I keep trying to tell anyone who will listen just how dangerous the folks over at Radio Rwanda have become, and today I got more proof to back up my position.
It seems that one of their news [and I use that word laughingly] reporters was caught in a little white lie. (No pun intended) Or, as Sammon himself calls it; "a Pre-Truth." (Stop laughing.)
"In an audio recording obtained by media watchdog group Media Matters, Fox News Washington managing editor Bill Sammon admits that he repeatedly lied on-air about Barack Obama during the home stretch of the 2008 presidential campaign. Sammon’s remarkable admission came in the summer of 2009 aboard a 12-day cruise sponsored by conservative Hillsdale College. Tickets for the cruise ranged in price from $11,800 to $37,600 per couple. The Fox News executive gave an Obama-bashing speech in which he boasted: “Last year, candidate Barack Obama stood on a sidewalk in Toledo, Ohio, and first let it slip to Joe the Plumber that he wanted to quote, ‘spread the wealth around.’ At that time, I have to admit, that I went on TV on Fox News and publicly engaged in what I guess was some rather mischievous speculation about whether Barack Obama really advocated socialism, a premise that privately I found rather far-fetched.
Sammon was incredibly successful, because that is one of the wingnut talking points: "OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST". Of course, how hard can it be to preach to [and convince] a choir, where more than half of its members do not believe that their elected president was born here?
And people wonder why I blog.
A classic case of media manipulation? Playing into the fears of the conservative base of the so-called "other" who's currently in charge of this country just to get ratings and advertising dollars? Heavens no, they wouldn't go so far as to engage in such unscrupulous activity...
Mack Lyons said...
A classic case of media manipulation? Playing into the fears of the conservative base of the so-called "other" who's currently in charge of this country just to get ratings and advertising dollars? Heavens no, they wouldn't go so far as to engage in such unscrupulous activity...
I think your talking about the George Soros funded Media Matters right?
They are trying to keep us all sidetracted so that we really don't concentrate as a people on the real problems this country faces. Printing money doesn't mean we have any. We are beyond broke and no magic can change that.
"I keep trying to tell anyone who will listen just how dangerous the folks over at Radio Rwanda have become, and today I got more proof to back up my position."
No worries fields..You gots Media Matters going “guerilla warfare and sabotage” on FOX NEWS.
Lets do some work..
MM's first attack in the Liberal lead war on FOX NEWS was this Bill Sammon hit piece.
Just like a Saddam scud missile, the attack fail flat.
No worries NPR to the rescue.They also tried to get this non story going{they got to repay suga daddy Soros somehow} and their attack failed.
No worries.....
When all else fails call in the alleged field negros to save the day.
I guess media Matters will have to go back digging in the trash of FOX NEWS employees'
Or is that field negro work??
The Donald has also said he doesn't belive the Prez was born in the US and this birther thing, I just don't get it.
I guess we all know if you tell a lie over and over again, simple minded people will believe it!
I guess war crimes would rather MMFA spend its time looking for the vast conspiracy between the prez, ACORN and the NBBP. No matter if this is true or not right? Carry on, nothing to see here.
BTW, we all know Joe the unlicensed plumber who would "someday" make enough money to buy a business could come up with this stuff by himeself. Ya know what is funny too? Most plumbers are union but Joe went to Wisconsin to bash the unions for the Koch brothers. Is it 2016 yet?
"The Donald has also said he doesn't belive the Prez was born in the US and this birther thing, I just don't get it."
I hear the Donald is a secret Democrat who's pushing the Republican field so far to the right they will have less of a chance than they do now. Just saying. That would be UGE.
Speaking of unions ---
Woman charged with email threats
Madison - A 26-year-old woman was charged Thursday with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts for allegedly making email threats against Wisconsin lawmakers during the height of the battle over Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair bill.
Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains was named in a criminal complaint filed in Dane County Criminal Court.
According to the criminal complaint, Windels allegedly sent an email threat to State Sen. Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay) March 9. Later that evening, she allegedly sent another email to 15 Republican legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau).
The subject line of the second email was: "Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!" In that email, she purportedly wrote, "Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks."
"I hope you have a good time in hell," she allegedly wrote in the lengthy email in which she purportedly listed scenarios in which the legislators and their families would die, including bombings and by "putting a nice little bullet in your head."
According to the criminal complaint, Windels told investigators “I sent out emails that I was
disgusted and very upset by what they were doing.”
Asked if she intended to follow through on any of her threats, Windels told the investigators "No," according to the complaint.
Windels was charged with two felony counts "bomb scare" and two misdemeanor counts of "computer message-threatening injury/bodily harm." If convicted, each felony count carries a maximum penalty of three years and six months in prison and a $10,000 fine, and each misdemeanor count carries a maximum penalty of 90 days in prison and a $1,000 fine.
Those funny union members.....
BTW, we all know Joe the unlicensed plumber who would "someday" make enough money to buy a business could come up with this stuff by himeself."
Oh yes, "Joe the Plumber", how could we forget about him?
Psi..I saw that about Mr. Bad Hair. Honestly though, I don't think that there is a person in A-merry-ca who thinks he is a serious candidate. Money can buy you a lot, but it can't buy you brains.
"I guess media Matters will have to go back digging in the trash of FOX NEWS employees'
Or is that field negro work??"
Wfwc, I would love to help. But it's so easy to find the trash on them that you don't need a hard working field Negro for that.
Speaking of unions part 2
Numerous Union Grove shops threatened with union boycott
UNION GROVE - The government
workers union is threatening to boycott numerous businesses here for declining to display a poster stating their support for "workers rights."
Many Union Grove businesses Tuesday received a letter from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Each of them declined to display a sign stating, "This business supports workers rights" - with a prominent AFSCME logo below that. As a result, the union threatened them with a "public boycott."
The fact that many other businesses got the same letter is little consolation for Dawn Bobo, owner of Village Dollar store, 1000 Main St., which she opened 1 1/2 years ago.
"I'm a new business, and I need to concentrate on issues that won't offend half of my customers," she said Wednesday. "I work 60 hours a week, and I don't get any of the benefits that (union members) get."
Several weeks ago, Bobo said, five female union members showed her the poster and asked her to display it in her front window.
"I said I can't put up any type of signage for either side," she recalled. "They said, ‘No problem,' they were all smiles."
But Tuesday shop owners got the letter from AFSCME Council 24 Field Rep. Jim Parrett, who could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
"It is unfortunate that you have chosen not to support public workers rights in Wisconsin," it began.
"Failure to do so will leave us no choice but do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means ‘no' to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members."
After that Granny may get a beat down......Union style
Beckkk, Klanitty, and O'Really? get the headlines, but the Clowns that come on early morning at 5:00am are really a piece of work. Talk about playing the Fear Card. That show is full of fear and Neocons telling you to be afraid of everything and everyone who is a person of color or isn't a far rightwinger.
Cool beans fields....If being a Soros puppet gets you some Soros cash, go for it fields.
You must have been heartbroken when you knew there was no Obama cash....
Just remember fields, share that Soros cash with other FN'S.
Not me, sweetheart.
Not me.
(You're driving the small-brained crazy.)
Love ya,
And people wonder why I blog.
Wow, the anonnies and their alter handles are tapdancing furiously tonight!
PilotX said...
I hear the Donald is a secret Democrat who's pushing the Republican field so far to the right they will have less of a chance than they do now. Just saying. That would be UGE.
This does not surprise me. Many people say that MSNBC is liberal analog to Fox News. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
MSNBC does not perpetuate lies to smear presidential candidates. Its viewers do not believe that the current president is a war criminal like some dumbasses, who comment on blogs, do. They cite facts to diminish the credibility idiots who support waging war, unilaterally.
Hmmm..because Media Matters is "supposedly" funded by Soros, that makes the lies of FOX News not lies?
How exactly does that work?
No wonder so many in this country are dumb as a post.
field said, "I keep trying to tell anyone who will listen just how dangerous the folks over at Radio Rwanda have become, and today I got more proof to back up my position."
dear field, why are you so afraid? don't you know broadcast radio is to garner ratings by talking outlandish bs?
this is America, land of freedom of speech where anyone can say anything. but you don't have to believe everything you hear on the radio, let alone on tv. actually, it's all bs, except your blog, of course.
Shabazz said, "Wow, the anonnies and their alter handles are tapdancing furiously tonight!"
There has been only ONE anony that commented before you showed up. So what the hell are you talking about? Or maybe that's your habitual response?
Anonymous said...
Shabazz said, "Wow, the anonnies and their alter handles are tapdancing furiously tonight!"
There has been only ONE anony that commented before you showed up. So what the hell are you talking about? Or maybe that's your habitual response?
10:43 PM
Sign of reality, its the leftists that are the propogandists.
Shabazz? As in Malik? Maleek my deek?
funny how field claims to value free speech yet lets paid astroturf invade his blog and pollute his comments while harassing his commentators funny how field deletes some comments but not the ones that harass and defame and are the most damaging to people and their reputations all the while letting this paid scum overrun his blog
eye cant believe field negro is letting his blog get to this point it is the most phukked up comment section with an obvious set of liars and frauds who are ONLY HERE TO SKEW DISCUSSIONS FROM ANYTHING MEANINGFUL AND TO TALK SHIT ABOUT BLACK MEN ESPECIALLY !
Anonymous said...
funny how field claims to value free speech yet lets paid astroturf invade his blog and pollute his comments while harassing his commentators funny how field deletes some comments but not the ones that harass and defame and are the most damaging to people and their reputations all the while letting this paid scum overrun his blog
eye cant believe field negro is letting his blog get to this point it is the most phukked up comment section with an obvious set of liars and frauds who are ONLY HERE TO SKEW DISCUSSIONS FROM ANYTHING MEANINGFUL AND TO TALK SHIT ABOUT BLACK MEN ESPECIALLY !
STFU SOCRATES/MOLD We recognize your speech patterns, ideals and words. It gets very fucked up when a white man like you " pretendarating" to be a wigga shows up to spread your mental disease.
I'm not laughing. I said when Reagan was running for office that we should "beware the savage shore/of 1984". Well, we're not on the shore now, we're well inland.
field its a known fact that perception is everything facts mean nothing at all when perceptions can be shaped a rumor mill is important in this sense because they prey on the prejudice and vulnerabilities of populations to spread their lies that is why paid astroturf is so bad it is a paid set of rumor setters and defamers to do nothign more than sow discord and chaos and eventually kill this blog
eye cant believe field negro is letting his blog get to this point it is the most phukked up comment section with an obvious set of liars and frauds who are ONLY HERE TO SKEW DISCUSSIONS FROM ANYTHING MEANINGFUL AND TO TALK SHIT ABOUT BLACK MEN ESPECIALLY !
and this is relevant because faux news has made a killing shaping perceptions based on outright lies at times and so do other news networks they are all paid by large corporations and have no allegiance to truth that is why organic real people led blogs are so important sure biases are expressed but with youtube and other multimedia true news can be recorded real time and real people can comment on events paid astroturfers would like to do nothing more than to stop this progression...they want to control speech so that only certain speech is allowed
I guess we all know if you tell a lie over and over again, simple minded people will believe it!
wannabe scientist
yep this is what ure paid to do to spread lies and front like ure a conservative black female scientist where all u do is talk shyt on this blog and insult and threaten people when asked about ur statements ure nothing more than an internet bully who terrorizes people
Hmmm..because Media Matters is "supposedly" funded by Soros, that makes the lies of FOX News not lies?
How exactly does that work?"
farman, it doesn't. It's called wingnut logic.
"eye cant believe field negro is letting his blog get to this point it is the most phukked up comment section with an obvious set of liars and frauds who are ONLY HERE TO SKEW DISCUSSIONS FROM ANYTHING MEANINGFUL AND TO TALK SHIT ABOUT BLACK MEN ESPECIALLY !"
Anon. I have told you before, you are not being censored, just your language.(I think you know the words I am talking about. You can't constantly refer to females with the K and C word) You seem like a smart enough person, try to expand your vocab. ;)
Gov Kaisch signed a union busting bill in Ohio. It's good to see that the Dems are powerless and weaklings against the Republicans. Yet Dems call them wingnuts who are stupid. How can the Dems come to that conclusion when they themselves can't outthink the Reps?
I mean, who's really dumb here?
It's interesting that the Dems haven't been able, or even put forth effort to debunk such a claim. That is a more important question. WHY haven't they? It's as if the Dems were supporting the Repubs in this matter of making things harder for the President.
At that time, I have to admit, that I went on TV on Fox News and publicly engaged in what I guess was some rather mischievous speculation about whether Barack Obama really advocated socialism,
What a complete bunch of words that say nothing assembled to try and make a big issue. Obama IS A Socialist and a Marxist. There is no lie and no talking point accusing him of something he is not. HE IS A socialist!!!
Socialism, according to Karl Marx, is the transition between capitalism and communism. To achieve communism, Marx says, there must be continuing revolution in which the fundamental principal is: The end justifies the means.
Much like his mentor Bill Ayers Obama has proven his following the ends justifies the means.
The Socialist Party USA calls for a "steeply graduated" tax policy to redistribute wealth. Obama has promised to increase the tax burden on the rich to redistribute wealth to the poor. He revealed his philosophy when answering a question from Joe the plumber, who complained that he was being taxed for his success. Obama said:
It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
Obama has declared that he believes every person has a "right" to health care. The Socialist Party USA believes every person has a "right" to health care.
Obama believes that labor unions should be allowed to organize without a secret ballot. The Socialist Party USA calls for unions to be recognized without a secret ballot.
The Socialist Party USA recognizes the "right" of adequate housing for everyone. Obama trained ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) workers to secure mortgages for unqualified people in sufficient numbers to collapse the housing and home-financing industries
For years, Obama worked in Chicago through the Annenberg Challenge, along with Bill Ayers, to funnel more than $50 million to anti-capitalist education projects. In November 2006, Ayers traveled to Venezuela to speak at Hugo Chavez's Education Forum where he railed against "the failings of capitalist education," and praised the "Bolivarian Revolution and the profound reforms in education made by Hugo Chavez."
The Socialist Party USA calls for a "livable guaranteed annual income." Obama trained ACORN members to conduct "Living Wage" campaigns in cities around the country.
Capitalism seeks prosperity; socialism seeks equity. Freedom increases as prosperity increases. In a socialist system, there can be neither
wow. It's been a bit since I've been to the comments section, I guess.
I think what is interesting is not the hypocrisy of Fox News, but how they cannot be effectively held accountable for the way they do business/news.
That being said, even though I watch MSNBC, I would argue that they aren't that much better on the other side of the aisle. They saw a market niche and they went for it, just like Fox did a few years before them.
The real problem is how journalism has become overtly concerned with their own profit motive rather than trying to cover the news. What you end up with is programming that intentionally blurs the line between news and opinion. This works to the benefit of wingnuts because their party's constituency is the wealthy, and they have the social and political capital to mislead people without consequence.
Whether we're talking about MSNBC or Fox News, no serious news organization should have a vested interest in the outcome of politics; when done right, their job is simply to report it. This goes for either of the networks, though truthfully there is only one that is unapologetic about how they infuse their politics into their reporting. And donate network money to a particular political party. And hold/endorse rallies purporting a specific political viewpoint that they then cover and call "news." And repeatedly suffer from editing "mistakes" that portray false characterizations of opposing viewpoints.
Is there any person, group, or institution that is responsible for holding news networks accountable?
To me, the greatest act of Fox News has been to create a political atmosphere that effectively undermines dissent, disagreement, or accountability.
The more that one side of our current political divide refuses to listen to the other, the closer we get to having those who have been ignored or cast aside start to find more "creative" ways to resist. Even two years ago I would have said any kind of revolution in the US was impossible. Now, with the unapologetic destruction of the rights of citizens in the workplace, and the GOPs refusal to even listen or debate the issue when they have power, I'm not so sure there isn't something in the air. (bold, I know).
Large groups of people will only be ignored for so long before they fight back; they have even less patience when there is a foot on their neck.
Last thought: I find it endlessly fascinating that workers who are against union say that union members should struggle the same as non-union workers do. On the other hand, union workers believe that non-union workers deserve *more* for what they do. I guess both speak to equality, but only one speaks to respect.
Keep doing your work, Field.
"Obama IS A Socialist and a Marxist. "
We could only wish.
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
Gibson, are you wealthy? In other words; will your grand kids and great grand kids ever have to work? Or can they live off the trust money that you leave them?
How many homes do you have? Do you make over two million dollars a year?
I am just curious. Because I have this theory about A-merry-ca and how us A-merry-cans view wealth. Not to mention the carrot stick that a few folks hold out to the masses to buy into the hype.
Anon. 4:14 AM, do more than half of the republiclowns in this country really believe that Obama was not born here? And are you one of them?
Thank you "goat", good comment.
Loved how wingnut poster automatically assumed the person making the threat was a union person. With no proof. Just made it up.
Like the other piece. Where a business owner whines about not being an employee. Where there is a claim that 'half' the business would be 'offended'. Really? Wetting their Vitters over an AFSCME sign? Or is it more rational to guess that this is a 'hit piece' and if not quoting liars, at least partisans? Gosh...not one...single...union supporter. And all the Potemkin villagers are just so ordinary RealMerkin that they seem drawn from Central Casting. The hard-working immigrant, the hard-working sports store owner, the hard-working Dollar Store owner...while the union person uses 'strong-arm' tactics and is aristocratically 'unavailable for comment'. Really? Did the widdle Breitbart/Okeefe even call? Or did they call on Saturday at 8am, when the union person is home with family?
The 'sorce' of the spin is owned by Lee Enterprises...a anti-union company that uses an astroturf group to lie for them.
Gee...an they pay you to be this bad?
Bill Sammon lying fer Jesus is not ever going to change the whims of wingnuts. They like telling falsehoods. Remember the focus on jobs? Well, they lied.
MSNBC isn't the antithesis of FOX. It just seems that way because they have news and Fact-based commentators. While you may disagree with the conclusions reached by Maddow or Schultz...they begin with Data.
Oh wait...that is the whole problem. Wingnuts begin with beleeveration.
ok no k or c word only q words from now on eye swear
muah muah muah muah
faux news is a propagandist machine of warlords just like all the other outfits its just more in ur face about it
To be perfectly honest AB, I don't read assnon comments and can't figure out why folks around here won't join me in not reading/responding to them too! wannabe scientist
of course u read the comments ya idgit otherwise u wouldnt respond to them with ur other personality ya rogue state fool!
Loved how wingnut poster automatically assumed the person making the threat was a union person. With no proof. Just made it up. mildew
duh that is their thing to alter perception facts are not needed and are preferably ignored u know like someone has a 250 iq even if nobody has ever scored that or someone has four degrees but then there only three then there are five imaginary degrees with a bit of buzz word talk someone may convince themselves at least of a new identity altogether
Why...let us just infer or lie that the person making the bomb threat was in any manner associated with a union. They would never, ever be a mental patient or a liar fer Wingnuttia. Wasn't there a liar who claimerated union folks attackerated him...but it was later revealed he was a paid Troll? And the alleged 'union thug' events all happen at staged wingnut welfare vids?
Oh..for more on Governor LePage...this was interesting. http://wonkette.com/441894/maine-governor-broke-law-by-removing-and-hiding-labor-mural
Who wants to bet the mural was 'accidentally' destroyed by the Govs 'dog(sbody)'?
All Obama has to do is show his birth certificate.But Obama is a coward.
MSNBC lies, they lie alot.Thats why no one treats them like a real news organization. No one except Libtards who like to point out FOX NEWS lies while watching other news organizations lie and thinking its ok.
Hyprocisty much, Libtards?
Lets think about this.....
For the first time in the history of the mews media,you got some delcaring “guerilla warfare and sabotage” on a news organization.
Media Matters is going to dig in trash and peep in windows to find something on the people who work at FOX NEWS.
Libtards, are you out of your f$cking minds????
Just like this failed attack,{that field was forced to post about by his Democrat masters} you will fail.And get laughed at.
Bill Sammon was on FOX NEWS to give a opinion.Pick any day of the week to watch CNN.MSDNC,FNC, or read the NYTIMES,WAPO,LATIMES,TIME,or Newsweek and you will find opinion talking heads/writers skewing the facts or lying about what they are talking/writing about.
Everyone does it.Even you have done it fields.{Remember your Nancy Grace never covers missing black folks post?}
To pretend FNC only does it is to be a Libtard.
Thats why this Soros lead attack failed.
But keep trying.The non 20%'ers will keep laughing.
Anonymous said...
Loved how wingnut poster automatically assumed the person making the threat was a union person. With no proof. Just made it up.
She belongs to a teachers' union.Anyone with research skills could have found that out.
Remember moldiox, it cost taxpayers almost 6 million to protect hard working Americans just doing their jobs from union thugs in WI.
I'm sick of these lyin racist goobers like "Wanted for War Crimes".
Obama's birth certificate.
Repeating a lie often enough, especially a BIG LIE is how Hitler rose to power. It is why Rwanda happened. Words repeated over and over again, particularly negative words which offer you an excuse to scapegoat someone who is not you is powerful. There is nothing more sinister or insidious that this technique, for it appeals to the basic human instinct to view society as one's own tribe. Long ago, I warned that Obama would be attacked more viciously that Clinton was, and that those lies would have a greater impact because Clinton was lily white, while Obama was not. It matters not that Obama;s policies are business friendly, have caused the stock market to rise, and saved us from falling into a world-wide depression. It matter not that he has constantly compromised with Republicans to give them what they want - tax cuts and less discretionary spending on the social safety net. It matters not that he is not much of a liberal, much less a socialist. The lies, repeated over and over are believed because white people want to believe them. I am surprised that he has not yet been assassinated, frankly.
Steven D
I recall nothing of the sort. Why do you persist in lying? American Citizens petitioning the Government for a redress of grievances obviously was never mentioned in your church semenare on the US Constitution. Since this is soooo important...why not track where all the money went. Seems the union folks were protesting peacefully. So, what did Walker and the scammers do with the money? How much cash is needed to protect liars from citizens?
How do you define hard-werkin' Merkans? What exactly is a 'union thug'? Or is it obvious that Walker and fiends are jerkholes?
As far as the person belonging to a union...why did the 'sorce' forget to have this in the story? Oh..because the spin would be false...and actionable. When you gleefully tell a person they will have no benefits so you can give the cash to the Kochs, and the wage will go from barely livable to below poverty level for a family of one...it might be expected they will not be grateful. A person could be angry at the cheer with which you be an utter jerkhole to them..and the expectation there will be no repercussions or reaction...only shows that some wingnuts live in the fantasy of st reagan.
FOX lies...and it was admitted. Why so upset over something so obvious? FOX lies, and always has. FOX lies.
Oh, they do it too...is an excuse for a small child...and isn't successful.
This man lied but only partially!
all msm is propaganda...including ABC that literally moved into hobama's bed inside the white house...remember that?
hobama is the face of the american empire...the world's most powerful propagandist!
Hobama is a socialist…but ONLY one for the banksters/super rich!
One of my fav biblical scriptures:
And why behold you the mote that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3
Why do Hobama Nazis ignore the sins of Hobama that are identical and yet FAR greater than those of Fox News etc????
why lament this random tv fool and ignore hobama????
The lies Hobama tells are COMPLETE and FATAL!
They cannot be ignored or dismissed as they doom the globe!
UTS, birthers just want to be stoopids and be rewarded for it. Like Left Behinds who harass the unfortunate who has to babysit their incompetent and lazy selves.
When can we see the birf certificate for DownsBaby?
The best response is to shut them out and make their ignorance painful. bushmoles to be sent to the Free Market. wingnuts to never be more than yammering fools at public meetings. birthers to be laughed at because they are just racist Goobers. After a while, an adult no longer listens to jerkholes.
Wait, they'll soon be here with a false equivalence, declaring their ways to be the 'adult' ones. -snicker-
A few more years of wingnuttery and folks will be begging for a Socialist Revolution...if not a bloody and total one.
9:39 = ab
Meanwhile, the spammer's account of his own actions is so far in denial, so wounded and broken, you get a picture of some kind of savant psychopath festering in his begrimed underwear in a basement somewhere, plaintively mourning the loss of his make-believe "friends" who always showed up to agree with everything he said.
Why does this sound familiar?
wesley r:
lies and fear are useful tools
but they have no exclusive user
wigga slob marley/uts/maria et al slur every black radical as a neocon herein to as proof that liars and cowards come in all political sects...
now they must also include NBPP Malik/Farrakhan etc in that alleged "neocon" slander
their bogus lists of “black neocons” is getting LONGER by the millisecond…yay!!!
Lots of people noticed when poet Amiri Baraka finally awoke from his Obamaphilic trance last week to issue “The New Invasion of Africa.” Raymond Nathaniel Turner, impresario of Oakland's Upsrurge jazz Ensemble offer's this poetic answer to Baraka's question, “...When will you learn, poet, and remember so you know it...”?
field negro said...
Anon. I have told you before, you are not being censored, just your language.(I think you know the words I am talking about. You can't constantly refer to females with the K and C word) You seem like a smart enough person, try to expand your vocab. ;)
Really Field, that's all you see are problems with the K/C words being used toward women?
10,000 post per day of absolute bullshit and that's cool as long as the K and C words aren't used?
This is beyond f*cked up and you know it!
Anonymous said...
you get a picture of some kind of savant psychopath festering in his begrimed underwear in a basement somewhere,astrot.html
Why does this sound familiar?
Because thats you moldilox.Its all you.
Anonymous said...
UTS, birthers just want to be stoopids and be rewarded for it. Like Left Behinds who harass the unfortunate who has to babysit their incompetent and lazy selve
Moldilox, dat be 2 funnie.Since you bes a birther to...
Anonymous said...
The lies, repeated over and over are believed because white people want to believe them. I am surprised that he has not yet been assassinated, frankly.
Steven D
I'm 100% with you on that last statement which the other half of the reason I didn't vote for Prez Obama, I wanted NOTHING to do with this possibility.
wesley r:
lies and fear are useful tools
but they have no exclusive user
wigga slob marley/uts/maria et al slur every black radical as a neocon herein to as proof that liars and cowards come in all political sects...
now they must also include NBPP Malik/Farrakhan etc in that alleged "neocon" slander
their bogus lists of “black neocons” is getting LONGER by the millisecond…yay!!!
Lots of people noticed when poet Amiri Baraka finally awoke from his Obamaphilic trance last week to issue “The New Invasion of Africa.” Raymond Nathaniel Turner, impresario of Oakland's Upsrurge jazz Ensemble offer's this poetic answer to Baraka's question, “...When will you learn, poet, and remember so you know it...”?
ab wfwc:
good morning!!!
hobama is a shrewd hoax
he is no coward and he is no wimp
he is an amoral evil ice man
i truly believe bo sr is not his bio dad
frank marshall is his bio dad
donald t is also correct when he says that bill a is hobama's ghost writer...
and hobama must pretend to be a bio kenyan just as he is pretending to be an american citizen
as he slays and robs africans he must tell them
"i am one of u"...
just as he did all the poor black hobama nazi fools who worship him as a cruel god
Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.
More racism,sexism,and homophobia coming from the mouths of black men.
Color me shocked.Now go find those videos of black men in Philly and other places talking about raping white women and murdering white babies.
wesley r:
lies and fear are useful tools
but they have no exclusive user
wigga slob marley/uts/maria et al slur every black radical as a neocon herein to as proof that liars and cowards come in all political sects...
now they must also include NBPP Malik/Farrakhan etc in that alleged "neocon" slander
their bogus lists of “black neocons” is getting LONGER by the millisecond…yay!!!
Lots of people noticed when poet Amiri Baraka finally awoke from his Obamaphilic trance last week to issue “The New Invasion of Africa.” Raymond Nathaniel Turner, impresario of Oakland's Upsrurge jazz Ensemble offer's this poetic answer to Baraka's question, “...When will you learn, poet, and remember so you know it...”?
ab wfwc:
good morning!!!
hobama is a shrewd hoax
he is no coward and he is no wimp
he is an amoral evil ice man
i truly believe bo sr is not his bio dad
frank marshall is his bio dad
donald t is also correct when he says that bill a is hobama's ghost writer...
and hobama must pretend to be a bio kenyan just as he is pretending to be an american citizen
as he slays and robs africans he must tell them
"i am one of u"...
just as he did all the poor black hobama nazi fools who worship him as a cruel god
Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.
court jester fool nig uts:
i never facebook
u r a liar and a fool
do not waste your time
i adore many black men/kings
i will never adore you because a beta male oj lying whining nig rich bitch made original mf like you will never ever be a real black man...
Was that fields in that video reading a book?
uptownsteve said...
PSI, LAA, AB and FP wherever you are:
THIS is what all your black male bashing has wrought.
I hope you're happy.
UTS, the ONLY Black man I bash is your Maria lovin' ass!
FYI, I'm MARRIED to a Black man!
hobama must pretend to be kenyan to slay africa
just as he had to pretend to be a a half black american to slay the usa
and he had to pretend to be black and poor to hypnotize and bamboozle poor black hobama nazis like uts
hobama's entire life is a lie
and his entire reign will be a global curse
gwb chose his blackish cousin to insure that the bush family would rule america for decades....winning!!!
hobama has lied about EVEYRYTHING for years!!!
Why should his birth be the one thing noble and true????
I truly believe that hobama was born in Kenya
And that his bio dad is frank marshall
Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.
excuse the typos/dups
my laptop is going all vdlr on me....
PSI, LAA, AB and FP wherever you are:
A friend of mine sent me this link.
THIS is what all your black male bashing has wrought.
I hope you're happy.
more on wny hobama MUST be a kenyan...and MUST pay millions to make sure we agree...
Shut yo mouth and cover yo ass!!!
LMAO dats the funniest thing i be seen all week thanks much steve!!!!
AB, stop with all dat insane posting.You are commiting sexual assualt on the followers of FN and you need to stop.
You have a nigga feelin'violated.
AB, you also need to shut yo mouth and cover yo ass.ALso, AB, you need to cover them tits.I know you be walking downtown Atlanta with um hanging out.
LMAO!!!! I'm such a dork... Dats to funnie y'all....
And yes.......I's be joking, no offense intended.
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.
Donalyn Dela Cruz, Abercrombie's spokeswoman in Honolulu, ignored again today another in a series of repeated requests made by WND for an interview with the governor.
Read more: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=252833#ixzz1IHZz49mq
u lost me...
fixed my glitch!
i am back in full effect!!!
more on how and why hobama is NOT a scoailist for the blue collar poor
but he is a dream come true for the white collar rich
Only collar you should be worrying about is a dog collar, AB.
Its funnie has all get out!!!
i ignore all court jesters like uts/chris brown/oj etc
uts is a lying beta male bitch nig peasant and i am a queen
it is a regal thing…u know?
donald t is going hard on hobama
and he has not lied yet!!!
go dt!!!
Anonymous said...
I recall nothing of the sort. Why do you persist in lying? American Citizens petitioning the Government for a redress of grievances obviously was never mentioned in your church semenare on the US Constitution. Since this is soooo important...why not track where all the money went. Seems the union folks were protesting peacefully. So, what did Walker and the scammers do with the money? How much cash is needed to protect liars from citizens?
How do you define hard-werkin' Merkans? What exactly is a 'union thug'? Or is it obvious that Walker and fiends are jerkholes?
As far as the person belonging to a union...why did the 'sorce' forget to have this in the story? Oh..because the spin would be false...and actionable. When you gleefully tell a person they will have no benefits so you can give the cash to the Kochs, and the wage will go from barely livable to below poverty level for a family of one...it might be expected they will not be grateful. A person could be angry at the cheer with which you be an utter jerkhole to them..and the expectation there will be no repercussions or reaction...only shows that some wingnuts live in the fantasy of st reagan.
FOX lies...and it was admitted. Why so upset over something so obvious? FOX lies, and always has. FOX lies.
Oh, they do it too...is an excuse for a small child...and isn't successful.
Hey SOcrates/Moldilox, not bad. You are still insane but at least you dropped the fake ebonics somewhat from this post.
Ahhhhh, now who was it (FN) that keeps repeating over and over again where are the Jobs since the Conservatives took over congress?
Well here you go, for the first time since Obama was hailed as the messiah back to back month gains in jobs in the private sector!!!
Now if only we could get the senate children out of the way we could make progress and get out of and avoid the coming double digit recession.
Private employers, the backbone of the economy, drove nearly all of the gains. They added 230,000 jobs last month, on top of 240,000 in February. It was the first time private-sector hiring topped 200,000 in back-to-back months since 2006 -- more than a year before the recession started.
Must be an attempt to pretenderate that 'everyone else does it'. How is it that you confuse mild agreement with the typical wingnut sockpuppetry? Is is because you lack Real World experience? Is is that your worldview does not allow for variation of opinion? How odd. Is this a removal of all 'heretics'? That one must keep the faith 'pure'? We all have an idea of what Catholics did to their fellow Catholics...and to those who were not...during their 'cleansing'. Wonder if the plan is to simply murder me for apostasy or to steal my property after I am tortured for some alleged 'sin'?
Obama as Messiah is a wingnut meme...because, as we all 'know'...Obama is a False Messiah, an Anti-Christ...the real Jesus is a wite, tubercular dude with medium brown hair.
Jobs...try McJobs...low-wage, no benefit temp work..because businessclones cut for short-term fake profits, then discovered the work still had to be done.
Dressing bushMess poo with a bow...might fool a TeaTard...but for most of us the bushMess is still poo.
Obama could do more...but that would upset the BondFairies...or the Fwee Market...or decrease confidence...or whatever the business liars are selling to rubes these days.
more for your pookie file
more on that hoax hobama and his undeserved prizes!
President Barack Obama accepted an award for making the government more open and transparent in secret.
The White House even left the event off the President’s public schedule, so no one knew about it and requests for journalists to cover the meeting by those attending were turned down.
‘To have such a meeting not be transparent is the height of irony. How absurd can that be?’ said one participant, Gary Bass, executive director of OMB Watch, which keeps tabs on
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1372184/Barack-Obama-awarded-prize-transparency-closed-doors.html#ixzz1II1AW6z5
trust no politico!
trust no govt lies about jobs!!!
To paraphrase Mark Twain, the three kinds of lies are lies, damn lies, and government statistics. Governments lie, particularly about economic stats in the middle of a recession and the Obama Bureau of Labor Statistics has refined misrepresenting our economic situation to a high art form.
In a previous column, we reported that Rasmussen’s index of consumer confidence has fallen dramatically since January from a height of 88 to 73 in mid-March. Now, from the Gallup organization comes the reason why: Unemployment is up, not down!
Gallup has measured true joblessness in its polling during this entire recession. Here’s the story:
• Unemployment stood at 10.9 in Feb, 10.
• It fell each month ending up at 8.9 in Aug.
• Then it rose again steadily to 10.1 in Oct.
• And dropped to a low of 8.8 in Dec.
• And then shot up again to 10.3 in March of 2011!
Field, Suburban Guerilla has a piece on the stoning murder. Seems the lad is a wingnut.
Field I have been saying for a while that these folks just make stuff up. Its good that someone admitted it, but its amazing that folks so readily believe things that have absolutely no basis in fact.
Obama has run the capitalist machine as well as any of their politicians in recent memory. In fact his bailout pretty much saved capitalism.
His behaviour is clearly not socialist by any stretch of the imagination.
@Goat- you are right on with your comments. All the Big Business media outlets are exactly that big business, that includes CNN and MSNBC. Fox is just the most right leaning. They don't report the news and in fact the idea of them being objective or holding the republic accountable went out when they cheered on the Iraq war.
Who can forget how they imbedded with the troops and failed to give a critical eye to all the destruction that was going on around them.
Mell, it is about being a Goober in good standing amongst the Heeyucks. One must repeat the faith-based idiocy to be accepted by the rest of the tribe. Using Reason and Logic is verboten. Only the One Troo Faith is allowed. Heretics are punished...or cast out.
Besides, it's a way to scream migger, migger, migger at the top of your voice and not have the consequences.
Come on AB what is Donald Trump telling the truth about. He is a new part of the ruling class strategy its called "confuse and confiscate."
Its a slick move since some folks respect Trump cause he has money and has built a few things.
But its just old fashioned distraction. Who really cares where the president was born. The Pakistanis being caught in the cross fires of his Drones don't care and I know the occupied Afghans and Iraqis don't care.
And it sure as hell ain't putting food on nobody's plate nor is it creating jobs for the unemployed.
I wish folks would ignore this crap! Man the working class in the US in the 21st century is going to go down as the most foolish group of exploited people the world as ever known. At least last century most workers had sense enough to know they were being taken advantage of.
did u read the links:
trump has said
hobama is an appeasing drone
hobama is hiding his bc...why?
hobama is a war mongering bush bashing/yet bush cloned hypocrite
i agree x 3!
i say the very LAST thing any american needs to do is ignore ANY other iota of info about hobama
the problem is we have ignored far too much info on hobama for far too long...
FOX news is a legitimate news organization that presents stories from a predominately Republican perspective.
For the predominantly Democratic perspective, you have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and tax payer subsidized NPR.
The fact there is one network who will report the stories that reflect badly on their policies apparently is intolerable to liberals. No effort must be spared to silence FOX, by any means possible.
Is FOX as they claim "fair and balanced"? No, but they are closer to being so than any of the other networks (this was the conclusion of two academic studies, for what they are worth). They always include some Media Matters-coached democrat shill to give the liberal party line for every topic they discuss.
This left wing obsession with FOX is very telling, and shows just how insecure and anti-free speech liberals are.
On that note, Media Matters has abandoned all other projects and has declared “war” on FOX. A good old fashioned Bolshevik operation funded by democrat supporters. That there is an 86 member operaiton with a $10 million budget working 24/7 to attack FOX news should help you foaming-at-the-mouth liberals sleep easy.
field its a known fact that perception is everything facts mean nothing at all when perceptions can be shaped a rumor mill is important in this sense because they prey on the prejudice and vulnerabilities of populations to spread their lies that is why paid astroturf is so bad it is a paid set of rumor setters and defamers to do nothign more than sow discord and chaos and eventually kill this blog
Only collar you should be worrying about is a dog collar, AB.
proof of ur supposed genius level iq ?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
oh wait there is none quuntbreaf loser and FRAUD!
scream at the top of ur lungs about how our president is a pejorative term butat least he has a job unlike ur unemployed disgusting filthy ugly unintelligent ass!
Rev Wite, have you 'forgotten' that FOX can't pass the honesty test? FOX was denied a license as FOX lies.
As far as everyone else being D, that is made up.
But playing victim gives you warrant...in your own mind.
If you mean Fact-based is D, then nearly all news orgs are. NPR, especially. However, NPR is notably more accurate, honest and decent than FOX...or the howling mad Gooberish spewing religio-crazee child abusers that usually are adjacent to the stations that carry NPR. Most of the wackaloons hate NPR for having Facts so close to their Heeyuckian poo-flinging. Revrunt JimmyBruceJohnWayneBob is lying that homosexuality is eveel...and a few dial turns away is NPR with a successful, erudite professional stating that there is no evidence from Science for such a claim. Back before st reagan, the FCC wrote reports on the odd frequency and consistency of Gomer stations jamming the NPR ones. Almost like it was a concerted effort to deny the airing of Fact-based views.
As far as the false equivalence...Maddow and Shultz are centrists...with slight left views. One must listen to NPR or college radio to ever hear Left points of view. And almost always are the Left speakers 'counterbalanced' by a shill for the far-right.
Fantasizing about this makes you appear either obtuse, clueless or deliberately lying.
But, I do have some small delight in hearing the repetition of the Perps Lament from your lips.
Only collar you should be worrying about is a dog collar, AB.
proof of ur supposed genius level iq ?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
oh wait there is none quuntbreaf loser and FRAUD!
scream at the top of ur lungs about how our president is a pejorative term butat least he has a job unlike ur unemployed disgusting filthy ugly unintelligent ass!
if hobama has to depend on morons like the vdlr to defend him...he will INDEED be a one term prez select!
Only collar you should be worrying about is a dog collar, AB.
proof of ur supposed genius level iq ?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
oh wait there is none quuntbreaf loser and FRAUD!
scream at the top of ur lungs about how our president is a pejorative term butat least he has a job unlike ur unemployed disgusting filthy ugly unintelligent ass!
u cant have the last word buceta breaf it wont happen u keep spamming this blog and ule get it back ten fold
oh wait isnt ur wife ban u from commentin on weekends ya lying coohole sack of cat bucetas stank breaf banks!
or are u spc or fp or laa or spi fake scientist today loser!!!
Right on, right on Rev. Right....
The 20%'ers hate free speech and hate opposing view points.
Why would the 20%'ers create website after website,repeat each others failed attacks,spend billions attacking a news source that 90% of this country either don't know about/don't watch, or don't care about?
Censorship is in the DNA of the Democrat party.Just like racism is.
In order for Demcrats to sell their ideas, they have to close down radio stations,newspapers,throw their owners in jail, and silence anyone who opposes them.
The 20%'ers only wish they could get away with that in 2011.
"Censorship is in the DNA of the Democrat party.Just like racism is."
You're either insane or an inveterate liar.
For instance, why does a progressive allow racists and righties like you to clog up his board but conservative bloggers ROUTINELY block or ban liberal posters.
Today I just had this righty on FB deleting my posts as quick as I could type them.
buceta breaf banks continues to spam this blog under various aliases but its plain as day the nasty filthy troll always must have the last word but never answers questions about its false and obviously false identity
proof of ur supposed genius level iq ?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
oh wait there is none quuntbreaf loser and FRAUD!
scream at the top of ur lungs about how our president is a pejorative term but at least he has a job unlike ur unemployed disgusting filthy ugly unintelligent ass!
oh wait isnt ur wife ban u from commentin on weekends ya lying coohole sack of cat bucetas stank breaf banks!
rev wite war crimes so called wannabe scientist and others are just sockpuppet disgusting clones of the nasty banks thing just nasty!
all these black people with different professions citing wingnuttist ideas fronting like theyre scientists and teachers and home school coop directors when theyre all just paid shill qooholes trying to ruin this blog supposedly were supposed to accept what they say cuz theyre supposed to be black and enlightened but the only problem is that enlightened people dont continuously use pejorative terms and ad hominems to refer to people that push policies they dont like they take the high road and agitate for policy change and certainly dont spend all their time talking mess on the internet like these qooholes do!
foolish lickless vdlr:
hobama pushed "mongrels" as he starved and ignored millions of you hobama nazis in the usa...
just before he pushed those buttons to bomb libyan mongrels and steal their oil and gold..
and we did not hear a peep out of u then about lingo and agendas
so...why yap now silly doggy?
Rev. Right said...
Is FOX as they claim "fair and balanced"? No, but they are closer to being so than any of the other networks (this was the conclusion of two academic studies, for what they are worth).
From 9am to 5pm FOX NEWS is the most balanced cable news.
CNN and MSNBC FAVOR THE LEFT during those hours.
Most media studies have said that for years.
Check out Pew Research and other places that study the media.
20%...the folks who still beleeverate bush was competent? The 20% who are utterly resistant to Facts?
One can pretenderate the Ds are still the Olde Southe...but that is just magical wisherating. Like Bristol's ability to dance. No matter how much wants it to occur...it never does.
While cheating and stealing from much more deserving and talented AfAms is quite OK.
How does responding to lies and falsehoods of wingnuts with Fact-based Truth equal censorship?
You know what I love about this blog? THE ARCHIVES! The archives exposes people.
In this post, I read the "reason" why a commenter didn't vote for Obama. But if you read the archives from 2009, the same commenter (albeit different username) cites another reason for not voting for Obama.
That's just one of the inconsistencies...lol.
Two crapademic not-studies confirm that FOX is beloved of those who live in fantasy. If you are going to lie about the propaganda nature of FOX and its continual lying...you might want to know that there are multitudes of real studies on this issue.
Lying/pretending to academic status serves to reveal you have only your beleefs.
No US MSM favours the Left. At best, one has NPR with a neutral stance. You really should cease lying. As far as media studies...try again. I have read real ones. You are lying.
Even Jimmy Carter tried to use the fairness doctrine to shut down critics of his failed foreign policies.
I wasn't talking about you, Idiot Banks...lol. So, you must be guilty...lol.
ghost faced liar assnon at 4:06
u are a bogus drama king/queen
a real one would have sent us an archived link
quote me or stfu
millions of people voted for hobama by default ONLY
just as i did and have always said
see more on that consistent note since 2007 all over the net
and here:
each day i am proudER that hillary was my 1st choice
even as she is enslaved as a war drone for her warmonger massa hobama
uptownsteve said...
Today I just had this righty on FB deleting my posts as quick as I could type them.
Ain't you got anything better to do than argue on Facebook of all places Mr. Maria?, LOL???
alicia banks said...
ghost faced liar assnon at 4:06
u are a bogus drama king/queen
a real one would have sent us an archived link
quote me or stfu
millions of people voted for hobama by default ONLY
just as i did and have always said
see more on that consistent note since 2007 all over the net
and here:
each day i am proudER that hillary was my 1st choice
even as she is enslaved as a war drone for her warmonger massa hobama
4:18 PM
Luckily, I was able to capture your drivel in the cache before you deleted it.
As I said earlier, I wasn't talking about you, you idiot. But since you responded, you must be guilty...lol.
alicia banks said...
ghost faced liar assnon at 4:06
u are a bogus drama king/queen
a real one would have sent us an archived link
quote me or stfu
AB, girl "you be killin em", Fabolous style!!!
See when all you have to do all day is wipe a$$e$ and change $hitty diapers, "studying" Fields archives looking for inconsistencies is the highlight of ones day!
But I totally get it, when you're too much of a punk to get an identity and post on a blog, it's probably related to the fact that it's mind can only be occupied by one thought at a time.
I am never guilty
Because I never do anything I feel is wrong
Easy…and wks for me
I am especially am NEVER EVER guilty about what I say/do re: that evil hoax hobama!!!
my mere suggestions 4 u anon:
why not just be brave like me
sign your real name and show your real face and
address your posts to specific posters herein etc
that will cease all confusion...ok?
when i delete a post
i am
usually all 3
all day long
Dr Queen!
the most trifling nigs and wigs online LIVE here
minoring in the major
and majoring in the minor
ALWAYS cursing and whining and lying all day every day but
NEVER finding one second to defend the INCREASINGLY INDEFENSIBLE hobama....
thanks 4 beating me to my edited punch!
ghost faced liar assnon at 4:06
u are a bogus drama king/queen
a real one would have sent us an archived link
quote me or stfu
millions of people voted for hobama by default ONLY
just as i did and have always said
see more on that consistent note since 2007 all over the net
and here:
each day i am proudER that hillary was my 1st choice
even as she is enslaved as a war drone for her warmonger massa hobama
"Today I just had this righty on FB deleting my posts as quick as I could type them."
What is "FB"?
Blogs are personal projects that can be run however one wants.
What about concerted attempts by government officials to censor right wing radio (the "Fairness" Doctrine), Senate democrat's forcing ABC to edit "The Path to 911" by sending a letter threatening their broadcast license, or a political-party funded organization (Media Matters) conducting smear campaigns against unfriendly media outlets?
fb = facebook
a cia database
and most recently
a bill collector’s' electronic nirvana
Hey AB, I LOVE the sound of Dr. Queen, so I've added it to my username. Hell, manbe I'll just shorten it to Dr. Queen and call it a day! :)
Here's a question, we all complain about both the Dems and Repubs, yet: 1) Not many of you are registered Independent as I am and 2) no one seems to support independent candidates.
So how about Lieberman, what about him makes him so distasteful to Dems?
the vdlrs' homies all rule at facebook now too
yet another reason to evade it
I think FB is "1984" in 2011, but I so throughly enjoy getting in touch with friends from high school through it.
It's really a love/hate relationship for me!
"alicia banks said...
each day i am prouder that hillary was my 1st choice
even as she is enslaved as a war drone for her warmonger massa hobama
4:38 PM"
Enslaved???? She can take her fat ass & cankles and resign any time she damn well wants to.
You really are a moron, Banks. You should have your race card punched & cancelled.
Dr. Queen:
You earn your regal name everywhere every day!
lieberman messed up like arlen s when he flipped flopped for hobama
hillary is not a faceless cowardly quitter like u
and she has already bailed out of 2012
u r clueless and late as always u fool
Dr. Queen
i know
i am addicted to myspace and FB just bought it
just watch your security prefs...weekly!!!!
some fools are getting robbed etc by posting their schedules at fb
Yeah, and you are sooooo distinguished that you take the time to launch a cheap barb...lol. STFU...lol. Wipe your funky, nasty and blood ass with that...lol.
Suggestion: To keep your lies straight, consult the archives...lol.
Who said I spend all day reading the archives? It's only takes a few seconds, to index the search of this blog to find your stupid and inconsistent drivel...lol.
Dr. Quuen:
have you ever seen morons as EXPLICITLY vulgar and diseased and unclean and lewd as the heathen mongrels who wild here????
that vdlr is a vulgar virus that has fatally infected the uneducated pervs who dwell here
You are just as vulgar as them. I have read your vitriol toward UTS. I used to like your posting. Now, you are just a nuisance.
assnon at 5:05/uts:
i am certain that u know i could not care less what u think about anything...
like hobama
u lie!!!
i have a vocab!
and i read and doc all i post!
that nig uts is a lying colorist sexist oj bitch made hobama swallower who deserves every slur i ever post...
get used to that!
I am not UTS, don't make ASSumptions. You are very sensitive and insecure. You can't handle constructive criticism or challenge. I have seen the way you insult Maria, UTS and others who don't agree with you.
You contribute nothing to this blog.
You are a sad individual.
i am a comm scholar
i speak fluently in many tones that assnons like u set
ditto for all of the vulgar assnons
and i always GIVE better than i get
got envy?
got a triple black belt in verbal karate like me?
Yeah, I can't believe AB would have the nerve to call ANYONE else "vulgar". What a hypocrite!
Well, in her case, I guess it would be "hippocrite".
Right, Jim?
You got that right, Marlin!
You are NO scholar. A scholar carries himself/herself with at least a modicum of dignity.
Your words betray you.
Again, you are a sad individual.
faceless assnons/vdlrS:
YOU contribute a face, a spine, and a valid pt to this blog before you lie like hobama again u brazen buffoon/ghostly goon!
u sad vulgar uneducated illiterate ghastly hobama nazi fools will be slain by this scholar always
get used to that like u do hiding your fugly faces!!!
NOTHING is as vulgar as any fool who dares to call hobomba a "nobel peace prize" winner...
anons took that nasty filthy savage to town today and thank the gods for that this filth pile is no scholar and is no educator and is nothing but a blow hard goat qoohole! sad means we should feel sorry for this nasty thing but disgusting filthy and errant means this beast should be deleted in all of its fake sockpuppet and false identities online this disease on this blog should be wiped out!!!! and apparently the bloggers today took a stand against that nasty filthy beast!
You only slay yourself, because you think you slay others in your warped and rotting mind.
Sucks to be you.
NOTHING is as vulgar as any fool who dares to call hobomba a "nobel peace prize" winner...
shame!!!!!!!!!buceta breaf
gee nothing is as vulgar as someone who boldface lies about having the highest iq on the planet then insults once called on her bullshyt
nothing is as vulgar as a supposed radical black lesbian woman doing everything she can online to discredit black womens and black mens and white womens and so forth et cetera et cetera et cetera qooholelickinmorons!
Anon 5:18 PM. Although her behavior is filthy and beastly, name calling is not necessary.
You only slay yourself, because you think you slay others in your warped and rotting mind.
Sucks to be you. anon wit sense
u rite u is riter then rain brother or sister anonymous
this nasty sow need to be challenged each and every day if it make its paid astroturfing more difficult to defend its nasty fragile ego and its desire to spam to drown out criticism is so obviuos
that nasty cow aint about shyt and aint never done shyt and is really an irritant
fat foolish assnons:
the "hippocrite" would be hobama
and his bogus health scam that will violate all hippocratic oaths for poor sick twisted unmedicated STD'd mongrel mfs like u
NOTHING is as vulgar as any fool who dares to call hobomba a "nobel peace prize" winner...
shame!!!!!!!!!buceta breaf
gee nothing is as vulgar as someone who boldface lies about having the highest iq on the planet then insults once called on her bullshyt
nothing is as vulgar as a supposed radical black lesbian woman doing everything she can online to discredit black womens and black mens and white womens and so forth et cetera et cetera et cetera qooholelickinmorons!
anons took that nasty filthy savage to town today and thank the gods for that this filth pile is no scholar and is no educator and is nothing but a blow hard goat qoohole! sad means we should feel sorry for this nasty thing but disgusting filthy and errant means this beast should be deleted in all of its fake sockpuppet and false identities online this disease on this blog should be wiped out!!!! and apparently the bloggers today took a stand against that nasty filthy beast!
You are NO scholar. A scholar carries himself/herself with at least a modicum of dignity.
Your words betray you.
Again, you are a sad individual.
field its a known fact that perception is everything facts mean nothing at all when perceptions can be shaped a rumor mill is important in this sense because they prey on the prejudice and vulnerabilities of populations to spread their lies that is why paid astroturf is so bad it is a paid set of rumor setters and defamers to do nothign more than sow discord and chaos and eventually kill this blog
Can you please stop asking her for proof of her 250 IQ...lol? I getting tired of seeing that...lol.
We know she ain't got no 250 IQ. That's only reserved for idiot savants. Well, she may have an IQ of 125...lol.
reserved for idiot savants. Well, she may have an IQ of 125...lol.
the only qoohole who says lol on this blog is the wannabe so called scientist who aint know shyt about anything!!!!!!
the nasty chriflin chrick is at most a moron so the iq is at most 80! only a truly slow person would make up all these lies about themselves and expect people to believe them
we all know you are having nig moments in boom box stereo with all of your psycho schizo alter ego assnons
and ALL of your combined IQs = -250.00!!!
my bad morons only go up to 70 shes a fracckkin idiot! muah muah muah
Ugh, don't bring up FlyNMy40s (aka MeAndMyMicroscope... aka... Dr. Queen... aka Pst...)...lol.
I do believe she has a some undergrad coursework in biology, perhaps some organic chemistry. But me not think she's a scientist. She just doesn't come across as the scholarly type.
But hey, that's my opinion.
I do believe she has a some undergrad coursework in biology, perhaps some organic chemistry. But me not think she's a scientist. She just doesn't come across as the scholarly type.
But hey, that's my opinion. anon who is too kind
yeah anon but she aint never said anything that indicates a deep understanding of anything in science or politics or economics for that matter that bully and terrorist who threatens to send mail bombs and cyanide to other bloggers is a LIAR any fool can look up stuff on wikipedia then answer u like they know something but ask her about her supposed areas of 'mastery' yeah look up in the archives to see what shese mastered then see she aint know shyt!
vdlr decoder:
IQ =
1. ignorance quotient(LEGENDARILY low even among her uneducated turbo bred pookie peers!!!)
2. a single unit of cold solidified water use to cool henny shots while staring drunkenly and lustfully at her hobama posters...
With regard to the flip flopping of Lieberman it seems impossible to be a successful political candidate, while staying true to ones self.
And I would imagine that by the time you reach the white house, you have no recollection of who you were in the first place!
talkin bout u proud to be black and the first to call someone a nig or a wig or a nig$$er ya fracccckkkin hypocrite
we all know you are having nig buceta lickin moron
hey imbecile supposedly educated one wheres proof that ure so smart again?
howre those publications in journals going?
what do ur peers think about ur scholaly research ya liar?
oh wait there is none just a bunch of lies and self referential links ya qoohole!
oh the filth pile buceta breaf banks is getting upset first she tries to ignore this anon then she talks to her rogue state alteregos about this anon then she directly addresses this anon but her pattern occurs every day without fail only truly mentally defective wingnuttists would dare bother behaving like this filthpot!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur child prodigy accomplishments?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
gee nothing is as vulgar as someone who boldface lies about having the highest iq on the planet then insults once called on her bullshyt
nothing is as vulgar as a supposed radical black lesbian woman doing everything she can online to discredit black womens and black mens and white womens and so forth et cetera et cetera et cetera qooholelickinmorons!
And I would imagine that by the time you reach the white house, you have no recollection of who you were in the first place! wannabe scientist
aint that funny now u change ur name to dr queen? newsflash qooholelicker uve got to have a doctoral degree to be called a doctor u are neither a doctor nor educated enough to be conferred a doctoral degree of any type ya fracccckkkin poser liar and FRAUD
a queen is a woman who carries herself with respect and doesnt always have their mind in the gutter a queen is someone patient enough to know that calling herself a doctor before any doctor degree is conferred upon her is house negro behavior of the worst type a queen is a woman who is able to discuss issues in a reasonable way without resorting to childish insults
wannabe scientist u r neither a doctor nor a queen
Dr. Queen
i think it was david letterman?
who said
"dc is where smart people go to die"
hobama is a zombie because he was a walking dead hoax FAR in advance of his stint in dc
talkin bout u proud to be black and the first to call someone a nig or a wig or a nig$$er ya fracccckkkin hypocrite
we all know you are having nig buceta lickin moron
hey imbecile supposedly educated one wheres proof that ure so smart again?
howre those publications in journals going?
what do ur peers think about ur scholaly research ya liar?
oh wait there is none just a bunch of lies and self referential links ya qoohole!
oh the filth pile buceta breaf banks is getting upset first she tries to ignore this anon then she talks to her rogue state alteregos about this anon then she directly addresses this anon but her pattern occurs every day without fail only truly mentally defective wingnuttists would dare bother behaving like this filthpot!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur child prodigy accomplishments?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
gee nothing is as vulgar as someone who boldface lies about having the highest iq on the planet then insults once called on her bullshyt
nothing is as vulgar as a supposed radical black lesbian woman doing everything she can online to discredit black womens and black mens and white womens and so forth et cetera et cetera et cetera qooholelickinmorons!
And I would imagine that by the time you reach the white house, you have no recollection of who you were in the first place! wannabe scientist
aint that funny now u change ur name to dr queen? newsflash qooholelicker uve got to have a doctoral degree to be called a doctor u are neither a doctor nor educated enough to be conferred a doctoral degree of any type ya fracccckkkin poser liar and FRAUD
a queen is a woman who carries herself with respect and doesnt always have their mind in the gutter a queen is someone patient enough to know that calling herself a doctor before any doctor degree is conferred upon her is house negro behavior of the worst type a queen is a woman who is able to discuss issues in a reasonable way without resorting to childish insults
wannabe scientist u r neither a doctor nor a queen
Anonymous said...
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur child prodigy accomplishments?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
gee nothing is as vulgar as someone who boldface lies about having the highest iq on the planet then insults once called on her bullshyt
nothing is as vulgar as a supposed radical black lesbian woman doing everything she can online to discredit black womens and black mens and white womens and so forth et cetera et cetera et cetera qooholelickinmorons!
MOLD/Socrates - Will you ever stop? You are detestable. I HATE seeing your infantile nasty vulgar comments. Before seeing them I was apathetic to AB, now I hope she kicks your little crazy ass all over this blog over and over your a sick puppy!!!! GO AB get this nutcase expose his ass and its a pale one at that!!!!
alicia banks said...
Dr. Queen
i think it was david letterman?
who said
"dc is where smart people go to die"
hobama is a zombie because he was a walking dead hoax FAR in advance of his stint in dc
Gotta cosign with this!
A few years ago I read about some of the political "moves" Prez Obama made on his was to being a Senator and I was shocked! But I shouldn't have been, polictics will NEVER change and it seems to be the ONLY Prez, who stayed realtively true to himself, was Carter.
vicious vapid volvox vdlr:
only the most rabid hobama nazi would argue that NCLB is good because hobama and his ed corp banksters are bilking charter schools
u is as cold as a IQ...fo sho!
wannabe scientist supposedly has a secure job why can it logon to unsecure sites like blogger then if its at a secure lab? wannabe scientist calls itself a doctor but it aint ha no doctoral degree no p h d no j d no m d no nuttthing so why so why so why does it continue to lie calling itself a queen when clearly it has as much class as a dime store hooker from 1986 chriflin chricks chriflin chricks chriflin chricks
I am a frequent reader of Glen Ford's BAR. It disturbs me that you cite his website.
Hey, then again, if a jot of his intelligences rubs off on you, then I am all for it.
vdlr decoder:
laptop =
1. a techie tool of choice impossible to use for secure internet banter during the making of fries at mickey d's
2. her own special seat at the strip club found upon various seated bodies of droves of FAMILIAR untamed adulterous pvt tigers (all of whom tuck their cheap wedding bands in their cheaper pockets while she sits...)
hey silly assnon/vdlrS:
glen ford is my homie hero!
thanks for the EXTRA pub!
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof that uve ever been a teacher or that ure a real person ya liar?
it dont exist ure a fraud a fiction and a liar this is why u never answre the questions u simply cant ure incompetent even at creating ur own false internet identity must suck to be u qoohole
as is usual u try to talk about a perceived relationship and bad hair relaxers and henny where u know far more about that low class stuff then me ya urban drag queen penile implant wannabe
wannabe scientist supposedly has a secure job why can it logon to unsecure sites like blogger then if its at a secure lab? wannabe scientist calls itself a doctor but it aint ha no doctoral degree no p h d no j d no m d no nuttthing so why so why so why does it continue to lie calling itself a queen when clearly it has as much class as a dime store hooker from 1986 chriflin chricks chriflin chricks chriflin chricks
we all know you are having nig buceta lickin moron
hey imbecile supposedly educated one wheres proof that ure so smart again?
howre those publications in journals going?
what do ur peers think about ur scholaly research ya liar?
oh wait there is none just a bunch of lies and self referential links ya qoohole! gods forbid if ure unqualified uneducated ass has anything to do wit kids of any kind
According to a recent report published by the Education Trust, there continue to be high rates of unqualified teachers in American schools.
Many are teaching "out-of-field," meaning they are forced to teach in subjects that they are not certified in or did not major in in college. Schools face budget cuts, or lack teachers in certain subjects, and remaining teachers have to make up the slack -- teaching in unfamiliar areas.
The report states,
But even more worrisome are the disparities in access to qualified teachers between high-poverty and low-poverty schools. Although No Child Left Behind required states to ensure that students in low-income communities were not disproportionately taught by inexperienced and unqualified teachers, the requirement did not create significant change.
The report finds that across the nation, high-poverty secondary schools have a rate of approximately 21.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers, whereas low-poverty secondary schools only have 10.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers.
alicia banks said...
only the most rabid hobama nazi would argue that NCLB is good because hobama and his ed corp banksters are bilking charter schools.
When an idiot mentions NCLB, that's how you know for sure the IQ you're dealing with is in the single digits.
I spent Wednesday morning talking to a group of kids at a school in NW B'more that was supposed to be a "charter" school and I almost cried when I left. Not a damn thing has changed in the 'hood since NCLB was initiated and I'm talking about basic stuff like computers, painted walls, and clean bathrooms. In fact, if I hadn't had my laptop with my, my presentation would have been null and void!
I am happy to say that contrary to popular belief about poor minority kids, these were bright, inquisitive, and very well mannered.
always trying to get the last word in ur strategies have failed qoohole lickin moron u have been exposed by many people here anons take over when this non is gone everyone truly hates u and ure a waste of space ab just do urself in get it over with ya qoohole nope anon 542 sockpuppet ab clone ure just irritated cuz ur mammy personality ab is upset that her lies are exposed and so r her other sockpuppets nope chrick thisnasty filth pile gets what she deserves
When an idiot mentions NCLB, that's how you know for sure the IQ you're dealing with is in the single digitswannabe scientist
ure even a bigger imbecile then previously thought anyone who has a single digit iq cannot speak ya idgit u r simply so ignorant u cant even come up with convincing lies
what u gonna do now? threaten to mail bomb this anon or send cyanide ya liar! pray tell senorita what areas of science have u claimed to 'master'?
wannabe scientist supposedly has a secure job why can it logon to unsecure sites like blogger then if its at a secure lab? wannabe scientist calls itself a doctor but it aint ha no doctoral degree no p h d no j d no m d no nuttthing so why so why so why does it continue to lie calling itself a queen when clearly it has as much class as a dime store hooker from 1986 chriflin chricks chriflin chricks chriflin chricks
we all know you are having nig buceta lickin moron
hey imbecile supposedly educated one wheres proof that ure so smart again?
howre those publications in journals going?
what do ur peers think about ur scholaly research ya liar?
oh wait there is none just a bunch of lies and self referential links ya qoohole! gods forbid if ure unqualified uneducated ass has anything to do wit kids of any kind
According to a recent report published by the Education Trust, there continue to be high rates of unqualified teachers in American schools.
Many are teaching "out-of-field," meaning they are forced to teach in subjects that they are not certified in or did not major in in college. Schools face budget cuts, or lack teachers in certain subjects, and remaining teachers have to make up the slack -- teaching in unfamiliar areas.
The report states,
But even more worrisome are the disparities in access to qualified teachers between high-poverty and low-poverty schools. Although No Child Left Behind required states to ensure that students in low-income communities were not disproportionately taught by inexperienced and unqualified teachers, the requirement did not create significant change.
The report finds that across the nation, high-poverty secondary schools have a rate of approximately 21.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers, whereas low-poverty secondary schools only have 10.9 percent of classes taught by "out-of-field" teachers.
"FOX news is a legitimate news organization that presents stories from a predominately Republican perspective."
Ok Rev. Wrong, I get it, it's Aprils Fool's Day. Good one.:)
Fairness Doctrine allows for contrary opinions...how does this eradicate the false ones of wingnuts? Is wingnut radio so utterly without merit that an opposing voice will kill it? Or that Facts, once introduced, will make it obvious that right-wing radio lies?
More Clinton conspiracy beleef. He's smarter than you and gets -ahem- without having to pay extra and up front...get over it.
Media Matters is non-partisan. It is interested in having more Truth in news. So, I suppose that makes it D, by default. Shame the current Rs are so absolutely dependent on lying.
Anyone who can quote Jacques Ellul on propaganda is okay in my book! What a treat to see that someone else has read his work.
The "base" even when presented with evidence of lies by their overlords won't adjust their beliefs or opinions to the correct info. Why do you think we're *still* in Iraq?! Bush even said live on TV that there was no link btwn AQ & the 9/11 bombings, but every wingnut will still tell you, as a matter of fact, that Saddam/Iraq bombed NYC..
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