I thought I was finished with the Coonies, but some folks here in A-merry-ca are taking cooning to a whole different level. They have redefined cooning and how we, as A-merry-cans, should perceive the coon. Because of this I am going to be sending out some Coonies to some well deserving folks. Oscar has nothing on the Coonie.
Anyway, here they are:
1. Clarence Thomas: Who else did you expect to be first on the list? Uncle C has a shelf full of Coonies. Still, I am handing him this latest one for different reasons. This time he gets one for being complicit while his wife rehashed old wounds by calling his former accuser after 20 years. Throw in the news of his porn addiction which might be cool, (Who am I to judge?) but stuff like this in the news is so undignified for one of the supremes. For the reasons stated above, Uncle C gets another Coonie.
2. Juan Williams: Juan, your ignorant statement about Muslims and subsequent firing by NPR put you front and center in the news. Unfortunately for you, it made us take a whole new look at your body of work. And guess what, Juan? it ain't pretty. (Was O'Reilly patting that Negro on the head?)
3. Thomas Sowell: Oh yes, the wingnuts favorite black intellectual. Sorry, he gets a Coonie. Not because of the way he leans politically or ideologically, but because of the way he tries to justify it. Just remember, Thomas: it's always easier to be loved in A-merry-ca when you turn on your own. They call that courage. I call it cooning.
4. Lloyd Marcus: No explanation needed.
5. Robert Johnson: Black entertainment television could have been so much more. Instead, you sold out for the booty shaking and the laughs. Your Coonie will be heading to your Virginia farm any day now.
6. Artur Davis: This Negro voted no on health care reform. Artur, that kind of jigging gets you a Coonie.
7. James E. Clyburn (D-SC): Many of you won't like this, but some of these dumbocrats can jig with the best of them. Sorry James, I know you think that all bloggers do is complain, but maybe you shouldn't give us so much to complain about. Please put your Coonie where all of the other members of the CBC can see it.
8. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas): I know that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste", but you shouldn't have hooked up your relatives at the expense of more deserving constituents. Congresswoman, that gets you a Coonie.
9. Michael Steele: Come on now. How could I give out coonies and not get one to my main man, Mike?
10. Walter Williams: "Obama's presidency is due to the goodness of Americans"? Please handle your Coonie with care.
11. Jesse Lee Peterson: "Thank God for slavery"? WTF is wrong with some of you Negroes? I am scared to give you a Coonie. You might put it on your lawn.
Honorable Mention goes out to:
Harold Ford
Larry Elder
O.J. Simpson
Angela McGlowan
Ignorant rappers.
Money hungry preachers
H.K. Edgerton
Alveda King
Stephen Broden. (Thanks Geneva Girl)
Erick Rush
Michael Strahan
Shaquille O'Neal
George Foreman
And every Negro doing s&^% to undermine -and embarrass- their family, their community, and their race.
I hate to be picky and stuff, but middle initials would be occasionally helpful. I looked at #5 and my immediate thought was "what the hell does the King of the Delta Blues have to do with hackneyed racist stereotypes on basic cable?"
I wish you'd work harder for your "whitest Puerto Rican on earth" readership...
No Debra Lee, Mr. Field? She def deserves a Coonie for all of her years as head of Black Exploitation Television.
And it would be a sad day for the Coonies if Tyler Perry didn't get one.
This has been a incredible week of B. S. for those of us who pay attention of what's going on. The Willie Lynch program is still in effect.
I was shocked that the Power Trio of Media Coon-dom, Perry, Bob Johnson and Debra (Dr. Evil) Lee, weren't given 'Coonies', as well. However, if we had to keep a list of coons in the media, we'd lose count, Val.
I forgot to mention a couple of things. One the Atlanta Post had a article about Black Churches that is interesting.
Also, I was listening to the Ed Schultz radio show one day this past week. An African American caller from North Carolina said he goes around and talks to people in a get out to vote effort and most people dont even know there's an election coming up. He also said they have 3 or 4 Black Radio Stations and none of them talk about the upcoming election. Sounds like where I live, the radio station is talking about as PE said back in the day 'Channel Zero' ish and not issues that effect the community, so some of these radio stations need a coon award also.
Preach Wesley!!!
Improbable Joe, and La~Coincidental, that would be Robert (Bob) L. Johnson, as in the former CEO of BET. Yes La~ he is on the list. Improbable Joe, I am sorry to have caused you a moment of apprehension. :)
Val is right, Debra should be right next to Bob.
Wesley R, you are right, when it comes to certain things our priorities tend to be a little screwed up.
Field, I am still LOL at your comment for Jesse Lee Peterson. I swear I was thinking something similiar to that. I believe Jesse Lee Peterson is afterbirth. There is no way in the world that a black woman could birth someone that abnormal.
Night and peaceful dream to all! I think I'll go to be early tonight and get some much needed rest.
i nominate the makers of this video:
and the negro in my office that made a point of sending it to everyone; so they could enjoy a good laugh AT the expense of black folks. being the only other black person at the firm i suggested he consider the fact that if HE doesn't respect HIMSELF as a black man, it is unreasonable to think others will.
of course he processed it as my not having a sense of humor. i sent him a link as a reciprocal action:
he sternly informed me that he is not a political activist and is not concerned about stuff like that. lol. putting space between us is the plan going forward! HOPEFULLY he understands not to send me his coonish emails going forward. if he does i will respond only with an informative link! lol!
Barack Obama's not a coon?
BO gets my vote anon @ 1:05am.
Excellent post, I must say that in many of my troubles at work or in a work environment....it has been the Uncle Toms and Tomazinas that have been the ones to look out for that not only stab you in the back.....but in the front too!!!
All the Amos and Andy dancers you noted are just EMBARRISSing!!!
Black folks that hate other black folks and seek the white mans approval.....its Sick...man!!!
What did Shaquille O'Neal do?
Blacks have far more disgraceful ugly names and labels than any other group. I guess that is the ugly karma of slavery and Jim Crow.
This award is another bottom of the human chain awards, held exclusively and 'explicitly' for Blacks. It is ugly and degrading...much like the N-word.
It is disgraceful and I am sick and tired of folks like yourself who judge and berate Blacks with self-righteous 'whiteness'.
Make sure you give the first award to yourself.
Field, you have Jesse Lee Peterson on your list twice. O.K. He probably deserves a double hit. I listened to the audio at the link and thought maybe this man had electric shock therapy at some point because part of his brain function appears to be missing.
This is the Black version of my "Sit Your Azz Down/Blank Stare" list.
I would like to add one of my former co-workers to the list. She took "house negro/I hate myself" to a dangerous level. I laid down the law on her and gave her a history lesson that made her cry.
Sidebar: Follow me on twitter @attorneymomnj.
There is nothing wrong with Jesse Lee, except that he had a terrible childhood growing up in the black community. He was treated badly by members of his own race. The only kindness he probably received was from Whites. They taught him how to become free.
The result is that he is very successful in America. Had his ancestors remained in Africa, things would be horrible.
anon 5;14,
Why is that people like you, think a world without colonialism and slavery would be more disastrous? Also if there had been no modernization, man's life would have been uncomfortable and unhappy.
UptownSteve and Alicia Banks are right up there and deserve a place on your list. UTS is a crazy hateful black male who will cry about racism on one hand while talkin about dem jooos like a Nazi on the other. Alicia does the same but she also does that crazy/angry black woman thing that is funny. Granny "speaking for truth" is another freak worthy of mentioning.
Interesting..you will catch some flack
Can't believe Eddie Long isn't on this list.
DL Hugely, who defended Imus and whose standup is all coonery, has my vote!
Please add Dr. Joycelyn Elders former Surgeon General of the United States. This woman gives me the creeps. She's like a Madea with an education.
Pastor Broden? The Tea Party fool from Texas who says that country may have to resort to violent revolution to correct the government. He's also a Glenn Beck favorite.
What, no Bishop Eddie Long? Speaking of men of the Kinte cloth. Have you ever heard of Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr.? He just yet another one of those Negro right-wing enablers.
Well, earlier in the year I had to give him a Slave Cather Award for saying that all black democrats are "Godless", and that black people should be giving money to the Republican party.
He showed up on my post this week and said he was gonna pray for me.
I believe a coon is someone who plays up to the white race at the expense of the black. Eddie Long doesn't qualify.
"This award is another bottom of the human chain awards, held exclusively and 'explicitly' for Blacks. It is ugly and degrading...much like the N-word.
It is disgraceful and I am sick and tired of folks like yourself who judge and berate Blacks with self-righteous 'whiteness'.
Make sure you give the first award to yourself."
Jesse, is that you?
Rippa and Anon. Bishop Eddie Long [stroke] was considered, but....I am reserving judgment a little longer. I am not too familiar with the man and his body of work when it comes to the community. As for the sexual harassment charges I will take a wait and see approach. Or am I missing something?
Geneva Girl, you are right; let's go ahead and give Pastor Broden an HM. And let's remove Jesse from that same category. Nordette is right; we don't need him up there twice.
Doug, "flack" is my middle name. :)
And the winners are Daren Bourns, Cherly Underwood, Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey,and Jay Anderson
Wow. Black people sure are hateful. Y'all is consumed with hate for the white man and any black who doesn't fully share your hatred. It feels real good to engage in mutual expressions of group hatred, doesn't it? And the more things "change"; the deeper the hate becomes.
Good luck with all that.
"Wow. Black people sure are hateful. Y'all is consumed with hate for the white man and any black who doesn't fully share your hatred. It feels real good to engage in mutual expressions of group hatred, doesn't it? "
Yes, you taught us well.
I nominate Attorneymom for always trying to pimp this blog for followers.
Well, there ain't no "Coons" in the Obama DOJ, just racists. Yesterday, the Washington Post finally got around to reporting on how the NBPP voter intimidation case was dropped, the first on the record confirmation of the attitude inside the Civil Rights Division that whites should not be protected by the civil rights laws:
“The Voting Rights Act was passed because people like Bull Connor were hitting people like John Lewis, not the other way around,” said one Justice Department official not authorized to speak publicly, referring to the white Alabama police commissioner who cracked down on civil rights protesters such as Lewis, now a Democratic congressman from Georgia.”
This is a startling admission. It is part and parcel of a wide hostility to protecting whites who are victims of racial discrimination, as Christopher Coates and Adams alleged all along. That admission is a major mistake for the administration and should be made well known before the upcoming election. The Post continues:
"Three Justice Department lawyers, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation from their supervisors, described the same tensions, among career lawyers as well as political appointees. Employees who worked on the Brown case were harassed by colleagues, they said, and some department lawyers anonymously went on legal blogs “absolutely tearing apart anybody who was involved in that case,” said one lawyer."
For the first time in any media, the Washington Post has cracked sources inside the DOJ familiar with what is going on. Kudos to the Post for flushing out more corroboration of the Adams and Coates testimony.
There is this money quote:
“There are career people who feel strongly that it is not the voting section’s job to protect white voters,” the lawyer said. “The environment is that you better toe the line of traditional civil rights ideas or you better keep quiet about it, because you will not advance, you will not receive awards and you will be ostracized.”
So much for the "post-racial" Presidency, huh. It's all about payback with these guys. But payback's a bitch.....
Field, I love this. I will never understand why a black person would be a conservative. What exactly do we have to conserve? Some old money left to us by our grandparents? GMAB.
Dear Field Negro,
Why don't blacks like you who think Jesse Lee Peterson is a "coon" for saying "thank god for slavery" go "back" to Africa?
You're not going to do that and neither are 99.99% of blacks born in America (who are descended from American slaves). In fact, blacks born in Africa want to come to America to take advantage of the opportunities here that are not available in their countries of origin.
BTW, I am a black American descended from American slaves (I am neither conservative nor Republican) who is glad to be an AMERICAN. I have a pre-existing medical condition, currently devastating black Americans (guess what it is). I know for a fact that if I was an African, living in Africa, I would be dead. I would have died a looooooong time ago. I love America.
anon 1:45,
How do you know what Africa would be today if there had not been slavery or colonialism. You must have so little regard for any African, to be capable of invention and modernization.
"Wow. Black people sure are hateful. Y'all is consumed with hate for the white man and any black who doesn't fully share your hatred. It feels real good to engage in mutual expressions of group hatred, doesn't it? "
Field said, "Yes, you taught us well."
12:28 PM
You tell 'em Field. We learned a long time ago how to hate ourselves from Whites-and we love our self-hatred. Our hatred for Negroes, Coons, HN, N-word, uncle toms, porch monkeys, sambo, buckdancers, mfs, ho's, and tar babies grow everyday with each generation. No one can take us seriously with the names we call each other. In fact, it makes Blacks irrelevant, a joke.
Field, thank you for putting our Black Pride on display. Nothing more prideful than shameless low-self worth....you're the man, Field...you're looking good. That Million Man March that you attended really shows. lol
Hathor, stop rambling, shut up, and close the door to your avatar.
frontin-ass Jamericoon bloggers
Anon 1:03pm..... the investigation into the joke that wasn't voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party should never have happened... and the DOJ was absolutely right to drop it... Get this straight. THERE WAS NO VOTER INTIMIDATION! The two idiots dressed up in front of a polling place in Philadelphia... a place that is overwhelmingly black and democrat.... did not intimidate, threaten, prevent, or otherwise inhibit ANYONE from voting. Think about it... why on earth would someone be intimidated by 2 black people who say they are there to protect the black people who were voting there?
Now, if these two idiots had been in front of a polling place in parts of the northeast of philadelphia and tried to stop the mostly white voters who vote from voting... THAT WOULD BE VOTER INTIMIDATION by the New Black Panther Party. And, they would have gotten their asses kicked before the cops showed up and arrested them. Philly is, after all, an equal opportunity "yo, don't fuck with me" city.
I live here. I worked the election that day. And I can guarantee you this was a complete non-story that was pushed by FOX news.... Yes, these 2 yahoos were there... but they only scared the white reporter. Not the white poll worker. Not the few white folks that voted there. And certainly not the overwhelming numbers of black folks that voted there.
To try to compare these 2 dudes who have absolutely no mass following, are not taken seriously by most folks, black and white in philly, who did not and do not have the force of elected officials and the police behind them to the kinds of very real voter intimidation that has happened in this country is absurd. Theater of the absurd.
Thank goodness the DOJ put an end to such nonsense. From Philly, as a white person, I am telling you IT WAS NONSENSE! Got it!!
"BTW, I am a black American descended from American slaves (I am neither conservative nor Republican) who is glad to be an AMERICAN. I have a pre-existing medical condition,...(guess what it is)."
"You tell 'em Field. We learned a long time ago how to hate ourselves from Whites-and we love our self-hatred. Our hatred for Negroes, Coons, HN, N-word, uncle toms, porch monkeys, sambo, buckdancers, mfs, ho's, and tar babies grow everyday with each generation."
I am sure you left some out.Hey I don't know about you, but "self- hatred" has never been my problem.
Dear Field Negro,
My pre-existing medical condition is that I am HIV-positive.
The medicines I take everyday are currently UNAVAILABLE to most black Africans living with HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Millions of black Africans have died and will continue to die of HIV/AIDS (as well as many other diseases that have been virtually wiped out in the West) because black African "leaders" have so far failed to take care of their people either because they refuse to or are too corrupt/incompetent or some combination of the two.
I repeat, I am glad I was born in and live in America. I would have died long ago if I had been born in Africa.
I doubt I would survive anywhere on the African continent because of my medical condition. Not to mention my sexual orientation (I'm gay). I'm sure you've heard of Uganda's "Kill The Gays Bill". And Uganda is just one African country. In many black African countries, being gay can result in a long prison sentence at hard labor (not a situation I could survive with my condition).
I simply would not be safe in MOST (if not almost all) of the countries on the African continent - for the aforementioned reasons.
Self-hatred has NOTHING to do with how I feel about this. It's just common sense from MY point of view. For all of America's homophobia (and racism), I KNOW that I am much safer here in America than I would be in Africa. I am glad I was born in America and not Africa.
What has George Foreman done other than sell cooking grills and being silly enough to name all his children George?
Sharon from WI said...
What has George Foreman done other than sell cooking grills and being silly enough to name all his children George?
Sharon, isn't that enough?
I know he found Christ and turned his life around, wonderful. But he went from the Mike Tyson of the 70's to everyone's favorite "Happy Negro" former athlete. **
I wouldn't give a Coonie, but I would certainly vote him a Patio Negro.
As for a True Coonie, that needs to go to Harold Ford Jr. The man who got trounced in his own Backyard and goes where ever the political winds are blowing wants to dictate to Obama? Negro, please.
Sorry, but being a corporate shill for 10 years and now a carpet bagging DLC nobody vying to take Mike Bloomberg's seat doesn't make you a change maker or leader. It makes you a spineless appatrik who will throw his momma under the bus for a paycheck.
** Somebody had to take OJ's job.
Dear Anon 6:06 PM. Maybe if you were born in Africa you wouldn't be HIV- positive. Have you ever thought of that?
"What has George Foreman done other than sell cooking grills and being silly enough to name all his children George?"
Sharon,- and the same goes for M who asked about Shaq.- it's kind of like the Supreme court famously said about pornography; you just know a coon when you see one.
Those grills are an easy way to make healthy meals. Seriously, is that ALL he's guilty of? And Mike Tyson's off the hook? I see no evidence of coonery for either but if you're gonna slam George, clearly you have to after Tyson first.
anon-"You tell 'em Field. We learned a long time ago how to hate ourselves from Whites-and we love our self-hatred. Our hatred for Negroes, Coons, HN, N-word, uncle toms, porch monkeys, sambo, buckdancers, mfs, ho's, and tar babies grow everyday with each generation."
Field said, "I am sure you left some out.Hey I don't know about you, but "self- hatred" has never been my problem."
4:34 PM
Ignorance is bliss.
Field, "Dear Anon 6:06 PM. Maybe if you were born in Africa you wouldn't be HIV- positive. Have you ever thought of that?"
What an insensitive comment. When it comes to feelings about your own people, you are as apathetic as Clarence Thomas, and as ignorant as Jesse Lee Peterson.
Whaaaa? No Coonie for Francis Rice? For shame. I have to send you her e-mail response to me about Bartholomew.
Mr. Field,
Isn't it premature to give out these awards? We have an election and two more months to go in 2010.
@Jobu, you got a point. We've got almost 3 months of shuck and jive to go. Though frankly, through Black Tea Party Lawn Jockeys doing everything to throw Obama under the bus, most Hip-Hop 'artists', many Black celebrities and business elites, there's gonna have to be a big explosion of cooning to beat these reigning champions.
"Those grills are an easy way to make healthy meals. Seriously, is that ALL he's guilty of? And Mike Tyson's off the hook? I see no evidence of coonery for either but if you're gonna slam George, clearly you have to after Tyson first."
You must understand that the "coonie awards" are about ignorance, hatred and shamelessness. The award can be given to anybody by any fool who creates them in mind.
I am really surprised that Field does not include Reverend David Manning in his list. The man makes Jesse Lee Peterson look sane.
"I am really surprised that Field does not include Reverend David Manning in his list. The man makes Jesse Lee Peterson look sane."
Yes, I must expand them in 2011.
Pilot X, you can give me your nominee then as well.
No Jobu, it's not too late. These folks have gone above and beyond cooning for the year.
"I KNOW that I am much safer here in America than I would be in Africa. I am glad I was born in America and not Africa."
I bet you wouldn't be talking that mess if your black self was born in America 400 to 50 years ago. You damn know you would have been safer in Africa all that time.
It's ironic how your kind can only talk that ignorant foolishness in this day and age in America.
Well, it is obvious that TODAY, it far better for a black person to be in America than Africa. Hell, Africans are standing in line to get to America and I don't blame them. THAT IS A FACT. Of course, if you are an angry about being in America, why not change places with the Africans trying to get here? It'll be interesting to see how your 'fellow' Africans will receive you.
By the way Africans think of African Americans, you won't get a warm reception.
The Field Negro said:
"Maybe if you were born in Africa you wouldn't be HIV- positive. Have you ever thought of that?"
My response:
Maybe. Maybe not.
La*audiobooks said:
"I bet you wouldn't be talking that mess if your black self was born in America 400 to 50 years ago. You damn know you would have been safer in Africa all that time.
It's ironic how your kind can only talk that ignorant foolishness in this day and age in America.
My response:
This is today not 50 to 400 years ago. I am absolutely safer (and healthier) in America TODAY than I would be anywhere on the African continent TODAY.
Wesley R said...
Also, I was listening to the Ed Schultz radio show one day this past week. An African American caller from North Carolina said he goes around and talks to people in a get out to vote effort and most people dont even know there's an election coming up. He also said they have 3 or 4 Black Radio Stations and none of them talk about the upcoming election. Sounds like where I live, the radio station is talking about as PE said back in the day 'Channel Zero' ish and not issues that effect the community, so some of these radio stations need a coon award also.
The local Hip-Hop station here has a problem too. I even tried to send Michelle Malkin information about it. I ask her if she wanted to boycott it like the other Hip-Hop stations. It's owned by J.Kenneth Blackwell.
Let's not forget Ward Connerly, if he wasn't born there would be more Black lawyers.
@Anon, I have been to the continent and got a very warm reception and was told to tell other sisters and brothers from amerikkka to "come home". I had a blast and was treated just fine thankyouverymuch. I agree that family from the continent don't like many Black folks from here because we are ignorant and arrogant just like most amerikkkans. Hell, nobody on this planet likes you. You are like the fat rich kid that makes fun of others because they don't have as much as you but didn't do a damned thing to earn what you have. If it wasn't for the free labor of our ancestors, the technological expertise of Germans after WWII and the one time investment in science and technology after the Ruskies scared your asses with Sputnik this would still be a scared assed backwards country that believes the planet is 6,000 years old. Stop the madness. tis country is just lucky.
lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, what can I say. I haven't laughed this hard in a LONGGGGGGGGGG time ! Every time I found myself thinking " he should have included ( fill in the blank )", as soon as I scrolled down, that person's name would often be the next on the list ( I mean that literally...Shaq, Jesse Lee Peterson, the King lady, etc. ). Whewwwww, this is great. Please google " Teabaggers Anonymous " at your leisure. I think you'll get a great laugh as well. Peace.
R.I.P. the 'Cool Ruler' = one of the all-time greats.
Suddenly I feel very old.
- this has been a terrible year for my musical heroes, just a week ago we lost General Johnson who recorded the first 7" single I ever brought.
[Terrible video alert}
Damn! Gregory Issacs is dead! :( I will be singing "Night Nurse" for the rest of the evening in my head.
PC, I feel your pain.
2nd or 3rd, James David Manning, Phd
Dang, Val, you beat me to it.
As for other Coonies, ITA with every name on this list.
Eddie Long should be on this list; not because of the sex scandal, but the fact that he dissed and disinvited Harry Belafonte from attending Coretta Scott King's funeral, because he was in cahoots with GeeShrubya to get a piece of that "faith-based" money pie.
And DL Hughley plus Damon Wayans need to be on this list for defending that cracker, Don Imus, for his "nappy-headed ho" comments about the lady Rutgers Basketball team. You might also need to think about Whoopi Goldberg joining this list for defending Mel Gibson's domestic rant against his ex-girlfriend, saying that she should get raped by a pack of N---gers - not to mention defending Juan Williams' insane rant on Muslims.
I agree with you, especially with the Honorable Mention, Shaq.
He is too god damn big to be pulling a Tyler Perry and donning a dress/wig.
WTF!!! and he's supposed to be a muslim? What was that all about? He must have some sugar in his tank.
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