Friday, November 27, 2009

Couples and another "Magic Negro".

A friend of mine went and saw The Blind Side, and he was going on and on about what a tear jerker it was. Sorry, I will pass. I am not ready for yet another Magic Negro story. I know it's the Christmas season and some of us want to feel good about ourselves, but this is one feel good story I can do without. Been there done that. Remember The Green Mile ?

Tonight I am thinking about couples. One in Washington D.C. and the other one in Orlando, Florida..

Let me start with the Orlando couple, first: It's been a slow news day so I am sure that you have all heard about Tiger Woods doing like the crash test dummy with his Cadillac SUV. (Why doesn't he drive a Buick?) His publicist has been in full spin mode ever since the mishap. It's a minor accident, Mr. Woods has been released from the Hospital; and he is fine. The spin- master had better be in full spin mode because the rumors are flying really fast. I am not a real journalist guided by the punctilious nature of that profession, so I can repeat one of them here: Tiger and Mrs. Tiger were in a heated fight and he tried to roll in the middle of the night. Not so fast. Seems Mrs. Woods is pretty good with the clubs as well and took an iron to the back of the SUV causing Tiger to- using a golf analogy- hit a sand trap.

Now what is not in dispute is that Tiger was leaving his spot at two thirty in the morning; he was involved with a one vehicle accident; and Mrs. Woods did take the irons to the back of the SUV. It will be really interesting to see how the press treats this story. Tiger is an icon and he is loved. Will the vultures start to circle to get to the bottom of this, or will they leave him alone?

The other couple that intrigues me are the two reality show wanna be clowns in D.C. Crashing a state dinner is no easy thing to do, and yet they did it. How? What the hell is up with the Secret Service? Field, they did not pose a threat to the president. Maybe not this time. Although isn't that one of the crashers I see shaking hands with his O ness in the pic? Is it me or does it seem like it's so much easier to get next to this president? Ahhh stop it field, what about the Iraqi who threw the shoe at George Bush? Yes, but that happened on Iraqi soil. This happened in the White House for crying out loud!

Another fascinating aspect of this story is the lengths A-merry-cans will go through for their 15 minutes. (Think "Balloon Boy's" parents). Are we that obsessed with face time as a culture that we would risk fines and imprisonment to get in front of the camera? Of course we would. That was a rhetorical question.

The irony of these two couple stories is that one couple is trying to stay out of the news while the other one is desperately trying to get in it. In the end, they will probably both get their wish.

Only in A-merry-ca.


La♥audiobooks said...

I lightly stated already how I feel about the crasher couples. If it was a black couple, they weren't going to make it pass the gate.

As for Tiger Woo (spit). He might be cheating on her, and it might be with the nanny.

DuchessDee said...

what i am trying to understand is as big as his house,why did he feel the need to grab the keys and go "where" 2am in the morning. trust,i know there was a room in the big ole mansion he couldve went into and slam the door. mustve been one hell of an argument.

secondly, when your white your are alright. i bet all the "blacks and browns" were doubled and tripled check to get into the big white house,someone needs to get fired.

DuchessDee said...

La,now that would be justice. lol

Anonymous said...

secondly, when your white your are alright. i bet all the "blacks and browns" were doubled and tripled check to get into the big white house,someone needs to get fired

When a group commits crime far out of proportion to its numbers, it ends up being profiled. Just you like profile whitey for committing most of the racism. Why don't you think Asians get profiled as criminals? They are people of color too. Hmm.. I wonder why?

SincerelyGo said...

Yeah I'm disappointed at how "THEY" are trying to downplay it but "they didn't do anything to the President" Yeah like you said..isn't that something? Somebody needs to be fired all of their asses as a matter of fact! AND the "couple" yeah they need to be penalized as well.

Has the Pres said anything about this publicly ...I'd fire all their ass for real!



field negro said...

"I lightly stated already how I feel about the crasher couples. If it was a black couple, they weren't going to make it pass the gate."

Not true La~Incognita; they would have been ushered right to the back of the WH with the rest of the catering staff. :)

gazza said...

Does the secret service give a FUCK about this president?? The threats have been skyhigh since pre-election days and this happens in the first year? WTF???

Race Traitoress said...

When Michael Oher was drafted in the first round, they told his story on ESPN, which is where I first saw it. And though it's a heartwarming story, sure, and I'm glad Mr. Oher had the opportunities he did, my first thought was that this story was told during the draft to assuage white guilt.

I could just imagine the eye-rolling going in Black households, and, yes, I was embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

La, "As for Tiger Woo (spit). He might be cheating on her, and it might be with the nanny."

Your negativity and hatred of black men is profound.

Anonymous said...

I think they were able to crash the party because of the beauty of the woman. Tall, shapely, and lovely.

Anonymous said...

I agree, a woman that beautiful can open doors.

Anonymous said...

Field, thanks for updating the Killadelphia count. It still seems low to me but I am sure you are right.

Did that man strangle his Mother on Thanksgiving, and was she Black?

Anonymous said...

"Now what is not in dispute is that Tiger was leaving his spot at two thirty in the morning; he was involved with a one vehicle accident; and Mrs. Woods did take the irons to the back of the SUV. It will be really interesting to see how the press treats this story. Tiger is an icon and he is loved. Will the vultures start to circle to get to the bottom of this, or will they leave him alone?"

This is a story too good for the media to pass up. They WILL NOT leave him alone. It's the holiday season and people can get a little crazy during these times.

Thanksgiving and Xmas are not those 'lovie-dovie' times together in American families. For many, they are dreaded times together that creates undue stress that can often lead to violence and even suicide.

Sounds like Tiger and his beautiful wife might be caught in that pattern. I hope things turn out well for them-they are such a nice couple. But don't count on the media to leave them alone.

grinder said...

They had a nasty fight stemming from his extracurricular fuckin' around. First she scratched his face up, and then she chased him out of the house with a 9-iron (golf clubs not being in short supply in that house). Then she started wailing on the car with the golf club. In his haste to get the fuck outta there, he backed into the fire hydrant.

Soon enough, some comedian is going to start wondering whether "Tiger" is quite the right word. Something else in the cat family, maybe? And whoever said it was just black men who beat black women, anyway? The story

Oh, and the security breach? Not good, but not as bad as previously thought. India's ambassador got the couple in for just the reception by vouching for them to the Secret Service. The connection: polo.

I love stuff like this. And so should black people, because it's a distraction from some truly ugly shit going down in Ohio after the tragic murder of a popular white athlete by two black thugs.

Keep an eye on Ohio, folks. It's in everyone's interest that those perps be whacked, and whacked hard, or the next Reginald Denny might not be a white man.

grinder said...

Oh, here's the real story on the White House gate crasher.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing new if you live in Ohio. Stay out of the black areas.

Anonymous said...

Here's something else:

Not unbelievable, just unexpected.


grinder said...

I just saw a picture of Woods's wife. I didn't know she was white. Wow. Quite the feisty rhymes with rich, huh?! And not that I care, but she's kind of a fox too. Violent fox. Ouch!

grinder said...
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Hathor said...

Typical golfer's wife.

Anonymous said...

La, "As for Tiger Woo (spit)."

You have spiting on this blog for some time. Only men spit as much as you do. Are you a lesbian?

Anonymous said...

grinder "I love stuff like this. And so should black people, because it's a distraction from some truly ugly shit going down in Ohio after the tragic murder of a popular white athlete by two black thugs."

Wow. That is really some ugly shit. Ohio really is a dud of a state full of racists who kill others because they see their own racist hatred in others. I hope Ohio has the death penalty because these animals should be put to death by the state.

As far as the party crashers, I am glad they had the connections to get in. Otherwise, the nation would have missed not seeing such a beautiful woman.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 03:28 is an idiot... who said pasty blond is beautiful? you or Adolf "meat tenderizer" H.? You and he must share the same Aryan Nationalist demeanor huh,yuck! i dislike blond no matter how it is presented and on whom or what.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 03:28 is an idiot... who said pasty blond is beautiful?

Answer: Only most of the civilized world. That's why they make up most if not all the "SuperModels".

syt said...

I could care less about Tiger, because that security breach is a big deal.

Our entire presidential succession was in that room: Vice President, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore, Secretary of State, and Secretary of the Treasury (with the possible exception of Senator Bird).

Not to mention the head of state of a country who just had a terror attack last year. I'm sure he has enemies as well.

Had the worst happened, our country would be in complete chaos.

It should be of no comfort that in late October a report presented to Congress found that the SS was overworked and underfunded. This has been a problem since last year, when SS oversight moved to Homeland Security. Add to that the amount of threats this president gets. Many are suggesting that the agency's oversight of financial crimes be moved to the Treasury Department.

It should also be of no comfort that the SS is in the middle of a huge discrimination lawsuit. The federal judge in the case found that the SS had so corrupted the case by destroying and or delaying handing over evidence to the plaintiffs. It was so bad and blatant, that as a result, they are now no longer allowed to present a defense.

Don said...

Good points, on both.

I too read the story about the couple at the White House and I could not believe how easily these two were able to walk right up to Obama. Perhaps his security wasn't of the proper understanding, although I really cannot see how that could be the case.

And, yes, since I completely realize how America does business when it comes to its icons, building up only to eventually tear 'em down. I agree, the vultures have and will continue to circle Tiger Woods.

inecoast said...

Some folks seek their 15 minutes of fame by writing a blog...

ArtMaggot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ArtMaggot Hysteria said...

I loved “Green Mile” does that make me a house Negro?

dessadi said...

Why don't you think Asians get profiled as criminals? They are people of color too. Hmm.. I wonder why?

Great question, let's see if anyone can take a stab at this one.

Anonymous said...

Considering how lax the Secret Service seems to be these days. Perhaps this administration should just go back to the Chitown and find some cats from the westside and put them on security detail. I suspect the brothas would do a far better job of staying on top of things.

I agree with the sentiment that had this couple been brown/black non-white, their asses would not have gotten in.

hunurm said...

Of course they would not get in. Look at the disproportionate amount of black crime. Do you even have to ask why? I am a black and I don't. I don't hate myself, but I can see what's going on around me.

field negro said...

"That's nothing new if you live in
Ohio. Stay out of the black areas."

How do you know the "black areas" in Ohio?

"Field, thanks for updating the Killadelphia count. It still seems low to me but I am sure you are right."

Acctually, anon. I am off by one as I write this. I will update it later.

"As far as the party crashers, I am glad they had the connections to get in. Otherwise, the nation would have missed not seeing such a beautiful woman."

Welll....I guess that's why they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Syt, those were on point comments. The SS has some splaining to do.

"I loved “Green Mile” does that make me a house Negro?"

Art, I love you like the brother I never had, but see a shrink. :)

"Some folks seek their 15 minutes of fame by writing a blog..."

Actually, it's been more like two years, but thanks for playing.

ArtMaggot Hysteria said...

So I better not mention “Driving Miss Daisy” or “Shawshank Redemption”

undist said...

Off to bed, working the night shift as mall cop again?

StillaPanther2 said...

Brother Field...On "The Blind Side...participating in the start of integration, I witnessed many instances of white families/coaches "adopting" Black atheletes to "save" them from their negative plights. This is a realllly oldd stik. I am sorry and highly disappointed that 45 years later Blacks need to be "adopted" to fulfill their dreams. Granted, I have only seen the trailers to the film- so I don't know-or care- what time period is depicted but it allows one group to feel superior without verbalizing it. I have a list of things I would like to see before I check out and #1 Was satisfied with Brother Obama. #2 I would like to see a Black man supervising white males in a trench. I saw the image- Blacks in the hole, whites standing over them many times in my life. #3 Most of all... I would like to see the majority of Black males produce/protect Black children that they fathered, then I would not let "some" movie bring back feelings of despair and disgust. One more.. Please allow aanother race be seen getting a home from the Home For Habitat program. I hate this time of the year because the press deluge us with Blacks getting hand-outs from too many directions..... and as far as Tiger, I think the coverup and real story will not come out yet. Too much money is made by his nuetral 'good boy" image

Some Lady said...

I for one actually found a little peace when I firat heard about Tiger leaving the house and getting into the accident, I pray that he's not hurt...but better to have left the house and got into an accident than to be a black man blamed for domestic violence against a white woman (I'm only saying what you all know is true).

As for those White House Crashers...Threat or no threat, at least now we see where the Secret Service stands when it comes to protecting black skin...This would not have happened to any other president. Well maybe Clinton, but that's b/c he had Black tendencies...ohhhh Can you believe I just said that? (wait isn't that stereotyping black people?). Here's the thing, both of these couples are going to be in the news. IMHO it's because they both invole a "Pretty" (and I ues that word uber loosely) white women and a black man.

tjwash said...


Sorry...but you have to admit Field, it is a tad bit funny that security has been stepped up at malls this year, to avoid injuries which have escalated in recent years, which actually DID work by the way, while simultaneously, 2 pretty much worthless, attention whoring reality show contestants waltzed right into a White House state dinner!

Maybe the Secret Service should look up Ralph Drabble's number and have him and the rest of the mall cops run a clinic or something for them from the people who guard the mall doors.

Anonymous said...

This would not have happened to any other president

Let's see, a man through a shoe at president Bush and nearly hit him. If he had a gun it would have been game over. Also, while in the Republic of Georgia, a man through a grenade within yards of Bush; however, it didn't go off. According to the FBI ""This hand grenade appears to be a live device that simply failed to function due to a light strike on the blasting cap induced by a slow deployment of the spoon activation device," In other words, if that hadn't happened, the President might have been killed.

So yes, it could have and has happened to other presidents. You're racial paranoia will have to hold for another day.

La♥audiobooks said...

"Your negativity and hatred of black men is profound."

Poor you. Tiger said he isn't black, why do some of you desperate brothers keep trying to claim and protect someone that doesn't even want to be associated with you? LOL

colog said...
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Christopher Chambers said...

Field, thanks for the link to my The Blind Side piece. Even white folks thought the film was bullshit.

As for this couple at the state dinner, the second most disturbing thing beyond the security lapse is that Bravo likely will put her on Real Housewives of DC (how real is reality--only dumbasses who love the genre can tell you). They'll be on Larry King Monday night. She claims to be a Redskins cheerleader from back in the day; that's been proven false.
Now, the flip side is that none of these Tea Partying neo Klansmen and Klansladies have the class or the brains (but they do have the blondes) to crash and assassinate anybody.

Anonymous said...

The Blindside is a movie inspired by a true story which means it took liberties. It is a feel good movie for the holidays. I would not put to much stock into the movie as it does take dramatic license as to what moviegoers want to see. I will wait for it to come cable. I saw Precious, but am going to read the book as well as the book is always better than the movie.

As for the couple who crashed the state dinner at the White House, I hope that those service service agents are no longer on the detail at the very least.

krystal*lyte said...

i hoping they really didnt 'crash' and that s.s. really told the pres that he had unexpected guests once they arrived but the were clear and got shook down and the pres approved them. thats what i'm hoping makes more sense to me b/c ya'll know how the msm likes to hype things but i would have made damned sure little becky an 'nem ain't get nah tv show for effin with important business and s.s inconvieniencing me with that mess at the last minute...

the s.s. probably had they peeps dressed up in formal attire lurkin on a scott, becky, or muhammed who wanted to try something..they have quite mysterious ways, nevertheless, i say lay the pimp hand mr. pres!

Tiger will keep being tiger, YT's will keep speculating on him hating on him as they have been while he collects another gold jacket. You know you can depend on trailer nation to bring you ther first and latest bad news on black america really is getting old..

krystal*lyte said...

what i tell ya'll. Now lay the pimp hand mr. pres.

Princefan said...

They should fire the whole security detail and get the Nation of Islam in there to do the job. WTF is wrong with security on the POTUS it's a goddamn shame that these mofos slipped through. They might as well throw him in an open limo and ride him pass the grassy knoll. Reality TV shit is getting out of hand. Charge them like they charged Balloon Boy Dad.

grinder said...

Folks, the gate crashers are going on TV this Monday, and I think everyone will realize that they didn't just walk in off the street. True, they're assholes who shouldn't have gotten in, but I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as it looked at first.

From what I've seen, it looks like they were invited in there by the Indian ambassador. Remember the state dinner was given for the Indian prime minister, so if their ambassador vouched for someone, it's understandable that the Secret Service would let them in.

grinder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grinder said...

According to the FBI ""This hand grenade appears to be a live device that simply failed to function due to a light strike on the blasting cap induced by a slow deployment of the spoon activation device," In other words, if that hadn't happened, the President might have been killed.

Damn it, someone should have sued the grenade company.

Anonymous said...

Poor woman just woke up to the fact that she is no different from from his other trophies. She should have learnt from the first Mrs.Trump. "Don't get mad, get everything".

Anonymous said...


I related news-black man shoots and kills white man in front of his daughter after his dog sniffed the man's leg.

syt said...


I respectfully disagree. No one, not even the president himself, should be able to "vouch" for someone to get past security. I don't care if it is Hillary and Bill knocking at the door. If they are not on the guest list, they should not get in. What if the Indian Ambassador has been compromised in some way, and is being forced to vouch for these people to give them access? I'm sure everyone on the guest list had a long security check before they ever got an invitation in the mail.

grinder said...

@syt, I agree that they shouldn't have gotten in, but my point is that they weren't just some stragglers in off the street. They had an inside connection, or they'd have never gotten in. That's what I think will be the story, anyway.

@Anon 4:20, just like the killing in Ohio, if you'd reversed the races on the California one, we'd be treated to another stream of lecturing and hectoring about "race in America" and the white devils, no doubt. When the perps are white, it's a racial plot, but when the perps are black it's isolated thugs. And better not call 'em thugs either.

maria said...

@grinder: True, they're assholes who shouldn't have gotten in, but I don't think it's nearly as dangerous as it looked at first.

what makes them assholes? at some point they weren't on the list and someone pulled some strings and got them in. that's the way DC works.

Anonymous said...

Here's one site that covers this stuff

Read about the white woman who's black ex-boyfriend through sulfuric acid in her face. I had never read anything about it in the news.

Anonymous said...

make that "threw"

syt said...

@Grinder--Point taken, it is very likely they did have ties to the Indian Ambassador. My post was merely to point out that even though they had ties to people in the party, it doesn't make the security broach any less dangerous.

Jamdown said...

Field Negro said: "Although isn't that one of the crashers I see shaking hands with his O ness in the pic?"

That's one of the funniest lines I've ever read. You certainly know how to get someone laughing out loud.

Great post as usual. From your humor, I can tell you are a real Jamaican!! Oliver Samuels has nothing on you.

Anonymous said...

LA, "Poor you. Tiger said he isn't black, why do some of you desperate brothers keep trying to claim and protect someone that doesn't even want to be associated with you? LOL"

No, poor you. Whether he claimed that he was Black or not, has nothing to do with your negative self-righteous hatred.

grinder said...

@maria, they're assholes for two reasons. One is that they bragged on their Facebook page about (semi) crashing the party. Second is that if you read this profile, you'll see that they are typical Northern Virginia social climbing pukes right out of Central Casting. Yuck.

@syt, I do think this one was "less dangerous" than it first appeared to be. Like I say, I don't think they should've been admitted, and the fact that there were admitted highlights a potential security vulnerability. But if the story about them having a connection with the Indian ambassador winds up being true, it's not nearly as big a breach as it first seemed.

By the way, if someone really, really wants to kill Obama, they'll be able to do it unless he goes into a bubble for his entire term. This isn't an argument to relax the security, but just saying that everyone ought to be realistic about what the Secret Service can and cannot do. They can reduce the risks, but they cannot eliminate them.

grinder said...

@Anon 5:34, you need to understand that La Idiot is a hyper black nationalist who thinks that white people are devils and that anyone who isn't black enough is even worse.

pluky said...

Asians don't get profiled? Try being Cambodian in Lowell, MA.

As to the vultures circling over Mr&Mrs Woods. They've already landed and are squabbling over dibs on the tastiest bits.

Finally, somebody(ies) on the Secret Service need to get busted to park ranger. I grew up on Army bases. This kind of security breach is inexcusable.

Unknown said...

On the shoe throwing incident in Iraq, it was not the Secret Service who jumped to protect President Bush. Instead a Bush press secretary jumped into protect him.

It was the Secret Service who also missed the grenade in the crowd at the speech in whatever hell hole FSU country Bush was visiting.

I don't see a "let's not protect the black guy president" conspiracy. I do see an agency that has some serious internal problems, low moral, and a few duds working for them.

Anonymous said...

La♥Incognita said...
I lightly stated already how I feel about the crasher couples. If it was a black couple, they weren't going to make it pass the gate.

You were unaware that Tareq Salahi was a person of color? He is on the board of a Palestinian-American group if that is a hint. Apparently this country is so suspicious of Arabs and Muslims that they can walk through the gates of the White House and mingle with the President, uninvited.
Funny how a black woman like Incognita notices the blond and immediately goes into the "if she were black..." routine. I guess you can't do the "if he was Arab..." thing too cause HE IS.

Anonymous said...

when your white your are alright. i bet all the "blacks and browns" were doubled and tripled check to get into the big white house splash.

One of the two people involved WAS BROWN dumbshit. Funny how all the black women go off about the blond white woman involved but show no malice to the other half of the couple- an arab man. catty black bitched

Sharon from WI said...

They had a nasty fight stemming from his extracurricular fuckin' around. First she scratched his face up, and then she chased him out of the house with a 9-iron (golf clubs not being in short supply in that house). Then she started wailing on the car with the golf club. In his haste to get the fuck outta there, he backed into the fire hydrant.<<

When I read the first report of his backing out of his driveway, I was taken aback. (How on earth...?) As I was reading this account I was expecting that the accident happened on a freeway or that he somehow drove into a ditch somewhere.

But if he were hauling ass to get away from something or somebody, that would explain it.

Sharon from WI said...

Let's see, a man through a shoe at president Bush and nearly hit him. If he had a gun it would have been game over. Also, while in the Republic of Georgia, a man through a grenade within yards of Bush; however, it didn't go off. According to the FBI ""This hand grenade appears to be a live device that simply failed to function due to a light strike on the blasting cap induced by a slow deployment of the spoon activation device," In other words, if that hadn't happened, the President might have been killed.

So yes, it could have and has happened to other presidents. You're racial paranoia will have to hold for another day.<<

@Anonymous 11:49 a.m.

Just what part of these incidents happened outside the States do you not understand?

This happened at the White House. This couple getting into this state dinner is a serious breach of security.

I read in The Times that there have been instances when the holder of an invitation was turned away because the guest in attendance wasn't the person named in advance. This was the case with a congressman who took his daughter to a state dinner instead of his wife, who originally planned on attending.

And yes, they passed the metal detectors, but knives and other objects certainly can be used as weapons.

Someone seriously needs to be fired.

Anonymous said...

@art maggot -- I liked the Green Mile too. Field, he wasn't just another Magic Negro he was an incarnation of Christ. His initials were JC. And the story is a pretty obvious take off of Matthew 25:31-46 particularly this section:

34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

JC's incarnation on the Green Mile was Christ appearing as a prisoner just like in the Bible story where he returns in all his glory and reveals that he was there as the least of these all along. And just as the Jesus of the Bible his execution had to go forward despite his obvious innocence. The Green Mile is a salvation story, with a Black Jesus!


trickster206 said...

I do believe Tiger's wife will eventually use domestic violence, once she is assured she can get money via a divorce lawyer. Remember the girl has no education, no work experience, just an entertainer just like another significant woman in his life). I don't see all the hoopla because one ran into a hydrant on their own property. Sounds more like Perils of Pauline (saving her from the brute. Too much is made because Tiger made that statement about being not black, people don't seem to mind when the president is presented as a black man when all of his international policies scream half white man.

Palestinians do not consider themselves black. Well, maybe those on the lower rungs of economic society but not him, he married a blonde putan and hangs in DC. That's not field negro behavior! Something else is at play. On a college application, Palestinians classify themselves as white other (then you'll see a code as to the other).

La♥audiobooks said...

"Funny how a black woman like Incognita notices the blond and immediately goes into the "if she were black..." routine."

LOL. I for one never said anything about "if she was black". She could have been a brunette for all I care, my entire perception of the fck up was never based around "a white woman". LOL

Like I said, if it was a black couple, they would have never made it pass the gate. They would have been triple checked. An "ordinary" black couple was not going to get taken for granted that easily. That's what I think partly happened with the obvious non-black crasher couple.

"You were unaware that Tareq Salahi was a person of color?"

Were you trying to be condescending, or did you actually take that chance to assume that I wasn't aware of the names and "colors" of this couple? (No wonder you preferred to be anonymous).

Being a "person of color" isn't exactly the same thing as being an obvious looking black person in America. Furthermore, a a closer to white looking "Palestinian" may not always be perceived as a "person of color", much less an Arab/Muslim/Taliban. LOL. Especially to certain people who may be less alarmed when they see white looking skin. Who are you kidding?

You anonys are so funny when you're tying so hard. LOL.

Francis Holland said...

The US DOE is saying the Black race doesn't exist!

Field, the vultures are going to circle around Tiger Woods until the story is completely explained, if only because Woods has a brown face and his wife is white with blond hair. Will this be the last such violent incident between these two, or is Tiger Woods about to get the O.J. Simpson treatment?

As for the couple that snuck into the White House, President Obama had better fire the head of the Secret Service right now and replace him with somebody from the Nation of Islam, because it's clear from this incident and incidents at the inauguration that some people in the Secret Service couldn't care less if Obama lives or dies, and others in the Secret Service are HOPING that Obama will be assassinated.

You know that brother in law of Obama who is now a football coach at Brown? I'd bring that brother in and put him in charge of keeping the O-Man safe, because the Secret Service is protecting Obama LESS when the threats have increased by 400%. Considering that the Secret Service couldn't even prevent the beloved Ronald Reagan from getting shot, you would have to say that the odds are 3 to 1 against Obama making it through two terms in office, unless he takes his own security more seriously.

On another subject, please let's all consider posting a widget at our blog that leads to the Department of Energy Page that says our race doesn't exist. (It also says that the white race doesn't exist, because "race" itself has been disproved by the Human Genome Project.)

I know some of us would like to hide our heads in the sand (some Black bloggers have asked me NEVER to mention this to them again), but the 2010 US census is coming up and there is going to be a big debate about the "racial categories" in the census. We might as well read at least the one-page statement from the Department of Energy Human Genome Project on race, so that we can speak from a position of awareness of the latest science on the topic as this subject heats up to a boiling point in the run-up to the 2010 census (the documents and questionnaires for which are presumably (sp?) being prepared right now).

Or, we can just let whites decide all by themselves whether the Black race exists or not.

Please post an Easy-Widget to the US Department of Energy Human Genome Project page that explains why biological race doesn't exist now and it never did. If for no other reason, please post a link because it's a great topic for Black grade school and college students to write about for credit.

My step-daughter wrote about this DOE page, and the controversy over whether race exists or not, and she made a whole science report and oral presentation about it with just fifteen minutes preparation, after worrying over a topic for a week. I just gave her the link.


Anonymous said...

grinder, "@Anon 5:34, you need to understand that La Idiot is a hyper black nationalist who thinks that white people are devils and that anyone who isn't black enough is even worse."

You are right. However, her hatred is not about being Black, it is about LA's empty soul- with no way to identify with the spectrum of humanity, let alone the spectrum of her race or gender.

Anonymous said...

Francis L. Holland, thank you for the information from the DOE. This is going to freak La Incognita out.

Who will she hate now? Everybody?

Anonymous said...

The Secret Service under Obama Admin. is a joke.People show up with rifles outside Obama appearances and could not get the Secret Service to bat an eye. While under Bush the same Secret Service arrested people for wearing anti-Bush buttons outside Bush rallies.

I am making sure to put the links up. Some douches in the last blog post called me a liar because i neglected to put links to illustrate the facts i presented. (FYI to the douches i have posted a link on the previous blog to substantiate my point)

I never saw the need to post links in every post because a person can simply GOOGLE to verify any information. However, i must keep in mind some people on here are "slow", and must be "spoon fed".

@ US DOE interesting link. Although there are "some" white supremacists who would disagree.

Anonymous said...

I think La incognita has a white parent, she admits that in another topic. Thats the kicker for you

Anonymous said...

"They had a nasty fight stemming from his extracurricular fuckin' around."

Tiger does not screw around, he is innocent. He is America's wholesome young man who is upright and devoted to his family.

Women are so insecure, and violent. She could have killed him with that club over some imagined thought in her head. Thank God he only ran into a fire hydrant instead of a golf club.

Can I hear an "Amen"?

maria said...

@anon--how would you know?

grinder--i agree with you this.

Anonymous said...

JohnCrow, what about that "fat tax" in Japan that only YOU know about? Even the Japanese don't know about it. Any comments? FN bloggers really want to know, including Field. In case you didn't know it, Field runs a morally 'clean-honest' blog.

I hope you end up with the LAWN JOCKEY, you fake!

Anonymous said...

@Francis L. Holland Blog -- Race is a social construct rather than a biological reality. This has been known for years. The category of race was a complete invention created specifically to separate and oppress people who bear certain physical characteristics. While culture/ethnicity may have value that is worth preserving, one of the best things that could happen to us all is the complete and utter destruction of the black, white, brown, red, yellow, and every other RACE.

And those of you, talking shit about La♥Incognita have no idea what you're talking about.


Anonymous said...

--j, "And those of you, talking shit about La♥Incognita have no idea what you're talking about."

Then why don't you marry her? Save her oh black knight in dulling armor!

Anonymous said...

"Then why don't you marry her?"

Before you do, know that she is not from the VI's, but is actually from Detroit.

Anonymous said...

"The why don't you marry her?"

LOL. Seriously? How old are you? I haven't heard that one since 5th grade. At any rate, La♥Incognita hardly needs rescuing. However, last I checked everyone here is allowed to express their opinions and I exercised my right to have my say based on the many statements I've read from her over a period of some time. A contrary point of view really shouldn't reduce you to playground antics.


La♥audiobooks said...

"Race is a social construct rather than a biological reality. This has been known for years."

Exactly. And -J, Thanks. He/she really shouldn't be making assumptions.

I must have really ruffled somebody's feathers. Now they're desperate enough to spread false rumors about my heritage.smh.

Anonymous said...

--j, "Race is a social construct rather than a biological reality. This has been known for years."

It is also a biological reality. There was also a PBS series about how one race in Africa migrated across the world and became the races that we know today. But we all came from Africa, according to science.

The discovery by science that we all came from Adam and Eve and that scientifically there never was no such thing as race was on the cover of Time magazine about a decade ago.

Anonymous said...

--j, you sound like a pirate. Are you?

Anonymous said...

Let me stop. Nobody is laughing.

Anonymous said...

There was also a PBS series about how one race in Africa migrated across the world and became the races that we know today. But we all came from Africa, according to science.

That means we have evolved separately. We look differently; we come from different cultures; we are differently physically.

Anonymous said...

@11.06 -- Try science instead of a misinterpreted or outdated PBS program. There's no such thing as race and there never has been.

From the Human Genome Project:

Will genetic anthropology establish scientific criteria for race or ethnicity?

DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other. Indeed, it has been proven that there is more genetic variation within races than exists between them.

In simpler terms: ain't no such thing as race. Ain't never been no such thing as race. Race is a lie. Skin color is as superficial as eye or hair color. You're not just related to black people through the way back when ancient time machine: you are the same as black skinned people. Your ancestral home isn't just Africa, you might as well be black. We are ALL the SAME.


Anonymous said...

"That means we have evolved separately. We look differently; we come from different cultures; we are differently physically."

That means we are all related and have been incestuous from the beginning of time. No wonder we humans are a little off in the mind.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11.14 -- Pirate? What does that even mean?


Anonymous said...

"@anon 11.14 -- Pirate? What does that even mean?"

LA loves pirates. Check out her blog and read what she says about herself. Congratulations! Will you be inviting AB and CF to the wedding?

Anonymous said...

@anon 11.57 -- You're one strange individual. If you're trying to troll you're going to have to do better than cryptic 3rd grade tactics.


Anonymous said...

humm let me see couple 1/tiger in the elk zone let's say is so typical of a rehash of the fallacy of race blindness i aint going to even go there except to say Woods should have been paying close attention to the Mike Jordan story.. timing is to putt your 5 year plan at 4 years before you find yourself on a glacier with a 6 iron with minus 20 celsius wind chill factor out of the SE and wake up to your spouse over head with a 9 iron and you flat on your arse..ah domestic tranquility in the dead of night with a racial epithet and/or "honey i wanna divorce" declaration messing up the nooky foreplay hour... yawn..

the second couple is more interesting in that it could have been a interesting kick off to a nuclear war set it off.. a year to the date of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and the Indian Prime Minister H.E. Singh is in the casa blanca with O ness and there is a bigger than big security breach. What if one of these two were operating for who knows what anti-Indian agents and splashed acid on the PM and he having a heart attack right out! Well, Mr. Panetta.. feet are on fire and polish your CV bud because this is as serious as a test run for Kennedy getting his head popped off.

now would someone please black out blond week..

Anonymous said...

--j, "@anon 11.57 -- You're one strange individual. If you're trying to troll you're going to have to do better than cryptic 3rd grade tactics."

No, j I am not trying to troll, just trying to answer your question. I don't troll, and I doubt if you know when any Anon is trolling because you aren't that perceptive. Not only that, you have no sense of humor which makes you miserable. No wonder you think highly of La: "misery loves company".

Obviously you didn't like the answer to your question, which was the Truth.

Nevertheless, I will accept your assessment of me as being immature and strange if you will admit and accept as being too immature and weak minded to handle the truth.

How's that? Do we have a deal? Or do you have too much false pride to admit your glaring flaws?

Anonymous said...

"How's that? Do we have a deal? Or do you have too much false pride to admit your glaring flaws?"


La♥audiobooks said...

Good grief...

Anonymous said...

@anon 1.20 -- How can you give me the Truth (with a capital T no less) when (until now) I never asked you a question? Was the Truth somehow transmitted over the airwaves in response to my asking what @anon 11.14 meant by sounding like a pirate? Did the rhetorical flourishes "Seriously? How old are you?" addressed to @anon 10.33 unleash a wave of transcendental Truth to the world that I failed to grasp because of my over-reliance on the written word as the medium of understanding commenters on this blog? Pray tell us mighty one, he who grinds the bones of his enemies, offers comfort to his friends, knows questions before they are spoken and offers Truths to the world what Truth was spoken to the unformed question in my mind?

Next time, maybe you should try taking off the tinfoil hat before transmission.


AbuAmirah said...

Personally, I don't give a fuck about the cablanasian or his Swedish twist. Dude does a lot for the poor in Thailand, but doesn't do a damn thing (it not like he has to, but the jesture would be nice)for impoverished kids here in America. So, I say let his ass go out like the juice. It would be funny to see him playing in a minority gold course because the white boys wouldn't let him ball at theirs after this. The National Enquirer, which has been on a roll the last couple of years with the Edwards, Ensign and Sanford scandals, are saying that dude is boning a New York club hostess and that he and his wife had a dust up over how they both happened to check into the same hotel at the same time. Sounds like one of those old batman episodes doesn't it. Oh well, it'll be fun to see where the chips fall won't it? I wonder if White women will start to scream when they see him?

grinder said...

Let's see, a man through a shoe at president Bush and nearly hit him. If he had a gun it would have been game over.

My kingdom for a time machine!

grinder said...

At any rate, La♥Incognita hardly needs rescuing. However, last I checked everyone here is allowed to express their opinions

Yes, and ain't it grand? Especially my opinion.

Hathor said...


You need to do a little more fact checking about Tiger's charities.

trickster206 said...

Uh oh, the reporters are swarming around Tiger...he IS getting the O.J. treatment. The media is acting as if he beat the blonde down when it was the other way around. I saw this coming a long time ago, when he chose her for his wife. If it is true about his extramarital affair, in a minute, she'll be looking for money. Didn't she just have another baby by him?

Anonymous said...

"At any rate, La♥Incognita hardly needs rescuing. However, last I checked everyone here is allowed to express their opinions"

@--j, Do you understand the above quote? She does not need you trying to rescue her. Besides, if you are not a cut-throat pirate, she has no interest in you.

So try saving someone else, like AB.

Anonymous said...

Hathor, "You need to do a little more fact checking about Tiger's charities."

Why don't you give some facts that would counter what AbuAmira said about Tiger?

Angie-in-Japan said...

ANON@9:50 asked: "Why don't you think Asians get profiled as criminals? They are people of color too. Hmm.. I wonder why?"

Dessadi replied: "Great question, let's see if anyone can take a stab at this one."

Well, they ARE profiled in certain parts of the world. I, as a Black woman, am treated better than people from other Asian countries who visit/live and work in Japan; sad but true. That's because people here THINK I have money and a great education. They ASSUME that I have more to offer than those from other Asian countries. With their assumptions, as they control this country, I am awarded many privileges simply based on who THEY think I am. Couple that with the violent history the many countries in this area of the world share, and...well, you can understand the preference for non-Asians.
Is it right...NO, I don't think so! Is it a fact of life here now...? Yes.

And as quick as some people in here are to point out how Japan and other Asian countries just HATE Black folk, I am treated with more respect here than I ever was back in the States. I have travelled to Singapore at least 18 times, the Philippines once, South Korea 3 times, Malaysia 4 times, Thailand twice, and Indonesia 3 times. NEVER EVER had a problem with the locals....only with other White Westerners who acted as if they were "above" me on some invisible cultural totem pole. Hhhhmmmm....I wonder why?! Some kind of complex maybe??

Not to generalize but in my opinion Asians living in America are often stereotyped as hard-working and/or intelligent enough to rival the most brilliant White Americans. Yes?? They are noted for having great familial bonds and numerous assets. Is that true...NOT ALWAYS!! But are their stereotypes generally more positive than the ones reserved for Hispanic and Black Americans, given our history? Most definitely.

Side note: Can someone please enlighten me as to why White American men are disproportionately profiled as the drug runners and paedophiles here in Asia...I mean since we're throwing out these "hhhhmmmm" questions and all...? Gotta travel 7,000 miles just to get some 'dirty' on???

Anonymous said...

@--j,"@anon 1.20 -- How can you give me the Truth (with a capital T no less) when (until now) I never asked you a question?"

I am anon 11:14a, 11:57, 1:20. You asked two questions:

"@anon 11.14 -- Pirate? What does that even mean?"

@--j, "Next time, maybe you should try taking off the tinfoil hat before transmission."

I will reiterate my offer @1:20a which you seemed to miss because of a capitalized "T" in truth. I capitalized it for you because you seem to not grasp the Truth when it comes to you as the 'written word'.

Here is a partial repeat of the commentary offer @1:20a, AGAIN:

'Obviously you didn't like the answer to your question, which was the Truth.

Nevertheless, I will accept your assessment of me as being immature and strange if you will admit and accept as being too immature and weak minded to handle the truth.

How's that? Do we have a deal? **Or do you have too much false pride to admit your glaring flaws?**'

Dear j, Let me know if the questions are too hard for you to answer. I will help you.

Anonymous said...

@Angie-in-Japan, I am very glad to here that you are treated with the utmost respect in Asia. My experience with Asians here in the US is that they are pretty racist against Blacks in CA. and IL, especially the Thais.

Of course, in Asia the neighboring countries to Thailand don't like the Thais because they look down their noses at them-Burmese, Cambodians, and Laotians. They don't care for the Thais and neither do I.

If you google you will find quite a few degrading comments about "Farangs" White Americans. They are even more degrading when it comes to Blacks.

It's also common knowledge here in the states that East Indians and Japanese are some of the most bigoted asses on the planet.

grinder said...

Why don't you think Asians get profiled as criminals? They are people of color too.

In the U.S., black crime rates are far higher than white ones. That's why blacks get profiled. It's inductive reasoning, the most primitive form: "That which happened before will happen again."

Can someone please enlighten me as to why White American men are disproportionately profiled as the drug runners and paedophiles here in Asia

Probably because a disproportionate share of the white American (and European, I'd imagine) men who hang out in certain Asian countries, i.e., Thailand, are there for the drugs and the underage sex. Again, inductive reasoning.

It's also common knowledge here in the states that East Indians and Japanese are some of the most bigoted asses on the planet.

You forgot the Koreans.

Anonymous said...

"You forgot the Koreans."

I didn't know Koreans were that racist. They seem not to bother anybody. In LA, CA. there has always been trouble but that has been because of racist Blacks.

But LA, and the surrounding areas down to Escondido has always been totally screwed up anyway.

grinder said...

You don't have to "bother anybody" to harbor racist sentiments. Amd frankly, the current American surface orthodoxy on race is unique to this country, an outgrowth of slavery and its aftermath.

And what is that orthodoxy? Racial differences can be recognized only if they put non-whites in a favorable light relative to whites, or put whites in an unfavorable light relative to non-whites.

Any departure from the foregoing is grounds for an accusation of racism. Therefore, for the most part, whites in this country simply avoid the topic like the plague. If forced to say something, they'll try to say as little as possible.

Other cultures aren't so inclined to tiptoe. The Asians I've met, both here and in Asia, are far less reluctant to draw group distinctions between and within races. The Japanese think they're unique. The Chinese think the Japanese are the cultural nouveau riche. Just about every Asian thinks blacks are a half-step above animals. It goes on and on.

grinder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

grinder, "Just about every Asian thinks blacks are a half-step above animals. It goes on and on."

That has been my experience and many Asians IN Asia has told me the same as you have. Yet, Angie-in-Japan claims that it is not true.

Somebody is in DENIAL.

grinder said...

Then there is the real conversation in this country.

Blacks are no less racist than anyone else. Within their own group, they dump on darker-skinned blacks to a degree that doesn't even occur to whites, who by and large view black "race" as an on-off switch and make no further distinction. To whites, Colin Powell and Michelle Obama are equally black.

In daily life, whites worry about only two or three things with respect to black people.

One of them is crime, especially with respect to black men. Who, on the whole, have far higher crime rates than white men. (Yes, uptown steve, I know that this isn't true of all black men, so spare me the lecture.)

Second is racism, which for whites is the fear that whatever they think, say, or do will be racist. Therefore, most whites seek not to think about or interact with black people unless they have to.

Third is a mixture of general well-wishing and fatigue, as in, "It sure would be good if everyone could just give it a rest." But that view rarely lasts for very long, given points 1 and 2.

Now, that's the reality in America today, in my view. How can Obama have been elected president in such an environment? I think it's because he plays to Door #3, and offers absolution from the horrors inside of Door #2. How did he do it? By carefully studying re-runs of the Cosby Show and asking himself in any situation, "What would Cliff Huxtable say?"

Whether that will work out in the long run depends on the unemployment rate.

grinder said...

Addendum: What I've just described is where I think the vast majority of whites are at. But there are other basic schemes out there.

No doubt about it, there is a segment of whites who are hard-core racists and think blacks are congenitally and hopelessly inferior, and/or who take a fiercely tribal viewpoint and simply rule blacks out of the American tribe except as servants. I don't think that segment is very large, but it does exist.

There is also another segment of whites who carry a whole lot less baggage than what I've described, and see blacks on truly equal terms. I think they are a minority of whites, too. I'd like to think a larger minority than the hard-core racists, but I don't think there's any way of knowing.

I really don't know all that many black people personally. Damn few in fact. So my perceptions there are prone to error, but from the interactions I have had, and from my general inclinations, I suspect most blacks are behind Door #3, just wanting to get along and not be captured by the whole racial dynamic.

That said, if I see a group of younger black men together on the street, my radar flashes a warning signal. I bet it does for a lot of black people, too. Not real fair, but a whole lot of shit isn't real fair.

Anonymous said...

grinder, "Second is racism, which for whites is the fear that whatever they think, say, or do will be racist. Therefore, most whites seek not to think about or interact with black people unless they have to."

Can't say that I blame them. It's a no-win situation.

@grinder-"How can Obama have been elected president in such an environment? I think it's because he plays to Door #3, and offers absolution from the horrors inside of Door #2."

Well, that didn't play out very well, did it? I think Obama won because of the "perfect political storm" that happened almost simultaneously domestically and internationally. He was the only choice and hope for the country to keep from sinking into the bowels of hell. Bush and the Republicans left a hopeless mess that left Americans desparate and fearful. Obama was their ONLY chance of turning things around.

In addition, there was a great hope that we would enter into a post-racial era. As always, racism doesn't do what everyone wishes it would. Like alcoholism, it is a disease that is cunning, baffling and powerful.

Anonymous said...

grinder, "I really don't know all that many black people personally. Damn few in fact. So my perceptions there are prone to error, but from the interactions I have had, and from my general inclinations, I suspect most blacks are behind Door #3, just wanting to get along and not be captured by the whole racial dynamic."

I hope you are right and I am glad that you haven't allowed yourself to be misguided off by black racists such as La Idiot, along with her admirers, disciples, and one rescuer Mr. 'j'.

Anonymous said...

grinder-"That said, if I see a group of younger black men together on the street, my radar flashes a warning signal. I bet it does for a lot of black people, too. Not real fair, but a whole lot of shit isn't real fair."

Yes, it is true. No one ever guaranteed that life would be fair. But maybe life is exactly the way it is supposed to be, and maybe it's us humans who have a hard time living life on life's terms. Does anybody really know? I don't think so.

As far as anybody knows, Rev Jesse Lee Peterson gratitude for slavery that led to his prosperity could in America could be right.

grinder said...

I think Obama won because of the "perfect political storm" that happened almost simultaneously domestically and internationally. He was the only choice and hope for the country to keep from sinking into the bowels of hell.

The relationship between the direction of unemployment in the second quarter of a presidential election year and that year's election has been rock solid in every post-WW2 election except for 1956, which was an anomaly for reasons I will explain.

If unemployment rises in 2Q, the incumbent party loses (1952, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1992, 2008). If it stays the same, the incumbent party loses very narrowly (1960, 2000). If it declines, the incumbent party wins (1948, 1964, 1972, 1984, 1988, 1996, 2004). The 1956 exception was because the unemployment increase in 2Q that year was a fluke that was quickly reversed.

In 2008, unemployment went up by 0.5% between March and June. That's a big increase as these things go. It gave the Democrats room to take a risk on Obama and still win. All he really had to do was prove that he was part of the family and not scare the living shit out of whites, who are three-quarters of the electorate. Hence the Cliff Huxtable script.

The next election will be determined by the unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2012. I do think that Obama needs better numbers in his direction than a white candidate would need, although maybe that won't be as true in 2012 because he's a known quantity and has already passed the Bill Cosby test.

But in 2008, I think a white Democrat with the same campaign skills would have won not by 53%-46%, but more like 57%-42%. Still, you had something like 43% of whites voting for Obama last year, which is more white support for any Democrat since Jimmy Carter -- including Bill Clinton.

So, the idea that this country is filled with screaming, drooling white racist devils is sheer bullshit. If, on the other hand, anyone wants to get their knickers in a twist because there are still deep issues, well then twist away.

I frankly think that this site, as much as I like it, is to a degree emblematic of a longstanding dynamic among minorities, and not only blacks, in which a sense of grievance and outsiderness is essential to their energy. This produces a certain amount of posing. There are La Idiots everywhere, not just among black people.

grinder said...

One important thing for Obama is to resist the temptation to take the race baiting crap that the Republicans are throwing out there. Most voters see it for what it is, and as long as Obama doesn't get drawn into that dynamic (as he did last summer by Skip Gates, the pompous old fool) he will be fine, and won't need as much extra oomph to win in 2012 as he did in '08.

But no one should bullshit themselves about 2012, and about 2010 for that matter. These things are going to be about the economy. Obama either gets unemployment going in the right direction, or he's outta there. I think his people know it, or at least I hope they do.

La♥audiobooks said...

grinder, you always seem to be sedentary in front of a computer while wearing your pink tutu as you type away for my attention. You keep testing my faith. But I could never take you seriously. You are what you are, that will never change. Peace and Blessings.


grinder said...

grinder, you always seem to be sedentary in front of a computer while wearing your pink tutu

Yes, La Idiot, and how should I imagine you? Trading crack for blowjobs in some hovel? Not to trade in stereotypes or anything.

Anonymous said...

now now grinder, did you take your aids medication today? that as not a nice thing to say, not even to la idiot.

Anonymous said...

grinder, "Yes, La Idiot, and how should I imagine you? Trading crack for blowjobs in some hovel? Not to trade in stereotypes or anything."

Perfect. I love the way you slam dunk her ass.

Anonymous said...

grinder, "But no one should bullshit themselves about 2012, and about 2010 for that matter. These things are going to be about the economy. Obama either gets unemployment going in the right direction, or he's outta there. I think his people know it, or at least I hope they do."

I agree, but I also think the war in Afghanistan is going to weigh heavily also.

La♥audiobooks said...

"Perfect. I love the way you slam dunk her ass.

Not at the least. The only thing he's doing is showing his racism more and more each day. He even hates black females more than you do.

Alicia had it wrong when she accused Maria of being the one "trolling for OJs". Madam grinder is only desperately trying to disrespect and devalue his biggest group of competition. I pity him.

grinder said...

Anon 7:06, I really don't think so. I think the U.S. should just pull out of Iran and Afghanistan altogether, so it's not as if I support any of that shit. But when Clinton's people in 1992 were quoted saying, "It's the economy, stupid," I think they were absolutely, totally correct.

Now, if the crash of 2008 ushers in a new depression as I suspect it might, then maybe the Q2 unemployment rule gets re-written. Nothing is set in stone forever, right? But I think what's more likely is that we wind up with a series of one-term presidents.

If Obama loses in 2012 in spite of an improving unemployment picture that year, then I'd be wrong about all this. Or if he gets re-elected in spite of a stagnant unemployment picture.

After all, my thesis (which isn't mind but something I learned almost 20 years ago from a political analyst) relies on inductive reasoning, which says that whatever happened before will happen again. Sometimes things change, right? But this unempployment-presidential politics link has worked for 60 years, so it's not something to be casually dismissed.

grinder said...

Madam grinder is only desperately trying to disrespect and devalue his biggest group of competition.

Now this you must explain. Are you trying to say that black women compete with me for men?! La Idiot, you're not really that dumb, are you?

grinder said...

One fallout from the unemployment-politics link is that Democrats are fools to wish that the Republicans get even crazier on the wingnut side. As long as they have the "Repuhblican" brand, they could nominate Sarah Palin's retarded kid in 2012 and they'd win if the unemployment rate didn't fall in the second quarter of that year.

It's really not in the Democratic Party's interest to have the Republicans going off the wingnut deep end, because they will at some point be back in power. If not in '12, then at some other time.

Goldwater didn't lose in 1964 because he was a wingnut, he lost because the economy was rockin' that year. A better Republican candidate would've done better than Goldwater did, but he still would've lost.

Addendum: In 1968, the unemployment rate was unchanged in the second quarter. That one was a closer election than it looked. Humprhey was gaining on Nixon at the end. It was more of a photo finish than it seemed at the time.

Anonymous said...

grinder, you always seem to be sedentary in front of a computer while wearing your pink tutu as you type away for my attention.



Dara said...

La Idiot
La idiot
La idiot
La idiot

Anonymous said...

"La Idiot, you're not really that dumb, are you?"

Yes, she is even dumber because she belittles herself with her four year old reasoning.

Anonymous said...

grinder, "Now this you must explain. Are you trying to say that black women compete with me for men?!"

She obviously has lost her bm to a white gay man. Hence, her reasoning is based on her direct experience. Now we know why she feels so insecure around you.

grinder said...

Love the fake sign-on. Yeah, La Idiot, you really fooled 'em!

Anonymous said...

"Love the fake sign-on. Yeah, La Idiot, you really fooled 'em!"

She has done the same thing to others on this blog, esp. AB. La Idiot is an angry vindictive bitch who needs psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

AB, I hope you have taken note who has been impersonating you on this blog. it's been LI/KOLa all along.

grinder said...

La Idiot is an angry vindictive bitch who needs psychiatric help.

Either that, or all the ... oh forget it! ROTFLMAO!

grinder said...

Tiger Woods issued a statement, complete with the "I'm not perfect" that we all know is code for "I've been gettin' my meat pounded on the side."

There is an upside to all of this. Even after the divorce, he'll have a pretty good chunk of change. Hope you got a good prenup, bud. You're gonna need it.

Fed up of children on this blog said...

Actually grinder,

Black people on this blog aren't stupid, we know all those anons are you. You need to read La's statement over again. I didn't get what you did. Only

Angie-in-Japan said...

ANON@2:06 stated: "Angie-in-Japan, I am very glad to here that you are treated with the utmost respect in Asia. My experience with Asians here in the US is that they are pretty racist against Blacks in CA. and IL..."

Sorry to hear that, ANON. Of course, it's not ALL perfect here...just much better than back home, at least for me. I'm not even going to attempt to speak on behalf of other Black people in Asia...or for Asians regarding their feelings when it comes to Black people. I'm a fairly grounded and observant my post isn't a case of my head being stuck in the sand as some may think. All I can do is share my particular experiences and hope that some in here can take something positive away from it.

Grinder said: 'In the U.S., black crime rates are far higher than white ones. That's why blacks get profiled. It's inductive reasoning, the most primitive form: "That which happened before will happen again."'

Hello Grinder. You stated that Black crime rates are far greater than White ones in the US. Are you saying the total number of crimes committed by Black people is greater than the total number committed by White people...or is crime committed by a greater % of Blacks relative to Whites?

Yes, inductive reasoning is powerful in that it affords us the opportunity to form ideas about people. As this undoubtedly leads to some unfounded generalizations and stereotypes, it cannot be used as the means to provide "proof" to any argument, in my opinion. And even though some of us operate from that mindset of "that which happened before will happen again," I prefer to be more certain about the conclusions I make. The "probability" of being right, in my opinion, simply isn't good enough, especially when that same probability creates an atmosphere that leads to the profiling, harassment and/or dehumanization of innocent people.

Anyway, thank you both for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Grinder, you started it first, you always do. You got what you asked for. No one is laughing with you.

grinder is a veiled ignorant racist said...

grinder STFU!!

you're still on here trying to tell blacks how we view ourselves? still not listening and not learning by reading and understanding. black men do more crime? bullshit! the police profile minorities more (do you not read news articles) than others so more minorities are arrested not more black men are involved in crimes! your complete ignorance of black culture and you're constant comments professing that you understand black culture are laughable and ludicrous. I wish you would take you're veiled racist ass somewhere. Attacking a black women and telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about is beyond idiotic. I can take a break from this blog for months (which I ususally do because Amerikka is such a racist place and the internet allows all the racists cowards to show themselves) and come back and you're still on here trying to preach to black folks will stating you're afraid of black youths go back to south boston with the other racists rats.!!

Anonymous said...

grinder STFU!!

you're still on here trying to tell blacks how we view ourselves? still not listening and not learning by reading and understanding. black men do more crime? bullshit! the police profile minorities more (do you not read news articles) than others so more minorities are arrested not more black men are involved in crimes! your complete ignorance of black culture and you're constant comments professing that you understand black culture are laughable and ludicrous. I wish you would take you're veiled racist ass somewhere. Attacking a black women and telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about is beyond idiotic. I can take a break from this blog for months (which I ususally do because Amerikka is such a racist place and the internet allows all the racists cowards to show themselves) and come back and you're still on here trying to preach to black folks will stating you're afraid of black youths go back to south boston with the other racists rats.!!

grinder said...

None of the anonymous posts here are mine. Field has the IP addresses and can confirm that if he wants to.

grinder said...

Attacking a black women and telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about is beyond idiotic.

Some black women, like some white men, are complete idiots.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder if Tiger's wife would have clobbered him similarly (assuming she did) if he were White. Funny how deep seated racism can rise to the surface in heated moments.

grinder said...

The saga gets more interesting. Grata, that's a Rohrschach Test, isn't it? I look at it and see celebrities, infidelity, domestic abuse, and the under-recognized phenomenon of men being assaulted by women. You see race.

I know nothing at all about the woman. Really don't, except that she's (by certain hetero standards) kinda hot lookin' and real white. I'm sure we're going to be treated to a lot more information in the days ahead. Woo-hoo!

grinder said...

p.s.: Damn good for him that he isn't married to La Idiot. It would've been an electric turkey carving knife left over from Thanksgiving, not a 9-iron.

grinder said...

Something else. He hasn't been playing much because of some joint problem, right? I wonder if we'll find out that the (white devil) bitch whacked him on the knee with a 2-iron.

Anonymous said...

"Grata, that's a Rohrschach Test, isn't it? I look at it and see celebrities, infidelity, domestic abuse, and the under-recognized phenomenon of men being assaulted by women. You see race."

There is no way you can ignore race in this one. But not seeing race as you have state comes with White privilage. What can I say.

Look closely at the behavior of the 2 people involved. The woman was doing the beating and the "Black" man was doing the running. How many Black men run when a Black woman is beating on them? No that many.

Any Black man married to a White woman and is living in a White neighborhood knows the most important rule to follow. And that is not to let the local law enforcement get a little bit suspiscous of any kind of abuse. The best thing to do in such a situation is to be the victim. And the White women know this very well. I have come across such BM/ WW couples. A particular one, the woman was beating on the guy at a Subway station infront of everyone and he was just taking it it.

So yes race really does make a difference on how these two treat each other in such situations. Not that you are going to get an authentic study on that ofcouse.

"Something else. He hasn't been playing much because of some joint problem, right? I wonder if we'll find out that the (white devil) bitch whacked him on the knee with a 2-iron."

Interesting, it may not be the first time this is happening.

La♥audiobooks said...

Grata, notice even those who believe she attacked him are not condemning her. She is still given the benefit of his possible adultery to explain her erratic wild behavior.

Now picture her black, I doubt there would be such privilege involved.

grinder said...

Grata, you're right. You can't ignore race. No ignoring that Tiger Woods is black and the violent bitch is white. The issue is where does race fit on the scale here. I think it comes in lower than you do. I think this is much more about celebrity and domestic violence than it is about race.

I also think it's in the interest of Tiger Inc. to keep it that way. The dumbest thing he could do is hire Florida's version of Johnny Cochrane to tell everyone that if the golf glove don't fit, you must acquit.

Remember: Tiger Woods is the victim here. There isn't a white woman with a slashed throat. There's a black man, beaten and unconscious in his driveway. Given the facts that seem evident, I'd rather be in his cleats than hers right now.

grinder said...

La Idiot must be in a real quandary over this one, given that she hates Tiger Woods for not being black enough and for having a white wife. Holy paradox, Batman, I'm in a real pickle now!!

maria said...

oh, jesus. "beaten" and unconscious? might you be embellishing a little? is it possible the man popped some of his pain killers and had a drink before he spun out of the house?

just for the record, grinder--have you ever been cheated on? ever had the cheater LIE IN YOUR FACE? yeah, let me tell you, it can make you a "violent bitch."

and LA, when have we seen movies like "diary of a mad WHITE woman?"

black women are constantly the ones being stereotyped as putting the man's shit out on the lawn and lighting a match. that's always been presented as defensible and acceptable. i don't see a double standard if you think people aren't condemning her actions.

and at this point we don't even know mrs. woods did.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we now have Miss Grinder to wear AB's pumps. My friend always says that gay white men want to be Black women.

Anonymous said...

Grata, "Look closely at the behavior of the 2 people involved. The woman was doing the beating and the "Black" man was doing the running. How many Black men run when a Black woman is beating on them? No that many."

Grata, you are very sick. Remember OJ? Did he run? Please give us you scenario on that one and 'why' they are different.

La♥audiobooks said...

Maria, I for sure have never seen a movie entitled "Diary of a mad white woman". But I have seen a movie entitled "Diary of a mad black woman" where the black woman was physically and mentally abused while also being the one kicked out the house for a lighter/whiter skin woman (who was actually suppose to be white, but they changed the script to avoid further contention).

Also, there is hardly need for such "angry" movie titles regarding white female characters. She will most likely be given a support network of non-judgmental people and resources to assist her one way or another in the movie. I have also seen countless movies where white female characters pick up and leave the male character for micro issues. At the same time her usually "petty" concerns are likely validated by the audience in compassion, and in hopes for the man to get his act together to win her back.

Most black female characters in similar movies will usually be viewed as "unsupportive", needy, or a woman who made her man leave, or cheat on her. Yet, If she is the one who chooses to leave, she better have profound "broken bone" justification to separate herself, regardless if he cheats or can't even provide for himself/household.

Example movie: "In the Pursuit of Happyness". People in and outside of the black community saw the black wife as the biggest unsupportive BITCH.

Furthermore, black females historically have had much more reason to be "angry" "defensive" and mad as hell than white females. In my opinion.

La♥audiobooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
La♥audiobooks said...

And my opinion was stated in a respectful manner. I reserve the right to express it without being called a vindictive bitch, profile impersonator, idiot, or crack head by men, and half of one.


grinder said...

oh, jesus. "beaten" and unconscious? might you be embellishing a little? is it possible the man popped some of his pain killers and had a drink before he spun out of the house?

Stories I read said that he was bleeding and unconscious.

just for the record, grinder--have you ever been cheated on? ever had the cheater LIE IN YOUR FACE? yeah, let me tell you, it can make you a "violent bitch."

I really don't believe in competing over who can tell the saddest story, so all I'm going to say is that I'm not speaking in a vacuum.

black women are constantly the ones being stereotyped as putting the man's shit out on the lawn and lighting a match. that's always been presented as defensible and acceptable.

When I lived back East, a white guy snapped when the wife (also white) told him he had overcooked the pasta. So he killed her, carved her heart out of her chest, put it on a stake, and pounded the stake into the front lawn.

I thought he was being a little unreasonable, myself. He probably should have just thrown her clothes out there or something. I mean, wearing your own heart on your sleeve is bad enough, but wearing someone else's heart on a stake? Over the top!

Well, at least we now have Miss Grinder to wear AB's pumps. My friend always says that gay white men want to be Black women.

La Idiot, you crack me up!!

I reserve the right to express it without being called a vindictive bitch, profile impersonator, idiot, or crack head by men, and half of one.

Do you have any idea how fun you are?

maria said...

LA-- i wasn't calling you a vindictive bitch--that was grinder's term that for wood's wife i was referring to--nothing to do with you.

also, you totally missed my point.

and those movies you cited and i cited--made my black directors and producers.

Dara said...

La Idiot
La idiot
La idiot
La idiot

I hate women like her see everything... they won't let me molest all the little black boys in the hood.

grinder said...

Oh yeah, La Idiot, that's just what I do. I put on a pink ballerina costume and run over to the ghetto to pick up black boys. When thwarted by the strong black women of the neighborhood, I come back here and shout at you in racist sexual frustration.

Ha ha! You're not only stupid, but great entertainment!

LisaMJ said...

Can we cut back on the name calling, just b/c you disagree regularly with someone do you have to call them outside their name or online psuedonym?

grinder said...

Lisa, I consider "La Idiot" to be a term of endearment, a sort of "Snookums," if you will!

La♥audiobooks said...

Maria, I know that you didn't call me any of those names.

Anonymous said...

LisaMJ, "Can we cut back on the name calling, just b/c you disagree regularly with someone do you have to call them outside their name or online psuedonym?"

Why not be fair, Lisa?

La Incognita used grinder's name. Why don't you request that LI stop using his name? Why have a double standard unless you support her racist tactics.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell? Where is your proof that she used his name? Are you seeing the errors of your ways? Get a life.

Anonymous said...

La Idiot said, "How can you tell? Where is your proof that she used his name? Are you seeing the errors of your ways? Get a life."

You are so dumb-but entertaining.LOL

Royal Model said...

Call GirlS