Let me start tonight's post by wiping a little egg from my face. I said that the vultures in the media would leave Tiger alone; I was wrong. This story, as they say in the business, has legs.
I also want to say for the record that I really did not want to blog about the salacious nature of this incident tonight. I believe that Tiger, in spite of all his fame and wealth, is entitled to his privacy. At least when it comes to his family. So there.
But....having said, that there are some places with this story that I have to go. First, let's acknowledge that big old elephant sitting in the middle of the room: The racial component of this story. I have been hearing it from some of you sisters at the water cooler, today: Field I sure hope you blog about Tiger and his white woman. If he had stayed with Tyra (I didn't even know he dated Tyra) this wouldn't have happened. He is going to end up like O.J. Just watch.
I will admit , this story does have some *eerie similarities to a certain Brentwood case. The star athlete of color; the blond wife; rumors of affairs; possible domestic violence; and it goes on. There is even -what one Orlando reporter described as- the "Johnny Cochran of Orlando" representing Tiger. So I guess, as A-merry-cans, we have to ask ourselves collectively; would we even care as much if Tiger was in fact married to Tyra and not Elin?
The fellows have been talking to me as well: Yo field, what was your boy thinking? Tiger knows that he is too famous to creep. Or, field, why would your boy risk everything for some outside tail? Home boy better zip it up next time.
All this, of course, while Tiger is still chilling by a river in Egypt. TMZ says otherwise, and they even have the other woman's name and her picture to back up their story. And the real culprit in all of this where Tiger is concerned, just might be The National Inquirer. (These guys have been on a roll lately.) They have been reporting this story all along. Tiger, I have a little advise for you: You have lots of loot. Get a nanny to do your grocery shopping. You don't need Elin to be standing at the check- out counter and reading about you getting your driver on with some other woman.
Oh well, let's hope that this is the end of the drama with Tiger. I still love to see the man swing a golf club, and I sure don't need to see a slow police chase in South Florida anytime soon.
What Tiger should do is get the meanest bastard of a lawyer that money can buy, and hound these clowns into silence. If this were a George Soros-type guy, this story would have died just days after it popped up.
And to answer your question field, No. If O.J. had stuck with his first white (who happened to be black), noone would have gave a rat's ass about what he did.
hol' up. oj's anger management issues had nothing to do with nicole being a white woman. didn't he "lay hands" on vernell's (i think that's the oldest daughter's name?) mama, too? is tyra incapable of being cheated on? you can cast a different woman in the role of "wife" but if the man doesn't change...
& i thought it was ellin laying the smackdown, not tiger?
Vultures circling indeed! When did we become a society where we decided that if you are famous for doing something, it means there is now carte blanche to invade your privacy... that somehow we have "earned the right" to know every damn little thing about your life.. I do not care much for famous people or the hype that gets hyped to promote them... but this vouyouristic side line, national news, celebrity "news" non-stop coverage is more about US than him. Shame on us!
I agree 100% with Jody.
"aerie" vs. "eerie" similarities
Now for the proofreading............Did you mean eerie? unless you think the case reminds you of a bird of prey nest.
Aloha from Makaii
Adultery is wrong, case closed.
"If he had stayed with Tyra (I didn't even know he dated Tyra) this wouldn't have happened. "
Yeah, if he had been married to a sista and she found out that he had been screwing around, he would be dead. So, by logical reasoning, Tiger saved his own life by marrying a white woman.... What's a few scratches compared to losing your life?
Why do you see so many black athletes with white wives; yet, you almost never see white athletes with black wives?
The situation reminds me more of Steve McNair's than OJ.
Why can't it just be TDub wrecked his Escalade mobbin' out of the driveway on the way to get a lil ganga mon!
Ya'll leave Tiger alone...all of this is just another media-mind fuck...and you know they been waiting for this kneegrow to slip.
If a brotha is "creepin"...that's his bidness. Damn ya'll know TDub be hangin out wit MJ...and ya'll know he be "skeezing" outta control forever!
Lawd have mercy...at least it wasn't no Kobe type shit!!!
It's mostly a celebrity story, just like O.J. was mostly a celebrity story until his lawyers turned it into a racial story. So, now I suppose Tiger'll turn it into a racial story too.
Like Obama, he has followed the Bill Cosby script. Be approachable and non-threatening. Combine that with being good looking and maybe the best golfer that ever lived, and you have celebrity and an upscale consumer brand. Same was true of O.J. Simpson, although to a somewhat lesser degree because football players are a rung or two lower than golfers on the upper-class hoohah scale.
I think being black helped both Simpson and Woods, as long as they played it the Cosby way. Christ, for that kind of dough, who wouldn't? Besides, who's to say that, at least in Tiger Woods's case, the Cosby way isn't his way? Maybe it's a mask, but maybe it isn't. Does anyone really know right now?
If anything, it's O.J. in reverse. The woman went after Tiger Woods. I'm really curious as to whether this is the first time she's beaten on him, or whether it's happened before. There is a much bigger group of male domestic violence victims out there than is generally acknowledged. Those guys are usually in a no-win situation all the way around. For them, it's what women faced 25 or more years ago.
Look at it from Tiger Woods's viewpoint. Let's imagine she's a serial abuser, and has done this before. Let's imagine, in fact, that her craziness is part of the reason he's been steppin' out. Or not -- it really doesn't matter that much in this thought experiment.
If she beats on him, what are his choices? Does he fight back? No way. A man -- ANY man, but yes especially a black athlete (thanks, O.J.) -- who hits a woman is presumed guilty. Period, end of paragraph, end of story.
Does he go to the cops? Then it's he-said, she-said, and there's ridicule all the way around, especially from men, and especially from black men.
Does he divorce her violent, skanky ass? Well, yeah. That's what he does. But let's imagine her reaction, given that she's a psycho white devil bitch: "I'll turn you into O.J. Simpson." Is he a Tiger or a caged rat?
If the skanky, violent bitch were black, I think the same threat could be hurled. Maybe not with as much effect, but what made O.J. O.J. was his celebrity. Tiger Woods is O.J. on steroids, celebrity-wise. I think he'd be pretty damn vulnerable to a psycho black bitch too.
Think about it. Where does his consumer brand come from? This is golf, the ultimate corporate game that represents the smooth, upper-class life. Trust me, those people beat on each other, but they do it behind closed doors. It does not get into the media. If it does, the spell is broken and the consumer brand is ruined.
So, what now for Tiger? I say, "Plan B." Spill the beans, because they're going to be spilled anyway. Position yourself as the aggrieved and desperate husband, trying hard to keep this under wraps until forced out in the open. Show how the upper class deals with crisis when its forced into the open.
The last thing Woods needs is a race-baiting lawyer. He needs a corporate smoothie who'll make this about domestic abuse by a psychotic henpecking woman with a nasty temper. Tee it up, boys. Hit the long ball, Tiger. It's your only hope.
This should be fun. Sorry if I'm not feeling too reverent, but these are celebrities. One way or the other, Tiger Woods will land on his feet.
FN you got cock roaches in here, better start spraying.
All I know is, if this wasn't about the magic negro then this wouldn't be news. White have crowned Tiger the magic negro, he just broke the deal by cheating on his pearly white wife. Infidelity is one of the major things whitey will not condone. You thought they heckled him in Boston, well he better expect that everywhere he plays now. He doesn't get the magic negro pass anymore.
p.s.: One thing we can count on is that the white devil skank is going to call him O.J. Simpson. Frankly, I don't think that'll play, but who knows?
Grinder.... you are exhibit A for how a government can start an illegal war, torture people, prostrate it's people to corporate greed and get away with it all....
Jody, could you do the long division on that one? Thanks.
I do agree with Field on one thing: This is going to be vulture central. The less something matters, the more coverage it gets in America. I mean, Bill Clinton's blowjobs were worth a year and a half of all-Monica, all the time.
I, for one, will be checking The Smoking Gun to find out exactly which iron is best to use on an Escalade. Was it a 9-iron, or was this a longer club? Inquirin' minds want to know!
No sympathy, he is no special or different from thousands of celebrities who get this type of treatment. When he was smiling for the magazine cameras with his cute token family and his overbite in tow, was he thinking about privacy then?
I will say this again. I've notice even those who believe what's her name attacked Tiger (including black men), are not condemning her for some reason. Everyone is talking about adultery. Its interesting how Elvin is given the benefit of Tiger's "adultery" to kindly excuse her hostile behavior. Ahh, the privilege of white skin. Can you also imagine the n-word being spat out like it was turret's that night? I believe the woman attacked the man, and the authorities know the truth by now. Why isn't she in cuffs by now? Token wives in her situation are arrogant and prone to explode once they realize they're easily replaceable by another golddigger.
Field, here's the real racial angle: I question if the wife was a black female, how many people would have given her that privileged consideration and the benefit of being a woman scorned? He would have been the victim, and all vile names known to animals would have been hurled her way.
For the record, I could care less about these tow people.
Geez, La Idiot, what part of "white devil psycho bitch" don't you understand? Do need a trail of breadcrumbs, or what?! The woman is right out of Misery, by Stephen King. He probably ran out of there before she could slice his thumb off to put into the middle of the birthday cake.
Im sorry, but as the victim of an abusive marriage, I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY domestic violence in ANY situation! Yeah, yeah, I see all yall bloggers making fun and laughing about what chickie did, but what she did was wrong. There was no reason for her to put her hands (or golf clubs) on her husband.
That being said, both of them are being stupid. If wifey didnt like T stepping out on her, she shoulda moved her and her kids to Cali, and consulted a good divorce lawyer. And Tiger, if he wants to have other women, he shoulda thought of that before he married. But he didnt, so now he really needs to figure out how to get out of this situation.
But they wont do any of the above. So, stay tuned and enjoy the upcoming fireworks!
By the way, the reason she's not in cuffs right now is because Tiger has been protecting her in a desperate attempt to save Tiger Inc., the consumer brand.
This is classic for domestic abuse cases: There is often some combination of shame and fear. Cops hate these cases, because in a lot of them the victim will protect the perp like crazy. That's exactly what's going on here.
But the cops aren't having any of it, and are pursuing a search warrant. And it looks like Woods told the truth to a friend of his about what really happened, so let's hope for his sake that he doesn't try to brazen it out with the authorities.
He's got to find himself a good "crisis consultant" on the p.r. front, and a good attorney. The stonewall attempt has failed. It's round two, mister.
Yeah, yeah, I see all yall bloggers making fun and laughing about what chickie did, but what she did was wrong. There was no reason for her to put her hands (or golf clubs) on her husband.
Oh come, there's humor in it. But it could have been worse. He could have been a plumber and the wife could have come after him with a drain snake. Yikes!
But you're right, domestic violence is wrong. The woman should be arrested and charged. The penalty for adultery shouldn't be being beaten up. Something tells me this will be shown not to have been the first time.
Let's get one thing straight. If Tiger married Ty Ty and then messed around on her she would have whooped his ass. And I bet she would have hit Tiger with the club and not his Caddy.
Frankly...I smell a cover up coming so Tiger doesn't lose his endorsements. Look for his wife to be sporting a 3 carat pink diamond in 5-4-3-2...
Btw...a woman scorned is a woman scorned regardless of her skin color. And I bet Tyra would have made this woman look like a light weight...nothing against Tyra. I like that she's a little crazy.
Grinder barfs,
"Like Obama, he has followed the Bill Cosby script. Be approachable and non-threatening."
Grinder, we all know that to white folks like you Bill Cosby is the ideal negro, but could you please identify a contemporary black elected official who is threatening or non-approachable?
Heck Dick Cheney is threatening and non-approachable but that didn't stop him from being VP.
"I think being black helped both Simpson and Woods, as long as they played it the Cosby way."
How so?
Are you suggesting that if Woods or Simpson were white with the same sports acommplishments, they would not have achieved the same level of fame and fortune?
field (and others), check out Wanda Sykes' version of the events. It's funny and more than a bit inappropriate:
Yeah but what if Woods messed around because the woman was a psycho bitch from hell and he needed some peaceful nights with benefits? Besides, all professional athletes (and musicians) cheat. It goes with the territory.
Not only that, but the wife is from Sweden fer cryin' out loud! Isn't cheating pretty much required there? They teach it in school, don't they?
LI-"Its interesting how Elvin is given the benefit of Tiger's "adultery" to kindly excuse her hostile behavior. Ahh, the privilege of white skin. Can you also imagine the n-word being spat out like it was turret's that night?"
You always play the same tune over and over again. Your mind must sick of hearing it. You are such a racist and a hater of bm.
could you please identify a contemporary black elected official who is threatening or non-approachable?
Let's put it this way, steve. I don't think Maxine Waters ought to plan on running for president any time soon. Myself, I happen to like her. But she wouldn't get 43% of the white vote like Barack "Cosby" Obama did. Incidentally, I liked Cosby way, way back when. Long before his TV show. Good guy.
(Oh come, there's humor in it. But it could have been worse. He could have been a plumber and the wife could have come after him with a drain snake. Yikes! )
Yeah you would enjoy seeing that... you racist white devil perverted fagget ass. Racist like you enjoy watching a Black Man go down after he made it.
Sweet T, you are right. O.J. did have some anger management issues. Helkl he ran like it when he played.
Anon. 8:14pm, that's a good point.
Why do you see so many black athletes with white wives; yet, you almost never see white athletes with black wives?"
Maybe one of the resident sociologist can answer that one for me. I think I know the answer, but that's another post for another day.
Grinder, you have no love for Mrs. Tiger I see. :)
Makaii, thanks for the proofread. (I can always count on you) I corrected it. Sorry, I was in a rush to watch MNF. Still watching. :)
"Grinder, we all know that to white folks like you Bill Cosby is the ideal negro, but could you please identify a contemporary black elected official who is threatening or non-approachable?
Heck Dick Cheney is threatening and non-approachable but that didn't stop him from being VP."
Grinder, I am curious as well. Tell me some popular Negroes you would find "threatening" and "non-approachable."
Vanilla Latte, if you are the type of black woman to make what's her name look like a light weight, then that's just you, not Tyra and not all of us.
But, I bet you won't be given the benefit of simply being a woman scorned like you think.
OK, I saw your response, you were writing it as I wrote my comments. Interesting.
"But they wont do any of the above. So, stay tuned and enjoy the upcoming fireworks!"
Lola, you mean there is more?
It's been wall to wall coverage for the past 24 hours.
Are you seriously suggesting that Obama and Cosby are the only blacks who successfully navigate America's racial troubled waters?
Hell, it's an instrument of survival being 12% of the population.
Do you really think that Carl Stokes was elected Mayor of Cleveland 40 years ago by fist pumping and hatin' whitey?
Could you please explain how being black helped Simpson or Woods?
I guess it helped Obama too, huh?
Field, "Let me start tonight's post by wiping a little egg from my face. I said that the vultures in the media would leave Tiger alone; I was wrong."
I tried to tell you that this story was too good for the media to pass up. And guess what? It's not over yet! This story has strong legs that can walk right into 2010. Make sure you give me credit when it happens.
Anon 9:56 pm, I will. And if that was in fact you, (So many Anons)you can go ahead and say I told you so. :)
Do you honestly believe that Obama and Cosby are the only blacks to have successfully navigated America's racial troubled waters?
Heck, it's an element of survival being 12% of the population.
Could you please explain how being black helped Simpson and Woods?
UTS, "Do you really think that Carl Stokes was elected Mayor of Cleveland 40 years ago by fist pumping and hatin' whitey?"
Oh, please! Look at the % of Blacks in Cleveland. That's why he was elected.
I bought the gossip story at first but more and more I think something else happened. The 9-11 tapes don't support the 'she beat him' story nor do official accounts so far (those willing to speak without anonymity). I think the Enquirer story came out and then a car wreck happened and the 'story' as they say (especially for TMZ but all the gossip mags too) wrote itself (Tiger's got such a sweet and innocent public image so of course that means he's a wimp getting beat up by his wife. Isn't that just a literal if long winded and salacious way of saying his whipped?).
TMZ may have it right but they've yet to present anything other than rumor and innuendo to support their version of events. Until someone shows me something substantial, the jury is out. And consider this question: if the Enquirer, a less than trustworthy source despite getting it right on occasion, hadn't just ran a story of him cheating would you buy the story they're selling?
UTs, "Not scaring white folks is a requirement of black survival in America."
You have been scaring white folks on this blog for a long time. No, let me correct that...you have been 'frightening' the hell out of white folks on this blog for a long time. You have also pissed off some black folks for some time.
I can only conclude that you don't know how to survive.
BTW, where is ab?
Hell, what does 'acting like Bill Cosby' even mean in today's world? I thought black people were diverse with diverse opinions, social classes, occupations, and personalities some of those being as apple pie as Beaver or Cos. Buppies aren't threatening to anyone but school boards and college administrators and then only when Junior and/or Juniorette needs that AP class, a rec. to get into an Ivy, or just some good ole fashioned helicopter parenting.
I suppose you light up every room you walk into, eh?
People like you and Grinder have a problem with black folks who say what's on their minds and don't wait for white folk's permission.
It's that "equality" thang you come to grips with.
Grinder, I am curious as well. Tell me some popular Negroes you would find "threatening" and "non-approachable."
Look, as long as a black person's a Democrat and wins the primary, chances are overwhelming that (s)he will get my vote. I've never voted against a black Democrat running for any office at any level in any place at any time, at least in the general election.
Therefore, you are missing my point when you personalize any of this to me. I have a very long track record of voting for losing candidates. When I wrote about "approachable and non-threatening," I was stating my perception of what it takes for a black person to gain nationwide acclaim as a consumer brand.
I really do think that Bill Cosby paved the way. I also believe that Obama's handlers directly understood that. I have seen side-by-side comparisons of some of Obama's speeches and Cliff Huxtable's lines, and it's remarkable. As for Tiger Woods, you don't create a billion-dollar brand without a lot of scheming on the p.r. front. I'd looooooooove to know what was said in the private meetings.
And I'd similarly loooooooove to be a fly on the wall in the meetings that Woods is surely having with his handlers right now. There are a lot of people invested in that brand, and you can be sure that they are going to be (ahem) closely involved in what Tiger Woods does next.
And consider this question: if the Enquirer, a less than trustworthy source despite getting it right on occasion, hadn't just ran a story of him cheating would you buy the story they're selling?
I have great respect for the Enquirer's ability to get these kinds of stories. When it comes to celebrity dirt, they are rarely wrong. That said, and please correct me if I am wrong, I seem to recall other coverage of Tiger's tomcattin' that predated this Enquirer (ahem) spread.
You have been scaring white folks on this blog for a long time. No, let me correct that...you have been 'frightening' the hell out of white folks on this blog for a long time. You have also pissed off some black folks for some time.
He hasn't scared me, anyway. If anything bugs me here, it's the pervasive lack of any nuance or, dare I say it, sense of humor. So little appreciation for the outrageous absurdity of it all.
Folks, white people fuck it up all the time, often in shocking yet darkly hilarious ways. So do black people. It wouldn't kill ya to have a laugh. Hey, Wanda Sykes did, so it's okay. Really.
Let me amend that. Field, he doesn't lack a sense of humor at all. But the commenters here. Geez, have you ever had a good day in your life?
La idiot
La Idiot
La Idiot
La Idiot
"I really do think that Bill Cosby paved the way."
For what????
What about Sammy Davis, Flip Wilson, Nat King Cole, Ralph Bunche, Ed Brooke, Bill Coleman????
Cosby wasn't the first and Obama is merely the culmination of the evolution black politicos.
The first generation of black pols came out of the church and the Civil Rights Movement.
Only natural because they had the greatest name recognition and constituencies.
Todays black politicians, almost without exception are business oriented, coalition building pragmatists.
Grinder you're enamored with Cosby because he is a black luminary who wagged his finger publicly at the black community.
That, in and of itself, makes him a hero in the minds of many whites.
Thanks for the laugh, La Idiot! Yeah, that phony sign-on is really subtle! Ha ha ha!
Grinder you're enamored with Cosby because he is a black luminary who wagged his finger publicly at the black community.
No, I was a Bill Cosby fan when I was a little kid, way back in the 1960s. The kid next door and I used to listen to his comedy albums and laugh. We liked the "Fat Albert" character.
I was never a fan of his TV show. At the time it was popular I wasn't watching much TV, and to the extent that I did watch TV it wasn't family sitcoms. When I got older my taste in humor was edgier than Cosby.
His being a role model for Obama never occurred to me until I read an article that did the side-by-side comparison. This is not the article I first read, but it makes a similar point.
This is not the article I first read, but it makes a similar point.
LaIdiot said...Token wives in her situation are arrogant and prone to explode
pot calling the kettle black. I take that back to avoid you saying "black" is a euphamism for "african american" and then babbling how racist that statement was. I will say it in a language even you can understand. SO ARE YOU.
I thought you would be coming back to this story.
Look, what would make a Black Billionaire..
leave his own house..
at 2:30 in the morning...
he was running for his LIFE, FN.
and, he knew it.
that 110 pound when wet White Woman was after his ass with a GOLF CLUB.
now, what could make a woman wield a golf club at a man at 2:30 in the morning?
pure d-RAGE.
on a serious tip, if he hadn't of been quicker, this story could have turned tragic, and we'd be talking all sorts of headlines.
Tiger knew, golf club or no, he had a choice:
1. stay, and turn into OJ, the sequel, if he had put ONE HAND on that White woman
2. leave, and take the ribbing that has come from every corner.
now, his mistake, was being delusional enough to think that this would ' stay private'.
man, get real. you know what kind of image YOU cultivated. as Dr. Boyce Watkins said on Rev. Al this afternoon, if this had been about Allen Iverson and his wife, people would have shrugged, and it wouldn't probably have even made TMZ.com...Bossip and YBF, but not TMZ..
But, it IS Tiger, and he has not been served well by his 'professional' PR people. what he has done is put a bounty on himself:
1. for any INFO on him that's rotten.
2. for any and all Paparazzi to get that SHOT of TIGER.
him pulling out of all tournaments until 2010 - oh, it's on now....the hunt for Tiger has begun.
some folks have called it the ' Blackification' of Tiger . But, for all of his Cablinasian bullshyt, he knew enough that this Black ass couldn't hit that woman, even if she was wielding a possibly deadly weapon against his ass.
PS- the addition of Gloria Allred to this mix means, Tiger - THIS SHYT AIN'T GOING AWAY.
Woods's endorsements are the bluest of the blue chips. That's why he couldn't hit her. It remains to be seen whether, having been hit, those contracts will be renewed.
When you're shilling as a golf celebrity for outfits like American Express, Accenture, Titleist, Tag Heuer, and General Mills, you are not supposed to have any loose threads hanging off of your impecceably tailored suits.
By the way, he and the Swedish psycho bitch have two kids. Wonder how that'll play out.
I'd bet serious dough that, as we speak, a couple of very high priced lawyers, having been delivered to Florida on a Gulfstream V owned by Accenture or American Express, are chatting with some Florida officials to make the criminal stuff vanish.
Not that money has ever made anything go "poof!" in Florida. Oh no. Can't happen.
Why do you see so many black athletes with white wives; yet, you almost never see white athletes with black wives?"
Easy question, (but I'm shocked anyone would have to ask.)
Psychologically black people are fucked-up about accepting fully the beauty of the women of their own race. Many black men (and women) have no racial self-esteem. Black men choose white women as mates because in their tiny brains, they somehow believe those women will elevate them. They diminish black women's worth because they look most like them. Both blacks and whites see white people as superior to blacks. That's why white women are elevated and deemed marriageable and black women are not. Most athletes in general don't seem too smart or aware of any consequences of their actions, so I doubt they would have the foresight to see their self-hatred on display. I can honestly say these black men never fail to embarrass me.
"some folks have called it the ' Blackification' of Tiger . But, for all of his Cablinasian bullshyt, he knew enough that this Black ass couldn't hit that woman, even if she was wielding a possibly deadly weapon against his ass."
Cablinasian is a great term to honor his heritage. There is no way to blacken Tiger any more than he already is. The Thai part of him respects women and Thai men don't hit their women. In addition, his father never hit his mother so Tiger had a good male model and upbringing.
Even though Tiger may be innocent, Gloria Allred is in the picture- and when she is involved, somebody dies, metaphorically speaking.
Hence, this 'might' be it for Tiger's image as the all-American boy for a some time.... Maybe.
Nevertheless, I am hoping that this is just a bump in the marriage of the Woods and that they will remain together for their entire lives.
If I were Tiger I'd be sorely tempted to cash in my chips, give the Swedish psycho bitch (look, she chased him out of the house with a golf club, okay? she's a psycho bitch, period) the heave-ho and a chunk of money and start over.
I mean, the dude has already won $100 million playing golf. Even if he's got to toss her $10 or $20 million, big deal.
Anon 1:32, interesting comments. Sort of reminds me of all the gay guys who put ads on Craig's List trolling for married guys, or portraying themselves as straight but just happening to be willing to get blown by another dude. It's a little like skin lightener in its own twisted way, isn't it? Ha!
As one of my straight white friends once said when I was bitching too much and he got tired of it, "That's what being an oppressed minority is all about." It was a classic line, and we've both laughed about it many times since.
"Why do you see so many black athletes with white wives; yet, you almost never see white athletes with black wives?"
Maybe one of the resident sociologist can answer that one for me. I think I know the answer, but that's another post for another day.
When people muse as to the reasons Black men end up with "white" women, it always seems to come down to Black men "choosing" white women over Black women as some kind of trophy. And I suppose there is some truth to that, sad as it may be.
And when people muse as to why "white" women end up with Black men, it's usually assumed that the so-called white woman seeks a Black man for the "thrill" of the taboo (or the gold-digging, in the case of professional athletes).
Another possibility to consider is the reality that some "white" women realize that most white men will never understand white or male privilege or sexism. It's gets damn old always trying to educate those who have no vested interest in the education.
Just a possibility.
As to why any Black woman would choose a "white" man--I'm sure they have their reasons, but it's a mystery to me.
You may disagree with me, as I'm sure many will; I'd be happy to hear your perspectives, especially if you can bring something new to the discussion.
Did it ever occur to anyone that interracial sex and marriage might occasionally happen because the people are, oh hell, just attracted to each other?
First, let's acknowledge that big old elephant sitting in the middle of the room: The racial component of this story.
Depends on where one reads, FN. The white forums and blogs I read have mentioned race very sparingly, whereas the black sites are rife with mention of Tiger's mixed-race, how he shouldn't have married a 'beckey', Tiger's impending 'blackification', etc. Disgusting, really.
all i would like to say is this:
maybe NOW folks will stop telling that big fat lie about ww being "docile"? lol!
aside from that, i could not care less about woods and any lumps or lacerations he may have sustained.
This appears to be a case of domestic violence and so why shouldn't be looked at?
A penis makes a man do some stupid stuff.
IMVHO, This woman has nothing on Ms. Banks. She is absolutely one of the most beautiful women on the planet. AND appears to have a brain also.(That's the sexiest part for me)
But a penis will betray you and have you in a mess no one can get you out of.
All that said, leave the man alone. He didn't beat up the poor defenseless white girl. She doesn't need you to save her from the big scary ape-like black.
marriage is difficult. it is even more hard when outside parties become involve. i am going on 17years and i know the deal. I wish ty and el much luv. maybe it will strengthen their marriage.
"Psychologically black people are fucked-up about accepting fully the beauty of the women of their own race."
Oh bullshyt..
The majority of married black male athletes, politicians and celebrities are married to black women.
People only remember what offends.
Some folks could walk past ten black couples and see one interracial couple and say "Why are all the black men going with white women."
Brother Field, I think you were right the first time, folk need to leave Tiger alone. I don't know why this story has "legs" but from the little I know about it, if there was domestic abuse girlfriend is partaking in it too and may be the abuser b/c she is the one beating the car with a golf club ala Basil Fawlty. No one was hurt, no one is pressing charges, and it seems to late to tell if alcohol was involved so what's the deal? OJ was a strange outlier of a case and I don't see any similarity, except maybe folks saying he should have stayed w/ Tyra and only then b/c if it had been OJ's first wife, who was black, who was killed, it wouldn't be such a cause celebre and so many folk wouldn't have cared if he had allegedly gotten away with it. This is a private affair between Tiger and his wife although I guess if Tiger had a wife of color maybe folks wouldn't be so interested, though who knows b/c we get carried away with celbrities.
Last night Nancy Grace had a all out over blown segment dedicated to the "Tiger event!" Talk about drama and theatrics! Yet, gossip, half truths, and guilty before proven innocent is what our society has become.
Another possibility to consider is the reality that some "white" women realize that most white men will never understand white or male privilege or sexism. It's gets damn old always trying to educate those who have no vested interest in the education.
So it's okay for white women to use their white privilege to hook up with rich black men? You seem just as clueless as the white men you speak about.
The majority of married black male athletes, politicians and celebrities are married to black women.
And the majority of those black women are probably fair-skinned and wear weaves and wigs to look like white women. As I said, black men have problems with the beauty of black women.
The majority of married black male athletes, politicians and celebrities are married to black women.
Most likely they are married to light-skinned black women with wigs and weaves to look white.
As if there aren't black female goldiggers.
One even wrote a book "How to Sex a Baller out of his Mind and Money."
Oh, you mean like Denzel's wife?
Or Samuel L.'s wife
You're all wet.
What other race of men have public entertainers like Yung Ber, NE-YO, Kany West, Wesley Snipes, Mistah Fab etc. who speak out and degrade their own dark skinned women (or black women in general?)
Look, Tiger Woods as spent the last 15 or so years making himself into a billion dollar brand. But like too many successful brothers he fell pray to the 'Becky' (read: gold digging white chick) and allegedly, adultery.
My biggest issue is that with Obama about to send more troops into Afghanistan (making me regret my vote more and more everyday), the healthcare debate raging, unemployment and swine flu, our media is following what is really a domestic spat between a man and his wife. A Negro got caught cheating and his wife tried to scratch his eyes out. Hell, in my family, its called Friday night at my uncle's house.
As for the gold digging, its obvious that Tiger wanted a pretty blond on his arm and the wife and mistress see dollar signs. Its stock and trade in Los Angeles.
UTS, you're right, there are plenty of sisters around who chase the almighty dollar vai their panties as well. Didn't Da Brat's kid sister marry some Caribbean PM b/c he was a smoothing talking baller? (Forget that he was scheming and stealing from his own people.) How about Kimora Lee marrying Russell Simmons, a man old enough to be her father? Or Usher's soon to be former wife? (That old woman must have really turned some tricks in bed to snag him, but whatever.)
In Los Angeles, wanna be models looking to get their MRS degree are a dime a dozen. There are plenty of video vixens and strippers in my residence of Hollywood who would love nothing more than to screw a rapper or basketball player out of his stock options and 401(k). Go to a club on Sunset or Santa Monica on Saturday night. If you're a single guy clocking less than 200K, they're not even looking in your direction. Color is irrelevant, its all about the cash.
And lets not forget all the young, pretty boys who are looking jump in the bed of lonely rich middle aged woman (or man) for an easy pay day.
Anon @11:17 AM: You got a point, Black men are ingrained to think that Black women, particularly dark skinned women are ugly. Not all (if my mother would have heard me talk about dark skinned woman like these niggas do, she'd smack my teeth out), but far too many for for this Nubian man.
Thank you, Grinder and Uptown Steve!
For fuck's sake, it's almost 2010, get whatcha want!
As for Tiger's "privacy", I own stock in his ass (shoes, golf clubs, shirts, Nike whatnot)so this is all just a part of the entertainment! Next time, be smarter Tdub!
Well, just to go out on a limb...Tiger hasn't been playing his best lately, right? Problems with his knee is it? Well, if I were the PR expert on his payroll in search of a way to heat up his waning image, I'd leak stories to the tabloids exposing a "supposed" affair...script a suspicious, volatile exchange outside between him and his wife at some unbelievable hour (you know...creating just enough drama to get the WHOLE WORLD whispering Tiger's name)...then I would make sure, after the media crucifies him of course, that he comes out a million times cleaner than that squeaky clean image he has meticulously been cultivating over the years since he left Stanford.
Now, if you think his brand was worth $$$ before this incident, wait and see what that amount would balloon to once his name is cleared. He and his wife could end up laughing all the way to every single bank in Florida, thanks to the gullible ones amongst us who fan the flames of gossip. Too smart...if this actually ends up being his game.
On the other hand, if he actually was having a relationship outside his marriage and his wife beat out the windows after finding out....hhmmmmm, I'd say that he's lucky she only broke out the windows with that club, especially with all the violence that has been in the news lately. (I agree with what you said above, Lola Gets!!)
AKA Lynn said: "Last night Nancy Grace had a all out over blown segment dedicated to the "Tiger event!" Talk about drama and theatrics! Yet, gossip, half truths, and guilty before proven innocent is what our society has become."
What a great point!! This story made the front page news in today's Japan Times. My Japanese friends are already receiving reports that he had an affair in the Japanese news. He's already been BRANDED...excuse the pun.
LA Coincidental,
I wasn't trying to make a blanket statement about ALL black men. I was simply trying to counter Uptown Steve, who is entirely too dismissive of the public humiliations black women go through.
I was wondering if I could make a blog request? Have you ever thought about doing a post about Malcolm's "House negro vs. Field Negro" speech and how it might apply today? After all, things are vastly different now than in the early 1960's. What is the meaning of it today? Or, how about a blog on the state of black nationalism today? What is its relevancy now, as opposed to Malcolm's time?
Just some suggestions. I'd love it if you would consider them :)
"What other race of men have public entertainers like Yung Ber, NE-YO, Kany West, Wesley Snipes, Mistah Fab etc. who speak out and degrade their own dark skinned women."
I've heard white entertainers like Rush Limbaugh (who seems to dig underage Dominican girls) Gene Simmons, and Paul Kantner rip (white) women a new one.
And Oprah, Alice Walker and Terry McMillan have made millions demonizing black men.
What's your point?
I would totally disagree that Oprah, Alice Walker, and Terry Mmillian have demonized black men; they have merely addressed some of the rampant sexism and abuse that has been directed toward black women in the black community.
Nor can I think of one celeb white man that has publicly degraded light-skinned white females.
I'm sure you identify whith McMillan, Walker etc...
You are convinced that black women are flawless victims and black men are Satan's spawn.
I picked up on that early on.
You may want to think about that the next time you wonder why you don't have a man.
No hate, just making a point. But I would have to take UTS side on this one -- a lot of Black females in the media and the academy have made a mint crying for 'good' black men while portraying Black men (particularly blue collar black men, athletes and young cats in the hip-hop generation) as degenerate thugs.
I think Alice Walker is a brilliant writer, but there are rarely any redeemable male characters her novels. Her most celebrated work, The Color Purple, the men are either absolute ogres or passive weaklings. And lets not go into the Mother for finger-snapping, hand-to-hip sista girl ghetto novellas, Terry McMillan. Hello the one 'good black man' in her novels turned out to be a raving queen looking for green card.
This isn't to say that there isn't sexism in the Black community, as well as homophobia. But if Black women are portrayed as sex-crazed, money grubbing hookers in much of hip-hop, Black men are no more than serial adulterers and degenerate criminals in urban romance novels. We got to do better.
I love my sistas but a lot of them cut their own throats with the attitudes and the self-righteousness.
Black men and black women have been at war with each since we arrived on these shores.
We have to stop the finger pointing and learn to love and appreciate EACH OTHER.
I don't know if either of you two caught, by Farrakhan gave a telecast in it the other day. He said allot of things, but one really stuck in my: "The man is a degree superior to the woman." Apparently God made men a degree above the woman so that women can't be naturally equivalent to men. Do you agree with that?
LMAO!! Field, that title alone had me rollin! I quit effin with TMZ because of the condesending manner of which they address stories pertaining to us, Amerrykkkan MSM just can't seem to get enough of making villains out of us...
I feel for Tiger..but then its not like he wasn't warned in the beginningthat he was one of us and would have been put through the wringer even if he were with tyra..hell worse, naomi.
I'm beginning to see a pattern..why is this is the second time the MSM has allowed yet another YT acting a fool to steal the shine off of a famous AA !
First it was gate-crasher-gate...Michelle's dress was bangin and the talk of all of DC and overseas like she was in the inauguaral days..but who cares about the first fashionista when becky and john are on their up and coming 16 minutes of fame?
It seems they are making damn sure she doesn't get that kind of attention ever.
oh and Rachel Maddow can sit her ass downfor all but saying 'coon not off the porch' by titling her segment coverage about the whole ordeal 'Tiger Not out of the Woods'
You wanna talk about vultures? Here's one. Many more to come, I'm sure!
Damn, She kept the voice mails too! That woman's no babe in the woods.
I'm just wondering what any of this has to do with Black men? Tiger Woods is Cablinasian.
I'm also wondering if all the other Cablinasians out there are coming to his defense.
Damn, She kept the voice mails too! That woman's no babe in the woods.
Yeah, but will anyone ever beat Monica Lewinsky, who kept the stained dress? On her tombstone it will be written: "Here lies a woman who was even cruder than Bill Clinton." ROTFLMAO!
"Apparently God made men a degree above the woman so that women can't be naturally equivalent to men. Do you agree with that?"
Absolutely not.
Farrakhan is another one who cuts his own throat with remarks like these.
The work the NOI has done cleaning up drug infested housing in DC like Edgewood Terrace and Benning Hgts Terrace (formerly known as "Simple City") has been unparallelled.
And their work reforming and rehabilitating drug addicts and ex-felons would be a template for municipal social agencies everywhere.
But even liberal black mayors are afraid to embrace Farrakhan because of his loose tongue and often loopy remarks.
"Yeah, but will anyone ever beat Monica Lewinsky, who kept the stained dress? On her tombstone it will be written: "Here lies a woman who was even cruder than Bill Clinton."
A friend of mine, who was Jewish himself, said of the stained dress....."Only a Jew broad woulda done something like that."
It was calculating and stank, but I don't know what it had to do with being Jewish.
"You may want to think about that the next time you wonder why you don't have a man."
ba dum crash!!!... awesome, quote of the day.
Nobody's talking about Letterman anymore. Good lesson for Tiger there. Too bad he didn't learn it.
The woman who claims to have had an affair with TIger is not a vulture.
The vultures are the media preying on him. You could use a linguistics lesson.
"I'm also wondering if all the other Cablinasians out there are coming to his defense."
A friend of mine, who was Jewish himself, said of the stained dress....."Only a Jew broad woulda done something like that."
It was calculating and stank, but I don't know what it had to do with being Jewish.
Every minority group is its own worst critic. The reason I can laugh at La Idiot's clumsy insults at my sexuality is that she's not coming even remotely close to what gay men say about ourselves. Not even close!
In fact, her "pink tutu" and "molesting black boys" schtick is even better than that. It's a great caricature of hackneyed antigay crapola, circa 1965. If nothing else, it gives me a better feel for what black gay people have told me is the incredibly retrograde atmosphere toward gay people from within the black community. Next time someone says to me, "You wouldn't believe the shit I put up with," I'll be able to say, "Actually, I think I know what you are talking about." LOL
Similarly, the best antisemitic humor comes from Jews. Half my friends were Jewish when I was growing up, and I heard it all.
I have to say that I grudgingly admire Monica. I frankly think the whole thing was a setup and that she might have been a Mossad plant, but then again maybe not, and we'll never know anyway, at least until someone writes a memoir in 30 years.
It's just as likely that she wasn't connected to anyone, and was just a schemer and/or quite self-protective. And think about it: If she hadn't saved that dress, Clinton's people would have gotten away with their protrayal of her as a love-sick liar. I'd give some serious money to get back into a time machine to see the look on Clinton's face when they told him she'd saved the dress.
She went to college out here in the Pacific Northwest, a tony (and well regarded) private school called Lewis & Clark, in Portland. Last time I was there, I wandered around looking for the statue, but they haven't erected one yet!
Well of course the vultures would be circling, Mr. Field. Surely you didn't expect something better from that oozing pus-bag called Mainstream Media. After all, those babbling pundits owe their million dollar careers to the O. J. Simpson trial. Nancy Grace, Gloria Allred, Lisa Bloom(Gloria Allred's daughter), Jeffrey Toobin, Dan Abrams, Diane Dimond are a mere snippet of those who flourished from the Simpson teat. However, I would have to say, the most vile creation from this era, is TMZ's Harvey Levin. There is nothing he won't exploit. And what is the most exploitable in America? Why, racism and sexism.
Sorry Tiger, it comes with the territory.
The molesting boys wasn't said by Laincognita. You keep trying to start shit and when she comes at you, all you do is whine. Nobody is feelings sorry for you so bury the hatch and grow up. This is getting old and annoying as hell.
FN, Tiger is charged with careless driving now and he is losing endorcment for not showing up to the tournaments, that's wrong for him to do. I don't feel sorry not one bit though.
I just read that another woman, a cocktail vultress, claims she had an affair with Tiger Woods, and she has pictures and text messages to prove it. lol.
p.s. FN, I still love to see the woman swing a golf club:))
@Michelle, maybe Tiger is waiting for the scratch marks to subside a little before he shows up:))
LACOINCIDENTAL- "A Negro got caught cheating and his wife tried to scratch his eyes out. Hell, in my family, its called Friday night at my uncle's house."
First, stop calling Tiger a Negro. He is Cablinasian, and I wish you Negroes would respect that. Why do you go around claiming someone as part of your race when clearly he is not? You folks need to get a clue.
Secondly, it has not been proven that he was cheating on his wife. Imo, it was her imagination.
Actually Anon 12:38 pm, I have blogged about the house Negro field Negro dichotomy among black folks that Malcolm talked about, and how it relates today.
"First, stop calling Tiger a Negro. He is Cablinasian, and I wish you Negroes would respect that."
Isn't that boyz daddy black?
If he was out killing a bunch of people I bet he would be a Negro again in A-merry-ca.
Well it's looking more and more like Tiger's a cheat and a serial one at that. However, I'm still not sure on the whole she chased him with a golf club "frying pan" story. One thing that got little mention in light of the more entertaining "she beat his ass" meme was the painkillers and the fact that he lost consciousness. If Tiger got hit in the head with a club to the point it knocked him out he wouldn't be out of the hospital. A club IS a deadly weapon that would easily fracture his skull if swung with the force to knock him out. Since he lost consciousness after the accident and was out of it when he came around but apparently suffered no concussion from either the steering wheel or a club perhaps it was the painkillers that made him out of it. As a player, a drug problem is more serious than either a car wreck or fight at home. A domestic dispute can ding his image but drugs could keep him from playing.
At any rate, he's screwed for a while but I doubt it will hurt him in the long run. He's too important to golf and they know it. Maybe now that he's been revealed as human he'll drop the junior GOP front and start using his star power to take some stands. It's golf but democrats occasionally play golf too -- at least males. Funny how Tiger broke things open for black men but left women of all colors out in the cold. Now his running around with women are bringing him down. Coincidence or karma?
UTS, "I love my sistas but a lot of them cut their own throats with the attitudes and the self-righteousness.
Black men and black women have been at war with each since we arrived on these shores."
Thank you, Steve! Now that's where the heart of the matter is. Anything else is just dancing around the truth. When you got bw like La Incognita and Grata pointing the "blame finger" at bm, do you think a man would be looking to live with them?
There is NOTHING attractive about a criticizing self-righteous bw. In fact, it is UGLY.
Field-"Isn't that boyz daddy black?
If he was out killing a bunch of people I bet he would be a Negro again in A-merry-ca."
It is true that his father was Black. But when you cross a bm with a Thai woman, you get a Cablinasian. Therefore, by logical deduction, Tiger is not Black. You being a Philly lawyer should know that.
@field -- Tiger's father, Earl, was only half black. Earl Woods was 50% black 25% Chinese and 25% Native American.
Tiger's ancestry 1/4 Thai, 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 black, 1/8 Native American, and 1/8 Dutch (white). Or, in other words, Tiger is 50% Asian**, 25% black, 12.5% white and 12.5% Native American.
Tiger Woods could be considered a quadroon but he's more Asian than anything else. Even his combined white and native american heritage equal his black heritage.
**Even more Asian if you count NA's as mostly Asian/Eurasian in descent.
Field, I really hope the Killadelphia meter will NOT hit "300" by the end of this month.
"Cablinasian";mulatto;octoons;quadroons; What's the difference here in A-merry-ca? Wait...you mean we don't have the "one drop rule" anymore?
Damn! You mean poor Thomy LaFon and those other folks in Louisiana were trying to "pass" for nothing? :)
Come on now, so Tiger describes himself as "Cablinasian". That's great to recognize his Thai mother. But Negro, in A-merry-ca, your ass is black.
--j, "Tiger Woods could be considered a quadroon but he's more Asian than anything else. Even his combined white and native american heritage equal his black heritage."
Yeah, but Blacks go by the "one-drop" rule: if you have one drop of black blood, you are Black. It goes back to massa's rule, which Blacks today still follow religiously.
It is a great way to keep racism alive.
@field -- Lol. But I'm not sure Tiger grew up in A-merry-ca where anyone who has even a drop if black. And if any folks still doubt the one drop rule they need to check the hate sites and have their eyes opened. If he spent much time on military bases before his dad retired, it's a whole other world.
Dang it, that should say: "...where anyone who has even a drop **is** black..." not if.
@anon 8.11 -- The one-drop rule still matters to a whole lot of people. If you look black you're black regardless of how black you might be and if you are suspected of being black a lot of folks will still treat you as black with or without genetic evidence. If you are known to have a drop, even if you look white, it still matters to a lot of white folks. It's relevance has certainly lessened but it still matters and it's not at all just black folks perpetuating it.
Did it ever occur to anyone that interracial sex and marriage might occasionally happen because the people are, oh hell, just attracted to each other?
Um, grinder, what I was talking about WAS attraction.
@Anonymous 9:44 am
So it's okay for white women to use their white privilege to hook up with rich black men? You seem just as clueless as the white men you speak about.
Who said anything about RICH Black men? Lolz. Don't I wish.*
All I'm saying is that sometimes it's not about money, but about a similar worldview.
Are you saying that "white" women should never be with Black men?
*actually, I don't wish--I'm good with the Brazilian I've got.
The molesting boys wasn't said by Laincognita.
No, not at all. La Idiot make a crack about my sitting behind my keyboard in a pink tutu, and then she faked my sign on, comploete with a picture of ballet dancer in a pink tutu, and accused me of being mad at black women because they won't let me go to the 'hood and molest black boys.
Nah, that wasn't La Idiot. Couldn't have been! ROTFLMAO!!
Anon @ 7:26
At any rate, he's screwed for a while but I doubt it will hurt him in the long run. He's too important to golf and they know it. Maybe now that he's been revealed as human he'll drop the junior GOP front and start using his star power to take some stands. It's golf but democrats occasionally play golf too -- at least males. Funny how Tiger broke things open for black men but left women of all colors out in the cold. Now his running around with women are bringing him down. Coincidence or karma?
Karma, definitely karma.
The one-drop rule still matters to a whole lot of people. If you look black you're black regardless of how black you might be and if you are suspected of being black a lot of folks will still treat you as black with or without genetic evidence. If you are known to have a drop, even if you look white, it still matters to a lot of white folks. It's relevance has certainly lessened but it still matters and it's not at all just black folks perpetuating it.
I think it's mostly a matter of what you look like. People believe what they see. Thing is, very few whites make anything close to the fine distinctions that blacks do with respect to skin shade among black people.
To whites, Colin Powell is no less black than Michelle Obama. It's black people who go crazy about this stuff, not whites.
"It's relevance has certainly lessened but it still matters and it's not at all just black folks perpetuating it."
I agree, but Blacks tend to go over-board with it. Both Tiger Woods and Obama are two examples. One does not claim to be Black, but Blacks criticize him for not saying that he is Black. And Blacks talk about Obama as if he is "their" President instead of ALL Americans. Let's face it, Blacks are every bit as prejudiced as Whites.
The irony is that there are a high percentage of Blacks who don't want to be Black, like Sammy Sosa and a host of others bleaching their skin, straightening their hair, moving out of black neighborhoods, anti-gay jerks, like La Incognita, etc. Hell, if I was gay, I wouldn't want to be Black and would be looking to get the hell away from Blacks.
And when they do, here comes the Black Patrol, judging and criticizing them.
I think it's mostly a matter of what you look like. People believe what they see. Thing is, very few whites make anything close to the fine distinctions that blacks do with respect to skin shade among black people.
To whites, Colin Powell is no less black than Michelle Obama. It's black people who go crazy about this stuff, not whites.""
i don't think that's true, Grinder, Colin Powell, light skin black, republican, has gotten much more respect from white people than Michelle. Admit it, white people look up to Colin Powell, white people make caricatures of Michelle Obama.
grinder sounds troubled and guilty over something.
*actually, I don't wish--I'm good with the Brazilian I've got.
Race Traitoress is a fetishist. Who would have guessed..lol
Many interracial relationships are about fetishes. If black men and white women was entirely natural and simply bases on just falling in love, then those relationships would be comparable to black women and white male relationships. However, they aren't comparable at all; black male and white female relationships dwarf the bw and wm relationships.
i don't think that's true, Grinder, Colin Powell, light skin black, republican, has gotten much more respect from white people than Michelle. Admit it, white people look up to Colin Powell, white people make caricatures of Michelle Obama.
I don't think it's skin tone.
1. Powell was a four-star general.
2. Powell's political aversaries are Democrats, who don't do the racial crap, or at least do it a whole lot less often and a lot less blatantly than the Republicans do.
grinder sounds troubled and guilty over something
Yeah. I admit it. I let my golfish starve when I was 11 years old. Been torturing me ever since. Orange goldfish. No racial angle that I know of.
"Michelle, maybe Tiger is waiting for the scratch marks to subside a little before he shows up:))"
@Kathy, I thought about it, but why risk the tournaments like that? Reports are saying that he's physically ok save the minor cuts. Everybody knows he was in a accident, so the cuts came from the accident right?. So what's up with the hiding and stuff. Nah, I think they were fingernail scratches. :)
someone up the thread said Tiger isn't doing his best like he used to, I concur. Tiger got where he is by years of dedication. Since he became a family man things changed. His wife Elin has to be the type of athletes wife to understand they aren't going to have a full time husband because of the sport. I'll be she was already insecure from dealing with all that from the jump.
"grinder sounds troubled and guilty over something"
@Anon 9:01, You can tell right? More like angry and obcessed. The dude is trippin, Laincognita is making him crazy all over these threads without doing anything, he can't even hide it. lol But hey thats for calling bw crackheads selling blowjobs, he forgot to mention he said all that. He thinks he's funny and shit.
Tyra has been in abusive relationships twice-- one with John Singleton and I don't know the name of the other dude, I doubt she would have been going beserk on him. Now Tiger's prblem is how to get rid of his blonde trophy wife, his father was married twice and I would bet he messed around on both his wives. Who's to say Tiger isn't psychologically imitating his father? If this is true, he'll be dropping the Swedish wife and getting married for a second time. The brunette is a straight up putan. She got money from NYC because HER FIANCE died in the WTC, she reinvented herself as a hostess and was living the life. The 911 money is gone by now, so she needs another sugar boy/daddy.
As a matter of fact, he better get with a good lawyer, start hiding money and keep it in the pants until he can get rid of her. The blonde wife is his liability, she can say anything now true or false.
@9.21 -- Not natural because they dwarf bw/wm? Difference doesn't make something "unnatural." Using terms like that sounds like the eugenicists and anti-miscegenation crusaders of old. Unnatural, in particular, sounds like all those old racist 'blue birds don't go with red birds' nonsense excuses to justify how whites and blacks were separate species and therefore wouldn't 'naturally' breed. Hell, go on stormfront and their up front about calling it bestiality -- no code words needed.
umph,uhm, uhm, uhm...is all i gotta say. thanks field.
But hey thats for calling bw crackheads selling blowjobs
Now let's be accurate. After La Idiot made her comment about me sitting behind a keyboard in a pink tutu, I responded by telling her that if we wanted to deal in stereotypes, we could imagine La Idiot trading blowjobs for crack in some hovel.
I actually like most of the black women I meet. La Idiot is an exception. Well, let me put that differently. I kind of like La Idiot, too, because she makes me laugh. But I actually respect most black women. La Idiot? Not so much! Ha ha!
Uh oh, another woman has come out regarding Tiger Woods, she has tweets and racy e-mails from. Damn they coming out the woodwork.
By the way, just wait until the psycho element of the female population gets hold of these things.
Once that happens, the words, "Ditch the bitch and make the switch" might take on a more urgent meaning. LOL!
Not natural because they dwarf bw/wm? Difference doesn't make something "unnatural."
So if it is natural, why the big difference? If it was natural, wouldn't we be more likely to see a closer number of interracial relationships, and not the huge gap that is evident between the two different pairings?
If I were hetero, I'd be reluctant to date black women for fear of being the target of violence by black men. Seriously, it would genuinely scare me away.
Typical white man you are, lie and turn things around to make yourself look like the victim. If you wasn't provoking her everyday, maybe she wouldn't have had to make the tutu remark. The tutu is bothering you isn't it? Why don't you go ask your mum if she smokes crack, better yet, do you have one?
@trickster206, I wonder if he has a prenup. You know they say it's cheaper to keep her. lol I think now the other skank is retracting her story. If all this is true, Tiger will be paying out to all kinds of people to keep them quiet.
Gummy, the tutu remark cracked me up, pardon the pun. La Idiot has been an idiot for a long time.
Sorry for the late comment but I can't help think that Tiger is a lucky man. Lucky that he is a golfer and not a gun collector. She might have grabbed a 9mm instead of a 9 iron to go after his ass.
@10.31 said: "
So if it is natural, why the big difference? If it was natural, wouldn't we be more likely to see a closer number of interracial relationships, and not the huge gap that is evident between the two different pairings?"
Asian interracial marriages reflect the same trend only reversed. Asian men aren't marrying out but Asian women are and it's at the same level of gender difference that is seen in the black community. Years ago it was the opposite with Asian males marrying out. In 1960, white men + black women were 50% of black-white relationships. Today, black men are marrying out with whites, asians, and hispanics at over twice the rate of black women. It's not just bw+wm pairings. Black women are simply not marrying outside of the community with anyone.
And many educated black women are feeling the effects of limiting choices, going through a sort of marriage crisis with 43% never having been married in the 30-34 age group. Why? There are probably a number of reasons but one of the main ones is that many educated black women are waiting on finding the right black man in their socio-economic range instead of pursuing their options with either (1) larger pool of men who share their socio-economic background but not their race or (2) broadening their options to look at black men who share their race but not their socio-economic background.
There are far too many factors to explain why Asian and White women as well as Latino women alongside Black men are dating and marrying outside their race while Black women and Asian males are not. For black women and white women, I'd wager the legacy of pain white men have inflicted on every group including white women carries a bit of weight especially for older women. However, the numbers will likely change rapidly in the next few years as younger generations get together and black women decide to date out. Right now, there are too many stories of black women who stay unmarried and admit that they're waiting for a black man to come along as well as others who waited and waited before they finally gave up and decided to explore white guys and/or other non-black offers for that to carry some significant weight as to why there's a disparity.
And here's one more thing to chew on, one study found that women of all races showed a strong preference for men of their own race while men of all races showed no preference. That's likely because both dating and marriage are far riskier propositions for women than for men. Familiarity, which is often race based, breeds a sense of safety especially when men hold not just physical power but also financial power and political power. With men in general showing less racial preference in terms of a mate plus the numerical disparity between whites and blacks in this country, it's not surprising that more black men are finding white mates than black women. As women gain more equality though I expect this too will change.
So if it is natural, why the big difference? If it was natural, wouldn't we be more likely to see a closer number of interracial relationships, and not the huge gap that is evident between the two different pairings?
No, because the power structures are not the same. Straight white men are at the top of the heap. Regardless of whether or not you want to acknowledge it, white women are not as politically powerful as white men, and sexism is still a power issue. This isn't to say white women don't have unearned white privilege, but they don't have unearned male privilege and do still live within a white male supremacist society.
Some white women identify less with the white power structure than you might think.
Race Traitoress is a fetishist. Who would have guessed..lol
You twist my words into a sexist insult, not to mention insulting the multiracial citizens of Brazil. I guess if you can't come up with a coherent argument, all you've got are childish insults.
For black women, it's a stark numbers game. An awful lot of black men are in prison or unemployable.
La Incognita said, "grinder, you always seem to be sedentary in front of a computer while wearing your pink tutu".
grinder said, "Yes, La Idiot, and how should I imagine you? Trading crack for blowjobs in some hovel? Not to trade in stereotypes or anything."
Michelle and Gummy, I was the Anon having a conversation about Obama, the economy, and Afghanistan with grinder when La Incognita threw in her taunting bullshit comment. Grinder had a right to defend himself.
Gummy, it's YOU who has tried to twist the truth, anybody can see that. You and that fake Michelle want to make La Incognita seem so innocent when she actually started the mess.
Do you hate Whites so much that you are willing to give up your own integrity to be a liar for her ill-willed ass? You must not value yourselves very much. I am glad that grinder stood up for himself and slammed her mean-spirited dumb anti-gay ass. It's hating Blacks like LI that add fuel to the fire of racism and disharmony among the races.
Wow, Anon 12:48, I am impressed. You tracked this more closely than I did. I don't have the patience.
Just to reassure you, the craziness in the comments section here doesn't make me hate black people or anything. I know the weird shit comes from the few folks.
Even though I come back pretty hard, the stuff here is educational to me because it gives me some insight into what's way down under the hood of the car that white people don't see.
Trust me, I don't take it literally. I listen to the music a lot more than I listen to the individual notes. Honest. Also, I figure that there are a whole lot of people looking in from the outside who never say a thing.
Besides, there is La Idiot, and there is Frank Drackman. Peas in a pod, if ya ask me.
@ Field and Grinder up yonder --
"the so-called" one drop rule is a white construct used during african slavery and post-reconstruction periods witin the usa to "protect" white males from the burden of being responsible to for the progency sired from their incessant desire to rape black, native and some asian women.
it seems their "white" wives and mistresses who must be protected at all costs were not satisfying enough in the sex department. i digress. the one drop rule as a white male protect clause construct should have officially ended in its validity during 1965 when Africans were freed yet a second time within the usa.
For some odd reason, Blacks seem to desire to hold on to this "one drop" construct as gospel that any person with a micromilitre of African blood can deem themselves of the African tribes.
i disagree. Hapa is Hapa. If you are of mixed race you are just that. one foot in one and one foot in the other. Hence, Obama is both white and African and being reared by a white anglo-saxon woman, he has more WASP demeanor than he does the demeanor of being raised African/black in amerikkka. The more he struggles to not be perceived as the "black" president, the more his actions and decisions are no more different than all so-called "white" presidents before him. In fact, he just might wind up being "whiter" than all of them combined in the end as his dynamic has shifted far to the right from his socalled of the people liberal stance during his bolt for the office he has.
Ask yourselves why does this so-called "one drop" ruling only apply to black blood? Not to native americans, nor chinese, nor japanese, nor hawaiian, nor.. well you see what i mean. Do they now as in the past segregate "black" blood at the blood banks based on additional criteria according to the one drop rule and not just by O positive, A negative, etc? What is so special about African blood to have it profiled so? Further, whose doing the black blood profiling?
If the answers to these queries are yes, then, it should be disclosed and made official law for i fear that there are a whole host of folks in the "closet" and masking as other racial groups other than their proper "one drop" Black designation. They look white, Latin, Asian but because of that one drop policy well you know the rest.. they are classified wrong. Just like all the north African Berbers and Arabs who are given honorary "white" status on official forms regarding race.
Welcome to the family you all. Come out Come out whereever you are and its ok with us to suck your fingers after yo fried chicken wings...
Do they now as in the past segregate "black" blood at the blood banks based on additional criteria according to the one drop rule and not just by O positive, A negative, etc? What is so special about African blood to have it profiled so?
I'd be shocked if they did that.
@Anon 12:48, who the fuck you calling fake? I was never talking to you, I am not STUPID or BLIND so aren't other people who frequent this site. YOU think nobody haven't been noticing how YOU and GRINDER keep taunting Laincognita for no reason in every thread for MONTHS just by saying LAIDIOT and all kinds a shit for no reason in every comment you write??? Yes I am from the hood and where I come from that is called PICKING TROUBLE and starting shit! Do you hate Laincognita so much that you'll sit there LIE and call her names and side with GRINDER who hates black people and who provokes Laincognita ALL THE TIME? Go and read all the other threads going back months and tell me if you ain't seeing what OTHERS are seeing, do you think BLACK people are that stupid??? you and Grinder take your fake RACIST anon asses somewhere else so you don't have to be see anything BLACK WOMEN have to so when we express ourself since it bothers you that much! FUCK YOU.
I had some hope when AB disappeared that the exchanges here would be more civil.
I had some hope with AB gone that the posts would be more civil. Ginder, you are an asshole.
"First, stop calling Tiger a Negro. He is Cablinasian, and I wish you Negroes would respect that."
FN sez
"Isn't that boyz daddy black?
If he was out killing a bunch of people I bet he would be a Negro again in A-merry-ca."
Tell 'em Field.
Many so-called "black" Americans have mixed race ancestry.
It's only when they become luminaries that some folks want to make them "others".
John Allen Muhammad was lighter than Tiger but there isn't too much dispute about what "race" he was, was it?
Some white women identify less with the white power structure than you might think.
You are still white honey; you are still a privileged daughter. It doesn't matter who you identify with.
Here's is why there are more bm and wf relationships. Black males who go for the white women are still chasing the "master's daughter." They want that forbidden white flesh. White women who are into black men fetishisize them as "black bucks." They want some of the forbidden black man and his so-called superior sexual gifts. That's why you see more of these relationships--they are based on stereotypes. There are no stereotypes about white men and black women that would cause them to seek each other out. That's probably why black male and white female relationships have higher divorce rates than white male and black female marriages.
You are still white honey;
you are still a privileged daughter.
It doesn't matter who you identify with.
Radical progressive so-called "whites" have always stood in solidarity with their Black brothers and sisters in their fight for freedom and equality. Too few of us, true; certainly a small minority, and grossly overshadowed by the white supremacist majority. Nevertheless, despite being born "white," which I cannot change and didn't choose, I can still fight for justice, acknowledge and challenge white privilege, and try to continue the dialogue and continue to learn.
Which is what I'm trying to do here, on this blog. And your poisoned attacks aren't going to push me out, because I know you only represent yourself, and there are more here who are interested in continuing to fight the fight rather than giving up.
Hey Michelle and Gummy, thanks for the support. Trust me, you guys are not the only ones who saw this.
This has been going on for some time now. I have long analyzed the ulterior motives behind the players. One is highly sensitive and has an "axe to grind" because I've always challenged his constant subliminal racism, arrogance, and white privilege/denial protectionism on this blog. He is minor, disposable and has no insight relevance to me whatsoever. The constant needling, name calling and gay bashing accusations are windows to his innate insecurity, and his off-line vindictive demeanor. He could never survive in my place of work.
The other anonys might be race unknown, yet very bitter and cowardice individuals who are angry that a black female such as myself have the "audacity" and freedom to express my thoughts and opinions unapologetically without their permission. However there is one in particular who follows me the most (the one above). I suspect this person is also a male, and has bitter inferior-like issues with black females in particular.
This anonymous individual constantly instigates conflict towards my direction, and takes refuge with every adversary I have on this blog. Obviously, this person (a self appointed man of good will and mental examiner) has a huge problem with the things I express. His aim is to discredit and openly degrade me every chance he gets in effort to silence me. He also tries to belittle and attack people who stick up for me, in effort to ward off others from doing the same - which could only give me and the things I say more validation.
I have to take breaks from this blog and the cyberworld more often, due to ophthalmology reasons. However, I hardly get hot or bothered by these individuals. After I log off the computer, I join the real world where life counts. This blog basically awards me the opportunity to unwind after a hard day of work. I am sorry to disappoint, but I'm not going away and I will never be silenced.
Peace and Blessings
a self appointed man of good will and mental examiner
What?!!! Ha ha ha ha! La Idiot, you never fail to crack me up!
Poor Tiger! What's a billionaire to do?!
You're breakin' my heart. This is not about race. This is about celebrity. This is about money. Big money. This is about image. This is about Tiger Woods, Inc. This about the sainted being defrocked. This about everything but race.
This is not just an Am-a-reecan story. This is a worldwide story.
If Tiger Woods was Eldrick Woods, a black lawyer with a gorgeous white wife, club champion at Merion and local civic leader in Manayunk who was caught with his baffing spoon in the cart girl's change purse, do you think this story would have legs?
No. No. No.
The takeaway from this is never mess around on a mad Viking with a 2-iron.
And, oh yeah, come off the hip for cash to pay some dude to do nothing but carry your cell phone around all day everyday.
As far as I'm concerned, Elin became a "sista'" the momeent she went after Tiger's ass with a golf club, LOL!!
"As far as I'm concerned, Elin became a "sista'" the momeent she went after Tiger's ass with a golf club, LOL!!"
That was stupid and it stereotypes black women. Then again stupidity always comes from you, the fake stupid scientist.
An imagemeister speaks. Kind of interesting. Question of the hour: Will the golf club-wielding Swedish psycho bitch rescue him, or will she let him twist slowly in the wind?
grinder, "Trust me, I don't take it literally. I listen to the music a lot more than I listen to the individual notes. Honest. Also, I figure that there are a whole lot of people looking in from the outside who never say a thing."
I am glad you can take it all in stride. There is a lot under their 'emotional hood' that carries the same old "FUCK YOU" response that Michelle ended her rant to me with. Poor Michelle, she has become another vindictive lonely rageaholic like LI/Kola.
Even with the evidence I provided, they ignored it and continued with their lying rants. La and Michelle uses their self-pitying emotional rage to blame the world for not devoting itself to making them happy! This includes not only Whites, but brown to light skinned bw, and ALL bm.
@grinder-"Besides, there is La Idiot, and there is Frank Drackman. Peas in a pod, if ya ask me."
I have always felt that "inside"-she was 'exactly' like Frank. Now that Michelle has become one of La's racist anti-gay 'point person' in training, she could advance to the level of a Frank D, also. However, that's a very advanced stage of cancerous racism.
Anon 7:14 is a cretin.
@ Anon 5:13, the remix..........
Let me guess. You're one of those desperate sista's that would be so happy to have a man with money and regular penis, that you'd put up with anything right, especially infidelity?? One of those men can't help but cheat sista's, whose probably slept with a married man or 2 or 3 or 10? White girl went off on Tiger's ass with a 9 iron which sounds like a hellva lot more than you would have done!!!
Yeah, I got your number and that number is zero. As in the number of men in your life right now.
I have NEVER agreed with UTS, but he's right on point about a lot of black women. A LOT, starting with you!!!!
Well, I’ve been thinking about America’s ongoing obsession with fetished, bleached blondes. Two have dominated the airwaves this week, and two powerful black men are involved. One man is actually the leader of the free world. The women are the typical beauty ideal that dominates this culture. This highly sought after image appears to be some kind of a hybrid of Marilyn Monroe, a Drag Queen and a Barbie Doll. Of course no woman is born this way. A surgeon’s scalpel is needed to create the illusion. Men, with the assistance of pop-culture and pornography are obsessed with this kind of woman. That certainly includes black men. For the average woman, this beauty ideal has been most unfortunate. In order to attract men, they have desperately tried to reshape themselves to fit this unrealistic image. That’s where the billion dollar cosmetic, diet and plastic surgery industries come from. It’s born completely out of ignorance and self-loathing.
Take the old glorified pimp himself, Hugh Hefner. He gets an 18 year old from the Dairy Queen. He bleaches her hair and gets her breast implants. He tells men that this is the ultimate beauty. The man believes it. After all, he is too stupid to question it. He’ll feel deprived if his significant other doesn’t look like her. Never mind the playmate’s stupidity. Unfortunately, he may spend a lifetime pursuing this type of woman, and women may spend a lifetime trying to be this woman.
I will surmise by saying that the Secret Service was probably so bedazzled by Mrs. Salahi, that they threw Obama’s safety under the bus. Tiger accident certainly would not have received the scrutiny it did, if the press wasn’t so bedazzled by Elin. Therefore, may I strongly suggest, use the brain between your ears, Fellas. Grow the hell up! See what happened to Tiger, he didn’t use his golfing brain- when picking a wife.
The Chinese version of Tiger’s accident
So, Tiger is now Black?
you said in part:
"...But if Black women are portrayed as sex-crazed, money grubbing hookers in much of hip-hop, Black men are no more than serial adulterers and degenerate criminals in urban romance novels."
actually...bmales portray THEMSELVES as serial adulterers and degenerate criminals in hip hop. in addition to denigrating and damaging, globally, the images of their mothers, sisters, and daughters.
and quite frankly MOST of these so-called "artists" that read no music, play no instrument, and have pretty much NOTHING productive or revolutionary to say, WERE degenerate criminals prior to entering the ministreling game. you can't get these fools to stop bragging about their bullet wounds and how much crack they sold prior to "rapping". it makes me want to hurl.
try to stomach if you can the visuals if you watch the average new school hip hop video and turn down the volume. bw are depicted as gyrating body parts available to the public, public property if you will.
bm are depicted as mindless, criminal, sexual beasts. i quit so called hip hop awhile back as a result. meanwhile racist stereotypes to a beat, complete with non stop racial slurs and misogynistic terms have once again become "acceptable". more than fashion is cyclical. now, folks are quick to excuse it because we do it "to ourselves".
we agree on this point...we have to do better. we can do better by shunning and refusing a safe haven to those that hurt the interests of bfolks. of course, that would require us to get back in touch with our moral compasses. bfolks are pressed to call anything wrong. it seems everything goes.
still don't care about woods and his karma. i AM finding it hilarious as all the dirty women come out of nowhere with tapes, texts, and their hands out. that clown should be ashamed of himself. he can afford prettier more discreet dirty women with which to do his dirt. hello?
someone said:
"Black men and black women have been at war with each since we arrived on these shores."
that is a lie unsupported by history.
i suppose IF i were a man that refused to look at things for what they are,in an effort to escape accountability and responsibility, i would try to pretend that the damage done to bfolks have been done EQUALLY by bm AND bw.
bm have worked diligently and been used mightily to destroy themselves, their women and their children. UNTIL more bm become courageous enough to acknowledge this fact, there will be NO change.
i think, more and more bw are becoming fed up and sick of waiting for reciprocity. it is NOT forthcoming.
bw AND bchildren, marched, were raped and brutalized for bm to forward their "i AM a man" agenda. note how bw and bchildren have been rewarded for their efforts. the sidebar had a graphic that said something to the effort of treating the children like poop. i would venture to say bw get a lot of that, too.
look. see. even in this story, a few bmales have figured out a way to denigrate bw. lol! this story has all of NOTHING to do with bw!
Farrakhan is consistent in his sexism. he is a poster boy for all that went wrong with the "i AM a man" movement. he and others like him would have bw focus solely on our blackness while overlooking the sexist misogynistic mayhem that passes for "culture" in the so-called bcommunity. i refused as a child and i refuse now to buy such utter non-sense.
notice, Farrakhan, who comse hard and vocal when it is time to address or dress down wfolks, white men in particular, just can't bring himself to come hard with his fellow bm.
he, too, it seems, got the memo that bm must be treated as though they have the sensibilities of little girls. lol! can't talk to them too hard, they might "shut down". lol!
to his credit, he did say as a part of the million man march, that bm must atone for their transgressions against bw...
all that focusing on external conditions simply keeps folks from really dealing with the biggest killer of bfolks...those dreaded internal conditions/factors.
i don't think bw are at war with bm. if you look, far too many throw away good sense and what is in their best interest to protect bm publicly. despite it NOT being our responsibility to protect bm. rarely if ever to you see this reciprocated.
i think more bw are refusing to "help a brotha" out. (this is often code for sistas do your part and carry him, too.) as more of us realize that UNLESS he was born to our parents, he really is NOT a brother and we are foolish to expect that he will conduct himself as if he were.
thanks for allowing me to share.
Anon said, "Anon 7:14 is a cretin."
A statement of a moronic imbecile who sees their own cretin projection.
HOLD UP!! Why wasn't the lovely Elin charged with domestic assault? Don't tell me Elin would have walked if she was of color.
Why wasn't the lovely Elin charged with domestic assault?
Who's the complainant?
If I may step out the shadows: Grinder, in your post 9:09 PM, you attacked La-incognita first. It doesn't appear she was talking to you in the first place. There was no excuse for your vileness.
Now I got that out the way: Focus, bw need to take responsibility too, even if it's how you women treat each other. I have love for bw, but live by example. You can't put all the blame on bm, we are your off-springs, you teach us too. Now I do agree, we need to come to a middle ground and work on our relationship with each other.
athletes have money.....sounds like some good gold digging to me. their wives are all a bunch of plastic surguried whores and money is the biggest factor in these marriages. these girls dont want to work.when all the gold diggers are fightin for the rich afflete the affletes not about to pick an ugly black woman. too bad these women obviously dont know what theyre getting themselves into with all the propaganda promoting this kind of thing. nicole brown. financial security is enough for them to bear and dumb jocks children. wonder if the kids will be attractive. wonder if the kids will be smart. NOT EVERYONE HAS THE ABILITY TO THINK AND PLAN AHEAD.
Anon 8:32 p.m., La Idiot has been fag-baiting and race-baiting here for quite a while. She will always be my special idiot -- now, then, and forever!
BTW, she even has followed me over to a gay website, where she's trying to rile up the crowd with her trademark rants about white men being racists. She's finding that her act doesn't play too well. Gay people have heard it all before, trust me.
My tribe is very far from perfect, but we do have a few things going for us. One is that we know what it's like to be hated and lied about. The other is that, as a group, we hold nothing, and I do mean nothing, sacred.
So bring it on, La Idiot. The more you say, the more you reveal.
grinder, "So bring it on, La Idiot. The more you say, the more you reveal."
focused purpose is spot ons
Anony, as much as I appreciate your support, I have to say that I agree with Focusedpurpose. Furthermore, your argument is based on a chicken and egg conjecture in effort to confuse or deflect from the "root" cause of this vicious cycle.
"BTW, she even has followed me over to a gay website, where she's trying to rile up the crowd with her trademark rants about white men being racists."
grinder, I would never be so inclined to impersonate you, much less follow you anywhere, not even to your own blog or website. In fact, I've always longed for you to go away and become "free willy" so that I don't have to be further subjected to your presence and your constant racist bullshit.
Of all the countless times you have been using every opportunity to provoke me, seek my attention, and then try to make me out to look like the monster.... why are you only now mentioning this so call website?
Let me make something fundamentally clear to you, because you don't seem to know when "yo belly gettin full". I have zero tolerance for dark online antics and dangerous lies that can potentially harm my reputation or person. Especially when it's based on a malicious lie or an ignorant assumption out of desperation. Do not make me have to bookmark this thread in need of justifying any of my actions to come. A word to the wise is sufficient.
You pretend to think that I'm just an idiot to you, but it's evident you have a dangerously bitter unresolved issue with me, and you don't know how to control your emotions. I can not help you. I do not care to help you feel all better inside. I do not care if you like me or not. I do not even care if you drop dead tomorrow. This is the last time I will address you on this thread.
I don't know how else to reiterate this. Quit while you're ahead.
"Who don't hear will feel".
(Field, I'm trying to be very patient with this provoking situation. It's getting out of hand, and as nasty and hurtful as I can be, I still try to be civil and respectful to you and your other readers.)
In Florida the state will be the plaintiff if the domestic partner refuses to press charges and there is evidence of domestic abuse/violence.
RT-"In Florida the state will be the plaintiff if the domestic partner refuses to press charges and there is evidence of domestic abuse/violence."
I don't think the state has a case in this case.
May I ask why is everyone assuming that if Tiger's wife was a Black woman she would have beaten him up or killed him over his infidelity? The vast majority of Black women I know in real life whose husbands cheat on them (sadly far too many) - these women are still in the marriages, some just tolerate and accept it, some hope that he will change, some choose to get rid of their anger by wrongfully blaming the other woman and hating ALL women, others think that by ignoring the problem it doesn't really exist or will go away. Others just allow the marriage to transgress into a neutral living arrangement: They live together, share the bills,etc. but he does his thing and they do their thing. Some just bury themselves in their work, their children or grandchildren.
My Black god-mother is in her seventies and she STILL calls my mother nearly every day to talk out her frustration over her horrible, cheating husband. And they have been married nearly forty years! She also sometimes take long vacations overseas (I mean MONTHS) to get away from.
Most of the Black women I know whose husbands are cheating - they put on a brave front for the rest of the world, but inside they are eaten up and humiliated. These husbands in many cases are even cheating openly on their wives, not being too secretive about it all.
I know a few Black women who thankfully did leave their husbands over their infidelity. But it was just a normal divorce or separation - nobody got beaten up or killed. So it doesn't make sense to me why people will assume this.
@Anonymous 2:43
I don't think the state has a case in this case.
I agree. And since there are no photos of Tiger's injuries to be leaked by the police. . .
In Florida the state will be the plaintiff if the domestic partner refuses to press charges and there is evidence of domestic abuse/violence.
"Evidence" is the key. Not enough of it here. Now, if they're called out there a second and third time, maybe.
La♥Incognita said...
(Field, I'm trying to be very patient with this provoking situation.)
I didn't get rescued from asshole stalking on this blog, why should you?
Which reminds me. I wonder if folks know that internet harassment IS against the law.
"Grata pointing the "blame finger" at bm, do you think a man would be looking to live with them? "
And what makes you think we want to live with them?
I am simply critical of Black men and their failing role in Black society, I don't wish to marry one. Take heart, there are plenty of Black women that are still holding out for your type.
"I didn't get rescued from asshole stalking on this blog, why should you?"
That's the difference between you and I. I was not looking for a rescuing. I was giving a warning. :)
Fly-"Which reminds me. I wonder if folks know that internet harassment IS against the law."
What determines internet harassment? and how does that intersect with free speech? and what is the penalty?
Where's Jody?
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