"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” ~Theodore Roosevelt~
Tabitha Allen needs a good kick in the pants.
"Tabitha Allen blames herself for her 10-year-old son's violent behavior. Growing up and living in a drug-infested, hooker-inhabited neighborhood, the 33-year-old mother of five is angry about life. "My anger reflects off my children," Allen explained one morning in the North Philadelphia rowhouse she inherited from her grandmother.
Her son - a thin, almost gaunt, boy with long eyelashes - punched a teacher last June at Kenderton Elementary School, a K-8 in Tioga. He knocked the glasses off her face and blackened her eye with a blow that packed unexpected power. As a 10-year-old, he had reached the minimum age to be arrested, and ended up with a simple assault charge in Family Court, where he was put on probation. He was removed from Kenderton and transferred to a classroom for disruptive elementary school students in Logan. Only last week, Allen said that her son was disciplined for having a BB gun at his new school. She said it was a misunderstanding and that the gun belonged to another student. [Source]
Tabitha Allen doesn't need a kick in the butt because she was born into unfortunate circumstances. She needs a kick in the butt for bringing five children into her world. A world where hope is hard to come by.
Tabitha Allen didn't give herself much of a shot, and she brought five kids along for the ride. Read the link to the Philly.com series about school violence that I provided. It will give you a wonderful insight into why Philly has 77 murders [and counting] so far this year.
"Tabitha Allen admits she wasn't on top of her children's lives the way she should have been, especially after her grandmother got sick and an aunt died. "I took my mind off my kids," Allen said. Allen, a high school dropout and unemployed, had all five of her children before she was 25. Two of her teenagers she describes as "Bonnie and Clyde." "They don't know how to walk away from stuff. They don't know how to let stuff go," she said. Her youngest, the 10-year-old who assaulted the teacher, takes after them, she said. So it was no surprise to her when she learned he had hit his teacher.
Earlier, the teacher had intervened when the boy hit a classmate. That led to a fist fight in the hall between the boy and the teacher, she said. Her son had been suspended repeatedly for fighting, she said. This time, he faced legal charges and landed on probation. Kenderton kicked him out and sent him to a disciplinary classroom at a K-6 school in Logan, about a mile and a half from his house. The classroom is run by Abraxas.
This year, there are 10 such sites based at elementary schools and serving 240 children in grades three to eight, said Wright, of the discipline office. Each self-contained classroom is staffed by a teacher and a behavior specialist. Students are evaluated after 30 days to determine if they can return to a regular school. In addition to academics, the students receive counseling and character-building courses. Allen said the school is too strict. When her son enters the school, he is patted down for weapons, she said. His classroom is in the basement, she said, and he is not allowed out for recess. "He ain't no convict. This isn't jail," she complained. Allen also said she was at a loss about how to help her son, who has ADHD and sees a psychiatrist.
She did her best to discipline her children, she said, and learned how to "beat them at their own game." When her son missed her imposed 10 p.m. curfew, she made him sit outside until 2 a.m. - in the cold. When her 13-year-old was locked up for trying to steal sneakers, she let him sit in jail for a while. She did the same to her 16-year-old daughter after she got into a fight and was detained. And when her 15-year-old son said he was going to kill himself, she hung a rope and told him how best to do it. "I said, 'It depends on how you jump,' " she said. "You got to jump right."
Allen struggles with her own anger. She said it comes from "life. Period. Me growing up in a neighborhood like this, seeing all the drugs." She pointed to her front door. "I got a whole hooker row right here on the corner," she said."
Tabitha Allen gives her ten year old son a 10 p.m. curfew! And people wonder why criminal lawyers do so well. *shaking head*
1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»what did the teacher do to piss off the boy so bad? cause u know they be taserin black kids in schools nowadays or at least thats what the latest southern poverty law center newsletter says no joke
and sounds like the mother could use a parenting class or two
no mention of the father at all in this posting? Is this another sign of the desireability of 72% out of wedlock births?
FN now this in my opinion is a hell of a post, a real problem that maybe can be discussed. As long as no one somehow blames "bush" on this one and goes off into crazy land, by Bush I mean the ex president not Tabitha's.
That 10pm curfew flew over my head for a second. Word? We lettin 9 year olds have a 10pm curfew? I know the article said the kid was 10, but I doubt the 10pm curfew started on his birthday. Then she try to brag about all these discipline gimmicks she do, like she a regular Joe Jackson........you ain't foolin nobody lady.
Milton Hershey School. Boarding School. Therapy. They all need to get the hell out of that neighborhood. I wonder what was going through her mind each time she gave birth to a child? How come she never wanted better?
This series of reports is disturbing to say the least.
It isn't just the 'urban underclass' that has these issues. Speak with any teacher in Appalachia and hear the same family dynamic. Love how those who inherit vast sums of money thinkerate that everyone has boots. What can we do to have this family back into society, being productive and with plenty to encourage more positive behaviours? They need 'skin in the game'.
This narrative is very offensive and reads like it is written by a Bell Curve Tea Bagger..
I object it's tone and the inferences it makes against an entire collective of people..
There has to be a better written commentary to make a point than this tired shit..
Some folks won't like this but although this post doesn't say that Ms. Tabitha is on Government Assistance (Welfare), the Government needs to get out of the 'kids business' and stop rewarding people for having kids out of wedlock.
The Government needs to say we will pay for 1 child only for a set time like 5 years or less to allow the mother to get her education. After that they need to say 'good luck' and take them off the rolls for good. They need to stop giving people more money for having more kids.
Family Court needs to give parenting classes to BOTH parents and make sure the father is involved in the childs life. Some Dads want to be in the kids life but the Court puts barrier up and allows the Mothers to keep the kids away. The Dads who run away from their responsibility need to be dealt with.
Gibson said...
no mention of the father at all in this posting?
That was the 1st thought that popped in my head. The 2nd thought was how many asshole trolls are comment on how this is a "black" thing.
True story. I'm hanging out with this white chick that has 2 young kids 4 and 5. She invites me over to "cloud surf". The kids are with the baby sitter downstairs wide awake at 9PM. We go up to her room, she lights up..that should have the 1st sign..we're chillin', hear a knock at the door and lo and behold the 4 yr wants to see her Mumma. Room is nice and cloudy, the Mom invites her in and tells her to close the door - Mom is still "Clouding"..Long story short, it was time for me to go. ALL respect was gone. The sad part is her girls are getting the best private education(her parents)money can buy. I would love to see into the future concerning her girls because something tells me it won't be good look.
From the 'hood to the good, it's all the same.
Why yes, Wesley...let us bravely force children to suffer for their parent's misdeeds. We can heroically throw them off the dole for not having been able to find work that offers heat, shelter and medical care. But then...we would have a cheaper and more desperate labour pool.
As far as Family Court preventing MRAs from visiting kids...horsepoo! You have to EARN losing visitation...and you are always welcome to put ever more funding into your child's welfare. In case you forgotted your statutes...the primary interest is that of the child...not the puerile ego of the manboy...nor his need to own the spouse. Daddums is only kept away (unless the org is a for profit-see Florida and the recent dead 10 yo) to prevent him from doing his biblical parental 'bad touching'...or his gawd-ordained violence upon much smaller bodies.
What can be done to assist this family before things get worse? How can we do our part to prevent a bad outcome?
I stay on my kids' ass and he knows the deal, I don't play that shit. Cute now - "Nigger" later when shit pops off. Not on my watch and not while I'm still breathing. Bed by 9 on weekdays and 10 on the weekend. No leeway. Homework before TV or whatever he wants to do. Walk the dogs, take out the garbage, etc. I told him act a fool if you want to because if you go to jail that's where your ass is staying. And his little skinny, pretty boy ass ain't built for jail. Like I said - I don't play.
It's going on all over the country not just PA. We had a 1st grade teacher who allowed a male student to grope and stick his hands down girls privates. It took nearly 7-8 trips to the school, talking to the teacher, principle and lastly a threat to go to the media to get it stopped. Then we find out he was doing it to most of the girls and even outside.
This story is sad but we have to take responability for our actions and rules of society. But it appears society is headed back to the dark ages.
Nobody cares because this "woman" has provided job security for; police, detention centers, halfway-houses, government welfare workers, and the morgue. She knew what kind of neighborhood she was in before she pushed anything out of the cave she calls her vagina.
Sad thing is those kids are going to the State, and she will be in the nearest nightclub throwing her ass on the closest "baller"...hope he uses a condom.
Sounds like season 5 of The Wire. At least he's still in school trying, that at least tells me one of them still has hope and sometimes thats all you got.
This is what Democrats and Liberalism has done to America.
Democrats and their ghetto building forced black Americans into crime because Democrats offered them no jobs.
Democrats and their welfare policies forced the black man out of the family home.
Democrats and their welfare policies encourage poor women to have more children with the promise of more money per child.
Democrats teach its not far to force people to take responsibility. You can just blame Reagan or Bush.Its not your fault.
Democrats teach people to give up and let the government take care of them.
Its sad what Democrats have done/ and continue to this country.
This woman sounds like she's at her wit's end. As a parent, it's painful to see your kids march lockstep down the wide path that leads to prison gates, especially when you've felt like you've done all you could to stop it from happening.
Someone here mentioned the absence of a strong father figure that could not only serve as a role model and an example of successful living, but also as someone who can bring the badasses back in line in ways a mother isn't equipped to do, especially when they become teens and get size on them.
10pm curfew? When I grew up, you came in when the streetlights cut on, no exceptions. Staying out past that wasn't worth the belts and Hot Wheels race car tracks to the backside.
"It's going on all over the country not just PA. We had a 1st grade teacher who allowed a male student to grope and stick his hands down girls privates. It took nearly 7-8 trips to the school, talking to the teacher, principle and lastly a threat to go to the media to get it stopped. Then we find out he was doing it to most of the girls and even outside."
Sounds like something's going on in the household, IMHO.
"Its sad what Democrats have done/ and continue to this country."
The ills of this society are not limited to political affiliation. But anything for a cheap shot against Democrats, amirite?
SPC..How many blacks you know? One?
Seriously dude, you need to get out more often and on the real, I know plenty of white folks that fit your "description" of Black Americans democratic "problem". You need to get a fucking clue and fast.
South Park Conservatives said...
We also can't over look the crime problems in these cities.Liberals sat on their hands for 20,30,40, sometimes 50 years and watched crime rates and gang violence take hold of these cities.
What was the response of Liberals? These gangs-- why they be nothing but community organizers and civil rights groups.
What a shame............
Tabitha Allen makes me sick.
You can't blame or get mad at Tabitha Allen.The Liberal/Democrat system made her the way she is.
I feel sorry for her.Fields should be ashamed at what he posted about her.
Thrasher said...
This narrative is very offensive and reads like it is written by a Bell Curve Tea Bagger..
I object it's tone and the inferences it makes against an entire collective of people..
There has to be a better written commentary to make a point than this tired shit..
The most disgusting response yet, you are offended even though no where here is anyones intelligence mentioned you throw in bellcurve, even though no one else started the political bullshit you throw in teabagger, even though no one was talking about a collective anythign you decided to group people and make your own shitty inferences of racism or any other pathetic excuse you can possible INFER to add some smoke. ....
You just want to get offended, shrug it off and then wait for someone to blame. Your disgusting and I am sick of this irresponsible finger pointing race baiting "tired Old Bullshit"
Now if you have nothign else to add other then how facts offend you, go hang out with MOLD in the weakling I aint gonna do nothing but stop others corner. What would you have FN do? Not right about it or make sure he blames the right people in your mind for the mothers actions?
Why do people look at Fix news?
Just asking a question..
Oh well on to Warcraft Footy Frenzy 5.4 SD - Handle, "Street_Pirate"(Get at me, thanks CF) and Rhandi Rhodes. Time to cleanse my mind of SPC's "truths".
Anonymous said...
It isn't just the 'urban underclass' that has these issues. Speak with any teacher in Appalachia and hear the same family dynamic. Love how those who inherit vast sums of money thinkerate that everyone has boots. What can we do to have this family back into society, being productive and with plenty to encourage more positive behaviours? They need 'skin in the game'.
WHo said it was you demented mental midget? WHy are you looking for someone else worse off and then looking to divide this into race and skin matters? Once you do that, then what? OK Tabatha is ok because some white kids are just as fucked up. Yup, thats about all you have to offer. Damn you making me throwup in my mouth a little bit thinking you may have anythign to do with society and or kids....god help us if you do.
Rttn said: "I would love to see into the future concerning her girls because something tells me it won't be good look. "
What do you mean? They'll just grow up and date guys like you.
Sigh. Field, this is the outcome of damaged mandingo low life sperm droppers sexing black women/girls with low self esteem. Black women/girls who have no clue of their self worth, nor how to vet men, yet they want to be loved. This equals to more poverty, dysfunction, baby mamas, street pirates, test failures, and... Armageddon in the black communities. It's a vicious cycle.
And I don't care about "whites" or non-blacks who have the same problems, they are judged and treated differently, the system works for them. Like the old people would say.. "goat head and sheep head ain't the same".
Slappz should have a field day.
"Tabitha Allen didn't give herself much of a shot, and she brought five kids along for the ride."
(suck teeth)
Lawd ha mercy, man Field, why yo so? why yo went deh? (We from two diffrent island in deh carib, buh leh me see if yo could anastand wha ah sayin). I tink it best ah plead deh fif on dat statement, buh leh me ax yo dis. Which part yo tink she geh dem buncha chiren from? Yo tink she geh dem from deh store all by she self? An wha kinda man (or man dem) geh all dem chiren wid a mudda like she, since she so bad, eh? Tink bout dat. Good evening.
La♥audiobooks said...
What do you mean? They'll just grow up and date guys like you.
Always the mixed jokster..I doubt it, I'm not "hood" enough but once again thanks for thinking of me.
"Always the mixed jokster..I doubt it, I'm not "hood" enough but once again thanks for thinking of me."
I couldn't bring myself to let you down. The bait tasted so good. You're welcome.
You know I have an internet crush on you..must be the white kitty
"Slappz should have a field day."
Well, at least he's predictable.
I wish Allen was an exception, but the sad reality is, she's not.
"You know I have an internet crush on you..must be the white kitty"
I'm touched. And she's fixed too, unlike the other one who "trapped" you for child support money.
>>>>>>off topic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Fields, you post something many moons ago about the new "THOR" being black.
Did the black guy get replaced by Chris Hmesworth? Is there 2 THOR movies?
I see also there's a remake of Caption America.
In the age of steroids in sports, should anyone be doing a movie about Capt. America? Since Capt. America is about a guy becoming a hero by taking steroids.
"I'm touched. And she's fixed too, unlike the other one who "trapped" you for child support money."
Claws out, huh bitch?
SPC, they cast Idris Elba (Stringer Bell!) as Heimdall, the only black god in Asgard lol. Not Thor.
rofl @ steroids and Captain America. Marvel worried about that back in the 80s. It was a stupid worry then and its stupid now. I heard about Barry Bonds' old jumpoff testifying about his nuts shrinking. Destroying your body for short term gain is already stupid, but doing it because you saw a comic book character in a Hollywood blockbuster makes you Darwin Award material.
And Hugo Weaving will pwn as Red Skull. The makeup looks awesome!
South Park Conservative,
Republicans have controlled Congress, the Senate and the Presidency and the majority of the states for the last 30 years have implemeted polices in many states from..
1. Three Strikes you're out
2. Welfare Reform
3. Tough Policing in the Projects
4. Charter Schools
5. The Drug War
but as usual 'you people' like to blame the Democratic Party for coddling Black People. You sound so intellectually insipid with your accusations..
"Democrats and their ghetto building forced black Americans into crime because Democrats offered them no jobs."
How did the Democrats force African- Americans into the ghetto and offer them no jobs when Republican Politicans gave tax breaks to big business and moved their companies overseas?
"Democrats and their welfare policies forced the black man out of the family home."
Welfare was for every citizen and how did the Dems force Black Men out of those Homes when Republicans controlled the state houses in many of those states and passed laws making it tough to get child care.
"Democrats and their welfare policies encourage poor women to have more children with the promise of more money per child"
That's one of the biggest myths you Conservatives love to parrot and Welfare reform was passed in 1995 and that was never more that Politcial posturing by Republicans.
If you had posted something about those mean olde racist white folk; there would be comments like a motherfucker by now, 0430-EDT.
"This is what Democrats and Liberalism has done to America.
Democrats and their ghetto building forced black Americans into crime because Democrats offered them no jobs."
That is such b&*^%$#! Wingnuts are funny people. (Please see what Newsoulus...said)
Fields, you post something many moons ago about the new "THOR" being black.
Did the black guy get replaced by Chris Hmesworth? Is there 2 THOR movies?"
Read the post again. I did NOT write that the new Thor was black. (See, this is what I mean about wingnuts.) Google field negro and Thor together. I am sure it will come up.
"Sigh. Field, this is the outcome of damaged mandingo low life sperm droppers sexing black women/girls with low self esteem. Black women/girls who have no clue of their self worth, nor how to vet men, yet they want to be loved. This equals to more poverty, dysfunction, baby mamas, street pirates, test failures, and... Armageddon in the black communities. It's a vicious cycle."
La~Audio, finally something we can agree on.
BTW, someone above mentioned parenting classes by Family Court. FYI to the poster; they are available.
Last time I was in London I saw Idris Elba travelling on the Northern line. he got off at Kentish town. Pretty freaky seeing Stringer Bell on a train - though I knew he was an English actor.
I was tempted to sneak up behind him while whistling "A-Hunting We Will Go" - see if it made him jump.
But I chickened out.
What? No weeping wingnut wails over Bristol and her two out-of-wedlock babes? Why the home must have been full of gangstas. The Moms was a Welfare client and Daddums was forced to leave by unspecified and alleged D policies. And when will she ever find a real job? That eveel Welfare keeping her down...never letting her take the cheapest, meanest, crappiest job to satisfy the needs of a virgin wingnut.
Stoopid knows no colour. I would wonder why it is OK to sneer at Tabitha...but Bristol Cow deserves all our love and support. The offspring of the Governor too lazy and stoopid to use basic BC? Twice? Then beleeverating that they are EXACTLY THE SAME as Jennifer Grey, who did the work...that's pushing Darwin Award levels of clueless.
Actors are doing a job. While some, like Natalie Portman, are quite the ego...most are like the local doctor, happy to perform...but equally happy to be 'off role'. Appreciate their contribution, but avoid being a fanboy and confusing the person with the character. And yes...we've heard the jokes before. Nyuck. Nyuck. Polit appreciation for being a craftsperson is far more delightful than gushing worship.
TeaBaggers thoughterate that by wearing a new costume the public would be fooled into no longer recognizing their racism. Umm...nope. TeaBaggers still racists.
WSJ piece on Economics.
I especially like how Wall Street lost 20% of retirement value.
...also, I can't actually whistle.
Race has nothing to do with this, I work with low income youth in Maine and see behavior like this all the time. Maine is predominantly white, most of my families/kids are white. What they do have is a lack of financial resources and general coping skills.
I am not sure what can be done when parents are lacking in maturity and can't manage their kids. Sad situation.
Having a father figure around the house would probably help.
That's "assuming" she knows who the baby-daddy is.
Heck, with five kids, she may very likely have five different baby-daddys. Might get a bit crowded in the ranch-style row house.
amen and ditto!!!
but tabitha did not make these babies alone in a forest...
i despise ALL turbo breeders
male and female!!!!!!!
ditto for each of her stray absent breeders too!!!
Horrid parenting is Americas most grave crisis and best kept secret. Teachers are being ruthlessly scapegoated for literally everything that is so very wrong in American schools. Toxic parents sabotage education. Toxic students are the undereducated leaders of tomorrow. Someday, every person in America will suffer, directly or indirectly, from the parents and children who exclusively torture teachers today.
Recent cover stories of the National Education Associations (NEA) magazine have featured the nationwide exodus of teachers and lamented abusively low teacher salaries. Epidemic violence against teachers, that has spawned the new YouTube generations sport of recording teacher beat downs via students cell phone cameras, has also recently appeared as a NEA magazine cover story. To date, I have seen no features on toxic parenting in this magazine.
we are testing new software etc in my ofc...it hates Blogger...
"This is what Democrats and Liberalism has done to America.
Democrats and their ghetto building forced black Americans into crime because Democrats offered them no jobs.
Democrats and their welfare policies forced the black man out of the family home."
That's right.
Left up to conservatives negroes would still be slaves in the cotton and rice fields.
No rights, but intact families.
Let's examine SPC's logic for a second.
The Democrats used WELFARE to force working black men out of the home and get women and kids on the dole.
What sense does that make?
To what end?
However folks this is what the dittoheads are learning at Fox 101.
i never dated women with children
one of the many things i adore most about my wife because neither of us ever want a child...
we have both dedicated our professional lives to saving others' children...
my 2 baby bros are great men because we had great parents
and they never went to jail
because they knew they would stay
just as i never got pregnant because i knew they would not take are of me and my baby
ditto for grant hill etc
u did it again...smile
newsoulus2008 said...
1. Three Strikes you're out
2. Welfare Reform
3. Tough Policing in the Projects
4. Charter Schools
5. The Drug War
And Liberals fought against those good things?
"but as usual 'you people' like to blame the Democratic Party for coddling Black People. You sound so intellectually insipid with your accusations.."
Did i say the Democratic Party was coddling black people?
Now lets look at where black folks were before Democrat welfare and social engineering {marriage rates, poverty rates,black children born into poverty/single mothers,std's in black women,prison rates]and compare them with the expanding roles of welfare and social engineering.
Every decade brings very little change or we see things have gotten worse.
Liberals and their policies did what the Democrat kkk couldn't do, destroy the black family.
What we have seen is Democrats raise generations of people addicted to government.
Tabitha Allen is the result of Democrat policies.
"Republicans have controlled Congress, the Senate and the Presidency and the majority of the states for the last 30 years have implemeted polices in many states from.."
Now talk about the Democrat mayors,Democrat city councils,Democrat school boards,Democrat controlled police departments, and Democrat House and Senate members.
They run cities like the mob would.
"How did the Democrats force African- Americans into the ghetto and offer them no jobs when Republican Politicans gave tax breaks to big business and moved their companies overseas?"
Nice try....Jobs went away when Democrats started raising taxes to pay for their corruption.
Welfare was for every citizen and how did the Dems force Black Men out of those Homes when Republicans controlled the state houses in many of those states and passed laws making it tough to get child care.
You can start with AFDC and its "man-out-of-the-house" rule or Jimmy Carter's welfare policies.
That's one of the biggest myths you Conservatives love to parrot and Welfare reform was passed in 1995 and that was never more that Politcial posturing by Republicans.
So what your saying is, women don't get more money for having more children? And Democrats didn't promote that?
I will quote a sweet black woman that was at a Bill Clinton townhall meeting in Mich. about welfare reform--
"Mr. President, its my job to have children and its your job to take care of them."
ALL respect was gone.
I lost all respect when I hear you be cloudin. Last thing we need, more drugs in the community. Loser.
excuse all the typos!
i cannot edit as anon
my mom even told me that i could never live in her home pregnant
she would banish me to a home for unwed moms
she said she was the only woman in her hm who would make babies/she was too young to be a granny/would NEVER let me come to her hospital(she was a hospital admin or decades b4 she became a teacher)to shame her./she would never show her friends baby pictures because having a baby solo is not cute...
my dad had mercy and said he would get me an apt but never visit to watch me throw my life away...
they were not being cruel
they were making me a FREE INDEPENDENT adult
they let me know they had dreams for me that did not include babies solo and they made me believe in those same superior dreams for myself
so i was a univ student at 12 and a virgin until 17
my parents are still our best friends and best role models...we cherish them for that more each day as we see a generation of vdlrS
i thank god for my parents and all of their lessons each day
i was blessed
and i have been blessed since conception!
"Now lets look at where black folks were before Democrat welfare and social engineering {marriage rates, poverty rates,black children born into poverty/single mothers,std's in black women,prison rates]and compare them with the expanding roles of welfare and social engineering."
You're a total imbecile.
The poverty rate for blacks prior to 1960 was over 60%
Today it's 24%
There are many reasons for the high OOW birth rate in the black community (widespread incarceration of black men, women being more educated than men, relaxed attitudes toward single motherhood and sexuality etc) but welfare is probably the least of them.
u do not live in america
or u r just truly blind
More than 43 million Americans receive food stamp assistance, or about 14 percent of the population, officials of the U.S. Department of Agriculture say.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program formerly known as the Food Stamp Program serves about one in seven Americans -- about half are children -- over the course of a year, USDA officials say.
GOP Daddys are needed? Woody Allen? S Detlef? Joseph Fritzl? Jerry Kane? Warren Jeffs?
Maybe BabyDaddy should be as far from the kids as possible.
Where is the fauxtrage over Bristol? Should she not have moved in with the genetic donor(s) for her two kids?
Or is it just being a jerkhole to minorities that drives the wingnuts.
1. Three Strikes you're out
2. Welfare Reform
3. Tough Policing in the Projects
4. Charter Schools
5. The Drug War
What exactly makes these 'good'? Except that you get to see others in pain?
Three strikes never seems attached to wite dudez. Welfare Deform is to give businesses cheaper labour. Charter skools are scams...and this is from their own Data. Drug war is an EPIC FAIL. Didn't you learn from Prohibition? Oh...that took book larnin' and sech.
Tough policing? What is that?
more for your global toxic "parent"/vdlr/pookie breeders file:
UTS, there is a whiff of wingnut desperation in the air. Folks who bought the lies of FOX are wondering why they are feeling the 'sacrifice' while the Kochs and fiends are getting the 'shared' part. It all sounderates like fun, making the teachers who watched as Sarey and Meechelle were Left Behind pay..pay..pay for it. But, if you live where there is a significant government presence (H-burg or DC) you may not be so happy when those in the Civil employ don't frequent your business. PA has had two shut-downs because teenyweenies hated the concept of paying people for work.
We have at least a 20% unemployment rate. While wingnut welfare and the Village are fine...the rest of the US is not. Wonder what happens when all the easy choices (credit card debt, house equity, moving) are gone.
Many of those folks are not black and not urban.
Many of those folks have jobs.
I've worked with the Welfare to Work program.
Are you disputing the fact that the poverty rate for blacks pre 1960 was in excess of 60% and today it's 24%???
"Left up to conservatives negroes would still be slaves in the cotton and rice fields.
No rights, but intact families."
Once again, you just mindlessly pound out drivel on your keyboard.
The majority of abolitionists were in the party of Lincoln - Republicans. It was the Dems who want to keep the slave system intact, in spite of the trend within the Western world of turning away from slavery.
Secondly, one of the most hideous aspects of the slave trade was the separation of families and selling of family members by their "owners". George Washington is supposedly such a great guy because he never separated his families, yet he carefully insured that all "universal rights" applied only to people like him -- white, connected, land-owning men.
Lots of indentured and poor whites got left out of that equation too.
hobama nazi loon/da mayor of utopia uts:
blacks today are POORer than ever
yes i am!
your dated demented stats are always useless and erroneous!!!
A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.
It really pays to be a "FOO" friend of Obama.
In spite of robust profits of $14.2 billion worldwide, GE has calculated a corporate tax bill for 2010 that adds up to zero, via a creative series of tax referrals and revenue shifts. (This was, indeed, the second year running that the company—which has an enormous, and famously nimble, 975-employee tax division, led by former Treasury official John Samuels—paid nothing in U.S. taxes; indeed by claiming a series of losses and deductions, GE came up with a negative tax of 10.5 percent in the admittedly dismal business year of 2009, and realized a $1.5 billion "tax benefit.")
moldilox said....
Three strikes never seems attached to wite dudez.
Making sh*t up again moldilox?
uts must be really really rich!!!
Anonymous said...
1. Three Strikes you're out
2. Welfare Reform
3. Tough Policing in the Projects
4. Charter Schools
5. The Drug War
What exactly makes these 'good'?
Lower crime rates and less people depending on the government is a good thing.
"The majority of abolitionists were in the party of Lincoln - Republicans. It was the Dems who want to keep the slave system intact, in spite of the trend within the Western world of turning away from slavery."
Oh willya stop?
When we talk ideology, you goobers want to talk party.
Today's GOP and as it has been for the last 45 years, is not the party of Lincoln.
The Republican Party of 1964 had liberals and moderates in it.
A liberal Republican is an animal that doesn't exist anymore.
The Southern Segregationists were CONSERVATIVES.
Barry Goldwater, the GOP POTUS candidate of 1964 was a conservative who OPPOSED CIVIL RIGHTS.
The other conservative icons like Ronald Reagan and William Buckley OPPOSED Civil Rights.
Starting in 1964 and steadily afteward the GOP became the party of white resentment.
So stop the bull$hit.
uts is a beta male clone of rich "economic sage" paris hilton...
that is the only way he could be so clueless and apathetic to what all who earn less than 75k+ etc are actually enduring
I see Wingnut Karen is back so AB is tapdancing furiously.
See Maria, AB doesn't hate all white women.
She luvs the rednecks.
"A liberal Republican is an animal that doesn't exist anymore."
Wrong. Conservatives call them
"When we talk ideology, you goobers want to talk party."
Lol. "talk ideology" is code for make excuses and blame shift.
And when your position is indefensible, you rely on ad hominem attacks.
You're sooooo predictable.
Anonymous said...
uts must be really really rich!!!
Either that or he has a whip role on the Democrat plantation.
Still can't log it yet AB? I had that problem for a few days.Thought some libtard hacked my account.
The core poverty rate for single black female households remain significantly higher than 20% in spite of almost limitless government spending and support programs.
And, may I point out, the base line for what defines "living in poverty" keeps shifting, too - upwards.
Only in America can you be sheltered, fed, educated, own a car, have a microwave, big screen TV, a play station, etc all on the public dime, and still be considered to be "living in poverty".
As far as the Progressive mantra of more government intervention, more spending, more "spreading the wealth around" BS, "THIS" is what happens when they get their wet dream of a limitless check book for their fantasies, even at a high cost to everyone else around them: (it's an old case study from 1998, but the underlying issues have not changed)
"The Southern Segregationists were CONSERVATIVES."
They were Democrats.Just like those who made up the kkk and started the negro project.
Wallace,Maddox, etc..
"See Maria, AB doesn't hate all white women."
Little Stevie calling for backup.
Duck and cover behind Maria, UTS.
hey karen!
welcome back!!!
i love intelligent cool wise awake... people like u in all races and all political parties!!!
tea party rebels and patriots included!!!
maria will never qualify!
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
It is one of the most painful secrets that women share. The cultural ills of poverty, abandonment, single motherhood, and polygamy intensify this pain for African women. In the film "Waiting to Exhale", when Loretta Devine's character candidly shared her codependent attachment to her son, because he was "the only man" in her life, so many sisters were moved to shed familiar tears.
I believe that millions of young men are absolutely ruined by their coddling and doting mothers, as much as or more than they are ruined by their toxic/absentee fathers. As an African-American, I know black moms best. Yet, I also know that this tendency to spoil sons is an epidemic that crosses all boundaries of race and class.
Five of my dearest female friends and I lament about this sexist tragedy often. I am a native of Chicago, Illinois. One of my friends is a black Southerner, one is a white Southerner, one is a Sudanese-Arabic, one is an Italian native New Yorker, and the other is a Bajan-Canadian. We are from six very different cultures. Yet, we share the exact same perspectives on this issue.
"Wrong. Conservatives call them
Exactly. The party is so far to the right conservatives like McCain and Graham are called RINOS.
"When we talk ideology, you goobers want to talk party."
Lol. "talk ideology" is code for make excuses and blame shift.
Excuses for WHAT? Shifting blame to WHOM?
Can you even answer?
You clowns can't go to the bathroom without your Fox talking points
"UTS, there is a whiff of wingnut desperation in the air. Folks who bought the lies of FOX are wondering why they are feeling the 'sacrifice' while the Kochs and fiends are getting the 'shared' part. It all sounderates like fun, making the teachers who watched as Sarey and Meechelle were Left Behind pay..pay..pay for it."
What "desperation" ?
Actually, since we made a conscious decision as a family that we were NOT going to support the O agenda AT ALL and would "drop out" of the Progressive system of tyranny as much as possible, our standard of living has gone UP while the amt we send to Feed the Beast has gone DOWN dramatically.
As far as "making the teachers pay", I do not support the teachers union or the public school system. We successfully lobbied to have our real estate taxes reduced, and the amt of funding to the local school board slashed as well, since NONE of that money ever seems to make it into the classroom, but is used to support an ever-swelling, ever-growing bureaucracy and Administration.
We've also signed up 200 more families into our "by invitation" homeschooling co-op, and recruited some of the best teachers from the local system, who want to teach bright, motivated, well behaved kids.
Getting p*ssed off at the hideous overreach of the current Dem party to the point of "dropping out" as much as possible has only been a net positive for our family, while we make the final arrangements to emigrate.
Meanwhile, watching the spin, excuses and stories while you try and explain away why the real criminals, FOO, remain in place to steal and cheat and destroy the middle class by design. Haven't seen any perp walks or arrests.
Didn't think I would see the day when the Progressives approved of high level, big stakes White Collar Crime, but it's here.
All those banksters and heads of major corps like GE sleep soundly in their beds at night, while you make much noise and senseless fury about occupying a local branch for 30 mins.
Big whoop.
My thoughts are that the only solution for this mother and her children is religion. Attending any church with her children, believing in God, observing the Ten Commandments and instructing her children in same, and this would be a completely different scenario. After which parenting programs and classes would supplement her knowledge.
Witless whiners like uts need to stop hating and slandering you and brew their OWN tea for their own agendas!
You are WINNING as your whiners are doing nothing but donning hobama tees…KUDOS!!!
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
---Howard Zinn
I love all people of all races who are MUCH smarter and MUCH less racist than u and maria
I suggest you return the above Zinn quote to your sidebar.
Now that hobomba has bombed libya, it is more releveant than ever…no???
What limitless Welfare? The amount offered is less than that of 40 years ago...when it was considered too little to raise a family.
So, you lie to get out of paying your share of taxes, set up homeskoolin' to keep your kids ignorant, and claimerate the teechers that came to the skool to provide the pretense of education are 'the best'. You might want to try that on folks who haven't had to deal with the stoopid of charter scamskools, homeskools(it's OK if daddy does it), and religio-skools. Well, at least your kids won't be in the Left Behind...like they would be at the public. At your homeskool, they can be valedictorian (of a 'class' of one). Trouble is, the rest of the Universe does not share your delusions. And the shock of finding that homeskooling makes you stoopid may cause your kids to never leave home. Oh..that's a feature, not a bug.
If it was just a Darwin Award adult, I would be 'Libertarian' and let you stew in your lack of...everything. But, it shortchanges the children to feed your ego and need to overlord..someone. I find it best that they realize your shortcomings early...and move on.
On a brighter note, your offspring will be cheap, polite, cheap, low-skilled, cheap and docile. There will be a serf place for them...and you will never, ever have to worry about their being greater than your self.
"They were Democrats.Just like those who made up the kkk and started the negro project."
And if they were alive today they'd be Republicans.
Why does the kkk recruit at tea party events?
Why do prominent Republicans pose with KKK leaders?
Hey sexist racist hobama nazi fool/da mayor of hobama heaven uts:
Naomi Wolf is one of many wf rebels I love!
Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land?
Naomi Wolf, author of 'End of America,' talks about why she has become an improbable Tea Party darling, and if progressives can learn from the conservative activists.
Naomi Wolf: Unfortunately it is more relevant. Bush legalized torture, but Obama is legalizing impunity. He promised to roll stuff back, but he is institutionalizing these things forever. It is terrifying and the left doesn’t seem to recognize it.
What are they talking about?
The welfare rolls started getting slashed about 15 years ago and is well down from the 40 million high mark in the 70s to about 4 million today.
Even many of those collecting food stamps have jobs albeit low paying jobs.
But as you can seen the "black=welfare leech" has been a political boon for the right for 40 years and they are not about to back away from it now.
Especially not with a black Democrat in the White House.
this thread is already ruined by ur buceta licking friend alicia k untlickin banks LOSER and FRAUD
why u posting anonymously carpetlicker? is it cuz the bullshyt u spew on a regular basis under the made up person alicia banks has been caught in all the lies? had to make up a new identity or have a dozen other sockpuppets u dumb lying sack of shyt!
UTS, although they love being racist jerkholes, they realize the rest of us are not quite so thrilled. So, they need to pretend and to deflect attention. Sure, the old Ds were Klan and kept us down. But, the old Rs were totes RINO as they were more centrist and Progressive.
You called it when you indicated the cons had to scatter like roaches when the Civil Rights Bill was passed. A new home had to be found for all that hatred, misogyny, homo-eroticism, and patriarch-worship. Ds voted for equal opportunity. The Rs needed a group of voters who would never think of issues...just how much they hated the concepts of equality, justice, merit, honesty, and community.
Just read the posts...the gleeful bragging of cheating fellow citizens, the chuckles at causing people pain for no apparent reason, the need to deny equal treatment under Law, and the fear that they will be discovered for what and who they truly are.
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
Desertflower, I don't know... you mean the black churches in her community? I don't think she might be able to afford all those tithes. And I'm sure she already has her hands full cooking, ironing, and cleaning up behind her own children for free. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)
And Karen, black women like Allen are not the norm either.
school violence is unavoidable but takes on another form nowadays either kids are tyrants or they dont fight at all then columbine it that boy needs jesus as a poster said above his whole family need jesus specially his moms she sounds ignint and this type of ignorance is propounded by losers and frauds like psi or ab because they take away from legitimate discourse and add to a sense of hopelessness and silenced voice paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
Field, this disruptive anony is getting old, please come up with something. Please. Thanks.
"And Karen, black women like Allen are not the norm either."
What exactly is the norm for black folks as you see it?
Just curious.
"Trouble is, the rest of the Universe does not share your delusions"
Believe what you want. Both Stanford and Harvard have virtual online middle schools and high schools for exceptional students.
Stanford takes a very high percentage of home educated students into its freshman classes. Harvard is looking to do the same.
Your lashing out speaks volumes.
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
Field, this disruptive anony is getting old, please come up with something. Please. Thanks.
11:32 AM
awww is the poor widdle baby axing he blog administrator for help? wuts wrong cupcake? got cher cage rattled? u blatantly BULLY maria and other posters here all day and night then u engage with buceta licker the most vile disgusting lying filthy fraud yet never ask field negro to delete her comments why is that? despite the fact that she calls people nigs and professes to be black despite the fact that u claim to champion womens rights and she defames good and decent women all day
u stoopid animal! u r nothing more than a ab sockpuppet clone who engages in blog harassment and paid astroturf ya bucetalickinmoron! otherwise ude have asked field to remove that nasty filth pile stank breaf banks comments that nasty filthpot spams this blog on a daily basis ya hypocrite!
Karen u sound like a good mother mildew is an ignorant wannabe intellectual british person trying to speak very poor african american ebonics he is a gottdam socialist that beleeverates obama can do no wrong and that people who disagree with his politics are stoopid what an arrogant shyt stain
mildew u aint shyt talkin that nonsense ure so ignorant that u really dont know about harvards programs they have schools that re private junior colleges where all who apply from the jc ar accepted but u have to be rich to know about it dumbass
thse stoopid asswypes talkin about shyt they dont know nothing about as if the public school system is actually into teaching what an idgit!
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
Field, this disruptive anony is getting old, please come up with something. Please. Thanks.
11:32 AMloser hypocrite laa
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and she is so VULGAR!!!!!!
"And Karen, black women like Allen are not the norm either."
I am aware. There seems to be a permanent underclass comprised of ALL races -- white, black, hispanic, native american.
Issues of self-esteem seem to be at the root of a lot of it. It's a sad waste of talent and ability for the world.
If you want to quote statistics about real poverty and screwing over in America, look no further than the history of Native American peoples, the putative "Indian Health Service (IHS)" and the politics and policies of bands and reservations.
I am guessing, but I think one of the points Field was making was this Allen situation is an example of how generational poverty escalates. One person is "growing" five more to be mired in the same situation, because it doesn't appear on the surface, that these kids are going to be escaping their situation anytime soon, and developing the skills they need to be successful.
In contrast, the majority of educated, intact black families I know have only one child, that they are pouring all of their time, talent and resources into -- and it shows. These kids are motivated, sharp and are going places. The exception to that is my girlfriend who is in an interracial marriage; they have six kids (only one is biological) and homeschool, and another friend who has three.
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
Field, this disruptive anony is getting old, please come up with something. Please. Thanks.
11:32 AMloser hypocrite laa
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and k untbreaf banks over here talking bout someone is vulgar? yet u continuously come to a black persons blog callin people nigs and wigs? ya gottdam hypocrite ure out of ur mind!
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
home schooling can provide a lot that a child could not get at public school especially if they have special needs
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
UTS, the meme remains. I have been 'involve' with rural School Boards for decades and the citizens all have this 'righteous wrath' about 'their precious bodily tax fluids' being drained off by the large urban 'underclass'. Except. A review of the budget reveals that a goodly portion, if not all, of the funds for the District is sourced from those urban centres. In PA, Corbett has forced the Goobers to see this.
The Welfare Queen was useful in that it showed the AfAms as being undeserving, lesser creatures and stealing from their 'betters'. It was a 'at leasts I aints no migger' that one could repeat in public.
Charterskools, religio-skools, and homeskooling began to gain in popularity as wites found their privilege diminishing. It is impossible to claim superiority when the AfAm kid destroys Muffy, Biffy and Toddums in a fair competition. It also is significant that the most popular Reality Show wites are not all that honest. The Duggers milk AK of a lot of money, have a longstanding failure to pay taxes, and are constantly mooching off the kindness of everyone else. So much for Galt! The Palins are Federally subsidized as Alaskans, FOX liementator, campaign scammer, and other things I've mentioned. Local bloggers have a very extensive list.
They also just recently discovered corporate welfare. Something the Progressive/Liberal political faction has been decrying since Washington was stealing land from the local landowners. I guess history began with st reagan.
Yet, the troo eveel is some underprivileged single mom barely eking an existence in the eveelbigcity.
so braggert alicia banks with the genius iq so smart that shes supposedly the smartest person on the planet and people like that should help our broken educational system in principle like help people like the violent boy that is the subject of the article but where is...
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
i bet your children read FAR below grade level...
your own "writing" lends a clue
i also bet they curse expertly...like turbo bred drunken idiotic midget sailors!!!
Charterskools, religio-skools, and homeskooling began to gain in popularity as wites found their privilege diminishing.mildew
u r a gottdam fool with a narrow view of history once again talking out ur ass without knowing of what u speak loser! if u look at the history of failing school districts in california then ude see charter schools were discussed among anybody that wanted to change the broken system out there
black nationalists started charter and freedom schools in the 1970s ya loser its clear u dont know anythng from personal experiences thats why u speak iwth authority on shyt u know NOTHING about
so braggert alicia banks with the genius iq so smart that shes supposedly the smartest person on the planet and people like that should help our broken educational system in principle like help people like the violent boy that is the subject of the article but where is...
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
i bet your children read FAR below grade level...
your own "writing" lends a clue
i also bet they curse expertly...like turbo bred drunken idiotic midget sailors!!!k untbreaf banks
gee k untbreaf like that answers the question about ur alleged iq and alleged papers uve supposedly published nope sweetie pie makes u look more of an evasive LIAR LIAR LIAR pants on fire liar liar liar pants on fire liar liar liar pants on fire
niggardly nincompoop vdlr:
the truth is never vulgar!
you nigs and wigs cannot handle my triths about hobama
that is why you PROVE you are nigs and wigs daily
carry on hobombabot souljas...do dat!!!
"Just read the posts...the gleeful bragging of cheating fellow citizens, the chuckles at causing people pain for no apparent reason, the need to deny equal treatment under Law, and the fear that they will be discovered for what and who they truly are."
And once again, you have NO facts to back up your rants.
"Cheating fellow citizens" seems to be a big Democratic past time.
The Kennedys and Kerrys are the biggest tax evaders EVAH. Add in Turbo Tax Timmy, Rangel, etc.
Why, tax cheating and evading is almost a varsity level sport amongst the D's.
"Chuckles at causing pain".
Now you're really reaching.
FWIW, I am deeply committed to a Mission that helps uplift people mired in REAL poverty and destitution. Our family also devotes resources to a band in South Dakota.
"the need to deny equal treatment under Law"
Actually, I posit that this is the true hallmark of the O legacy. We are now a nation of men, not a nation of laws that apply equally to all. Pick a sector, any sector, and the rules are applied with a heavy hand. The mtg fraud mess is probably the most glaring current example; Dem judges who are so ethically bankrupt they refuse to recuse themselves (Sotomayer, WI).
But you just go ahead continuing to be bitter and cling to your mindless, factless ideology. It appears to be working out so swimmingly for you.
and how is it that someone who claims to be a teacher someone who could have worked with the family that is the subject of this article uses the term 'turbo breeder?' how does that work
eye thought teachers were supposed to like children and appreciate parents for keeping them employed ya childless coohole lickin moron! ur ass will get wyped with sandpaper when ure old and have no children to look after u all ule have is a geriatric cat with a gas problem good luck with that ya miserable cur stank breaf alicia banks
that is why you PROVE you are nigs and wigs daily k untbreaf
nope just showing ur ignorance and inability to think of any other words showing that ur iq is barely 98 or so idgit only an idiot would post that they have a 250 iq online smart people dont make up such grandiose lies kuntlicker
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
home schooling can provide a lot that a child could not get at public school especially if they have special needs
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
Hey sexist racist hobama nazi fool/da mayor of hobama heaven uts:
Naomi Wolf is one of many wf rebels I love!
Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land?
clueless vdlrS:
balck nationalists had NOTHING to do with the elitist racist genocide of NCLB...
NOR hobama's/gwb 2.0's ruthless NCLB 2.0
NOR the charter school scam by hobama and his banksters
u have proven that YOU the most arrogantly ignorant fool on this blog!!!
When it comes to the public schools, the Obama administration is allied with the most rapacious sectors of Wall Street and far-right foundations. That political reality is most evident in the administration's campaign to establish a parallel national network of charter schools, with a heavy emphasis on inner cities. Obama and his education chief, Arne Duncan, have spent their first year and a half in office coercing states to expand charters or lose out on more than $4 billion in federal education moneys. Obama's allies on Wall Street invest heavily in charter schools, tapping into the public money stream to build their own vision of corporate education.
Historically, Wall Street is to Democrats what Big Oil is to Republicans. Hedge funds and bankers have become the Sugar Daddies of charter schools, using their clout with big city Democrats to give charters every advantage over conventional public schools.
aid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
"Charterskools, religio-skools, and homeskooling began to gain in popularity as wites found their privilege diminishing."
Um, or not. Some of the biggest "customers" of charter schools and religio-skools as you put it are black families if they are offered the option/opportunity. But, Teh Won, one of the first things he did as soon as he set up shop at 1600 was to slam the door shut on THAT for many DC families. Bye-bye Opportunity Scholarship Fund.
Without nary a peep from "activists" like you.
Clueless truant trifling vdlr:
i adore children
that is why i save them from YOUR demon seed!!!
Real teachers tell real truths
Ask any teacher
We can no longer even tell which children are siblings or kin
Too much turbo breeding!!!
Without nary a peep from "activists" like you.karen
well thats cuz mildew is a shyt stain with no use but to bloviate its theories that have no basis in reality much like coohole breaf alicia banks she has nothing to do but spam this blog and insult others phukk that nasty sow
OMG! Colleges are online. Who would have guessed. Stanford takes a lot of..what colour are these homeskooled kids again...and it has nothing to do with getting around diversity. Harvard has been seeking ways to increase Legacy enrollments. Homeskooling is tres easy if you a bush.
There is also the definition. Homeskoolers tend to blur the lines between barely literate religios and the offspring of Professors who have been achieving since toddlerhood. The usual EXACTLY THE SAME horsepoo. Quite a gulf betwixt BillySammyJimBob who has tax and race avoiding parents...and Quinoa Bakuna-Morales who has spends their time in Europe and Central America.
Homeskooling makes you feel better. And allows the pretense that your Pwincess or Pwince is sooo much better than the rest of their peers. Unfortunately, Reality will intrude...and rudely. Most homeskoolers are barely fit for work above that of a serf. They do have more subservience and deference...but I believe that is to satisfy the wishes and needs of the parents (who need subordinates and will force their children into the role as Society has determined the parents are the Lows)
Homeskooled kids are nice...but horribly stunted emotionally and developmentally. But that's OK, the teachers union has tenure.
real teachers go into teaching because they want to help people to learn their lineage is of no consequence to that goal ya shyteater from ur writings if that s what theyre called...it is clear that u hate children and u also hate parents so why are u supposedly a teacher even if ure pretty unattentive posting on the internet all day when u should be lecturing orwhatever ya lying k untlicker
stop spamming this blog kuntbreaf otherwise eyel continue to mirror ur actions until u get really upset and beg mr field to do something about it chances are he wont do shyt but erase some comments cuz ure the one perpetuating this blog harassment ya kuntlickin coohole stank breaf banks
that is why you PROVE you are nigs and wigs daily k untbreaf
nope just showing ur ignorance and inability to think of any other words showing that ur iq is barely 98 or so idgit only an idiot would post that they have a 250 iq online smart people dont make up such grandiose lies kuntlicker
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
home schooling can provide a lot that a child could not get at public school especially if they have special needs
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
why should i care about this woman and her children? she's not libyan, is she? i only care about libyans.
I am always willing to give credit where credit is due.
Teh Won has been very successful at developing a growth industry in high income ex-pat Americans who are lining up to revoke their citizenship ... and their obligations to continue to file US taxes on income earned outside the walls of Rome.
Apparently, with our new overlords in charge, being an American citizen is viewed as a financial AND political liability by many, living in the "new" world that O is busying "resetting" our relationships with.
Hope! Change!
mildew is a gottdam LIAR just like buceta licker over here mildew once again u dont know what ure talking about karen already told u and so did this anon that there are tons of charter schools that are all black they have them that are other ethnic groups too especially in california ya idgit! what is wrong with parents exercising choice over their childs education? if u knew anything ya assholetalker then ude know charter schools are public schools at least in california dumbass and home schooled kids MUST meet all the state standards and requirements that kids in traditional school have to meet
u just dont know what ure talking about mildew uve been indoctrinated by people who hate FREE CHOICE they want everybody to bow at the head of the state the state can make decisions for people the state knows more than poeple do for themselves the state the state the state ya gottdam communist! get a grip ure neither enlightened nor radical ure a throwback to ideas tha never worked in the first place LOSER
witless wigless we-do-not-need-her-"teaching" at home!!!! vdlr:
home schooling is usually great
but who can afford to do it now that hobama and his banksters have required most parents to work 2-3 jobs to subsist?
i pray u NEVER school at home or anywhere else u uneducated vulgar envious toxic psycho schizo insecure worthless hater!!!!!
The charter school hype never ceases to bear bitter fruit. Take the state of Indiana. Nearly 23,000 students attend 62 tuition-free, public charter schools in Indiana. Under Indiana law, the mayor of Indianapolis can authorize charter schools and he has sponsored about 20. Another three are authorized by traditional public schools in Lafayette and Evansville, Indiana. Ball State University is another authorizer. Of the nearly 40 public charter schools authorized by Ball State University (BSU), the university has placed 23 percent on probation and required 10 percent to take corrective action. Another 10 percent either withdrew their charter or had it revoked by the university. The grand total of delinquent or questionable charters is thus 43%. Many of these schools include an emphasis on military-like discipline, tough love, character development and zero-tolerance policies.
Furthermore, three BSU-sponsored schools withdrew their charters after being unable to find facilities in which to operate. Nine are on probation for failing to make adequate yearly progress or for non-academic problems, such as attendance rate, not complying with special education and giving their non-profit status to another school out of state.
hey donut eating blog kkkops:
why do u all ignore the vdlr?
she never even reads fn!!!
why are you not counting ALL of her posts EVERY time she reposts them etc???
moldilox said...
I have been 'involve' with rural School Boards for decades and the citizens all have this 'righteous wrath' about 'their precious bodily tax fluids' being drained off by the large urban 'underclass'.
Just for a reminder,lets look at some of the other things moldilox claims to be or be involved in-----
A preacher
A treasurer at a church
A American
A Canadain
Been in the military/ bravely i might add
Be involved in theater for years
Knows many pimps
Knows DA'S in Philly
Knows many tea partiers
Been published
Have 2 degrees
Many more things but i have limited space.
Who knew moldilox was sooooooo accomplish?
stank breaf banks is lying as usual u dont know anything about this anon except what uve created in ur head home schooling can benefit children if done responsibly just like any other type of educational administration
as to our president making people work 2-3 jobs to homeschool their kids that is the dumbest sack of shyt eyeve ever heard the president does not control the economy in any meaningful way he is a puppet and a politician nothing more nothing less
u demonize him but ure selective application of ethics is questionable truth is u have no reason to hate him except hes a black man and u radical lesbians cant stand dick specially black man dick the biggest and most powerful of all it must really scare u to have a black man in the wite house ya self hating lunatic!
mildew is a gottdam LIAR just like buceta licker over here mildew once again u dont know what ure talking about karen already told u and so did this anon that there are tons of charter schools that are all black they have them that are other ethnic groups too especially in california ya idgit! what is wrong with parents exercising choice over their childs education? if u knew anything ya assholetalker then ude know charter schools are public schools at least in california dumbass and home schooled kids MUST meet all the state standards and requirements that kids in traditional school have to meet
u just dont know what ure talking about mildew uve been indoctrinated by people who hate FREE CHOICE they want everybody to bow at the head of the state the state can make decisions for people the state knows more than poeple do for themselves the state the state the state ya gottdam communist! get a grip ure neither enlightened nor radical ure a throwback to ideas tha never worked in the first place LOSER
Now the NYTimes is praying to God that Obama succeeds?
Wow...... The MSM is running out of ways to defend Obama,now they are asking God for help.
Karen sez,
"But, Teh Won, one of the first things he did as soon as he set up shop at 1600 was to slam the door shut on THAT for many DC families. Bye-bye Opportunity Scholarship Fund."
Ordinarily righties like Karen would call education funds for poor students like Pell Grants etc...."handouts".
But if the funding enriches her rightwing buddies who are cashing in on the school voucher system, she's all for it.
Doncha just luv righties and their consistency?
mildew is a liar and british astroturf talkin that state is best bullshyt and spc is a paid astroturfer that makes trailer trash grammatical errors pointing to his demographic...only here to help out ab with her fragile ego lol!
please walk to a local public school someday and visit a first grade class
u will find TONS of children like the vdlr
maybe even 26-30...most will be like buck wild animals
Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...
then try to demand that any teacher see every moment within such a class...
teachers are humans
and they are expected to perform super human tasks among LARGE groups of baby heathens each day
La♥audiobooks said...
"Desertflower, I don't know... you mean the black churches in her community? I don't think she might be able to afford all those tithes."
I don't think she's obligated to pay tithe just to attend. Later on as her situation improves, then perhaps she might give something that is within her means.
A base of values (which,sadly,at this point she seems to be bereft of) has to be established in order for her and the children to build upon.
SPC, it is utterly commonplace to do things if you don't spend time beleevrating FOX lies, wingnut poo or fantasizing about how you could have it all...iffen it werent fer them Libruls/Commnies/miggers/etc.
Why so jealous? Can't you get out of Mom's Basement and do things? I told you I was old. What part is so difficult to understand?
witless wonder vdr:
thank u for proving yet again that you are severely retarded!!!
try again
homeschooling means teaching at hm each day
each job one must take osd of the home = less time at hm to teach
hobama and his banskters have designed MORE parents wking LONGER hrs at MORE jobs osd the home than EVER...and 4 EVER
homeschooling means teaching at hm each day k untbreaf
sorry sweetie pie no it doesnt homeschooling takes on many meanings depending upon context some combine homeschooling most of the week with an in class charter school classroom once a week once again proof that u dont know anything about charter schools or any schools for that matter u dont have a job and u dont work with children in any capacity coohole licker paid astroturfer selling ur soul for a carpetmuch ya loser!
I don't support vouchers.
The local district here has been trying to push homeschooling families into a paid-for online virtual school that "they" control.
No thanks.
I would like to see government completely out of education. One of the reasons that higher education costs have gone through the roof is because of the amount of "free" money washing through the system.
However, I think it is criminal to snatch away an opportunity from a child to attend a high quality private or charter school just to pander to the power-and-control demands of the union thugs.
Beyond shameful.
and some homeschool programs are totally different the point is that they are suited to the unique needs of th parents and students and bottom line is that the kids still have to pass their standard exams this is why ure apparently NOT a teacher u dont know anythin about process only those talkign points ur masters give u to type up each day k untbreaf
the president does not control the economy in any meaningful way he is a puppet and a politician nothing more nothing less
u demonize him but ure selective application of ethics is questionable truth is u have no reason to hate him except hes a black man and u radical lesbians cant stand dick specially black man dick the biggest and most powerful of all it must really scare u to have a black man in the wite house ya self hating lunatic!
paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
Anon @ 12:24
Yes, "homeschooling" can mean a variety of things.
This year, we've chosen a blended program of some online classes from Stanford, attendance at a co-op (US constitution, college level writing, life science with lab and art), as well as self-study at home.
We also trade off. My daughter goes to a friends' house to work and study in a group on Tuesdays and Thursdays, every other Thursday I host the kids here.
cluess adoring amoral vdlrS:
cc that mindless weak bs to a bombed bleeding libyan!!!!
hobama is no powerless saint
he is an evil powerful sock pupppet OWNED & RULED by bigger richer demons BY CHOICE
gwb was even MORE powerless because he was retarded like u and his cia/fbi daddy stayed home... unlike that exotic bastard hobama
but u never made gwb your GOD
FN said:
"And people wonder why criminal lawyers do so well".
To be fair, FN, part of what you contribute with your education is to help heal .... your work as a Master, for example, to try and inject some calm into a very emotional situation, and hopefully, make both parties try and act in the best interests of the children, instead of playing "gotcha" games.
That's hard work, and not everyone is up to the task. I would have burned out very early on.
However, even if you touch a few families and make them see the light, out of the thousands of cases you deal with, it's worth it.
i am sure u are a wonderful home schooler!
but the vdlr could never be like u!
home schooling is truly just not an option for most in this economy
most moms today are single moms/vdlrs
who are GROSSLY uneducated and unemployed and absolutely incapable of schooling their children through even NOMINAL homework...
they would rather make more babies and smoke blunts and swig henny all day as the vdlr does CLEARLY before she blogs here each day...
karen sounds like ure doing a great job with ur children eyem curious though, how do u work with them on subjects u dont have competency in? like eye am good with some subjects but poor in others how might ur program work for a parent like me who has a degree in a technical field but lacks intenese knowledge of the humanities
dumb idiots like mildew dont believe parents know what theyre doing cuz theyre phukking prejudiced everyone always has a stick up their ass is a biased towards institutions especially liberal san francisco dickwads on such issues but put them to the test and its alwasy NOT IN MY BACK YARD...and paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others brother look at brandenberg again even it would not condone speech of this nature;)
"we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others"
Actually, leading up to the 2008 election, the paid astroturfers worked for Axelrod, Plouffe and Organizing for America to suppress any questions about Obama's qualifications and credentials, screaming "racism" any time anybody suggested, you know, um, he had no experience.
But, whatever.
Actually, leading up to the 2008 election, the paid astroturfers worked for Axelrod, Plouffe and Organizing for America to suppress any questions about Obama's qualifications and credentials, screaming "racism" any time anybody suggested, you know, um, he had no experience.
But, whatever.
they used paid astroturfers on the democrat side to talk mess about Gop candidates too astroturf is bad no matter who is using it and no matter how it is applied it is NOT free speech in any case
this shyt stain k untlicker banks is a paid astroturfer all she does each day is defame the president and spam this blog
she will be the recipient of her own abuses however since her actions will be mirrored karma is a mother
hobama loving/horny stranger to all real man vdlr:
see much more on the droves of
extensively well endowed black men i adore
and bear in mind karen eye dont mind if someone talks about the presidents policies cuz many of them are STOOOOOOOPID but lets not pretend that there isnt an elephant in the room which is the continuous day in day out donkey bryaing about ho bama this and ho bama that spamming this blog with long news stories that u have to get around it is a coordinated attack against field negro
and dont get me going about the birth certificate controversy he should show his long form birth certificate for sure but at the same time the term ho bama gets old after a while
schizo psycho hobama contagious crazy clueless nasty chickenhead vdlr:
u said hobama has no power
then um
u said his penis is all powerful
are they not one unit???
which one is petering out as prez???
i feel my own IQ lower each time i read your insane vukgar posts
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur supposed scholarly publications?
proof that u have a job? oops there is none ya coohole licker!
they would rather make more babies and smoke blunts and swig henny all day as the vdlr does CLEARLY before she blogs here each day...k untbreaf coohole moron alicia stank breaf banks
gee how u know so much about blunts and henny? were obviously from a different social class ya kuntlicker cuz prior to this blog eyed never heard of yaki pony tails henny or blunts and eye had to look up urban dictionary for those ya coohole
ur rants simply show how very little class u possess ure insults are even in the gutter stop trying to pretend to be someone ure not we can all see that u r low class uneducated almost illiterate and ecnomically disadvantaged otherwise why spend ur time typing shyt for money all day selling ur very soul? LOSER LIAR and FRAUD alicia stnak breaf banks!
poster gal for the international teacher exodus vdlr:
i have never drank henny or smoked even one reg cig like that burnt lipped cig addict hobama
and i am 47 and proud of it
ask any p-5 teacher if damn near everyone of our students' parents have not made us all mofo experts on blunts and henny
what we do not smell on their clothes each day, yo babies fill us in on...all the rest...
u betta ask ya own!!!!
ask any teacher
South Park Conservatives said...
Now the NYTimes is praying to God that Obama succeeds?
Wow...... The MSM is running out of ways to defend Obama,now they are asking God for help.
12:16 PM
how's that? link.
i have never drank henny or smoked even one reg cig like that burnt lipped cig addict hobama kuntbreaf
then how come u know so much about it then liar? how u know the smell of henny from some other cheap liquor? u do cuz ure a gottdam liar fraud and cheat who aint a teacher and would never be let around kids by anybody with sense fool!
and paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others brother look at brandenberg again even it would not condone speech of this nature;)
no class low caste ugly banks
gee how u know so much about blunts and henny? were obviously from a different social class ya kuntlicker cuz prior to this blog eyed never heard of yaki pony tails henny or blunts and eye had to look up urban dictionary for those ya coohole
ur rants simply show how very little class u possess ure insults are even in the gutter stop trying to pretend to be someone ure not we can all see that u r low class uneducated almost illiterate and ecnomically disadvantaged otherwise why spend ur time typing shyt for money all day selling ur very soul? LOSER LIAR and FRAUD alicia stnak breaf banks!
uneducated unpretty unclassy ungodly BOLD MOFO vdlr:
YOU are passing out advice on intellect and class????
cc this to any church ASAP
it is the 7th sign!!!
baby mama drama bonded hobama lover vdlr:
tru dat
i belee his mama and yo mama was both shady on that dotted line
ya feel me?
hobama nazis NEED to be duped by an exotic kenyan hoax rather than a run of the mill swirled african american hoax...
hobama looks more like his real deddy each day
see 4 ya gatdam self deddyless trick!
i am a multilingual comm scholar
u ain't know???
i speak nig and wig fluently!!!
yo stray babies just sent me a msg on their communal stolen cell ph:
"sm sm small world"!!!!!!!!!
Anony @ 12:39:
Luckily for us, there's a balance in our house. I have a "hard science" degree, my spouse has a history degree.
Last year, we found a great correspondence program attached to a well-known university, and she developed a great rapport with her long-distance teachers, as well as the online math and language.
This year, we joined a co-op, which meets in a local church Mondays and Weds, using the classrooms normally used for Sunday school. The teachers are other homeschooling parents who have grad degrees in their area of expertise. We also have credit-granting authority under the auspices of a credentialing society affiliated with the church.
Classes offered this year included (the list is long, I'm just trying to give you a short survey for an idea)
College level writing, SAT prep, US Constitution, US history, Classical literature, Western Civ, Spanish, French, Latin, Life science, Earth science, Physical science (all with labs), Art, Music, Band, Honors Algebra I, Honors Algebra II, Honors Geometry.
Our daughter also attends a study hall between her morning and afternoon classes, and takes her bag lunch as well. We pay for study hall as a separate fee, like a regular class, because it's supervised and a tutor is available/paid to help them.
The US constitution is taught by a mom with a JD; Life science is taught by a Mom with a PhD in biology who used to work at NIH in Bethesda. College level writing is taught by a PhD mom who is also an adjunct at a local campus of a public ivy university.
Hopefully next year, one of the offerings will be critical thinking and logic as a combined class, and there has been a lot of interest in starting a traveling competitive debate team/moot court type thing.
We pay the church for the use of their space, and church members who tithe get a discount.
This year, the class fee the Board voted on was $125 per class, with a $40 lab fee for the Sciences and Art. We also buy the textbooks.
I could teach the science at home, but it is more fun to do the dissections, etc with a group.
The teachers get paid, the church gets paid, and there is a limit of 12 students per class. (An exception was made for Life Science, there are 16 in the class, but it was voted on by the other parents who had signed up)
This is the third year it's been running, but the first year we've participated. Our daughter is an 8th grader, and wants to continue. There are enough families who want to continue into HS, so we will if possible.
(The year we joined, there were 450 families in our co-op. Over another 200 have signed up for next year, word-of-mouth only).
We've been thrilled with the high academic standards, and it is proof that if you expect a lot, the kids will rise to meet them. Even the kids with severe learning disabilities who struggled in the public school are thriving here, and the standards/expectations are NOT being lowered from them, they are RISING to meet them, with loads of support.
One of our families is a single mom without a HS diploma, whose son was getting beat up at the local public school daily, who came to us asking for help.
Not only did we provide a "scholarship" for her son to attend co-op, some of the moms are also helping her get her GED and have helped her secure a better work situation for herself with some opportunity for advancement.
Incredibly selfish, I know.
astroturfers pretty much ruin blogs where there was some free speech
be let around kids by anybody with sense fool!
and paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others brother look at brandenberg again even it would not condone speech of this nature;)
intellect and humanity always begin at home
we need millions more parents and teachers lie u!
karen good for you. once the program becomes better known you should share a link with the field negro. sounds like you are doing field work preparing ur daughter for critical thinking in life if you guys create a fund for scholarships you could share a link here to have people donate to it it sounds worthwhile to me
people who denigrate the church always seem to forget that the church was one of the most stable structures in black communities for so long so when you align school to church it speaks loads about the progressive mindset of the church and no eye dont mean that term politically;)
ur rants simply show how very little education u possess ure insults are even in the gutter stop trying to pretend to be someone ure not we can all see that u r low class uneducated almost illiterate and ecnomically disadvantaged otherwise why spend ur time typing shyt for money all day selling ur very soul? LOSER LIAR and FRAUD alicia stank breaf banks!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
alicia stank breaf banks!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
"I would like to see government completely out of education. One of the reasons that higher education costs have gone through the roof is because of the amount of "free" money washing through the system."
Isn't it amazing? Public schools were fine and the ebvy of the world when they were predominately white and segregated.
Now at least in urban areas where the preponderance of the students are of color, the Karens of the world want government "out of education".
Anon @ 12:46
I hear you. But I get sick of being accused that the only reason I don't like O is "because he's black".
Nooooo, I don't like his policies, and I really don't like who he has surrounded himself as "Advisors".
For the record, I wasn't a fan of team Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield either.
We have "skin in the game" here; my spouse is active duty military, and I believe we need a strong military, but only for OUR national defense. This expansive war of empire is sickening. The old regime looks suspiciously like the new regime.
And I've been a reader of FN long before the O came on the scene.
As far as the BC/Birther issue: I agree - he just needs to show the long form and get it over with.
The eligibility piece is personal-- I would like to see it settled in the Courts.
My daughter was born in FL, she was born on US soil to one US citizen parent, and one non-US citizen (green card) parent.
I was told in the college level class I took when I first immigrated to the US that that made her a "native born" US citizen, but not "natural born" because I was not a US citizen when she was born, and hence, she would never be eligible to run for President. She can be a US Senator, Congressperson, State Governor, but never Prez.
That was in 1998, long before the O came on the scene and this was an issue. That is the interpetation that I was taught.
There appears to be an ongoing controversy over what defines "natural born", and there are a lot of US citizens like my daughter.
If we take O's story at face value, then according to the standards laid out as I was taught, he is not eligible as "natural born". Obama Sr was not even landed immigrant with permanent residency status as I was, he was on a student visa.
I find the controversy interesting, because it is personal and relevant to our household, and I would be happy if the Courts would have the courage to let one of these challenges come forward, rule on it, and clarify it for all those families like ours. Did we misunderstand - can our US born daughter run?
It would be nice to have a definitive answer.
Do your homework about how mandatory public education came into being, and its true purpose.
And, at the turn of the last century, when the Rockefellers and Carnegies were shoving public schools down the throats of parents, there was a HUGE backlash with protests, etc even bigger than the contemporary anti-Obamacare backlash.
Our "betters" didn't care what the people/parents wanted, they just shoved it through anyways.
Some things never change.
Anon @ 1:07
Awhile ago, I offered to share how the co-op we belong to was set-up, costs, etc and when I suggested any church in any community could be a center of inspiration, the pile-on was fearous.
I seem to recall that the departed Constructive Feedback along with Mellaneous tag-teamed me so I gave up.
But yes, anyone with the desire can set one up.
Speaking specifically of black, urban single moms, there are lots who want better for their kids, and would jump at the chance to join if offered at a strong church/center of the community in their area.
My daughter volunteers in an elite sports program that runs in the District on the weekends. The program can't keep up with the demand, and these are nice, motivated, hard working kids.
I try not to think about all the other equally nice, motivated, hardworking kids that get left out b/c of space restrictions.
People just need to think outside the box.
maria said...
South Park Conservatives said...
Now the NYTimes is praying to God that Obama succeeds?
Wow...... The MSM is running out of ways to defend Obama,now they are asking God for help.
12:16 PM
how's that? link.
"Dear Lord, please make President Obama lucky."
A liberal at the NYT praying for Obama? LOL funnie
Yes well dont give up karen if ur daughter is doing as well as u say then there is compelling reason for you to share ur suggestions because eye think that is the new trend in education the public school system is untenable and crushing under its own weight and it doesnt matter if were in bumphukk california or high falutin connectitcut;) people need to think out of the box why are some so stuck on supporting obsolete structures? public schoolshave acted as indoctrination centers for the past few hundred years eye dont want my children and their children to be exposed to that brainwashing nonsense especially if someone like buceta breaf alicia banks is their teacher eye cannot even fathom if a crazy person like that would be a teacher but public schools accept almost anyone with the qualifications cuz theyre understaffed one more reason for my children to have private tutors
evil evangelist endlessly amusing vdlr:
people who denigrate the church are just aware of eddie long/fred phelps/ted haggart/rick warren...
& DROVES of buybull toting homohating hypochristian VULGAR FAKE unholy fools like YOU!!!!
btw its my understanding that if ur daughter was born here then she can run for president and she is a natural born citizen there was a debate about this very topic and what jurisdiction means by the federalist society not too long ago the term jurisdiction is at the crux
& DROVES of buybull toting homohating hypochristian VULGAR FAKE unholy fools like YOU!!!! k unt breaf
wut r u talking about k untbreaf?
posting links to ur site in a flurry since u know nobody will look at them anyway?
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur degrees?
proof of ur scholastic achievements?
poof! there is none ya gottdam liar!
everything else u say is simply fluff and puff
blind blaspheming fool vdlr:
those who see u REAL rainbow church nigs =
I've been saying for a while now that the religious right in America finally and firmly jumped the shark over the past few years. But now that that big ol' shark's behind them, there's another bunch of critters looming ahead that may prove to be even more damning. It's that whole big flock of chickens that are finally coming home to roost.
I don't know how long they thought they were going to go on that way, all self-righteous and judgmental, blaming homosexuals and feminists for everything from 9/11 to the price of gas, ignoring the interests of the poor in favor of those of big business, and dismissing any kind of environmental stewardship as nothing more than a way to waste time until the Rapture comes. Clearly, the didn't see anything at all wrong with elevating the most spiteful and amoral among them as their national spokespeople, and rewarding them in direct proportion to the heat of their rhetoric. No, these folks were on fire (we're still not sure if it was Jesus or heartburn), and they weren't afraid to let their bilious light shine on the TV, in the streets, all the way to the White House. They did their best to set it high above the rest of the culture, where none of the rest of us could miss it if we wanted to.
thank u for our godle model behavior herein...bless ya!
equating eddie long to all men in the church is like equating alicia k untbreaf banks to all intelligent beautiful women ... there is no CORRELATION among either group
vatican vixen vdlr:
thank u for your godly model behavior herein...bless ya!
hail mary jane!!!!
exposed so tries to spam remember ur karmic mirror k untbreaf
ur rants simply show how very little education u possess ure insults are even in the gutter stop trying to pretend to be someone ure not we can all see that u r low class uneducated almost illiterate and ecnomically disadvantaged otherwise why spend ur time typing shyt for money all day selling ur very soul? LOSER LIAR and FRAUD alicia stank breaf banks!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
lying illiterate vdlr:
YOU equated that tree jumper for jesus eddie long to "all church men"
i would never diss mell and cornel west so
shame on u evil liar!!!!
quote me or stfu!!!
there's not a thing wrong with what he wrote. friedman is a religious man and he knows the middle east.
i guess no one on drudge or fox prays?
and i guess you, as a conservative, don't pray, and/or are hoping he's unlucky?
liberals don't pray? only conservatives do?
only liberal want our president to succeed, and conservatives want to see him fail?
thanks for clearing that up.
also, let me break it down for you. friedman is a paid nyt columnist and was expressing his opinion.
you can't attribute what he said to NYTs itself. newspapers don't pray.
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
Anonymous said...
ALL respect was gone.
I lost all respect when I hear you be cloudin. Last thing we need, more drugs in the community. Loser.
9:45 AM
Well that's your business and by the way, who mentioned drugs? I sure didn't. And if it was "drugs" what's that got to do with the community if your in the privacy of your own home engaging? My guess is you could make it the communities business when you sell to neighbors, kids, etc..or have the door wide open for the world to see you doing your business.
And as far as your respect for me, honestly, I don't care..I really don't. Why? Because we don't know each other and never will know each other to enough to effect one another.
But thanks for your concern.
awww thanks inept illiterate vdlr:
i knew you thought i was beautiful and intelligent
that is why you stalk me with XXX dl bs...
i am blessed and i get that a lot
but i did NOT know you were too stupid to insult me at 1344
shucks sheeple!!!
u assnons do flatter me so...preesh!
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
"And, at the turn of the last century, when the Rockefellers and Carnegies were shoving public schools down the throats of parents, there was a HUGE backlash with protests, etc even bigger than the contemporary anti-Obamacare backlash."
People move from the country to the cities to take advantage of public schooling.
To say nothing of the immigrants flooding in from Europe to become "Americanized" through public schooling.
Who exactly was doing the complaining Karen?
Or is this all from the recessess of your mind?
pseudo politico prototypical drone pookie vdlr:
hard to see hobama's ACTUAL HORRID deeds when you are gazing hypnotically at his tent huh????
no prez to date has ever deliberately destroyed more free choice than hobama
from obamacare, to tsa rapes, to charter school scams, to nclb 2.0, to solo wars in libya, to bankster bilkings...
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and k untbreaf banks over here talking bout someone is vulgar? yet u continuously come to a black persons blog callin people nigs and wigs? ya gottdam hypocrite ure out of ur mind!
o now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
uts/da mayor of utopia:
how did u miss that whole national white flght/suburban school/private school phenom????
u may have a point though now that hobama has moved all of the poor blacks out of most cities now filled with rich whites who will demand and pay for superb educations for their elite urban spawn...
political moron/polless pookie vdlr:
Poor people globally have never had less choice than under hobama in all arenas!!!
Ask a Libyan or a poor American!!!
These policies of social plunder will have the most devastating consequences. But they are making clear the basic class divisions in the US—and indeed all over the world. In every country, the working class is facing brutal attacks by governments demanding that it pay the price for the failure of capitalism.
The Obama administration is exposing the reality of the Democratic Party as an instrument of the financial elite, no less than the Republicans. Workers must break from this party and build a mass movement fighting to break the grip of the financial elite and establish a workers’ government, as part of the fight for socialism internationally.
memo to hobama and his Nazis:
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and k untbreaf banks over here talking bout someone is vulgar? yet u continuously come to a black persons blog callin people nigs and wigs? ya gottdam hypocrite ure out of ur mind!
o now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
200 comments and most of them are from buceta breaf loser and her paid astroturf crew phukkers
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and k untbreaf banks over here talking bout someone is vulgar? yet u continuously come to a black persons blog callin people nigs and wigs? ya gottdam hypocrite ure out of ur mind!
o now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
retarded vdlr:
count your perpetually looped pasted vulgar bs
can u count upsycho liar????
pnt 3/29:
the vdlr is never moderated...
go figure???
peace Dr. Queen
have a stellar regal day!
fluffy puffy gruffy pookie:
like hobama and his tube sock stuffed tent, u lie!!!!
i am both a stellar legendary award winning educator of adults and children
and i am a private tutor
got any skills other than turbo breeding and big blunt speed rolling?
we see none!!!!!!!
Who’s Who in American Education - 2007-2008
Who's Who Among Americas Teachers - 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education - Praxis III Score: 57/57 - 2004
OMG would you two fucking take this stupid pissing match OFFLINE!????
proof of ur supposed 250 iq?
proof of ur scholastic acheievements?
oops there is none ya gottdam FRAUD and liar
show proof of ur iq and scholastic achievements or shut the phukk up loser alicia stank breaf buceta lickin banks
uve got a hell of a lot of nerve ya gottdam hypocritical shyteater!
and k untbreaf banks over here talking bout someone is vulgar? yet u continuously come to a black persons blog callin people nigs and wigs? ya gottdam hypocrite ure out of ur mind!
o now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
still no proof no links to legitimate sites other than ur own blovitations dumbass
Much more on the impossible crowd control that teachers must manage all day
Turbo breeders like the vdlr do not close their doors during sex….they do not monitor the sex their children view 24 hrs on bootleg cable tv… they do not protect them from sexual predators/hostaged babysitters that just met 2 hrs ago etc…they do not police film ratings etc…
There will be MANY more sexual assaults in the classrooms of overwhelmed teachers who have sexualized/ sexually traumatized tots who are buck wild and impossible to monitor vigilantly solo
I am expected to differentiate my instruction to meet the needs of my 24 learners. Their IQs span 65 points, and I must account for every shade of gray. I must challenge those above grade level, and I must remediate those below. I am but one person within the classroom, but I must meet the needs of every learner. I generate alternate assessments to accommodate for these differences. My higher math students receive challenge work, and my lower math students receive one-on-one instruction. I create most of these resources myself, after-hours and on weekends. I print these resources so that every child in my room has access to the same knowledge, delivered at their specific level. Yesterday, the school printer that I share with another teacher ran out of ink. Now I must either purchase a new ink cartridge for $120, or I cannot print anything from my computer for the remainder of the year. What choice am I left with?
I went to school at one of the best universities in the country and completed undergraduate and graduate programs in Education. I am a master of my craft. I know what effective teaching entails, and I know how to manage the curriculum and needs of the diverse learners in my full inclusion classroom. I graduated at the top of my class and entered my first year of teaching confident and equipped to teach effectively. Sadly, I am now being micro-managed, with my instruction dictated to me. I am expected to mold ‘out-of-the-box’ thinkers while I am forced to stay within the lines of the instructional plans mandated by policy-makers. I am told what I am to teach and when, regardless of the makeup of my students, by decision-makers far away from my classroom or even my school. The message comes in loud and clear that a group of people in business suits can more effectively determine how to provide exemplary instruction than I can. My expertise is waved away, disregarded, and overlooked. I am treated like a day-laborer, required to follow the steps mapped out for me, rather than blaze a trail that I deem more appropriate and effective for my students students these decision-makers have never met.
I am overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated by most. I spend my weekends, my vacations, and my summers preparing for school, and I constantly work to improve my teaching to meet the needs of my students. I am being required to do more and more, and I’m being compensated less and less.
vdlr translations:
"legitimate" = links ab provides for me because i am too dumb to google them/research/call your remowned univs about them myself that u attended since u were 12...
which i will only lie about also!
"bloviations" = the drizzles from my crack laced 40 oz brew that i pour into my filthy rug as i post bs lies about ab all day on my pc...
libations for my homies + vdlr blog lies = bloviations
shame u uneducated untruthful unlicked fool!!!!!!!
My first reply, I now see, didn't post for some reason, so I'll try again.
Re: your experiences working with lower income/disadvantaged groups in Maine ...
when we ran a small pilot program out of the practice I worked in that serviced the lowest income area in the city, and we really got "hands on", after drilling into the underlying issues a bit more, a shockingly high number of our single moms, who had dropped out of high school and had their first child as a teen, and then a series of more children (a turbo-breeder in AB parlance), and who continued to make poor choices (ie: using drugs and ETOH while pregnant, getting into abusive domestic relationships, etc) .... had been molested as young girls.
I think this is a bigger issue that leads to the self-esteem/lack of self-worth/image, seeking love/validation behaviors in these population groups then we seem to want to discuss/evaluate. Aside from the Catholic priest abuse scandal, no one seriously wants to talk about and unmask child predators and molestors, and the victims are shamed into silence -- often well into late adulthood.
Unless we stop THAT cycle, it will continue.
Our little pilot program was too small to make any sweeping pronouncements about, but it has always bothered me.
Karen, being 100% manly christian male might do well to explain their fetish with the homo-erotic 'shoved down our throats' talking point. Seems a person with a degree might use different terms. As well as the pejorative 'union thugs'. Was this a full degree...or a certificate?
Correspondence course? And self-certified? A JD may be purchased from ORAL U, or other st reagan 'accredited' retailers. As far as texts...will it be Abekka...or real ones? I love the Abekka scam, sell expensive crap made by unpaid 'students' to idiot parents. The books are either copyright infringed actual works...or made up poo. The 'students' at the skool are unpaid and will have an utterly worthless 'degree' upon getting older. The paper isn't even good locally. The moron parents giggle at how 'they got one over the eveel teachers and SD'...but their kids pay for the Gooberishness.
For a man who wails about the money...we see very little evidence that the dude went through his local SD budget. Or has even the slightest clue about what goes on during school hours. Instead, we have Sundae Skool that pretenderates to equal a Real School. Wonderful.
UTS makes an excellent point about how the schools went 'downhill' when all students could attend.
I told you I wasn't going to waste my time schooling you, the info is out there, readily available, if it is of interest to you, go find it yourself.
Try "The Underground History of Education" by John Taylor Gatto, NY state and city Teacher of the Year, as a starting point.
Regarding your hard-on about dissatisfaction with public schools is all race-based and due to "racism", and people are flocking to the cities for "public education", then why don't you live in Ward 8 and send your kids to the local, wonderful, public school, which you are on your soap box defending.
Thought so.
I would most certainly agree molesters and abusers need to not have access to children. But I won't cover up for the priests...or the Church.
As far as what they tell you...you a wite dude...they tell you stories to make you happy and to enjoy how much Silly you beleeve.
Sort of like what they tell Christians who do the prison ministries. It is fun to fib to fools.
Look for the evidence...not what you wish to see.
Holy haint vdlr:
Holla at yo messiah boy!
Tell hobama to grow a spine/soul/heart/brain and make better choices ASAP!!!...4 real
Before voters choose a new kinder gentler sock puppet like gwb in 2012!!!
What's to blame for the president's slump? For one thing, 60 percent of voters disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, while just 34 percent approve--the lowest number of his presidency.
Meanwhile, Obama appears to have taken a hit over Libya. According to Quinnipiac, just 41 percent approve of Obama's handling of foreign policy—a new low. Asked specifically about Libya, 45 percent disapprove, even as voters are virtually split on whether intervening in the crisis was a good idea.
The number that is sure to cause most concern for Obama's campaign advisers is where the president stands with independents, a voting bloc that was crucial to Obama's win in 2008 and stands to be pivotal again in 2012.
vdlr has no spine to help her step to me offline
i welcome that always
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