Imagine just creating your own alternative universe, where facts don't matter, and your beliefs-- no matter how far-fetched--- are constantly being reinforced to you by your ideological soul-mates.
Welcome to conservative America.
"Even as Hillary Clinton's popular vote win over Donald Trump tops 2.8 million and (still) counting, a majority of Republicans do not believe it to be true.
Respondents’ correct understanding of the popular vote depended a great deal on partisanship. A large fraction of Republicans — 52 percent — said Trump won the popular vote, compared with only 7 percent of Democrats and 24 percent of independents. Among Republicans without any college education, the share was even larger: 60 percent, compared with 37 percent of Republicans with a college degree.Whether Republicans truly believe Trump won the popular vote or whether they are reacting with spite towards the questioner is unclear. Do they truly not know? Did they tune out after election day, paying no further attention beyond reading the next-day headlines? Or is the apparent refusal to recognize reality a pathologic choice, rather than an ignorant one?" [Source]
I can't really say that I am surprised by this. We are talking about the same group of people where a majority actually believe that the president was born in another country, and that there were actually WMD's in Iraq.
Is it any wonder, then, why we can't get a consensus on climate change in this country?
The president- elect has one of the most powerful false-news pushers at his side, and he is himself prone to read more Alex Jones than he does The Economist. (Yes Donald, it is "unpresidented")
It's cool to feel sorry for these folks from a distance and write about them on blogs. But when they start occupying the halls of power, and acting out their sick delusions in real life, then it all starts getting just a little bit too scary for yours truly.
Finally, speaking of scared, if you are not worried about trump, and the people he is surrounding himself with to lead our country, please take the time to read what Michael Lewis (The Big Short) had to say about the dangerous con that trump and his pals are playing on America.
This of course only applies to those of you who don't reside in wingnut world. If you happen to be living in that particular right-wing bubble, don't waste your time. I am sure that you honestly believe that everything is just fine.
Every single complaint you have about "conservative America" is objectively also the reality of liberal America.
The only real difference I see is that when liberals cite conservative "fake news," they struggle for any meaningful example. When a conservative cites the "fake news" from liberals, the examples are practically endless.
"We are talking about the same group of people where a majority actually believe that the president was born in another country"
Which was declared in Obama's own purported autobiography and widely copied, and turns out to be supported by evidence of the forgery of his Hawaiian birth certificate plus evidence from the British archives from colonial Kenya.
He (allegedly, through his ghostwriter) said he was born in Kenya. Why don't you believe him? What are you, racist?
"It's cool to feel sorry for these folks from a distance and write about them on blogs. But when they start occupying the halls of power, and acting out their sick delusions in real life"....
You mean, like believing that Black people are oppressed, and that the right thing to do for everyone is give them "space to destroy"... as if destruction is good for anything or anyone?
Then you wonder why there are "food deserts" and no jobs.
The South under Jim Crow was absolutely correct. Black people are too stupid and resentful to even understand what's in their short-term interest. Suppressing their urges toward crime, both large scale and small, is the only way to maintain the things they destroy yet lament the moment they're gone. Keeping them from voting is the only way to focus government on anything other than appeasing their retarded demands.
Maybe if you really understood how much fake news America has had forced down its throat already, you could have a worthwhile opinion. But due to tribal loyalties and orientation, that understanding is beyond you. Leave the USA. Now.
Reality doesn't care whether you believe in it or not. It's sort of sad to watch all of these poor racist suckers get stomped into the dirt by the very monsters they just voted in, but god damn it, we were trying as hard as we could to tell them.
But no, we weren't approved by Rush or Drudge or Breitbart, so we had to be lying.
So let's just sort of see, for our own amusement because there's no reaching these people, who it was that was lying when the Ryan budget privatizes Medicare (Trump swore on the stump that he wouldn't touch it or Social Security, and they already have a bill in the works to gut Social Security), repeals the ACA, and Trump appoints a Supreme Court justice specifically to overturn Roe v Wade so their teenage daughters can no longer obtain safe, legal abortions, while their more well off neighbors have no such difficulties, the EPA gets gutted and the air and water start degrading back to the way they were in the '70s, the public schools get their funding sucked dry by the "school choice for wealthy people" policies, and the thousands of programs Obama initiated to boost manufacturing jobs in the "rust belt" are slashed and burned:
and they wake up one morning to the realization that they are the wrong characters in the Ayn Rand novel they have voted to turn the country into.
Let's sort of keep a little list of how good they did within their made up world, compared with how they were doing while Barack Obama was their president. For our own amusement, because they will never believe it, to the last diseased breath they draw with no medical help in reach, we have to be the ones lying.
-Doug in Oakland
James and Josh,
You guys get that this post wasn't really for you?
I was going to drop in with my own dire predictions and fears, but now that I read Doug's comment, I am at a loss for words.
I remember my first one or two ideas. For what it is worth, the author of, "Pathway to Poverty," Paul Ryan, was one of the most vocal critics of Trump. Now he says, "Let's get to work!" He's licking his lips like a coyote that just killed the farmer's dog.
Trump has the fucking nerve to blaspheme by saying he wants to be president for all of America, a united American with a common destiny. This after he has pledged to destroy the PPACA, threatens 30% tariffs against cars built in Mexico, has completely devalued the BLM movement and is threatening to gut the EPA, re-invigorate the American coal industry, renege on carefully negotiated climate deals that the Obama administration worked tirelessly to achieve?
Fuck you, Donald Trump. I used to always say they are all cut from the same cloth, Rick Perry, GWB, Rick Scott, Newt Gingrich... The list of crazies that we used to make fun of. But it's not entirely true. There are those who are more heartless in their pursuit of wealth at the expense of ordinary Americans. There are also those who espouse conservatism, but have no agenda to destroy the lives of those less fortunate than themselves. These clown car rejects are securing important appointments in the new administration. We let McConnell get away with not letting Obama appoint a third Supreme Court justice? Who are we going to get from these guys? We'd be better off with John McCain and Sarah Palin. They were relatively humane, old-fashioned conservatives who at least didn't have it in for old people, retirees and the sick. They weren't actively advocating impoverishing and emaciating millions of Americans. They had families. They were ordinary Americans.
I often felt amazed that the typical republican position on just about any issue would be the antithesis of the moral and upright thing to do. For example, if they could make money and promote more development and housing by building a landfill on a groundwater aquifer they would send out the talking points to get everybody on their team to approve the landfill. But with Trump, it truly is the feeling of a kleptocracy in worst possible sense. And the way the alt-right just eats up everything he says. WTF? Trump won in the most lop-sided landslide in the history of U.S. presidential elections. He won something like 450 electoral votes while HRC only won California. He won with 80% of the popular vote, a whopping 98 million votes for DJT! And I think the first time he ever talked to Putin was when Putin called him at bedtime to congratulate him on his victory.
Be careful there, FJ, your last four sentences just gave J&J tiny little boners...
-Doug in Oakland
If its so scary, why are you still here, perpetuating your 19th Century dichotomy?
HRC is running a child prostitution ring out of a Pizzaria in DC.
Michele Obama was once a man.
Obama was a male prostitute trading sex for crack.
Bill Clinton fathered a Black child.
HRC killed Vince Foster. Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster.
HRC's hitmen have killed 29 Clinton enemies.
Obama went around the world apologizing to world leaders.
HRC killed Americans in Benghazi herself.
HRC is a crook. (my favorite)
HRC sold all our uranium for contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
Bill Clinton,as Guv of Arkansas, was running guns to Nicaragua and bringing back drugs to sell on the streets of America.
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick.
Bill Clinton lost his license to practice law.
Obamas are monkeys.
Obama palled around with terrorists.
Bush killed bin-ladin.
9-11 did not happen under Bush.
Obama allowed Iran to get nuclear weapons.
Drumpf won in a landslide.
Russia didn't interfere in the past election.
Obama trashed the economy.
The economy was much better under dumbass dubya.
The ACA is a failure.
The USA produced more oil under dumbass dubya.
Gays want special rights.
Liberals and the ACLU kicked god out of public school classrooms.
Abortions cause mental illness.
Obama is taking your guns.
HRC is taking your guns.
All Muslims are terrorists.
Obama instilled Sharia Law in America.
Obama is a practicing Muslim.
George Soros paid people to protest Drumpf events.
The precedent can't have conflicts of interest.
James Despicable-lookee what I found..............
Is this booklet evidence that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya? Not even the site that published it masw that claim, noting in a disclaimer that:
Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.
... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.
It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.
The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.
"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Facts is pesky things, ain't they?
Field, I'm glad you're scared. You are one of the canaries in our coal mine.
And it's dark for all of us down here.
"Practically endless"? Well cite one then Josh
Trump didn't devalue BLM, they devalued themselves IMHO by characterizing the lives of Garner, Grey, and Martin in the same vein as thugs like Mike Brown. So while I don't think Brown's corpse should have been left in the street on a hot summer day, his actions before he was killed are beyond indefensible.
And we all should be aware by now, of the incredibly difficult, picture of perfection standard "the face" of ANY Black movement must have to be considered "credible" by the majority. Put another way, there's a reason Rosa Parks was "picked" to represent the civil rights movement.
Trumpeting Mike Brown's death (pun intended) was an egregious error in judgement IMHO.
Wasn't for me?
1) Says who?
2) Why not?
3) Isn't that a problem?
Umm... off the very tippy top of my head, how about the lie that Russia hacked the election? Not only are they perpetrating this lie bereft of all evidence, but MSM is also drawing the conclusion that Americans simply knowing the truth is how you "rig" an election, whereas they feed people misinformation constantly.
Or how about one near and dear to Field's heart? The LIE that there's somehow a war on black males at the hands of the police. That's a whopper right there! Media outright lie and twist stories; media perpetrated the "hands up, don't shoot" lie, and the "gentle giant" shit and refused to tell the public that half of the officers in the Freddie Gray case were black. They refuse to tell the public that, proportionately, blacks are responsible for over 50% of all crime, almost 90% responsible for those actually shooting at police, and that if we're really talking about a disproportionate number of blacks being shot per their crime numbers, there wouldn't be more white people shot by police every single year.
How about quote-mining people habitually to spin a narrative that they said something they didn't really say? E.g. Trump supposedly saying all Mexicans are rapists. Or how about how media refused to show video of a Trump audience, unless there was a fight, so they could say that Trump's speeches and rallies were basically ghost towns and that no one bothered showing up? (Or how about their utter REFUSAL to report the Dem operative caught on tape saying he hires agitators to make Trump's audience look violent?)
How about lying about Obama's job approval ratings? Might seem like a white lie, but it's an example of MSM carrying water for the Democrats.
Sure, all media lie. They need an audience, and so they need to be bombastic and play to a niche. And by that standard, this "alternative" media, not backed by huge corporations and oil money, should be lying more. But it's the corporate media being the most dishonest. But I don't blame them. Liberals, more so than any other political ideologue, demand their confirmation bias. Right-wing ideologues are lying-ass mofos. Left-wing ideologues are fucking lunatics and paint everyone with whom they disagree as a horrible Hitler monster. And it's no secret that the enemy list gets larger every single year. Now we're not--those of us who aren't leftists--ONLY racists and xenophobes. Each year we're a new thing. Islamaphobes, transphobes, homophobes, patriarchy, rapists, and on and on.
Show me an actual link to any MSM story that says any of this bullshit.
I'm the kind of dipshit who thinks Politifact is a legitimate "fact checking" operation.
Here is more stuff the,you know, smart guy, is totally clueless about.
How a candidate is videoed for a campaign rally.
Unarmed Blacks, are killed at a rate 3.5 times higher than whites. Raw numbers don't tell the story. You have to get into the sciency stuff of data, Josh, which is what scares the shit out of wingnuts. Obama's job approval rating is higher than Saint Ronnie the Raisin in his second term.
"Imagine just creating your own alternative universe, where facts don't matter, and your beliefs-- no matter how far-fetched--- are constantly being reinforced to you by your ideological soul-mates."
Welcome to the progressive echo chamber, the thought-free emotional trainwreck thaat reverberates all the way down to the Field Negro blog.
"mike from iowa" is a typical brain-dead progressive who is completely ignorant of history and repeats nonsense he doesn't even understand.
Trump’s statements about Mexican immigration have been discredited in fact checks. PolitiFact National has twice given Pants on Fire ratings to his claim that the Mexican government is sending violent criminals to the U.S.
I see what you did there, Josh. Like a typical wingnut you parse a sentence and then pretend that is the whole story. Whether or not someone said Drumpf said "all" Messicans are rapists, the whole statement by Drumpf on immigrants was pants on fire false.
PolitiFact? Is this guy serious?
I don't think so. "mike from iowa" is trolling this site with a liberal dumbuck parody persona.
No one is that stupid.
We understand the ever more intrusive surveillance, the signs of social decay, and the economic parasitism. But no one ever mentions the *downside* of diversity.
Merry Christmas!
New York Republican Rep. Peter King wants CIA Director John Brennan investigated for a “hit job” for sending out a memo on Friday that said the Russians hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails. Facts are smears!
Read more at http://wonkette.com/609510/trumps-very-own-stasi-wonkagenda-for-monday-december-19-2016#8S2hxAcquuH3gl61.99
Diversity doesn't cause intrusive surveillance. Lawmakers and corporations choose to put it in place-- in response to their own fears about diversity. Which they are choosing to fear, by the way, instead of embrace.
I find it very interesting that in their respective ideological homes, liberals and conservatives say the exact same thing about each other-- that they are brainwashed idiots with no grasp of the facts.
If we really do live in two separate realities with no hope of a bridge between them, then maybe we should split up into two different countries. Liberals will keep their ethnic diversity, science, technology, and actually do something to save our planet. Conservatives can have their whites, their guns, their Fox and Breitbart, and their religious laws. We'll see how long it takes for the sides to miss each other...
C'mon kiddies, I'm waiting. You believe Politifact is a joke, let's see yer iron-clad proof. Got any of them dead Breitbart or O'keefe edited videos that prove your contention? Got a speck of proof that all the stuff Drumpf said about immigrants is true? Of course you don't.
"Whether or not someone said Drumpf said "all" Messicans are rapists, the whole statement by Drumpf on immigrants was pants on fire false."
Ah, so no illegal immigrants crossing onto American soil are rapists.
Good to know.
That's the same ideological and nonsensical line taken by Germany and Sweden.
Sadly, to score political points, the people who call themselves "progressives" ignore the annihilation of cultures and the rampant rape of women and children. Unless, of course, they can spin it to say it's only white men doing it; e.g. the cooked "rape culture" of campuses. How 'bout that one, Lance? Remember the false rape stories perpetrated by media as fact? Or are we still playing your game where you pretend not to know any of these stories, solely so you can wait to discredit ANY link I provide as "fake news"? LOL
No thank you. I was born on a day; it just wasn't yesterday.
The opposite of "all" is not "none".
The idea is, even when some of your immigrants are rapists, do nor shut out all immigrants, the vast majority of whom are law-abiding. That's a clumsy attempt to protect yourself.
The idea is, you rely on your law enforcement to find those immigrants who ARE rapists, and treat them accordingly.
And Josh, as an aside-- can you describe for me these cultures you are worried about being annihilated?
I don't know a single minorty that would "miss" interacting with racists.
BTW, is the orange one going to follow Russia into war with Turkey?
Lucy Montrose said...
If we really do live in two separate realities with no hope of a bridge between them, then maybe we should split up into two different countries. Liberals will keep their ethnic diversity, science, technology, and actually do something to save our planet. Conservatives can have their whites, their guns, their Fox and Breitbart, and their religious laws. We'll see how long it takes for the sides to miss each other
Ha! Liberals won't let conservatives go, they live to control everyone's lives. Besides, who would work in liberal America?
By all means, leave if you want to. Take the Muslims and illegal Mexicans with you. See how long you can afford expensive false science beliefs like "global warming".
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
I don't know a single minorty that would "miss" interacting with racists.
They'd "miss" a few meals and being allowed to pretend they were "scientists".
mike from iowa said...
"C'mon kiddies, I'm waiting. You believe Politifact is a joke, let's see yer iron-clad proof. Got any of them dead Breitbart or O'keefe edited videos that prove your contention? Got a speck of proof that all the stuff Drumpf said about immigrants is true? Of course you don't."
Standard progressive numbnut who asks for proof, then when he sees it on video, says it's "edited".
Keep up the troll act, mike. It's hilarious.
Lance cock something or other. Pretty easy to tell a video has been edited when it is compared with the original, unedited videos. That has been O'Keefe's downfall. Now he claims they will no longer release the originals so you can't prove they were edited. Sciency stuff shoots another O'keefe and Cock whatever theory in the ass. I won't bore you with those scary details, since you are afraid of scienty things. You have to be, you're a wingnut.
I'm still waiting for your ironclad proof Politifact is a joke. So far you have shown nothing,nada,zero,aip zilch, as per wingnut custom, troll.
Here's who would work in liberal America:
Scientists, teachers, doctors, writers, artists, publishers, community banks, credit unions, techies, small family farmers, LGBT-friendly clergy... in short, it's a lot like who works in America now, in the best, most human-scale, least monopolistic economies.
Here is who would NOT: people whose work is to enforce discrimination, and climate deniers.
It's all about the source, Lance. Why do you believe Breitbart and O'Keefe are more reliable than Politifact?
Anybody who puts an inordinate amount of pride in their cock... doesn't have much to live for outside of their cock.
The same with people who think reproducing is more important than creating art or music or having intellectual pursuits.
Lucy: I can add truck drivers, warehouse managers, cooks, musicians, loggers, fire fighters, machinists, welders, and electronics repairmen to your list.
-Doug in Oakland
Thanks, Doug. I missed some there.
Oh, and we'd be working reasonable hours-- no more 60+ hour workweeks unless we personally choose it, for ourselves. And we fill in the gaps by-- gasp!-- hiring more people, instead of forcing fewer people to work longer hours.
Human beings need rest and leisure as well as work.
Damn Mike@8:45 AM, rest your case. You win.🙄
What's wrong with PolitiFact?
Damn Mike@8:45 AM, rest your case. You win.🙄
Lucy I promise u and every wingnut reading this that I would not even notice. I don't interact with them now.
I never go to flyover country unless I absolutely have to.
Happy holidays to u too, Porter.
The wingnut party slithered into a bar. There was a fascist, a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist,a pathological liar, a lousy businessman, an accused pedophile/rapist, a zenophobe, a deluded old fart and a scofflaw. Wait, that was just Drumpf.
@Josh So what you are trying to say is you cannot back up any of this bullshit
@Lucy and @Mike - The posts you are responding to are not me, just the usual cockroaches, as anyone who regularly frequents this site will tell you.
@Mike - Oh, and fuck you.
@Lucy and @Mike - Discussions around here can get pretty lowbrow, but even so you two have managed to take it down a notch. That's quite an accomplishment.
And it's spelled "xenophobe", dumbass.
"By all means, leave if you want to. Take the Muslims and illegal Mexicans with you. See how long you can afford expensive false science beliefs like "global warming".
Exhibit A of living in a fact free bubble. The only people who dispute global warming are non-scientists. It's fine if you want to get your scientific information from Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin and such but beware of the results.
The Real Lance Cockstrong said...
@Mike - Oh, and fuck you
More true romances have started with those exact words. Even if you aren't my type (you aren't), I can always remember you once proposed. I didn't spell zenophobe zenophobe dumbass and If I did you can't prove it. We gonna have a pissing contest, now?
"The only people who dispute global warming are non-scientists."
The only people who promote global warming are grifters and idiots.
The only people who dispute global warming are those who believe in science.
Scientific theories must be proven by observations. They are not a matter of belief, and the debate is never "closed".
People who "believe" in AGW and who call skeptics "deniers" are religious fanatics, not scientists.
The electoral college has certified the will of the people by voting in Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States!
Congratulations President-elect Trump!
Congratulations America!
Congratulations to the entire world!
We will Make America Great Again!
mike from iowa said...
>More true romances have started with those exact words. Even if you aren't my type (you aren't)<
He's not your type because he doesn't have an extra chromosome or he's not an unattended farm animal.
Make America Gag Again Trump- Magats-fly larvae.
Curtis, I'd say neither. Although I have seen unattended farm animals that were definitely smarter and tasted better grilled. Some even have personalities which is one thing never associated with a right wing nut job.
Matter of fact, the laying hens I used to raise knew who to vote for in 2012. They'd scratch around the garden saying Baaarrrraaaacccckkkkk. Smart birds.
"They'd scratch around the garden saying Baaarrrraaaacccckkkkk. Smart birds."
Is that who told you how to vote?
The Republican brand is now strongly associated with patriotism and strength.
The Democrat brand is now strongly associated with being a pussy.
Them chickens knew a winner when they heard him campaign. Best advice on voting I ever got, especially when you total up Obama's legacy. The best Potus ever of the ones I have lived through-back to Eisenhower.
What dingbat wingnuts don't get is Obama doesn't make them racists. They do that by listening to Alex Jones, dead Breitbart, Fake Noize, et al. Obama didn't divide the country, the racists chose to do that. Obama is quite the folk hero having to drag around millions of tons of putrid wingnuts from one century to another. They still don't like it and want to go back to Jim Crow days. Them chickens, dare I say it, compared t0 modern wingnuts were simply brilliant.
What does "Great" look like to you, Hail? Gimme details.
moron from Iowa's chickens have come home to roost.
Calling people that you resent for being smarter and more successful than you "racist" for disagreeing with you politically has jumped the shark. You are playing yesterday's game by yesterday's rules.
Being welcoming to those different from you <> being a pussy. In fact... I would say that shows a lot of strength. And patriotism.
Certainly more strength than cozying up to the biggest bully on the block. That's far from strong. In fact, it's very... pussyish.
How do you define smarter and more successful? Making more money?
Is that the only way to be smart and successful?
Lucy Montrose said...
Being welcoming to those different from you:
Merry Christmas!
Looks like wingnut world's come here, Field... right here in your own comment section.
After all, you see the everyday attitudes of wingnut world right here on display.
Right down to a belief that your worth as a human being is only about how much money you make.
Lucy Montrose said...
How do you define smarter and more successful?
Being smarter and more successful.
Lucy Montrose said...
Right down to a belief that your worth as a human being is only about how much money you make.
Being successful is not about how much money you make. It's about taking care of your family, living your life honorably, and making your small part of the world better, or at least not worse, than when you got there.
Bold type and projection makes your argument super cogent.
Funky Klutz said...
The Republican brand is now strongly associated grabbing a pussy.
The Democrat brand is now strongly associated with losing to a orange man that grabs pussies.
Cheeto thinks saying a bunch of pretty words is going to make up for his deplorable actions.
After all, it's worked on enough voters already.
Actually, I don't often visit here. So no, other than knowing this blog attracts trolls like flies, not familiar.
And how could I have taken it down a notch... I had a calm tone of voice! Awww... at least, that's what everybody says is key to making a good point... ;)
"And Josh, as an aside-- can you describe for me these cultures you are worried about being annihilated"
German culture and Swedish culture. These are unique, independent cultures which have many years of history, prideful people, landmarks, cultural standards and values, etc. And their insane policies are illegal immigration are literally killing these nations and erasing their cultures.
What do you want described to you beyond that?
Washington Times is not a reliable source.
Seasons Greetings to you.
"[T]aking care of your family, living your life honorably, and making your small part of the world better, or at least not worse, than when you got there."
That's funny... that's what we liberals and Democrats do, too.
More details, plz.
Usually when people immigrate to a new country, it's because they WANT to live under a that country's culture.
Say I decided to move to Sweden/Germany because I liked their workplace and feminist culture better that of America. Would you be OK with that?
What if I were black? Would you still be OK?
If you support policies that make life worse for Muslims, LGBTs, and women... sorry, but that does make you islamophobic, transphobic, and sexist.
@Lucy, unless that was a doctored video I saw of him tearing up that man's business and pushing him around, he's guilty.
And sometimes when you do dumb, wreckless shit you pay for it with your life. Especially if you're a Black man in America.
"The only people who promote global warming are grifters and idiots."
Sorry you lost your shirt on some useless "water alkalizer". Watch out for Goldline's stuff, too.
@Yisheng, looks like he was indeed guilty of stealing cigarillos, but the assault part is doubtful. I removed my other response.
Lucy and Mike, these people are not normal. They live vicariously through people who they perceive as being superior, and they set them up in power against their own interest because they share the same skin color.
It's sad, really.
They are, in a word, pathetic.
Well, some are more normal than others. Like, you can't really go wrong with this:
"Being successful is not about how much money you make. It's about taking care of your family, living your life honorably, and making your small part of the world better, or at least not worse, than when you got there."
Where we differ is in the details of HOW we achieve this. How do they put "being a successful person" into action?
Philosophy is nothing without action. This is less about consistency/hypocrisy, and more about "what does this person's template of 'good person' look like."
Lucy Montrose said...
Washington Times is not a reliable source.
Fuck you, you stupid cunt. Do you know how to Google?
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
"@Lucy, unless that was a doctored video I saw of him tearing up that man's business and pushing him around, he's guilty."
Tell us, Dr. Genius, how does y'all doctor a surveillance video to make it look like the thug be throwin' little Apu around?
field negro said...
Lucy and Mike, these people are not normal. They live vicariously through people who they perceive as being superior, and they set them up in power against their own interest because they share the same skin color.
President Barack Hussein Obama, anyone?
@Lucy, I'll say this about the assault charge. If someone came up in my business establishment stealing, then pushed me around, they had better run faster than I can get my gun, because I'd pop a cap right in their ass!!
I wonder what all the lowest paid/uneducated Whooteemoos are going to do when they figure out that the orange man doesn't give a flying f**k about their po' asses.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
And sometimes when you do dumb, wreckless shit you pay for it with your life. Especially if you're a Black man in America.
And sometimes when you do dumb, you spell "reckless" with a "w".
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes said...
@Lucy, I'll say this about the assault charge. If someone came up in my business establishment stealing, then pushed me around, they had better run faster than I can get my gun, because I'd pop a cap right in their ass!!
You and George Zimmerman, bitch.
Lucy Montrose said...
Usually when people immigrate to a new country, it's because they WANT to live under a that country's culture.
Ans sometimes it's when they want to colonize and conquer that country for their own people. And also because they get a bunch of free shit.
FLOTUS on Oprah!!!
And it STILL feels great to say that OWN is owned (pun intended) AND named after a Black woman!!!
So is "gonorrhea".
Congratulations, you lost this argument. Merry Christmas.
Operative word being "sometimes".
That's why you investigate each immigrant, and not just blanket ban them all.
Unless you don't want to spend the money and time to do the right thing, that is.
Your name perfectly describes our electoral state...
The truth about butt buddies Drumpf and Putin.
"Usually when people immigrate to a new country, it's because they WANT to live under a that country's culture.
(The biggest crock of shit I've ever read at Field's)
Say I decided to move to Sweden/Germany because I liked their workplace and feminist culture better that of America. Would you be OK with that?
What if I were black? Would you still be OK?"
Ahh, how cute. Someone refuses to read polls about Muslim attitudes and just wants to assume, because they're viewed as racial minorities, that they're just poor little oppressed victims looking for a better life. LOL I wanna pinch your cheeks, you're so damned adorable.
And how the fuck do you manage to fit "'Cause I'm black" into something pertaining to Muslims? The Oppression Olympics are real!
Is there any evidence to present that Muslim migrants to Sweden and Germany are adopting Swedish and German cultural values? Any evidence to suggest they're assimilating into those western cultures? No, in fact; all evidence to the exact contrary. These Islamic migrants, whether supposedly "moderate" or outright radical, all seem to have one thing in common: They bring their culture with them!
So, they're fleeing these horrible nations with backward cultures. They're coming to the west to live as westerners and have better lives. Except that doesn't model reality. I understand that, with political ideology, building a model of utility which parallels reality is too much to ask. But using that standard gave us the computer, cured diseases, put people in space. Not using that standard gives us creationism religion and radicalized terrorists. So I'm going to use the standard by which a model is constructed which proves reliable in its mirroring of reality; i.e. I'm going to admit what the truth is, even if you people won't: Islamic immigrants, on the whole, bring their radical cultures to the west and attempt to overthrow the host culture to reinstitute Islamic culture.
Some cultures are better than others. The west is orders of magnitude better than Islamic theocracies. The "moderate" Muslims hold beliefs that only the most radical Christians do. And we both know it's true. If a Muslim is against homosexuality and women's rights, we call them "moderate" unless they blow shit up. If a Christian baker refuses to contribute to a gay wedding, we'll call them radical (and probably racist, because reasons) and decry them.
Introducing Islamic culture to western culture is a horrible fucking idea.
Unless the argument is that trucks drive themselves. :/
Whoops, sorry 'bout those facts, Rapefugee and Josh. The German police just released that "terrorist" saying he WASN'T involved. My money is on a neo-Nazi who killed the driver, drove into the crowd, and than got away while his associates called in a tip about a brown skinned man climbing outta the truck...awaiting the stupid tRump tweet about this mess.
CenterPuke88 said...
My money is on a neo-Nazi
No matter how little I think of Leftist's ability to think in a rational, adult manner, apparently there is always room for my estimation of their abilities to sink even further.
For your own sake, I hope you are just trolling the other moronic progs who frequent this site. If not, try not to forget to breathe when you type.
Man, has this ever been one HELL of a discussion thread. Now to throw my 2¢ in:
"Reality doesn't care whether you believe in it or not."
Hold that thought....
"who it was that was lying when the Ryan budget privatizes Medicare (Trump swore on the stump that he wouldn't touch it or Social Security, and they already have a bill in the works to gut Social Security)"
You DO realize that Trump won't be sworn in for another 31 days, and Ryan is one of the very cuckservatives that the Trump legions mobilized AGAINST? Apparently not; reality is not your strong suit.
"It's sort of sad to watch all of these poor racist suckers get stomped into the dirt by the very monsters they just voted in, but god damn it, we were trying as hard as we could to tell them."
Living in the Marxist bubble of Mexifornia I bet it's easy to miss the news from the actual people involved, but the TEA Party forces which begat the Alt-Right (which Trump just rode to electoral victory) are resolutely opposed to the forces of globalism, immiseration and genocide-level immigration which are personified by Lyin' Paul Ryan, Miss Lindsey Grahamnesty and Juan "Keating Five" McPain (who only got 55% of the vote in his last primary contest). Since you're calling it racist for them to oppose their own extinction, you're going to find a lot more people who refuse to care about being called racist anymore.
Blacks have been net tax consumers since the Great Society; they've contributed nothing and have had all the "reparations" they deserve (and then some). Immigrants come here to mooch off the physical and social capital generated by people whose contributions they can neither replace nor understand. The view is that if these people go away or are compensated according to what they give (which means most Blacks would be in shotgun shacks in the deep South again), the rest of us can get back something close to what we've put in—and only those people actually deserve it.
Since you Marxists have been getting all the other groups to view themselves as racial blocs against the majority, the majority is starting to do the same. Tough noogies. If you didn't want to play by those rules, you should have kept them out of the game. Now you lose.
"James and Josh,
You guys get that this post wasn't really for you?"
You clowns get that this country wasn't really for you, and that we don't care what you think?
"Trump has the fucking nerve to blaspheme by saying he wants to be president for all of America, a united American with a common destiny."
You have the fucking nerve to imply that Obama was that president, when he sent reps to the funerals of robbers and attempted murders while bringing the wrath of the DOJ down on cops just trying to keep society from collapsing under their predations.
But you do leak some truth there, when you say "blaspheme". Anti-Whiteness is your religion.
"This after he has pledged to destroy the PPACA, threatens 30% tariffs against cars built in Mexico, has completely devalued the BLM movement and is threatening to gut the EPA, re-invigorate the American coal industry, renege on carefully negotiated climate deals that the Obama administration worked tirelessly to achieve?"
The PPACA has made health insurance unaffordable for millions of Americans and features "exchanges" which will shortly have no insurance companies participating, the "free" trade deals of the last 30 years have sent American industry overseas without bringing American workers any benefits save the chance to spend their unemployment checks on cheap foreign junk at WalMart, and the coal industry is dead anyway so long as natural gas is so cheap. The climate deals are pointless while Chindia aren't bound by them. Pulling our industry back from China will do more to reduce pollution than anything Zero has done, because US energy is far cleaner than theirs.
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group which foments riots and violence against completely innocent individuals and businesses. It is financed by George Soros, who is trying to instigate a color revolution in the USA like so many others he's accomplished around the world. BLM is essentially the shock troops testing the boundaries of what they can do against the forces of law and order to violently overthrow the lawful US government (which Obama is not part of).
Soros will fail. Even—ESPECIALLY—if the police and National Guard stand down, US patriots have enough guns and ammo on hand to put down rioters. One BLM riot could be dispersed in half a minute by one patriot with an AR-15. The next time a bunch of "protestors" try to blockade a freeway with their hands locked inside drums going across it, some patriot with a machete and some rope is going to tourniquet their arms, cut their hands off and then muscle the barriers out of the way to free themselves from the protestor's unlawful imprisonment. I'm hoping that Jeff Sessions investigates the command chain of BLM and we see Soros do a perpwalk this coming year, the first of many hundreds.
You've lost by the rules. You think you can win by brute force? Think again.
"I don't think Brown's corpse should have been left in the street on a hot summer day"
It wasn't "left". The hearse sent to pick it up was surrounded by an angry mob and couldn't move. Yes, for hours. The people inside feared for their lives.
This lawlessness won't be tolerated much longer. Sometime soon the mobs will block the streets, and a loudspeaker on a helicopter will announce that they have thirty seconds to clear the roadway. Shortly after that they'll have a whole LOT of bodies to protest—but I suspect that they'll have better things to do.
Josh wrote:
"MSM is also drawing the conclusion that Americans simply knowing the truth is how you "rig" an election, whereas they feed people misinformation constantly."
The Lying Liberal Media are the master purveyors of Fake News. Mr. Muh Dik of course comes back with something totally lame:
"Show me an actual link to any MSM story that says any of this bullshit."
The whole point is that the LLM have imposed a blackout on it, despite it being out in public for months now. Fake voters bussed in, practically every form of fraud ever used admitted to on video... complete LLM blackout.
The LLM serves its masters, who view the public as sheep. Now go back to your pen. You may become mutton, or you may only be sheared... you earned it. I won't be.
"Diversity doesn't cause intrusive surveillance."
No, diversity plus proximity foments war. The only way to prevent war is to impose massive surveillance and suffocating control. The people imposing the "diversity" are using it as an excuse to impose the controls so they can reap the benefits of picking the winners (themselves and their agents) and the losers (everyone else). When the controls finally fail, you get a Yugoslavia.
"is the orange one going to follow Russia into war with Turkey?"
As if. Trump is more likely to declare that Turkey has twice violated the terms of its NATO membership by its aggressions and the USA will not lift a finger to defend it. A month later, Constantinople will be back in Orthodox hands.
"If you support policies that make life worse for Muslims, LGBTs, and women... sorry, but that does make you islamophobic, transphobic, and sexist."
Of course, you don't care how those policies affect life for me. This makes you misandrist, agnostophobic, heterophobic and sexist. AAMOF, I'm all for Muslims and LGBTs having their own countries so my preferences are irrelevant to them... oh, wait, Muslims already do. Must be a coincidence that they're mostly hell-holes they're trying to get out of.
"My money is on a neo-Nazi who killed the driver, drove into the crowd, and than got away while his associates called in a tip about a brown skinned man climbing outta the truck..."
Of course it is, because you're always praying for the next criminal to be a White guy. Meanwhile, the truck was hijacked in a Muslim ghetto. Odds of the hijacker being anything other than a follower of the Religion of Pieces? Zero. But even after it's proven that he was a rapefugee just like the one in Nice, you'll never admit you're wrong or say you're sorry.
Yo, Rapefugee...so, attack me and ignore the inconvenient fact that ruins your worldview, nice strawman.
What "fact" might that be, genius? Your retarded fantasy that it was a neo-Nazi who drove the truck into the people at a Christmas celebration in Berlin?
"Your retarded fantasy that it was a neo-Nazi who drove the truck into the people at a Christmas celebration in Berlin?"
It was said that the writer of Major League was really a Cleveland Indians fan and knew that the only way he'd ever see them win would be to write a fictional story about them. That's how progressives seem to live their entire lives.
The only way we're ever going to see some influx of white-perpetrated hate crimes is for people to invent them. And year on year white perpetrators are committing them less frequently (to the point it's hard to even intent shit anymore), while non-white perpetrators commit exponentially more violence against whites but are rarely charged with hate crimes, just regular crimes.
The only way we're ever going to see a world where climate change wrecks the planet is for progressives to create it via movies and shows and books.
The only way we're ever going to see the world where it's white people the evil oppressors to bring down society, and especially after society falls apart, is for progressives to create it.
The only way we're ever going to see a "rape culture" on college campuses is for girls to outright lie about being gang-raped (notice how regular rape isn't even a good enough story; it's always MULTIPLE white men who did it, not just one lol).
The only way we're ever going to see this white neo-Nazi terrorist, instead of a regular Muslim turned radical, is for it to be created.
Progressives are a giant community of Live-Action Role-Players (LARPers). They're having fucking fun creating the fictional universe, leveling up their characters with the most oppression, and living lives of literal fiction. I give Field credit for being this loony yet still holding down a job. Most can't. They're either welfare babies or dependent on their parents.
And again, Rapefugee ignores the basic fact I first stated, three strikes and you're out. Of course, that presumes he can count to three. Oh, and Josh, for someone so deep in the Echosphere, your fantasies are so conventionally Rethuglican, maybe you need reprogrammed?
I suppose you spent some time on that and it means a great deal to you, some sort of GOTCHA. I, however, have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
These aren't my fantasies. These are realities we see. When all those myths about white people and the right-wing don't come true, liberals just create them in their "art" to pretend that their art is imitating life.
They're not alone in doing it. The right-wing does it too, with their B-movie productions about how the ultra-religious professors are being discriminated against by atheists, and how atheists are really stupid and the religious are really the smart ones. LOL Harry Potter didn't delve into the level of fantasy that ideologues do.
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