Now, just days after Jovan Belcher kills his child's mother and does us all a favor by killing himself, we have one Dallas Cowbaby dead and the other charged with causing his death. Here we are in the middle of the season, and this guy -and his now deceased teammate- find it necessary to go driving down the road at a high rate of speed while intoxicated. *shaking head* This is truly sad, and I feel for the families of these two. Mommy, please don't let your son grow up to be a football player. And this wasn't the first time for Brent. He has had trouble with the law due to DUI issues in the past.
So now we can all get on our soap boxes and start relating society's problems to the NFL: We need more gun control; people shouldn't drink and drive; domestic violence is wrong; and young men who suddenly come into large amounts of money should learn how to manage their lives.
I agree with all of the above.
Finally, staying with the football theme, a young promising football player at a fine high school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana was recently hospitalized with some serious injuries. The circumstances surrounding his case remain murky, and the Baton Rouge police department has some explaining to do.

Though the Baton Rouge Police Department said the investigation is ongoing, one fact has been confirmed – D’Vante Dotson had alcohol in his system. But speculation has run rampant on Twitter and Facebook about Dotson meeting teammates who possibly beat him into a comatose state.
“We’re still investigating, but at this point we have no evidence to believe he was assaulted,” said Baton Rouge Police Spokesman Lt. Don Kelly. “All signs point to he voluntarily consumed a mass amount of alcohol and fell on his head on the concrete, and that was the cause of his injuries.”
Carolyn Dotson, the high schooler’s grandmother, told nola.com her grandson was “doing a lot better, and he’s able to get up and walk around with the help of his mother.”
Dotson was supposed to have a CT scan Wednesday morning.
A Facebook page created Tuesday and numerous tweets support the rumor that teammates beat up Dotson, with a group of tweets compiled on neverjaded.com chronicling the evening.
Tweets on the website indicate that Dotson arrived at the skate park after being called to meet “three of his white teammates.”
“When he arrived he was attacked in the bathroom and beaten with bottles and a bat" [Source]
The Baton Rouge PD, as is to be expected, is playing this one very close to their bullet proof vests. -Some wealthy well connected kids attend U High (a feeder school for LSU)-Black mothers, on the other hand, are understandably concerned.
I will be watching this one.
*Pic of D'Vante Dotson from Asis Chronicle.
"What the heck is going on with these NFL players? I am starting to think that because these boys are bigger, stronger, and faster, when they hit each other it is starting to seriously affect how their brains function."
Nope, they're just negroes.
Football these days is just far more violent than it used to be, at least it seems that way. So I'm not surprised that participants in such a violent sport, have lives that end violently.
Thanks for highlighting a possible case of white-on-black violence that potentially may have happened. It would be a refreshing change from the hundreds of such incidents of black on white violence that occur every day.
"Now, just days after Jovan Belcher kills his child's mother and does us all a favor by killing himself.... "
Field, my brother: when you say cold-hearted things like this, do you 'feel' anything?
Brent is an alcoholic. He needs treatment for an ever escalating disease tha will kill others, including himself. Drugs and alcohol are very common in the NFL. It's crazy, but the fans love the violence and quite frankly, don't give a damn what happens to these guys. And from Joval's and Brent's behavior neither do they.
If extorting a slave’s labor is wrong, is extorting a taxpayer’s labor wrong as well?
Dr Queen Nerfititty said...
"As for big Pharma and related fields. You might dislike Indians, but you really didn't think someone with your brain power could ever compete did you?"
Lemme tell you what I know having worked around Indians for my entire career. They absolutely HATE their dark skin, and some especially despise me because not only am I smarter and work harder than they do, I'm 50 shades lighter than many of them too. And the darker they are, with some as dark as ANY African, the harder they are to work with.
Yes, we are sure that all your problems working with Indians who are no doubt in charge stem from your being lighter skinned than they. Of course every problem in life is because of skin color and has nothing to do with skills, intelligence, belligerence, attitude and your telling them in various ways that even though they are your bosses and that others select them over you it is only because of their skin color and that shit be racist.
How does this fit into your theme that it is Whites/Lighter skinned people only do better than you because they are light skinned and privileged when you are now saying YOU are lighter skinned then another race who does better than you (Indians) shouldn't you be doing better than Indians if you are lighter than they, given your past genius (excuses)
You don't have much of a brain do you? But at least you know it's everyone else's fault and has nothing to do with your skills.
In fact, I've NEVER seen a culture so obsessed with colorism in my entire life and some are BY FAR, the most racist people I've EVER met and I grew up in the deep South.
You haven't really? Uh-huh..sure. Said the Racist Hoochie Mama. Of course you say it is Indians who don't want to associate with you because YOU are lighter skinned than they.
I can just imagine the mental twist you had to go through to come up with this wonderful theory.
I've had some pretty tenuous relationships with most of the Indian people I've worked around.
Of course you have, why should any race be any different. But about Indians - as if being obsessed about skin color and racist(remind you of anyone dear Hoochie mama?) and having extreme views that everything you do or say is someone else's responsibility creates tenuous relationships. Imagine that, who would have thought it possible.
So now we know you have difficulties with anyone who is know to achieve and in your mind it is soley based upon their skin color and being horribly racist. Crazy they get places with attitudes like this and you having the better performance don't ya think?
That said, one of my best friends in Metro DC is Indian, so feel free to kiss my ass with your dumb ASSumptions.
Oh look, she hates Indians and claims her poor relationships with them are because THEY are racially obsessed and have extreme racist views and this is because she is more WHITE than they are, BUT and we know you have a big one....You have an Indian Friend so it can't be you that is the racist who hates whites, but also hates Indians who hate you because you look whiter than they are.
You know, if I were trying to write an article on how an extremely low IQ affirmative action mal-educated Black Racist explains away her low IQ and lack of abilities, I couldn't have made this stuff up.
If you say so. In the meantime there are many Competent Indian Doctors, that we know now are only competent because you found they are the real "darkies" who hate you because you are lighter skinned.
No honeycakes you know this attitude is how you present yourself to the world.
It's not that you will never be a Doctor - you simply can't possibly ever become one. It is way, way over your abilities and (hold on tight now) it has nothing to do with skin color.
Ah Hector, that wasn't necessary to say they're just Negroes. A lot of Europeans have "Negro" blood too. Lots of them!!! Cut the crap!! Africans in this country need to find some time to re-group and chill out. They need to change their way of thinking all the away around. Living in America has driven all 43 million of us stock raving mad. That's the problem, big time!!!
Why does every single FN post have the same racist comments from the little dick anonymous white crackers and uncle ruckus no matter what the post is about?
Hopefully Al Sharpton is on his way to get to the truth of the matter, as he did with Tawanna, Jena, Duke, and Zimmerman.
D’Vante Dotson:
Rare is the case that they are really your friends.
Hope you have learned a valuable lesson.
Get well soon.
"Thanks for highlighting a possible case of white-on-black violence that potentially may have happened.."
You are welcome.
Remus said...
D’Vante Dotson:
Rare is the case that they are really your friends.
Hope you have learned a valuable lesson.
Segregation. Now.
Shabazz said...
Why does every single FN post have the same racist comments from the little dick anonymous white crackers and uncle ruckus no matter what the post is about?
The reason is because having a small penis AND a small brain makes the little man Coo-Coo, ROTFLMBAO!!!
Dr. Queen's alter ego
Anonymous said...
Shabazz said...
Why does every single FN post have the same racist comments from the little dick anonymous white crackers and uncle ruckus no matter what the post is about?
The reason is because having a small penis AND a small brain makes the little man Coo-Coo, ROTFLMBAO!!!
Dr. Queen's alter ego
Oh my, what a shining example of intelligence. 4 degrees later and you are left with this. Taxpayers of the U.S want our money back, your education failed miserably. You can't polish a turd can ya.
Huney its not that the indian guy had a small one, it's that your Sha-Nae-Nae is like a used car lot and just as big. Hot dog down a hallway doesn't do it justice. But that's what happens when you were the neighborhood ho until you turned 16 and got butt ugly and got kicked to the curb.
Now even your dog won't hit that, he has better hair than you do and smells better.
Still can't believe someone like you actually wants to draw attention to her brain size. You do know you are on par with a walrus? Explains that nasty look you have ole butter face and in your case butter body as well.
No body needs abortion with your looks that's for sure. Aint nobody going to be hittin that.
Field, I thought there was an age minimum for participating on blogs. Because the idiot at 6:33 sounds all of 3 years old.
However, I'd suggest it watch a tape of Eddie Murphy or Richard Pryor, because the jokes are beyond weak. I mean really, is that the best it's got when all it does day in and day out is wipe snotty noses and clean foreskins? Surely, a COLLEGE GRADUATE has additional things to do in a day but since it dropped out, I guess it doesn't.
Is that you, Urinade, lol???? Or that USMLE repeating Quack?
Here are more facts on DVante Dotson. http://voices.yahoo.com/family-says-dvante-dotson-16-was-beaten-teammates-11917881.html
You mention players behaving badly..but am still waiting for you to mention the thousands of Black Libyans and African immigrants "ethnically cleansed" by the rebels Obama and NATO supported in the illegal invasion of that country. FN..when will you address the thousands of civilians in the Middle East and Africa incinerated by Obama's drones? Are you the least bit concerned the U. S. citizens have been assassinated..or the reported Obama Presidential Kill List? Is all this OK..because Obama, a black man in the White House did it? Would you support the Kill List... the increase use of drones by the hundreds and the illegal invasion of Libya..if Bush did it????
Very sad story concerning la. High schooler who was injured. Bit of advice folks stop naming kids after Cadillac SUVs wtf is a d"vante
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