I would like to start tonight's post with a letter to the editor penned by a reader named Roy Lehman in my hometown paper.
"John Yoo continues to live in a fantasy world of the Bush administration that he had a large part in creating ('No clear benefit to holding 9/11 trial in New York', Sunday)
He continues to frame the actions of what would be more accurately described as a gang of civilian religious fanatics as an "act of war". Bush administration members labeled the terrorism an act of war in order to expand the powers of George Bush and cover their behinds for what they were about to do.
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. seems to have decided that the actions of these religious fanatics were, in reality, crimes. I agree and will not live in fear , demanded by the right wing, of a band of disjointed religious fanatics, when the real threats to my family are job insecurity and a health catastrophe that may bankrupt me and my family. "
Citizen Lehman I loved that letter!
My friends, as we all get ready to get our turkey on, let's not forget our troops in harms way on two different fronts and who caused them to be there in the first place. George W. Bush and his neocon friends.
The war rages on, and A-merry-cans are stuck with paying for it with both precious lives and dollars. (BTW, I agree with David Obey, let's put an added tax on everybody to pay for the wars.) The phony patriots will give us all kinds of reasons why these wars are necessary, but don't believe any of it. They are not. A few religious fanatics hell bent on kicking it with some virgins in their other life is not a foreign threat. They have no country, just a sick twisted ideology. The biggest threat to A-merry-ca comes from within not in the deserts of Iraq or the mountains of Afghanistan.
The brilliance of the neocons and the right-wing in this country is that they have hoodwinked everyone into thinking that in order to protect our country we must attack someones else's, and if we don't wipe them from the face of the earth they will come again for us like they did on 9/11. The problem with that, of course, is that we don't know who they are, and we sure as hell don't know where they live or where they will be coming from. -The Ft. Hood shooter was in our military for crying out loud! Where will the next fanatic come from? Even if we bomb everyone of these countries into nothing it won't guarantee that some sympathizer living in Dearborn, Michigan won't strap on a bomb and decide to become the half time show at a Red Wings game.
Thank goodness a bunch of Rastafarians didn't decide to blow up the World Trade Center. Because if they did, and George Bush was in power, Jamaica would be nothing but a memory.
That's how twisted the neocon logic is, and that's what got us into this mess.
The problem now of course is how do we get out. Here is hoping that his O ness, unlike the guy before him, actually uses his brain and not his bible.
*Pic courtesy of Phtobucket
I canceled my 10+ year subscription to the Inquirer when they added Yoo as an editorial columnist. This man is vile, despicable traitor to the constitution and the rule of law. He needs to be disbarred and I think there are efforts to that end in process....
As to the wars... I had a very interesting conversation with a friend who was in Baghdad this past summer.... he is a human rights activist, not someone who has ever supported the war and has been highly critical of the US gov policies toward both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was shocked at the change in Iraq... he told me of going through a check point with some officials from the US embassy and they were nervous. When he asked them why, aren't these your guys, they said no, they are Iraqis. He also said the green zone is now almost completely taken over by the Iraqis. He said the pull out is serious, not just show and that we really are pulling out....
Now, if Obama can just get Afghanistan right. We need an exit strategy, regardless of what he says in the next week.
Uhh These wars belonged to Obama the second he took the oath. So far he's shown no understanding about what to do in Afghanistan.
fighting wars in someone else's country?
DUH! Field where the fuck do you think these assholes come from?
and anon 10:14 is right! the wars and every other problem became your boy's once he took office....remember he promised he was going to solve ALL our problems?
WTF???? something changed?
bet you don't touch this one....lol
"Thank goodness a bunch of Rastafarians didn't decide to blow up the World Trade Center. Because if they did, and George Bush was in power, Jamaica would be nothing but a memory."
You might be on to something. I almost wished the terrorist were from Darfur/Congo. The last time I checked those people, especially the women and children need liberation from the tyranny and mass destruction.
Then again it would be pointless, the oil and resources in those African countries are already spoken for.
(sarcasm off)
Then again it would be pointless, the oil and resources in those African countries are already spoken for.
Yes, by the Chinese who keep that gov in power. Think were gonna mess with them? They own us.
"DUH! Field where the fuck do you think these assholes come from?
Yes. And Maryland, and Michigan, and New York, and California, and Texas, and....
Obama will be continuing the war and is reportedly going to put another 25,000 to 30,000 troops in Afghanistan.
Link to your blog has been add in my friends blog list @ spacestation-shuttle.blogspot.com
Something that must be understood is that, we are not launching a war against a group of unknown "insurgents" these are people. Who's lives have been screwed up as we decimate thier country for reasons that only a select few know. Trust our own culture has drastic flaws, so who are we to play target practice in their homes? We need to check ourselves.
Bush's war in Iraq will cost, at a conservative estimate (no pun), at least four (4) times the nominal cost of reforming our health care system to provide universal coverage similar to that in the UK.
There seems to be considerable overlap in those who complain about the cost of health care reform and those who are silent about the cost, monetary and otherwise, of Dubya's adventures.
If you care about the Afghan situation, you owe it to yourself to read.
control f for William R. Polk
We ought to work on leaving instead of escalating. Leaving takes time, but we can do it and be better for it. Many lives are at stake, many from disadvantaged situations.
Jodi, glad you stood against Yoo. Hopefully he'll get his due some day. I was devastated when Cal gave him a position, and I can't wait for his past to catch up with him so he'll loose it (and more).
Anon@10:31 "the wars and every other problem became your boy's once he took office"
No shit, and no thanks to the "man" who left our "boy" and the rest of us that pile to deal with.
LA, while I empathize with the thought that folks in Darfur/Congo need liberation, GWB was never the man for the job. O might actually come up with a plan. Just wishin.
We should have brought the troops home yesterday; ALL of them. Madrasas create terrorists, and many of them exist in countries that are "friendly" with the U.S. Has everyone forgotten that Usama bin-Laden is from Saudi Arabia? Abu Musab al-Zarkawi was from Jordan? Additionally, WARS COST MONEY, AND WE DON'T HAVE ANY! Additionally, HOW DO YOU FIGHT AN ENEMY THAT BLENDS IN WITH THE POPULATION, WITHOUT UNIFORMS? The troops are just sitting ducks, all for a bunch a political grandstanding. BHO said he'd end this mess, and this (in addition to being Black) is why I voted for him. I also hope that he uses his brain rather than holy books as a guide.
"LA, while I empathize with the thought that folks in Darfur/Congo need liberation, GWB was never the man for the job. O might actually come up with a plan. Just wishin."
Forget about it. Africa is a pit that nobody can fill. It's the dark night of humanity. Here's a novel thought for LA: instead of trying to fix Africa, how about trying to fix our own BC?
Ditto Gregory, and I'll add the whole military complex on top of the adventures. It's a HUGE waste; much of it. I'm thinking about the bullet mongers (et al) who are getting filthy rich from the destruction of lives and livelihood.
What good things could we otherwise do with that money? Just wishin again.
Anon@1:19, In case you missed it, most folks here, that includes LA, are trying to "fix" the BC. And by "fix" I mean constructive. I bet your idea of "fix" is pretty non-constructive. Just processing your post.
"What good things could we otherwise do with that money? Just wishin again."
These days humans rarely do good things. That's why Field has an honorary Field Negro award in recognition of something good done by a human being. It is unusual for a human being to do good.
But it is common for humans to do wrong, everybody expects that.
So dream on!
"Thank goodness a bunch of Rastafarians didn't decide to blow up the World Trade Center. Because if they did, and George Bush was in power, Jamaica would be nothing but a memory."
It was a bunch of Saudis who took down the WTC, yet we didn't invade Saudi Arabia. If Rastafarians had been responsible, we'd have still gone into Iraq. That was the plan all along.
And, if we "fix" the BC constructively, we'll also fix the EC (Everybody Community). We all live together.
So what Anon@1:38? Just cause it's common for people to do wrong, what's wrong with doing right? And why shouldn't we try? I will, hope you do the same.
Matw, "Anon@1:19, In case you missed it, most folks here, that includes LA, are trying to "fix" the BC. And by "fix" I mean constructive. I bet your idea of "fix" is pretty non-constructive. Just processing your post."
I work with teen gangs to stop them from killing each other; I am a Big Brother to three boys without a father; I am part of a men's movement to stop other men from abusing bw.
Now, I recognize that what I do is "pretty non-constructive", according to the way you have processed my previous comment but nevertheless that's what I am doing. My intent is not to be unconstructive but constructive for a race that I am a part of.
However, it's because of people like you that makes me wonder why bother when there are Blacks who will be quick to degrade everything you have done for a lifetime without a conscience or second thought.
What about YOU and LA's "constructive" fixes for the BC? Please guide me on constructiveness, oh great Matw!
RT, that was the plan all along, and yes, it's fortunate Jamaica was spared. Unfortunately, GWB was less than supportive of Haiti {gross understatement), even thought they weren't messed up in Iraq.
"So what Anon@1:38? Just cause it's common for people to do wrong, what's wrong with doing right? And why shouldn't we try? I will, hope you do the same."
You are missing the point. It is a good thing to do the right thing. However, you must DO it. That's the trouble with our folks. They talk the walk like you, but rarely walk the walk. Again, that's why when someone actually walks the talk, Field and others honors them because so very few actually DO it. The world is hungry for it!
Unfortunately, most talk like you do, and go around judging others and insulting others for no good reason. GET IT?
I live in the Bay Area, and there has been quite a stir by the students at UC Berkeley about John Yoo. However, there has not been any wrong proven against him yet.
I DO believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. So, I think Jody should subscribe to her favorite paper AGAIN! Wait until CF reads what you have done, Jody. I hope you are ready for a 'rash of lashings' from him.
Anon@1:55, what I responded to as being nonconstructive was
"But it is common for humans to do wrong, everybody expects that.
So dream on!"
You've described your efforts, which totally support. Wish I had known it earlier. What you describe makes my effort sound pale. I wish you the best.
I man a drop in homework tutoring position at the library. Was bummed this evening that there were no students. Maybe next week.
Anon@2:09 said "I live in the Bay Area, and there has been quite a stir by the students at UC Berkeley about John Yoo. However, there has not been any wrong proven against him yet."
He may not have been convicted of any crimes in a court of law, but his authoring of detestable "legal" justifications for criminal acts are not in dispute.
Anon 2:18..... what you wrote and still to this day defends is not in dispute. I am very frustrated by the obama admin for not pursuing charges against him, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. In my, and many other legal community members opinion, they violated the law and Yoo was the author of that violation.
As for the conversation about about doing right.... The reality is MOST people live their day to day lives "doing right" all of their lives. They work, take care of their families, pay their bills, engage in acts of kindness with their friends and colleagues, take care of the sick, volunteer in their community, etc..... There are over 290 million Americans.... think about that 290 Million. Think of all of those people that are "doing right", that do not get noticed, acknowledged. appreciated. As we move into a day of giving thanks... I invite you to join me and be thankful for all that IS working in our lives and communities... all that makes 290+ million people share a common identity and place we all call home.
Filled Negro:
It comes as no surprise to me or anyone that you have the ability to articulate how these WARS are "Bush Wars". How this economy is "Bush's Economy". How the gas prices are "Bush's Gas Prices". How the sorrowful haze that clouds the city of Philadelphia was caused by BUSH. Barack Obama merely has not gotten enough wind yet to blow this cloud away and make yours a sunny day.
I will be impressed with you, however, when YOU are able to articulate the dimensions of time and space in which YOU assign ownership of these conditions to not only OBAMA but - the Federal Democrats that run DC; the State Democrats that run PA and the LOCAL Democrats that totally dominate both Philadelphia and Yeadon PA.
In fact, if you reach the point in which you can delineate YOUR OWN "self", "community" and "racial" permanent interests from your interest in insuring that Obama and the Democrats remain in a favorable light to your "chum eaters' I will be impressed.
Sadly these two concepts are so conjoined that the attempt at separating these two would cause BOTH of them to "bleed out".
[qoute]I canceled my 10+ year subscription to the Inquirer when they added Yoo as an editorial columnist. This man is vile, despicable traitor to the constitution and the rule of law. He needs to be disbarred and I think there are efforts to that end in process....[/quote]
My friend Jody - I have a strange feeling that if the Inquirer hired Mumia "Killa Mu" Abu Jamal as a columnist and gave him a Macbook to type his column from death row that you'd order TWO newspapers each day to show your glee....and respect for the LAW.
As to the wars... I had a very interesting conversation with a friend who was in Baghdad this past summer.... he is a human rights activist, not someone who has ever supported the war and has been highly critical of the US gov policies toward both Iraq and Afghanistan.[/quote]
Jody - WHY didn't your friend go to the country in the company of the IRAQI PEOPLE rather than the INVADERS?
Since the US action is an "ILLEGAL WAR" why did he set foot in the "Green Zone" rather than going into one of the provences of Iraq who's peace is still dicey?
Why didn't he interview the INSURGENTS and ask them if THEY respect "human rights" and the lives of their Muslim brothers and the sanctity of the mosques and qua ran that they demand that the AMERICANS respect.
[quote]In my, and many other legal community members opinion, they violated the law and Yoo was the author of that violation.[/quote]
These same Legal Community Members practicing DOMESTIC law reside in metro areas that have triple digit murder rates and communities that live in fear of "Snitching" in the name of JUSTICE.
YET your indicate that their passions reside with locking up Yoo,Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz?
Did you all get any sort of message when "Wolfy" was sent to head the World Bank rather than a prison cell?
I wonder if YOU can articulate a single Iraqi or Al Queda operative in Iraq that YOU believe deserves to be locked up for his deeds?
People need to stop deluding themselves about Obama. He's not a savior; he's not a god; he's a politician! Not only will he continue the war, it will get uglier.
"Forget about it. Africa is a pit that nobody can fill."
Particularly after white folks have plundered and raped it for 500years.
"It's the dark night of humanity. Here's a novel thought for LA: instead of trying to fix Africa, how about trying to fix our own BC?"
I'd say we're doing pretty good.
45 years we were official second class citizens in America with no rights white people were bound to recognize.
Today one of ours is leader of the free world.
I think the ascent of black folks makes goobers like you feel very insignificant.
UnConn... the circumstances of my friend being in Iraq are quite unusual, and he was not there by plan..... I cannot elaborate more... but to say, he was there for a very short period because it was the closest embassy to where he was and at the time, he was in need of the services of an embassy and the country he came from did not have one.
And, please what nonsense about Mumia. That is a red herring argument and one in which your assumption is quite incorrect.
And, I will name you one Iraqi who should be locked up for his deeds... that would be one Ahmed Chalumbi.... someone who, in addition for a standing warrant in Jordan for his arrest, should have an arrest warrant executed against him here and in Iraq
I agree with atax as well but only on those that own stock in the companies who profit from death.
When GW was launching his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan black Americans were outraged at what was happening to other "brown people" in faraway lands. Now that those fights are being lead by a brown ma that massive resistance has faded. Americans blacks can live with Afghanistan; one of their own is in the white house. It's considered an okay trade off. Obama knows that and he realizes he will not face significant challenges from that part of his constituency, though he might have trouble with white liberals.
More strawman bull$hit from the anon pussy.
This black man one would like to see a targeted date within 18 months for the drawdown of American troops in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
In both incursions there have been any clearly stated objectives or defined goals.
Bush figured we'd just go into Iraq kick ass in a matter of weeks like we did in Kuwait in 1991, take over the oilfields, install a US puppet government and ultimately have a US protectorate sitting on the 2nd largest oil reserve in the world.
Sort like a US Virgin Islands in the Pesian Gulf.
Didn't quite work out that way and Obama's got to figure out a face safing exit strategy that will still allow us access to the oil and not see Iraq descend into a protracted, internecine civil war between historical factions.
And what if there is no drawdown? Obama isn't planning any drawdown in Afghanistan; he's going to put in anywhere from another 20,000 to 35,000 troops in. Isn't a hopeless situation, hopeless no matter who is in office?
I would have liked for an immediate pull out in both wars, but I know it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. It's well and good to leave a bad situation, but my view has been that it would create an incubator for future terrorists. If you don't believe me, look at my hometown of Memphis. There are big churches all over the city, people can't find a decent job, and crime is up: urban blight at it's finest outside Detroit. It's just poor, desperate people heaped on top of each other till it all reaches a boiling point.
People may not agree, bu leaving overnight would fill a void that could mess up everything. Some crazed fanatic or a leader with dreams of conquest could take over those two places. With that, they have Iraq's old technology and oil along with Afghanistan's drug money to fund some nasty attacks. So the best thing that can happen is that the US makes everything stable enough so the citizens won't entertain the dangerous folks.
It's well and good to leave a bad situation, but my view has been that it would create an incubator for future terrorists.
Afghanistan and Iraq have very long histories of instability. They are by nature unstable countries made up by tribes who hate each other. We can make any attempts to stabilize them that we wish, they will not stick. Already we have Hamid Karzai and a corrupt bunch of incompetents and thieves in Kabul. What do you think they can accomplish. Iraq is just as bad. the tribal leaders are already gunning up for more killing. We need to leave those areas and those people the hell alone. Obama is going to find this out the hard way though apparently.
Anonyomous: "Isn't a hopeless situation, hopeless no matter who is in office."
Anonymous, you so correct. The British failed in Afghanistan. The Russians failed there. And now, under a president who is supposed to be about change, a president who was recently given an award for promoting peace, we're going to escalate troops there and fail as well. And here's why:
1. The land, with its high mountains and numerous caves, make it impossible to win a war against people who have used this terrain to fight for more than a thousand years.
2. The Afghanistan government is one of the most corrupt in the world. Many of the Afghan soldiers won't fight their brethren in the Taliban or some tribe connected to them, but they will and do take guns that we give them and sell them to the Taliban. They are connected to the poppy trade. Karza's own brother is a well-known drug dealer.
3. The people hate us. We're trying to build an infrastructure tied to the government, when the people hate the corrupt government and us for propping it up. But also hate us because they see us not as liberators but as occupiers. Consequently, they see those fighting the occupiers, they view them as liberation fighters and support them.
I won't go into the wasted lives of our brave soldiers being thrown to wolves or our money going down the drain of war at the very time that we're trying to get a costly healthcare bill passed.
What this tells me is that we shouldn't walk but run from Afghanistan. Leave a small contingent of American and British soldiers to train Afghan soldiers to fight their own war (say 10,000) and bring the rest of our boys home. Blessingts.
hey, uptown turdboy: PUBLISH your true name and address, you anonymous coward. Do you think that posting under a stupid moniker like 'uptownsteve' makes you NOT anonymous? You are one friggin' idiot.
If you want to be anonymous, that's fine (unless you're the blog author, then it's cowardly). But don't say "anonymous pussy" when you yourself are anonymous, you uncomprehending dipshit.
How old are you anyway? About 22?
now that Obama is finishing up his 'Weakling Tour' in which he kisses the butt of every country on the planet, we can expect a quick decline in U.S. power and prestige around the world.
Let's have predictions from reverse racists like field, steve, jody and the rest about when the next attack on U.S. soil will take place.
You a-holes were quick to say after the Ft Hood shootings that the killer was just a madman and it had nothing to do with Islam. Remember how y'all were saying that white bigots would portray the killings unfairly as being jihad? You showed your own ignorant stripes then. Let's see you embarrass yourselves once more by saying that Obama is making the U.S. safer.
What's Arabic for 'useful fools'?
Good points MacDaddy
MacDaddy, Say Word!! This is by far the biggest disappointment of the Obama administration!! He should pack up the US forces and use the saving to pay off our debts, promote single payer healthcare and education (you know, things that could help ordinary folks and sends ignorant race baiters in the GOP into a tissy).
Nope, the neocons called him a punk and he blinked. Frankly, this is politics -- pull out and the Teabaggers will call him a pussy and start an insurrection during the 2010 midterms. That's the main problem with Black politicians -- even when we're the HNIC we're still programmed to kiss white folks behinds.
Jody, "As for the conversation about about doing right.... The reality is MOST people live their day to day lives "doing right" all of their lives. They work, take care of their families, pay their bills, engage in acts of kindness with their friends and colleagues, take care of the sick, volunteer in their community, etc..... There are over 290 million Americans.... think about that 290 Million. Think of all of those people that are "doing right", that do not get noticed, acknowledged. appreciated. As we move into a day of giving thanks... I invite you to join me and be thankful for all that IS working in our lives and communities... all that makes 290+ million people share a common identity and place we all call home."
My dear Jody, I love you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. But your idealistic belief that MOST people do right is an illusion that people of your kind have dreamed of throughout the history of mankind. However, any casual observer of human behavior would not conclude what you have concluded. Hell, even the Saints and Sages of all times disagree with you...from Moses, to Christ, to Buddha, to Mohammed, to Lao Tzu.
This planet is a mess and getting worse. It isn't that way because MOST humans are doing the 'right thing' for humanity. Americans are an individualized "for me, myself and I" bunch of people. If you call that appealing to one's goodness then so be it, but I cannot buy into it. To me, the black community, as well as America looks like a fire trail falling out of the sky- when it comes to virtues, goodness and "doing the right thing."
But I respect your opinion. It is a voice of hope for humanity, and I need to hear it. But after decades of living in America and abroad, I just don't believe it-- especially when it comes to Blacks taking care of, and supporting their community and race. This also pertains to ALL Americans regardless of color, race, religion, gender, or gender preference.
As far as I am concerned, American society lacks the moral compass to do much of anything "right".
Anon10:37, "Obama knows that and he realizes he will not face significant challenges from that part of his constituency, though he might have trouble with white liberals."
How do you know what Obama thinks? Are you a mind reader? It sounds to me that YOU think Obama is thinking what YOU are thinking. You are projecting and don't know it. That always leads to wrong conclusions.
The mission was not suppose to be Afghanistan, the mission was to capture Osama bin Laden.The Afghan war is because the Bush administration didn't have the will to pursue Al Queda into Pakistan, especially when they found out they weren't really victors in Iraq.
I still think the mission to capture Osama Bin Laden is a worthy cause or to prove at least that he has died. This is not to prevent terrorism, but to be able to seek justice for the victims of the 9/11 attack . Almost three thousand victims, many of whom were brown and black people and all we have is a conviction of Bin Laden's driver. Over 8 years now and I would be willing to bet that the Islamist think they can get away with more acts of terrorism and get their martyrdom with impunity. Letting Bin Laden go will be their inspiration.
Rastas, WTC and invasion? Once again, a brainless analogy. But, if Rastas murdered 3,000 Americans, and the Jamaican gov't refused to give them up, and the US then invaded Jamaica to destroy them, then the analogy would be more apt.
Geez, none of you black racists know anything about recent history? Is every neuron in your tiny brains clouded by us-vs-them bigotry?
Black racists and their associated white reject suckups... what a bunch.
The black racist named Hathor seems like she would be quite happy if only whites were murdered on 9/11.
Meanwhile, most whites are unaware of how racist you black people are.
Anon 2:17 and 2;21
You don't have to be among us, if you can't stand us.
Obviously you do not have any reading comprehension either to say "be quite happy if only whites were murdered on 9/11."
But as they say, "ignorance is bliss."
"Leave a small contingent of American and British soldiers to train Afghan soldiers to fight their own war (say 10,000) and bring the rest of our boys home. Blessingts."
Actually that is what I'm talking about. You train the citizens in certain things, get some kind of basic and inexpensive infrastructure projects up and running, and just slowly withdraw. I wouldn't even leave a US base or troops there. I know this war isn't able to be won in the conventional sense nor should it be since the people themselves aren't the enemy. My basic idea is instead of leaving bombed out craters and left over munitions, we should give the country a boost in developing itself.
@Hathor: you deliberately had to throw in, "many of whom were brown and black people". Stop denying that you're a racist. You must think that being a black racist is acceptable. It's not - except in your neighborhood. Welcome to the larger world where you don't get a pass on everything just because you're black.
And if you think that the 'brown people' feel a solidarity with you, I invite you to take a stroll through many parts of L.A. You'll soon find out who the real racists are - and how you are the truly ignorant one.
Anon 2:17 pm said: "Rastas, WTC and invasion? Once again, a brainless analogy. But, if Rastas murdered 3,000 Americans, and the Jamaican gov't refused to give them up, and the US then invaded Jamaica to destroy them, then the analogy would be more apt."
OK, let me try and follow this wingnut logic: Rastas to Jamaica = Radical Muslims to Iraq. And if Sadaam had just given up the 9/11 hijackers then we wouldn't have invaded Iraq. Is that the wingnut logic here? Please help me out on this one.
*scratching dome and looking for the wingnut logic book*
"And if you think that the 'brown people' feel a solidarity with you, I invite you to take a stroll through many parts of L.A. You'll soon find out who the real racists are - and how you are the truly ignorant one."
Anon. this is true. Sometimes people really do act against their own self interests. And your point is what exactly?
How do you know what Obama thinks? Are you a mind reader? It sounds to me that YOU think Obama is thinking what YOU are thinking. You are projecting and don't know it. That always leads to wrong conclusions.
You don't think Obama doesn't know he the black vote on lock? He's plenty smart enough to know that.
Once the Taliban refused to give up Bin Laden the mission also became to overthrow the Afghan government.
You must have orgastics fantanties saying "black racist."
You don't even have a clue as to how I used black and brown in the context of my comment.
I guess I will get another label. If I had been in charge, there would be no mountains left in Afghanistan or Pakistan. I would have had scorched earth policy to catch Bin Laden. We couldn't kill more civilians than we have in the pass eight years. I would never depended upon the Taliban, Afghans or Pakistanis to give up Bin Laden given the state of the governments or the Taliban's belief. The Islamist wanted us to live in fear, so I see no need for them to live without fear.
c'mon now, field. Don't be obtuse. Re: "Rastas, WTC and invasion?", you know that I was talking about Afghanistan. Not about Iraq.
The justification for Iraq was WMDs, not 9/11.
@Hathor: now you've had one tiny, tiny taste of what it's like to be white in America - and always being told, "you're a racist".
Remember the TX councilman who said, "the paperwork disappears into a black hole" and then some negro accused him with "you're a racist". When the origin of the term was explained to him, the black said, "he's still a racist".
It's you people who never stop. You think you're not a racist because you fancy that you are on the defensive, yet you still make all judgments according to race and so you are a racist. If you're not an atheist like field then you should worry about your accounting in the afterlife.
btw, what will you black racists be doing for tomorrow instead of Thanksgiving? I mean, you have a fake religion in the Black Muslims, since many of you couldn't stand to be in whitey's Christian religion. (Of course, Malcolm predicted the NOI would murder him once he stopped being a black racist, and they did do just that. We can ask his daughter about it, right?)
Hopefully none of you belong to Yahweh ben Yahweh's black religion, where the requirement for advancement was murdering whites and cutting off the ears for proof. Extra points for women and children. Of course, eventually they started murdering each other. Once you start promoting racist psychopathic violence against the supposed 'oppressor', you just can't keep it under control, it seems.
Let's not forget the fake holiday of Kwanzaa, invented as the not-white Christmas by some criminal type. Ah yes, I remember hearing some half-blacks complain that if they were part white, they'd have to sit in the back at the Kwanzaa ceremony. But blacks can't be racist, because they don't control the whole country, right?
So what do you do, rather than recreating a white Christian holiday started by the evil white usurpers?
btw, you are my favorite black racists... but the white suckups who hang around you are really repulsive. Don't they give you the creeps, too?
Anon7:25p "If you're not an atheist like field then you should worry about your accounting in the afterlife."
Atheist, Agnostic, non-believer or believer, we are all accountable in the final analysis. What one believes won't change the karmic consequences. All racists of ALL colors have their karma to deal with in the final analysis.
Never seen so much stereotyping. That anon must be having a pornographic orgy.
Hathor, I am not sure if it's "pornographic" "stereotyping" as much as it is projection.
But hey, let's give thanks that we can all live in a country side by side inspite of all our hatred and ignorance towards each other.
"But hey, let's give thanks that we can all live in a country side by side inspite of all our hatred and ignorance towards each other."
I AM thankful that 'so far', we haven't destroyed each other due to hatred, delusion and ignorance. I PRAY that it never happens although I am afraid the possibility is greater today.
Anon had a point. There was no need to mention color regarding the victims of 9/11. I know, I know...Anon took it out of C-O-N-T-E-X-T. That is 'Bullshit', and Hathor knows it-and so does everybody else.
Those "Americans" who died on 9/11 were somebody's love one, regardless of race or color. There was no need to view and separate them into groups of color. It helps no one. That kind of unskillful rhetoric only adds more fuel to the fire of racial hatred that is already overflowing in America.
I am thankful Hathor and Anon don't live side-by-side because they would kill each other. And even though Anon was projecting his/her own racism, Anon was STILL right about Hathor. She is a racist, but so is Anon.
[quote]I cannot elaborate more... but to say, he was there for a very short period because it was the closest embassy to where he was and at the time, he was in need of the services of an embassy and the country he came from did not have one.[/quote]
Jody - No need to drive all the way around Fairmount Park to avoid telling me that your HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST male friend felt more comfortable in accomplishing his mission in the hands of the AMERICAN INVADERS executing an ILLEGAL WAR than he did going into the theater directly through Iraqi channels.
I understand.
[quote] If you don't believe me, look at my hometown of Memphis. There are big churches all over the city, people can't find a decent job, and crime is up: urban blight at it's finest outside Detroit. It's just poor, desperate people heaped on top of each other till it all reaches a boiling point.[/quote]
Damn Eddie - you just burst my bubble on that one.
I was previously inclined to note that both Memphis and Detroit are Democratic and Progressively dominated cities and that despite the suffering that you indicate - the machines running them remain intact without fear of being toppled.
Bigger than the biggest church in Memphis and Detroit is their government network of services that abstract the people from the consequences of their actions and consciousness.
I wasn't speaking to any white person when I mentioned color. I wasn't singling out black or brown people. It was a reminder to people of color, who might sympathize with the Islamist. So anon's I wasn't speaking to you. I felt a need to say this so that those who I addressed to would understand me (not that I expected them to be pleased or agree with me) and not be sucked in by the anon's race baiting. You know how to divert the subject.I grew up under Jim Crow so I know that it is the anons way of calling me a nigger, It wouldn't be the first time. I survived that. If you need more opportunity why don't you come to my blog, You will find plenty to bitch about and you can call me anything you want. You may not get a response, but why take up Field's space here if I irritate you so much. I doubt if you will visit, because you wont get the bigger audience to get off on.
Anons you also need to read Robert Ruark's "Something of Value" then give thanks.
Hathor, "I grew up under Jim Crow so I know that it is the anons way of calling me a nigger, It wouldn't be the first time. I survived that."
Your emotional afflictions contaminate and distort your thoughts. I am not interested in reading "Something of Value". Why should I read it?
Creepy photo.
But it has some truth....beyond the wars.
Unfortunately Obama has no choice but to send more troops to Afghanistan. He would have been blamed by crazy Conservatives for the failure there. But then again... if he sends more troops, trains and equips more Afghan security forces to fight for their own Country but they fail to do it... he'll be blamed anyway.
At least this way...he can say he tried...and that he handed the Country over to Afghan forces...but THEY failed. This will make it easier in the long run for us to walk away. This is what he is setting the stage to do...and it is the right move IMO.
At least this way...he can say he tried...and that he handed the Country over to Afghan forces...but THEY failed. This will make it easier in the long run for us to walk away. This is what he is setting the stage to do...and it is the right move IMO.
That was the idea in Vietnam. Th government has a tendency not to walk away. Plus, Obama is getting ready to put another 30,000 troops in. That's not training other forces, or setting the stage for a draw down; that's what you call upping the ante.
I am thankful to all of you FN participants. Happy Thanksgiving.
anon 2:04
Google the book, not the movie.
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