Friday, March 04, 2011

The meltdown continues, and chasing the Big R.

Just call Mike Huckabee the Charlie Sheen of A-merry-can politics. Now the man is attacking Natalie Portman, who happens to be an actress. Yes, an actress. Not someone charged with writing laws and implementing public policy in this country, but an actress.

Seems he doesn't like the fact that she is glamorizing having kids out of wedlock. (Yes, kind of like Sarah Palin's family.) Mike, she is an actress. Relax!

It's Friday night, and I have to do a little racism chasing before the weekend. Hmmm, let me see now; where should I turn?

I know, how about that state that has been giving me so much material lately? From a governor who calls a police officer an "idiot", to a judge who locks up a woman for trying to give her child a better life; my friends in the Buckeye state might want to get the number to the closest U-Haul store.

"GAHANNA, Ohio – The mother of a black Ohio fifth grader assigned to play a slave for a social studies lesson says the school should be more sensitive.

Principal Scott Schmidt of Chapelfield Elementary in Gahanna (guh-HA'-nuh) called Aneka Burton to apologize for what happened to her son, Nikko, on Wednesday. Columbus station WBNS-TV reports Schmidt said no harm was intended.

Ten-year-old Nikko says the class was randomly divided into "masters" and "slaves" and that the only other black student got to be a master. Burton says her son refused to take part in a simulated slave auction and was sent back to his desk.

Burton says she appreciates the apology, but the exercise was inappropriate".

I thought Ghana was in Africa? Of wait, it's G-A-H-A-N-N-A. Sorry. Still, you would think with a name so close to an African name those folks would be more sensitive. But hey, at least they tried to even things out. They allowed one of the little black kids to play the master. *shaking head*

Finally, I see the Judge tossed that lawsuit in Delaware where the theater owner told you Negroes to keep quiet before a Tyler Perry movie. (That guy must follow the 12% rule)

But seriously, in spite of what some of my friends in the house happen to believe, it was not a "frivolous suit". Hard to prove? Yes. (Because everyone knows that there are no racist left in A-merry-ca.) But "frivolous"? I think not.

"The Delaware Supreme Court has ruled that a movie theater manager’s mandate that a screening room full of black patrons be quiet during the film did not violate the state’s equal accommodation laws. This all started with a 2007 showing of 'Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married' at the Carmike 14 Theater in Dover. The manager, David Stewart, told the room’s 23 black patrons to be quiet, remain in their seats and turn off their cell phones. Stewart was then followed out of the theater by a patron, who told him his comments were not well taken. So Stewart went back, explaining he didn’t mean to offend anyone, but he had to make the announcement per the policy of theater owner."

The article continues: "One of the 23 African Americans in attendance was Juana Fuentes-Bowles, who just so happens to be the director of Delaware’s Human Relations Division. She stood up and told everyone that Stewart’s comments were racist. Although Stewart did not use 'racist language' her office conducted a hearing and found that his conduct violated the state’s equal accommodation law. The Delaware Supreme Court had originally found that Stewart did indeed single-out a black audience for the silence demands – since he did not make the same announcement in other theater rooms on the same night. Each of the 23 complainants were awarded $1,500 in damages for being told to be quiet during the movie [nearly $80,000 in all]."

More: "But a Superior Court then reversed the decision, and [on Wednesday] the state’s Supreme Court has affirmed the reversal. According to Supreme Court Justice Jack Jacobs, the theater-goers failed to establish evidence of racial discrimination. The judge accepted testimony by Stewart that his comments were not motivated by race as Stewart evidently would have equally told teenagers to pipe down during a screening of 'Halloween.'"

He "WOULD HAVE " equally told teenagers to pipe down?" Riiiiight. Is there anyone interested in buying an antique bell from me with a slight crack on the side? If you believe that about the theater manager I would love to sell it to you.


Tom's Uncle said...

That's not racist. Everybody knows black folks can't STFU during movies.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

I take the side of the movie employee. Shit! Years ago in East Oaklands's Eastmont Mall Theatre, folks would NEVER shut up~! We were there for 'Coming to America' it was a damn zoo back in the day!

Anonymous said...

More evidence of the decline and fall of the so-called "black community".

I see NOTHING racist about asking black people to be quiet in a movie theater. I am black but I am NOT interested in hearing black people's loud and usually vulgar conversations about NOTHING important.

I actually avoid movie theaters (as well as other establishments like restaurants, etc.) that I KNOW black people are more likely to attend. And I know other black people who do the SAME thing. I know a black man who had guests from out of town and he took them to a buffet type chain restaurant at least 20 miles out of his way JUST to avoid black people. And the service was better.

It has reached the point where I will NOT go to a black barbershop. I've been getting my hair cut by a white guy for the past 3-4 years. It's been great. He plays classical music and people (white men) mind their own business and when they get their haircuts they pay and then GO HOME. They don't hang out at the barber shop the way SOME black men do. I guess white men actually have things to do like work, pay bills, raise kids, etc., unlike a lot of black men who apparently have NOTHING better to do than hang out at a barber shop. The last time I went to a black barber shop two black men almost got into a physical fight. The barbershop owner tried to tell them to stop but they ignored him in his own shop. That was it for me. I will NEVER (hopefully)set foot in another black owned barbershop as long as I live.

La♥audiobooks said...

In regards to the mother in Ohio, I personally may or may not have taken the offense, it depends on many factors. And especially since the other black student was playing a token master to throw it off or "balance" it out. However, I don't give her any wrong. Black people have a right to those feelings, and no one should dictate how black people, or how this mother should feel in regards to her black child playing a slave. Smart educators would have avoided this type situation all together, or had the two black students play masters just to be safe. But then it wouldn't surprise me if one of those "racism is over, black people need to get over it" white parents took issue with that reverse scenario.

"Stewart evidently would have equally told teenagers to pipe down during a screening of 'Halloween.'"

That statement doesn't help their case. In fact, it does prove he's inclined to single out and stereotype by "grouping" either way. I do believe he told them to keep quiet because of race (and we all well know how some black people behave at the movies).

However, knowing and proving are two different things, and if they can't establish that he wouldn't have done the same to a room full of whites, then unfortunately I agree it should be thrown out (only on that technicality). This should be a lesson learned.

Anonymous said...

I HATE that my people are loud in movie theatres, more power to em.

Mack Lyons said...

"It has reached the point where I will NOT go to a black barbershop. I've been getting my hair cut by a white guy for the past 3-4 years. It's been great. He plays classical music and people (white men) mind their own business and when they get their haircuts they pay and then GO HOME. They don't hang out at the barber shop the way SOME black men do. I guess white men actually have things to do like work, pay bills, raise kids, etc., unlike a lot of black men who apparently have NOTHING better to do than hang out at a barber shop. The last time I went to a black barber shop two black men almost got into a physical fight. The barbershop owner tried to tell them to stop but they ignored him in his own shop. That was it for me. I will NEVER (hopefully)set foot in another black owned barbershop as long as I live."

How many black-owned barbershops have you frequented before coming to this rather sad conclusion and where were they located? The ones I've constantly frequented over the course of several years have always been well-kept and professionally run in a relatively non-rowdy atmosphere. One would think that that they would have to run into at least ONE such barbershop out of several hood/thug dens before writing them all off as such. On the other hand, I've only been to ONE barbershop that'd fit your description. Maybe the odds are just fucking with you.

BTW, barbershops have historically served as a sort of water cooler/hitching post for Black men. In fact, barbershops were one of the very few places Black men could freely express themselves (in a non-thuggish way) in peace, without the full weight of White American society coming down on their heads.

Mack Lyons said...

"Smart educators would have avoided this type situation all together, or had the two black students play masters just to be safe. But then it wouldn't surprise me if one of those "racism is over, black people need to get over it" white parents took issue with that reverse scenario."

I knew some white parents who'd insist on both Black children playing the slave role, for "historical accuracy", of course.

"I know a black man who had guests from out of town and he took them to a buffet type chain restaurant at least 20 miles out of his way JUST to avoid black people. And the service was better."

There's a theme throughout your comments. I just can't seem to put my finger on it....

At any rate, I just got back from a locally well-known black-owned and operated dine-in restaurant. Pretty good service, even if the time it takes to cook all that wonderful food takes a hot minute (yeah, they warn you about this in the signage above the order counter). Tonight, the crowd was split in an equal mix of white and black customers. The atmosphere was friendly, cordial and get the point. I guess the food was so good, it kept the dining area from breaking out into a race riot, lol.*

*that's called sarcasm, kids.

mellaneous said...

Tom anon why do you bother corresponding on a black blog?

Black barbershops have notoriously been great gathering places where black men could discuss politics, sports, entertainment figures, music and just about anything that came to mind in a fairly freindly and democratic way.

Brothers who felt strongly about the need to challenge injustices and racism would even be heard and no one would tell them to shut up, they were usually heard out and sometimes debated.

There were even folks who express the self hatred that you express and everyone let them have their opinion.

I agree with Mack I don't think you have visited many black barbershops.

But I don't think that's the issue with you. I will say what Mack wouldn't say. You are a self hating black man so you avoid all things black not because they are bad or inferior but because you project your inferiority complex onto other black folks and even black business.

But thanks for telling us how you really feel so I won't have to waste time responding to your misguided missives.

Because I know you aren't serious.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

He may have said "Portman" when he described "millionaire celebrity unwed moms" distorting the unglamorous reality of most unwed mothers dependent on government or family to merely survive, but considering his competition, I heard "Palin" clear as a bell, or is it a dogwistle?

Oh, and maybe it's my years in the Middle East haunting me, but I lprefer to park my white self in majority Black, Hispanic and Indian/Pakistani crowds in public places. White people tend to be so uncomfortable in their own skins that a crowd of us can excruciating to endure.

Mack Lyons said...

"But I don't think that's the issue with you. I will say what Mack wouldn't say. You are a self hating black man so you avoid all things black not because they are bad or inferior but because you project your inferiority complex onto other black folks and even black business."

I'm pretty sure our "tom" anon friend will turn this statement around to make you sound like a thug-cuddling shill for ghetto hoodrats and whatnot. I wouldn't expect anything less of him.

Here's a good question: if having to go 20 miles out of the way to get to a decent, ghetto negroid-free buffet meant traveling to a place like Cullman, Alabama, would he still do it? And would he be too happy basking in the scarcity of his negroid counterparts to notice the hateful glares and glances of the local White Americans, many who feel said negro and his accomplices should be, you know, off with his own kind somewhere?

I'm just asking, because I knew of many White Americans from the deep south who weren't generally comfortable with the prolonged presence of Negros of any stripe.

chicago dyke said...

Gov Stapled Stomach really shouldn't be bringing up unwed moms as a campaign issues. once again he proves he's not that bright and probably not fit for prime time in the Big House.

i grok the mom being upset, but i'm not going to completely diss the teacher. a slave/master scenario *should* make the children uncomfortable. isn't that the point?

i guess i'm in the minority. i ALWAYS go to a predominantly AA 'hood to see movie, and it's because i WANT to be in a loud audience. i don't do barbershops, so no comment there, but i love the way my People whoop it up in theaters. gawd, when did everyone on this blog move the suburbs? folks, think about it. sitting up straight and silently like one is in a classroom? why bother going to a theater?

in olden times, that was considered a big part of the experience; people laughing and clapping and crying together and interacting with players on a stage. of course there's no "interaction" with a movie, but there can still be the shared emotional experience with the audience.

i hardly go to see a movie anymore; netflix has ruined me. i only go to see big epics and sci fi films in a movie house, these days. but when i do, i want to experience not just the movie but also that powerful feeling you get when everyone in the room is thinking or feeling the same thing. case in point: i went to see star wars ep 2 or whatever on the South Side of chicago. it's not a 'good' movie in terms of the script, and there's one painful scene where the characters are so hokey it's really hard not to laugh. one guy shouted out a funny response to something stupid one of the actors was saying, and the whole theatre broke out laughing. it totally broke the tension and put people back in a frame of mind where we could enjoy the movie again.

white people watch movies like old people fuck. boring.

Anonymous said...

Julian Bond's Transvestite Son

For some time now Julian Bond has been galavanting around the country preaching the Gospel of same-sex marriage. Most assume his motivation is Civil Rights; but is it really?

Anonymous said...

Gollee Andee...I done been to a black was owned by Ice Tea. And them talky folks!

Umm...I can't agree with Dyke. I go to immerse myself in a movie and the is what differs from home viewing. Hearing any self-aggrandizing weenie is a waste. Very few are funny...and they are stealing from me.
Maybe I am just old.
Abuse of office there? 'Her office' conducted a 'hearing' and found him guilty of...what? Entitlement on her part?
Ummm...seems the theatre employee did tell other folks the same message.
Was this a sensitive child who keenly felt the sting of past racism? Or was it just a 10 yo Goober who pouted? I have done such 'experiments' with school kids during class and it is an excellent way to illustrate the absolute poo that is slavery and the mental illness of those who wish it to return. Colour actually has far less impact than one might think.
Bristol 'Two Babees' Palin was the intended target? Why not just point out that an unmarried, jobless BabyMommy of two was on the dole? Or is there a 'question' about a known 'thespian' with child by a 'beard'? Wasn't one of those Southern dudez the one who kept using the term thespian, knowing quite well that his audience would only hear lesbian?

Kasich is the unrecognized heir to the throne of st reagan. As such, lowly police should bow when approaching his Manliness.


maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maria said...

maria said...
field, according to NYT, huck's latest lie is about how a 17 year old he pardoned who later committed murder, which concludes, "Mike Huckabee has shown a pattern of telling outright falsehoods about himself and the president."

here's the times link:

on NPR yesterday NYT david brooks and wapo ej dionne were asked who they thought the republican nominees would be. not huck, or palin, or newt, or barber, they said. pawlenty of MN and romney.

also the anon talking about not hanging with black people, i doubt he's black.

Anonymous said...

"Now the man is attacking Natalie Portman, who happens to be an actress. Yes, an actress. Not someone charged with writing laws and implementing public policy in this country, but an actress."

fields,did you actually listen to what Mike said? Or did you just go to MSDNC or Huff Puff Post to get this story?

Mike pointing out that not all single moms are like rich Liberal ones in la la land isn't a attack.Its a fact.

Its easy for rich Liberal women to talk about how easy it is to be a single mom because they have rosa taking care of their children.

I know you on the left see Mike has the biggest threat to your messiah,but this is lame.

Anonymous said...

Maria, as much as the Villagers and MSM love Brooks for pretenderating to moderation...he has been wrong about a great many things.
Others have blogged at length on how choosing safe bets is to go against the wisdom-like pronouncements of Brooks.
I would ask you who you feel is a rational choice for the Rs.


field negro said...

"There's a theme throughout your comments. I just can't seem to put my finger on it...."

Mack, let me help you. I wish you could see me, because I am trying to use visuals for you. *putting on my tap shoes as I jig* :)

Am I missing something, or did the white theater owner not tell the court that '"HE WOULD HAVE' equally told a group of white teenagers to pipe down?" Maybe it's my legal training, but he DID NOT ACTUALLY tell a group of white teenagers to pipe down, he merely said that he "WOULD HAVE." See the difference folks? He actually told that theater full of your cousins to keep quiet.No such thing happened with the white kids. I guess if you actually believe the theater manager you will rule like the court did in this case and not see any disparate treatment of the theater patrons. If, on the other hand, you are a cynical racism chaser like moi; you will believe that the good white man was just doing what most of you already said that you would do.

Carry on.

field negro said...

"I know you on the left see Mike has the biggest threat to your messiah,but this is lame."

SPC, I gurantee you that everyone of O's handlers are hopiong and praying that your boy Huckleberry Chin wins the republiclown nomination, but sadly it wont happen.

Anonymous said...

SPC, yes, brave Heeyuckabee bravely mentioned that eveel slutty Librul wimmens make choices and that others can't make such choices. Shades of Murphy Brown...or as one blogger puts it 'slut shaming'. Portman made tons of money off fanboys with the Star Wars movies and can easily afford a 'beard' to donate genetic material. She can also afford nannies, maids, tutors, and a whole host of support. And Heeyuckabee worries about her lack of a man. Maybe he should ask why she, being a desirable female, would not choose to have a studly christian overlord.
But, we miss the weeping about Bristol 'Two Babees' Palin. No job, no skills, no talent. She has been on welfare since not using birth control for the Downs kid. Funny...both illegitimates are pre-dating Portmans by at least a few years.
Heeyuckabee wants us to pretend that the fantasy 50s existed. That all wite babees are gifts and Precious. Umm...seems to me, being an old gal...that a lot of girls 'experimented' in school. Pregnancy resulted...with a quick marriage. For weenie dudes, it was great. gawdly Patriarchal fatherhood with a punching bag/sexual submissive who could not leave as divorce was nigh impossible.
Things are better now. We have birth control so the idiocy of being a 16 yo does not haunt you forever. We have more choice in career. If ManDumpling prefers men...we can leave him and not suffer enormous economic hardship...and the kids don't pay for his petulance. Instead of settling for local dorkwad...we can look elsewhere to see if there are other options. Beat me..and if I don't end you...the police remove you from the home.
Maybe you don't recall when divorce became easier...but I do. It was a time of releasing of end to bondage.
Unless you liked being a jerkhole..then it kinda sucked.


maria said...

mold, who do i think should or will run for the R's? no clue. don't care to that level. but like field, i want him/her to be the craziest, racist, most outlandish person who has no chance of being elected. i've said for years mccain picking palin was at least 30% the reason obama won.

Anonymous said...

Field, I done Googled the case and it looked from reports that the manager had told others to have manners. Teens are notorious for being stoopid...but I guess I hail from a forgotten past...adults would be ashamed to be rude in public.


maria said...

SPC, are you a parent? i am guessing not.

it isn't easy being a parent. single, married, rich, poor. period. being a parent isn't a political stance. or an economic one. child support is available regardless of what party you belong to (or don't). it's THE LAW.

i haven't read a single word about natalie portman in any way going around suggesting people follow in her path, as bristol palin clearly has.

so all liberals are rich, and all liberals are white? imagine my surprise!

Anonymous said...

Maria, if McCain had gone with Ridge...he would have won. Ridge was a sane R with plenty of rational decisions. Ridge had built bridges in the NE political system and was noted for honesty. He ran PA. More than adequately. He reached across the aisle to cut deals.
Instead...we got MILFy Sarey. Geezer eye candy who thrilled the her low, low standards were in line with their own. Alaskan bloggers have detailed her many failings and part of her return to Alaska was to tamp down the info about her Wasilla bushMess. He wasn't the only person vastly over his head. He just had better advisers. They did the same woefully incompetent christmoles in government, think ethics rules only applied to Ds, used the office for personal gain, and left a horrible Mess. Read the Alaskans...we dodged a bullet on that one.


Anonymous said...

Maria, loved the snark from the 9:27AM post. That was neat!


field negro said...

Mold, I am sommewhat familiar with this case as well. And the Manager did not tell other patrons to have manors in the way that he did with this particular movie. ("Why Did I Get Married" -or something like that)

In this particular instance he interrupted the introductions and stood in front of the crowd and implored them to be quiet or they would be asked to leave.

He did not do that with the teenagers. I could be wrong, but if there is someone reading this who has been to that theater and who knows this manager please feel free to comment.
ld, I am familier with the case

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
SPC, I gurantee you that everyone of O's handlers are hopiong and praying that your boy Huckleberry Chin wins the republiclown nomination, but sadly it wont happen.

Just like everyone of Jimmy Carter's handlers were high-fiving each other when Reagan got the nod?

maria said...
i haven't read a single word about natalie portman in any way going around suggesting people follow in her path, as bristol palin clearly has.

You don't read much do you?

so all liberals are rich, and all liberals are white? imagine my surprise!

Did i say all Liberals are white?

Can you name some poor Liberals?

Anonymous said...

Amanda Marcotte, Oliver Willis, Will Bunch, PZ Myers, BadTux, Lee Papa.
Only in the dream world of wingnuts are all Liberals makes for an easier hate/envy/jealousy. Oh, that was just off the top o' my head. I can list far, far more not-wealthy Liberals...If I add Progressives...the list gets even longer.
Will Bageant...

What is it about Reality that is so daunting for wingnuts?


no_slappz said...

Let's see. The theater guy told 23 black movie-goers to keep quiet.

Fair enough. As everyone here admits, black movie-goers are well known for talking and shouting at the screen. Chicago dyke even claims she goes to movies popular with black to capture the feeling that comes from a raucous black audience making so much noise that people actually watching and listening cannot enjoy their movie-going experience.

What about the handful of whites in the audience. The minority group watching that film? Have they no rights? Is it lawful for the majority to prevent this minority group from its brief pursuit of happiness?

If the gathering were an outdoor affair for which no fee were charged, that would be one thing. But this was a movie house and the viewers paid for the privilege -- and it is a privilege -- to sit in the theater to enjoy the entertainment provided by the makers of the movie and the operator of the movie theater.

Does the majority have the right to deny the enjoyment of the minority?

Anyway, it's a good thing blacks don't go to live theater. Or are you going to tell me the same disruptive nonsense occurs whenever A Raisin in the Sun is performed?

Anonymous said...

Slappy, good point.


Anonymous said...

SPC...I thought about your query...and realized that I know of no/zero/nada/naught Liberal/Progressives that are poorly or inadequately educated...either by traditional academic methods or by School of Hard Knocks.
Income among Liberal/Progressives varies greatly...from vast inherited wealth (Koch, bush, etc) to people who are on assistance as single persons (very low income levels, thanks be to st reagan)...but they all have educations and smarts. And a strong basis in Reality


Anonymous said...

Yep,yep,Amanda Marcotte is your typical Liberal.

Her speciality is hate speech.

You and Amanda are a lot alike.No wonder you would list her first.

I stand corrected.

no_slappz said...

As usual, the black debate veers off into the ditch of pointlessness.

The illegitimacy problem among blacks is, in fact, a serious problem. Unfortunately, Huckabee can't go straight at the real problem of black illegitimacy because doing that would make him a lightning rod for too many attacks and he's afraid of that.

So, he took the Dan Quayle approach with one modification. Instead of doing what Quayle did, which was to take issue with Candace Bergin's TV character Murphy Brown who decided to have a child, Huckabee went after an actress is who IS pregnant, rather than an actress who simply plays a pregnant woman on TV.

Of course Portman and Bergin's character both have the money to manage single motherhood with ease. For them it's no problem.

Obviously in the black world things do not work that way.

But there's black outrage over Huckabee's position/ Well, what does it matter? He's not going to get the Republican nomination in 2012. He's just another stalking horse for either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich.

Anonymous said...

Slappy, Quayle was/is and idiot and only gets a pass for stoopid because his Grand set up enough money so that Danny would not pay any penalty for being so useless.
Instead of 'slut shaming' AfAms who have children out-of-wedlock...and completely missing the enormous hypocrisy of Bristol 'Two Babees' Palin and the scam of might want to ask why this is happening. Is it economic to have children? What benefits accrue? Why do they not use BC like good, christian, wite suburban girls? Is there paucity of options?
Just like the bushmoles..if you only see the appears that an objective government agency issues a report. But, if you look at the bushmoles, that they are PAID operatives of a radical and fringe group, that they have long been opposed to the actual operation of the Agency, and that they have stated in writing their desire to be Fifth might re-think their spew.

I admit that some Entitled, self-centered lazy moos will become BabyMommies out of very stoopid reasons. Beleef in abstinence scams. Too lazy to use basic BC. Moms and the Alaskan Welfare will provide. Who needs college when you can plump across a stage and get paid? Just for being born!
But not all are so shallow.

We should ask what encourages these behaviours...and see what is rational for us to do.


no_slappz said...

The lunacy of blacks jabbering during movies, talking to the screen, warning the characters about the bad guy just around the next corner, says something interesting.

When blacks illustrate a point or make an argument about an issue, they often support their position with references to movies. Spike Lee movies are favorite sources.

Or movies with Denzel Washington.

Or, on the other side, the perennial favorite whipping post -- Birth of a Nation. And sometimes Gone With the Wind.

However, literary references are almost non-existent. Schlarly references, well, as close as anyone gets to those is to cite some intermediary source that mentions the name or work of some scholar.

Oh okay Frantz Fanon comes up once in a while, but only in a name-dropping way. It's not as though anyone around here can actually discuss his work, which is boring.

Bottom line -- blacks are easily swayed by feature movies. These works of fiction seem to have more power to persuade than any other form or medium of communication.

field negro said...

I think it was Daniel Patrick Moynihan who said that "you are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."

Some folks on this blog tend to love to do that: make up their own "facts". :)

It is poverty (not race) which is the biggest determining factor of someone having a child out of wedlock.

field negro said...

Wow! Sloppy lecturing us on Fannon. Quick Sloppy,(I know you are quick with that computer search) what was the name of Fannon's first book?

BTW, I would love to discuss his work with you. But I seriously doubt that you have read any of his books, or anything by Aime Cesaire for that matter. Who, BTW, was....who was she again, Sloppy? :)

mellaneous said...

@Mold no the bigoted Jewish fella does not have a point. IN my opinion the (computer program) has too dim a view of dark humanity to ever have a point and has earned the right on this thread not be heard, in fact to be ignored.

If you read its entire post it goes on to say that black folks are probably not quiet at live theatre. Whatever it writes there is a racist dig in it.

Did you notice it threw a high five to the most racist film depiction of blacks of all time, the movie "Birth of a Nation"?
And trust me most folks who read Field ignore its comments, since it has proven that it (computer program) has no sympathy or campassion which is are positive human traits, but has been programmed to have all the negative human characteristics such as malice, and hatred.

mellaneous said...

@ Field come on you know it doesn't know anything about Fanon either, its just trying to prove how smart they think they are.

@Mold - point in case
The computer program lies:

"When blacks illustrate a point or make an argument about an issue, they often support their position with references to movies."

Mold is that a statement meant for intelligent discussion or just a hateful lie?
I am black and I don't know any black folks who do that. Black folks I know in discussions reference a source to back up their points. And notice and this is important that the racist computer program almost never references his spurious charges. And of course it can't because they are usually all bigoted lies!

field negro said...

Mel., you are be wrong, it is not a computer program, it is an old miserable white man stuck in his Mom's basement up in Brooklyn. :)

He is quick with his computer searches, I will give him that much. But I am still waiting for the answer to my last question.

Let's see how long he takes to come up with this one....

Anonymous said...

Mell, maybe I am old...or see these folks as the 'behaviors' class grown a bit...but when in DC I used to hate going to movies. While idle chatter during the crap-ads and the filler doesn't bother irritates me to hear the 'live-phoning' of Stereotypical FatBlackWoman. I don't need to hear Studly AfAm describe his potent manliness to his date RuPaul. I paid to see the movie...not hear comment from people who have -ahem- a less than adequate knowledge of the genre.'s rude. Even if I don't agree with Slappy on many issues...I don't hand out 'You Black..No Need for Manners' cards.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you've been following what is going on in Libya, but apparently rebel forces are now targeting blacks--since so many have sided with the Kadafi.
This has been an underreported story.

Anonymous said...

Mell, I would mention a pop song that indicated 'sitcoms are our history'...and I found that to be true. More folks can sing the Gilligan's theme than can recite the Gettysburg Address. So, movies would be a common point of reference.
As far as Jewish...the persona seems to be from the Kagan branch. These folks are known to love them some Nazis and to thrill to the shooting of unarmed civilians. A quick jape...if you think of all the nasty stereotypes about Jews..the Kagans and their crew pretty much fit them.


Anonymous said...

Field, thanks for mentioning the 'Quick Search' knowledge base of some posters. They seem to beleeve that by waving around a source...that nobody will check on it.
Where in the world is this done? The not-checking?


field negro said...

Still waiting for Sloppy. I think that this one (search) is taking a little longer than usual for him. :)

mellaneous said...

@Mold nobody said that black folks should have a rude pass, well at least I didn't say it.

So I don't know where that remark came from. Personally I can go both ways on the talking in the movie thing. Growing up folks talking through the movie sometimes would add comical commentary to go along with the movie. I used to find that entertaining and it would be funny more often than not.

But nowadays every once in a while I have heard folks on their phone, that is irritating esp if its a serious movie. But its usually young folks and teens who do that kind of thing. I don't experience black adults just being disruptive during movies. The last time I had to sit through talking was when I sat in front of some fairly rude women from South America. The movie theatre was practically all white and noone said anything to them, even though they would sometimes get louder.

And folks do use all kinds of references to make a point, including movies, I was refuting the idea that black folks use only film references because they don't know anything else. If he is making a class analysis, because poor folks who have limited exposure can only reference what they know.

Back to Fields point. The whole point of living in a free society, is that one should be free from unwarranted bias. The theatre manager was wrong!

And in this case he was rude to make a certain assumption. Its why our jails are filled with people of color, the political necessity dictates that blacks and other folks are seen as the "other."

Pre-crime only exists in that Tom Cruise movie, :)or at least it shouldn't. You have to do the crime first then you can be charged with it.

If the manager thought those folks were going to be noisy, he should have caught them in the act and called them out, thats what ushers are for. In Miami Dade they have no problem sending an usher with a flashlight to tell folks to be quiet.

mellaneous said...

Field I don't think the slap is going to find it or it may be purposely avoiding the question because he doesn't want to acknowledge the findings therein.

Anonymous said...

That manager had some nerve! He'd a done that here where I live, he woulda gotten a good comeuppance, anyway he wouldn't have dared! That's the best part, the running commentary is sometimes better than the movie!!! Movies are a shared experience, don't like it? Build a theater in your house and watch them all by yourself!!1 Hehehehehe!

field negro said...

"Back to Fields point. The whole point of living in a free society, is that one should be free from unwarranted bias. The theatre manager was wrong!

And in this case he was rude to make a certain assumption. Its why our jails are filled with people of color, the political necessity dictates that blacks and other folks are seen as the "other."


PilotX said...

@Field, don't wait too long, Slappz rarely answers direct questions. Hell, i'm still waiting on the number of Black students that enrolled at Ole Miss 65-69 but hey...............
@Chicago, I agree that Huck isn't too bring. He does come across as somewhat dimwitted. Conservatives seem to like their dumb, notice SPC brings up Jimmy Carter who was near the top of his class at the Naval Academy while their latest candidate damn near flunked out. I should become a Republican/conservative, such low standards.
But seriously, these guys must not be aware we have even better access to info. How many wouldn't make the Murphy Brown-Portman link and thereby associate Huck with Quale which to anyone with half a brain cell would not think that's a good thing? Who's advising these idiots? Equating the white citizen's counsel with being a positive force? WTF is wrong with these people. Don't get me started on Beckkk making millions by reading pamphlets from the Birchers that he found in the Heritage Foundation's library. I guess the same group that believes a Koch funded movement is grassroots. Sad.

field negro said...

Pilot X, I forgot about that. Sloppy, you can answer Pilot X's question along with mine.

We will wait........

Anonymous said...

Fields,give the onwer a break.I'm sure the owner remembers what happen when New jack City was shown in theaters with black audiences.

"Its why our jails are filled with people of color, the political necessity dictates that blacks and other folks are seen as the "other."

So people of color don't commit crimes?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me most posters accept the idea of AfAms speaking, and loudly, during a movie. Why is this behavior acceptable? I paid the same as they..and don't think I am Entitled to ruin it for others. Their critique and live-dorking detract from my experience. Is their money somehow 'greener' than mine?
Berate the manger...but then remind us all that some citizens have an ongoing problem with STFU? Being unable to stop talking isn't is mental illness. And I really resent my few entertainments being taken over by stoopids. If I wanted to listen to them...I would ask for their opinion.
As far as DesertFlower...yes. I built a small home theatre just because the 'shared buffoonery' reminded me of the crass, stoopid, boorish and ill-mannered louts of junior high. Maybe others find such yobbos interesting. I outgrew it when I was 11.
Just for info...I do attend Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)


Anonymous said...

Funny how the racist missed the 'Black Exception' to polite behavior in movie theaters. Maybe they are a 'bot'.


PilotX said...

SPC, the more obvious question would have been "what, white people don't commit crimes"? No wonder you're a conservative......

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:44PM-I agree with your comment 100%. There are many Blacks who avoid going to movies where the majority is Black. The Reality is that if you want to watch and Listen to the movie, it can't be done with Negroes in the theatre.

If I were the theatre mgr, I would have told them:"STFU". Why? because that's the only language stupid asses understand. I can't stand INCONSIDERATE and IGNORANT Negroes. They are nothing but a source of loud grating cacophanous noise capable of drowning out a colony of chattering screaming wild monkeys.

It's these kind of Blacks that make other Blacks like me disgusted with some Blacks. And I know that I am not alone in my feelings. Even some of our black celebrities and sports figures mirror that.

I mean, who the hell wants to 'defend', support, or even associate with a group like those loud ass rancous FOOLS(other than Field, Mellaneous, and Mack Lying)?

Btw, ignore Field, Mack Lyons and Mell. They call everyone an uncle tom (and talk about jigging for the wm) who does not fit their concept of "being Black,"--which usually equates to borderline mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

Field, it looks like the rebels in Libya are targeting and killing Blacks and prople with 'dark' skin.

That is a damn shame. Is there anywhere in the world where Blacks are NOT disliked? and I am sorry that ONCE AGAIN you seem to be supporting the wrong side. At least Kadafi liked and respected Blacks.

Let's see. First, you were on Israel's side for killing the Palestinians in Gaza. Now you are for the rebels in Libya who are killing Blacks?

I'm thinking you might consider being silent on matters in the Middle East.,0,5517806.story

PilotX said...

@Anon, the rebels in Lybia are killing people they think are hired soldiers for Kadaffi not just because they have darker skin. This is the problem when people think too narrowly about issues.

Anonymous said...

"As far as DesertFlower...yes. I built a small home theatre just because the 'shared buffoonery' reminded me of the crass, stoopid, boorish and ill-mannered louts of junior high. Maybe others find such yobbos interesting. I outgrew it when I was 11.
Just for info...I do attend Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)"

I must see that! Sounds fun!
Well, I wouldn't call it shared bufoonery. It's a collective experience that is as valid as any concert or theater experience. Why some people believe it should demand silent participation is beyond me! But, oh well, anyway, kudos to you for building the small home theater! Enjoy! ;)

Anonymous said...

DesertFlower...when it is shared, like Rocky Horror, it is a gas. We all know the rules and have fun. As far as other is silent. The experience is supposed to immerse the theatergoer in the sound, sight and mood of the film. Think of a quiet dinner for two...and Goober tells me I have some nice 'female bits'...and that I should 'do things' for my friend. Then Goober talks for 30 minutes about our dinner choices...and how they could do soooo much besser. Oh, not to forget that Goober beleeverates they am stand-up comic...and the whole event is there so Goober can practice. Goober will also take cell calls from their dealer, their SO and their Moms...and respond REAL LOUD so we won't have to miss anything! After all, Goober, who neither of us invited, is such a HUGE part of our lives.
Do these Entitled weenies yap during church services? Are they Goobering at the Philharmonic?
I accept that 2 yo children can't have self-control. I feel for their embarrassed parents. But, when one is past should certainly have better manners.


Anonymous said...

Why wingnuts should never, ever have power...
The babies were handed to military officers or their relatives after birth while the mothers were simply killed, many of them dropped alive from military planes into the sea.


Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 3:58

Hahaha! Well I must rent Rocky Horror as soon as possible, it really sounds good!

As for your example, Well, honestly, I've never been in a theater with someone that does all of that! :).
I realize some folks enjoy the silent experience, but also my thoughts are that the film itself should enrapture the audience into a silent reverie of attention. If it doesn't, then it merits whatever commentary it generates, and that's where the fun begins! IMHO ;)

Anonymous said...

DesertFlower, I understand the desire to hoot at bad films...but I'd like to be able to make that decision first...rather than have someone else do it 'for me'. Maybe it's a girl thing.

Have to admit...some films are really bad. Portman's 'ArtPron', the 'jungle fevers', Smith Family School Projects...

If I wanted acerbic commentary about a film..I would visit a place that offered some libations and a professional comic. In a theatre, I would like very much to see the movie I paid for.


field negro said...

"Btw, ignore Field, Mack Lyons and Mell. They call everyone an uncle tom (and talk about jigging for the wm) who does not fit their concept of "being Black,"--which usually equates to borderline mediocrity."

This from someone who, I am sure, earns less and is doing less with his/her life than the people he/she mentioned.

I mean I hate to get all Charlie Sheen on you there partner, but there is a word that describes what we are doing: "WINNING!"
You, on the other hand; not so much. :)

Stoleitgood said...

I normally agree with FN, but I too will not go to a black theatre. The rudeness, talking aloud and phone talking is too much for me. Period. Now we can call racism racism, but we also need to hold our own accountable for their rude behaviors. that might be worth a post too FN.

Anonymous said...

On another note, that teacher was an insensitive SOB! and I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt, and not calling him a sadist! His behavioral history would have to be examined to determine which.

no_slappz said...

field, you wrote:

Wow! Sloppy lecturing us on Fannon. Quick Sloppy...what was the name of Fannon's first book?

First, his last name is spelled Fanon. One "n".

Second, in my personal library I have The Wretched of the Earth. I thought I had Black Skin, White Masks too, but it seems to have vanished.

BTW, I would love to discuss his work with you. But I seriously doubt that you have read any of his books

I skimmed Wretched some years ago, which means I'm hardly a student of Fanon. But in my view, he's a nut who believed in hyper-violence and he also believed the "peasants" were the people meant to rampage through the cities, countryside and towns, slaughtering the "colonialists."

Of course he developed this crazy state of mind because of his experience with Algeria. So he hated the French colonialism but supported the muslims.

As you should realize by now, Fanon was a fool.

Black violence has resulted in no gains whatsoever for blacks. The nations of Africa are as wretched as ever, except that some leaders have been able to steal even more from their relentlessly abused citizens.

Did Fanon write about that side of things?

Meanwhile, Fanon's view of colonialism means nothing in the US. His views are laughable now that North Africa and the Middle East are exploding as muslims try to kill their very own, home-grown indigenous, salt-of-their-earth leaders.

Of course the truth didn't keep Khadafy from claiming that various outside miscreants were stirring up trouble in Libya.

A poet linked to Fanon, one I've never read, but because you've mentioned her, if a poem of hers falls into my lap, I'll read it.

However, I do not seek to read poetry written in languages other than English and then translated. There's no point. Translations are mostly worthless.

field negro said...

Too late sloppy, I am sure you had more than enough time for your google search.(Not to mention your Cliff Notes and the Fanon for Dummies stuff that you have been reading) I asked you this hours ago. Once again you have proven what a fraud you are.

I won't even get into a discussion about Fanon with you because I am guessing that you have never even seen any of those books that you claim to have.

BTW, you still didn't answer Pilot X's question.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Aw hell Field, you know you can't get black people to shut up in theaters so why did he even try?!

Gahanna is a relatively affluent section of suburban Columbus. What do you expect out of a bunch of affluent white people?

Keeo up the chase!

Anonymous said...

Field, "This from someone who, I am sure, earns less and is doing less with his/her life than the people he/she mentioned."

No Field, I make fantastic money in the upper 5% of the country. That means I make a lot more than you could ever dream of. How much does the city of Philadelphia pay a lawyer to represent a defendent? Not a lot...

I can tell a lawyer who is barely at par because you never fail to 'imply' that you are making a lot of money. Well Mr high pockets. fyi...they don't pay lawyers that much to represent defendents in the city of Philadelphia. In fact, with the recession and a broke state, you will probably receive a pay cut soon. Right?

MOST lawyers don't do that well, anyway.

Of course, no one is going to tell you that they know this because, well because so many like Mell, MackLying, PilotX, Kid, etc are ass kissers. That is, instead of jigging for the wm, they are jigging for YOU! Don't deny it. And I am sure you enjoy every minute of it. lol

field negro said...

LOL@ Seagacious. Ok, you got me.:)

Well excuse me Mr. Deep Pockets Anon. at 9:30 PM. Brotha can you spare a dime? :)

BTW, I don't represent criminal defendants for the city of Philadelphia. That would be someone in the public defender's office. But I get your point.

And, for the record, those are hard working people who deserve every penny that they get. That is so house of you to belittle them because of their income. Typical republican

Anonymous said...

Field, "And, for the record, those are hard working people who deserve every penny that they get. That is so house of you to belittle them because of their income. Typical republican"

No, wrong again. I am not belittling them and I am not Republican. I was merely responding to your belittling comment about how much I made. You should try following your own advice before you criticize me.

And I do respect SOME of those hard working lawyers who make so little for what the case loads they 'ernestly' work on. But you must admit there are quite a few who aren't worth the salary paid to them.

PilotX said...

@anon, hardly am I kissing anyones arse but you do seem to be one of those self-hating cats if you are Black at all. Anyhoo, what is your profession if I may ask. Just curious because it seems all conservative anons on this and all webites are brilliant super-rich folks and I want to be down.
@Field, Slappz will never answer my questions as they will prove it is wrong about sooooo much. I know its game.