I am too depressed to do a lot of writing tonight. And you can thank the animals living among us masquerading as human beings for my mood. You can also blame the holiday season and the NRA lobby for A-murder-ca becoming a literal killing field over the past few days. For example:
In Florida, a man goes on a killing spree allegedly murdering four family members after a Thanksgiving meal.
In Washington state a man ambushed and allegedly killed four police officers while they were getting ready to start their day in a coffee shop.
In Paterson, New Jersey, a man chased down and shot his wife and their two young sons. Fortunately -if there is such a thing as a silver lining in this tragedy- he allegedly only killed one of his intended targets before being shot and killed himself.
In Madison, Wisconsin, four people were shot in a domestic dispute.
And finally, in Kansas, the former director of a utility service allegedly shot and killed his estranged wife and two teenage daughters to death.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Oh well, back to my local killings here in Killadelphia. I am sure my local murder count needs updating. It is, after all, the holiday season. There is nothing like a little holiday cheer to bring out the killer in some of us.
oh, damn.
Field, I mentioned in your post "Just being thankful", I am not a fan of Nov/Dec. Tis is the season for murder of love ones and for committing suicide. I suspect 2009 will probably be a banner year for family killings, others, and suicides. Many Americans just aren't happy and are slipping into hopelessness. Others hate life- with themselves and others.
I'll be glad when December passes.
Yeah I did get the update to my BB about the officers being killed in the coffee shop!
People are just crazy! And my sister doesn't understand why I have such a problem with the current transportation situation.
Just to get you a little more fired up: the suspect, Mr. Maurice Clemmons, posted bail last week on a 2nd degree child rape charge. This was in spite of facing seven felony counts on top of the rape charge.
Want more? In the 1990s, Mr. Clemmons was serving over 100 years in an Arkansas prison for a variety of felonies (violence, burglary, aggravated robbery, theft and rape). However, in 2000, Governor Mike Huckabee commuted his sentence.
Mr. Clemmons moved to Washington State in 2004, after a technicality prevented prosecutors from trying him on even more charges.
I sure do hate them fucking guns.
"Mr. Clemmons moved to Washington State in 2004, after a technicality prevented prosecutors from trying him on even more charges."
Wow, I am sure Washington State is pleased and so is Arkansas...and lucky Mr. Clemmons. Looks like he is going to have a rapeous, I mean, a raptuous holiday.
5 white police killed by blacks in two weeks. A white college student beaten to death by two black males this week. A white man shot to death in front of his 13 year old daughter by a black man this week.
Wonderful. Let loose by Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Jesusland, to be inflicted on the rest of us.
Anon1:32a, can provide links? I'd like to read about those Blacks, esp. the one who shot the father in front of the 13 year old.
Nov/Dec months bring out the worse SOB's in America.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
The pattern has been around for quite some time.
All it shows is that we live in a nation and a World of barbarians.... or animals as you stated. It shows that people are crazy and sick.
Remember... in Rwanda... much of the slaughtering was done with machete's & axes.
In Sierra Leone.. they chopped off hands and feet. (even of the children)
In Darfur, Congo and Guinea.... mass rapes are used as weapons.
If people are going to be evil and crazy, they will do so no matter what their tools happen to be.
The NRA and law abiding gun ownership really has nothing to do with incidents involving psycho career criminals... esp. those who should have been locked up, who obtain guns on the street illegally...and have no intention on abiding by any new regulations. This guy is the poster child for the screwed up criminal justice system in this Country.
There are roughly as many (if not more) deaths from drunk drivers each year, than from homicides by handguns. Should we ban liquor or automobiles? Of course not... you punish those who are responsible...strengthen penalties, and put common sense regulations in place. That's what should be done regarding guns... But regulations already exist....and it doesn't prevent (and can't prevent) crazies from doing what they are hell bent on doing... esp. someone who is a dangerous felon who should have never been allowed out of prison in the first place. That's the real failure here.
And Mike Huckabee is already doing damage control for granting clemency for this barbarian... a man who had been sentenced to a century behind bars. UN-F.....-REAL!!!
Not a peep from Fox News. Could you imagine if Obama had been Gov. of Arkansas (or if any Black politician had been Governor) and released this man...in light of this? There would be wall to wall coverage..and they would be castigating him.
I do have the same general frustration though..about the current state of America...and the Holidays.
More on the California father shot in front of 13 year old daughter.
They apparently have a relatives house surrounded in Seattle.
'Tis the season...
I accidentally posted this on the last thread... but meant it for here.
It is not the guns, it is the culture of violence. We are soaking in violence. We glorify it through entertainment and music. We teach our children violence by hitting them to "discipline them." We glorify war. And on the flip side, we have lost a sense of the sacredness of each and every human being. We ignore the homeless, demonize the poor,incarcerate more people than any other country on earth, get all outraged when the government proposes programs to help people, and regard compassion and seeking compromise as weakness.
Lots of other countries have gun ownership. But, they also have social contracts that provide education for their children THROUGH COLLEGE for free or almost free. They provide health care for all of their people. They have better benefits and longer vacation time. And, they ensure that their senior citizens are taken care of.
(Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, France, UK, Ireland, Costa Rica, Italy, Germany, to name a few)
Unless and until we are serious about our culture of violence and devaluation of human life.... the violence will continue.
Anon.12:13am,as I said to you in a previous thread,hang in there.
Cal Soldier,I read about that guy.Sometimes I guess "the law IS an ass".
Anon.1:32amthat didn't take long.I won't even ask you for links because I am sure that you have everyone of them highlighted somewhere.
But don't worry 'someone will give you all the stories of whites behaving badly soon.
The racial tit for tat continues.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
Last days.
Last days.
Last days.
When I first read about this story, all I could wonder and discuss with family: what kind of world do we live, where police officers are being ambushed.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am scared.
& Tiger's wife beat the crap out of him & his Escalade with a golf club....yep, violence is loose in the land.
ANON 1:32AM said:
5 white police killed by blacks in two weeks. A white college student beaten to death by two black males this week. A white man shot to death in front of his 13 year old daughter by a black man this week.
(YAWN) Race baiters
"At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols."
"Evil is Evil, its has no limits, and most importantly it has no skin colour"
I wonder if anyone is going to "Willie Horton" Mike Huckabee now.
(BTW, the word verification says "suckit" for this post. Weird)
Interesting how Michael Moore brings these issues to the table and he'made out to be a nut. Bowling for Columbine,Fahrenheit 9/11,Sicko and
Capitalism: A Love Story
FYI.... I wrote to and got a response from Granny, who folks were a bit worried about since they had not heard from her. She is fine. Taking a break from blogging and wishes you all well.
all you see is primal
day one
try and smile
(YAWN) Race baiters
It's no more race baiting than the white 'crime of the month' against blacks that always make headline news; yet, the far more numerous black crimes against whites are downplayed or barely publicized at all.
Anon pussy,
Not only are you drooling pocked faced racist but you're a liar as well.
I immediately knew that the shooter in Washington was black because Fox TV News had the story featured 24/7 all through the weekend.
I always find it odd that there is a comparison between vehicular injury/death's and gun related crime. I think it would be a better comparison if we used homicides, as in comparing homicides using a gun to (intentional) homicides using a motor vehicle.
All I'm saying is I support someone's right to own a gun, but spare the knee jerk bs talking points when someone uses one to commit a crime.
Peace for the Holidays.
Not only are you drooling pocked faced racist but you're a liar as well.
I immediately knew that the shooter in Washington was black because Fox TV News had the story featured 24/7 all through the weekend.
Fox is the only channel that runs that stuff. Remember Megan Williams? The woman who was raped and forced to do all kinds of terrible things by some West Virginia hillbillys? That was one of the most widely publicized cases of the year. It was held up as proof of white savagery. Yet, how many people heard about the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom case? They were a white couple who were brutally murdered by blacks--the details are even worse than the Megan Williams case:
"According to the testimony of the Knox County Acting Medical Examiner Dr. Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan at the subsequent trial of Eric Boyd, Newsom was repeatedly raped and then blindfolded, gagged, arms and feet bound and his head covered. Barefoot, he was either led or dragged outside the house to a set of nearby railroad tracks. He was shot in the back of the head, the neck, and the back, and his body then set on fire.
Christian's death came only after hours of sexual torture, medical examiner Mileusnic-Polchan testified. Christian suffered horrific injuries to her vagina, anus and mouth. She was not only raped but savaged with "an object," possibly a broken chair leg, the doctor testified. She was beaten in the head. Some type of chemical was poured down her throat, and her body, including her bleeding and battered genital area, likely scrubbed with the same solution - all while Christian was alive, the forensic expert said. She was then "hog-tied," with curtains and strips of bedding, her face covered tightly with a small trash bag and her body stashed inside five large trash bags before being placed inside a large trash can and covered with sheets. Christian died slowly, suffocating, the medical examiner said
Police refused to call it a "hate crime." Subsequently, the case received practically no press coverage.
So where'd you hear about it?
And I hardly heard anything about Megan Williams in the electronic media.
Geez, we haven't heard about any of these in the media.
"The number of crimes against black people and members of religious groups increased in 2008, making up a growing share of incidents motivated by bias, the FBI reported Monday.
The number of crimes against black people and members of religious groups increased in 2008, making up a growing share of incidents motivated by bias, the FBI reported Monday.
The election of the first black president and hot-button issues such as abortion and gay marriage contributed to the spikes, anti-bias groups say.
"There is this kind of extremism going on," says Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington bureau. He says Obama's election and the recession led to a backlash against blacks as some people look for someone to blame for hard economic times.
The number of attacks on blacks increased 8% to 2,876, accounting for seven of every 10 race-motivated crimes."
Black on white assaults account for 90% of interracial crimes. Including 934 black on white murders in 2005.
This economy. Things get bad money wise, people go crazy. It can only get worse. That is all to be expected. Thanks, George Bush. I hope it comes back to you a thousand fold.
But, EVEN IF there were no more wars, peace was declared and treaties signed, there would still be violence between family and neighbors. No declaration of peace can stop any of that.
I really tire of this gun violence.
Anon 12:27 So that's it with you, huh?
Was the person who killed the white person black?
Was the person who killed the black person white?
Hell, murder is murder. And you are parsing. I live in a predominately white county. How do you think the jails look? Who do you think is assaulting and killing their wives, children and strangers in this county--A small hint--they aren't black. And all I want is for them not to do it. Eff their color.
Or are you only worried about black on white crime and screw the other?
Okay, Field knew someone would go here. Were you hysterical at the shootings of the cops in Pittsburgh by the white man? Were you apoplectic at the shootings in the Carolinas of numerous people by a white man? Did you go to statistics when the gun loving soccer mom was shot by her husband? How about Dr. Tiller? How about the Holocaust Museum shooting?
I hope you were as terrorized as the rest of us cause HUMAN BEINGS are a mess.
But do I care that those shooters were white? Hell no! I just care that they were murderers who got guns in a country that needs more guns like it needs more corporate CEOs.
It pisses me off when people go there (and when I have to use examples.) Do we not have enough crazy people of all colors popping off at each other? Get it? Humans are fucked up!
Or are you only worried about black on white crime and screw the other?
I'm worried about crime in general. However, Field and those of his ilk who love to publicize white on black crime--despite the statistically small numbers--deserve to hear the other side. Since you don't live here, don't pretend that you know what the hell is going on. Worry about your own damn country.
Anon 1:08
I live in Ohio. I said I live in a predominately white
COUNTY---not COUNTRY! Damn--read much?
Then you still don't know what I'm talking about because you don't live near any black areas. Look at the violent crime rate in Ohio. Look at Ohio's stats: Homicides by black male 51%; homicide victims by white male are 21%. Yet, there are far more white males in the state than black.
Anon 1:24
Ah--- Red State. That says more about you than anything else. Now we wouldn't want you to have too much contact with people of Field's "ilk" and the other commenters on this blog. Make sure you don't get too close now.
Also, I thought it was sweet when you misread my comment and went right to xenophobia and hate.
You're easy.
Good afternoon to you!
I totally agree with Jody. The U.S. is a culture that's soaked in violence. Violence is pushed as the solution to everything so it's no wonder we're killing each other.
Most murders are committed by acquaintances of the victims (friends, neighbors, relatives); the racist asshats just won't want to admit they're more likely to get shot by a spouse or an in-law than by a stranger because reality scares them too much.
the racist asshats just won't want to admit they're more likely to get shot by a spouse or an in-law than by a stranger because reality scares them too much.
You mean the racist asshats like Jackson and Sharpton? They publicize white on black murders constantly, even though the vast, vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks.
"I don't know about anyone else, but I am scared.
Yeah, I can relate. But it happens every year around this time. Imo, ALL Americans are somewhat crazy, but this year there seems to be an overwhelming number of out-of-control nut cases.
It "feels" like America is drowning in its own home grown violence. A tsumnami karmic wave of violence has built up over time and now it "feels" like it might crash down on us.
I think that we are becoming more secular and godless day-by-day-and consequently a little less hopeful and caring. We are in trouble morally and ethically: We no longer believe or value a 'higher conscience' or higher power, as a guide..{It's a free for all, folks.}
Pray for peace- and for the safety of our President.
"You mean the racist asshats like Jackson and Sharpton?"
When's the last time you saw Jackson and Sharpton protesting a murder?
anon 4:11--I think that we are becoming more secular and godless day-by-day-and consequently a little less hopeful and caring.
uh, no...organized religion has been responsible for more of the world's wars and problems than any other single cause...remember, bush said god told him to attack iraq!
it's very possible to be caring and not worship anywhere.
hope is a trap sold by organized religion. hope for a better life in "heaven" is what keeps right wing evangelicals from trying to improve the lot of anyone else on this planet than their own.
if you care to make a difference you don't hope and pray -- you ACT.
touche uptownsteve!
@anony 11:57am
to continue your copy and paste from wikipedia:
The national news media was criticized for allegedly ignoring the story because the victims were white and the suspects black.[4][6][7] This criticism was also fueled by erroneous early reports of dismemberment and mutilations.[8] Most of the original reports with misinformation (reported from a federal deputy after the suspects' arrest in Kentucky) were later denied by the District Attorney.[8]
One commentator explained that "as bad as this crime is, the apparent absence of any interest group involvement or any other 'angle' might also explain the lack of coverage." Police Chief Sterling Owen IV said that there is no indication the crimes were racially motivated and that the murders and assault "appears to have been a random violent act."[9] "There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime," said John Gill, special counsel to Knox County District Atty. Randy Nichols. "We know from our investigation that the people charged in this case were friends with white people, socialized with white people, dated white people. So not only is there no evidence of any racial animus, there's evidence to the contrary."[10]
Some commentators have continued to disagree, claiming that such a crime would include a motive of racial hate. Michelle Malkin on her blog and on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor program, have also repeated this accusation.[11] Prior to the DA's statement, Newsom's mother sympathized with the "hate crime" position stating, "It may have started out as a carjacking, but what it developed into was blacks hating whites."[10] Christian's father (addressing those who used his daughter's death to suit their own agenda) appeared ambivalent, stating "[the crime] ain't about you."[11]
The case also attracted the attention of white supremacists. On May 27, 2007, around 30 white supremacists led by Alex Linder rallied in downtown Knoxville in protest of the murders. They were met by a larger number of counter-protestors, many dressed as clowns (parodying the Ku Klux Klan)
My condolences goes out to the families and loved ones of these officers. Shame.
Our hearts and condolences show go out to the families of the officers.
This was a terrible tragedy.
Yes, just the sensational shootings make the news. Add to this roll all people who are wounded by stray bullets and all the “accidental” shootings. Also, don’t leave out the regular pass time of husband/boyfriend shoots wife/girlfriend or wife/girlfriend shoots husband/boyfriend.
Unfortunately, there are laws which prevent doctors and hospitals from sharing statistics on these firearm incidences. The powerful gun lobby has made sure that the truth will not be told about the impact that firearms have on our society and has successfully protected this myth, “Guns don’t kill”.
In the new healthcare proposal, the gun lobby has already hedged their bets. If health care reform passes…. you guessed it. You can’t talk about how many people kill people with gun!
Maria, "uh, no...organized religion has been responsible for more of the world's wars and problems than any other single cause...remember, bush said god told him to attack iraq!"
Uh, no..humans are doing this. I said nothing about organized religion or Bush, you did. It is very possible to pray, and have faith without being part of organized religion or following Bush. Obviously you are conflating Bush and organized religion with God and prayer.
@Maria, "if you care to make a difference you don't hope and pray -- you ACT."
Believe it or not, it is possible to pray, hope and ACT. It is not an 'all or nothing' proposition. There is nothing wrong with prayer and hope BEFORE you ACT. 'Hope' is what drives the human spirit. Without it, we die.
Most humans in touch with their heart-including agnostics and atheists-can tell you that. Are you that disconnected from the human heart?
Actually, you really need to pray for clarity. I remember how you claimed that you had 'never' said anything indecent on this blog. You were exposed with a list of filthy "indecent" comments that YOU made. You couldn't even own up to it, even though the proof was right smack in your face.
You, of all people, should try prayer, earnestly. It might help you become an honest and more conscious human being. Of course, the drawback is that you would have to face your lies, because it is difficult to "pray a lie." And that could be painful...
but it could be very freeing!
Leota2-"Anon 1:08
I live in Ohio. I said I live in a predominately white
COUNTY---not COUNTRY! Damn--read much?"
LOL! Anons were doing so well until anon 1:24p showed up.
@anon1:24p: Please do us anons a favor, use an ID. You are hurting our reputation.
The story about the cops killed in Washington just got worse. Regarding the suspect (still at large)- apparently his family has been helping him evade capture. According to the news:
"The sources said they suspect Maurice Clemmons' friends and family are trying to throw investigators off his trail as the 37-year-old tries to avoid capture.
Ever since Clemmons was named as a suspect in the fatal shooting of the Lakewood officers, police agencies have been inundated with calls and tips. Detectives said they now believe some false leads came from people trying to buy Clemmons time by keep search teams busy.
Maurice Clemmons has been getting help and shelter from friends and relatives since shortly after the Sunday morning shooting deaths of four Lakewood police officers, authorities have concluded.
"Basically, there's no way that he could be doing this by himself; he was shot in the abdomen," said Sheri Badger, Pierce County spokeswoman at the incident command center.
Also frustrating to law-enforcement officers is that Clemmons reportedly told acquaintances the night before the attack to "watch the news" because he was going to "kill cops."
Fuck these people. He has a history of being crazy with his family too. I hope he turns a gun on the people abetting him. Given his history I wouldn't be totally surprised. These motherfuckers helping him are not just stopping him from being brought to justice they are putting the lives of everyone in the area, including me and themselves, in danger. Fuck them. I hope they get what they deserve.
I totally agree with Jody. The U.S. is a culture that's soaked in violence.
I really think that depends on which subculture you're part of. I haven't been in a fight since I was a little kid. I don't own a gun, and don't have any friends who do.
Angry Independent,
I disagree with what you imply. When I lived in Sweden there was less than 100 murders reported the entire year. And a good number of those murders were committed outside of the country. No handguns for the public means no handguns used in crimes. And believe it or not, the wicked can do a lot less harm with a club than with an .45 ACP. Knife fighting doesn't usually kill bystanders and all that.
Fuck Em, Black folks need to start shooting more White Police, still wont make up for the lynchings and White Police State Brutality!
R. Maldanado,
So how do you suggest we rid the Country of all these terrible guns?
1. What would be your strategy for getting a Constitutional Amendment passed? (and Do you have any clue how difficult that would be?).
2. How would you go about confiscating all the guns already in circulation (at gun stores, etc)...and guns that are legally owned by law abiding citizens?
3. How would you go about confiscating guns that are illegally possessed on the street?
4. Do you confiscate rifles too? How would you convince hunters to give up their rifles?
5. What would be your approach to get manufacturers to stop making guns and bullets.
6. How would you stop imports?
The radical anti-gun crowd in the U.S. loves to scream for a gun ban, but they can never explain how they would actually implement that idea in a way that would be effective.
And do you seriously believe that this would solve all the crime problems in this Country? That somehow violent crime would go away?
You can't compare Sweden to the U.S. for a number of reasons.
It's mostly a mono-ethnic, mono-cultural nation with an entirely different social contract with its people.
You would have to choose a nation more similar to the U.S. and then compare the crime numbers.
Once you look at nations more similar, then your argument falls apart. Look at the situation in Britain for instance. You paint these places to look like Utopia's and they aren't. See the full report from the DailyMail.
The draconian gun laws in Europe, the UK in particular, don't eliminate violent crime. If anything, it has turned the citizens there into helpless victims.... because they can't defend themselves...they aren't allowed to have guns... and the bad guys know this (and love it). They are allowed to stalk their prey without any worries. It's open season on law abiding citizens. It's open season on Police.
The criminals in these Countries obtain the few guns on the street that they can (the few that are in circulation), or they switch to other weapons... knives, hatchets, machete's, sticks, metal pipes, etc. Meanwhile the citizens are screwed.....held hostage by the laws of the land.
You liberal anti-gun folks want citizens to be victims. There are examples of London and Paris in this Country.... That would be DC, NYC and Chicago. In Chicago and DC you libs have stripped the people of the right to protect themselves, meanwhile your urban terrorist allies (who you enable), like the animal Maurice Clemmons, are running wild, terrorizing the citizens.
The Seattle cop killer was shot dead this morning. Good riddance.
4 police officers, Maurice Clemmons, murders murders, and more murders. Its not about race. It's about Humanity! We say were the smartest creatures on this planet, yet we destroy it more and more each day. We say were better than the next race/person, yet we argue using the logic of children. Try this, greet the next human you meet with a smile and wish them a happly holiday. Try to move the world up one positive action at a time, and stop pulling it down. Pray for those you love, instead of hating those who are different. May the peace of your God be with you and your family.
One of the casualties of that cop massacre is mercy and clemency, which is based on the faith that some people can turn themselves around. Things like this harden people's hearts, and that's a real shame.
A few weeks ago, there was another case in Seattle where a black nutcase executed a Seattle police officer in front of his partner, also for no specific reason. All five cops (that one, and the recent four) were by all accounts damn good people, members of that brotherhood of the civilized that the world really does depend on.
The inevitable result of things like this is that primitive reasoning kicks in -- "that which happened before will happen again" -- and ratchets up the suspicion that falls upon black men in general. Most black men are law abiding and are trying to make it in the world, and things like this only add to the burden on them. Sad.
SO,uh 4 pigs got killed.
Am I supposed to feel sorry?
Had they lived long enough, it would have been a matter of time before they killed some innocent Black person in "the line of duty"
Give me a break
PS- Fuck 'em.
hey shitbuzz they killed yo fuck'n nig bro......lol
ps. another dead negro :)
oh, fuck you
Shabazz-"PS- Fuck 'em."
You are blinded by hate. I don't know who is more evil, you or La Idiot.
SO,uh 4 pigs got killed.
Am I supposed to feel sorry?
Had they lived long enough, it would have been a matter of time before they killed some innocent Black person in "the line of duty"
Give me a break
Why don't you look at it from the cop's perspective? Between 1994 and 20005, 40 percent of cop killers were black males. Even though black males only make up about 5 or 6 percent of the population.
Shabazz said...
SO,uh 4 pigs got killed.
Am I supposed to feel sorry?
Had they lived long enough, it would have been a matter of time before they killed some innocent Black person in "the line of duty"
Anonymous said...
Fuck Em, Black folks need to start shooting more White Police, still wont make up for the lynchings and White Police State Brutality!
Fuck you black folks. Most lynches in my lifetime have been committed BY black people. I don't care that there is a slight possibilty your relatives might have and to work for a living 200 years ago.
It doesn't matter if it's Seattle, Paris, New York, Bueno Ares, London, or Cairo- when there's senseless violence it looks like Nigeria.
The NRA had nothing to do with it. Maybe it was, I don't know, a nigger? Yep, there's your answer.
blacks make up about 12-14% of the population and commit 555-60 of crimes...
the ONLY people that can change that is the black population and i assure that won't happen anytime in the near future....
prove me wrong???
5 white police killed by blacks in two weeks. A white college student beaten to death by two black males this week. A white man shot to death in front of his 13 year old daughter by a black man this week.
this is only the beginning my pale friend!
Shabazz said...
SO,uh 4 pigs got killed.
Am I supposed to feel sorry?
Had they lived long enough, it would have been a matter of time before they killed some innocent Black person in "the line of duty"
REAL Talk,fucacop,& the rich elite they protect.
man, mos black be like da french prince of belair.we silly folks who will jack yo ride fo fun and shoot yall in da face.
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