It's only fitting that here in A-merry-ca two comedians held a very successful rally on the hallowed grounds of the Washington Mall today. They mocked the folks on both extremes of the A-merry-can ideological spectrum, and they exposed the A-merry-can political debate for the fraudulent discordant charade it has become. Throw in my home-boyz, The Roots, and folks like Tony Bennett, (who, by the way, I love) and you had a real party. I suspect that is why many folks went in the first place.- For the party. Which is all good as far as I am concerned.
While political pimps like Glenn Beckkk continue to exploit the fears of a certain segment of the population, cable television continues to show us their fears 24/7 and rake in advertising dollars along the way. What a country! Of course it helps if Beckkk and his ilk are being paid by some of the same cable television networks to keep the fear going. The irony is, of course, that the organizers of today's rally were also created and packaged to the A-merry-can people by cable television. I hope the irony wasn't lost on Jon Stewart, and I hope he won't take himself too seriously like the aforementioned Mr. Beckkk.
Still, we needed a rally to "restore sanity." When you have folks writing crap like this, you have to wonder how many rallies it will take to purge the insane from among us. With all due respect to Colbert and Stewart; the name of their rally was misleading. It was misleading because these rabid wingnuts with their manufactured anger- which was bought and paid for by corporate interests, were never sane to begin with.
The only people who would bother listening to Stewart or Colbert are either "sane and calm" or "sane and pissed off". None of the insane folks were paying any attention to them except as proof that Marxist/Muslim/Black/Mexican/Jewish/ Communist/Socialist/Liberal/Satanist/Klingon activists are gathering to destroy America.
Your homeboys are the truth. They can play any sound on point. Stewart's speech at the end was fantastic. As was the skit on fearing muslims when they brought out Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
The purpose of the rally was about satire. The jester was not only to amuse, but to criticize the master and mistress. Doesn't a comedian continue that tradition today? The point of the comedian is to entertain while pointing out some truthful observations. The comedian can social or political observations, Colbert and Stewart have chose the role of being the modern day jester and critic the media. Stewart told Terry Gross in an interview on Fresh Air three weeks that politicians have always been what they are, his biggest complaint is with the Media because they are suppose to be the watchdogs and not doing a particularly good job at it.
The reason why I like the Daily Show and Colbert Report they are showing you what the media does by simply paying attention. I was watching CNN a little while ago, and they have a comedian hosting a show at 7pm, and said to myself they are trying to do what Stewart and Colbert are doing, but Daily Show and the Colbert Report are fake news that mocks real news. Now I call that irony and it's sad to see that the news is doing everything, but in fact being the news. I know people complain about BBC News and NPR are boring, but they do present you with the news. I actually like BBC call their anchors presenters because it is what they do present you with the news. In addition, if you are a curious person, you going to refer to different types of media.
Dear Field, I read your link to the Thomas Sowell's article. I did not read anything that was crap in it. It was completely sane.
Hennasplace, "I actually like BBC call their anchors presenters because it is what they do present you with the news."
Finally you have said something that I totally agree with. For once, you have got it right.:)
Anon 10:34pm:
Do you ever enjoy anything, or is it your sole purpose in life to be utterly miserable? Dude lighten up.
I assume FP didn't bother to see any of the rally because as usual she does this blow-hard, empty-headed wikilike post.
The rally wasn't to restore sanity to the insane. It was to show that there are more people in the world who are like Stewart and Colbert--and me--than there are Beck haters in the world. We don't agree with Fox. We are the MAJORITY!!
Mission accomplished!
"It was misleading because these rabid wingnuts with their manufactured anger, which was bought and paid for by corporate interests, were never sane to begin with. "
This is what we are dealing with. 20 million people who live and breathe identity politics. People who are mad at too many Blacks being in nationwide commercials. Or their favorite TV shows. Or on football fields. People who chafe wildly at the notion that a person with brown skin has the same power, worth, and prestige that they do. People who view science as elitist, education as something that is a want for the wealthy, not a need for the masses.
No group of people in America has been lied to as much, sold more wolf tickets, and have been fucked without being kissed as much as white conservatives have been. They believe anything that allows them to carry the lie of their perceived superiority forward.
A bunch of retards clinging to guns and religion who know nothing about economics, are more than a little racist and are looking to scapegoat government for all their problems.
I watched the rally on tv. Surprisingly, I know of three bloggers I follow who attended and two of them live out West. I would have loved to go but, after watching it, I'm content I was home.
The best part of the event was Stewart's closing speech. I posted it as soon as I could find it. It rang true, regardless of who pays his salary. His and Colbert's way of getting their message across is so much better than the screaming heads on any of the other cable channels.
Stewart's speech explaining his goals for the rally today:
Hennasplace, "Anon 10:34pm:
Do you ever enjoy anything, or is it your sole purpose in life to be utterly miserable? Dude lighten up."
I WAS joking. Didn't you notice the smiley face at the end? Maybe it's YOU who is miserable and needs to lighten up. i won't bother you again.
I wish half of those who attended today's march were in line with the Oct. 2, 2010 gathering to remember those of us who are suffering the most. It's o.k. to be partisan to those principles that were designed to make this country great. Really its o.k. to advocate for the poor, recently poor and future poor.
I like your blog and I've added it to my list of favorite sites. Check me out and if so inclined--consider adding my blog to your list. Thanks
I didn't see a smiley face, but believe you that you put a smiley face and that you are joking. I apologize for my comment to you, but it would be nice to know other than anonymous because so many use that id that is difficult to tell by reading alone.
"I know people complain about BBC News and NPR are boring, but they do present you with the news. I actually like BBC call their anchors presenters because it is what they do present you with the news. In addition, if you are a curious person, you going to refer to different types of media."
Which is why Al Jazeera is turning out to be a more reliable source of news than most U.S. news outlets. Weren't these guys supposed to be the mouthpiece of the terrorist movement or something?
Hennaplace, do you speak another language than english? I can tell from your writing.
Juvenile, unfunny comedy skits will be no match for serious, determined adults on election day. This rally was satire on a level befitting a high school cafeteria. The Tea Party is a legitimate grass roots political movement, but the left has been reduced to behaving like spoiled children making fun of their parents. Keep whining about marginal figures like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin; the more distracted you are, the better.
Change is over.
I guess it's only fitting that two comedians come together to show us to us.
Regrettably, our national humor has been on hiatus for sometime. With the election of Obama, the Right not only lost its smile, it lost its laughter, and now, its sense of humor.
The only smile the Right parades at rallies today is a mocked one, and it's on a poster--the face of Obama overlaid with the exaggerated smile of the Joker, dark-ringed eyes and all.
I'm trying really hard to recall the last time I saw the Right smile or laugh. We have all heard their dispirited, humorless, words these past two years: "You lie." And before that, speaking of Obama, "I hope he fails!" And only recently, "Hell no, we won't!"
With grim, joyless, faces they've shown their unhappiness--so many banners emblazoned with the words, "Don't Tread On Me!" So many gun-toting, fierce-eyed marchers, seemingly more proud of their guns than the fact that a black man, the first of his race, the first for this nation, occupies the White House.
Why won't the Right smile? I'm beginning to wonder if I've ever seen the Right smile, broadly, Cheshire Cat like (without contemplating mischief), or laugh, a belly laugh, free, and filled with the joy of life, and the expectation of wondrous things to come.
Sure the Right manages a smile from time to time, but it's a half smile, quick, uneasy, as though it's unaccustomed, and foreign to their faces, the kind of expression one would expect to find on the visage of the Grim Reaper, or an executioner.
And if pollsters and pundits are right, and the Right picks up enough seats to wrest from Democrats both houses of congress, one would expect to see smiles then, a reasonable expectation, to be sure, but rather than smiles genuine and true, it's more than likely that what will pass as smiles from the Right will be smugness, disdain, and contempt--the attitude that the Right has already perfected these past two years with their choice to be obstructionists, rather than compromisers.
Where there's no laughter, there's no joy. Smiles suggest a willingness to see the brighter side of life, to cooperate with the sun, as it struggles to break through dark clouds shrouding the terrain of the mind, and the landscape of the soul.
Someone should tell this to the Right: If those someones can get close enough without getting their head bit off.
"I'm trying really hard to recall the last time I saw the Right smile or laugh."
We laugh at Obama every day:)
Anonsense said...
"I'm trying really hard to recall the last time I saw the Right smile or laugh."
We laugh at Obama every day:)
That's not laughter...that's the maniacal, irrational, ravings of the insane. There's a difference.
You oughta know, Zing. Mua ha hahahahahahahaha!
You know what's crazy, Zing? Supporting the leftist democrat agenda of backroom deals, bribes, shovel ready paybacks, big bulky government, 2000 page bills that nobody reads, socialism and more government control. That's what.
Anonymous said...
You oughta know, Zing. Mua ha hahahahahahahaha!
Is that the best you have? That's schoolyard trash talk, bereft of imagination, and short on creativity.
If you can't bring it, don't fake it...you make yourself look silly, and ill-equipped for the big league.
Where were these crackers/uncle tom's during the bush administration record debt, two wars, high unemployment, where was the outcry then. The president is black, enough said.
BD, "With the election of Obama, the Right not only lost its smile, it lost its laughter, and now, its sense of humor."
The left isn't smiling either. Obama has many serious about the future of the country. In case you haven't noticed, +16% Blacks are unemployed. What's there to smile about?
BD-"I'm trying really hard to recall the last time I saw the Right smile or laugh."
Try Christine O'Donnell. She always has a bright face. Sarah Palin generally has a pleasant face and is smiling most of the time...far more than Pelosi and most Dems.
BD, "Why won't the Right smile? I'm beginning to wonder if I've ever seen the Right smile, broadly, Cheshire Cat like (without contemplating mischief), or laugh, a belly laugh, free, and filled with the joy of life, and the expectation of wondrous things to come."
Oh BD you are so full of it, and you are being redundant. This has nothing to do with Right or Left, it has to do with human beings who are frightened about a very weak economy and mounting layoffs. Surely you can relate to that or are you so disconnected from the human heart that you have lost all compassion and understanding? These are not happy times in America.
Ever tried looking at the Left? They aren't full of smiles, either. They are just as frightened and concerned about their welfare as the Right.
The bottom line is very few Americans are smiling much these days because there isn't much to smile about-including Obama himself. BTW, you aren't a bundle of joy yourself. IMO, you are probably one of the most serious-no-fun-person in the blogosphere, and maybe the planet.
Examine your own humorless self first, before you put your own projections on others. It makes you look like a hypocrite. I am sure that is not your intention.
And no, I am not on the Right or Left....just an American who is sick and tired the crap folks like you and Rush put out. It doesn't help anyone. It's time to move beyond this Left and Right bs.
Anonymous said...
You know what's crazy, Zing? Supporting the leftist democrat agenda of backroom deals, bribes, shovel ready paybacks, big bulky government, 2000 page bills that nobody reads, socialism and more government control. That's what.
You mean those 'shovel-ready paybacks' that Repubs were more than eager to apply for, and receive, to create jobs in their state or districts, to provide a pushback against the recession?
You mean those 'shovel-ready paybacks'?
You mean those 'bribes' that kept regulators from keeping a closer eye on British Petroleum leading to what? fourteen deaths and the killing off of marshlands, animal habitats, sea life, and miles of coastline, and Massie Energy that led to how many deaths? Eleven? You mean those 'bribes'?
You mean Repubs too lazy to read bills that they don't intend to sign on to? You mean those 2000 page bills, multiplied hundreds of times, because the 'do nothing,' 'see nothing,' 'hear nothing,' Repubs chose to not do their job, but do like most of the Anonnies here, point fingers, deride, and otherwise show their disdain for the government and the system that has been in place for hundreds of years. You mean those bills?
You mean the "socialism" that Bush conjured up before leaving office, bailing out banks, a legacy that Repubs have erroneously laid at Obama's feet? You mean that 'socialism'?
You've got to come better than that, if you hope to hold my attention. So far, you're behind in the count, and that bench you've been sitting on, and keeping warm, is beginning, right about now, to look more inviting by the minute.
BD, "And if pollsters and pundits are right, and the Right picks up enough seats to wrest from Democrats both houses of congress, one would expect to see smiles then, a reasonable expectation, to be sure, but rather than smiles genuine and true, it's more than likely that what will pass as smiles from the Right will be smugness, disdain, and contempt--the attitude that the Right has already perfected these past two years with their choice to be obstructionists, rather than compromisers."
You sound like you are describing Democrats. They are famously known for their smugness, self-righteous and contempt--which is why Dems are being voted out of office on Nov 2. Make sure you take note on election day.
BD, "Where there's no laughter, there's no joy. Smiles suggest a willingness to see the brighter side of life, to cooperate with the sun, as it struggles to break through dark clouds shrouding the terrain of the mind, and the landscape of the soul."
Very poetic but useless.
BD, "Someone should tell this to the Right: If those someones can get close enough without getting their head bit off."
Well, make sure you don't get too close to those people because you might get your head bit off.
Life must be very hard for you because of the Right, right?
Zing, "If you can't bring it, don't fake it...you make yourself look silly, and ill-equipped for the big league."
Why not fake it with you? Anons could fake it forever with you. You are too naive to know the difference. LOL
Quick question...how tall are you? Oh hell, let me be more specific:
Are you a midget?:D
"You oughta know, Zing. Mua ha hahahahahahahaha!"
ROFLMAO. that is funny.
Anonsense at 2:05AM...In case you haven't noticed, +16% Blacks are unemployed. What's there to smile about?
Hell, blacks have always been the last to be hired, and first fired. Repubs aren't 'smiling' because it was their failed policies that brought this nation to its economic knees.
Try Christine O'Donnell. She always has a bright face. Sarah Palin generally has a pleasant face and is smiling most of the time...far more than Pelosi and most Dems.
Sure you're right. That's why Christine is intent on suing a radio station that televised her interview and made it available to the world. Trust me...she wasn't smiling when she failed to answer the question the interviewer posed to her. She the was looking for cover from one of her aides, cover that didn't come.
Sarah Palin has millions of reason to keep her smiling, thanks to the gullibility of the American people, and Sarah's ability to run a con, but she isn't smiling...too busy 'refudiating'.
This has nothing to do with Right or Left, it has to do with human beings who are frightened about a very weak economy and mounting layoffs.
This has everything to do with the Right, those bloody fools that sat on the sideline and derided while the Dems strained and struggled to keep the recession from becoming a depression (one that Repubs precipitated by the way), hoping that if the Dems fail (which was their hope), perhaps the American people (with short memories, unfortunately) will bring them back to power.
And no, I am not on the Right or Left....just an American who is sick and tired the crap folks like you and Rush put out. It doesn't help anyone. It's time to move beyond this Left and Right bs.
If you're that tired, why are you reading, or listening to, the 'crap folks like...Rush put out.' Haven't you better things to do? You're no polemical match for me. Perhaps you're a glutton for punishment, with a slight leaning towards masochism.
Anon 2:31am asked Zing, "Are you a midget?:D"
i can't stop laughing.
Zing, "You're no polemical match for me. Perhaps you're a glutton for punishment, with a slight leaning towards masochism"
Zing, my comment was directed to BD, because it was BD's comment, not youes...lol..So what's with the 'polemical match' stuff?
Are you bi-polar? What the hell are you talking about? ROFL.
Are you a midget?:D
ROFLMAO. that is funny.
Neither response is of sufficient challenge to keep me engaged. Sharpen up your skills boys and girls, perhaps, then, I'll give you a run for your money but, until then, a lot depends on your ability to keep your nose to the grind, your desire to persevere, and a willingness to recite your catechism nightly.
Don't discount your catechism. If you can't be a challenge to me, perhaps you can challenge your own perverse nature. I'd called that a win-win.
Anonsense said...Zing, my comment was directed to BD, because it was BD's comment, not youes...lol..So what's with the 'polemical match' stuff?
Are you bi-polar? What the hell are you talking about? ROFL.
You're on this blog, right? You're commenting, right? I'll step in anytime, you know, like you Annonies do, and give my two cents. But in your case, two cents is about all you can handle polemically. It might just as well be two million cents. It's still more than you can spend, and a great deal more than I get back in change.
Sorry, dudes. You Annonies are too weak, too uninformed, and too juvenile. You need another sandbox, a new box of crayons, and a whole package of construction paper from which to cut out stupid drawings, and on which to paint childish scenes from your limited childhood.
Too bad...you're no huckleberry.
Dear Zing, BEFORE you come down hard on another Anon, let me apologize for the Anon who insinuated that you are a Left-winged midget.
The anon was definitely wrong, and I am appalled that he put you on 'blast' like that. I wouldn't blame you for going after his ass. I mean, the anon doesn't know who he is effing with. Fyi, his real name is Nona,- that is anon spelled backwards. Again, I am sorry.
Btw, I know of a woman who would be the right height for you, if you are interested. They call her "Little Gina Hathor". She is a barrel of fun.
Dear Zing, BEFORE you come down hard on another Anon, let me apologize for the Anon who insinuated that you are a Left-winged midget.
The anon was definitely wrong, and I am appalled that he put you on 'blast' like that. I wouldn't blame you for going after his ass. I mean, the anon doesn't know who he is effing with. Fyi, his real name is Nona,- that is anon spelled backwards. Again, I am sorry.
Btw, I know of a woman who would be the right height for you, if you are interested. They call her "Little Gina Hathor". She is a barrel of fun.
Dear Zing, BEFORE you come down hard on another Anon, let me apologize for the Anon who insinuated that you are a Left-winged midget.
The anon was definitely wrong, and I am appalled that he put you on 'blast' like that. I wouldn't blame you for going after his ass. I mean, the anon doesn't know who he is effing with. Fyi, his real name is Nona,- that is anon spelled backwards. Again, I am sorry.
Btw, I know of a woman who would be the right height for you, if you are interested. They call her "Little Gina Hathor". She is a barrel of fun.
Dear Zing, BEFORE you come down hard on another Anon, let me apologize for the Anon who insinuated that you are a Left-winged midget.
The anon was definitely wrong, and I am appalled that he put you on 'blast' like that. I wouldn't blame you for going after his ass. I mean, the anon doesn't know who he is effing with. Fyi, his real name is Nona,- that is anon spelled backwards. Again, I am sorry.
Btw, I know of a woman who would be the right height for you, if you are interested. They call her "Little Gina Hathor". She is a barrel of fun.
Juvenile, unfunny comedy skits will be no match for serious, determined adults on election day. This rally was satire on a level befitting a high school cafeteria. The Tea Party is a legitimate grass roots political movement, but the left has been reduced to behaving like spoiled children making fun of their parents. Keep whining about marginal figures like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin; the more distracted you are, the better.
Change is over.
"Damn straight, time for that nigger to get out of office!!
lol lo lol
of course this is why i read you, mang.
Ok, so HP and BD are the same person. Writing volumes about nothing. They must really love listening to themselves speak.
"I'm trying really hard to recall the last time I saw the Right smile or laugh. We have all heard their dispirited, humorless, words these past two years: "You lie." And before that, speaking of Obama, "I hope he fails!" And only recently, "Hell no, we won't!"
With grim, joyless, faces they've shown their unhappiness--so many banners emblazoned with the words, "Don't Tread On Me!" So many gun-toting, fierce-eyed marchers, seemingly more proud of their guns than the fact that a black man, the first of his race, the first for this nation, occupies the White House."
BD, think about it; if you were them would you be smiling? They have no lives. They are bitter, angry, and misguided. (See what Anon. 1:08 AM wrote.
Carolyn Moon, that'a good look on the breast cancer awareness campaign. I got you on my sidebar.
"Oh BD you are so full of it, and you are being redundant. This has nothing to do with Right or Left; it has to do with human beings who are frightened about a very weak economy and mounting layoffs. Surely you can relate to that or are you so disconnected from the human heart that you have lost all compassion and understanding? These are not happy times in America."
Anon.you didn't see all of these things under 8 years of W?
"Ok, so HP and BD are the same person. Writing volumes about nothing. They must really love listening to themselves speak."
No they are not! And I should know. I find them both eloquent writers.
You Anons. should step up your game. These ID folks are coming deep and all you do is come back with juvenile humor. And you have the nerve to talk about Stewart and Colbert? Where is the President of Anon. Inc. I have to have a word with him/her. :)
You Negroes need to hearsh up!!
Too, too, busy booti-ty shaking to see the forest for the trees; to see the lawn for the blades of grass:
Black, Hispanic students dwindle at elite Va. public school
When the Black Students Association at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology threw a pizza party in September for new members, every African American freshman on campus showed up.
All four of them. ...
This is of course POTUS Obama's fault; hey, where deh vouchers be at?
Ah be needin' a cab to pick up mah childe and take her to school and back.
I'se gonna sitch rite heah and waitz fo' duh change tuh come; sitch rite heah and waitz on deh Lawd.
He will fix it, after awhile.
"Ok, so HP and BD are the same person. Writing volumes about nothing. They must really love listening to themselves speak."
No they are not! And I should know. I find them both eloquent writers. "
RIIIGGGHHTTT. Their impersonal essays add nothing to the debate and shut down the comments faster than AB with their mindless bloviating. "The right never smile."
Man, that sure was DEEP!
Anon 11:07a:
I do not know what BP thinks of you, but I am under the opinion that you are twit. That is just one impersonal personal describing another. It's apparent that you do not read my blog or BP which should you give an indication that we are different people. In fact, I do not write about politics on my blog, and BP writes more about political and social issues.
It's apparent that you do not read anything either. You probably haven't read anything BP has written on his/her blog because I can't an assumption the person's gender. You haven't read my blog because I write about knitting, crocheting, cooking, jewelry making, and any hobby I decide to try. I think you need a hobby something that will give you personal satisfaction and relieve stress. You need to produce something other than creating some theory that BP and me are the same person. Bless your heart.
No I do not speak or write in another language. I know that I probably need an editor because I do make grammatical errors. However, writing is always better when writing out on paper than on the computer as this forum is instantaneous, and cannot always catch my mistakes until the button has been clicked and reading my own writing.
I did not mean you were literally the same person. But for all the pointless bloviating the two of you do without contributing to any discourse here, you might as well be. Stop trying to show off your minor writing skills and say something.
This is my first time on your blog, and I LOVED this entry! I especially loved this last sentence,..." It was misleading because these rabid wingnuts with their manufactured anger- which was bought and paid for by corporate interests, were never sane to begin with...." Because it's true.
Anon 12:55p:
I know what you meant, but again you do not recognize that we have different writing styles. You are not contributing anything. If you do not agree with me, then that's fine give me your point view that's concise and I will read and think about it. I want to know what is your point of view other than writing other people's talking point. You do not even have the courage to create an ID other than using anonymous to write mean-spirited comments. Yet you have the audacity to write that I am impersonal and have nothing contribute. At least people know who I am, and I stand behind what I write. You are that kid in grade school who would hit another kid with a rock from behind and then run away. I do mean this figuratively and literally.
Nice try, but this is not about me.
Let me spell it out for you both:
Stake out a position or two with facts and give folks something to chew on and debate about. The right never smile doesn't qualify.
Use "I" on occasion, BD. Stop preaching.
Otherwise, stick to your own blogs.
Field, "You Anons. should step up your game. These ID folks are coming deep and all you do is come back with juvenile humor. And you have the nerve to talk about Stewart and Colbert? Where is the President of Anon. Inc. I have to have a word with him/her. :)"
Dear Mr. Field, as President of Anon, Inc let me say that because of the recession we have had to lay off over 1000 anons. Needless to say, there some Anons who are pissed off about losing their jobs. Some have even joined the Tea Party. Others who couldn't bring themselves to do such an extreme act, have wandered over to FN to talk shit as recommended by a group called POG, Inc. Apparently they see your blog as therapeutic.:)
Btw, Anons come in all colors so I don't think it's a 'Black and White thing' by POG. But it could be an 'Obama thing', considering most of the Anons out of jobs are Black. It's funny how it consistently works out that way in A-MERRY-CA, even with a Black President in the WH. Oh well.. The more things 'change', the more they stay the same, eh?
In the meantime, whilw Anons may not go as 'deep' as you would like, We have Anons who love to laugh and play-- as you might have surmised from some of their comments. Their intention is NOT to harrass, but to help lighten up A-MERRY-CA. And if I may say 'off the record' between the two of us... 'Some' Resident IDs are rather serious themselves, but criticize others they perceive as too serious...that's the pot calling the kettle black, imho.
Mr. Field, please bear in mind that NOT every anon is a member of Anon, Inc. Some Anons outside of our organization are what we term "dedicated Anons." That is, they have dedicated themselves to effing with certain residential IDs they either can't stand, or enjoy jostling with. It is, however, understandable why you might confuse 'dedicated' anons with Anons from Anon, Inc....These days it's hard to tell who's who.
Nevertheless, let me say that Anon Inc has always enjoyed your blog and considers it a privilege to be part of it. Thank you.
As always, should there be a problem with 'any' Anon, WITHIN Anon, Inc, who is unmercifully effing with a residential ID, OR is cluttering up the comment section MORE THAN AB, please do not hesitate to call me, and swift disciplinary action will be taken.
Peace & Best Wishes on Nov 2,
President of Anon, Inc.
HP, "I do not know what BP thinks of you, but I am under the opinion that you are twit. That is just one impersonal personal describing another. It's apparent that you do not read my blog or BP which should you give an indication that we are different people. In fact, I do not write about politics on my blog, and BP writes more about political and social issues."
HP, besides writing styles, there is a BIG difference in character between you and BD. As a person you make a comment and you STAY to face the responses that come back. You are not a runner. BD is.
BD writes an essay that no one can use, and then runs away.
You have even apologized to me for mistaking me for some other Anon. That takes character and maturity and I thank you for it. BD is incapable of admitting an error.
anon said, "Oh BD you are so full of it, and you are being redundant. This has nothing to do with Right or Left; it has to do with human beings who are frightened about a very weak economy and mounting layoffs. Surely you can relate to that or are you so disconnected from the human heart that you have lost all compassion and understanding? These are not happy times in America."
Field said, "Anon.you didn't see all of these things under 8 years of W?"
Yes I did see these things while GWB was President and I spoke out against it.
Are you saying because of what Bush did, it's ok for Dems to do the same? That seems to be the state of mind of Dems and Repubs...a tit for tat. Both parties 'justify' their bullshit based on what the crap the other did, which always leads to MORE crap.
That's insane. It's like BD's long winded bullshit that attempts to pigeon hole Americans based on his personal research of who smiles and who doesn't during a recession. Not only is that stupid and not useful, but BD seems to have lost his spiritual connection to the human race as a whole. He really needs God, Brahman, Buddha--or 'something' bigger than his tiny ass self-centered ego. America needs more of BD's kind of philosophical crap like it needs a hole in the head.
Hey Field,
A little off topic, but I just caught this video of Michelle Obama...This is what sanity is about. I think this is the video to send to everyone you know....JMHO.
I wish the Democratic candidates has taken a que from her and explain why their vote meant a difference to their constituency. Instead they have chosen not to defend there positions and let the other side define the outcomes of the bills that have been passed.
Well! Well! Well! The two millionaire comedians and their billionaire boss at Viacom are going to show us how it’s done. So off to Washington thousands went. The message: Just Play Nice. The other message, Jon Stewart is no George Carlin. And what the hell was that crap Kid Rock singing? The (I can’t do anything) song. That’s how we got in this mess in the first place. As a blogger so eloquently summed up the rally, “it was antipolitical passivity in the face of a Republico-KuKlux coup d'etat.”
Perhaps we should simply stop looking for a savior, and remember the following:
The destruction of a mighty nation may well be approaching because of the activities of one person. He has encouraged the leaders to tranquilize the populace with half truths. He has lured the press into inattention and has assisted people in duping themselves. He has persuaded his fellow citizens to concentrate on life’s comic strips and mindless entertainments and to avoid the bruises of reality.
The culprit is the person whose eyes scan these words, and whose hands –at this moment-hold this book. The country is the United States of America.
From the book Nation of Sheep © 1961
Ms. Ann.., I take it you didn't like the rally for sanity? I don't agree with you 100%, but I love the fact that you are speaking your mind.
Hello Mr. President of Anon. Inc. I am sorry you hear that so many of your Anons. were laid off due to the recession. And we are always happy to have them here in the fields. But could you tell them to do a little research before they comment sometimes?
As usual, I appreciate the spirit of cooperation and I will continue to work with you.
Wanna see a scary clown? go here:
i hate thomas sowell
but i agree with 95% of all he has penned re: hobama since 2008
and i agree with 100% of that column linked
even hobama was wise enough to ensure that the worst of hobamacare takes place in 2016...
please tell us what do u disagee with in that superm column?
I look forward to hearing the irrational excuses. But if these "fear mongers" and people you hate dont spread the word. AMerica will fall like rome. WHY?
A child could see why.
Much has been written about how complicated the downfall of Rome was, but the recipe was actually pretty simple, and has since been replicated countless times: A great civilization arises. The state encroaches on freedom and demands more power. People take less responsibility for themselves and want more handouts from the government. Taxes go up to pay for the handouts. The size of government explodes and economic growth slows. The government seeks to divert the public’s attention from what is really going on to “bread and circuses.” Collapse, economic or otherwise, ensues.
The Roots did their thing, as usual.
I appreciated the rally for sanity, I thought that it was somewhat influential in the manner that it presented platitudes of a new kind.
Nothing dramatic, or declarative, but an event that could lead more people to understand the fact that not all Americans are displays of "encouraged circumstances."
AB, "i hate thomas sowell
but i agree with 95% of all he has penned re: hobama since 2008
and i agree with 100% of that column linked"
I agree. I haven't no idea what Field is talking about. That was an excellent article and very true.
I have the same feelings about Beck's rally, restoring honor. Beck never had honor.
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