Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hair today.......

First, let me start this post by saying that Rhonda Lee is a gorgeous woman. I was sad to hear that she lost her job at television station KKKTB3 in Shreveport, Louisiana (color me shocked) for responding to some racist ignoramus on Facebook.

How do I know that he is a racist?

Field Negro Exhibit-1:

"On November 14, a viewer named Kenny Moreland, whose Facebook profile picture is the Little Rascals‘ Buckwheat character with the caption “Buckwheat Say: O-Tay,” posted this comment on KTBS-TV's Facebook page:
Not to start any trouble, because I think that the annual “Three Minute Smile” is a great function and I love to see kids so happy. Am I the only one that has noticed that this year, all the kids, lets say, are people of color? This is Channel 3, not KSLA, the “Project Pride” network, that might as well be part of the BET channel. Did KTBS slip up on a news story, and owe S’port’s criminal mayor Cedric, a favor? Seems like some racism going on to me. Just saying…..

Moreland wrote another comment on the station’s website earlier that same day:

Has anybody else noticed that this years “3 minute smile” contestants are all of the same race? I thought this was Channel 3, and not KSLA the “Project Pride” network. Looks like racism to me. Not to put it down… I think it’s great for the little kids to get such a chance, but come on….. Are Ya’ll on Cedric Glover’s secret payroll now?" [Source]

Ms. Lee's big mistake was responding to the knuckle dragger. This, of course, gave her equally ignorant bosses a reason to terminate her. We must always protect the racist troll posting on Facebook and not our own employees.

Did the black people in Shreveport tune in to watch Ms. Lee? That was a rhetorical question. What black people think or want in places like Shreveport, Louisiana doesn't really matter.

"Lee told “I was the one who brought it to their attention after they let it fester on the page for 6 days, but was then chastised for responding at all. I sent a screen grab to my boss via e-mail telling them that I’m ok with the anti-Rhonda commentary sometimes, but what has been posted at the time was . . . racist, and I asked them to please support me in removing the ones that didn’t encourage thoughtful, respectful and civil discourse on our FB page. I never got a reply, only punished. To this day the posts are still there.”

She added: “. . . Race has been the issue with me since I started. That much is VERY true. Weather is an older white boy business and arms have been less than open for a young black girl — a polar opposite. As reported I’ve had more problems here in the south than I have anywhere else in my 25+ years in the business. Perhaps there is a pattern, but I am a glutton for punishment (ha, ha), and I want what I deserve as any professional would so if I have to fight for it I will.”

Yes you are a "glutton for punishment". You know those people down in Shreveport had issues with your appearance. Why not too long ago some viewer wrote that your hair was too "natural" for television.

"Lee told CNN's Soladad O'Brian that she was not aware of the company’s social media policy and was never warned about any unsatisfactory actions. She also said that there is no hard copy of the policy.

It seems that Lee was punished for discussing race rather than the commenter being banned for his racist comments. It is a sad, yet accurate reminder of how being comfortable with our Blackness is a symbol of inferiority to others, namely the commenters who attacked her on Facebook. We can look Black but not too Black, as was the case for Lee. Though She told CNN this is not the first time her hair has threatened her job security."

Ms. Lee, it might be time to find a nice wig and weave shop.  (h/t AgentX for commenting about this story) 


Dr. Nuwang said...

Ms. Lee's situation resonated with me on too many levels to count as professional Black woman in America. More so because I started occasionally wearing my hair in a natural too over the summer.

The issue is that for whatever reason, Afro's scare the shit out of some white people. And with that in mind, I think VERY carefully about where I go when I style my hair that way. For example, I would NEVER wear my hair that way to a job interview not out of fear but more out of the realization of the racist world we live in.

However, Ms. Lee's comments had a terseness which was quite predictable of what the ultimate outcome would be. And I'm not suggesting that her response was wrong in ANY way. Simply that the "sassy, black, woman" meme is alive and well. A white woman's "standing up for her rights" is and will ALWAYS a Black woman's "insubordination".

Anonymous said...

Field, "Ms. Lee, it might be time to find a nice wig and weave shop."

Field, I agree wholeheartedly with you. That sister ought to know that her hair is not going to fly on public tv down South. What was she thinking?

Now she is a marked black woman who stirs up trouble in the broadcast industry.

Why is it some of our folks won't tow the line in the corporate world down South? I'm a bm and I processed my hair and wore $1000 suits when I was in the industry so I wouldn't look too Black.

I mean, the company wants ratings, for pete's sake. I bet that station was LAST in ratings.

Anyway, I agree with your last statement. It's refreshing that you are finally coming around.

Anonymous said...

Field I remember you go to Louisiana a number of times a year. You have raved about the state and how wonderful it is. Now you trashing it? What gives? I bet Mrs Field doesn't know you are turning on her state.

field negro said...

"Field I remember you go to Louisiana a number of times a year. You have raved about the state and how wonderful it is..."


Mack Lyons said...

Looks like this station not only set itself up for a few rounds of bad publicity, but I also see an unfair termination lawsuit in its future. That is, if Rhonda Lee doesn't decide to just move on to greener pastures.

Rhonda Lee becomes a national household name, natural hair and all, while KBTS ends up being "some racist TV station down in bumblefuck Louisiana."

Anonymous said...

To be black in 'merica

Land of the weave home of the braid

Shabazz said...

Anonymous said...

To be black in 'merica

Land of the weave home of the braid
8:11 PM

Real funny honkey

Why don't you go and mass murder your family you pasty devil

Not Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:28,

You're a fucking tom you stupid jigaboo

Rufis said...

These honkies are not worth the time. In one instance, they will spew racist shit. In another instance, they will excoriate the President for shaking Psy's hand. Fuck them!

Rhonda's big mistake was to stoop to the gutter to acknowledge the filth.

Rhonda will land on her feet. She just needs to leave that cesspool known as Shreveport, LA.

Anonymous said...

Mack Lyons said...

Looks like this station not only set itself up for a few rounds of bad publicity, but I also see an unfair termination lawsuit in its future. That is, if Rhonda Lee doesn't decide to just move on to greener pastures.

Rhonda Lee becomes a national household name, natural hair and all, while KBTS ends up being "some racist TV station down in bumblefuck Louisiana."

The eternal victims always whine like crazy and call others racist when they get held accountable to the same rules they demand others get hung by.

Are you going to start demanding no one from the Black community make comments about there not being enough Blacks or majority Whites to ensure your complaint is fair and equal? Nothing wrong with someone noticing that coincidentally there isn't one non black winner of a contest. Black do this routinely and without fail.

What would you say if it were all whites winning every spot in the not one but two contests that were supposedly picked randomly? That would be racism to you then wouldn't it. Blacks are a small part of the population, why is it only Black kids won both contests? Why?

Every day I hear there aren't enough Blacks in many many areas whether they are fit and qualified for them or interested or not, in fact your words are they don't mirror the population. So, the "random" selections didn't mirror the population so then how do you have the nerve to accuse someone of being racist for saying the exact same things you live by and say every opportunity you get? How is someone saying the very things you say, racist if they say it?

You might have purposefully skipped the part where the TV station advised:

Two employees were dismissed, both Ms Zipperhead weatherwoman with the man cut and a White employee. Both defied company policy on how to deal with the public and responding to public comments on the companies facebook page, they were both repeatedly warned and advised and sent emails specifying how they should represent the company and refused to listen repeatedly so finally were both fired.

As for her attractiveness and hair. To each their own, but sorry in my humble opinion she looks like a man and doesn't do anything at all for me. Toure has longer hair than she does.

See this picture

Frankly I laugh whenever I hear the racist mantra of if I do not find women with hair as short as the black guy next to them attractive I must be racist. No, if I think you are unattractive , your skin color doesn't matter and calling me racist will not suddenly make you the woman who looks just like the guy next to her a beautiful woman. What is that affirmative action sexiness?
You must find me attractive or you have bad standards and opinions and are racist - crazy.

Looking at all the remarks, hers was the only racist comment I saw...."Weather is an older white boy business and arms have been less than open for a young black girl"

Sounds like she is the racist, because I flip the channels and see women of color all the time. Latinas rule the weatherwoman roost so if you still want to play the race up your local immigration council and tell them Latina women having long black hair, being curvaceous and feminine is racist to Black women with crew cuts who complain about old white boys.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Shitbaggs Shabazz said...

Anonymous said...

To be black in 'merica

Land of the weave home of the braid
8:11 PM

Real funny honkey

Why don't you go and mass murder your family you pasty devil

Ooooo-weeehhh looky here. Talking bout hair and bubbalicious over here gets all pissed off and starts talking like a racist black pamper.

Better loosen them there cornrows Shitbaggs Shabazz they cutting off the blood supply to that god given teeny brain you have.

Anonymous said...

Shabazz said...

Anonymous said...

To be black in 'merica

Land of the weave home of the braid
8:11 PM

Real funny honkey

Why don't you go and mass murder your family you pasty devil

Shabazz the original jerry curl purple suit no account pimp.

PilotX said...

She was just using them to get something better while they were using her to seem less, uh, pale? I'm starting to question whether or not I should go into TV weather. At least I have a fall back plan.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of her. Now. I. Have. You brilliant KKKTBS managers!

I'll be watching out to see her on a more national scale soon ;).

Anonymous said...

"Field I remember you go to Louisiana a number of times a year. You have raved about the state and how wonderful it is..."


7:43 PM
BULLSHIT. That entire state is racist. It will always be racist. Louisiana is a diseased state in many ways. Most of all, Blacks in LA fear for their lives whether they live South, North East or West in that sick plantation minded state.

Anonymous said...

She should not have been fired. She also should not have responded to comments on FB representing her complany. That's what public information staff is for.

As for the viewer comments, what is it with white men and their complete terror of black people? Thank goodness these dinosaurs will soon be a tiny minority so they can sit down and shut up and their opinion will mean even less than now. It's incredible that they signed their names, too. How proud they are of their inbred, trailer park trash ignorance.

myblackfriendsays said...

She doesn't need a wig or a weave. I'm sure other stations are fighting each other to snatch her up. As Howard Schultz would say, "Onward..."

The Purple Cow said...

”Blue Rhino said...

"The Purple Cow said...
Just so you know Pilot, white people take 69% of government hand-outs despite the fact that they constitute just 64% of the population. 

5:23 AM"

If you would be so kind, Purple Bovine, please supply a link to support this assertion.”

What is it Blue Rhino?

They don’t have Google where you live?

Or are you just too stoopid to understand how Google works?

”Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 64 percent of the population in 2010 and received 69 percent of the entitlement benefits.”

Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Other gems from the same paper

The top fifth of the population receives 66 percent of tax-expenditure benefits (compared to 10 percent of entitlement benefits).

The middle 60 percent of the population receives a little over 31 percent of tax-expenditure benefits (compared to 58 percent of entitlement benefits).

The bottom fifth receives just 2.8 percent of tax-expenditure benefits (compared to 32 percent of entitlement benefits).

The top 1 percent of the population receives 23.9 percent of tax-expenditure benefits — more than eight times as much as the bottom fifth of the population, and nearly as much as the middle 60 percent of the population.

NSangoma said...


Philadelphia, is a BISH (fat, too):

"We tried a walking club," says Mr Otto, smiling, "but we got shot at."


The Purple Cow said...

Quote Anonymous 7:28

"Why is it some of our folks won't tow the line in the corporate world down South?"

The word is TOE the line, idiot.

It's bad enough that you waste our time pretending to be something you are not, without insulting us with your poor English language usage.

Lt. Commander Johnson said...

What is this shit? Getting fired because of comments someone made about you hair? Who cares. Do you think Cornell West bitches aout every comment on his bush hair?

No. I don't think so. Justin Beiber? Gimme a break.

Of course, that faggot Beiber doesn't make a point of making it racial.

field negro said...

"She doesn't need a wig or a weave. I'm sure other stations are fighting each other to snatch her up. As Howard Schultz would say, "Onward..."

I agree.

I suspect that this was better for her career than that backwards station

Anonymous said...

So.....if it is now racism to question is something is racism, then this is an extremely racist website.......just sayin...

Anonymous said...

This is just another case of how eurocentrism,aka racism works. White people haven't fully developed the "empathy gene" and therefore are unable to grasp the concept that we live in a world of diversity. The fact that the station heads ignored her requests to address this situation before she felt compelled to respond illustrates this point succinctly. If they can't fit the proverbial "square peg in the round hole," they have trouble making sense of the difference between them and people of color and their natural propensity for violence kicks in. They try to defend the preposterous notion that they are superior. This in turn breeds the fear inherent in their minds that they are not the smartest or most beautiful people in the world. And we know what happens when mr. charlie doesn't get his way. It is this narcissistic belief that spawned the doctrine of Manifest Destiny; which has impeded people of color here in this country since its beginning. Now, as their population is unable to maintain natural levels of reproduction, their system of privileged existence is in danger of collapsing around them, they attack that which they feel threatens them the most...a beautiful, healthy and intelligent woman of color.

Anonymous said...

kudos and ditto!

she is beautiful...
no one should ever wear a wig or a perm for any reason other than their own choice!!!

i proudly don gorgeous long neat dreadlocks in corporate america

and i would never want to work for any employer who would allow their racist issues about my hair choice to outshine my stellar resume


Anonymous said...

memo to hobama nazis:

u r all fools who have been fooled by the fooler in chief anew

we see u fools
u see what we see now

shame on the fooled fleeced sheeple!!!

The December 3 conferees are attempting to simulate a capacity and willingness to protect Black America in its greatest economic crisis in modern times – without confronting the politician and party leader that presided over the catastrophe, who has sought a grand austerity bargain with Republicans for the past four years, which he is now on the verge of consummating.

Every “entitlement” program has been placed “on the table” for chopping – just as he promised to do on the eve of taking the oath of office, in 2009. The so-called “fiscal cliff,” a joint GOP-White House production, is an artificially created “crisis” to grease the skids of austerity. The same Misleaders that now feign eagerness to make demands of the First Black President tell their followers that he will fight to protect African Americans from suffering unduly from cliff-related machinations.

They pretend that Obama sincerely wants to help Black folks, who were by far the hardest hit by the failing economy, both before and after the meltdown of 2008. But, not only has this president rejected, as a matter of principle, targeted assistance to Black communities, his administration refused to spend most of $7.6 billion in housing aid set aside by Congress for hardest hit communities – disproportionately African American. Obama twice froze the wages of the disproportionately Black federal workforce. He does not miss an opportunity to impose disproportionate suffering on Black and poor people.

He has expanded the federal prisons budget, even as other agencies were trimmed, and caused the closing of tens of thousands of public schools in favor of charters.

Anonymous said...

Purple Cow said, "The word is TOE the line, idiot."

Nope. It's T-O-W you sick uneducated Negro fool.

PilotX said...

Cmon Field, Nawlins is a great town. Not just because my peoples are from there but it was also the first collection of wealthy and middle class blah people here AND jazz was created there.
BTW, wtf is up with you Philly people? You can't shoot good Chicagoans because the Sixers suck. Now you do know concealed carry got struck down in Illinois. Do we need to pack when we go to a sporting event in Philly? Damn.

PilotX said...

"Eternal victims"? Puleeze! White males have that skit down to a tee. Just listen to Hannity or Limbaugh whine about being persecuted. For such a tough guy boot strap crowd you'd think it was white dudes who were lynched, enslaved and discriminated against for centuries. No group has anything on conservative white males when it comes to a victim mentality. I'd hate to see these wimps if they were ever REALLY discriminated against other than in their own minds.

Anonymous said...

more proof that violent doomed pookies/hobama drones rule the world


field negro said...

Sorry Anon, but PC is right, I do believe it's "toe" the line. But hey, us dumb Negroes could be wrong. Why don't u look it up and get back to us. We will wait.....

PilotX, the Big Easy is in South Louisiana, so it's all good. That's my stumping ground. I never go North of Alexandria. That's wingnut country.:)

Anonymous said...

field negro said...

Sorry Anon, but PC is right, I do believe it's "toe" the line. But hey, us dumb Negroes could be wrong. Why don't u look it up and get back to us. We will wait.....

Leroy says one toe tree fo fife
I aints towing you no-where get off my back and out my pocket

Dr. Goldilocks said...

Ms.Nǚwáng said...
Ms. Lee's situation resonated with me on too many levels to count as professional Black woman in America. More so because I started occasionally wearing my hair in a natural too over the summer

First off, you are not a "professional".

Second, your hair is very unattractive.

Thirdly, you will never be a doctor.

Anonymous said...

It's more than a shame that African women in America have to buy Hair of the Dog wigs and weaves to make so-called "white" people feel comfortable. It sure would have been cool if someone had put the sucker who thought of obtaining slaves from Africa, out of their misery BEFORE the first slave ship sailed. Now we all HATE each other with a passion and here we all are; miserable mofos.

Anonymous said...

It's more than a shame that African women in America have to buy Hair of the Dog wigs and weaves to make so-called "white" people feel comfortable. It sure would have been cool if someone had put the sucker who thought of obtaining slaves from Africa, out of their misery BEFORE the first slave ship sailed. Now we all HATE each other with a passion and here we all are; miserable mofos.

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