It's "March Madness" time so this next post is timely.
Let me start by saying that I cannot stand Duke basketball. I hate Coach K and that weasel look he gives the refs when he doesn't get a call. I hate the way they slap their hands on the court before they go into defensive position. I hate those obnoxious fans known as the "Cameron Crazies", I can't stand the way they get their pick of McDonald's All Americans every year, and I hate seeing those four letters on their chests which reminds me of a certain racist I destroyed in a debate once. Having said that; I have to disagree with my man, Jalen Rose.
In case you have been on a different planet, or you don't happen to be a sports fan, Rose ripped the African American kids who go to Duke and called them "Uncle Toms", while he was promoting his excellent documentary about the "Fab Five" on ESPN.
“For me, Duke was personal. I hated Duke. And I hated everything I felt Duke stood for. Schools like Duke didn’t recruit players like me. I felt like they only recruited black players that were Uncle Toms.”
He later tried to clarify his position. Kind of.
“Well, certain schools recruit a typical kind of player whether the world admits it or not. And Duke is one of those schools,” he said. “They recruit black players from polished families, accomplished families. And that’s fine. That’s okay. But when you’re an inner-city kid playing in a public school league, you know that certain schools aren’t going to recruit you. That’s one. And I’m okay with it. That’s how I felt as an 18-year-old kid.” [Source]
I love the fact that Jalen is speaking his mind, and the fact that he is addressing the R word in a public forum here in A-merry-ca. (Nothing drives A-merry-cans crazy like the dreaded R word. Watch how some folks go a litte nutty over his comments. ) I just hope he gets to keep his job. Having said that, he really needs to read my Field Negro 101 post. The fact that a kid happens to be from an "accomplished" or "polished" family does not make him an Uncle Tom or a House Negro. Being a House Negro or a Tom has nothing to do with your level of education or your wealth. It's a state of mind. Some of the poorest and most uneducated Negroes have a serious Tom and House mentality. I happen to like Grant Hill. The same goes for guys like Elton Brand, (who has a wonderful wife and does great work with charities here in Philly.) Chris Duhon, Hubert Davis, and Tommy Amaker. They are all "Dukies", but they are cool with me. Nothing about those guys say Tom or House. The truth is, I grew up with more cats like Grant Hill than Jalen Rose, and I am always in a field state of mind. The same is true for quite a few people that I know, and their station in life has nothing to do with it.
Still, in a way, -like some other people- I understand the context in which Rose was making his statement, but we have to be careful not to reinforce ignorant stereotypes when we speak. ---especially when we are public figures like Jalen Rose. Some will take what Rose said this way: To be really black and have your black card, you have to come from a broken home, make poor grades, and grow up in an impoverished environment. That is wrong.
It sure would have been cool if Duke had recruited Rose and he turned them down to go to Michigan. Because that would have meant that he passed all the academic requirements to get into Duke but simply chose not to go. This sounds like sour grapes because he didn't make the grades in the first place.
In the days to come Rose will be vilified by some in certain quarters, (Read some of the comments after the links I gave you.) and that is unfortunate. He simply spoke his mind and said how he felt. I disagree with him, but I am glad he was honest.
I just hope that in the days to come we will be able to say the same of his critics.
Finally, sticking to the sports theme; congrats to the Philly Youth polo team (featured on my side-bar) and their coach, Lezlie Hiner, for wining the USPA Championship down in Virginia this past weekend. That is serious field Negro behavior. Oh, and it gets better: one of the players on the team will be heading to Cornell in the fall.
Leave him alone Jalen. It's Cornell, not Duke.
Let me start by saying that I cannot stand Duke basketball. I hate Coach K and that weasel look he gives the refs when he doesn't get a call. I hate the way they slap their hands on the court before they go into defensive position. I hate those obnoxious fans known as the "Cameron Crazies", I can't stand the way they get their pick of McDonald's All Americans every year, and I hate seeing those four letters on their chests which reminds me of a certain racist I destroyed in a debate once. Having said that; I have to disagree with my man, Jalen Rose.
In case you have been on a different planet, or you don't happen to be a sports fan, Rose ripped the African American kids who go to Duke and called them "Uncle Toms", while he was promoting his excellent documentary about the "Fab Five" on ESPN.
“For me, Duke was personal. I hated Duke. And I hated everything I felt Duke stood for. Schools like Duke didn’t recruit players like me. I felt like they only recruited black players that were Uncle Toms.”
He later tried to clarify his position. Kind of.
“Well, certain schools recruit a typical kind of player whether the world admits it or not. And Duke is one of those schools,” he said. “They recruit black players from polished families, accomplished families. And that’s fine. That’s okay. But when you’re an inner-city kid playing in a public school league, you know that certain schools aren’t going to recruit you. That’s one. And I’m okay with it. That’s how I felt as an 18-year-old kid.” [Source]
I love the fact that Jalen is speaking his mind, and the fact that he is addressing the R word in a public forum here in A-merry-ca. (Nothing drives A-merry-cans crazy like the dreaded R word. Watch how some folks go a litte nutty over his comments. ) I just hope he gets to keep his job. Having said that, he really needs to read my Field Negro 101 post. The fact that a kid happens to be from an "accomplished" or "polished" family does not make him an Uncle Tom or a House Negro. Being a House Negro or a Tom has nothing to do with your level of education or your wealth. It's a state of mind. Some of the poorest and most uneducated Negroes have a serious Tom and House mentality. I happen to like Grant Hill. The same goes for guys like Elton Brand, (who has a wonderful wife and does great work with charities here in Philly.) Chris Duhon, Hubert Davis, and Tommy Amaker. They are all "Dukies", but they are cool with me. Nothing about those guys say Tom or House. The truth is, I grew up with more cats like Grant Hill than Jalen Rose, and I am always in a field state of mind. The same is true for quite a few people that I know, and their station in life has nothing to do with it.
Still, in a way, -like some other people- I understand the context in which Rose was making his statement, but we have to be careful not to reinforce ignorant stereotypes when we speak. ---especially when we are public figures like Jalen Rose. Some will take what Rose said this way: To be really black and have your black card, you have to come from a broken home, make poor grades, and grow up in an impoverished environment. That is wrong.
It sure would have been cool if Duke had recruited Rose and he turned them down to go to Michigan. Because that would have meant that he passed all the academic requirements to get into Duke but simply chose not to go. This sounds like sour grapes because he didn't make the grades in the first place.
In the days to come Rose will be vilified by some in certain quarters, (Read some of the comments after the links I gave you.) and that is unfortunate. He simply spoke his mind and said how he felt. I disagree with him, but I am glad he was honest.
I just hope that in the days to come we will be able to say the same of his critics.
Finally, sticking to the sports theme; congrats to the Philly Youth polo team (featured on my side-bar) and their coach, Lezlie Hiner, for wining the USPA Championship down in Virginia this past weekend. That is serious field Negro behavior. Oh, and it gets better: one of the players on the team will be heading to Cornell in the fall.
Leave him alone Jalen. It's Cornell, not Duke.
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Interesting postp. "Uncle Tom" is misspelled in the tags, though.
Whoops. One too many p's
FN...I posted on your blog anonymously awhile back when you posted the tragic incident involving the crazy lady from FL...I provided a few words, pertaining to your life in Germany and her being a Army spouse. Nevertheless...I "still" have to post somewhat anon due to my job affliation.
This story pertaining to Duke...well its sad for a few who view the school as privileged and snobbish. Well it is to a sense, but many people from different walks of life and backgrounds attends this school to which I'm a graduate of. I'm proud of it...and I was not a House Nigga or Uncle Tom as some would say--hell to say the least it was challenging as hell. I did undergraduate there attend a few games, but I was not a Cameron Crazy...the professors had my azz going so I had to forego all that.
I would implore any young person, to consider the school...we had many people from Philly there as well..."hint" "hint".
We NEED more black men specifically to open their minds to different things and way of life.
Maybe in about 2-3 years I will not have to be Anon!
Oh BTW Field....our firewall at work will not lead us to your site...
All this has to be done from home, please understand my position and job security. About 120-150 south of you in DC....you understand--I'm certain of it.
Well Mr Wayne, it appears we have a crack in the field. I am raising my hand and voting for Duke and coach K.
Maybe I should qualify that statement. I hated everything about Bobby Knight, but the man could coach his ass off. He threw chairs and tantrums and punched his players, but the man was/is arguably the best college coach in the land.
Now in walks coach K. Point blank, the man can coach! I beleive he now wears the crown. I'd dare anyone to bring a contender. And really, his coaching goes beyond merely getting his pick of premium players. Good players are not the formula for success. Oh no, it's the finer points of the game. For example, subtle things like when to call timeout, when to substitute, when to argue a call, how to adjust your defense for the hottest player on the other team, when to change your offense to adjust to height differences, mental preparations and delegating duties to his staff, etc.
The man does it all - the right way.
GO DUKE! I have them cutting down the nets... just like I did last year.
No comment on Jalen's comment... I understand boths side of the argument and I ain't mad at anyone, including those that Jalen will never be able to please... not now, not before, no never.
And man, I missed most of the "Fab Five" special! Damn, I heard it was great viewing pleasure?
Jalen Rose sounds like uptownsteve: Every black who he is jealous of is an Uncle Tom.
Field Negro said..I hate seeing those four letters on their chests which reminds me of a certain racist I destroyed in a debate once.
Field vs. David Duke? That must have been like the Special Olympics of debating.
rose says:
“Well, certain schools recruit a typical kind of player whether the world admits it or not.
Yeah? So? And what does the "world" admit or not admit? The world, along with the universe, is indifferent. It admits nothing.
Only a tiny number of people in the world CARE the "type" of basketball players recruited by Duke.
“They recruit black players from polished families, accomplished families.
Yeah? Okay. Where's the problem?
Apparently Rose believes Duke owes him something.
But when you’re an inner-city kid playing in a public school league, you know that certain schools aren’t going to recruit you.
My, my. What a supercharged sense of entitlement Rose has.
This guy's got history's biggest and worst case of Duke-envy.
Who knew field was such a hater???
What field really hates is a bunch of rich white boys can run up and down the court with inner city black kids.
Keeps drinkin' that haterade fields.
Where's Chris Webber? What was that about a scandal?
Coach K got burned a few years back when he brought in several guys and they stayed for a year and left. He wants guys that will stay in school and not create a lot of problems off the court. Those are the kids he goes after. The reason why a lot of folks can't stand them is Dicky V. who cheerleads for them instead of announcing the games. Plus it seems he does every Duke game. When he does games not involving Duke, he spends the whole game talking more about How great Duke is instead of talking about the teams playing the game. lol
Congrats to the Philly youth team!
Valley Forge has a top-notch polo coach -- he's great -- and sets high standards. The Ivies have recruited out of the VFMA polo team for years, so best wishes and good luck to the young Cadet on his dream to go to Cornell!
Duke ... bah. Duke lost its attraction to a lot of families after the whole Lacrosse team thing, when so many of the faculty rushed to publish the now infamous accusatory screed.
Besides, the Cardinals at Stanford could use more top notch help on their BB team than Duke.
Also, coach K in a Republican.thats what fields hates the most...
No Wesley lets get more real about Duke. Part of the reason that folks don't like Duke to be fair is because they do represent the upper crust, so there is probably some jealousy there.
But Coach K comes off as so smug and in the past so did some of the players.
And I have watched enough of their games to know that they definitely get the benefit of the doubt from the refs. There have been some games where the refereeing in favor of Duke was ridiculous.
I still remember the year that Duke came back from about 20 down in the National semi-finals against Maryland, about 10 years ago in Minneapolis, it was one of the worst stretch of refereeing that I can ever remember, that allowed the outmanned Dukies to come back. Of cours Gary Williams coaching has always left something to be desired, but he had help in that loss.
And it doesn't hurt that they seem to be favored in the brackets as well. And i have to agree with Field the fans are downright obnoxious.
And Field I disagree with Jalen Rose assessment of Duke's black players but I can see how he could see it that way.
They have actually had some forward thinking players. I can't recall which big man for Duke that led the last significant charge for players to be paid, but I recall it being real Field Negro behavior.
Thanks Mack. Dyslexia issues. :)
Anon@ 8:32 PM, I feel you. Keep doing your thing. :)
Carey Carey, BOB KNIGHT!?? Now I might have to pull your black card. :)
"And I have watched enough of their games to know that they definitely get the benefit of the doubt from the refs. There have been some games where the refereeing in favor of Duke was ridiculous."
SPC, you are late, we all know about the Weber and Tractor Trailer scandal at UM. You repubs are always a day late and a $ short. (No pun intended)
"Also, coach K in a Republican...”
I knew it. Ican tell just by looking at him. He wears that permanent whining look. Kind of like that felon, Tom Delay.
Chicago Dick (Did u think of that name all by yourself?) You know DD is your hero. :)
Uncle Toms are a reflection of white supremacy..There would be no Uncle Toms without white racism in America..
White racists created the race card, the racist verbiage and narratives which creates Uncle Toms..
FYI. David Duke is a changed man. I can vouch for him because I am his assistant and I am Black. I have never had a better boss. Also, it is rumored that the KKK is now integrated. That's the thing about the Southern white man. Once he decides to integrate, he goes all the way.
Btw, Mr. Duke does not agree that you beat him in a debate. In fact, he says it was just the opposite: he beat the shit out of you. As a matter of fact, the Honorable David Duke does not recall a black ass Negro EVER beating him or any of his KKK members in anything.
He likes the name Field Negro, and commends you for knowing your place in A-merry-ca. It reminds him of the good ole days.
Uncle Thrasher said...There would be no Uncle Toms without white racism in America
Keep shucking and jiving, Thrash
Thrasher said...
Uncle Toms are a reflection of white supremacy..There would be no Uncle Toms without white racism in America..
White racists created the race card, the racist verbiage and narratives which creates Uncle Toms..
Wrong, there would be no Uncle Toms without BLACK racism in america. Only a dumbass like you would tell a Black person who is getting educated and speaks good english that they are tryin to be white and an uncle tom. Cant' have anyone stepping away from the group low IQ can we.
Love that you say white racist created the race card. Now I expect youll stop using it if its a "white thang" right there brother.
Low IQ's to respond in 3...2.....1....
White supremacy and White racism in America not only created the narrative for Uncle Toms but WHite Racism created the civil rights laws..
Only a backward culture and underdeveloped people would have to legally forced to be humane..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american with this american historical legacy of racism and white supremacy...
Imagined being legally compelled and forced to treat Black americans with humanity and dignity and just basic civility..
WHite racism created Jim Crow and Uncle Toms without white racism... Uncle Toms would never exist...
Uncle Thrasher said..Only a backward culture and underdeveloped people would have to legally forced to be humane..Imagined being legally compelled and forced to treat Black americans with humanity and dignity and just basic civility..
Who did the forcing? Wasn't it the white power structure?
What kind of backward culture and undeveloped people need the government to dumb down admission requirements and job qualification tests? That spends all its time fucking and killing? That blames other people for its failures?
Only a backward culture and underdeveloped people would have to legally forced to be humane..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american with this american historical legacy of racism and white supremacy...
Only a backwards culture and underdeveloped people....yup, you got that right. I would be "embrrased" and ashamed to think I have to have "parents" who tend to me as a grown man or I cry racism.
Thrasher said...
"Uncle Toms are a reflection of white supremacy..There would be no Uncle Toms without white racism in America..
White racists created the race card, the racist verbiage and narratives which creates Uncle Toms.."
You are exactly right. Had there been no slavery or Jim Crow, and Blacks were treated as equals from the beginning, Blacks wouldn't be so into DENIAL like some many Negroes are.
I am amazed that some Blacks think uncle toms are ashamed to be Black. Of course they are! But so are the so-called Field Negroes ashamed of themselves. Uncle Toms mirror what is deep in the black psyche. Why else would Blacks attack Thrasher? The truth hurts and Blacks have never been able to handle the truth. that's why some Blacks are stuck in self-hatred.
What other race call their women hos and bitches? None.
Who else would spend an entire Saturday afternoon talking to slappz knowing fully well how he feels about Blacks? PilotX, that's who. But he is a tom-product of white racism.
You Negroes need to look in the mirror and face Reality.
Thraser, "Only a backward culture and underdeveloped people would have to legally forced to be humane..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american with this american historical legacy of racism and white supremacy..."
Once again, you are absolutely right. And there ARE some Whites who are ashamed. Unfortunately, some Negroes want to let them off the hook by claiming "it ain't that bad."
Hence, by association, Blacks are backward too. It couldn't be otherwise, could it? I mean, if you have crazy sick white masters in charge of the lives of Blacks, the Blacks are bound to be crazy, maybe even crazier. There is a lot of craziness in the black race, and I don't think anyone can deny it.
"What kind of backward culture and undeveloped people need the government to dumb down admission requirements and job qualification tests? That spends all its time fucking and killing? That blames other people for its failures?"
This sort of attitude provided justification for putting other men, women and children in physical bondage. And today, it provides justification for regarding those people, whose ancestors were placed in the worst sorts of physical, psychological and economic bondage, as a "failed race". White Americans believe themselves to be far removed from the problem by virtue of both time and the American proclivity towards "forgive and forget". Any concerns of continuing mistreatment from black Americans is considered "blaming others for your own failures", "being ungrateful" or just "racist".
I suppose you're one of the many people who believe that the actions of an unfortunate subset of black America represent the entire ethnic group.
"Who did the forcing? Wasn't it the white power structure?"
The federal and various local and state governments, under nearly all-white stewardship, legalized the social animosity towards blacks in the form of Jim Crow laws and "Separate But Equal". It took untold numbers of civil rights activists and their allies over a lengthy period of time to convince the federal government that this sort of legalized animosity was the product of a backward culture and that it should be abolished if the United States held any hope of living to its image as an advanced and enlightened nation.
"You are exactly right. Had there been no slavery or Jim Crow, and Blacks were treated as equals from the beginning, Blacks wouldn't be so into DENIAL like some many Negroes are."
So what would the United States be like if slavery didn't exist and blacks were accorded the same rights, privileges and respect as their white counterparts? It would probably be a nation that wasn't so thoroughly tainted with racial bigotry and hatred. And the populace wouldn't have to be brainwashed with propaganda that justified slavery by proclaiming blacks to be a feebleminded race that required the constant ward (and whip) of God-fearing whites.
The Civil War wouldn't have happened, since the acrimonious issue of expanding slavery to new states in the union and other territories wouldn't have existed, and other issues such as States' Rights and tariffs would have been settled with more ease. Subordination wouldn't be considered the natural condition of blacks and you wouldn't have generations of embittered poor Southern crackers angry at being on the losing end of an devastating war and seeing the people they believed to be beneath them actually do better economically and socially than them.
You also wouldn't have ignorant idiots who gorge themselves on the worst excesses of a group of people hell-bent on destroying themselves and each other, only to assume that the entirety of black America is exactly like those self-serving buffoons.
In other words, America would be a much saner and more successful place.
"What other race call their women hos and bitches? None."
Disrespect of women isn't a black specialty. Other cultures simply manage to hide it from the eyes of decent white Americans such as yourself. They wouldn't want to make themselves look bad, after all.
"Who else would spend an entire Saturday afternoon talking to slappz knowing fully well how he feels about Blacks? PilotX, that's who. But he is a tom-product of white racism."
Ask yourself this: why would a guy like no_slappz, who makes it clear that he finds the black race to be dysfunctional, distasteful and generally incapable of doing much except become statistics or manual labor, spend day after day on a blog that is geared generally towards blacks? Most people who think that way frequent blogs that are like-minded (i.e. South Africa Sucks, Free Republic, etc.), unless they just wanted to troll the hell out of a black blog.
Or if they were paid to troll the hell out of a black blog.
"I am amazed that some Blacks think uncle toms are ashamed to be Black. Of course they are! But so are the so-called Field Negroes ashamed of themselves. Uncle Toms mirror what is deep in the black psyche. Why else would Blacks attack Thrasher? The truth hurts and Blacks have never been able to handle the truth. that's why some Blacks are stuck in self-hatred."
Why should anyone be ashamed of who they are or the color of their skin? I find it's not purely internal dialogue that makes people self-conscious of their ethnicity -- it's external dialogue that's internalized that usually fucks people up. You have kids who are 100% proud of who they are, until someone comes along and tells them they're ugly or they'll never amount to anything. Those kids internalize that dialogue by generating self-doubt about themselves. If the parents don't supply positive reinforcement that bolsters their self-confidence and mitigates the negative dialogue, and if the kid is continuously exposed to this negative dialogue, the self-doubt quickly turns into self-hatred.
So we have blacks who hate who they are and where they collectively stand in the world, hence they disassociate themselves from most, if not all, blacks. Some attempt to integrate into the dominant white American collective while others simply stand on their own.
The "Uncle Tom" behavior comes from blacks who behave in a sycophantic manner towards whites while gleefully hurting blacks on their behave, many times under the guise of "helping" the black community. Deep down, they understand they will never become "honorary whites" no matter how much they try, and they also understand they have thoroughly alienated their fellow blacks to the point where even if they were once again received in the black community, they will forever be looked upon with suspicion, as though they were black sleeper agents still under white employ.
The "Uncle Tom" behavior comes from blacks who behave in a sycophantic manner towards whites while gleefully hurting blacks on their behave, many times under the guise of "helping" the black community. Deep down, they understand they will never become "honorary whites" no matter how much they try, and they also understand they have thoroughly alienated their fellow blacks to the point where even if they were once again received in the black community, they will forever be looked upon with suspicion, as though they were black sleeper agents still under white employ.
In other words, Toms think they are better then us and we think they trying to be white, but YT gonna reject them and when they do, dont come crawlin back to us.
Mack eloquently put, however the premise is still Negro. Blacks aren't trying to be white, they are trying to be themselves only not like you, this is what you hate.
Mack Lyons, "Ask yourself this: why would a guy like no_slappz, who makes it clear that he finds the black race to be dysfunctional, distasteful and generally incapable of doing much except become statistics or manual labor, spend day after day on a blog that is geared generally towards blacks?"
I asked about PilotX, not Slappz. I KNOW slappz is a racist and thinks Blacks are at the bottom of humanity. That is no secret to anyone. But again, what about PilotX? What about HIM?
Mack, why can't you answer the simple question about PilotX: "why would a black person like PilotX spend an entire afternoon conversing with a racist like slappz on FN?
Instead, you turn the question around and ask about slappz. That ignores the original question-which is quite irritating but a typical answer from you.
TickleMeElroy, "Mack eloquently put, however the premise is still Negro. Blacks aren't trying to be white, they are trying to be themselves only not like you, this is what you hate."
Yes! Yes! thank you for that straight up truth and wisdom that so many like Mack Lyons cannot see!
Mack Lyons, what happened to your blog?
Here's a great message for you to think about and start your day with:
Duke lost zero students over the Lacrosse issue.
But if one wishes to beleeverate that...feel free.
Town and gown pre-date the US.
Agree with Mack. The wite suburbrat fantasy of AfAms calling women names...is about as real as the Sopranos.
Must be tough when a b-ball player tells the Truth...and whiney wite folks pout that he should not do so. College sports at many colleges is an entertainment business. The literally cast the ensemble. If Duke sells Genteel Olde South...there would not be a great desire to remind all those donors of the sins of the plantation owners.
Moldilox Said....
The wite suburbrat fantasy of AfAms calling women names...is about as real as the Sopranos.
Must be tough when a b-ball player tells the Truth...and whiney wite folks pout that he should not do so.
Sure Moldilox, we are all blind and stupid and we don't see Black Culture, we made up shorties, bitches, hoes.
If that B-ball player is telling the truth then I have one question for, what was the struggle for? If the end result that you wish is not that Blacks should have prosperity, a good family without living next to thugs and crime infested neighborhoods, but be impoverished and ghetto-ized in order to be a "real Black" then what is the end result you want?
SO you and he and FN are saying someone who becomes succesful must stay a hoodrat and not move into a nice house and try and avoid all the things that you seem to wish upon Black America do you?
Is this what rappers and ballers who make it do? Do they stay in the hood and keep it real? Or do they move on up and then keep up the public persona seperate from private schooling for thier family, nice rides, gated communities with security and so on?
I wonder if you will or should I say can answer this, or will you just obfuscate with your usual insanity.
Hubert Davis attended UNC
IRA Glass on NPR:
"I feel like public radio should address this directly, because I think anybody who listens to our stations understands that what they're hearing is mainstream media reporting," Glass said. "We have nothing to fear from a discussion of what is the news coverage we're doing. As somebody who works in public radio, it is killing me that people on the right are going around trying to basically rebrand us, saying that it's biased news, it's left wing news, when I feel like anybody who listens to the shows knows that it's not. And we are not fighting back, we are not saying anything back. I find it completely annoying, and I don't understand it."
Let me explain it.
NPR is being attacked by Republicans because NPR is objective news. Republicans know that extremist policy based on lies can't survive for long in a society in which a free media holds public officials of each party equally accountable. Thus, the Republicans have spent the good part of two decades trying to play the media refs, and if that doesn't work, destroy the mainstream media and replace it with their own propaganda org, aka Fox News.
It's the same reason dictators loathe intellectuals. Intellectuals see, and tell, the truth. The media are the intellectuals to the Republicans' dictatorship of ignorance. And time after time, the GOP has found that they can't control the media, so they simply destroy it and replace it with something, someone, they can control.
That's why the GOP doesn't like NPR.
I wish I could write this well...as it simply and boldly states what the Facts indicate.
Fallacy of False Choice, FakeAnon. You offer only two options...both of which suit your racism. I would laughingly point out that there is a continuum of choices. Very few of which fit your personal need for prevarication. How about some honesty...or would that just ruin your fantasy?
Hamas Comes to South Philly: "We are not just here for Universal, we are down here for Islam"
The notorious hater rises again.
Hamas comes to South Philadelphia (Jews for Sarah)
During the early months of 2008, Philadelphia-based scholar of Islam and the Middle East Dr. Daniel Pipes chronicled the failed attempts of soul-music-mogul-turned-Muslim-activist Kenny Gamble (aka Luqman Abdul-Haq) to shake down the Philadelphia Housing Authority and create an all-Muslim enclave in South Philadelphia.
While the sordid affairs makes for fascinating reading – not least because it led to the resignation of Bush Administration HUD secretary Alphonso Jackson and the collapse of the attempted shake-down – its “happy ending” should not have lulled anyone into complacency.
Now comes the news that the Philadelphia Schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman has given to Gamble two South Philadelphia public schools – Audenried High and Edwin Vare Middle School – to be converted by him into charter schools, with an estimated annual income to Gamble’s Universal Companies of 9 million Philadelphia taxpayer dollars.
Not surprisingly, this latest Gamble shake-down has all the trappings of a back-room deal, which has provoked South Philly residents and Philadelphia school activists to outrage.
The Philadelphia Public School Notebook, a respected newsletter and website “for parents, educators, students and friends of the Philadelphia public schools,” reports that “neither the public nor the SRC [School Reform Commission] will be given a say in plans to turn over the schools to Universal Companies.”
Fallacy of False Choice, FakeAnon. You offer only two options...both of which suit your racism. I would laughingly point out that there is a continuum of choices. Very few of which fit your personal need for prevarication. How about some honesty...or would that just ruin your fantasy?
cant answer? add in the obligatory smoke screen of racism or other typical diversionary tactics.
You really should cut out the insanity shit, I asked you a question, so how is that perverting the truth? Tell me specifically what did I say that was a lie in my "questions"?
OK, then discard my choices, what are your views, please share one of your "continuum" of choices that you mention but oh so convienantly do not detail. This of course keeping in mind that the entire topic is specifically discussing why a Black person from a Polished or accomplished family is a TOM as opposed to a "inner city kid who is still struggling who is a real Black.
Is that honest enough for you? Now how about giving back some of the same honesty, what exactly is your top choice of your endless alternatives and if you call Blacks who make it Toms, then whats the point of the struggle?
What exactly are you trying to promote besides stressing the importance of education and the uncanny resemblance your IQ has to that of a syphilitic mind?
I would imagine the Public Relations lynching those lacrosse players were give helped to recruit all those Toms.
Hey! Where's that po innocent Crystal Mangum today? Probably a ball-washer for the Duke B-ball team. But not for the white boys! Maybe she's shining Rev. Al's hubcaps, apprenticing from Tawana Brawley. Maybe you should "debate" one of them fine girls.
Slappy, using Pam Geller as a 'sorce'? Please continue...while it may make her 'readership' numbers increase...it actually does more for humour.
Utterly laughable.
What part of begin with Facts is so difficult?
Oh..this is about having false equivalence. Where wankers can pretend to be as accurate, honest and Truthful...but they really aren't...you sure learned from Goebbels!
"NPR is being attacked by Republicans because NPR is objective news."
"the GOP has found that they can't control the media, so they simply destroy it and replace it with something, someone, they can control."
Only in the world of Litards is NPR objective news.
Moldilox, please provide us with proof, from a non leftwing kook site, that the GOP wants to replace NPR with something they can control.
FakeAnon, you want to win by only offering choices that give you a free 'win'. Duh. How about I deny your self-created dilemma...and make my own choices? Seems to me the menu is more than wingnut poo or wingnut scmutz.
Besides....those black players know if they can get recruited by Duke, spend a year or two at college without barely making a passing grade, and still screwing the lower tier liberal white chicks, they's be off to the NBA and the really fine looking blonde white "women".
Thrasher said...
Uncle Toms are a reflection of white supremacy..There would be no Uncle Toms without white racism in America..
White racists created the race card, the racist verbiage and narratives which creates Uncle Toms..
There would be no white racism without black people.
Uncle tom is code for blacks who dare step off the Democratic plantation...
SPC, what? Was the Great Plan revealed?
This has been an issue since before st reagan...so there is plenty of public data on how the wingnuts want to supplant or remove all objective media choices. One could even read the conservascams own spin tank works. Of course, that would mean you might have to work...and we all know how much you do of that.
NPR used to be quite objective. Before st reagan, the service was considered to be of high enough standard to use without confirmation. Sort of the anti-Breitbart. Since st reagan and the introduction of christmoles and conservamoles...NPR has decreased in value. That was the plan. Introduce political appointees with the agenda to destroy a public funded teller of Truth. Don't just believe me...read the works of those picked to de-fund and de-legitimize the org.
I'll note that your response is to order me to do your work...and I'll decline. Wites should learn to pull their own freight.
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, you want to win by only offering choices that give you a free 'win'. Duh. How about I deny your self-created dilemma...and make my own choices? Seems to me the menu is more than wingnut poo or wingnut scmutz.
OK MoldiLox,
You were offered to pick any menu item you preferred but of course couldn't do that, in fact I qoute
"OK, then discard my choices, what are your views, please share one of your "continuum" of choices"
How is offering you your pick my menu? Are you too weak to even offer one of your continuum of choices?
You just proved you are nothing but a bullshit artist. You have nothing, absolutely nothing to offer but gibberish and drivel filled with kooky left wing talking points, even though you even screw the message on these up in true retard fashion.
Talking to you is like clapping with one hand. It must suck to be completely incompetent and useless.
Your dismissed.
Molidloxs dickead,
Last bit of help for you,
If you say "NPR used to be quite objective", used to be is past tense indicating they are no longer objective you absolutely retarded twit.
Cant you even qoute the lefty talking points correctly?
SPC..how do you explainerate the hatred towards the so darkly complected Irish? Or the melanin surplussed Germans?
Plantation? Must be from your own experience. How does it feel to be a poor wite Goober, kissing the Massa's pantaloons every single day? What is it like, watching your women Strom Thurmond? And then you hear grizzled old gals like me say that your 'sacrifices' are not needed. That the many years of submission and degradation...came from you.
Must be why you need a migger to kick.
I'd use a more accurate term for Clarence...but I can tell from the writing that some posters are not mentally of legal age...so I'll call him a lying Tom. And I'll thank his wingnut welfare Queen of a wife for pointing out and confirming that Anita Hill was telling the Truth.
Must be tough for teefless Crackers, watching the happy citizens outside the conservascam fief.
FakeAnon, you really, really want to beleeverate the meme of Liberally biased media. So, you invent a false dichotomy...one where there is only two choices. FOX or Truth. Virgin or Whore. Babee or baby.
How about...NPR used to be the Standard...with the introduction of st reagan appointees...one now has to check any pro-wingnut work to make certain of the accuracy of the data.
Pretenderating it is NPR and not the conservamoles is shown to be wrong by the simple expedient of checking.
Ummm...you can do the Big Lie only so long. After a time..folks check what they know against what you TELL them...and realize you have been lying all along.
Like Walker, Kasich, Daniels, etc.
Anonymous said...
I'll note that your response is to order me to do your work...and I'll decline.
In other words, you got nothing but what you read from leftwing kook sites.
Put me on the list of those who hate Duke. They always recruited white. Just like the 80s Celtics. They had black players but the white ones got all the play. Bill Russell will tell you all about that.
Oddly enough, every single white Duke player washed out in the NBA. Many of the black players did fine. Why is that?
"Anonymous said...
Put Oddly enough, every single white Duke player washed out in the NBA. Many of the black players did fine. Why is that?
9:20 AM"
Hmmmmm. let me see....why have all the really quarterbacks in the NFL
historically been white?
Because blacks can't read downfield....they gets the "happy feet", and takes off. Oh, that's good for entertainment, but it only lasts a few year before the ankles & or kness get blown-out.
Then...they become Randall Cunningham.
Some big DB is just waiting for a clean shot on Vick.
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, you really, really want to beleeverate the meme of Liberally biased media. So, you invent a false dichotomy...one where there is only two choices. FOX or Truth. Virgin or Whore. Babee or baby.
How about...NPR used to be the Standard...with the introduction of st reagan appointees...one now has to check any pro-wingnut work to make certain of the accuracy of the data.
Pretenderating it is NPR and not the conservamoles is shown to be wrong by the simple expedient of checking.
Ummm...you can do the Big Lie only so long. After a time..folks check what they know against what you TELL them...and realize you have been lying all along.
Like Walker, Kasich, Daniels, etc.
Incompetent, useless, say nothing drivel from a supreme bullshit artist and I don't mean Diana Ross.
needs slaps:
good morning!
more global white pookies for u to ignore
see a 3 yr old wf alcoholic here...shame!!!!!!!:
A hard-drinking 3-year-old has been diagnosed as Britain's youngest ever alcoholic.
Doctors treated the unnamed child for withdrawal systems after the toddler suffered the shakes and wild mood swings.
Experts suspect the youngster would have to have been given booze repeatedly over at least a six-month period to develop such a dependency.
hey field,
Hubert Davis is a Carolina Tarheel guy.
rainbow pookies rule the planet...
ask any teacher anywhere!!!
alicia banks said...
needs slaps:
good morning!
more global white pookies for u to ignore
see a 3 yr old wf alcoholic here...shame!!!!!!!:
A hard-drinking 3-year-old has been diagnosed as Britain's youngest ever alcoholic.
Doctors treated the unnamed child for withdrawal systems after the toddler suffered the shakes and wild mood swings.
Experts suspect the youngster would have to have been given booze repeatedly over at least a six-month period to develop such a dependency."
At least alcoholism has a chance of being cured. Especially with a baby that young.
Unfortunately for you, being born butt-assed ugly sticks with you for life. I'll bet if you were back in West Africa with your regal, warrior tribe, they would have either thrown you to the crocodiles, or used you for pygmy bait.
drunken vomiting white pookie stalker:
thanks for being perpetually distracted by my regal african beauty and brilliance...
and for being too racist and stupid to mask your obsessions.
u made my day you faceless fugly fool.
fugly faceless white pookie fool:
thank my genes
i was born gorgeous and i am aging like fine wine
that is why unlike you i post my fine photo!
{This poem was written for me by Labi Siffre, an internationally renown poet, singer, and kindred brother spirit that I revere and adore...to ease my constant displeasure with most of my photos...I always look much better in person!...It is a gift that I will cherish eternally!}
no, cameras don't hate you
at 6 delightful
16 a beauty
at 33 a thoughtful pose
and a hint of diana the ross
at 36 now locked for life
a woman who knows
where she wants to be
and as the locks grow
the smile and steady gaze
seem more assured
at 39 a challenging look?
to friend and foe alike
and now a little sadness
gleaned from thinking
deep those questions
most avoid
the struggle never ends
Labi Siffre
4th oct '02
congrats on your new book!
Your "poet" friend sucks too. Must be blind.
Here...I can be a pot!:
Alicia Banks
Nappy cooter stanks
Stupid as the day is long
Turned Lesbo 'cause she couldn't get a schlong
Bug-eyed & ugly, dogs follow her around
Just to smell the stench she leaves upon the ground
15th March'11
drunken vomiting talentless white pookie:
each post is like a new shot of moonshine...no?
keep burping bubba!
Libyan rebels want Obama to help them defeat Gaddafi. But the rebels have failed to realize that Obama, our muslim-in-chief president, wants what Gaddafi had. They do not realize that Obama is no fan of democracy and has no plans to increase global freedom.
Libyan rebels urge west to assassinate Gaddafi as his forces near Benghazi
Appeal to be made as G8 foreign ministers consider whether to back French and British calls for a no-fly zone over Libya
Libya's revolutionary leadership is pressing western powers to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi and launch military strikes against his forces to protect rebel-held cities from the threat of bloody assault.
Mustafa Gheriani, spokesman for the revolutionary national council in its stronghold of Benghazi, said the appeal was to be made by a delegation meeting the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, in Paris on Monday, as G8 foreign ministers gathered there to consider whether to back French and British calls for a no-fly zone over Libya.
"We are telling the west we want a no-fly zone, we want tactical strikes against those tanks and rockets that are being used against us and we want a strike against Gaddafi's compound," said Gheriani. "This is the message from our delegation in Europe."
Asked if that meant that the revolutionary council wanted the west to assassinate Gaddafi, Gheriani replied: "Why not? If he dies, nobody will shed a tear."
alicia banks said...
needs slaps:
good morning!
more global white pookies for u to ignore
see a 3 yr old wf alcoholic here...shame!!!!!!!:
AB normally I agree with you but your coming off Like Moldilox on this one.
Notice the race of the child was never mentioned to protect the innocent. We all know that in the politically correct UK this means they were not White, otherwise they would have listed the parents names which would at least indicate wether or not they were british, in example listing names of lets say Mukabe Botswana or Abdul Ilickem would pretty much tell you what ethnic background the child has, when no name is listed you can be sure they were not White.
Also, the photo used to mislead you was that of a white child drinking orange juice taken from and labeled
"Foodcollection/Getty - FILE PHOTO"
It is illegal to show people drinking alcohol, let alone a child in the UK.
assnon/needs slaps:
it is tragic and pathetic how all racists pretend that black pookies exist solo
the child is white
guess you missed the picture?
if she was black...her parents' photos would be plastered all over as always
"the child is white
guess you missed the picture?"
AB - Come on now, I know your smarter then this. I even outlined in the post where the picture was from and copied the credit line typed right underneath the picture. Please re-read the last three points of my previous post.
"Also, the photo used to mislead you was that of a white child drinking orange juice taken from and labeled
"Foodcollection/Getty - FILE PHOTO"
It is illegal to show people drinking alcohol, let alone a child in the UK"
vomiting vulgar reeking venereal diseased white pookie:
go bathe
go de-lice/detox...
go get VD shots
and then
go glance at some really awesome poetry:
stupid racist assnon/needs slaps:
the intent of the picture was to tell racists like you that this child is white
do u really think blacks are ever spared so in racist media????
OMG Alicia!
I found a picture of your mother!
The resemblance is striking.....(liked to struck me dead, I mean).
racist stupid assnon:
this news has gone viral all over the net
google it
and EVERY sincgle photo in EVERY link is nordic/caucasian
rest assured
this is NOT a noble agreement to protect a black family
black criminals are always pictured excessively and immediately
cannibal boar photog:
my MORE gorgeous ageless mom is a 67 yr old beautiful queen who looks 40.
she amusingly and flatteringly gets carded every time she seeks a senior discount in any store etc...
and she would never ever allow a white pookie like u to access her photos/carry her trash etc....
Ab Said
racist stupid assnon:
and EVERY sincgle photo in EVERY link is nordic/caucasian
black criminals are always pictured excessively and immediately
BULLSHIT. So you are really full of shit like they say. Of course the picture that they used taken from the ""FOOD FILE"" is of a WHITE CHILD drinking Orange Juice. It is AGAINST the law to show anyone, get that...ANY ONE drinking Alcoholic beverages in the UK and US, LET ALONE A CHILD.
Do you understand that or should I repeat it slower?
Now as to your mindless bullshit about Blacks being over-represented in the media. Double BULLSHIT. Maybe over represented in the crimes they commit but the mainstream media is PC and always looking to avoid the crying bitches like you who cant face facts and say its a plot and not reality when they see a black face on the news or when the media has the balls to say a black person is being sought.
Dont like your spin being caught and questioned so you start calling people racist and Stupid. I guess you are just like Moldilox after all. For only a fake ideologue buys bullshit, when logical facts clearly dispel your lies.
" alicia banks said...
racist stupid assnon:
black criminals are always pictured excessively and immediately
11:31 AM"
For once, AB is right. Just look at that murdering piece of gutter trash, Mumia. They should have fried him years ago. One less turd to leech off the taxpayer.
greasy germy clueless kkk assnon:
mumia is innocent and totally gorgeous!!!
the CIA has created a special photo album for mumia via COINTELPRO since he was 15...
he has been stressed and malnourished and locked in a cage for decades and he is still physically flawless.
mumia is a chocolate locked walking dream even inside the belly of the beast
got envy u fugly pale bald faceless fool?
racist stupid assnon/needs slaps:
your blatant denial is a personal problem.
carry on
ps needs slaps/blind assnon:
what does any of your irrelevant deluded rant/deeeeeep denial have to do with ALL those white photos in ALL those links?????
rsvp much?
needs slaps/lying loon:
i never deny black crimes!
mumia has never been a criminal
he is a life long victim of criminals in the FBI/CIA
i always reject the white crimes YOU deny u racist fool...and i always will
and EVERY black criminal is swiftly posted all over always.
alicia banks said...
ps needs slaps/blind assnon:
what does any of your irrelevant deluded rant/deeeeeep denial have to do with ALL those white photos in ALL those links?????
rsvp much?
YOU would know a lot about deep denial wouldnt ya. I guess you are just to dumb (and in denial) to understand MSM and its habit of using white pictures so the race baiters like you dont get mad at the truth. Shit they even photoshopped a black guy with a gun to be white at a tea party event remember?. What are they going to do put a picture of a kid drinking grape kool aid on the article.
Oh by the way, your so hypocritical...RSVP much? Yep I am Responding to you....much.
AB Said..
mumia is a chocolate locked walking dream even inside the belly of the beast
Chocolate, locked in a belly?
Sounds a lot like a big pile of shit just waiting to happen.
dumb assnons:
thank u for reminding me each day why my blogs will never be open to retarded roaches like you...
thank u for reminding me each day why my blogs will never be open to retarded roaches like you...
Please, please keep your blogs closed. When you open them wide the smell gets out...sorta smells like dead fish. Now close them blogs and stop spreadin - aint no lezbeans round here. Chickenshit Lezbean
racist vulgar reeking stupid assnons/needs slaps:
u have no clue
u missed these lush CLONES whose black photos WENT viral IMMEDIATELY as always
i rest my case as i slay u anew once again....
u faceless fools are all just waaaay tooooo easy!
This was discussed at TNC's blog as well, and the feeling there was that Rose was explaining what it felt like as an 18 year old without Hill's advantages. I haven't seen the piece itself (I'm pretty much a fair weather b-ball fan, limiting myself to the nearest NBA team when it is doing well and has a player I like*), but my impression is that Rose added that he felt that way until the first time he had to play against Hill, and then came to respect him.
At TNC's place the sentiment is that we all had inexcusable opinions @ age 18, but "once we became men, we put away childish things". Sounds about right to me.
*I started paying attn to basketball in 1990 when I lived in Chicagoland and my son, then in kindergarten, started coming home talking about Jordan. FFward a few years, and I'm living a few miles west of MPLS, 3/4 of a mile, as the crow flies, from Kevin Garnett. After 4 years, I move a couple of hours north of Boston, and then Garnett comes to the Celtics. I'll check in some time next month.
SPC, if the best you can do is make up things to pretenderate that I said them...you are indeed desperate. It is one thing to suggest the terminology is spin..but what you do is invent what I said and meant. The only way for you to contribute is to make -poo- up? As posted, the Data is there, it is public, it is easily accessed...all you have to do is -ahem- work.
Jalen's missed point: The University of Michigan is one of the highest ranked academic institutions in the country.
FakeAnon, pretenderating you are a teacher is funny. Even besser is the wite ass-umption you are in any way my superior. Ordering me to do your tasks..makes me laugh. That you, on your own, can't generate a so-called 'list of options'...is hilarious. Most adults do this on a daily, if not hourly basis. You offer only two..Goober wins...options...and I deny that those are the only choices (see Fallacies of Logic). When I do, you get huffy because your 'fixed win' like they do on FOX is denied.
Pretending to superior status based on your fantasy is...LOL territory. Really? You can't grasp simple, easy themes...and it's my problem? Not even when I was paid to impart knowledge.
Anonymous said...
SPC, if the best you can do is make up things to pretenderate that I said them...you are indeed desperate. It is one thing to suggest the terminology is spin..but what you do is invent what I said and meant. The only way for you to contribute is to make -poo- up?
Please list the things i have made up and pretended you said them...
I'll be waiting...................
As posted, the Data is there, it is public, it is easily accessed...all you have to do is -ahem- work.
Than it should be so easy for you to provide facts to back up your child like rants.
Back to the Post! What is meant by highest ranked? Is it the paid pieces by a infamous conservaMedia? Is it the rankings of the academics...the students...the disciplines?
I do love the idea of student athletes...as college should not be only monks and nuns who...well.
But, for many schools, the kids are entertainers toiling for less than scale. Those places need to offer a wage and benefit package.
SPC, how quick can you scrub your posts? Seems you did invent...on this very thread.
You want it to be 'just as bad'..but I began with the valid Data. So all the posturing and whining only shows you are unwilling to work.
Still, you could start with st reagan, from whom all evils flow. NPR did more than a few 'fact-check' pieces on his wondrous lies. Even besser, he continued to fib when these were revealed as falsehoods. No wonder the wingnuts hate the org...they showed the GooberEmperor had no clothes...and hadn't had them for years.
See...easy peasy. If you start with Facts.
" South Park Conservatives said...
Than it should be so easy for you to provide facts to back up your child like rants.
1:01 PM"
Mold talks a monstrous shit, but when push comes to shove, ole moldy can only manage a little brown stain in it's Depends.
FakeAnon, ad hominem...that's it? How...tiny..how small...how not bringing it.
That's OK. You may laugh at your 'joke' by yourself and I'll include your sockpuppets, too.;)
Back to the Post! What is meant by highest ranked? Is it the paid pieces by a infamous conservaMedia? Is it the rankings of the academics...the students...the disciplines?
I do love the idea of student athletes...as college should not be only monks and nuns who...well.
But, for many schools, the kids are entertainers toiling for less than scale. Those places need to offer a wage and benefit package.
SPC, always you are inventerating, saying I was not normal with my bowel moverating.
Methinks you're desperating to stuff cotton in my wazoo before the cows come home and the chickens roosterate up my rectal passage, where you know many great minds have met and salivatered, easy queasy with the facts and feces.
You must know about my master's feces, a thing I wrote in stenchiness that would have knockerated off your socks if you were as brave and bold as my gooberated people are when they not incarcerated with wite-out on my typewriter.
It's true, mold. You rarely, if ever offer any corroboration to the bilge you spew here. Sometimes, it's just a miracle that one can even understand the idiocy that you're trying to convey. I seriously wonder at times if you are in an advanced stage of Alzheimer's. Maybe they caught that case of Syphilis just a little too late.
Thanks for proving my point.
Back to the Post! What is meant by highest ranked? Is it the paid pieces by a infamous conservaMedia? Is it the rankings of the academics...the students...the disciplines?
I do love the idea of student athletes...as college should not be only monks and nuns who...well.
But, for many schools, the kids are entertainers toiling for less than scale. Those places need to offer a wage and benefit package.
"There would be no white racism without black people."
Because blacks are the root of all racism? I'll keep that in mind.
thank u for reminding me each day why my blogs will never be open to retarded roaches like you...kuntbreaf banks
Please, please keep your blogs closed. When you open them wide the smell gets out...sorta smells like dead fish. Now close them blogs and stop spreadin Anon
sounds like buceta breaf is once again taking up too much space and talkin that bullshit hows ur job kuntbreaf banks? how're those 'gifted' kids u tutor? workin with em now are ya? while u type inanities!
MOLD said..."They're entertainers toiling for less than scale. Those places need to offer a wage and benefit package.
1:43 PM
You're as dense a a post, mold.
Let's just take any SEC school for example....say, Alabama. You've got a Heisman Trophy running back on the football team. You got some femmale water polo athlete. Now, under you plan, who gets paid what. What benefits do each get? According to Title Nine, I suppose it would have to be equal. Does that make a damn bit of sense. Wht don't you "thinkerate" about that one for a second, before you spout-off more idiocy.
Mack, it's all your fault. Remember that. If you hadn't eaten...he would have not needed to beat you. It's your fault he can't find work...so you need to be hit until he does. The -stuff- he uses to make it better...your fault. That some old lady works harder..your fault. Oh yes...some things are pretty clear.
FakeAnon, when they are working...they should get paid. Whether or not you, personally, like the idiocy of slavery.
Title Nine was because wite dudes, like, lied. Feel sorry for the poor wite dudes who can't have everything by birth. Wahhh.
south park conservative is just another of ab rogue personality that kuntlicker retreats to other sockpuppets once her bluff is called what a phukkin waste of space shyt pile eatin loser!
spc dont ever say shit unless someone is messin with his mammy stank breaf kuntlickin banks her buddy eraser came a couple of weeks ago and left after being called out hmmm...wonder how long it will take mellanus to show up talkin that maoist nonsense and defending that kuntlickin fool!
and shower wit white girls is also a ab sockpuppet not saying shit but insulting others and defending that cretinous sow bucetalickin banks! go jump off a craggy cliff kuntlicker eye guarantee nobody will miss ur foul ass
talkin that shit wutta loosa! a phukkin loosa!
u get that nasty shithead Mold! she deserves any and all abuse hurled upon her since she or rather it is a bully and bullies gets NO love! stank breaf banks, that is...
ROFL. Very true and fitting for a sick human puppy like Mold.
Duke is reviled by many, black, white and other. It seems to be a universal sentiment.
unlicked uneducated chronically truant brat turbo breeder VDLR/VULGAR!!! DOWN LOW RETARD:
um...most children are in school all day unlike your own.
and um...most private tutors like me work evenings and weekends!
if you stopped clubbing and tricking during all those missed parent teacher conferences, u would already know ho!
please go be a good christian and ask god for a brain and a school schedule!!!
Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him
lickless jobless vdlr:
i earn a corp pay check 5 days a week
and i earn extra self employed income every evening and weekend
all i earn trumps that ebt card u are GIVEN once a month and have to trade for cash for horse hair, henny, hood peen, and fake nails...
SPC, how quick can you scrub your posts? Seems you did invent...on this very thread.
You want it to be 'just as bad'..but I began with the valid Data. So all the posturing and whining only shows you are unwilling to work.
Still, you could start with st reagan, from whom all evils flow. NPR did more than a few 'fact-check' pieces on his wondrous lies. Even besser, he continued to fib when these were revealed as falsehoods. No wonder the wingnuts hate the org...they showed the GooberEmperor had no clothes...and hadn't had them for years.
See...easy peasy. If you start with Facts.
unlicked unwed untamed tiger shacking vdlr:
ain't at least 3 of these fools yo babies' daddies tho???
False comparison.
Entertainment employee vs student athlete..and you whine that it upsets you women get the opportunity to participate.
How sad for the Fighting Keyboarder...that a woman could have equal rights. That wite male privilege goes away.
Boo hoo.
AB, any chance that check is signed by the Koch's..or Scaife...or any other wingnut welfare?
molded ssi fraudster:
u lie like hobama
they are signed by a high tech industry star...a place where an uneducated unskilled unclean "wite" pookie peasant like you could not even be janitor
what is it to you or any peer dead car collector in your trailer park?
as long as people like me toil, dregs like u and the vdlr will stay on the dole
carry on
AB, "Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him"
isn't there a similar verse somewhere in the bible that the baptists quote to beat their children?
that is the same one...
the buybull has so many different copyright dates/edits/ongoing translations etc
some simply read for that same scripture:
"spare the rod spoil the child"
mell is a bible scholar who may know another one...
can you help/teach us more mell?
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him
I think your parents got the proverb mixed up, they thought it went something like save your daughter from the rod and she will seek the fish and become a lez-bean.
Islam. It brings out the best in people.
"Enlightened" Leftwing Barbarity: Honour killings Adjective Angers Liberal Trudeau: "there needs to be a little bit of an attempt at responsible neutrality"
Justin Trudeau says don't call honour killings '"barbaric."
These news stories do what I cannot do -- expose liberals for the vicious erudite savages that they really are. You cannot make this stuff up, because you cannot think this stuff up.
Ah yes, "responsible neutrality" concerning the slaughter of women and children because they are not subdued or subservient or submissive enough.
Yes, "responsible neutrality" on the slaughter of women and children because of some perceived sexual indiscretion or behavior not befitting a slave girl.
Honour Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery
And feminnists call this predatory platform home. I despise them and their craven lack of humanity, ethics and morality.
Nothing stands in the way of their idiomatic collective dogma, not humanity or basic decency, not even the love for the mums, daughters or wives.
Honour killings term angers Trudeau Toronto Sun hat tap Norman
OTTAWA - Liberal MP Justin Trudeau said the government should not call honour killings "barbaric" in a study guide for would-be Canadian citizens.
On Monday, the federal government updated its Discover Canada guide, a pamphlet given to new immigrants to help explain life in Canada and prepare them for the citizenship test.
Among other things, it tells new Canadians that gay marriage is OK and forced marriages are not.
But the guide also says: "Canada's openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, 'honour killings,' female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence."
"Those guilty of these crimes are severely punished under Canada's criminal laws," it reads.
Trudeau blasted the Conservatives for using the term "barbaric," even though it's been in the guide since 2009. Forced marriages are the only new item on the list.
"There's nothing that the word 'barbaric' achieves that the words 'absolutely unacceptable' would not have achieved," Trudeau, the Liberal immigration critic, said.
"We accept that these acts are absolutely unacceptable. That's not the debate. In casual conversation, I'd even use the word barbaric to describe female circumcision, for example, but in an official Government of Canada publication, there needs to be a little bit of an attempt at responsible neutrality."
But Immigration Minister Jason Kenney fired back Monday, accusing the Liberals of choosing political correctness over women's rights.
"Despite Trudeau's opposition, we make no apologies for letting immigrant women know their rights. We won't turn a blind eye to the abuse of immigrant women, even if the Ignatieff Liberals prefer we err on the side of political correctness," said Alykhan Velshi, a spokesman for Kenney.
Newcomers are also being warned in the updated guide to leave their "violent, extreme or hateful prejudices" at the door, even if they're coming from a war-torn country or conflict zone.
"Such experiences do not justify bringing to Canada violent, extreme or hateful prejudices. In becoming Canadian, newcomers are expected to embrace democratic principles such as the rule of law," the brochure now reads.
Announcing the changes in Vancouver Monday, Kenney said it's important to make sure newcomers to Canada understand the laws and values of the land.
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, pretenderating you are a teacher is funny. Even besser is the wite ass-umption you are in any way my superior. Ordering me to do your tasks..makes me laugh. That you, on your own, can't generate a so-called 'list of options'...is hilarious. Most adults do this on a daily, if not hourly basis. You offer only two..Goober wins...options...and I deny that those are the only choices (see Fallacies of Logic). When I do, you get huffy because your 'fixed win' like they do on FOX is denied.
Pretending to superior status based on your fantasy is...LOL territory. Really? You can't grasp simple, easy themes...and it's my problem? Not even when I was paid to impart knowledge.
Moldilox, the Village Idiot, the laughing stock of the Black Race ,the moron who cant even back up her own thoughts but runs away from everything she/he/it says.
Now you were paid to be a Teacher and impart knowledge, ahh, is there anything you haven't done? Run along now little MoldyRot it's time for your tax payer funded medication.
AB...I have designed integrated circuitry, constructed both mock-ups and working models...and have been with 'high-tech' on the professional side for years. Have to admit...you made me laugh...I visualized a shop-floor employee bragging about being in 'tech'...when they are just cheaper than a robot.
Ummm...I will say that it is more the other problem...that for most work...I have too many qualifications. So...I remove them when I apply...makes the businessclones less afeered. But...when they find out just some of my quals...they are terrified.
Oh...it isn't only the Baptists that quoterate it...
That...and the ideer wimmens is lesser...made most of religiocrazee unpalatable. Beating children and then claiming 'gawdmademedoit'...feh.
I will mention that among certain religios...the elderly have certain injuries that are higher than the norm. And the M&M is more than one might expect.
Islam. There is nothing that redeems this vile ideology.
Islamic cleric misunderstands Islam, issues fatwa against democracy
Shaikh Abdul Malek Ramdani must be some kind of Islamophobe. "Cleric issues 48-page fatwa against democracy," from Reuters, March 16 (thanks to Twostellas):
Algiers: The spiritual leader of Algeria's influential Salafist movement has issued a 48-page fatwa, or religious decree, urging Muslims to ignore calls for change because he says that democracy goes against Islam.
The fatwa by Shaikh Abdul Malek Ramdani, who lives in Saudi Arabia, comes at an opportune time for President Abdul Aziz Bouteflika as Algerians watching protests in other Arab states have begun pushing their own political and economic demands.
"As long as the commander of the nation is a Muslim, you must obey and listen to him. Those who are against him are just seeking to replace him, and this is not licit," Ramdani wrote in the fatwa obtained by Reuters.
"During unrest, men and women are mixed, and this is illicit in our religion," said Ramdani, who claims several hundred thousand followers in Algiers....
Ramdani, who moved to Saudi Arabia after threats from Islamists, wrote in his ‘fatwa on unrest' that an observant Muslim can only "pray and be patient" when faced with an unwanted ruler. "Unrest is a tool created by democratic systems which are against Islam."
retarded assnon:
god creates homos in every living species.
but evil sinful lewd loopy gaybashers only come in retarded humans like you.
i got your fish here:
nothing is as fishy as the mental guppies like u herein
kudos on how very well vulgar foolish DL homohaters like u teach kids daily!
and u have rivers of blood and guts on your evil hateful scaly hands here:
Rose is out of line.
There is no one way to be black.
Duke is a top notch institution and Coach K runs a great program.
His players graduate and are for the most part model citizens.
He, along with the great John Thompson, showed that you can rn a great program, win championships and still graduate your players.
That is something to be emulated.
mold writes;
AB...I have designed integrated circuitry
I think you meant you were part of an Integrated Circus.
molded wite poookie:
i am a techie admin...
what would an uneducated drone like you know about that?
FakeAnon, why does it bother you that I exist? What about you causes pain knowing that I am?
I have backed up my stuff...but this is not an academic endeavor...which is a hint, in case you missed it...that I can easily post reams of citations. And have. But, I respect the blog and the participants...and their time.
What you seek is a 'gotcha'...a way of trying to delegitimize...typical wingnut.
Real simple...I start with Fact...and make conclusions based on Fact. If the Facts trend otherwise...I have to change the conclusions. While wingnuts...throw out the stuff that doesn't make them Queens of the Universe.
Pouting is so becoming, not. But...it does show a work-averse philosophy....and I do give hints.
molded mcgyver/agent 0.007 wannabee:
my life is charmed
my resume is awesome
my skills and posts are uniquely diverse
but i have never seen anyone
claim every single job mentioned on this post
fn is an atty...u too???
u r a pathological shameless wite
we see u fool!!!!!!!!
i have programmed computers since i was 12...u too fool?
UTS, nice riposte.
Slappy, keep using 'sorces'...it has the opposite effect of what you intend. What, you can't design and troubleshoot ICs? Whyever not?
AB, within a range, yes I do. Do you want it benchmarked?
molded poser:
u r ALMOST as bad as the vdlr pretending to be a superior nun as u pretend to be a jack of all trades and master of none!
u r psycho u kkklown!!!
u r a faceless schizo fake fool!!!!
AB, I admit what I have done...to a point. 'Outing' to MalkinStalkers is not my idea of fun..though it is obvious they like being icky.
I am not a member of the Bar. I have dealt with legal issues...and have a pretty good win-loss ratio. Ummm Field would know some of those who beat me...but their hourly is -ahem- the upper limits of Philly rates.
Though, I will admit to losing horribly to a mini-skirt wearing hottie...judge took one look at her and I was wallpaper.;)
AB, as much as it upsets you...I have done more than my share of things. Mostly through circumstances. Still, being angry that I have done these things is an odd response.
Do you scream at Vick for being a QB AND a car owner AND a dog owner?
molded lying faceless nameless coward:
so show your fugly face
tell us your real name
so we can research your imaginary feats asap!!!!
Damn! All you negroes are reqular rocket scientists! Who would have known? Put all of you together in a room, I bet you'd have the first negro in Mars in two years time!
Either that, or all be dead after bustin' caps in each other, fightin' over that last Original Recipe drumstick.
Probably a toss-up.
kkk rooster:
cc that to the other uneducated envious trashy white fried chicken eating dregs in your trailer park...
molded GED-less evading joker:
why would anyone be angry at a loser like u?
i hate liars.
and u r a pathological one...LIARS make me angry!!!
that is why i stay enraged at hobama!!!
molded poser:
we are still waiting...
AB...I have designed integrated circuitry, constructed both mock-ups and working models...and have been with 'high-tech' on the professional side for years.
Not even when I was paid to impart knowledge.
I am not a member of the Bar. I have dealt with legal issues...and have a pretty good win-loss ratio.
Damn Moldilox...your becoming even more unhinged. Just in a few short posts you have added three more things to your resume
Now in addition to being A radio station owner
A radio DJ
The head of a large corporation
An airline Pilot
A mathematician
You have added
Engineer of intergrated circuits
I know I forget about 3 or 4 of your other professions but i think we get the point.
your NUCKING FUTS!!!!!!
Though, I will admit to losing horribly to a mini-skirt wearing hottie...judge took one look at her and I was wallpaper.;)
Are you saying that in addition to be batshit crazy you are FUGLY as well?
FakeAnon, you are making things up. I did what I did. Not more...not less.
AB, before I 'volunteer' to have my privacy invaded by MalkinStalkers or heroically brave 'bortion thugs...I suggest you go first.
What delightful children, only able to have women as hottie or ugly. I'll bet your Moms has a real nice basement. Here's a hint...Most of us are in the middle.
And am I deeply grateful for your Entitled judgment of my physical attractiveness...done completely without request or credentials. Nice to know you feel justified in making such determinations.
molded coward:
real name
i have posted all
u r a brazen buffoonish liar...
molded coward:
real info
even offline will do u yellow yahoo!!!
AB, your sites all reference each other. Like the wingnut ones.
My stuff comes up with me...but I already have enough 'fame'.
molded reaching liar:
we are still waiting for ANY sites/info/names/date/feats/fames...
u busted hater poser!
"Let's just take any SEC school for example....say, Alabama. You've got a Heisman Trophy running back on the football team. You got some femmale water polo athlete. Now, under you plan, who gets paid what. What benefits do each get?"
Nothing. Because SEC athletes don't get paid, period.
Unless you consider scholarships to be payment.
This might help you.
FakeAnon, you are making things up. I did what I did. Not more...not less.
You are one hell of an amazing man, I'll tell ya there Moldy. I want to be just like you when I get demented and old and shipped off to obscurity.
molded faker:
even just one dated site will be just fine
or your sole real name u loony loser!
and um...most private tutors like me work evenings and weekends!kuntbreaf banks
well kuntbreaf its obvious u aint ha no job then! cuz real tutors work all hours of the day if they are good at what they do kuntlick!
AB, your sites all reference each other. Like the wingnut ones.
My stuff comes up with me...but I already have enough 'fame'.
the only nucka wit sense up in here that nasty sow talkin all that bullshyt need to up those med doses and sit down and shutdaphukkkkup!
buceta breaf banks that is...
unlicked unintelligent vdlr:
um...never mind:
those as mindless as you can never really mind anything.
god bless u cursed cursing hypochristian!...ha!!!
molded liar:
unlike the vdlr
i actually know how to research
so send me ANY info...NOW!!!!
Anonymous said...
AB, your sites all reference each other. Like the wingnut ones.
My stuff comes up with me...but I already have enough 'fame'.
the only nucka wit sense up in here that nasty sow talkin all that bullshyt need to up those med doses and sit down and shutdaphukkkkup!
MOLD, we know this is you. It happens each and every time you start spewin with AB. Your speech is the same, your patterns are the same...we know its you. Why dont you just call AB a "kuntlicka" under your other fake name of MOld why do you switch to Anon?
molded inept researcher/vdlr clone:
u missed those "numbers" for the ajc
the ajc archives are online
molded busted coward:
i am still waiting
u and the vdlr = LOSING!!!
as always
uiuc and ualr grads are online too
yep and u r not in either of their databases kuntstain and if u r then show a screen shot but since u arent ule just try to evade since u have absolutely NOTHING of value to say
hey ignant dis-eased STD infected vdlr:
he would need a bath after reading your vilgar posts!!!!
ick u foul mouthed turbo breeder!!!
"Mack Lyons said...
"There would be no white racism without black people."
Because blacks are the root of all racism? I'll keep that in mind.
1:57 PM"
No kidding.
I'll be out of pocket for a bit, visiting a very racist, xenophobic country, which is neither white nor black, and definitely not a "melting pot" or any other definition of "multicultural".
The contrasts are stunning.
"Duke lost zero students over the Lacrosse issue."
My evidence says otherwise.
And yours?
Do yourself a favor, and stick to things you actually know something about.
pathetic www poser vdlr:
send me the "links" u r using u inept fool...NOT!!!!
ualr and uiuc are online
and i am a special beloved awarded alumna listed online for both...
go...google dummy!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say thank you for the positive post (even though it wasn't the lead item). The info on the Philly polo team was heart-warming, and a welcome antidote to all the chaos and heartbreak that is going on in the world lately.
bold moron vdlr:
"u r then show a screen shot.."
do u ask your GED teachers to pen your essays too?????
u r shameless u moron!!!!!
the only awards uve ever received have been the ones uve BOUGHT for YOURSELF kuntlicker u aint shyt! buceta breaf banks that is...
most of my awards are listed online too fool....GO!!!!
sorry hon all college grads are in online databases that can be easily verified like eyem gonna go to google to do ur research for what? to see that u are a veritable NOBODY who aint never done shyt in their life? naw eyel spend my time bothering u here cuz u r easy to bother since u aint ha no sense
" uiuc and ualr grads are online too
5:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
sorry kuntlick mold aint never lost u r the loser u aint done shyt in ur life kuntbreaf aint nobody at uiuc heard of ur chriflin ass and aint nobody on any databases that uve cited heard of u either ure nothin but a liar and a fraud to anyone stupid enuff to believe u kuntstain
5:55 PM"
Okay, "Anon", continue to keep it "Klassy".
FN's take on things I'll miss over the next few weeks, but this .... not so much.
hey molded mirage:
i am still waiting
awardless lickless vdlr:
u can research bogus awards v. real academic awards online...
sure karen another ab sockpuppet not mentioning the vulgarity that ab routinely tosses out but getting on my case for giving it rite back to her
karen eye aint been botherin u but kuntbreaf banks HAS been botherin everybody else so if u phux wit me over this issue again ure fair game otherwise mind ya bidness!
lying lickless vdlr:
ged grads are online????
u send me your link and i will send u mine
u know u need me to throw u that tech bone u knowledge starved flea bitten bitch!!!
ps dummy:
bone =
real academic awards are linked to university sites and selected a yr in advance...
the only awards uve ever received have been the ones uve BOUGHT for YOURSELF kuntlicker u aint shyt! buceta breaf banks that is...cuz whose who awards are all bought and sold ya loser!
vdlr clearly cannot even research posts herein!!!...she lies like hobama!!!
i do not have to be vulgar because i actually have a vocab...
in 3 languages no less
that nasty nincompoop vdlr?...not so much!
where is proof of ur 250 iq genius? oh wait there is none kuntlicker. where is proof of ur scholarly publications? oh wait there is none stank breaf banks
now stank breaf will leave or only pituously engage the anon who singlehandedly whipped her ass what a sowish kuntlick!
weve already been thru this kuntlick those mags like girlfriends or denueve r out of print and their online archives aint say shit about u and the NEWSPAPER the atlanta journal constitution has online archives that never mention ur ugly cast iron underbelly skillet lookin ass in any way shape or form just like u claim to start radio station at uiuc but never r mentioned not ONCE on their archives or on the founders page kunt u r a LIAR and a FRAUD to anyone foolish enough 2 believe u
6:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
uh oh pretty soon the ab personality will go cuz of sun downers then the anons that talk shit take up space and generally pain in the asses will show up aint that coincidental ? these rogue state schizos r off some shyt!
Uncle Toms are a reflection and narrative of white supremacy and white racism in America..
Without WHite Racism you have no Uncle Toms..
uh oh pretty soon the ab personality will go cuz of sun downers then the anons that talk shit take up space and generally pain in the asses will show up aint that coincidental ? these rogue state schizos r off some shyt!
yep and thrasher is a good example of being one of shyt stains sock puppets phukk em
Anonymous said...
sorry hon all college grads are in online databases that can be easily verified like eyem gonna go to google to do ur research for what?
sure karen another ab sockpuppet not mentioning the vulgarity that ab routinely tosses out
if u claim to have these awards and that they are public record then it is ur job to furnish proof when asked
and interesting conversation between u and the sockpuppets
MOLD YOU ARE BUSTED. WE know this is you. You arent bright enough not to use the same language over and over.
Not only do you use another name, YOUR A COWARD to even battle with AB with your real fake name of MOLD.
Like I said You NUCKIN FUTS.
Without the pathology of white racism and the legacy of inequality in America you would not have Uncle Toms..
Mack Lyons, I hate when you converse with idiots. But on the flip side, I enjoy your reading your analysis.
Your analysis of self-doubt transforming into self-hatred was particularly interesting. Sometimes, I wonder if we hurt our youth by forcing "diversity" upon them.
the problem with duke is that the fans, students, and administration harbor racist attitudes towards blacks. While Luol Deng was there, duke's student newspaper referred to him as an orantuang(sp) While Grant Hill was the real reason that team was a champion... he guarded the tough offensive players Laettner could not, Laettner and Hurley were and still are the most beloved. When the media branded the Unlv players as criminals the Duke white players were branded as choir boys. The black players just stood by and allowed the multiple racist actions of fans, alumni, and the media to continue unchecked and unchallenged. By the way... i graduated from Yale and I grew up in a wealthy family... but i always spoke up against bigotry and racism... something that doesn't happen at duke. The nickname for Duke... the university , was the Plantation.
That being said ... Duke gets favorable draws from the ncaa and favorable calls from the refs.
Although ESPN has its faults, they do a damn good job of producing documentaries like the one on The Fab Five. What I loved about the Fab Five doc is that it was raw and didn't try to be politically correct. Not too many athletes will say on the record that they felt an opposing player was an "overrated pussy".
When I heard Jalen make the "Uncle Tom" comment, it was clear to me that he was talking about how he felt as a teenager. The fact that he was off-base in his definition of an Uncle Tom makes sense if one believes he was speaking as his teenage self. I'd like to think that the Jalen Rose of today knows the true meaning of the term Uncle Tom.
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