Since when is a comedian not allowed to make fun of famous people? Besides, pretty much everything she said was true.
It's just amazing to me that some of the same folks who defend this president and his vile and reprehensible behavior every day are now saying that this comedian went too far. She did not. She did what she was hired to do: Tell jokes. Donald trump makes fun of disabled people, and he tries to fat-shame women he disagrees with, and some of these same journalists who are now complaining about Wolf failed to cal him out for his boorish behavior. Trump himself said some pretty outrageous and dangerous things at his rally in Michigan, while Wolf was entertaining journalists in Washington, but it's crickets from America's chattering class and those who should be calling him out on it.
Katherine Timpf, writing for the National Review, had a great take on this issue.
"Wolf then continued to suggest that Sanders was a sort of “Uncle Tom but for white women.”
Sanders was visibly upset the entire time, and many people on the right rushed to her defense — saying that Wolf’s jokes were inappropriate and an outrage. Here’s the thing, though: Many of those same people have absolutely no problem with it when President Trump makes fun of people, no matter how low the blow.
Yes. In case you’ve forgotten, Donald Trump also really likes to make fun of people. On the campaign trail, he referred to Marco Rubio as “Little Marco” and Jeb Bush as “low-energy Jeb.” During a debate, he readily agreed that he’d compare Rosie O’Donnell to a “fat pig,” “slob,” “dog,” and “disgusting animal.” He mocked Carly Fiorina, saying “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” During his presidency, he made fun of Mika Brzezinski, saying he once saw her “bleeding badly from a face-lift.” The list goes on and on.
If you find yourself being outraged about Wolf’s jokes about Sanders, I’d suggest you ask yourself: Were you outraged about any of the above jokes as well? If not, why not?
The way it appears now is that when Trump makes fun of Mika’s face, the Right says “Chill, it’s just a joke!” and the Left says it’s an outrage. When Michelle Wolf says Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s eyeshadow is made of lies, the Left says “Chill, it’s just a joke!” and the Right says it’s an outrage. There’s certainly an element of hypocrisy on this issue on both sides, but there’s also one difference: Michelle Wolf is a comedian, not the leader of the free world, so she does deserve a bit more leeway when it comes to making jokes." [Source]
Maybe that's the problem, we can't separate the two, since "the leader of the free world" is such a joke.
I sincerely hope a white church gets shot up or a white neighborhood gets bombed. I would laugh my ass off.
Black people know a lot about hypocrisy. You people are the cruelest people in this country. Remember when your kind kidnapped a retarded kid and tortured him live on social media? Remember your people's hatred and violence against Jewish citizens during the Crown Heights riots? Commence pulling your collective heads out of your asses, then the rest of us normal people can begin taking you seriously.
Michelle Wolf is everything liberals strive to be: hateful and not funny. Notice her jokes were virulently sexist attacks on accomplished women, but liberals didn't care. Because they don't care about women. They care about hating conservatives and Trump.
You can be crude, you can be harsh, you can take an opportunity to insult someone the crowd hates to please the people paying for it, but if you are a comedian, you have to be funny.
Michelle Wolf was not funny.
Journalists wonder why everyone hates them.
If the dinner can only attract liberal presidents and liberal comedians, what does that tell you about the press in general and the White House Correspondents' Association in particular?
The media likes to present the president's criticism of their reporting as an attack on the First Amendment and the hallowed institution of the free press. But if they really are a bunch of hacks who color everything they report so as to promote a liberal agenda and vent their hatred of conservatives, how much respect do the rest of us owe them?
Thank you Field,
I enjoyed the hell outta that. If that tiny turd, Trump had the nerve to show up at the dinner, two years running now, the organizers never could have presented someone like Michelle Wolf who really nailed it to the wall, hit after hit.
Trump is a butt-hurt wanker. Doesn't have the balls to show up at the dinner even though he is PUTOS. (Funny typo.)
He deserved everything he got. Sanders deserved it too for being such a dumb Trumpie. I miss Sean Spicer. That guy was fucking funny.
I know, you needed to hear from our injured friends on the right side of the aisle.
I can't wait to see what they all say.
No joke is too cruel for tr**p and his demented supporters. They have earned every incendiary thing thrown their way.
The woke media spent the weekend covering for homophobic jokes from Joy Reid and then laughed at the Press Secretary being called a lesbian. The laughed at a lame, completely insensitive abortion joke. A night of sneering at the beliefs of the 50% of America they consider deplorable.
Enough of elites mocking all of us. The hatred and divisiveness on display last night is why Trump will win again in 2020
Pro tip: She said "facts" not "fat" so to all you twitter twats claiming she was body shaming her:
First, you're wrong, and second, it says a lot that you would associate fat with the white house press secretary before facts.
And again, she said "fuck" twice and "pussy" a few times. My stars and garters! However will the republic survive such an attack, degradation, and violation of the norms of civility and decency?
Oh, wait...
-Doug in Oakland
Flying Junior's so white he was invented in a lab by Yakub.
The "lame, completely insensitive abortion joke" is Republican policies, which are far less funny than what she said last night.
But I don't expect you to understand that. Republicans can't have jokes. Or songs. Or for the most part, human decency, because if they had that, she never would have had to make that joke in the first place.
-Doug in Oakland
Michelle Wolf’s caustic comedy routine at the White House correspondents’ dinner, annotated - The Washington Post...
Interestingly, though not every joke for every comedian is knocked out of the ballpark, Michelle Wolf left no stone unturned for conservatives or progressives.
Thought it helpful posting WHCD transcript to offset the less than balanced troll narrative saying Ms. Wolf attacked Sarah Sanders’ appearance. In my opinion, the only comment regarding looks was a funny analogy of an eye makeup stye.
In reply to One Hand Clapping’s post at 10:27pm, I recalled reading an enlightening article when Pres. Trump declined attending the WHCD last year.
Contrary to the current social and political divide, previous democrat and republican administrations heralded every aspect of journalism, as they celebrated the free press being the cornerstone of American democracy.
No surprise the exception is how former Pres. Nixon took on the stance of Pres. Trump in declaring the “press as the enemy of the people.” Of course, history has a way of shedding light on the war between the president and the press once the magnitude of a scandal comes full circle as was the case with Watergate.
Great comments F&F!
Did y’all see Fakeabees face?
> I sincerely hope a white church gets shot up
Happened at least twice last year:
African immigrant tries to shoot up a White church... kills just one, in the parking lot.
White guy shoots up his ex-GFs church in Texas, gets chased off by neighbor with an AR-15:
> or a white neighborhood gets bombed.
Does the Boston Marathon count?
> I would laugh my ass off.
Now you know why white people have stopped caring when niggers shoot each other. You don't want any reduction in the misery you cause to each other. You want everyone else to suffer as much violence and misery as you do... even if they have nothing to do with making it.
You won't like the solutions they come up with for the Negro Problem, but by the time they start talking about them in earnest it'll be too late to stop it.
So finally one of you cocksuckers figured out that I was white?
I'm going back to the Nazi blogs where they think I am Jewish.
I remember when I was fat shamed. It was horrible!
Junior, I knew you were white, too much virtual signally. You don't have to worship at the altar of the magical negro. You are allowed to be a free white person. It's your choice Junior.
Dave Zirin is a moron.
I just feel more comfortable at Field's place.
There are not that many white liberals blogging right now. I have never been afraid to hang out with black people.
You blew my cover. I used to love it when dumbshits assumed that I was black.
I'm watching you, boy...
Get a handle. Then you can be my frenemy.
Whiny stoopid fucking waicu wasteys can't handle being ridiculed. They should be used to it, they act ridiculously every minute of every day of their stoopid fucking wasicu wastey lives.
Fuck them all and feed them all Hy-Vee beans!
Where's the outrage over this- Guns will be banned from the premises when Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a National Rifle Association convention in Dallas on Friday. Before and during the speech, attendees are prohibited from bringing “firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind,” the NRA wrote as it announced Pence’s presence at the conference.
Hypocrisy much, Russia/NRA?
The only difference between straight white men and gay white men is that one likes pussy and the other likes dick.
Flying Junior said...
So finally one of you cocksuckers figured out that I was white?
I'm going back to the Nazi blogs where they think I am Jewish.
Nobody likes a cuck, not even those you are cucking for. Good riddance.
I think part of the outrage is based on the assumption that the WH Correspondents’ Dinner should be a sort of neutral, collegial affair, where politicians from both parties and Washington journalists can get together and have some fun in a friendly environment for one night, the so-called “Nerd Prom.”
In practice, that’s impossible these days. Washington, and the country, are locked in a sort of civil Cold War. Both parties hate each other’s guts. The Republicans, and especially Trump, hate the media (they hate reality, so of course they hate the people who are paid to force reality to intrude on their fantasy world — how rude!).
Republicans have nobody but themselves to blame for this. From the ‘90s onward, they started treating the opposing party like the enemy and flouting democratic norms. In 2016, they elected a man, via the dirtiest means possible, who is a walking middle finger to more than half the country. They knew this when they did it; they cannot disavow it now.
In short, Republicans, here’s the deal: Act like assholes, get treated like assholes.
That’s how it works, assholes. Don’t pretend to be shocked, assholes. You deserve this, assholes.
If it was me, I would have made fun of all those ugly white boys in the room and their pathetic micro dicks.
How do you keep five negroes from raping a white woman?
Throw a basketball at them.
Let me tell you, it is very satisfying punching a white boy in the face. LOL
"Republicans have nobody but themselves to blame for this."
Right. It's the Republicans who have waged an insane culture war through their control of media and entertainment that now has us promoting trannyism to Kindergartners and extending US citizenship to everyone on the planet. It's the Republicans who dehumanize their political opponents right up to the point of calling for their extermination.
If you actually believe what you write you are a fucking moron.
Wanna know how to stop 5 wasicus from raping a baby? Throw Crisco on their ARs and AKs.
Under Ronnie Raygun, minortity wingnut fucks accused majority Dems of micro-managing Raygun's illegal foreign policy, you know aiding AND abeting Iran, Iraq and Contras in Nicaragua. Trading arms for hostage release from Iran. Selling Iran weapons and using that money to circumvent the Boland amendment to aid Contras. Just a whole slather of impeachable and traitorous actions wingnuts never had to answer for.
But, we all remember Raygun being senile, CIA director Casey conveniently died before he could testify before congress, North admitted to a number of felonies and got off scot free. And Hitler Weasel Bush was worthless as tits on a boar.
Why Suckabee cannot be "bullied," although she does work for, and enable, an actual bully:
You Can't Bully These Motherfuckers
"Every day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders plants herself, by choice, between the public and the facts of what’s being done at the very highest levels of American executive power, and does her damnedest to break and delegitimize the means by which the two are brought together. She is one of the most visible and powerful people in American civic life, and she uses her visibility and power—she chooses to use her visibility and power—to confuse the public and degrade its grasp on the truth, rather than to inform or empower or serve it. Her willingness to do this on behalf of Donald Trump, day after day, and the unmistakable teeth-gnashing relish with which she does it, are the substance of her power, and the reason why anybody knows who the fuck she is at all. What history will remember about Sanders is that she is the scum of the fucking earth, and not the jokey means by which one comedian pointed out this inarguable fact ...
I hope Cthulu returns tomorrow and destroys us all.
Every day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders deals with an infantile press corps obsessed with attacking the administration who spend their alloted time asking absurd questions rather than actually trying to gather the kind of real information needed by the electorate.
How do you stop five white fuckboys from raping a woman? Tell em that she's not related to them.
Wypipo is RACIST:
Everyday Sarah Hucklebags lies and dodges questions the electorate needs to know. I want to know what trump is hiding in his taxes? He said he was under investigation by the IRS are they done yet? How much is he into hoc to the Russians? Now THOSE are questions we want to know but Sarah will slip, slide and dance around better than Muhammad Ali in his prime.
Exactly the point.
Press and their moronic friends don't care about what is actually going on, they just want to chase their fantasies about Russia, taxes, and Stormy Daniels.
You are worse than the birthers.
More alt left elitism.
Perjurer/Keebler Elf Sessions has removed racial gerrymandering from DOJ manual.
Of course you know how Sessions and the dumbest son of a bitch to ever set foot in the WH really feel about POC and would never do a thing to anyone of them- unless they thought they can tweak the law and get away with it.
You are worse than the birthers.
No, you're just a moron or Russian troll. Now go play in traffic.
More alt right racism and idiocy.
If all you Trump supporters would go impale yourselves on the nearest pitchfork that would be greatly appreciated.
Drumpf suckporters can't afford to impale themselves. Obama and Dems took all their health insurance away from them and tried to blame Drumpfuck.
“Drumpf suckporters can't afford to impale themselves. Obama and Dems took all their health insurance away from them and tried to blame Drumpfuck.”
Keep yer damn government hands offa my Medicare!
*spits tobaccy*
If the comedienne had been white, I'm sure your attitude would be totally different. You know it, I know it.
Anyway...hey, Purple Cow...are you still in the pasture?
How's the wall construction going?
Rufus the Redneck said. My comment was meant to snark stoopid fucking wingnuts who will believe every bad thing about Libs and nothing bad about stoopid fucking wingnuts.
My humblest apology if you didn't catch on.
THE WALL is not being built. Not a foot of it.
“My humblest apology if you didn't catch on.”
Oh, I caught on, alright.
Monster-truck-loving America really does think “dastardly” Obama wanted to take away their healthcare and Trump wants to give them healthcare.
These people live in Opposite World.
Dumbasses abound in Trump country.
So what the fuck does "virtual signally" mean, anyway?
"It's the Republicans who dehumanize their political opponents right up to the point of calling for their extermination."
The foundation document of this phenomenon, authored by Newton Leroy Gingrich, is titled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" and was accompanied by a list of invective that he instructed the Republican conference and candidates for office to level at their opponents and Democrats in general. He later regretted including "traitors" in the list, but only because it backfired and made the public doubt the veracity of the rest of the insults.
The comity between the parties wasn't good before he did that, but it has been non-existent since, and is a large factor in why congress can't get out of its own way long enough to get anything done.
That and the fact that the Republicans in congress are crazier than shit-house rats.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
So what the fuck does "virtual signally" mean, anyway?
It's like how you come on a black blog every day and rant against white politicians to show black people how virtuous you are.
As a Chinese-American I have to say that blacks and leftism don't mix well in comedy. Black comedians in general are pretty stale.
See more at:
Pentagon: Reports of Sexual Assault in Military Increased Last Year
but only by 10%
Who is the pussy grabbing CIC? Sets a nice example for the troops, wouldn't you say?
mmjames, should I send out the bot warning now or later?
mike from iowa said...
Pentagon: Reports of Sexual Assault in Military Increased Last Year
but only by 10%
Another reason a real country does not put women in its military.
So, Anon, you want to force soldiers to be Gay? They sure as hell won't be celibate.
Ahh,she called it right! If that ignoramus Don Rickles got away with a lifetime of insults and no one said shit,her's was tame!!
"It's like how you come on a black blog every day and rant against white politicians to show black people how virtuous you are."
Oh, you meant "virtue signalling." I was just wondering whether y'all had dreamt up another bullshit term that would be floating around the internet like a turd in a swimming pool, but no, you just can't spell.
By the way, it's not white politicians I rant against. I don't care what color they are. If they suck, and if they're Republican (but I repeat myself) then I rant about them. Ben the fuck Carson is black, and he sucks like a black hole on acid. Sherrod Brown is white, and I think he does a pretty good job. It's only the racists who hate people because of their race, sane people don't approve of bad behavior, whatever the perpetrator looks like.
-Doug in Oakland
The only qualm about Wolf making fun of Huckabee Sanders to the extent that she did was that Sanders and Conway were, after all, the only members of the administration to show. Imagine if De Vos had been present. Or Pruitt. But she did a great job with what she had on hand!
I DID like "Uncle Tom, but for white women." That had to leave a mark.
Not everyone is an undisciplined degenerate like you, mike.
If you put 19 year old men and women together in close quarters, shit happens.
Classic libtard elitism, say as I do, not as I do.....
Another reason a real country does not put women in its military.
5:18 PM
Israel does.....
Did "they" ever make it mandatory for males and females to shower together? If not...why not? If's that working out?
Rush Limbaugh said Sherrod Brown, because of his name, was OBVIOUSLY African American😂
So women don't deserve to be treated like everyone else? Conservatives typically view women as either just a conquest or mother. There should be more out there than that.
“Another reason a real country does not put women in its military.
5:18 PM
Israel does.....”
Israel makes all its women serve in the military. They have mandatory universal military service there.
So Sherrod is an honorary black man over in wingnuttistan? Kinda reminds me of the time they were giving Connie Schultz a hard time for being seen in his company and she responded to questions about what behavior she deemed appropriate around him with "Oh, I don't know, running up to him and smothering him with kisses? He's really cute. You do know we're married, right?"
And as for Michelle Wolf, this from Jon Stewart on the subject of comedians going after the president:
"We can insult, he can injure. Like, it's the difference between insult and injury, and for the life of me I do not understand why in this country we try and hold comedians to a standard we do not hold leaders to. It's bizarre."
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Hey! No serving Lt. Commander Pussy is back! Ha! Women have more balls and serve unlike his bitch ass. Pussy has a bunch of women protecting his lazy candy ass. Oh the irony!
Another reason a real country does not put women in its military.
5:18 PM
Israel does.....
Not in combat roles anymore.
Hahaha, Pilot, the best part of that clip is where Limbaugh accuses the NY Times of hiding the "fact" that Sherrod Brown is black.
That damn evil librul media, always deceiving the good, honest, decent citizens of Middle America!
It's too bad I can't fully enjoy the hilariousness of wingnut stupidity, because they're destroying the country out of stupidity.
PilotX said...
So women don't deserve to be treated like everyone else?
If they were treated like men, 95% would not make it through basic training.
Lowering standards for a social project degrades your military and puts women in situation where they will get themselves and their fellow soldiers killed.
"So women don't deserve to be treated like everyone else?"
Why are there no women players in the NFL?
This thread has shown me that like trump American white people are the most hateful evil creatures crawling on earth and they will burn in hell just like their ancestors are doing right now.
I guess it depends on what a person's idea of a joke is?
Now, now Doug, it'll be alright. Please come sit down. It'll make you feel better. I hear there'll be a treat later. So, please come sit down. Doug! Put that down Doug!
No! I won't put it down! It's mine!
-Doug in Oakland
Has anyone seen Kathy Griffin lately? She looks like Howdy Doody.
Uh oh, Christopher Steele received millions of dollars to keep investigating the most corrupt potus ever. The money came from an outfit and a former aide to Senator Feinstein.
Washington Times refers to the Steele Dossier as debunked, except for all the stuff that was true. Let the whinging begin from wasicu wastey friends where the pain never ends because they deserve it all they get.
Mike from Iowa, is it true you sodomize roadkill on the weekends?
White people ain't shit.
Gigantesco Cazzo said...
"Has anyone seen Kathy Griffin lately? She looks like Howdy Doody."
Like Howdy Doody with AIDS.
She is is good illustration of what being consumed with narcissism and hate on the inside does to what you look like on the outside. Progressivism is worse than meth.
"If they were treated like men, 95% would not make it through basic training."
Now is that a proven fact or something you made up? And if so we'll work with the 5%.
"Progressivism is worse than meth."
Well, except for the whole losing your teeth, getting arrested, looking like a scarecrow thing.
Look at Kathy Griffin.
Or your average Antifa loser.
Of course conservatives think progressivism is worse than meth, they're all on meth and they love it.
"And if so we'll work with the 5%."
Women have lots of skills valuable to the military. They can work in administration, procurement, and medical services.
They do not have the physical capabilities for combat, and their presence in a group of male soldiers is going to cause major disruptions - because they are human.
A healthy society protects its women, it does send them off to be slaughtered.
Radical equalitarianism is a war on reality. The truth is, men and women are very different.
"A healthy society protects its women, it does send them off to be slaughtered."
So we treat out women as shrinking violets who need to be protected and not as equals. There are some women who are physically capable and in some cases more physically capable than most men. Women should be able to do whatever they want and are capable of. The notion of treating them like fragile figurines is outdated.
BTW, there were women who passed the Army Ranger course, something most men can't. Hell, I know I can't and I'm a former college athlete who's in pretty good shape.
There are no women who have ever passed the Army Ranger course for men.
"Women should be able to do whatever they want and are capable of."
True. But we should accept the truth about capabilities.
"The notion of treating them like fragile figurines is outdated."
Lots of reality today is "outdated". That will change.
They do not have the physical capabilities for combat,
Throw this in Tammy Duckworth's face. Bet she'll kick yer ass without out legs.
Take yer pick of articles about women who have passed Army Ranger tests.
Anonymous said...
True. But we should accept the truth about capabilities.
12:28 PM
Amen!They should be able to do what they want to and are capable of, whatever that may be. A soldier isn't only the warriors, there'e a lot to running military forces.
mike from iowa said...
Throw this in Tammy Duckworth's face. Bet she'll kick yer ass without out legs.
1:47 PM
O!O Dayum! Talk about Trump making fun of the disabled!
I do wonder though about the women in the Israeli military. Menstrual cramps can be a bitch!
Take yer pick of articles about women who have passed Army Ranger tests.
1:50 PM
Passed for real or they were "passed"........
Throw this in Tammy Duckworth's face. Bet she'll kick yer ass without out legs.
1:47 PM
Libtards are so delusional. Stumpy is soft as puppy shit......
"Take yer pick of articles about women who have passed Army Ranger tests."
They passed the female version of the test.
"They do not have the physical capabilities for combat, and their presence in a group of male soldiers is going to cause major disruptions - because they are human."
You must know way different women than I do, if you know any at all.
-Doug in Oakland
Not in combat roles anymore.
10:39 PM
Sure they do,they drive tanks, man artillery positions and even walk patrols.
The 2000 Equality amendment to the Israeli Military Service law states that "The right of women to serve in any role in the IDF is equal to the right of men."[3] As of now, 88% to 92%[8] of all roles in the IDF are open to female candidates, while women can be found in 69% of all positions.[1]
Chicago Final April 2018 Totals
Shot & Killed: 33
Shot & Wounded: 183
Total Shot: 216
Total Homicides: 40
Blacks are an oversensitive bunch. They mock and ridicule everybody who isn't like them, but get their panties in a bunch whenever somebody non-black makes even the most casual remark or joke about them. Blacks are the very definition of snowflakes, which is so ironic it's more funny than any black comedian.
They passed the female version of the test.
They passed the same one the guys took. Oh geez, now women are pussifying our Army Rangers. The article sez the same test given the guys. Learn to read and comprehend.
The article lied. Women have different physical test standards in the military.
"You must know way different women than I do, if you know any at all."
I've known more women than you've had hot baths.
What are the chances Drumpfuck's lawyers leaked Mueller's questions to the NYT? Drumpfuck is whining about leaks again. His own guys probably did it as the only way they could stop dumbfuck from perjuring himself to Mueller.
I was misguided by a comedian once. It was horrible.
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