"ain't nothing worse than a smart dumb n*&%a" . ... ~ katt williams ~
His O ness is starting to really make me think about that Katt Williams quote.
His O ness is starting to really make me think about that Katt Williams quote.
Now comes this following story which has be seeing red. I have mad love and respect for black farmers in this country, but sadly, they are not getting any love from Uncle Sam.
"African-American lawmakers are irate that the Obama administration has promised Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) $1.5 billion in farm aid while claiming it can’t pay a landmark legal settlement with black farmers.
Six members of the Congressional Black Caucus wrote to President Obama on Thursday calling on him to find a way to compensate black farmers who suffered discrimination in government loan programs during the 1980s and 1990s.
The letter was spurred by behind-the-scenes deal-making in the Senate as part of an effort to pass small-business legislation.
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel promised Lincoln, who sponsored the provision, that the administration would find a way to pay out $1.5 million in disaster assistance to farmers while they wait for programs in the 2008 farm bill to be implemented.
At the same time, the administration has told black farmers it lacks the funds to pay a $1.2 billion agreement they reached with the Department of Agriculture in 1999 to settle the Pigford class-action lawsuit.
The agriculture disaster relief had been included in the small-business bill until Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pulled it at the last minute in a bid for GOP support.
Members of the black caucus say that if the administration can find $1.5 billion within its administrative funds to pay mostly white farmers in Arkansas and other states, it should be able to pay black farmers who suffered discrimination.
“The current hardships experienced by other farmers should not trump hardships placed on African Americans and Native Americans by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the past,” they wrote. .." [Article]
Yo Rahm get a couple of those farmers on the phone and tell them that you will do right by them. Rahm, even white folks in A-merry-ca love and respect black farmers. They are hard working people who embody what A-merry-ca is all about. Team O doesn't have to worry about scaring white folks when he supports them. They deserve better.
O man, it's Michelle calling from Spain, she has a few choice words for you.
Finally, it's official; the house ethics committee has found three ethical violations against Maxine Walters. Maxine has done some good things in the past, but this...*shaking head*
If the dems think that things are bad now, just wait:
"President Barack Obama, and the high-profile trials could further damage the party's political s standing. Republicans quickly jumped on the latest news. The GOP's House campaign committee released a statement with the headline: "The Dirty Details: Ethics Office Reveals Waters Charges. Panel Has 'Substantial Reason to Believe' Dems Have Another Ethics Problem on Their Hands."
Now now, people in glass houses....
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Come on Barry, keep shoveling that money out to black people! Faster!
The ethics case is for distraction purposes only and a political ploy.
As for the black farmers, some of my relatives are farmers too.
White bigots have never wanted black and Native American people to be properous and have threw every trick in the book to see that it never happens. It is gonna come back to bite them and bite them hard, until they do right by Black people. If they give that money to Senator Lincoln and don't compensate those black farmers, those white farmers are gonna lose more in the end and seven times over what those black farmers and Native Americans are owed. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. So Be it!
"If the dems think that things are bad now, just wait"
True, Field
If you really want to get scared, check out Krugman's latest column. Here's a snippet:
"Here’s what I consider all too likely: Two years from now unemployment will still be extremely high, quite possibly higher than it is now. But instead of taking responsibility for fixing the situation, politicians and Fed officials alike will declare that high unemployment is structural, beyond their control. And as I said, over time these excuses may turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the long-term unemployed lose their skills and their connections with the work force, and become unemployable."
I don't think the bill would pass, if it hadn't withdrawn. There are some senators who don't want that money to be allocated and unfortunately Obama doesn't know where the bodies are buried like Lyndon Johnson. I guess Harry Reid slept his way to Majority leader. Rahm is in the wrong place, he should of been appointed Obama's seat instead of Chief of Staff.
I told y'all in the beginning that President Obama had some in his own party that didn't want to sit under the authority of a black man and that even some in his own party stabbing him in his back and trying to sabotaging his efforts. That's a pretty tough obstacle for him to get pass all by himself, since everyone wants to believe everything MSM says as truth. People have short memories and forget that MSM fought hard to try to keep him from getting elected. Let me refresh y'all memory the racist tone of the elections, cheating with the polls, and trying hard to dig up dirt on him but there was none to be found. Do y'all honestly believe that they have quit?
"Team O doesn't have to worry about scaring white folks when he supports them."
Mr. Field, that, sadly, is always going to be Obama's number one concern. We African Americans are just sh*t out of luck.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"People have short memories and forget that MSM fought hard to try to keep him from getting elected. Let me refresh y'all memory the racist tone of the elections, cheating with the polls, and trying hard to dig up dirt on him but there was none to be found. Do y'all honestly believe that they have quit?"
You are certifiably insane. How can someone be so consistently wrong about absolutely everything? Amazing!
Anonymous 12:31:
You wish,huh? LOL!
Granny, "White bigots have never wanted black and Native American people to be properous and have threw every trick in the book to see that it never happens."
Neither does Obama.
Hathor, "Rahm is in the wrong place, he should of been appointed Obama's seat instead of Chief of Staff."
Sounds like you figured out that Rahm is Obama's Dick Cheney.
Granny, "I told y'all in the beginning that President Obama had some in his own party that didn't want to sit under the authority of a black man and that even some in his own party stabbing him in his back and trying to sabotaging his efforts. That's a pretty tough obstacle for him to get pass all by himself, since everyone wants to believe everything MSM says as truth. People have short memories and forget that MSM fought hard to try to keep him from getting elected."
Wrong...I don't know where you are getting your information from but the MSM helped to elect Obama. Of course, Fox tried their best to sabotage Obama, but lost in the end.
Granny, you are losing it.
Granny, "If they give that money to Senator Lincoln and don't compensate those black farmers, those white farmers are gonna lose more in the end and seven times over what those black farmers and Native Americans are owed. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. So Be it!"
When is GOD going to take care of this? Is He going to move slowly like He has for Blacks? And since when did you become an expert on God? As much wrong information that you throw out on this blog, I doubt if you have a relationship with Him.
Anonymous 1:01:
Do you really believe that seeing how his wife, children, her mother, and brother and his kids are black too. Other relatives of hers and their friends are black too, and they don't get the benefits of living in the White House. So are you suggesting that he does not want them to prosper either? President Obama does not write the laws that are passed in the house or Senate, he just signs them. He cannot do anything all by himself, his own party has to stand in unity with him, and all of them are not doing that.
Hmm, Obama's hatchet man decides to cut a deal for a few votes instead of doing what's right? Not really surprised.
But again, I'm going to sound like a broken record -- but the legislature are kind of passing the buck on this one, too. Obama's not Jesus, there are 400 other cats who could have made this right decades ago, and they're still not doing anything.
The Congress could have done right by these people years ago. But no, its all Obama's fault. Its easier for the CBC to bitch that Obama's not saving Black people fast enough instead of pushing Pelosi to get these farmers their money.
Again, I'm not claiming Obama is innocent -- he's fumbled this one big time.
But there's a bigger culture of screwing Black people (or at least saying 'meh' to our concerns) and fingering corporate lobbyists and placating to so-called middle America. And they get away with because they know nothing will happen.
Again, you get the government you deserve when you don't take real, definitive action.
Granny has a point Anon -- the MSM wanted Hillary to win initially and wanted a horse race with McCain and Obama, though in the end, it wasn't even close. The MSM turned against McCain the moment Sister Sarah got on board.
Someone said that Obama might be the worst thing to ever happen to Black America. i think that just might be true.
Lola, I'm pissed off with Obama too. But Obama's the worse thing that can happen to our people, this spoiled Net Roots generation has a really short attention span and no sense of real suffering.
MSM succeeded in what they set out to do and that was to kill President Obama's influence with his voters. They pushed lies about health reform bill before it had even been debated on, wrote up, or voted on. First, it was single payer and if the bill didn't include that it wouldn't be any good. Then MSM changed and it was all about free choice and if that wasn't included, the bill would be no good. They pumped the voters up with straight up BS to make the President look weak.
The incident with the racist cop and Gates, that was another distraction they played on to make the President look weak. He was trying to get a health care reform and they were bringing up every little minor BS distraction they could to weaken the President.
They saw how the race card worked with Rev Wright, so they chose that as their main weapon to to kill the President's influence with his voters and it has been working every since. Nothing like racism to divide the country and destroy the President and his voters are eating it up like it is their last supper. Americans are so fickle.
I hope Palin or Bachmann runs for President and one of them wins. I might even vote for them and campaign for them harder than I did President Obama because those two are who Americans deserve. They need a real good lesson, because the Bush lesson wasn't good enough.
Everyone is pissed with Obama, I guess he turned out to be the sacrificial scapegoat after all.
Granny, I understand your frustration. Americans expect things fixed yesterday and don't to understand the big picture. Sorry to break this to you, but with the planet going to Hell in gasoline bloomers, the O-man doesn't have time to placate to everyone's little niche issue. And he can't afford to be running around like the Negro Superman.
But far too many whiny uber lefty blogger types expect Obama to pose with a Ashanti ceremonial spear and an AK-47 in a leather jacket and beret. And anything short of that means Sellout. It doesn't, but it is what it is.
You might have misunderstood the reason why I am frustrated. I am not frustrated with President Obama. I am frustrated with fickle people. Bush left a big eight year mess behind and that was all good according to the people because it's all, somehow now, President Obama's fault that discrimination and racism has existed in this country for nearly 200 years.
That's one of the main reasons I stopped saying anything about what I was sensing in my spirit. The only time people see the light is in the dark.
Its things like this that will cause me not to vote for him in 2012. "Black" farmers have been getting their collective asses kicked in this country, while their white counteparts get all kinds of assistance from the fed. Frankly, I can't understand why he would support Blanche Lincoln anyway. I was listening to Warren Olney's show, "All things considered" and this particular episode was about how Blanche was running two types of ads during her spring campaign. One for whites and the other for "Blacks".
Her message to Whites was that she was against healthcare reform and some of the other issues on 44's plate and to the "blacks" she was saying that she supported him. WTF?!
Is he supporting Blanche Lincoln?
I just finished reading an article from the Salon regarding his support for Blanche Lincoln and it sure don't look good at all.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Is he supporting Blanche Lincoln?"
Granny, deals where struck behind the scenes.
Politics is a messy business. More messy than most know. But unless deals are struck, little gets done on Capitol Hill.
I wish I had the time to respond to this.
If we didn't know it before, we should know it now: Congress calls the shots.
Without the votes on the Hill, the president is impotent.
He's only as strong as those who're willing to support his agenda--no more, no less.
"I am frustrated with fickle people."
That's my frustration as well.
@LACoincidental: "-- but the legislature are kind of passing the buck on this one, too. Obama's not Jesus, there are 400 other cats who could have made this right decades ago, and they're still not doing anything.
"The Congress could have done right by these people years ago."
You're on target. There's a chorus of naysayers that's getting harder to differentiate from all the other Obama detractors.
I'm sending an e-mail to my congresspersons, and voicing my concern to the White House.
At least it informs our discontent, and restiveness over this issue.
Any action is preferable to no action at all.
I'm inviting others to do the same.
The Congress could have done right by these people years ago. But no, its all Obama's fault. Its easier for the CBC to bitch that Obama's not saving Black people fast enough instead of pushing Pelosi to get these farmers their money.
the O-man doesn't have time to placate to everyone's little niche issue. And he can't afford to be running around like the Negro Superman.
But far too many whiny uber lefty blogger types expect Obama to pose with a Ashanti ceremonial spear and an AK-47 in a leather jacket and beret.
Sorry but this is an excuse and a diversion. Pelosi is not the person who promised Lincoln that the Administration would find the money for $1.5 billion in Farm Aid.
Emmanuel is. And Pelosi doesn't work for Obama; Emmanuel does.
Of course there are SOME people out there who expect Obama to part the seas and walk on water but that's NOT what this is about at all. This is about basic priorities and political horsetrading. Every time someone in Obama's base -especially his Black base- wants a concern addressed , Obama defenders rush to accuse them of wanting miracles. -(
If the Administration can find $1.5 billion for Lincoln's concerns, it can find $1.2 billion for the Black farmers. If Obama can't do that or won't do that then those black farmers need to agitate, make a fuss and call Obama out. If that doesn't work then ultimately they need to vote for someone who is interested in their concerns at least as much as he's interested in the concerns of others. Putting all the blame on Pelosi or Reid is a cop out. Neither Pelosi or Reid can sign legislation. Neither one is the President.
Neither Pelosi or Reid cannot sign legislation but they do happen to be the ones that make up legislation. Their job is to make legislation. The President cannot sign a legislation that they have not created yet. So again, the ball is back in their court. Nevertheless, I agree if they can find 1.5 billion for Blanche, they can come up with 1.2 billion they owe the black farmers and that is the bottom line, there is no half stepping to that.
BTW, they also are the ones that have approved the payment.
anon 1:04
How do you presume to know what I think?
But again, I'm going to sound like a broken record -- but the legislature are kind of passing the buck on this one, too. Obama's not Jesus, there are 400 other cats who could have made this right decades ago, and they're still not doing anything.
The Congress could have done right by these people years ago.
La~Coincidental, this is true, but see what Shady Grady said. And I know that politics is messy business,deals have to be cut. It's just that, in this case, I think that there were deals when they didn't need to be one.
"Come on Barry, keep shoveling that money out to black people! Faster!"
That comment is the perception that team O is afraid of. I am gussing that the person who made that comment wouldn't vote for O if he gave every member of his family a thousand dollars a day for life.:)
And yes, I want him to "shovel" some $ my way. Hell everyone else is getting paid.
The main theme? "Disappointment". And it's showing up in spades.
People are disappointed that Obama wasn't the Magic Negro™ people thought he would be. That disappointment is being combined with right wing portrayals of the president being the very antithesis of "American" and opinions of his governing style as "weak". With shit like the Pigford settlement being kicked to the curb and black issues being given a short shrif, it's no wonder that black voters are starting to wonder if he's got any sort of cojones. And if this keeps up, black voters might just abandon him come Nov 2012 for a candidate who expresses greater strength and enthusiasm on black issues.
I've always wondered if Obama thought he could just try to skate by his first term in office, then after he's won a second term, pull a "I DONT GIVE A FUCK" and start ramming bills through Congress, confident that he no longer has to worry about another election cycle. If that's the case, the way thinga are going he might not have a chance to pull that off.
Ain't this a blip?
White conservative farmers get a government handout.
Black farmers get stiffed.
White conservatives call Obama a socialist and a radical.
The CBC and black political issues get ignored by the Obama Administration.
A white racist cop arrests a black Harvard professor for trying to enter his own home and gets invited to the White House by the black President for beer.
A black female USDA official shares a twenty year old story of helping a white farmer save his land and gets fired from her job.
Welcome to the Bizarro World.
wow fn!
you have made my day!
hobama has abused black farmers...
but soon they will appear to be favored when compared to the brutal bilking of black fishermen ....
whom hobama and his BP posee are prepping to betray even more brutally!!!
A lot of us have forgot who the enemy is. Who carried guns at their rally? Who threaten on national television to use them? Hispanics are being hunted in the Southwest. You have Beck's March on Black People. We have to vote out the Republicans.
the democrats that will be exposed are equally corrupt as their republican peers... even the beloved maxine waters is only further proof that ALL politicos are the same...
republicans and democrats are amoral and elitist distinctions without differences...
corps rule both parties...even as they both play fake party war games to amuse and distract us all....
Ms.Banks why is it that the only person who can comment on your site is you? Why do you call the man Hobama? How much does Alex Jones pay you to HIJACK Field's thread? People would have more respect for you if you could comment on your own site, instead of HIJACKING Field's site. Do you work for PUMA? Why do you hate Black Men so much?
hobama IS a socialist for the RICH exclusively...
that is why they keep slandering him as helping poor/being democrat = smoke and mirrors for the clueless/racist
NO PREZ has ever been more ruthlessly elitist/republican than hobama!!!
u r a liar and a fool
defend hobama
hobama's newEST socialism for the rich:
alicia banks said...
hobama IS a socialist for the RICH exclusively...
First you wouldn't like to be called a ho now do you? Respect his motherfucking office! A black woman showing so much hate for a black man looks extremely unstable.
Glenn Ford another playa hater from Black Agenda Report, says that the President isn't a real Socialist like him.
"NO PREZ has ever been more ruthlessly elitist/republican than hobama!!!"
Try Reagan, Dubya and Shrub.
HO-LICIA! You're ignorant.You take up some days 7/8th of Fields blog. Are you on medication? Are you ill? What's your malfunction?You need help.
I'm out for today. I'm going to MY blog to take care of business, Alicia try having more than just you blogging at your blog OK? It makes you look nuts.Show Field some courtesy. One day he had 38 hits with you almost 300. It makes no damn sense.BTW, can anyone other than you leave a comment on your blog?
i hate hobama because he is a MORE brutal and elitist clone of gwb
i love tavis smiley and cornel west and many other real black men
ALL of them are smarter and braver than YOU & HOBAMA
unlike u
i am not a racist or a liar or a fool...
hobama's blackish skin color is as irrelevant to me as the truth is to u
defend hobama!!!
u need
a brain
a soul
a blog
a spine
20/20 vision
hobama therapy
respect must be earned
hobama has done NOTHING to earn my respect
i will respect him when he treats poor people as respectfully as he does bankers...k?
he is a corp whore
and u r a liar and a fool and a coward and blind etc...
i adore glen ford
unlike you, he can handle and DEFEND the truth about hobama
unlike u
he is not a racist fool who has no blog
glen ford for prez!!!
i adore him as u adore hobama!!!
Obama could easily find 1.2 billion by stopping the war in Afghanistan. His continuing of that modern day Vietnam is a real tragedy. We spend 2.4 billion every nine days in Afghanistan!
i love cornel west!!!
We don't hear our president talking about the need for high-quality jobs for everybody, giving it priority, not just giving a speech in Detroit. That's fine, but speaking to Tim Geithner, speaking to Larry Summers. When are you going to make jobs, jobs, jobs a priority rather than Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street a priority? That's what I'm concerned about.
A crucial question. I worry about it all the time. I just don't want the fear from the right to be used by the Obama administration to silence critics. We have to be willing to tell the truth because we're trying to speak about conditions that are being rendered invisible in our prisons and schools in the hood and so forth and so on.
from the opium to the endless brutal wars...afghan/iraq/iran/africom...
hobama's bloody wars will be WORSE than vietnam and they are already worse than gwb!!!
Did you open your mouth when Bush invaded Afghanistan?
A little background please, Field. The 1999 Pigford v Glickman decision resulted in 16,000 black farmers being handed $50,000 jackpots for making the extremely dubious claim that the USDA discriminated against them during the administration of the First Black President, Slick Willie Clinton.
Afterwards, other blacks saw all the free money flying around and wanted their piece of the pie. So in 2008, a junior Senator named Barack Hussein Obama sponsored a bill to reopen the case. Over 70,000 black farmers are expected to line up for the next round of handouts, for a total of 86,000 luxuriant rides on the gravy train, courtesy of tax slaves and their children.
Seated on a plush throne at the front of that train is Shirley Sherrod, the race-baiting bureaucrat the media has tried to pass off as the next Rosa Parks. She exploited the Pigford scam to collect a staggering $13 million of OUR MONEY for being "oppressed" just before she took her position at the USDA.
By the way, there are only 39,697 black farmers in the entire country. Yet 86,000 allegedly deserve mountains of other people's money because the liberal bureaucrats under a liberal administration discriminated against them and wouldn't give them farm loans.
Never mind the noise over "slavery reparations" — the government already pays people lavishly to be black. It is stealing everyone's money and passing it out to those lucky enough to have dark skin by the hundreds of $billions. The only moral difference between a heist like Pigford and robbing a liquor store is that a street pirate has more guts and more honesty than the sanctimoniously lying bureaucrats who are systematically looting this country into bankruptcy.
Bush's 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was the right move; however, the execution of that move was just horrible. Rumsfeld vetoed a large ground invasion, thinking that we could rely on the Northern Alliance to do the ground fighting. We blew our best chance to decapitate the Taliban and Al Qaeda a that moment.
What we are doing over there now is simply a waste o lives, money and time. We're trying to nation build while our own nation crumbles.
The only moral difference between a heist like Pigford and robbing a liquor store is that a street pirate has more guts and more honesty than the sanctimoniously lying bureaucrats who are systematically looting this country into bankruptcy.
11:47 AM
Just like Blackwater, Halliburton, Goldman Sachs, etc..C'mon dude - Step your game up! Because you're not going to win this one.
and i dogged hobama's clone gwb for 8 yrs much worse than i dog hobama
but that will not stop you from unconditionally licking hobama's ruthless ass with your mouth now will it???
will you ever stop licking hobama and open your mouth about how hobama has ESCALATED & WORSENED afghanistan?????????
you hypocritical hobama naxi drone
Rottnkid said...
"Just like Blackwater, Halliburton, Goldman Sachs,'
Blackwater and Halliburton worked for their money.
Goldman Sachs is a democrat outfit, and was Obama's biggest supporter from the financial industry.
Goldman is getting paid billions, just like all the other Obama cronies, in the greatest looting of all time. Make sure you run your ass out and get you a TV and some diapers too, kid.
anon 11:47
Ignorance is bliss, right?
ditto anon!
goldman sach's is hobama's enron/fav posse!
gs bought that trick in chief hobama long ago!
"Bush's 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was the right move; however, the execution of that move was just horrible."
Then we should have pulled out in 2002, correct?
Where was the GOP and conservative demands for Afghan withdrawal?
"We blew our best chance to decapitate the Taliban and Al Qaeda a that moment."
Where do you think Bin Laden is today if not Afghanistan?
"What we are doing over there now is simply a waste o lives, money and time. We're trying to nation build while our own nation crumbles."
I thought we were nation building in Iraq. Another unnecessary debacle and immoral invasion of a sovereign nation which neither attacked us or posed any threat.
"We're trying to nation build while our own nation crumbles."
Yeah Bush and the Repubs did their damnest to destroy this nation's economic infrastructure but the economy is now showing improvement.
Blackwater and Halliburton worked for their money.
How's that? No bid contracts...sounds like they worked hard for that. Over charging the government for shoddy work...Well I guess they did "work" hard for the money. No need for me to post links.
Goldman Sachs is a democrat outfit, and was Obama's biggest supporter from the financial industry.
Goldman is getting paid billions, just like all the other Obama cronies, in the greatest looting of all time.
No shit..But you should have lumped them with Halliburton, Blackwater and company..etc, after all they "worked" hard for their money too. They've all been sucking the same tit - The Federal Government
Make sure you run your ass out and get you a TV and some diapers too, kid.
No need, I have a TV and I've been out of diapers for about.. Ohh 39 yrs.. So at this point we just have to agree to disagree.
President of the US promised that the black farmer be made whole..He "reneged" on a promise, as did congress, who voted for the payment.
hobama rules all media
step osd your gates
real people in the real world are drowning in poverty/joblessness/homelessness/bankrupt cities & states/no police/higher crime/no change/no hope/no way out!!!....
and the worst is yet to come!
wake up!!!!
if things are so great
why is hobama begging for more billions in swindleus cash for his rich pals????
wake up!!!
utterly blind:
even rich people are having mansions foreclosed and using food stamps while broke black fools like you are still donning hobama t-shirts...shame!!!
i love spike lee!!
i love harry belafonte!
Field and Shady, I think folks are misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying that Obama didn't screw the pooch on this one. This is one of those stupid moves that people will continue to remember. Like my boss says, people never remember what you do right and they'll never forget what you do wrong. Alicia Banks is slightly vindicated.
I'm noting that Congress and the Senate have been dicking around these Black farmers since I was in middle school, and that solely blaming a stupid horse trading by Rahm Emanuel is not seeing the big picture.
Like Granny said, Obama can't sign laws of the legislature doesn't create any. They could have investigated the USDA and other associated government programs years ago.
Again, Obama doesn't have the power ring of OA that he can create a giant green boxing glove and beat the Senate into submission. He can't telepathic demand a school of pirranhas to eat up the oil in the Gulf Coast either. (Sorry for the nerdy references, I was at ComicCon last week. One word: Awesome!!)
Obama fucked this up. But someone of us have such unrealistic and rather silly expectations of this man that he'll never measure up to our jaded POV.
For the CBC and others in the legislature to wag fingers at the Obama administration when those Negroes have been sitting in this issue for years (while throwing themselves 700K cocktail parties) is the height of hypocrisy and why I ultimately left active politics. I know the hustle and it frankly makes me jaded.
i love danny glover!
anyone who hated gwb but loves hobama is a racist hypocrite!!!
i hate them both as they are clones!
thank u
history will COMPLETELY vindicate ALL of us who refuse to give hobama a pass simply because his deadbeat dad was black
in fact, history will prove that we were ALL FATALLY far too respectful/kind/doting/coddling/blind to hobama...including even his worst critics!!!
ditto for gwb
ditto for abe lincoln
ditto for clarence thomas etc
hobama has FLAUNTED the power to legendarily help ONLY bankers...he has dogged ALL the rest of us.
i want him to TAKE the same powwer to help some of us that he has taken to opulently spoil his fellow banksters/wall st posse!!!
no more
no less
i love bob herbert!
i love immortal technique!!!
i love glenn ford!
Of all people, it was Black farmers that dared to make the first Black president accountable for his campaign promise to them. Obama seemed to be reneging on his own legislation and statements favoring billions in payments to Black farmers methodically discriminated against by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Now, his administration wants to cap the payments at $100 million. “Right is right and it doesn’t matter who is in the White House,” said Black farmers leader John Boyd.
i love dr. michael e. dyson!!!
i love mumia abu-jamal!!!
Maybe Obama can find the 9 billion he lost in Afghanistan to pay the farmers. Did he look under the couch cushions?
Actually, history will probably show the nobody was right and Obama was kind of run of the mill, Alicia. He's not a Socialist Death God or a Corporatist Trojan Horse. Neither caricature fits this guy.
Anyway, I've got to get back to the grind. Have a good day.
we agree to disagree on that
hobama is THE most brutally elitist and war mongering/predator drone loving prez to date
you win on greta v
i am taking her off of my cool at fox list today
you win on greta v
i am taking her off of my cool at fox list today
http://www.huffingtonpo a buceta
who gives a fuck what u think about greta u stupid fucking nutsack
magilla is up to her monkey shining antics again oh brother!
buceta thread jacking heifer LOSER
LACoincidental said...
"Actually, history will probably show the nobody was right and Obama was kind of run of the mill, Alicia. He's not a Socialist Death God or a Corporatist Trojan Horse. Neither caricature fits this guy."
How about an Underexperienced, Vaguely Resentful Narcissist?
Bush was an idiot who did what he was told. Obama is just smart enough to get himself, and the rest of us, in a lot of trouble. He sees himself not as a public servant, but as a Ruler of lesser beings. Any realistic self-appraisal would have told him he didn't know hot to run a daycare, much less a country. Instead, he has decided that a term as President entitles him to completely change the nation to fit his personal vision.
We have no one but ourselves to blame for the sorry string of Presidents we have elected. America is running out of chances.
Bro you crack me up trying to be a scholar and such. No such luck.
We have no one but ourselves to blame for the sorry string of Presidents we have elected. America is running out of chances.
2:26 PM
Well not all of us but I completely agree.
i really truly love cornel west!!!
i love him as much as mostly rabid loves ignorance and envy and contributing ONLY vulgar nonsense to this blog...yay!!!
Well, I’ll tell you, I had not talked to my dear brother since the Martin Luther King gathering in South Carolina, and very briefly Super Tuesday. But he did come and make a beeline to me after his speech on I think it was Thursday morning in Washington, D.C. I hadn’t seen him for two and a half weeks, and he made a beeline to me, though, brother, and he was deeply upset. He talked to me like I was a Cub Scout, and he was a pack master, you know what I mean?
I said, well, my mother and father raised me right. I respect my dear brother, but I don’t like to be demeaned and humiliated in that way, and I didn’t get a chance to respond to him. And I hope maybe at some time we can. But it was very, it was a very ugly kind of moment, it seems to me, and that disturbs me because then it raises the question for me: Does he have a double standard for black critics as opposed to white critics?
memo to
mostly rabid:
Cornel West is phony, a living symbol of the fraud that the American academic establishment has become.
i love dick gregory!!!
how is cornel west fraudulent?
how is he more fraudulent than the enture life long and global hoax that is hobama?
hobama has also repeatedly lied about his age...why?
has cornel ever done even just that????
I posted a comment at a Black blog yesterday and i was called a Troll! well, i can deal with that, but, can someone tell me why, we are taking up for a Black man that, has shown us time and time again that, when it come's to black folk, WE ARE ON OUR OWN!
Now i have tried to give this Biracial man, the benefit of the doubt, but, something STINK'S! no,i will not go all Alicia Bank's, but, how can you say, you ar a Black man, but, yet, you sit back and allow people like SHERROD, RANGEL! and now, MAXINE WATER'S, to be Persecuted! these three black people, have been fighting for black folk for
YEAR'S! and now look! did the
President stand up for SHERROD?
NO! did she get her old job back? NO! SOMETHING STINK'S!
Now i don't know what's going on but, thing's are getting pretty strange! you mean to tell me, this so called Black President, couldn't resolve this RANGEL and WATER'S issue, before it came to this? forget about some Ethic's Committee mess! it is no such thing as a UPRIGHT POLITICIAN! we all know that! i don't care what RANGEL and WATER'S may have done, it will never ever compare to, what White Politician's have done in the past and are still doing! those GREEDY WHITE HEATHEN'S, wrote the book on Corruption!
See, it's time to face the truth, the truth is, this President supported a White woman, Blanche Lincoln, who could have cared less, if the Heathcare Bill had passed! i want to know why, white folk get Favor's from this President, and Black folk are being treated like a PILE of MESS!
something stink's!
"you sit back and allow people like SHERROD, RANGEL! and now, MAXINE WATER'S, to be Persecuted!"
Prosecuted, actally, at least in Rangel's and Waters cases. Rangel and Waters are crooks, and should go to jail. Sherrod is a race-baiting extortionist, who got $13 million in underserved cash from the government. Hang em' all, ISAY! ISAY!
there is nothing EVER wrong with going "all TRUTH"!...
i have never lied on hobama like those who worship his lies....
Anony 4:30, why choose the term "hang em"?
Oh oooo, Obama finally made Prophetess Wallace (iseeisee) get the ass of him, that's a big turn around shocker. Next person might be Granny, and that would be the end for him on this blog. :)
"Then we should have pulled out in 2002, correct?"
IF the job had been done right, then probably we could have left. We sure wouldn't still be there now.
"Where was the GOP and conservative demands for Afghan withdrawal?"
Who knows? You should probably ask them. Maybe No_Slapz could tell you.
"Where do you think Bin Laden is today if not Afghanistan?"
If he's still alive-and he might not be-I'd imagine he's in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
"I thought we were nation building in Iraq. Another unnecessary debacle and immoral invasion of a sovereign nation which neither attacked us or posed any threat."
I'd agree with you. I'm not sure why you are trying to give me a lecture about the past eight years; I'm neither a Bush lover or a Republican. Still, the failures of GW Bush are no excuse for Obama's refusal to heed to reality.
"I'm neither a Bush lover or a Republican. Still, the failures of GW Bush are no excuse for Obama's refusal to heed to reality."
Exactly. When will it ever be a "good time" to pull out?
buceta thread jacking heifer LOSER
hows that 250 iq treating u dumbass
ude think someone so smart would know
how to embed links into their posts
idiot u r a fraud liar and fool
buceta breath
Anonymous said...
How about an Underexperienced, Vaguely Resentful Narcissist?
Bush was an idiot who did what he was told. Obama is just smart enough to get himself, and the rest of us, in a lot of trouble. He sees himself not as a public servant, but as a Ruler of lesser beings. Any realistic self-appraisal would have told him he didn't know hot to run a daycare, much less a country. Instead, he has decided that a term as President entitles him to completely change the nation to fit his personal vision.
We have no one but ourselves to blame for the sorry string of Presidents we have elected. America is running out of chances.
2:26 PM
Anon, why would we complain when the President isn't a blithering moron? And I agree that we have ourselves to blame for sorry leaders -- but frankly Americans have such silly expectations of their leaders and little clue on how their own democracy works & how backwater we are compared to other first world countries -- few people with a brain and a heart would step up to the plate.
And pray tell, what politician isn't on some level feeling himself? If Obama is an under-experienced Narcissist, what would you call an obvious imbecile like Sarah Palin, a right wing ideologue too hellbent on his fantasy island like Ron Paul or the White Knights of the Far Left, Kuicinich** or Nader -- who never so much as ran a successful car wash? (Yes, DK was the mayor in Ohio back in the day, but he was so bad at it they sent his ass packing for SoCal for 10 years.)
Face it, Obama is at worst a symptom of American apathy and ignorance. Again, he's not Jesus -- he's not even John the Baptist.
The problem isn't Obama, and really it was never really Bush. The problem has always been us. The right is too coddled and scared of the real world they'll accept anything a man in a military uniform will say. The left is so cynical and self-absorbed its all but checked out of any real engagement since the student movements of the 1970's.
So long as we are more content with our new PS3 and Snookie than actually running our democracy and fixing our problems, we'll only have ourselves to blame for the sorry clowns we see. And to my lefty know-it-all blogger friends, so long as you think you're smarter than everyone and don't engage people at their level -- you're part of the problem.
WE allow our leaders to drag us into war, WE wanted to build McMasions in the middle of nowhere and drive SUVs all over the countryside and WE turned a blind eye as corporate America all but bought our entire government. WE thought it was more important to build baseball stadiums and weapons so advance they could qualify for 'Kirby Guns' than to fund schools.
And as an aside for all the folks calling
....Obama a sellout and corporate shill, get a damn clue. You're no more capable of fixing our problems in less than 2 years than he is -- and in a non-partisan POV the man is kicking ass and taking name.
Again, like a broken record -- these Black farmers have been ripped by the government long before the skinny Negro from Hawaii showed up in the White House. And if we don't hold everyone, not just Obama, accountable in a real sense and engage in our democracy -- they'll keep getting ripped off long after he's gone.
hobama is the very first blackish prez ever
and thus the very first to be legendarily excused/coddled/adored/blindly worshipped by broke abused masochistic black fools like mostly rabid...
THAT is why his BLATANT usurping and INTENSIFYING of his cousin king shrub's horrid legacy will make his OWN legacy worse in every way....
watch. see....
Yeah, blacks don't hate the gays any more than anyone else...ask any BLACK person who has grown up black and gay and you will get a different story. Fucking nigger should be shot.
hobama is the very first blackish prez ever
and thus the very first to be legendarily excused/coddled/adored/blindly worshipped by broke abused masochistic black fools like mostly rabid...a buceta
blackish? uve played that one out
cant ur 250 iq brain come up with
something a bit more witty?
buceta breath
uts'/kiddie's/mostly rabid's
incessant vulgar attacks IN LIEU of defending hobama's indefensible DOGGING of poor people/CODDLING of banksters are all classic examples of said UNIQUELY TRAGIC hobama legacy:
When debating Black supporters of President Obama, there often comes a point where even the most fervent Obamites can find no coherent defense for the president’s pro-Wall Street and militaristic policies, when his refusal to even consider race-targeted solutions to race-based problems becomes simply indefensible. Typically, at that point, the Obama supporter will play the psychological card. The advent of the First Black President, they say, has been of incalculable psychological benefit to Black people, especially to Black children, who can now project themselves into an infinity of possibilities because a Black family is in the White House. Hallelujah!
Fucking nigger should be shot.
http://www.queerty.com/17-month-old-male-toddler-was-acting-all-fem-and-now-hes-dead-20100803/ a buceta
u know this was u dumbass u the only
one on the board that calls people
the n word u stupid jerk! BTW u also
are one of the few that quotes
queerty u dumbass
hobama is the very first blackish prez ever
and thus the very first to be legendarily excused/coddled/adored/blindly worshipped by broke abused masochistic black fools like mostly rabid...a buceta
blackish? uve played that one out
cant ur 250 iq brain come up with
something a bit more witty?
buceta breath
When debating Black supporters of President Obama, there often comes a point where even the most fervent Obamites can find no coherent defense for the president’s pro-Wall Street and militaristic policies a buceta quoting something she aint write
just cuz u call the president hobama
dont mean that other blacks dont feel
the same way ure just a stone cold
fool and dont nobody want to be
publicly associated with u
buceta breath always trying to get
the last word
black gaybashers are the worst in the world
the dl mostly rabid is a vulgar homohating/dl self loathing stalker/case in pt
To the anti-AB anony, please stop. While others are chastising AB for not ignoring you, you also need to stop provoking her. Believe me, AB and I have come a long way, and sometimes we all enjoy a little fight here and there, but at some point you have to move on. So please stop, its getting old, and I'm sure many others would agree.
I can hardly believe my eyes when I read this post and the comments, the whole point of Breitbarf's stunt with Sherrod was to get the senate to vote down the funds! This is not the fault of Obama, it is the senate's vote, here is just one link if you don't fn' believe me.
the difference is you are intelligent/classy/educated and mostly rabid is clearly NOT x 3!!!
have u noticed that mosrtly rabid is so uneducated and so ignorant that she has NEVER posted on topic???...
she is too "busy" to post any sanity on any topic but has ALL DAY to post her vulgar twisted debased psycho dl rants about me EXCLUSIVELY...weirdo!!!
The way I see it is - this black farmers' settlement has been simply a symbolic gesture. Congress had no intention of paying off - it just looks good to have settled this case with the farmers with the promise of cash deferred.
According to what I've read, the issue is about "appropriation". Congress has said we'll pay, but the due date has been deliberately open ended.
According to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), "the settlement money is paid for. The funds were attached to an "emergency" spending measure funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq". (Those black farmers were used as partisan bargaining chips.)
Now, many of those farmers on the original suit have already died waiting on pay day (their day never came). (Although it can be argued, their descendants may receive the funds.)
Further evidence there is no good faith intention to pay anytime soon: the settlement funds were attached to a supplemental war funding bill (this is funding for unforeseen or emergency expenses not previously budgeted).
A priority is now placed on funding disaster assistance that specifically benefits Sen. Lincoln's home state of Arkansas. Apparently, Republicans are against this rider to a small-business bill (again, those bargaining chip ploys). But there resistance is purely partisan.
Effectively, both black farmers and those seeking disaster relief are being used as pawns to achieve other objectives; namely, keep throwing good money after bad in the war effort and the small business legislation bit the dust.
I don't think this is so much about Obama dropping the ball, as it is the games that Congress plays.
Can the Prez issue an Executive Order on this one (black farmers settlement)? If, he can and he doesn't, then I'm looking at him side-eyed.
the senate never signed one bankster bailout check...hobama is begging to sign more SOLO!
i have never seen this happen en masse to any white lesbians or their daughters in any white country.
i have never seen whites vulgarly attack obama/gwb haters on any white blog as i am routinely
attacked herein
good thing lionesses always slay hyenas like mostly rabid et al!!!
good think mostly rabid is an uneducated hyena on crack...too easy to slay and too geeked up to stop proving all i claim also!
LACoincidental said... "The problem isn't Obama, and really it was never really Bush. The problem has always been us. The right is too coddled and scared of the real world they'll accept anything a man in a military uniform will say. The left is so cynical and self-absorbed its all but checked out of any real engagement since the student movements of the 1970's."
Thanks. You've said essentially what I would have said, had I the time to say it.
If the media is the fourth branch of government, then the people, at the very least, are the fifth branch.
Rather than sitting back and watching things being done to us, we should shoulder our responsibility in the governmental equation, and, as citizens, step up and do our part to round out the equation--to make government responsive and accountable to the people.
Anything short of that is nothing more than sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.
more on horrid black homohaters/mostly rabid et al:
It is an undeniable and historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the most cruel oppressors. The United States were founded by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters. In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America’s genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign at being "healed heterosexuals" gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual...
Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.
This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!! Also, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses who know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that is spewed by a diaspora of African gaybashers like legions of deadly cobras.
that mostly rabid word is in a dated column bro...all over the net!
Field thanks for pointing this out. However it's really not helpful for the CBC or anyone else to pit the aide for the farmers in Arkansas against paying the debt owed black farmers. The truth is they should both be paid.
And BTW I was active in the movement to get them paid I helped host them in Minneapolis and Milwaukee and attended several conferences as well as marched in DC with them in the 1990's. I helped write and circulate news stories depicting the fight as well as updates. They marched in the MLK parade in Atlanta I beleive in 1999. I participated in that one as well.
What they have taken those brothers and sisters through is absolutely shameful.
But we have to be careful how this is framed. The government actually has no real love for the black or the white farmer. So we have to be careful not to make it appear one is more deserved than the other, which is kind of what Rahm Emmanuel has done.
Alicia --you are right on with your observations about the government and Obama,it seems to me that you should consider some more progressive alternatives. The folks on the right do not offer the way forward and while they seem to struggle with some of their fellow citizens they also seem to be pro war and show no qualms about US imperialism dropping bombs on folks to get their way.
Anon- You and many others prove again again and again why its so important to know history. If indeed you understood history and didn't just make knee jerk statements, you would know that the government farm loans were what meant the difference between having a farm and not having one. During the days of Jim Crow and even into the 60's and 70's black farmers were denied loans that were consistently granted to white farmers.
And you should know that many black farms were simply stolen by white neighbors sometimes at gun point or the threat of violence and sometime through chicanery and tax chiseling which was done with the help of city and county government.
LAC- Actually Corpratist Trojan Horse is a good description of Obama. No matter how much slack you want to give him he did raise expectations. And you are right he is not Jesus but he also has no intention nor has he had any intentions on solving the problems of the little person, or the problems of homelessness, the over incareration of black folks, ending the dirty dealings that caused folks to be foreclosed upon, getting all children educated, stopping US government aggression, or any other progressive forward thinking idea that one may come up with.
But he fooled people into thinking that he was "bout it, bout it," when he knew that he could care less. But he didn't fool me and some other more thoughtful and aware brothers and sisters.
He is what he is which is another of a long list of front men for US imperialism. Thats all he is no more no less!
mell ditto
i am indy and offer many alternatives at my blog
black agenda report and uhuru news do also
bon soir mon frere
You beat me to the punch LAB..Shit is getting old. I bet every time AB responds to Anon, IT jacks off. Sorry to be so vulgar, but I can't see why IT purposely goes straight to her..Log in , Alicia responds, Jacks off. It must be raw down there.
it was not AB who posted it but another gay black person who is really really worried about my community...you are right AB about the oppressed becoming the oppressors. As Pat Parker said, "where will you be when they come for you?"
Rottn....you are a hot mess. i love it.
And Alicia for the record..I'm diggin' the hell out of your posts today;D
To the anti-AB anony, please stop. While others are chastising AB for not ignoring you, you also need to stop provoking her. Believe me, AB and I have come a long way, and sometimes we all enjoy a little fight here and there, but at some point you have to move on. So please stop, its getting old, and I'm sure many others would agree.laidiota
shut cher pie hole meddling marvin!
u intentionally provoke people by
making fucked up statements about
anybody birracial hateful shrew type buceta!
No, i meant Persecuted, and let me make myself clear, i can agree with the President and question the thing's he doe's at the same time! see that's called, looking at the full picture!
Yes he may have been in office for just a year and a half, but, white people are all up in his face and Black folk have his back, now, we either play blind or we call, what we see out, this is not just about the President, this is about an entire race of people, meaning the Black Race, i will defend him when i see him being devoured, but, he has Power! it was given to him by mainly black folk!
I was doing find and dandy, then come's this man that, who said, he wanted to be President, i thought to myself, Good luck young man, that will be the day! well this man stayed in the race, and he won, now he is the President over every person in America, most white folk HATE it but, it is a FACT!
I don't know if the President, was ever really introduced to white folk the proper way, he was raised around his loving grandparent's, he had white college firend's, then along the way, he met up with his black side! now he is President, so now, has met the REAL WHITE FOLK! the folk that, will destroy this country before they take order's from him!
Was this man ever schooled on White Supremecy? I really don't think so, why, well, right about now, SARAH PALIN should be out of AMERICA! she should have been made an example of a long time ago, RUPERT MURDOCH should not have his WICKED EMPIRE! the TEA PARTY should have been dismantled before the word Tea was ever said! this man has Power! and i am waiting to see him, SHUT SOME WHITE FOLK MOUTH! starting with Glenn Beck!
Anonymous said...
Rottn....you are a hot mess. i love it.
6:05 PM
lol, thanks..I'm not to eloquent with my writing skills but I know when I "see" crazy.
i have never seen whites vulgarly attack obama/gwb haters on any white blog as i am routinely
attacked hereina buceta playing the victim card
u deserve to be attacked u useless
waste of space u dumb buceta licking
To the anti-AB anony, please stop. While others are chastising AB for not ignoring you, you also need to stop provoking her.ladiota
tell that nasty cretinous sow to stop
provoking and demeaning people who
disagree with her and polluting this
blog with her incessant drivel
then eyel leave this blog alone
shes a liar and a sack of tapir
the senate never signed one bankster bailout check...hobama is begging to sign more SOLO!a buceta
u fucking liar once more conveniently
forgetting history ur buddy mccain
signed for the gwb bailouts along
with the whole of congress
fucking lying sack of cat shit!
hows that 250 iq treating u genius?
But he fooled people into thinking that he was "bout it, bout it," when he knew that he could care less. But he didn't fool me and some other more thoughtful and aware brothers and sisters.mell
only dumbfucks he was able to fool
thinking people and crazies saw him
for what he is a corporate figurehead
nothing more nothing less
Poor, poor, poor maligned Shirley Sherrod. Everyone who questioned her "story" was deemed a RAAAAACIST - right, Field? I guess that includes Ron Wilkins...
To the anti-AB anony, please stop. While others are chastising AB for not ignoring you, you also need to stop provoking her
the anti-AB anony used to post some very good posts a while ago, I agree the buceta ball is getting old. I was hoping anony could just start posting really good posts that address the topic again and forget about the rest, it is not worth it to your self-esteem.
Was this man ever schooled on White Supremecy? I really don't think so, why, well, right about now, SARAH PALIN should be out of AMERICA! she should have been made an example of a long time ago, RUPERT MURDOCH should not have his WICKED EMPIRE! the TEA PARTY should have been dismantled before the word Tea was ever said! this man has Power! and i am waiting to see him, SHUT SOME WHITE FOLK MOUTH! starting with Glenn Beck!
IseeIsee, really good question about what Obama was taught, I remember in his first book, he wrote about a film "Black Orpheus" and how he thought his mother looked at Black people as children.
I can hardly believe Palin is allowed to say such crude, degrading insults about the power and integrity of the president. I thought going against sovereign was treason, guess not in her case.
the anti-AB anony used to post some very good posts a while ago, I agree the buceta ball is getting old. I was hoping anony could just start posting really good posts that address the topic again and forget about the rest, it is not worth it to your self-esteem. mdm Kathy
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
hopefully ule see that cretinous
sows presence here is getting old
here as to staying on topic
our presidents mother was a well
meaning paternalistic racist
nonetheless hows that kathy?
agree, she was probably a well meaning paternalistic racist.
the anti-AB anony used to post some very good posts a while ago, I agree the buceta ball is getting old
No problem Kathy..Which Anon? There's 50 OF THEM.
mellaneous said..."No matter how much slack you want to give him he did raise expectations. And you are right he is not Jesus but he also has no intention nor has he had any intentions on solving the problems of the little person, or the problems of homelessness, the over incareration of black folks, ending the dirty dealings that caused folks to be foreclosed upon, getting all children educated, stopping US government aggression, or any other progressive forward thinking idea that one may come up with."
A strong indictment. Putting education aside, which of the other concerns you cited were part and parcel of Obama's pledge to America, black or white?
Here's what I remember. He would end the war in Iraq--our combat mission there. As of this month, he's on target.
He would expand the war in Afghanistan--the real epicenter for our war on terror, as he saw it, during his campaign.
Congress under his guidance did in recent weeks pass a financial reform bill into law. It didn't go far enough for me, but I'm not complaining--but it just might have sufficient provisions and muscle to do what you hope: to end what you call "the dirty dealings that caused folks to be foreclosed upon."
Expectations aren't campaign pledges.
And with those pledges (candidate Obama didn't promise us the moon), blacks voted for him overwhelmingly, and whites in sufficient numbers to seal a win.
With a little more time and a willing congress (Obama hasn't been in office two years yet), I think he'll get around to rehabilitating our faltering educational system, and addressing other progressive concerns.
America's homeless crisis can be taken up locally, and by charitable institutions. Many such institutions are doing remarkable work to provide homes for the chronically homeless, and well as for those recently homeless as a result of foreclosures.
Check around: You may have such an institution in your own city that you can partner with.
mell/AB and others on the hard left. Fine Obama is just a politician. Wow, and water is wet.
Funny how all agree that Obama isn't Jesus, because a lot of the net roots sound like kids who discovered that there's no tooth fairy at age 18.
The sad irony is that the people who scream the most about Obama not being Jesus show the signs of disillusioned former disciples -- from fervent altar boys to ardent angry atheists.
What's rather ironic is that I come off as defending Obama -- which I'm not. Fine, he's not God and he's just another in long line of polished suits. He's a Clinton/Carter Democrat.
My point is, so the Hell what? So long as we post on our little blogs and argue for and about utter nonsense, you'll get another Clinton clone. And with the lunacy on the Right and the pathetic state of the Left, that's the best we're going to get.
To all the 'Obama is the Devil' Net Roots types, name someone of the Left who is more qualified or competent than the current POTUS? If you say Nader or Kuicinich -- you're really on crack. The problem is TINA -- There Is No Alternative. Not right now, as long as we're waiting for some superman to save us.
It's not that Obama is the devil, it's that he's woefully inadequate. For that matter, the entire Democratic and Republican Party is woefully inadequate. As Krugman pointed out in his column, the utter failure to even begin to address our long term problems is astounding. It paints a very grim picture of our collective future.
I'm beginning to think that Joseph Tainter's thesis about the collapse of complex societies (also the title of his book) is coming to pass.
there is many more than fifty
anons there r infinity anons
muah muah muah
see kathy eye can be good too
eye only act up around that nasty bully *cough*
oops staying on topic sometimes
paternalistic racists do more harm
then good
paternalistic racists do more harm
then good
true, i often wonder if that is one of the main problems that Obama faces with some of his appointments?
Well said...
It's not that Obama is the devil, it's that he's woefully inadequate. For that matter, the entire Democratic and Republican Party is woefully inadequate. As Krugman pointed out in his column, the utter failure to even begin to address our long term problems is astounding. It paints a very grim picture of our collective future.
I'm beginning to think that Joseph Tainter's thesis about the collapse of complex societies (also the title of his book) is coming to pass.
7:32 PM
Well -- if Obama and everyone else is so woefully inadequate, who should replace them? Between the nuts on the Right and the virtually non-existent Left, what's the alternative -- anarchy?
When we sit on our asses and do nothing, we get the government deserve.
Fine, Krugman's worried about deflation and Joseph Tainter thinks we're the dying Roman Empire. My question again is, so what? What are either of those guys, or anyone else for that matter --willing to do about?
Should all roll into a fetal position and wait for life to kick us? Should we run away from the world? Or should we take charge of our own destiny and do something about it?
And, btw, I agree with Krugman -- Obama should pump as much liquid cash as possible into the real economy before we start looking mid-90's Chile.
Well, I've read all of the comments posted today. But last night, after reading the article about President Obama's support for Blanche Lincoln and giving it some serious thought well...like IseeIsee said:
When President Obama was running for the office of the President, I got out and campaigned hard for him. I helped register people to vote, sold President Obama bracelets, made phone calls, knocked on doors, put up campaign signs, persuaded people to get involved that could have cared less about voting, spoke in his behalf, talked to young people and got them interested and to participate and vote, and much more even when I wasn't feeling well or those muscle spasms kicked in or I was extremely exhausted.
Y'all bear with me because this might be one of those Constructive Feedback and AB essays, no offense CF and AB, y'all know granny loves you both even though we didn't always agree in the past. :)
But I got to thinking about a few things that have been troubling me about President Obama and one of them was how he seems to stand up for those who are not black, but seems to willingly throw his own people under the bus and the very people who fought for him to get elected and stood by him throughout and even after he was elected. And it started with Rev Wright and even his church was smeared, Acorn, Jesse Jackson,Jr.,Van Jones, Gates, Sherrod, and Waters. Even though Senator Rangle was for Hillary, he is still one of his own people and like IseeIsee said the GOP has stood up and fought for their own people even though they've been corrupt since America became the USA.
Then it dawn on me something he said in one of his books about us being "trifling" and I'm beginning to wonder now was that just one those frustrating moments or his or if he really meant it, because when more than one of his own people is constantly being thrown under the bus and he is not standing up for them, something is wrong with that picture. Especially, when he seems to have no trouble standing up for those who are not black.
I'm not through with what I have to say either. (cont)
obama supported lincoln because the sitting president always supports incumbents. no matter what party.
eg, he supported arlen specter, but he lost anyway.
true, i often wonder if that is one of the main problems that Obama faces with some of his appointments? Kathy
u know kathy eye dunno it is clear
that he is so stuck on being all
things to all people that he is
almost paralyzed to act sometimes
then when he does act he gets
criticized by the very people he
was trying to please in the first
place ie all of us
lesson? dont try to be a people
pleaser oprah taught me that
These months following January 20, 2009 has had a familiar resemblance to the Emancipation of January 1, 1863 or Zora Neale Hurston, Moses, Man of the Mountain. I say in jest if you’re interested in knowing how post racial America is working for blacks, check to see what type of day the POTUS is having.
Being the first black what ever has always been a complex and lonely place. I’m sure when Obama walks into a room he’s looking for a friendly face.
It’s been 11 years and as stated earlier the previous President and Congress Members did not settle Pigford, so it’s not just Obama, it’s the past and current political infrastructure in place that will continue to say no for the next 30 years.
We knew Obama choices for change would be limited and from the second he was pronounced President of the United States of America, there are these daily distractions. Yes, I agree he is a politician that’s keeps getting punk’ed. I wish sometimes he would play hard ball however he’s playing the hand that’s dealt.
Since it’s not 2040 (the minority "tipping point" is moved up to 2040), I’m personally going to keep playing, I’m little curious to see what the end going to be.
Oh Boy, first iseeisee turning on Obama (after all that Christian Hoodoo she was doing in the background to destroy his enemies) and now Granny is getting on his case?... His former 'O-ness' is in big trouble now. Field, you need to have some popcorn selling on your sidebar, dude.
(Just messing with you Granny and iseeisee :)
I'm trying to be fair about the issues our people are having with President Obama. So, I'm not gonna place all of the blame solely on him, but in the same sense I'm not go all out to defend him either like I have in the past. Congress is to blame as well, they are not innocent, nor is MSM.
I am a woman that loves my people and will let anyone know that and have in the past. My fight has always been for equality for my people because I know from experience what we've been through and are going through. Lord knows, I know what, I know without a doubt from the days of Jim Crow up to this present time what it is like to be black in America because as all black Americans have, I've lived it.
It seems that our black voices haven't been loud enough to reach the White House. I think it's time that we put a little volume to our black voices and express ourselves. It's time we start flooding the White House with letters, telephone calls, marches and any other tool we have handy to use with our concerns and definitely fight for the Black farmers. We pay taxes just like every other American does. Why is it that when handout benefit whites, it considered a helping hand, but when it comes to black people it is considered welfare. Don't we pay taxes too? Are we blacks being charged a modern day poll tax? We used to pay taxes in the end and were not allowed to enjoy in the benefits as whites were.
Why are Palin and others allowed to say treasonous things and nothing is done about it? Why are these people allowed to send out veil threats and nothing is done about it. Cynthia McKinney was kicked out of Congress for an altercation with a guard and that was a setup. However, Michelle Bachmann can stand on the house floor and call for an uprising and overthrow of the government and not a peep out of anyone in Congress or the Administration. Something is wrong with that picture. Either blacks are free and equal or it is all a sham.
true, i often wonder if that is one of the main problems that Obama faces with some of his appointments? Kathy
u know kathy eye dunno it is clear
that he is so stuck on being all
things to all people that he is
almost paralyzed to act sometimes
then when he does act he gets
criticized by the very people he
was trying to please in the first
place ie all of us
lesson? dont try to be a people
pleaser oprah taught me that
a people pleaser, I hadn't thought of that before,
Gurl, you crazy. LOL! But I love you babygurl like I do my own daughters.
Why are Palin and others allowed to say treasonous things and nothing is done about it? Why are these people allowed to send out veil threats and nothing is done about it. Cynthia McKinney was kicked out of Congress for an altercation with a guard and that was a setup. However, Michelle Bachmann can stand on the house floor and call for an uprising and overthrow of the government and not a peep out of anyone in Congress or the Administration. Something is wrong with that picture. Either blacks are free and equal or it is all a sham.
Granny, I can't figure out how Palin isn't in jail, for her treasonist rants!
granny, you wrote:
Why is it that when handout benefit whites, it considered a helping hand, but when it comes to black people it is considered welfare.
Don't we pay taxes too?
Yes and No granny. Tax revenue from blacks is less than government expenditures for blacks, and the net worth of America's black population is negative.
I'm really not in the mood for your anti-black statements today.
And until you answer my question that I asked you back a few topics ago, it would do you a good service to leave me the "F...alone!
BTW, no_slappz, you fill in the blanks or I'm sure someone else can do it for you.
Columbus can be whatever you say he was. I do not care. Whatever he was is irrelevant because America is here.
Like I said, the adventures or misadventures of one sailor mean nothing to today's world.
But, there is the issue of the annual holocaust in Africa where 5,000,000 Africans die every year from drinking the dirty water.
And there is the out-of-control AIDS epidemic across all of sub-Sahara Africa.
But, because you are a nitwit, you are frothy over the details of the life of Columbus, who's been dead for about 500 years.
You know what the question was that I asked you and I don't mind repeating my question that you are trying to keep from answering.
Columbus was a mass murderer, thief, and a liar, so does that mean that all whites are too?
Answer the question!
BTW, I was born, raised, and live in America. I do not live in Africa. My concerns are with what is going on right here in "Post-Racial" America. Now, if Africa disturbs you that much, why don't you move over there, and make it your pet project. I'm sure you'll get a warm welcome from the natives over there. I hear they have the headshrinkers over there like no other country.
granny, you wrote:
Columbus was a mass murderer, thief, and a liar, so does that mean that all whites are too?
granny, the only source I have claiming Columbus was a mass murderer, a liar and a thief is you.
But you are a well known liar, as well as someone who lives in an alternate universe.
Therefore, your specific question is as ridiculous as most of your comments.
However, if your true question is whether we can extrapolate truths about an entire race of people based on the behavior of a single member of the group, then the answer is NO.
Unfortunately for blacks, history has shown blacks have maintained a consistent pattern that includes a lack of intellectual development and widespread murderous violence.
Thus, I would not say the killings committed by one African chief 500 years ago tells much of a story, but I do conclude that because blacks commit murder in the US at 7 TIMES the rate of whites, blacks are more violent.
Meanwhile, the AIDS epidemic in Africa says a lot about how roughly 700 million African blacks think and live today.
GrannyDroolingfromtheMouth said...
"Why are Palin and others allowed to say treasonous things and nothing is done about it? Why are these people allowed to send out veil threats and nothing is done about it. Cynthia McKinney was kicked out of Congress for an altercation with a guard and that was a setup. However, Michelle Bachmann can stand on the house floor and call for an uprising and overthrow of the government and not a peep out of anyone in Congress or the Administration. Something is wrong with that picture. Either blacks are free and equal or it is all a sham."
It is a shame someone as stupid, violent, and deluded as you has access to a computer. Obviously, it is not doing you any good in disspelling your misconceptions about the world. It is people like you who enable the terrorism of the mob. Do the world a favor and just shut the hell up.
What are you trying to accomplice NO_Slappz?
I find it fascinating that you want to spar with No_Slappz about Columbus, when that racist Ron Wilkins just called out poor, innocent, sweet Shirley as a PLANTATION OWNER, Granny, who exploited and abused poor blacks.
Field better get on his shoes coz that Ron Wilkins is a bad one.
Shirley better sue him too.
I think you are Clayton Bigsby.
I appreciate the fact that the Field continues to post on the Pigford case, because more sunlight needs to be shined on that manure pile. Nothing like a nice, fat, wealth redistribution scheme to bring all the pig=fords to the trough.
Once again, don't let the facts or any oversight get in the way of a good shakedown opportunity!!
Naaah, Anonymous, you upset because Columbus was your hero, and I shed some light on him for what he was...a mass murderer, thief, and liar.
BTW, no_slappz can kiss my caramel ass and so can you anonymous 9:56, 10:29, and 10:37, but then since they are all the same anony, the times may have been a little unneccessary.
For the life of me, I'm still trying to understand why two people who have such a dislike for black people would want to hang out with black people. Now, that's what you call real stupid and foolish too.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"For the life of me, I'm still trying to understand why two people who have such a dislike for black people would want to hang out with black people. Now, that's what you call real stupid and foolish too."
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't dislike black people; I dislike irrationality and resentment. You are interesting in the way a car wreck is interesting. Your world view is built on confused misinterpretations of a fetid assortment of lies, made up facts, and bizzare fictions. You stand out as someone who is reliably wrong about almost everything. That is not an easy thing to achieve. Bravo Granny, brav-o.
alicia banks is the anonymous commenter
You stand out as someone who is reliably wrong about almost everything.anon
just like ur friend above
Nope, sorry, I told the truth about your boy Columbus. He was in fact, just what I said a MASS MURDERER, LIAR, and THIEF and it all written down in school history books.
Again, Granny, you deflect and refuse to address the new info on dear sainted Shirley.
We've been told again and again and again anyone who challenged dear sainted Shirley's hagiography is a RAAAAACIST.
Does that include Ron Wilkins? Coz he sure seems to be challenging her version of events.
Sounds alot to me like he was trying to do the right thing by a lot of poor people.
It's amazing to me how all of a sudden, no one wants to talk about how poor Shirley is a victim.
Nor how it is becoming apparent that the Pigford case is nothing more than a giant slushfund. There is merit to some of the claims, but not the vast majority. The last thing the Weak One wants is more questions about dear Shirley and the Pigford settlement.
And no, I don't hate "black people" Granny -- I hate liars, dissemblers and race-baiters. Unlike Henry Ford, you can have those in colors other than black.
Just keep deflecting, Granny. That's an answer all in itself
Anonymous 11:40:
"I hate liars, dissemblers and race-baiters."
Likewise and the reason I've stayed on no_slappz's case. BTW, I've been called many things in my life, but liar is not one of them, you don't know me.
Is Ron Wilkin a Republican? Because if he is, I don't put too much faith in anything they have to say right about now. I'd rather wait for a while before I give my opinion on the matter.
However, a lot of my relatives in Ark and LA are black farmers and have been since slavery ended. Therefore, I believe that they are entitled to get that money. What I don't understand is whenever the people applying for the assistance are black they are accused of dishonesty and trying to hustler or get over. On the other hand, those white farmer"s integrity is never questioned.
But wait a minute, Roy Wilkins. I remember Daisy had a problem with him and didn't trust him, and I am trying to remember what it was.
So Granny, you didn't even bother to read the article before passing judgment. Again ..... tells me alot about your viewpoint ....
No, Ron Wilkins is a professor of Africana studies at UC. Hardly think he's a Republican, since he was a union organizer. But don't let "facts" get in the way of you adjusting your bias-meter.
Why are your relatives entitled to "get that money" -- because it's "there" for the "getting" -- what is that phrase the black marxists like to use -- oh yeah, "getting me some or getting mine" -- right?
If your relatives can provide proof under Track B that they were denied funding and assistance that was provided to similar-situated white farmers, then, yes, I agree with you, they are entitled to compensation.
But if they don't have enough of a case for a Track B suit, then they are just hustlers wanting an easy handout, no questions asked.
And lots of people question handouts to white farmers - including Michelle Bachmann, who has received farm subsidies. So again, you deliberately misstate facts.
The Story of Annie Hawkins and New Communities, Inc.
The Other Side of Shirley Sherrod
Imagine farm workers doing back breaking labor in the sweltering sun, sprayed with pesticides and paid less than minimum wage. Imagine the United Farm Workers called in to defend these laborers against such exploitation by management. Now imagine that the farm workers are black children and adults and that the managers are Shirley Sherrod, her husband Rev. Charles Sherrod, and a host of others. But it’s no illusion; this is fact.
The swirling controversy over the racist dismissal of Shirley Sherrod from her USDA post has obscured her profoundly oppositional behavior toward black agricultural workers in the 1970s. What most of Mrs. Sherrod’s supporters are not aware of is the elitist and anti-black-labor role that she and fellow managers of New Communities Inc. (NCI) played. These individuals under-paid, mistreated and fired black laborers–many of them less than 16 years of age–in the same fields of southwest Georgia where their ancestors suffered under chattel slavery....."
Why don't you read the whole article, Granny, before jumping to conclusions?
Oh wait -- you never let "facts" get in the way.
And "now" you "suddenly" remember something about Ron Wilkins?
How Con-Veen-Ient, Granny.
Ron Wilkins left his contact info at the bottom of the article. He doesn't sound like a Republican to me, but you can always ask him yourself.
"It is a shame someone as stupid, violent, and deluded as you has access to a computer. Obviously, it is not doing you any good in disspelling your misconceptions about the world. It is people like you who enable the terrorism of the mob. Do the world a favor and just shut the hell up."
Ad homenem attacks from someone who prefers to attack from the shadows. At any rate, Granny does not give a fuck about what you think and will no "shut the hell up" because some no-name no-account told her to.
You really gotta wake up and learn how to take some hits without running from the playground in tears.
"Why are your relatives entitled to "get that money" -- because it's "there" for the "getting" -- what is that phrase the black marxists like to use -- oh yeah, "getting me some or getting mine" -- right?"
It's about being recompensated for economic damages caused by the rampant discrimination suffered by black farmers. You seem to be against that, yet you have nothing to say about the $1.6 billion dollars being sent to predominantly white farmers in Arkansas. Why should the Pigford settlement continue to be put on the backburner until those involved die before they see any payout? You actually believe that people are just gonna forget about the settlement?
Mack Lyons:
"At any rate, Granny does not give a fuck about what you think and will no "shut the hell up" because some no-name no-account told her to."
You know me!
"My question again is, so what? What are either of those guys, or anyone else for that matter --willing to do about? "
What can they do? Most people are just too uneducated and ignorant to understand most of these issues, or they are completely unaware of their own self interest. At this point, I see little that can be done, especially on the political left, which is hopefully divided and fractious.
So, Well, you vote for the political fetal position.
Should the Right kick in the door and wave a 4-4? Are you gonna say "Big Poppa, Don't Hit No More!!!"?
Sorry, we need to get some levity in here.
ur levity was weak as fuck u ca do
no slappz
"Tax revenue from blacks is less than government expenditures for blacks,"
More of your lies.
Prove this.
"and the net worth of America's black population is negative."
Goober, America would not have achieved 2/3s of it's wealth had it not been for the free labor blacks provided for 200 years.
hobama has NO problem being NOTHING to all poor black people!!!
i love and respect u....
sarah palin is a bimbo
but she is crazy like a fox
& her political resume is THICKER than the manchurian light wt hobama's...
when did she lie on hobama???
i never expected hobama to be jesus
i also never expected him to be HITLER/GWB
i did expect him to do a modicum of what he promised to
he was the lesser evil who became the MOST evil and those who worship/coddle/excuse him are allowing him to become MORE evil each day
as long as he is unchecked he will become MORE evil still!!!
i expected hobama
I've yet to hear any realistic solutions from you. Propose something.
OK Well, to be honest, I don't have all the answers -- or any answers. But I know what hasn't worked. I'll take a Project Management approach and propose models for solutions instead of a concrete solution to a particular problem.
One issue with progressives over the last couple of years is that they want shoot for the moon on everything but never really bother to clean up their own backyard.
Step one: Education, and not just tutoring. I'd like to start a community mediation within my church to educate Black people about the real on immigration and how white folks are up to the same old tricks. I had to school a couple of Black folks who were in favor of the new AZ law.
When I ran for office 6 years ago, I talked to people on the street how votes work on the local, state and federal levels.
Most people do and believe silly things because they simply don't know.
Step two: Plan one small change at your community level and start a campaign to fix that one thing. An example, in LA several routes on the DASH bus lines were eliminated due to budget cuts. I'd like to work with activists to get those reinstated. Yes, I've said the LA public transportation system really sucks. But for those who need it, this only makes things worse.
And again, I'm focusing on very small things. I'm not trying to re-write the Constitution or even win a city council seat. If you can't get a bus route fixed, you'll have no real chance at anything really big.
The third step is to expand in small slow steps. Once you help fix one thing -- the next question is okay what's next?
Another thing is to build networks between communities. For example, there are huge Korean, Ethiopian and Nigerian communities in Los Angeles. But, they're all but left out of the immigration discussion. Wouldn't be a benefit to the Latino community to build bridges with these folks, as they stand to get just as shafted by immigration reform?
Now the steps aren't really in order but I'll take an example that hits close to home -- Black male drop out rates. First, I'll need to educate LA residents and not just Black folks why this is a really big problem (Education). But I can't fix the entire LAUSD, so I'll hook up with a mentoring program and focus on one kid or one class of kids (thinking small). Now, delinquency is a big problem amongst Latino kids, so eventually, we can build bridges with Hispanic leaders as well (networking/communication). Now, when my first mentee graduates, I'll expand and take on a few more students.
Or, there's an issue of hunger and homeless in the community around my church. Small step -- set up a 1/month soup kitchen (my church is tiny and cash strapped). Hook up with the local 'Food Not Bombs' chapter, as they're always looking for space as well as neighboring congregations. Run the soup kitchen for one year and see how we can expand in year two.
Believe it or not, Well - I've got a boat load of community service projects on the table for my church's missionary board.
Did that answer your question?
la coincidental, you wrote:
Step one: Education, and not just tutoring.
I see hope springs eternal.
I'd like to start a community mediation within my church to educate Black people about the real on immigration and how white folks are up to the same old tricks.
Ahh, as always, the bane of black life is white people. But, if that were true, we whites would know because there would be a successful black nation somewhere on the planet proving the accuracy of black complaints.
Whites would be thrilled if there were a black Japan or black Norway out there.
I had to school a couple of Black folks who were in favor of the new AZ law.
Yeah. I guess that means you believe it's good there are over 12 million illegal immigrants in Amereica.
Countries that have extensive social programs -- cradle-to-grave healthcare -- have tough citizenship laws. For decades, we've had a huge problem with Mexicans sneaking in.
Eisenhower started Operation Wetback to deport them.
A guest-worker program may be the answer. Along with an end to the minimum wage and tearing up a lot of union contracts, like the UAW contract that prohibits GM from importing its own GM cars made at foreign sites.
Anyway, la coincidental, by stating your views, you do at least acknowledge there are deep problems within the black community. But, despite your claims, the problems are NOT the fault of whites. And you know that.
Hmmm. Let's see. Millions of Americans out of work. The president has spent TRILLIONS of DOLLARS of BORROWED money, but Michelle is off to Spain where she will spent how much? How much will 60 -- SIXTY -- rooms cost Taxpayers?
At least they could have stayed in the US and spent the taxpayers' money at an American resort employing Americans. But no. Sixty rooms in Spain.
She is on a four-day visit and will be staying at the five-star Villa Padierna, rated as one of the world's top 30 hotels, with 40 friends. The party has reserved 60 rooms.
But Mrs Obama's trip now risks being overshadowed by a row about institutionalised racism.
The State Department advice sat alongside information about ETA and Islamist terrorist attacks in the country.
Ricardo Arranz, the hotel owner confirmed the Obamas had reserved 60 rooms for themselves, their friends and their security team.
'Everything is ready,' he said adding that they had not asked for 'special treatment. All they have asked for is discretion.'
'We feel a huge responsibility to ensure that all goes well because of the repercussions the visit is having, which could be good for this hotel and for all of the Costa del Sol.'
The 129-room establishment, an Italian palazzo-style building, is nestled in the hills of Benahavis overlooking the millionaires' playground of Marbella and about three miles from the coast.
Rooms start at £210-a-night and stretch to around £4,100 for a villa with 24-hour butler service and private pool and garden.
The Villa Padierna has five restaurants, a spa and access to three 18-hole golf courses.
I liked your idea.
Is there no end to your mean-spirited racist ways? You are more insecure and full of fear than I thought. It is an abnormal psychotic obsession. Why don't you go and see a therapist and get some help. Racism is a sickness because hate destroys a person inside out. I bet you have that harden look around the eyes and will age with a million wrinkles. You do know that hatred has an effect on your physical appearance and your body organs.
granny, you wrote:
Is there no end to your mean-spirited racist ways?
That's funny. You're so obsessed with your loony ideas of white mischief that you hate whites who've been dead for 500 years.
Your list of white misdeeds is endless. Of course it's a list of imaginary acts, but to you it's real.
In your mind:
If blacks do poorly in school, it's the fault of whites.
If blacks have drug and alcohol problems, they are the fault of whites.
If blacks in America excel at sports and entertainment, it is due to white racism.
Based on your comments, every problem in black life has come from white interference. But there's still no black nation anywhere in the world that demonstrates black competence.
They are all a mess.
Now Wyclef Jean says he wants to become president of Haiti. I hope he gets himself elected.
Of course, if he does, he will fashion himself into some kind of dictator because he will come to believe that is the only way to force positive change on the island. Unfortunately, as we know after 200 years of failure, nothing works in Haiti.
But first he has to clear up some problems with the IRS. The IRS will consider the possibility that he's going to Haiti to hide some money. Bad idea, for many reasons
First of all, I don't hate white people. There are a bunch of whites who frequent this blog that I like and respect and most of them know who they are. BTW, I am related by blood to a lot of white folks, and it would shock you if I told who they all were. They're not poor whites either. BTW, a few of my white relatives are narrow-minded like you, but not all of them. Thank God! The only difference in them and you is that when push comes to shove, they do recognize and understand that blood is thicker than mud and will stand with family, and that includes the darkies in the family.
Nevertheless, you hate people whose skin color is different from yours and you are pathetic.
As for Christopher Columbus, don't use him as an excuse to hide your sickness. Nevertheless, he does not deserve a holiday named after him because he wasn't worth the dung you pick up with a knitting needle. Why would anyone want to celebrate a mass murderers, liar, and thiefs day is beyond me.
You know, I wish I knew what school you so-called worked in because I would go out of my way to get you fired and believe me I could. A person with your mindset in a school is dangerous. Instead of trying to teach children, regardless of the color of their skin, you work hard at trying to destroy their self-esteem by trying to make them feel that they are worthless, inadequate, underachievers, and unable to achieve anything in life. That's not true! All kids are capable if they have the right guidance. Teachers are supposed to inspire children to learn, not discourage them. You remind me of those white teachers back in the South during the period after the Civil Rights Movement. You're a bad penny and what makes you an even worst disgrace to the human race is that you really believe that your way of thinking is okay.
no_slappz, please don't get me to listing white folks that have embezzled, swindled, and done all sorts of white collar crimes as well as other crimes. No group of people has a patent on crimes. There are good and bad people in all groups and that is something you need to get through your little pea-racist head.
You pitiful!
BTW, but I forgot to add that I do despise white racist! So you know that your on the list.
no_slappz, let's be clear that you're an idiot. There isn't a fight to throw out Canadians or Brits who are on expired Green Cards. No one's batting an eye about Polish, Czech or Russian software engineers arriving on H1 visas and taking 'American jobs'.
No, we're wasting hard-earned tax money chasing Mexican fruit pickers and Guatamalean nannies simply because when White America is in trouble, find a brown person to blame. All because "White Privileges" blinds many citizens (such as you) about real injustice. Its easier for you to believe that some 'darkie' is stealing your job and flooding your street with drugs than some rich old white guy is ripping you off and destroying your economic security -- day in and day out.
When you decide to join us in reality, let us know.
I co-sign with everything you said at 7:49. And the church says amen!
"Hmmm. Let's see. Millions of Americans out of work. The president has spent TRILLIONS of DOLLARS of BORROWED money, but Michelle is off to Spain where she will spent how much? How much will 60 -- SIXTY -- rooms cost Taxpayers?"
Gibes said yesterday that the trip was funded by PRIVATE SOURCES. So stop with the lie. Do you think the Obama Adminstration would be THAT stupid?!!!! lol
Yup, Millions of Americans are out of work, Bush is the cause of it, and funny how you didn't complain when Nancy Reagan was spending money like crazy because the decor of the White House was beneath her. Nor did you complain when Bush and Cheney were spending like crazy and giving out government welfare checks to Corporations like Haliburton, etc. to get us in the economical mess.
I bet you was quiet as a church house mouse then. The gall of some people! I guess its okay when a white president does it because of that notion of white entitlement, huh?
anonymous wrote:
Gibes said yesterday that the trip was funded by PRIVATE SOURCES. So stop with the lie. Do you think the Obama Adminstration would be THAT stupid?!!!! lol
THAT stupid? No. Stupider.
Where I come from -- NY City -- when private citizens pay to send a politician and/or his family away on an outrageously expensive trip, the trip is known as a bribe.
Which campaign donors looking for favors from Obama paid this bill? How did this obvious bribe survive the ethics test? I suppose the trip was approved by Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters.
But putting aside the ethics of private payments to send the first lady and first kid on vacation, why did they chose to blow millions on a trip to Spain?
The Obamas did their part to send money out of the country, money they might have spent here, paying American resort workers who are currently feeling a big pinch.
Yet another example of Obama's out-of-touch character.
la coincidental, you wrote:
no_slappz, let's be clear that you're an idiot.
We've already established you know nothing about finance and economics, yet you blather on as though you think no one will notice.
There isn't a fight to throw out Canadians or Brits who are on expired Green Cards. No one's batting an eye about Polish, Czech or Russian software engineers arriving on H1 visas and taking 'American jobs'.
The illegal aliens in this country are not taking jobs from Americans. That fact that you default to this illogic shows more about how little you know.
Our illegal visitors burden taxpayers with social costs: for schools, medical care, police, fire, roads, water, sewers etc.
Hospitals in many parts of Texas report that 80% of babies born in their maternity wards or emergency rooms are born to illegal immigrants.
But when an illegal immigrant mother bears a child in the US, the child is a citizen with full rights. That means mom gets to stay and care for her indigent citizen child -- at taxpayer expense. It's a nice racket.
No, we're wasting hard-earned tax money chasing Mexican fruit pickers and Guatamalean nannies simply because when White America is in trouble, find a brown person to blame.
Like I said, every time you hit the keyboard you show you know less and less about economics and economic reality.
It's remarkably easy to weasel benefits out of various US social service programs. I see it every day. Meanwhile, why would a parent want to raise a kid in Mexico when it's possible for a kid to attend a decent public school for free in America?
Really? From the Mexican immigrant's point of view, the streets here are paved with gold.
Actually I was on a jury last year to decide on a cash award to give to an illegal immigrant who was injured riding his bicycle way after dark on a cold icy night in January. He was clipped by a car and his wrist was broken.
The jury was informed that he was a Guatemalan here illegally, that he lived with a woman, but was not married to her, and they had at least two kids. She, however, had a green card. She, was living in taxpayer subsidized housing and he was cashing in.
He claimed he had been working as a day laborer but was unable to work for a few months due to his injury.
The question was NOT IF we would give him money. It was HOW MUCH.
However, before we were able to agree on a figure, the case was settled by the attorneys for the insurance company and the attorneys representing the illegal alien.
Obviously the insurance company was worried the jury was going to give the guy a lot of money. So there was a settlement, but I do not know the dollar figure.
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