Somewhere in Libya there is a dude with some f*&^%* up shades and a botched plastic surgery job humming the words to that Gap Band song from back in the day. Yes, "You Dropped A Bomb on Me", would be apropos for my man Muammar right about now.
Europe and the folks in the Arab League are saying enough. Gaddafi's people have risen up against him, and damn near everyone in the Arab world has agreed that he has to go.
There is now a 600 -plus- square mile no fly zone over Libya, and the French are showing that they can do more than just cook.
Of course, over on the right, the wingnuts are in an apoplectic state, because their hatred of O is so great and they cannot find enough missteps on his part to make political hay over this crisis. Over on Radio Rwanda it's comical to see how hard they are trying to come up with different ways that O has botched the Libyan crisis. Of course, to us sane folks watching all of this play out; there is none.
O has played this just right. American troops are not on the ground in Libya (not that we know of) and the A-merry-cans are off the coast of Libya offering logistical support as the French fly sorties over Libya. Gaddafi has reneged on his cease fire promise, declared a UN Security Council resolution invalid, and now it's Gap Band time.
To his credit, unlike another president who can be identified with just a letter, O did not go in unilaterally, he went to the UN and made sure that coalition forces acted together. Unlike the wingnuts who have been calling for the bombing of Libya by US forces from day one, (shocking)he has acted with restraint and has done a masterful dance on a diplomatic tightrope. So far. This, of course, comes with political risks for O. The left is not pleased, and who knows where this conflict will be a few months down the line? What if Gadaffi hangs on and drags this thing out? What if there is a civil war raging in Libya a year from now? What then?
But could the US have stood by and watch the slaughter of a half a million people take place in Benghazi , while the French, British, and others act? I don't think so.
The truth is, no one really knows the political end- game in Libya. And, if they say that they do, they are lying. Who will take over once Gaddafi is gone? There are a lot of tribes in Libya; who will keep the peace? As is often the case in the Middle East, these answers will not come easy.
So, as I write this, there are American troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. And, like all of you reading this, I am hoping that wars don't come in threes.
"Unlike the wingnuts who have been calling for the bombing of Libya by US forces from day one, (shocking)he has acted with restraint and has done a masterful dance on a diplomatic tightrope."
That's funny. Indecision and incompetence are now a materful dance of restraint.
The world will be a better place once Gadaffi is gone, but this would been much easier, and much less lethal a month ago. It's odd how Obama was so quick to call for the ouster of our ally Mubarek but took forever to condemn an enemy who was actually killing his own people. Last fall, as the Iranian regime stood on the brink of falling from their own revolution, and the opposition called out for the support of the world, he said nothing. Masterful.
Personally, I am sick of Middle Eastern interventions, but I must admit Muamar had it coming and I support the President's (belated) decision. I hope Gadaffi's army quickly decides he is no longer worth dying for and ends this quickly. However, these things rarely turn out as easily as planned. Somehow I really doubt you would have been so sanguine had a Republican president decided to start a third war.
War is never predictable. What if Iran decides to join in the fight? or Syria? supported by Russia and China? "Oh no, that won't happen," Yeah, so you say.
I thought we learned our lesson with Hussein. Is Iraq really better off without him?
Let's pray that this doesn't lead to WWIII. Nevertheless, Obama played this perfectly by getting 'some' of the international community involved, which coincidentally are our allies.
you can judge mq
but hobama cannot
BOTH leaders are brutalizing their people!
too all the liars and haters who pretend they do not see the vdlr and her clones wilding herein always:
eff u all
ditto for all like that illliterate hanky head wrapped cheesehead chickenhead in wi who pretend they do not see all of the wisdom i post herein daily...
even as they dare to BRAG about being arrogantly ignorant and so proudly lazy that they ignore my links...
once more with feeling:
eff all u hobama nazi fools!!!!!!!
field this article is interesting if only due to your support of our president being a shyt starter
alicia educated woman banks what has gotten into you? the nature of your posts has become stranger whatever are you talking about Miss Educator?
rev wingnut is rite; we need to stay da phukk up out a da middle east cuz this shyt is crazy how many wars we started oh wait libya is in africa bu tthe news media try to make folk think its in asia minor dumb idgits!
I can't help but wonder.. America's distaste for this war (or involvement altogether) stems from our involvement in two existing wars. Does that mean if "W" hadn't had lied his ass off to sell the Iraq war and assuming we were done by now in Afghanistan, would we be into this war sooner and with more fervor? Probably not under Obama, calmer heads prevail as you point out!
IMO, war generally solves nothing, even this one. A bad government (which we supported at least at some time during its reign) is overthrown, a new one (with support of us, other nations, Private factions along with whatever baggage comes along) is in and a bunch of people die in the process.
The first government was never good(Iran-the Shah,Saddam, S.Viet-Nam in the 50s,& Musharraf in Pakistan to name a few) and should've never had our support. The second one is a crap shoot and I'm confident more goes on behind scenes, good and bad, to install them in power than we'll ever know. The only thing that is constant is that a bunch of people die, and usually not for much.
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
beeeeautiful light skint black woman queen hallelujah! u r telling the troof and nuttin but the troof! eye knows my posts is colorful but buceta breaf over here dont never admit her faults this why its so easy to mess wit her she respond to erry slight and she aint ha no common sense to shut up so long as she still say shyt eyel talk shyt too my queen!
field this article is interesting if only due to your support of our president being a shyt starter
alicia educated woman banks what has gotten into you? the nature of your posts has become stranger whatever are you talking about Miss Educator?
no disrespect to miss sharon from the midwest at all with her beauuuutiful self!
and why u tryin to clown miss beautiful sharon from wisconsin? she aint never done shyt to u buceta lickin moron alicia stank breaf banks! ure nothing but a filthy animal!
donchu know how crazy u look child? u dont know who ure talking to simply a bunch of text and yet ure getting riled up about it! sweetie u need help clearly u need help
werd up nucka werd up
in fact it is very very very very very very very very clear that bucetabreaf over here aint ha no home training buceta breaf moron argues with herself day in and day out just for attention then she creates oppositional sockpuppets like uts and mack lyons and maria to create conflict in which she can assert her vast knowledge of how to cut and paste other peoples thoughts
my my my aint she a creative one and ude think that someone with a 250 iq could be more togetha!
socrates said...
Too bad Field doesn't include the date with the times of posts.
The proof is still there at the link I provided. FP and AB wrote and responded to each other within a minute.
This isn't a chat board where people can go back and forth in real time. Alicia would have had to quickly refresh the page after FP has written her post, read it, then wrote what she did, and all in less than 1 minute. Above I had a post I had to break into two parts, because it went over blogger's limit. I proofread them both before hitting enter. There is still a one minute difference for the time stamp.
This is why Alicia won't directly respond to this one piece of evidence. It's the only piece that singlehandedly proves these two black women who hate black men and are into right wing conspiracy and hate links are one and the same.
focusedpurpose: ... AB-
hi sis. i am without apology focused and purposeful about discussing what is in the best interests of bw. i see you do the same for interests of homosexuals. you don't need to adjust that nor apologize for it.
i read clearly when you stated that it was not about race, but bad parenting across the board. thank God for reading comprehension.
i deliberately mentioned race because i am no longer going to be quiet when i see clearly that bm only seem to care about what is happening to bw/bg when they can take yet another jab at wm, while BM out rape and out murder wm as it relates to bw/bg.
bm do this while writing passes for and jumping through every hoop to secure the affections of white-er skinned women. so their hostilities are not about justice or concern for bw/bg AT ALL. it is not my job to make folks comfortable while they insult my intelligence. i.see.clearly.
far be it from me NOT to call it out.
i am not sure why there is so much rancor and name calling on the thread. i can see clearly that picking on AB is a recurring theme though. you hold your own sis. i am not mad at you.
for the record, i took it as a compliment that i was mistaken for you:-) i think you are smart and your contributions make this blog more interesting.
11:38 AM
alicia banks:
i respect you even when we disagree...
and i despise katty's super fake jungle fevered missionary teena marie meets mother theresa bs herein always
11:38 AM
8:40 PM
no one brave/real/honest/intelligent/educated/scholarly/afrocentric...ever has a problem with me
only envious lying nigs like the vdlr and the cheesehead chickenhead in wi do because they have no honor and no sense
@ Rev. Right
You need to read "A Dying Colonialism" or "The Wretched of the Earth" to understand what's going on. Egypt has about 80 million people, about 1/4 of the population of the United States. Libya is mostly sand. There not like Grenada a little black ccountry where you can send the 82nd and 101st Airborne to rip shit up. Reagan can only fight small countries like Panama and Grenada, but not Lebanon. Bombing the shit out of someone can't be the only solution. Another thing you have to remember is that you have to get permission from the ARABS to invade their countries. Papa Bush did that, Baby Shrub fucked up. The POTUS has to correct all the shit that Shrub did. Republicans bitch about him apologizing but he wouldn't have to do that if someone wasn't as they say in "The Godfather" a bad Don. People make jokes about him bowing down to royality, a thing that Shrub had to do. What do you want him to do kick those Kings and Queens square in the ass?
good thing this isn't a war for oil or anything. otherwise the liberal progressive socialists might say something about killing innocent people in a foreign country that has some of americas interests. oh but they wont see these actions like that cause it's obama not bush. have you seen the line of liberal progressive socialist people falling over themselves to denounce all this violence. stand clear, let's make sure we give them plenty of space. hhhhhhmmmmmm all i hear are crickets.
africom and WWIII have officially begun
may god bless us all
lunaticcringeradio said...
"good thing this isn't a war for oil or anything".
You know that it is about oil and it's also about Arab sovernity and respect. Read some blogs from the Mideast and Africa and see how they're judging the United States. Now could you tell your Conservative friends not to stab any more Muslim cab drivers or burn anymore Korans? They might start back hating us again.
Rev. Right, you are such a wingnut, but at least you are consistent.
Go ahead and give him knowledge, kid.
Willis and Anon@10:15PM, I like what you both had to say.
@ kid: Frantz Fanon is no longer relevant to a North Africa pulled between modernism and islamism. Fanon was all about romanticizing murder and the cultural cure that violence against the white man would offer the Third world. That's over now.
GWB fucked up by sticking around and trying to convince the locals to turn Iraq into Texas. It's a futile effort. Go in, kill the bastard, and leave.
And Obama has not done a thing different than Bush would have; he has kept every single policy in place, including Guantanamo.
This is Hillary's war, anyway.
"This is Hillary's war, anyway."
On this we will somewhat agree.
By the time I scrolled down to leave a comment, I had been distracted by someone above me.
But anyway, I've had people come at me today(via twitter) about this when I only commented about sleeping all day and waking up to see that air strikes had begun.
Alls I know is that people were dying and a decision had to be made. But I just wonder: Should it have been made sooner? Are there other places that we've ignored or not taken this level of action against when we should have?
more on how most vdlr cloned blacks have no honor
just as they have been silent as hobama slays black americans
global blacks will now be slain while hobama nazis remain silent
Rev. Right said..." Fanon was all about romanticizing murder and the cultural cure that violence against the white man would offer the Third world. That's over now."
You wish it was, but it's not over. First who romantized murdering people of color? Look at all the John Wayne movies and how he treated people of color. That figure is now played out, the cowboy is dead. Listen to the names of minorities in the old movies, Stepin' Fetchit', Sleep and Eat, Hop Sing, all verbs. Can whites do that for minorities? Will Sarah Palin step and fetch for me? That's why you have the Tea Parties, you think that minorities are going to do to you what you or your forefathers did to us.
You're right about Fanon. He said that only violence could clean Colonialism out of the Colonized. Now you can make me a liar and work with minorities instead of against them. What you are seeing worldwide in the Maghrib and some other places is the wretched taking charge instead of waiting for the white man.
Dr. King said that we can work together like brothers or perish together like fools. Now do you want to help minorities or let them help themselves?
It's Fanon or Dr. King, your choice.
hillary quit.
her haters must move on now...
and hillary has never been prez
how dare she be held to higher rules than her boss hobama!!!???
"The left is not pleased"
Being somewhat lefter than (but still an admirer of) Kucinich, I agree with his basic premise (war is always bad)but have to say I'm relieved we are doing something to help those Libyans who are not aligned with King Qadafi. Forty years is enough for any person (or tribe) to hold sway over a nation. Let us hope this chapter of the western civ adventure is restrained, effective and short. (Atypically altruistic would be good too)
How did Obama botch the mission in Libya?
Let me count the ways.
1) He waited until a lot of innocent civilians were murdered by their own leader.
2) When he did decide the US should act, he kept US involvement to a minimum.
3) He promised his pal Muammar that the US would NOT send in ground troops to hunt him down and kill him.
4) He told his buddy Muammar he could keep his job if he would only stop killing his people.
5) He committed only to sending in some missiles and perhaps eventually some airplanes as a way to enforce a no-fly zone, which does NOT stop Muammar's ground troops from slaughtering innocent civilians.
6) He said there are no plans for what to do after the UN coalition takes control of the airspace.
7) He said he expected the US intervention to last days, not weeks or longer. In other words, if Muammar's fighters can dig in for a few days and outlast the assault, they can then resume their killing. Like Afghanistan and our already-announced departure date.
8) He seems unaware of the fact that air power cannot dislodge entrenched forces, especially true considering Obama has no plans to level Libyan cities the way the US leveled most of Germany.
9) Meanwhile, Muammar deserves to die for a million reasons, including the fact that he is responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland in 1988, a vile attack that killed about 240 innocent victims.
10) Muammar's pal, the bomber of Pan Am flight 103, also deserves to die now that he's free and living in Libya.
as always
the usa pimps and then demonizes global allies in mutual evils for oil and drugs
like noriega/baby doc/osama bin laden etc, mq has moved from ally to demon of the month...shame!!!
see more on pam am 103/ a drug hit in the skies
Nobel Peace Prize winner??? What hypocrisy. The libs had nothing but vitriole when Bush took out the Butcher of Baghdad…but this is ok….??? Every day under Obama becomes more and more unreal.
"9) Meanwhile, Muammar deserves to die for a million reasons, including the fact that he is responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland in 1988, a vile attack that killed about 240 innocent victims.
10) Muammar's pal, the bomber of Pan Am flight 103, also deserves to die now that he's free and living in Libya."
Obama shook hands with Ghaddafi, gave him the Lockerbie Bomber … Obama’s interfered LESS in Libya, a government that sponsored deadly terrorism against the US and our allies, , than he did in Honduras, our ally.
It would have been simple to have quietly empowered the rebels we want to back (not terrorists) as Bush did with the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, but instead Obama is leading a stumble in and throw our undirected weight around a day late and a dollar short. It’ll get nothing accomplished except diminish US credibility and give terrorists more opportunities to prevail over decent people..
"Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?"
FARRAKHAN: "I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world...Why don't you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Qaddafi, you can't order him to step down and get out, who the hell do you think you are?
Speak da trutha my brutha.
You wing nuts know that Cruise Missiles are extremely accurate when fired during a Democrat administration. No civilians will be hit. Under a Republican administration, those missiles only hit women and children, usually while they are at a wedding.
@South Park Conservative
Wouldn't you have someones back if they were going to give you $1 billion? The Nation of Islam could not accept the money because it was illegal. Imagine what they could have done with the money. Gadaffi also helped the ANC and other militant groups. There's a old saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Robert Mugabe also was cool at one time with the ANC. Then forget that at the time America and Israel was helping South Africa. Now does that make Israel and America bad countries?
Gaddifi poses the same threat that Hussien did. We don't like him. There's a lot worst shit going on in other African country's, why aren't we in them trying to save people? Oil?
All of those thing you listed he had nothing to do with and yopu know it. You know damn well that you have to ask permission to go into a Arab country like the first Bush did. The thing about the POTUS promising not to kill Gadaffi well if he put hit out on leaders of countries then leaders of outher countries can do it to us. It kind of like that other thing that Shrub did when he went out and invaded a country because he THOUGHT they would invade us.
@ Wesley R
First are you talking about Cote D'Ivore? Why don't we take out North Korea while we're at it. We can't fix every country because we're not the policeman of the world.
looong day
the rape post is here
happy sunday!
No surprise, I see that No Slapzz is a member of the '101st Fighting Keyboarders'.
Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying.
[quote: Rev Right] " Fanon was all about romanticizing murder and the cultural cure that violence against the white man would offer the Third world. That's over now."
This miss-understanding is part willful, part a result of Constance Farrington’s flawed original translation of the 1963 editions of Les damnés de la terre, and partly down to Jean-Paul Sartre’s bone-headed introduction to the book.
Fanon’s work has never been more relevant than it is at this exact moment in time. Les damnés de la terre is an extended warning of the dangers to oppressed people as they go through the process of throwing off the shackles of oppression.
The key message of his body of work that racism and colonialism are class-warfare fought by other means, is also as true today as it was in the 1950’s.
bush and his bunch of Goober pals went to war thinkerating it would be good fun...just like the oft derided WWI generals and political aristocracy. Watch Monty Python again...through a view of those who are missing millions because some person who inherited everything wanted a Neat Little War.
Hmm...Hillary's War.
Gots to take down that Obama a peg or three...cause ain't no way a migger with credentials is anyway smarter or cleaner or better n'me!
Incompetence may be claimed about Gitmo, continuing the bushWars, bailing out the banksters...or it could be political philosophy. Try again...bush is the Standard for incompetence. And with the embeds (bushmoles) the gift keeps on giving.
Libya is a source for European fossil fuel. He has been tolerated as the oil must flow. When the oil slows down, there is discussion.
What, you beleeverated bush lies about spreading fweedom and da 'Merican Weigh O Life to the sand miggers? Hope you got paid to be that obtuse.
Only one completely ignorant would beleeverate the French were soft targets. Was a time, it was lingua Franca.
PurpleCow, translations tend to miss important details...or main themes. It is irritating to watch a film with French/German/Japanese/Russian/Spanish/Italian/Swedish/Danish/etc being spoken...and the translator gives the Heeyuck Skool version...a somewhat incomplete direct word-for-word translation. Puns are missed, subtle shadings of multiple meanings are lost, and the work is made to fit the agenda of those who feel all non-wite endeavours are from Satan.
But then, plenty of morons yell how much they hates eveel Marxism...as they collect Social Security and Medicare.
Any sources for Fanon?
Field, I think that Obama is overcompensating. I think that he is excessively sensitive to being called "weak" by the interventionists on mostly the right but also the left. So he's looking for places to attack.
Anyone who thinks that this is really about humanitarian relief hasn't been paying attention. Something is frightfully wrong with the American political system when no matter you who vote for you get war and rumors of war.
It is especially hypocritical and disgusting for Clinton and Obama to mouth pieties about protecting civilians when their buddy, the dictator of Yemen, just murdered at least 50 peaceful protesters
Good thing this dictator is on our side.
Where is the no fly zone for Yemen?
Or Bahrain? Or Ivory Coast? Or Somalia? Or Chechnya? Or Congo? Or Xianjiang province?
Anyway I thought the US was broke?
We keep hearing that it's time to cut back and limit or end social programs. Yet somehow there's always money for war.
And before we all start cheering on the rebels in Libya we might want to do some checking on them and their attitudes/behavior about Black people.
In black news today:
Spokesman: Wyclef Jean Released From Hospital After Being Shot
March 20, 2011
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- A spokesman for Wyclef Jean says the hip-hop star has been released from a hospital after being treated for a gunshot wound to his hand.
Joe Mignon, senior program director for Jean's Yele Foundation, says Jean was shot in the hand after 11 p.m. local time Saturday in the city of Delmas, just outside Port-au-Prince.
Jean's brother, Samuel, confirmed the musician was shot. Neither he nor Mignon had additional details.
The shooting comes on the eve of presidential elections in Haiti. Jean is supporting fellow musician Michel Martelly.
A spokesman for the Haitian National Police could not be immediately reached for comment.
Japan will gain control of the reactor and recover from the tsunami damage. Meanwhile, Haiti will remain in its hopeless state.
the purple cow:
Fanon is all about the notion that extreme, totally destructive violence is cathartic and good for everyone caught up in it, no matter if they emerge alive or dead.
Anyway, unless the US and the coalition combine to kill Muammar and utterly destroy his base, the Muammar crew will attempt to enjoy its own cathartis by killing as many citizens as it takes to bring on that sublime moment.
More black news today:
Murder at the Yoga Studio:
Bethesda, Maryland. A black woman plans and carries out the execution of a white woman at a yogo studio.
the purple cow writes:
Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying.
In other words, it's okay with you if brutal dictators slaughter -- slaughter -- their populaions.
The people who are dying are Libyans and Muammar has promised to kill as many as it takes to regain his position of dictator.
Inasmuch as Muammar is one of history's true crazy leaders, I take him at his word when he says he's going to kill anyone who opposes him, whether they are Libyan citizens or others attempting to stop Muammar from killing more Libyans.
Anyway, the dictators of the world are glad to know you will appease them and stand aside while they murder anyone they see as a threat.
Meanwhile, firing missiles at Libyan military facilities and bombing Muammar's forces with coalition aircraft puts very few UN coalition lives at risk.
Slappy, our resident racist. Nice to see you're up.
Repeating falsehoods about Fanon only shows how badly you need to be part of a group...any group.
FOX lies. Easily shown by going to Japanese news sources. FOX lies. Why they can't be in Canada. FOX lies.
You'd do better to cite the untermensch that singled out white folks for robbery, assault and murder...then tried to claim it wasn't racial. I'd add 70 years just because they made the woman gargle bleach. I lie...I'd end them.
spc posts:
"Who The Hell Do You Think You Are?"
FARRAKHAN: "I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world...
As if we didn't know this Fifth Columnist was at work here in the US.
Farrakhan is a domestic ally of Qadhafi's, and clearly Louis is ready to lead the Fanon-style insurrection here.
Psychos of the Islamic world always seem to find some common ground.
Slappy, how brave you are...volunteering other folks to be on the front lines so you can be heroically brave, supporting bravely heroic wingnut political goals.
I don't hear your justifications for ending Contras..or Francos goons...or any other number of right-wing horrors.
Just that we should spread fweedom to all those benighted brown folks...you from the safety of Mom's...and others from the front line.
Part of what disgusted me about the war cheerleaders was that so many were Cheneys. 101st Fighting Keyboarders who lustily bleated about some impoverished kids going off to die for bush and his utter lack of manhood...like it was a good thing. And not one of the Rs or Young Rs signed on. Tom Tomorrow did a neat 'toon on their ability to support the war with everything BUT going to fight it.
Oh, in case you are interested...the mercs are hiring. Or...stay in Mom's.
Slappy, fifth columnists are bushmoles (embeds) the actively seek to destroy from within. DOJ was filled with them to forestall any charges or enforcement against christian bush appointees.
Farrakhan is using 1st Amendment rights...which somehow upsets you greatly. Like the only message that is good and tolerable is yours. Except that the one you send is filled with fibs. No wonder NPR is so hated. They fact-check you.
kid asked:
The Nation of Islam could not accept the money because it was illegal. Imagine what they could have done with the money.
Tell us. What would the NOI have done with $1 Billion from Qadhafi?
Meanwhile, what is the source of the funds that keeps Louis Farrakhan living in luxury?
How do you know there were no transfers of cash from Muammmar to Louis?
The NOI is a criminal enterprise and Qadhafi is an international criminal. It would take very little effort to move some cash between the two. Money laundering and illegal money transfers are common.
With the Libya issue on the front page, it appears the black psychosis is flaring up.
How do people who claim they are permanently impaired by the fact that slavery once existed in the US offer support to a brutal dictator who has viciously and murderously oppressed his citizens for 40 years?
@ Kid 1;15,
Thank You
"There's a lot worst shit going on in other African country's, why aren't we in them trying to save people? Oil?"
Yes. Oil.
"Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying."
Yes, I think they are called "Chicken Hawks."
field posts:
"There's a lot worst shit going on in other African country's, why aren't we in them trying to save people?
I see. So we at least have an admission, or a belief, that black nations are even more oppressed by their leaders than non-blsck Islamic nations. That's a start.
Yeah, well, there's lots of oil in Nigeria and it's a horrible place where over half the population is still waiting for electricity and indoor plumbing.
Meanwhile there are lots of other African nations with oil reserves, like Equatorial Guinea. Also a nightmare.
But the word here is that blacks are masterful at running their own nations. Do you not believe your own rhetoric? Or is it understood that it is like Muammar's nonsense when he says he will fight and defeat every military trying to kill him?
field, you posted:
"Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying."
In other words, you oppose intervention when helpless populations are being slaughtered by well armed militaries.
Thus, we can conclude you believe, in retrospect, that the slaughter in Rwanda was just one of those things that happens, and that it's best to let such things run their course.
Wow. What a guy. You truly do love dictators.
why isn't the "fiscally conservative" right wing against this war?
"Today the US shot 119 Tomahawk missiles into Libya. At a cost of $575,000 Per missile the total cost is $68,425,000."
and now...b-52s and "Air Force F-15s and F-16s, Navy EA-18G electronic warfare planes and Marine attack jets. Navy EA-18G Growlers launched from unspecified land bases to provide electronic warfare support over Libya. Marine AV-8B Harriers from the USS Kearsarge sailing in the Mediterranean conducted strikes against Gadhafi's ground forces and air defenses."
maria said...
why isn't the "fiscally conservative" right wing against this war?
"Today the US shot 119 Tomahawk missiles into Libya. At a cost of $575,000 Per missile the total cost is $68,425,000."
For the same reason why Democrats who want to spend money on books and schools instead of war,are supporting Obama's war.
The Purple Cow said...
No surprise, I see that No Slapzz is a member of the '101st Fighting Keyboarders'.
Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying.
Really??? Since most wars,legal and illegal, have been started by Democrats, who are you to bitch about someone else demanding war?
Hypocrisy much?
no_slappz said...
field, you posted:
"Right wingers who are happy to demand war from behind the safety of their keyboards and piles of empty pizza boxes, as long as it is other people doing the fighting and dying."
In other words, you oppose intervention when helpless populations are being slaughtered by well armed militaries.
No slappyz....
fields and other Libtards only oppose "intervention" when Republicans are doing the "intervention".
Its the our guy syndrome.
hey, SPC,
we're NOT supporting this intervention!
read much? i know if it's not a cartoon you probably can't understand it.
maria read ron paul he a fiscal conervative and diddnt never support these wars
needs slaps:
there are 7 days in a week
each day is filled with MORE crimes by whites!
why do you not reserve at least one day per week to post/track some white crimes?????????
start here:
n court Thursday, prosecutors described injuries to the victim and evidence of attempted sexual assault.
Le, 24, was strangled to death. She had a broken jaw and collarbone, the prosecution said. Clark's DNA was "all over" the crime scene, including in her underwear, the state charged.
Le's body was discovered inside a wall of a Yale lab building four days later after an extensive search by the FBI and police.
i know about paul's antiwar stance. it's the only position i've ever agreed with him on.
the bethesda murder was just horrible. of course, since the victim was a white woman, AB's all for it. you go, girl.
mareally a retarded lying cave bitch:
like hobama, u lie wench!!!!!
quote me or stfu
i adore many wfs
like angelina jolie to whom i just dedicated my new post...
i despise all lying white jungle fevered lying whores like u
take notes wigga moron:
i mourn femicide of women of all races all over my site
the girl murdered at yale was asian but you are a proudly illiterate bicth who never reads a thing like all of my haters harlots here
eff u u lying bitch!!!
mareally has 0 reading retention skills:
i have taught 6 yr old who retain process and focus better than u do u inept hobama nazi
got dyslexia???
got glasses???
mareally a retarded lying cave bitch:kuntlick
gee aint u supposed to be smart with a 250 iq? cant u think of anything more creative then that bullshyt?come on kuntbreaf where is ur creativity? where is ur zest? where is ur brain? buceta stank breaf banks
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
alicia educated woman banks what has gotten into you? the nature of your posts has become stranger whatever are you talking about Miss Educator?
mareally a jew maytag?
is need slaps your pappy?
is that why you are posting such weak lies when i am not even talking to u u silly brain dead bitch?
to defend a rabid racist like him???
i am confused, because his penis is not black...so wtf?????
ditto to all u hobama nazi fools who whine and lie on me all day as u ignore all the kosher kkk fools herein!!!!
mareally a jew maytag?kuntlick
on no! the racist wite teenager is showing his ass
alicia banks u aint no black women ure a gottdam fraud wite boy talkin shyt about joos nucka please
they need to throw ur ass in the ovens of auchwitz frankly cuas ure a wste of phukin space on this planet cooholelikcin moron!
needs slaps:
+1 - white male random serial killer
black stud loving clones of maria drove him to kill
happy counting
every five minutes u try to front like ure playing it cool bytch eye know ure seething with rage rite now cause don t nobody like u buceta breaf banks!
need slaps:
those white celebs get shot/shoot each other all the time
ditto 4 dick cheney the headless pal hunter
Charlie Sheen shot his fiancé Kelly Preston in an what was ruled, an 'accidental shooting' that left Kelly Preston with a gunshot wound that luckily only required a couple of stitches.
Preston who was left with more than one scar from the day Sheen shot her soon wisely ended her and Sheen's relationship. A wounded but wiser Kelly Preston proved that she doesn't need to be shot by Charlie Sheen more than once before she bails.
[quote:South Park Conservastive]”Really??? Since most wars,legal and illegal, have been started by Democrats, who are you to bitch about someone else demanding war? Hypocrisy much?”[/quote]
No hypocrisy here, I’m not a Democrat, I’m a Socialist. I was referring in general terms to war-mongering conservative internet posters, forever demanding that governments bomb/kill/invade foreigners and foreign lands at the drop of a hat. Their macho rhetoric fails to mask the fact that they want others to do the requisite fighting and dying for them. Should the government ever ask for volunteers the likes of Slapzz would be found hiding under their beds like frightened children.
[quote:NoSlapzz “In other words, you oppose intervention when helpless populations are being slaughtered by well armed militaries.”
Straw Man – I said no such thing.
The current strategy is the least worst option. It's precisely because we (the West) sold the regime arms and kept a madman in power that we now owe it to an imperilled people to disarm and remove the regime.
There are very few decent reasons for threatening military action, but supporting a popular worker's revolt against a dictator is certainly one of them.
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
beeeeautiful light skint black woman queen hallelujah! u r telling the troof and nuttin but the troof! eye knows my posts is colorful but buceta breaf over here dont never admit her faults this why its so easy to mess wit her she respond to erry slight and she aint ha no common sense to shut up so long as she still say shyt eyel talk shyt too my queen!
racism is rampant globally
libya included
and rabid racism will only worsen globally due to the green evils of the blackish hobama
needs slaps kkk clones rule all...including this blog where nigs like the vdlr and wiggas like maria cheer him on....shame!!!!!
The Arab re-awakening, as I recently remarked, “will be plagued by fits and starts and disappointments and tragedies – but it cannot be rolled back.” In the turmoil, what is also re-awakened – or never really dormant – is a “problematic” form of anti-black racism that appears, at least in some parts of the North African Maghreb, endemic and woven into the fabric of Arab nationalism.
The (re)emergence of Arab nationalism nevertheless represents a catastrophe for U.S. imperialism, which abhors all nationalisms except its own as it seeks to bend every national aspiration to the will of capital and its war machinery. However, the racism that is clearly manifest in Libya’s current dynamic is also a huge impediment to pan-African solidarity, inviting new waves of imperial mischief on the continent. On that score, we should have no illusions.
sharon from wisconsin is prettier than u prettier than u sharon from wisconsin has pretty light skin and nice hair she has a smile that could lite up a room but u u u u u r ugly and mottled with a cast iron skillet underbelly complection if u was in dominican republic theyde give u the haitian UGLY and BLACK girl treatment stank breaf ugly ugly ugly nasty filthy banks
every five minutes u try to front like ure playing it cool bytch eye know ure seething with rage rite now cause don t nobody like u buceta breaf banks!
great books on arabian racism
2 classic sagas of the enslaved cousins of the self loathing faceless colorist vulgar moron vdlr....
sharon from wisconsin is prettier than u prettier than u sharon from wisconsin is prettier then u and ure just jealous kuntlick
u wish u could have relations with her but since she has a man and is doing shyt with her life u cannot touch her ur sexual frustration with sharon from wisconsin and maria is obvious but since u aint never gone get none from them like the ugly wite fella u really is u do ad hominems
bytch we done got ur number chriflin fool banks!
more open letter for the vdlr:
I date Black women exclusively because I need what God gave to most of us: Chocolate skin, soft sexy nappy locks, sacred breasts, magical movement, divine rhythm, protruding buttocks, soft full sexy lips, round curves, soothing voices, soul food magic, and sista cool etc...We Black women have “that thing” that no other gender or race has. That is the thing I need to live, breathe, love, heal, and to survive. This is my thing. I humbly respect that your thing may be completely different.
To each her/his own. Why can’t Africans who need whiteness be as honest about needing whiteness as I am about needing blackness? Why can’t whites who increasingly need blackness do the same? Love is where we find it. But, I am disgusted by how many people blatantly dare to lie about the motivations of their amorous searches!!!
more open letter for vdlr:
Renown author and sage Alice Walker is beautiful. And so are her locks. In “Oppressed Hair Puts A Ceiling on the Brain”, an essay in her classic collection of non-fiction titled "Living by The Word", Alice states:
“...It occurred to me that in my physical self there remained one last barrier to my spiritual liberation...my hair...It was the way I related to it that was the problem...I suddenly understood why nuns and monks shaved their heads...I remembered years of enduring hairdressers, from my mother onward, doing missionary work on my hair. They dominated, suppressed, controlled. Now, more or less free, [my hair] stood this way and that...It never thought of laying down. Flatness, the missionary position did not interest it. It sought more and more space, more light, more of itself. It loved to be washed; but that was it.
Eventually, I knew precisely what hair wanted. It wanted to grow, to be itself, to attract lint, but to be left alone by anyone, including me, who did not love it as it was...(I was now able, as an added bonus, to comprehend Bob Marley as the mystic his music has always indicated he was.) The ceiling at the top of my brain lifted; once again my mind (and spirit) could get outside myself...This was the gift of my growth during my fortieth year. This - the realization that as long as there is joy in creation, there will always be new creations to discover, or rediscover, and that a prime place to look is within and about the self. That even death, being part of life, must offer at least one moment of delight.”
My hair has become spiritual and political. I look at my hair and I feel like I have come home. I stayed away FAR too long...
sharon from wisconsin is prettier than u prettier than u sharon from wisconsin is prettier then u and ure just jealous kuntlicktruth talker
of course that nasty sow is jealous of sharon from wisconsin who wouldnt be?she is pretty witha nice smile and good smooth skin unlike cast iron killet underbelly crater face buceta licker over here stank breaf banks that is...
more open letter for the vdlr
she sure loves that yellow hoax hobama!!!
Read this powerful, therapeutic, and eternally relevant book today. Here are a few excerpts from “Don’t Play in the Sun: One Woman’s Journey Through the Color Complex” by Marita Golden:
"I would have to write myself into being visible in a world dedicated to turning me into a phantom.
“Oscar told me tonight that he really liked me a lot, but that I was too dark for him to ever take home to his family as anything other than just a friend.”
Colorism knows no class boundaries in the Black community.
I am reeling with a sense of déjà vu as I recognize the kind of courtly contempt that I have sensed on other occasions, especially from older, colorist, class-conscious Blacks, who, finding themselves in social situations with a short Afro-wearing, brown-skinned woman like me, can barely contain their disappointment that a woman of my achievements (as an author and a professor) looks the way I do.
The young men would readily admit that they rarely used the word “pretty” to describe even the most attractive dark girl.
“Black women are now heavily into plastic surgery…we’ve launched a frenzy of lightening and whitening that I don’t understand…I woke up one morning and suddenly half the Black women I know are blondes.”
Black men and women still often choose their mates to ensure that their offspring will have “good hair”.
Hair is history. Hair is religion. Hair is politics.
You do not have to have braids down to your hips to be a pretty girl.
But the near rapturous anointing of [Halle] Berry as a safe and acceptable symbol of beauty and sexuality is rooted in Whites’ perception of her as much more White than Black.
Brothers everywhere, it seemed, were jumping into bed with Miss Anne.
“I think it is symbolically very significant that Michael Jackson, after introducing a vehicle, the music video, that promotes colorism and the supremacy of White standards of beauty, proceeds to remove any and all vestiges of his identity as a Black man.”
We are always alone when we find the truth.
Dark skinned Black girls had better have attitude. That’s the only thing that saves them in a world that pretends they’re not there or tries to erase them.
I love this anger that has driven me to write this book as a prayer, a scream, and a poem to my sisters dark and light…for every book that I have ever written has sprung from a question or a wound."
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
beeeeautiful light skint black woman queen hallelujah! u r telling the troof and nuttin but the troof! eye knows my posts is colorful but buceta breaf over here dont never admit her faults this why its so easy to mess wit her she respond to erry slight and she aint ha no common sense to shut up so long as she still say shyt eyel talk shyt too my queen!
PurpleCow, liked the response. I would think our visit to Libya has more to do with the oil than any wingnut delusion of importance or intellect.
Yes, chickenhawks are heroically brave in cheering on a war...they will never fight, except from far behind the lines. Of all the Rs, only Webb stood out as one who did service. It was really strange that the cheerleaders 'experience' stemmed from reading Clancy WarPr0n.
Manichean, no? Only Rs and Ds.
No More Mister Nice Blog was the author.
more on libyan oil
well mold buceta breaf has worn out her welcome here this anon u that socratic wite fella and others have shown her to be a fraud no more mister nice blog of course that nasty sow deserves no niceties!
more on libyan oil and hobama's evil regime
ab, go back to your room, time for medication!
ab, go back to your room, time for medication!maria
spoken like somebody who is in their rite mind eyem convinced that ab argues with herself for attention like ballzack said
Maria, "ab, go back to your room, time for medication!"
That's why LAA messes with you now, you always cause trouble and can't see the wrong that you do. You deserve every insult you get.
sharon from wisconsin is prettier than u prettier than u sharon from wisconsin is prettier than buceta lickin banks my darlin the cheese and milk and dairy queens all from ur state the cheese and milk and friendly folks smiling over beer sharon sharon ode to u my dear ur presence here is always welcome even when ure lurking sharon sharon sharon with the light skin from wisconsin u r so special so very very very special just like maria!
that wicked wigga mareally a witless whore is one of MANY fools who post bs/stalk me/ruin this blog daily
the ignorant infectious vdlr makes the entire blog feel like one fatal STD...and rarely even reads FN!!!
but none of these inept illiterate fools get called out as the haters who blatantly lie on me/kosher kkk etc
they are insane as they have done this bs for yrs and i am STILL here STILL SLAYING THEM EACH DAY...
get used to that u kkklowns!!!
mareally needs meds like valium prozac and TURBO penicillin:
my medication is reality
try it and wtfu about hobama!!!!
it is also just MUCH easier for hobama nazis like mareally wants a hobama baby and the vdlr to slur me than explain:
the vdlr really thinks hobama will be one of her brood of babies' daddies and give her a "light skinted" baby with "good hurr" someday
FN how long will you allow this?
Anonymous said...
Slappy, our resident racist. Nice to see you're up.
Repeating falsehoods about Fanon only shows how badly you need to be part of a group...any group.
FOX lies. Easily shown by going to Japanese news sources. FOX lies. Why they can't be in Canada. FOX lies.
You'd do better to cite the untermensch that singled out white folks for robbery, assault and murder...then tried to claim it wasn't racial. I'd add 70 years just because they made the woman gargle bleach. I lie...I'd end them.
Ahhh,m Mold, the resident Physcotic, what kind of white male creates many personas and then attempts to outwit others whilst spewing insanity?
Are you lonely? Did you kill kitties and puppies out of sexual frustation when a mere lad? Did you have a thing for mommie?
gee ur comments about baby daddies and ebt cards r more reflective of ur state of mind then anyone elses on this blog the rest of us work with lives but u are the one talkin bout ebt cards the most and it is obviously from personal experience kuntlicker! u just mad cux sharon from wisconsin is prettier then uanon wit sense
and dont forget she angry cuz maria is prettier then her and maria a white girl so that make her triply jealous eye dont know who she hate more laa or sharon from wisconsin
Dang...it got eated.
I posted a piece from No More Mister Nice Blog..http://nomoremister.blogspot.com/2011/03/rich-dont-live-in-reality-based-world.html..and it detailed how a rich dude might not have the capacity to learn.
Anonymous said...
Maria, "ab, go back to your room, time for medication!"
That's why LAA messes with you now, you always cause trouble and can't see the wrong that you do. You deserve every insult you get.
2:32 PM
LAA doesn't "mess with me" any more than AB "slays" me. notice my comment was AFTER i was called a cave bitch and a whore.
fact is i called it like i see it: LAA hates white girls (and hispanics). AB is insane and racist. no one in their right mind would compare obama to gadaffi.
in fact it is very very very very very very very very clear that bucetabreaf over here aint ha no home training buceta breaf moron argues with herself day in and day out just for attention then she creates oppositional sockpuppets like uts and mack lyons and maria to create conflict in which she can assert her vast knowledge of how to cut and paste other peoples thoughts
my my my aint she a creative one and ude think that someone with a 250 iq could be more togetha!
Maria, AB is a wite dude. LAA could be.
Odd that both immediately go to vulgarities and juvenile retorts. Like Left Behinds who missed the point and do off-brand copies. Artists...who just smoke clove fags and wear all black...but have zero skillz.
Wonder why anyone does FakeEbonics for an AfAm blog? I picture a poor, lonely, physically unattractive lad sitting in a Mom's...spewing Gooberish...because Life is far too arduous.
mildew its obvious ab is a wite dude and so r her sockpuppets laa fp and uts to get attention they try to sound intelligent but as soon as u rattle their cages a little bit they quickly go to vulgar retorts and compulsively delete their comments see stank breaf banks deleted comments at 1031 1114 1319 1437 1439 1440 1444 1451 and another one at 1451 clearly da bytch is craaaazy or rather the little wite fella done lost his mind!
gee mildew given the language u use u obviously r british r u sure ure not purple cows maotsetungian ass? talking that bullshyt dont know whose worst u or buceta breaf moron over here! at least she seem to beleeverate some of the shyt she says and u whats ure excuse?
eyem mold and claim to have worked fifty jobs over the past few years eyem military have a degree in engineering am published and have worked in the theater even though my life is so busy eye spend a large part of every day talking shyt on a blog as an anonymous commentator since eyem insecure and stoopid eye have made a mentally ill coohole my target everybody knows she is crazy and dont engage her but eye have to cuz she gives me the attention eye so desperately want
mareally a pathological liar:
your attack started this when you defended needs slaps at 12:18 you lying bitch
when you blatanly lied about me being a racist because YOU are one!!!
mareally regimented:
YOU always start bs and then pretend to be a saint
we see u wigger liar!!!
molded geezer clone of mareally a lying whore:
everything u post is nonsense and lies
u r the nell of this blog
u r a sexist racist psycho manic mumbler
carry on
i am racist, i will admit it. i just wish black guys didn's sag their pants. What kind of role model are they??
mareally illiterate:
learn to spell his name you racist bitch
Mohammar Quadaffi
Hobama and Quadaffi BOTH bilk rob and betray people who love them/who look like them MOST
if u ever read a mf thing about either men, you would see the glaring analogies
Gollee...Goomer done finded him a way to spread the Gospel O'Witeness. Why...it am what Jesus woulda done...had he been a wite dude and angry that he had voted for the folks who ripped him off.
Yeppers...a single mom making a whole $300/month is why Goober can't read, the Heeyucks are frothing angry, and Gomers are laughingstocks.
Not to worry, you'll get paid until there is no alternative voices left. Then, you can see how loyal your Massa be.
mumia on maria & hobama
mumia on libya & amerikkka
kudos to charlie rangel!!!
may the fertile vdlr and her breeders be drafted!!!!!
Nobel Peace prince Obama launched his liberation of the good people of Libya with his own shock-and-awe bombing campaign appropriately on the eighth anniversary of Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq. This tyrannical intervention is so naked, so brazen in its hubris that whatever shred of goodwill America had left is completely gone. America is officially the most murderous, anti-democratic, terrorist nation the world has ever known.
And get this, on the very same day of this unconstitutional act of war, ethically-challenged Charlie Rangel reintroduced his National Service "Draft" bill. Rangel pointed out in his announcement that the government lied us into the Iraq war that ultimately resulted in the deaths of over 4,400 servicemen with over 32,000 injured. He claims this is the reason we need a draft:
Mold said: "Maria, AB is a wite dude. LAA could be.
Odd that both immediately go to vulgarities and juvenile retorts."
Mold, why the are you involving me in your whiny finger pointing paranoia? What vulgarities have you seen ME retort to? I have been a regular commenter on this blog for over four years plus. I have always been consistent with my race, gender and my passionate beliefs.
As for AB, she has a full name and ample photos showcasing on her blog and internet, there has been a creditable commenter who admits to listing to her radio show in the past. You are the one who has never been clear about your gender and race. Yet you "Mold" want to regulate who's real from who's fake.
For a long time I've always thought you were some corny sarcastic underage "wite dude" dropping those dumb comments and making mockery with that juvenile ebonics of yours. I've never cared to read even a partial sentence you wrote, yet up until recently.
And Mold, as for that Maria. Are you aware that for some time on this blog, Miss whatchamacallit has said some of the most ignorant and dismissive remarks regarding black female issues and racial problems? That I HATE, not her race. If you really are a black woman, go ahead Mammy, do what you do best. Leave me out.
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
beeeeautiful light skint black woman queen hallelujah! u r telling the troof and nuttin but the troof! eye knows my posts is colorful but buceta breaf over here dont never admit her faults this why its so easy to mess wit her she respond to erry slight and she aint ha no common sense to shut up so long as she still say shyt eyel talk shyt too my queen!
La♥audiobooks said...
Mold said: "Maria, AB is a wite dude. LAA could be.
Odd that both immediately go to vulgarities and juvenile retorts."
Mold, why the are you involving me in your whiny finger pointing paranoia? What vulgarities have you seen ME retort to? I have been a regular commenter on this blog for over four years plus. I have always been consistent with my race, gender and my passionate beliefs.
As for AB, she has a full name and ample photos showcasing on her blog and internet, there has been a creditable commenter who admits to listing to her radio show in the past. You are the one who has never been clear about your gender and race. Yet you "Mold" want to regulate who's real from who's fake.
For a long time I've always thought you were some corny sarcastic underage "wite dude" dropping those dumb comments and making mockery with that juvenile ebonics of yours. I've never cared to read even a partial sentence you wrote, yet up until recently.
Anonymous said...
eyem mold and claim to have worked fifty jobs over the past few years eyem military have a degree in engineering am published and have worked in the theater even though my life is so busy eye spend a large part of every day talking shyt on a blog as an anonymous commentator since eyem insecure and stoopid eye have made a mentally ill coohole my target everybody knows she is crazy and dont engage her but eye have to cuz she gives me the attention eye so desperately want
4:15 PM
Juvenile retorts, mold?? Really??? Isn't that what 100% of yur post are?
You've been called out.Setp up or once again show everyone what a coward you are.
Anonymous said...
Wonder why anyone does FakeEbonics for an AfAm blog? I picture a poor, lonely, physically unattractive lad sitting in a Mom's...spewing Gooberish...because Life is far too arduous.
Tell us why you do it MOLD? I have asked you this 12 times since you told all of us that you use fake ebonics to be able to fit into this BLOG and you never answered.
I dont need you to answer anymore,we know MOLD/Socrates/Vulgar Anon are one and the same and all come from one WHITE dude. YOUR flippin your lid buddy, why so many crazy posts? Seriously take the pills they will calm your nerves. I am afraid you are going to hurt yourself one of these days.
You ain't no field negro- you a house NIGGA! You back Obama, the biggest house nigga of all- and you think you a field "negro". You aint shit. The attack on Libya is colonialism and you so dumb you actually believe Obama's crap. I can't believe Black Agenda Report links to your slave ass.
proof of my awesome regal power is that mold can only reply "u r a wite man"!!!
as if i have to be both male and white to slay any lying fool as i do effortlessly ???
how dumb sexist and racist is that molded fool???
molded moron knows exactly who i am
my life is an open book...especially for anyone who has the google skills of the avg pc literate 10 yr old
therein lies her inferior inept ignorant illiterate racist sexist problem!!!
It's very clear: Mold is paid by stormfront people to harass people on this blog.
"You ain't no field negro- you a house NIGGA! You back Obama, the biggest house nigga of all- and you think you a field "negro". You aint shit. The attack on Libya is colonialism and you so dumb you actually believe Obama's crap. I can't believe Black Agenda Report links to your slave ass."
"A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste" :)
Sharon from WI said...
You can just tell when a thread here has descended into an orgy of insults and pissing contests.
Alicia Banks' appearance typically indicates that the discussion-- what was previously a good thread--has descended into the toilet.
But many of her critics and detractors' posts are just as ugly and hysterical as hers.
9:04 PM
beeeeautiful light skint black woman queen hallelujah! u r telling the troof and nuttin but the troof! eye knows my posts is colorful but buceta breaf over here dont never admit her faults this why its so easy to mess wit her she respond to erry slight and she aint ha no common sense to shut up so long as she still say shyt eyel talk shyt too my queen!
LAA, you must have me confused with FakeAnons. Ebonics is their wite shtick.
Odd that you claim that AB is a person. If so, there should be a 'trail'. What we encounter are 'creations'.
A writer asking to be taken seriously writes accurately and with those pesky Facts. 250 IQ is hyperbole..and with invective, Ebonics, and decidedly inferior grammar...the more likely explanation is that the writer is a wite dude. As posted, the college-educated AfAm female has much more in common with Anita Hill...unless you a poorly educated wite racist. Then the AB persona reinforces the stereotype held by such persons. The glee of 'pulling one over the miggers' can't be overlooked. OKeefe has made a career of boldly lying fer Jesus/Rs/Wingnuts. He is probably not alone.
I merely stated that I had not looked into your claims. I would note that others indicate that you are one of the creations of the wite dude.
(on edit- Field, I see you have activated comment moderation. That's a good start. I think you should just delete both parties on sight, and eventually they will probably go away.)
There were some good comments early on from real progressives.
Too bad this blog has turned into Alicia Banks and the Salty Sailor Show.
This persisting is what potentially could signify this is nothing better than a "house negro" blog. All you need to do is ban Alicia and her tormenter.
Alicia is clearly African-American. She was a radio personality in Atlanta. I believe what she wrote elsewhere, that she is the granddaughter of Isadore Banks.
That might explain a bit of how she ended up the way she did. It's doubtful those awards she speaks of are legit. No one with that kind of mouth and lack of writing skills got those awards, imho.
Something went wrong about ten years ago. I think she probably lost her cool and could no longer find real radio work. She went to the internet.
What she should do is blog and do radio for the Alex Jones affiliated networks. Her problem is she's on the wrong blog (as is gutter mouth). Alicia is part and parcel of right woos black. What most find crazy about her would be seen as entertaining in that other milieu. Here it is just noise and makes her seem ready for a straitjacket.
SPC, really brave of you. Volunteer yourself first. I'll take it under consideration.
What about minor achievement upsets you? That an AfAm can do more than you? That the skill level is vastly greater? Or that I decline to defer because of melanin differences?
Oh...just for reference...there are those who have done far, far more.
False Choice. Either do what you ORDER or else? How about...neither?
There are more options that you wish to limit me to.
As far as the fakes. Only a Goober gets fooled. Claiming me as the author of someone else's badly written, poorly constructed, and juvenile poutiness...only shows how low you will reach.
Try starting with Facts. Facts are good.
LAA said:
And Mold, as for that Maria. Are you aware that for some time on this blog, Miss whatchamacallit has said some of the most ignorant and dismissive remarks regarding black female issues and racial problems? That I HATE, not her race. If you really are a black woman, go ahead Mammy, do what you do best. Leave me out.
5:45 PM
that's a lie, you just can't stand when people are smarter than you...you can't name one instance...not one.
yeah like eye said the only reason laa ever shows up is to say mean things about beautiful italian american maria with the long hair and swarthy skin these battleaxes regardless if its fp or laa or buceta breaf have two things in common they absolutely HATE black men and lite skint womens of any race and pretty womens and womens who have children that are other races their pathology is clear and disturbing socrates is giving too many benefits of doubts banks wasnt at the memorial service for isadore banks in DC last year when asked about it she claimed to have allergies she hasnt been on CNN or any other AP wire story confirming that she is his granddaughter she is a fiction a fraud that dont exist or if so aint neva done shyt!
2:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
FN how long will you allow this?
Yes FN, how long?
slob marley:
u r a blatant liar with a fake black face
my media resume and corp resume would blow your racist wigga mind...
who the fuck are u to pose as a rasta
and have no real name/life/blog/bio and call me fake
you are a brazen bigoted hated
and we see u wigga
slob marley:
my superior media skills and superb writing skills have served me well
they have been lauded since i was a 12 yr old undergrad at uiuc
and a 17 yr old founder and GM at WBML
got hate?
got even one kudo u faceless troll???
your envy is showing white boy
you are clearly no sage or author.
you cannot even use google!
my skills are just more things for u to hate on in addition to my real skin and locks
u witless wigga poser!
slob marley:
your selective slander is amusing
i post more sanity than any poster her
i am one of the few leftist here
real leftists do not suck hobama as u do
i will post anywhere i please
u will never rule me herein
u will never erase my awards
academic awards now win any of your own
any 4th grader with a public library card can verify all
u will never slander me into being a passive doormat for all of my vulgar attackers herein
they nor u will ever be given a pass to lie and dog me herein
i am a lioness
i slay all dogs like u with ease
where is your blog witless wgga?????
get your life!
mine is blessed and charmed and immune to silly jealous mfs like u
There is no readily defined moral line through which sovereign nations are given the impregnabl¬e right to invade. At the moment, Obama, through the Patriot Act, has the ability to authorize the assassinat¬ion of American citizens without a trial. In addition, every President has always had the ability to impose martial law, which in a case of crisis wouldn't necessaril¬y preclude his government from also murdering its citizens. In both of the above cases, the United States is effectivel¬y using its military fire against its own people. And these needn't even be exercises in theory because both instances have happened and will happen again in the future. If we apply your threshold for acceding to the UN in matters of conflict, then it can be said that the UN, were it to garner enough votes, could conceivably justify a "no-fly" zone over the US as a result of the North American giant "using its military to fire on our own people".
alicia banks said...
mareally illiterate:
learn to spell his name you racist bitch
Mohammar Quadaffi
Hobama and Quadaffi BOTH bilk rob and betray people who love them/who look like them MOST
hey, bitch--back atcha...i quoted from huff po, maybe you can't see quote marks. i did not misspell anything. and what sort of anti-semitic slur is "maytage jew?"
you need to be called on your shit...bigtime.
yeah like eye said the only reason laa ever shows up is to say mean things about beautiful italian american maria with the long hair and swarthy skin these battleaxes regardless if its fp or laa or buceta breaf have two things in common they absolutely HATE black men and lite skint womens of any race and pretty womens and womens who have children that are other races their pathology is clear and disturbing socrates is giving too many benefits of doubts banks wasnt at the memorial service for isadore banks in DC last year when asked about it she claimed to have allergies she hasnt been on CNN or any other AP wire story confirming that she is his granddaughter she is a fiction a fraud that dont exist or if so aint neva done shyt!
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