So, like the rest of you,I have been reading this Alexis Hutchinson story. Poor woman. The Army has arrested her for refusing to deploy because she has no one to take care of her baby. Seems she did submit a "care plan" to the Army, but her mother had problems with taking care of the little guy at the last minute.
So I have a couple of thoughts: First, where the f&*k is the child's father? Why can't he take care....wait, change that. Why shouldn't he be made to take care of the little guy while mommy goes over sees to defend her country? I have read this story in a few different places and not a word about daddy. Daddy, if you are alive, shame on you.
The other thing that bothered me about this story is that, once again, it's a grandparent [usually grandma, because more often or not grandpas sorry ass got up as well] that is being depended on to raise a grandchild. Come on folks, that stuff is getting old.
Maybe it's because of what I do for a living, but I am sick and tired of seeing plaintiffs who are grandmothers having to hold it down because mommy and daddy aren't doing what they have to do to raise their child.
Alexis, believe me, this is not personal to you, because I don't know enough about your situation to pass judgment. But your situation seems all too familiar to me. It's just that unfortunately for you, unlike with so many others, your situation has serious consequences attached.
And finally, I have to get on Uncle Sam a little bit: Why did they have to arrest this woman and take her to jail, forcing her infant son to go into the foster care system if only for just a couple of days? I mean maybe someone familiar with the way the military does things can help me with this. Couldn't they have put her under house arrest or something? At least that way she would have been with her child.
"Kevin Larson, a spokesman for Hunter Army Airfield, said he didn't know what Hutchinson was told by her commanders, but he said the Army would not deploy a single parent who had nobody to care for his or her child. "I don't know what transpired and the investigation will get to the bottom of it," Larson said. "If she would have come to the deployment terminal with her child, there's no question she would not have been deployed."'
Yes, and part of the investigation should be to find daddy's sorry ass.
When I read this story, my eyes went red, about to swear, she deserve to have time with her baby, and the baby deserve time with her.
She deserves time with her baby, not jail time.
i SWEAR i saw a story some time ago about a white woman who came to her deployment appt. with her kids and said she had no child care, and i am positive she was not arrested.
can't find a link right away.
this stinks!
While they're at it maybe they should round up the countless other missing black fathers. You might need to pass another stimulus plan though to pay for that--it's a bigggg task.
This is stupid. Period. Stupid military making a very, very, very stupid decision.
But Field, seriously, would you want the sperm donor to have access to this child? He obviously is not there. How could she possibly leave her child, when she would be going into harm's way, with someone who very well may be abusive... he has certainly already shown neglect.... grounds for parental termination... Forcing him to be there could be another stupid decision on top of this stupid decision.
FIELD, ARE YOU SURPRISED? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BLACK RACIST ZEROBAMA'S AMERICA...HIS KENYAN BIRTH- naw sike, whattup Field. Figured I'd beat the Stormfront crowd to the punch before they charge in to gloat about this sad ass story.
Yeah, where the hell is that kid's father? I can't blame homegirl for wanting to keep her child out of our fucked up foster care system. Remember that convo you had with the dopeboy where said he was starving so bad in foster care that he would wrap paper around toothpaste and pretend it was gum?
Yeah man, and from what I read grandma was already taking care of some seriously ill family members.
But no shit! Where is the father of this child? I noticed that too field, there has been no mention of dude whatsoever.
Oh well, I guess like you said this stuff has become the norm that maybe he's just assumed to be in jail, dead, or Lil' Wayne...
::Kanye Shrug::
look where this story is getting play.
maria, I'm trying to see the significance of Islam Online running the story.
FN, Rippa, Where's the father?
Alexis might have a problem with having her son in the father's care. Making the father take charge could be a very bad thing.
Sounds like Alexis didn't know about the 'take the child to deployment' safety valve. I think someone in her service should have let her know what really was expected.
In order to deflect some possible incoming fire, I will state that I am a veteran and my daughter deployed to Iraq after she got orders from the National Guard.
One reason she may have been taken into custody is that the Army does not want to set a precedent that will have unforeseen consequences. Every soldier is required to have a care plan for their children. That applies to men and women. The label "coward" would be applied to a male soldier in the same situation. No one would believe for a minute that his mother would not take care of the child or that he could not find someone else.
There was a demand that women be allowed to serve and treated equally in the military. Here you go! Even Steven!
I feel you on the "where's daddy?" issue.
Until people know whether or not the father is even alive or has any custodial or visitation rights, it's getting ahead a bit to talk about what sort of person he is. Maybe the mother did not wish to turn over the child to the father. We don't know.
All we know is that single parents have to fill out a family care plan before deployment and inform supervisors of any changes before deployment.
There are thousands of single parents that have been deployed. The military can't get into the business of letting soldiers decide it they want to deploy or not. It's harsh but she did volunteer.
From the news story I saw she was arrested because she refused to show up for deployment. The spokesman for the Army said that if she had come in with her child she would not have been deployed.
So I'm going to wait a little longer to see what shakes out.
Alexis may have gotten herself into a bunch of trouble for doing the right thing. I'm wondering how many other families are compromising their childrens' well being to avoid being in the same pickle. I know I would be hard pressed knowing how determined Uncle Sam can be regarding his rules.
Shady, "it's harsh, but she did volunteer"
Seems to me there needs to be some sort of consideration for circumstances changing between volunteer date and now. Why should we impose "harsh" on somebody trying to do the right thing?
matw said...
maria, I'm trying to see the significance of Islam Online running the story.
yeah, me, too, because there are no other stories like this on their page.
matw said...
maria, I'm trying to see the significance of Islam Online running the story.
yeah, me, too, because there are no other stories like this on their page. i thought it was odd.
That's what I wanted to know. Where the hell is the father?
I'm a retired U.S. Army NCO with over 20 years of service. I was a single parent twice before getting married to another U.S. Army soldier. In all my years of active duty service, I've never seen nor heard of a single-parent being placed in jail because a lack of a Family Care Plan...WTF???
Although I have had the wonderful opportunity of being in some pretty effed up units, the support was still there for single parents as well as for Dual-Military folks. As a matter of fact, jail time was NEVER mentioned. In many instances the soldier was "Chaptered" out of the military as a last resort. Being "Chaptered out of the Army due to a lack of a Family Care Plan is considered a Honorable Discharge and based on the number of years that the single parent actually accomplished, many benefits like the G.I. Bill are still given to the single-parent. I mean what's the sense in locking up a soldier when it's clear that she still wouldn't have someone to take care of her child? Sounds like someone in her Chain-of-Command wanted to make sure she didn't get a damn thing before she got of the military but at the same time wanted to make sure she got a police record on top of that!!
This is some pretty pitiful s***! Who is this child's Command Sergeant Major? Whose her First Sergeant? What's up with her NCO Support Chain?? What's up with her Family Readiness Group? Soooo many questions *SDH*
When you hear stories like this, 9 times out of 10, her unit turned their back on her due to some other personal reasons-mainly because at some point they felt that she was trying to get out of a deployment or not pulling her own weight. If you dig deeper, they were probbaly trying to get rid of her a long time ago...
It is mandatory for all enlisted and reserve personnel to have documents on file if he or she is responsible for minor child or children. My husband had to provide those documents when we were not involved in two wars, because at any given moment he could be asked to deploy to another country. Yes, it is easier when a service man or woman has a spouse, but I knew many people who were single or divorce that had to have custodial care documents on file in the case of a deployment. The person did not have to be a family member and I knew some that selected someone other than a family member to care for their minor child.
Unfortunately, now that the United States is involved in two wars, some enlisted women have been getting pregnant thinking it would prevent them from having to deploy because of a hardship of the person they documented to keep their minor child or children. She is not the first person this has happened to, it is that hers is getting national attention. What is also starting to get national attention is enlisted personnel have been committing suicide to keep from being deployed and desertion is at a record high.
Many men and women have enjoyed the educational, housing, and other benefits for many years as an officer, enlisted or reservist in the military without having to be deployed to a war. That has all changed now that the United States is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am not insensitive this young woman's plight, but if her unit was deployed or soon to be deployed and she was pregnant during that time, she knew soon after having her child she was going to be deployed.
She should be arrested because she knew damn well that she was in the Army when she got knocked up!! I would bet anyone dollars to donats that this lady got pregnant so that she could avoid deployment. This is the oldest trick in the book and the Army sees it everyday. Save the sob story. Male soldiers don't get to play the "get out of combat because I have a baby" card that this soldier is playing. They should put her baby in foster care and ship her out on the first thing smoking!!
@Anon 10:11
When you hear stories like this, 9 times out of 10, her unit turned their back on her due to some other personal reasons-mainly because at some point they felt that she was trying to get out of a deployment or not pulling her own weight. If you dig deeper, they were probbaly trying to get rid of her a long time ago...
I also thought the same on what you stated above. People who have not been in the military or married to someone in military have no idea how superiors in the military can ruin a person life. For this young woman situation to get to this point it is more going on and it have something to do with her military service or a personal vendetta.
This has happened a few times...another soldier w/ a well publicized story went through this a couple of years back. But I don't recall an arrest in her case. I believe some sort of deal was worked out at the last minute. In that situation...both parents were military and her husband was already deployed...so there was no one to take care of the kids. In fact, it was her case (back in 06 or 07) that supposedly forced the Pentagon to change the policy so that it wouldn't happen again. I guess her commanders didn't get the memo. If you do some digging, you could probably find that story...and see what new rules were established, if any.
These cases don't make much sense, because there is plenty of available work for these soldiers in support roles that would allow them to remain stateside (happens all the time in fact). They may have to change specialties (MOS's), but there is plenty of work on any number of bases in the U.S. There are also jobs overseas in non-combat zones that support Iraq and Afghanistan, but that could allow soldiers to bring their children.... (Germany, 5th Fleet HQ/Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, etc). This is an example of the U.S. military and its bureaucracy run amok.
The U.S. military also routinely makes accommodations (they at least try) to keep husbands and wives together...if both are serving...and even if they are serving in different branches of the armed forces. This is not the case in combat so it's not directly related to this situation....but in peacetime, efforts are made to keep families together. The point is... if they can do that...well, they should be able to do this.
But this week my brain has been trying to make sense of the horrific Shaniya Davis case. I was wondering what your perspective is on this one. Was looking forward to a FN post.
if you are so interested in duty, why don't you join the f*ck up.
Had it occurred to anyone that the father might already be deployed?
I'm prior service and still work at a military base. Blinders Off is 100% correct about how things operate.
There has to be more to the story than being reported.
The case Maria referred to involved a married white woman whose husband employment would be affected by her deployment. She refused to go. I'm pretty sure she didn't go to jail. In fact, I don't think much happened to her at all, except nobody sympathized with her plight.
It's just my humble and offensive opinion that single parents that have sole or residential custody have no business in the military. You have no idea how single mothers with these type of issues are a drain on their units. As for the sperm donors in most of these cases, not that we know this particular lady's, well, let's just say for many young men, the height of fatherhood these days is having a forced chsup deduction and not doing much else.
Always underclasses & minorities taking the heat. Army expends a lot of effort recruiting young folks getting knocked around by the economy. So stretched now they call up & deploy the grandparents, too.
In all fairness, I need more information. However, i sympothize with her and any other mother soldier in this situation, regardless of ethnicity. But I am seriously hoping, she's not given the coward treatment because of race. This is a rough one. Btw, i too would like to know where's the father.
Hathor, I thought about the father being deployed too, but that should help her case if anything. That would only prove how this case is even more sinister than what we think.
Isn't there some clause about having two parents (married or not) being deployed and leaving kids for possible orphans? So I seriously doubt he's deployed.
I think she should be punished if she intentionally avoided her deployment. Breaking faith on an oath is a serious matter.
I don't know what should happen with the child, but I do know that soldiers shouldn't have babies during the war.
"but I do know that soldiers shouldn't have babies during the war."
Does that apply to the male soldiers as well?
As prior military, the reason for her arrest was because she didn't show for deployment thus going AWOL (absent without leave) not because she didn't have someone to watch her child. If she had showed with her child in tow then she would not have been arrested and her deployment would have been delayed until she had adequate support to take care of the child. There are people and programs in place for single parents in a case just like hers. She is not the first single parent facing deployment and won't be the last. My question is the same as yours, where the hell is the father? She needed to work her chain of command as soon as she was aware that her mother could not take care of her child. The military will not send a single parent on a deployment without a guardian for their child. It is against military policy. Now she is trying to play on people's sympathy but she was in the wrong for not showing up.
Yeah, La. I know I sound a lot like a misogynist but I'll stand by that statement.
"I do know that soldiers shouldn't have babies during the war."
That's just good sense. You don't have a baby during the war. I think it would be a fantastic justice if men could pregnant just like women, but that is not the case.
Hey Sincere, the CSM has the sworn statements being written right now. We'll see if she actually flew with the baby to CA and if she returned alone or with the baby. A cursory investigation will also reveal whether or not the Grandma (God Bless her) actually flew back to GA, with the baby, while caring for the fourteen clients and the other family.
"I don't know what should happen with the child, but I do know that soldiers shouldn't have babies during the war."
I concur. That woman was probably using her child to keep from being deployed with her unit. If that is the case, it shows her cowardice and disloyalty-and you can't run an Army with people like that.
"Where is the father?" That is an odd question for Blacks to be asking. Usually Whites ask that question, which Blacks ignore because they already KNOW what usually happens:
"F*** 'em and leave 'em", that has been an accepted century old motto and pattern for bm in the BC....everyone knows that. So what's the big deal, you folks just starting to question that?
Field said it best when he described the father as 'sorry'. A significant number of bm are sorry excuses for fathers and by extension, sorry humans.
""F*** 'em and leave 'em""
Damn! What a sorry way to think.
What's the big deal? Humanity. Treating people as they deserve. It's never too late to question anything.
I agree with a lot of the comments from the prior service/retired/vets above. From my perspective as a former commander, I have signed dozens of Family Care Packets (that's what the paperwork is called), and there are emergency, short-term, and long-term care options listed.
I also had to personally counsel every Soldier when they brought their packet in. The counseling includes the repercussions for an incomplete packet, or an inability to execute it.
Never once did I threaten a Soldier with jail for not having it.
Bottom line is that Alexis' chain of command FAILED. There is no way, shape, or form that this situation should've ever gotten to this point.
Any NCO worth his/her salt would've brought this forward long before final manifest (when you have to be present to load the aircraft, or face a criminal offense).
And, any commander worth his/her bars would've know that this was a problem, and worked to resolve it. That "you have to place your child in foster care" is a crock of BS.
If Alexis skipped manifest, then she will have to face some consequences over that (the offense is "failure to repair (report) to a mandatory formation" or "missed movement." That shouldn't involve jail time, though, based on the circumstances. But, she can probably say goodbye to her Army career.
However, right afterwards, her unit leadership needs to be relieved. If they couldn't handle a simple situation like this, before they leave the States, then I personally wouldn't trust their decision-making ability in combat, when lives are on the line.
Sorry for the long post, but this one got under my skin.
Wow. Why didn't her first sergeant know of her situation?
"""F*** 'em and leave 'em""
Damn! What a sorry way to think."
Yeah, I know but it's been that way for a long time in the BC. There is no thinking about it, that's the way it is in the BC.
@Matw "What's the big deal? Humanity. Treating people as they deserve. It's never too late to question anything."
In the end, I am sure she will get what she deserves.
Anony 1:00 am, I don't know what her initial intentions were, but I give her the benefit. Before you sit there and judge, there are key things to at least consider. This child is still a baby, this may be her first child. Therefore, it's her first experience as a new mother - with a young baby. And I don't want to hear anything about "sworn oaths", military benefits, or that she made a choice (I know that's coming). For most people, especially women, having a child is a life altering milestone. It makes you think about life and your needed existence in this world differently, especially if the father isn't around, or not of use.
Even if you think she's putting it on about not having someone to care for her child, why would you take this as the baby being a front, or that she's abandoning the military for cowardice reasons? Why can't it be that she feels threatened as a new protective mother to leave her young behind, why can't it be that she still has strong need to bond with her young baby? Why can't black women ever get the f-ing benefit?
Unless you're a new mother in her situation, you don't know. Why don't you leave your kids behind to catch a cap in you ungrateful judgmental prejudice ass.
"However, right afterwards, her unit leadership needs to be relieved. If they couldn't handle a simple situation like this, before they leave the States, then I personally wouldn't trust their decision-making ability in combat, when lives are on the line."
You must be kidding. A soldier can go AWOL at any time. It even happens in war. Do you relieve the commander and NCO because of it? Get real.
La inc "Why can't black women ever get the f-ing benefit?
Unless you're a new mother in her situation, you don't know. Why don't you leave your kids behind to catch a cap in you ungrateful judgmental prejudice ass."
Baby or no baby, that soldier failed to report for deployment and therefore was AWOL. The Army doesn't run the way YOU think it should. So quit your girlish childish whining. She should have have reported with her baby and saved herself and the military a lot of unnecessary problems.
Grow up.
All protocol aside isn't the treatment of this woman inconsistent with the idea that fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are in defense of the American people and its way of life. What does this really say about the values of the country? As soon as they found out that she didn't show because of the child a reasonable solution should have been worked out.
Imagine that traumatizing one child so that the mother could go over and help traumatize some other folks children and even more ironic so that the mother can defend the freedoms of other children.
Its amazing how much times have changed and how many black folk don't even talk about the legitimacy of the wars being fought, but jump right to Uncle Sam's rules.
We are slipping. Many of use to think as human beings first, now too many of us fall right in line with the status quo as if the US really had a right to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. What's going on over there is just wrong. Its as wrong as the insensitive person who suggested that the baby should be tossed into foster care and the mother shipped off to Iraq.
If there is a God we are in trouble and hell if there isn't we still are in trouble!!
liberation then peace
Field, if anything can be learned from the child abuse story in North Carolina, it's that just because the absent mother or father of a child is alive doesn't mean they are the best option for caring for the child. There's probably a good reason why she didn't want her child's father to care for the child.
Anon 2:41, you grow up! What La♥Incognita is doing is called feeling sympathy. It's what mature people feel when they hear unfortunate stories like this one.
As for it being military protocol, please. I don't hear anything about soldiers who refuse to go to war because they don't believe in the legitimacy of Obama's presidency getting jail time. Hell, a young Marine from my state went AWOL a year or so ago in a fake hiking accident. He worked his way up the west coast and was found months later before attempting to enter Canada. He (and his father & friends who helped plan it) was given a slap on the wrist. No jail time and no bill for the money it took to search for him.
Regardless of her volunteering to be a soldier, this woman (and other single parents like her) are doing a selfless job that a hell of a lot of Americans are too scared and/or intimidated to do. If she needs extra time to make sure her infant child is in a safe, caring environment while she is deployed and risking her life--legitimate war or not, then so be it! Whatever happened to "Support The Troops"?
Aw, she be lite skin-ned-ded wiff good hare.
If she were jet black, think-lipped, and kinky-haired; would yall give a punk mother-fucking good gott-damn?
I am impressed by the insightful and detailed responses here from military members. My gut feel is that this woman is a squirrel who tried her best to use her child as a get-out-of-war card. I'd be willing to bet that her immediate chain of command has spent all kinds of time on her, with no cooperation on her part.
Matw wrote
"Seems to me there needs to be some sort of consideration for circumstances changing between volunteer date and now. Why should we impose "harsh" on somebody trying to do the right thing?".
Its unclear if she really was trying to do the right thing or not. It seems from the information that we have that she did not show up for deployment. That was wrong. It also may be that her commander(s) gave her incorrect info. Also wrong.
But as far as circumstances changing between volunteer date and deployment that doesn't fly. Everyone that signs up knows that he or she may be called to serve in a war. The military can't really let people decide for themselves that "circumstances changed" and therefore they won't be participating.
She should have showed up to deployment.
As far as the father's status, who knows? Maybe he doesn't have any custodial rights? Maybe he raised this very issue (possible Army deployment) in court and lost? Don't know. Hutchinson says she has no relationship with her son's father or his family.
She did make a choice to enlist and she's not the only single parent in the military. Those are facts. All else is just speculation on our part.
Anonymous @ 2:02 AM. I understand your point, but I'm not sure if you understand military law.
My concern with the chain of command is not whether or not Alexis went AWOL - you're right to say that a chain of command can't control that. This is the Army, not a prison, and if a Soldier decides to get in their car and drive away and not return, then there's not much you can do except to report them AWOL - then, after 30 days, report them as a deserter.
My concern came from Alexis' leaders dealt with the whole issue. Dealing with a deploying Soldier who's a single parent is, honestly, a routine action these days. There are way too many options that don't involve foster care, jail, or embarassing media exposure.
I also understand some concerns that Alexis might be playing the system when the chain of command has been busting their butt for her. Once again, this is valid and possibly true.
If that's the case, then she a poor Soldier who would be a danger to herself and others in a combat zone. So, I would ensure that she doesn't deploy - then I would help her to becomes a civilian.
Neither of the possibilities above remove my primary concern: this chain of command, either through ignorance, laziness, or neglect, FAILED to adequately deal with a Soldier who couldn't resolve a significant, but routine, problem.
For that reason alone, I think some of her leaders need to find a new profession.
Anonymous @ 2:02 AM. I understand your point, but I'm not sure if you understand military law.
My concern with the chain of command is not whether or not Alexis went AWOL - you're right to say that a chain of command can't control that. This is the Army, not a prison, and if a Soldier decides to get in their car and drive away and not return, then there's not much you can do except to report them AWOL - then, after 30 days, report them as a deserter.
My concern came from Alexis' leaders dealt with the whole issue. Dealing with a deploying Soldier who's a single parent is, honestly, a routine action these days. There are way too many options that don't involve foster care, jail, or embarassing media exposure.
I also understand some concerns that Alexis might be playing the system when the chain of command has been busting their butt for her. Once again, this is valid and possibly true.
If that's the case, then she a poor Soldier who would be a danger to herself and others in a combat zone. So, I would ensure that she doesn't deploy - then I would help her to becomes a civilian.
Neither of the possibilities above remove my primary concern: this chain of command, either through ignorance, laziness, or neglect, FAILED to adequately deal with a Soldier who couldn't resolve a significant, but routine, problem.
For that reason alone, I think some of her leaders need to find a new profession.
Swiff, I feel you. But i have never worried (or cared) about what anyone thinks when I post.
Thank you all you military folks for checking in and helping me to understand how the process works. (Cal Soldier, you de man!)That is impressive!
Jody, thanks again for helping me to get in touch with my logical side. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me. You and others are right, there could be all sorts of problems with the father. Then again....
AI, already blogged about that story about that poor child in NC.
It might be a couple of posts down.
[quote]So I have a couple of thoughts: First, where the f&*k is the child's father? Why can't he take care....wait, change that. Why shouldn't he be made to take care of the little guy while mommy goes over sees to defend her country? I have read this story in a few different places and not a word about daddy. Daddy, if you are alive, shame on you.[/quote]
Mark this as a first. I AGREE WITH FILLED NEGRO!!!
I looked through the article yesterday and the first thing I noticed is that the father was "Incog-negro". ABSENT from the story as if she was inseminated at a reproductive clinic.
Sadly this is how too many Black brothers DEGRADE themselves into via their own actions or "vanishing acts"
Point 1: Girlfriend KNEW she was in the military so why did she get pregnant in the first place?
Point 2: If girlfriend has NO relationship with the father OR his family how could their "relationship" have been anything other than purely SEXUAL? In other words, she ALLOWED herself to be a cum bucket.
I do not feel sorry for this woman AT ALL. I do feel sorry for this little boy that he has a woman of low morals for a mother.
[quote]i SWEAR i saw a story some time ago about a white woman who came to her deployment appt. [/quote]
I am sure that you having found a WHITE WOMAN who was SUPPOSEDLY treated better than this BLACK WOMAN you achieved a satisfied state knowing that Alexis Hutchinson is in fact a victim of RACISM!!!!
[quote]This is stupid. Period. Stupid military making a very, very, very stupid decision.
But Field, seriously, would you want the sperm donor to have access to this child? [/quote]
It seems to me that if the "sperm donor" wasn't given ACCESS to Ms
Hutchinson birth canal we would not be talking about this.
Do you realize that if you ever were to become a judge how many CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS you would shred from the bench - absent one shred of legal precedent to buttress your decision? The characteristics of the defendant and plaintiff standing before you would be the primary factor in your decisions.
It appears that YOU are more worried about your self-worth as projected from the StormFronters than you are inclined to have it radiate from within you, REGARDLESS of who might judge you.
[quote]One reason she may have been taken into custody is that the Army does not want to set a precedent that will have unforeseen consequences.[/quote]
Malik - IF ONLY some people on this board could see that our COMMUNITY CULTURE needs the same type of enforcement lest the exceptions become the rule in the same way we'd be so much further along as a conscious community.
[quote]Alexis may have gotten herself into a bunch of trouble for doing the right thing. I'm wondering how many other families are compromising their childrens' well being to avoid being in the same pickle.[/quote]
[quote]Seems to me there needs to be some sort of consideration for circumstances changing between volunteer date and now. Why should we impose "harsh" on somebody trying to do the right thing?[/quote]
In debating with some of you I noticed that some of you all focus upon the "food for the day" rather than the PATTERN of events and how what happened upstream has lead to the present compromised condition.
Little thought is given to how certain community/cultural enforcements on the front end will reduce the occurrences of events later on. INSTEAD some of you have a "do it if it feels good because it is your RIGHT to do so", failing to see how THIS and not just DISCRIMINATION is the main thing holding you down because you are slavishly bound to a set of thoughts that simply aren't working for you.
The Angry Independent said...hese cases don't make much sense, because there is plenty of available work for these soldiers in support roles that would allow them to remain stateside (happens all the time in fact).
DO YOU support PATERNAL "Parental Leave" for the US military? In the spirit of gender equality - any male enlisted man should be reassigned stateside because of the importance of him being present for his newborn during the first 6 months?
You are to "Military Readiness" what Jody is to Contract Law - A LOGISTICAL WRECK.
[quote]Always underclasses & minorities taking the heat. Army expends a lot of effort recruiting young folks getting knocked around by the economy. So stretched now they call up & deploy the grandparents, too.[/quote]
This is plain FOOLISHNESS. The point of your message is WHAT?
Aside from a RANT what can we gather from your words above?
Should the military go after "non-underclass and non-minorities"? What is it that would cause you to retire your tired words?
That they were waterboarded into signing up? That they were sold on the tuition benefits yet were unaware as to why they were learning hot to throw grenades and fire a weapon?
I thought that the "Yes We Can" YouTube Video done by the Hollywood stars showed that the new favorable president had people willing to sacrifice for their country NOW?
I take it LOGISTICS is far more difficult than pure HOPE as a propellant.
"And finally, I have to get on Uncle Sam a little bit: Why did they have to arrest this woman and take her to jail, forcing her infant son to go into the foster care system if only for just a couple of days?"
OK Field, let this military retiree explain how it works in the military. If you don't show up for deployment when your unit deploys in the time of "war", you are AWOL, and if missing for 30 days you are a deserter and can face the death penalty. The military is a "no nonsense" organization and the child care plan" was instituted after Desert Storm, which resulted in many family disasters because mommy either had to deploy or take care of the family business, and was not prepared to do either. Just think what would happen if the men also refused to go because of family problems. Who would do the defending?
I haven't been in the military in 40 years, so I don't know what the policy is now. At that time a woman had to go to a private doctor to get any birth control.
The military has never been good at encouraging birth control or even condom use. Military men have over the ages left babies all over the world including our soldiers. Pearl Bucks mission was to get these children supported and adopted. These were white upstanding men who slept with the indigenous as if they were sheep. Took advantage of poverty of war. Of course during the Viet Nam conflict more little brown babies came in the world.
The army brought back some awful STD's, but hey, boys will be boys.
Had it occurred to anyone that this might not been a totally free will, sexual encounter on her part. But as always a military woman is either considered a lesbian or whore and of course the men are never seen as whore mongers.
I too didn't quite understand the entire story. It was said she had no one to care for her child, although her mother cares for children. Then, like yourself, I wondered where and why the father of the child didn't step in. That would have been the logical choice. But if he's not in their lives, then he will be the last direction a mother turns.
I came to realize she just doesn't want to go overseas. I guess she said forget all of that, and stood her ground. So now she has placed the military in a position to hand down punishment and separate her from the child and blow everything out of proportion, when they could have simply given her an dishonorable discharge and allowed her and the child to go on their merry way.
But nooooo...that would be too much like right, I suppose.
The military doesn't give a crap about it's members' families.
When I was in the Coast Guard we were told "if the Guard didn't issue it to you in your seabag, you don't need it."
That includes family.
ditto fn:
i see it daily too!
i see genereations of grandmothers' overworked, weary, sickly, abused, bilked for cash, working after retirement etc for generations of sorry amoral lazy turbo breeders who EXPECT granny and EVERYONE else in the world to rear the babies they craete...
many of the parents are incarcerated for drugs, many are just making new babies while granny awaits each new stray forced adoption...
it is a complex and intricate intraracial suicide that dooms our entire world, grieves my soul, and vexes my spirit each day....
once a wf shero peer of my mom
whom i will always admire
found herself in the same position
as a grandmother forced to raise 3young grandkids...
she packed her grandkids up one day and voluntarily gave them over to become wards of the state...
she cried for weeks after doing so...
the kids' parents were meth heads, she had given up on her addicted daughter/their mom
and she REFUSED to have her own widowed golden years destroyed...
she will always be my shero...
ALL moms/grannies enable toxic turbo breeders (male and female) by accepting, coddling, and excusing their SELFISH irresponsible/fertile antics...and their generational sabotage of elders' peace, space, sanity, serenity etc...
@ Cal Soldier,
Hoo-AH at your response!
I'd also like to know what led her up to making such a drastic decision such as not showing up for work. FTR will get you everytime. I'd really like to know who her first line supervisor was. True, she made that choice on her own, but my God, what happen?? What made this soldier believe that not showing up for manifest was the answer?
I'd really like to see her monthly counselling packet...
And at Anon 7:17 AM, are you serious??
@ Uptownsteve,
When were you in? WWI or WWII?
this baby's deadbeat daddy is alive...and probably living with his mom...sitting on her couch eating cereal with some comfy white tube socks and a white tee on...chit-chatting on a cell ph his mom/some other female pays for...talking to one of his other babies' mamas....
What a way to support the troops.
BTW: I'm seeing greatgrandmothers raising children now.
Yeah, interesting yet dick cheney get 5 deferments and one of them was because his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant, Mr. Cheney applied for 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. It was granted. Let's see Cheney speak up on her behalf now.
[quote]When I was in the Coast Guard we were told "if the Guard didn't issue it to you in your seabag, you don't need it."
The greater threat to a person walking across a wide desert is that at the beginning of the journey as they are of a mind that is conditioned by what was valuable to them the day before - they chose to load their knapsack up with the BARS OF GOLD that they value.
1 day into the trip with no water - they figured if they kept walking they would find someone who would trade a fraction of one of their gold bars for WATER.
3 days into the trip they have thrown the gold into the sand because of its weight. In their desperate they don't have the strength to carry it any more.
After the rescue patrol finds them near death - they realized that the bottle of water mixed with glucose that is being injected into their arms is far more valuable than the gold they once lusted over.
MAYBE in their wisdom the Coast Guard took in a PUNK saw that in order to turn him into a SEAMAN they had to force him to leave his accoutrements aside.
in the aboriginal community it is common for children to be raised by thier grandparents, in fact it is a honor.
is it a financial strain upon these grandparents as it is herein in the usa?
i think children are for young people who can afford them
i love teaching children
but living with them is something i loathe and have never desired...
the grannies i know cannot financially, physically, emotionally afford these increasingly common burdens...they endure all to their own detriment and early deaths per stress...
are the aboriginal grandchildren damaged by drugs in the womb? adhd?
acting out due to parental abandonment issues? unruly? lazy? defiant? juvenile delinquents? etc...
there is nothing honorable at all about the elder abuse i see daily...
Anyone who "loathes" living with children should not be posting on an item like this. Sick-o! The thought of you teaching children makes me sick.
yes...i also see many young 30ish grandmothers as tweens increasingly become moms...
the moms of these moms/the great grannies are the fall gals when these premature grannies are at the same clubs and on the same drugs
may god bless us all
i am an adored and superb educator
ONLY because i come home to the blessing of child free serenity/baths/wine/incense/candles...
MILLIONS of het women choose to be child free for the same bliss
get over that
never fret
i would never teach your defective demented bratty spawn
garbage in
garbage out
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/27 2004
"MAYBE in their wisdom the Coast Guard took in a PUNK saw that in order to turn him into a SEAMAN they had to force him to leave his accoutrements aside."
I'm deeply hurt.
BTW proto-patriot handkerchief head.
Did you ever serve this nation, that's been so good to us ungratful negroes, in uniform?
I don't even know why I ask.
"Its amazing how much times have changed and how many black folk don't even talk about the legitimacy of the wars being fought, but jump right to Uncle Sam's rules."
I'm feeling this comment. And just to add on, yes I like probably everyone has questioned the whereabouts of the father of this child. But the reality of this is that Alexis is in the military and she has an obligation to follow the rules. Though I may feel bad for her, I can't really sympathize with her being arrested because, well, it's not like she didn't know the consequences of her action.
But speaking about Black folks and the legitimacy of the war. I've always said and felt that it is wrong especially for the % of Black people who voted for Obama to not voice their opinions as it relates to the war. Let's keep in mind that a significant % of Black folks enlisted are in fact not from "privileged" families.
Check it out:
Black folks protesting: "Obama is nothing but White power in Black face."
Where are the Black voices in protest of the possibility of a troop escalation in Afghanistan? Where are the Black voices in protest of the occupation of Iraq, and the establishment of AFRICOM?
i love you!
where are the black voices who STOPPED protesting the war ONLY because obama is blackish????
obama's raping of africa via AFRICOM has only just begun
i bet we suddenly see LOTS of his currently invisible kenyan kin as PR when it does jump off
in the aboriginal community it is common for children to be raised by thier grandparents, in fact it is a honor.
Well, look how well it's working out in the African American community! SMH
As opposed to you who was spawned at the bottom of a birdcage.
you are disgusting. someone earlier asked you why support the right wing-agenda and hate obama so. of course, you didn't answer.
but there it is: he's mixed race.
you are a hideous piece of shit.
I really don't understand why some black folks are so anxious to gundeck Obama.
Like it or not, his success or failure will reflect on us all.
If he fails, there won't be another black President for a century.
Yeah, and what's with this "blackish" bs.
A whole lot of African-Americans, like myself, have mixed race ancestry.
"Black" is America is a social construct and Barack Obama by settling on the Chicago Southside, marrying an all the way down black sista and embracing the black church has clearly established his BLACK credentials.
try playing this racial loyalty bs on obama's white half?
oe better yet:
which half of obama makes hiM betray ALL americans of all races???
obama's mom was a real wf
not a disgraceful pale breeder like you
field, as a civilian whom has cared for my sisters 4 (yes 4) children for the past year, this soldier HAS NO excuse!!! the army gives you plenty of time to get your child care plan in order!!! you have to have that plan from day one the moment you have kids and/or come into service with the kid!!!
it's amazing to me how these poor parents will take ALL the BAQ, BHS, HOUSING ALLOWANCE etc that the army gives them for having children, but when it comes time to serve it's a whole different story!!
my mother removed her name from my sisters child care plan because she currently takes care of our 98 year old aunt, a handicapped husband, and assists with the care of my 91 year old grandmother.
OH and for the record, father of my nieces & nephews is also deployed in iraq!! YES BOTH PARENTS ARE DOING THEIR DUTY!!!
WHEN YOU TAKE THAT OATH AS A SOLDIER, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MEAN IT!!! I AM TIRED OF PEOPLE WHINING!!! I changed my life for 3 years to take care of my nieces & nephews while my sister & her hubby fight for this country. AND YES WE ARE BLACK!!!!
welcome to the oj posse dude!!!
most elitists are euro as you so proudly are herein always
you are also rabidly sexist
so i expect you to deny obama his white mom's blood and feign that he is kunta kinte
i also expect you to defend a nasty wf trick like mareallytrollingforojs
each day i blog here uts
i am more repulsed by you
I read this story and like FN, the frist thing that I thought was were is this kid's father. Then I started thinking about the length that soliders go through so that they wouldn't have to go to Iraq/Afghanistan. I have read that some dudes shot themselves, have themselves declared mentally unstable, hell some of those rat bastards have said that since 44 isn't the "legitmate" President, then deploying him would be illegal.
The girl's kid is only 10 months old. How long has she been in the Army? Didn't she know the policies and procedures of the military regarding healthcare? If she did, then why would she let herself get knocked up? As far as Grannie is concerned, I wonder what she has planned that is more important than her kid? Well, as they say in the military, this is FUBAR.
do you understand obama better than those who see his blackish role as gwb 2.0?
do you understand why he has lied and hoaxed THE GLOBE????
"you are also rabidly sexist"
You (and certain other female bloggers) have a problem with me because I give it to female a-holes the same as I give it to male a-holes.
Like my mom used to tell my sister, "If you want to play with the boys, don't cry when it gets rough."
yea, asswipe, i have already posted several times about from the beginning, but you don't read anything that isn't about YOU, FUCKTARD.
and i haven't gotten it yet--is "swirled" your attempt at a slur for mix-race, you fat pig?
you know the race of kids? and how's that, you depraved bitch? well, you guessed wrong!
"The girl's kid is only 10 months old. How long has she been in the Army? Didn't she know the policies and procedures of the military regarding healthcare? If she did, then why would she let herself get knocked up?"
Wow, this comment reeks of that male privilege patriarchy thing even thought I'm not sure if you're a man or a woman. But obviously society isn't too kind to women so I guess I could understand why someone would say something as foolish as that.
that was someone who NEVER responded to me because i have NEVER been "right wing"
i am ultra liberal/radically afrocentric and anti-govt
only fools refer to be as right wing because i agree with EVERYTHING the right has documented on the shady blackish obama
i view the world as a wide open rainbow
just like you do your own womb you silly village slut!!!!
i am not fat
you VD clinic bill is
what do you have to say on topic you moron?
where are your bastard obama babies now?
i call u sexist because you are one
i have no problem slaying/playing with you herein ever
notice your mama called you a "boy"
you are eternally that
and now you are an oj boy playing with a silly wf whore like
would your mama be proud?
his deadbeat black dad had nothing to do with rearing him
how DARE racists jungle fevered canine fools like you deny him his mom's white race????
that white mom and her white parents raised that blackish boy SOLO
like you and all your stray pups
she just did WAY better than you you generically inept bitch!!!!
hey uts:
if you are ever mistaken for a man and pulled over by a white cop
or harassed by a white security officer in a dept store or applying for a bank loan at a racist white bank or caught cruising with a whore like mareallyridesshotgunforbmstuds...
YOU tell them boy that racism is a social construct
bet it gets you as far as that blackish obama's "hope and change"
i am not fat
you VD clinic bill is
and yes you may!!!
every time i hear someone call obama black
i try to imagine being his white mom and alive
and knowing how his deadbeat global whoring black dad abandoned and betrayed us...
and my heart aches for her
i am glad she is not alive to witness all the racist fools like uts and mareallytrollingforojs
i am not a racist like they are!!!
that is why i REFUSE to EVER blame the wm gwb for ALL the blackish obama does
that is why i refuse to diss obama's cool white mom
i love malia
and i see a lot of her in malia's face
that is why i know obama is blackish!!!
unlike all his racist nazis!!!!
obama's white mom died being abused by the health care industry
if she was alive
i think she would take a big brown belt and beat obama's blackish ass if she could see how his health reform hoax/sold all the way out elititst blackish
soul etc
obama is the one who calls himself black, asshole, and you know that call him "blackish" is a slur, and that's exactly how you meant it.
and you picture yourself as his poor white mother? must be quite a stretch for a racist black lesbian who just said on this very thread how much you loathe living with children.
something really bad happened to you once to make you so evil. i really hope you get help. i have never met anyone as despicable as you down to your very core.
to call me a slut is just beyond the pale and nothing i have ever said would give you that impression. and all the other things you say about me are just unreal. i am a good mother, a loving person and a fighter for causes on local and state levels.
and you have absolutely no reason to exist.
have a nice reset of the day, fucktard.
RiPPa, I am not a sexist nor a male chauvanist. All I was saying is that she knew or should have known what the Army's policy was toward being deployed. I was also asking the possibility of her using her lack of child care as a reason not to go to the $hit.I wasn't demeaning her womanhood so to speak
Here we go again, blaming the black man. Maybe he is not capable of taking care of this child or maybe the woman doesn't have a stable extended family situation.
Maybe she should have brought the kid with her to the deployment center?
This characterizations of black male neglect is getting tiring especially since this situation is representative of only 19% of the black community..
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!
obama does everything he can
NOT to refer to himself as black or address any black issues always!...since his initial election speech!!!...he is far more honest than you
imagining that i am obama's wf mom is easy...i have a wonderful imagination...but i can never imagine you doing half as good a job as his mom raising your own mixed nut brats!...go figure
i have just been busy re-reading all of that "lovingness" you spill all over this blog in my beloved name incessantly...
yes indeed your jungle fevered captain save a bro/blackish prez LOVING core just glares in all of your noble posts hrein...
i love your amnesia/hypocrisy/blatant lies/BRAZEN LOVING STALKING VULGAR PSYCHO KOLA-DRONED BS that is just LOVINGLY oozing all over the blog
much like those oozing pus filled lesions that compelled you to amass that big fat assed VD bill you silly diseased bitch!
back to the topic:
are your brats their granny and her old geezer oj stud now?
why is it that evil envious racist bullying bitches like you are always making people mean...
and then amusingly daring to wonder how those same people got so mean?
got a diary dimwit?
keep track of your own bs and pay attn to precisely what sparks meanness
your hater posse happens bitch!
i am sick of it
i will take no more without slaying you immediately!
Okay, first let me say -- Maria/AB, CUT IT OUT!! We're grown people discussing politics, no need for either to get personal or nasty.
As for this young lady, FN and CF (Dear God, did I just agree with CF?!) are absolutely right -- where is the father? Unless her nickname is Mary of Bethlehem, somebody had to add the other 21 chromosomes to that kid.
What kind of sorry man would let his child enter foster care because he's too much of a cowardly 'baby boy' to take care of a baby while his wife is working? And working to protect his sorry ass no less.
Why is it 'grandma' or 'big momma' taking care of these babies? Unless I'm dead, my nor my gf's parents are raising our kids!! Keep 'em over the weekend for a honeymoon or occasional night on the town? Sure. Alternative to daycare? Maybe. Raising my kids in their golden years? HELL NO!!
We have to learn to respect ourselves as Black folks. Black men, don't lay down with any woman you're planning to make your wife. And sisters, don't give it up to every sorry piece of man that comes along.
that alone makes you a strolling slut!
the whorish LYING venom in your posts is just the tip of your slutty icebergs herein
i know you mean well
but i have never attacked these shrews first
and i have had my fill of their bullying herein!!!!
they keep promising to stop stalking and libeling me and ignore my posts, but they lie about that too!
when they stop starting bs
i will stop finishing it
no more
no less
"Black men, don't lay down with any woman you're planning to make your wife."
Why not? Every other kind of man does.
The difference in the black community is black women don't mind being babies mommas.
Men are going to go after sex. That's what they do.
The phenomenon of 70% of black children being born out of wedlock is not going to be resolved until black women, like other women, either take birth control or insist that the men they sleep with use protection.
I know I'm going to catch a lot of flack for this, mainly because the "black man abandoning families" line has almost become mantra.
Women are the bosses of their own bodies and if the question is whose gonna get stuck raising the child, the horse is already out the barn.
i agree with you about women being the bosses of their own bodies
but the oj in you missed the fact that bm abandon white baby mamas and black baby mamas EQUALLY!
ask the blackish obama, any of his countless blackish siblings or ask mareallyabmbabymama
they can all testify to that...
read this classic book by hill harper who says everything you said but says it so much better...he says it like a real cool man rather than a sexist boy like you
this is the best book i have ever read about black men/all relos etc
I thought Obama's father married Obama's mother and then they got divorced and both remarried.
50% of white marriages end in divorce so a lot of white kids experienced what Obama did with his parents.
my point was not to confirm or deny the marital status of obama at birth
50% of all marriages (MUCH more if you count the common law/gay ones) end in divorce
what does that have to do with your blatant ojish claim that bm turbo breeders only breed and dump black women????????
i see tons of solo women like mareallytrollingforbmbabydaddies at bustops daily with 2-3 blackish obama babies in tow?
ALL men are equal opp abandoners/breeders/and abusers
turbo breeding is a universal multiracial ill NOT limited to black women as ojs like you
this is what your bold euro elitist foolish ass dared to post:
"The difference in the black community is black women don't mind being babies mommas."
so why do you ignore DROVES of wf baby mama's who ALSO do not mind being baby mamas to the same black baby daddies???????
you never go to the hood
so you miss all those swirled wf baby mamas at the bus stops and sub stations etc
dyam uts
that was quick
you just joined the oj posse and
mareallyfatallyinfectedyoualready got your "brain" burning???
Stop the bs.
When I went away to college in 1978
and landed at SUNY Brockport, NY I don't think there was a virgin on campus.
A 90% white campus BTW.
The white and black girls were giving it up freely and often.
Only it was many of the black ones who didn't return for their sophomore years due to pregnancies.
I'll let you figure out the reason for that.
You can rail against black men all you like.
And I totally agree that any man who does not take of the children he sired is a slug.
But all any young woman of average intelligence has to do is look around her and she will see what usually happens when you have unprotected sex before marriage and who gets stuck.
At that point I think it's time for a little self-responsibility and self-preservation.
you dared to post
"Only it was many of the black ones who didn't return for their sophomore years due to pregnancies"
do you know how many wfs "vacationed" to abortion clinics? maybe overseas?
do you know how many bfs could not afford/did not believe in those same abortions?
your self hatred is more glaring each day
i am sure there are some het sisters here who will not let you slide with such self-loathing silliness...
For Grindner, and all others here who may be of military age who think this woman may be a "squirrel," and should be severely punished, or reprimanded for her actions, then be the first to step up and take her place.
The Army, and the other Armed Forces, could use a few "good" men.
black sex was cool long before bi-racial babies were
did you also count how many of those wfs refused to have a blackish baby before having blackish
obama babies was cool?
ONLY an EXTRA house nigger like you would praise racist wf whores like mareallywantedtodoacollegebro for killing black seed as you simultaneously bash black women for birthing it...
you have a crusty white and green gizzard where your black heart should be...that is really a gd shame...u repulse me
You make no sense.
I have a beautiful black wife about the same complexion as you.
We are the proud parents of two black princes who we've taught to respect and honor black women...who honor themselves.
this is never about your nuclear black family
this is always about your nuked white elitist mind
lou dobbs is wed to a latina...so is jeb bush...and?
dick c has a lesbian daughter with a wife and kids...and?
alan keyes has a black wife and a lesbian daughter....go figure?
race is a state of mind "bruh"
and what you posted is incredibly racist sexist and dead wrong as always!
"We are the proud parents of two black princes who we've taught to respect and honor black women...who honor themselves."
did this soldier not honor herself and her son????
are even you REALLY saying that all women who are single moms did not honor themselves????
i agree with you that women of all races should stop turbo breeding with fertile rainbow trash and police their own rainbow wombs better...
but, unliike YOU, i will NEVER pretend that bms ONLY betray bfs and that honor is
EVER akin to having a real man make a baby/diligently using birth conrol
your ojish pretenses and delusions will never trump the realities of millions of bitter wf solo bm's baby mamas like mareallytrippingoverherownblackishbabies
UTs "I really don't understand why some black folks are so anxious to gundeck Obama.
Like it or not, his success or failure will reflect on us all."
The way you dump on Blacks who disagree or think differently from you, how can you conclude with that bullshit? Or maybe you are a little coward who is afraid of what will happen to you if Obama should fail?
Well, even if he succeeds, Whites still won't think much of you anyway.
watch this
robert g is playing u in it
cosmic slop
space traders
"The way you dump on Blacks who disagree or think differently from you, how can you conclude with that bullshit?"
I have disagreements with family members.
I dump on TOMS.
"Or maybe you are a little coward who is afraid of what will happen to you if Obama should fail?"
A coward is someone who talks smack on the internet and hides behind the tag "anonymous".
ABitch said:
i see tons of solo women like mareallytrollingforbmbabydaddies at bustops daily with 2-3 blackish obama babies in tow?
oh, really? now i take a bus? and i am trolling for no one...and this isn't about me, it's about you and your "afrocentric" hatred. you putrid POS!
i am not diseased and my children are not biracial. you are insane.
shut your vile mouth the fuck UP!!!!!!!!!!
got an atty?
kolanut is illegally pimping you overtime you silly slut!
fix that you trifling trick!!!
Uptown you've been dead on target today.
Not alot of brothers have the balls to speak boldly and honestly as you have.
Keep on talkin' man.
do not hate me because you are still a wf even when you make brown babies/are trolling for ojs on black blogs
even when you are pimped by brown shrews like kolanut
not my issue
take that up with your white god
or your black stud/black condoms
Rippa, "Where are the Black voices in protest of the possibility of a troop escalation in Afghanistan? Where are the Black voices in protest of the occupation of Iraq, and the establishment of AFRICOM?"
You are kidding aren't you? Black teens are killing each other in the streets of our communities and there is no establishment or voices about that. What makes you think Blacks are going raise their voices about a war? Hell, if anything it helps to lower the killings in the streets at home.
But you are right about that woman using her child as an excuse to avoid deployment with her unit. Believe it or not, personnel in units count on each other. Any sign of a waffling coward is not acceptable.
Imo, she is not a good mother, nor is she a good soldier. So all of you single moms who have attacked me for not having "feelings" for her, go to hell.
My feelings are with the troops who do what soldiers are supposed to do and not act and think like unrestrained undisciplined civilians who 'switch' attitudes for their selfish convenience.
if alexis was a wf who looked like carrie prejean, would you have called her a "squirrel"?
dyam i see that as a racist and sexist slur....
anon 5:11
And you know this, because you served with her?
LaCoincidental, "What kind of sorry man would let his child enter foster care because he's too much of a cowardly 'baby boy' to take care of a baby while his wife is working? And working to protect his sorry ass no less."
Have you considered that being a bw, she probably doesn't know who the father is?
A wise man on FN Blog once said, "[BW]Women are the bosses of their own bodies and if the question is whose gonna get stuck raising the child, the horse is already out the barn."--UTS
So knock off blaming the bm and accusing the bm for her misery with the typical "poor bw bullshit", ok?
The last two post comment sections have smelled of the stench of chicken hawk carrion.
La-"Why don't you leave your kids behind to catch a cap in you ungrateful judgmental prejudice ass."
I thought a person wore a cap on the head. What this 'catching a cap' about?
Hatehor said, "The last two post comment sections have smelled of the stench of chicken hawk carrion."
you are the one who is inhaling it. are you sure it isn't coming from your own bad breath?
Kevin C, "Uptown you've been dead on target today.
Not alot of brothers have the balls to speak boldly and honestly as you have.
Keep on talkin' man."
Amen, Uts. Today you spoke pure truth and guess what? Other than ab, not one bw could say a damn thing about it. why? because it's the Truth!
@AB-that Marie can't stop hating you. she can't stop trying to even the score but continues to widen the score while she pitifully loses the war of words with you. she really hates you..
she needs more of the LI hyena posse pack to take on a lioness like you! one ugly hyena has never been a match against a beautiful lion.
Did you ever serve this nation, that's been so good to us ungratful negroes, in uniform?[/quote]
Please define "Serve this nation"?
Was I ever a "member of the US Military"?
Me like approximately 96% of our nation's citizens has never enlisted.
Anon@5:32 - I agree, Black women must not lower themselves for 'a piece of man'. How many of my friends and cousins have babies by out right thugs with no ring on the finger. Hence, we agree.
Still doesn't change the fact that the father (if he's alive and not in the military himself) is a sorry man. And if he's incarcerated, its even more obvious that he's a sorry ass man.
Wow...the cretinous sow is working overtime with the phony cheering squad bit. Pity that she is too stupid to disguise her diction.
I read this article a while ago, about people in the military who lose custody of their children.
Has the law been changed since then?
"And if he's incarcerated, its even more obvious that he's a sorry ass man."
If a black woman fucks a "sorry man", much less has a baby by a sorry man, what does that make her?
Maybe if she had taken the time to find out what kind of man he was BEFORE she fucked him, maybe she wouldn't have fucked him much less had a damn baby by him. A woman who fucks a sorry man, much less has a baby by him, is a sorry woman.
I do not feel sorry for the woman at all. I feel sorry for the baby that he has a woman who ALLOWED herself to be a CUM BUCKET for a mother.
according to the linked article:
"But Hutchinson's mother decided she couldn't because she's caring for three other relatives with illnesses and special needs."
anymous 7:33, i hope you never have a daughter, you are disgusting, and have not even one once of empathy for this woman, she is only 21 years old, and p.s. i assume you must be a saint? (snark)
also, if Hutchinson's mother has a daycare, she can only take of a minimun number of infants, and infants are the biggest source of income for a daycare, this would be another huge loss of income for her mother, besides already taking care of her elderly mother, sister and a daughter with special needs.
i am in shock too that so many let uts bash black women so hard today...
he was almost as ruthless in his delusional slur as kolanut was by
to be slain solo all day
speaking of soldiers & the new breed etc
here are 3 more young black soldiers in the news
may god help us all:
the new breed of all races must learn to stop taking the ghetto and the trailer park with them wherever they roam!!!
that would be YOU who is too stupid to disguise MY diction as you pretend to be me
you quasi-illiterate moron in stereo!!!
LaCoincidental said, "Still doesn't change the fact that the father (if he's alive and not in the military himself) is a sorry man. And if he's incarcerated, its even more obvious that he's a sorry ass man."
I agree, but if no one knows who the father is, then you can't blame the men who laid with her. And I bet the military already asked her a long time ago but she doesn't know. Otherwise, the father would have been mentioned as either estranged or a dead beat.
If only some bw would keep their legs closed. Sex addiction is a big problem in the BC.
If only some bw would keep their legs closed. Sex addiction is a big problem in the BC.
9:05 PM
hey uts:
i was rushing as always and missed your post earlier
"A 90% white campus BTW."
i hate how you euro elitist niggers are always SO happy to boast about
being peppered among vastly white pops...
when i attended uiuc
2&% of the pop was black
and only 40% of that 2% was black american
the dif in you and i
is that i saw that as a tragic loss to all diversity within the student body
not a badge of honor like you
my campus was less than 2% black american
yours was 10% black
yet you are 1000% more proud of your "elite" black campus pop
u do repulse me indeed
Kathy said, "Asshole!"
The truth about life in the BC hurts, doesn't it? btw, UTS said all kinds of demeaning degrading things about bw and you said nothing to him.
I guess you are selective in who you call 'asshole'. You are afraid of him, right?
new breeg gang trend = beating down black elders
some grandparents may now be degraded from forced foster parents to fatal punching bags
may heaven help us all
new breeD gang trend = beating down black elders
2 of 2
new gangs beating elders for sport and cash
Kathy-"she is only 21 years old, and p.s. i assume you must be a saint? (snark)"
Carrie Prejean is 22 years old, but you criticized her as if she should have known better than to take those sexy photos. You should have had empathy for her also.
And don't give me the "she lied" bull. This bf soldier is lying through her teeth, and using her child as part of her lie. What kind of a person would do that, except maybe you?
anoymus 931Pm, Carrie Prejean is an asshole, and?
the dif in you and i
is that i saw that as a tragic loss to all diversity within the student body
When most campuses are extremely self-segregated, and they are, what difference does does diversity make?
ABITCH said,
he was almost as ruthless in his delusional slur as kolanut was by
to be slain solo all day
hey bitch. i am not slain, and i have more people defending me than you do, you asshole.
how does it feel to need them so and still be slain by me solo???
i do not need them you pathetic hating lying slutty trollingforojs bitch....
self-segregation came AFTER forced segregation
it is an ongoing legacy that we all endure...
and i have always done my part to integrate
when i founded wbml
i made sure i had a multi-racial staff
we do have something in common
after all...who knew?
"The phenomenon of 70% of black children being born out of wedlock is not going to be resolved until black women, like other women, either take birth control or insist that the men they sleep with use protection."
Steve, what about the growing numbers of white, Latin, Asian, pink, purple and green women that black men are also impregnating out of wedlock and abandoning?
I'm just wondering who are the "other women" that you're comparing black women to? So I guess it's fair to say that other women are also in this big conspiracy to make black men into dead beats.
"So all of you single moms who have attacked me..."
Anony, I wonder why you assumed we're single mothers?
"If only some bw would keep their legs closed. Sex addiction is a big problem in the BC."
Anony, maybe those black women are suffering from a similar oppressed mentality that so many black males suffer from, as to why they can't keep out of prison.
(And I'm sure some righteous one is going to come along any minute now to ask that black men and black women stop pointing the finger in public).
Ok, I'll try to make this my last.
Did anyone ever consider that she could have been raped, or a victim of sexual extortion by a military official?
Do you people realize how many women have been raped and MURDERED by other male soldiers in the US army??
La I said, "Anony, I wonder why you assumed we're single mothers?"
"Are you the "La" who sleeps with cut-throat sailors and doesn't know who the father of her kids are- and now hate all bm because of it?
You are single, my dear.
"Anony, maybe those black women are suffering from a similar oppressed mentality that so many black males suffer from, as to why they can't keep out of prison."
Sex addiction is a disease that you can't control, which is why you can't keep your legs closed.
Prison has nothing to do with your desire to have sex with any man, the consequences of which is having little toddlers that you shouldn't be having.
"Do you people realize how many women have been raped and MURDERED by other male soldiers in the US army??"
Yes, I do. It's next to nil. Of course, you wouldn't know that considering the kind of world you live in.
"I'm just wondering who are the "other women" that you're comparing black women to? So I guess it's fair to say that other women are also in this big conspiracy to make black men into dead beats."
no, just bw like you and the dead beat bf soldier who went AWOL. super-irresponsible bw like you girls need someone to blame for your slouchiness.
Anony 12:16, now you assume I sleep around and have more than one child.
You sound like a real melee gossip man, your kind is far more dangerous than many other type of man.
kitty-Kathy said, "anoymus 931Pm, Carrie Prejean is an asshole, and?"
and, you don't have the looks, body, legs, brains or hair that Carrie has.
You are a total loser who can only cry, "asshole!". For you, that's being attractive. You must really be ugly.
"You sound like a real melee gossip man, your kind is far more dangerous than many other type of man."
You only know about cut-throat killer pirates. BTW, they aren't men, they are animals who kill. Can't any more dangerous than that. You aren't too bright, are you? Is that why they call you La Idiot?
I said:
"If a black woman fucks a "sorry man", much less has a baby by a sorry man, what does that make her?"
Kathy responded:
"anymous 7:33, i hope you never have a daughter, you are disgusting, and have not even one once of empathy for this woman, she is only 21 years old, and p.s. i assume you must be a saint? (snark)"
My response to Kathy:
I notice you didn't answer my question. Hell, I'll answer my own damn question. Only "sorry women" fuck "sorry men". And black women who have illegitimate babies by sorry men are EVEN SORRIER. FYI, I am not a saint but I don't have ANY illegitimate children.
BTW, the black illegitimacy rate is now WAY past 70%. The black illegitimacy rate is NOW almost 80%. Got that! 80% of black babies are born out-of-wedlock!
So why should we (black people) stop at 80%? Why not just go for a 90% out-of-wedlock birthrate?
ABitch--stop talking about me, stop talking about my kids, stop talking about my "womb!!" get a fucking life and shut the hell up, you racist pig.
"Steve, what about the growing numbers of white, Latin, Asian, pink, purple and green women that black men are also impregnating out of wedlock and abandoning?"
I didn't make you out to be a black male basher but how are you so sure it's black males impregnating these other hued women?
The rates of out of wedlock births are rising across the board regardless of race.
Since 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, there is no "family" to abandon.
How can you "abandon" a unit that has never been formed?
do unto others
the universe WILL return all that you do
you and your lying stalking hater posse have libeled and bullied me for months herien, as i cast my pearls of wisdom among your posse's swine...
now you will pay...
good morning,
you rainbow-wombed, turbo obama baby breeding, oj trolling, slutty swirled, fat VD lesioned, masochistic moron!!!!!!!!
Your New Universe
PS: when will you keep your promise about posting to me???
So many people can take the blame for dropping the ball on this one, to include the soldier.
I am a single parent in the military and I am deployed as we speak. For single military parents and military couples with children, there is a packet that has to be completed that states the what you plan to do with your children in the case that you are sent on a deployment. Even if you are not sent on a deployment you are required to have this packet completed. With the packet you have to have a plan A and a plan B in the case that plan A fails. And this packet is required to be turned in within 30 days of your arrival to the unit or 30 days after you kid is born.
In this girls case her care plan onlt contained a plan A and the soldier knows good and well that she needed to have a back up and she failed to do so. The unit failed her also by not ensuring that her plans had a back up. The unit also failed her by not testing out her plans long before she was scheduled to deploy. When her plan first fell through she should have taken the matter to her first line NCO and if she didn't get any results she should have continued to take the matter as high up as possible.
The army was not completely in the wrong for arresting her for missing movement. It is clearly stated in the contracts that we sign that we are required by law to abide by the movement of our units and missing a deployment movement is a crime punishable by death.
I also so don't think we are getting the full story on this soldier. I have been is some completely f'ed up unit in the last 7 years, but I've never seen a soldier completely left out to dry unless they were just ate the hell up. I'm pretty sure once her training file is opened up we are going to see all the negative counselings that she has recieved to include a few stating that she missed formations on a regular.
It's a nice story for us to protest on this single black soldier who was jailed and ripped away from her baby...the sob story always sells, but I think in the long run we are all going to see different.
I hate single parent soldiers who use their children as the excuse for why they can't or why they won't do something. They make the rest of us look bad. I knew what I was getting my self into when I chose to stay in te military after my divorce. I knew that if I stayed in I would have to make sacrifices and spend time away from my daughter. I don't make excuses and if I am having a problem I bring it up immediately. I am also a good soldier so I don't expect my unit to let me hang when I have problems. I know that I have the complete support of my chain of command. And that's what I think everyone her is missing in this story. This girl has obviously burned her bridges and now no one in her chain is willing to stick their necks out for her...
i'm going to PAY. how would that happen exactly? and for what? you're the putrid fucktard who insults everyone who doesn't agree with you. you're too stupid to argue on facts so you have to launch personal attacks.
too fucking funny, you lunatic.
btw, don't know what universe you live in but i am having a perfect day, fucktard.
"BTW, the black illegitimacy rate is now WAY past 70%. The black illegitimacy rate is NOW almost 80%. Got that! 80% of black babies are born out-of-wedlock!"
It's probably down in the 60% range now.
Anyway, I'm calling bull$hit.
Let's see some proof of your assertion.
I bet you don't produce SHIT.
i live in that universe where you keep pretending that you are going to stop posting to me/stop being obsessed with me/stop lying/stop trolling for ojs/stop paying for being pimped by kola/stop paying your horrid karmic debts...
but you never do
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are in denial on EVERY topic herein
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome.
what is tired is that you are too cowardly to post with any id
and too ugly to show your mug
Kera LaShawn, "I hate single parent soldiers who use their children as the excuse for why they can't or why they won't do something. They make the rest of us look bad."
Thank you. Your comment supports what I said regarding this soldier. She is using her child to shield her butt from deployment.
Of course, to women like La Incognita, Kathy, and Hathor it doesn't matter because they could care less if she was wrong.
They live their lives with no regard to what's right or wrong..no moral compasses.
They live their lives with no regard to what's right or wrong..no moral compasses.
10:04 PM
where is your "moral compass"? i know what is right and wrong, but i also know that we are all human, and she had a problem that shoujldn't have gotten her thrown in jail, and i also feel for her having to leave her baby that she loves, that must be really hard, and on top of that, she could lose her, HER BABY, to foster care, and you are being a little bit dense here is you don't think that if a white family got her baby, they probably would not give her baby back.
Key point, she could lose her baby to foster care. Where is your moral compass?
I do agree that some women make it look bad for other women in traditionally male environments, that is VERY TRUE. Thank you Kera Lashawn!
Kathy, "where is your "moral compass"? i know what is right and wrong, but i also know that we are all human, and she had a problem that shoujldn't have gotten her thrown in jail, and i also feel for her having to leave her baby that she loves, that must be really hard, and on top of that, she could lose her, HER BABY, to foster care, and you are being a little bit dense here is you don't think that if a white family got her baby, they probably would not give her baby back."
Well, if you know right from wrong, then you know that she was wrong for being AWOL and subject to military law. Maybe you should read and try to understand what Kera said, if you can stay focused long enough.
Here's the thing non-military folks don't get. No matter what your situation you don't miss a movement. If she had to show up for movement with the kid in tow that's what she should have done. Not just skip out...Army regulation says that if you miss a movement you are subjected yto UCMJ action, which includes confinement and possibly sentenced to death. SENTENCED TO DEATH...Weather she deployed or not doesn't matter the fact is that she didn't do what she was supposed to do, which is why I said in my first comment that there is a lot of things that will come to light once this trial gets going. this girl isn't as innocent as the public would like her to be. Especially the public who has never been in the military.
Kera, "Weather she deployed or not doesn't matter the fact is that she didn't do what she was supposed to do, which is why I said in my first comment that there is a lot of things that will come to light once this trial gets going. this girl isn't as innocent as the public would like her to be. Especially the public who has never been in the military."
Thanks Kera. Being brought up in a military family and also serving in the military during the Vietnam era I am certain that the military will prove its case in court. This woman was dead wrong and AWOL. And probably has a history of problems.
The Army cannot operate with people who decide at the last minute that they are not going to show up for deployment!
I hope they throw the book at her. It will serve as a warning for the next ass who tries to ditch their unit and stick it to the Army.
Maybe the father isn't a sorry ass as was stated. Maybe he's been treated like many black men in the court system, who wanted to share in their children's lives. Child support, but no support for him.
Anon12:19a, you make a very good point. What you hear mostly is negativity about bm from male haters on this blog.
Your link proves my point.
The highest oow rates in the US are in DC and Mississippi.
Majority black DC was 59%.
Also, Eleven percent of unmarried Hispanic women had a baby in 2006, compared with 7 percent of unmarried black women and 3 percent of unmarried white women, according to government data drawn from birth certificates.
It's also funny how lilly white countries like Iceland and Sweden had oow rates comparable to the US...66% and 55% respectively.
So all you black male bashers out there, shut the f up.
Well, I think the real issue here is...Why are Black people joining the army to get themselves killed unnecessarily in baseless wars?
What is this man-made war all about?
I was given some documentation to join the Army in the UK. I see this as a waste of life. I read their papers, then I binned them.
We have Remembrance Day here and throughout November people are wearing poppies. Alot of these people, particularly present day soldiers are being killed for nothing on a man-made fake war, which is more about money, oil etc than protecting human life.
If people stopped joining the Army, they wouldn't be able to dictate to you and own you, like this story highlights. The Army is nothing but a dictatorship regime.
This is just my opinion.
"Well, I think the real issue here is...Why are Black people joining the army to get themselves killed unnecessarily in baseless wars?"
It's a job.
And a step up from where alot of enlistees black, white, and brown came from.
I think that a lot of the comments being eft here are straying far from the subject at hand. This blog has nothing to do with Black men. It probably doesn't even have anything to do with the whereabouts of the childs father. But it has everything to do with a young girl who has to live with the decisions that she chose...
I totally agree.
But in the mind's of some folks black men are exclusively predatory villians and black women are always innocent victims.
Real life isn't that way.
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