OK Grant and Jalen, enough already. Grant, did you really have to write a response (in the New York Times of all places) to Jalen's comments? Come on brother, methinks you are a bit too sensitive.
"..it was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. I am aware Jalen has gone to some length to explain his remarks about my family in numerous interviews, so I believe he has some admiration for them.
In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.
I am beyond fortunate to have two parents who are still working well into their 60s. They received great educations and use them every day. My parents taught me a personal ethic I try to live by and pass on to my children.
I come from a strong legacy of black Americans. My namesake, Henry Hill, my father’s father, was a day laborer in Baltimore. He could not read or write until he was taught to do so by my grandmother. His first present to my dad was a set of encyclopedias, which I now have. He wanted his only child, my father, to have a good education, so he made numerous sacrifices to see that he got an education, including attending Yale.
This is part of our great tradition as black Americans. We aspire for the best or better for our children and work hard to make that happen for them. Jalen’s mother is part of our great black tradition and made the same sacrifices for him.
My teammates at Duke — all of them, black and white — were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball. I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court.
It is insulting and ignorant to suggest that men like Johnny Dawkins (coach at Stanford), Tommy Amaker (coach at Harvard), Billy King (general manager of the Nets), Tony Lang (coach of the Mitsubishi Diamond Dolphins in Japan), Thomas Hill (small-business owner in Texas), Jeff Capel (former coach at Oklahoma and Virginia Commonwealth), Kenny Blakeney (assistant coach at Harvard), Jay Williams (ESPN analyst), Shane Battier (Memphis Grizzlies) and Chris Duhon (Orlando Magic) ever sold out their race." [Article]
Grant, I am going to have to disagree with one person on your list: Billy King. I will leave it at that. But those of you from Philly will know what I am talking about... Still, we get it, you had to defend your family's honor. You also had to defend yourself against accusations of jigging your way through Duke. I defended you last night, (BTW, in that article I referred to Hubert Davis as a Dukie. To all of you Tar heel fans out there, I offer my sincerest apology.) but I cannot defend your response. The whole New York Times thing kind of feels like overkill. I sure hope Coach K didn't give you a call and asked you to pen something. After all, it's not good for recruiting to have even well "polished" young men thinking twice about your school because other folks in their community view it in a negative light.
Finally, I see that a republiclown up in New York has a great idea about how to get you Negroes working again:
"BUFFALO – Jack Davis a congressional candidate caused controversy by saying that Latinos should be deported and African Americans should be bused to farms to pick crops.
Buffalo News reports:
Several sources who were in the Feb. 20 endorsement interview with Davis confirmed his comments, which echo those he made to the Tonawanda News in 2008, when he said: “We have a huge unemployment problem with black youth in our cities. Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”' [Source]
"..it was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. I am aware Jalen has gone to some length to explain his remarks about my family in numerous interviews, so I believe he has some admiration for them.
In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.
I am beyond fortunate to have two parents who are still working well into their 60s. They received great educations and use them every day. My parents taught me a personal ethic I try to live by and pass on to my children.
I come from a strong legacy of black Americans. My namesake, Henry Hill, my father’s father, was a day laborer in Baltimore. He could not read or write until he was taught to do so by my grandmother. His first present to my dad was a set of encyclopedias, which I now have. He wanted his only child, my father, to have a good education, so he made numerous sacrifices to see that he got an education, including attending Yale.
This is part of our great tradition as black Americans. We aspire for the best or better for our children and work hard to make that happen for them. Jalen’s mother is part of our great black tradition and made the same sacrifices for him.
My teammates at Duke — all of them, black and white — were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball. I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court.
It is insulting and ignorant to suggest that men like Johnny Dawkins (coach at Stanford), Tommy Amaker (coach at Harvard), Billy King (general manager of the Nets), Tony Lang (coach of the Mitsubishi Diamond Dolphins in Japan), Thomas Hill (small-business owner in Texas), Jeff Capel (former coach at Oklahoma and Virginia Commonwealth), Kenny Blakeney (assistant coach at Harvard), Jay Williams (ESPN analyst), Shane Battier (Memphis Grizzlies) and Chris Duhon (Orlando Magic) ever sold out their race." [Article]
Grant, I am going to have to disagree with one person on your list: Billy King. I will leave it at that. But those of you from Philly will know what I am talking about... Still, we get it, you had to defend your family's honor. You also had to defend yourself against accusations of jigging your way through Duke. I defended you last night, (BTW, in that article I referred to Hubert Davis as a Dukie. To all of you Tar heel fans out there, I offer my sincerest apology.) but I cannot defend your response. The whole New York Times thing kind of feels like overkill. I sure hope Coach K didn't give you a call and asked you to pen something. After all, it's not good for recruiting to have even well "polished" young men thinking twice about your school because other folks in their community view it in a negative light.
Finally, I see that a republiclown up in New York has a great idea about how to get you Negroes working again:
"BUFFALO – Jack Davis a congressional candidate caused controversy by saying that Latinos should be deported and African Americans should be bused to farms to pick crops.
Buffalo News reports:
Several sources who were in the Feb. 20 endorsement interview with Davis confirmed his comments, which echo those he made to the Tonawanda News in 2008, when he said: “We have a huge unemployment problem with black youth in our cities. Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”' [Source]
Of course they will Mr. Davis. It's not like we aren't going to pay them this time.
1 – 200 of 366 Newer› Newest»I agree with FN 10000% I guess being away from the site has made me a nicer Black man..lol,lol,lol
I also understand why Grant wrote this but he knows what Jalen was talking about and the truth about venues like Duke where the selection of Black talent is filtered and screened accordingly..
I wish Grant would have wrote a commentary where he agreed with Jalen about the recruitment of certain types of Black folks in white venues from universities to office in Fortune 500 addresses..
Yet I know the narrative and creation of Uncle Toms cannot exist without white supremacy and the legacy of white racism in America from slavery to segregation to jim crow, disparate treatment, racial profiling, all manner of contempt for Black folks
I understand how the racist pathology of white america created wounded Black egos and defensive ones like Grant Hill's..I understand..I really do..
I have to post this anonymously but I work at the board and care facility where the person you know as Thrasher is housed. She is severely mentally ill and is usually confined to a small room with no roommates due to sexually violent behaviors shes exhibited towards other women. Please do not engage this person in conversation because it stimulates her and causes her to disassociate even further from reality. I could lose my job over this but felt it necessary to share...she is on a plethora of psych meds but very few seem to effectively control her outbursts. So again please do not engage her.
Field, thanks helping Japan in your sidebar.
Wow. this comment section is getting off to one hell of a start. The word "Uncle Tom" really creates a raucus among some black folks, or is it all black folks?
Field, you'd better leave that word alone.
Thrasher said...
I agree with FN 10000% I guess being away from the site has made me a nicer Black man..lol,lol,lol
I also understand why Grant wrote this but he knows what Jalen was talking about and the truth about venues like Duke where the selection of Black talent is filtered and screened accordingly..
I wish Grant would have wrote a commentary where he agreed with Jalen about the recruitment of certain types of Black folks in white venues from universities to office in Fortune 500 addresses..
Yet I know the narrative and creation of Uncle Toms cannot exist without white supremacy and the legacy of white racism in America from slavery to segregation to jim crow, disparate treatment, racial profiling, all manner of contempt for Black folks
White racism cannot exist without black folks.Come to think of it,alot of ills in this country have black people has the root cause.
All Grant Hill did by his defensive article prove Jalen Rose's point about Black Players 'tomming' to get white approval. And to all these whites giving Hill positive reviews for the article just confirm what many African- Americans think that many whites will accept any Black Person like O.J. Simpson Tiger Woods,John Mc Worter who will BS them when it comes to race issues but any Black Person who state their true feelings like Rose did will be called racists.
Hill's article just made it all the more obvious that he is into white approval than looking at the totality of Rose's comments that Duke's basketball team doesn't take a chance on young Black Players who come from impoverished backgrounds. Even after Rose said later in interviews that schools like Duke would recruit his son because he is rich, many defenders of Hill still want to make Rose out to be the "Black David Duke".
BS. Handle it, Grant. I rooted for the Fab 5 until they faced NC. Unless I missed the intended Pun, where's EB on his list?
Black folk not going back to the fields, FN, until they get paid upfront.
I don't see why the vapours come upon us when we hear about these comments from saltines. They are who we THINK they are.
newsoulus2008 said...
All Grant Hill did by his defensive article prove Jalen Rose's point about Black Players 'tomming' to get white approval
Tomming apparently equals speaking proper English, being thoughtful, and not being an asshole.
thanks newasshole2008
"Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”
No, they won't. They're all holding out for management positions. Better keep them Mexicans.
Another reason to hate Duke is they get the easiest bracket in the NCAA Tournament most of the time. But this year Texas is going to get them. UCONN will beat Texas to go to the final four along with my sleeper, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, and Ohio State.
Jack Davis suggests unemployed black youths to be pressed as manual labor in the guise of keeping them busy and off the streets. It sounds like an admirable gesture until you realize that 1)there are better programs out there that keep kids off the streets while giving them worthwhile skills and preparing them for successful careers, and 2)Davis would never suggest the same for unemployed white American youths, lest he find himself out of a job come election day.
Needless to say, picking crops isn't something that gives people worthwhile skills. Unless you consider a "strong back" and the ability to work 12-16 hours a day in backbreaking labor for relatively low pay as skills.
Boss Hawg said...
"Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.”
"No, they won't. They're all holding out for management positions. Better keep them Mexicans."
Eric Holder is working on the test now.
Field I had the exact same thought. Grant Hill is protesting too much.Why did Grant Hill feel the need to respond to what Jalen Rose said he felt as a young man.
I agree I think his making an issue out of this suggests that indeed there is some smoke here.
And Hill is being dishonest, he knows full well that Rose has no issue with his family or the fact that he came from a two parent household. Rose said that as a youngster he was jealous. Clearly he isn't jealous now.
What Jalen is getting at everyone already knows. Duke hand picks its black ballplayers almost exclusively from the suburbs. In doing this it is Duke that announces that it is a bit elitist and likes only a certain "type" of Negro. In fact Rose admitted that Duke might recruit his son, though they would never have recruited Rose, which is true. But Rose may not have had the grades either.
That doesn't make those who attend the school to play basketball Toms automatically, but Hill has to accept the fight that it puts them in a certain light, fair or unfair.
Coach K with his snobby attitude is saying without saying it that some blacks are better than others some are more worthy than others.
and the announcers rub it in basketball fans faces and the refs right on cue send the message that there is something special about Duke.
It is a white institution that glories in its elitism so black folks there get caught in the middle.
Of course that is going to draw a backlash. Many black basketball fans know what it is like to come from the hood and have to struggle and they thus have a lot of respect for players who have had to struggle, but they enjoy and appreciate all of the players.
Duke makes of show of doing things the Duke way and getting Duke's kind of players. So why get defensive when one is called out for it.
But this also gets at the resentment of the class divide. Too often the folks from the black middle class that have made it have little love for those left behind and Rose in his own awkward way tried to articulate this divide.
Mack Lyons, "Jack Davis suggests unemployed black youths to be pressed as manual labor in the guise of keeping them busy and off the streets. It sounds like an admirable gesture until you realize that 1)there are better programs out there that keep kids off the streets while giving them worthwhile skills and preparing them for successful careers, and 2)Davis would never suggest the same for unemployed white American youths, lest he find himself out of a job come election day."
Black kids are shooting each other and you are obssessing about what would happen "if" the kids were White. As usual, you trail off to paranoia land looking for something better.
Anything is better if it gets the kids off the streets, out of drugs, and prevents them from killing each other. For once in your life, can you overcome your despair with a drop of hope and light?
mellaneous said..."Coach K with his snobby attitude is saying without saying it that some blacks are better than others some are more worthy than others."
Some blacks are better than others. The ones who can't play ball don't get scholarships. The ones who can't score above 300 on their SAT's don't go to Duke.
Do you understand the concept of excellence?
mellaneous, "Coach K with his snobby attitude is saying without saying it that some blacks are better than others some are more worthy than others."
Snobby attitude? where is that coming from, insecurity? Duke IS an elite school because they have high standards. Like the Ivy League Schools, only certain people with qualifications get in, Black or White. So what's the problem other than insecure folks who can't qualify?
Coach K is the BEST coach in college basketball, EVER! He has earned his spurs by consistently putting Duke at the top in the NCAA.
However, it's understandable that great spirits are always attacked by mediocre ones, esp if they are at the bottom of the rung. Grant loves his parents, his school and proud of his scholastic achievements at an elite school. I don't blame him for standing up for himself, his parents and Duke.
I didn't attend Duke but I have great admiration for those who did. They have something to be very proud of.
Well Field this is one time I disagree with you and most of the commenters above me.
I see nothing wrong with what Grant Hill did. I agree with every thing he said. It is a damn shame that a Black American kid that grew up in a 2 parent home and was taught human values, not Black or White values; but HUMAN values; gets degraded because of those values. Jalen Rose is a damn idiot.
He was an idiot at Michigan, went on to have a mediocre career in the NBA; and he is still an idiot.
What the hell is wrong with Duke picking players that have a tradition of coming from loving and caring homes? What is wrong with them not bothering to recruit players that are looking to play one year; leap frog to the land of riches so they can help the rest of their family move to the suburbs that they claim only Uncle Tom's live in? Why should Duke even bother wasting their resources; ie full ride scholarships on a person that is only looking to stay until their mandatory eligibility to enter the NBA,NFL is up? What is wrong with that? Would anybody that commented here hire someone they knew was only using them as a step ladder to get to another more lucrative position? And besides College is supposed to be about EDUCATION. So why should Duke look at a kid who only got through high-school because he had a wicked jump shot and he grew 21 inches in 3 years? I know that not every inner city kid is like this and most of them do want an education and sports is a way to get that education, but come on son. Jalen was stupid to paint the whole recruitment section of Duke and the kids recruited by them with such a broad brush. Just because they didn't recruit him. Just plain ignorant.
Oh and to clarify...
I cannot stand Duke and especially Coach K.
Anon I simply expressed my opinion based on observation. I get that Duke is an elite school.
I just expressed my opinion like you expressed yours. In my opinion Coach K is a snob. And of course they can do whatever they like. But when you only recruit a certain kind of student athlete you leave yourself open for accusations of elitism.
It is what it is I am just calling it out. Duke is elitist and it does offend the sensibilities of some that only certain kind of folks qualify to play with your program not just talent or character.
And it doesn't hurt that everyone can see that the referees favor Duke more than any other team.
Just my opinion. I am not knocking Duke otherwise just making observations based on what I see of its basketball program.
And John Wooten was the best college basketball coach I ever saw and Bobby Knight was a close second.
Japan's situation is worsening. I am praying they can cool the reactors down.
shut up shyt stain mellanus u simply type to see ur own text u have nothing to say of value and u routinely kiss that nasty kuntlickers asshole some christian u are ya jackleg nucka!
and rip to all that died in japan that is so sad
As a black man trapped in a white man's body, I have to agree with FN and others that Grant Hill didn't need to go there.
I like the phrase Uncle Tom. I think it can be applied to many folks. E.G., I loved Bill Cosby, but he asked for it.
On edit: Wow, I just googled "Bill Cosby died" and am happy to find out he is still alive. By the way, so is Abe Vigoda, another black man trapped in a white man's body.
Coach K may be choosy about his basketball player picks but the Duke Lacrosse team coach isn't so choosy. I wonder what happened to the standards there?
"Coach K may be choosy about his basketball player picks but the Duke Lacrosse team coach isn't so choosy. I wonder what happened to the standards there?"
Hmmmm. Hi5@ agentX
Socrates, I love the pic. :)
"No, they won't. They're all holding out for management positions. Better keep them Mexicans.'
Eric Holder is working on the test now."
Now see...now the stormfront folks have jokes.
Hill writes:
In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families.
Yeah. We all know the ruination of America can be traced to college students who come from two-parent middle-class families.
Congressional candidate Jack Davis said:
Put them on buses, take them out there [to the farms] and pay them a decent wage; they will work.
Let's see. A job, free transportation and decent pay. Where's the problem? Is this not exactly what black leaders have been demanding?
I guess not.
Jack just wants you to work for cheaper wages. Must be tough to see more skilled people want to toil for more money and benefits than Jack D wants to offer.
Slappy, why does Bristol Palin not get invited? She has no job, no discernible skills and two children.
Why does it make you happy over the thought of Neil DeGrasse Tyson having to work in the field?
socrates said...
"As a black man trapped in a white man's body,..."
do you have that backwards? if memory serves, i thought you were white, the bob photo not withstanding.
The New York Times admitted that black male students proficiency is incredibly low. Every test that measures intelligence shows that blacks score on the bottom end of the academic totem pole.
Yet every year, without fail, Lapchick publishes another study documenting black athletes inability to graduate from colleges and universities that they have no business attending in the first place.
Their athletic ability represents their academic transcript.
What's truly sad is that armies of tutors and multi-millon dollar athletic centers litter the campuses of every college in America and the graduation rates of black athletes participating in sports still lag behind those of their white peers.
Anonymous said...
Slappy, why does Bristol Palin not get invited? She has no job, no discernible skills and two children.
Why does it make you happy over the thought of Neil DeGrasse Tyson having to work in the field?
Yet, she is more successful than you.What does that say about you?
To all Irishmen trapped in Black bodies HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Even though they may call you "uncle toms" pay them no mind, because they are 'green' with envy.
anon said, "Yet, she is more successful than you.What does that say about you?"
You are mistaken. Mold has millions that he doesn't know about.
I feel sorry for Grant Hill he was only stating the truth.
As a black woman I see nothing wrong with Dukes practices and how they determine what kind of black male student can get into their school.
The people at Duke know human norms.They know that it is up to adult males to properly socialize young boys to responsible men.
This simply is not happening in many inner cities.
Duke may not want to deal with law suits and their star athletes going to jail, getting in trouble for all kinds of crime, so they have a system where they weed them out.I see no problem with this.Somebody wake me when they stop admitting black students altogether.
chris rock said it best fn...
grant is just an african-american defending himself against an evil envious cursed nig like the vdlr...
GO GRANT!!!!!!!!!
i love him and his queen tamia!
and jada pinkett was almost his queen before her
grant is a classy king who has superb taste in black women!
look at his parents!
it always begins at home!!!
therein lies the problem with public schools/vdlr/pookies all over the globe...NO PARENTAL ROLE MODELS!!!!
i love grant and chris!
Jalen speaks his mind about how he felt at that age and not too eloquently admits in retrospect he was wrong to do so. I give him credit for saying out loud how he really felt, but...if you say what you want, how you want then man up and take the heat that comes back to you. If he can say what he wants and how he felt (feels), why can't Grant Hill?
maria said...
socrates said...
"As a black man trapped in a white man's body,..."
do you have that backwards? if memory serves, i thought you were white, the bob photo not withstanding.
8:35 AM
Your still not very bright are you? I would think a Black Man...pay attention now....trapped in a "White mans body" indicates he is White and says so. If it were the other way around or backwards he would be a White man trapped in a Black mans body.
you're right, and no need to be insulting.
bill cosby is my hero
he is no tom
he is a sage and a warrior
he is brave enough to be CNN for teachers!!!
just as rappers claim to be CNN for the hood
did cosby lie???
he was actually far too reticent in explaining what vdlr/her male clones and their demon seed have done to schools/teachers!
wounds heal best in open air
turbo breeders are a fatal festering wound to our race and progeny
free speech is real for all
cosby too!!!
and should NEVER be censored!
field negro said...
"Coach K may be choosy about his basketball player picks but the Duke Lacrosse team coach isn't so choosy. I wonder what happened to the standards there?"
Standards? Unfortunately the Duke kids really,really lowered them and got involved somehow with a Black Student hooker who said she planned on getting some money from some white boys and look how that turned out, even the head lying lawyer got disbarred. You should keep this in mind FN, lying has its pitfalls.
i adore bc
and he has never lied!!!
I have never been angry at Bill Cosby, because he has courageously initiated a belated and necessary public discussion. I respect him for daring to do so. I will never kill any messengers. I will always address their urgent messages. Rather than insult Cosby, talk to a teacher. Or, visit a public school classroom. You will find that Cosby has been far too reticent and kind.
When rappers tell uncensored truths about ghettos, they call it our CNN . When Cosby tells glaring truths about toxic parenting, his detractors call it airing our dirty laundry . Toxic parents and students are destroying academia in America. Our schools are fatally wounded. All wounds heal best in open air!
Excerpts from Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint:
We remember the injustice of how slavers brought our people to America, but we have forgotten the brilliance of our response - how we sneaked around late at night and taught ourselves to read, taught ourselves secret signals to resist, taught ourselves pride and will and love. We have to draw on that history of persistence.
[The elites] are buying things for their kids $500 sneakers for what And won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics!
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting.
One advantage that African-American kids have over most people in the world is the ability to speak English. It's the international language of business. To be a success anywhere on the globe, you have to speak it. But we're letting this advantage slip away too. Many of our kids don't want to speak English. In our day, we used to talk a certain way on the corner, but when we got into the house, we switched to English.We used to blame the kids for talking this way until we heard some of their parents. Some black parents couldn't care less.
Most black employers we know want to see the entire community prosper. But even they don't want to hire boys who can't dress properly, and who speak as if English were a second language. When we see these boys walking around the neighborhood, we imagine them thirty or forty years down the road wandering around just as aimlessly, and we want to cry.
A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.
A working parent can also introduce [children] to a rather simple device that all of us hate but that most of us have learned to live with an alarm clock. Getting up when you're tired and going to school or work is not something that comes naturally to anyone. It's something that kids have to learn at home.
There are whole blocks with scarcely a married couple, whole blocks without responsible males to watch out for wayward boys, whole neighborhoods in which little girls and boys come of age without seeing up close a committed partnership and perhaps never having attended a wedding.
Certain people tell us that we are picking on the poor. Many of those who accuse us are scholars and intellectuals, upset that we are not blaming everything on white people as they do. Well, blaming only the system keeps certain black people in the limelight, but it also keeps the black poor wallowing in victimhood
i think pacman jones is the perfect example of why coaches evade thugs...kudos to them for doing so!
So...following your logic...Jalen Rose can speak his mind (as ridiculous as it sounds), but Grant Hill has to limit his comments and the outlets in which he can make those comments? I am going to have to disagree on this one.
"alicia banks said...
I will never kill any messengers. I will always address their urgent messages. 9:39 AM"
Good deal! I've got a message for you....the next time you pick a picture to show your butt-face on the internet, be sure it's not one where you are wearing your feedbag.
faceless corny bovine:
your fugly envy is showing again
u goofy goon
thanks for the incessant compliments!
i know i am beautiful...no need to flatter me each day.
Personally I think Grant Hill's response was DA BOMB!
Dead on target.
Toms and ghettophiles need to take a hike.
It's black people like the Hill family that are going to lead black America in the new millenium.
Educated, goal oriented and race proud.
hobama is ignoring and unemploying and taking the homes and jobs of ALL blacks...
the gated enclaves have been decimated just like the hoods...just more slowly
the worst is yet to come for all of us in all races globally...bet.
even regal blacks are doomed by that blackish court jester hobama
Sorry but I am not supporting the notion that only Black folks like the Hill family will lead us in to the new millenium...That statement reeks of elitism and is exclusionary.
Grant's commentary revealed to me he did not have the courage to understand Jalen's perspective which was an indictment of white privledge and the ability to define Black folks via a race based criterion..
The white media( NYT) would never published a commentary where Black players indict whites for creating the Uncle Tom narrative yet they loved to publish Black apologist themes wriiten by Grant Hill..
pedophile white pookie assnons:
cosby was belated and FAR too kind!!!
ONLY teachers know just how severely we are all doomed
Cosby is a adulterer who is now the designated Black apologist for whites..
Cosby is a jello slappy who needs to sit down and he has not been funny in decades..
hobama is a bi adulterer
most spouses cheat...
cos is not joking about the doom
of turbo breeders
Cosby cheated on his wife..Cosby is an adulterer..Cosby impregnated another woman who was not his wife..
Cosby has little regard for woman or his marriage vows..
Stop making excuses for a wife cheater
By you people's own criteria, isn't Grant Hill now an "Uncle Tom"?
what does that have to do with his truths about doom????
as most nigs
u major in the minor
and minor in the major
his being a typical cheating husband is between cos and his wife
i am saying NOTHING about that
YOU are fool!
i am praising him for being loyal to teachers!!!
and u know so
u r too stupid to detract
Grant's commentary revealed to me he did not have the courage to understand Jalen's perspective which was an indictment of white privledge and the ability to define Black folks via a race based criterion..
The white media( NYT) would never published a commentary where Black players indict whites for creating the Uncle Tom narrative yet they loved to publish Black apologist themes wriiten by Grant Hill..
Allow me to take liberty and point out that Privilege is not spelled phonetically as "privledge"
Somehow Whites are the means, cause and ends to everything in your life. That is sad, what UTS is saying is right on.
Your problem is you still think YT are your parents and should take care of you. You have the ability to do whatever you want. Do it, don't sit back and blame anyone else for what your family is, what your parents did and what you chose to do to overcome it. That is in no one’s hands but your own, don’t ever forget that. NO ONE but you can make that change. Nor will they, nor are they obligated too. You have more stacked in your favor with a 75 yard head start in the 100 yard dash of life with affirmative action, if you can't make it now....
I believe in the Myth of White Privilege as much as I believe in the stereotype of Black Privilege of relying on government "handouts" and being "blown through the system" with affirmative action.
As for pulling down someone who achieved what we have to assume we are all striving for, a good family, happily married parents, economic stability, well educated intelligent, capable of expressing thoughts outside of yo mothafucka....so when someone achieves what you say you want for all Blacks, then they become Toms? What do you want them to do, sell crack on the corner to keep it real? Is this what you would do if you "made it"? I say if for clearly anyone with your attitude of jealousy has to be a broke ass mofo.
a loyal person/spouse is a rarity...almost a relic...sadly
jesse jackson typically cheated on his wife and made a baby too...
but that does nothing to change the fact that jesse was the 1st to call out hobama as a hoax who deserved to be castrated...
one can tell truths and be a cheater
just like you can evade truths and focus on irrelevant fidelity issues
Thrasher said...
Cosby cheated on his wife..Cosby is an adulterer..Cosby impregnated another woman who was not his wife..
Cosby has little regard for woman or his marriage vows
Yeah, he must be a Tom, cause a real Black Man aint even gonna get married period. He just gonna screw dem baby mommas. Over 70% of children live in unmarried homes. Your thinking is pretty screwed, it will keep you on the plantation for sures.
Most "teachers" today are dumber than the left nut in a bull's scrotum, and not nearly as useful.
The US Government announced this week that 82% of American schools are sub-standard.
That is the "TEACHER'S" fault. Throw all the money you want at it, but it won't make ignorant teachers teach any better. Hell, half of them can't even spell.
I'll be glad when Florida passes the legislation to eliminate tenure. Keeping dumbass teachers around teaching our children to be dumbasses is educational suicide.
I once had a History "teacher" who had a M.D. from Jackson State, and I swear on the Bible, he couldn't spell Kat.
I later learned he quit "teacing", and went to work for the EEOC. Now, THERE'S a surprise.
AB & Anon( another intellectual coward hiding behind an alias) please add some value to this chatter..
Cosby is a wife cheater deal with this truth..He has zero credibility in indicting others about morality..
The racial history of America indicts whites..WHites had to legally forced to be humane and civil to Black Americans ..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american...
Grant Hill's defensive commentary was not a surprise and I knew whites would run to me and kiss his feet..Appeasing white folks and servicing white guilt is another outcome of white supremacy and white priviledge in our nation..
AB & Anon( another intellectual coward hiding behind an alias) please add some value to this chatter..
Cosby is a wife cheater deal with this truth..He has zero credibility in indicting others about morality..
The racial history of America indicts whites..WHites had to legally forced to be humane and civil to Black Americans ..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american...
Grant Hill's defensive commentary was not a surprise and I knew whites would run to me and kiss his feet..Appeasing white folks and servicing white guilt is another outcome of white supremacy and white priviledge in our nation..
racist uneducated assnon:
it is clear that you have never even met a teacher or learned anything.
fix that asap!!!
am a teacher in Florida.
I went to school at one of the best universities in the country and completed undergraduate and graduate programs in Education. I am a master of my craft. I know what effective teaching entails, and I know how to manage the curriculum and needs of the diverse learners in my full inclusion classroom. I graduated at the top of my class and entered my first year of teaching confident and equipped to teach effectively. Sadly, I am now being micro-managed, with my instruction dictated to me. I am expected to mold ‘out-of-the-box’ thinkers while I am forced to stay within the lines of the instructional plans mandated by policy-makers. I am told what I am to teach and when, regardless of the makeup of my students, by decision-makers far away from my classroom or even my school. The message comes in loud and clear that a group of people in business suits can more effectively determine how to provide exemplary instruction than I can. My expertise is waved away, disregarded, and overlooked. I am treated like a day-laborer, required to follow the steps mapped out for me, rather than blaze a trail that I deem more appropriate and effective for my students students these decision-makers have never met.
I am a teacher in Florida.
I am overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated by most. I spend my weekends, my vacations, and my summers preparing for school, and I constantly work to improve my teaching to meet the needs of my students. I am being required to do more and more, and I’m being compensated less and less.
I am a teacher in Florida, not for the pay or the hardships, the disregard or the disrespect; I am a teacher in Florida because I am given the chance to change lives for the good, to educate and elevate the minds and hearts of my students, and to show them that success comes in all shapes and sizes, both in the classroom and in the community.
I am a teacher in Florida today, but as I watch many of my incredible, devoted coworkers being forced out of the profession as a matter of survival, I wonder: How long will I be able to remain a teacher in Florida?
u r a dumb and hopeless coward
cosby is a superb educator
so was his son
unlike u, he is a scholar re ed issues
nigs like u doom us all
just do not breed and burden yet another teacher...pleez!!!
cosby is a superb father
and educator
both facts make him uniquely qualified to counsel unwed uneducated pookies like the vdlr
he is not a marriage/fidelity counselor!
hey kuntlick back to your black male bashing eh? ure so predictable and boring ya loser
thought u had 2-4 jobs kuntsucker? if ure that busy then why the phukk are u polluting this blog with ur bullshyt? answer ure waiting for ur meds now kuntstain
Miss Educator thought u was proud to be black why u calling people 'nigs' nucka?! ure a gottdam fraud!
people of all races cheer grant because he is an ideal man in any race!
got envy ignorant boy?
ur comments make less sense as they progress ya idgit!
Stop obessing over me remember you like woman....lol,lol,lol
thrasher and ab r the same person vying for attention please do not engage that person it is very very sick
"alicia banks said...
11:10 AM"
Yeah, the dog shit on the bottom of my shoe rallies with the smell it emenates.....but I still scrape it off. Cry me a river, you societal sucking piece of scum.
You are a penis envy ..lol,lol,lol
unlicked retarded vdlr:
i am not bashing grant hill or bill cosby?
if u could read as well as u breed stray babies...u could see that.
i love cosby because he calls out clones of u.
i love grant because he would never breed u!
u feel me bitch?
Grant Hill is a good person but in this case he is operating as a Black apologist..
eunuch hater thrasher:
u clearly know even less about penis than you do teachers/cos...
if u breed the vdlr, that bastard baby would be even dumber than her other brats
I know what you need BTW..
Have a nice day..Your obession of me is making me blush..
I will return later
oh dear me did u say that only foul people use profanity kuntlick? why ever r u calling this anon a bitch? that aint very nice why as smart as u r eye fully expected that ude have a slew of witty insults oh well liars always disappoint don t they? ude know mydea ude know mydea buceta breaf banks that is...
sorry nig thrasher:
u and the vdlr should apologize to the entire black race...4 disgracing us and breeding us into hell!!!!!!
sex toy store bound thrasher:
u have no idea what i need
but u do have an account at a store where u may buy what u lack
good luck with that!
buy the vdlr some cuffs to help her rape her next thug stud/tricked baby daddy while u r there!
Thrasher said...
AB & Anon( another intellectual coward hiding behind an alias) please add some value to this chatter..
Yes, we know whats your last name Mrs Thrasher? Are you a psuedo intellectual coward?
Cosby is a wife cheater deal with this truth..He has zero credibility in indicting others about morality..
The racial history of America indicts whites..WHites had to legally forced to be humane and civil to Black Americans ..I would be embrassed and ashamed if I was a white american...
Why? White americans are the ones that made the change happen. White today had nothing to do with Slavery, yet make up for it by giving you a chance. You on the other hand want to beat down anyone who takes that chance and makes it cause you have not..now who should hang low and Be totally ashamed? Are you going to stay mad at the world because Mommy said something mean when you were ten forever?
Grant Hill's defensive commentary was not a surprise and I knew whites would run to me and kiss his feet..Appeasing white folks and servicing white guilt is another outcome of white supremacy and white priviledge in our nation..
Damn, even after I teach you how to spell it you still dont even try to spell "Privilege" correctly. Thats the sort of Black man you are, all finger pointing leaving you lazy and lame, you don't even try to be better settling for less and then blaming someone else.
You should be ashamed at how weak and infantile you are.
11:03 AM
gee what is a nig again buceta breaf kuntlicker? u say it so often like its a greeting or something surely it isnt a pejorative term for a black person surely the most intelligent person on the planet can use terms other than 'nig'
oh wait this lying sack of infected vaginas is too stupid and lacks the creativity to come up with anything better
soon u will see insults about ebt cards yacki weaves and liquor among other things since this cretinous sow has little else to add of value then later it will post its unverifiable supposed achievements from 1993 then it will rant about our president using the prefix ho then it will create anon sockpuppets to argue with to give itself attention
this is the same ole shit that happens every day each day and it is so ridiculous
Thrasher said...
Stop obessing over me remember you like woman....lol,lol,lol
It is WomEn Not WOMAN as in singular, clearly you blame your ignorance and lack of education on everyone but your mammy.
shyt talkin trash always makes sexual inuendos towards kuntlick banks it is cuz this malignant narcissist is so desperate for attention that it makes up sockpuppets to argue with
what a cheap taudry shytstained existence eh
gee what is a nig again buceta breaf kuntlicker? u say it so often like its a greeting or something surely it isnt a pejorative term for a black person surely the most intelligent person on the planet can use terms other than 'nig'
oh wait this lying sack of infected vaginas is too stupid and lacks the creativity to come up with anything better
soon u will see insults about ebt cards yacki weaves and liquor among other things since this cretinous sow has little else to add of value then later it will post its unverifiable supposed achievements from 1993 then it will rant about our president using the prefix ho then it will create anon sockpuppets to argue with to give itself attention
this is the same ole shit that happens every day each day and it is so ridiculous
"alicia banks said...
buy the vdlr some cuffs to help her rape her next thug stud/tricked baby daddy while u r there!
11:24 AM:
Ain't it funny how the ugliest cows are always the first ones to throw out the "rape card"?
of course it is funny anon the ugliest ones r the ones who turn carpet licker cuz no man would be caught dead with their ugly asses in the middle of the witching hour sheeeit! kuntlick banks is clearly on the UGLY side of things and thats why she hate on Obama so much; she could NEVE EVER EVER EVER get a man lke him so she tur that frustration to hatrred
Thrasher said...
I know what you need BTW..
Have a nice day..Your obession of me is making me blush..
I will return later
It is "obsession WITH me" not Obession OF me you uneducated hateful peon. Didnt Fat ALbert say he was OBESSED? Go get an education before offering more opinions, your racist dumb diatribes are embarrassing to the Black Race.
btw a self identified lesbian fantasizing about raping another woman is out and out disgusting and foul and lends credence to molds thought that ab is not a woman but a white racist teenage boy
Anonymous said...
gee what is a nig again buceta breaf kuntlicker? u say it so often like its a greeting or something surely it isnt a pejorative term for a black person surely the most intelligent person on the planet can use terms other than 'nig'
oh wait this lying sack of infected vaginas is too stupid and lacks the creativity to come up with anything better
soon u will see insults about ebt cards yacki weaves and liquor among other things since this cretinous sow has little else to add of value then later it will post its unverifiable supposed achievements from 1993 then it will rant about our president using the prefix ho then it will create anon sockpuppets to argue with to give itself attention
this is the same ole shit that happens every day each day and it is so ridiculous
it is the real vdlr today
thrasher and the vdlr are illiterate...
their illiteracy glares always!
starving envious blind vdlr:
my awards span decades and include 2011 honors...
why do u pretend u do not see them just because u have never earned any award in any year ever?????
is this why u r unable to research me yourself online???...as u ignore all of the precise dates on all of the bones i throw to u bitch?
tragic trick!!!
we see u and your envy!
another ab sockpuppet emerges to correct trashers grammar no relevance at all to the discussion or comments simply to take up space obviously its kuntlickin banks
hobamaless lickless vdlr:
i lust after no man as whores like u lust after any man
i need a man like u need another ebt card
who wants hobama except brain dead bimbos like u and maria/his beard michelle/all those elder white men he does????
hobama will never be one of your babies' daddies!
nor will he ever earn your mongrel adoration.
get over both asap!
go get your ged!!!
go earn an award!!!
Anonymous said...
another ab sockpuppet emerges to correct trashers grammar no relevance at all to the discussion or comments simply to take up space obviously its kuntlickin banks
MOLD, your lack of sentence structure, paragraphs, use of key hot button words and insanity are dead giveaways. Your so stupid you cant even see your own patterns, but we can.
Now speaking of irrelevance, how is life treating you?
lickless loveless vdlr:
lick this!
unlioked unloved uneducated vdlr:
frame and post this!
Anonymous said...
btw a self identified lesbian fantasizing about raping another woman is out and out disgusting and foul and lends credence to molds thought that ab is not a woman but a white racist teenage boy
There you go, the white man in MOLD has come out. You really are a sick WHite man MOLD to play these games. YOU never did perfect your poor attempts at being a dumb Black Woman, those with half a brain and a little google could see you were a insane white guy playing around. Even Thrasher as dumb as he is makes more sense then your gobbly-gook attempts at ebonics.
vdlr and mold are filled with hatred and nothing else...they are dumb and doomed
but they also are too retarded to master basic reading skills...
so they do not only twist what i post but they are truly unable to comprehend anything factual/intellectual etc
they are both pathetic psychos
btw a self identified lesbian fantasizing about raping another woman is out and out disgusting and foul and lends credence to molds thought that ab is not a woman but a white racist teenage boy
its so clear that ab is a fraud and a liar and anon its so clear that u r ab ya shyteatingoatleggin!
obama never cheated on his wife. just another figment of your imagination in which facts don't exist. and the only way you can try to respond is by throwing around false accusations that are totally off topic.
Now we have Slappy and FakeAnons posting Spam.
They hoperate that the readership doesn't know that college sports is an entertainment business...and as such, academic credentials are less important than branding, filling seats, or perking interest.
Odd that these heroic messengers for Black Inferiority are not questioning the hordes of christian skools that don't even offer a basic college education...but certainly charge for it. Where is their fauxtrage over bible readin' having credit with fakes?
These wite dudez want you to beleeverate that all AfAms drop out because of being less smart than Bristol Palin..who literally can't handle the intellectual challenge of condoms. How about the number of minorities that go to college on subsidized funding? st reagan had cronies who wrote that part of the reason to remove government from assisting citizens attending college was to have a large pool of labour for 'certain work'. Yeah, after a BSE, I'll volunteer to replace Bristol picking crops. Ummm...with the BSE, Bristol will pick the greens...I'll design circuits.
What is it about cons? The only thing they know is lying?
mareally a proud hobama nazi:
even the hobamas have spoken about their typically imperfect marriage and near divorce!!!!
only u would speak for any
married man
when no man is married to u
u r a fool floozy!
and the only way you can try to respond is by throwing around false accusations that are totally off topic.maria wit sense
uve nailed it maria this nasty kuntlickin animal is so stupid that it follows a regimented strategy and when called out on its bullshyt it retreats to other anons to defend its fragile pathetic ego or makes shyt up about a person
eye recently found out that ab is a mental ward patient who routinely sexually violates other females which is why they have to separate her from other patients she is dual diagnosed with schizophrenia and heroin addiction
mareally illiterate:
read a mf book!
Barack and Michelle Obama may look like the picture of wedded bliss, especially when they jet off to New York for a date night, but it wasn't always so for the First Couple.
In the new book "Renegade," about Obama's barrier-breaking run for the presidency, author Richard Wolffe recounts a stretch in 2000 when the Obama's marriage was a lot frostier than it appears today.
"There was little conversation and even less romance," Wolffe, who covered Obama's campaign for Newsweek magazine, wrote of that period. "She was angry at his selfishness and careerism; he thought she was cold and ungrateful."
moron assnon/uneducated vdlr:
research "open resources"
wikis are banned in acndemia
but a fool like you would revere them
carry on
u r far too easily impressed/distracted
mareally a wigga video ho:
read a mf book!!!!!!!
fish breath is on the money that kuntbreaf fool aint never done shyt in the real world which is why it has to invent shyt about itself that cannot be verified that dumb animal is too uninformed to realize that a BSE will allow a person to do almost anything from financial analytics to hard lab research or even law even more proof in the tapioca that this shytstain aint ha no edumacacion!
breathless brainless fishy fool vdlr:
u have no fake awards
and no free wiki
how worthless are u??????
Maria, they are terrified that the American public would prefer an AfAm to the current R choices. There is also the Left Behind habit of lying about the kids who went to the 'better' classes. Nothing like hearing from an LB about how 'they thinks theys all better'. Hmmm....you could get off your LB 'kewlkid' butt and do the AP work.
But it's far easier to sit in Mom's Basement and whine about those who work two jobs and are college bound...had it 'handed' to them.
Sorry wite dudez, you have me confused with bush, the Quayles, the Kochs, and other Legacies. I had to compete against 'Bill Gates' for a Harvard spot. Slightly different.
wikis are banned in academia eh? that has nothing to do with the fact that ur ugly nasty cast iron skillet underbelly ass aint on wikipedia the local newscasters from dogass towns on on wikipedia for Gawds sakes ure just a gottdam loser who aint never achieved shyt in life which is why u aint on wiki buceta breaf moron!
shad ho vdlr:
someday when u master google
return to all the lies you have posted herein
then u will belatedly see how fugly and ignorant you are to us now!!!!
u tell em mold those kuntlickin fools aint know what time it is!
wikis are banned in academia eh? that has nothing to do with the fact that ur ugly nasty cast iron skillet underbelly ass aint on wikipedia the local newscasters from dogass towns on on wikipedia for Gawds sakes ure just a gottdam loser who aint never achieved shyt in life which is why u aint on wiki buceta breaf moron!
nope kuntlicker u have already been shown as a liar and fraud everything else is merely conversation ya shytstain google nucka please or rather in ur parlance 'nig' please nig is such an unfavorable and uncreative term its like a ten year old made it up trying to sound cute kuntlick u aint shyt and aint fooled NOBODY round here
wikis are banned in academia eh? that has nothing to do with the fact that ur ugly nasty cast iron skillet underbelly ass aint on wikipedia the local newscasters from dogass towns on on wikipedia for Gawds sakes ure just a gottdam loser who aint never achieved shyt in life which is why u aint on wiki buceta breaf moron!
I have to post this anonymously but I work at the board and care facility where the person you know as alicia banks is housed. She is severely mentally ill and is usually confined to a small room with no roommates due to sexually violent behaviors shes exhibited towards other women. Please do not engage this person in conversation because it stimulates her and causes her to disassociate even further from reality. I could lose my job over this but felt it necessary to share...she is on a plethora of psych meds but very few seem to effectively control her outbursts. So again please do not engage her.
mareally a liar/mammy maid clone vdlr:
cosby and that cheater hobama were NOT topics introduced by me!!!!!!!
as always, u lie like that germy bi letch hobama!!!!
clinically psycho bona fide stalker vdlr:
more re-pasted proof of how unglued u and your lies are...thanks!!!
u lie like hobama in a nursing home janitor's uniform
u r a corney conked crazy crackhead!!!!
Alicia Banks appears to be a fascistic white woman who just happened to be born black.
It's unreal how she linked to Michael Savage's page at World Net Daily and actually believes thinking people of any colour can't see through her far right wing schtick.
She has lost this debate beyond that too. She's praising The Cos, not to be confused with The Cous, as some great role model, but she can't even concede he's a hypocrite for cheating on his wife. She's referring to the President as Hobama?
She's talking about thugs yet throws the N word around like it's nothing. I don't use the word, because I'm not allowed to. It doesn't bother me one bit if some African-Americans do as a cultural thingie. They're the ones who got pinned with the word. If they want to seize ownership of it, that's their prerogative. Just as long as they don't hate me because of the colour of my skin, I accept it.
What Cosby did was no different than when Clinton went after Sister Soulja. I'm going by memory, so if I'm making any mistakes, I apologise.
There is something called the authoritarian character. It's the main force that allows divide and conquer to persist. Cosby needs to rationalise why he is rich with a full stomach while so many others are hurting. He thinks he is doing his people a service, a wake up call of sorts, but he was really just feeding into stereotypes. People are people.
Let's try this. How about good, equal schools for all regardless of property taxes and let's see if this "thug" problem persists. Create an economy where everyone willing and able to work can at wages above economic slavery.
Can someone explain why half or whatever of the prisoners are African-American, while they only comprise 10% or so of the overall population? Is it because of society or genetics? Of course it is because of the social structure. Anyone who is black and sticks up for Grant Hill or Bill Cosby should be called Uncle Toms. Throw Oprah in there too.
This is beyond skin colour. That's the fricken irony. Blowhards on both sides are lost in some divide and conquer construct that means squat. Oh too many are thugs. The parenting is bad. Or Whitey is keeping us down. Race is definitely a factor in inequality. But so is the economic social structure. I'm not trying to downplay the specific racism and inequality African-Americans face, but people of all races and creeds are getting beat on. This cracker is saying the shite has hit the fan, and it's quite disconcerting for me to hear or read any African-Americans buying into stereotypes.
Ah, I see someone mentioned Irishmen trapped in black men's bodies. Here's some truth. Irish were taken to the Caribbean as slaves.
Alicia Banks, what's up with you linking to Michael Savage?
Is Clarence Thomas also one of your favourites?
One day I thought I was being cool talking trash about Clarence Thomas with some African-American youth. I said I was more black than him. One needs to know their audience. Their socialisation triggered in themselves the feeling that I had offended them. They weren't ready for the idea I was trying to get across.
I remember a few years back 98% of African-Americans were voting for the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, it appears that propaganda has bought the votes of authoritarian personality types like Alicia. It's no wonder she doesn't like or understand what the phrase Uncle Tom means.
mareally an iliiterate hobama bot!!!
scan up ho
socrates and thrasher introduced bill c/fidelity!!!!
oh dear why r u using so much foul language? but true to ur nature kuntlick everything uve said and done is as eye projected earlier uve made stuff up that isnt true uve insulted yur perception of how my hair looks and have evaded the important questions that uve yet to answer
it is clear that u r extremely mentally ill remember ur nurse will only take so much abuse before she takes matters into her own hands kuntlick
dumb inept vdlr:
u actually posted this:
"I can't find anything through Open Resources either"
further proof of your dual illiteracy!!!
no reading or research skills
and fish is right to ask u those questions since u continuously brag about ur whose who awards and alleged degrees and what not
if u actually went to school then u would be found in the databases eyeve mentioned before or thru open resources it is apparent that u r a fiction cause aint a gottdam thin about u anywhere in any of th eplaces uve claimed to be affiliated with
socratic poser:
u will not save your hidden face by flaunting your flawed analogies
cosby has NEVER lectured anyone on fidelity as clinton lectured on race
i call u a nig because i am honest and u r one
ditto for mari/molded/the vdlr
u said u r a wm/wigga who uses bob marley as an avatar and claims to be trapped in a wm body
u r just another confused witless wigga
how dare u counsel me????
once again u evade but dont answer the question because YOU ARE A LIAR ALICIA BANKS and a phukking FRAUD
if u cant provide links that show what uve done then u clearly aint done shyt nobody here believes that u r a woman of accomplishments cause folks thatve done shyt dont brag like u and then refuse to show and prove up kuntlick
real scholars are very happy to share recent publications at the drop of a hat u lying sack of dog feces buceta breaf banksthat is
sorry Miss Educator nig is unacceptable as a pejorative term or an adjective of any type if ure the smartest person in the world u ought to come better than that shytstaineater!
socratic poser:
every single day in america, the dumb black demon seeds of vldr clones clown great teachers in great buildings and doom peers...
the racist deluded apologist bs u spew will never change that
nor will it excuse the NCAA academic gaps on predominantly white campuses all over america etc!!!
@ AB: You need to check this new book out:
"Deconstruting Obama" conclusively proves that Bill Ayers was the primary authour of Obama's "Dreams from My Father". More than any book to date, it sheds light on Obama's contrived and closely guarded personal history.
socratic poser:
your racist wigga excuses will never save toxic breeders like the vdlr and their demon seed
nor will they mask the modicum of brilliant black babies and parents who excel in the SAME schools each day
Recent cover stories of the National Education Associations (NEA) magazine have featured the nationwide exodus of teachers and lamented abusively low teacher salaries. Epidemic violence against teachers, that has spawned the new YouTube generations sport of recording teacher beat downs via students cell phone cameras, has also recently appeared as a NEA magazine cover story. To date, I have seen no features on toxic parenting in this magazine.
Horrid parenting is Americas most grave crisis and best kept secret. Teachers are being ruthlessly scapegoated for literally everything that is so very wrong in American schools. Toxic parents sabotage education. Toxic students are the undereducated leaders of tomorrow. Someday, every person in America will suffer, directly or indirectly, from the parents and children who exclusively torture teachers today.
Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...
Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.
socratic poser:
the children of slaves excelled in literal shacks!
with no books and mixed ages!
i bet that dumb dreg vdlr bullied her peers in idyllic school yds!!
and unlike grant hill, pacman jones would have disgraced any campus/any team
We have lost far too much for far too many generations. These losses remind me of a classic poem by Alice Walker entitled "Women". It praises uneducated rebel ancestors who defiantly revered the education of their progeny. We must save ourselves now as we did then:
by Alice Walker
They were women then
My mama's generation
Husky of voice
Stout of Step
With fists as well as
How they battered down
And ironed
Starched white
How they led
Headragged Generals
Across mined
To discover books
A place for us
How they knew what we
Must Know
Without knowing a page
Of it
socratic poser:
m savage is a rabid racist and homohater
and even he tells MANY truths
unlike racist faux wigga libs like u
i respect ALL truths from ANY source
did he lie wigga???
i read everything
most nigs like u read nothing
that is why you are so arrogantly ignorant herein
see many classic timeless truths here!
1. Windows at a Republican office in D.C. shot out.2 Michigan Democrats have been charged with 9 felonies for forging paperwork to get fake Tea Party candidates on November’s ballot.
Democrats have already kicked off the 2012 election with fraud and intimidation.
Eric and the Obama regime must be proud.
2.Anyone doubt that Liberals' believe Obama is the the messiah---just look at the side>>>>>>.
3.Glad to see Obama could fill out his bracket.Glad to see him commit to something.Mentioning Japan in between team picks was a awesome move.
Even the CBS morning show praised Obama for making tough decisions on world issues,opps i mean his bracket.
i read it and i love it
see many more great hobama book links here
alicia banks said...
meshell n on rodprick/rk/uts et al:
Meshell Ndegeocello powerfully conveyed this very same rage in her classic rebel tune entitled “Soul on Ice” from her debut CD Plantation Lullaby ( 1993):
Yeah, yeah, yeah..She's a great songwriter BUT when you make videos like this:
Well you know, kinda hypocrtical.
And by the way, I have that album: "The World Has Made Me the Man of My Dreams". White chicks love her too as evident when I was "hitting" Kathy from...the other night. Meshell just does something to women when she is playing, especially white women.
South Park Conservatives said...
mold,typical leftwing coward.
" many other wite pimps"
Most pimps in this country is either black or hispanic.Why you you think black and hispanic culture embrace pimpin'?
This is not entirely true, that's what you see on TV, HBO or on Law and Order SVU..Ever heard of an escort agency? The majority are ran by white men. How do I know? I used to work the phones for one for $300 a weekend in NC years ago, It works like this: Some white guy based in ONE city gets a 1 800 phone number, publishes the number in various cities acrosss the US in phone books or newspapers under Adult services or Escort Services looking for escorts as well as clients. Some white dude that is coked out of his mind from doing too much "booger sugar" with a limp dick and $300 calls for a chick in Wisconsin. I would page that chick, tell her who she is calling and what he is looking for. Chick goes over the man's hotel, home, office or whatever..man jacks off or cries on her shoulder, Chick leaves after 45 minutes with the money (Where do you think the 45 minute Hour phrase came from?) That chick in turn either wires or overnights the white pimp's cut of the money (usually 55% to 60%) back to him in NC. After a few years of doing this the white pimp is indicted on tax fraud, Rico act, embezzeling and any other broken law dealing with money especially when state lines are involved.
I personally rather be a pimp in the street - less jail time if ever caught..
Now THESE are the stories that white America doesn't hear about. Why? because your white next door neighbor in the suburbs could be that pimp - male or female. Kinda of reminds me of that show "Weeds"
Just saying.
alicia banks said...
do u remember when rk and maria bragged about their personal ph calls to each other offline?????
I DO!!!
mareally a liar also has jungle fever induced amnesia...shame!!!!!!!
No Alicia, no phone call was mentioned or made, but we email each other on occasion..no biggie, but if that gets you off, so be it.
uptownsteve said...
"maria HAS bragged about her past relos with black men"
I never saw it
"u and rk and rodprick et al....all have OPEN relos with that wigga slut herein"
That's bull$hit
10:50 AM
Why bother Steve. I have come to the realization that..never mind, It'll just cause a flood gate of insults and "shames!!!"
Anonymous said...
Don't believe me? Ask a Latino if they had to group themselves by skin color, would they say they were Black or White...oh Jennifer Lopez is one dark....errrr... puerto ricano isn't she?
11:22 AM
Obviously you don't knows any Latinos. They roll on the color scale too..Call a "light skinned" Latino a "coculo" (don't know if I spelled it right) and see what happens.
La♥audiobooks said...
I also remember when she openly admitted that she only dated "two" black guys in her life. I'm sure RK was one of them (only our Ghita would think getting booty calls is considered dating).
They live close by you know. I'm sure they hooked up already. I hope they used double protection, Ghita might still be fertile and RK can't afford to payout for another OOW blackish child.
12:17 PM
Ever heard of a Vasectomy? Doesn't matter. Anyway, yeah we live "close" by and never "hooked" up and even if we did, why would you give a shit? What will it benefit you other than coming up with more assumptions and insults?
No need to answer the questions, we all have different outlets to help us cope with life on the daily.
It's all good.
Also, It's very nice for you to think about me and my financial "situation", I missed you too. Refresh my memory though..don't you have a white Mom or Dad or something to that effect? Just asking questions..
socratic wigga poser:
i understand that a tom is your polar ego
a wigga turned inside out...literally
like clarence thomas
bill cosby is no tom
see more on real toms/white side of your imaginary black one here:
do u realize that every post and your very existence is defined by the white whores u do?
how sad is that?
does your black mama know?
how oj is this lost lightwt mf?
Ahh...the Bad Old Days of wite dudez pretending to be women. Used to do that on abortion blogs. While most of us shared information...some 'women' seemed to have rudimentary knowledge of female anatomy..and issues. One such 'lass' was quite judgmental...which is not the norm for those who have had to undergo the process of deciding whether or not to have the procedure. One techgal traced the source. Imagine...a wite dude who wanted to control the discussion...and interject utter falsehoods, hoperating our manners would not allow us dainty femmes to protest. We banned him...but he sued. Plan B was to leave him with the website...all by his lonesome with a 'bot' for company. Everyone else was informed...funny how he was overlooked. Anywho, it took him months to realize his 'debates' were with a pretty simple program. He sued again...this time the judge 'laughed' in his face...and that of his christian 'lawyer'.
Moral: wite dudez will lie...because they really enjoy it.
The language and trollish nature of this thread is rather unsettling.
Alicia, you linked to Michael Savage's home page, not a specific article to make a specific point. Why'd you do that?
I'm looking around. I see you hate Obama and supported Hillary. It seems like you are trying to build a cult of personality in order to sell books or whatever else you're up to. But I don't know. I only see that you are very hostile with your posts.
Can anyone normal other than gutter mouths explain who this person is, and why I'm supposed to care about anything she writes?
the reason i effortless slay you illiterate fools is because this is what u present as debate:
"i did a wf last night"
"u r wite"
"u do not exist"
waaaay too easy rainbow pookies!!!
alicia banks said...
do u realize that every post and your very existence is defined by the white whores u do?
how sad is that?
does your black mama know?
Yep and..Yep
socratic poser:
wise people do not pretend that there is any reason for anyone who is not a wm bankster to love hobama
i am posting from a laptop blocked by a firewall...i cannot access the article
what does that have to do with u reading its truths?????
AB - you start, I finish then you continue to beat on the dead horse.
SPC, are the Rs really that out of ideas? That instead of having concepts and platforms...they shoot their windows out to be 'victims'? Let me guess..TeaBagger candidates with names like Larry Craig, Diapers Vitter, and Michael Mouse?
Poor babies. Must be tough knowing that if enough citizens get angry...there will be retribution. It's one thing to urinate on the oh-so-willing Cheneys or bush...but not every person likes having their entire income stolen so that rich folks don't have to pay any taxes at all.
socratic poser:
i am proudER each day that hillary was my 1st choice for prez
did u hear she bailed on that failed fascist hobama today?
u r a lewd lost euro child
go play with your beckies
they actually care about your starts and finishes
i never will
where is the proof that obama cheated on his wife?
AB is a wite dude. They claim to be an AfAm Female...but only cite wite supremacist drivel...until a little old lady mentions the obvious. AB uses self-referencing websites, a well-known wingnut habit. Seems when you know their credentials, wingnuts become the local Goober with a crap job, no academic experience, and a habit of inflating their importance.
If the person was who they claim, the first things Googled should be things that are at least leading to valid areas. Instead, we get fakery. Like AIG, Operation rescue, and other wingnut places...they are there to dissemble.
Me..I like my privacy. If I want you that badly, I'll invite you. This is a blog...not my family, friends or work.
mareally blind and deaf:
u r even more lost and hopeless than rk
if hobama was taped with his own monica is the oval office
u would swear the cia spliced the video
mareally dumped by a cheater:
hobama is human!
he is not your blackish love god/gray messiah!!!
most men cheat...especially on starter wives like u!!!
Anonymous said...
SPC, are the Rs really that out of ideas? That instead of having concepts and platforms...they shoot their windows out to be 'victims'?
socrates alicia banks is a fiction some asshole plant troll that is on this blog to serve a few functions:
1.to create an environment so hostile that people are afraid to voice their true feelings on the comment section
2.to divert the topic of the posts to homosexuality or her fetish of hating on any other woman who looks better and or has a light complection
3.to inject falsehoods at every step of the way to silence criticism and detractors and to create enough negativity about the president that folks might actually believe some of those lies
4.this so called person is a liar, a fraud and a fool
5.it claims to have a 250 iq
6.it claims to have started a radio station at uiuc in the 1980's
7.it claims to be a pubished scholar but when asked to provide links to articles, theses or whatever else, ab can only provide links to websites shes authored there is no independent verification of anything she's done since she's never done anything
8.if you engage ab and best it in conversation it will invent anons and other sockpuppets to bolster her stances and degrade you
9.she is a disgusting heifer and a kuntlicker who isnt worth two shyts!
rottnkid, you wrote:
Now THESE are the stories that white America doesn't hear about.
Your claim shows that you're out of touch. White American not only hears and reads these storeis, but gets plenty of enjoyment from them.
Just think of Client 9, Eliot Spitzer. White pimps running that show. Meanwhile, Wall Streeters and others in well paid positions work through white pimps.
Charlie Sheen? NO black connection there.
Heidi Fleiss? Recognize that name? Sydney Barrows, the Mayflower Madam?
And for those who have dropped by the Mustang Dude Ranch near Las Vegas, did anyone notice the lack of "diversity" among those in management?
Try finding a black pimp or hooker in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota and North Dakota.
Meanwhile, when whites create entertainment around whorehouses, they come up with productions like -- The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Why? because your white next door neighbor in the suburbs could be that pimp - male or female.
You really live in your own isolated world.
and ballzack is right white man pimps are the biggest pimps on the planet and they operate in worlds that we have no clue about
mold put it down once again that shytstain kuntlickin banks is a gottdam lie! aint never done shyt aint shyt and aint never gone do shyt
btw why u hate on wite dudez so much lol
and lastly socrates alicia kuntbreaf banks is a bully she and laa another asswype routinely gang up on other women who express opinions they disagree with particularly maria who comes here for another perspective uve seen those nasty comments and fantasies that troll alicia banks says to her
clearly alicia banks is the one doing the nasty fugly lesbean fantasizing`that buceta lickin liar
Ok, my bad. I thought you linked to Savage's homepage and not a specific article.
But this is strange. You're saying the firewall allows you to go to Michael Savage's homepage but not to a news station's website?
You're also being a bit naive if you think people are going to check out all these links you put up.
What was the point of putting up that link on some sexual predator? You wrote, "ONLY teachers know just how severely we are all doomed." It seems incredibly off-topic. You sure are posting a lot. You seem to be trying to feed off of FN's mojo for reasons unknown.
most men cheat...especially on starter wives like u!!!kuntbreaf banks
and forgyve me for asking Miss Educator but how would u know this? eye thought u liked lickin carpets for ur thang and do u do u but um why u so concerned with maria and rk whatnots eye think ure jealous of their friendship cuz its obvious u aint ha no friends ya lyin lunatic
Maria, who needs proof when all you have to do is beleeverate it?
'Merica number One...just beleeverate.
bush am competent...just beleeverate.
US don't torture...just beleeverate.
Liberals crashed the economy, shipped the jobs overseas, and injected my PerfecktBabee(tm) with Autism...just beleeverate.
AB is here to 'pull one over on those stoopid miggers'...to introduce wite supremacist Gooberish to this blog...and to allow a Nobody to pretend to some value.
mold eye know who u are and u r not a woman at all but nice trying u r a man who lives somewhere in the midwest that has a degree in computer science and works on ngo issues and has a community 'service' patent ur parlance gives u away nucka and its totally funny
shhh dont worry ur secret is safe with me abuceta breaf moron isnt smart enough to figure out who u really is...
N_S says..
Why? because your white next door neighbor in the suburbs could be that pimp - male or female.
You really live in your own isolated world.
1:07 PM
Coming from N_S..whoo..But I guess where 2 of the same then, you know living in our personal "isolated world". Narrow assumptions and truths and all.
Lol..pardon the pun but aren't you like the pot calling the kettle..er mm..black?
Is Field Negro ok with all the filthy language being used on this thread? I'm not into it.
Anonymous dude, I for one would appreciate if you could clean it up a bit. I also find it awkward you are using the word eye for I. There's a poster who used to be at Daily Kos named Keith Moon. He writes like that in one of his incarnations. You kind of sound similar to him, that you may be trying to sound like him. Maybe I'm just getting a bit paranoid. I've been accused before of being him. I'm finding this very awkward and am gonna back out of this thread.
Hey....what happend to that cow, AB? Did someone leave the barn door open again?!!!
" socrates said...
I'm finding this very awkward and am gonna back out of this thread.
1:30 PM"
If I were you, I'd back away very slowly. And keep your hands where we can see them.
Due to the health crisis in America, Big Government has been forced to seize control of the entire healthcare industry under ObamaCare, and the Bride of Obama has spearheaded federal initiatives to alter our eating habits. But what's this?
From the CDC today:
"The U.S. life expectancy has just hit a record high — rising to just over 78 years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wednesday. … More good news: The infant mortality rate hit a record low of 6.42 deaths per 1,000 live births…"
That is, the alleged problem doesn't exist. But by spending enough money, Washington will fix it until it does.
yeah officer we don't want socrates to get castrated by the man haters up in here like buceta breaf and her minion laa theyre quick to defile the good name of black men everywhere theyre particularly mean to Rottonkid but he takes it in stride cuz those chickenheadz dont got nothing on him!
Liberals fear Michele Bachmann, so Lawrence O'Donnell et al. at MSNBC are waging a propaganda war to destroy her reputation. He can find only one explanation for her election to Congress: voters in her district are ignorant. That is to say, they are Caucasian. An actual quote:
"What makes those voters so ignorant? Well, for starters, they are whiter than the average district."
At the intellectual playschool that constitutes MSNBC's audience, watching a white guy proclaim that white people are inherently ignorant probably doesn't even register on the absurdity meter. The important thing is that O'Donnell despises Caucasians, therefore he's not racist.
Gee, I thought the whole reason for Michelle and Sarey was that there would be MILFy goodness for the R pols.
You might want to add the rest of the story. Such as Bachmann's district is the epitome of gerrrymandered. That she only survives thanks to outside money.
Loved the ignorance about the CDC and the Obamas. You thinkerate you sound smart...but it only fools yourself. Kind of the Left Behind mocking the AP teacher. Hyuck, hycuk. Now...show some work. Detail exactly what your wishes did to change anything. Describe the statistics, using accepted methods. Or..just blather on like your were a paid pundit...for the insuros. Or a ManDumpling.
Sorry, you want to be a 'smart kid'? Then do the actual work. Repeating wingnut talking points is the Goober position. It's what they hand out to stoopids.
socratic poser:
YOU introduced cos fool
were YOU on topic???
firewalls are filtered
and some sites pass thru
that is tech 101...no?
do not call fn to help u save your striped face
just because u have no mojo wigga...
i see u wigga
u r disgracing bob marley herein...
u racist faux libs will never be irie
yeah officer we don't want socrates to get castrated by the man haters up in here like buceta breaf and her minion laa theyre quick to defile the good name of black men everywhere theyre particularly mean to Rottonkid but he takes it in stride cuz those chickenheadz dont got nothing on him
Anonymous said...
SPC, are the Rs really that out of ideas? That instead of having concepts and platforms...they shoot their windows out to be 'victims'? Let me guess..TeaBagger candidates with names like Larry Craig, Diapers Vitter, and Michael Mouse?
Poor babies. Must be tough knowing that if enough citizens get angry...there will be retribution. It's one thing to urinate on the oh-so-willing Cheneys or bush...but not every person likes having their entire income stolen so that rich folks don't have to pay any taxes at all.
MOLD you are posting so much as Anon and going back and forth between your vulgar personalities, your Dumb fake Ebonics MOld personalities that you screwed up and posted as a white guy named MOLD in this one. WE see YOU!!!!!
socratic poser/unglued unwed uneducated vdlr and all assnons:
all of u can curse and lie
but not ONE of u adoring fools can defend hobama
why should anyone love hobama who does not own a megabank?????
i will wait patiently for that reply....
cursing and lying about me will never defend hobama
hypocritical uneducated unwed unclean unholy mammy maid molded/ lye-ing liar vdlr:
you are the most vulgar, perpetually off topic, toxic troll online anywhere
i have never seen anyone as ignorant or nasty as you are on any blog ever...
NO ONE abuses this blog more than u u toxic trifling psycho lying hallucinating turbo breeder.
and as long as fn lets u post...ANYTHING ANYONE ELSE DOES IS KOSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deal with that like you do the lye scabs in your bald head!!!!
socratic poser:
all of the vulgar assnons curse because they cannot defend that cursed hobama!!!!
they lie like hobama but they can never quote/debate me..
see all the bs posted by molded and that dreg vdlr today
if irrelevancy vexes u, u need to check rk's oj sexcapades posted today etc...
ditto for the clueless vomit that mareally a wigga too and the vdlr spew daily
i would never let such nasty morons destroy my blog as fn does!!!!!
Yeah, I'm waiting patiently on that link too, AB.
Why don't you just admit that YOU CAN'T PROVIDE ONE?
maria said...
"socrates said...
"As a black man trapped in a white man's body,..."
do you have that backwards? if memory serves, i thought you were white, the bob photo not withstanding."
You see, I keep telling you people, Maria is a slow boat to China.
I will say from quick google searches, there seems to be nothing to confirm Ms. Banks' claims of her various achievements.
Her youtube page is kind of interesting. The anti-Obama nature of it does look rather tea partyish. There's something called right woos left. Maybe she is right woos black? I see she has posted some very far out conspiracy theories. I actually think chemtrails and contrails are different, but the links she has up, at least one I'm checking into now, makes chemtrails look kooky.
She did disappear without explaining why she can get to world net daily but can't get to a legitemate news website. Ok, I see she has returned. For someone who is supposed to be so set against neocons, she is way over the top with her anti-Obama schtick. Okay Ms. Banks, what prompted you to link to some white sexual predator in response to my bringing up Cosby. She is definitely sounding like a sophist astroturfer. Bringing up Cosby was clearly on-topic.
Her internet presence is clearly prolific. She says she's a columnist, but elsewhere she is described as an internet columnist, whatever that's supposed to be.
I see all these awards for who's who in America but no proof.
There was something referencing The Atlanta Constitution or something. She should be able to scan a copy of her being written up. If she was such a popular radio host, surely there must be some credible witnesses who can verify this. She lists all these radio stations she worked for, such as WRFG - WIGO - WPGU - WBML - KPFA -WGST - KPFB - KFCF.
Such things should be easy to prove.
socratic wigga poser:
i never bully
but i do slay bullies
and i always will
it is what i was born to do
and i post wisdom here daily
i know that most nigs have an aversion to links because they lead to reading
reading is poison to the illiterate hobama nazi pundits who spew bs herein
u r welcome to ignore all of my links as wiggas share that nig aversion to reading
kuntbreaf is at it again how was the lunch with ur med dosage sweetie pie? seems like u came back more agitated but measured since ure spacing each sentence with a hard return sweetie so r u backed into a corner because a spiritually higher being put u and anon in their place? why r u so upset by his truths? picking on a man bent on peace is tacky foul and small ure like a british soldier who would beat a non violent protestor minding his own bidness kuntlick!
socratic poser and inept googler:
i would never brag about my lack of research skills as all of
u do
it is all further proof of the dumbing down and doom of america...thanks for proving my claims!!!
the ajc has an archive that covers all of my glory days in atl
pity u r too inept to find them
if u were not as ueducated and illiterate as the vdlr
u would not miss the constant lewd racist refs that the child rapist kkk who play herein make to my mom/black pookies etc
that is why my links to white pedophiles who breed pale clones of the vldr's demon seeds whom cosby addressed as the killers of public ed... are all indeed wholly relevant
socrates weve been over this in other threads all of the magazines and newspapers she has cited make no mention of her in their online archives and a few of the publications are out of print but even kept online archives and she aint mentioned in narry a one of them as to the so called radio stations she helped to start on the founders page not once is she mentioned she is a figment of somebodys imagination and absolutely NOTHING that shes said or done can be objectively verified
eye came across a site that listed black lgbt of note and she was there then the caption was the exact same bullshyt she posts here so she is a phukkin liar and a fraud and a disgrace!
and once again kuntbreaf ignores the real issues at hand which is her bragging and lack of verification of her credentials and tosses out ad hominesms like candy sorry sweetie pie were all onto u ya kuntbreaf moron!
socratic poser wigga:
as i elatedly enjoy u all bragging about your inability to google as well as the avg 10 yr old
i will admit this:
i will never ever resarch me for any of u
i am having too much fun watching u flounder and brag about the floundering!!!
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