Still, it's hard not to feel sorry for them these days, given the fact that they are being held hostage and forced to perform for the inauguration of Herr trump.
Apparently team trump has been having a hard time finding A-list performers for his big day, and he is not too pleased about it. The tweeter in chief let his feelings be known in no uncertain terms, recently.
✔ @realDonaldTrumpThe so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!
This still a sorta decent America until Jan 20,2017. Maybe the Rockettes can strike.
No one has to do anything, it's all about what's more important to you.
Fine. Deport the Rockettes. They can kick heads of lettuce through the fields of Mexico.
MAGA said...
Fine. Deport the Rockettes. They can kick heads of lettuce through the fields of Mexico.
11:30 AM
The lettuce is grown in California, lettuce does not do well in Mexico! But yeah! They can high step it to California and kick in the fields!
There seems to be no respect for anything in America these days! No respect for elders, no God in the schools and no home training! Certainly no respect for the president, either President Obama or the newly elected one! Just people hating and killing each other in the streets! Craziness! Honestly I think the lumpen proletariat in America is well beyond any kind of help!
Rockettes opposed to being forced work for Trump's inauguration can always quit their jobs and open up a Christian bakery.
"Rockettes opposed to being forced work for Trump's inauguration can always quit their jobs and open up a Christian bakery."
Yet another idiotic wingnut false equivalence.
Bakeries have gotten sued because they refused to serve gay people in areas where gay people are a legal class protected against discrimination. That is to say, businesses cannot refuse to serve an entire class of people solely based on irrational, evidence-free, pre-existing assumptions about those people's character.
The Rockettes are not "discriminating" against an entire class of Trumps. They haven't decided they don't want to do business with him based on irrational, pre-existing assumptions about the bad character of all Trumps. They have decided they don't want to do business with him because of the overwhelming evidence that the actual Donald Trump is, in fact, an asshole.
I advise them to be careful. Remember the Dixie Chicks?
-Doug in Oakland
Right MOT, refusing a request for your baking services for an event that your religion finds blasphemous is TOTALLY different than refusing a request for your performance services at an event your politics finds blasphemous.
Rockettes are averse to having Drumpf use them as part of his nukular arms race and they don't want this slimy sexual predator strapping anything on them or his own dildo.
Show me one school where gawd ain't allowed? Eorget it. You can't show it because it doesn't exist. I like the bumper sticker that sez-If you don't pray in our schools, we won't think in your churches. Only in RAC-wingnut land are people not allowed to choose who to perform for. OMFG, wingnuts are gonna brainwash these impressionable young dancers just so Drumpf can grab them by their pussies.
Las Vegas casino owner Steve Wynn discovered how much clout he does NOT have. Celine Dion told him where to stuff it, when Steve tried to force her to perform at this farce.
Maybe the Mormon Tabernacle Choir can perform a miracle for Donnie. Something nice in an Old Testament style lightning bolt would be nice.
Feel really bad for Jackie Evancho. She's only 16, too young and sweet to be exploited this way.
Extra points to the Rockettes, if they manage three lovely high kicks to the heads of Donnie, Pence and that Granny Snuffing Paul Ryan.
Thank you for your blog, Mr. Field. All the best to you in 2017!
I think the KKKlanbernacle Choir should perform for BOTUS.
So the Trump Presidency will begin with a bunch of women being forced to do something they don't want to do.
How appropriate.
I highly doubt that Trump wants the Rockettes of all people ( as you well said Field...meh...)
What the hell are they gonna do? Kick up their skinny legs? I mean that's all they do!
I don't know where that story came from, but I'm sure it's untrue!
An inauguration is a very serious event, and as far as I'm concerned it's no place for show people to perform anything other than the national anthem.
So the less show business the better IMHO!
"Right MOT, refusing a request for your baking services for an event that your religion finds blasphemous is TOTALLY different than refusing a request for your performance services at an event your politics finds blasphemous."
Ah, good, the religious rights argument. That works if you want to say that you shouldn't have to have gay sex. Not so much if you want to punish others for having gay sex.
Otherwise, let's flip it around, just as a thought experiment:
My religion considers drop-kicking Republicans into wood-chippers to be sacred. I find it blasphemous when Republicans are not chopped up into itsy-bitsy pieces. If I am not allowed to drop-kick Republicans into wood-chippers, my rights are being violated and I am being oppressed.
"An inauguration is a very serious event, and as far as I'm concerned it's no place for show people to perform anything other than the national anthem."
Unless the president being inaugurated is Donald Trump. Then there will probably be nudity and a pyrotechnics display.
@PR, less show business? You do realize that BOTUS is a reality TV star, right?
Ministry of Truth-get it straight. Your sincerely held religious beliefs considers drop-kicking Republicans into wood-chippers to be sacred. Now you are good to go.
My SHRB precludes me from having to share Earth with these nutjobs. They are free to get the hell of my planet.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
@PR, less show business? You do realize that BOTUS is a reality TV star, right?
5:43 PM
hahaha! I do, but dayum,there's a limit ya know? I mean he's going to be the POTUS now! He can't still be with that shit!!0?0! xD
The Ministry of Truth said...
Unless the president being inaugurated is Donald Trump. Then there will probably be nudity and a pyrotechnics display.
5:25 PM
C'mon...you know you're exaggerating now! :) It's the night before Christmas Eve, can you not find it in your heart to give the guy a chance? It's 'let's be kind' season fer Pete's sake!and it's the birth of Christ season after all...Don't you pray?
Pray for a kind heart, like mine...I feel so pious tonight...must be all that coqui...oops...
Rockettes Parent Company Says Inauguration Participation Is 'Voluntary' about 6 hours ago
We shall see.
Drumpf is snuggling up to Israel, Putin and Drumpf totally want to nail Ivanka, Ivanka's betrothed is a Jew and Putin is not totally enamored of Jews. The best Potus ever allowed a UN resolution to go through that condemns Jew settlements in the West Bank as a shot at Netanjackass and Drumpfuck. Life if good. Isreal is not our friend/ Russia is not our friend . Drumpf is a crazy motherfocker with all senses set a full retaliation. War will become the norm except for the wealthy kids who will be insulated from their parents mistakes.
Liberal hate knows no bounds.
Andrew McClinton is your House Negro of the Day? GTFO!
His picture should be in the dictionary next to Field Negro.
"Pray for a kind heart, like mine...I feel so pious tonight...must be all that coqui...oops..."
Must be a lack of coqui. I am feeling no love or holiday spirit for our next prez.
They can do routine to Pussy Riot's new song, Make america great again. And turn their backs on him when they're done.
"Liberal hate knows no bounds."
Have a long way to go to catch you wingnuts.
Since Tangerine Mussolini can't seem to persuade any A-listers to perform at his inauguration, Alec Baldwin has offered to show up (dressed as Trump, I assume) and perform the song that he finds most suitable for celebrating the impending presidential disaster: Highway to Hell
Drumpfuck's New Jerk campaign adviser, Carl Palladildo, sayeth he hopes Obama dies of mad cow disease and Michele turns back into a man and is released in the wilds of Zimbabwe and lives with a gorilla in a cave,
Anon- wingnut hate is so much worse than liberal hate. Own it, tool.
Also too still yet, wingrats in the senate sez Dems can't request the incoming SOS tax records to check for conflicts of interest.
Wingrats must believe they will never lose control of the gubmint again, because all of their goalpost moves will surely bite them in the ass when Americans finally come to their senses and throw wingrats under the bus for all time.
"Drumpfuck's New Jerk campaign adviser, Carl Palladildo, sayeth he hopes Obama dies of mad cow disease and Michele turns back into a man and is released in the wilds of Zimbabwe and lives with a gorilla in a cave"
Say, how many times are we up to, now, that wingnuts have referred to the first family as apes? I've lost count.
But of course, none of that is about racism or anything -- it's all obviously just heated disagreement about the details of Obama's healthcare plan. And, by the way, Republicans will soon announce their own, much better, free-market solution for providing universal healthcare! (No they won't, because there isn't one.)
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Pray for a kind heart, like mine...I feel so pious tonight...must be all that coqui...oops..."
Must be a lack of coqui. I am feeling no love or holiday spirit for our next prez.
7:57 PM
Oh come on MOT! You're going to see what a wonderful inauguration it will be! And from then on it's
mike from iowa said...
Drumpf is a crazy motherfocker with all senses set a full retaliation. War will become the norm except for the wealthy kids who will be insulated from their parents mistakes.
7:22 PM
Actually I think war might have it's advantages. All these young people without jobs can enlist! Then they'll have a job and a purpose in life! Or I think it might be better to enforce the draft and make it compulsory. They would then have to join the military and stop being soft muffins! Go to WAR!!!
The Ministry of Truth said...
"Drumpfuck's New Jerk campaign adviser, Carl Palladildo, sayeth he hopes Obama dies of mad cow disease and Michele turns back into a man and is released in the wilds of Zimbabwe and lives with a gorilla in a cave"
At least Michelle would be happier.
PR, BOTUS is tweeting Russia, you didn't think he would just stop tweeting did you?
Kiss said ... kiss my ass ...
Megyn Kelly said ... kiss my ... wherever
LOL. It's funny, sort of. You crying Democrats can't help yourselves...literally.
We are gonna love it when we stack the SCOTUS with conservatives for the next two generations.
Screw your "dancers"
Boo damn hoo.
BTW. Cops shooting blacks. I hope that increases for the next few years, till they understand Nat Turner was NOT a hero.
You wanna be a playa boy?
Catch the lead.
Since poor whooteemoos get more abortions than ANY other demographic, I guess Jethro will have to go back to using coat hangers to abort the daughters they get pregnant.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
PR, BOTUS is tweeting Russia, you didn't think he would just stop tweeting did you?
9:34 PM
tweeting is the 'in' thing! Putin does it too! They wanna feel connected, just like everybody else! I don't see the bad.
Where's the Christmas spirit on here???
Lead bullets, hanger abortions,incest,caves, kissing whatevers, highways to hell, nudity, pyrotechnics,hate that knows no bounds,war,forced labor, nuclear arms, dropping people in wood chippers,granny snuffing, grabbing dancers by their pussy's, kicking heads of lettuce, and I'm sure I've left out a bunch more!!!
Yeezuz Crize people! Is their no shopping to do? Christmasy things to cook? decorations to put up? cards to fill out??? Nothing?
Get with the Christmas spirit people will ya!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the wayyyyy!
Lawdy lawdy,lawdy...*shaking head* This is bad...I hope Trump will change all this...
BTW I like pyrotechnics! That would be cool! But since the inauguration is during the day, not gonna happen, and as for nudity MOT, January 20 is usually cooold maybe even snowy, so no.
BUT...maybe at the inaugural ball...they might have fireworks...and maybe a little nudity even/...hmmmsounds fun to me...
mike from iowa projected his sexual fantasies...
"Drumpf is snuggling up to Israel, Putin and Drumpf totally want to nail Ivanka, Ivanka's betrothed is a Jew and Putin is not totally enamored of Jews."
This is one strange and weird troll gal...
I love how this perfectly illustrates the pure intolerance of liberals yet to you progressives it's yet another reason to blast Trump.
Many of these people don't want to skip out on the inauguration performance because they hate Trump; they're scared for their fucking lives!
Andrea Bocelli didn't refuse to perform there because he dislikes Trump-although you dishonest assholes will spin it that way--but rather because your ilk threatened the 58-year-old blind singer with violence and boycotts if he sang for Trump. Boy oh boy, the tolerant, anti-bullying liberals strike again, proving that everything of which they accuse the other side is merely a projection of their own hostile attitudes toward human beings.
The progressives are still in the midst of bullying 16-year-old Evancho, from America's Got Talent fame, ridiculing her and threatening her for being scheduled to sing the national anthem.
Field would have carpel tunnel from so much masturbating if white people were doing these things to performers slated to inaugurate Obama. But because you make the conscious decision to exist in a bubble, wherein this stuff isn't really reality if CNN and Vox and Buzzfeed and Slate aren't saying it, you can go about the business of pretending you're the tolerant ones.
Even if the Rockettes were tripping over themselves to volunteer, you morons would still have negative shit to say. The only difference: You'd be saying it to them instead of Trump; you'd be bullying them and threatening their lives, because it's all you morons know how to do. So of course they don't want to be subjected to that shit.
"Apparently team trump has been having a hard time finding A-list performers for his big day..."
The total hubris of being a dickhead bully is astounding. You know why it's hard to find "A-list performers": It's because your side will bully them and threaten them if they show up! For fuck's sake, MTV just ran a show full of black people disowning Kanye because he SPOKE to Trump. That's how maniacal you people have become. Identity politics dictate that you cannot even speak to someone you've labeled your enemy.
You grown-ass children are losing all over the globe. From Brexit to Trump, you're becoming a powerless niche whose last remaining punches are aimed at little girls and disabled foreigners.
Trump's grandchildren are up next; wait and see.
That's the fucking legacy of progressives.
You're sellin' fake news your honor. This was a voluntary event, the event had more volunteers than available slots. Non-story. No one was having to perform against their will.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
Since poor whooteemoos get more abortions than ANY other demographic
This is not true.
Let me just add Josh's at 2:21 PM to the list!
"carpel tunnel from so much masturbating"...Oy Vey...Merry Christmas! xD
"This is not true."
Depends on how the child-brained borderline retards decide to define numbers today vs. yesterday.
For instance, if you tell them there are more white people than black people killed by police, they'll say something like, "It's about disproportionate numbers per the population! We're only 13%!"
But for total abortions, never mind about the percentage of X vs. Y, it's just, "MORE whites do it!"
You can almost literally see the thick blanket of cognitive dissonance displayed by these low-IQ hacks as they attempt to twist any and everything to their advantage while using 2nd-grade-level English.
Rationality is culturally bias.
James did u hear about your brother who slit his wife and child's throat and then went on the run?
They finally caught him a few days ago.
Sad, huh?
Just Google Craig Allen Vandewege.
"James did u hear about your brother who slit his wife and child's throat and then went on the run?"
For a lawyer, you really are sofa king stew pit. I responded to your comment about this literally DAYS ago, so obviously I've heard of it. My response then is still pertinent:
> He finds ONE case and jumps up and down in triumph, hooting "WHITEY DOES IT TOO! WHITEY DOES IT TOO!" In his primitive mind, that makes every statistic regarding Black violence and criminality totally moot.
> Meanwhile, homicides in Chicago are looking to be up almost 300 over 2015:
> http://heyjackass.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/murder_trend-2016.png
> The one White guy is everything, the 251 extra (mostly Black) dead in Chimpcongo alone are nothing; those Black Lives Don't Matter. Neither will the ones who die in disputes over the last turkey drumstick or slice of pie in the next couple of days. Will Chimpcongo hit 800? Maybe.
> And Field wonders why we mock him and refuse to take him seriously. That cluelessness is at least half of the comedy value here.
Van de Wege's claims at least sound like schizophrenia. Meanwhile, your folk go murderous over hot sauce:
4 dead from Friday up to Christmas morning in Chimpcongo chimpouts:
A&E scraps KKK "documentary" when it was found that many figures were paid:
Black man murders Black baby because his grandmother drove too slow (NHI, No Humans Involved):
A third guilty plea in the University of Rochester kidnapping/torture/attempted murder case:
Know the difference between you animals and us? "Craig Van de Wege should be let go because there are too many White men in prison", will say no White person, EVER.
"Van de Wege's claims at least sound like schizophrenia"
Naw, he is a murderous psycho.
Lots of your brothers just like him. :(
A simple Google search of men who murder their families will reveal this to you.
"So is science."
I've been spamming this on the board for months now! LMFAO
These people literally--yes, "literally" is being used correctly here--believe that gravitational theory is false because Newton was white, and colonialism is evil. But at the same time, they literally--yes, literally!--believe that voodoo curses to have people struck by lightning are REAL.
There comes a point and time in the life of a white person, even the most progressive liberal among us, when observable reality can no longer be suppressed because it might hurt the feelings of black people. And what we're able to observe in reality is not given to sophist reinterpretations, nor does it matter if the nature of reality hurts one's feelings. The truth is that the Negroid race is wholly incapable of creating its own first-world society because while there might be a few Neil deGrasse Tysons and Ben Carsons sprinkled into the genetic population, the majority seem to possess IQs roughly equivalent to hamsters. Every race has its population of useless morons; it just so happens that the Negroid race has orders of magnitude more of them.
For every black astrophysicist, there are ten million who believe you can bang a bongo, do some blood ritual, and control lightning against your enemies.
All the "look at this one white guy who murdered his family" links one could find in a millennium wouldn't change the observable facts of reality. And the most predictive measure we could use to track the future of the Negroid race is the self-defeating cries we hear from American blacks. Basically, to put it in a nutshell, every black-whiner gripe boils down to this: We blame white people for not propping us up highly enough. Every single complaint shares that skeleton.
"Hey, white cracka, wat u doinz, yo?"
"Building a spaceship."
"Werd? U iz stoopid; dumb-ass cracka building a spaceship when we dyeing in da streezts!"
"Never mind us. We're just building a spaceship. Don't worry about it."
"Y u dont juss leeev us n stop opprezz'n us?"
"Yeah, well... we're leaving. You get your wish. No more white people. We're going to colonize the moon. See ya!"
"WAIT YO! Take us wiff u! Itz waycis if we cant come!"
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