Oh Lawd! That was yet another white person in A-merry-ca having to apologize because they were caught saying the word Nigger..... publicly.
Here is the story of Broward County school board member, Ann Murray, and her little slip of the tongue which happened to be overheard by some of you Negroes a few years back. Relax Ms. Murray. I know that black folks are calling for your resignation, but I say keep on doing what you are doing. You just happened to slip up.... publicly; that's all.
Finally, I see that The Huffington Post has caved in to the pressure from you black folks and dumped Andrew Pop-Tart from their front page. Hmmm, wasn't it just a few days ago that they said this?:
"From the beginning, The Huffington Post has welcomed voices from all sides of the political spectrum, including conservatives such as Newt Gingrich, Frank Luntz, Tom Coburn, Laura Ingraham, Bob Barr, George Pataki, David Frum, Byron York, Mary Matalin, and Ken Blackwell. The idea being that dialogue -- from a wide range of perspectives -- is preferable to silence. The fact that Andrew Breitbart’s first post on our site drew over 1,635 comments, conducted in a civil manner, seems to validate the premise and the decision to publish his blog post. " [Source]
I swear that you just don't know who to trust these days.
You know we've got to keep things fair and balanced. It is only fair that progressive truths be balanced by radical right-wing lies. We should hear both sides of the debate, true AND false. I mean, if you're going to let civil rights folks get a voice, you have to provide equal time for the bigots. Every feminist voice needs to be balanced by a misogynist.
Yeah, that seems perfectly reasonable.
Field if Adrianna lets radicals like me voice their opinion on her pages then she will have a point about hearing from all sides.
She does let some real progressive minded folks on occassion but no real revolutionary folks or "real" leftists not the fake left that many of your audience are always referring to.
But Color of Change is right about one thing and that is Breibart is not a journalist and that everything he does is unprincipled. If she wants to give his say fine. But front page billing is about getting attention and ad revenue.
I agree, let Murray, Breibart and Huff-Post continue to spew. Keeps things real clear for willis.
Shhhhhit fields....
I thought you be done drop a little sumtin on Terrie Robinson.
She done put her 3 year old in the oven and turned the oven on 500.
Summ about his skin not bee'n dark enough...
Lawd black folks and our skin color!!!!!!!
fields you be know'n dat color of change is nothing but a soros funded front group...
43,000 ColorOfChange.org members?? Well roll me in flour and fry my black ass.
Talking maybe 20 negros with thousands of fake ids.Remember,that uncle tom in the white mans house done got a program that can create thousands of ids on facebook.. Tryin' to fool whitey is all dat is.
I be shocked colored change thang is still around.After Glenn Beck took coc to the whipping post, i's won't be showin' my black ass fo nuttin.
Talkin' about some nigger heaven is a slip up?She beenin' a white woman she sho nuff wishes she be in nigger heaven.
Dem demorats gots you whipped brutha man.
If coach K had said that fields, would you be so forgiving?
What chance does balance have against 43,000 uniformed Liberals of Color? Not much apparently, at the Huffington Post. Breitbart speaks truth to power about Van Jones, and he unleashes his Color of Change minions on the tender sensibilities of the Huff Po editors (who work for his close friend, Arianna Huffington).
Once again it is shown tha liberal blogs cannot be "fair and balanced" and still keep their readership. As soon as someone starts poking holes in their progressive fantasies, the plug must be pulled. No debate, no give and take, just the party line.
Andrew Breitbart is reviled precisely because he has done such a good job of exposing liberal lies. Tact aside, the truth is Van Jones is a “commie punk” and “a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak". The organized left are "totalitarian anti-free speech freaks", as demonstrated clearly here.
At least any pretense of balance the Huff Po was trying to create is out the window, and everybody knows exactly what they'll get there.
Come on Right I can't use Rev because Rev's should have some sense of right and wrong.
Breitbart has been dead wrong he has slandered people and organizations and he has done it to fit a narrow political agenda.
I don't care what you say he is wrong and you know it. The damage he has done is simply indefensible.
The only folks lying are you and him! He lied on Van Jones, he lied on Acorn and he lied on Shirley Sherrod.
So Van Jones is a punk because he has different ideas than you. You sound like the immature one.
Since you claim to know something about God you should know that God don't like ugly. And ugly is what he did to a lot of poor people who ACORN helped who otherwise would not have been able to organize themselves.
Wasn't it Huff Po that posted the cling close to their guns and God comment?
The right had to get rid of Van Jones because he's a environmentialist. Who need clean water and safe food? People have woke up and realized that Republicans just want people to die. Didn't Michele Bachmann say that a little CO2 doesn't hurt anybody? I hope she runs as the Republican nominee for President, Persident Obama might win by 60 to 70 points.
Field or Anyone,
Didn't Breitbart help start the Huffington Post?
As far as the N-Word. My Mother didn't allow it in our house. On my Dad's side they used it, but my Grandfather on that side who passed before I was born said "if you act like a n----r, you'll be treated like a n----r.
To this day I don't use it, even when I worked in the corrections field, didn't allow it and when I coached didn't allow it. Anyone who said it then I coached got 50 push ups. Some of my kids would come up to me and give me 50 'on credit' before practice, lol. When they went to College they see what I tried to teach them.
The thing is when you talk to folks from other Races and they don't understand how some of their people behave either.
mellaneous said...
Come on Right I can't use Rev because Rev's should have some sense of right and wrong.
Breitbart has been dead wrong he has slandered people and organizations and he has done it to fit a narrow political agenda.
We saw the films, we heard the words they spoke. They said the things we heard, he didnt invent them.
They are the despicable racist ones not he. Exposing the truth that does not match the fake that they want you to beleive is not slander.
Since you claim to know something about God you should know that God don't like ugly. And ugly is what he did to a lot of poor people who ACORN helped who otherwise would not have been able to organize themselves.
I wish you would stop this, I told you once before. I spoke to God this morning and he said he does not like you and is going to issue you a refund for your fake tax free rev status.
kid said...
Wasn't it Huff Po that posted the cling close to their guns and God comment?
The right had to get rid of Van Jones because he's a environmentialist. Who need clean water and safe food? People have woke up and realized that Republicans just want people to die. Didn't Michele Bachmann say that a little CO2 doesn't hurt anybody? I hope she runs as the Republican nominee for President, Persident Obama might win by 60 to 70 points.
Hey kid, ask your trees if they like CO2 Do you like breathing? I unnnerrrstand you are Black and didnt like science class but you knows what photo synthesizer is? Its a new rap sound yo-yo
@Wesley R
Yes he did help found Huff Po.
Through photosynthesis plants and animals can only absorb only so much CO2. Don't beleve me, well many people that kill themselves usually connect a hose to their tailpipe and put it in their window and shut the doors.
@ mellaneous: ACORN is a criminal organization heavily involved in all phases of voter fraud including false voter registration, vote-rigging, voter intimidation, and vote-for-pay scams.
Yes they started out helping poor folks, I even gave money to ACORN back in the day, but they have done more to subvert American democracy over the past several elections than any other organization, and Andrew Breitbart did a great service by helping bring the truth to light, when the establishment press tried to hide it.
Van Jones is a committed Marxist, a follower of an ideology repsonsible for the death of over 100 million people in the 20th century. He also a technically illiterate ideologue, promoting green energy nonsense he doesn't understand and that's designed only to help collapse the capatalist system he loathes. He wants to replace the freedoms of the Constitution with a totalitarian, all powerful state run by people like him. That's why he's a "commie punk".
Rev Right what are you talking aobut no system has killed and murdered more people than class society and since the advent of capitalism more people have died than ever before.
where did you get that 100 million figure? YOu and the folks you got it from just made it up. And again these were not Marxiist countries they were totalitarian countries, which is not the same as communism or socialism.
And Van Jones actually is not a Marxist if you look up what he actually says you would know that.
He is just a liberal to progressive black man that firmly believes in capitalism but believes that justice should still be acknowledged.
He happens to stand up for environmental justice and human rights and that's what makes him a Marxist in your narrow eyes.
You people are incredible! Just say you disagree with him and move on why does he have to be a punk.
I really don't get you guys. Why do you and some of the others keep running to a site that you disagree with so vehemently. You don't have real discussions with folks. You don't try to learn anything from anyone.
I suspect its because as Steve said a while back something in you won't even let black folks have their opinions. I guess like Richard Pryor once said if you could get a hold of our dreams you would try to take them too.
"Van Jones is a committed Marxist, a follower of an ideology repsonsible for the death of over 100 million people in the 20th century."
You're kidding me.
See? This is why no one in their right mind could take you seriously. Not that it really matters, at least as long as you have an audience of disaffected "Real Americans" whose fears and prejudices can be stoked with the right codewords and the right amount of Archie Bunker-esque rhetoric.
"He wants to replace the freedoms of the Constitution with a totalitarian, all powerful state run by people like him. That's why he's a "commie punk"."
"Marxist", "commie punk", "freedoms", "all powerful state". You do know your Dittohead lingo, don't you?
Meanwhile, the conservatives you know and love are colluding with corporate interests, morally corrupt politicos and wealthy power-brokers to replace this country with a plutocratic, profits-driven shell of its former self. Ever see venture capitalists strip and flip a company for a profit, with no regard for the long-term health of the company? That's what'll happen to the U.S. It'll be one big strip 'n flip replayed over and over and over again, ad infinitum, until there is nothing left.
@Rev. Right
Name a instance where ACORN participated in voter fraud. How long do you think that the rich will keep playing this game of chicken with Middle Class and poor people? People don't act nice when they lose their job and are starving. Keep it up and people will love Socialism and Marxism. To rich people the Koch Brothers might be remembeered in history as the guys that help bring Communism to America.
Ground Zero Mosque, don't work anymore.
Sharia Law, don't work anymore.
Illegal Immigrant, don't work anymore.
Blacks getting anything, don't work anymore.
Gay sex, don't work anymore.
When people look at their empty plate and wallet they know to go after the guy that just robbed them. Kasich , Walker, Cristie, and the others SAID they were going to screw the poor.
We saw the films, we heard the words they spoke. They said the things we heard, he didnt invent them"
No, he just did a little fancy camera work and directing, and... WALLA!
"...where did you get that 100 million figure? YOu and the folks you got it from just made it up"
Yes Mel, they made it up.
"Tact aside, the truth is Van Jones is a “commie punk” and “a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak". The organized left are "totalitarian anti-free speech freaks"',
Link please?
Anyway, Michelle Bachmann for Prez.
Mack Lyons said...
" Meanwhile, the conservatives you know and love are colluding with corporate interests, morally corrupt politicos and wealthy power-brokers to replace this country with a plutocratic, profits-driven shell of its former self.
Right, just like GE who is the countries largest corporation. They had a great year being ensconsed in the democratic bed.
The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.
Hpw much did G.E pay in taxes being the leader of the Obama Nation? Zero, Zilch, Nada...in fact G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion. Can you imagine, profits of 14.2 Billion and we owe them!!!
President Obama has said he is considering an overhaul of the corporate tax system, with an eye to lowering the top rate, ending some tax subsidies and loopholes and generating the same amount of revenue. He has designated G.E.’s chief executive, Jeffrey R. Immelt, as his liaison to the business community and as the chairman of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, and it is expected to discuss corporate taxes.
Gotta love those crazy "green tax credits"
Mack you haven't just been had, you have been violently and without lubricant.
another take
Huffington Post Wimps Out on Breitbart
Posted Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:21 PM | By David Weigel
I'm disappointed and annoyed to see the Huffington Post buckling under a pressure campaign and taking Andrew Breitbart's blog posts off the front page. It's their site; they can do what they want. But this response to the Color of Change's effort to boot Breitbart? It's pure wimpery. From HuffPospox Mario Ruiz:
Andrew Brietbart’s ad hominem attack on Van Jones in The Daily Caller -- right down to calling him a “commie punk” and “a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak” -- violates the tenets of debate and civil discourse we have strived for since the day we launched. As a result, we will no longer feature his posts on the front page. He is welcome to continue publishing his work on HuffPost provided it adheres to our editorial guidelines, as the two posts he published on HuffPost did -- guidelines that include a strict prohibition on ad hominem attacks.
He didn't write or say any of that at HuffPo, a site he helped develop in 2005. Is the Huffington Post's standard that contributors can be to some modified limited hang-out if they use ad hominems in other forums? Boy, good thing Breitbart doesn't have an army of contributors who can comb HuffPo authors' published and spoken work to see if they've done that.
Filed under: Huffington Post, Andrew Breitbart
also, let's be clear: the salon story is WRONG.
he wasn't banned, just isn't going to be featured on the front page.
and mel, i know you do good work, but you're not a what anyone thinks of when they think of "radical." you aren't a racist or a race-baiter and you have integrity and ethics--all of which brietbart lacks. b/c you have lost faith in the two-party system and believe in community organizing dosn't make you a radical, it makes you more aware and enlightened than most of america. you're a man of the cloth, or studying to be, who has nothing but compassion for others.
if huffpo ran you, that wouldn't be equivalent to running breitbart.
huffpo runs -- and trips over --- a fine line between being a "news" organization and just a mouthpiece for anyone who has the time to write whatever opinion they have. all are unpaid and few are edited. and it shows.
Huffington Post
THURSDAY, MAR 24, 2011 17:50 ET
The stupid saga of Andrew Breitbart and the Huffington Post
AP/Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia
Arianna Huffington and Andrew Breitbart
So! Arianna Huffington -- recently put in charge of all the "content" at AOL following the dial-up ISP's acquisition of her former "liberal Drudge" Internet newspaper -- gave a blog to her old friend Andrew Breitbart. Breitbart helped build the HuffPo, back when he was just another loudmouth Hollywood conservative and not the even louder-mouthed full-tilt culture warrior he is today (thanks in part to training at places like the Claremont Institute). Hundreds of people -- many of them idiots, frauds, and liars -- have blogs at the HuffPo. But the HuffPo actually promoted Breitbart's writing on the front page of the site.
Now, Mr. Breitbart is not just a conservative pundit. He is a crusading propagandist who publishes a wide variety of untruths and smears across his "Big" websites. He is not guilty of having the wrong opinions, he is guilty of being a shameless, race-baiting bully.
So various whiny liberals complained, like always, and the Huffington Post bravely promised to continue promoting the stupid nonsense from Arianna's old friend, in the name of democracy and the free exchange of ideas. ("Ideas" like "NPR and the White House are collaborating to spread the false idea that the Tea Parties are racist" and "the White House is lying about its visitor logs and specifically including the names of famous people in order to embarrass Andrew Breitbart.") ColorOfChange.org organized a petition, the HuffPo dismissed its complaints.
Complaining about the Huffington Post publishing awful, offensive garbage seldom works, because some of that garbage is profitable and some of it is just stuff that Arianna herself seems to like. And Huffington herself is too busy spending big bucks bringing big names to AOL/HuffPo while shuttering dozens of existing titles and letting various less impressive content-providers go to care if a bunch of liberals are mad at her site.
But! Breitbart then apparently went too far when he said a bunch of stupid and offensive things about Van Jones in an interview with the Daily Caller. And Arianna is actually quite close to the former White House "green jobs czar."
So: That got Breitbart kicked off the front page, finally.
Andrew Breitbart’s ad hominem attack on Van Jones in The Daily Caller -- right down to calling him a "commie punk" and "a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak" -- violates the tenets of debate and civil discourse we have strived for since the day we launched. As a result, we will no longer feature his posts on the front page.
He is welcome to continue publishing his work on HuffPost provided it adheres to our editorial guidelines, as the two posts he published on HuffPost did -- guidelines that include a strict prohibition on ad hominem attacks. Our decision today recognizes that placing posts on the front page is an editorial call that elevates some posts over others, and is an indication of how seriously we take these judgment calls.
A strict prohibition on ad hominem attacks! ("Against Arianna's friends," is the bit of that sentence that spokesman Marco Ruiz left out.) (Also there is apparently no prohibition on constant, practically obsessive race-baiting, but whatever.) (And obviously there is no prohibition whatsoever on spreading toxic bullshit about autism and other assorted crimes against science.)
Andrew has now gotten exactly what he wanted. He doesn't need to publish his idiocies at the Huffington Post. But getting banned from the Huffington Post proves his thesis about the repressive, anti-free speech liberal media. And he'll never shut up about it.
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon. Email him at apareene@salon.com and follow him on Twitter @pareene More: Alex Pareene
kid said...
@Rev. Right
Name a instance where ACORN participated in voter fraud.
Are you serious? You really don't know of all the nationwide convictions? Let me repeat that, Convictions of Acorn of voter fraud? You need to get out of the OJ syndrome a bit more. Note, casting ballots for dead people and similar is voter fraud.
Here are just a few, literally a small sampling of Acorn convictions of voter fraud.
Can someone anti-ACORN provide one credible link proving they were convicted of voter fraud? No, I didn't think so. What they have been busted on is voter registration fraud which is quite different.
By the way, Huffington Post does do some heavy censorship. They have had some very far right wing bloggers. One of their employees (Yacomink) was caught trolling in an attempt to ratchet up web hits. Arianna herself got exposed as a fraud with ClooneyGate. Huffington Post is garbage. It takes too long to load and isn't really that interesting. Arianna is what is referred to as a fake lefty. The one before her who dominated the blogosphere was Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos. It turned out his roots are from the El Salvadoran oligarchy, and he might have been in training with the CIA. Francis Holland took a lot of crap for his truth about Kos schtick, but there is something to what Holland has been saying. Kos calls the CIA a liberal institution with its heart in the right place. Fuck that and them.
The problem with the internet goes beyond the dumbass Republicans who troll. The real problem is with people representing the left who are right of even the Hobama nazi. Shame!!!! Bet!!! On it!! Oops, my inner Alicia Banks came out. Have nice days, your friend Slob Marley
Breitbart is a liability. And giving him the front page to lie may be OK for wingnuts, a 'due diligence' businessperson would cringe. A known liar, lying on your front page, lying about someone with what citizens may call malice. Note how Breibart never went into the bushmole 'caging' of voters. Breibart somehow missed the Truth. Pretenderating it is political speech shows that IOKIYAR. Might work on some Heeyuck with appendage issues...but most of us can see the dude was malicious.
Loved the Fact-based posts.
Ummm...before claimerating that one is Marxist and therefore eveel and therefore responsible for all the bad things that happened to a work-averse, ill-educated Goober...one might, like, actually read Marx. Perhaps the original German is too much to expect...but there are valid translations to English. The regimes of Stalin, Pol Pot, Franco, and other such folks seem to have more in common with TeaBaggers, not Karl Marx. Simply spouting Gooberish only shows you have never, ever read his text...and have zero understanding of the concept of 'Marxism'.
This may come as news to the TeaCrackers...but you can only get away with lying for so long.
Socrates, nice poser. Markos being an El Salvadoran padron' would make his 'positions' more rational.
This wite moo cow is on a School Board? And speaks like a Heeyuckian moron from an unReconstructed South? No wonder so many AfAms have 'problems' in some School Districts.
Somehow I don't see pudgy Poutface here as in any way superior to Halle Berry or Neil DeGrasse Tyson...though the lumpen proletariat obviously thinkerates she is.
Is incompetence rewarded?
A dumbed down society leaves room for all sorts of propaganda taking hold. At one blog I was at, a DKos offshoot, some of these fake lefties were actually promoting Huey Long.
Wilhelm Reich said it's the psychology of the masses which forms the bedrock for totalitarianism. The teanuts correctly sense much is wrong with America. That is good, to question things. But they are too vulnerable to being manipulated into voting in modern day Huey Longs who will say what they want to hear while running government like a mafia.
There are few real lefties on the internet, at least in terms of being major players. Greenwald isn't a lefty. He writes some good stuff, but he's no Erich Fromm.
What the masses need is to read more great thinkers like Fanon, Paulo Freire, Alice Miller, and Herbert Marcuse to name a few.
Hey Mold, I just saw your comment on Kos. The guy wrote something about coming to grips with the Civil War by witnessing bloodshed or something. But, he's never written anything about the real ins and outs of what was going on in Central America. He used to support Ronald Reagan. He made his CIA is hot stuff comment in 2006, not long ago. The guy comes from the wrong side of history yet is promoted by guys like Al Giordano of Narco News as some modern day Sal Alinsky. Word is Giordano has ties to kinder and gentler imperialism. That's not very left of him. But that would be getting way off-topic.
" kid said...
Through photosynthesis plants and animals can only absorb only so much CO2. Don't beleve me, well many people that kill themselves usually connect a hose to their tailpipe and put it in their window and shut the doors.
12:51 AM"
There kid goes again, trying to show us what a rocket scientist he is....when he can barely launch a turd.
You're thinking of carbon MONOXIDE, kid...not carbon DIOXIDE.
Ummmm....slight difference.
Mack Lyons said...
"Van Jones is a committed Marxist, a follower of an ideology repsonsible for the death of over 100 million people in the 20th century."
You're kidding me.
See? This is why no one in their right mind could take you seriously. Not that it really matters, at least as long as you have an audience of disaffected "Real Americans" whose fears and prejudices can be stoked with the right codewords and the right amount of Archie Bunker-esque rhetoric.
Jones,himself, has said he was a communist.You should research before you post.
Libtards here love the Daily Kos??Figures they would love a anti-Semitic site that lies all the time.
Rev. Right said...
What chance does balance have against 43,000 uniformed Liberals of Color? Not much apparently, at the Huffington Post. Breitbart speaks truth to power about Van Jones, and he unleashes his Color of Change minions on the tender sensibilities of the Huff Po editors (who work for his close friend, Arianna Huffington).
You are so right, mr.right.
Libtards hate free speech and opposing viewpoints. Quick history lesson...
Which party has a history of shuting doing radio stations, newspapers,throwing their owners in jail,over all killing dissent in this country?
That would be the Democrat party.
her apology sounds sincere enough to me....
the word nig never offends me
but the ignorant evil people of all races that it so aptly describes always will...
i say
keep the word until the nigs are gone....
and stop being so hypocritical when anyone of any race uses it....
real pervasive hellish ills like envy ignorance and poverty are far more offensive than any mere word i have ever heard spoken by anyone
hey kid:
what repub has killed more people than hobama?
his 23 trillion dollar grift to banksters has killed unborn americans via debt etc...
hey kid:
what repub has killed more women and children with predator drones than hobama???????
hey kid:
who has killed more black middle class FORMER homeowners than hobama and his bogus HAMP?????
what repub has killed MORE decades of black wealth FOR decades to come than hobama???????
hey kuntbreaf why dont u try shutting the phukk up for a change ya coohole lickin moron!
6 comments and u still aint said shyt ya dumb buceta licking moron
day in and day out stank breaf alicia banks ruins this blog comments she invents other screen names and when shes been outted always resorts to anons and other names like psi or mmm or whatever the name of the day might be this is a person who claims to have a 250 iq even dumbasses like that socratic wite fella figured out that buceta breaf is a FRAUD!
hey rk:
what repub has more vulgar illiterate suicidal blind turbo breeding uneducated unlicked apolitical psycho groupie.... fans like the vdlr than hobama???
what repub ignores and disses more of his global adoring black mongrel fans/clones of the illiterate nasty vdlr than hobama????
lying lickless mindless WRECKLESS vdlr:
have u read FN today?????????
you illiterate inept fool
you post under countless assnons
msr etc...
we see u.
beware baldheaded kamikazi!!!
how is the weather in CENTRAL oakland today???
slob marley:
if the masses read any truths, no hoax like hobama could never have worked so well...for so long...
hobama's mass murders loom around the globe as hobama nazis like you and the vdlr read nothing....
hey rk:
what repub has ever been MORE republican than hobama????
what repub reveres adores and revises ronny raygun more than hobama???????
mareally a hypocrite!!!:
you are pasting and name calling again
and we see u kim k
hey slob marley:
what repub has ever been a better poser/god/puppet for the right than that ideal legendary republican/dem poser hobama???????
hobama is a poster/robot for neocon repub banksters....just as u are for witless wiggers!
socrates said...
Can someone anti-ACORN provide one credible link proving they were convicted of voter fraud? No, I didn't think so. What they have been busted on is voter registration fraud which is quite different.
Socrates, why dont you drop the act. YOU and Mold show up at the same time, post the same drivel and then talk to each other, we know you are one and the same.
You are a WHITE MAN who is insane.
As for one credible link, last time I feed the insane trolls, but I do expect an apology from all three of your personalities, you, Mold and the ever increasing poster the vulgar anon.
You dont hear about these things because the leftist media buries the destruction of progressives.
Investigators probing ACORN have learned that an Ohio man registered to vote several times and cast a bogus ballot with a fake address, officials said yesterday, as they revealed that nearly 4,000 registration applications supplied by the left-leaning activist group were suspect.
The vote of Darnell Nash, one of four people subpoenaed in a Cuyahoga County probe of ACORN's voter-registration activities, was canceled and his case was turned over to local prosecutors and law enforcement, Board of Elections officials said yesterday.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/politics/item_WECdDEdtSRHFkI6NOWjXjP#ixzz1HcUgeBAw
What do you think happens when
voter registration fraud is committed? Do you think they say, ahhhh, we have all these dead people and illegal aliens and Felons and disney characters like Mickey mouse registered to vote but NAHHHH we won't send in absentee ballots for the community organizer we are organizing for?
Your kind is sick, aside from your sybil issues, corruption, fraud of any type is immoral and illegal, dont quibble with bullshit technicalities that only in the mind of a progressive make it ok. If you are caught doing anythign immoral and illegal in connection with voting you should be drawn and quartered and fast!!
Now pick a personality you sick puppy and stop thinking you are fooling anyone, they are all identical except when you use your vulgarities as MOLD and the VULGAR anon, you aren't as clever as you may think.
hey slob marley:
as a peer poser, hobama SHOULD be your repub god!!!!
In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.
Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction
hey slob marley:
hobama will select a new FBI director asap
let us see what a great lib dem hobama will choose to torture poor people/blacks/rebels etc with hobama's new net spying/turbo cointelpro bs until 2021....
shall we????????
kid said...
@Wesley R
Yes he did help found Huff Po.
Through photosynthesis plants and animals can only absorb only so much CO2. Don't beleve me, well many people that kill themselves usually connect a hose to their tailpipe and put it in their window and shut the doors.
Kid, is this the kind of mind that thinks global warming is real? The kind that thinks carbon monoxide is carbon dioxide? No wonder why the Progressive have to be so disengenious, dirty and immoral, they have been miseducated in thier indocrinations.
Anonymous said...
day in and day out stank breaf alicia banks ruins this blog comments she invents other screen names and when shes been outted always resorts to anons and other names like psi or mmm or whatever the name of the day might be this is a person who claims to have a 250 iq even dumbasses like that socratic wite fella figured out that buceta breaf is a FRAUD!
Socrates/MOLD we see you, you sick thing!! Go check your underoos, they smell from here.
slob marley:
i despise u hobama nazi bitches for many reasons...
but the main reason i loathe you hobama tee donning morons is that you NEVER answer any valid questions about that BRUTAL blackish repub/dem hoax hobama????
your insane suicidal silences trump your incessant silly slander always
The President’s official schedule for today:
9:30AM THE PRESIDENT receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
Closed Press
10:30AM THE PRESIDENT meets with senior advisors
Oval Office
Closed Press
4:35PM THE PRESIDENT hosts a reception for Greek Independence Day
East Room
Pooled Press (Pre-set 3:30PM – Final Gather 4:15PM – North Doors of the Palm Room)
No public statements on Libya. We’ll presume the senior advisor meeting at 10:30 deals with that.
No public statements on the uprising in Syria. Nothing on hundreds gathering in Amman to protest the Jordanian government. Nothing on President Saleh stepping down in Yemen, a potential loss of a key ally in the war against al-Qaeda. Nothing about new shelling from the Gaza Strip into Israel. Nothing on the continuing worries about radiation in Japan.
No public statements on jobs or the economy. No statements on the deficit, or the $14.2 trillion in public debt, or the budget crises in most states, or the latest problems in Afghanistan (a NATO helicopter gunship accidentally mistook children for insurgents and killed nine of them).
But we will finally get some answers from the president about how he feels about Greek Independence Day.
who could be more inept/elitist/fascist/racist/republican/globally bloody than that killer repub hobama?????
no hope
no change
no transparency
hobama lies like the vdlr and slob marley!!!!!!
that is why hobama axed helen thomas
and why his retro bitter cuz gwb high fived him when he did so
alicia banks said...
mareally a hypocrite!!!:
you are pasting and name calling again
and we see u kim k
10:02 AM
fuck you, you are pasting all day. i posted relevant pieces on topic.
your parents must be so ashamed. do they come to visit during visiting day at the home?
mareally a magic mushroom toking maytag:
your vulgar mammy maid vdlr is rubbing off on you miss anne.
you are getting dumber and cursing more each day
carry on u illiterate hypocrite
did u notice that joker hobama did not even utter the word poverty during his sotu joke???
matt damon is the only person i have seen on tv who called him out for that....
mareally as brain dead as hobama:
we see both of u witless wonders!!!!
It all seems rather mad, doesn't it? The decision to become involved militarily in the Libyan civil war couldn't take place within a less hospitable context. The U.S. is reeling from spending and deficits, we're already in two wars, our military has been stretched to the limit, we're restive at home, and no one, really, sees President Obama as the kind of leader you'd follow over the top. "This way, men!" "No, I think I'll stay in my trench." People didn't hire him to start battles but to end them. They didn't expect him to open new fronts. Did he not know this?
alicia banks said...
did u notice that joker hobama did not even utter the word poverty during his sotu joke???
matt damon is the only person i have seen on tv who called him out for that....
You know it, he doesnt know what its like, hes too elite and rich.
Now they are talking about fitting our cars with mandatory mileage trackers to tax us by the mile. I see that happening. No doubt this bozo and his puppets are trying to destroy the economy, if not they are so incompetent its surely happening to the point of no return. This with his crushing of US energy making prices go up and up --(Gas is 4.10 a gallon now by me)
will make us all stay at home janitors.
as long as hobama has his endless golf days/tax dole rock star vacations/and arugula...his life is blissful!
and michelle is no less sinful
"let them eat diet cake"!!!
needs slaps:
file this under
global rainbow pookies who do not read/write:
Isabel Fernandes, a cheery 22-year-old with a constellation of stars tattooed around her right eye, isn't sure how many times she repeated fifth grade. Two, she says with a laugh. Or maybe three. She redid seventh grade as well. She quit school with an eighth-grade education at age 20.
Ms. Fernandes lives in a poor suburb near the airport. She doesn't work. Employers, she says, "are asking for higher education." Even cleaning jobs are hard to find.
Wow, sockpuppets. Carlos Lam just got revealed.
Shame old LardPuss Bigot got 'outed'...by being her obnoxious racist Goober self in front of adults. Then she pretenderates it was the 'audience' that was the problem.
She wants to be forgiven...but where is her change in behaviour or thought? Did she neglect to learn anything? Rather than admit fault...she has the lesson as 'Don't Get Caught'?
At one School Board Meeting a local farmer whined about the cost of education as 'field hands don't need to know how to read'..and he was all miffy that he had to -gasp- pay for stuff he would never use. Corbett removed that problem...our SD gets about 60% of their budget from outside sources.
Breitbart lies. He should still be able to fib to the Goobers...but the penumbra of honesty does not have to be covering his deceit.
Oh, fallacy of single to general...it is in Wikipedia. Simply put, if there is a single misplaced comma in 'Origin'...it does not negate the entire work. Though, I am curious as to why wingnuts are so eager to shoot citizens, to fake altercations or to steal livelihoods.
It's funny how all these (white) liberal websites who welcome voices from all sides of the political spectrum and go out of their way to accomodate rightwingers and racists like Brietbart never seem to find a spot for Minister Farrakhan.
UTS, hmmm. Though HuffPo was never Liberal.
Maybe it goes against the MSM/Villager acceptable memes. Like the Grand Bargain is 'what everyone wants'...but is actually only what a very small group does. Because it is so horrible and morally hazardous for the working class to save for their own retirement.
Farrakhan has been bombastic and utterly wrong...yet Brietibart and Okeefe have lied consistently and are given free passes each time.
what a gottdam loser kuntbreaf banks is harassing folks as usual how is it in the crazy house ya gottdam shytstain eating coohole!buceta lickin banks that is...
uptownsteve said...
It's funny how all these (white) liberal websites who welcome voices from all sides of the political spectrum and go out of their way to accomodate rightwingers and racists like Brietbart never seem to find a spot for Minister Farrakhan.
But Mr Steve, he is. Wasn't he featured on the cover of I got abducted and butt raped by a racist alien?
Figures this is one of your "leaders"
Assnon, you are one stupid, uneducated, spamming ass bitch.
You say the same tired shit over and over.
You're like that dumbass, annoying reject kid in school with ADHD jumping around, flailing your arms saying here I am - look at me - over here - here I am!
Smells of the ghetto waft through the air when you are present.
Why don't you go over to stormfront and tapdance for them fetchitt.
Thanks Maria for the compliment. In the strict sense of the term I am a radical not a conservative radical but a radical for justice and freedom.
@Field they may do anything in South Florida they even got away with banning a book down there and forcing a theater company to cancel plans for a production about a women Rachel Corrie who was killed on the West Bank while trying to play peace keeper.
Its a real right wing haven.
hey shabazz u only show up erry now and then when buceta licker tries to front like she is not trolling this blog so shabazz anon why dont u get back over to stormfront to get ur check kuntlickin moron!
Man, I love these 'honest' Rs. Kasich was just caught 'privateering' the union job service to KasichScam. Imagine that.
Carlos Lam instructing Walker oh how to fake 'union thuggery'...because the real union members are US citizens.
And this woman is apologizing for 'if any are offended by her stoopid racist Gooberish'.
Note how she is not changing to 'Not Be Racist'...but will be more careful about the audience.
Hey, if Brietbart and Okeefe can have no consequences for lying..lying again...and lying some more, why should she?
assnon, your mother is a kuntlickin' moron you ghetto skank bitch!
I've been through it with AB before, so I am no fan of hers, but at least she can write coherent sentences, unlike YOU.
Everyone here knows every anon and obscure name on this blog is the same sock puppet. You're not fooling anyone. The only reason you're allowed to fester here is 'cause FN allows it.
You spam post the same response over and over again, then use whatever name you can think of to create your own personal cheerleader so it'll look like you've got alot of people on your side. Typical white conservative/republikkkan/
teacracker (thanks Mold)tactic.
It must really be a tough blow to your ego knowing the only way you can navigate through life is by lying and cheating.
Do not bother to respond, as I have no interest in carrying this conversation any further with you.
(you weren't even really worth the time it took me to type this response)
your #1 fan
You spam post the same response over and over again, then use whatever name you can think of to create your own personal cheerleader so it'll look like you've got alot of people on your side. Typical white conservative/republikkkan/
teacracker (thanks Mold)tactic.
It must really be a tough blow to your ego knowing the only way you can navigate through life is by lying and cheating.
You spam post the same response over and over again, then use whatever name you can think of to create your own personal cheerleader so it'll look like you've got alot of people on your side. Typical white conservative/republikkkan/
teacracker (thanks Mold)tactic.
It must really be a tough blow to your ego knowing the only way you can navigate through life is by lying and cheating.
Its just the same old crazy progressive triple personality, MOLD/Socrates/Vulgar Assnon.
More theocratic Fundie shareeLaw christians...http://www.adn.com/2011/03/23/1772266/senate-panel-questions-judicial.html#ixzz1HYHLiidY
Bristol would have been stoned fer bein' a whore.;)
What's this about Gooberin Back 'Merica?
"Note how she is not changing to 'Not Be Racist'...but will be more careful about the audience."
Yes Mold, that's exactly how they all think. Like she's sorry she got caught. How dare there be Blacks present that might be offended by a white racist.
It's not her fault, how did she know there were going to be Blacks there?
It was their responsibility to know there was a racist present, and there might be things said "by mistake" they might find offensive.
Those Blacks should have known better. The old cowpatty was just being a typical white lady.
yep shabazz is a alicia banks asswype lickin clone and its so nasty filthy and funky down there eye think eyed vomit!
Shabazz, what I found interesting was that the last 50 years of learning seemed to have no impact upon her. While I remember the Bad Old Days of calling folks 'migger' to their face and they were expected to pretend to like it, or be lynched...she appears stuck in that Ignorance Limbo. Time for her to retire to Wal-Mart.
hobama inc is FAR more clandestine and closed and shady than gwb
hobama is FAR LESS transparent than even gwb....shame!!!!!
Administratively, agencies built additional hurdles and stonewalled even the most basic FOIA requests. The Bush administration was tough and tricky, but the Obama administration is tougher and trickier.
Since American taxpayers are on the hook for trillions of dollars, potentially including already $153 billion alone for Fannie and Freddie, we deserve to know how and why this financial collapse occurred and who in Washington, D.C., is responsible. Unfortunately the Obama administration disagrees. Last year, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the agency responsible for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, responded to our FOIA lawsuit by telling us that all of the documents we seek are not subject to FOIA.
In the fall of 2009, Judicial Watch staff visited with senior White House official Norm Eisen, then-Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government, to discuss Judicial Watch’s pursuit of the White House visitor logs. The White House encouraged us to publicly praise the Obama administration’s commitment to transparency, saying it would be good for them and good for us. However, the Obama team refused to abandon their legally indefensible contention that Secret Service White House visitor logs are not subject to disclosure under FOIA law. So we filed a lawsuit to ask the court to enforce the law.
…on major transparency issues, the Obama administration has come down on the side of secrecy. The Obama administration’s releasing “high value data sets” from government bureaucracies is meaningless in the face of key decisions to keep politically explosive material out of the public domain. As far as Judicial Watch is concerned, the Obama administration gets a failing grade on transparency.
hobama is gwb 2.0 &
now that rahm is mayor of chi
watch the skies for 9/11 2.0
smart people/conspiracy SCHOLARS are watching the sears tower like hawks!
"given how shabazz has insulted u in the past but now he is calling this anons mother a kuntlick it is clear that shabazz is AB"
Yes, we have argued in the past, but we both can type in coherent sentences.
I'm not going to carry on an internet beef. Most of us are adults here, and think it's quite trivial to cause unnecessary grief over old words. That's what adults do.
Is your trailer paid off, because you seem to have alot of time on your hands to spam post a blog every single day.
I see you got the radiators out of my back yard.
Is the still up and hopping yet?
molded manic moron/nell:
there is no better word to describe YOU!
your toothless lazy amoral ignorant sinful illiterate white nig kin taught their stolen captive abused miseducated africans to be black nigs...
and the saga continues herein
from maria to her mammy maid vdlr
i would not be surprised if the retarded gwb never mastered basic email
hobama is taking over and censoring the entire internet...
more proof that hobama is worse than gwb!!!
"Shabazz, what I found interesting was that the last 50 years of learning seemed to have no impact upon her. While I remember the Bad Old Days of calling folks 'migger' to their face and they were expected to pretend to like it, or be lynched...she appears stuck in that Ignorance Limbo. Time for her to retire to Wal-Mart.
Yeah, she can be the retired old lady door greeter!
Every time I see a post like this I say to myself, where's the news?
I don't care what ANYONE says, racism is much worst since Prez. was elected!!!! Racist white folks are STILL mad as hell about his election.
"America" wasn't ready for him, and I'll think that forever!!!
As for the little psycho assanon which Field continues to tolerate in the name of "free speech" (which I find highly lame), that's a problem a can of gasoline and match could fix real quick, 'cause pyschotropic drugs would do NO good at all at this point, LOL!!!!
torch the turbo breeder vdlr!!!
her fiery STDs infested herein are waaaaaaaay out of control!!!
What's up AB!
Now i know the reason fields is so forgiving.
Ann Murray is a liberal Democrat.
What makes Liberals think they can go around call people nigger??
Don't liberals have no shame?
alicia banks said...
torch the turbo breeder vdlr!!!
her fiery STDs infested herein are waaaaaaaay out of control!!!
Ya think if her old a$$, cialis IV'ed, husband allowed her to get a job (because who in the hell else from this blog has the TIME to post crazy, vulgar BS ALL DAY LONG), this blog might "clean up" a little?
Nah probably not, besides I don't want any psycho's serving some kid fries from the drive thru at McDondald's, LOL!!!
Muah, Muah, Muah!!!
hobama deliberately worsened racism by dissing black mongrels and evading race from day 1 in ofc...
as long as hobama ignores and evades us
racism will only worsen
President Obama’s “fawning, damn near servile behavior when accommodating Zionist demands” to boycott and sabotage the Durban II conference on racism “should have been a deal breaker” in his relations with African Americans. But what passes for Black leadership accepts any and all insults from Obama, who naturally treats them like the spineless creatures they are. Meanwhile, the White House keeps “Jewish leaders” up to date with conference calls on how Obama is protecting Israel from charges that it is an apartheid state, and also ensuring that the United States is not compelled to make amends for its racist past and present
psiops mmm or whatever ur name is rogue stank breaf personality if u are gainfully employed in a traditional setting as u claim why are u on an unsecure blog talking shyt? oh its cuz ure a liar who has no job no prospects and no life
u cant even decide how many degrees uve earned because u aint earned any so go ahead and talk about dildos and material wealth and threatening people it simply shows that ure not a scientist in any way shape or form!
ps hows ur publications going kuntlick? oh wait u have none.
psiops mmm or whatever ur name is rogue stank breaf personality if u are gainfully employed in a traditional setting as u claim why are u on an unsecure blog talking shyt? oh its cuz ure a liar who has no job no prospects and no life
u cant even decide how many degrees uve earned because u aint earned any so go ahead and talk about dildos and material wealth and threatening people it simply shows that ure not a scientist in any way shape or form!
ps hows ur publications going kuntlick? oh wait u have none.
ditto pnt!!!
there are so many beautiful women in all hues in oakland...
but the vdlr is NOT one of them
men are sooooo visual
the pale hag needs to keep her cursed man drugged up with MEGADOSES of viagra
Anonymous said...
the latest tactic is that buceta breaf tries to divert attention from her lies and instead tries to put them on inventing an anon that does exactly what she does all day
Holy shit, MOld your flippin out, your posting to fast and saying the same things you say as MOld as the vulgar ANON. The only thing you left out was your suck-rates fake white guy posing as a black guy identity. WE KNOW ITS YOU, you aren't smart enought to change what you do its so easy to see.
Now you accuse those who caught you of doing what you do, wonder where you got that idea huh SOCKPUPPET?
this is hilarious for some reason u like to talk about bloggers who arent even here and act as if uve done something special god it makes u look even more pathetic kuntlicker
so hows that 250 iq going wheres that proof? where r ur articles in peer reviewed journals?
Gibson said...
Anonymous said...
the latest tactic is that buceta breaf tries to divert attention from her lies and instead tries to put them on inventing an anon that does exactly what she does all day
Holy shit, MOld your flippin out, your posting to fast and saying the same things you say as MOld as the vulgar ANON. The only thing you left out was your suck-rates fake white guy posing as a black guy identity. WE KNOW ITS YOU, you aren't smart enought to change what you do its so easy to see.
Now you accuse those who caught you of doing what you do, wonder where you got that idea huh SOCKPUPPET?
the latest tactic is that buceta breaf tries to divert attention from her lies and instead tries to put them on inventing an anon that does exactly what she does all day
Holy shit, alicia banks your flippin out, your posting to fast and saying the same things you say as MOld as the vulgar ANON. The only thing you left out was your suck-rates fake white guy posing as a black guy identity. WE KNOW ITS YOU, you aren't smart enought to change what you do its so easy to see.
Now you accuse those who caught you of doing what you do, wonder where you got that idea huh SOCKPUPPET?
alicia banks IS OFF HER MEDS!!!!!!!!
that is very clear isnt it
o kuntlick wheres proof of that 250 iq of urs again? cuz eye thought a korean guy had the highest iq on the planet if u were smarter then an asian we all would know about it kuntlick but no u aint ha no sense ur lies dont even add up this is for u and psiops mmm kuntbreaf cooholes
ur borderline personality disorder is seriously getting unhinged kuntbreaf u express ur anger through psi mmm and get emboldened when the chicken head shows up that kuntbreaf fool!
Poor mold....
The lies become to much to keep up with.
Is mold American???
Is mold Canadian??
Depends on the day and topic.
how come so many of these fools like the vdlr have never seen or heard of laptops/wifi etc??????
colorist pale vampira vdlr:
eat some collard greens and cornbread
take a long walk in the sun
and seek help for your self hatred/visibly damaged balding lyed hurr/etc
start here:
alicia banks said...
ditto pnt!!!
there are so many beautiful women in all hues in oakland...
but the vdlr is NOT one of them
men are sooooo visual
the pale hag needs to keep her cursed man drugged up with MEGADOSES of viagra
You so crazy, LOL!!!! You know it stands to reason why she's such a psycho, lunatic in her late 30's. She was probably bullied mercilessly as a kid for being so weird looking, which again evokes my sympathy for the psychob*tch lunatic AKA PBL, LOL!!!!
But seriously, I wonder how many Obamaites are going to vote to re-elect him in 2012? Folks like Spike Lee seem to have already decided to vote for another TBD Demo.
Ok, yes, jeezzzzz you guys win.I am mold. I'm using 4 different ids when posting here.
I really don't have any friends.My neighbors hate me.
I post here, well because i knida feel at home.
I kinda don't black people.Black people are like pubic hair.They can be irritating.
I'm still goona post and answer myself.
You can't stop me.
AB i think your so hot.AB, are you into white chocolate?
the pale hag needs to keep her cursed man drugged up with MEGADOSES of viagra
Cicily Tyson, Alek Wek and Naomi Campbell are dark women who are beautiful but i know i cant hold a candle to them cuz god made me ugly thats why im a carpet licker cuz mens dont like me and the only way i get some ass is advertising in the paper under BBBW 450lbs, cratered skin r u ready to rumble
hallucinating batty vampire vdlr:
my photo has not changed
i am still gorgeous
so are my real long lovely locks
& my flawless buttery skin etc
got melanin/aged acne/baldheaded/pus sore filled scalp envy???
You know, AB, speaking of your flawless skin...if you were to paint little yellow dots all over your face, you'd look just like one of my turds after I've eaten corn on the cob.
your tragic cat fur hair trumps your catty fantasies about my lush locked life
i was born gorgeous with a beautiful silky curly afro my parents stil tease me about..."1963 - 1st fro'd baby etc"
i have never been genetically bald/dyed/lyed/fried like you
my hair is still luscious soft and silky as the day i was born
got hair hatred much?
how many perms had u had before age 6???
blind vdlr:
your fugly pale baldheadded appearance is merely one in a very looooooooooooooooong worn list of ills i routinely attack herein
u r too flawed and too easy
like lays chips, no one can slay just one!!!!!!!!
scan up
check those archives again
stop pasting and pay attn u psycho schizo hag
lickless skilless clueless uneducated unlicked unkempt unfulfilled unloved unglued vdlr:
see degrees
alma maters
got google???
got a phone?
have u read fn's post yet today???????????
" Pork Chop Jones said...
You know, AB, speaking of your flawless skin...if you were to paint little yellow dots all over your face, you'd look just like one of my turds after I've eaten corn on the cob.
4:59 PM"
Hey now! No way I look that bad!
I'm sure I smell better, too.
linkless lickless euro psycho vdlr:
i am certain that all the beckies/marias deeply appreciate the euro love letters u perpetually post to them
but they could never love them as much as i love the colorist self hatred they document
carry on dl butch oj!
so kuntlicker where is proof of ur legendary supposed 250 iq? oh there is none
where is proof that u r a scholar and teacher? there is none
where is proof of anything uve said? there is none only in that twisted filthpile u call a head
so will spc dr leroy tsimmmops eraser uts gibson and whoever else come to ur rescue now? or will u continuously denigrate this thread by talking about ur disgusting physical appearance? u r NOTHING but a piece of dog shyt smashed in the road; USELESS buceta breaf alicia banks that is...
cornfed corny hick fecal fool assnon/fecal foolish vdlr #666:
i never obsess over your stench/excrement/generically foul fugliness etc...
like hobama,
i am just not into you mindless nasty mongrels/trailer turds
carry on demented diarrhea dude.
lickless vdlr:
seen hobama lately?
is he bleaching his skin and dyeing his short hair like u????
do colorists/ageists vote more?
he will need them all!!!!
mjj cloned thriller hobama zombie pookie vdlr:
i have never bleached my skin
i love my chocolate perfection
but mjj and u have for sure!!!
Dude you are bordering on spam territory. What's up with you and AB?
You are wearing out my delete key.
oops its almost 615 that means the nasty filth pile will soon stop and then eye will go
clocker off her rocker vdlr:
i bet u have every watch u own set to me....
get over me!!!!!
seek help psycho pookie
u just couldnt help urself could u? u just had to try to get in the last word u USELESS pile of garbage buceta breaf banks
wheres proof of ur 250 iq? wheres proof of ur publications dumbass? wehres proof of ur genius? oh there is none liar!
wheres proof of ur 250 iq? wheres proof of ur publications dumbass? wehres proof of ur genius? oh there is none liar! buceta lickin banks aint never done shyt wont never do shyt and aint never gone be shyt
maria said...
alicia banks said...
mareally a hypocrite!!!:
you are pasting and name calling again
and we see u kim k
10:02 AM
fuck you, you are pasting all day. i posted relevant pieces on topic.
your parents must be so ashamed. do they come to visit during visiting day at the home?
"thought u didnt delete comments field"
I don't delete comments. C-O-M-M-E-N-T-S.
no one needs to repost my comments, esp. when i have written them just out of utter disgust and exhaustion for being picked at over and over again...for nothing even RELATED to the picker and again the false accusations. kim k? i have absolutely nothing in common with her, let me assure you. and never said i did or tried to.
"Now i know the reason fields is so forgiving.
Ann Murray is a liberal Democrat."
You must be new here.
field thanks for explaining your policy to me comments versus spam are a difficult thing to understand when demon spawn banks is around most of her comments look like spam and theyre insulting particularly to our resident swarthy skinned woman but whatever u say goes no insult was intended to you at all apologies if that occurred all insults were directed to alicia buceta banks and this is a legit comment
no one needs to repost my comments, esp. when i have written them just out of utter disgust and exhaustion for being picked at over and over again...for nothing even RELATED to the picker and again the false accusations. kim k? i have absolutely nothing in common with her, let me assure you. and never said i did or tried to.maria
cant u see that theyre trying to run u off this blog? u r a regular and always have something to say even if it mite be controversial from time to time but buceta breaf and her sockpuppet clones have decided to run everyone off this blog and that is unacceptable
keep making ur comments and dont get upset if it is reposted it makes alicia the BULLY banks look bad and she needs to be highlighted to show how dysfunctional and crazy she is
Really Rev. Right? Spewing RW talking points about ACORN and Van Jones? What's next you want to see the prez's birth certificate too? Ho boy, who wasn't a Marxist in college? Geez, mountain meet molehill. If all the B.S. the right puts out to discredit anyone left of Mike Huckabee had any merit they might be on to something but instead we have to try to get all in a huff about Rv. Wright, ACORN, the new black panters, ect. Man, I'd hate to see how I'd get attacked if I ever ran for national office "OMG, he's not only an ateist he's a member of a scary Black fraternity.......and once read Marx.......". Conservatism has become a joke so much so that Michele Bachmann is actually a contender in the GOP primary. Somebody just tell me it's all just a joke. I'm supposed to really believe in a grand conspiracy to subvert the constitution by the NBBP, ACORN and Van Jones? Paranoia saves lives I guess.
Really Rev. Right? Spewing RW talking points about ACORN and Van Jones? What's next you want to see the prez's birth certificate too? Ho boy, who wasn't a Marxist in college? Geez, mountain meet molehill. If all the B.S. the right puts out to discredit anyone left of Mike Huckabee had any merit they might be on to something but instead we have to try to get all in a huff about Rv. Wright, ACORN, the new black panters, ect. Man, I'd hate to see how I'd get attacked if I ever ran for national office "OMG, he's not only an ateist he's a member of a scary Black fraternity.......and once read Marx.......". Conservatism has become a joke so much so that Michele Bachmann is actually a contender in the GOP primary. Somebody just tell me it's all just a joke. I'm supposed to really believe in a grand conspiracy to subvert the constitution by the NBBP, ACORN and Van Jones? Paranoia saves lives I guess.
"He wants to replace the freedoms of the Constitution with a totalitarian, all powerful state run by people like him. That's why he's a "commie punk"."
Really Rev. I would LOVE to see where he said that.
"Really Rev. I would LOVE to see where he said that."
Me too. In fact,I tell you what Rev., if you provide a link where Obama said that I will write you a check for $1,000.00,and I will never write anything negative about a wingnut ever again. Ever!
I will wait......
@ Field: I attributed that to Van Jones, not Obama.
Speaking of his political conversion in the aftermath of the 1992 Rodney King riots, Van Jones stated: “I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th,” he said. “By August, I was a communist.”
So, by his own words, Van Jones is a communist.
Communism (or Marxism) is an ideology that abolishes the concept of personal property and places all wealth in a common trust administered by the government.
In February, 2009, in Berkeley, California, Jones made clear his desire to incrementally socialize, by stealth, the U.S. economy:
"Right now we say we want to move from suicidal gray capitalism to something eco-capitalism where at least we're not fast-tracking the destruction of the whole planet. Will that be enough? No, it won't be enough. We want to go beyond the systems of exploitation and oppression altogether. But, that's a process and I think that's what's great about the movement that is beginning to emerge is that the crisis is so severe in terms of joblessness, violence and now ecological threats that people are willing to be both pragmatic and visionary. So the green economy will start off as a small subset and we are going to push it and push it and push it until it becomes the engine for transforming the whole society."
In order to "transform" society to where capitialism is abolished (i.e. a communist state), the Constitution will have to be dispensed with. Since private property is a natural right, the imposition of communism has to be coercive and necessitates a totalitarian state, one run by elites well versed in the nuances of progressive utopias like, say, Van Jones.
So yes, Van Jones has said as much. Obama of course has not been so overt. He has however hired people like Van Jones, Donald Berwick, Anita Dunn, Cass Sunstein, Ron Bloom, Mark Loyd, Elizabeth Warren and John Holdren (to name just a few) and he has quite consistently promised us "fundamental change", so draw your own conclusions.
Modern statist redistributionsts seem to be able to forget that every single time such systems have ben put in place has resulted in slaughter on an industrial scale. The thought is "Nevermind all that, it will be different this time, because we'll be in charge."
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