Black folks, can we talk? This next subject is a little uncomfortable, but I want to discuss it. Part of my reasons for wanting to tackle it is professional. A great deal of my work is in the domestic relations area, and I truly believe that one of the main reasons for certain pathologies in our community is because of the lack of a cohesive family structure in many of our homes. ( Oh, and by our I mean black folks. I know white folks face the same problems, but I am not interested in them right now. They have a lot of experts and forums where they can address their own issues. )
Anyway, I saw a stat today that had me thinking about this subject: "A new study shows that the rate of American women who have children with multiple fathers, also called "multiple-father family structure," is "pervasive." According to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1 in 5 American Moms has kids with different birth fathers. And you probably already know what's next. Black Mothers lead the list: 59 percent of us have children with more than one father, while Hispanics come in second place at 35 percent and whites come in last at 22 percent. " [More]
Now ladies, I see those hole punchers pointing at my head. But please don't shoot the messenger.
I know I know, me...I mean sperm donors are half of the problem. True! They are! So now what?
I need solutions, not the same old finger pointing.
Oh, and before I go. Shout out to the folks at "The Root" for featuring this blog in their "30 Bloggers You Should Know" segment. That was field Negro behavior on their part.
BTW, the thing folks liked the most about this blog is the comments section. That means all of you, the folks who not only lurk but brave the unpredictable and precarious comments section in the fields.
*Pic from AOL blackvoices.com.
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»My Mom is one of the 22 percenters. 7 kids with 4 different men.
I don't know if my stepfather was brave or crazy (well he was a bit...manic), but we kinda lucked out. But that was also at a time when the family unit in general was more strong.
I wonder how many Black men have babies with multiple women and I wonder what the races of those women are? Somehow I'm betting the numbers between Black men and women just don't equate.
And congrats Field on the shout out from the Root!
Of the black women who have children with different fathers, what percentage are married, presently?
What percentage of the black women cited had their first child at an early age and had their second child in wedlock where the father of the second is the stepfather of the first?
I sense this is another statistic that is thrown around without much analysis.
I'm straight up one of those women. I have two daughters by two different men, though I was married to each of those men for several years, and one of them is Hispanic, not Black.
And let's just say divorcing the Black man was my only option, given his behavior.
Bottom line for me is that I STILL created a solid family structure for my girls, including homeschooling them both for most of their elementary and middle school years. (BTW - the eldest is an honor student on a full academic scholarship to Spelman College after that home education.)
These statistics--like divorce statistics, out of wedlock birth statistcs, and others--include many kinds of families. And some of us are doing what we're supposed to do.
As a black man, I am used to these type of statistics. "See those black people (especially men) are bad" statistics.
in order for a woman to have all her children by the same man they have to have access to each other for an extended time. surely we can understand how the mass incarceration of black men for long prison terms and the use of the felony to disenfranchise black men and make them unemployable is a factor we must consider. instead of jumping on black women we should be setting up support groups to help these kids. our enemies do not need our help to destroy us.
Dr. Queen said...
"I wonder how many Black men have babies with multiple women and I wonder what the races of those women are? Somehow I'm betting the numbers between Black men and women just don't equate."
Girl, you better say it again.
Field, I don't know why you want to go there. This entire thread is going to turn into another free for all frenzy attack on black women. Thanks a lot.
BTW, I thought you might have liked this one. Even I'm a little unnerved about it, check out the color that symbolizes the "illegal Aliens", it just happens to be... green.
Another fallacy: mass incarceration of black men. You have more black men in college than prison.
Field, your well deserving of the award. Your blog speaks for those who need a word of encouragement and knowledge now and then. It's also very understandable that you speak for those you care about. Mostly black, some hispanic, some whites and others. Your blog is like someone coming out of a storm. To hear a voice thats good or bad and speaks from the heart. As a black hero of mine once said in an interview, "We are different on the outside, but are hearts are all the same color on the inside." In the end you make me believe your the Wolfman Jack of Philadelphia midnight help radio. You make us all feel good when it's sometimes bad!
What are you doing to further the conversation about sisters? How are you helping our cause? That is what I thought just another armchair critic.
I am a Black woman, happily married with no kids, yet. The reason why is simple I chose not to be a baby breeder for some damn man.
Why I was around sixteen years old, I witness my friends shacking up with different men all the time. They would have one kid after another with these losers. So, I made up my mine that if any man want a kid with me...we would first have to married.Now, that I am financially stable ... I plan on having my first baby in two years.
Also, be careful who you marry as well...make sure he is not broke.My mother a(divorcee) struggled for years trying to get $150 a month is child support for three kids from my deadbeat dad. If me and husband one day separate I wont never have to worry about my baby and I begging relatives for a hand out.
What's the actual figures on the rate of abortion, contraception use, counseling, etc. I think a comparison by ethnicity of those stats would give a more realistic picture of the issue you raise.
No different than Half-Life 1&2, Quake, Black Ops, etc..
That battle has been lost.
P.S. Those are fun!
As a teacher in urban America this travesty plays itself out in the classrooms with lots of youngsters coming to school angry as hell and acting out in class. What these moms fail to realize is that when the daddy of one of the kids comes around to visit and spend time with "his" kid, the sibling whose daddy never shows up gets mad as hell causing sibling rivalry, and turning classrooms and households upside down.
Yes, the "90 million different baby daddies" is an epidemic in the black community.
The black american sub culture does not teach their daughters to expect, and insist on marriage and it does not teach their sons to "MAN UP" and do the right thing.
Consequently, this creates a situation whereby these men "drop their seed" with whomever and never be responsible as they travel from one womb to the next. This allows them free room and board until their current "baby momma" figures out their game. By that time they have already made reservations at the next hotel womb. The only victims here are the children who have nothing but bad role models and no base to build a traditional family structure.
These sisters are just sluts, no other word just sluts. Everyone has a libido. No excuse to bring life into this world like that.
Sluts, undeveloped females they are.
Field, as usual, you are "Right On!" Hopefully we'll wake up and start to smell the coffee before we screw up another "entire generation."
It’s called polyandry. It has been discouraged by most civilizations for a long time because of the importance of men helping in the raising of children. A man is much more likely to commit a lifetime of resources to a child when he has reasonable assurance that it his own. Polyandry greatly weakens the bonds a man has to a family.
In modern America, polyandry has been encouraged by feminism, fraying traditional moral codes, increased relative income opportunities for women, and government support replacing the need for paternal support. This may affect black families the most, but it affects everybody. It is exacerbated in the black community by among other things, high incarceration rates for men.
The unintended but predictable consequences of subsidizing single motherhood has of course been more single motherhood. Many mothers are single by no fault of their own, and many do great jobs raising their kids. Every family is unique. But the single most important variable in predicting how a kid’s life turns out is not race, income, or education; it is whether or not a child is raised in a two parent family.
Daniel Moynihan wrote about this 45 years ago, when the black illegitimacy rate right where the white rate is now. He predicted that if it went much above 25%, things would start to go very wrong.
Everyone should be free to choose how they live their lives, and who they live them with. But people discount the lessons of thousand generations at their own peril. The family is the cornerstone of society. Repair the family, and you can build anything.
Yup! A lot of us in that boat! and it's a lot more complex than just is there a baby daddy in the picture.
My thoughts are that if you are a woman with the means/profession to support yourself and your kids, be they by how many fathers they may be, you'll do fine and so will those kids.
And as has been said, I also don't pay much mind anymore to a lot of those "statistics". It's been shown that statistics, be they scientific or whatever, have a way of being manipulated and molded to fit the current pc-ness of the day! ;) So with all due respect, screw statistics.
And you know what, if you're you're gonna go by pc-ness, not only will you never have any children, maybe you won't even own a friggin pet. So again, as far as this little rebel is concerne...you know... ;)
Wait till the government puts the brakes on welfare, section 8 and other "handouts" then the lines for tubal ligations will stretch from coast to coast. Then the last thing on a black man's mind will be looking for another hotel room door to "stick his key in."
Are they not contented for only one man/woman? For me this will be just fine as long as they can be able to handle and take good care of the children very well; as long as the parents agreed to have a contract and make their living desirable.
It's obvious that the desperate need to be loved and equating lust run wild to being loved are the two of the biggest problems in the black community.
It is also a moral problem which the black community seems to avoid talking about. Men or boys who go around dumping sperm in multiple women and bw accepting sperm from multiple men is short of prostitution without pay. Yep, the whole damn thing is ugly, messy, disgustingly unrestrained, and certainly immoral.
Well, well. For ONCE, Field has taken a rest from the wingnuts and for ONCE has looked at the outrageous wrongs going on in the black race for decades.
Field, how did you manage to see it? It must have been a freak moment. Anyway, I am glad you see the seriousness of sex addiction in the black community. Why don't you do a Post on "Just Say No" for the bw who keep spawning 4,5,6, and 7 children before they are 18?
However, I wonder if Sex Addicts are capable of saying "no"?
**munching popcorn**
Has anyone seen or heard from Granny?
"That battle has been lost."
Yes the battle has been lost indeed. The illegal immigration problem will only get worse.
They might as well had spent that million on some other financial crisis. Perhaps on all those Medicaid and hospital bills that the non-black illegal immigrant women leave behind while giving birth to their human green-cards.
Rttnkid, "**munching popcorn**"
Besides sex addiction, we are also plagued with food addiction. We really have some 'big' problems.
We really need to stop eating and fucking so much. Too much of anything is obscene and very unhealthy. Hell, even too much sunshine will burn. Even worse, it indicates a spiritual illness...a soul sickness that no amount of food or sex will cure.
Brother Anon
I blogged about this a year ago and I stand by my then statement that until we get serious about educating our young people on sex THIS problem will always be with us. And if the stigma were removed from abortion we'd see less of this. Women don't get abortions in nearly the number pro-life organizations would have us believe. I'm in no way advocating for its use as contraception but to tie yourself to two people FOREVER because the condom broke is just a ridiculous concept to me.
Wuts da definition of mass confusion? Fathers day in a black community!!!
best words a black man ever heard from Maury...YOU are not the father of any of these six chillun...
Rottnkid said...
**munching popcorn**
12:15 AM
Hope you took out your grill, your breath stanky enough as it is...
FN thats a good topic for your next blog, why a brutha gotta brush his teets and why so many have the stankass bref.
The first thing we have to remember is that we are some of the strongest people on earth. Who could take the shit that we have and not go crazy. We all know why there are several fathers and one mother. It's a known fact thaat the more education you have the fewer children you have. It makes you wonder why is the right complaining about Black women having a lot of abortions while at the same time they are having children. How can you do both at the same time? It's not possible. I think a lot of "career" white women have asess to good family planning. If Bill Oreilly and Alveda King are serious about the problem offer more scholarships for our sisters. You could advertize this to Republicans and say do you want to have less black people send them to college, they are not going for that. They know that an educated slave is dangerous.
What we have to do is have our media, our music, our artist, put this into the peoples heads and embed it. From the prison to the church, to the schools embed it like Mao. You invent a reality and LIE to the people about it. I remember when "A Different World" was on MOST of the black people I know was going to college. We believed it. Now when we watch a "Gansta" movie or video we believe that a brother driving a Maybach has a mansion and killed 40 people by himself, which is totally bullshit. We have to pound our propanganda into our people like Fox does with bigots, LIE.
We don't even control our own media. How many liquor and cigarette ads are in our magazines? Look at the Tyler Perry Tom propanganda that has been pounded into our heads. Tyler works for Fox thinkabout it. We need more images of Rosewood, Black Wall Street,Elain Brown, Huey P. Newton and not fucking Medea. the main reason we have so many mates is choice. Were free to choose another person. Look at Charlie Sheen he has two babies mamas.
@Rev. Right
The main problem is people like YOU. Somebody has to go to jail, somebody had to get AIDS, somebody has to lose their house. America has desinated Black people as the targets. If you were to ship Blacks and Hispanics out of the country , you would still need a cheap workforce that you can exploit and conquer. You would go after the people that the right are going after now poor whites. Now they have got hip and they seen their future in Wisconsin and Ohio. Maybe we can fix this shit that the Republican think thanks have been planning for 35 years. Expolitation of other races and the poor has played out. The problem is arrested development. Minorities don't fail because we're stupid, we fail because racist bastards like you need to exploit people to get ahead. We and the world are not falling for it again.
"What percentage of the black women cited had their first child at an early age and had their second child in wedlock where the father of the second is the stepfather of the first?
I sense this is another statistic that is thrown around without much analysis."
Anon 10:43 PM, and Desertflower mentioned something about the stats as well.
Those are fair points. And there are good mothers out there holding it down. (See what Candice Davis said up thread)
But is there a fire when we see some smoke?
Thanks rainy!
Brooklyn, do you still have the link to that post? I would love to read your take on it.
"Well, well. For ONCE, Field has taken a rest from the wingnuts and for ONCE has looked at the outrageous wrongs going on in the black race for decades."
Actually, wingnut policies contribute to much of the problems that black folks- poor (and middle class) white folks, and damn near every other group that's not wealthy in A-merry-ca- face.
So see, I didn't take a complete break. It's always open season on a wingnut.:)
I'm in no way advocating for its use as contraception but to tie yourself to two people FOREVER because the condom broke is just a ridiculous concept to me.
misguided fool
sure u r advocating for its use as birth control ya lyin hypocrite! if u cant see that pregnancy is possible from a casual fuck then maybe u should not be fucking people who aint worth shyt
women need to think that every man they screw could be a potential father and likewise with men thinking every female they screw could be a possible mother if we thought like that there would be far less casual sex that leads to abortions people dont value sex anymore its just casual therefore people dont value the act of creating life they just think they can fuck get surgery and fuck again and again and again and it never stops
Blogger Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Dear Brotha Field,
Sorry Alicia, you didn't make it!
Behind the Keyboard: 30 Black Bloggers You Should Know
From politics to pop culture, from relationships to fashion and natural hair, today's bloggers are an exceedingly opinionated bunch. We like 'em like that.
thanks miss ann its nice to see those blogs but if theyre a representation of black america its clear we are pretty lopsided in our interests;)
In almost all African nations, the median age is around 18. In other words, half the population is younger than 18 and half is older.
The median age in the US is about 36.
What is the median age of the black population in the US? Hard to say, but compared with the median age of whites and asians, it's lower.
Meanwhile, despite the abject poverty that defines almost every black African nation, the birth rates are simply astounding. High. Astoundingly high birth rates. In other words, even brutal poverty is not enough to slow the pace of child birth.
The high birth rates are followed by astoundingly high rates of infant mortality. Then, those who survive face a lifetime of health threats.
Mostly from diseases carried in dirty water. And AIDS. That leads to low low low life expectancy. In most black African nations, life expectantcy is around 50. In the worst nations life expectantcy is around 40.
What does this mean? It means the black population is growing larger, but the overall group is getting younger.
What does that mean? Because schooling among blacks is relatively disastrous and ineffective, it means this growing group is also growing less educated. Thus, like compound interest, the problem mushrooms.
Madonna is getting a taste of this reality in Malawi, one of the most backward of black African nations. A nation of children leading children and not one of them knows where to go or what to do.
Two years from now, when the mess from the tsunami and the damaged nuclear plants has been cleaned up in Japan, Haiti will still be the same old mess.
Now Haiti has a new clown in charge.
How badly will he fail?
When will he begin stealing?
When will he begin brutalizing parts of the population?
When will he realize the situation in Haiti is hopeless?
i urge everyone to take a look at the list of 30 top black bloggers. i am happy to see richard prince, jack and jill and racialicious and t-c.
i'd like to note i did NOT see ab's "blog" among those named. what a shocker!
congrats to field and the others.
also, the comments suck, sorry. go away for a few days and then come back and you'll see what i mean. that rating might have been based on when there were different, more civil commenters. now it's dominated by spc/wanted for war crimes and his ilk of racist/conservatives and a few other racists who don't want to do anything but hate whites, esp. women. the rational comments by mel, LAC, rotten kid, uts, are too sparse to make it worth reading anymore. of 250 comments sometimes maybe 10 are actually worth reading.
last i heard granny's ok, just busy with her book.
i'm gone.
What I find to be so funny is we don't counted for anything unless it's negative. You don't hear how many black women are married with children. How many black women/men go to college? How many own businesses?
Fuck the media, I couldn't care less about their statistics.
Unfortunately, you believe you are a smart guy with sharp insight into big social problems.
However, your naive rants prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you are an idiot.
The presence of more smart black guys would be welcome news. Sadly, your hopeless illogical non-sequiturs make it clear you can do nothing good for blacks.
Moreover, I know you'll never believe what's patently obvious, no matter what subject is at hand.
maria writes:
i urge everyone to take a look at the list of 30 top black bloggers...jack and jill...
Jack and Jill? Hmmm. There's something about that blog that tells me it's written or edited by whites.
Obama is now making nice with Al Sharpton. Wow. The ultimate sign of desperation.
Creating ties to the perpetrator of the Tawana Brawley Hoax. Wow. Big mistake, but a mistake I hope he continues to practice.
Maybe Obama wants to replace Joe Biden with Al Sharpton. What a ticket Obama and Sharpton would make.
When decent paying, blue collar jobs left the city, the ability to get married disappeared. If a man can't provide/make a contribution to a family, there is no incentive to stay and no incentive for a woman to commit. So, they engage in these transient relationships that result in children without support systems. (Oddly enough, these are the same circumstances that produced uprisings in the Middle East. No job. No ability to marry.)
Field, congratulations on making the 30 list.
Alas, I will be visiting much less than I have; I will also be removing TFN from my RSS feed.
Why? A lot of what makes a good blog good is the comment section. You have some really good commenters; but your bad commenters are simply atrocious (I'm looking at you, AB).
Were I you (and, well, clearly I'm not) I would very seriously consider a commenting policy and a few strategic bannings (AB, I'm still looking at you).
AB-- I will no doubt become a target for your vitriol for saying this, and that's ok-- but I hear enough shite from wingnuts about this president to make a person's head explode, and I don't feel like hearing that shite from a fellow African American.
Again, congrats, brother Field, and good luck in future.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...
Field, congratulations on making the 30 list.
Alas, I will be visiting much less than I have; I will also be removing TFN from my RSS feed.
Why? A lot of what makes a good blog good is the comment section. You have some really good commenters; but your bad commenters are simply atrocious (I'm looking at you, AB).
Want some cheese with that whine?
slappz said...
Two years from now, when the mess from the tsunami and the damaged nuclear plants has been cleaned up in Japan, Haiti will still be the same old mess.
Now Haiti has a new clown in charge.
How badly will he fail?
When will he begin stealing?
When will he begin brutalizing parts of the population?
When will he realize the situation in Haiti is hopeless?
True True......
What we have here is a side effect of Liberalism.
Liberals with their "get the black man out the house"policies have fooled black women into thinking the government is better at raising their kids than the black man is.
Liberals have broken the black man to the point that black men feel like they are no longer need to raise their own kids.Therefore, they believe its ok to jump from hole to hole.
Once Liberals enslaved the bodies of blacks.Now Liberals enslave the minds of blacks.
When are blacks gonna rise up and stop their enslavement?
Republicans freed you once.We are working so hard to free you again.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...
Field, congratulations on making the 30 list.
Alas, I will be visiting much less than I have; I will also be removing TFN from my RSS feed.
Why? A lot of what makes a good blog good is the comment section. You have some really good commenters; but your bad commenters are simply atrocious (I'm looking at you, AB).
Were I you (and, well, clearly I'm not) I would very seriously consider a commenting policy and a few strategic bannings (AB, I'm still looking at you).
AB-- I will no doubt become a target for your vitriol for saying this, and that's ok-- but I hear enough shite from wingnuts about this president to make a person's head explode, and I don't feel like hearing that shite from a fellow African American.
Again, congrats, brother Field, and good luck in future.
8:34 AM
What a petulant whining loser racist liberal. So in your mind it is outrageous that someone who is Black isn't marching in lockstep and fervently supporting Obama. Really? I guess this makes it clear that you could give a shit about the issues and his performance and it is all about you being nothing but a racist.
So now you try and force some emotion or action from FN buy threatening to go away unless he starts banning people who disagree with your infantile delusional racist chatter, for anyone Black should be lockstep with you right?
What a weak pathetic loser. I hope FN says don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. You aren't worth the saliva it would take to spit on you.
Notice how you did not and clearly could not defend one thing AB exposed about Obama, you have to resort to thug tactics, well you are a loony lefty.
May the
LAA, thank you for seeing this setup and walking away. This topic has been discussed on FN several times already by you and FP. FN gets over 300 comments when this happens, he knows what buttons to push for his ratings.
I think Anon 9:58 is FN urging on. He is so disappointed with you, he hasn't commented on the link you posted. I thought FN might have appreciated it too.
There should be a picture of a deadbeat dad on this post too!
As long as we rear boys to be players and girls to be played this bs will continue
Boys are bred to sow wild oats and break hearts
Girls are bred to rear stray babies solo and live wounded
Girls are forced to be chaste
Boys are encouraged to be gigolos
Sexism and macho hedonism breed turbo breeding
Birth control is a relic and sex is a random sport
I am proud to be 47 so that I remember sex as an act of love and birth control as mandatory sex tool…
Most pookies actuall make a baby with each man/woman they date!
Solo mothers/absent dads once bred kings
Now these turbo pookies breed fertile woman hating frogs
Thus, the male pookies have grown even more random and ruthless
" I was born in the south. I had four sisters and one brother ...That meant that I had five siblings and my brother had five slaves"
Paraphrased from feminist Scholar, Author, Womanist, Professor Bell Hooks
Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood
Mothers rear daughters and raise boys.
Girls are bred to be humane. Boys are bred to be wild. Girls are ordered to be virgins while boys are encouraged to be whores. Girls' friends are screened while boys are allowed to run buck wild. Teen pregnancy is the fallout. Girls have sex with boys they love, as instructed, and give birth to their babies. These same boys perpetually sow wild oats, as instructed. This toxic and genocidal imbalance will continue until we teach girls to cherish their selves, lives, freedoms, and sexual prowess precisely as boys do. Boys must be taught that there is nothing divine about being players, and that their sperm is equally divine as girls' wombs.
Pathetic sons become pathetic lovers and spouses.
Sorry men who never grow up expect lovers to be surrogate doting and coddling mothers rather than partners or spouses. A man who never takes care of himself will never take care of anyone else, including his own bastard children.
Grandchildren created by sons are loved unconditionally.
Boys are allowed to breed with subhuman "baby mamas" from hell. Their demon seeds are loved and embraced unconditionally. If these children are male, they are especially adored. Girls who choose to breed with similarly subhuman and demonic "baby daddies" are usually harassed and rejected. Their children are loved reluctantly and nominally. Daughters who are inept parents are criticized and despised. Boys who are inept or even absentee parents are excused and defended.
A man really has to hate a woman to leave her solo with his kid/s
Gender hatred breeds turbo breeding
I am proud to be 47 as I was taught that sex could always make a baby….so do not have sex with someone who would not also make a great father
I still practice that golden rule even as a lesbian who will never be a birth mom/never wants to parent any children…I have never had “casual sex”
All sex is always spiritual for me and I never dated women whom I did not truly want to share spirits with…It is a rule of tantric sex and cosmic connection… My wife is my soulmate…
An abused abandoned “baby mama” is clearly not a spiritual sacred love….shame on the fertile emotional vampires who turbo breed!!!
Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Caruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”. This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.
to all haters assnons mammies and fools:
i respect the truth from ANY source
so should YOU
that includes the truths i tell about that lying hoax hobama!!!
get over me and hobama ASAP!!!!
agm/mammy maid "blogger":
i was never in the contest
i am far too radical and tell far too many truths
but i can tell from your bitchy tiny dig that YOUR "blog" made it
mareally a racist blogless cave bitch:
where is your blog????????
do you REALLY think i care what any witless whore/black dregs' maytags thinks of my blog???
really u brazen bimbo????
notice how the house nigs are more concerned with insulting me than congratulating u???
kudos king!!!
you earned it!
especially as u allow these morons haters fools and faceless assnons to freely spew such nig bs daily
hobama nazi wino:
there is nothing worse than you cheese brained kool-aid drunken mfs who are still swilling the moonshine that cia baby is brewing in dc...
u r my greatest inspirations
if i attacked black women as much as i defend and revere us...maybe i would win some blog awards too huh???
regal smile
what total sexist bs!!!
stop blaming feminists for what men do
even feminists cannot impregnate themselves u fool!
there is nothing feminist about turbo breeding!
feminists love and use birth control and work topay their own bills!!!
pissy haters and envious illiterate mammy maid nig fools:
i just saw the list at the root
kudos fn
yours is the best on the list!!!!
most listed are blogs never heard of...ie
who is sanura weathers...god she is gorgeous!!!...omg!
she made my day!!!
i will see her blog asap
i did not see one gay blog
a lot of great black blogs are GLARINGLY missing!
many that i adore and visit daily
the black agenda report &
sandra rose are not there?????
& these are 2 of
very best black blogs online ever!
i am in great company....thanks!!!
Love how wite wingnuts mansplain about children...when they should have some sort of sex first.
Although it make you wee lads feel importanterate and 'expert'...your dearth of basic knowledge of relationships and child rearing is telling.
But, do go on mansplaining to us exactly how we girls is stupid and does it wrong. We'll pretend to listen...as we don't want to hear you whine about how bad you have it.
White folks have this too. Look at the recently deceased Liz Taylor. Or the numerous infotainment babes who switch partners with a frequency associated with...being a silly youth.
Of course, wingnuts who live in Mom's Basement would LOVE a no-divorce universe. Means the girl could never leave. She would be the replacement cook, maid, servant, and confidant. Mom really doesn't want to know about what MILFs are.
Check out the Snowbilly rate of Bristol births. When the future is total suck (thank you st reagan!) why defer? While the less intelligent beleeverate it is caused by meager and stingy welfare outlays...it is more a response to a rational view of possible options.
Pandagon has a slew of Nice Guy(tm) and MRA fakery memes that undeveloped whelps use. And the scams were repeated here...hoping that, like wingnuts, the readership was woefully insular. If you are going to be parrots...don't be surprised when humans notice that you are repeating the drivel...verbatim...and show both an adherence to discredited dogma and a rather glaring unfamiliarity with the dynamics of human interactions.
I used to raise rabbits that exhibited this same behavior....and I got got stuck with ALL the babies!
adding sanura to my new fav blog list
thanks haters!
i love latinos
they are some of my best students and parents
but your posts often remind me of my 2 chef baby bros who lament racist latinos who have culinary arenas on lock nationwide...
i just read a great book by a king u would love
he laments the
"Field, I don't know why you want to go there. This entire thread is going to turn into another free for all frenzy attack on black women. Thanks a lot."
Simply amazing.
LAA, how about for once a little self-reflection from the sisterhood?
You and the protofemme gang have no problem pointing fingers at and beating up on brothers but you are pathologically defensive about any criticism of black women.
I promise that I will not partake in any bf bashing today.
This is a complicated issue.
But for once I would love to see you or one of the other sisters on here talk about what sisters themselves can do to rectify this situation.
i always do
just as u always lie
seen this fn?
all hos flock together
dl hos too
a ho in hobama's posse just got busted!!!
UTS, Science-based Sex Ed in school. Parents to encourage their daughters to be all they can be. Socialist government voting habits. Meaningful work available to all.
Wonder if the eveelBlackMens Club is equally derisive towards Charlie Sheen...or the pedophile Epstein...or any rock/country male musician?
uptownsteve said...
"This is a complicated issue."
10:36 AM
I had no idea screwing was so complicated.
Thank you Mold.
Let me add a couple.
How about taking responsibility for your temple which is YOUR BODY.
Stop posturing as a victim.
You are the boss of your own body and don't allow anyone to enter it unprotected or uncommitted.
"Check out the Snowbilly rate of Bristol births"
Nice point.
Only when the Bristol Palins of the world get knocked up at 16 they get rich from it.
"A man really has to hate a woman to leave her solo with his kid/s"
Kudos on that entire post Alicia.
It was great and soooo true.
Great post,AB!!!!!
Anonymous said...
"But, do go on mansplaining to us exactly how we girls is stupid "
moldilox, you've been outed has a man.Stoping pretending to be a girl.
A sad man living on SS/Medicare.Its so sad to be molded.
UTS, little cognitive dissonance with the abstinence crowd....don't have two babies...because if you do
You get to be on National TV
You get to win a talent contest despite not doing the work.
You get a house.
You get a nanny to watch the kid while you go play.
You get paid $500K for 'something'.
You get acting jobs.
You have Governor Mom take the first kid...it is 'special'..and the taxpayers will now foot more of the bill.
You get to travel.
You get to move out of the slum.
Not exactly the typical experience for a teen BabyMommy.
uptownsteve said...
"Check out the Snowbilly rate of Bristol births"
Nice point.
Only when the Bristol Palins of the world get knocked up at 16 they get rich from it.
Jealous much?
Oh wait, moldilox pretending top be black?
u prove u truly hate women
each time u post such one sided imbalanced bs
ditto for all MEN who spray sperm like soda and make babies like they are urine samples!...
men need to protect their fertile wild bodies too!!!
i will never be a mom
but if i had a son and daughter i would teach them that their organs/bodies/eggs/sperm/love/hearts...are EQUALLY sacred!!!
my 2 bros are both rich chefs because my parents taught us ALL to cook...
my own cool parents were like the FBI/SS with me sexually...but let my YOUNGER bros run wild sexually
that is a SEXIST DAMNING ill that knows NO boundaries of race/class
and that is why boys and girls will continue to turbo breed in america
most dads encourage their sons to be whores and their daughters to be virgins!...a recipe for heartbreak and turbo breeding!
alice walker is renowned for her prose and novels
but her BEST work is rare nonfiction essays etc
alice walker has written some classic prose about the same hedonist sexist bs and her bros in:
I quote a man...so that makes me male? That's Goober Logic for you. The whole piece was in Booman Tribune...which is easily found using Google or Wikipedia.
Oh...by saying the magic terms...and names...that makes you smarter? How about doing the work?
"Jealous much?"
I guess about as jealous as you are that Michael Vick is back in the NFL kicking ass and making millions.
But at least he has talent.
UTS, little cognitive dissonance with the abstinence crowd....don't have two babies...because if you do
You get to be on National TV
You get to win a talent contest despite not doing the work.
You get a house.
You get a nanny to watch the kid while you go play.
You get paid $500K for 'something'.
You get acting jobs.
You have Governor Mom take the first kid...it is 'special'..and the taxpayers will now foot more of the bill.
You get to travel.
You get to move out of the slum.
Not exactly the typical experience for a teen BabyMommy.
got any similarly sexist bs to post about all those nba/nfl fools who do not even bother to protect their rich famous male whore bodies/million dollar sperm they randomly spew like soda too?????
shame on u u sexist dog!
"ditto for all MEN who spray sperm like soda and make babies like they are urine samples!..."
But they wouldn't be able to spray the damn sperm if the woman said "you will not enter MY BODY unprotected or without a ring."
At what point is the woman not a victim and responsible for herself????
Can you answer that?
"got any similarly sexist bs to post about all those nba/nfl fools who do not even bother to protect their rich famous male whore bodies/million dollar sperm they randomly spew like soda too?????"
No sympathy for them at all.
Nor for the golddigging skanks who actively seek to get knocked up by pro athletes so they can get PAID.
only sexist mfs like u pretend women are raping all of these deadbeat dads
many women wake up pregnant because they really just needed a hug/to be held without sex
women crave real intimacy
deep talk
warm touch
but sexist dogs think intimacy = sex/foreplay...
and that is how turbo breeding happens
i see your sympathy is a lie too...
as u continue to bash the gold diggers rather than the legally married golden dogs in heat!!!
as u continue to bash the gold diggers rather than the legally married golden NASTY GERMY RUTHLESS RAW dogs in heat!!!
any rich bm whore who is not a gd fool would be monogamous or wear 3condoms always!!!
UTS, Vick also paid his debt to society. Guess some witey weenies need to see 'strange fruit' real bad. Like now. Just because.
Back to the post.
It is easy for subsidized wingnuts to fake tears over the pathologies of AfAm poverty in the eveelbigcity...but you will note that they avoid the same issues concerning white Appalachia. While I sneer at the willful ignorance of Goobers and Heeyucks...I feel empathy for the Hillbillies who toil in obscurity and abject indigence. Both subgroups have a lot of the same problems. Lack of decent work, diminished opportunity, extensive barriers to socioeconomic mobility, and a distrust of others brought on by the violence of past atrocities.
Funny how BillO forgets to mention the awareness of the Appalachian poor that he most certainly would have encountered in school and in the MSM. But that would put paid to the fantasy of the witeGlorious 50s.
the woman is rarely a victim when she chooses a mate who is NOT a victimizer!
it takes 2 to turbo breed!
any woman who dates a married man/marries a man she took from another woman is a gd fool
if she thinks he will not cheat on her too!!!
2 people are to blame for EVERY SINGLE turbo bred child!!!
UTS, note how all AfAms are 'animalistic'? That they alone have uncontrollable urges? Wasn't that the subject of a DW Griffith re-write of history? So wite racist a meme.
If you have to be a BabyMommy, it is far better to be impregnated by a rich donor. And if there are lots of willing consensual adults...why are we worried?
It is the old 'what is in it for me' query. Why should an uneducated, low-skill, no talent teen defer sex? What is the cost-benefit...for them?
They need a buy-in...what does our society offer? The job..shipped overseas by wingnut Masters to bust unions. Marriage...pretty much a loser for women as they are doing double duty. Waiting....Bristol and Jamie Lynn Spears did quite OK by being active and unprotected.
Wonder what will work.
sexist fool court jester uts:
read some wisdom from a real king
who never blames women for what MEN do!!!
I recently read a very interesting story about how so many black athletes are being hammered by the financial devastation of child support. Their paychecks are getting zapped to nothing, only to buy Coach purses and hair weaves for the women who’ve had their children. Perhaps the sex was good enough to justify the misery, but I’ve never had sex that good.
My advice to young black men and black athletes is pretty simple:
- Have all the fun you want, just learn to do things in moderation. Getting wasted at the club will only get you arrested, and sleeping with every cute girl you see will only give you unwanted pregnancies, massive child support payments and a long list of venereal diseases.
- If you’re not ready to be faithful to your wife, then don’t get married. This is not a morality judgement, it’s a financial one. Why pay millions of dollars to get out of a relationship for doing the things you can do freely as a single man? I’m not condoning one lifestyle over another, but Tiger Woods paid $100 million dollars for sleeping with other women. Had he been a single man, no one would have cared who he was sleeping with.
Perhaps it’s time to wake up. Some of us think that it’s ok to have children in any situation without any concern for the future of that child. But it’s up to those of us who know differently to help educate those who do not. The worst parts of hip hop culture that promote irresponsible behavior have to be confronted and replaced by something that makes a bit more sense. At the very least, brothers who don’t want to be broke might want to realize that having a long list of baby’s mamas is the quickest way to the poor house. When child support comes through and eats your paycheck like Pacman, you’re going to wish you were dead.
haters and safe tame vapid apolitical hobama nazi fluffy puffy fools:
here is yet another of MANY great black blogs missing from the list at the root
to each their own...
and here is the VERY best black gay blog on the net EVER which is also missing from that list
maria said...
i urge everyone to take a look at the list of 30 top black bloggers. i am happy to see richard prince, jack and jill and racialicious and t-c.
i'd like to note i did NOT see ab's "blog" among those named. what a shocker!
congrats to field and the others.
also, the comments suck, sorry. go away for a few days and then come back and you'll see what i mean. that rating might have been based on when there were different, more civil commenters.
maria is on a war path that stank breaf fool banks aint shyt in real life nor even online the only thing she do is come here every day and type up a buncha shyt of course if she was doing shyt in real life she wouldnt have time to post on this blog nine ten comments in a row about bullshyt shes a paid liar and shill and a fraud
hey toots hows about proof of ur allegedly high 250 iq?
theres no proof but shes too gottdam idiotic to admit it we all know shes a fool and a liar eyem surprised she hasnt killed herself since people who do this type of shyt are notoriously miserable and if she offed herself eye wouldnt shed a phukkin tear not one
"who cares about ur gottdam fagisms ya qunteating dipshyt!"
I care. I enjoy the blog in question. I visit it every day.
mammy maid unlicked uneducated blogless turbo breeder vdlr/msr:
where is your blog??????
no shock that you are too vulgar and illiterate to have one on ANY list!
cc your moronic envious bs to mareally yo miss anne ninny nig!!!
these blogless fools are bugging out!!!
it is not rocket sci/grammies/oscars
it is just one list from one blogger at one site
kudos to all listed!!!
AB is setting the fields on fire!!!
AB...speaking of diseases...how that nasty case of Hoof & Mouth disease coming along? (sorry about that...didn't know you could get it, as long as I was wearing a rubber)
kid said...
The first thing we have to remember is that we are some of the strongest people on earth. Who could take the shit that we have and not go crazy.
Was just telling someone the exact same thing the other day. We take our lumps then adapt, overcome and keep it moving.
What we have to do is have our media, our music, our artist, put this into the peoples heads and embed it. From the prison to the church, to the schools embed it like Mao. You invent a reality and LIE to the people about it. I remember when "A Different World" was on MOST of the black people I know was going to college. We believed it.
100% co sign. I remember back in the late 80's early to mid 90's the cool thing to do was go to college, especially HBCU's because of "A Different World" and "The Cosby Show" To be honest I think those 2 shows alone propelled/encouraged Blacks to go to college. College was perceived as cool then and in my small circle of family and friends it still is.
We have to pound our propaganda into our people like Fox does with bigots, LIE.
Again 100% cosign.
Anonymous said...
Rttnkid, "**munching popcorn**"
Besides sex addiction, we are also plagued with food addiction. We really have some 'big' problems.
Brother Anon
12:37 AM
I have a swimmers body, eat good, I'm not worried about it. Sex and food are good if only taken in "careful" moderation.
Anonymous said...
Rottnkid said...
**munching popcorn**
12:15 AM
Hope you took out your grill, your breath stanky enough as it is...
FN thats a good topic for your next blog, why a brutha gotta brush his teets and why so many have the stankass bref.
2:17 AM
The last time I check it's been since my teens that I wore "fronts" (I'm old school) and that was in the 80's and even then you knew not to wear them everyday and to also brush your teeth with more frequency through out the day but thank you for your concern.
PS. I still have all my teeth but with your pronouncing of the word "bref"" and "teet" you might want to heed your own advice before the rest of YOUR "teet" fall out. C'mon man, stop it already....
more on that cia baby hobama
In addition to the questions over the Social Security number, Taitz raises other questions.
"Further records from the Student Clearing House show even more shocking evidence. In his memoirs and multiple speeches Obama wrote that he studied for two years at Columbia University September 1981-May 1983. He admitted that in summer of 1981 he traveled to Pakistan to visit his friends, but repeatedly claimed that from September 1981 until May of 1983 he resided in New York and studied at Columbia," she wrote in the complaint.
(But she explained she obtained indicating Obama was not at Columbia during that entire time.
"Columbia official records show him attending Columbia university only for nine months September 1982-till May 1983 (Exhibit 3)," she wrote.
The exhibit is an image of a printout from the result of an online search of the National Student Clearinghouse database.
Read more: Did Obama 'miss' 1 year of Columbia classes? http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=283965#ixzz1Ir97G7us
severely retarded vdlr:
i knew u were posting as mr ed even BEFORE u pasted your retardation twice
u r a braying buffoon!!!!!
Kid, "The first thing we have to remember is that we are some of the strongest people on earth. Who could take the shit that we have and not go crazy. We all know why there are several fathers and one mother."
What makes you think we are some of the strongest people on earth? If that is the case, why are we still last, self-hating, and afraid of dying?
Hell, if we were so strong we wouldn't be in the MESS we are in. No Kid, we are one of the weakest because, as you said,
"Who could take the shit that we have and not go crazy."
BTW, we ARE CRAZY. Do you think anyone could take the shit we have taken without going crazy, and being afraid? GET REAL. The ONLY thing you can brag about is the shit Blacks talk. But everybody knows we are all mouth and no action.
Other groups wouldn't stand for one-tenth of the shit given to Blacks over the centuries- and you know it. In fact, we are so used to taking shit that we give each other shit. Yet, we are very supportive and kind to others who don't give a damn about us.
Illegal immigrants, Mexicans, Israelis, Muslims, Latinos, and Asians all can't stand us. We support everybody EXCEPT Blacks.
So your reasoning is totally deluded but commonly found the fantasizing minds of bm. Yep, you are definitely crazy.
more on the racist abotion madness here
The number of non-Hispanic whites fell in 46 states and 86 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas. In 10 states, white children are now a minority among their peers, including six that tipped between 2000 and 2010. Others will follow soon: In 23 states, minorities make up more than 40% of the child population.
The number of black and Native American children declined as well, but by a far smaller degree than whites, according to an analysis of 2010 Census data to be released Wednesday by the Brookings Institution, a left-leaning think tank in Washington. The Census Bureau released the first results of its once-a-decade head count of U.S. residents, regardless of citizenship, late last year; over subsequent months, Census released state and local data.
AB, you didn't need to be featured The Root's "30 Bloggers You Should Know" circle jerk.
Everyone already knows who you are.
Alleged field negro's are living this comment section because they know they can't match your knowledge.
Don't let the fakers,pretenders, or wannabes get you down.
the more they hate me
the more i shine!
& the more certain i am doing warrior wk!
most people hate anyone who tells the truth
espcially nig and wig haters
see more rebel wisdom from and routine slurs about truth teller bill c here
i love cos!
he is a hero!!!
“There’s something about us missing pictures,” Cosby said. “Something about us misinterpreting things. I understand the picture of slavery, let us not forget that it was some Black people who pointed out where we were hiding…” — a line that got dutiful laughs.
“You know, I just get tired of people saying we were kings and queens. Yes. And, we were people who squealed on where we were hiding. So they could stay back there and eat well. And, it hasn’t changed.”
uts, "But for once I would love to see you or one of the other sisters on here talk about what sisters themselves can do to rectify this situation."
Develop some self-worth and stop spreading legs for every losing tom and dick that comes along. I bet that would rectify a lot of things for the bf. It would help the losers too cause they would realize that NOBODY wants to fuck an irresponsible loser let alone have his baby.
more from cos:
“I’m 73 years old, …I never thought I’d see the day when I’d have to have my people taught how to parent,”
kudos to donald t
he is still slaying hobama
kudos to ALL dissenters against the most corrupt bankster prez in history!!!!!
sexist elitist tragic uts:
there is NO excuse for your GENERIC blindness and ignorance
Anonyous 12:44 PM
Stop the nonsense.
You aren't black.
You're just another one of the angry resentful heeyucks who hang around this black blog to heckle black folks in ways you don't have the balls to face to face.
Wow AB,
You have donned the headrag and are gleefully doing the Aunt Jemima shuffle these days, aren't you?
Now you're jigging for that racist Donald Trump?????
AB, thanks for the link on Bill Cosby. I feel he is one, if not the only one with stature who has the courage to speak the truth about our condition. God bless him.
BTW, I always appreciate your comments. They are refreshing and I garner a lot from them.
BTW, you are really kicking ass today. You are taking No prisoners. Poor uts. He probably doesn't know what hit him. lol
Yeah, keep talking to yourself AB.
It's pathetic.
uptownsteve said...
Yeah, keep talking to yourself AB.
It's pathetic.
but thats what troll liar fools are for uts to do nothing but blither and blather about nothing but inanities and insanity
UTS, I visualize a wite racist Goober sitting in a lower-class ghetto inventerating Internet personas to sell racist Gooberish to equally deluded no-achievement Left Behinds. Then, in typical sockpuppetry, writes to bolster another one of the fakes...when it becomes clear we all know it is balding, pudgy wite dude silliness, no matter how much 'the Lady protests'.
Besides, the days of Heeyucks having the cover of Law for their mewlings are long since past. Note how brave they were when an AfAm could be lynched for breathing in public....and how that vaunted heroic bravery decreased when we could respond directly to taunts?
While some other-person-must-sacrifice Gooberish is sold to us as Village Seriousness...we do need to ask how to structure teen pregnancy in a way to prevent the stunting of childhood and to offer consistent positives. I do recall the shunting away of teenMoms to special areas. It was better for them in that the support was present and there was a visible consequence to behaviour.
Anonyous 12:44 PM
Stop the nonsense.
You aren't black.
You're just another one of the angry resentful heeyucks who hang around this black blog to heckle black folks in ways you don't have the balls to face to face.
1:19 PM
Oh I am Black alright...been that way all of my life. Most folks on FN who know me, can vouch for me cause I have been on FN for years. But I understand why you would think I am White. In your mind, if a nig isn't shucking and jiving, he can't be Black. On the other hand, there is no question that you are DEFINITELY straight from the hood but now are dressed up in suburban clothes. Moving to MD. hasn't expanded your mind one bit. You are such an idiot.
AB...speaking of diseases...how that nasty case of Hoof & Mouth disease coming along? (sorry about that...didn't know you could get it, as long as I was wearing a rubber)
that is really nasty the poor horse!
hanky headed pvt dl lap dancer 4 hobama beta male bitch nig uts:
u r unfit to shine donald trump's shoes
u r a hopeless arrogantly ignorant
colorist sexist hobama nazi drone
u will be hoplessly unchanged always u cocky coon
After doing 3 years time at 1801 Vine, don't even get me started. And I still have a Sociologist's interest (and suspicions about data and data interpretation) above and beyond caring for folk generally.
But I'm not going to get cranked up here. Instead I will congratulate you on the notice you got from "The Root." Way cool.
UTS, I visualize a wite racist Goober sitting in a lower-class ghetto inventerating Internet personas to sell racist Gooberish to equally deluded no-achievement Left Behinds. Then, in typical sockpuppetry, writes to bolster another one of the fakes...when it becomes clear we all know it is balding, pudgy wite dude silliness, no matter how much 'the Lady protests mildew
stacchi botrus is right in this case its so obvious this blog comment section has been overrun with trolls since about three years ago but now quntbreaf banks has a cadre of companions all telling her sweet nothings when she clearly has no other support here but those she invented with poor background stories like doctor queen aint even a doctor aint hold no doctoral degree yet sposed to be a 'doctah'nasty filthpiling trolls buceta breaf morons
Dear uts, anon12:44p and 1:33p are the same person and not even close to being AB, you moron.
i adore cosby
he is my hero
and he is a hero to ALL educators
no real men ever have any problem with real women...het or gay
and vice versa!
that peasant sexist colorist elitist clueless beta male bitch uts and that turbo breeding/bred vulgar dl butch dyke the vdlr will never tell any truths like the brave regal cos!!!
stacchi botrus is right in this case its so obvious this blog comment section has been overrun with trolls since about three years ago but now quntbreaf banks has a cadre of companions all telling her sweet nothings when she clearly has no other support here but those she invented with poor background stories like doctor queen aint even a doctor aint hold no doctoral degree yet sposed to be a 'doctah'nasty filthpiling trolls buceta breaf morons
anon thanks
everyone knows who the retarded serial cc posers and faceless assnons are here...
uts and the vdlr rule that silly bs always
uneducated unlicked unbeweavable vdlr:
poor mr ed endured ur rape of his precious man meat
ur desperation for man meat is abundantly clear now quntbreaf u even screw animals to satisfy the need
hobama really means u want to screw the president but havent a chance so instead u screw ur pet horse
u r a very nasty person!
bitch nig uts: quntbreaf banks paid troll
gee for someone with a 250 iq ude think ur insults would be zestier ya know like smart enough to be insulting and funny with a bit of seriousness but no profanity.............but ure so gottdam ignint u cant even write a post without calling someone a nig or a wig or an mf or a bitch
this does not sound like the vocabulary of an almost fifty year old genius
oh wait/////perhaps ure going senile and have forgotten everything u ever learned that could only be reason for ur filthy trolling of this blog each day
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of anything uve ever said? oh it doesnt exist kuntlicker
blindly sexist liar uts:
what does any female have to do with this classic "man" made disgrace/video???
Antonio Cromartie is known for many things: freakish athleticism, a disappointing NFL career after an impressive start, some off-field issues, money problems, and perhaps most notably, a boatload of children (seven kids, five paternity suits).
And on the most recent episode of “Hard Knocks,” Cromartie struggles to remember all the ‘lil Cros.
"Most folks on FN who know me, can vouch for me cause I have been on FN for years."
Yeah we all know anonymous. LMAO!!!
Or AB. Just as likely
"But I understand why you would think I am White. In your mind, if a nig isn't shucking and jiving, he can't be Black."
Just what is it that you call what you do on this board?
Because it sure isn't displaying any pride, character or intelligence.
YES. That's all you do is lie.
Would you like to see Obama's birth certificate AGAIN????
lying hanky headed jigging colorist sexist ignorant elitist euro original mf uts:
how dare u query anyone ever????
turbo breeder vdlr:
just because u cannot stay away from thug peen long enough to bathe or buy a condom....
do not assume that is the dreg life other real women live.
um...especially we regal lesbians u moron!
hell yes!
me dt and MILLIONS of others would love to see that bc
cc this to the posse of attys who have it under lock and key nig!!!
u posted this like you have his MISSING bc in a pink frame on your bedroom wall
further proof that u r truly a LOVESICK dl hobama nazi bitch
like hobama uts:
YOU LIE!!!!!!!
End the wars
Even as a candidate, Obama maintained that Afghanistan should be "the focus" of Bush's terror war, and he pledged to make it so. But the president was also swept into power on a wave of anti-war fervor behind his calls to end the occupation of Iraq. Iraq has calmed down quite a bit as U.S. troops steadily stream out of the country, but Afghanistan is more violent than ever amid Obama's own "surge."
Even though the president promised his Afghan occupation would conclude in July 2011, military officials have admitted that sometime in 2014 is more likely. Elsewhere, American forces are dropping more bombs on more countries today than at any point during the Bush administration, with continued occupation forces in two massive countries even as they stage aerial bombardments of Pakistan, Libya and Yemen.
. Health care for all
If you're an American making less than $30,000 a year, chances are you still have trouble seeing a doctor, despite the passage of President Obama's health care reform plan. In 2007, then-Senator Obama said he wanted to make sure no American is without access to vital medical attention and proposed using revenues from the soon-to-expire Bush tax cuts to fund it. When the campaign laid out their specific plans in 2008, they included a "public option" that would be paid for by the public at large and made available to anyone who could not obtain coverage through their employer or other public program.
Ultimately, the debate in Washington became so heated and rife with disinformation that the administration and its allies in Congress agreed to forgo the public option, using it as a bargaining chip to ensure other proposals, like ending the "pre-existing condition" exclusion in private insurance policies, were passed in the final bill. They also gave in to Republican demands and extended the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, promising to take on the issue again in 2012. In spite of the modest legislative victory of actually getting health reform passed, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that even after all the elements take effect in 2014, over 22 million Americans will still lack access to basic health services.
Okay folks here it is again.
that is not the lONG FORM U FOOL!!!
read/research much????
Mr. Abercrombie, a Democrat who was a friend of Mr. Obama’s parents and knew him as a child, opened an investigation last month into whether he could release more information about the president’s birth on Aug. 4, 1961. The governor said at the time that he was bothered by people who questioned Mr. Obama’s birthplace for political reasons.
But Mr. Abercrombie’s effort reached a dead end when Mr. Louie told him the law restricted his options.
Hawaii’s privacy laws have long barred the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone without a tangible interest.
The media-starved sycophantic liberal Governor of Hawaii who swore to ‘unveil‘ Obama’s birth certificate, just had his bluff called:
(WND) Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president’s chances of re-election in 2012.
So far, the only birth document available on Obama is a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth that first appeared on the Internet during the 2008 presidential campaign. It was posted by two purportedly independent websites that have displayed a strong partisan bias for Obama –Snopes.com released the COLB in June 2008, and FactCheck.org published photographs of the document in August 2008.
Bad! BALD!!
Now, AB....be honest. You know you were so busy with your face in that feedbag, you never even bothered to turn around and see what a lovely mane I had!
more proof of your god's gayness.
Yet Perry's book documents Malcolm X's many gay experiences. A schoolmate, Bob Bebee, recalls the day they stumbled on a local boy jerking off. Malcolm, Bebee recalled, ordered the youth to masturbate him, and subsequently boasted he had given him oral sex. Later, from the age of 20, Malcolm had sex with men for money - as hinted at in Spike Lee's 1992 biopic - and he had at least one sustained sexual liaison with a man. While living in Flint, Michigan, his roommate noticed that instead of sleeping in the room they were sharing, Malcolm sneaked down the hall to spend the night with a gay transvestite named Willie Mae.
In New York, two of Malcolm's friends from Michigan remember bumping into him at the YMCA, where Malcolm bragged he earned money servicing "queers". Later, Malcolm worked as a butler to a wealthy Boston bachelor, William Paul Lennon. According to Malcolm's sidekick Malcolm Jarvis, he was paid to sprinkle Lennon with talcum powder and bring him to orgasm. Perry suggests that Malcolm's gay encounters may not have been entirely financially motivated. His masculine insecurities and ambivalence towards women fit the archetype of a repressed gay man and point to latent homosexuality.
I have been looking for another blog to follow since the "Undercover black man" passed. Congratz on the mention from the roots and I look forward to the discussion.
my two cents. With a 51 percent divorce rate you will have a high percentage of multiple father households...just saying.
like that manchurian mystery cia baby hobama uts:
YOU LIE!!!!!!!
until THE authentic long form is FINALLY released by hobama's attys = BIRTHERS ARE...WINNING!!!!
get over that u lovesick hobama nazi LOSER!!!
But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.
And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
He said efforts were still being made to track down definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii.
And he again promised he would do 'what I can do' to publicly verify that records show Obama was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United States, making him eligible to be President.
The Governor vowed when he took office in December that he would do his best to end the debate over Obama's
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1348916/Hawaii-governor-says-Obamas-birth-record-exists-produce-it.html#ixzz1Irelf4jB
racist dl dinge queen assnon:
mx was a gay hustler when he was a young amoral thug
he changed
u missed that...u mad?
he is STILL a model husband/dad/hero
bet u owe child support u spent on your dl top lover right now!!!
I'm unsure if the USA is similar to the UK but with a bit of number crunching, the numbers from the UK National Office of Statistics say:
Poor people have more kids.
It makes economic sense for a poor person to have kids young and more of them as this increases the chance of having a child who is economically more successful than the parents.
Having children by multiple partners is strongly correlated with being poor.
If the economic long term benefits of having a stable family are discounted, children by multiple partners increases the chances of one of them being better off than the parent. [Weird but true]
Conclusion. Poor people have an economic incentive to have children by multiple partners.
Cross checking this against race. I found the percentages were exactly the same for poor people across racial demographics white, black, asian [oriental in the UK], indian-pakistani, etc...
At least in the UK, there is no higher incidence of black people having multiple step-siblings despite what the media says. Black people do have a problem with being disproportionately poor.
Interestingly the benefit for children is slightly skewed towards women. Poor men do not increase their chances of having successful children by having multiple partners as much as women do. Hence it much be in the interest of future children for a poor man to sleep around more than a poor woman.
The benefits accrued this way are swept aside by the long term benefit of getting married and staying with a partner. It just takes a lot longer for the benefit to accrue. It seems the choice is either sleep around lots early in life and have many children thus increasing the probability that one or more of them is successful or stay with one partner and nurture fewer children.
Note that the long term strategy costs the parent more money but has a bigger end pay-off in the economic well being of the child.
A better conclusion. Poor people have an economic incentive to have children by multiple partners if they want a quick payoff.
fn/racist assnons:
i just finished this classic book about how quietly rosa parks was very radical and helped recy taylor a lot!!!
it also documents how and why black men will NEVER catch up with white rapists
and how many bros have been raped by/lynched over marias/kim ks
a must read!
Anonymous said...
UTS, note how all AfAms are 'animalistic'? That they alone have uncontrollable urges? Wasn't that the subject of a DW Griffith re-write of history? So wite racist a meme.
If you have to be a BabyMommy, it is far better to be impregnated by a rich donor. And if there are lots of willing consensual adults...why are we worried?
It is the old 'what is in it for me' query. Why should an uneducated, low-skill, no talent teen defer sex? What is the cost-benefit...for them?
They need a buy-in...what does our society offer? The job..shipped overseas by wingnut Masters to bust unions. Marriage...pretty much a loser for women as they are doing double duty. Waiting....Bristol and Jamie Lynn Spears did quite OK by being active and unprotected.
Wonder what will work.
UTS and MOLD, tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass.
Listen you two, what does society have to offer? Simple, accountability, when you see others who have kids actually being responsible for raising and supporting them and not being able to take from the rest of society or blame the rest of society for their choices, then guess what, people will have kids when they CAN not when they just want to fuck and screw it!!!
What in the hell alternate universe do you hail from where we have to bribe people to not fuck up their lives or WE get held acountable because their family parents or themselves haven't been bribed by society to do their job.
Don't have kids if you arent ready to be a parent, if you are not ready and you are a kid yourself, then most likely your kid will have a very difficult life and NO ONE owes this kid anything except you the one who decided to have sex and bear this child.
Now MOLD/Socrates, your a goddamn white man, stop with the insane gibberish. I want to throw up everytime I see your name because I know insanity follows with fake ebonics posted by a white man named socrates who says he is a granma named MOld who is a student yet says he has a wife and has also said he has spent 20 plus years in no less then seven professions. different professions.
sad life much? Pathological liar much? Well as least you found a soul mate in UTS.
walled in guard dog bitch nig uts:
break out of your gated hobama nazi cage asap!
The presumption that Barack Obama, no matter what he does or doesn't do, enjoys nearly unanimous black support is a veritable wall around the president. But who does it protect him against? Republicans? Banksters? Tea partyers, warmongers, torturers? Or black people and the left, his supposed base?
I tried to ask whether one man's career was really more important than the needs of forty million black people, what obligations candidate Obama would owe the black community, and how we might ensure these were fulfilled. But the pastor wasn't hearing any of this. All the obligations, in his view, seemed to flow from the bottom up, while the power flowed from the top down. It's never easy to stop a preacher on a roll.
As 2012 looms, the black wall around Obama remains a crucial asset. It's why his first campaign appearance will be on the arm of Al Sharpton. The pressure will be on to circle the wagons again, to build the wall higher. As the pastor predicted, the black wall around Barack Obama wall insulates the president against his foes, not from the right, but from the left. It protects the president not against the Pentagon, the banksters, the corporate thugs, the privatizers and the Republicans, all of whom he seems to get along with just fine --- but against us. It makes him democracy-proof and people-proof. It protects him against his own supposed base.
alicia banks said...
racist dl dinge queen assnon:
mx was a gay hustler when he was a young amoral thug
he changed
u missed that...u mad?
he is STILL a model husband/dad/hero
How can you be a model husband and hero when you got a white winky in your mouth and you are trying to get to the center of that tootsie pop? You know he loved the nice clean white boys right? Do you?? I beelevarate you do you krazy buceta bref sockpuppet
the vdlr/molded moron/msr/slob marley busted her serial schizo posers yet again at 3:16...
hey hobama lover liar uts:
anyone who hated gwb
but loves his blackish clone hobama
is a racist fool like you....shame!!!!!
ditto for that sold out permed out bottom bitch al s!!!!
hobama is gwb 2.0
But this most recent reversal was more than a politically necessary flip-flop of someone who must make overtures to the middle. Even though Holder still supports civilian trials for terrorists, his boss all but acknowledged that George W. Bush was correct in not bringing the detainees to the U.S.
Nor is this the only time Obama has validated Bush-era policy.
Despite his effort to demonize personal wealth and argue incessantly that the "rich" don't deserve a tax cut, Obama extended (reluctantly, but still) the Bush tax cuts for all Americans and touted the move as "a good deal for the American people." Notice the pattern? Come out hard against Bush policies, only to continue them. Call it political expediency if you want, but O sure is looking a lot like W.
The President's usage of a Bush blueprint isn't isolated to domestic issues, either. Obama has firmly embraced the notion of the previous administration that the U.S. will play a role - a military one, if necessary - in fostering democracy in the Middle East.
hey vdlr:
lebron j's mom is a pookie cougar
do she be some kin to u?
alicia banks said...
walled in guard dog bitch nig uts:
break out of your gated hobama nazi cage asap!
"The presumption that Barack Obama, no matter what he does or doesn't do, enjoys nearly unanimous black support is a veritable wall around the president. But who does it protect him against? Republicans? Banksters? Tea partyers, warmongers, torturers? Or black people and the left, his supposed base"?
AB Obama is plummeting with all races, including Blacks.
Once monolithic, blacks' support for the first African American president is still....
....immense. But for unclear reasons it's declined about 7% from well above 90% to 85% in March. That's a new low since Obama's inauguration 26 months ago.
Equally ominous for Obama in 2012, his approval among Hispanics, the nation's fastest-growing demographic, has also fallen to again tie his term low of 54%. That's a drop of 11 points from its early high of 65%.
Even Oprah will not publicy support Obama in 2012, while the LA Times report his approval rating is dropping fast with hispanics and gasp - the guarEnteeEEEEd you can count on us Black Vote. !!!!
hey peasant beta male uts:
man up nig!
that alpha male donald t has manned up and has his own attys on the REAL LONG FORM bc case
kudos to the don!
i hope so!
but my hate mail says otherwise daily
ditto for the hobama nazi assnons/uts herein
have u heard the rumor that hc may run and oprah may help her
this time...
Yeah, the rightwing LA Times sure has their finger on the pulse of the black community.
silly played out tunred out hobama nazi tricked drone uts:
labels are for cans
only morons like u are played by labels
peace = war
salvation = bombings
right = left
repub = dem
truth = rare & rarely labeled
hobama is counting on fools like you to ignore the truth tellers by labeling them to blind u
If the LA Times is "rightwing", then Al Sharpton is a KKK Grand Wizard!
colorist fool uts:
I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!!!
Unsealed search warrants in the Michael Jackson case reveal large quantities of general anesthetic and dozens of tubes of skin-whitening creams were among items found in the singer’s home after his death.
Investigators went to Jackson’s rented mansion June 29 following a lengthy interview with his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who told them he had placed a medical bag in a cupboard in a closet.
At the home, detectives found 11 containers of the powerful anesthetic propofol, some of them empty, as well as a range of sedatives and various medical items including a box of blood pressure cuffs, according to the warrants, which were redacted and unsealed Friday after The Associated Press filed a legal motion.
Gibson...giving in to your sadistic need to 'punish' others for crimes...specified by you....is very counterproductive. All that is accomplished is gratifying your deviant desires.
Another poster indicated it was an economic decison. Beleeverating that you are superior by gawd or by Social Darwinism...is still a false assumption. For it to be true, bush, the Quayles, Santorum, Toomey, Sarey and Bachmann would be rooting through the trash.
This is a Democratic society. We decide what is useful and good. This includes what to do with our fellow citizens who become pregnant at an early age.
Why do you pretend that others are me? Did I push the 'reveal sockpuppet' button too often for YOUR comfort?
If you really, really, really want to beleeve in fantasies...I will do much to dissuade you and share Truth.
I suspect your pain is from open discussion and your abject inability to foist violence upon my person...as it is quite obvious I am correct in a great many things. Perhaps it is time to become Reality-based. I do not expect a transition to Liberal or Progressive views. I do expect that all conservative notions will be grounded in Fact and observable evidence...NOT faith, NOT dogma.
hobama is a ruthlessly amoral snake
he is also smart enough to know that he must do ALL he can to secure actual votes beyond his selection
people are way too angry/broke/homeless/jobless/dazed/dejected...for hobama just pull another blatant coup/theft as his cuz king shub/gwb 2004 coup
and he is blackish
so he could get popped/checked for doing what gwb did
so even beyond his second selection in 2012
hobama has to make it look really good
if he can make it look like the bad repubs shut down his good govt
it just may work his hioax mojo anew in 2012
it may also backfire in the worst way
as i hope and pray for!!!
3. Barack Obama is not Bill Clinton.
Asked why a shutdown might play to Democrats’ advantage, strategists on both sides of the aisle boil it down to two words: “bully pulpit.” It’s easier for the president to get his message out than it is for anyone else. The Obama administration has sometimes appeared reluctant to use that platform—witness, for example, its passive posture for much of the health-care debate—but has also sometimes stepped up, as it did in cutting a deal to extend the Bush tax cuts. One would expect Obama would make a strong case in the event of a shutdown. But would that help him in the longer term? Political scientist Brendan Nyhan points out that the shutdown didn’t really have much impact on Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign, contrary to popular recollection. But also contrary to popular recollection, nearly half the public felt more negative about him because of the shutdown. Luckily for him, six out of 10 felt more negative about the Republicans, too. Vin Weber argues that Obama does best when things are happening—as in the lame-duck session, when the president irked conservatives (with repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell) and liberals (with the tax-cut deal) alike—so a screeching halt to the work of government might be uniquely bad for him
hey evasive adoring hobama nazi nig uts:
excuse the typos....hectic day!
a nominee for FNOTD kudos!!!
very cool!!!
kudos to ar rebels!!!!
Gibby, why are you quoterating a known liar?
I'd list more...but the point should be pretty clear...he is a biased shill for wingnut causes and should be treated as such. Would it be that you know we would reconsider his 'wishful hoperating' statements about the decrease in Hispanics favorable to Obama. Talk about GOP wish lists!
Just make it up and the Goobers will beleeve.
gated walled in clueless uts:
visit a POOR black hood asap!!!
How do we encourage positive behaviours among young women? Having decent work is one option. Raising wages is another.
As far as genetic diversity with multiple donor families...we could do what the old time folks did and have the entire village do the child rearing. Ummm...it helps if your knowledge of Sociology is taken from real texts and examples.
The nuke-u-lar fambly is a recent and odd addition to the human family structure. Perhaps we should look to what was done in Africa.
How can you be a model husband and hero when you got a white winky in your mouth and you are trying to get to the center of that tootsie pop? You know he loved the nice clean white boys right? Do you?? I beelevarate you do you krazy buceta bref sockpuppet anon
thanks for taking over in me absinse now er ah u forgot that its buceta breaf not bref muah muah muah
need slaps:
file this under
white pedophile pookie child killers
mold "Perhaps we should look to what was done in Africa."
great idea. let's live in shit huts covered with flies. forget that the nuclear familiy is the basis of any advanced civilization. what a retard.
needs slaps:
file under
preppy white pookies
sergio said...
mold "Perhaps we should look to what was done in Africa."
Isn't that the whole problem, trying to live in America as if you were in some village in Africa?
mold - How do we encourage positive behaviours among young women? Having decent work is one option. Raising wages is another.
As far as genetic diversity with multiple donor families...we could do what the old time folks did and have the entire village do the child rearing.
Matriarchal societies are retrograde. They are soon outcompeted by strong patriarchal cultures. That's why there are no matriarchal cultures around for very long. That's why everything is shit in the hood.
more sanity from the VERY best black celeb gossip site online EVER
more sanity from the VERY best black celeb gossip site online EVER quntbreaf banks
gee miss educated oh sorry miss fraudulent liar banks- that sounds better yes miss fraudulent liar banks how ever do u know about sanity? the bullshyt u post here on a daily basis shows ure out a ur mind k u ntlickin moron!
another interracial adoption of a bf baby left behind by some fertile clone of nig uts!
Seems to me that it's a lot easier to raise kids by yourself, if you have enough money to do it. If you ask me, a man is just trouble and work.
my favorite answer to this question:
Why buy the pig when you can get the sausage for free, lol.
Congratulations on your award.
mrs.howl said...
Why buy the pig when you can get the sausage for free, lol.
mold always says why buy the dog when you can get the "lipstick" for free. Same idea I guess.
Anonymous said...
Gibson...giving in to your sadistic need to 'punish' others for crimes...specified by you....is very counterproductive. All that is accomplished is gratifying your deviant desires.
Another poster indicated it was an economic decison. Beleeverating that you are superior by gawd or by Social Darwinism...is still a false assumption. For it to be true, bush, the Quayles, Santorum, Toomey, Sarey and Bachmann would be rooting through the trash.
This is a Democratic society. We decide what is useful and good. This includes what to do with our fellow citizens who become pregnant at an early age.
Why do you pretend that others are me? Did I push the 'reveal sockpuppet' button too often for YOUR comfort?
If you really, really, really want to beleeve in fantasies...I will do much to dissuade you and share Truth.
I suspect your pain is from open discussion and your abject inability to foist violence upon my person...as it is quite obvious I am correct in a great many things. Perhaps it is time to become Reality-based. I do not expect a transition to Liberal or Progressive views. I do expect that all conservative notions will be grounded in Fact and observable evidence...NOT faith, NOT dogma.
I shouldnt even answer this, I mean how can you answer something that only the mind of white male blogging as a black Grandma can fathom (totally nuckin futs)
Molilox/Socrates/Vulgar Anon
Someone being responsible for their life is not punishment as you think, it's natural, again what planet do you come from that you think someone else is responsible for your life and the choices you make?
Gratifying deviant desires...do you have any clue what the hell you write? You sound like a three year old drooling all over himself. Wanting people to do better and make good choices so they can have a good life is deviant? Only to asswipes like you who want people to have fucked up lives.
As for the real sockpuppet buttnn your so demented you don't even realize that everyone knows who you are now. I see your posting as the vulgar anon cursing and doing what you do best when your childish nature gets frustrated. Why don't you go change your underoos and take your medicine and get rid of that shitty feeling.
You are nothing but a skidmark on the underwear of life.
AB - I did hear about Oprah possibly backing Hillary. I am hearing (reading) this in a lot of places, Its starting to sound more and more possible. I think Obama is done, he is so incompetent that not one issue has he handled at all let alone competently.
Rin Tin Boner said...
mrs.howl said...
Why buy the pig when you can get the sausage for free, lol.
mold always says why buy the dog when you can get the "lipstick" for free. Same idea I guess.
5:56 PM
MolD/Socrates you are absolutely whacked in the head. Like I said, go change your underoos and get rid of that shitty feeling. I have to go brush my teeth as seeing your shit again I threw up.
Your a disgusting little pervert!!!!
Nice fantasies lads. While your wite ancestors were interbreeding with their sisters and dying off in massive sewage-caused epidemics, Africans were doing quite well. Oh, that's right. You are ignorant of history...as it only began with the ascendancy of st reagan.
As far as matriarchal...they are quite stable and have lasted for millenia. Nuclear families are a recent occurrence and if you asked your cheap labour migrant Grands, they could instruct you in what was the more common family structure. Or...you could pretend. Matriarchies lasted up until the time teeny appendaged Left Behinds forced patriarchy...with the use of firearms. Yes...the system you thinkerate is superior...has to be placed by killing off a large percentage of the population. Says a lot about the debating skills and relative merits of what you hold dear. And you have to sleep in separate quarters, forever.
Wonder what your ilk will do now that all 'races' have guns...and some have nukes?
African methods, despite the disparagement of a high school breathing certificate holder, have been successful. What can we import to the US to assist us in making Bristol Palins less common? How do we encourage the deferment of childbearing? What cues should be placed for this? Do we set up a more matriarchal society? Do we consider more 'village' extended families?
gosh ure dense miss fraudulent educator banks the only thing come out yer mouth is nig nig nig wig wig wig mf mf mf bald headed hobama wig nig mf bald headed nig nig wig mf nig 250 250 250 mf mf mf nig nig nig wig wig wigbitch nig bitch nig bitch nig nig bitch nig bitch nig bitch nig nig bitch nig bitch nig bitch nig nig bitnig nig nig wig wig wig mf mf mf bald headed hobama wig nig mf bald headed nig nig wig mf nig 250 250 250 mf mf mf nig nig nig wch nig bitch nig bitch nig
Gibby, now you have to write so that you can respond...to yourself?
Note how you avoided any valid point and went straight for the ad hominem. Was I that correct? That you have nothing but yowling in pain and frustration?
Try Reality.
Not only do you have the blessings of consistency and proof...you get to show where you have made a rational conclusion, based on observable evidence.
Throwing a hissy and blithering false claims is a Trashie response. You should do besser.
As far as me being a wite dude...that is simply 'yer one too' of a small child. While that was successful in Elementary, this is a bit later in the life cycle. Please keep up.
Remember, Reality and Facts are good.
mold ure idealising AFRIKER a bit eye figured eyed talk in british trash language where they add an er ending to all words that end in 'a' muah muah muah
but cmon do u really think Afriker is doing okay? cuz methought their sexual and relationship practices increase the spread of stds and aids methought that matrilineal societies that are also polygamous (majority of sub saharan afrikern countries) suffer from horrible sexual disease stats and also there are many children who are orphaned and or unwanted and are left to fend for themselves u can blame some of this on de wite man but other stuff may have been innate to some of those societies like slavery and subservient role of womens
stacchi botrus what is ur role here? if its to spread troof then ure only batting .500 nucka oh wait ure british though yall aint ha no clue on whats really goin on ya commie!
uptownsteve said...
Yeah, the rightwing LA Times sure has their finger on the pulse of the black community.
Hope you know the liberal tactics of obfuscation, discrediting the source instead of looking at hard facts so you can avoid acknowledging the truth do not work anymore. When you use these tactics you lose credibility instantly. Saul Alinsky's tactics have been all used up, Obamas smoke and mirror tactics are so, so clear when nothing gets done or resolved yet he has a lot of fingers to point or sources to discredit!!!!
mold ure idealising AFRIKER a bit eye figured eyed talk in british trash language where they add an er ending to all words that end in 'a' muah muah muah
but cmon do u really think Afriker is doing okay? cuz methought their sexual and relationship practices increase the spread of stds and aids methought that matrilineal societies that are also polygamous (majority of sub saharan afrikern countries) suffer from horrible sexual disease stats and also there are many children who are orphaned and or unwanted and are left to fend for themselves u can blame some of this on de wite man but other stuff may have been innate to some of those societies like slavery and subservient role of womens
stacchi botrus what is ur role here? if its to spread troof then ure only batting .500 nucka oh wait ure british though yall aint ha no clue on whats really goin on ya commie!
Anonymous said...
Gibby, now you have to write so that you can respond...to yourself?
Note how you avoided any valid point and went straight for the ad hominem. Was I that correct? That you have nothing but yowling in pain and frustration?
Try Reality.
Not only do you have the blessings of consistency and proof...you get to show where you have made a rational conclusion, based on observable evidence.
Throwing a hissy and blithering false claims is a Trashie response. You should do besser.
As far as me being a wite dude...that is simply 'yer one too' of a small child. While that was successful in Elementary, this is a bit later in the life cycle. Please keep up.
Remember, Reality and Facts are good.
NIce try nutcase, now you are saying that I am MOLD? Your a retard - put headcase retard on auto ignore!!!! .
Anonymous said...
mold ure idealising AFRIKER a bit eye figured eyed talk in british trash language where they add an er ending to all words that end in 'a' muah muah muah
See, more proof MOLD is the vulgar anon all along.
African methods are quite appropriate. I assume the dismay is from the colour of the participants. If that racism is your difficulty, perhaps one might try the Nordic, Germanic, or Latinate options. As easily shown, the nuke family is a recent and odd little structure. There are quite a few others far older. Still, what can we do to encourage the behaviours we wish to see. The old 'removal' seemed to be efficacious. As far as genetic diversity, I see the women as seeking love...and finding out the Goober has all the loyalty of Sarey. When the work arrives, they leave. There is the 'hot at 16, doofus at 22' idea. The lad who tickles the fancy of a 13 yo proves to be a Heeyuck when she is 21. All those real men she has met. Poor wingnut, he will always fail in a comparison test.
I propose a separation of pregnant teens into specialized schools where the intensive training for adulthood can be done and the focus could be severe. Science-based Sex Ed. Housekeeping, budgeting, childcare and work preparation could be the main goals. If the BabyMommy has academic ability, we could also assist in that regard.
However, the old wite method of procreation seems to have been forgotted by later generations. They might wish to review the actual situation...instead of pretenderating that they all were Lords in past lives.-smirk-
Yes, your forebears who were white did the nasty in as many permutations as were allowed...and a great many that were not.
While your owners kept 'chaste' for business purposes, your serf and peasant ancestors were doing the teen movie scenes. Duh.
Doubt me? Look it up. Proof, something anathema to wingnuts.
African methods are quite appropriate. I assume the dismay is from the colour of the participants. If that racism is your difficulty, perhaps one might try the Nordic, Germanic, or Latinate options. As easily shown, the nuke family is a recent and odd little structure. There are quite a few others far older. Still, what can we do to encourage the behaviours we wish to see. The old 'removal' seemed to be efficacious. As far as genetic diversity, I see the women as seeking love...and finding out the Goober has all the loyalty of Sarey. When the work arrives, they leave. There is the 'hot at 16, doofus at 22' idea. The lad who tickles the fancy of a 13 yo proves to be a Heeyuck when she is 21. All those real men she has met. Poor wingnut, he will always fail in a comparison test.
I propose a separation of pregnant teens into specialized schools where the intensive training for adulthood can be done and the focus could be severe. Science-based Sex Ed. Housekeeping, budgeting, childcare and work preparation could be the main goals. If the BabyMommy has academic ability, we could also assist in that regard.
However, the old wite method of procreation seems to have been forgotted by later generations. They might wish to review the actual situation...instead of pretenderating that they all were Lords in past lives.-smirk-
Yes, your forebears who were white did the nasty in as many permutations as were allowed...and a great many that were not.
While your owners kept 'chaste' for business purposes, your serf and peasant ancestors were doing the teen movie scenes. Duh.
Doubt me? Look it up. Proof, something anathema to wingnuts.
African methods are quite appropriate. I assume the dismay is from the colour of the participants. If that racism is your difficulty, perhaps one might try the Nordic, Germanic, or Latinate options. As easily shown, the nuke family is a recent and odd little structure. There are quite a few others far older. Still, what can we do to encourage the behaviours we wish to see. The old 'removal' seemed to be efficacious. As far as genetic diversity, I see the women as seeking love...and finding out the Goober has all the loyalty of Sarey. When the work arrives, they leave. There is the 'hot at 16, doofus at 22' idea. The lad who tickles the fancy of a 13 yo proves to be a Heeyuck when she is 21. All those real men she has met. Poor wingnut, he will always fail in a comparison test.
I propose a separation of pregnant teens into specialized schools where the intensive training for adulthood can be done and the focus could be severe. Science-based Sex Ed. Housekeeping, budgeting, childcare and work preparation could be the main goals. If the BabyMommy has academic ability, we could also assist in that regard.
However, the old wite method of procreation seems to have been forgotted by later generations. They might wish to review the actual situation...instead of pretenderating that they all were Lords in past lives.-smirk-
Yes, your forebears who were white did the nasty in as many permutations as were allowed...and a great many that were not.
While your owners kept 'chaste' for business purposes, your serf and peasant ancestors were doing the teen movie scenes. Duh.
Doubt me? Look it up. Proof, something anathema to wingnuts.
gibson ure a nutjob u know that mildew stacchi botrus over here aint the same as the vulgar anon nucka u be doing some drugs ya nasty sack of coffee dregs! gibson ure the same as laa fp aliciacuntbreaf banks and spc and wanted for war crimes and who da phukk ever else is a carpelickin supporter ya loser fraudulent qoohole! quntlickin banks!
Gibby, hoperating that your sockpuppetry can be denied by pretending I do the same is a failed gambit.
Show me where I am incorrect...I'm waiting.
karma is real
horrid overall ineptitude trumps endless love & racist amnesia!
have a great evening
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