He sounded like a parent reading a nursery rhyme to a child. He just didn't believe what he was reading. "Racism is evil". Thank you Captain Obvious. Sadly, you are a day late and a few hundred dollars short.
It's amazing that a man who can so easily condemn everything from the news media talking about crowd sizes to people who he believed slighted him (even his own intel agencies), but he can say nothing about Nazis and white supremacist terrorizing citizens.
Anyway, the following article from Leonard Pitts pretty much sums up how I feel about this subject.
"To my white fellow citizens:
I invite you to consider this scene from Saturday’s riot in Charlottesville. As reported by The Washington Post, a group of counterprotesters assembled at a rally of white supremacists in that Virginia college town and took up a chant, “No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!”
To which one of the white supremacists yelled back, “Too late, f------!” While it is too soon to know much about this with certainty, this much is clear. What happened Saturday in Virginia is the bitter and inevitable fruit of our habit of intellectual dishonesty where race is concerned. The first, such, of course, lay in writing slavery and racial inferiority into a constitution that supposedly enshrined the equality of all people before the law. From that day until this one, we have never quite weaned ourselves of lying to ourselves where race is concerned. Indeed, as the moral authority of the Civil Rights Movement recedes deeper into memory, as cable news and social media offer new platforms and broad reach to voices of acrimony and hate and as facts become “facts” become untruths become lies and too few of us seem to notice or care, the intellectual dishonesty surrounding race has become starker, more brazen and more creative than we have seen in years.
Like when people say that talking about racism is racism. Or when they babble pious inanities like “racism goes both ways” and “all lives matter.”
Nor have news media always brought clarity. It was pundits, after all, who kept ascribing Donald Trump’s rise to “economic anxiety” even as his followers were yelling racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic slurs with unbridled glee. And leave us not forget how media have allowed the folks who brought such chaos to Charlottesville to brand themselves under a banal-sounding new euphemism — the “alt-right” — as if they were not the same bunch of mouth-breathing, lowlife racists they always were.
Where race is concerned, intellectual honesty, the willingness to see and say what is right in front of us, has long been in short supply. And too many of you — not all, no, but far too many — readily embrace these implicit lies because you fear the places to which the truth will push you. But the racial riot and terrorism that just visited Charlottesville and the emboldened brazenness of the white supremacist movement now that one of their own has taken the White House, suggest that you no longer have the luxury of avoidance, at least not if the future of this country matters to you. I am not unmindful of the young white students who protested the hate that arrived on their campus Saturday. For that matter, I am not unmindful of the white people who marched through Charleston after the church massacre there. I remember James Zwerg, who had his face kicked in, and Viola Liuozzo and Elijah Lovejoy, who were shot to death for African-American freedom.
The result of which erupted Saturday for all the world to see. Meaning not just the violence and not just the terrorism, but the sense of victory and vindication embodied in the smug rejoinder of a white supremacist to a group of people who had come to chant in support of something higher than bigotry and rage. “Too late f------!”
Maybe he’s right. Maybe it is.
That’s a decision you’ll have to make." [Source]
No it's not too late because Trump is in the White House, no, because to be fair during the past administration police were killing black men with impunity and the memo never came down from the executive office either,no, just kumbaya little speeches about how racism is bad, and we should all practice brotherly love, and we have to learn to love each other because America is great and blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah ad nauseum! But the memo? the order/law? Never happened,everybody knows it didn't. Yes I said it, it did not, and it's true! A bunch of fuqin kumbaya crap! But no official law of any kind!
But those criminal mayors, fanning the flames and throwing gasoline unto the fires, they're to blame, leave the fuqin statues where they've been, leave them there because they stand for something that should not be hidden, should not be forced underground to fester further! Let them be seen! Whats the matter you ashamed???
Are there statues of Hitler at Yeshiva? In Germany?
Khakis, white polos, and shields/swords.
@Lilacpr said...
You said a mouth full, now go wash your mouth with soap. Who was gonna pass an Obama-directed law to curtail violence, the Repugnagants who took an oath to obstruct anything he sought to pass while in office?
And your giving trump a pass, the man who encouraged violence at his rallies, assuring his followers that he'd put up bail money if they're thrown in jail for their violence.
Man, you're strange. There's no moral equivalency here except in your own weird mind.
I say: Take down all those statues. If they were statues of Hitler, they would have been removed years ago, if they were allowed to go up at all.
Are you a man or a woman? I hope a man, as I'd hate to think a woman could be as derelict in her thinking as are you.
Merck stock went UP today!
Pitts is an idiot who re-writes history and deserves a fisking every time.
"What happened Saturday in Virginia is the bitter and inevitable fruit of our habit of intellectual dishonesty where race is concerned."
It's the inevitable fruit of demanding total equality where it does not exist and cannot be created, and punishing White people for that ineluctible fact.
"The first, such, of course, lay in writing slavery and racial inferiority into a constitution that supposedly enshrined the equality of all people before the law."
Of course, Pitts ignores the fact of Johnson vs. Robinson (1656, closer to 1789 than 1789 is to the present) which was a lawsuit by a Black man born in Africa to own another Black African man in perpetuity according to his culture rather than by the English custom of indenture for a term of years. Because THAT is how chattel slavery was brought into the English colonies of America; it came from the first bits of multiculturalism.
"Where race is concerned, intellectual honesty, the willingness to see and say what is right in front of us, has long been in short supply."
Indeed, and totally absent on the left. If anybody dares to Notice that Black people are short on conscientiousness, on respecting the law, on controlling their impulses, the left brands them RACIST! and does its best to make them unemployable, separate them from their spouse and children, and otherwise destroy them. Yet these things are true beyond any objective doubt.
@James Bold
No race war for you. Maybe, another civil war. Those on the frontline protesting White Supremacy weren't blacks so much as whites.
Unlike you, they're standing up for racial equality, and a country that's inclusive.
Maybe it's time for you to leave, as you are as anachronistic as a hundred year old newspaper.
James is an idiot who couldn't pour piss outo of a bottle with directions on it. No wonder he has to lie about his education and job.
Leonard Pitts is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer while James is a psychotic loser who runs cats' butts and has a bowl haircut. The jealousy is astounding, he comes here to try to assuage his feelings of inferiority. Let's see brotha Pitts is a nationally syndicated columnist while dumb ass lies about writing a book. Gee, who should we believe someone who writes excellent articles or a racist idiot who steals high school student's work to prove his inane ramblings? C'mon let's hold a vote.
James is such a pussy. Whah whah whah, the left tries to destroy imbeciles who are fucking dumb enough to show their faces at a meeting of geniuses or rather a white supremacist gathering. Sorry but if these asshats are that dumb, like you James, they weren't long for their careers in orbital engineering anyway. What did trump say? He loves the poorly educated? Well that describes your type to a T Jamie.
Confederate statue ripped down in Durham. James Bitch's world is crumbling.
Yisheng, I love you! I don't care how much chicken you can put away, or that you're jealous of white women - to me you're beautiful.
Let me buy you chocolate-covered watermelons and give you a bath in malt liquor. Let me wax your Cutlass Supreme, let me buy you a new weave. You are the woman of my dreams. Be with me forever.
Lately study after study has been coming out derailing leftist narratives on race. Blacks are less intelligent, Egyptians were European, etc.
More people are waking up every day. It's a glorious thing to behold.
Everyday study after study is showing stupid loser white racists are jealous of Black people and post stupid shit. It's pretty sad.
There was an American who got beat up and arrested in Germany for drunkenly giving a Nazi salute because apparently they still remember that Nazis are bad there.
The tiki torch Nazi mob was extensively photographed and the identification and ostracism of the Nazis there has been going on all day, and most likely won't stop any time soon. Which is bad for the individual Nazis, but good for the Nazi cause, as they are now pretty much permanently on board the cause. You think a fucked up Facebook post can be a hindrance in getting a job? Try a public announcement that you're a Nazi across multiple media platforms. Personal responsibility, remember?
And Jelani Cobb made an astute observation tonight: He said that it's interesting that everyone has latched onto the Nazi aspect of the terrorist incident in Charlottesville, when the original rally was over a statue of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general and traitor to the country who fought a war to keep human beings enslaved that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. He noted that there aren't a lot of Nazi statues in Germany, or in the US for that matter, when they have roughly the same standing here as vanquished foes of bloody wars fought for the existence of the republic.
Trae Crowder put it into perspective when he said: "Screaming about your rights as an American while rocking the Confederate flag is like arguing against gay marriage with a dick in your mouth, you dumb fuck."
And no, it's not "too late" for jack shit. In the scheme of things, this outbreak of the racist Nazi disease that festers under the American facade of civility is a moderately bad one, but pales in comparison to the outbreak in Europe in the forties that we helped put down. We put down the Confederacy, we helped put down the Hitler regime, and we will put this down like the rabid animal it is.
It never really goes away, because after it's been gone for a while, the lingering spores of it germinate in the fertile soil of decent society, but periodically putting the damn thing down is not that high of a price to pay for the republic. As Franklin said "If you can keep it." I intend to keep it.
-Doug in Oakland
Holy shit.
So James Fields went on a high school field trip to Dachau in 2015.
He told his classmate, "This is where the magic happened."
One man's gruesome death camp inhabited by emaciated, humiliated and tortured, near skeletons of men; a camp of human extermination, cruelty, deprivation, filth and severe abuse is another man's magic kingdom. This makes it seem as if what is happening in the U.S. today is somehow worse than what was going on in Germany in 1940.
The average German citizen had no knowledge of what was really going on in the concentration camps. I don't think that very many people at all understood what happened in these camps until the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz.
But this guy celebrates it as something of beauty.
Death penalty. Let it be the trial of the century.
Civil War II is rapidly approaching ...
I'm ready. Are you?
A Massachusetts cop wrote on Facebook about the white supremacists running over people. "Hahahaha love this, maybe people shouldn't block road ways." You can't beat racism out of people but I can certainly understand that there is hatred on both sides. You got cops like this asshole telling people to show him their license and then shooting them when they reach for it. We need extensive tests and checks to weed out racist cops. He is "under investigation". He should be getting the shit beat out of him.
What, more statues were brought down you say???????
That means racism is no more!!! Now everybody can get along with love and affection??? Now everybody is on equal footing?
WIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!! Me so happy! Yaaay!
RACISM IS NO MORE!!! About time I say!
Wow that was fast and easy! Who knew? Shoulda done this a looooong time ago I say! :)
Yīshēng said...
Are there statues of Hitler at Yeshiva? In Germany?
Khakis, white polos, and shields/swords.
11:03 PM
Nazism was defeated, wiped out eradicated, in Germany, the Jewish people were freed from those camps, they were compensated,remunerated and given their own country. Has that happened here? Has the African American been compensated monetarily with all that is owed? Have they been given their own country to appease those that verbally throw them out daily in word an deed?
Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot, the statues came down, all is right! How wonderful. so glad!
Anonymous said...
Who was gonna pass an Obama-directed law to curtail violence, the Repugnagants who took an oath to obstruct anything he sought to pass while in office?
I say: Take down all those statues. If they were statues of Hitler, they would have been removed years ago, if they were allowed to go up at all.
11:04 PM
There ya go! The Dems blame the Repubs and vice versa! You're so ignorant! So very ignorant!Get a clue willya!
But they aren't statues of Hitler, and why are you comparing slavery, and it's aftermath to that? NOT the same thing.
Have African Americans been treated with the same respect,deference and compensations shown the survivors of Nazism? I think even you an answer that for yourself dummy.
But, hey, it's a new day! I just read that just as you wanted,more statues have been brought down!!! So now that this symbolism is eradicated, so is racism!!! Yipppeeee!
You were/are right! xD
Trump probably doesn't even care that much about the white supremacists. He and his entire cabinet are cowards.
We should never let a bunch of micro dick white boys take over this country again. We've had enough of that shit. Butt Trumpet and his white micro dick minions can fuck right off.
tr**p and his moronic supporters think this is a new era of white reign, but it is really white supremacy's last breath before it is extinguished and this country can move in a more enlightened direction.
"Leonard Pitts is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer"
The Pulitzer is a joke. Janet Cooke was awarded a Pulitzer for a fabricated story. Walter Duranty was awarded a Pulitzer for his "news" coverage from the Soviet Union which said everything was going great there... during the Holodomor as Stalin was starving millions to death.
Affirmative-action awards don't count either. Jayson Blair became a major liability to the Jew York Slimes because he was promoted due to his race. Giving a Pulitzer to Pitts is putting lipstick on a pig.
"The tiki torch Nazi mob was extensively photographed and the identification and ostracism of the Nazis there has been going on all day, and most likely won't stop any time soon."
Point 12: The Alt Right doesn't care what you think of it.
You can hire all the pierced rainbow-haired non-gender-conformative freaks who melt down if you don't use their preferred pronoun of the day. We'll take the normies TYVM.
"Try a public announcement that you're a Nazi across multiple media platforms."
Yes, chanting "You Will Not Replace Us" is SO... wait, when did the goose-steppers chant that?
Never? Right, never.
You have NO idea how much that resonates with Americans who are sick of the immivasion and "diversity" in general, sick of dealing with surly, incompetent affirmative-action hires, sick of dealing with crime and vandalism and the general filth that accompany turd-worlders wherever they are. Go ahead, "out" those guys. Lots of folks consider that a recommendation already, and many more will before this year is out.
Can't wait for Baldingo and his incredibly rapier wit to chime in and tell everyone how bad negroes be. Wait what, he has chimed in twice already? How did I miss all the slime?
Baldingo = white racism at its worst and needs to be rendered voiceless. All he does is provoke violence. Just like the Nazis.
The Pulitzer is a joke because you can't even write a coherent sentence. Go get educated and get a job and stop polluting websites with your filth. James is the embodiment of a loser, an ignorant white piece of shit just like the asshole that ran over those people.
No one gives a fuck what idiotic trailer dwellers are sick of James. Obviously it's soap, water, education and jobs. Go back to rubbing cats' butts bald. That's the only thing you're good at.
You're gonna have to get a new avatar or something because I don't have time to read through post claiming to be you. So consider this my last message to you since our resident badger bougar has permission to clone folks here.
They Live = Whooteemoos in the WH and govt.
PS- I can't get over white folks being "shocked"
PSS- Heather's father CLEARLY voted for Trump which explains why he can forgive the 20 yo stupid "kid".
In case you missed Lukovich's cartoon today:
“I think it wiser moreover not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered,”. -Robert E. Lee
Even Robert E. Lee was AGAINST erecting monuments in honor of Confederates.
No Doc, these idiots are still waiting for the south to rise again. Lee said it would be wise, there is no wisdom in the white supremacist movement.
Field Negro...you have a twin.
His name is Bakari Sellers.
Handsome, intelligent, articulate, brave black proud lawyers.
Always speaking the truth and telling it like it is!
Amen to you both. Keep up the excellent work!
My bad, I definitely forgot about that PX..
It's just so amazing that minorities/immigrants have become the cop out for why some male whooteemoos don't achieve jack shit in their lives!
I guess not even white privilege can change shit to sugar!
And is it just me, or wasn't the REAL meaning of the name of the Alt-right, Alt-Reich?
As in Hitler, Reich?
Mofos think they're so slick!
This is awesome BLACK RACIST BLACK SUPREMACISTS WHO HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO RUN A FUNCTIONING FIRST WORLD SOCIETY>I love it.All the WAR you want you will get ,but that's a good thing.I know you want to exterminate Whites and breed them out.That's fine,just say it loud and proud.It is time to have the ultimate WORLD WAR.I welcome you on the battlefield fellow Black warriors.Since my RACE is to be exterminated ,as I will not allow my RACE to live on bended knee to your stone age race,let's continue the party.
I'm glad the white supremacist rally at Texas A&M was cancelled. Richard Spencer needs to be punched in the face again.
Lilac: So nothing short of a full repudiation of and reparation for slavery should ever be done even if it takes some modest, insignificant, long overdue step in the right direction?
-Doug in Oakland
NO ONE doubles down like a whooteemoo in chief!!
dinthebeast said...
Lilac: So nothing short of a full repudiation of and reparation for slavery should ever be done even if it takes some modest, insignificant, long overdue step in the right direction?
-Doug in Oakland
4:08 PM
"modest", "insignificant" "long overdue"...those are the key words here :) What do you think?
What do the Stars and Bars and the Swastika have in common?
Slavery, homicide, and losing to the Red, White and Blue.
Here's a house negro candidate for you, Field.
Confederate flag and Rainbow Flag stand for the same thing.More alternate facts, perhaps.
Drumpf sez today the bad whities is all fine fellows.
Spoken by a dipshit that voted for the dumbest son of a bitch ever to occupy the White House.
Drumpf has less clues than Baldingo the Dumb racist whitey wingnut from Hell.
Would one of you right wing nuts on here show me one little scrap of evidence proving George Soros has paid any protesters to protest. Just one is all I am asking for. It has to be verifiable.
As a Chinese-American, I just have to say you blacks are full of shit. BLM is a racist organization. Get over yourselves and take some personal responsibility for once in your lives.
WELL, the real donald trump stood up today and answered in his own voice without notes and we heard him loud and clear.......and HE didn't even get around to getting any questions about the infrastructure....MAYBE he just feels more comfortable in New York. What do you think?
Little Wewe said...
As a Chinese-American, I just have to say you blacks are full of shit. BLM is a racist organization. Get over yourselves and take some personal responsibility for once in your lives.
You DO realize these WHISIS folks would toast your yellow ass too, right?
Big Wowo said...
As a Chinese-American, I just have to say you blacks are full of shit. BLM is a racist organization. Get over yourselves and take some personal responsibility for once in your lives.
They did and some started randomly shooting cops as pay back and boy did you fuckers ever scream about that.
""modest", "insignificant" "long overdue"...those are the key words here :) What do you think?"
I think better is better, and we'd never get anywhere if we didn't at least try. No, I don't think taking down statues will magically heal everything, but I also think a city square without Robert E. Lee in it is better than one with that celebrates the despicable traitor with a huge statue on a goddamn granite pedestal.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
I think better is better, and we'd never get anywhere if we didn't at least try.
"A journey of a thousands miles, begins with a single step". - Confucious
Everyone BUT PR believes this.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"A journey of a thousands miles, begins with a single step". - Confucious
"I had an enormous electoral victory, prolly the largest ever"
Confuse us.(Drumpfucker)
James Bold, what would it take for you to view blacks as human beings and not hate them?
dinthebeast said...
I think better is better, and we'd never get anywhere if we didn't at least try. No, I don't think taking down statues will magically heal everything, but I also think a city square without Robert E. Lee in it is better than one with that celebrates the despicable traitor with a huge statue on a goddamn granite pedestal.
-Doug in Oakland
7:34 PM
Wonderful! Then I guess that Trumps presidency has brought about some good, since these statues are being toppled on his watch.
"As a Chinese-American, I just have to say you blacks are full of shit. BLM is a racist organization. Get over yourselves and take some personal responsibility for once in your lives."
I see trump is rubbing off on the people.
Now everyone is a liar.
"James Bold, what would it take for you to view blacks as human beings and not hate them?"
Trust me, we welcome the hate from the likes of him.
We do not want or need his acceptance.
"And is it just me, or wasn't the REAL meaning of the name of the Alt-right, Alt-Reich?"
"Reich" means "rich", you affirmative-action moron. The German translation of "right" is "recht". I note that you had the tools as ready to hand as I did, but you insisted upon being wrong anyway.
"Drumpf has less clues than Baldingo the Dumb racist whitey wingnut from Hell."
You think I'm more qualified to be POTUS than DJT? COOL! I'll prepare my 2024 run, when he's term-limited out. Assuming Ivanka doesn't want the job. I wouldn't stand in the way of the first female to legitimately assume the office, and no Hitlerly-who-rode-Bill's-coattails doesn't count.
"Would one of you right wing nuts on here show me one little scrap of evidence proving George Soros has paid any protesters to protest."
Strangely enough, a search for "Soros Antifa" brings up this Wikipedia page... which has been purged of any reference to Soros. It's like Soros doesn't want his name associated with the anti-American causes he funds. Because the SOB's happiest days were when he was confiscating Jewish wealth as other Jews (not him) were sent to death camps. Soros collaborated with literal Nazis, by his own admission. Why do you defend him in the least?
"I don't think taking down statues will magically heal everything, but I also think a city square without Robert E. Lee in it is better than one with that celebrates the despicable traitor with a huge statue on a goddamn granite pedestal."
You think that destroying a symbol of reconciliation will create peace. You are a fucking moron.
Know what's next? The destruction of every tribute to MLK and Lincoln, that's what.
"James Bold, what would it take for you to view blacks as human beings and not hate them?"
For Blacks to behave like human beings instead of hateful predatory animals. I won't hold my breath.
"We do not want or need his acceptance"
Whites do not need or want your presence. You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.
Well James, seeing that I contribute much more to society than you it is you that needs to go. You are just a drag on the rest of us. Now I need to get back to my 20-30 new inventions.
James is so stupid he almost drown trying to use a straw.
Whooteemoos aren't human and lack basic, human compassion.
"Whooteemoos aren't human and lack basic, human compassion."
NAPAs always project. Western kids are more empathetic than non-Western kids. What you mistake for "lack of empathy" is a growing refusal to put up with any more of your hostility, ingratitude, race-hustling, parasitism and predation; in short, a terminal (for you) case of Negro Fatigue.
James is still kinda dumb.
@ Bold James -
What's a 'NAPA'?
Gratitude for what?
Field. Maybe I can answer yourlast question for you. Canned hams don't change their minds.
"What's a 'NAPA'?"
North American Pavement Ape.
"Gratitude for what?"
If you don't know, you have to go. You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.
After seeing Africans in Africa, even Muhammed Ali said "Thank god my granddaddy got on that boat."
@ Bold James
NAPA - Damn.... LOL.
Go? - Really? Why? My family (on my father's side) has owned our farms in Louisiana since the early 1800's. Some French dude had a white family and a Black one as well. Upon his death the white side got the good farm land and the Black side got the swamps. In the early 1900's oil was discovered in the swamplands. My family had enough sense not to sell their land but leased its oil rights instead. Over the years this farm and half of another one have fallen to me. The Catholic church records - along with help from Mormon genealogists - made it easy to trace my family back to 1756.
My mom's side is Native American (Modoc/Klamath) from Southern Oregon. I get; healthcare through the Indian Health Service, casino revenue sharing checks, and access to tribal benefits. I can trace my maternal family back before European settlers.
And my taxes are ridiculous. I'm in the nightclub/bar business so I get audited all the time. My tenants paid in cash so my records have to be beyond reproach. My Oil, casino, rent and clubs involve lots of cash so I end up having to prove every penny. My property taxes pay for any services I receive locally. I even turned down minority scholarships because my family could afford to pay for school (BYU-Hawaii) and I was taught by the Panthers back at our preschool to be self sufficient.
So, no. You, personally, have given me nothing.
Again. Why should I be grateful and to whom?
@Black John, why in the hel-yell would you bother explaining a damn thing to a racist shit?
NO white person with a decent education/career, would dare waste their time spewing hate on a Black blog ALL DAY AND NIGHT for damn near a decade now. Time is money except for those like this waste of life who have nothing but time after being declared mentally ill, leaching money from the gov't for a "disability".
BTW, being Black is THE main reason you're an IRS target.
So what do all you who communicate with the stalking, no life shithead expect to gain through your communication?
@ Yisheng - It's just interesting.
Many people who tell Blacks to 'go back to Africa' can't trace their roots in America beyond a few generations. Most have benefited from Blacks being treated the way Metics were treated in ancient Greece through redlining, Jim Crow, unequal implementation of the GI Bill (owning and maintaining property is one of the most stable forms of generational wealth transference), discriminatory stereotypes and a myriad of other factors.
In the way that many Atheists know more about the Bible than many practicing Christians - maybe a Racist will be better able to enlighten me in all the ills of the Black race.
But really, he's not that bad. Anyone who's THAT caught up on race and feels as though he's a victim certainly has an axe to grind (A Black guy beat him up in grammar school, a Black guy hooked-up with the girl he wanted, a Black guy got his job, his life is terrible but he has to watch Black celebrities, athletes, scholars, politicians,... do better than himself,... . Who knows?) and I'm just trying to understand how someone from the supposed superior race can become so vexed that their only concerns are the goings on of his supposed subordinates. I've been retired (as far as working to pay bills) since I was thirty so I have free time.
@ Yisheng - I used to have a construction company as well. I don't make payments on stuff and a lot of my dealings are in cash. I pay my bills for the year in January.
I think dealing in cash causes the audits as well as sometimes not working for years at a time (But I do volunteer as though it's a full time paying job.) has more to do with it.
Most of the time I'm told to refile and to claim more deductions so it's really not a problem.
Onipaa Jaisu Imprisoned August 2017
"Go? - Really? Why? My family (on my father's side) has owned our farms in Louisiana since the early 1800's. Some French dude had a white family and a Black one as well. Upon his death the white side got the good farm land and the Black side got the swamps. In the early 1900's oil was discovered in the swamplands. My family had enough sense not to sell their land but leased its oil rights instead."
In other words, you owe a huge amount of your wealth to something that was either inaccessible or mostly worthless until the White man found a way to extract it and turn it into everything from motor fuel to plastic. Neither your African nor Amerindian ancestors could do shit with it.
"My mom's side is Native American (Modoc/Klamath) from Southern Oregon. I get; healthcare through the Indian Health Service, casino revenue sharing checks, and access to tribal benefits. I can trace my maternal family back before European settlers."
Casinos produce nothing, and if you had free-market competition instead of a monopoly you'd be getting crumbs from the BIA if that. The money that comes to your casino is from White people. Everything of worth that you buy with it is made by Whites (or Chinese these days). Do you have any Black/NA doctors in your Indian Health Service? I bet the number is low to zero.
Do you enjoy the benefits of scientific medicine? Thank a White man; it was his ancestors (his ancestry) who made it possible. Yours had nothing to do with it, and lacked the ability to form a society which could foster its creation. Collections of warring tribes without even written language don't create much that lasts, save for the occasional dirt mound.
"You, personally, have given me nothing."
"All that's nice, but whatcha done for me lately? Gibsmedat." Stereotypical.
If you're holding me responsible for the alleged "crimes" of my ancestors, you have to give me credit for everything they've given you. Which you refuse to do. So GTFO. Lots of NA tribes simply vanished due to genocide (many in internecine wars before Europeans showed up) and this time we've learned our lesson about leaving enemies in our lands.
"Anyone who's THAT caught up on race and feels as though he's a victim certainly has an axe to grind"
You forgot "or likes to troll". Writing makes me a better writer.
@ Bold James - No, I blame you (personally) for nothing nor do I credit you (personally) with anything. Sure, I'll thank many white men for their contributions it's just that NONE of them happen to be you.
'Gibsmedat'? Nope, didn't ask for a thing. The right to inherit comes in handy like that sometimes and I just happened to benefit.
Okay, I'll concede the white invention/innovation points.
But isn't it smarter to legally sit back and benefit from the work of others?
'...likes to troll.' - Oh, I know. It's just more interesting and entertaining than sitting in an echo chamber where an opposing view is silenced.
At least Field let's the children play here at his spot - there are others who get their feelings hurt and ban those who don't sing the cumulative chorus.
@ Yisheng - Seriously. I know many of you on this site engage in a bunch of trash talk. Are you just talking trash or is Bold James really on welfare?
"Okay, I'll concede the white invention/innovation points.
But isn't it smarter to legally sit back and benefit from the work of others?"
If nobody did the work of creating the stuff in the first place, it wouldn't exist. For that to happen you need a people and a culture that encourages such creation and preserves and builds on it.
It would have been smarter for you not to help people who forced you to turn useful dwellings into empty lots. Who built those dwellings, anyway? Who designed them? Who made all the stuff that went into them, who crystallized the wisdom of building into building codes? Who made the water and sewer and electric systems which made them livable?
Give a White man a pile of bricks, and he'll create a city. Give a Black man a city, and he'll create a pile of bricks. Literally. You admit it happened to you personally.
"Are you just talking trash or is Bold James really on welfare?"
Yisthing (love that) is just jealous. She's trying to become an MD at the age of forty-something, and is obviously in med school ONLY because she fills a quota. Otherwise, no med school would waste the money to train somebody with half the career potential ahead of her than students on the traditional track.
My summer property taxes are due in about 4 weeks. They come to $375/month. Just SUMMER taxes. The winter taxes raise the total to over $500/month.
FWIW, in my state mobile homes are personal property and not taxable.
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Racism sound like roots in their belief and no one is able to control them. USA is a country which is made by prisoners in Europe and Africa so you can't expect a country made by illegal people be out of racism.
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