I have to write something about this story, I just can't resist. It seems that "Serbian Obama" done went and got himself into some mess. He is called the "Serbian Obama" because according to one publication, like a certain chosen one, he is "young, handsome, and articulate". Well we can now add stupid to that list.
Let me get this straight: Governor Rod Blagojevich tried to sell Barack Husein Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder? And, to top it off, they caught this genius on tape like some old mob boss threatening people and trying to cut back room deals to the highest bidder. My god man have you no shame? Where do you think you live, Philly? I thought only our pols had corruption issues and liked to play phone tag with the feds? Seems I was wrong. Apparently they have a history down there in the land of Lincoln and in the "Windy City"as well. (Damn it, they won't let Philly be first in anything) Poor Rod, he just wanted to line his pockets and get rich like all the other greedy politicians. He heard about that $90,000.00 in "Dollar Bill's" refrigerator and he got jealous.
"I want to make money,"
Blago, you make $300,000.00 per year. Come on man, that ain't too bad. Why do you need more?
"If ... they're not going to offer anything of any value, then I might just take it" —
Naw, you wouldn't want that job Blago, not enough money for you. Although, I am sure you would go wild with all those lobbyist in Washington. Still, I have to wonder how a guy who knew the feds were on his butt like size seven jeans on J-Lo, would be on the damn phone of all places cutting deals. Hey Blago, there is a little thing called a wire tap, you might want to read up on it in the future...ahh never mind, you don't have a future.
And I love how his O ness distanced himself from this guy. I thought it was mighty strange that the governor of his home state didn't even get any speeches during the O man's campaign. O man your political instincts are starting to scare me. You are as smart as this guy was dumb. It's hard to believe that you both came up through the same machine.
U.S. Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald called Blago's behavior "appalling", he characterized Blago as a man who led a "corruption crime spree". Oh ohh. Those are tough words from the man who convicted Scooter. Mr. Blagojevich, if I were you, I would start planning a future without the creature comforts of home.
Oh well, here is hoping that Blago (Serbian Obama) enjoys his little time away. Hey, look at the bright side Governor, at the end of his term, maybe, just maybe, your home boy will give you a pardon.
*Thanks for the pic ArtMaggot.
This was the first thing I heard about when I woke up this morning. Hilarious! I havent asked my uncle what its all about, but I cant wait to hear his Southern Illi', "judicial" opinion about this matter, lol.
My advice to corrupt politicians:
Man before I put this on my blog this afternoon i checked the wingnut radio, blogs etc. They were all ready to light O man up! Still they can't seem to get around the big Blago quote where he basically tells O man's people to f-- off, etc. lol. Still they are hooting and hollering, dancing and prancing. Lest they forgot that irony of ironies the GOP in Ill. was in the same boat and thus allowed oO man to get in and win one (things were so bad recall they bussed in Alan Keyes).
Word here in DC is thru the Chicago pipeline is that Jesse,Jr is one of the "active bidders." Hmmm...
So, just who is “Senate Candidate 5?”
Blogodouche threatened to appoint "Senate Candidate 5" if he, didn't get the coin he needed to assuage his financial woes.
Is this a reference to Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., thought by many to be the lead front runner to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the senate, or a reference to Illinois state Senate President Emil Jones or, Illinois Attorney Genera Lisa Madigan?
Chris Chambers, you are right about the reich wingers, they were all over this. Sorry, no connection to his O ness here. He threw this clown under the Obama yellow bus months ago.
Christopher, I am curious to know who number five is as well.
Lola, I almost forgot; ain't your people big timers down there in Illi? Give us the 411 as soon as you get it.
This just pisses me off on so many levels. First, these corrupt bastards have GOT to go. And then I have no tolerence for these fools that through their greed and dispicable behavior are only making it harder for Obama to take on what is already a very difficult job. I hope this fucker rots in jail!
With all due respect to Philadelphia and the assorted idiots, criminals, whackjobs, and freaks from outer space who have run the place, when it comes to corruption I don't think Chicago takes second place to any big city in America.
When Obama first appeared on my radar screen, my major objections were that, a) He was relatively inexperienced on the national scene, and that b) You cannot be elected Cockroach Control Officer, much less senator from Illinois, without being owned by multiple interests. If you were clean in Chicago, I said to friends, you'd surely have to be killed.
To this day, I don't think Obama is clean. I have a high opinion of him, but having grown up in Milwaukee and spent my entire childhood marveling at the complex means of political thievery that exists in Illinois, my lizard brain refuses to truly believe that any Chicago political figure can escape being on the take.
That makes it a question of effective concealment. When Bill Clinton went on national TV to say that he had not had sexual relations with that woman, Miz Lewinsky, I laughed my ass off. I didn't believe a word of it, but figured that he had all four corners nailed down tight.
Obama, for your sake let's hope no one shows up with the splattered dress. If not, then I will be ever so happy to pretend that you slipped through Chicago without kissing 45 rings along the way. And, should we meet, I will expect to be introduced as the long-lost emperor of Neptune.
I read the crazy parts of the indictment to my buddy when he was driving home and he thought I was pulling his leg.
Rod Whatever his name is didn't watch the Sopranos - even school kids no better than to talk on the phone about stuff they don't want anyone to know when they think its being recorded by the coppers.
What is that, like three governors in a row for Illinois that are going to the FedPen?
And yet...and yet there are people in our government who can do shit that's a thousand times worse than looking for kickbacks(launch wars of agression that kill thousands of people) and totally get away with it. Let's keep site of fact that the culture of corruption starts at the top of the rotten pyramid that is the power structure in this country, and has been more brazen than ever in the last 8 years.
Ahhh Chicago.... reminds me of my hometown of Youngstown, Ohio, our former congressman gets out of jail tomorrow. Once corruption sinks itself in deep enough in an area, it never lets go.
Grinder, I have it on pretty good authority that Mr. Obama actually did manage to get through the machine and come out clean on the other side; maybe not clean like Tide with Clorox Bleach clean, but clean like nothing to see here sirs, keep it moving. As Field so eloquently noted in his post, the brother is as smart as the others are stupid.
At this rate I'm waiting for Rendell to catch a RICO charge for drug trafficking.
Yes he is a moron. But my lovely wife nailed it in a text to me today.
~5pm Scumbag gov of illinois! What an ass
yep that says it.
Grinder, I have it on pretty good authority that Mr. Obama actually did manage to get through the machine and come out clean on the other side; maybe not clean like Tide with Clorox Bleach clean, but clean like nothing to see here sirs, keep it moving. As Field so eloquently noted in his post, the brother is as smart as the others are stupid.
I do think Obama is smart, and I do hope you're right. He is what they call in Chicago a "Lakefront Liberal," and that species of politician has a higher probability of being clean than most.
Where Lakefront Liberals have historically met their downfall is through corrupt real estate dealings, so the Rezko connection did give me pause. But that appears to have been investigated, to no avail.
I hope Obama sails through all of this, because I think it would be bad for the country otherwise.
actually the IL Gov makes $177,412 a year.
so, he and his wife, if you read the criminal complaint are nothing but money hungry fools
$177,412 really doesn't go very far when you're a state governor.
Bah... He was kidding of course. No one is dumb enough to seriously think of selling off a Senate seat. I should have been an attorney.
So, just who is “Senate Candidate 5?”
Blogodouche threatened to appoint "Senate Candidate 5" if he, didn't get the coin he needed to assuage his financial woes.
I would like to know who this too. Supposedly this person was offering 100K for the seat. That incidement is unreal. This dude should mount an insanity defence. He was talking about trying make Obama name him sec. of Energy so he could steal. Wow!
If you can't live 177K while getting a bunch of your expenses paid by the state you should re-evaluate your lifestyle. If he needed to get paid he could not run for reelection in 07 and gone into lobbying then. He'd be sitting pretty with a guy from his state about to be president.
In a conversation with Harris on November 11, the charges state, Blagojevich said he knew that the President-elect wanted Senate Candidate 1 for the open seat but “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. [Expletive] them.”
Just Wow
the best part is
Hot Rod thought he could run for president in 2016.
Either he was on crystal meth or cocaine or both.
No one is that crazy.
Either he was on crystal meth or cocaine or both.
That same thought has crossed my mind.
Whelp, Obama said he was tired of the way things were being done in our old government and business as usual won't work. Time for change! Yup, looks like the FEDs and DOJ are doing a little sanitizing and housecleaning before President Elect Obama is officially sworn in as President. Some more heads will roll before January 20. Yup, got to iron the lumps and bumps out of the government so our country can get back on track.
Rod is the Orenthal James Simpson of Illinois politics.
Is Joe Pesci too old to play him in the movie?
field, philly can't be all that bad, cause you all didn't make it onto the tpm most corrupt state smackdown:
just sayin. smile.
(neither did boston/ma an we got dirty politics a plenty)
you spend enough time in the barnyard and then try to come out of it your still going to smell like pig poo....
my bet is #5 is jackson (arm & arm w/ o man)...axelrod said oman had no cantact with this guy yea right.....i like riding in the backseat....lol
Don't you have to ask how Obama got the seat??? What did it cost him?
Blagodouche is probably mentally ill.
When I read that he considered appointing himself to the vacated U.S. senate seat previously held by President-elect Obama, I knew this guy wasn't playing with a full deck.
I saw IL AG Lisa Madigan on WGN last night and she said she's spoken to Blagodouche one time this entire year and it was at the Democratic Nat'l Convention this past summer in Denver. This is more than a little bizarre for Blagodouche to be so isolated from the rest of the men and women who run Illinois.
Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th Illinois governor to be indicted on corruption charges? Talk about gangbangers...
You know that the rightwing blowhards are going to somehow try to hang Blago around Obama's neck.
Man, you know they couldn't wait. They're already doing it.
Now they're saying he paid for his seat, he wanted to get some of the cash to "recommend" someone, this was his operation and was playing puppeteer with Blago behind the scenes. Yada, yada, yada.
You have the whole birth certificate stuff, now this. They have made it clear they will never accept his presidency. He hasn't even taken office yet. But, according to them, he's responsible for the state of the economy. They are also calling Afghanistan "Obama's war".
Just watch. This is just one thing they're going to blame Obama for when he has nothing to do with it. There will be more.
Here is what Patrick Fitzgerald said yesterday:
"There's no reference in the complaint to any conversations involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it."
Now, I know this statement by Prosecutor Fitzgerald won't square with the overactive fantasy lives of the PUMA lunatics and the radical, rightwingers who are hell-bent on destroying Obama's chances of success, but these are the facts.
"You have the whole birth certificate stuff, now this. They have made it clear they will never accept his presidency. He hasn't even taken office yet. But, according to them, he's responsible for the state of the economy. They are also calling Afghanistan "Obama's war"."
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post wrote on Tuesday that "the vast rightwing conspiracy is alive, well and revving up for the Obama adminsitration."
You think they went hard after the Clintons?
What they will try to throw at Obama with make Travelgate and Troopergate look like Sunday school.
So far Obama has met every media and political challenge with nimbleness.
I hope he's ready for what's coming.
WAKE UP FIELD NEGRO, ARE YOU SLEEP AT THE WHEEL!! they want BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, why do you think the FBI had wire tap's? they wanted to catch BARACK voice on TAPE! this is not about selling the SENATE SEAT, this stuff go's on all the time, tell me something new!!! this is not the worst thing in the WORLD! it just seem's to be so BAD because the PRESIDENT ELECT'S name is mentioned, and that's the way they want it, they have had this man under investigation for year's, and now they want to arrest him, please people, why now? and what about agent FITZGERALD, these FBI agent's are a joke, and if you think for one minute, that the FBI don't have WIRE TAP'S all around the PRESIDENT ELECT, then all I can say is FIELD NEGRO'S need to start PRAYING! because I pray that the PRESIDENT ELECT has not slipped and said, or did anything that will keep him out of the WHITE HOUSE, because trust me, I will be one ANGRY BLACK WOMAN, MONDAY it was the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and now this, these people are working over time, can someone say the word "CONSPIRACY" I hope I spelled that word right, but, if not, remember this, BLACK MAN, WHITE HOUSE, now that's a big CHANGE! PROPHETESS
He'd better be ready 'cause they're coming for him.
They'll oppose every measure, every piece of legislation, every action he takes.
All of the so-called "conservatives" that didn't say a word while GWB was growing government, destroying the Constitution and spending more money than a drunk sailor on leave in Thailand, will now "find" conservatism once again now that their clique isn't in line to benefit.
There going to try to "hang him" with all of Bush's mistakes and conveniently forget the true culprit.
He should brace for impact. He's set to have the most tenacious opposition this country has seen since Nixon.
I'm too much of a Chicagoan, I wasn't all that surprised. Bogus? Yeah. But I kind of appreciated the balls it takes to go for yours instead of just making sure your ignorant ass friends get contracting jobs like a certain nameless brainless mayor. But I digress.
"Hot Rod" (I forgot who called him that but I liked it) is going down. Fo sho! But that's only because nobody really liked him, so they're not going to try to protect him. It's not because of moral outrage. They've only put up with him this long because they had to.
As for Obama, he's smarter than he seems - and he seems brilliant. You gotta look at the underlying motivations. Most politicians (well, clearly, most of the ones in IL at least) want to scoop up a lot of money on the side for doing nothing. 0bama doesn't want that. He's got different reasons for getting the political game. So he's not going to get caught up in foolishness for foolishness's sake. They will try, but at the end of the day it's going to come down to he was around these guys - obviously - but there's no clue that him or his people got anything from it. I know folks are nervous about how this looks for him, but if there's anything this man knows, it's how to shake haters off.
ABC News is reporting from a law enforcement source that Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is "Senate Candidate Five," the one who was -- according to Blagojevich -- willing to supply campaign cash in exchange for the Senate seat.
I sure hope this isn't true. I had high hopes for him.
As you may know, I am a native Illinoisian and I still live here.
Several things...
I find it hysterial that you are calling him "Blago". He has been called that for years where I live.
Second, the distinction between mob bosses and Illinois politicians has always been blurred. But we do have grand tradition of allowing our politicians screw-up and nailing them hard in the courts.
Third, sorry man. The great city of Philly has nothing on Chicago as a bastion of corruption and slick dealing. Some like Blago are just more brazen about it then others.
One final point, indeed Obama is a brilliant politician. He weighed every decision and alliance carefully as he walked that fine line from the IL state senate to the Presidency. Some of it came back to nip him during the campaign.
One more thing I want to bring up as Anderson Cooper on CNN brought this up too. Blago's demise is going to shed some light on how deeply corrupt Illinois politics is...probably worse than most areas of the country.
Field, is it not curious that Obama rose to power very fast in one of the most corrupt political climates in the U.S.?
Is it me or does he resemble one of the Menendez brothers? That hair cut looks like a hat.
I agree with an above poster that O knows full well that the opposition is coming for him with all they have. He knew from day one that he did not have any room for error.
What an idiot. He deserves plenty of soap, and the freedom that prison clothing conveniently provides. I'm glad he's not Black.
Only an idiot would risk everything and bathe in the stupidity for 3 years.
Thankfully white priviledge will not save him.
I have a different take on this thing, because surely no one is that stupid. My theory is that the guy was not only simply tired of being govenor -- as the wiretaps indicate he said -- but I think that the guy was simply tired of being a damn crooked politician and just wanted to get caught. I know this sounds crazy, but what else can it be? I mean, how else do you explain this thing? For over six years, he's been investigated for various alledged political infractions. And he's known he was being investigated -- as he knew about these current wiretaps. I don't think it was a matter of being 'dumb,' because no one, especially a person who has risen to the ranks of govenor of a huge state as is Illiniois, can be that dumb. I just think the man hated the position so much and all of the crooked, unsavory, and questionable things that he -- not only committed as govenor, but throughout his professional career -- did just needed one last "thing" to release him from the demons that had been swirling in his big head (pun intended) for all these years. And 'getting caught' -- like a shoplifter who is finally 'relieved' at getting caught after so many episodes of stealing -- was some sort of 'psychological burden of release' for him. Now, the price he has (and will) pay for such behavior -- well, like the shoplifter, he hasn't thought this aspect of his behavior through. The man's vanity is beyond the norm.
Does my theory make any sense? I know a psychiatrist can make more sense of his behavior than what I've positioned here, but what else can it be?
I don't think this is such an unusual occurrence in the state of Illinois and not a big deal for Obama. It is amusing that of ALL the places he chose to start his career he picked Chicago, with it's image as most historically corrupt city in the nation. The governor was obviously WAY to big for his britches. It's one thing to cut back room deals for political appointments, and we expect that. But this appears to be an over-the-top business deal for a very a important national position.
Most folks understand the political realities, but if these questionable associations keep adding up, they are going to cause enough micro trauma to eventually penetrate the president elects Messianic Kevlar shield. The conservative talkers would be advised not to make too much of this. It's clear Obama wanted Jesse Jackson Jr. appointed to the job, but there is no evidence that he was part of the dealing. So far, it looks like this was all Blago.
Anonymous @ 1:32 PM:
That makes sense to me. I smell a book deal in a couple of years where Blago airs all the dirty laundry.
Damn...that was fast.
Has he been proven guilty already?
It's amazing how quickly we can get a conviction when we just skip the whole trial, evidence, confronting accusers, and court thingy, isn't it?
Sorry...minor pet peeve of mine. I hate the whole "court of public opinion" thing. It just bothers me to see otherwise reasonable folks forget that even the worst among us is innocent until proven guilty.
Field...as a lawyer, isn't it a tad bit hard to pick an unbiased jury for a trial like this when the press has already tried, convicted, and hung him already?
YICKS.....o'man better buy some soap on a rope.....wait maybe he can room with oj......lol
Christopher: When I read that he considered appointing himself to the vacated U.S. senate seat previously held by President-elect Obama, I knew this guy wasn't playing with a full deck.
Either that or he's suffering from a brain tumor. This scenario wouldn't be believable in a movie.
It's all very curious.
I mean, why would the Feds come forward with the complaint and arrest Blagojevich now?
His arrest came only 24 hours after Blagojevich announced he had suspended all state dealings with Bank of America until the bank reissued credit to the Chicago based company Republic Windows & Doors, a factory which had to lay off 250 workers.
If I didn't know better I might think the Feds were really trying to punish Blagojevich for daring to go mano-e-mano with the world's largest bank.
TJWash said "I hate the whole "court of public opinion" thing."
So do I! I would love to have court cases sealed, everyone, but everyone gagged until after the sentencing. If some one is interested in the law and court cases, they can review the tapes and transcripts afterwards.
I live in another tiny little spot of red in the blue state of CA. I don't advertise, bumper stick or even monogram the towels, so I had nothing going when practically all of the neighbors do the McCain/Palin, Yes on 8 stickers and signs. I am still appalled that these so call smart, decent people could support that stuff. (I could understand McCain before Palin, but not after.)
We need to get our corruption under control or we will be back in the pre Elliot Ness days or like Mexico now. Scares me silly.
funny and hell and right on point Field!
Have you all ever heard of pronoia? It is where someone has a mistaken believe that everyone is for him/her or that they can do no wrong.
Pres-Elect Obama could not possibly have it being "black" in A-Merry-Ca. Any "black" person probably feels an itch from the target on their back. The Clintons? they, particularly him, have some pronoia.
A great many people when ever they get a bit, or a lot of authority/power, let it go to their heads. Ordering people around, thinking they they can get away with anything. These are the people who start screaming "Do you know who I am?" Sigh
When Obama was asked by a reporter -- whose name I've forgotten -- if he knew anything about the govenor's shennanigans, he responded very vaguely, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here), "I have not spoken to the govenor about..." He doesn't say anything specific. I'm certainly not saying that Obama was involved -- as the indictment clearly says that he isn't/wasn't -- but I find it curiously curious that he didn't know "anything" about what was transpiring (and of course he wouldn't have anything to do with any of it). But to tell me that he didn't know "anything about anything" is, well, is a bit much. The governor had absolutely no role in Obama's Democratic campaign for the presidency. None whatsoever. Every major politician in Chicago and in the state had some kind of role. But not the governor. And he's a Democrat. Now, how is it that the governor of the state where you come from simply has no role -- major or minor -- in the campaign. I simply refuse to believe that Obama didn't have an inkling about any of it. The man was running for the highest political position in the land, and the state from which he comes is awash in political fiascos? And he knew nothing about nothing?? I ain' buying it.
Okay, time for a real CHICAGOAN to get the facts straight.
Don't believe everything you read about or hear about in the news sway your opinion.
While I'm not condoning Blago's behavior, I feel like we all need more details to make an informed decision.
Plus, most of you all wouldn't know Chicago if your dumb ass tripped and landed here.
And Field, you of ALL people are the last to try to diss my city and your city is a hell hole!
Zack makes a very good point. I went to school outside of Chicago. It is truly the best city in America. Philly, now, has cleaned itself up a bit. I think it's moved up from "hell hole" to "purgatory."
WAKE UP FIELD NEGRO, ARE YOU SLEEP AT THE WHEEL!! they want BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, why do you think the FBI had wire tap's? they wanted to catch BARACK voice on TAPE! this is not about selling the SENATE SEAT, this stuff go's on all the time, tell me something new!
As crazily written as this comment was, I agree with the basic point. Look, Clinton was caught with Lewinsky as the result of an Israeli wiretap, and Lewinsky herself might have been an Israeli intelligence agent just like the guy who seduced the governor of New Jersey.
If Obama truly managed to slip his way through Chicago politics without bending over for one (more likely a lot more than one) of the local wiseguys, then he lives a charmed life. If I were him, I wouldn't even think any thoughts I'd didn't want to see on the front page of the next day's Washington Post, because someone's probably got some machine that reads brainwaves.
And Field, you of ALL people are the last to try to diss my city and your city is a hell hole!
Truth be told, I think Field was going Chicago a great disservice by implying that Philadelphia is more corrupt. Yes, it's true, Philadelphia is a snakepit full of big, writhing nasty vipers, but Chicago, oh Chicago, you are #1, which is why we love you so.
For the other Chicagoans here, did the Democratic primary strike you as a classic mayoral contest between the machine candidate and the Lakefront Liberal, or what?!
I can't believe how silly folks are..(except you grinder...) you betch ur ass BO is involved in "backroom" deals and all the other shit politicians are involved in...shit he wouldn't be the Pres-Elect if he wasn't.
What do you think those meeting with Bill Clinton was about...why do you think his "new" appointments are Clinton retreads.
Wake the fuck up amerikkka...as much a things change...they still remain the same.
Patrick Fitzgerald has been one of my heroes since the day I was driving home and heard him announce the indictment of "Scooter" Libby. (Although I was mightily disappointed that he couldn't come up with enough to charge Rove and Cheney, too.) Fitzgerald wouldn't bring charges unless he were sure he could back them up, but as always the final determination is up to a jury. If Fitzgerald says the President-Elect is not involved, that's good enough for me, too.
Does my theory make any sense? I know a psychiatrist can make more sense of his behavior than what I've positioned here, but what else can it be?"
No anon. 1:32PM, the guy was just drunk with power.
Anon.5:48PM, if you believe that ALL politics is local well then you have to believe that his O ness just might have some issues down the line, we are not naive here.
"Sorry...minor pet peeve of mine. I hate the whole "court of public opinion" thing. It just bothers me to see otherwise reasonable folks forget that even the worst among us is innocent until proven guilty."
Sorry tjwash, this is the hand we were dealt here in A-merry-ca. The court of PO is as powerful as all the others. When there is a cop killing or a particular heinous crime in the city, I try to get continuances or bench trials, becaue I know that the folks in the jury pool will be reading the news.
There were only five seasons of The Wire; this is like season 6! Today on NPR, people were calling in bragging about whose state was the most corrupt. OK, maybe they weren't bragging, but they sure had a lot of stories to tell. Maybe folks are getting tired of that "culture of corruption" that is busy giving away the store before the inauguration.
I posted this this morning, but here you go:
I've tried writing to folks who just don't seem to get it:
Obama is no innocent, but considering that he's been involved in Chicago and Illinois politics - he's one of the cleanest to come from Illinois.
You'd have to understand Chicago and Illinois to understand how many bullets he dodged.
He was never an Alderman.
He was never a Committeeman.
He was never a Cook County Board Commissioner.
(ALL of these are roads filled with bribes, and a tape recording sometime in the future).
He WAS a State Senator, and not in the State House. In the State Senate, he found a Black man willing to mentor him politically.
In the State House, he would have been sent out into the field to toil for Massa Michael Madigan. (and yes, I do mean MASSA)
Even though he was a prolific State Senator, he wasn't part of Senate Leadership. (which had the hookups to the committees, and the appointment of contracts).
He LOST the Congressional race to Bobby Rush ( a stroke of luck that he would thank later.)
By the time Obama got SERIOUS power - as a U.S. Senator - he could be 'detached' from Illinois politics, and set up levels of barriers between him and the serious crooks.
That's why I LOL at folks who wanted him to run for Governor of Illinois. - HELL NO - wayyy too many opportunities to find people that can trip you up.
Last thing: Barack Obama was elected from the only place in the city where he would be credible to 'reformers', and 'Black folk'. Now, he could have probably been elected as a ' reformer' from some North Side District. He would have had the REFORMER credentials, but be credible to Black folk? A Black man elected by White North Side Liberals?
Um, no.
And, because he was elected from the district that he was, it allowed him a certain bit of leeway, because any other district, and certain ' rules' would have to apply - you know? The North Side Liberals, and Hyde Park Folks were always those ' crazy, hippie, White idealists' -you know, so him talking about ethics and reform was no big deal - he was from ' THAT' district - what did you expect.
The shocking thing isn't that Blago would try and shakedown a President-elect. The shocking thing is that he would do it, knowing that the guvmint's been after him for a good 4 or 5 years. Of course, he probably believes he's drinking from the same well as Richard Daley, II. As I've explained, that man has had practically everyone around him arrested, indicted or sent to jail. The local media has done their job - they've uncovered scandals and financial corruption that is chugging towards the HALF BILLION DOLLAR mark, and not a whiff of Richard II being arrested.
Hope I helped.
The news of the day has been the arrest of Governor Rod Blagojevich on corruption charges. That the Governor was arrested is NOT news to anyone who has been following politics. He has had ‘corruption’ charges swirling around him pretty much from the word GO.
Blago is the son-in-law of one Alderman Richard ‘Dick’ Mell(North Side Ethnic Dems), one of those Alderman that has been there for forever, and knows where all the bodies are buried.
Mell and his son-in-law have officially been on the outs for YEARS, beginning with a public feud about an illegal dump. Yes, they were fighting about an illegal dump.
Blago has very few allies in Springfield. He and The Speaker of the Illinois House - Michael Madigan (Southwest Side Ethnic Dems) - HATE each other. Madigan has done everything he could to stop anything that Blago wants to do. He does it because they don’t like each other personally, and because Madigan wants to block Blago, so that Madigan’s daughter- LISA- the current Attorney General (gotta love Illinois familial politics)- can run for Governor.
Lt. Governor Pat Quinn - a populist straight shooter - hasn’t spoken with Blago for OVER A YEAR.
State Senate President - Emil Jones - who is retiring - was Blago’s strongest ally in Springfield.
Blago’s wife - Patti - questions about her business contacts. (I'm being generous here - she's a fucking crook too - she learned it honestly - at the feet of her father)
Did Rahm drop the dime?
Who knows.
Candidate 1- probably Valerie Jarrett
For those who think that this is the reason Guitierrez dropped out, let me give you some more food for thought. Yesterday’s Chicago Tribune had a front page story about dear Luis making $420,000 from his real estate dealings in a very short amount of time. Don’t think that’s going away.
Now, is Candidate 5 Jesse Jackson, Jr.? I don’t know. And, I hope not.
But, let’s remember: Blago has only been arrested. He hasn’t been indicted. And, I don’t see him resigning without indictment.
To add, Senate President Emil Jones is also President-elect Barack Obama's political mentor.
Obama may be doing the two-step distancing himself from Blago but, he will also need to distance himself from Jones.
Especially, if this mess gets referred to trail by the Grand Jury.
Let me add one thing. The Republicans talked all the time about Obama's ambition. Well here is where it helped him, he had to be tempted by the spoils, but he knew he wanted more so he stayed about. That 100K in his mind wasn't worth killing his shot at POTUS.
Why am I not shocked that Jesse Jr. is Candidate #5. The berry don't drop far from the tree.
Well Chris,
We now know Jones is not #5, so he's probably a victim here too.
The thing is, I don't know where JR would get the money if he is #5. I know that Emil Jones HAS that kind of money. He was in a safe district, so his fundraising for years, has been nothing but ' just because' money.
We in Philly know all about corrupt politics.... pay raises in the middle of the night, unions, mafia, the mayor brother not living in the city while claiming to be a city resident....and the list goes on. As they say in the hood "we got this" LOL!!!! Hell our mayors office was bugged, he should have had a convo with John Street !!!!
He should have been watching the Wire and Sopranos .
GRINDER, to you, my comment is CRAZILY written, but, I see thing's in a twofold way, but, since I am a PROPHETESS, I don't receive, and digest everything the media say's, because their is alway's something going on in the background, and I do not TRUST FITZGERALD!! why is he on the scene? who put him their? do you think he really care's about cleaning up CHICAGO? well, the answer is NO! do you think for one minute if the PRESIDENT ELECT was a PURE white man, this would be going on? the answer is NO! I will be waiting to see how far they will try to take this thing, because at some point the FBI will have to step back out of BARACK'S way and let him become the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE'S of AMERICA. BARACK IS 47, 40 IS CROSS OVER, 7 IS COMPLETION, BARACK IS IN HIS DESTINY MODE, ENOUGH SAID
GRINDER, to you, my comment is CRAZILY written, but, I see thing's in a twofold way, but, since I am a PROPHETESS, I don't receive, and digest everything the media say's, because their is alway's something going on in the background, and I do not TRUST FITZGERALD!!
Some people call me the Space Cowboy
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me Maurice
'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love ...
do you think for one minute if the PRESIDENT ELECT was a PURE white man, this would be going on?
Excuse me, but you can bet your sweet ass it would be going on. Where were you during Bill Clinton's presidency, anyway? If I sound bitter, it's because I am. Not at you, but at the fuckin' Republicans and the media that enabled them.
at some point the FBI will have to step back out of BARACK'S way
If it should happen that Obama is on the take, etc., and it's for real, then as someone who (unknown to people on this website) was on the public record under my real name supporting him, and who gave him and his transition plenty of thousands of bucks that I could have used in a thousand other ways, I will want his ass nailed to the wall.
That said, if they do it then they'd better have that case nailed down shut, because otherwise it will be a horrendous tragedy for this country. It would be anyway, but a false accusation would be an epic disaster.
So, my cynicism about Chicago aside, if anyone is gunning for Barack Obama then they'd better have every last goddamn duck in a row. If they do, I'm with 'em. Otherwise, they can go fuck themselves. Not to put too fine a point on it.
rikyrah, I loved your posting! After posting a few times here, I got to thinking about how Obama just might have scooted himself through the political sewer we call Chicago without having any of the feces clinging on the other end.
My thought was the speed and special circumstances of his trajectory. It could well be that the fact that he didn't "pay his dues" in the customary manner will turn out to be his saving grace.
And if that should be, then maybe we really have, with every ounce of respect I can muster to Field and to the man who gave him the inspiration for this site's name, what we all might someday call "Barack Obama, the Magic Negro."
I don't want to get my hopes up too high. Washington, D.C. is a medieval castle full of "murder holes," those slits in the walls where a knight would thrust out a sword through the neck of an unsuspecting passer-by.
Thus far, Mr. Obama seems to be surrounded by a force field. Let's see how durable it is. If things work out, then we'll look back and say that we're entering a magical time. If they don't work out, someday I will do a Google search on this posting and cringe.
"The thing is, I don't know where JR would get the money if he is #5."
Hasn't his daddy been shaking down corporations for years? Presumably Sr. has plenty of money to buy a senate seat.
I don't care what no one says or who doubts it, or what the GOP tries to come up with, President Elect Obama will be sworn in on January 20, 2009. They might as well get used to saying President Obama, because it shall come to pass. I'm not taking that back either.
Y'all can let those GOP folks put doubt in your mind or worry you,if you want to, but they don't move Granny one tiny bit. The GOP reminds me of Haman in the story of Esther. Haman tried his best to sling mud on Mordaci and get him in trouble, and it didn't work. Haman even went so far as to have a gallow built to hang Mordaci on. However, in the end the noose Haman had meant for Mordaci turned out to be for him. The King ordered Haman hanged.
Anonymous 11:37:
"BLACK MAN, WHITE HOUSE, now that's a big CHANGE!"
Amen! They're are falling all over each other trying to figure out a way to prevent that. Let them do what they do though, because it won't work.
"these FBI agent's are a joke, and if you think for one minute, that the FBI don't have WIRE TAP'S all around the PRESIDENT ELECT"
Amen again, compliments of Bush and his SPY program. Bush and his crew is behind all of it. They're trying to keep the rest of their crooked dealings hid involving all that money. What's in the dark is coming to the light. Some folk are going to be exposed naked for the whole world to see.
Vast Right Wing conspiracy is out of business. Arkansas group was run by Scaife, and he ain't nearly so big for his britches after bush.
we know that Israel runs a whorehouse in America. CIA probably has the whole thing tagged. We don't really give a duck what Israel knows.
Bush decided that sabotaging the Quakers would be a good idea. Like, pacifists...
It's up to us to keep Obama honest. And I KNOW that he's done some 'not so good' political shit regarding Lamont (nothing criminal, just politics as usual. backstabbing the Democratic candidate because Lieberman is your mentor sort of bullshit). But hell, if Lamont can go campaign for Obama, I can shut up. ;-) It's our job, the folks that gave time and money, to weigh in on what needs to be changed, and put our ideas forth with the confidence that there are finally people in charge who might actually say "hey, I like that one!"
I saw his press conference this morning. I am still getting used to the idea that we're going to have a president who can speak intelligently, concisely, and responsively. Of course, I'd better not call him articulate, but it's nice not to have my skin crawl to listen to a president. It's been a while.
THANK YOU "GRANNY STANDING FOR THE TRUTH" finally someone that can "see" someone wrote that my comment was "CRAZILY" written, but i see, you can see above and beyond as well, GOOD.
I will be waiting to see, what they will come up with next, they being the "REPUBLICAN'S" and yes BUSH is behind this, can he be trusted? NO! is he not as bad as the GOVERNOR? YES! I am not shocked at what go's on in CHICAGO, but, what I pray is that JESSE JACKSON JR. has not allowed himself to be SETUP, because he want's that SENATE seat, and I would hate to think that, he was not in tune with the way BARACK was running his campaign, but wait, he worked with BARACK during his CAMPAIGN, so he has to know that, the GOVERNOR was being INVESTIGATED, I refuse to believe that JESSE JACKSON JR. would allow himself to be SETUP, UNKNOWINGLY. we shall see, we shall see.
You are a weak punk.
Rather than deal with what this corrupt Governor brought on himself - you need to genuflect upon your favorite subject - The Right Wing.
Rikyrah - Do you ever notice that you never say the word "Democrat" in your commentary on this issue? Or maybe it's just me?
Granny - I just love Granny!!! She is going to fight the fight in defense of the "Black man in the White House".....even if the murder count in Philly rises to 450 next year!!, 90% of the victims being Black.
Constructive Feedback:
"She is going to fight the fight in defense of the "Black man in the White House".....even if the murder count in Philly rises to 450 next year!!, 90% of the victims being Black"
The White House has had 43 white Presidents and the murder count rose under them, so tell me what in the world does having a black President have to do with MURDER? Constructive come on now, you can do better than that. Hurricane Katrina lost 1000's of people while under a white President and that in my eyesight was a form of an attempt at genocide.
what I pray is that JESSE JACKSON JR. has not allowed himself to be SETUP, because he want's that SENATE seat, and I would hate to think that, he was not in tune with the way BARACK was running his campaign, but wait, he worked with BARACK during his CAMPAIGN, so he has to know that, the GOVERNOR was being INVESTIGATED, I refuse to believe that JESSE JACKSON JR. would allow himself to be SETUP, UNKNOWINGLY. we shall see, we shall see.
When I was a kid I took a field trip to Jesse Sr.'s church on the South Side. What a scam. It was naked bullshit, even worse than, say, Pat Roberton on the 700 Club.
I told myself even at the time that this was cultural, that Jackson's "church" just hadn't learned to be as smooth as the one where I went.
But surfaces sometimes do matter. Jesse Junior seems to have picked up the wrong lesson by example. You want to buy a Senate seat? You'd better be a little bit subtler about it. Even in Chicago.
Anonymous 2:33:
Bush is throwing rocks and hiding his hand. He and his crew are behind all of this mess that is coming up. Bush is trying to throw up road blocks and obstacles to block Obama's path and calls his self trying to set Obama up to fail, but it's not going to work. Whelp, you know that old saying, "give them enough rope..."
Back in 2004, I tried to sound the alarm and warn folks not to vote for Bush. I knew before hand the damage he would do to America. I used to get all choked up inside and overcomed with tears sometimes just talking about it and trying to warn people not to vote for him. I was shedding tears for America, the people, and the world because I could see what was up ahead and in store for the people. I told people they would be sorry they voted for him and that before his term is up, they would want to drag him out the White House, but it would be too late.
Whelp like the word says, " whether they listen or fail to listen—for they are a rebellious house." Yup! "My people perish for lack of knowledge."
Granny, ignore CF, he has "blinders" on the right side of his body. :)
Call GirlS
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