I am still waiting for the wingnuts and the FOX NEWS folks to blame the tsunami in Japan on Obama. Don't laugh, I am sure it's coming.
Speaking of FOX, Megyn (maybe if I hike my skirt up a little more and show my legs folks won't pay attention to how dumb I sound) Kelly is at it again with her own -reverse- racism chasing. (I swear that woman got burned by a one of you Negroes earlier in her life.) The latest news event pushing her color arousal buttons (h/t to Francis Holland for that phrase) is the police exam case in Dayton, Ohio.
Speaking of FOX, Megyn (maybe if I hike my skirt up a little more and show my legs folks won't pay attention to how dumb I sound) Kelly is at it again with her own -reverse- racism chasing. (I swear that woman got burned by a one of you Negroes earlier in her life.) The latest news event pushing her color arousal buttons (h/t to Francis Holland for that phrase) is the police exam case in Dayton, Ohio.
I will give it to you from a wingnut perspective:
"DAYTON — The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.
It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.
Dayton is in desperate need of officers to replace dozens of retirees. The hiring process was postponed for months because the D.O.J. rejected the original scores provided by the Dayton Civil Service Board, which administers the test.
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.
“It becomes a safety issue for the people of our community,” said Dayton Fraternal Order of Police President, Randy Beane. “It becomes a safety issue to have an incompetent officer next to you in a life and death situation.”
“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
The D.O.J. and Civil Service Board declined Dayton’s News Source’s repeat requests for interviews. The lower standards mean 258 more people passed the test. The city won’t say how many were minorities.
“If you lower the score for any group of people, you’re not getting the best qualified people for the job,” Foward said.
“We need to work with the youth and make them interested in becoming law enforcement officers and firefighters,” said Beane. “Break down the barriers whether they are real or perceived, so we can move forward in this community.”
The D.O.J. has forced other police departments across the country to lower testing standards, citing once again that not enough black candidates were passing..." [Wingnut source]
Ahhm, excuse me, but since when is 66% or 72% a great score? Look, I hate to break it you folks in the majority who are losing your minds because some blacks folks who aren't exactly Mensa candidates might get on a police force. But the last time I checked, police officers aren't exactly the type of folks in classrooms trying to figure out what is the geometrical meaning of the central extension of the algebra of diffeomorphisms of the circle, or the "Riemann Hypothesis". Sorry, they just aren't. Call me crazy, but I want my police officer to be able to work their sources, be street smart enough to handle themselves in tough situations, and know the law as it applies to their jobs. That's pretty much it.
So move along Megyn, there is nothing to see here. Time to start working your New Black Panther sources again.
Finally, last night it was Jalen Rose, tonight it's my man Adrian Peterson. America is mad at another one of you high paid high profile Negroes for not being happy with your station in life here in the land of the (some are) free. Adrian, you done went and compared yourself to a slave, and, as is to be expected, like Jalen, you are facing a backlash.
Here is an example from the Shutdown Corner sports blog on Yahoo:
"tell that knuckle dragger to go get a job like us........that stupid coon can afford all the fried chicken he wants while all the other apes have top rob for there fried chicken". Nice.
Adrian, let me leave you with one of my favorite sayings. And think about it the next time you want to speak your mind. (Which, by the way, you have every right to do.)
"There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a N*&&%r with a nickel."
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»"Call me crazy, but I want my police officer to be able to work their sources, be street smart enough to handle themselves in tough situations, and know the law as it applies to their jobs."
Instead you are going to get more affirmative action hires.
Again, tell me why blacks can't past the same test that whites,asians, and hispanics can?
This reminds me of Florida, a few years back.In order to get more black hires, they lowered test scores,when that didn't work they cut out the swimming part of the test cause black folks are scared of water.
Just more of Eric Holder and the Obama regime looking out for their "people".
Ahhm, excuse me, but since when is 66% or 72% a great score? Look, I hate to break it you folks in the majority who are losing your minds because some blacks folks who aren't exactly Mensa candidates might get on a police force.
Wait, the test was dumbed down once by the Bush administration, that didnt work, Blacks could not pass it. Now it's dumbed down again under a racist ideal by the DOJ and all you can compare it to is an extreme? A Mensa candidate really? Come on get real , how many Black Mensa candidates are there anywhoo???
How about we want people who can act out of intelligence and apply the law, yes they needs to know a little bit bout that shit before they tries to enforce it. Street smarts? Hopefully someone who doesnt have even a basic grade school education that can now become an officer of the law wont apply his thug smarts and knowledge.
So tell me again, why is that Blacks dont have the most basic skills and we all must dumb down standards to the point of making them non existent and you somehow try and paint Megan Kelly as being dumb when as a lawyer she would walk circles all around you and that conservatives are losing their mind because of racism being practiced by the DOJ to the point of outright favoritis picking the least among us to serve? No, this country has gone mad, why else woudl we want the worst of. Dont you have any pride at all, this is embarassing.
A man makes 10.2 million running with a football and he is a slave because he cant get more of what the owners put together as he said they are businessmen. Could he do that? I doubt it.
The Bushies looked out for their people; War-Contractors, Energy Companies, and Rich Folks to name a few. I didn't hear all the whining then.
In Pro Sports there's Rich (athletes) VS. Wealthy (Owners). The next lockout is going to be the NBA. Because they won't be talking about 9 Billion dollars in Revenue. They have a huge deficit. The reason for their debt is the players salaries.
If we want to look at what affirmative action/lowering standards can do for police departments,look at New Orleans during the 1990's.
If you showed up black, you got the job.Didn't matter if you was a drug dealer,pimp,gang member, or psychotic.
Negro, u's was hired!!!
"The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’."
You want some retarded dude to come try to give you CPR or try to figure out how to save your black ass from a fire who got his job just because he was a negro?
Come on. The test is fair, live with the results. Fire guys who can pass and hire guys who fail, makes sense if you're a democrat.
Hey Field, quit busting on the Vest on your sidebar man. The man stood up for four young brothers who just tried to get a little tat money by selling some of their own stuff. You would rather he hung them out to dry?
I have no problem with any Black person in America invoking slavery on whatever issue..I am tired of whites folks and Black apologists lecturing to Black folks on when we can discuss slavery ..I will discuss it 24/7 during Black History Month on MLK Day and on 24/7.. I will leverage slavery anytime I so desire..I am tired of being nice about slavery around white folks..WTF
"Call me crazy, but I want my police officer to be able to work their sources, be street smart enough to handle themselves in tough situations, and know the law as it applies to their jobs. That's pretty much it."
Devil's advocate (no pun): Field, I know that every state and administration is different, but I have seen some of those test. It appears to me, the things you mentioned are some of the key aspects of the test, but in written form.
Law enforcement officers need to learn and understand all relevant laws, basic psychology and safety procedures. This way they don't violate our rights, our safety, and their own. Some things should not be taught on the "streets". This isn't about street smarts, not algebra, this is serious business.
Here is the puzzling question: Why are "black" police candidates failing the written test? Even if the test are culturally bias, I'm sure they are given material to study and prepare.
These things are the repercussions of certain black children in America lacking early educational fundamentals. Instead, some of us black people rather focus on helping others jump that big ol fence only to drain the same economical and public school systems in America.
If white males dominated only due to privilege, then how did America become a national power on their backs alone?
Thrasher said..I am tired of being nice about slavery around white folks..WTF
Was you a slave Mr. Thrasher?
OK white folk let me explain about the test. You have two to three generations of family members who are policemen. They teach their kids from short pants days how to pass the test. Now whites are not genetically smarter than minorities, they just have their thumb on the scales.
Now Field you know about aliteration so when you say Chris Rock's comment you left it out. It goes "a cracker with a quarter is jealous of a N****r with a nickle".
Whites became a national power only because of Black Americans and other people of color..
I do and say what I want 24/7..I never ask for permission..I am a Black man
Blacks are not failing the tests..The tests are failing Blacks...
Tests which are designed by whites are inherently flawed as such they should not be the standard nor litmus test for anything..
Passing a nebulous written test has nothing to do often in many professions with reality..Police and Fireman tests have a lomg legacy of being irrevelant and having nothing to do with the rigors and performance of the actual job...
Tests have nothing to do with merit, skill ...Test taking is noothing more than Test taking...
kid said...
OK white folk let me explain about the test. You have two to three generations of family members who are policemen. They teach their kids from short pants days how to pass the test. Now whites are not genetically smarter than minorities, they just have their thumb on the scales.
Now Field you know about aliteration so when you say Chris Rock's comment you left it out. It goes "a cracker with a quarter is jealous of a N****r with a nickle".
Oh they get smarter and smarter with the excuses. I guess no one could pick up a book and "STUDY" for the test? Oh yeah, you would have to have gone to school and learned how to read past fourth grade to do that.
Amazing how lame you make Blacks sound. They are too dumb to study and pass a test, they cant read or write or pass a test unless daddy is a cop and he teaches them how to what...study?
Well, well, Field you seem to have a party in here tonight.
Ok, well you gave us the wingnuts version and a few knuckleheads grabbed the bait.We are talking about Dayton, "Ohio" no offense to the buckeye state but you hold the record for serial killers and a plethora of other honors. I'm sure, the scores were lowered across the board.
I'm sure of it
People who rely on test scores and outcomes to often fear actual competency and those with real life skills..
Tests are fictional excercises and can never reenact reality or a performance,,
In a culture where racism, politics and privledge have been the currency of the majority tests are a means to perpetuate privledge and a filter to exclude and create a firewall to inclusion..
Thrasher said...
"Whites became a national power only because of Black Americans and other people of color.."
Wrong. A propos whites’ supposed enjoyment of the un-or undercompensated fruits of black labor, reparationists frequently claim that “blacks built America.” This is patently untrue. At no time have blacks been a substantial part of the US population, and until the Second World War they lived largely in the rural South; they were a part of southern agriculture but played virtually no role in the development of the large cities, industrial complexes, universities and public projects that support American prosperity. In fact, it is precisely those parts of the country with the largest proportion of blacks that have traditionally been the poorest, which is the reverse of what we would expect if blacks were the source of American prosperity. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were English colonies that developed during the same period as the United States. If slavery was the basis of American prosperity, how did these countries achieve comparable levels of prosperity without it? Blacks did not contribute significantly to science, medicine or technology. America would have been different without blacks, but not poorer.
""Tests which are designed by whites are inherently flawed"
I am not arguing. But please give an example of this, one that you would find on one of these test.
Thrasher said...
Blacks are not failing the tests..The tests are failing Blacks...
Tests which are designed by whites are inherently flawed as such they should not be the standard nor litmus test for anything..
Passing a nebulous written test has nothing to do often in many professions with reality..Police and Fireman tests have a lomg legacy of being irrevelant and having nothing to do with the rigors and performance of the actual job...
Tests have nothing to do with merit, skill ...Test taking is noothing more than Test taking...
So says the Black man explaining away with excuses why tests cant be passed.
God I am so glad I am not you. Must really be mind blowing to have to make these lame infantile excuses.
So can you give me an example of one question that is designed by whites to interpret knowledge of the law that is unfair to a Black person?
You do realize that this argument is also very very tired old and innacurate? There are more Blacks in the back office for these departments then whites nowadays. So the test you say is "unfair" go ahead use the race card...may very well have been designed by a brother....who could read. is that unfair too?
Thrasher said..."Tests are fictional excercises and can never reenact reality or a performance,,"
Did you flunk out of the high school, Mr. Thrasher?
There really are a lot of Myths in Black Culture .
All one needs to do is open your eyes, open your ears and listen, observe and then all the spin is just cheap talk.
Thrasher said...
Blacks are not failing the tests..The tests are failing Blacks...
Tests which are designed by whites are inherently flawed as such they should not be the standard nor litmus test for anything..
I knew there had to be a reason why blacks can't pass these test like whites,asians, and hispanics do.
Why can't it be racist towards blacks?
Because you say so?
Standardized tests have historically been shown to have a cultural and/or racial bias.
If I were to give you a standardized test on English words that are unique to certain geographical areas of the country, are you sure that you could pass it?
Or would you innate whiteness give you the ability to pass it?
@Anonymous 11:40
You be amased what they teach you in college. If you're taking a multiple choice test with five choices for answers ranging from A to E using probability if you pick C you will at least score 50%. They don't teach that in the hood but they sure teach it in the suburbs. Not too many SAT or LSAT training classes in the hood either.
Could you please get your thumb off the scale ?
@Michael Levin
So we have a REAL white supremacist here tonight. Well Mike mother had you and mother fuck you. Follow the assholes hyperlink and see the shit he has. Like the story of the brother that gets white women pregnant for "payback" and they agree to have his baby. Hey I'll tell him to stop when you can control Robert Deniro and Bill Maher.
People are getting tired of the whole black people are stupid meme. Benjamin Banneker being a so called "full blooded" African made the first clock in America. He laid down the plans for the Capital from memory when the designer took the plans to Paris with him by mistake. Most of humanity are people of color. Half of the people on earth are Chinese. 1/8 of all the people born on eaarth are Nigerian. We're gamin' on ya Mike get ues to it bitch !
"Now Field you know about aliteration so when you say Chris Rock's comment you left it out. It goes "a cracker with a quarter is jealous of a N****r with a nickel"."
All the time and very true, and field I don't know why people (mostly whites and some black apologists) are angry with what Jalen Rose said about Duke and and how the recruit certain Black players. He told it from the perspective of a inner city public school player that Duke wouldn't even waste their time on.
In the early 90's I hated Duke and everything they stood for which they were labeled "White America's Basketball team because the media and fair- weather fans (who didn't know crap about basketball in general)lorded over them like they were a 'clean program' and I rooted for any team that beat their pants off just to see that pissed off look whites like Slappz get when their racism gets shoved backed in their faces.
What many white sports fans like is a kiss- ass Black Althete like Tiger Woods, O.J. Simpson and Kirby Puckett cooning and acting like Eddie "Rochester" Anderson with the 'yes sir bossman' rhetoric. But when their sins come to the fore then they are surprised and can justify their racism towards African- Americans but when someone like Jalen Rose is being himself and saying "his truth" then all hell breaks loose.
You would think those white sports fans would respect Rose's and Peterson's candor but I'm not surprised they would rather be lied to and pissed on, but what do you expect from fair- weather sports fans who know nothing and stereotype people from a race perspective but don't to be called a racist when they act that way.
Trapped in SC said...
>Standardized tests have historically been shown to have a cultural and/or racial bias.
If I were to give you a standardized test on English words that are unique to certain geographical areas of the country, are you sure that you could pass it?
Or would you innate whiteness give you the ability to pass it?<
On any standardized tests of any type, designed by anyone, whites always do about one standard deviation higher than blacks.
Pearbotham's Law.
kid: We're gamin' on ya Mike get ues to it bitch !
That is why America is declining. I hope you like it when it's gone.
kid: if you pick C you will at least score 50%.
Is that what you got, 50%? What a dumb motherfucker. White people don't teach their kids to put down "C" for every answer, the teach them to read, that's why they do better.
Here is an example from the Shutdown Corner sports blog on Yahoo:
"tell that knuckle dragger to go get a job like us........that stupid coon can afford all the fried chicken he wants while all the other apes have top rob for there fried chicken". Nice.
Leave Slappz alone Field.
As far as the test one big problem may be the kind of siats and brothas that would do well on the test don't want to be Dayton Police officers. My wife grew up in Dayton and it seems alot of folks are burning rubber getting the hell out of there. Maybe a good recruiting effort may help but since their Republican governor is cutting the benefits to cops the smart folks are staying away.
"So we have a REAL white supremacist here tonight."
No, Kid. He's a (say it with me) "Movement Conservative". He's the guy who tries to give some pseudo-fact based, empirical cover for the wingnuts and assorted racists and haters who makeup the far fight of the American political spectrum.
He's the guy that teaches the Government 101 class at your local college, goes off on a riff about welfare or Hurricane Katrina, and looks directly at the only black kid in the class, as if to lay all the blame for every American problem on little Jamal, who is the first person in his family to go to college.
And about Pearbotham's Law, it goes into more detail about the standard deviation from the mean when discussing pedophilia and the prevalence of whites as serial killers than it does about test scores, but thanks for the info.
kid wrote:
OK white folk let me explain about the test. You have two to three generations of family members who are policemen. They teach their kids from short pants days how to pass the test.
Oh. So this theory must explain the SAT scoring gap too.
Hmmm. Except that blacks go to school for just as many years as whites. And kids start to school at 4 or 5. Yet this SAT scoring gap exists. Why do whites and asians, as groups, ALWAYS score higher than blacks?
Now whites are not genetically smarter than minorities
Really? How do you know? Is there some credible research that confirms your view?
However, if by "minorities" you mean asians -- only about 6% of the US population is asian -- then you might have a point.
they just have their thumb on the scales.
The "thumb" is also known as "studying."
Trapped in SC said...
>And about Pearbotham's Law, it goes into more detail about the standard deviation from the mean when discussing pedophilia and the prevalence of whites as serial killers than it does about test scores, but thanks for the info<
Not that good at math, huh bro? I thought so.
And what was the name of that community college where the mean white professor made you feel dumb? Or is that just another lie?
thrasher, you wrote:
Tests are fictional excercises and can never reenact reality or a performance...
Really? So math tests are meaningless?
Is there a "cultural bias" in math?
How about sports? If an athlete does not practice, will he perform as well as he would if he did practice? Think of the game as a test.
How about surgery? Should we give you a filet knife, some fishing line and a needle and have you perform an appendectomy? Or should we first send you to medical school?
How about performing in a stage play? Should you memorize your lines, or just say whatever pops into your head?
kid, youwrote:
Benjamin Banneker being a so called "full blooded" African made the first clock in America. He laid down the plans for the Capital from memory when the designer took the plans to Paris with him by mistake.
You've been had. These tales of Banneker have all been debunked and none of them are true.
As for the first clock in America, well, don't make me laugh too hard.
However, it is true that a black teenager in Malawi recently became the first black in that country to learn enough physics to make a simple wind generator, like those that have existed in the rest of the world for a few hundred years.
Kid said..
People are getting tired of the whole black people are stupid meme. Benjamin Banneker being a so called "full blooded" African made the first clock in America. He laid down the plans for the Capital from memory when the designer took the plans to Paris with him by mistake. Most of humanity are people of color. Half of the people on earth are Chinese. 1/8 of all the people born on eaarth are Nigerian. We're gamin' on ya Mike get ues to it bitch !
My god, this is so sad and pathetic. You dont even know your own folklores and Black Myths. Bennaker wasnt credited with building the first clock in america, where in the hell did you get this tidbit from? Ghetto home schooling? Bennaker was falsely credited with remembering the entire plans for DC written by a frenchman (white guy) L'efant, who took the plans with him back to France.
According to Arenebeck, when L'Enfant refused to give up his map of the city, with all his recent fine tuning, Andrew Ellicott and his brother Benjamin, who came to D.C. to assist Andrew in late 1791, told Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and President Washington they were familiar enough with L'Enfant's plans to make a copy suitable for engraving.
But because the first name of Ellicott's new assistant was also Benjamin, the myth of Banneker remembering L'Enfant's plans took hold as Banneker was mistaken for Benjamin Ellicott.
I guess you proved why Blacks need to have tests eliminated.
trapped in SC asked:
If I were to give you a standardized test on English words that are unique to certain geographical areas of the country, are you sure that you could pass it?
Is this a serious question? Do you not STUDY for a test? Or do you believe that knowledge simply bubbles up in your head?
Trapped in SC said.
If I were to give you a standardized test on English words that are unique to certain geographical areas of the country, are you sure that you could pass it?
Such as ? Give me one example of a regional standardized test that is a disadvantage to someone not only geographically but by skin color. Presumably people learn and are schooled in the area they take tests are they not and what does color have to do with it? Bell Curve? Intelligence capability?
WIll (not) hold my breath for the example you must have seen to make this excuse...errr...statement.
Oh my God I feel so ashamed, I was wrong. Benjamin Banneker built the FIFTH clock in America, for shame. I also feel shame because the story about designing D.C. can't be proved or disproved. It seems that someone whom called Thomas Jefferson out on slavery had a lot of his papers destroyed. Someone tried to wipe someone out of the history books.
You must get your history from the Conservative Citizens Council who were formerly the White Citizens Council. They think that "smart" Black people are people like Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and Thomas Sowell. We call them asskissers. The people that are smart are people you hate like Stokley Carmichael, Huey P. Newton, George Jackson, Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, and the lisst goes on and on.
I am glad that I am a black Conservative with the highest of standards, even higher than the Whites. You see, I could from the period when Blacks had to be twice as smart as Whites in order to work beside them. The Negroes back during those times would score higher than the Whites. In fact, during those days, the Whites were for ways to lower some of those high scores.lol
That has all changed now. Now it has gone to hell in a handbasket. Now there are more illiterate and dumb Negroes than ever before. Hell a lot of Negroes can't even finish highschool and they don't even give a damn. It's terrible.
Brother Field, for your info, Mike Tyson has street smarts but I wouldn't want him as a cop in my community. I am surprised that a criminal lawyer, that is, if you really are one, would advocate such incompetence.
Kid, you are a funny dude. Whites must have really have fun poking at you and your sincere racist stupidity. Even your name attracts Whites...it has a nice childish ring to it. Keep on pushing, bro. lol
@Anonymous 2:42 AM
First cuz Black Conservatives have no standards, they just kiss white peoples asses. What's the difference between a dope dealer and a Black Conservative? The Dope Dealer eventually STOPS destroying his community, the Black Republican doesn't.
Second if you don't know by now that Field IS a real lawyer, then you must suffer from some sort of mental problem.
Finally there are a lot of Blacks that have degrees that are not working in their field.
Rush Limbaugh didn't graduate from college.
Sean Klannity didn't graduate from college.
Tom Joyner DID graduate from college but unlike Klannity he couldn't just walk off the street fresh from his construction job (or was he in the Village People) into Bob Grant's studio and get a job. Tom was a member of the music group "The Commodores". After he left Tuskegee he worked at TWO radio stations and would fly in the morning from one station in one city to another. Yes in America a Black man has to work TWICE as hard and TWICE as long as a white man.
Black people earned their Degrees, Paris Hilton didn't.
Yes a fat white pudgy bigot from New York can have a Nazi named Hal Turner over for a sleep over and invite him to the studio, and no one would question that.
@Anonymous 2:49 AM
Yeah you would think that I have "...sincere racist stupidity".
Stupidity would be a person like Jesse Lee Peterson who made a You Tube called "Jesse Lee thanks white people for slavery". If African Americans had to live in a United States ruled by people that think like Jesse Lee this country would look worst than Bosnia. I be damned if my friends, family and children have to live perpetually kissing white peoples asses. That may be your idea of Heaven , but it's my idea of Hell.
Kid Said...
Finally there are a lot of Blacks that have degrees that are not working in their field
Thats right, cause the mexicans are picking all the cotton now.
Rush Limbaugh didn't graduate from college.
Sean Klannity didn't graduate from college.
Yet they both can speak english without sayin yo mothafucka , know wut im sayin in every sentence, imagine that.
Yes a fat white pudgy bigot from New York can have a Nazi named Hal Turner over for a sleep over and invite him to the studio, and no one would question that.
ANd that has what to do with the price of beans in Miami other then you hate whites and feel brothers can be stupid because of a pudgy bigot?
I be damned if my friends, family and children have to live perpetually kissing white peoples asses. That may be your idea of Heaven , but it's my idea of Hell.
Don't kiss no ones ass, get your own. Its' that simple. Live and let live. No one wants you around with your racism anyway.
@ Anonymous 4:19 AM
I got my own but could you stop trying to rob my brothers and sisters.
Another thing could you stop playing the race card with hillbillies and letting them think that I want their stuff when it's actually the Koch brothers that are robbing them blind.
"Again, tell me why blacks can't past the same test that whites,asians, and hispanics can?"
Who says they could? When 66% and 72% are considered "great scores" and you have to take in 58% and 63% just to fill the ranks, that indicates a problem bigger than than the nigger-led DOJ throwing a bone to his dumb ape friends....shit, the "Freeper" really slipped out on that one.
Now on to Michael Levin, who's graciously left a linkback to the American Renaissance article outlining why blacks are unworthy of reparations.
I'm going to take another road and just say that all of the money that could possibly be offered to the black community wouldn't be enough to repay the blood, sweat and tears that went into building this country. And yes, black Americans contributed to making this country what it is today, along with the Chinese, Italians, Irish and other ethnic and national groups that found their way onto this land.
"If blacks are entitled to post facto compensation for acts that were legal when committed, why not everyone else?"
Because the labor produced by blacks during slavery's existence was unpaid and under duress -- being bound in chains, forced to work under threat of physical punishment or even death, and being bought, sold and traded in the same manner as livestock, with no option of leaving freely unless you were one of the lucky few to gain the meager coin you were allowed to receive and even luckier to actually purchase your freedom would be considered "under duress".
"Blacks did not contribute significantly to science, medicine or technology."
No one likes a liar.
Of course some whites feel the need to lie in order to preserve their personal view of blacks as helpless pygmies and savages before the civilizing hand of the white man tamed them for servitude.
@Thrasher, were you on Detroit radio 1270 yesterday? Cause someone took Foster and Valenti down.. LOL
@Field,,come on now.. you know us Black people that are successful MUST have either done it via white folks kindness or natural talent.
Petersen should just be happy they allowed him to play.
It's not like hard work, dedication, sacrifice, determination and repetition had anything to do with success. Oh no that simply couldn't be. I mean that would make all of those Fox news like people and their moronic followers liars and racists. Hmm....
"If white males dominated only due to privilege, then how did America become a national power on their backs alone?"
Huh? It helps to have folks working for you for free, no?
".. you somehow try and paint Megan Kelly as being dumb when as a lawyer she would walk circles all around you .."
I guess we will never know the answer to that question since she is terrified to step foot in a courtroom. Tell her to get back to me when she hears the words,"we the jury" while standing next to her client. ;)
Speaking of mini-skirt wearing 'lawyers'...Megan got handed her butt by a notlawyer...who had these Fact thingies.
Not very judge is Clarence Thomas.
Nice posts!
Ummm..the SAT began as a way to ensure that wite 'Mericans got the better options. Seems very few canny urban dwellers knew what a 'yacht' was...but every single bush and Quayle did. How many hillbilly Clintons were sent to the front...based on an exam that asked about upper middle class and rich social themes. My personal fave was being asked about polo...yes, even after a -few- years...I still recall that one of the questions involved an esoteric polo problem. Well, maybe not for Paris Hilton...
Funny how the racist Goobers aren't bringing up how superior they are in sports. They used to do that, back in the day. When there were separate and unequal things.
Remember, the FOX expert on energy was Donald Trump.
field, your article stated:
Under the previous requirements, candidates had to get a 66% on part one of the exam and a 72% on part two.
The D.O.J. approved new scoring policy only requires potential police officers to get a 58% and a 63%. That’s the equivalent of an ‘F’ and a ‘D’.
Lowering the "passing score" means only that MORE whites will pass. Meanwhile, as people should recall, simply "passing" a civil service exam does NOT mean the person is hired. It generally means the person is in a pool of applicants who will be considered for the job.
In any case, the only way to ensure that a "acceptable" percentage of blacks "pass" the test is to throw out the scores of the top 20% of white test-takers.
Or, as the city of New Haven did with its Fireman's Promotion Exam, it invalidated the results under orders from new Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, because too few blacks scored well enough to advance.
There are study guides for every standardized exam. Why is it so close to impossible for blacks to open a book and study?
mold is up and at em! get ready to talk much mess to kuntlick today that sow will show up sometime around 9 this morning and will post until 615 or so under the ab name then will go anon later OR to disprove this anon will only be loser anons in full force it is a pattern and so freakin obvious
ballzack is rite tho why lower the score requirements instead of making nuckas study more? soft bigotry of low expectations nuckas are intelligent people who have given much to this country intellectually so it is clearly not that nuckas aint smart it is that the nuckas who took the tests and failed are UNPREPARED and need to get their black asses up and study! Lowering requirements is bullshyt and even the most liberal mellanus maozetungian could see that!
kid, you wrote:
Rush Limbaugh didn't graduate from college.
Sean Klannity didn't graduate from college.
You forgot Bill Gates. He's another non-college grad.
What's your point? These three found paths to success that prove they have something on the ball.
It does not mean they did not work at their chosen pursuits. In fact, all worked tirelessly for the success they've had.
I suppose the black equivalent is found in sports and entertainment.
So the real issue boils down to how hard a person practices. How determined he is.
Anonymous said...
Speaking of mini-skirt wearing 'lawyers'...Megan got handed her butt by a notlawyer...who had these Fact thingies.
Not very judge is Clarence Thomas.
Nice posts!
Ummm..the SAT began as a way to ensure that wite 'Mericans got the better options. Seems very few canny urban dwellers knew what a 'yacht' was...but every single bush and Quayle did. How many hillbilly Clintons were sent to the front...based on an exam that asked about upper middle class and rich social themes. My personal fave was being asked about polo...yes, even after a -few- years...I still recall that one of the questions involved an esoteric polo problem. Well, maybe not for Paris Hilton...
Funny how the racist Goobers aren't bringing up how superior they are in sports. They used to do that, back in the day. When there were separate and unequal things.
Remember, the FOX expert on energy was Donald Trump.
And the village idiot Moldilox arrives. With so many random disconnected thoughts, you would think your mind is already too full for any more shit......Where do you keep it?
Really cool to learn that you failed your SAT because it had questions about Yachts and Polo on it. What will they think of next.
Oh I know is it true the Black Man invented the Paragraph? Have you seen one lately?
The Daily Buzz wasted 18 minutes of my life on a dumb-ass dog with 2 legs. Who really gives a flying fuck? (besides white people)
I guess tests in the good ole (boy) us of a, aren't racist, I guess every american in this country should know how many kernels are on a cob of corn.
mack lyons, you posted:
"If blacks are entitled to post facto compensation for acts that were legal when committed, why not everyone else?"
Because the labor produced by blacks during slavery's existence was unpaid and under duress...
Oh. What connection exists between blacks living in the US today and blacks who were enslaved prior to 1865?
Field himself came from Jamaica. How is it possible for someone whose forebears lived in another country to have a stake in reparations for descendants of US slaves?
"Blacks did not contribute significantly to science, medicine or technology."
The preceding statement is a painfully obvious fact.
George Washington Carver? Anybody else? Nope. Not in America. Not in Africa. Not in any country on the planet at any time in history.
If blacks had never existed, the body of human knowledge would experience no change.
"Speaking of FOX, Megyn (maybe if I hike my skirt up a little more and show my legs folks won't pay attention to how dumb I sound) Kelly"
She does this to increase black male viewership.Black males love white women more than they love chitlins.
She gets you to watch fields,doesn't she??
Or do you get your info about FOX from leftwing kook sites?
kid, you wrote:
Oh my God I feel so ashamed, I was wrong. Benjamin Banneker built the FIFTH clock in America...
Shame? Add embarrassment.
Do you really believe that in 1800 there were virtually no clocks in America?
Undoubtedly there were no clocks in Africa except where there were whites.
To open your eyes to some of man's achievements you should look at "The Creators" a book by Daniel Boorstin.
From it you'll get the history of clocks, among many other fascinating tidbits.
Slappy, keep beleeverating. It makes me laugh. ManDumpling was the filler for AM radio and was rated BELOW the local crazee preachers. He just happened to be the time filler for the company that was able (all praise st reagan) to become a nigh monopoly. And, his career trajectory was an 'uncontrolled landing into earth'. Gates had earned a Harvard spot and was successful there. Seems he, being a white dude, could take off a year or more to play at business. Not quite the same...but false equivalence is the wingnut stock in trade.
SPC, when will you start using Facts? Or, would their introduction 'refudiate' your thinkies and repeated cheers from FOX? Now it's pretenderate to false equivalence. Just because the sites you frequent are crap..does not mean that Lefty ones are. Feel free to prove them wrong. Not like OKeefe...but like an adult.
I guess we will never know the answer to that question since she is terrified to step foot in a courtroom. Tell her to get back to me when she hears the words,"we the jury" while standing next to her client. ;)
She practiced law in a courtroom for nine years and is also a published author in the American Bar Association's Litigation journal with an articl entitled "The Conflicting Roles of Lawyer as Director."
So what facts do you have that made you say she is a coward and what makes you try to paint her as incompetent never having tried a case in a courtroom?
the "wingnuts" have valid evidence on film
it has already been proven and it is truly no stretch...
HAARP felled japan
the us military owns HAARP
hobama is the sock puppet soldier in chief of the us military...
see more:
i am sure some hobama fans/corpses are wearing water logged tees in japan this am...
watch your own skies...
Moldilox, meds haven't kicked in yet have they? You are making less sense then you normally do, as if that was actually something I considered a possibility until now.
alicia banks said...
the "wingnuts" have valid evidence on film
it has already been proven and it is truly no stretch...
HAARP felled japan
the us military owns HAARP
hobama is the sock puppet soldier in chief of the us military...
see more:
i am sure some hobama fans/corpses are wearing water logged tees in japan this am...
watch your own skies...
Buceta bref.....youy never sawd a clowd like dat before youse need to get your heads outta dat pussy and looky up yas crazy assa beeatch.
i excuse no slackers of any race
the day we stop excusing the dumbing down of america in ALL races...
the day we start demanding that ALL races return to true academic toil and become real students who excel in all arenas...
THAT is the day the revolution will come!!!
all cops bleed blue
all dumbed down cops will bleed us all
ask any teachers forced to pass out awards to the vdlr's/her endless fertile clones' dumb demon seed...
kid writes:
Half of the people on earth are Chinese. 1/8 of all the people born on eaarth are Nigerian.
Hmmm. These delusions stand next to your delusion that Banneker was a leading American clock-maker in 1800.
The world's population is about 6.8 billion. About 1.3 billion people are Chinese.
Based on your statement 1.3/6.8 = 0.5. Thus we know your fared poorly on your math SAT.
As for the Nigerian birth rate, well, there are 140 Nigerians, which means there are 70 million female Nigerians. WE know Nigerian women start their baby-making at an early age, but not all 70 million are good breeders.
Anyway, again, if you were to look at the numbers and you were able to understand them, you would realize that Nigeria has a very high BIRTH RATE. But a pool of 70 million women cannot pump out 12.5% of all newborns.
Meanwhile, the DEATH RATE of infants born in Nigeria is also staggeringly high, which largely offsets the work of the prolific mothers.
thanks for the alert!
i now see...
today i am convinced that molded just posted as the vdlr....shame!!!!
Among others who did not finish or attend college but found success is Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computer. I believe his dorm-room business got too big too fast and he decided to leave school to make it bigger rather than stick around for a degree he would not require himself to have.
William Faulkner did not graduate from college. Ernest Hemingway never attended college.
But both received some intensive instruction in writing from recognized authorities. Private tutoring, more or less.
flawed tests exist
but not for lazy slackers who want to be police officers
a flawed test for a child would be:
what color is a banana?
a child with a suburban grocery experience would answer green or yellow
a child in a bodega/ghetto mart that only displays fruit trashed by suburban groceries would answer:
and each child would be correct!
only those children who answered yellow would most likely be given a passing score...
These tests are not that difficult and there are study materials.
The question is why are so many blacks failing it.
It's scary because over the years I've had encounters with white policemen in NYC, DC and Philadelphia and these folks are not brain surgeons.
u r a proud racist fool
ancient africans invented sci and math
and u have never heard of droves of great black scientists/scholars/math whizes etc
a great black gay man named george w carver etc
fix all asap
GW Carver was gay???
Now how would AB know that?
Perhaps the same way she knows Obama is gay.
tee hee
uptownsteve said...
GW Carver was gay???
Now how would AB know that?
Perhaps the same way she knows Obama is gay.
tee hee
She heard he liked to swish nuts around in his mouth until they got creamy and buttery.
there is truly no excuse to be any kind of fool today
especially a racist one..ya know?...
u r an old ignorant late beta male dl bitch
george was WAY out on campus way before it was cool
YOU do your homewk boy!
gwc was gay
hobama like his hero abe lincoln is bi
all have been documented fool
I heard about James Baldwin and Bayard Rustin but never GW Carver.
Any evidence?
Fun stuff!
joker uts:
and u should seek evidence before u post lame dl "jokes"...no??
many books document gwc being VERY out on campus at tuskeegee u lazy fool
hobama was a buck wild dl flamer all over chi...ditto for rahm
LOTS more evidence of all is easily accessible
get it yourself u lying oj slacker/gaybashing goon!!!!
Carver was instrumental in educating Black Farmers but he really borrowed from government pamphlets already published concerning peanut farming and useful recipes, including nut butter.
He was apolitical or as kid would put it a "tom" but what makes you say he was a pole smoker?
clueless uts:
closeted politicos date back to PREZ gw
Nice link Assnon
Some bitter goober devotes an entire website to the notion that niggers didn't invent anything.
Doncha luv it?
old coon overseer uts:
your foolish slave tom nig ass set off the kkk on genius/icon/gay... gwc herein today...
remember that is why i despise u
blog cops:
where r u all today???
gaybashing uts is bullying a great black man!!!
i am no bully
but i am a great proud perpetual bully slayer
and u dumb lazy late arrogantly ignorant illiterate mfs like uts make my serial slayings soooooooo easy!!!!
outtatownsteve, you wrote:
I heard about James Baldwin and Bayard Rustin but never GW Carver.
Any evidence?
Not that the homosexuality of these people is relevant to their achievements, but all three were recognized as gay.
The facts about Rustin and Baldwin were not secrets. With Carver, it's obvious when you look at his life.
In any case, his orientation takes nothing away from his work.
Two writers/thnkers and one scientist. Not much of a record for blacks.
A few days ago I walked down 125th St from Lexington Ave to Broadway and detoured a block to stop by the Hue-Man Bookstore.
Other than myself, there were NO customers/browsers in the store.
Meanwhile, the most heavily marketed books, those positioned for maximum visibility to everyone who enters the store were mostly Thug Lit or something close.
I'm willing to bet there are fewer books on display in that store than are on the shelves of my personal library.
Moreover, the store did not have a copy of Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man." In fact, it had none of his works.
But there was a complete collection of the works of Donald Goines.
There were plenty of street peddlers hawking books, incense, soaps and t-shirts. It looks as though they get their inventory from the Nation of Islam.
needs kisses today:
no slappz
"With Carver, it's obvious when you look at his life."
How so?
Because he never got married?
Are you willing to say Ed Koch is gay?
it is because he openly dated men fool!
just like hobama and rahm did in chi!!!
No slappz
"Two writers/thnkers and one scientist. Not much of a record for blacks."
You know I'm not sure that you say the stupid $hit you do to get a rise out of black whom you hate and fear or whether you do it for some badly needed self-esteem.
Here's just a small list of black scientists.
And what exactly do you do for a living anyway Slappz?
AB said: "a flawed test for a child would be:
what color is a banana?
a child with a suburban grocery experience would answer green or yellow
a child in a bodega/ghetto mart that only displays fruit trashed by suburban groceries would answer:
and each child would be correct!
only those children who answered yellow would most likely be given a passing score...
Hey sis, I agree, but this is where early productive reading material, and exposure to the world outside the "black community" comes in. These children can also gain the type of exposure needed through reading. These black children are not from another planet, they too live in America. This is no longer an excuse.
(There are people all over the world who have never touched snow, but they know what it looks like, what it may feel like, and how it's made).
Ed Koch is gay, duh!
is it a surprise that n-s lies?
here's the book store he is slurring.
if the book store was empty it was probably b/c they all saw you coming. i don't see anything from the nation of islam. would that be bill clinton? alicia keys? oh, ali...you're an ass.
but moms like the vdlr ONLY sit their kids in front of tv cartoons with hot dogs and soda....then run to the clubs/chase thugs etc
as long as that is so
we are all doomed
we are losing our race to the simple math of toxic turbo breeding
and ditto for all dumbed down fertile kin of molded
since 1984, i have been trauamatized by many clones of the vdlr and their demon seed as a teacher...
but the ONE thing that shocked me most are ALL of the babies who truly did not have ONE book or magazine or any remnant of any kind of reading material in their homes...
i bought them all books to keep always...
and reminded their sorry X-box
($300.00 retail/$60.00 games..) obsessed "parents" that u can buy 5 children's book at any dollar store for what u pay for one pack of cigs
Rest in Peace
i loved him...
"is it a surprise that n-s lies?"
Did anyone really believe that punk ass racist took a leisurely stroll down 125th St.?
"but the ONE thing that shocked me most are ALL of the babies who truly did not have ONE book or magazine or any remnant of any kind of reading material in their homes..."
Yes, this is one of the main problems within the black communities.
nate loved black women and we loved him back!
with beauty and brains to spare
dr ben carson is yet another med sci genius
Kid, "First cuz Black Conservatives have no standards, they just kiss white peoples asses. What's the difference between a dope dealer and a Black Conservative? The Dope Dealer eventually STOPS destroying his community, the Black Republican doesn't."
Kid, the Black Conservative is trying to lift the black community up, not destroy it. It's the progressive liberal black dems who follow the white liberals with complete devotion who are destroying/have destroyed cities like Detroit, Cleveland and other urban cities. The Liberal Progressive Dope Dealer doesn't give a shit, they are just out to get folks like you all strung out. I am surprised that even someone like you does not know this simple fact of black life in Cleveland.
Kid, "Second if you don't know by now that Field IS a real lawyer, then you must suffer from some sort of mental problem."
Oh, I am confident that Field has a Law degree. I am not sure how competent he is, considering his comments about Megyn Kelley. I mean, who the hell watches her, let alone listen to her? A person who follows FOX News?
Btw, whether Megyn has been in the court room, or not, doesn't mean she isn't a good lawyer. Take it from me: Some of the dumbest people on the planet are in the court rooms. Every last one of them has a law degree. You see, competent lawyers are like good mechanics-they are hard to find. Those law degrees only prove that ANYONE can get one, provided they willing to put in the time. The same goes for a mechanic, who still doesn't know shit about a car.
"Finally there are a lot of Blacks that have degrees that are not working in their field."
What does that question refer to??? are you just throwing out shit because your Black Liberal Progressive Dem mind is shot?
i have taught many babies who could not even properly hold a pencil or crayon or spell their own names at 6...
but these same kids could take a play station and hook it up like a techie in moments etc...
because children do what they see and we all do best what we do most often...
i saw my parents reading constantly
they never smoked or drank
ditto for me
and to date as always
my book and music
libraries in my home are my most prized posession etc...
no child
no race
no space
is immune to the doom
"but the ONE thing that shocked me most are ALL of the babies who truly did not have ONE book or magazine or any remnant of any kind of reading material in their homes..."
LAA, "Yes, this is one of the main problems within the black communities."
I still have a problem with that reality. It's a form of self-sabotage and parents not giving a damn about the future of their children. It's unbelievable, but very real. It's depressing.
millions of teachers are medicated to deal with that depression...i hate drugs so i resigned
and i never would have believed it had i not seen it so many times myself...
that is why i have 0 tolerance for dogs like hobama who scapegoat teachers for charter school cash/who have never set foot in a public classroom/sat with a teacher for 60 mins etc...
outtatownsteve, you wrote:
Because he never got married?
Are you willing to say Ed Koch is gay?
Ed Koch is gay. Is this really news? To you, maybe. But no one else. It is simply a non-issue.
outtatownsteve, you posted:
"is it a surprise that n-s lies?"
Did anyone really believe that punk ass racist took a leisurely stroll down 125th St.?
Of course I have no way to prove -- on this blog -- that I walked crosstown on 125th Street the other day. It was Sunday afternoon.
HOwever, I did pick up some flyers at the HueMan bookstore. One was about a financial planning seminar at which Sharon Epperson will make an appearance. It's scheduled for late April.
One flyer was for a reading of a play by Ed Bunnel, to be held this weekend. The play is about Ashanti Shakur, that most honorable murderess now residing as a guest of Fidel in Cuba.
The bookstore had the air of a public school during vacation. Empty.
"Yes, this is one of the main problems within the black communities."
But I bet there were plenty of books in your house though, right LAA?
You were one of the "special" negroes.
I recall Katie Couric asking Governor Sarah Palin what books she has read and she couldn't name one.
gwb/NO white prez could EVER get away with literally DESTROYING public ed
and flagrantly BETRAYING and blaming teachers the way that hobama and his charter school bankster posses are doing...
For the first time in generations, a presidential election campaign saw virtually no demands from the Black side of the electorate. Two years into Barack Obama’s term, a code of silence remains in force. “Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%?” And why this peculiar behavior by Black people? “Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for.
Since when does making demands on a politician make you the sell-out? Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%? Did the black community give up its rights to make demands because the president is black? That seems to be the argument that is being articulated by black mainstream pundits. It’s the familiar Democratic refrain that usually comes from white Democrats: don’t speak up too much because it will scare white folks. So instead we should remain silent, even as white folks are already scared that they are “losing their country” to the Muslim socialist from Kenya. But if the vast majority of the voting black community pulled the lever for him, then they should expect something back besides some speeches and chastisement on failing to be good parents
Other coherent black demands that can be made include school and police decentralization, having parents and community members have a real say in who gets hired and fired in the classroom and in the precinct. The government could offer block grants to facilitate the turning over of public housing to the residents to create a layer of wealth as opposed to destroying this housing. The creation of land trusts to keep housing stable in various communities. More moderate demands could be set asides for black business or businesses that employ a certain amount of so-called minorities. More federally sponsored health clinics in black communities to deal with issues including infant mortality. There are many more, this is just a sampling of demands that could be made...
No slappz
Until Ed Koch announces he's gay I'm not assuming anything.
Heck Giuliani was the one who roomed with a gay dude when his wife kicked him out the house.
i saw my parents reading constantly
they never smoked or drank
ditto for me
and to date as always
my book and music
libraries in my home are my most prized posession etc...
Is your Mom a LeZ-Bean too? Did you learn how to eat pussy by watching her do it?
uptownsteve said...
No slappz
Until Ed Koch announces he's gay I'm not assuming anything.
Heck Giuliani was the one who roomed with a gay dude when his wife kicked him out the house.
You seem to be really up on the Hershey Highway Community, somethin about you your wife don't know? While she payin the bills are you playin with Bills?
u hate drugs so u resigned from teaching? hey wait a minute kuntlick eye thought u was a tutor of gifted kids and a stellar teacher and the smartest person on the planet and a scholar what happened kuntlick? couldnt maintain classroom control due to substandard teaching skills eh? doesn't surprise me one iota u r incompetent!
how dare u besmirch gw carvers name by calling him a fagget! all u do is call anybody successful a gottdam fagget phukk u he wadn't no fagget like ur chriflin buceta lickin ass stank breaf banks!
my book and music
libraries in my home are my most prized posession banks
really kuntlick ude think that ur wall of whose who awards was even more important ya gottdam fraud liar and loser buceta breaf moron!
read all of the filthy illiterate envious inbred racist lying pedopohile turbo breeding assnons above...
they are the NORM in america!...this is why we are all doomed!!!
this is why genocide is real and valid....shame!!!!!!!
lickless awardless vdlr:
let me be humble ok???!!!
well...i have always been really proud of my wall of fame in my home office...HUGE SMILE!
i love the attn it gets from all who enter/techs/pals/etc....
"wow...you have a LOTS of awards!"
the best part is when i get to say:
"well...most of them are filed away...no wall space"
do u even got one frayed hair salon perm poster/lil wayne poster/pkg store poster etc?
Obama says you should take time out from filling out your NCAA brackets to donate to the Japanese:
This guy really IS a moron.
vulgar pedophile bastard:
it is too clear that you have never had any parents.
and like the 1st cousins who bred you then bailed, even a peer pedophile would skip over a retarded repulsive reject like you.
even your jack hand cramps and sleeps from sheer boredom...
carry on u nasty trashed sexless brainless orphan...
just make sure u never get lucky and breed...pleez!!!
AB its hard to argue with that editorial about why the black electorate refuses to hold the president accountable. And what Glen lists at the end of his editorial are simply modest changes, but even those clearly are not forthcoming.
hobama nazis really ONLY want TOTAL silence...
as in blindly suicidal collusion with ALL hobama does...
they pretend they want such modest suggestions and then violently reject even those...
see how that post set off the rabid vdlr??
see how silent LAC is?
i will never worship any human especially a demonic hoax like hobama
@Field you have a point how smart do cops have to be. And you are right just passing the test for the folks who score between 66 and 72 percent doesn't say a lot as well.
I think some of this may be overblown. It doesn't seem to me that cops have to have a very high IQ to tell folks what to do or write a ticket, or to arrest somebody and they definitely don't need a high IQ for the other unofficial and unlawful acts that too many of them carry out.
Having blacks on the police force is paradoxical at least to me, because on the one hand I don't believe that police in this society built on injustice can ever really be just.
The system of policing is at bottom about reinforcing the power relations betweent the classes. Put simply the police represent the ruling rich the power structure. And every time they hit you with their stick no matter what color or age or sex they are reminding you of your place in this society.
So few black cops qualifying isn't a problem for me. But of course if thats one thing then yes the test should be fair and culturally sensitive.
ditto mell
as an educator
i refuse to coddle any slackers of any race anywhere!!!
and i see even black cops as blue first!
that blue = BLUES for us all!!!
Did anyone hear Larry Kudlow's remarks on the Japanese disaster? And folks think this society is built on anything other than the profit motive.
"After the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan failed to induce a market nosedive, CNBC’s Larry Kudlow expressed his relief in terms that seemed to appall even his fellow cheerleaders for capitalism: “The human toll here,” he declared, “looks to be much worse than the economic toll and we can be grateful for that.”
Notice no one or few folks are talking about firing him.
I also blogged about it here:
Mell, that was because his boss and his audience...AGREED with his 'analysis'. Though some might consider that callow youths might benefit from learning to work (Bristol Palin, Ben Quayle, Luke Russert, Doocy, bushTwins, Santorum, Toomey,etc)...what the Fwee Marketers want is wage reduction and near slavery working conditions.
He meant it...and only reconsidered when he discovered that most people think one should not be happy over the misery of others. It's sick.
Mold I agree, did you read my blog? If you did what did you think of the point I was trying to make?
mellaneous, you posted:
CNBC’s Larry Kudlow expressed his relief in terms that seemed to appall even his fellow cheerleaders for capitalism: “The human toll here,” he declared, “looks to be much worse than the economic toll and we can be grateful for that.”
Wow. Ohhh. Kudlow spoke in a clumsy way. As if it matters that a financial gasbag speaking on live TV says something that sounded a little strange.
Meanwhile, the statement was made on Friday, before the magnitude of the situation was understood.
Moreover, unlike Hannity, Limbaugh and others, he's not in the business of trying to make inflammatory statements on air.
By the way, does BET have a financial show? CNBC has hired a few black reporters. Sharon Epperson and a couple of black guys.
But really, if you have any hope of being taken seriously by the white financial community, you need to show more interest in financial and economic matters.
Believing in conspiracy theories does not count.
excellent blog mell!
sheer UNCHECKED UNPRECEDENTED UNSEEN evil looms globally
and that blackish demon hobama is at the helm
Japan’s nuclear industry, which was never favored by majorities of the Japanese people, has been cracked, drowned and discredited by the earthquake and tsunami. Many U.S. reactors share the same design flaws and inherent dangers, yet “the United States government still has no real means of responding to disaster.” President Obama is America’s biggest booster of nuclear power – as well as the oxymoron, “clean coal.”
The business of building new nuclear power facilities was all but dead in the United States until Barack Obama resurrected it in 2010. At the time he announced $8 billion in loan guarantees no new nuclear plants had been built in the United States in many years. They lacked public support ever since the Three Mile Island accident of 1979 and they were far too costly to build. In addition, the problem of storing nuclear waste was never resolved and presents serious health and safety problems that last quite literally for thousands of years. Of course nothing changes the game like money, and the Obama announcement brought this dying industry back to life.
Those environmentalists who were willing to go along with Obama administration plans for nuclear power have now been discredited. An unwillingness to take on the president and his party has once again been proven to be of dubious value. There will always be unexpected events in the natural world, and we can always expect that governments will do as little for the people of the world as they possibly can. Let the nuclear industry die off, and we will have one less reason to live in fear.
as an educator
i refuse to coddle any slackers of any race anywhere!!!a banks
A so called educator who got fired from teaching? A so called educator who hasn't taught a kid in over five years and who has restraining orders against her for child abuse and neglect? Yeah sure Miss Educator....
you are too stupid to lie and slander.
Slappy, nice attempt to make Kudlow seem less a ***t. Kudlow pretty much knew at least 10K Japanese were dead...and he worries his 'beautiful mind' over the economic toll.
He's a creepy, creepy man.
AB, you should stop being a wite dude hanging with other conspiracy crackers. If you had, you would know what the Enviros had thought about Obama. Seems that they have been blogging for a few years...and you are only spewing wite, wingnut propaganda.
Mell, I'll take a peek.
as an educator
i refuse to coddle any slackers of any race anywhere!!!a banks
A so called educator who got fired from teaching? A so called educator who hasn't taught a kid in over five years and who has restraining orders against her for child abuse and neglect? Yeah sure Miss Educator....
Miss Educator has no publications.
Miss Educator has no paper trail to show her supposed accomplishments.
Miss Educator spends all her time insulting people on this website.
Miss Educator is in a mental ward due to a series of breakdowns over the past ten years.
Miss Educator is a liar, a cheat and a loser.
Don't believe anything it says because it only speaks lies. buceta breaf banks that is...
i am a beloved FLAWLESS educator/columnist/radio producer & host/scholar/activist/warrior/spouse/daughter/sister/aunt/mentor etc
u stalker??????????
i currently teach business comm classes to adults
i currently teach children privately
i am 47 and have never been fired ever
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
i have never had any restraining order filed/never even been arrested
but this i promise you bitch:
my atty has one waiting for the vdlr rat nigh!!!!
Oh Miss Educator you removed your post at 437PM, pray tell why? Oh because it was a ridiculous attempt to save face when you were so clearly outed as the incompetent non credentialed mentally unstable person that you really are. Go do some breathing exercises and take your meds sweetie pie.
uneducated unlicked unscrupulous
unaccopmplished unseen untruthful
unkempt vdlr:
like hobama, YOU LIE u turbo breeding hater!!!!
Oh you simply reposted the comment but have now added those ridiculous awards that you bought with your SSI pocket money to stroke that fragile ego of yours poor thing...It must be hard being so unintelligent with no prospects that things will get better for you. Oh well. Not everyone deserves a charmed life. buceta breaf banks loser...
faceless lickless vdlr:
i removed nothing u liar
i EXTENDED it as u r my perpetual inspiration to edit and SLAY with EXTRA info herein
scan up u lying blind butch bald bitch
So you teach business classes to adults? Thought you tutored 'gifted children' then thought you taught then you said you resigned from teaching. Your lies aren't even adding up fool! buceta breaf banks!
You removed your comment at 437 then reposted it plain as day you always do that when you are bested and can't think of anything else to say. You go back to your whose who awards that you bought with SSI money that don't mean anything in the professional world. You've never had a job otherwise you'd know how useless those whose who awards really are. But just goes to show that you are a fiction; a lie; someone who doesn't exist in the real world as they do online. In the real world you are lower than an dog shit. buceta breaf banks that is...
You've never had a job otherwise you'd know how useless those whose who awards really are. But just goes to show that you are a fiction; a lie; someone who doesn't exist in the real world as they do online. In the real world you are lower than an dog shit. buceta breaf banks that is...anon wit sense
tru dat!
awardless lickless vdlr:
stroke lick & frame this u rabid turbo breeding bitch!!!
President Obama is taking the budget from the Bush years, adding to the military, and cutting or freezing everything else. The budgetary crisis in state governments and in people's homes continues to worsen. The Wall Street and corporate bailouts that Obama helped Bush impose on us have only escalated since Obama moved to the White House. But Obama wants everything non-military that might divert money anywhere other than the richest of the overlords to be frozen, cut, or eliminated. When Bush tried to cut off poor people's heat in the winter, ACORN raised hell and stopped him. When Obama did the same, ACORN had already been eliminated. Obama now wants to eliminate what's left of taxes on corporations
For a time, Obama had more troops and mercenaries in the field than Bush had ever had. Now he doesn't, as a result of a partial withdrawal from Iraq. But Obama has embraced the myth that a 2007 escalation in Iraq caused a reduction in violence there, and he has applied that myth to Afghanistan with escalations in each of the past two years leading predictably to increased violence. Obama has taken a low-scale war in Afghanistan and dramatically worsened it. He has ignored, covered-up, and passed the buck on endless war crimes. He has radically expanded the use of drones, including into Pakistan. He has sent troops into Pakistan and at one point, according to news reports, into 75 nations, 15 more than Bush. Whether you count small-scale death squads as "wars" or not, the drone bombing of Pakistan certainly looks warlike, and that has happened without even the pretense of congressional authorization, and in the face of United Nations condemnation of illegality. Obama has added more U.S. military bases in more foreign nations, boosted weapons sales to nations we may some day have the opportunity to fight wars against, and continued the privatization of the military and the employment of the most notorious corporations of the Bush era -- helping to establish their immunity.
ah poor banks is starting to use cuss words that is sad ude think the smartest person in the world with a 250 iq could figure out how to use language in a more witty way but alas just more proof in the tapioca that this is a lyin chrick were dealin wit on this blog besides that didnt it post Bible scriptures the other day stating that only spiritually deprived people use cuss words? guess it take one to know one
didnt ab post Bible scriptures the other day stating that only spiritually deprived people use cuss words? what a hypocrite that schizo dont even follow its own dictates cuz its a fiction!
taken from a couple of days ago kuntlicker:
Proverbs 11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
clearly u dont even know what ure posting ya idgit
jobless lickless ebt card seller awardless cursing "christian" dreg:
u do yo job and get to wk on dis!
ya heard trick???
Under George Bush, the Republicans were ideologically wedded to providing public money for private school vouchers. Charter schools were their second choice for weakening public education. But corporate Democrats like Obama saw that charterization was a much more politically acceptable way to privatize many more schools in a much shorter period of time, while maintaining the veneer of public education. Most importantly, charter schools are the best vehicles for handing control of education over to private corporations while the public continues to pay all the costs. Hedge funds and all kinds of speculators and hustlers have discovered that charter schools are a no-risk, potentially high-profit proposition – that is, no risk to themselves. The charter school racket is the perfect Trojan Horse for corporate domination of the classroom, at public expense, opening up a new, wholly subsidized educational “market” valued at hundreds of billions of dollars a year, in which the public pays and the private parties profit. And that's why Obama is a greater danger to public education than the Bush brothers ever were.
Obama is counting on Republican support for reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, as well he should, since George Bush’s program opened the door to Obama’s efforts to break teachers unions and create a national system of charter schools. The differences between George Bush’s educational policies and Barack Obama’s are in emphasis, not intent. In a practical sense, Obama’s policies represent an even bigger danger to public education.
“Because he is a Democrat, the leadership of the two national teachers unions pretend Obama is a friend.”
In the slick, sly way of the corporate Democrat, Obama avoids the worst rhetorical excesses of his Republican partners in the anti-public education project. You won’t hear Obama’s Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, calling the nation’s largest teachers union a “terrorist organization,” as Bush education chief Rod Paige did back in February of 2004. Instead, Arne Duncan travels around with arch-reactionary Newt Gingrich and Obama’s Black pit-bull Al Sharpton on a Three Stooges tour promoting their common agenda for non-union charter schools run by private companies. Obama fires teachers en mass, in numbers beyond George Bush’s wildest dreams, while making hypocritical noises of support for the profession. And because he is a Democrat, the leadership of the two national teachers unions pretend Obama is a friend, or at least the lesser of two evils, when in reality he is the greater threat.
You've never had a job otherwise you'd know how useless those whose who awards really are. But just goes to show that you are a fiction; a lie; someone who doesn't exist in the real world as they do online. In the real world you are lower than an dog shit. buceta breaf banks that is...anon wit sense
didnt ab post Bible scriptures the other day stating that only spiritually deprived people use cuss words? what a hypocrite that schizo dont even follow its own dictates cuz its a fiction!
taken from a couple of days ago kuntlicker:
Proverbs 11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
clearly u dont even know what ure posting ya idgit
You've never had a job otherwise you'd know how useless those whose who awards really are. But just goes to show that you are a fiction; a lie; someone who doesn't exist in the real world as they do online. In the real world you are lower than an dog shit. buceta breaf banks that is...anon wit sense
You removed your comment at 437 then reposted it plain as day you always do that when you are bested and can't think of anything else to say. You go back to your whose who awards that you bought with SSI money that don't mean anything in the professional world. You've never had a job otherwise you'd know how useless those whose who awards really are. But just goes to show that you are a fiction; a lie; someone who doesn't exist in the real world as they do online. In the real world you are lower than an dog shit. buceta breaf banks that is...
4:49 PM
fake liar vdlr:
i openly hate all religions
u r the vulgar silly mf who went all mother superior/saint mouth on mell
THAT is why i slew your illiterate ignorant ass with your own buybull u unholy hater bitch
got amnesia to go with that envy and illiteracy much???????
The whole comparison of the NFL gridiron to the slavery plantation is a stupid one.
Yesterday, I had to endure "106.7 The Fan's" Lavar Arrington's "analysis" of why the NFL is like slavery.
When a person makes such a comment, he/she shows his/her lack to think critically.
For those who cannot discern between the two, let me help you. Slaves had ZERO negotiation about their predicament. NFL players choose to play football; they have agents negotiating for them.
We should accept most athletes for who they are, well, just athletes; and should not expect any critical thought from them.
jobless welfare rat vdlr:
just because u do 0 jobs
does not mean many like me do not work 2-4
some of us want more from life than free eggs and cheese and milk via wic/ebt...
sorry sweetie pie its so clear that ure angry rite now why all the profanity honey? eye alwasys thought that smart people like urself don't have to say things like bitch or vdlr or stupid ten year old stuff to make a point. ude think u were a teenage white kid the way u talk and even cuss sorry hon u make no sense buceta breaf
Another thing I have to endure while listening to sports talk radio is the resentful losers who call in and compare their jobs with the jobs of NFL players.
I just want to call in tell these losers to wake up. Teachers, firefighters, soldiers come dime-a-damn-dozen! The skillset required to play in the NFL is a specialized skillset that does not come a dime-a-dozen. You would think the idiots that preach "free market" and "no socialism" would grasp that concept.
after the kuntlick is bested or slayed as it might say it decides to cloud up the comments with inane references to shit it is too stupid to understand or even read for that matter its purpose is to phukk up the harmony and scare people from speaking their truths but the strategy is obvious every day from 9-615PM the kuntlick posts as ab then changes to other sockpuppets at night
no slappz
"By the way, does BET have a financial show? CNBC has hired a few black reporters. Sharon Epperson and a couple of black guys.
But really, if you have any hope of being taken seriously by the white financial community, you need to show more interest in financial and economic matters."
For a guy who seems to live to promote the supposed intellectual superiority of whites, you sure are a dumb mofo and I never get tired of proving it.
Black Financial Shows and Advisors
uptown steve ab or sockpuppet #1056 has deleted their irrelevant comment
Why shore...wite couch dudes know soooo much about the game...seeing as they play it by theyself all the livelong day.
Now, let me get this understood. I should accept the word of owners, who lied when they wanted publicly funded stadiums, tax breaks, dispensation from labour laws? And I should disdain the statements of some players because of the colour of their skin? What exactly, does colour have to do with describing working conditions that you can't accept? And..this time...the owners are not lying...unlike all the other umpty gajillion times.
awardless brainless jobless inharmonious ignorant illiterate vdlr:
did u actually just post some bs about harmony????
a cursing cursed crazy crackhead blog roach like you lamenting harmony
is akin to snoop dog lamenting the smell of weed in his perm.
it is clear you will never have any harmony in your life until u get that ged u haunted hater.
trade that ebt card for a fake "award" asap...
u will never earn a real one!!!
UTS, Slappy and SPC just learnerated about asking for sources...and some pudgy 'pass for' done made them learn it real good.;)
Both of them must live in Outer Heeyuckistan. Or they dwell in the Basement of Mom, quaking in terror of the Gigantic AfAm Maleness. -snicker-
You'd think that a group shower in a public school would show that myth to be only in the mind of perverted planter scions.
jobless uneducated vdlr:
u r no broker and no role model
u need to get 1 job before u advise those of us who work for a life u will never know....k?
cc that bs to your brats' social workers mf.
just because u do 0 jobs
does not mean many like me do not work 2-4
kuntlick banks
gee kuntlick if u r so smart why u gotta allegedly work 2-4 jobs? that dont sound efficient to me...gosh eye mean...eyed always imagined that people who effectively leverage their time are geniuses like those on wallstreet that only work six months out of the year then vacation the other six but clearly u aint intelligent enough to get that ure still stuck in the rat race! what a sorry silly kuntlickin moron u r! u aint smart!
oh u poor thing evidently this anon must have rattled ur little cage *cough* ur gargantuan cage ya disgusting piece of dung
but how is it that lil ole me can conjure up some insults without cussing but u cant?
Miss Educator are u sure that ure the smartest person in the world? cuz eye dont see evidence of that at all!
"Or they dwell in the Basement of Mom, quaking in terror of the Gigantic AfAm Maleness."
You know it.
rabid mangy canine in heat vdlr:
smart people speak accurately and precisely.
that is why we all call you and all clones of u bitch...bald buffonish bitch.
and more about the dung eater...whenever it is backed into a corner it retreats while other anons come to defend her or it comes back and posts further inanities that may or may not have anything to do wit the post at hand ie the chriflin chrick is craaaazy!
sorry hon what ure saying makes no sense considering what uve said in the past u r disjointed and crazy and uve made that very clear for all to see if u were smart ude figure out another more intelligent and witty way to insult people but u clearly lack the capacity u in fact, darling, are boring because its so clear what u will do and say next hon so clear..
*yawn* cretinous sow just yawn
oh dear upon my gods ab is quite upset eye wonder why? all eye did was ask her to prove up anything she said and she cussed at me eye pointed out the bible scriptures that she posted yesterday but she cussed further eye asked her how come she aint solved the problems of the world if she so smart but instead she threatened anons with legal action
does that sound like someone who is on the up and up about their achievements? no it sounds like a pathetic dungeater who eats infected goat leggings for lunch!
200 nucka 200!
dumb witless wigless weaved number one stalker fan vdlr:
thanks for all the backhanded compliments.
u psycho uneducated unlicked unintelligent untamed bitch...
we all know u want to be me!!!
it is clear you will never have any harmony in your life until u get that ged u haunted hater.
trade that ebt card for a fake "award" asap...
shyteatin banks
gee Miss Educator how come u know so much about ebt cards eye never heard of it till eye saw ur comments about them honey ur socioeconomic class is very low and u know good and well ur ass gets ssi ssdi and all type of government assistance to fund ur crazy ass cuz u sho nuff cant get no phukkin job!
oh dear upon my gods ab is quite upset eye wonder why? all eye did was ask her to prove up anything she said and she cussed at me eye pointed out the bible scriptures that she posted yesterday but she cussed further eye asked her how come she aint solved the problems of the world if she so smart but instead she threatened anons with legal action
does that sound like someone who is on the up and up about their achievements? no it sounds like a pathetic dungeater who eats infected goat leggings for lunch!
5:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
and more about the dung eater...whenever it is backed into a corner it retreats while other anons come to defend her or it comes back and posts further inanities that may or may not have anything to do wit the post at hand ie the chriflin chrick is craaaazy! buceta breaf banks that is...
oh dear upon my gods ab is quite upset eye wonder why? all eye did was ask her to prove up anything she said and she cussed at me eye pointed out the bible scriptures that she posted yesterday but she cussed further eye asked her how come she aint solved the problems of the world if she so smart but instead she threatened anons with legal action
does that sound like someone who is on the up and up about their achievements? no it sounds like a pathetic dungeater who eats infected goat leggings for lunch!
5:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
and more about the dung eater...whenever it is backed into a corner it retreats while other anons come to defend her or it comes back and posts further inanities that may or may not have anything to do wit the post at hand ie the chriflin chrick is craaaazy! buceta breaf banks that is...
buceta breaf ude think that a smart person could insult a person with more wit and class than ur chriflin behind but go figure liars never impress! so now that uve been outed as a fraud and liar u try to insult this anons family? do u know how utterly foolish you sound? like somebody with dung smeared on their face talking bout they dont know who ate the shyt! ure a total disappointment a liar a loser and a fraud for anyone stupid enough to believe u kuntlick buceta breaf banks...that is
unlicked unglued vdlr:
unlike u, some of us actually live without govt dole...
though that is as foreign to you as real academic awards
u lie like hobama bitch
talk is cheap
ask your untamed tiger and the side pcs he talks to each day u trifling trick
we rich people never cast pearls among swine
why then should i do anything BUT curse a vulgar illiterate cussing sow like u?????????
uh oh 615 is fast approaching buceta breaf will go down and eye thank the gods for that
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