Monday, October 11, 2010

Chase worthy?

When you have a reputation for being fast on the racism chase folks tend to send you all kinds of stuff that they think is chase worthy. Unfortunately, more often than not, I have to keep my Air R's on the shelf because I can't get distracted by the little things. My man racism likes to send out all types of diversions, and I can't sweat the small stuff; especially when most of it is just par for the racism course here in A-merry-ca.

But every now and then someone sends me something that gets my attention. Like the latest story I got from a faithful field hand in Louisville, Kentucky. Seems there was a shooting of a popular athlete and the case had a hint of "Southern justice" to it.

Well me being me, I pulled down my Air R's and did some looking into it. What I found was the story being covered by the main stream media as just the tragic shooting of a former athlete, but not the racial angle my reader talked about in their correspondence to me. Finally, I went to one of my favorite web sites, and there it was, the racial angle.

Now I have to tell you, we had a similar case here in Philly awhile back, but the shooter was a minority and the victim was white. And, as fate would have it, the shooter was promptly charged with attempted murder. Promptly.

Anyway, please read both stories and tell me what you think. Maybe you think that my Air R's should remain on the shelf. But, then again, maybe not.


Anonymous said...

MSM IS covering the racial angle. It's been too long. Arrest him already.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that Howe is still a free man without even an arrest. My guess is that the Uof L player was provoked. I am sure the truth will come always does.But whether justice reigns, well..that's another matter. Right now Lady Justice is looking very weak. But so is the MSM.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that Howe is still a free man without even an arrest. My guess is that the Uof L player was provoked. I am sure the truth will come always does.But whether justice reigns, well..that's another matter. Right now Lady Justice is looking very weak. But so is the MSM.

brohammas said...

The "If it was a white man who had been shot" hypothetical angle is misleading and unconvincing. You can't argue a case on "what if?"

Now asking the question of why was a gun at a fist fight, why would the police believe the shooter at the scene rather than holding him for investigation, and why no arrest and high bail while the truth is investigated? I would think these questions are enough to stir up the race question, and my skeptical self smells something rotten.

La♥audiobooks said...

And I'm sure another white girl is in the midst. I'll have to sit this one out, I can't seem to find my black T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Police and witnesses say Covington got out and started beating them up. Howes shot his gun, accidentally hitting his brother in the hand and killing Covington.
Covington's loved ones are shocked

So whats racial about this? Other then some dude getting out of a car to attack someone else? Who started it, only they know, but if you get out of your car and attack someone with a gun, how is that racist? Oh he may have been provoked and in todays post racial america, someone saying something gives the black guy the right to attack them??? I hardly think justice is even being sought in this affirmative action country any more.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

Young athlete so mortally afraid for his life in a parking lot tussle that he's gotta slap leather? I'm not buying it as presented. Not sure if it's a racial or idiot angle though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yakel Rosenbaum was lynched in the 1990's by a black lynch mob who yelled "kill the kike" while stabbing him to death. Only one person did any jail time- 2 years. And this was due to ONE juror, a Black woman who said that just because a black male screamed "kill the kike" will stabbing him to death didn't make him responsible for his death. Only a few years later someone stabbed Al Sharpton, who as we can tell, lived. That guy did 10 years in prison. Kill a Jew if your black= 2 years. Stab a racist black man who survives=10 years, kill a black criminal (Jasper TX)= death penalty. Yup, double standares do suck. Black folks never notice them unless they NEGATIVELY affect you.

Lola Gets said...

I think you should investigate a wee bit further - perhaps find out the reason for the initial altercation - and then get the R's out. The disparity in treatment is objectionable and should be investigated.

I have a problem with a few things in this story. Fist fight vs handgun? One guy vs two?? And if the two white men were sitting in a car, why didnt they just drive the fuck off? Or at least move somewhere, in any direction. Im not saying they should have driven over the Black guy, because cars can be weapons too. Because they came back so hard, I am distrustful of the white guys' motives in this incident.


GrannyStandingforTruth said...

"One guy vs two?"

"two white men were sitting in a

Those are the two parts of the story that just don't sit right with me for some reason. And the victim's personality as described by different ones does not fit the profile of the angry young black man or the hothead that they are trying to paint him as. He sounds more like he was easygoing and a pleasant person.

Anonymous said...

Where did the Yakel Rosenbaum case figure into this? It was a horrendous miscarriage of justice and the kid that stabbed Mr. Rosenbaum should still be in jail. What irks me to no end is that everyone never reports the full story which lead to the Crown Height riots, namely that a young Hasidic man mowed down two little black kids on bikes, mortally wounding one and the Hasidic ambulance drivers picked up the young man and left the kids at the scene. Not only did he flee the scene of an accident, he was promptly put on a plane to Israel and never charged. There were two miscarriages of justice that day. And Howes, who was drunk and apparently high with a criminal record should be behind bars!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Didn't they tie the Jasper man to the bumper of the car and drag him to death? If that is who anonymous is referring to, then anonymous is more sicker in the mind than I thought at first. You don't do a dog like that, and even if he was a criminal what gave those men the the right to play judge, jury,and executor?

As for Al Sharpton being stabbed, regardless if you like him or not, he is still a citizen of the USA and no one has the right to stab another person, especially one who was not trying to do him any bodily harm. Al Sharpton does not carry any weapons.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Anonymous said...

"And I'm sure another white girl is in the midst."

So what. L*audiobooks' obsession with interracial relationships involving black men and white women is creepy. She's one sick/twisted puppy.

field negro said...

"And I'm sure another white girl is in the midst. I'll have to sit this one out, I can't seem to find my black T-shirt."

Scratching head La~Audio, I am not sure where you are going with this one.

"Where did the Yakel Rosenbaum case figure into this?"

It didn't. Only in the mind of an ignorant person.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"And I'm sure another white girl is in the midst."

So what. L*audiobooks' obsession with interracial relationships involving black men and white women is creepy. She's one sick/twisted puppy.

3:59 AM

AMEN. She's truly post-racial, isn't she!

Anonymous said...

10:55am, 11:11am. You don't want to go tit for tat trying to claim white victimhood. Take that crap to They'll agree with you. Everywhere else you'll be fighting a losing arguement.

Mack Lyons said...

The facts in this case just don't sit well with me. Time to do some more research.

uptownsteve said...

Speaking of Yankel Rosenbaum, why is it that out of all the racial murders in NYC over the last few decades (Michael Griffith, Willie Turks, Yusef Hawkins and others) Rosenbaum's family was the only one to get $1 million from the city of New York?

Anonymous said...

LA Audio

Get over it girl, you will get man when you get your attitude straight, and not a day sooner. I have to agree, you are obsessed with white women, give it a break.

Anonymous said...


Every time a bw talks the truth and shames the devil people call her manless. I'm so glad more bw are willing to clue up and see the light. Jena six was the same thing, they were fighting over ww. This angry bm didn't know how to behave, if you're man enough to hit first, be man enough to take what you get.

uptownsteve said...

"Every time a bw talks the truth and shames the devil people call her manless."

Sorry but you have this completely backwards.

A lot of sisters turn their own mental delusionals into realities that no one can convince them otherwise no matter how many facts are presented to them.

Case in point:

A lot of bourgie sisters have convinced themselves that the reason they don't have a man is because all the "good" (meaning rich, handsome, connected) black men chase white women.


If you look at the situation honestly, a very small percentage of black men regardless of class marry white women.

And as I ask all the time, even if they weren't with white women what makes you think that these desirable brothers are going to go out with YOU?

Anonymous said...


????????what is that, an airplane?

Anonymous said...

"If you look at the situation honestly, a very small percentage of black men regardless of class marry white women."

I often agree with u but not on this one. I read a stat recently that indicated approximately 1/2 of black men who earn over $100,000 per annum are married to non-black women. Don't ask me to show u the proof because my computer skills are not the most sophisticated. I don't remember where I saw it but I saw it several months ago.

LACoincidental said...

uptownsteve said...
A lot of bourgie sisters have convinced themselves that the reason they don't have a man is because all the "good" (meaning rich, handsome, connected) black men chase white women.


If you look at the situation honestly, a very small percentage of black men regardless of class marry white women.

And as I ask all the time, even if they weren't with white women what makes you think that these desirable brothers are going to go out with YOU?

UTS: Good point.

field negro said...

"I read a stat recently that indicated approximately 1/2 of black men who earn over $100,000 per annum are married to non-black women. Don't ask me to show u the proof because my computer skills are not the most sophisticated. I don't remember where I saw it but I saw it several months ago."

Anon. that's hard to believe, but I am not doubting that you really saw that stat.

Anon. that's hard to believe, but I do not doubt that you really saw that stat.

Am I missing something with this story? Where does it say the victim was involved in an interracial relationship?


????????what is that, an airplane?"

No, it's a football team from New York that is going to choke in the playoffs. :)

Jobu said...

Mr. Field:

The facts are not in. There does seem to be pressure to have a real investigation, which I assume the local DA will undertake. Tough to pass judgement until we know more. I hope justice will prevail, but I am not sure it will.

I live in intown Atlanta, and have for over thirty years. It is my impression that when people hear about a late night shooting outside a bar, they don't give much of a damn about anyone's race. They just breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn't an early evening armed robbery by someone who might randomly victimize them next.

Anonymous said...


????????what is that, an airplane?"

No, it's a football team from New York that is going to choke in the playoffs. :)

Well, so far we agree on one thing..the JETS are going to the playoffs!!!! :)


They are looking pretty good after a so so pre season. Oh wait..who did they beat in pre season? A little team from Phil-a-delp-I-A?

Oh after all these years of losing, it would be unreal to take it all the way!! Now comon and cheer on the best team in the NFL!!!!

Shabazz said...

Anonymous said...

Yakel Rosenbaum was lynched in the 1990's by a black lynch mob who yelled "kill the kike" while stabbing him to death. Only one person did any jail time- 2 years. And this was due to ONE juror, a Black woman who said that just because a black male screamed "kill the kike" will stabbing him to death didn't make him responsible for his death. Only a few years later someone stabbed Al Sharpton, who as we can tell, lived. That guy did 10 years in prison. Kill a Jew if your black= 2 years. Stab a racist black man who survives=10 years, kill a black criminal (Jasper TX)= death penalty. Yup, double standares do suck. Black folks never notice them unless they NEGATIVELY affect you

Anonyass shut the fuck up!!!
You know NOTHING about what happened that day.
However I do. Those kids that were ran down were my friends brother and cousin. I was there when it happened. Those kids were not even 20 ft in front of me when thet got ran down. My little brother was outside too playing with them, but didn't get hit. That jew piece of shit got what he deserved. To throw more salt in Black wounds, the first ambulance to arrive on the scene was a private jewish ambulance (Hatzolah) who refused to treat those children where one of them Gavin Kato, perished from his injuries. My eyes are watering as I type this. I will NEVER EVER forget that day. It was my friend who killed that jew. If he didn't do it, I probably would have.

uptownsteve said...


"Don't ask me to show u the proof because my computer skills are not the most sophisticated. I don't remember where I saw it but I saw it several months ago."

You saw it in one "focusedpurposes" posts..

I'm sorry but it has no basis in truth whatsoever.

I live in the largest black professional community in the world and the vast majority of married black men are married to black women.

Shabazz said...

Anonymous said...

I often agree with u but not on this one. I read a stat recently that indicated approximately 1/2 of black men who earn over $100,000 per annum are married to non-black women. Don't ask me to show u the proof because my computer skills are not the most sophisticated. I don't remember where I saw it but I saw it several months ago."

Okay, how many Black men earn over $100,000?

"If you look at the situation honestly, a very small percentage of black men regardless of class marry white women."

Right on Steve.
Like white women are so gorgeous and sexy we can't keep our hands off them.
white women are pale, you can see their viens through their skin, have no ass, and are mostly anorexic, not to mention should you happen to fall over that $100,000 threshold, they'll probably kill you for your money!

I will go through every fucked up Black woman in the world before I would date a white chick.

Don said...


There really doesn't appear to be anything different in the two shootings besides location and college majors. Besides that, I hardly see the differences in why one man was actually charged with a violent crime, while the other man was/is being hailed as a victim himself.

Oh wait, upon closer look at the photographs, I now notice something different concerning the two victims.

One has dirt beneath his fingernails and the other has a perfect manicure.

Yep. That has to be it.

Great read, FN.

Anonymous said...

So ShabaKKK said it was fine to lynch a Jew because another Jew committed a CAR ACCIDENT. Since black folks think that is okay there is nothing that has ever happened to you in America that deserves an apology- not Emitt Till, not the bombing of the Church that killed 3 black girls, not Jasper TX. Every lynch mob has it's excuses and the KKK had better excuses that ShabaKKK. Lynching an innocent Jew cause another Jew committed a car accident? And you think you deserve symapthy for anything. F no. You should have ended up like that guy in Jasper Tx. Dumb white sheet wearing negroid. Worse that the KKK.

Emit Till said...

Fasinating- a black male proudly brags about how he supports lynching an innocent Jew because some other Jew committed a CAR ACCIDENT. He also fudges the facts about the aftermath about the car accident- the Jewish guy who was lyched did not have jack shit to do with any of it. He was from Australia and was walking when he was lynched by the ebonic speaking KKK. ShabaKKK, you are a while sheet wearing negro and if Field Negro has no problem with you proudly supporting lynching people neither of you have anything to complain about what happened to me, do you? All lynch mobs have their excuses. Yours are worse than most. EVen the KKK had better excuses.

Anonymous said...

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Blaque Ink said...

The sad truth is that black lives are valued less in this country than white lives. That is the essence behind racism, the same essence that thrives to this day in every facet of this society. That is the truth whites fear and can not face.

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