I'm baaaack.
My man racism is on the loose again but tonight I am going to leave him alone. There is just too much going on within my community right now to even trip. There will be plenty of time to chase his ass later.
Tonight I want to blog about a very sad story from Motown. (No, not the Lions.) And I want to thank fellow field hand, Tokeya, for sending it to me.
Imagine, for a minute, that your name is Lazette Cherry, and you have reason to believe that your son molested his three year old half- sister. Do you now call the little girl's father and tell him of what might have transpired? I think most of us would probably say yes. Unfortunately that might have been the wrong answer. Because after telling the little girl's father of the alleged sexual assault, the enraged man beat and gun butted the boy (his own son) and shot him execution style on his front lawn.
Now Lazette is not only mourning the loss of her son but she is no doubt having to deal with the added guilt of knowing that she caused his death by telling his father of the alleged assault.
Without getting into too much detail, I will say that I represented a parent in a similar type of case in the past, and I vowed after that case that I would try my best never to do it again. These types of cases tear at you emotionally, and they are the hardest to put out of your mind.
"Jamar, 15, had confessed to her that he had inappropriate contact with his 3-year-old half-sister in his father's home on Newport on Detroit's east side.
"I called and told his father this isn't something you sweep under the rug," Cherry said Wednesday.
"I called and told his father this isn't something you sweep under the rug," Cherry said Wednesday.
Jamar Pinkney Sr. showed up at Cherry's house in Highland Park on Monday afternoon with a gun, she said.
"He started beating him right here," Cherry said from her living room. "I said, 'No, please stop!' "But the father marched Jamar, a sophomore at King High School, outside.
“He got on his knees and begged, ‘No, Daddy! No!’ and he pulled the trigger,” Cherry said from her home on North Street in Highland Park. “There wasn’t nothing that my son wouldn’t do for his father. He loved his father so much.”
Jamar was shot once in the head."
As is always the case with these types of stories we want so much to find someone to blame. Should we blame Jamar the son? Should we blame Lazette? Or should we blame the father?
"Cherry said the 3-year-old's mother took the girl to a hospital to be examined Sunday. But she said her son claimed he didn't rape the little girl and kept his clothes on.
The exam showed no physical evidence of sexual trauma, Cherry said. Still, she added, he knew he was wrong."He told because he knew it wasn't right," she said."
The exam showed no physical evidence of sexual trauma, Cherry said. Still, she added, he knew he was wrong."He told because he knew it wasn't right," she said."
I would love to hear what Ms. Cherry said to Jamar the father when she called him on the phone to tell him of the assault. I think that would help me to understand everything a little more and make more sense of yet another tragedy from urban A-merry-ca.
I'm in stunned disbelief about this story. I have a 7 year old daughter and a 21 year old son. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I know the first thing I would do would be to get counselling for all those involved. My heart goes out to the family during their time of grief
Field, I would love to hear your experience with that similar case you had. A situation like this pulls ones heart in so many directions, and we arent even the ones involved! I can only imagine how difficult it would be to actually be related to the story.
Yeah, this one was and is a tragedy because now a family will be forever broken. This is some reality for that ass tho!
People are always quick to say what they would do to someone if they did something inappropriate to their kids. But when you read something like this it takes you back.
When it's close to home it's not as easy as some people make it. As a person who fell victim to sexual abuse as a child, I have to say that this story is messed up all around.
It didn't have to be this way...
especially since the kid confessed.
I would have thought this was a story from Afghanistan & not back in the States. Real sad situation for the entire family, may God have mercy on their souls & give them peace.....parents, hug your children this morning & tell them that you will always love them no matter what they do in their lives.
I can't imagine beating my son much less executing him! What a sick mother fucker.
@Rippa, thanks for sharing that, it takes courage to do that.
I just do wonder what the real truth of this story is, but it's interesting to me that there was recently an article written about "honor killings" being attributed as part of some sort of cultural/religious thing, as if only certain religious groups would do such a thing, obviously not true.
"can't imagine beating my son much less executing him! What a sick mother fucker."
I must confess that these were my first thuogts. But then...I mean hey, the three year old was his child,too. And I don't have kids so I can't imagine what it would be like to hear something like this about my own child.
Hey, as you all have said; it's just sad all around.
Lola, maybe one day over drinks in D.C. I will share.
Rippa said "It didn't have to be this way...
especially since the kid confessed.'
Even though I never sympathize with sex offenders, I feel this statement, considering the boy's age and his willingness to confess. I am trying to step out the box for a minute on this. There are so many "family secrets" that haunt our communities. So many young victims don't get the justice or help they deserve, and so many teen offenders don't get the punishment or help they may need.
I fear something like this might make so many step backward instead of coming forward. Here we have a mother who did the right thing, but unfortunately the father didn't. I know the age of the little girl makes it even more heart breaking, but the offender was also your child. I have mix feelings and lots of questions. I'm also wondering what kind of relationship the father had with his son in the first place.
Most of all, I feel so sorry for the little girl. Even if she doesn't remember the ordeal, the entire tragedy will affect her in some way for the rest of her life. I remember when I was about 5-6 years old, I had a 14 year old male cousin who tried to get sexually inappropriate with me while we were both staying at our grandmother's house. I was able to elude his touchy feelly torture by running out the bedroom and hiding out in the bushes until I heard my mother's car. I told my mother when we got home, she called up family members and raised all hell that night.
The next day, my mother made my cousin come over for a "confrontation". I was so petrified of this "big mess" I thought I caused, I locked myself in the bathroom while pretending to use the toilet for what seemed like hours. I can't even remember what happened after that. I just wanted everyone to go away and leave me alone. it wasn't just my older cousin who traumatized me, it was how my mother and other adults handled the situation that made me feel like crap to this day. Looking back, my cousin had a lot of emotional problems that needed to be addressed - I don't know if they ever were. He's now a family man with grown children of his own. To this day I avoid him and I can't even hold an eye to eye conversation with him without feeling sick - if he only knew.
Anyway, sorry for babbling, I had to get it out. And I still wish the father didn't kill his son.
Sad tale. That's the extreme edge of the spectrum as far as this situation is concerned.
Oh, field, you've written things before that hurt to read, but this is the worst. Absolutely.
You've got to know that if this young man did sexually assault this child (and I say IF because who knows what he really told his mother? He said he didn't rape her and kept his clothes on) it is VERY likely that he experienced sexual abuse also.
As is always the case with these types of stories we want so much to find someone to blame. Should we blame Jamar the son? Should we blame Lazette? Or should we blame the father?
We blame the father. God damn that fucker to Hell.
Just wondering if the father will be charged with first degree murder? Or, will he get off with less?
The young boy knew he was inappropriate towards his sister, telling his mother was a cry for help. Unfortunately, it caused his death by the hands of his father. Now that the father knows his daughter exam showed no physical evidence of sexual trauma, I wonder if the father has remorse killing his own bloodline. I am sure the image of his son begging for his life is forever in his mind while he is awake or asleep. Not only will the father forever be haunted about his action the mother is suffering the same fate. What is this world coming to?
@LaIncognita: Believe me when I tell you that I know exactly what you're talking about. No matter how it's handled, appropriately or not, the "victim" will never be the same. I've been that victim...TWICE, as a child at the hands of older men who were friends of the family.
After revealing this to my mother, she felt my pain. My father? He brushed it off as all a story, and nothing was done - not even a confrontation. From that day forward I felt ashamed of myself and felt that maybe I was a letdown to my father mostly hence the reason for not trying to even go there.
Lemme tell you - that shit will fuck you up as it did me until I got a handle on it as an adult. Yeah, shrinks come in handy - if only more of "our folk" believed in this so the cycle, and "family secrets" do not have to stay in the closet.
This ain't about me, cuz today I'm good with mine. But it is indeed an issue all across America, and it is very real. That said, though I believe in my heart that the father in this case was wrong, like you said, the little girl of all the people involved may be reeling from the effects of this in years to come and for a very long time. Trust me, it will manifest itself in ways that's unimaginable.
KUDOS for displaying the strength of a real man, you hit the nail on the head when you said...
Lemme tell you - that shit will fuck you up as it did me until I got a handle on it as an adult. Yeah, shrinks come in handy - if only more of "our folk" believed in this so the cycle and "family secrets" do not have to stay in the closet.
"Our folks" definitely can benefit from psychological therapy, instead of turning to drugs or alcohol.
I cringe at news of children being possibly molested and I think (alleged) molesters should be locked up for life to avoid repeat offenses. I don't believe in extra-judical punishment, it sets a dangerous precedent.
If only the father felt he had another way out. We might still have the son alive and able to receive help (not to mention everyone else). The poor girl victim now has two great wrongs to deal with.
Rippa, "the little girl of all the people involved may be reeling from the effects of this in years to come and for a very long time. Trust me, it will manifest itself in ways that's unimaginable."
You are so right. Today, many therapists and psychologists are very busy counseling those who are acting out their problems from 'sexual abuse' that stem from their childhood, mostly in their families. Family secrets are carried from one generation to another, making each generation sicker than the last. 'People are as sick as their secrets.'
Many Blacks don't go to therapists because they have been shamed as children in their families, their culture, and American society.
BTW, it is known in the field of psychology that "rage" is the one feeling that can stop the feeling of shame. Rage is fairly common in the BC. Most Blacks know or have a few rageaholics in their families who are set to blow like a volcano all of the time. All it takes is something to trigger their shame, and someone might get hurt.
The tragedy of this post was caused by uncontrollable rage and shame.
Of ALL the people on earth who need therapy for healing that "hole in their soul-and mind", it IS Black Americans, imo. But, the fear of shame keeps them from doing it-it's a catch 22 that must be broken. Otherwise, posts about neurotic people in posts like this one will continue. As Carl Jung once said:
"Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering."
This is a tragedy all the way around.... I imagine the father is full of regret and if he is not... then I am with Race Traitoress... Fuck Him to Hell.....
To answer anon...He may be charged with first degree murder, but he shouldn't be... by legal definition this is not first degree.... but that doesn't stop DAs from making the charge anyway... and the way this horror has played out, it wouldn't surprise me if they added that insult to the injury.
Jody, "To answer anon...He may be charged with first degree murder, but he shouldn't be..."
Thanks Jody. It's always good for me to hear the potential reality of our justice system from someone who knows from experience. By my 'fair' way of thinking he should be fried in the electric chair for execution style act he did to his young son.
The father was charged with first degree murder. From the article--
Pinkney was charged Wednesday in 30th District Court in Highland Park with one count of first-degree murder, three counts of felonious assault and one count of felony firearm.
The felonious assault charges stem from brandishing the firearm at three different people in the mother's home as he forcibly took the boy despite her protests.
Then, after killing his son, he called his son's mother and said, "Yeah, I took care of that." He may have been trying to call his daughter's mother and called his son's mother by mistake.
Doesn't sound like a man full of remorse.
The real tragedy is the white media teaching Jamar Sr. that he can't be a father, and his only recourse was to lash out like this.
According to another article on this story--
Investigators say Pinkney was reacting with rage when he stripped his son naked, marched him outside the home of the boy's mother and executed him Monday afternoon.
STRIPPED HIS SON NAKED. Sexual humiliation--suppose it was the first time? Maybe.
And, according to the mother--
Lazette Cherry, Jamar Jr.'s mother, said she wanted to get her 15-year-old son help when he came to her and said he had acted inappropriately with his 3-year-old half-sister.
There wasn’t a rape, Cherry said her son told her. But he confessed to his mother that he knew lying on top of the baby was wrong, she said.
He came to his mother and CONFESSED, apparently of his own free will.
Jody, "by legal definition this is not first degree.... but that doesn't stop DAs from making the charge anyway..."
What is the legal definition of first degree murder, and why would the DA waste time making the charge knowing fully well that it won't stick? Isn't that delaying the inevitable?
"He came to his mother and CONFESSED, apparently of his own free will."
That's the sign of a human being with a good conscience. That means that his goodness triumphed over his dark side.
Guess his evil ignorant vigilante father didn't see it that way.
The father came with a gun, to Kill his son! never mind talk to his Son, and you wonder why, the son did a Tragic act!
Child molestation, is not new in the Black community, we called it(being touched the WRONG way, being MESSED with, or being Fumbled with) we never heard of a child being MURDERED, behind being touched the wrong way! but, in this day, our people have taken it to a new level!
I see, the father, did not LOVE the Son the way, he Loved his Daughter! they were both his children! where was the Compassion for his son? this man, Killed his Son! think about it, he shot his child in the Head!!! this was his Child!
What the Son did was tragic, but, he did not, deserve to Die!!! this young man had remorse, he confessed his wrong doing, he was crying out for HELP! how many Child Molester's confess they molested a child? these people roam around for year's before they are Caught! and when they are caught, trust me, they have Murdered, God know's how many children along the way!
This young man did NOT deserve to Die!!!! he needed help, but, his Unstable father decided to kill him! and for that, I Pray that, God, deal's with the father Mightily!
This man STRIPPED his SON!!!!! and then took him outside! did this THING do that! then he SHOT his own SON with a Gun in his head, then he BRAGGED about it afterward!! help us LORD JESUS! is there a PICTURE of this man on the INTERNET? I want to see his face!!!!
This man will be Isolated, when he get's in JAIL! for if NOT, the other Prisoner's will be waiting to PAY him BACK, for his Barbaric behavior! and God only know's what his PAY BACK will be!!!!
"Child molestation, is not new in the Black community, we called it(being touched the WRONG way, being MESSED with, or being Fumbled with) we never heard of a child being MURDERED, behind being touched the wrong way! but, in this day, our people have taken it to a new level!"
Well, it sounds like child sexual abuse in the BC has been an acceptable practice, with no one around to protect vulnerable children. I bet the father had been sexually abused himself or knew a sibling who was abused.
I bet when this unravels there will be a line of generational abuses that have happened.
There is a photograph of the father here:
And a photo of the son here:
Anonymous, don't try to TWIST my word's! No race is immune to this Behavior, so don't try to pretend as if, you REALLY care about what really go's on in the BLACK COMMUNITY! I'm on to you, you are a FAKE!!!!
Child Molestation , has no Skin Tone, in other word's, all RACE'S do there Dirt, they just call it different Name's!
White folk's say (child molestation) well, they try to make that word sound less Evil!!! but, when it is all said and done! the word is (Assaulting) a innocent child! now, which word sound's better?
As far as stuff being unraveled! you ain't got NOTHING on my people, look all you can, unravel all you can, and you will come up with the unnatural behavior of ALL MANDKIND!
Man is known to behave as if they are Subhuman, after all, we are Being's! some Human's can control there RAGE! and other's behave as Animal's, and to take it further, some Human's are known to Hunt, kill, and Eat other Human's! this is called, Subhuman behavior! now, can you UNRAVEL this behavior and tell me, what RACE in America, this lead's back too!
i will say it.
15 is old enough to know right from wrong. "he told because he knew it was wrong". he knew it was wrong BEFORE he did it. there are consequences attached to wrong behavior. these are harsh consequences but then life is not fair.
as a child, i knew there were infractions that would likely shorten my life. my parents made that abundantly clear. as such, i refrained from such infractions.
i am NOT one to make excuses for folks. i understand the desire of the father to protect his three year old TODDLER. notice there was no report of the molestation. inappropriate touching IS molestation and should have been reported. the lack of reporting is why the statistics are so skewed as it relates to the abuse of bg and bw. add that to that overwhelming concern most bfolks have for the perpetrators when they are bmales, as they are more times than not, and you have the mess aka the black "community" today.
too often in the so-called black "community" folks are all too willing to sacrifice the girls/women in favor of the boys/males...even when the males are WRONG.
i for one pray the father does not get too much time. i think MOST MEN would feel murderous if someone did something foul to their daughter, much less their 3 year old daughter. the older brother should have been trying to PROTECT his little sister, not bring her harm. in my opinion he was NOT entitled to protection at his little sister's expense.
all i could think when initially reading this story was the old adage, "i brought you in this world, and i can/will take you out."
something to consider... not only serial killers start honing their destructive skills as teenagers...
i am not too phased by the accounts of the alleged/admitted molestor begging to be spared. bg/bw and all women that are sexually humiliated and brutalized ALSO beg to be spared. when more folks get worked up about that, without somehow blaming the victim, i will consider getting worked up about this and cases like this one.
funny, how no one else could assign any responsibility to the alleged/admitted molestor for his demise. is it not permissible to EVER do that with bmales?
i won't play along. i.am.not.sorry. i can think of no better reason to go to jail frankly. it sure beats the many other stupid reasons and ways for which the average bmale finds himself locked up.
again, i quote Bill Cosby, come on people!
the pain the mother must feel saddens me. it is written that a disgraceful son brings his mother shame and sorrow. no truer words can be applied to this particular story.
blessings all,
I wonder if the young boy was absued at some point in his life? Think about it. It bothered him enough to confess to his mother maybe he empathised with his 'victim'. Maybe 'daddy' was the one who messed his head up in the first place.
After all if he was capable of executing his own son, what else could he have done to him.
Tragic all around
Sick bastard. By the way, it IS first-degree murder. It was premeditated.
"blessings all" doesn't excuse your rage.
Jody is right, the DA's office will often bring a higher charge knowing that it won't stick. Hoping for a plea deal more favorable to them if it comes to that.
I know that the father's atty will probably argue for a "heat of passion" defense. I am not sure how the criminsal code is in Michigan, but I am pretty sure that a 1st degree charge to stick they will have to show premeditation.
focusedpurpose, I can't agree with you on this one. I understand where you are coming from, but we can't go around taking the law into our own hands. I know it was his own son, but everyone can't play Rev. Gaye when it suits their own purpose.
"What the Son did was tragic, but, he did not, deserve to Die!!! this young man had remorse, he confessed his wrong doing, he was crying out for HELP! how many Child Molester's confess they molested a child? these people roam around for year's before they are Caught! and when they are caught, trust me, they have Murdered, God know's how many children along the way!"
I have to co-sign with Iseeisee with this one.
Rippa and La~Incognita, thanks for your stories, that was on time.
Thanks again for sharing.
Anon... to answer your question about why.. here is the legal definition in Michigan for second degree murder:
777.36 Intent to kill or injure another individual.
Sec. 36.
(1) Offense variable 6 is the offender's intent to kill or injure another individual. Score offense variable 6 by determining which of the following apply and by assigning the number of points attributable to the one that has the highest number of points:
(a) The offender had premeditated intent to kill or the killing was committed while committing or attempting to commit arson, criminal sexual conduct in the first or third degree, child abuse in the first degree, a major controlled substance offense, robbery, breaking and entering of a dwelling, home invasion in the first or second degree, larceny of any kind, extortion, or kidnapping or the killing was the murder of a peace officer or a corrections officer 50 points
(b) The offender had unpremeditated intent to kill, the intent to do great bodily harm, or created a very high risk of death or great bodily harm knowing that death or great bodily harm was the probable result 25 points
(c) The offender had intent to injure or the killing was committed in an extreme emotional state caused by an adequate provocation and before a reasonable amount of time elapsed for the offender to calm or there was gross negligence amounting to an unreasonable disregard for life 10 points
(d) The offender had no intent to kill or injure 0 points
(2) All of the following apply to scoring offense variable 6.
(a) The sentencing judge shall score this variable consistent with a jury verdict unless the judge has information that was not presented to the jury.
(b) Score 10 points if a killing is intentional within the definition of second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter, but the death occurred in a combative situation or in response to victimization of the offender by the decedent.
Note 1(c)..... this is what I think the guy is guilty of and what his lawyers should fight for. It is the difference between life without parole and maybe being able to walk out of jail before he dies.
As to why would DAs charge first degree.... because it is their strategy to throw everything and hope "something" sticks. If they are smart, they charged him with first, second, and third degree as well as assault, illegal use of firearms and numerous other charges here..... A judge or jury then has to consider each charge and decide if he is guilty of each one of them. So, they are not "wasting time" they are just trying to come across as tough because this is a high profile case, meaning it made into the media.
Pinkney Sr., who turned himself into authorities, had no previous criminal history and had worked "for years" as a letter carrier for the United States Post Office.
LOL....Dude went "Postal" on his ass....LOL
There is not much more that I can add to this conversation regarding the father's actions/ son's actions. By most accounts, what each did was wrong...
However, I will say that the little girl will be re-victimized by what her father has done. Although his intentions were to protect her (it seems) or to avenge her innocence, he has now made what was already tragic (molestation) became that much more. so Imagine a little girl who was molested at three, receives some treatment (medical/ mental health--maybe she would grow up "normal" (perhaps she might even forget due to how young she is). Basically, with a lot of love and support, she might have grown up to have a healthy, productive life.
Now imagine a little girl who was molested at three and her family may or may not have reported it to the authorities. Then her father kills her abuser which also happens to be her brother. Now, how does this little girl grow up? No father (who, by all accounts was a good father), a dead brother (who was killed by her father because of what he did to her). Imagine how that little girl grows up--guilt ridden with a tragic event that is seared into her memory and the memory of the town. She becomes the "girl whose father killed her brother because he molested her..." which will leave residual negative footprints on her mental (perhaps physical and sexual) development. In my estimation, the true victim here is the little girl because she is the one who will have to live with all of this...
It's a crying shame, for sure.
I live here in the D and I am so tired of folks milking depravity when the people are Black folks..In this region we have has decapitations, husband cutting up wives, family murder suicides etc..
Yet for some reason this depravity is fodder for chat sites like this one..
Field, this field hand say what you speak is real, almost too real for some folks to contemplate.
I can especially relate to dealing with cases that tear at your heart. As a person who worked with numerous gangbangers who ended up dead, I stopped going to funerals and ended up having to leave the work for my own mental health...Sometimes I still feel that my work with them took a piece of my heart, a piece that will never return. One thing I promised them was that I would always speak against the things that lead kids to gangs in the first place. Blessings.
For the most part I think most of the comments posted already say it all. I especially agree with what La♥Incognita said about most vicitms never recieving justice. I think it speacks multitudes for the boy to have confessed what he did. Especially given his age. We don't give teenagers enough credit when it comes to take responsibility for their actions. I have a four year old daughter and there have been plenty of times I have said that I would kill anyoe who messed with her, and I think a lot of parents feel the same way, but we say this with a mind set of strengers harming out little ones. Would you feel the same way if the one harming your child was someone you loved and.or trusted? In this mans case the answer was definately yes...and I find it sad because he completely let his emotions carry him to suh a dark place. Now this little girl has no brother and no father to protect her as she blossoms from a young girl to a woman.
focusedpurposed said:
"i.am.not.sorry. i can think of no better reason to go to jail frankly. it sure beats the many other stupid reasons and ways for which the average bmale finds himself locked up."
My response:
Since you are so impressed with the vigilante justice meted out by this black man against his own black son would you MARRY this black man or a black man like him? Or, failing that, would you want this black man to be part of your social cicle?
Would you want your sister/daughter/niece/best friend or any black female you care about to MARRY this black man or a black man like him?
If the answer to ANY of the above questions is "no", why not?
Focusedpurpose are you serious? So this young man needed to die because you think that the actions of this teen is why all the confused women are in this world? You are as sick as the boy's father! He needed some help and it didn't look like to me that the mother was going to "overlook" it as you say. I am sure you have done something that was wrong in your youth so the question should be asked if you need to die for something you did or did you grow,get some help or self correct like this young man was trying to do...think before you type silly. I feel bad about the whole situation but don't you dare say or imply he deserved what he got. You are sick and you need some mental help. I was molested when I was younger but I would never want that man killed...as a matter of fact I learned that he too, was molested and it became a horrible circle until he himself took his own life....silly woman.
This is a tragedy for all concerned. But I also disturbed by the rush to judgment. There is a lot we don't know.
Perhaps the young man had been abused. Perhaps his father knew about some other incidents. There's a line of perhaps.
We don't know the whole story. Let's let facts emerge while we pray for all who are involved.
@ La♥Incognita
I respect you and was sad when I saw your comment. Embarassment at the confrontation was not equal to the abuse. In my view, having your parent fight for / defend you established boundaries for you and for family members. It also taught the power of confrontation.
Maybe Blacks don't go to therapists because they don't have the money or insurance to go.
I also disturbed by the rush to judgment. There is a lot we don't know.
He stripped his child naked on the front lawn, and shot him in the head as he kneeled, begging for his life. Excuse my language, but what the fuck more do we need to know?
As for whether it's first- or second-degree murder, I am sure the defense lawyer will argue for second-degree. That's wnhat defense lawyers do.
I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding of the law in general is that "premeditation" doesn't have to involve a month's worth of careful planning, nor does it rule out high emotion.
A very sad situation.
I think this hit very close to home with father. He may have been touched as well by a family member when he was younger. He most likely saw and felt the rage of his hurt. i know he regrets what has happen which is why we all must stop and think before we react.
May the family have peace during this dark time in their lives.
I don't feel sad. One more child molester society doesn't have to worry about.
@focused purpose
i understand the desire of the father to protect his three year old TODDLER. notice there was no report of the molestation. inappropriate touching IS molestation and should have been reported.
It seems, from what I've read, that the father acted relatively quickly, before much else could be done. The only way the mother knew anything was that her son told her that "he knew lying on top of the baby was wrong."
So by the time anything could be reported, this boy was already dead.
Fifteen may be old enough to know right from wrong, as evidenced by the boy's confession, but that isn't to say fifteen year olds never make bad decisions. He tried to do the right thing.
That'll teach him.
RT-"Fifteen may be old enough to know right from wrong, as evidenced by the boy's confession, but that isn't to say fifteen year olds never make bad decisions. He tried to do the right thing.
That'll teach him."
As I said before, this was a boy with a 'conscience' who confided in his mother. Yep, it's a good lesson for all teens--with sex addiction or not--to not confess or ask for help, because that will get you killed by some rageaholic in the family.
I'm going to take another view on this situation.
I have never ever seen a person who sexually abuses children stop doing so until they are dead.
And that's all I have to say about this.
And just because there was no physical evidence, doesn't mean the boy didn't do anything to his sister. He could very welll have forced her to have oral sex without ejaculation.
I am in Detroit. There is an article in today's paper about the fathers actions after the murder. The girls mother was upset that there was no physical evidence of trauma to the little girl. Also the article stated that at one point the boy, his father, the little girl and the girls mother all lived together. The article quoted the boys great grandmother as stating that the boy didn't care too much for the three year olds mother and that she didn't care too much for him.
There is No Excuse for what the father did. He is sick!!!!
This is truly a sad story -- a cycle of abuse and violence that can never be healed. He stripped his son naked and executed him!!! Something tells me that this kid was acting out to other forms of humiliation. There are deeper things going on in this family.
@Rippa, sorry to hear about your suffering. I'm happy that you're getting help.
There is no death penalty in Michigan. The father was not defending his life nor was he defending the three year old's life. I can understand the rage but there was not *at this time* any evidence of sexual assault. We don't know exactly what happened and never will because the alleged perpetrator was shot in the head. No trial. No weighing of facts. No evidence.
Deadly force is only allowed to be used in direct protection of your own life or that of others. You can not use deadly force as street justice or payback or retribution. If we start allowing that we might as well close up shop on society and call it a day because EVERYONE will have widely different ideas about what "crimes" warrant violent response.
So the father will probably be convicted of first degree murder and spend the rest of his life in prison. What a waste.
Mildred - @ La♥Incognita
I respect you and was sad when I saw your comment. Embarassment at the confrontation was not equal to the abuse.
Mildred, I don't understand this remark, could you please explain? A 5 or 6 year old or any other young child should not have to 'confront' the abuser at a confrontation. That boy was fourteen and he should have been delt with among the grown ups. it's the aftermath that fucks people up. All the yelling going on and molesters denying shit would make any five year old trip out. Whatever went on that made her run in the bathroom was as traumatizing and embarrassing as the touching its all abuse. Lady, what are you saying, don't you know better?
Now I have 4 girls and I'd fuck anybody up on the outside. That man killed his own flesh, I'd understand his rage if it was a cousin or the neighbors kid, but your own SON? Nah I think that guy abuse and beat his family on a regular.
"Lola, maybe one day over drinks in D.C. I will share."
In order for that to happen, you ass would have to call me, now wouldnt it??
Im always down for a story.
Often molesters were victims of molestation. I wonder who had touched the 15 year old son.
I co-sign with old school dad. When I heard this story, the first thing I thought was that the father had probably physically and/or sexually abused his son in the past. What the father did was outside the realm of a normal human being. As someone said, this isn't the Middle East. Honor killings are not part of American culture. I could see the dad knocking the son around for what the son did (but don't condone that either). This kid was probably abused by his dad and dad is going to end up up exactly where he should be.
And killing this boy in such a humiliating and provocative manner was not protecting this little girl. She will have to live with the molestation and the killing her whole life. What a nightmare to live with.
I suspect this clan has been in need of counseling for years. Dad didn't avenge his daughter. He expressed real hatred for his son. It will be interesting to see what comes out in a trial about this family. If there is a trial. My guess is that pops will cop a plea so that brutally shutting up his son was not in vain.
This is something I know a bit about. Dad was probably a monster.
I don't understand... I don't really understand why a father could kill his own son? This is really shocking....
That the father executed his son on the spot tells you something is up with the family dynamics.
A father losing it and beating his son? I can see how that would happen. But to march him outside, make him strip and kill him? Where is the dad from? What demons is he wrestling with?
I'm speechless. Well, not so much as to say the father should be put away forever.
Jamar Pinkney Sr is one stupid bastard.
I only hope he spends a long time in prison where his fellow convicts can have inappropiate contact with him.
Number one, I blame that sick, murdering and depraved mofo. "I brought you in, and I can take you out of this world" has got to go as a method of raising children.
Two, I'm in agreement that the boy needed help. I don't think he was practicing to become a molester, though. I think he was experimenting, as boy children will do, with the sexual act and with sexual feelings. Doesn't mean that I think he was right. What I am saying is, mom called dad to set this boy straight about the evils of "practicing" that kind of thing on a blood sister AND on any young girl without knowing the ramification of such an act. There's nothing that has been said about Pinkney Jr. doing it more than once or doing it with other minor unrelated children.
Three, that Pinkney Sr. stripped the boy naked as a prelude to shooting him execution-style seems like something premeditated to me. As if he had been running this particular scenario in his brain not once but several times.
Four, both the mom and the little girl are going to be messed up for years as survivors of this kind of mess, unless they get help to stop the soul-killing in its tracks that has commenced before dad goes to jail.
Five, I can imagine how many times mom has tried to get psycho dad to take responsibility over the raising of his son, and to tell him a few things. It's obvious that dad didn't want this particular parental responsibility, but he wanted the source removed so he could have some peace, whatever that was. Dad got his wish.
"My man racism is on the loose again but tonight I am going to leave him alone. There is just too much going on within my community right now to even trip. There will be plenty of time to chase his ass later."
Field, I appreciate your postponement of chasing racism for this story. We need to look more at what we are doing to ourselves than just looking at what Whites are doing to us.
If we could stop some of the terror, violence and sexual abuse by our own folks, our suffering as a people would be reduced considerably. We would be healthier mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Again, thank you and I hope you will blog more about what we are doing to ourselves in our communities.
This is truly disheartening and two families are now living in turmoil. First, the baby obviously never told anyone, if the first time it was heard was from Jamar's mother. So, she may not even be aware of what happened to her but finding out some day that her brother was killed because of an injustice toward her, will surely haunt her. Likewise, if she is aware of what he did to her, the emotional scars are going to be with her for a while.
It is shocking that the father would react the way he did. I can't even begin to imagine what he was thinking in that moment. The mother of his child calls so that they could establish a collaborative effort in helping their child, and he kills him. Wow. I just don't understand that. In front of his mother, though.
There was so much wrong here, but there is so much left in the aftermath as well...
"Field, I appreciate your postponement of chasing racism for this story. We need to look more at what we are doing to ourselves than just looking at what Whites are doing to us."
For real.
Crime committed by blacks is definitely a subject that hasn't been addressed enough.
uts, "Crime committed by blacks is definitely a subject that hasn't been addressed enough."
thanks steve but i am surprised that you agreed, considering you never see anything wrong with the black community.
um. . .I don't think he was agreeing.
"um. . .I don't think he was agreeing."
thanks RT, i never would have guessed.
please don't project.
i am not "raging". i am saying simply, concisely and without regard for the political correctness that is killing bfolks in large numbers what i see clearly. my body was NOT built to hold rage. that would injure me. i don't even know these people. why would i hurt myself over them?
i define me. not you. be REAL clear.
again i say and mean...
blessings all,
aren't negroes usually rallying,whining and moaning about how UNjust the judicial system is?
WHY then do these SAME negroes want to act like it will suddenly WORK when it is time for bgs/bw to receive justice? these same negroes were exhibiting this foul behavior when the spectacle of the rkelly case and others went sideways.
as quick as ya'll are to champion the judicial system when bgs/bw suffer, be just as quick to apply it as it relates to bm suffering. "oh, let the system take its course." please.
again, i don't see ANYTHING wrong with protecting one's toddler, from ANYONE. these folks raised the teen. based on the subsequent behavior it is easy to see they EXPECTED him to know and DO better.
i stand firm.
i knew when i commented that folks would come for me. bring it. i am a mother of the no nonsense variety. some fouls are flagrant and better left UNdone. it is what it is.
i remember well, my FAVORITE singer, Marvin Gaye reportedly striking his father. when he was shot dead, despite my love for him and his artistry, all i could say was that he committed suicide. SOME things when done and said will shorten your life. this is one such case. period. it may not be fair. it most definitely is real.
may the father not get too much time. i have personally lived long enough to see similar cases where the parents of the abused child cancelled the perpetrator. they did NOT receive a grip of time.
as Flyin40s said, he could have done substantial damage to his SISTER without undressing. i am not prepared to shed a tear for this teen. there are too many cases in the news with teens doing very grown atrocious things. IF you are going to act grown, then ACT GROWN. THINK and weigh consequences BEFORE you do the deed. IF this teen had molested a STRANGER'S toddler, most folks would NOT be trying to be brand new. THIS fact does GREAT damage to bgs/bw...on the regular. keep it in the family and make a host of excuses. far be it from me to play along. i.am.not.sorry.
thanks for allowing me to share.
"I'm going to take another view on this situation.
I have never ever seen a person who sexually abuses children stop doing so until they are dead.
And that's all I have to say about this."
hello! these are "educated" folks on this board falling for the okey doke and towing the throw your brain/decency away party line.
yes, that taught him. wrong move buddy. i have never met his father. yet, i would suspect doing such an awful thing would bring serious consequences. somehow i believe strongly this teen should have had an inkling that ish would NOT go over well. go for help BEFORE you act on your urges. not after.
keep making excuses and wondering why folks DON'T respect bfolks. the average bperson today has forgotten the difference between right and wrong. look and see how often quite a few bfolks rush to excuse the inexcusable. ir is disgraceful.
if there can be crime of passion provisions in the law for other offenses, most definitely there should be one for a case like this. the father, like me, wouldn't care WHO dared to violate my child...he cared only for SWIFTLY handling business. may more bfathers get some of that. again, i can't think of a better reason to sit a spell in jail. most negro males (quite a few in fact) go to jail, regularly, for much less noble reasons.
let the excuses continue...i for one, won't be buying them.
child molestors don't fare well in jail from what i hear and read. the father in this case, simply cut out the middle men. i am not mad.
"Pinkney Sr., who turned himself into authorities, had no previous criminal history and had worked "for years" as a letter carrier for the United States Post Office."
seems like an otherwise law abiding citizen. this should be taken into consideration as far as i am concerned.
to the anon that would like to know if i would marry a man that would move swiftly to protect his child(ren)? most definitely. in fact, it is a prerequisite. MEN provide for and protect the women and children of his family and community. all that do less are simply male.
just as WOMEN nurture and teach the children of the nation.
any additional questions that i can answer for you?
clues are harder to miss...
Anon with the "silly woman" comment complete with a history of sexual abuse... may i suggest you seek therapy pronto, post haste, stat? those of us that are healthy recognize sickness when we see it. we are a lot less inclined to excuse it.
may you get well/healed soon. even then, know you will not function as one that has never known your experience. it is for THIS reason, i don't mince words about the molestors/pedophiles/perpetrators. their behavior alters the path/journey of their survivors for quite the while.
i just read your little efforts to chastise me. i was successful in not laughing, as you are a survivor and all. therapy first. dialoguing with healthy people second.
don't get rude with me. my ruthless streak is well defined and you tempt me. you are not thinking clearly, obviously. additionally, the fact that you CHOSE to forgive your molestor has all of NOTHING to do with what we are discussing. life is about choices. this otherwise law abiding citizen CHOSE to act in a way that i understand. THAT is all i am saying. you don't have to understand nor agree. you are ok, and i am ok. we just disagree.
more power to you in your journey. we are different. i tend to feel that i will forgive as i am seeking forgiveness. THAT to me is justice. everything else is the malarky that we are sold by those that would NEVER accept such flagrant fouls and injustice. this country was BUILT on a refusal to accept what was perceived as unfair treatment and injustice. in other words, america was built on an outlaw mentality. so, miss me with the nonsense.
somehow negroes have interpreted this spirit to mean victimizing/preying on folks that have done nothing to deserve such treatment. i am utterly disgusted at our collective refusal to check ourselves AS we wreck ourselves. and then anyone courageous enough to check us, as a group, (we are only as strong as our weakest link, like everybody else) is...racist. please.
Field, i understand you are an officer of the court. you can't by virtue of this fact say anything other than what you have said. i get it. i am not mad. we all have immediate necessities that govern our thoughts, actions, and motives.
i have come again and read all comments. as such, this will be my last. lol!
thanks for allowing me to share. forgive any grrr. folks are testing me...
in all sincerity, with respect...truly,
Why is this a Black crime to be digested by the Black community? Why must we connect every depraved incident in our venues and attached some communal linkage and cultural pathology to it?
I refused to give value and purpose to the insanity and eveil of one person to indict me and the community.
I am capable of not connecting the dots when evilis in the air. I have no problem with rejecting this depravity and leaving it right where it belongs with the person who commited this depravity..
Some things do not bind us as a people nor is everthing in the universe a glue and magnet for us to connect with..
FP, "i am utterly disgusted at our collective refusal to check ourselves AS we wreck ourselves. and then anyone courageous enough to check us, as a group, (we are only as strong as our weakest link, like everybody else) is...racist. please."
Not only am I disgusted, I am fed up about our collective denial and refusal to take responsibility. In addition to being called racist, those who speak out about the inhumane wrongs plaguing our community by our own doings, are called uncle toms.
I agree that we are mostly our own 'wrecking ball' in our community, but we blame others "outside" of our community for it. It's crazy. Our future as a whole, looks like hell to me.
Thanks for your comments.
Field I am floored! This is crazy. I'm wondering why she didn't take a cast iron pot to her ex-hubbie's head when he started pistol whipping the son in her house. WTF??? The boy confessed, so the next step would have been to get some treatment right? We have a strong foundation in the black church where there is a vehicle for change. I have so many questions about what really happened and why? Maybe I'm just an angry black woman, but I'll be dag on if I'm gonna stand there and allow an ex-hubbie/current hubbie/babydaddy/man-of-house/whatever pistol whip my son. That's not discipline, it's abuse. I'm not excusing the 15 year old's actions, I am however questioning the mother's judgement. I don't know...this crime was just senseless, and stupid.
"Maybe I'm just an angry black woman, but I'll be dag on if I'm gonna stand there and allow an ex-hubbie/current hubbie/babydaddy/man-of-house/whatever pistol whip my son. That's not discipline, it's abuse."
I've been waiting to hear from a woman who was willing to stand up for her child and not let some SOB kill him. You are the healthy courageous mother. They don't make Mothers like you any more. Most are powerless, fearful, and whiney.
Damned if you dont but triple damned when you do.. the machete cuts the copra both ways...
Based on the story as presented it seems before conveying ALL the proper facts, someone advised someone else too soon and the result was a father disciplining his son to the point of check out. As a black man with no kids and an only child reared in strict code of conduct, I would say that i would have done one better. I would i choked my son to death with my own hands for such an act. Damn a gun! Here is my problem.
Even if medical evidence showed that the teenager boy was just "acting" out with its infant sibling[s] be it boy or girl from where did these thoughts come? Was it a test run or was it an extension of something previously done on some of this homies siblings? We don't know do we? Was it downloaded to his mobile device from yo MTV raps?
Jamar cant answer the question now. He cannot even tell us if he was the victim of sexual assault when he was young but the concept was premediated and came from somewhere. Boys are 15 are usually into rapping, sports, etc. not performing molesting test runs.
The father unfortunately acted in passion and took his son out without knowing all the facts. But i stand behind him in disciplining his child to the full extent to which he as parent is entitled by right of birth. Damn the white man laws on this. Nobody on this board can say that they when presented with the scenarion themselves would not have acted in passion any different.
I cannot judge this at all nor call it but i can say if he was MY son at that age and he violated his family is such a light, I would be well within my rights to extinguish with my bare hands his light [and/or hers for that matter].
We have let out generations in the west become disrespectful and weak by now holding them accountable to a higher standard of civilty that the white man's laws can never attain. This is why kids have no respect for themselves, nor there elders because they know the white man's laws and discipline are laughable at best.
If Jamar had of molested his baby sister, he would have sent what two years in juvenile detention, followed by 5-6 in regular and been out by 25 or 26. His sister though would have been trauma for life. No comparsion.
Anon 8:27 is an idiot.
Anonymous said (The real tragedy is the white media teaching Jamar Sr.)Give me a break!
I was born and raised in the worst of Detroit.This was prison law plain and simple.He would have been killed if he was sent to Jackson anyway,after they got done playing with him.
Field - I just don't know. Somehow, I feel the mother bares some accountability... The father didn't all of sudden display this kind of temper... she knew he was a volatile individual... The fact is all the details obviously weren't on the table. The little girl had not been molested... There may even be a deeper reason for whatever the boy's alleged inappropriate behavior, perhaps rooted in the relationship w/the obviously sick father. Prayers go up for that family... sickness all over the world
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