTLED this party in his FIRST YEAR! but, NO! they worked him, these old White Men are SHREWD! they have been around for a long time, and they know how to play the game, and BARACK thought he knew, until he became PRESIDENT!
When white people voted for a BLACK PRESIDENT, they wanted him to go after those old WHITE COVETOUS REPUBLICAN'S in WASHINGTON! we do have UPRIGHT WHITE AMERICAN'S, it is the RACIST, that give their people a bad name! like some of these ANON'S on this post! these people make their people look BAD!
I don't know how this happened but, I would hate to think we elected a BLACK PRESIDENT, but, yet, he would not take it upon himself, to make sure TED KENNEDY'S seat was kept in tact! who was fighting for TED? did anyone care about the LABOR he did for POOR PEOPLE? NO! because the DEMOCRAT'S gave his seat to the REPUBLICAN'S! this is a SHAME before GOD!
TED passed the HEALTH CARE BILL to the PRESIDENT to complete, and now look, but, there is alway's a RAM in the BUSH, this I PRAY!
Yes GRANNY, I said it before, they are preparing PALIN to run for PRESIDENT! why do you think they keep her RELEVANT!
John Crow you ain't lied. HA HA
Field has some comment deleting to do later.
[quote]This was a combination of she being horrendous and he, very cleverly, did not talk about being a republican... Funny that the republican strategy is to not talk about being a republican.[/quote]
This is the photographic negative of how you win a campaign among BLACK PEOPLE. In Metro Atlanta (and the Donna Edwards seat in Maryland) to win an election in a Black majority voting district you make THE OTHER DEMOCRAT into a REPUBLICAN and the seat is yours.
In this case the DENIAL is focused upon not focusing on what the DEMOCRATS HAVE FAILED TO DO in the district and instead coast to victory by tapping the average Black voters HATRED of Republicans.
[quote]I knew we were screwed soon as Obama picked him. He and the corporate Democrats in the DLC were the reason 1994 happened.[/quote]
Ernesto: WHY don't you see that Rhalm Emanuel HAS NO POWER that Obama does not YIELD TO HIM? Its funny how it is universally accepted by the extreme left to ATTACK EMANUEL as the problem but you can't bring yourself to see him as "Obama's Brain" a la Karl Rove. (By the way - how is your attempt to have Rove arrested going?)
When you say CORPORATE DEMOCRATS - do you make note of how your districts are left after these CORPORATE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS move their businesses out? Have you ever seen a non-corporate Democrat give people a JOB that has ORGANIC PRODUCTION?
[quote])Hopefully O will wake up after this.[/quote]
Let me understand both Filled Negro and BET Uncut. Both of you say that Obama should WAKE UP!!!
Knowing both of you you are asking him to WAKE UP AND GO LEFTWARD!!!
How does this mesh when in fact Massa-chussetts is a DEMOCRATIC LEFTIST state already and they repudiated this leftward spiral of the Federal Democrats? Might it be YOU that is NARCOLEPTIC?
[quote]The President doe's not Feel the people! he was NOT born in poverty, so he doe's not know what it really mean's to FIGHT in behalf of the PEOPLE,[/quote]
I used to think that you were some deeply BLACK CONSCIOUS person who had a cause.
Now it is clear that you are merely a left-wing progressive activist.
I STRUGGLE to understand WHY YOU THINK that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has the "PEOPLE" in mind in all that they do.
Is it possible that since OBAMA DOESN'T KNOW POVERTY that he struggles to NOT CREATE MORE IMPOVERISHED PEOPLE as YOUR POLICIES create? You (and Ernesto) mistake SERVICING PEOPLE with "POVERTY ERADICATION". After your treatment they are no more able to FEED THEMSELVES as before. No amount of evidence where the HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS OF UNEMPLOYMENT in America is going to knock you off of your bigoted position.
I would love for you to show me how Detroit or Milwaukee is an example of THE PEOPLE FIRST environments as they are 100% Democrat zones.
RT-"He got it just because he's Black, and a Harvard grad, and a constitutional law attorney, and an intellectual who offered the citizens of the US a POTUS with whom they might disagree but of whom they would never be embarrassed."
No, he got it because he promised "change", which the people "really" wanted. Also, the perfect political storm happened where there wasn't much of a choice but Obama. But Obama has not kept his promises and has proven to be so weak that he is basically powerless domestically.
Some things never change, do they? And you think he is not an embarrassment? You must be from out West where there is legalised pot. It must be some good shit that you are smoking.
Keep on smoking, and drinking that kool-aid baby.
CF, I love the way you think. It good to know Blacks are not a one-dimensional Democratic thinking race. You give me hope.
Now that you mentioned it, our unemployment rate is high and growing every day. Education has been cut so much until I don't even think you can call it that anymore. People have lost their housing to foreclosures here too at a high rate. Let's see and now they are cutting in-home care out so a lot of health care workers will be added to the unemployment lines. The state workers days have been cut on a mandatory basis and I hear that those days will be cut some more. Crime, you think Philly is bad, well, I got news for you. Philly is Disneyland compared to crime out this way. Our state sales tax went up and car registration fees & taxes on that too. Oh and the list goes on and on covering just about everything you've complained about daily 24/7
Would that fall under what you a People First environment?
oops sorry *call*
CF you are always harping on Detroit it is totally surrounded by repukes it has fucking white ring around the collar.
Michigan is a deeply divided state that's why it elects a republican governor all the fucking time. It is not nor ever controlled by the democrats detroits problems are too vast to blame on the democrats.
How about the fucking economic policies of your vaunted conservatives if any one thing brought detroit to economic ruin it was that and remember the shitty auto companies are all run by execs that drink the same kool-aid as Bush.
As for the school system well you're into technology the phrase GIGO must have some meaning to you. The city has been abandoned the pricks in Lansing stonewall any meaningful help the same shitass tactics that are always in play in D.C.
Plus it is and always has been an axiom in politics pick the lesser of two evils the democrats may not have the interests of the people in mind but the ass fucking they deliver is usually less painful and is always given with a smile. Have you seen Cheney he slips it in with an evil smirk, and a sneer just for kicks. I prefer a smile.
Since street crime seems to be one of your biggest issues. Let me ask you one more question. Do they do drivebys at the police station in the broad open daylight and shoot the police car windows out in Philly?
I am trying to find out from you does all of that fall under "servicing" and "People First Environment", because you've grabbed my attention with you last post. You have my undivided attention.
CF must be writing me an essay.
Now CF as far as big businesses out this way such as Standard Oil, Comcast,gas, utilities, etc. They pulling in a good profit. Matter of fact, they've raised their prices from anywhere in the range of $30 up to into the $100 range.
[quote]Education has been cut so much until I don't even think you can call it that anymore.[/quote]
Granny - I love you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Let's talk about DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA. It is to the east of Atlanta. It is the "Second Wealthiest Majority Black County in America". Only Prince Georges County Maryland - where Uptown Steve Lives has more "Wealthy Negroes" within.
Granny - after DECADES of hearing Black people talk about how the "ubiquitous WHITE suburb" that is in their sights spends MORE MONEY ON EDUCATION and thus the improved outcomes - the people of DEKALB COUNTY were at a fork in the road last year.
As the property values decreased after the "Bush Housing Bubble" they received their PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS from Dekalb County. (Did I tell you that Dekalb was a Majority Black county?)
A TEA PARTY-LIKE uprising!!!!!!
The county tax assessors office was inundated with demands from individual property holders to have their properties reappraised DOWNWARD to reduce the amount of taxes owed. (During the Bush Recession - this despite Obama having a 90% approval rating by these folks).
Granny AT NO TIME did I hear a CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER stand up before this crowd and say "PEOPLE - EVERY DOLLAR YOU SAVE IN PROPERTY TAXES IS ABOUT $0.50 TAKEN AWAY FROM THE INVESTMENT IN YOUR SCHOOL CHILDREN. This is not the way to go. We need to be CONSCIOUS in our economic and academic priorities as our future is impacted with these short sighted TAX CUTS. Are you are becoming REPUBLICANS or something?"
Don't you see Granny that the Black Progressive-Fundamentalist has been indoctrinated into believing that while he has SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS - it is SOMEONE ELSE'S obligation to PAY FOR THEM?
There are few other times where ONE BLACK INTEREST (education) will be pitted against another Black interest (taxes) in such a clear cut manner.
Granny - as far as I am concerned - the Negros and Negro leadership in Dekalb County Georgia FAILED THE TEST.
Despite this fact they were among those who were ATTACKING the "Tea Party Protesters" for being concerned about TAXES. Of course the Tea Partiers were driven by RACISM!!!!!! While Dekalb tax payers were driven by everything clean and pure - just as what drives Mellenous, Jody and IseeIsee
[quote]Now CF as far as big businesses out this way such as Standard Oil, Comcast,gas, utilities, etc. They pulling in a good profit. Matter of fact, they've raised their prices from anywhere in the range of $30 up to into the $100 range.[/quote]
Granny - the Federal Reserve Bank made $52 BILLION in profits last year from the sale of STOCKS in the EVIL CORPORATIONS that they acquired as they bailed them out.
Can you show me were you protested about the profits from the Fed? Or maybe ERNESTO blogged about it?
Granny do you find it strange that you HATE corporate profits but if a government has DEFICIT SPENDING for things that YOU LIKE then it is all good?
[quote]CF you are always harping on Detroit it is totally surrounded by repukes it has fucking white ring around the collar.
Michigan is a deeply divided state that's why it elects a republican governor all the fucking time. It is not nor ever controlled by the democrats detroits problems are too vast to blame on the democrats.[/quote]
Stick to writing soliloquies. You are a far less reprehensible fellow when your words are put into rhythm and rhyme.
It is interesting that you are desirous of SHARING THE BLAME about Detroit - yet you are unable to see that THERE ARE NO ELECTED EVIL REPUBLICANS in the city AND..........no one has taken a fall in the city for the results.
(Note - When I say "fall" I am talking about at the ballot box NOT at the criminal court - see Kilpatrick and Monica Conyers)
You talk about the corporate hand in the FALL of Detroit. I wonder if you are able to bring yourself to see how the PRESENCE of INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY in this same city is what BUILT UP THE CITY IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Frog - do you listen to BARACK OBAMA? When stumping for the lady that lost the Senate Race in MA he told of her history of GOING AFTER EVIL CORPORATIONS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES.
Get this Frog - if a prosecutor was to talk about his "GET TOUGH ON STREET CRIME" history of locking up people he would run awry to people like JODY!!!!! This is a CONSERVATIVE orientation to do so.
When a prosecutor talks about going after CORPORATE CRIMINALS - Jody and Filled Negro are overjoyed. There is NO AMOUNT of CORPORATE OPERATIVES being locked up or fined at which these two would say that the GOVERNMENT is running a systematic scheme to ......"punish and suppress corporate operatives".
By extension when we see the EVIL CORPORATIONS making relocation plans in which they AVOID these "progressive" places that have them in the scope of the shot gun the resulting JOB LOSSES are seen as GREEDY EXECUTIVES. Never does the HOSTILE DISPOSITION of the Progressive-Fundamentalist JOB DESTROYER ever come under inspection.
You merely have the power to DEFINE THE NARRATIVE working for you. Certainly you do not have HONOR AND JUSTICE to stand upon.
The amount of MISERY that is left after your "victory" matches the misery rendered by the corporations at the time when their power was unchecked in the Industrial Age.
I am not the smartest person in the world but even I knew this was gonna happen.I believe the democrats threw this election.Yes I believe this was purposely done.Why?I don't know yet but the truth will reveal itself sooner or later.Then again, I could just be a conspiracy theorist and not the smartest person in the world.But then again, how many theories in US history started off conspiracies with unsubstantiated claims yet later were proven to be true?
Obama got into Harvard just because he's black. He got awards just because he's black. He was editor of Harvard law review... just because he's black. And now when it's obvious he has no idea what he's doing, the affirmative action president will be defended - just because he's black.
The question isn't whether Coakley was a good candidate, but why did such an inadequate candidate as Obama get swept into the white house in 2008? The answer is plain: just because he's black.
"He has let the teabaggers set the agenda. No matter what he does, no matter what place in history he's chasing, he will not be the guy who managed to tame the Angry While Male by showing him the value of intelligence. He actually lost the seat held by TED KENNEDY!!! And make no mistake, Obama lost it. He was up there campaigning for her just 48 hours ago. He had his foot on the neck of the conservative movement in this country, but he let it up, and wanted to talk it over and see if they could meet "common ground".
He has let the pursuit of statesmanship obscure the sometimes necessary need to destroy and steamroll your opposition. Do you think that George W. Bush would have let this shit happen? Do you think that he would have not pulled out all the stops, sent Rove, and not had Fox News make it their mission in life to help elect a Republican if the tables had been turned?
We are on the verge, if Obama
doesn't act, of having a moron tsumani in this country. All the Palin-morons, Birthers, Teabaggers, Dittoheads, Racist Jesusfreaks in the south, all of these people are emboldened by the win of a person who should not even been allowed to file to run, much less win."
Those comments, my friends, is why I love to blog. That s&*t was profound! Well said Anon.
"Coakley spurned help from Obama's experienced people (who would've told her to get off her ass) & even from the Kennedy family until only a few weeks ago, while Brown downplayed his teabagger support. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, "They knew Ted Kennedy, & you, Martha Coakley, are no Ted Kennedy."
Bob, that's another great analysis. Hennasplace I love what you said as well.
Anon. Af. Action? No, that would have been George Bush. W to his friends like you.
"To think that there 'might' be another black Prez in 400 years is an underestimation. Make that 1000years. By then, it won't matter."
You are right, because by then, everyone in A-merry-ca will be black or brown. There won't be any white people left. What will the repubs do then? :)
"He got it just because he's Black, and a Harvard grad, and a constitutional law attorney, and an intellectual who offered the citizens of the US a POTUS with whom they might disagree but of whom they would never be embarrassed.
btw, wtf is "reverse racism"?
who invited all the trolls, anyway?"
RT, they always invite themselves.When you are a loser, you think that just being around winners will help you. It won't.
Bob, you are right, the delete switch only comes out for ignorant ass trolls who insult the elderly. Damn near everything else is censor free.
"He was editor of Harvard law review... just because he's black"
Anon, you lost your argument right there. You obviously do not know the law school culture, you do not just get to be editor of anybodies law review because you are anything. It just doesn't happen. He had to have earned that bad boy. Sorry.:( You will have to get his O ness on something else.
I'm going to bed. However, before I go, let me say this. You did not answer my first question about "servicing" and "People first environment". Please go back and read what I wrote and answer the question pertaining specifically to that which I asked. Would you please?
Now, see you got me all wrong, I don't care about anyone profiting, regardless to who it is. Stop being so quick to assume. The only problem I have with profiting is business try to bleed their consumers dry by raising their prices up sky high while the majority of the people who have to pay for these products or services income goes way down. Nor do I think that CEOs should make 157 times the average worker or that they should be paying out big bonuses at the expense of workers in the form of layoffs. Or having elaborate parties in which they spend oh say any figure that has 5 zeros behind it while cutting the average workers pay, laying them off, or sending jobs overseas to sweat shops or foreign countries that have cheap labor that is equal to slavery. Enron paid $50,000 for a motorcycle to decorate the office, while bilking their own employees out of their pension which came in the form of stock. Allied laid off 3,500 workers just so they could pay their CEO millions in a bonus. That to me is like legalized robbery and greed. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil! Earning money is not evil, its the LOVE of it that is evil because it turns to greed like in you know how the BANKERS and CORPORATIONS got.
CF, I really need to go to bed so you and I will have to continue this convo tomorrow. In the meantime do you think you could answer my question about "Serving" and "People First Environment", you know the specific one I asked pertaining to where I live at.
Brother Field...OUR man..Bro.O did what 3,ooo,ooo plus other people did not/could not do. I think the job is there for all to prusue.
I'm from MA, from the majority "independent" party. I didn't vote for either of the two major contenders--I voted for the underdog.
One party politics in Mass. means that the Democrats treat government like their personal fiefdom--corruption and taking the people for granted. What else explains Coakley acting as though she owned it and thus she didn't even try?
Republicans are too beholden to the wackos, so no matter how moderate they might appear, they don't get my vote.
As for health care reform, the whole program reeked of sleaze: taxation of "Cadillac plans," but union members are excluded; some states will have their Medicare/Medicaid costs covered by the rest of us...
Here in Mass., we have our own universal coverage; our tax dollars need to stay locally, in our own pockets. We have enough to deal with high state taxes, we don't need more federal ones...
Anyone consider the possibility that most A-merry-cans do not want the post office to run their health care system? And that no business will hire anyone (of any color) if they fear being taxed into bankruptcy with health care mandates?
ANON 10:17pm:
Coakley lost because of whats going on in Washington, President Obama & ALL those broken promises:
expanding the wars, bailouts for banks, scam health care bill, scam mortgage assistance bill, lack of transparency, backroom deals, retaining all those crooks from the Clinton/bush administration, etc.
the list of sellouts and broken promises by Obama is seemingly endless. its obvious to many now that O hasn't really tried to do anything for average Americans , except to deceive them.
I have to say I agree with your statements 100%.As a true leftist, I can say that Obama is a disappointment, and unfortunately this centrist and his awful policies is being seen as representing the position and path of the true Left.
At this point Obama is irredeemable,fortunately the idiocy of the "Left" (they should stop calling themselves that)in Washington does not affect me.However i feel a sense of sadness for the ordinary American, those same Americans who cried tears of joy because they had the "audacity of hope" that Obama was going to bring "change".
now none of Obama's own party will want his campaign 'help' in the autumn. It took that idiot Bush eight years to get to that condition. It took Obama only one year.
We all should have waited until 2012 to get a really good candidate. Instead, we took Obama - a product of the sleazy world of Chicago politics. Just look at health 'reform'. It ended up as a jumble of nothing but political favors. Here's a tip for y'all: Obama will talk about cracking down on Wall St executives' greed, but NOTHING will ever actually be done. It's just another dog-and-pony show, for the simpletons of the country to be taken in by.
Accordingly, the only ones still sticking with Obama are the black racists and the freaks of Hollyweird.
Today, as we gaze at Obama more than a year later, we see that he has brutally escalated the wars he incessantly promised to end. We have watched him brazenly tell black voters to expect no presidential favors, as he has chosen to legendarily favor criminal bankers with more billions of dollars bilked from poor taxpayers than ever before. Obama has become a boldly unapologetic elitist and increasingly bloody warmonger. Obama has become less like King than any other black politico I can even begin to imagine. Why would anyone condone such colorless betrayals as they compare Obama to the universally multiracial King, a drum major and warrior for global peace and anti-poverty?
As always, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson spoke the truth about Obama’s blatant evasions of all racial issues. Obama has incessantly divorced himself from any remote hint of blackness since he pimped black voters to become president. After securing that office, Obama immediately became as colorless as possible. And, he continues to whiten himself daily.
Obama has gutted 85 million dollars from federal funding for historically black colleges and universities. He has refused to utter the names of Sean Bell or Oscar Grant like he called out that of fellow elitist Dr. Henry Louis “Skip” Gates. Obama has flippantly and callously reminded victims of Katrina that he will be writing no checks for them as he has written for rich bankers. He has left millions of poor blacks uninsured as “health reform” has been tailored to exclusively benefit medical corporations. Obama has made it clear that he is a proudly corporate green president as he demands that we never ask him to become politically darkened by any similar allegiance to any black political niches. Why have you excused Obama’s racist and treacherous intraracial offenses while simultaneously denying Dyson’s truthful intraracial observations?
did everybody see that blatant fake display where Anderson Cooper supposedly saves a Haitian boy by picking him up and running with him through the streets (right in front of cameras, of course). That boy clearly had a look on his face like "what is he doing with me?"
How shameless of Anderson to be so opportunistic. How racist to portray the tired out concept that blacks need to be rescued by whites. Give needed money and supplies, but DON'T think that anybody needs you to be carrying our black children through the streets for 20 yards or so in some fake display of somehow saviong therm. That weak ass Anderson almost dropped the boy anyway, his arms are so skinny and white.
That weak ass Anderson almost dropped the boy anyway, his arms are so skinny and white.
I don't understand why people are so surprised. Obama is a right-of-centre politician and a deeply Conservative human being, it's not in his nature to re-dress the balance of power in America.
His Top 5 problems now are..
1 Repugs will never vote for him a) because he's black and b) because they perceive him as being left-of-centre, or more idiotically even, 'a Socialist'.
[For the record I AM a Socialist, believe me, President Obama is nothing like me.]
2. Democrats are disinclined to support him because he has seen to be too busy feeding the rich.
3. He has to find a way to push healthcare reforms through. The American economy is doomed without them.
4. His stimulus plan was inadequate. It stopped America sliding into a full-blown depression, but he just didn't spend enough money to produce growth.
5. He is badly advised. His political and economic teams have suffered a collective failure of nerve. They seem to have forgotten that OBAMA WON, the other guys lost. They have been playing as if they are scared of the Republicans despite the fact that the Repugs are in truth in total disarray.
But all is not lost. A week is a long time in politics. 2.5 years is much longer.
He needs to reset his Presidency back to it's manufacturer's settings. He can start by sacking his political and economic teams and getting some new blood in who are not cowed by Conservatives or Wall Street.
I saw that, too. Andersen Cooper is so gay. So despite his opportunism the gays will always stick up for him. White gays have no morals and they are leeches on our struggle. How is anybody supposed to believe that picking up the child and running with him through the streets days after the major quake was saving him? Saving him from what???
Obama did not promise to end the war in Afghanistan and said would provide more resources for that war once in office. In fact, if you go on www.politifact.com you will see how he is doing on his promises made on the campaign trail. I posted the tracking to this comment Actually his tracking is doing well, but we are so damn inpatient and think everything can happen tomorrow is at best unrealistic. He does not have any easy job and I would like to see anyone think that the can do better considering he only has control of the Executive branch and not the other two.
Now I think he needs to get tough with the democrats and whip them in line.
Tracking Obama’s promises
91 Promise Kept
33 Compromise
15 Promise Broken
87 Stalled
275 In the Works
2 Not yet rated
I think democrats and republicans different wings of the same bird and that is a major problem with a two-party system. People are more loyal to party affiliation than what is good for the country.
you got to like this guy, a black conservative on youtube. He's cool.
xpandergt's channel
"To Obama, Pelosi and Reid, this is like three atomic bombs going off all at once. It can now be said that Barack Obama to the Democrat Party is like what George Bush was during his last two years, POISON!!!"
segregrated basketball anew???
There's no big deal with a segregated basketball league. After all, most people live in segregated nieghborhoods and live segregated lifestyles. If people want to be with their own people-let them.
PurpleCow - you just might become my "Best Friend" on the board - replacing Ernesto. I go out of my way to purchase the bi-monthly "International Socialist Review" just to understand you all. SOCIALISTS ARE FAR MORE INTERESTING TO ME than are Conservatives.
Filled Negro sure does know how to attract extreme leftists with his chum.
Obama is a right-of-centre politician and a deeply Conservative human being, it's not in his nature to re-dress the balance of power in America.[/quote]
Is it possible that you speak from YOUR OWN LEFTIST VANTAGE POINT rather than in absolute terms?
I bet that, to you, Nancy Pelosi is secret agent sent by the GOP to "conserve up" America!!!
1 Repugs will never vote for him a) because he's black and b) because they perceive him as being left-of-centre, or more idiotically even, 'a Socialist'.[/quote]
I would be more interested if you tell me why BLACK PEOPLE WON'T STOP VOTING FOR PEOPLE that have
* Failed To Keep Them Safe
* Failed Them Academically
* Failed To Employ Them
* Failed To Remove The Red Push Pins out of our communities on the CDC National Infectious Disease Map
[For the record I AM a Socialist, believe me, President Obama is nothing like me.]
Did this stop you from VOTING FOR HIM? How many "Obama Limited Edition Plates" do you have sitting next to your Hugo Chavez and Castro-Brothers plates?
2. Democrats are disinclined to support him because he has seen to be too busy feeding the rich.
Do you mean BLACK DEMOCRATS who support for him just increased to 91%? Which Democrats are you speaking of that aren't supporting him?
3. He has to find a way to push healthcare reforms through. The American economy is doomed without them.[/quote]
With Medicare going BANKRUPT IN 8 YEARS - are you sure that it is the Insurance Companies that are the blame here?
Did you see the video that I stole about the socialized health care system in Romania?
4. His stimulus plan was inadequate. It stopped America sliding into a full-blown depression, but he just didn't spend enough money to produce growth.
Do you ever note the contradiction that you have?
You make use of a CAPITALIST CREDIT CARD to seek more GOVERNMENT DEBT SPENDING......yet you hate capitalism.
Why doesn't the socialist nations around the world simply PRODUCT TREASURY BONDS and print money and SPEND THEIR WAY out of trouble like the evil capitalistic nations do?
5. He is badly advised. His political and economic teams have suffered a collective failure of nerve. They seem to have forgotten that OBAMA WON, the other guys lost. They have been playing as if they are scared of the Republicans despite the fact that the Repugs are in truth in total disarray. [/quote]
PurpleCow - I am an avid viewer of Democracy Now. I see that the extreme left hates Geither and Summers and wants them fired. I am not predisposed to like them BUT I support them because I know that you all would put a HUGO CHAVEZ TYPE character in their places and we would be toast as a nation - more than we are right now.
The thing that disgusts me about people like you is that DESPITE tacitly admitting that the LEFT IS IN CHARGE - upon their failure - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CLAIM THIS FAILURE AS YOUR OWN........because despite them being LEFT they are not PROGRESSIVES in your mind. All of this despite the fact that you saw fit to VOTE FOR THEM to get the evil GOP out.
YOU, "Liberal Arts Dude", Rikyrah and others who PRETEND that your hands are clean because the Democrats are not REAL 'PROGRESSIVES' are not going to use this trick any longer.
YOU VOTED FOR them at the FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY LEVEL and in the school boards - you ARE A CO-CONSPIRATOR!!!!
The results are YOURS!!
The biggest joke I heard someone tell me this year is when Filled Negro said that HE IS NOT BEHOLDEN TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
gwb failed!
and obama WORSENED each failure by ESCALATING each failure!
where is that"hope and change"???
we have had only hoplessness and sameness!
my inbox has been overflowing for days
i have been trying to remain neutral while reseraching this
that will change asap this pm...
seen all the flack about "haarp?"
haiti may be another katrina in more ways than we know...
I saw SCOTT BROWN on CABLE NEW'S today, and he said he was NOT taking order's from (anyone) did the TEA PARTY FOLK'S know this? he is friend's with KERRY, now this is STRANGE! what is going on? he said he wanted to (HELP) with the HEALTH CARE BILL! WHAT!!!!!!! I thought he said he couldn't wait to get to WASHINGTON, so he could (MURDER IT) STRANGE! again! he said, he was a (NEW BREED REPUBLICAN) STRANGE! did the TEA PARTY FOLK'S know this? cause I don't nothing about what he said, when he was campaigning! because he doe's not sound like a HARDCORE REP/CON to me, I may be wrong.
[Quote] Is it possible that you speak from YOUR OWN LEFTIST VANTAGE POINT rather than in absolute terms? I bet that, to you, Nancy Pelosi is secret agent sent by the GOP to "conserve up" America!!! [/quote]
I’ve no idea who Nancy Pelosi is, sorry. I’ll google her later.
Taken by any rational analysis Obama is a conservative. But don’t just take my word for it. Politicalcompass.org plots politicians views on a graph of left/right and authoritarian/libertarian, based on their stated positions and voting records. Obama comes out as a moderate conservative with authoritarian leanings.
Here’s the chart, as you can see, he is a moderate Conservative - though in Europe he would be classed as a deep blue conservative. Roughly in line with the UK Conservative party or the Christian Democrats of German/Holland/Belgium etc.
He only seems like a leftist to you because American conservatism has swung so far to the extreme right, you have lost track of where the middle ground is.
[quote] I would be more interested if you tell me why BLACK PEOPLE WON'T STOP VOTING FOR PEOPLE that have * Failed To Keep Them Safe * Failed Them Academically * Failed To Employ Them * Failed To Remove The Red Push Pins out of our communities on the CDC National Infectious Disease Map [/quote]
I’m guessing they vote for the best candidate available, like everybody else. Given a choice between a party that hates them and a party that ignores them and/or takes their support for granted, they choose the latter. Better t devil you know, and all that.
[quote] Did this stop you from VOTING FOR HIM? How many "Obama Limited Edition Plates" do you have sitting next to your Hugo Chavez and Castro-Brothers plates? [/quote]
I did not vote for Obama. For me to do so, would certainly be a breach of American law, and probably European law too, I suspect.
I don’t know what a ‘limited edition plate’ is, I’m afraid. Is it some kind of crockery?
[quote]Do you mean BLACK DEMOCRATS who support for him just increased to 91%? Which Democrats are you speaking of that aren't supporting him?[/quote]
As I understand it African-Americans have always voted by more than 90% for the Democrat candidate, so the colour of Obama’s skin has had no bearing on his support amongst African Americans. Obviously the Democrats I was talking about are those who have expressed displeasure in recent opinion polls.
Sorry if this is difficult for you.
[quote]With Medicare going BANKRUPT IN 8 YEARS - are you sure that it is the Insurance Companies that are the blame here? [/quote]
Yes, absolutely. Medicare is not destroying America’s economy. Private health care is.
[quote] Did you see the video that I stole about the socialized health care system in Romania?[/quote]
Sweet jeezes, I’ve been to Romania – I’m guessing you have not. It is a third world country where absolutely nothing works. It was raped and robbed by a tinpot dictator for decades.
[quote] Do you ever note the contradiction that you have? You make use of a CAPITALIST CREDIT CARD to seek more GOVERNMENT DEBT SPENDING......yet you hate capitalism.[/quote]
There is no contradiction, I don’t particularly hate capitalism, though I'm not a fan either. I’m a Socialist not a revolutionary Marxist.
Even for Marxists I don’t see a contradiction. It’s about the government investing massively in the infrastructure of the nation. Isn’t that what governments of any type are supposed to do. Obama had a failure of nerve - $800 Billion was never going to be enough.
[quote] Why doesn't the socialist nations around the world simply PRODUCT TREASURY BONDS and print money and SPEND THEIR WAY out of trouble like the evil capitalistic nations do?[/quote]
I’m not aware that there are any Socialist nations around the world.
You are better than that.
Leave the disingenuous spin to MSNBC.
Coakley made mistakes, fair enough. She did, however, crush multiple democrats in the primary to be able to run against Scott in the Special Electin last night. She was also 20+ points in the lead after Christmas.
What should have been an insurmountable walk in the park for ANY democrat, regardless of campaign prowess, was quashed as a result of Chicago style gangsta political corruption by his self proclaimed holiness, the great Obama.
Where is the change and transparency promised? The PEOPLE are tired of the closed back room deals and gross inequity where responsible behavior is penalized for the disproportionate benefit of others eg. Nebraska medicaid payoffs in perpetuity, the 21st Century Louisiana Purchase, and the special treatment for Union Cadillac health plans that the regular folks are taxed on etc. etc. was FINALLY revolting enough to even make the die hard MA Dems take pause.
So instead of making excuses for failure, it's time to take responsibility and man up to reality and fair play.
Your BS is pretty weak on this piece my bother.
Ernesto: WHY don't you see that Rhalm Emanuel HAS NO POWER that Obama does not YIELD TO HIM?
CF...where did I say otherwise? My exact words were "I knew we were screwed soon as Obama picked him."
Do you have problems with reading comprehension? Seriously, sometimes I think you are so busy typing your canned response in your head that you don't even read what other people write.
Obviously, people are disappointed in Obama, but someone answer me this: how are electing Republicans going to make things better?????????
[quote]The thing that disgusts me about people like you is that DESPITE tacitly admitting that the LEFT IS IN CHARGE - upon their failure - YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CLAIM THIS FAILURE AS YOUR OWN........[/quote]
I disgust you, do I?
How sweet.
If the left is in charge as you claim, where is the legislation concerning worker control of the means of production? I don't see it anywhere in Obama's policy.
Where are the massive redistribution of wealth policies? I don't see them either. Obama has made the rich richer, nobody else that I can see.
Oh, and how about an ethical foreign policy?
Nope, none of that either.
ergo, it's the same old, same old in the White House.
[quote]because despite them being LEFT they are not PROGRESSIVES in your mind. All of this despite the fact that you saw fit to VOTE FOR THEM to get the evil GOP out.[/quote]
No I didn't.
YOU, "Liberal Arts Dude", Rikyrah and others who PRETEND that your hands are clean because the Democrats are not REAL 'PROGRESSIVES' are not going to use this trick any longer.[/quote]
No clue what this paragraph is about, sorry. I need someone who can translate your posts into English.
[quote]YOU VOTED FOR them at the FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, CITY LEVEL and in the school boards - you ARE A CO-CONSPIRATOR!!!!
Nope, still not true.
I see you've taken a trick from your old hero Joseph Goebbels. If you say it often enough a lie becomes perceived as the truth.
[quote]The results are YOURS!!
Have you forgotten to take your medication?
Y'know, the ones the nice man in the white coat gave you. They're in the top draw in the cupboard next to your bed, in a plastic tube labelled "TUESDAY". Take them now, i should.
[quote]The biggest joke I heard someone tell me this year is when Filled Negro said that HE IS NOT BEHOLDEN TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.[/quote]
Why should he be?
ISEEISEE: he doe's not sound like a HARDCORE REP/CON to me, I may be wrong.
Watch his voting record. I'll be shocked if he doesn't follow lockstep with the orders of Mitch McConnel and the rest of the misanthropic GOP game plan. Money talks. It also makes promises that aren't followed though. This sounds like a classic example. I'm betting he's as big a whore as any of them. The tea bag nuts will be the latest political faction that's in for a letdown.
Like I've said repeatedly, enjoy President Palin. The left has bitched about Obama as much as the right. The left is glad for a GOP win in Massachusettes because it's their childish slap in Obama's face.
The DLC dropped the ball. I don't know why anyone would believe it's a conspiracy when the Dems are consistent at throwing power away.
The left is glad the health bill might die. These are the people on the left with health insurance or the selfish healthy young who don't really care about it.
The Dems did it to themselves. Makes me proud not to belong to either illegitimate party.
It's been a whole year and Obama was supposed to fix a mess that took eight years to create in a year. You would expect this bleating from the right. How sweet they've had so much help from the left.
I was reading about what Obama has actually accomplished and he gets credit for none of it.
If nothing else, the Obama presidency gives the negro crabs in a barrel syndrome a national airing.
Enjoy President Palin. Enjoy.
electing republicans will NOT make things better
neither did electing the republican clone obama!!!
THAT is what has fueled the entire rebellion!
"if you cannot beat them join them"...MUTUAL abuses = musical chairs are the polls!
there is one political partty = corps!!!
go voters!!!!
"The tea bag nuts will be the latest political faction that's in for a letdown."
i live in the usa..you????
obama let us down FURTHER than gwb!
more wars
more poverty
more wilding with wall st
the dems promised to lift us up and they beat us further down
we are so far down that all we can do is take the dems back down!!!
HOMELESS AND JOBLESS DEMS for every homeless and jobless voter loom in nov!
obama spent his one term cloning gwb so he will be OUT!!!!
obamcare and obama are both hoaxes!!!
the republicans and the dems are ALL one party ruled by the same corps...wake up!!!
sarah palin will never be prez
but if she wins
it will be a protest win!
people are sick of being played BY politicians...so now they are playing WITH them!!!!
Obamacare is reactionary and class-based. It's industry-friendly at the expense of real reform. It assures affluent households top-flight care, others only as much as they can afford, and imposes fines on people too poor to buy coverage, so whatever plan is imposed on them will be inadequate when they need it most because current ones are designed to fail. It subordinates essential needs to bottom-line considerations and leaves a broken system in place.
Obamacare is to health care reform what No Child Left Behind is to educating the nation's youths in for-profit schools; what Operation Iraqi Freedom is to liberating an occupied people; what Operation Enduring Freedom is to bringing democracy to Afghanistan; and what the Global War on Terror is to peace and good will.
It's a scheme to ration health care, enrich corporate providers, and leave a broken system in place. It's a patchwork idea to repackage failure and claim success. It's a corrupted way to sacrifice real needs on the alter of marketplace medicine by doing too little and leaving growing millions out in the cold, on their own, and at the mercy of for-profit predators. The solution is everybody in, nobody out under a universal, single-payer system. Its time has come, and no one should accept anything less or politicians who won't provide it.”
Reading all these sick comments by people who are supposed to be black reinforces why black neighborhoods are a mess. You don't give a damn. You can't stand for anyone black to accomplish more than you and it strenghens your crippling insecurity to see so many black people with nothing. It makes you worse than white racists or anybody's uncle tom.
Enjoy President Palin. Just think where the country could be if McCain had won? You'll get your wish in 2012.
even if obama's "health reform" was sincere/legit/moral/real...
obama and his dems MUST listen to the voters!!!
we do not want obamacare as it is!
obama is not god and he and his angels cannot FORCE obamacare upon voters!
i am amazed that obama fans cannot see his evil and his arrogance???
we saw gwb's when he forced wars???
where ARE ALL of those war protestors????
"Enjoy President Palin."
[b]Failin' Pailin President?
Dream on
Obama is going to raise $800 Million, so anyone who wants to beat him is going to have to raise $1 billion to compete. Palin doesn't have that many friends.[/b]
[quote]Just think where the country could be if McCain had won?"[/quote]
[quote]"You'll get your wish in 2012."[/quote]
[b]Kucinich? Well it would be nice, but I think you are being overly optomistic.[/b]
2:26 PM
what has obama DONE to prove that HE is so black????
sp has no chance
obama has 2012 on lock
that is why he can so blatantly ignore all voters!
the same arrogance that slew the dems in ma.
the same arrogance that makes foolish black obama nazis call blacks who see the green obama "whites"...
the same arrogance that made gwb steal 8 years (16 if you count obama/gwb2.0)
it is all the same arrogance that has already selected obama for his second term....he often spoke
"in my first/second term" on the campaign trail!!!
it is that arrogant corrutpion that dooms sarah and us all
He needs to reset his Presidency back to it's manufacturer's settings. He can start by sacking his political and economic teams and getting some new blood in who are not cowed by Conservatives or Wall Street.
I Couldn't have said it better Purple Cow.
AB, ernesto, all y'all are jiggin', house dwelling, uncle toms. You are paving the road to president palin because it kills you to see a black person in charge. Grinnin' shillin' fools. I don't care how much money Obama raises, someone has to vote for him and the right wing, the left wing, the toms, and the crabs in the barrel are either voting for palin, some half baked third party candidate, or sitting it out.
Black people can't love a corrupt black politician enough but Obama gets the back of your hand. That's what he gets for speaking standard English and having a white mother.
You all are crabs and toms.
And the left is wetting its panties with I told you sos. Sorry pack of jackals, all of you and I hope you enjoy president palin.
Field I share your pain! I just want to add we must get the money out politics or this nonsense will continue no matter if we had a
pedigree Negro in the WH!
the purple cow. thanks! thats definitely the color of the bruises you just left all over constructive feedback. you eloquently counter punched his statments I do not have the disposition to methodically dismember his never ending screeds thankfully you can and just did how you like those apples CF.
[quote alicia banks - "It is that arrogant corrutpion that dooms sarah and us all[/quote]
Sarah is doomed because she is a dimwit.
"Vote for me because I'm as stupid as you are" - is her message to the American people. Not one that fills the rest of the World with confidence.
Obama, Lame Duck.
if NOT being a dimwit was a job requirement, MOST of DC would be a ghost town!!!!
clearly, obama is no genius
especially sans teleprompter
obama's sock puppet cloning of gwb and his INCREASING flubs prove that
sarah's IQ is at least 50 pts higher than gwb's...and he was prez for 8-16 yrs!
that alone rests my case
what has obama done to earn your black loyalty?????
why and how do you see the green obama as black??????
obama has done nothing for YOU or any other poor black person!!!!
so why???????
Lesser evils are still evil. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All unchecked power becomes corrupt. The blindly beloved Obama has been unchecked like no politico before him! As Obama escalated every one of King Shrug/George W. Bush’s ruthlessly elitist and war mongering policies, masochistic and suicidally loyal black fans loudly cheered him on. Empowered by their undying love and selfless loyalty, Obama’s murderous antics only worsened.
Obama betrayed every promise he ever made to save the annihilation of the black middle class by foreclosures and layoffs. He rushed to save the jobs of white collared criminals at AIG while he swiftly conspired to lay off thousands of blue collared black auto workers. He unceremoniously and brazenly betrayed black farmers. He legendarily and unapologetically gutted 85 million dollars from historically black colleges and universities.
Obama callously ignored serial incidents of fatal brutality by racist police, including the public executions of Sean Bell and Oscar Grant. He boldly decided to take notice only when his eurocentic elitist pal Dr. Henry Louis “Skip” Gates was arrested and coddled for a tantrum at his home. After boldly refusing to attend a world conference on racism, Obama dared to pretend that one iota of the pervasive drunken madness of racism could be sobered by one bogus beer fest.
Obama could have swiftly moved to specifically bail out sub-prime mortgage owners. Instead, he chose to bail out the predatory bankers and criminal mortgage lenders. Obama could have shown auto workers a modicum of the empathy he reserved for the Wall Street sharks that devoured America’s financial coffers. Obama could have sanctioned these crooks as they slew Main Street. Instead, Obama chose to amorally reward these same crooks, as he bilked the poor to give his favored fellow elitists more trillions to stash and squander. Obama could have allowed poor parents of black students in DC to avoid sending their children to violent and ineffectual public schools. He arrogantly and unethically chose to force their children to attend the same inferior schools he rejected for tony private school students Malia and Sasha.
when sexists bash hillary and sarah, do they realize they are only slaying obama, as BOTH women have far more political experience than he does???????
i do not think sp is any dumber than most of her peers...
especially gwb!
but ONLY because she is a female
her ignorance is GROSSLY magnified
mostly by rabidly sexist media
if gwb and joe biden were wfs, they would have been slain like palin long ago....they would be job sharing as pt dishwashers at some diner...
Ernesto - I am going to have to put you on the back burner for a while as I "have a sip of tea" with this British chap.
[quote]I’m guessing they vote for the best candidate available, like everybody else. Given a choice between a party that hates them and a party that ignores them and/or takes their support for granted, they choose the latter. Better t devil you know, and all that.[/quote]
Purple - I have learned to go beyond the self-defined notion of what a "Party that hates you" or what the intention that a RACIST is purported to have. You see the pop explanation about why Black's can't be RACISTS is because, it is said - we have no POWER to do so.
I dare to take this same notion and apply it to the "toothless White racist who wears tube socks and lives in Montana - the closest Black man for him to lynch is about 250 miles away from him". Thus the need to have the ABILITY to carry out one's hate is a necessary fact.
Thus, Purple if we do a "blind taste test" as to the ATTRIBUTES OF A PARTY THAT HATES YOU - would it be:
* A party that runs your schools and yet only 52% of Black kids graduate, thus insuring that they will be in the ranks of the unemployed?
* A party that, despite its control over the POLICE FORCES per their control over the mayors office they can't seem to keep the community from being TERORIZED?
* A party who now has control over the LOCAL economic policies but has presided over the DRAMATIC DECLINE IN JOBS?
* A party where one only needs to look at the "Center For Disease Control's" national map of infections transferred by BODY FLUID EXCHANGE to see a high correlation of the salient ideoligies that this party puts forth.
The party that is DOING MORE MATERIAL HARM TO BLACK PEOPLE IN 2010 is the party that is IN POWER over the key INSTITUTIONS in Black America. To believe otherwise would be like blaming a person who was CUT FROM YOUR FOOTBALL TEAM for the losing season that you are having.
As I understand it African-Americans have always voted by more than 90% for the Democrat candidate, so the colour of Obama’s skin has had no bearing on his support amongst African Americans. Obviously the Democrats I was talking about are those who have expressed displeasure in recent opinion polls.[/quote]
Purple - IT IS NOT TRUE that "Blacks have ALWAYS voted for Democrats". The Democratic Party was the party of SLAVERY, JIM CROW and Anti-Civil Rights for Black people. It was the party that REMOVED BLACK PEOPLE from office by gun point a little more than 100 years ago.
I struggle to understand why your statement doesn't ALSO translate into your understanding of WHICH PARTY CONTROLS THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY since you agree that "Blacks mostly vote for the Democrats".
I told you before I am LESS INTERESTED in "How to make Blacks vote REPUBLICAN" as I am curious about the point where our RACIAL DIGNITY kicks in and we proclaim that: "Our PERMANENT INTERESTS outweigh our loyalites. It is now time for us to find a more EFFECTIVE way forward."
Yes, absolutely. Medicare is not destroying America’s economy. Private health care is.[/quote]
Really? Please detail your argument a bit more.
I understand that the UK has a proportionally larger debt ratio than does America. This despite the fact that you have a health care entitlement and thus are not being "destroyed".
Today the Big 3 Entitlement Programs (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) form the LARGEST BLOCK OF SPENDING in our economy. Today it is $1,400 BILLION per year and it is on track to $2,000 billion OR MORE in about 8 years.
THIS IS THE TUMOR that is growing in America's budget. The only thing growing faster is our INTERESTS PAYMENTS ON THE DEBT.
If the left is in charge as you claim, where is the legislation concerning worker control of the means of production? I don't see it anywhere in Obama's policy.
Why not look at the CLOSED FACTORIES where the Progressive Left Labor IS MOST DOMINATE? Milwaukee, Detroit, Rochester, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland. The point is INCONTROVERTIBLE!!!! The more YOUR POLICIES are entrenched in an area the more UNEMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC EROSION takes place as the MARKET SYSTEM is molested. As a response the MORE THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT TENDENCIES that you and other leftists prefer kicks in.
The ELIMINATION of "Economic Freedom" and PROPERTY RIGHTS and CONTRACTUAL RIGHTS soon follow.
[quote]Where are the massive redistribution of wealth policies? I don't see them either. Obama has made the rich richer, nobody else that I can see.[/quote]
Again ENTITLEMENTS are the largest block of spending in America's budget. The fact that you all in Europe don't need to spend as much on your military as America does BECAUSE you are under our protective veil allows you to focus on your Eurosocialist Utopia.
Instead of you focusing on PROOF of "Redistributive Policies" I suggest that you look at the aggregate DESTRUCTION OF ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY that takes place where ever your theories are adopted.
Do you all have an easy immigration policy that allows "Anti-America Americans" to move over there so they can get free health care? I personally would be willing to allow more Haitians, Mexicans and Cubans into this nation in exchange for purging an equal amount of "Anti-America Americans" out of this nation.
[quote]thats definitely the color of the bruises you just left all over constructive feedback. you eloquently counter punched his statments I do not have the disposition to methodically dismember his never ending screeds thankfully you can and just did how you like those apples CF.[/quote]
you eloquently counter punched his statments.........to MY SATISFACTION - I would have had no choice but to agree with you.
It is quite odd that you and Purple share the same fate. BOTH OF YOU LIVE IN 'MARKET CAPITALISTIC NATIONS', enjoying the freedoms and standard of living that come with it. BOTH OF YOU have fanciful tales of how a Cuban-like, CONFISCATORY-GOVERNMENT would be so much better than what you have now.
Where as the world if full of EMIGRANTS who depart their nation.......we are stuck with YOU TWO (and Ernesto) who STAY PUT and try to CONVERT THEIR HOME NATIONS.
Please GO to your "Socialistic Mecca" of choice!!!
I would even give you a few American green backs for you to give to Castro in exchange for pesos.
Coakley did 19 campaign stops before election day.
Brown did 66.
Complacency kills.
[quote]Just think where the country could be if McCain had won?[/quote]
I realize that you are a Brit but how can you be so "apprised" of Sarah Palin but so IGNORANT about how the American system of government works?
You see - when we split off from you all we set up a system of CHECKS AND BALANCES. We thus have 2 Houses of Congress to compliment the Executive branch.
Thus while you are seeking to tell us that John McCain would have bankrupted the nation - and no doubt Fine Frog was not inclined to correct you - you fail to note that the January 2010 marked the 4 STRAIGHT CONGRESS in which the Democratic Party - the Liberal Party in America had control over BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS.
Just to clue you in a bit more - all SPENDING BILLS originate in the US House!!!!! Then the US Senate must formulate and then pass the bill. IF there is major differences between both pieces of legislation then there must be a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE that reconciles the bills and then it returns to BOTH HOUSES for a vote on the UNIFIED BILL!!!!!
Only then does the President either SIGN or VETO the bill.
Thus for you to say that with JOHN MCCAIN AS PRESIDENT the nation would be BANKRUPT - you would also have to indict the FEDERAL DEMOCRATS that has a sound majority in the House and up until yesterday a FILIBUSTER PROOF majority in the Senate.
This meant - up until YESTERDAY the Federal Democrats could have done ANYTHING THEY DAMNED WELL PLEASED. With the great former Democrat from Connecticut potentially playing the spoiler.
Why don't we ever hear the facts about this being the 4th straight Democratic congress Filled Negro and Ernesto?
For the Black community we must also add that in addition to the Federal Democrats all districts that have a 35% +1 Black voting base - THE DEMOCRATS control all of the local institutions.
As much as some of you are prone to indict the evil conservatives you can't bring yourself to make note of the INCUMBENCY that the Democrats have both NATIONALLY and LOCALLY - just as you have erected things to be.
2 classic books on ALL of the dimwits who run washington
obama included as a dem who clones republicans!
ditto swiff!
and that complacency is deeply rooted in dem entitlement/arrogant connections to the arrogant obama et al!
Fly whatcha gonna do with all that junk?
Ignorant, self hating uncle toms.
I'm not poor but Obama's stimulus package created or saved thousands of jobs where I live. I know this because I have to report on it for the federal government. But don't let the facts get in the way of your uninformed crabs in the barrel bullshit.
Go ahead rattle off paragragh after paragraph of nonsense and post lots of links. It derails the discussion and that is the point, osn't it?
please share those UNIQUE stats in your state
they were rapidly exposed as blatant lies EVERYWHERE else
you have NOTHING to post
in defense of obama
THAT is why you hate those paras
your LACK of anything to post of ANY length to defend obama is showing!!!...ha!
obama is looking MORE republican every day!
CF if I leave for the socialist country of my choice I will head north of the border I am 1/2 canadian plus have you read the 2 books that AB recommends above they both refute your prior statement we have been in the throes of conservative ideaology since the poster child for pernicious government rule was elected 30 years ago their claws are still digging deep and I do not forsee them relinguishing their grip any time soon.
"I'm with Trapped in SC - at some point the Obama Administration and the Dems need to wake up..."
Me three.
hey "stat" assnon:
YOU lie!!!!
Anonymous said...
Like I've said repeatedly, enjoy President Palin. The left has bitched about Obama as much as the right. The left is glad for a GOP win in Massachusettes because it's their childish slap in Obama's face.
The DLC dropped the ball. I don't know why anyone would believe it's a conspiracy when the Dems are consistent at throwing power away.
The left is glad the health bill might die. These are the people on the left with health insurance or the selfish healthy young who don't really care about it.
The Dems did it to themselves. Makes me proud not to belong to either illegitimate party.
It's been a whole year and Obama was supposed to fix a mess that took eight years to create in a year. You would expect this bleating from the right. How sweet they've had so much help from the left.
I was reading about what Obama has actually accomplished and he gets credit for none of it.
If nothing else, the Obama presidency gives the negro crabs in a barrel syndrome a national airing.
Enjoy President Palin. Enjoy.
Anon @1:41PM - You Spoke the Truth and Shamed the Devil.
#1 This election was really a sign of a lazy MA Democratic Party too caught up in its on cronyism up in Beantown to prevent a male Sarah Palin from taking Kennedy's seat. Coakley made less than a 30 of the rubber chicken dinners as Brown.
Yes, he appears to be a twit and a tea bagger, but he's a twit and tea bagger who isn't afraid to hustle. Let that be a lesson to all the mau-mau lefties crying in their milk over the Tea Party and the death of Healthcare Reform. Until you're willing to hustle like hungry corner boy in a snow storm, Obama will be a one term president and we'll all be wishing for the days of Smirk once The Thriller from Wasilla take office.
#2 Obama ain't Jesus. I don't feel the need to further explain that Obama is a politician and that's all. Anyone still harping on XYZ pet issue that wasn't fixed in the last 12 months isn't real interested in politics, but soap box and bullhorn.
#3 The 'left' in this country has been tripping over itself, stumbling in the wilderness for 3 decades. Unions versus civil rights groups vs environmentalists vs socialist -- the right has a plan and will keep charge no matter how stupid. The Left are the apostle in the "life of Brian" to busy meeting and arguing to get things done.
#4 Many on the so-called 'Left' don't want to see Obama succeed because all their notions about American realpolitik would fall on its face.
Enough already, back to the grind.
CF your bashing of medicare and medicaid is irrational where does that money go right back to the economy and is by far more beneficial that the corporate welfare we seem so willing to dispense willy-nilly this country needs bottom up spending this top down shit has not nor will it ever work why are you against Keynesian spending and how can you defend the military industrial complex
my problem with obama is that he made all the neocon bs WORSE!!!
obama just made ALL of it worse!!!
i never expected obama to be jesus
i hate him because he became a corp green/war red devil clone of that white devil gwb!!!
and i expected him to have some mercy on some poor people!!!
Good post.
Unfortunately BO is looking more and more like Jimmy Carter every day.
Great campaign and historic election but he can't govern because he has no real constituency and he's trying to be everything to everybody.
Universal healthcare is obviously a political third-rail.
BO better concentrate on getting this economy rolling again or he's toast.
One disagreement.
Palin won't get elected.
She's too fuckin dumb.
Her appearances as a Fox pundit thus far have been embarassing.
Even many righties are laughing at her.
Look for Romney or Pawlenty to come to the forefront for the GOP.
I'm still an Obama fan but he better get it going.
[quote]CF your bashing of medicare and medicaid is irrational where does that money go right back to the economy[/quote]
I only made a FISCAL STATEMENT: It is predicted that MEDICARE WILL BE INSOLVENT IN 8 YEARS. It will have to PAY OUT more than it takes in.
What about this is so hard for you?
If you read my posts you'll see that my main argument has to do with the fact that PROGRESSIVE-FUNDAMENTALISTS have a problem linking a people's DESIRED "STANDARD OF LIVING" with their own ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT to provide for this standard.
Thus it is ironic that long after winning the struggle to TAKE OVER THE SCHOOLS so that "people who care about us and have our best interests in mind" were put in place these schools STILL are not putting out young people, in enough quantities, to provide the professional service jobs that are needed.
Thus it is clear that your interest is ONLY POWER. You have a cadre of INSTITUTIONS THAT YOU NOW CONTROL. You'd rather fight the CONSERVATIVES who left you all alone and are merely trying to protect the money that they have from your confiscation.
hey uts:
obama is not trying to be anything at all to poor people/homeless/unepmployed/latinos/
i do not hate obama for what OTHER prezes/regimes have done
i hate obama for all of the very SAME things that he/his regime have done as prez!...
obama has done LOTS of things that cannot be blamed on gwb!
[quote]plus have you read the 2 books that AB recommends above they both refute your prior statement [/quote]
Alicia is on machine gun blast today please point out which of the links that you are talking about.
Please note: MY BELIEF IF that "Wall Street" is merely the opposite end of the seesaw as "The Socialist Confiscators".
You are MISTAKEN to assume that "Wall Street = Conservative"
When they got into trouble THEY RAIDED THE TREASURY just as some accuse "Welfare Mothers" of doing.
The common point is that HUMANS are going to try to exploit for their own person gain. A GROUP OF HUMANS that are assembled as a corporation or a union merely act in unison for their own separate interests.
FROG - If you were reading my posts you would see that I am NOT ARGUING FOR A REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT!!!
I am ONLY arguing for STRONG COMMUNITIES that seek to be as productive as possible at the PERIPHERY. Just as all of our cellphone networks in this nation will melt down if EVERYONE ATTEMPTED TO MAKE A CALL AT ONCE......as everyone draws from the federal trough - it is going to collapse as well.
My attacks against the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists are based on the fact that they see DEMOCRAT and BLACK COMMUNITY BEST INTERESTS AS SYNONYMOUS. Despite the ample evidence to the contrary - THEY KEEP TRYING HARDER to make it so.
I will do NOTHING for a group of people to congregate to provide UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE amongst themselves. This is THEIR RIGHT TO DO SO under free assembly and economic liberty.
When I see a movement based on the "evil-ification" of the market system AND.....AND.....AND... a bunch of numbers that DON'T ADD UP with respect to where they want to take us (not to even mention the NATIONAL DEBT) I would be a FOOL if I sat back and went along merely to be an agreeable fellow.
[quote]As always, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson spoke the truth about Obama’s blatant evasions of all racial issues. Obama has incessantly divorced himself from any remote hint of blackness since he pimped black voters to become president. After securing that office, Obama immediately became as colorless as possible. And, he continues to whiten himself daily.[/quote]
AB - I have massive trouble with your boy Michael Eric Dyson.
Thus he is yet another onchocerciasis larvae that has embedded himself into the RACIAL NUCLEUS of our community.
His "bashing of Obama" is not to ultimately REJECT HIM if he fails to live up to the Black community's expectations. It is ONLY to make him become like DYSON wants him to be.
This is why WE MUST PUT THE BELIEFS OF THE BLACK ESTABLISHMENT ON TRIAL. They must PROVE that what they believe is indeed in line with our PERMANENT INTERESTS as a people. Instead they look at the NUMBERS OF SUPPORTERS and say "the numbers PROOF correctness".
When someone like me points out the flaws then I hear from UPTOWNSTEVE asking "So are you saying that all of these Black people who believe these things are STUPID?"
Thus we never get to a fix.
"jobs" stats assnon:
YOU lie!!!!!!!!!
i adore dyson
he was very pro obama
but his wife was pro hillary
she kept him balanced
at least he did awaken and admit she told him so about obama!
people in chicago knew obama
very few ever saw him as "jesus"
but i bet even most of us in chi did not expect him to be even worse than gwb!!!
or to play out our kids in the olympics????
even gitmo is worse now!!!
yes gwb and his neocons spent billions into deficits
why are the same people who were so angry about that IGNORING how obama spent MORE in 8 mos than the neocons did in 8 yrs????
and 0 on the poor???????
"Thus it is clear that your interest is ONLY POWER. You have a cadre of INSTITUTIONS THAT YOU NOW CONTROL. You'd rather fight the CONSERVATIVES who left you all alone and are merely trying to protect the money that they have from your confiscation."
You're full of dung.
The urban centers were run by liberal Democrats for 100 years but as long as the populations were majority white and powered by industry and manufacturing jobs which attracted poor white ethnics in the first place, big government and unions were high fashion.
Blacks and hispanics were the last immigrants to arrive into the urban centers, just as big city industry was declining.
Leaving large swaths of poverty and no middle class tax base to support quality education and infrastructure.
You know this but keep trying to blame black liberal leadership for urban poverty.
That makes you a TOM.
when sexists bash hillary and sarah, do they realize they are only slaying obama, as BOTH women have far more political experience than he does???????[/quote]
This is totally nonsense.
I've never bashed Hilary for what it's worth, but saying that Palin is dim has nothing to do with sexism it's a simple statement of fact.
Palin thrives in and on her stupidity. It's her key point of differentiation as far as she is concerned. There is a distinct anti-intellectual trend in the American hard-right, that she taps into. This is why female Fox News presenters with PhD's pretend that they don't understand the simplest political concept, they know it sits well with their target demographic. Obama you will remember, was "elitist" because he had a half-way decent education and could write a literary paragraph.
[quote]i do not think sp is any dumber than most of her peers...
especially gwb![/quote]
A friend of mine is a British Army officer. Shortly before the Iraq war began he was given a briefing from British Military Intelligence about the upcoming war. The briefing was interesting, but amongst the key findings was the fact that BMI estimates George W. Bush's I.Q. to be 96.
Now, is Palin that stoopid? No. But does being less stupid than George W. make you clever - no. Go back and read her interviews, go back and look at her legislative record. She is a seriously stupid human being.
Remember one other thing, aprox. 50% of the world's morons are women. Sexism has nothing to do with that.
[quote]but ONLY because she is a female
her ignorance is GROSSLY magnified
mostly by rabidly sexist media[/quote]
Total nonsense.
As I said, Palin revels in her anti-intellectualism, she sees it as her U.S.P.
Two points. I agree that Obama is becoming Carter with a tan --good intentions but no real backbone or force of character to get it done. My point is that the left's general disorganization and inability to move beyond a campaign and/or bitch would cripple Obama even if he had the personality of G. Gordon Liddy.
Second, you're also right that Palin is a moron. But being a complete incompetent hasn't stop Amerikkans from voting for obvious imbeciles (Harding, Reagan, Bush Jr.).
AB - I respect you but you're making my point. You're one of the 'loud left' who is looking for a white knight when he or she doesn't exist. Unless Obama runs Washington like Fidel Castro, there would be no way he could fix everything you want him to do in a year. You'd be disappointed no matter what he did. You could always back the likes of Kuicinich, Nader, McKinney or Jim Hightower. And you'll be even more disappointed. (More on that later.)
Okay, enough avoiding work. Have at it on the east coast.
this is why i know obama has been selected to steal another term in 2012 just as his cousin/mentor gwb did in 1984:
obama is being too carelessly republican beneath his dem mask!
In 1966, King visited and moved into a Chicago ghetto to help fight violent gangs. In 2008, Obama sought an Olympic bid to fatten the coffers of fellow slumlords in Chicago, as he brazenly ignored the brutal murder of Derrion Albert and many other violent children. Obama opted to send his presidential drones for a drive by photo opportunity instead. The wars in the streets of Chicago are not profitable enough to garner Obama’s attention, reserved for more lucrative engagements of America’s military industrial complex in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the blood in the streets of Chicago does not flow above oil wells.
NO ONE who calls me white can EVER tell me how obama is so black!!!
that only makes me hate obama more righteously!
why elect a fake dem like obama when you can elect the real republican???
MA answered that question at the polls!
it is a preview of the same flip in nov
and in 2016 it may all flip again
because by then we ALL will know we have been played by one party with 2 fake faces
Which is what, as you see it?
Of course you are suggesting that Deval Patrick, Mike Nutter, Adrian Fenty, Byron Brown, Keith Ellison, Ike Leggett, Sandra Edwards and other black elected officials are all walking lockstep to the same beat.
uptownsteve said...
"Thus it is clear that your interest is ONLY POWER. You have a cadre of INSTITUTIONS THAT YOU NOW CONTROL. You'd rather fight the CONSERVATIVES who left you all alone and are merely trying to protect the money that they have from your confiscation."
You're full of dung.
The urban centers were run by liberal Democrats for 100 years but as long as the populations were majority white and powered by industry and manufacturing jobs which attracted poor white ethnics in the first place, big government and unions were high fashion.
Blacks and hispanics were the last immigrants to arrive into the urban centers, just as big city industry was declining.
Leaving large swaths of poverty and no middle class tax base to support quality education and infrastructure.
You know this but keep trying to blame black liberal leadership for urban poverty.
That makes you a TOM.
Uptown Steve,
Accept this e-handshake.
That had the virtue of being both good and true.
who gave him one year?
all i asked is that he do as much in EACH year for the poor as he does for the rich
how will your slander and fantasies about those hard truths make them fade softly away?????
i never wanted a "white knight"?
i also never wanted a half-white/yellow/blackish clone of the demonic gwb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanted anything/anyone better than bush BUT
obama has been worse!!!!!
obama was the lesser evil..and obama nazis allowed him to become more evil
how long will you all lie about jobs/call those who truly just see the real obama names????
is it not the obama nazis who see obama as so black knight???
ridiculously so!!!!????
how will any of the silly name calling make obama look less like gwb????
obama is proof that evil unchecked only becomes more evil!!!
and no lies/slurs/fantasies/dreams will give a single poor person any mercy from the rabidly elitist obama or his fat rich banker posse!
alicia banks said...
my problem with obama is that he made all the neocon bs WORSE!!!
Alicia! Shut up you obsessive, self-centered fool. Are you being paid by the right-wing to post this nonsense? Because you're exactly the kind of leftist they adore. The narcissistic type that encourages apathy and pessimism among voters, especially Progressives and Democrats. At the moment I'm too angry to fully respond to you. Instead I'm posting an article that reflects my sentiments.
Guest Editorial by Frank Schaeffer
1/20/2010 6:09AM
Congratulations to the Left of the progressive movement and the Democratic Party: You just shot us all in the foot. You contributed to the Democratic loss in Massachusetts.
I’m a former Republican who ran from that hate-filled movement years ago. I am a heartfelt Obama supporter. And I am also an Independent Massachusetts voter.
I blame the ideological purist Left who have worked so hard to undermine the Obama presidency for the MA debacle. You set the stage...
The Left of the progressive movement couldn’t wait patiently for change. They wanted everything Now! They couldn’t ever see a glass half full and the possibility of improvement on the health care reform bill; it had to be perfect Now!
Gay rights moving ahead slowly weren’t fast enough! The fact that our president inherited the mess that landed on his desk didn’t move his Lefty critics to root for him, pray for him, and wait for him: No! It was “You’ve failed!” You’ve sold out to the banks! We're still at war! And all this only after less than 12 months in office!
Well, you got what you paid for. By giving aid and comfort to the extreme right – “See even his own supporters don’t trust him!” – You have emboldened the nuts. You also have sapped drip-by-drip the enthusiasm of Obama’s actual grass roots supporters (like me) who are not part of the "progressive elite."
You of the Obama-hating Left (yes I used that word --- hating) are both short-sighted and unrealistic.
Well, thanks ya’ll! See you in no-health care, no-gay rights, eternal-dumb-wars Sarah Palin’s America.
Frank Schaeffer is the author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back and Patience with God: Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism) .
I remember when no one believed the American people would be dumb enough to elect a low intellignce, military deserter, and former druggie to the office of president. They did in 2000 and they'll do it again with Palin. Never underestimate the stupidity of the right and the gullibility of the left to help deliver the goods.
It's true that people have the attention span of a new born. Who would have a thought a president with half his administration under indictment and who sleeps through cabinet meetings could get reelected? But Reagan did. The right are masters of contolling the issues and framing the discussion. And the left is famous for helping them. End of story.
You all act like there is some great new dynamic at work. The GOP is in disarray and yet still in control because of the Dems eternal big tent bullshit cat fighting.
Are you kidding me? The left is enjoying this defeat more than the right. All the Hillaryites who are mad O won, all the don't ask don't tell crowd, all the anti war crowd, all of you negroes convinced that the economy, education, and jobs are not "our" issues. All y'all are so happy about what happened in Mass. I think it's called cutting off your nose to spite your face. The next administration is going to be repug, likely Palin, and all your little gripes under O are going to pale in comparison. But at least you put the n****r in his place and feeling good about that is what counts.
I realize that you are a Brit but how can you be so "apprised" of Sarah Palin but so IGNORANT about how the American system of government works?[/quote]
It's not that I'm ignorant, it's more that I couldn't give a kipper's dick how the American system of government works.
I don't live there see...
[quote]You see - when we split off from you all we set up a system of CHECKS AND BALANCES. We thus have 2 Houses of Congress to compliment the Executive branch.[/quote]
Actually, I knew that.
[quote]Thus while you are seeking to tell us that John McCain would have bankrupted the nation - and no doubt Fine Frog was not inclined to correct you - you fail to note that the January 2010 marked the 4 STRAIGHT CONGRESS in which the Democratic Party - the Liberal Party in America had control over BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS.[/quote]
Let me get this straight.
You appear to be saying that McCain would not have been responsible had America gone bankrupt had he been President. However Obama is responsible for America's plight because he is.
Does that make sense to you?
If so, you should move on to wednesday's tablets now.
[quote]Just to clue you in a bit more - all SPENDING BILLS originate in the US House!!!!! Then the US Senate must formulate and then pass the bill. IF there is major differences between both pieces of legislation then there must be a CONFERENCE COMMITTEE that reconciles the bills and then it returns to BOTH HOUSES for a vote on the UNIFIED BILL!!!!![/quote]
Listen buddy, it's after midnight if you want me to debate you are going to have to make this a little more stimulating.
(No pun intended.)
[quote]Only then does the President either SIGN or VETO the bill.
Thus for you to say that with JOHN MCCAIN AS PRESIDENT the nation would be BANKRUPT - you would also have to indict the FEDERAL DEMOCRATS that has a sound majority in the House and up until yesterday a FILIBUSTER PROOF majority in the Senate.[/quote]
I don't have a problem saying that, given that I'm not a Democrat (as previously explained.)
[quote]This meant - up until YESTERDAY the Federal Democrats could have done ANYTHING THEY DAMNED WELL PLEASED. With the great former Democrat from Connecticut potentially playing the spoiler.[/quote]
Errrrrr yes, I agree, that's in fact exactly the point I was making. Let's face it, capitalism sucks.
[quote]For the Black community we must also add that in addition to the Federal Democrats all districts that have a 35% +1 Black voting base - THE DEMOCRATS control all of the local institutions..[/quote]
[quote]As much as some of you are prone to indict the evil conservatives you can't bring yourself to make note of the INCUMBENCY that the Democrats have both NATIONALLY and LOCALLY - just as you have erected things to be.
Are you drunk?
Is that what this is all about?
Or just delusional?
I don't think I've ever encountered so many straw men in one place before. But carry on debating against points that nobody has actually made if it helps your therapy.
dyson is a bohemian rebel like me
he is a very cool afrocentric earthy bro who also happens to be a real christian minister and a prof
he has a bro in who is a prison lifer
he is from "the hood"
i think you need to learn more about dyson
like me
all he wants obama to do is NOT be a clone of bush
ditto for cornel west
what i really wish
is that people like lac and all other obama nazis would get as angry about obama's own blatant lies
as they get with me for my truths about obama's lies!
protest obama's escalated wars
call obama a corp knight
Ms. Ann G. Myma and Anon@7:18, you made my point for me. The Left has been infighting and holding holier-than-thou nonsense positions for years. The GOP will probably retake the house, but not because Americans understand or support their crazy positions. Its primarily because too many on the Left are vested in perpetual political tribalism.
you are a rabid obama nazi
and you TOO have not said a solitary thing to defend the green obama
you will NEVER silence me!!!
and you will NEVER defend teh blackish obama/gwb 2.0
blame obama for the loss in ma!
those voters rejected OBAMA!
neither ma politico was a "leftist" you bobble headed black fool!
when obama is a joke in history
you jokers will still be blaming ANYONE but that joker for his own demise
did one ma election get you so upset??????
but ALL of obama's betrayals for overa year have not????
juat why the hell is that?????
alicia banks said...
when sexists bash hillary and sarah, do they realize they are only slaying obama, as BOTH women have far more political experience than he does???????
Now here you sound like you've been smoking crack! However, I think a strong dose of Thorazine may do the trick.
ann and obama are NOT in my tribe!
leftists have had no role in what has happened in america since 2000 as we have had NO power!!!!
obama pretended to be leftist as he has made us even more powerless!!!!
the blackish obama is an elitist republican!!!!
wake up!!@!!
was obama a gov???
sarah was
was obama wed to a prez for 8 yrs?
wed to a gov for another 8?
a kick ass corp atty?
who ran 4 elections as a partner?
a senator in nyc?
do your homework you manic moron before you buck up to me with obama's green butt pasted to your silly black lips!!!!
obama is an empty suit who spent barely 6 mos voting present and never did another damned thing but LOSE!!!!
and he lost again in ma!!!
deal with it you loser!!!!!!!!!!
Obama folds his hand on health care. Not that anyone saw it coming quite a while ago.
Obama, you were a nice experiment, and it failed.
you are blaming powerless liberals for what obama and his clone gwb have done since 2000
and even YOU know that is cowardly and senseless
but you obama nazis truly have nothing else to say as
i see u
Alicia, I don't think you are a Leftist at all.
I think you think you are, but you have about as much genuine understanding of leftist politics as the barking-at-the-moon-bonkers poster 'Constructive Feedback'.
i.e close to none.
Anyway it's 00:38 in the morning and I should be in bed.
Adieu, mon cherie
i hope the rabid racist in you is not not dissing obama's black half though
he has failed FULLY!!!
CF: "Why don't we ever hear the facts about this being the 4th straight Democratic congress Filled Negro and Ernesto?"
Once again, I wonder about your reading comprehension. We don't cut Democrats slack just for being Democrats. I will be the first to call out someone like Max Baucus for whoring for insurance companies. Pay attention!
CF: "BOTH OF YOU LIVE IN 'MARKET CAPITALISTIC NATIONS', enjoying the freedoms and standard of living that come with it."
So everyone should be rejoicing in the fact that 45,000 Americans in this capitalist paradise of ours will DIE this year because the market has determined that their LIVES must take a back seat to private sector profit?
CF: "BOTH OF YOU have fanciful tales of how a Cuban-like, CONFISCATORY-GOVERNMENT would be so much better than what you have now."
Damn those Cubans and their evil, CONFISCATORY, free medical care for all people. Why don't we send a MERCENARY ARMY to invade Cuba and bring back the wonderful capitalist paradise like they had under FULGENCIO BATISTA? Oh wait, we already tried that before. Maybe we should do it again, and give them one of our NON-CONFISCATORY health insurance companies that will deny them coverage or drop them for pre-existing conditions. Yeah, that would teach them!
CF: "The fact that you all in Europe don't need to spend as much on your military as America does BECAUSE you are under our protective veil allows you to focus on your Eurosocialist Utopia."
BREAKING NEWS for CF!!: the Cold War ended 20 years ago, because the Soviet Union went broke fighting in Afghanistan and spending so much on the military. Sound familiar?
It must be nice still living in Ronald Regan's 1950s/Alzheimers Universe.
i am an ultra liberal indy
and i am still waiting for you to defend obama
you are a typical coward/hater
even you know i could not care less
about what you"think" of me
AB- you and I both know comparing Sarah Palin's experience to Barack Obama is literally comparing apples and oranges. Obama is travelled academic. Sarah Palin thinks seeing the tip of Siberia from AK makes her qualified for foreign policy.
What was Barack Obama before he was a politician? A commnuity organizer, an Ivy League grad and Con Law professor. What was Sarah Palin before she was mayor Wasilla? A TV Sports Announcer.
Calling Sarah Palin dumb is no more sexist than disagree with Obama is racist. You're an intelligent woman who often disagree with. Please don't belittle or embarrass yourself with asinine postulates.
And its fine to disagree with Obama, I often do. But attacking the man's ethnic background (as if the cops would care that he's half white while beating his ass with nightsticks) or coming with a laundry list of issues that you and I both know couldn't possible get done in a year without martial law is intellectually dishonest.
I present this challenge to you. You're obviously concerned about Black people and what our government does. There's a local election coming in 2011. Do you plan to run?
i just saw your "blog"?
you are no genius
spare me your wannabee bs
do not post bs lies about white knights and then feign civility...ok????
it is obama that ignores racist police
there is nothing academic about how obama has slain the poor
sarah palin DOES have more experience than obama politically
"community organizers" do not balance state budgets etc
hillary has more experience than both obama and sarah combined!!!!
sarah is not the prez
obama is
What has Palin done that is any less Republican than the rabidly elitist and incessantly lying Democratic President Barack Obama GWB 2.0? Other than expertly read eloquent speeches written by skilled drones, what has Obama done to prove that he is any more intelligent than Palin? How has Palin demonstrated that she is any less devoted as a parent or spouse than Obama? What has Palin done to betray gays more than Obama and his posse of rabid gaybashing bromancers? As president, could Palin possibly bilk the poor any worse than Obama has done?...
I am an ultra-liberal, independent, afrocentric, lesbian, childless, anti-government, scholar. To say that Sarah Palin and I have very little in common is an extreme understatement. I do not like her personal style or agree with her political stances. But, I absolutely despise the vulgarly sexist abuses she continues to endure!
do u plan to run?
i would never be a politico
i am far too smart/moral/honest/uncompromising to bother....
only obama nazis demand that those who dare to speak against the god obama become godly as pennance
spare me
it is my concern for ALL people that makes me tell the truth about the blackish obama
it is why i hope all you stupid black fools wake up!!!!!!!
AB - as I've said before I've only been in LA for 9 months, so running for office would a little silly until I establish myself in the community. Unlike our favorite congressional House Negro, Harold Ford Jr, I'm no carpetbagger.
But, in my past, I've ran for office twice and worked on varied causes in my neighborhood. And I worked in my local congresswoman's office. So, I put my money where my mouth is.
You're too smart to run for office?! Alicia, that....doesn't make any sense. Not only does it play into the hands of the very political class you bemoan (apathy is their greatest weapon) how the Hell is anyone too smart to help their community?
I'm not saying to goosestep with Obama. I'm saying put your money where your mouse (or keyboard) is and get out and do something. Sit on a local school board for a year and see just how hard, complex and aggravating American politics truly is.
why are obama nazis more concerned with how sarah may fail as prez
why do they demand that anyone who does not blindly worship obama run for prez
i wonder what rich bankers say about this masochistic madness?????
Go to recovery.gov if you really care about jobs, which you don't.
O campaigned on winding down Iraq and surging in Afghanistan. Only an illiterate would find a lie in that.
Michael Eric Dyson is a gasbag. How appropriate you would find him a kindred spirit. Listing dyson's incarcerated brother as if that confers some special credibility on him. He's a real brother! He's got a brother in prison! He cool!
You are a shallow, goose stepping, uncle tom doing the man's dirty work for him.
Leave politics to the grownups. It's way over your head.
i am n veteran educator and activist of 1000s of black adults and children
that is my niche
i have no political desires
i loathe politicos because most of them are amoral phonies like your beloved obama
what do YOU do for blacks besides be an obama nazi??????????
why do they demand that anyone who does not blindly worship obama run for prez
AB -- Huh? Who said run for President? If anything, I said go out be the change you want in government.
"hard, complex and aggravating American politics truly is"
are u serious??????
nothing is as hard complex and aggracating as ABJECT POVERTY/INSANE CREDIT CARD FEES/LOSSES OF JOBS AND HOMES!!!
so cc your dime store politico bs to obama
he is the failed disgraced politico
he needs it!!!!
are obama nazis now going to pity and excuse obama because his job is hard?????
that is a new pathetic low lac!
thank you for proving that you are a moronic obama nazi
i do not read obama's own bogus lying websites
those are just for you...enjoy!
there are millions of other jobs besides politicos that are vital to communities
maybe obama will find one easier for him asap
obama is not the change i want
he is the blackish repeat of what i hoped to change
time for some new slogans
is obama a tom for stealing billions of black dollars from poor taxpayers and giving them to rich white bankers?
obama has escalated wars...why/how do you see that as winding down???
escalating wars for peace is like whoring for virginity!!!!
wake up!!!
calling me names will never make anyone call obama a "success"
how did we liberals slay obama when we do not even own the media that coddle him??????
your rabid denial will never protect you or save obama
I think we have a candidate for the site's biggest idiot: The Purple Cow. He says he doesn't care "how the American system of government works"... and he posts this as a comment on a blog article about American politics.
Hey purple, you should change your name to MAROON!! And ask somebody to explain Bugs Bunny to you, if you don't get it.
Alicia, it must be difficult to keep your temper when people from assnons to lac keep distorting your words. It'd be nice if people could actually debate against you honestly.
tpc posted some schizo bs all day...
cf kicked his ass!
i respect consistency
i have consistenly seen and hated what i saw in obama since i voted for hillary!
Preach AB, PREACH!!!!
they have to tell lies because they cannot handle the truths
then they can debate bs like "white knights" rather than the reality of "corp green prez"
like that mindless "column" ann just posted
liberals are to blame for that 750 billion obama gave to his criminal banker pals?????
Today, as we gaze at Obama more than a year later, we see that he has brutally escalated the wars he incessantly promised to end. We have watched him brazenly tell black voters to expect no presidential favors, as he has chosen to legendarily favor criminal bankers with more billions of dollars bilked from poor taxpayers than ever before. Obama has become a boldly unapologetic elitist and increasingly bloody warmonger. Obama has become less like King than any other black politico I can even begin to imagine. Why would anyone condone such colorless betrayals as they compare Obama to the universally multiracial King, a drum major and warrior for global peace and anti-poverty?
hey fly!
when will these obama nazis wake up???
when will vapid wannabees like tcp and raggedy ann stop playing with me?????
when will lac start demanding that obama be as competent as the other people she wants to run for his post????
This Coakley loser even looks like Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who managed to do the same thing in Maryland a few years ago--blow an insurmountable lead for a seat that had been held by Democrats for decades. Someday, Democrats will stop picking these stuck up feminists to run for office just because they are stuck up feminists. Nobody likes a stuck up feminist. Not even other stuck up feminists!
Democrats threw the election.They lost on purpose.
Resident Cynic
I just want to let you guys and gals know...This is a damn good debate going on up in here that is slamming some TRUTH in the Fields about what is really going on...I loving it.
i hope the rabid racist in you is not not dissing obama's black half though
Yeah, I don't hate myself or want whites to be obliterated from the planet like half the commenters here, nor do I automatically excuse every atrocity or incompetent action simply because the perp is black.
So I guess that qualifies me as a "rabid racist" in your eyes. Hey, it's an honor.
grinder-"So I guess that qualifies me as a "rabid racist" in your eyes. Hey, it's an honor."
Preach it!
AB, so you think Hillary, who you support, would handle Wall Street bankers any differently than Obama? Seriously?
Listen, it takes about a half billion dollars to run for president in 2012. Where do you think that money comes from? Poor folks? You have to change the game if you want a different kind of player.
One more thing. Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot. I would say that regardless of gender. She is easily as dumb as Dan Quayle. Maybe even as dumb as GWB, but he was brain-damaged from drugs and booze so that might not be a fair comparison.
yes i do
bubba left the usa with a huge surplus
and he and hc have always been a twofer!
the bankers bought obama early on
and he paid them back immediately
i get that that is cool by u
i agree
i never said palin was smart
i said she had MUCH more political experience than obama
i stand by that
everyone who dogs her politically dogs obama by political comparison
even female morons suffer most by sexist morons who rule all media
scott brown posed nude and it was cheered!
a nude photo of any female politico = sudden death!
Hillary Clinton is the only politico who has ever been more ruthlessly abused by sexist media than Palin. The relentless venom of Palin’s misogynist detractors was most evident on a recent cover of Newsweek magazine. All of the “-isms” are related. Racist editors at Time magazine similarly blackened O. J. Simpson’s image to make him appear more stereotypically evil and murderous. Likewise, brazenly sexist Newsweek editors played the short shorted leggy bimbo card on Palin by splicing a completely unrelated and inappropriate photo of her onto its cover. Just as Kanye West would never have run up on any male artist the way he did the young female Taylor Swift, misogynist in media have become maniacal as they uniquely slay Palin’ image more deliberately and viciously each day.
what makes obama such a genius????
who will defend him as much as they bash sarah?????
the ONE party that controls all american govt has played voters masked as 2 parties for decades
like the wwa..phony public brawls while pals in pvt etc
now the voters in ma just tagged teamed obama inc into a tko!
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently.
We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.
We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering—a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons—a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.
But always—do not forget this Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face—forever."
--George Orwell - “1984”
i became a scholar/dj/radio host/producer/educator/columnist/activist/warrior because i admired the same
i have NEVER ever met any politico i admired enough to want to be one
cc YOUR own bio/platform etc
i would love to read it
i am still waiting to hear why/how obama is not a tom/so black etc????
tis what it be tis... this is what eye call coming to your senses talented tenth style.. see, black folks need to learn that participating in white folks economic and political paradigms is by their very nature, ludicious on the merits. O man needs to learn and is learning that pandering to upper class white and jews to the degradation of poor white and folks of colour will get you short shifted and short listed all the time. the masses waltzed him in for their view and the few puppet master him for their economic stew...
who has ever heard of anybody signing executive orders on one's first day to only turn around and have them nullified and/or not metered out! whose the bigger foole? the puppet, the master or the uninvited audience sitting up in the cyber crow's nest? perhaps, they all are for not having the balls to make change an elimination of your bloody capitalism cancer system...and its tentacles of exploitation of all its participants. Checked yo credit rating lately? Think JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs gets a mickey fickey about theirs? why would they when you money they can use ad nauseum for their benefit to save them from credit malaise.. And you? how are you gonna fix your need to rob paul to pay peter whilst getting f-ed over causing the meter is still tickin toward your personal economic deficient.
black folks need to come up with their own political parties and their own economic systems for betterment of black folks and get off this O man is Moses image euphoria. Putting an average person on pedestal will surely mean they will fall eventually.
"black folks need to come up with their own political parties and their own economic systems for betterment of black folks and get off this O man is Moses image euphoria."
Oh please! Black folks can't get together on anything, let alone a political party. Blacks supported the O man because they saw Whites were supporting him. Blacks are no different than Obama. They follow the lead of Whites. They never would have voted for Obama if Whites weren't voting for him.
Blacks don't have the unity nor the will to start their own party.
So save the all the dream folk lore, it ain't going to happen.
Anonymous 2:11:
"They follow the lead of Whites. They never would have voted for Obama if Whites weren't voting for him."
You speaking for yourself right?
As much as I would like to comment on this the reality is this:
Tha state was held hostage to one opinion for forty years. Not all the forty years were full of bad opinions...but we need to work with everyone...no matter what. Need no more proof than those who visit your site regularly...
[quote]tpc: i am an ultra liberal indy and i am still waiting for you to defend obama you are a typical coward/hater even you know i could not care less about what you"think" of me[/quote]
You are waiting for me to defend Obama??
Why would I do that?
[quote]tpc: i just saw your "blog"? you are no genius spare me your wannabee bs [/quote]
I never claimed to be a genius, I leave that to those who spend all their free time posting 200 times a day on other people's blogs. It's almost as if they don't have a life.
Unlike you I never covered myself in self-engrandizing labels, you see.
Like ‘ultra-liberal’ or what was the other one? Oh yeah… ‘Bohemian Rebel’
You want ‘wannabee bs’ – that’s it right there.
i became a scholar/dj/radio host/producer/educator/columnist/activist/warrior
Translation: free-form babbling egomaniac.
tcgreenwithenvy & assnon/tcpersonalstalker:
your envy is so ugly!!!!!!!!
i am so sorry that you are not ME and labeless and EQUALLY present and lifeless herein...
i feel your pain!
assnon obama nazi:
re job stats
YOU LIE!!!!!!!
rest assured
your "blog" is safe from me!!!
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