It was ugly at "the Linc" today, folks. My birds caught a beatdown from the DC dead-skins. "5" came back home and delivered a win for them. And, to make matters worse, Vick looks like he is out for at least six weeks with broken ribs. Damn it's tough to be a birds fan.
Anyway, it's hard to write a post tonight because I am still seeing Clinton Portis gash my team's D for more yards. So anyway, here are a few random thoughts:
I know that OJ Simpson is kicking himself tonight. Man if he could have just stayed out of prison long enough to see this. Oh well, I know where the vacation hot spot will be for NFL players next year. Especially the black ones.
I bet that dude who wrote the article about "Crazy white American folk" in the Village Voice didn't expect this type of backlash. What did he expect? That white folks would just roll over and let him talk about them in unflattering terms? Not anymore. This is not your father's A-merry-ca. White folks are no longer ashamed of their whiteness. And damn it, you liberal tree huggers will not turn this country back to the days of white guilt. Just wait until November 2nd. You all will be wishing that you didn't put that beige man in the people's house.
"I picked up a crack pipe when I was 25 years old because I wanted to try it, and it took me 22 years to un-try it. But it's a wrap now. I lost all that time with a pipe in my mouth. Now it's a mike to my mouth."
El, I just hope that you have your counselor on speed dial. But I wish you the best.
Now that tons of money is pouring in for my girl Sarah light, I hope she spends it wisely this time. One thing she won't be spending it on is tofu. Seems my girl loves her meat....(get our minds out of the gutter readers.)
"WILMINGTON, Del. Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell once told a TV interviewer that she tried several religions but skipped becoming a Hare Krishna because she didn't want to be vegetarian. "
I bet the Hare Krishna folks are happy for that.
Finally, just two more days for the release of Dana Milbank's new book. I can't wait.
I think that Milbank is on to my man, and in his new book I think that he will make a compelling case that the guy is certifiable. But who is crazier? Beckkk and his P.T. Barnum style schtick, or the millions of A-merry-cans who worship at his alter?
It's hard to pick between the two.
I'm out. Hey, does anyone have a football team with a large bandwagon.
this is a silly post muah muah muah muah muah
> White folks are no longer
> ashamed of their whiteness.
As a 42 year old white male, what have I done to be ashamed of?
I'm out. Hey, does anyone have a football team with a large bandwagon.
J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets...GO BABY!!!!!
An obvious lobvoldic gisterate on the part of the typical lastolderoid team. We can hardly expect any level of gimponic vortitude in a world inhabited by Teutonic AnoTooters like Bruno Leicht and illiterate mumblers who are trying to fill the void Daddy left by skronking and pretending it is music a la Matt Lavelle.
Nothing will lopratically change any time soon, I suspect. But buy your popcorn at Amazon just to be safe.
Chris Rich
Brother -- think of it -- you could be a 49er fan. Your birds will probably trample my sad sacks next week, even without a QB.
If you watch college ball, you can jump on the Gators' bandwagon. You'd make 1 of 2 onboard, and Gators have little tiny lizard brains so don't care if they did get whupped.
"As a 42 year old white male, what have I done to be ashamed of?"
For one thing, standing by in silence while your fellow Whites continue to devalue and dehumanize other ethnic groups. You remind me of a spoiled little kid chewing on a Snickers bar, watching a starving Haitian kid take bites out of a cake made from salt and mud.
gee mack what is it that time of the month or something? u bitter grumpy phukkwad! u dont know what the hell this white fella does in his private life!
Field, you misspelled Beck's name...AGAIN. WHY do you insist on misspelling a great American's name? This man deserves respect. There is no other person in America who has captured the attention of Black and White Americans than Beck. There is not one person more widely watched and followed, and no one more powerful in the media than Beck.
Btw, according to the media, the White House has some fear of Beck, just ask Shirley Sherrod.
Based on that alone, shouldn't you respect The Honorable Mr. Beck's last name? Instead of misspelling his name, maybe you should misspell the names of the people in the WH who shake in their boots at the thought of him?
Pray you don't catch Mr. Beck's attention with your insult of his family name. You could end up 'history' just like your race chasing Cuban brother, Rick Sanchez.
Look, I am just trying to help a lefty brotha like you to become a better American, and at the same time become a better brotha...HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND GOD.:)
MackLying@3:59am-- you are a presumptuous disgusting crabby sick asshole. And no, I am not White.
Beckkk is trying to get to closer to Joseph Smith, his savior. Better quit drinking the kool-aid he's selling.
That's really too bad about Vick. I wanted to see him do his thing this year. You see how he killed Jacksonville last week, and this week Payton Manning had to throw the ball a million times to get the same yards against Jacksonville that Vick got. Vick is a beast, I like Philly but I don't like how the fans treated McNabb. It's only a matter of time before they turn on Vick so I hope he leaves after this year.
You see how he killed Jacksonville last week, and this week Payton Manning had to throw the ball a million times to get the same yards against Jacksonville that Vick got. Vick is a beast, I like Philly but I don't like how the fans treated McNabb. It's only a matter of time before they turn on Vick so I hope he leaves after this year."
I loved the first part of that quote. The second part? Not so much.
"Field, you misspelled Beck's name...AGAIN. WHY do you insist on misspelling a great American's name? This man deserves respect. There is no other person in America who has captured the attention of Black and White Americans than Beck."
Help me. :(
"J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets...GO BABY!!!!!"
Well yes, after their little HBO appearance I am guessing that they do have a large bandwagon. But I will pass on all Zoo Yawrk teams. Sorry.
janin, you will get your first win next week.
macklyons wrote:
For one thing, standing by in silence while your fellow Whites continue to devalue and dehumanize other ethnic groups.
From today's NY Times:
Frenzy of Rape in Congo Reveals U.N. Weakness
Published: October 3, 2010
LUVUNGI, Democratic Republic of Congo — Four armed men barged into Anna Mburano’s hut, slapped the children and threw them down. They flipped Mrs. Mburano on her back, she said, and raped her, repeatedly.
It did not matter that dozens of United Nations peacekeepers were based just up the road. Or that Mrs. Mburano is around 80 years old.
“Grandsons!” she yelled. “Get off me!”
As soon as they finished, they moved house to house, along with hundreds of other marauding rebels, gang-raping at least 200 women.
What happened in this remote, thatched-roof village on July 30 and continued for at least three more days has become a searing embarrassment for the United Nations mission in Congo.
Despite more than 10 years of experience and billions of dollars, the peacekeeping force still seems to be failing at its most elemental task: protecting civilians.
The United Nations’ blue-helmets are considered the last line of defense in eastern Congo, given that the nation’s own army has a long history of abuses, that the police are often invisible or drunk and that the hills are teeming with rebels.
But many critics contend that nowhere else in the world has the United Nations invested so much and accomplished so little.
What happened in Luvungi, with nearby peacekeepers failing to respond to a village under siege, is similar to a massacre in Kiwanja in 2008, when rebels killed 150 people within earshot of a United Nations base.
“Congo is the U.N.’s crowning failure,” said Eve Ensler, author of “The Vagina Monologues,” whose advocacy group, V-Day, has been working with Congolese women for years.
She blamed poor management, bad communication and racism. “If the women being raped were the daughters or wives or mothers of the power elites,” she said, “I can promise you this war would have ended about 12 years ago.”
With respect to the idiotic article in the Village Voice, well...
The Village Voice was once a venue for responsible and exciting journalism. Sadly, these days, it's nothing more than a platform for ranting, uninformed high school students who seem to be friends with the editor-in-chief.
Anyway, inasmuch as the Voice is given away -- free -- we know how much the output of its writers is valued.
Hey Field,
It's either the Eagles "homecoming" or take my Bears drubbing in Jersey, on a Sunday night no less...:/
Go 'Skins.
Winning ugly is still winning.
Mass Rape in Kosovo
the rapes of women and
"corrective rapes" of lesbians and their children in africa are ATROCIOUS!!!...
it would take african men 300+ years to catch up to the slave raping jew massa dogs in heat kin of needs slaps!!!!!!!
not to mention all the black men raped by jewish women to date!!!
uptownsteve digs into the history books for:
Mass Rape in Kosovo
What decade was that?
And in today's NY City news:
Cheyenne Baez, 17, was shot and killed outside 112 E 128th St.
According to friends, the shooting has something to do with an old boyfriend and a new boyfriend.
Wow. What a shock.
Yesterday, at a crime scene in Brooklyn, Carlton Bright, 19, was found shot to death at the corner of Pacific Street and Ralph Avenue.
The NY City murder total, so far this year, is about 350. I'm still looking for that first white victim.
rape is a global weapon of war
even inside american prisons
more on kosovo rapes
white male american soldiers rape FELLOW soldiers and iraqi and afghan women daily
needs slaps is a universal moron on war rape race and ALL othe topics!!!!
white men and all men across ALL boundaries of race and class... in war and in "peace" globally rape women daily!!!
including their own wives!
especially in jew owned slums!!!
weak lying racist dogs like needs slaps typically become experts on rape in prisons...
i think i'mma submit my resume for defense because i was so sick at the half-ass D that i saw the first quarter. field, it was a conspiracy. i'm telling you. the players @ philly wanted mcnabb to win.
if arrogant ignorance was a felony, needs slaps would be rightfully sentenced to life wthout parole and being brutally raped right now!!!...
4 goobers rape woman because she owed one $40
macklyons replied-
>For one thing, standing by in silence
>while your fellow Whites continue to
>devalue and dehumanize other ethnic groups.
What you speak of is a human weakness, not a white weakness. What you speak of happens in all races.
>You remind me of a spoiled little kid
>chewing on a Snickers bar, watching
>a starving Haitian kid take bites out of a cake
Asking questions remind you of a spoiled kid? How so?
rape is an ancient global weapon of war in all races and eras
rabid psycho racist jew & white male dogs like needs slaps raped and lynched COUNTLESS black women in the rural south for centuries AFTER slavery!!!
only racist illiterate fools like needs slaps would ever dare try to paint war rape as a solely african male ill...
to understand disaster
become a Lions fan
and relish in the heartbreak
as only Detroiters can
other teams have failure
and are beaten to the ground
they keep right on playing
and turn their ship around
not so with my Lions
a path down straight to hell
gonna bury another season
hear the tolling of the bell
at least they're setting records
a damn new one every week
the Lions are a bunch of clowns
and every circus needs a freak
especially in jew owned slums!!!
You are a disgrace. How many of the parents of the fictional children you tutor know how sick and hateful you are?? I wish they could read your daily ravings.
cc that to the jew breeder and bigot needs slaps
then STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
illitarate uneducated selectively cowardly doormat mongrels like you who never say a sole THING to needs slaps are the
real masochistic disgraces herein...
spare me your sporadic vision and retarded blog policing!!!!
blind stupid cowardly doormat mongrel assnon:
got glasses?
clean them !!!
alicia banks said...
the rapes of women and
"corrective rapes" of lesbians and their children in africa are ATROCIOUS!!!...
Your just a nasty racist aren't you. We can all see right away this is wishful thinking. You wan't some lily white jew to make a woman out of you and rape your stanky ass. Cause thats all you talk about. Well it aint gonna happen. YOu hit with a quadruple whammy, you a fat, lesbian, who is the queen of bitchs who is totally and hatefully racist. I wouldnt do you with uptown steves dick. I would be afraid of what I would find lifting one of your blubber rolls and that you might chow down on my hotdog as I am sure it has been a lifetime since a man offered you one. Thats why you started snackin on the tuna.
From now on shut your piehole on racism, cause you the biggest racist I see on this blog day in and day out!!! Fat, Lesbian hypocrite who cant deal with the truth and is dumbass enough to flood the blog with books she finds on amazon.
May you marry a nice Islamic man and be subjected to full Sharia law, cover that butter face up with a ghetto burka -plastic garbage sack...
Colour or not, rapists need to be in cages until they are rendered safe. Weeping crocodile tears over the past while covering for scum....no thanks. They all need the kind and tender ministrations of Graterford.
fat sloppy dl assnon/vdlr:
it is very clear from your racist rant that you are a roly poly bottom for the dl jew bear needs slaps...
i had no idea that the vdlr was not his only fat hairy assed baldheaded mongrel bottom bitch
who knew???
u made my day!!!
Uptown Steve: "Endemic violence, murder and rape among blacks is excused by the fact "white people do bad stuff too".
@ no_slappz: Quoting Eve Ensler now? Really?
alicia banks said...
fat sloppy dl assnon/vdlr:
it is very clear from your racist rant that you are a roly poly bottom for the dl jew bear needs slaps...
i had no idea that the vdlr was not his only fat hairy assed baldheaded mongrel bottom bitch
who knew???
u made my day!!!
Wanna try that again in English. Lemme guess, you are an english teacher for special needs kids.
OK genius, tell me how it is very clear from what I said that I am fat like you (it's rolly polly, not roly poly - that would be a parrot you pirate beyatch)
My racist rant? LOL. Pointing out your racism makes me racist? What are you one of those crazy delusional privileged racists who think anyone who disagrees with you is racist?
So not only are you a racist (more jew hating) you are anti gay as well? Damn you have a lot of mental problems!!! I am not gay, not that it would matter but apparantly you think being a lesbian is ok but a gay man is something to be ashamed of and if I was bald that would be shameful too? No wonder why you sound so hateful. You hate yourself and on this, I don't blame you.
WIth a fat ass like yours, do lesbians have to roll you in flour to find the wetspot too? Or can they just lift the rolls and follow the stank?
Now put your tongue back in your mouth, I get nervous seeing a lesbian with a hard on.
what does your mom's bakery fetish and dl lesbian sex life have to do with any of this???
i am not an english teacher
i also do not teach retards like you
ignoring the racist kkk kike needs slaps is what makes u a fake racist whiner!!!
i teach gifted children with superior dna and IQs
i do not type formally on blogs because blogs do not define my existence like your being the bottom dl bear bitch for your beloved bigoted daddy needs slaps defines your own...
fat nasty dl mongrel assnon:
what should shame you is your faceless cowardice, your selective blindess, and the VD and vulgarities you share with the vdlr!!!!
who knew that bi rapist needs slaps was bi and liked his scum buckets in male AND female???
fat nasty dl mongrel assnon:
what should shame you is your faceless cowardice, your selective blindess, and the VD and vulgarities you share with the vdlr!!!!
who knew that bi rapist needs slaps was bi and liked his scum buckets in male AND female???
baldheaded smooth brained mongrel assnon:
it should shame you that your actual bald tiny head/scalp is FAR less smooth than your audibly unwrinkled empty btain!!!!
when did u begin to balk at gay slurs???
why just look at how you degraded your fat sloppy flour covered bakery bulldyke mom above!!!
Here's something you might want to touch on in a post: Study finds "Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis"
alicia (Adolph) banks said...
baldheaded smooth brained mongrel assnon:
"it should shame you that your actual bald tiny head/scalp is FAR less smooth than your audibly unwrinkled empty btain!!!!"
IS this supposed to be an insult? Are your DNA tested special needs kids writing these things for you??
when did u begin to balk at gay slurs???
Since I started seeing your homophobic self hating hypocritical rants.
why just look at how you degraded your fat sloppy flour covered bakery bulldyke mom above!!!
Dont talk about mothers you might be one someday...oh wait....nazi transgenders cant have babies can they? ...phew....thank god!!!! Well there goes the end of the Lesbian third reich.
I dont understand the Rules.but know a Bandwagon when I See one!
hypocritical moronic impotent low spermed dl illiterate envious bigoted bear loving bottom bitch fool:
i am fluent eloquent and bilingual in english and french?
got dual envy u uneducated vulgar drone????
when did you start caring about eugenics and intellect????
are you not the poster child for the abject failure of both???
ps u vdlr shared diseased bottom bitch:
cc that to your beloved and rabidly racist tattooed kkk nazi black death camp slumlord jew top needs slaps!!!!!!!
AB please ignore.
vulgar dl stupid late assnon:
as always you are late
that het cowboy gwb already began the 3rd reich!!!...where the hell have u been since 2008 idiot???
your dl god hobama and his dl peer rahm have that gay 4th reich already on lock too u silly blind belated bitch....
wake up u distracted dickless dimwit!!!
u missed it all just as u miss needs slaps incessant rabid racism herein!!!
Hilarious @ if only O.J. could have stayed out of prison long enough to witness this. Yesterday marked the anniversary of his acquital of the two murders.
I had looked forward to seeing the game and quietly rooting for both quarterbacks to experience success on the field, regardless of which team claimed victory.
Hated to see Vick become injured. I was suprised to see McNabb not really give as much effort afterwards. Philadelphia cheered McNabb when I figured they would boo him.
Philly crowd, harsh like that.
"MackLying@3:59am-- you are a presumptuous disgusting crabby sick asshole. And no, I am not White."
You were so eager to call me a "presumptuous disgusting crabby sick asshole" you jumped the fucking gun. I wasn't even addressing you, sunshine.
You anons need to get out more. What happened to your self-appointed president? I'd hate to tell him how his employees behaved while he wasn't looking.
Michael said, "What you speak of is a human weakness, not a white weakness. What you speak of happens in all races."
All humans of all races know this truth...except, childish Mack Lyons. You see, Mack's elevator doesn't go all the way up.
Mack Lying, "You anons need to get out more. What happened to your self-appointed president? I'd hate to tell him how his employees behaved while he wasn't looking."
Our President considers your disgusting ass as irrelevant. Hence, you are open territory for ALL anons. Our President doesn't care what we do to you....consider yourself burnt toast. No racial pun intended, as I am Black, too...LOL
mack, are you and AB siblings? i ask because you think and 'react' alike.
why just look at how you degraded your fat sloppy flour covered bakery bulldyke mom above!!!
Dont talk about mothers you might be one someday...oh wait....nazi transgenders cant have babies can they? ...phew....thank god!!!! Well there goes the end of the Lesbian third reich.
Now that Shit there is funny!
Mack's elevator doesn't go all the way up.
Yeah no doubt the lights are burnin bright but there aint nobody home...you think Mack and AB are the same person only he put on a dress (tent) for the picture??
the psycho siblings are the cowardly faceless foolish racist sexist assnons who all look alike herein...
even that uneeducarted illiterate flabby dl bear lover/vdlr's bellywarming stable mate of needs slaps whose bulldagger mammy adores flour so!!!
morbidly obese bald brainless silly assnon:
that tent would be where you and needs slaps role play "homo kkk rides the randy jolly kapo bottom" in his backyard...
right next to the big clothing line with the brown shirts and that big tree with the matching brown rope noose...
u racist vulgar unread uneducated dizzy bastard!!!
no_slappz, I took your advice and bought shares of BP @42. It is tanking and I am down over $1000. I thought you knew what you were talking about. But maybe you wanted to set me up?
comedy is not your niche!
i see you and needs slaps have been trading "jokes" with the 8 yr old cub scouts in that neighboring backyard tent huh?
you goofy old geezer pervs really need to stop harassing those kids!!!
play your role with fellow old bald peers bumbling bitch boi...
that works better for vulgar morons like you!!!
hey dl bellywarmer kapo:
is it not the ultimate irony that an impotent bottom bitch jew bear lover like you would dare to tell such limp jokes?
with your glaring grave illiteracy?
with your fat saggy man boobs/moobs with nipples that protrude beyond your tiny "penis"?
all the kosher kkk jew swine sausage you eagerly devour?
with your viagra so necessary because your last 2 inch "erection" was during the dino ages?
i find your self deprecating sense of "humor" just brutally cruel boi!!!
ease up on your self imposed hilarity holocaust!!!
life is too short...even shorter than your stunted sex organ!!!
your bi bellywarmer needs slaps is cheating on u!
now you are even germiER than your own pct tiger!!!
gat dyam!!!
yea the woman with the supposed *cough* 250 iq is functionally retarded aint that a bytch
we know u can never compete with me no matter how big your stopwatch is...yuor LOW iq trumps all such gadgetry!!!
we get that!!!
and another thing thunderkunt asswipe buceta breaf banks it took u more then four minutes to come up with that witless prattle at 425 ya dumbass arent people with high iqs supposed to think fast? oh wait ur 250 iq was just a figment of ur imagination bytch tell them to up ur meds ya phukkhead!
dyam i am good huh?
too bad you are too stupid not to let me see how much u admire my stylo
naw dummy u could never compete with me nor the anon cartel there r simply too many of us my shift was clearly covered early today by another anon and he did well to insult ur flabby bug eye visage! so if ure so smart where r ur publication s again? oh wait there r none where r ur poster sessions? oh wait there r none where r u cited on google scholar or peer reviewed journals lexus nexus or jstor? u never were ya insiginificant ameoba
assnons confuse cowardice with courage...that is why they are scared and faceless
proof: they let vdlr be their leader...she is the most cowardly ghost faced inept retarded vulgar bitch on the net!!!!
needs slaps is dogging just like your tiger is but with a fat assed cloned MAN!!!
oooh child...
for u from the dj:
sorry fourth grader but u aint cutting it avoiding a well reasoned question simply shows ur lies and ineptitude it is apparent that u aint have no job TOMMY and that u aint have no life cuz if u had a life u wouldnt spend it on a blog that aint urs trying to come up with insults to others all day ya buceta breaf coohole! u r a churlish boar boor boar!
and as to the serious questions about ur supposed iq and qualifications if u put it out to the public at some point u will have to be vetted so that ur word can be verified source checks show that just about everything uve written about urself online is a gottdam lie!PHuKKING LOSER!!!!
psycho unknown insignificant transparent vdlr:
my veteran public intellectual experiences, resume, and superb education trump your crisp new fast food apps!!!
but thanks for your sincere concern u faceless nameless fool
An achievement never seen in black, hispanic or islamic societies.
The New York Times -- Mon, October 04, 2010
Developer of In Vitro Fertilization Wins Nobel Prize for Medicine
Robert G. Edwards, the British scientist who developed in
vitro fertilization, won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine.
In announcing the award, the prize committee at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden said Dr. Edwards "battled societal and establishment resistance to his development of the in vitro fertilization procedure, which has so far led to the birth of around 4 million people."
Read More:
my veteran public intellectual experiences, resume, and superb education trump your crisp new fast food apps!!! only in the fantasy of ur phukked up head r u an accomplished person on earth u aint shit!
anon said, "Yeah no doubt the lights are burnin bright but there aint nobody home...you think Mack and AB are the same person only he put on a dress (tent) for the picture??"
That is hilarious. Anon is funnier than Cris Rock...AB, don't you think anon is funny, esp. about the tent and your picture?LOL I can't stop laughing!
Field, I know you are rolling on the court room floor laughing.
ballzack is putting down links like buceta breaf she deserves it
anon 3:43,
BP will go to $65 within two years. It's that simple.
why do illiterate morons have such an aversion to links???
why not just skip them and let people who can and do read enjoy them????
well writes:
Here's something you might want to touch on in a post: Study finds "Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis"
Remarkably, people with No Downpayment Money, Lousy Credit Scores and Questionable Job Status were given mortgages equal to 100% of the purchase price of homes.
To get the money, all that was required was a signature on a promissory note in which the borrowed obliged himself to actually repay the loan.
However, borrowers realized they bore no risk. Because they had no capital invested, they realized, like any gambler, that they were gambling with free money from the casino.
Therefore, they had entered into a game of Heads the Borrower Wins, Tails the Lender Loses.
Despite the chance to gamble with the casino's money, millions wisely said -- no thanks.
no_slappz, "An achievement never seen in black, hispanic or islamic societies."
you obviously haven't heard about Ben Carson or GW Carver.
Btw, have you noticed that Sanchez has a great love for Jewish folks? Boy, the Cuban-Jewish relations in Miami must be the best.
anon 5:42,
Neither Carver nor Carson received Nobel Prizes. Moreover, both lived a long time ago. What happened?
If Carver had lived in the 20th century he might have won a Nobel. However, if you want to consider the pool of scientists who pre-date the Nobel Prize, the list is long and entirely white.
Where are the black scientists today?
hey fake bored assnon:
u r far too easily amused
that is a sure sign of a low IQ
u share that with that inbred peasant moron vdlr...she is so easily amused and bored that she plays with herself all day...
yet another reason why her own pvt tiger roams off daily!!!
retarded racist geezer needs slaps:
like i said
needs slaps is a universal moron
just like the vdlr
he has no idea that ben carson is alive and well and younger than he is...
anon 5:42,
With respect to Rick Sanchez and his lunacy, the most amusing way to look at the episode is this:
If CNN is actually controlled by Jews, then Jews have to take the blame for hiring Sanchez.
I think Jon Stewart is going to skewer Sanchez on tonight's Daily Show. Should be hilarious.
Meanwhile, Sanchez has made himself look like a paranoid goofball. His best bet is probably to start a news service with Mel Gibson.
needs slaps:
black scientists are all over america
but they are in arenas that appeal to intelligent humans
as you are inhumane and ignorant
u will never see them u kkk jew dog!
no_slappz, "Where are the black scientists today?"
I DO believe Me and My Microscope(MM&M) is a scientist with 5 degrees. One day she will win a Nobel Prize. And so will Granny for Literature.
alicia banks,
The Nobel Prize in medicine is not awarded to surgeons.
Carson has written three bestselling books published by Zondervan, an international Christian media and publishing company: Gifted Hands, The Big Picture, and Think Big.
The first book is an autobiography, and the other two are about his personal philosophies of success that incorporate hard work and a faith in God; Carson is a Seventh-day Adventist.
In a debate with Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins, and Daniel Dennett, Carson stated he doesn't believe in evolution: "I don't believe in evolution...He says that because there are these similarities even though we can't specifically connect them it proves that this is what happened."
Carson is a fundamentalist Christian. Fascinating.
needs slaps:
how does that mask the fact that u r a dimwitted blessed fool who have no idea who he is and that he is alive and dazzling etc???
anon 5:39, you wrote:
And so will Granny for Literature.
Sometimes I think granny is proof that Moms Mabley has returned from the dead.
Her style is almost too good to be natural.
"Meanwhile, Sanchez has made himself look like a paranoid goofball. His best bet is probably to start a news service with Mel Gibson."
LOL. I'm not sure how Mel feels about Sanchez.
POCs need to take it easy, and not let their mouths get ahead of their brains-- like AB does. Now Sanchez is out of a job with nowhere to go, like AB.
Life is hard for POCs in A-merry-ca.
needs slaps:
just because u came from a hairy ape does not mean that africans like ben carson did!
monkeys are extremely violent and have lots of straight hair and very thin lips... just like YOU!!!
ben carson looks nothing like a bigoted kkk jew!!!
needs slaps/jew whipped vdlr :
sanchez lied
i never do
quote me or stfu!
NS, "Sometimes I think granny is proof that Moms Mabley has returned from the dead."
That is hilarious.
needs slaps?
nobel prize????
who mentioned that?
it means nothing anymore after hobama won it during endless wars anyway!
alicia banks,
It seems you explode at those moments when your brain synapses make that little connection between the fact that asians and Jews have learned how to succeed wherever they go, but blacks never do.
Ben Carson may be a competent neurosurgeon, but he's only one success story. In other words, he's evidence that blacks face internal problems rather than external societal problems.
AB, "sanchez lied
i never do"
Oh, Pleeeze! the professional with high honors, and an IQ 250 never lies! Be glad UTS is not here today to rip you apart.
needs slaps:
u r a brazenly blind bigot
and in deep denial about your grossly outdone outnumbered outgoing outpaced outperformed white/jew race....in every arena!!!
that is your problem
not ours
envy is so ugly
and u r one hideous mf
alicia banks, you wrote:
nobel prize???? who mentioned that?
it means nothing anymore after hobama won it during endless wars anyway!
The Nobel Peace prize is given by a separate agency. It is obviously NOT awarded on the basis of quantifiable achievement. It is truly a political prize and truly the Nobel Booby Prize.
But, with only a couple of exceptions, it is the only Nobel won by blacks.
AB, "it means nothing anymore after hobama won it during endless wars anyway!"
YOU LIE!!! Obama deserved that prize because he is for peace. He just needs a little time to prove it. Besides, if we weren't in Afghanistan things could be worse. So stop acting like a prosecuting attorney.
alicia banks, you wrote:
and in deep denial about your grossly outdone outnumbered outgoing outpaced outperformed white/jew race....in every arena!!!
In the entire world there are only 15 million Jews. But the history of Jewish intellectual achievement is -- no matter how much it hurts you -- astonishing.
"In the entire world there are only 15 million Jews. But the history of Jewish intellectual achievement is -- no matter how much it hurts you -- astonishing."
I find it astonishing and I have often wondered how it was accomplished? There must be a love for learning and support for each other in the Jewish culture.
I DO believe Me and My Microscope(MM&M) is a scientist with 5 degrees. One day she will win a Nobel Prize. And so will Granny for Literature.anon
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
Now that is extremely funny!!!
needs slaps:
u have earned numerous nobel prizes for:
rabid ruthless racism
generic consummate cluelessness
universal and arrogant ignorance
raging revisionist history
dumbfounding historical denial
kudos u feckless faceless kike!!!
blind hobama nazi assnon:
racists like needs slaps think all black people are stupid because they think we are all too ignorant to see that hobama is a war prez/imperialist puppet of israel etc...
we are not all like you.
racist are all wrong and so are YOU!!!
Obama was president for only 12 days before the nomination closed for this prize.
WHO so curiously and hastily nominated Obama? Precisely WHAT had Obama accomplished by his 12th day in office that was so amazing and impressive?
The Nobel committee claims that Obama was chosen for “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy, his work on nuclear disarmament and climate change, and changing the tone of American politics”. When did I miss these great global feats by Obama? Who disarmed? Where are the new love fests among American politicos and voters? When did our globe suddenly cool off? On what countries’ soil was all of this greatness achieved?
ass-non barfs
"Uptown Steve: "Endemic violence, murder and rape among blacks is excused by the fact "white people do bad stuff too"."
No imbecile.
The point is that bad stuff like rape are done by bad people regardless of race.
I understand your passion but you are just feeding the troll.
Slappy is here just to provoke.
He lies constantly.
On another thread he claimed, after another poster proved that the poorest, most backwards states in America were red and Republican, that those states were largely black.
First off most blacks don't vote Republican and second there are no states that are even close to being majority black.
He's a hopeless loser who spends most of his pathetic ranting on the web.
Ignore him.
i really am trying uts
have a great evening
hey needs slaps:
run and tell your female kin
AB, "The Nobel committee claims that Obama was chosen for “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy, his work on nuclear disarmament and climate change, and changing the tone of American politics”.
AB, Obama has reversed our isolation from the international community that Bush created. He has reduced warfare in the middle-east.
But most importantly, he has started a political love fest in A-merry-ca between himself and many Blacks even though many are without jobs and he rarely communicates with them. Face it: With the exception of black conservatives and some black independents, most progressive liberal dem Blacks love Obama and don't care what he does.
You should know this from most commenters such as UTS, MackLying, Hathor, Val and Granny. But isn't that is the way Blacks roll on this blog? It has been that way since Obama has been in office.
You need to stop looking at the elephant in the living room; stop being open-minded and honest. You can never be part of the Obama group on this blog if you don't.
It's because of Blacks like you that the race is so fractured. It's because of Blacks like you that the Repubs will probably sweep in Nov. You fail to recognize that the truth is secondary compared to the love fest with Obama. In other words, the truth is somewhat irrelevant.
You need to learn how to 'think' Black, and drink some kool-aid. Don't you know that Obama is revered in the black community, esp on this blog?
Now drink some kool-aid and STFU.
What i find funny is that they traded McNabb to make way for a dude, Kolb, who sucked and made a way for Ron Mexico to come back. Life has a way of f'n up the best laid plans doesn't it? That dude Murphy was a bitch.
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