"Hey field, why don't you do an entire post about the racist cop from Philly? Once again a racist white man accuses black folks of something we didn't do. This is national news field, why aren't you talking about it?"
"Slow your roll" people. You know that I can chase racism with the best of them, but I am afraid that things might not be so black and white (pun intended) in this case. I heard half of Rev. Inc. on his show taking callers about the incident, and black folks in Philly are up in arms about the situation. Folks have been e-mailing me all day about posting about it and wanting to know where I stand on Sgt. Ralston.
Well, after further reflection, I am afraid that some of you won't like where I come down on this one. I have a problem with Sgt. Ralston being allowed to be on the street as one of Philly's finest, but it's not because he might be a racist. Nope, it's because he is (apparently) mentally unstable.
Here is the thing: This particular district where Sgt. Ralston claimed that he was shot is probably 98% black, so who else was he going to say shot him? Two Italians from South Philly? Philly is a city of neighborhoods Of course he had to claim that the perps were black, if he didn't,- in his mind- his story would not have been as credible. Now who I feel sorry for are the poor law abiding folks in that neighborhood who were worried that a potential cop killer was on the loose.
Still, Sgt. Ralston does not get a pass, because he is clearly unstable. Who shoots himself (with his own service revolver no less) in order to transfer from a district he didn't want to be assigned to? The fact that this man was on the streets in his mental state is scary. I have mad love for those who are charged to protect and serve, but Philly has got to do a better job recruiting these po pos.
Some folks in Philly want him criminally prosecuted, but Ralston received immunity for his confession, so that's not going to happen.
But field, isn't it possible that the reason Ralston wanted to be transferred out of that district is because it is all black? Wouldn't that make him a racist? ............Damn it racism, you just don't give up. [Article]
Finally, I want to warn you white folks about imitating stuff you see on the big screen.
I know that A-merry-ca loved the Blind Side and it's "Magic Negro" theme, but you have got to be careful. Not every young black man out there is the next Michael Oher.
There are Grifters out there who are all too willing to take advantage of you "Magic Negro" lovers.
I give you my man Guerdwich Montimere. Seems he had an entire Texas town hoodwinked for damn near a whole school year. He was taken in by the coach, played varsity basketball, led the team to the state playoffs, and was a big hit at school. But sadly, there was just one little problem:
"Authorities say the boyish-looking 22-year-old posed as a 16-year-old sophomore phenom to lead the Permian High School basketball team to the state playoffs. He was jailed on fraud charges, and the rabidly competitive West Texas high school that inspired the movie "Friday Night Lights" may have to forfeit its season."
Hey, "black don't crack", so I am quite sure my man had no problem passing himself off as a 16 year old. But this is not funny. What happens when some other poor kid is put in a situation where he might need the help of a good Samaritan? Grifters like this clown just hardens good people's hearts, and that is not cool in Obama's A-merry-ca.
"After admitting the person was a friend, not his half-brother, Montimere moved in with Permian boys basketball coach Danny Wright when the friend left the state last summer, Adkins said. ..On Wednesday afternoon, some players practiced shooting in the Permian gym as Wright looked on. He declined to comment, citing a directive from school officials.
Moments later while speaking with a substitute teacher who had Joseph in classes this year, Wright said he felt compassion for the young man...'I genuinely love that kid and wish him the best,' he told the teacher, Liz Faught. He said he chose to take Joseph into his family and hoped their time together 'showed him some virtues.'"
Moments later while speaking with a substitute teacher who had Joseph in classes this year, Wright said he felt compassion for the young man...'I genuinely love that kid and wish him the best,' he told the teacher, Liz Faught. He said he chose to take Joseph into his family and hoped their time together 'showed him some virtues.'"
Oh yes, "virtues". That, unfortunately, is something Montimere, like Sgt. Ralston, is clearly in need of.
That is one crazy looking photo of Ralston. What did the photographer say, "C'mon, Ray, give us your crazy-eyes look"?
True Field, not every young Black man is the next Michael Oher; but that is hardly the point. Whenever someone blames the all purpose Black guy, EVERY Black man suffers. I do not pretend to understand why it is, I only know that it IS.
There's makings for a good argument for cop racial quota's here. Can't believe I'm saying this, geez.
If my Nick at Night memory serves me correctly didn't Barney Fife shoot himself too?
And why did this 22 year-old do this? What kind of fraud was he charged with? Was he trying to get a college scholarship?
"But field, isn't it possible that the reason Ralston wanted to be transferred out of that district is because it is all black? Wouldn't that make him a racist?"
No, that would make him sane.
"Philly has got to do a better job recruiting these po pos."
Field....This is a good start. Police selections procedures are often quite good, and many forces are quite selective when choosing their candidates. But..........the person chosen, trained, and graduated from the Police Academy is not the same person that is out on the street five years from graduation. The follow-up is virtually non-existent and subsequent behavior changes are often accepted/overlooked as the officer become "experienced" and integrates himself into the fraternity. If I am going to have to interact with the police, give me a Rookie everytime.
Your personal experiences can probably attest. If not, I'd be curious as to what you have experienced with how time on the job does/does not change a police officer. I am thinking along the lines of tolerance, authoritarianism, tendencies to use force vs persuasion ....
Thank you Filled Negro!!!!
Now you are back on your stride man!!
I was really worried about you yesterday - the way you attacked that murderous Street Pirate without considering how society might have pushed him to the edge. Have you ever had someone clean up your lawn without asking you? You'd be pissed off too - maybe even the point of killing someone.
Let me ask you though Filled Negro - what societal pressure might have pushed Sgt Ralston to the edge? OR is he as a WHITE man and a POLICE officer unworthy of your INFERIORIZATIONS?
* What if YOU spent all day with criminals - OH Wait. You do.
* What if YOU saw the most depraved individuals in our society who lived an "I Don't Give A What" attitude and functionally wanted you to kiss their back side? - That's not a good one either.
Now that I think of it Filled Negro - YOU and Sgt Ralston work largely with the same criminal element, only upon different ends of the smelly stick.
Is it possible that Ralston is stressed out because in so many cases he sought to uphold the law, going by the books only to see a DEFENSE ATTORNEY use technicalities to release those who he locked up a short time later?
As I recall it the Philly Enquirer ran a 5 part series on the flawed criminal justice system that is a revolving door.
DO YOU have a 5 part series about the Philly Cops that can nullify this other series?
Come to think of it Filled Negro - who do we check into YOUR mental state being that you are ultimately trapped in the very same eco-system as Ralston.
Do you own a "piece" Filled Negro?
"I give you my man Guerdwich Montimere. Seems he had an entire Texas town hoodwinked for "
That name "Guerdwich Montimere" alone had me suspicious, I looked him up and presto.. the stupidity made sense.
"Here is the thing: This particular district where Sgt. Ralston claimed that he was shot is probably 98% black, so who else was he going to say shot him?"
Well, it was bound to happen for real anyway.
And Field you know you wrong for that "white girl workout" video. It doesn't work though, if it did, black females in all the black communities would be size zeros by now.
"That name "Guerdwich Montimere" alone had me suspicious"
Never trust a man named Guerdwich Montimere. It is a rule that has served me well.
Just because an individual commits a crime or a sin against a particular race, does not make them a racist.
Having said that, who knows why Ralston Purina , shot himself? Really, racism rests it's soul, and it's heart, inside the individual, and does not necessarily expose itself through a person's actions. I'll even go one better. Even when a person makes statements of a racist nature, does not mean they are a racist.
In my opinion, the incident with the student, is all about money, power, and pressure. Isn't that what makes the world go round? In fact, isn't that the root of racism... power and control?
Anyway field, I loved this...> "I know that A-merry-ca loved the Blind Side and it's "Magic Negro" theme"
Man, I hated that movie. After the first 15 minute, I was done with that wizard of oz. I am a arm chair movie critc, and I don't know which movie I despise the most, Blind Side or Driving Miss Daisy?
On a side note, some people in your comment section (the cheap seats), may be considered, by many, to be racist, but I personally do not believe that to be true. I think the majority of them just like hanging out with black folks.
Really, I am sure they wouldn't raise their hands to the call of "all racist come forward", and, I damn sure know they don't want to be called a "negro" lover. So, in the end, the debate will continue... who's the real racist and would he please stand up?
"And Field you know you wrong for that "white girl workout" video. It doesn't work though, if it did, black females in all the black communities would be size zeros by now."
ROFL. Now that is too funny and true.
CF, "Now that I think of it Filled Negro - YOU and Sgt Ralston work largely with the same criminal element, only upon different ends of the smelly stick.
Is it possible that Ralston is stressed out because in so many cases he sought to uphold the law, going by the books only to see a DEFENSE ATTORNEY use technicalities to release those who he locked up a short time later?
As I recall it the Philly Enquirer ran a 5 part series on the flawed criminal justice system that is a revolving door.
DO YOU have a 5 part series about the Philly Cops that can nullify this other series?
Come to think of it Filled Negro - who do we check into YOUR mental state being that you are ultimately trapped in the very same eco-system as Ralston."
Whoa. That hurt.
"Let me ask you though Filled Negro - what societal pressure might have pushed Sgt Ralston to the edge? OR is he as a WHITE man and a POLICE officer unworthy of your INFERIORIZATIONS?"
Always rushing to the defense of your beloved massa, aren't ya?
Ralston was not of or in the hood.
He knew full well the pressure and responsibilities of the job when he took his oath.
If he was not up to the task he had the option to quit and take up another line of work.
[quote]Just because an individual commits a crime or a sin against a particular race, does not make them a racist.
This is why I recast my term 'Street Pirate' into "Racist Street Pirate". I can't see what else is motivating them from acting as such.
If you walked along 56th and Lancaster in West Philly YOU TOO would see how ridiculous it would have been for Ralston to stay that a WHITE BOY from Front and South Street got out of his convertible Saab and show him in the shoulder.
When I was about 13 years old I rode on my bike with my friend to the water ice stand on 59th and Lancaster. My friend immigrated from Jamaica about 6 months prior (TRUE STORY FILLED NEGRO). I told my friend to watch my bike while I purchased some water ice for the both of us. As I ordered I saw my friend come over to look at the menu. Then I looked to the left and my TEN SPEED BIKE's front tire was up in the air. The guy spun it around and RODE OFF, right down Oxford Street!!!! My "JC Penny 10 Speed bike" that was about 2 months old - GONE!!!
Why didn't my friend watch the bikes as I had asked him to? He learned a harsh lesson about Philly and America at my expense!!
I have to admit that I was greatly disappointed about 5 years ago as well. Every time I returned home to West Philly I used to go to "Harriett's Bar" at 63rd and Lancaster. It was a massive neighborhood reunion for me. Add about 20 years to the people's faces and there were my "peeps" in the flesh. Hell - one of my friends took me from Harriett's over to a Philly "After Hours" club that looked to me like a regular warehouse from the outside.
Then I learned that the place was closed after some fool pulled out a gun and opened fire within the bar, shooting up the place. The Philadelphia Police Department and Licensing and Inspections shut the place down. This was the last straw. Now it is some Japanese Noodle place.
Damn my 'Ghetto T.G.I. Fridays' is gone.
Parts of West Philly are no joke.
Here is the water ice stand that my bike was stolen Filled Negro. I would like to request the assistance of Sgt Ralston to help find the fool that STOLE MY BIKE!!!
Fuji Noodle House - this USED TO BE "Harriett's Bar and Grill" until some Street Pirate shot the place up.
MAYBE SGT RALSTON was called to this crime scene at 63rd and Lancaster - pushing him further to the edge?
HERE IS TUSTIN PLAYGROUND - 60th and Lancaster / Lebanon Ave.
My elementary school friend Darrin Brown was MURDERED here.
Darrin was one of the "Brown Brothers". Every area in Philly had a bad azzed group of brothers that always got into fights. There were 4 Brown boys who filled this role around Tustin.
Unfortunately while they were expert at fist fighting they were slow on the uptake as people started carrying GUNS.
Darrin got into a fight during a pick up game. I was not there. He beat the guy down and embarrassed him badly. Those Brown boys could "scrap".
The way the story goes - they all returned to Tustin a few days later and played another game. Once again Darrin and the other guy got into it. This time the guy went to his bag and pulled out his hand guy. Darrin ran away but UNFORTUNATELY ran into the fenced in playground area rather than out onto the street. The gun man followed him down the stairs over toward the swimming pool. As Darrin jumped over the 4' fence - the guy shot him in the back. As he lay on the ground - the guy walked up to him and SHOT HIM DEAD!!!!
Maybe then patrolman Ralston saw this senseless murder and again was pushed closer to the edge?
I have plenty more murder/ gun violence stories to tell you about the "Overbrook"/ "Hill Top Hustlers" area if this hasn't convinced you enough?
The shorter version of CF's stories:
"Ralston saw something nasty in the woodshed, so it is no wonder that he shot himself and tried to blame it on a black man. Philly is such an awful place it is a minor miracle that hundreds of other police officers aren't doing the same thing."
Perhaps CF wouldn't be so sanguine if he were the black man accused of this non-existent crime.
CF feels that this would never happen to him because he is a coonservative AKA "honorary white".
"Never trust a man named Guerdwich Montimere. It is a rule that has served me well."
my guess is she's trying to say something about him being Haitian. She hates Mexicans too.
FN, the sarcastic comments on your blog is cracking me up tonight big time, lol
Gregory said...
"Perhaps CF wouldn't be so sanguine if he were the black man accused of this non-existent crime."
The black man was also non-existent, kind of like your point. As usual.
I don't know but this story about Guerwich Montimere has me riding the fence as it relates to helping Minority Students in need.
This young man from Haiti is obviously someone who really wanted to improve his life versus just being a lazy "Freeloader" with no goals other than seeking a hand-out.
After all he worked extremely hard leading his schools' teams to Play-offs, etc.,
Instead of focusing on what he did wrong why isn't the media focusing on why he felt it necessary to pose as a HS Student when in fact he was an Adult?
Why did he feel as though he couldn't trust anyone thus having to live such a lie?
Why didn't someone in authority help him with the Immigration process?
Why didn't someone help with getting him a scholarship to college?
Why didn't someone help with finding him a real home?
Can we be real for a moment?
If Guerwich Montimere were Caucasian or European instead of being Scorned or locked up, he would've had the "Red Carpet of American Hospitality" laid out for him.
The system obviously failed this young man of color and now he will more than likely be deported back to Haiti, one of the poorest countries on this planet.
While I do admit what he did was wrong, having failed him is even worse.
By the way this story will NOT stop me from continuing to help Minority Students in need.
Of course I'll do my homework but it won't stop me from helping them.
How very amusing, Anony @ 12:29. Still writing your own material?
What I meant by "riding the fence" is why all the fuss?
Is it because the community felt their lives were in danger or is it because he was a young Adult man of color, aged 22 posing as a HS student?
The latter doesn't necessarily equal being a danger to society.
Anonymous said...
"Never trust a man named Guerdwich Montimere. It is a rule that has served me well."
"my guess is she's trying to say something about him being Haitian. She hates Mexicans too."
You would too, if you had the misfortune to purchase real estate from one Humberto Fleurimont.
The black man has been getting a BAD RAP for a long time. And this certainly shouldn't be taken lightly. I don't know why he was suspended WITH pay.
Gregory said...
"How very amusing, Anony @ 12:29. Still writing your own material?"
Yes. I'm here all week.
I can hardly wait for the good stuff, then.
Arneader said...
"The black man has been getting a BAD RAP for a long time. And this certainly shouldn't be taken lightly. I don't know why he was suspended WITH pay."
Part of Obama's stimulus program.
"Instead of focusing on what he did wrong why isn't the media focusing on why he felt it necessary to pose as a HS Student when in fact he was an Adult?"
Ok Laurel, would you still feel that way about some next guy who's openly dating your 15-16 year old daughter while he's also pretending to be 16 in high school? That dude was putting on a dangerous scam, it doesn't matter who he is, or where he came from.
"You would too, if you had the misfortune to purchase real estate from one Humberto Fleurimont."
Ok that had me laughing so hard, and to the other anony, I don't hate Mexicans.
"My friend immigrated from Jamaica about 6 months prior.... I told my friend to watch my bike...... Then I looked to the left and my TEN SPEED BIKE's front tire was up in the air."
Field that wasn't you, right? Now it's all coming together. You bitterly remind him of the numbskull playmate who allowed his bike to get stolen.
"You bitterly remind him of the numbskull playmate who allowed his bike to get stolen."
No wonder he hates street pirates, they stole he bikey.
"No wonder he hates street pirates, they stole he bikey."
was that supposed to be a Jamaican accent?
[quote]Philly is such an awful place it is a minor miracle that hundreds of other police officers aren't doing the same thing."[/quote]
So are you saying that police officers all over DON'T have a problem with problems that are commonly seen resulting from PTSD?
Depression, Alcoholism and High Rates of Divorce?
[quote]CF feels that this would never happen to him because he is a coonservative AKA "honorary white".[/quote]
Let me ask you Steve: If I am an "honorary White boy" then what do you call the KILLERS that I have provided you with details about who did to Black males in our Overbrook community what the KLAN used to do? "Street Pirate O.G.'s"?
Oh yeah - I promised you some videos Steve:
Yes, great materiel on this thread. Everyone is a comedian these days. Except, of course, the Destructive Wingnut, he is always funny. His comments above had me in stitches.
"was that supposed to be a Jamaican accent?"
Lord I hope not. :)
Laurel,you seem like a really nice person, but you have got to get your Grifter meter up. :)
"Having said that, who knows why Ralston Purina , shot himself?"
"Ralston Purina"? CareyCarey, stop it, it's way too early for the funny bone to be working this hard.
Anon 10:17 pm, just curious: are you on this site because of some sick form of "Stockholm Syndrome"?
The Really Blind Side
let's talk about this negro field....or the idot white peoples around him....lol
laurel said:
The system obviously failed this young man of color and now he will more than likely be deported back to Haiti, one of the poorest countries on this planet.
While I do admit what he did was wrong, having failed him is even worse."
what system was that?
the kid graduated from high school in fort lauderdale, picked up a false identity--by the way, LA books--that's his real name--and carried it all the way home. for a while.
what system exactly failed him?
he was a con man. seems to me the fact that he was 6-5 had the basketball coach salivating, which promoted the cascade of events.
the way i see it, the two stories are linked. both men have some sort of mental illness. can't say either that the cop was racist to say black guys jumped him. if his district was black and where the attack supposedly took place, would it make any sense to say some white guys did it? like field, i'd have to know more about him.
"LA books--that's his real name--and carried it all the way home. for a while."
I think she knew that moron, she was trying to insult Haitians, she's hateful.
i'm a moron and LAbooks is hateful? aren't you a loving person.
To Field, La♥audiobooks & Maria,
The wonderful thing about comments being posted on someone's Blog is that NO one else has to agree with them right?
Field wrote:
"Laurel,you seem like a really nice person, but you have got to get your Grifter meter up. :)"
La♥audiobooks wrote:
"Ok Laurel, would you still feel that way about some next guy who's openly dating your 15-16 year old daughter while he's also pretending to be 16 in high school? That dude was putting on a dangerous scam, it doesn't matter who he is, or where he came from".
Alright Field I'll take that coming from another Blogger whom I admire & respect for his Knowledge and Straight-no-chaser online personality.
I'll work on it however I stand by my comments:)
La♥audiobooks I don't have any daughters but if I did and she bought home a 6"5" HS student to my door....
First of all while I would still behave towards him in a courteous manner (at the door), he would NOT step one foot inside my home.
Second I'd contact the school and inquire as to whether or not this young man was truly still an Adolescent or an Adult.
Third I'd warn my daughter to STOP seeing him until I found out more about him.
Fourth if my curiosity was still not satisfied, I would contact local law enforcement authorities and ask them to investigate.
That's what I as a Parent would do!
In fact any parent regardless of their ethnicity or socio-economic status, who loves their child(ren) should follow suit in that situation because its just Common Sense.
Maria wrote:
"the kid graduated from high school in fort lauderdale, picked up a false identity--by the way, LA books--that's his real name--and carried it all the way home. for a while".
"what system exactly failed him?"
Maria dear I believe I answered your question in my comments:
Educational systems, Immigration and the Community.
This is not about a young man of color with Mental Illness.
If he were truly Mentally Ill he could NOT have fooled so many people for so long.
His actions were obviously a cry for help.
He wanted to succeed just like every other citizen who comes to this country seeking a better life.
Am I advocating what he did?
Let's face it what he did was indeed WRONG.
However I'm also not going to allow the schools he attended and the community slide by on this one either.
Just like Guerwich Montimere had a Responsibility to be honest, the Authority figures at his schools and within his Community also had a Responsibility NOT to be Stupid!
Hopefully going forward this will teach Adults in Authority at those Schools NOT to be so blind and hungry about winning Sports Tournaments, they put the lives of their students in danger.
I rest my case.
Have a blessed day all:)
Laurel wrote:
"Hopefully going forward this will teach Adults in Authority at those Schools NOT to be so blind and hungry about winning Sports Tournaments, they put the lives of their students in danger."
I'm guessing that you've never been to Texas.
the kid was a naturalized citizen and immigration authorities had nothing to do with his fraud. that system didn't fail him. i've read that story a couple of times now.
the "community" failed him? by taking him in and believe his fraud?
you rested your case, but you didn't prove it.
and i'm happy to either agree or disagree, but i do think the facts should be part of the debate.
you haven't heard of charming sociopaths? stretch your definition of mental illness a little.
CF wrote:
"So are you saying that police officers all over DON'T have a problem with problems that are commonly seen resulting from PTSD?
Depression, Alcoholism and High Rates of Divorce?"
Depression, alcoholism and higher rates of divorce? Yes.
Shooting yourself and blaming on an imaginary black guy? Not so much.
[quote] Shooting yourself and blaming on an imaginary black guy? Not so much.
Gregorian Chant:
You amaze me man.
The cop who SHOT HIMSELF and blamed an IMAGINARY BLACK GUY has done more HARM in your view than the...........................RACIST STREET PIRATES who in the past 10 years have MURDERED no less than 50 Black people in the 30 block radius around 56th and Lancaster where the officer SHOT HIMSELF.
If this officer has environmental pressures that threw him off AND these Racist Street Pirates ALSO are said to have been forced to remain in a dysfunctional environment WHY IS IT that you are prepared to provide cover for only ONE brand shooter? (Hint - Its not the cop).
As I observe the progressive-fundamentalists I see that you all are inclined to hold those in AUTHORITY to a higher standard.
My challenge to you is: "HOW DO YOU CONFER AUTHORITY UPON THE 'FACELESS BLACK MALE' who is in abundance in this 30 block area around Overbrook High School in Philly so that THEY TOO can be bound to a HIGHER CALLING and thus not increase the homicide rates in Philly and elsewhere?"
This particular district where Sgt. Ralston claimed that he was shot is probably 98% black, so who else was he going to say shot him?
Good observation.
I also agree that a cop like Sgt. Ralston being on the streets is a dangerous thing in the first place. There is no possible way that a man who shoots himself in an effort to be reassigned is playing with a full deck.
It's a good thing that his idiocy was uncovered - there's no telling what he would have done some unruly and/or law abiding citizen.
You just don't get it and I haven't got the time today to play our usual game.
Ok I''' play nice....
"La♥audiobooks I don't have any daughters but if I did and she bought home a 6"5" HS student to my door....
First of all while I would still behave towards him in a courteous manner (at the door), he would NOT step one foot inside my home."
Laurel, she may not necessarily bring him to your home, particularly at his request, especially if he already has her under his control.
"Second I'd contact the school and inquire as to whether or not this young man was truly still an Adolescent or an Adult."
All because of his height? Laurel, its not unheard of to find a 6'5 young man going to high school under the age of 18. And the height of a very "adolescent faced" man would be the very last thing to trigger a concern for the average thinking parent, even with good common sense.
"Third I'd warn my daughter to STOP seeing him until I found out more about him. "
LOL. Ok.
Maria, I was fully aware it was his real name, that's why I made the comment. And yeah I was taking a jab at his origin, I confess :)
Maria wrote:
"you rested your case, but you didn't prove it.
and i'm happy to either agree or disagree, but i do think the facts should be part of the debate".
Maria I'm not debating with you, just expressing MY opinion via commenting on a Blog.
Its my personal opinion. You are free to disagree.
You are still attempting to place TOTAL blame in this situation on Guerwich Montimere.
Wouldn't it be fair to say that both Guerwich Montimere AND School officials were at fault?
After all he was NOT an Authority figure in either instance.
If you aren't willing to admit both parties share responsibility, than perhaps something else is driving you to place total blame on this young man alone.
"If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks a duck..."
Hey I'm just saying.
Therein again it's simply my personal opinion.
You are free to disagree.
White man files fraudulent police report and gets off scott free but a black man lies about his age and goes to jail, the American justice system is a fucking disgrace.
Laurel said... "
La♥audiobooks I don't have any daughters but if I did and she bought home a 6"5" HS student to my door.."
Rather like skin color height is very individual. One of our sons was 6'4" at 14, and the tallest person at his Junior High graduation, including the principal.
i think the cop is about to get fired, isn't he?
play fair. "walks like a duck" is just bait. not taking it.
i did not place blame entirely on the 22-year-old, or on anyone, and i said as much in reference to the coach. maybe you missed that.
i asked you to further explain in what ways the "system" failed him. i don't agree that the educational system, or the community, or the immigration system failed "him." individuals failed to exercise due diligence, and he was a fraudster.
also, he really is 22. he's an adult.
Word Verification: doglump
Whatever that means
I say, let's move the Liberty Bell & Constitution Hall before you Phillystines fuck them up too.
Oh. Wait. Y'all already cracked the Liberty Bell. OK, we'll just take all the steak sammiches. You can keep your sports teams and fans, too.
maria said...
i think the cop is about to get fired, isn't he?
Don't worry about him, Maria. TSA is always looking to hire the best. He'll have a government job frisking little old ladies as an airport "screener" in no time. Maybe he'll get to peek at the girl's Ta Ta's and Hoo Ha's in the new-fangled X-Ray machine, if he works up through the ranks.
Sadly...it's probably true.
Flava Flatulence gasses - The cop who SHOT HIMSELF and blamed an IMAGINARY BLACK GUY has done more HARM in your view than the...........................RACIST STREET PIRATES
Why don't you do the blogsphere a favor, buy one of these and wrap it around your head -
OK, I've HAD it with CF and his maniacal ravings! Seriously does he have his own blog? Can he ever, EVER discuss what has been posted without slipping into his "street pirate" rantings?
For FUCK'S SAKE CF, please go back on your medication! What the hell kind of sense does it make on a DAILY BASIS to read a person's blog with whom you vehemently disagree? There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone on occasion, but when you realize you pretty much disagree with someone 99% of the time and you can't even address that person without a snarky moniker, it's time to quit going to their blog!
Do you ever just post one reply at a time? That posting back to back is evidence of your obsession with getting your point across. Get a hobby. Go into the streets and do something about the "street pirates" yourself. Write a book. Volunteer at a civic center. Get laid. Oh here's a good idea, rant about street pirates on your on blog!
CF has at least six blogs. I've never seen more than 2 comments on any of his postings, 0 comments being the norm. I assume that is why he rambles here. That, or he is insanely jealous of Field.
Man, you KILL me with the "Reverend Inc." reference...(lol, BIG time). I sure wish I'd thought of that one :0)
Whewwwww, still laughing (I talk with one of the two Revs. from time to time, and he's actually a very clever guy....but you have him in perspective VERY accurately).
Coco Goddess - Perhaps the BLOG ADMINISTRATOR will provide you with administrative control and you can delete my postings?
You set up a FAKE evaluation.
You look at me "disagreeing with Filled Negro 98% of the time" YET you accept HIS content selection without the observation of HIS AGENDA.
Think about it Coco Goddess: WHY does Filled Negro post the topics that he does?
Are these topics in line with the prevailing issues that impact this part of the Overbrook section of Philly WHERE I GREW UP @?
It seems to me that you prefer CONTENTED UNITY over AGITATION in pursuit of THE TRUTH.
I can't play your game.
[quote]There is no possible way that a man who shoots himself in an effort to be reassigned is playing with a full deck. [/quote]
I recall returning to Philly about 10 years after having gone away to college and moving to Atlanta thereafter. Shamefully many of my contemporaries were also "Returning Home". NOT from a "college education" but from a 10 or 20 year prison sentence. The most common felony being ROBBERY of a store.
Many of these same people did an act that returned them to their comfort area - JAIL.
I don't understand how some of you focus upon MENTAL DYSFUNCTION of both the police and the person on the street yet reserve your indictment of the INDIVIDUAL for the police while SOCIETY is indicted when it comes to the individuals in the community who get locked up.
I am NOT claiming to come from the ghetto. I don't play the "I wuz poor and in the projects game". HOWEVER it is clear that of the "Boyz In The Hood" scenario where among the group of Black males that all used to play touch football in the streets or basketball at Tustin Playground - one group of Black males leave to go to school, some stay behind, managing to stay out of trouble and others go to JAIL.
Flava Flatulence (AKA CF) has 10 blogs. Mostly he posts and responds to himself.
That's a very good 7:50 PM comment/point CF. Although I am just a voice in the dark, your comments hold huge weight because they are generally supported by facts. Or at least, you wrap them in a few facts. You're pretty slippery (that's a compliment) You don't usually expose your back door... very often.
I wonder if you've been in formal debates?
You'll force a person to bring something (although, some of your comments can be rather lengthy).
Now don't get me wrong, I don't agree with everything you say, but you'll make a person... pause... and think.
I'm thinking about WHY you continue to bring up the same points over and over CF on somebody else's blog. I'm questioning why you can't even debate the above topic without going off on tangents and throwing out red-herrings (street pirates). Today's topics were A lying police officer and A lying 22 year old trying to pass himself off as a 16 year old high school student.
Like I stated before it has nothing to do with you disagreeing with FIELD. It has to do with the fact that you only seem to come to his blog with the intent of getting into arguments with people. If you were truly trying to engage in healthy debate, you wouldn't address FIELD NEGRO as FILLED NEGRO. If anyone is playing a game, it's you and it's getting old. If you have issues that you want to illuminate about WHERE YOU GREW UP, you'd probably be better off doing it on your blog where you can push your own agenda. If FIELD has an "agenda" as you say, do you think you've done anything to change his mind?
"It seems to me that you prefer CONTENTED UNITY over AGITATION in pursuit of THE TRUTH."
Truth is relative. Everybody thinks they know what it is, however few people can agree on it. Since I believe your perception of many things are skewed, I'm going to take your perception of me with a grain of salt. Agitating people in the attempt to get your point across is nothing new PETA does it all the time so does Michael Moore. When people do it on blogs it's called trolling. Keep trolling for the truth my brotha.
"It seems to me that you prefer CONTENTED UNITY over AGITATION in pursuit of THE TRUTH."
Man, I love that line!
Most individuals love to be the arms of popular opinion. To some degree, it give them a false sense of "right", or being in the right place. It's a very comfortable place to be, but a very dangerous place for one to hang their hat.
On the other hand, "THE TRUTH" is another animal. Although it may be "relative", in the eyes of many, and sometimes subjective, facts are the truth.
Cocoa Goodness, I am feeling your disdain of CF. I mean, I understand your discontent.
Lets look at something. But first, Constructive Feedback is not going anywhere, okay. I mean, his M.O. is etched in stone. And, he does what he does... very well. But again, I am not supporting his view, nor championing his views, I am just looking at the big picture. So, let's consider the following:
"Agitating people in the attempt to get your point across is nothing new PETA does it all the time so does Michael Moore. When people do it on blogs it's called trolling. Keep trolling for the truth my brotha"
First, on most blogs with heavy traffic, regardless of the topic, the conversation can flow from Clarence thomas to duck butter. That's just what people do.
"on blogs it's called trolling"
That's true, but sometimes that word is used by some to protect their turf (point of view).
Btw, Michael Moore & PETA, should never be dismissed. I mean, they do agitate, but who are they agitating and why? Again, I am not taking sides, I am just suggesting that we should seek first to understand.
In short, it doesn't look like CF is packing his bags.
Why does he get you all riled up? Well, maybe your not? Maybe you are just engaging him in convesation?
CareyCarey it becomes irritating when you read the same rant over and over and it has nothing to do with the original post. Read his replies to every post on the page. They begin with an insult to the poster and end with some diatribe about street pirates. Broken record. It's not debate when you begin with an insult and then purposely go off topic. It's a cry for attention.
Also in regards to truth vs. facts, when people believe the facts then they interpret them as truth -- however not everyone believes the facts. It's exactly why people have different philosophies and religions. Jesus is called the truth, the light and the way. Muslims beg to differ and so do Jews. Evolutionist believe the earth is 4 billion years old. Creationist do not. Conservatives think they know the truth and Liberals think they know the truth -- however they can't seem to agree on what the truth is.
Why shouldn't PETA be dismissed when there are plenty of animal rights groups that don't employ scare tactics? Why shouldn't Michael Moore (who I actually like) be dismissed by those who disagree with his tactics. Sometimes his tactics are over the top.
I totally get that you have a problem with people who you think are trying to censor other people's comments, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I have a problem with someone who likes to stir up crap on other people's blog in the GUISE of debate - in the GUISE of seeking the truth. If you know you disagree with 99% of the things someone writes, why continue to frequent their blog? Apparently you don't believe this person knows the "truth" so does it make sense to seek truth in this person's words? If CF's purpose is to expose Field Negro for what he thinks he is, isn't that a big waste of time? The kids call this type of behavior being a hater.
My Miss Goodness,
First, I Like You! You're my kind of woman. Really, you speak well, and you explain yourself VERY well.
See, I don't say this very often, but you stopped me in my tracks.
You are very perceptive. I have not read all of CF's comments. So I am laying my hands down. Well, maybe 50/50 :-).
I will agree with you on many levels. There is a time when too much is just TOO DAMN MUCH!
You have forced me or compelled me to rethink my opinion on this....
"I have a problem with someone who likes to stir up crap on other people's blog in the GUISE of debate - in the GUISE of seeking the truth. If you know you disagree with 99% of the things someone writes, why continue to frequent their blog?"
Now that makes sense.
I don't know if I would call CF a hater. But believe me, I understand the word. To me, it's someone that can find no good in a particular person. That "dislike" stems from envy, jealousy, ignorance, and stupidity. I don't know if CF is jealous of Field. I think this is a convenient place for him to do his thang.
One more thing:
[Cocoa]: "Why shouldn't PETA be dismissed when there are plenty of animal rights groups that don't employ scare tactics? Why shouldn't Michael Moore (who I actually like) be dismissed by those who disagree with his tactics. Sometimes his tactics are over the top"
Well, if I had your writing skills, I may have not used the word "dismiss". But then again, since you used the word "sometimes" (you agree & sometimes over the top), To me, that sounds like you are agreeing that he/they are SOMETIMES on the money. So, on this one, I'll have to stand by my words. We shouldn't dismiss them.
What about you. Can you throw me a bone?
Remember, I like you, so don't turnn me off, while you're turning me on. Be nice *lol*
the Cop needs to be in jail.
CareyCarey - Thanks. Nice blog by the way. :)
You're right, I do agree with Michael Moore most of the time, so it wouldn't be prudent to dismiss him, but it would only be honest for me to recognize that sometimes he can go too far.
Is CF jealous of Field? I don't know, it's possible, then again maybe he just likes to rant.
[Cocoa]: " Nice blog by the way. :)"
Stop it, you sho know what to say. I already said that I liked you, so stop stroking me :-)
Okay, we've reached an agreement. That does not happen very often in blog land. But I'll tell you what. Since you seem to be a nice lady, I'd like to introduce you to my grandson. Well, he's in the spot-light of my next post. It will run early this morning, 5AM. Stop by a give a holler. If you don't, I am going to take you out of my "favorite five"
Btw, you're up awfully late. You must be on the west coast or in Guam?
[quote]I'm thinking about WHY you continue to bring up the same points over and over CF on somebody else's blog. I'm questioning why you can't even debate the above topic without going off on tangents and throwing out red-herrings (street pirates).[/quote]
Coco Goddess -
Filled Negro is my pal. Do you note what HE CALLS ME? Were you ever motivated to tell HIM to call me by my chosen name?
Though I have never met the guy - he is alright with me.
I imagine Filled Negro to be my good friend Bernard from Jamaica (the guy that got my bike stolen and who's father had the biggest stereo system on the block - kicking out original dance hall music all day long with a booming bass). I imagine that Filled Negro sees ME as that drug dealer who he befriended in Southwest Philly. The only difference being that VIA FILLED NEGRO'S COUNCIL I was motivated to LEAVE SW Philly and go explore the world to find my real self. I am the OUTCOME of that former drug dealer who went to a new environment, got an EDUCATION, a job and RESPONSIBLY took care of the child who I used to sell drugs to get diapers and to be a life partner for the female who I had that child with.
Coco Goddess - Do you see Rikyrah's response above? (Rikhrah is another friend of mine who doesn't know it. I like AfroSpear blog owners. Notice the pattern?)
Rikyrah wants to make an INDICTMENT against the officer. Simply put. No excuses - LOCK HIS AZZ UP!!! Screw that "Obama EMPATHY".
Coco Godess
I am intimately familiar with 56 and Lancaster. This is where I grew up.
I will say it AGAIN - If the WHITE cop is merely a HUMAN BEING and he is made to spend 9 hours a day in a hostile environment - WHY do YOU think that HE would have no psychological impact from being in this environment but you accept that a RESIDENT WOULD?
In my view the same people who are willing to confer INFERIORITY upon the resident and thus blame SOCIETY for the resident's destructive behavior are the same people who DEHUMANIZE the POLICE that wear the uniform. Their AUTHORITY makes them SUPERIOR humans. You all act rather "CONSERVATIVE" when it comes to throwing the book at those with AUTHORITY when they have failed. (Police, corporations and government officials in the enemy party).
Here is the deal Coco Goddess - I believe that everyone is an EQUAL HUMAN BEING. The thing is that I am also CONSISTENT. Where as some people transact on the INFERIORITY of Black people (or The Least of Theses) in order to obtain the benefit at the end of the transaction - I refuse to do so.(and yes Rikyrah I saw what your boy Prometheus said about Shelby Steele's use of the concept of Inferiority which I will be addressing shortly).
The bottom line is that after years of listening to a high school buddy that was in our "gang of 5" that later became a Philly cop - I am not surprised by the stress that working in this area might have upon a human being. I am not excusing this cop's actions one bit. IF he did violate a law - lock him up. Yes he should be fired because the cops can't afford to have a person without integrity to screw up their cause.
IMAGINE if they allow Sgt Ralston back on the street and then 3 years from now my friend Filled Negro is defending a Street Pirate who was arrested by Ralston for assaulting an old lady. My friend will put OFFICER RALSTON ON TRIAL was the Street Pirate smiles inside as he is let off of the hook. I assure you that despite the Street Pirate's actual GUILT he will come away with a new appreciation with the US CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.
As they depart the court house where the Pirate is found "Not Guilty due to the reasonable doubts thrown up by his defense attorney" after he in fact ASSAULTED that old woman with her wire shopping cart as she returned from the "Shop N Bag" at 40th and Brown St the Pirate says to his defense attorney: "Thank you Attorney Field Negro!! You made the SYSTEM WORK FOR ME for once!!! You are a powerful voice for JUSTICE. I like this kind of JUSTICE. After a life time of being oppressed by this system it feels good to give it a taste of its own medicine. That RACIST White cop Ralston is no good. He didn't have to punch me in the stomach like that after I resisted arrest and called his mother a 'Cracker Byatch who I screwed last night'. HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR BLACK PEOPLE AND OUR RIGHTS. Where is his dignity? He should have IGNORED my taunts and followed the POLICE PROCEDURES that cops are held up to execute while putting his PERSONAL feelings of hatred to me aside. "
As the elderly Black lady who was mugged sobbed in the background but still in sight of Filled Negro - he says to the Street Pirate: "This was NOT ABOUT YOU PUNK. That old lady DIDN'T GET ANY JUSTICE. Your behind belongs in jail. That lady that you assaulted could have been my mother. And yes I know you did it!!
But I am a DEFENSE ATTORNEY. My job, LIKE THE COP's, is to detach my HUMANITY from the performance of my JOB. I was commissioned to put forth the best defense for you .I work within the system that both ME and the COPS must play by the rules within. It is YOUR SORRY AZZ that is not bound by the rules of THE COMMUNITY which is the problem. You instead act like a rabid animal, a danger to the community that you live within.
Those of us who are made to live by a CODE OF ETHICS lest we face sanction are forced to TREAT YOU as a mere PAWN in our on-going battle between 'the Imposition of Criminal Law' and 'Justice for Criminals'.
What you need to do is to GROW UP and take some AUTHORITY so that your antics on the street don't cause ME to have to do what I do. And so the cops don't have to do what they do.
BOTH OF US are stressed, having situations that no normal human being should have to suffer with. I empathize with the cops because like me.....THEY HAVE A THANKLESS JOB - having to deal with your SORRY AZZ.
When is your mother going to pay my invoice? You can't keep a job so I need to go to your loved one's for MONEY. Since they have not cut you off yet YOU are costly to them."
[quote]Is CF jealous of Field? I don't know, it's possible, then again maybe he just likes to rant.
Coco Goddess:
I am "jealous" of CNN and FoxNews' web sites. They get MILLIONS OF HITS PER DAY!!!
I have no jealousy at all of my friend Filled Negro.
I merely enjoy watching as he posts his daily subject matter. Just like the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and "The Hip Hop Caucus" choice of focus.......I realize that 90% of Filled Negro's selections of topics will be about something other than the key threats that Black people suffer from today.
They prefer to talk about issues that they know they can get Black folks UNIFIED IN OUR INDICTMENT AGAINST AN EXTERNAL ENTITY rather than talking about INTERNAL threats which will likely cause some dissension because some TOES are going to be stepped upon.
The real question is, Coco Goddess - HOW LONG do YOU intent to be played as they draw upon your quest for UNITY over EFFECTIVENESS?
I have jumped off the hamster wheel and started to ask questions.
Destructive Wingnut, serious ?: do you believe in the justice system here in A-merry-ca?
CoCo... see what CareyCarey said. about you
Laurel,you are cool with me. You have to have really thick skin to post among these folks. But i see you can handle yourself so it's all good. :)
[quote] do you believe in the justice system here in A-merry-ca?[/quote]
My Jamaican Friend Filled Negro:
My experience in life shows me that in MAN MADE SYSTEMS.......EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE. There is a need for checks and balances to rid the system of myopic self interests.
The FRAUD comes in with regard to the COMPLICITY of those who choose to turn away from high standards and INSTEAD PLAY the system, exploiting it as if it were a poker game. More importantly, Filled Negro, when they fail to make note of the CONSEQUENCES of their card game.
Here is my primary indictment of you....On the one hand I realize that you abide by your oath to provide the best defense that you can for the defendant. However there is an important parallel:
Just as we can all agree that with the Financial Markets when it came to the "Credit Default Swaps" in which ONE firm was able to hold two positions in the same deal so they couldn't lose - both of them legal - their choice to abstract their reckless actions from the end result are partly to blame for the problems that we see. When Goldman Sachs is able to sell bonds to investors, giving testimony that they stand behind the integrity of these bonds but then they purchase CDS as INSURANCE to CYA as they thought that the bonds were junk all along and were going to tank - THESE ACTIONS TAKEN TOGETHER shows a lack of integrity on their part. (Sorry for the side track Coco)
How does this relate to you Filled Negro?
For you there is a TRIANGLE of competing interests.
The same guy who seeks (1) JUSTICE for the Street Pirate who lives an "I Don't Give A What" life as he assaults his own community
Is the same guy (2) who seeks to shift the indictment from the INDIVIDUAL over to the SYSTEM which starved him and made him into what he became
Is the same guy who (3)is an activist and an operative who struggles to put his FAVORED PEOPLE in as controlling agents of this SYSTEM - with the hopes that the SYSTEM will change favorably and thus produce more upstanding men and fewer street pirates
Your scheme breaks down as you gain MORE POWER per the people in place in the SYSTEM (I know you supported Seth Williams as the first Black District Attorney - and he is a Democrat AND he has a photograph cheezing with Obama - a TRIPLE BONUS). THIS MAN is your adversary in every court case you try YET his is also a key piece of your puzzle in the system that you helped erect.
To summarize - JUSTICE will be had as the system is taken over by favorable people and is made to provide more resources to the Individuals so that they can become upstanding citizens.
Sounds good.
The indictment comes when YOU become "Da Man" and logically the COMMUNITY should be looking to YOU to provide the productive resources that they need. You promised this as part of their VOTE.
Instead now that YOU have power you get these same people to walk past the POLITICAL SEATS that you USED TO protest against when an ENEMY sat within and now begin to travel further distances to where your ENEMY now resides. You demand that THEY uphold the social contract that you have in common and hand over their loot.
I thought that if we helped you take over LOCALLY that we would be on our way?
It seems clear now Filled Negro. YOU are a PERPETUAL STRUGGLER. Your meme IS "The STRUGGLE" not the SOLUTION actually delivered.
By having people STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE you keep them UNIFIED. This is why it is so important to highlight OPPRESSIVE POLICEMEN yet deemphasize street pirates, making the case that they are products of oppression.
If someone like ME trips up and notes that "YOU DA MAN now and we should be protesting against YOU to uphold your promises of SOCIAL JUSTICE" then this unity breaks down a bit now doesn't it?
So to answer your question - there is no JUSTICE beyond what YOU as a SYSTEM is able to PRODUCE as a product of the SYSTEM that you now control and the many trade offs that you must make in pursuit of just ends.
(You see Coco - most people would have just responded with that last paragraph and been done with it. I try to walk you through my reasoning. The opposite of what I do is called "The Bigotry of Brevity" where things are the way I say they are BECAUSE I say it. Ya feel me?)
CF said-- This is why it is so important to highlight OPPRESSIVE POLICEMEN yet deemphasize street pirates, making the case that they are products of oppression."
you didnt just see the "uncle larry post?"
your position is BS, sorry. let me break it down:
street pirate=bad.
white people helping black people=bad.
government helping people=bad.
black people helping black people=bad
black people helping themselves only=good.
oh, and before i forget?
More bad news for the resident Lawn Jockey - Flava Flatulence...
If the economy produces jobs over the next eight months at the same pace as it did over the past four months, the nation will have created more jobs in 2010 alone than it did over the entire eight years of George W. Bush's presidency.
Oh My! Yet another perfectly good buckdance for Massa goes down the drain!
[quote], the nation will have created more jobs in 2010 alone than it did over the entire eight years of George W. Bush's presidency.[/quote]
EXCUSE ME - Sorry not falling for the fraud.
HOW MANY JOBS WERE LOST during the interval that you speak of?
If you LOSE 8M jobs yet create 2M jobs (sample numbers only) SURE you can claim that you CREATED more jobs than under the other guy's watch. ARE YOU IN BETTER SHAPE?
I don't believe that the PRESIDENT CREATES JOBS so your argument is fraudulent.
Maybe you would like to talk to the client that I just left. THEY ARE SHUTTING DOWN!!!
One guy told me that a competitor had PURCHASED them. When I went to help them to today they were more clear:
* Purchased their ASSETS.
* Sell their assets
The must disgusting part of you and UptownSteve is that in the midsts of MASSIVE JOB LOSSES - especially in EDUCATION - you are still - RIDING OBAMA'S PRIVATE partner RATHER THAN STANDING FOR THE PEOPLE.
CareyCarey - I'm up early because I have a two month old who hasn't learned how to tell time yet. LOL! I'll stop by your blog.
Have you seen this article:
The Men Of Tustin (Playground - In Philly)
Overbrook's Men of Tustin fight for their community, guiding its youth by strong, tough example.
[quote]The playground, at 59th Street and Columbia Avenue, sits across from Overbrook High School, alma mater of astronaut Guion S. Bluford, Jr., NBA legend Wilt Chamberlain, and rapper-turned megastar Will Smith. Growing up nearby, many of the Tustin men played basketball, flirted with girls, fought in gangs, and found trouble. Their families weathered white flight and the devastation of gangs and crack.
"Now you have families that are being run by women," says Big Frank, whose real name is Frank Lindsey. He's 51 and works as a mental-health counselor. "So there's really no opportunity for young men to be mentored by men. You got young guys looking up to young guys as an example for what men should look like."
In the last year, according to police reports, three people have been killed within a mile south of the recreation center, all black men between 18 and 24 shot in the chest and head.
It's middle-of-the-road as far the city's high-crime areas go. But there have been enough shootings, burglaries, and robberies to keep residents wary.
Some nights, fights erupt between the Lancaster Avenue and Master Street gangs, several Tustin men say, gangs that some of them were once lost in.
"The grandkids of the people that I ran with are the people doing a lot of this stuff on the street," says Men of Tustin president James Haley, 57. "Men look up to men, and we need to come out from behind the curtains and skirts and get out there."
Lindsey, father of a 30-year-old son, is more diplomatic. "Just the presence of men having the same purpose and mindset is influential. We wanted to provide some example of men working together."
At the rec center, the Tustin men have funded and coached a summer basketball league for 70 youths. They've hosted family days, and gospel Fridays. During the winter, they gave out 600 coats.
When a group of teens took to smoking marijuana and drinking beer in the playground, the Tustin men shut it down by holding a series of flea markets, standing by while grandmothers and mothers sold their wares.
"Y'all got to smoke your blunts tomorrow," Lindsey remembers saying. "Because it ain't gonna be blunt day today."
So began an intergenerational dialogue.[/quote]
Why you hate'n on me Maria?
street pirate=bad.
MY judgment of the SP's is IRRELEVANT. Go ask the people in the community what they think of them.
white people helping black people=bad.
Never said this.
WHITE FOLKS "caring for" otherwise EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS that are Black BECAUSE they feel that they are taking care of an INFERIOR being - BAD!!!
Judge them by the observation of the competency that the Negro has developed after 10 years of feeding.
government helping people=bad.
See above about the "White Folks"
black people helping black people=bad
Again - not the case.
Black folks developing ORGANIC SYSTEMS by which the maximum amount of people are contributing their intelligence toward the end game and DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES along the way - YES my Latina sista - this is all good.
black people helping themselves only=good.
Notice that I typically say "Community" rather than racial specificity. Anyone who has a vested interest in the community is welcome to help guide the people along.
CareyCarey -- ya see what I mean?
"CareyCarey -- ya see what I mean?"
I take the 5th. I am like the 3 monkeys... see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.
I am just a visitor *smile*
Btw, CF is a pretty tough character, I don't want to tangle with him. He tore me a new one over @ RiPPa's spot. The boy ain't no joke. He's got skills, and he's very slippery.
CF doing business is like Bernie Madoff doing business- a whole lot of BIG WORDS and nonsense .
See Field- told you cops were crazy. You can't count on them and this case and the from Monday proves it. If police weren't so busy selling drugs or shooting themselves in the legs, they might've been in the area to prevent the aforementioned shooting.
Time to stop depending on the law and the police to clean up the city, Field. Get your own or your neighbor's hands dirty for a change.
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