Someone asked me earlier: "Field, why is it that black folks like you turned on Juan Williams, when damn near everyone else in A-merry-ca, including Michael Moore, thinks that he was wronged?"
I will write for you what I told my curious friend: Juan Williams, is a disappointment to most black folks. He represents the type of wishy washy Negro in A-merry-ca who makes it hard to convey our pain and frustration to those who need to know. In his high profile media position, he might as well be just another white host pontificating about the politics of the day. Which is fine, if he is just another political pundit on television who just happens to be black. With Juan you always get the impression-at least when he is on FOX-that he is the token black guy, and he is playing the role of the Negro "contrarian".
Unfortunately for us black folks, Juan never seemed to play that role very well. He never expressed what we were really thinking. Which, I suspect, is just the way FOX wanted it. (The fake black man on a fake news station) I bet that all those lily white families watching in red state A-merry-ca clung to Juan's every word as if it was black gospel. Juan is black A-merry-ca. Not. So when Juan said that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb we (black folks) immediately felt outrage and thought: this is bulls&^%! In urban areas across A-merry-ca we see and interact with folks in Muslim garb damn near every day, -And yes, I know, they aren't all necessarily Middle Eastern men- and they sure don't make us nervous.
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating: They don't make Juan nervous,either. He was just saying what he thought that the lily white family in Iowa wanted to hear. That is why black folks aren't crying a river over Juan's firing. Yes, we know that it was wrong the way NPR handled it. We know that the PC police overreached, but, believe me, it's not worth our outrage.
Juan has plenty of white folks (from the left and the right) who will get his back. We will sit this one out. (BTW, for a great analysis of what went on behind the scenes at NPR and why Juan 's black ass should have been fired a long time ago, read this excellent article from my friend, Farai Chideya.)
Calling Michael Steele! Calling Michael Steele!
"Jerry Alexander, campaign manager for Marvin Scott, who is challenging Rep. Andre Carson (D), said the Scott campaign has received virtually no help from state or national GOP leaders.
'If you call getting no support, not even a phone call, not even a how are you doing kind of support, then I would have to say that is a pretty accurate assessment,' Alexander said.
Alexander said that he has talked with the other 14 African-American Republican candidates’ campaigns, and each has similar complaints.
'It’s been a bunch of guys grumbling that they are getting no support,' Alexander said of a slew of e-mails that were sent back and forth this week.
Alexander, who served as Rep. Mike Pence’s political director for nearly seven years, said his former boss is the only Republican who has helped the Scott operation. Pence, who represents Indiana’s 6th district, is the GOP Conference chairman, the No. 3 Republican leader. "
I will write for you what I told my curious friend: Juan Williams, is a disappointment to most black folks. He represents the type of wishy washy Negro in A-merry-ca who makes it hard to convey our pain and frustration to those who need to know. In his high profile media position, he might as well be just another white host pontificating about the politics of the day. Which is fine, if he is just another political pundit on television who just happens to be black. With Juan you always get the impression-at least when he is on FOX-that he is the token black guy, and he is playing the role of the Negro "contrarian".
Unfortunately for us black folks, Juan never seemed to play that role very well. He never expressed what we were really thinking. Which, I suspect, is just the way FOX wanted it. (The fake black man on a fake news station) I bet that all those lily white families watching in red state A-merry-ca clung to Juan's every word as if it was black gospel. Juan is black A-merry-ca. Not. So when Juan said that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb we (black folks) immediately felt outrage and thought: this is bulls&^%! In urban areas across A-merry-ca we see and interact with folks in Muslim garb damn near every day, -And yes, I know, they aren't all necessarily Middle Eastern men- and they sure don't make us nervous.
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating: They don't make Juan nervous,either. He was just saying what he thought that the lily white family in Iowa wanted to hear. That is why black folks aren't crying a river over Juan's firing. Yes, we know that it was wrong the way NPR handled it. We know that the PC police overreached, but, believe me, it's not worth our outrage.
Juan has plenty of white folks (from the left and the right) who will get his back. We will sit this one out. (BTW, for a great analysis of what went on behind the scenes at NPR and why Juan 's black ass should have been fired a long time ago, read this excellent article from my friend, Farai Chideya.)
Calling Michael Steele! Calling Michael Steele!
"Jerry Alexander, campaign manager for Marvin Scott, who is challenging Rep. Andre Carson (D), said the Scott campaign has received virtually no help from state or national GOP leaders.
'If you call getting no support, not even a phone call, not even a how are you doing kind of support, then I would have to say that is a pretty accurate assessment,' Alexander said.
Alexander said that he has talked with the other 14 African-American Republican candidates’ campaigns, and each has similar complaints.
'It’s been a bunch of guys grumbling that they are getting no support,' Alexander said of a slew of e-mails that were sent back and forth this week.
Alexander, who served as Rep. Mike Pence’s political director for nearly seven years, said his former boss is the only Republican who has helped the Scott operation. Pence, who represents Indiana’s 6th district, is the GOP Conference chairman, the No. 3 Republican leader. "
Oh my! And just when I thought that I was going to give those republican folks a serious look....
Whoa! You have a thing about this dude is this like the second or third post on him? hehehheheheheh
Hi Field Negro, you have the wrong link for Farai Chideya. It links to Micheal Moore. Great post as always!!!!
Interesting but not surprising FN has contempt for Juan Williams but Vivian Schiller whose advice to Juan to seek a psychiatrist was a form of hate speech and bigotry Black men who dare to speak have always encountered..
I know FN has a cultural blind spot for Isreal and company so woman like Vivian Schiller apparently always has cover from FN.
I am sure FN has been spit on with this same venom and hate speech YET he ignores Vivian Schiller to target a Black Man..
A Race Chaser ignoring a racist and bigot like Vivian Schiller..Only in America
Thanks FN for looking out..
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Why do people seem to cave to the Right all the time? Today the NPR head expressed regrets over how Williams' firing was handled. When the Right and does or says something that offends someone, they don't care.
As far as the 'Black' Republican candidates complaints. They did everything they where suppose to do and the people whom they were trying to impress let them know what they think about them. To the heads of the party they are just a bunch of n---ers! But it doesn't matter, they'll still try to earn their 'love'.
So the black GOP candidates aren't receiving any funds from the GOP? Who would have thought that would happen? I will never understand why a black person would become a conservative. What exactly do you have to conserve? Do they want to get rid of the estate tax because of their inheritance? LOL
Shouldn't the Panamanians be speaking out in Juan's defense? After all Juan was born in Panama and is a Panamanian-American. I do not feel sorry for him at all!
"Williams was born in Colon, Panama, near the Canal Zone. His father, Roger, was a boxing trainer and his mother, Alma, a seamstress raised him in the Episcopal Church. When he was four years old his family emigrated to the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York."
"The Washington Post, Williams was accused of verbally harassing female staff members over a four-year period in the late 1980s and early 1990s"
"After Williams wrote a column defending Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas following proceedings that accused Thomas of sexually harassing Professor Anita Hill, WRC-TV, an NBC affiliate in Washington D.C. broke the story about Williams' behavior. The paper published an apology by Williams and took disciplinary action against him."
"...son, Tony, who was a Senate page and intern for GOP Senator Strom Thurmond from 1996 to 1997."
"Whoa! You have a thing about this dude is this like the second or third post on him? hehehheheheheh"
I know,you would think his name was Lark or something. :)
Robin, thanks for the 411. I think I fixed that link. That is an important part of this JW mess.
"Why do people seem to cave to the Right all the time?"
Wesley, it seems to be the A-merry-can way. We are a middle to right leaning nation. At least that's what they tell me.
Field, you don't- and can't, speak for "most" Blacks regarding Juan Williams. That's pretty arrogant of you to do so.
Whether you think Juan is a HN, coon, uncle tom or whatever degrading hateful word you can think of,--what was done to him was dead wrong and the entire country knows it. Should 'most' Blacks ignore the wrong done by NPR because YOU hate who Juan is?
NPR has been a racist organization since its been on the air. Why aren't you outraged about that? You speak of justice and free speech quite often, but NOW it's different because of Juan? Aren't you suppose to put Principles before personality?
You're pretty wishy-washy yourself. Quite a few Blacks have talked about your 'COONING' for Israel while they were killing Palestinians in Gaza. NOW THAT'S AN OUTRAGE!
You might do well to learn how to stand on Principle first and fight the 'Juan' in YOU before you get all self-righteous about Juan Williams.
When can we expect FN to indict Vivian Schiller for her hate speech against Black males?
FN should I hold my breath??
WHite bigots have always attack Black males as "crazy" whenever we challenged thier white supremacy...
FN why are you silent now with regard to Vivian Schiller??
Those anonymous people with duel identities are something else! We see through you.
"Field, you don't- and can't, speak for "most" Blacks regarding Juan Williams. That's pretty arrogant of you to do so."
I am the official Black spokesperson here in A-merry-ca. I have been appointed by the CFNIA.
You didn't get the memo?
You must be white.
WHen can we expect you to chase down Vivian Schiller for her assault against the voices of Black men?
They called MLK, X, Mandlea, every Black man who dared to challenge white racism and white supremacy "crazy " or We need to a doctor for our mental situation..
FN when they call you a crazy nigger is this what you do lay down and accept it??
In Jamaica Black men who dared to question injustices are often called "crazy" ..
WHy not that you are in the states YOU are tolerant of Vivian Schiller hate speech??
I am Back and I will stay in here until forever until I get you to have the courage and integrity to address my posts..
How many Arabs in "Muslim garb" normally ride on the Fox "News" private jet with Juan Williams? Inquiring minds want to know!
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
the whole thing is an over reaction but it helps to read your perspective on Williams. i've never cared for him much but didn't analyze it. perhaps that is why.
bty, Michael Moore's defense of Juan today in HuffPost is tongue in cheek.
i found some pretty funny/weird stuff today myself:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
I usually stay on the sideline and read the comments on this blog, but "Thrasher" couldn't be more wrong. "Thrasher" tripes about NPR's CEO stating that Juan should "seek a psychiatrist was a form of hate speech and bigotry". WHAT? Is "Thrasher" saying that this country's expression of bigotry toward Blacks is to mock them about some perceived mental instability? That could be the most asinine thing I've ever read!
If "Thrasher" would like to see truly bigoted statements, he/she should not have to look much further than Juan's newest gig and the TEA-FOX-ICANS (my new moniker for the GOP), where they call the POTUS a racist and say he looks demonic, insinuate that the FLOTUS looks like a gorilla, sends emails that depict them as a pimp and ho, states that "all terrorists are Muslims", their demonization of the groups ACORN, the NAACP, La Raza, their attacks on our Black women (Michelle Obama, Sherry Sherrod, Anita Hill) and their overall portrayal of Blacks in general as lazy, violent and unintelligent.
Vivian Schiller is not a racist or a bigot. To categorize NPR's CEO comment about Juan as lethal hate speech is disingenuous, misguided and just plain wrong. It's very interesting, however, that Juan would go to work for an organization that actively promotes racism and bigotry.
That's it...I'm done.
Cut and run that is the behavior of an intellectual coward..
My issue is with the hate speech of Vivian Schiller who invokes a racist legacy of demonizing Black males as "crazy" for daring to have an opinion...
It is quite apparent that you are not a Black man nor have you ever been on the end of such hate speech and bigotry..
SO ya keep you sorry cowardly ass on the sidelines cause I will crush you whenever you dare to question my "crazy Black Ass"
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
(BTW, for a great analysis of what went on behind the scenes at NPR and why Juan 's black ass should have been fired a long time ago, read this excellent article from my friend, Farai Chideya.)
I consider Farai my friend also. But her view of 'how' things were regarding Juan could be wrong. I really disliked NPR for taking Farai off of the air. imo, they could have found another way. As I have mentioned before, NPR is a racist organization...it's been lilly White forever, despite complaints about their lack of diversity.
No one cares about diversity at NPR. I am surprised that Farai didn't write more about that. But maybe because of Juan they will be forced to diversify. For that, I am grateful to Juan.
I amazes me when intellectual cowards who post under an alias have the audacity to have an opinion...
These cowards come into a Black forum to lecture to me about how I should react to white supremacy and racism...
Cowards like him and others who post under anonymous don't deserve any respect certainly whatever they post has zero credibility..
SO again I will reiterate:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Thrasher's finger is having a Tourettes attack on the publish button.
Field, if Thrasher was a jilted girlfriend, I would be very worried. So why don't you just tell him everything is ok, and that he's still your boo? See if that'll do it.
Field, ""Jerry Alexander, campaign manager for Marvin Scott, who is challenging Rep. Andre Carson (D), said the Scott campaign has received virtually no help from state or national GOP leaders.
'If you call getting no support, not even a phone call, not even a how are you doing kind of support, then I would have to say that is a pretty accurate assessment,' Alexander said."
Come on, Field. You know how politics work. Each party spends money and time where they can win. It has absolutely nothing to do with color.
Why do you only attack the GOP? What about NPR flagrant violation of free speech regarding Juan? Considering you committed to free speech, how can you let this go?
"I really disliked NPR for taking Farai off of the air. imo, they could have found another way. As I have mentioned before, NPR is a racist organization...it's been lilly White forever, despite complaints about their lack of diversity."
Anon. 9:36 PM,I agree with your first sentence. I am not a big fan of NPR. But the stuff they do over at Radio Rwanda is beyond the pale. You really can't compare the two. IMHO. (See some examples THE MAN-FRIEND gave above.)
LAA, "Field, if Thrasher was a jilted girlfriend, I would be very worried. So why don't you just tell him everything is ok, and that he's still your boo? See if that'll do it."
LOL. Thraser is a sick boy. Yeah, I said it, "boy".
There should be a contest called, "What to do with little Thrasher".
FN does not have the courage and integrity to response to my posts..He is a classic hypocrite always chasing after others shortcomings but he lacks the principles to confront his own missteps..The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Unlike You and others in here who have tolerated FN's flawed values and ethics I will not...
So I will reiterate:
I have even less respect for cowards like you who hide behind the firewall of ANON ..
Now get loss you stinkin nobody coward...
Oh yeah I also forgot:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Anon.9:51 PM, let's try this again: "OK, enough of this already! Juan, we all agree; maybe NPR should not have fired you. Censoring someones speech is never cool"
That was my post from last night.
I say "maybe" because....well, see that link to what Farai Chideya wrote in HuffPo.
I hope that clears up my position on free speech.
Thrasher said, "Oh yeah I also forgot:"
What did you forget, Thrasher?
Anon ,
I forgot this:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Field, "So when Juan said that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb we (black folks) immediately felt outrage and thought: this is bulls&^%! In urban areas across A-merry-ca we see and interact with folks in Muslim garb damn near every day,"
Mr. Field, has it occurred to you that other Blacks might have a different experience with Muslims than yours? For instance, some non-black Muslims own stores in black neighborhoods in Chicago's South side, but they don't live there. They don't want to live among us.
Isn't it strange that they don't? And isn't it strange that they have NEVER ONCE stood up against the evil racism has done to Blacks, yet you are busy defending them?
Why is it that you want to stay on the sidelines regarding Juan, but you are ready to defend Muslims who care nothing for you? Remember the blog site that you linked us to that talked about how Arabs hated Blacks?
Field, you need to come clean. Why is Thrasher so angry with you? Did you decline to be on is "chat room" talk show? Stop being selfish with your traffic. EVERYONE please go visit Thrasher's blog! There.
See Field, I'm trying facilitate everyone's goal and move things along. And you can't say I never stood up for a brother, don't listen to Steve and them, k?
Thrasher, "I have even less respect for cowards like you who hide behind the firewall of ANON .."
How many times must I tell you that ANON IS my name?
For the record, WIlliams may not have said the most PC thing, but was it grounds for termination?
Juan Williams = Uncle Ruckus, Aaron McGruder's cartoon character in "The Boondocks".
Uncle Ruckus is a dark-skinned older Black man who hates Black people and loves White people.
Uncle Ruckus wakes up in the morning and thanks the White man for sending a lovely day and dispises anything Black people do whether good or bad.
Good old Juan can now shuck-n-jive and jigg as much as he wants while he attacks the First Lady, the Ptesident and other Black People.
IMHO, Juan Williams is a typical "porch n****" willing to do the shilling for a bunch of bigots whose stated goal to to destroy President Obama. His hard work has finally paid off with him getting getting his own big time tv show on Fox. Fox will throw him under the bus when he is of no more use to him.
Juan is just a despicable excuse for a black man, another Crab in the Barrel who sells himself on a tv network that disrespect black people and the President, of whom he is obviously jealous.
My blog is not the revelant issue here..I have many enterprises on going ..I come here to be elevated and seek the insights of progressive Black posters and others..
I don't come here to read flawed commentaries and a host with questional ethics and principles..
FN has gone out of his way to rightfully chase rednecks, crackers, bigots , racists etc..
Yet he has a cultural blind spot for a selective special interest group
I have no problem calling him out for this..FN"s silence only fuels a "crazy nigger " like me
Let me reiterate:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
"For the record, WIlliams may not have said the most PC thing, but was it grounds for termination?"
No La~Audio, I do not think it was. However, please go the link with Farai's article.
BTW, your effort is appreciated. I don't know what I would do with out you sometimes. :)
Anon 10:27 PM, I am going to put in a good work with the President of Anon Inc. for you. Having witty and glib Anons around is always a good thing.
I am going to continue to crush intellectual cowards like you as a matter of fact I am going run over you while FN is seeking to provide cover for you..
Of course I will step on FN just because he is defending cowards like you..
Now back to my mission:
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
Dear Field, why not be good to Thrasher? Put him on your Coon Awards list. Make sure you put him in ahead of Juan to let Thrasher know how much you respect him.
I can see Thrasher smiling and bursting with pride already.
I am on deadline...I will return so while I am gone......
Oh yeah I almost forgot....
The Juan Williams saga has surfaced a series of significant issues and observations from a number of concerns and considerations in various Black venues of America. I have no reservations about the nature of Juan's comments from my vantage point as an activist his words were blatant bigotry and troubling given a nation like ours with a tortured legacy of negrophobia of late frequent incidents of islamophobia.
Just as troubling as Juan's words were the remarks of Vivian Schiller NPR's CEO her comments that Juan should consult a psychiatrist were as lethal as the hate speech uttered by Juan Williams. Yet I have yet to observe the Trotter Group or the African -American Online folks challenge, confront and/or publish any commentaries regarding Schiller's venom.
The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks both have allowed the Obama white house to used them as conduits in outreach ventures now that Obama's is in a meltdown and the midterm elections are on the calendar YET when Black activists and others are under siege by the character assignations on our mental faculties I have observed nothing but silence and avoidance from the collective clout of the Black media outlets in particular The Trotter Group and the AA Online summit folks.
In the area of civil rights and economic initiatives Black activists have always been on the vanguard and suffered every measure of venom and inhumanity from the majority culture. Our roles have produced as much progress and accomplishments as any sector of the Black community in America.
Again I reiterate why the silence from Black media outlets when whites demonize Black men who dared to have an opinion. When can Black activists expect the Black media to come to our assistance as they did for Obama?????
We hurt to when the hurricane of venom and ridicule rains on us 24/7.
NPR was right to fire Juan Williams. No respectable news organization should tolerate such bigotry and prejudice.
Big Up, Gregory Isaacs!!
"NPR was right to fire Juan Williams. No respectable news organization should tolerate such bigotry and prejudice."
I can tell you are related to CEO Schiller.
I read Farai's article earlier today, and Andrew Sullivan has a post on his blog about topic "Why NPR Matters", an article that James Fallows wrote on the Atlantic website. Essentially, Fallows eluded to the point that it more about a journalistic ethics that is at the heart of this problem. Fallows mentioned in his writing that he did regular commentaries for NPR's Morning Edition, but he stopped during doing the commentary when he signed on as editor of US News & World Report, a job that he thought made a commentator role inappropriate.
Juan Williams was a headache for NPR, and the organization should have fired him a long time ago due to the ethics concerns. NPR's goal is to stay neutral, they do not take political ads (or Underwriting as it is call in public radio). He was a liability and in conflict with the organization's goal to stay politically neutral. You cannot serve two masters honey. I do not feel sorry for Juan Williams as I am sure that getting $2 million will somehow ease his emotionally pain. Jon Stewart is parody now called NPR Staffing Decision 2010, lol.
Hey Field,
3Chics' own Opulent was at the Minnesota Rally & got a chance to shake the President's hand. Here is her story.
Thrasher you better shut your trap. Who do you think got you where you are today? Liberal Jews, that's who. Don't be a fool. Play by the rules.
hp: "NPR's goal is to stay neutral"
If that's true, they are failing miserably.
If Williams was a headache, it's precisely because he didn't toe the liberal-democrat line mandated by Schiller and the rest of NPR politburo. They have no problem with the rest of their correspondents pushing DNC talking points.
Tim Wise disagrees: http://www.timwise.org/2010/10/bikini-liberalism-juan-williams-implicit-bias-and-the-trouble-with-npr/
Anon 11:35p:
You cannot be a news analyst on one hand, and commentator on the other because will no one will your ability to give the news. So the choice becomes do you want to give the news or voice an opinion. There is a difference between being a journalist and commentator or columnist.
Anon you don't listen to NPR because they do make an effort most accurate and fair reporting of the news. You are going to sit there and write that Fox New is fair and balanced because what of what I have seen of Fox is mostly commentated shows. Fox spends too much time giving opinions than reaporting actual news. I listen to NPR because I don't want to hear a piece on a runaway bride. NPR did a series a couple of weeks about about living in the middle for different parts of the country. How the middle class are living currently in the country. A piece was done last week about how the news doesn't speak with the moderate voters, or stories about poverty which Fox isn't covering.
Associating minorities with crime is irrational, unjust, and completely normal. To live in America in the post-9/11 age and not have at least some associations between Muslims and terrorism means something is wrong with you.
hp: "There is a difference between being a journalist and commentator or columnist."
That sounds real nice, but in practice it's a load of BS. When it comes to NPR, it's not the commenting that matters, just the opinion.
And I listened to NPR, most of the day, for probably 15 years. Eventually, I just couldn't take the sneering condescension anymore.
Juan seems like a "safe" Negro, the kind that Whites feel most comfortable with. He won't burden them with stories about his people's oppression, nor will he "make excuses" for them. He says things that most White folk agree with and accept. In other words, he's basically just "real American folk", only in a brown wrapper. Just as long as he doesn't screw things up by enjoying the intimate comfort of White women or defending his "people" in a manner that Whites find threatening and discomforting, he's pretty much got it made.
These are just personal observations. Take them as you will.
What cracks me up is all those Tea Baggers/ Fox (cough) News viewers pretending that they have actually ever listened to NPR.
Then they are going down to the local library to have the librarian show them how to send an email to NPR saying they aren't going to listen anymore.
They're just so comical. Ha!
You're just so sad, Val. Really.
Juan may have been voicing his honest opinion of his fears, but it did not take long for Fox to sign him up. See...Fox is seeing this as an opportunity and I do not trust them far as I can see them. People are handing them over too much power and can't see it. Smh! Fox has smeared and destroyed too many people and organizations such as Acorn.
Since when did politicians start calling for the defuning of organizations behind someone getting fired? Juan is not the first person on this earth that has been fired and he won't be the last. That in itself smells fishy. Who is next in their line of fire?
Nope! Let me repeat myself. I do not feel sorry for anyone that works for Fox, because those folks over there are bigots and liars and no earthly good! Most people who are fired move on and look for another job. However, in Juan's case they're calling for the dismantling of NPR. If any org needs to be dismantled it is Fox We Make Up Lies because they are at the root of the dismantling of our nation.
I'm grabbing my chair and gonna go sit back in the corner.
You know these teabagger folks are crazier than a road lizard and violent too. One of Rand Paul's supporters stomped a female moveorg activist's head.
Millions of Americans have been fired. Being laid-off basically means the same thing being dismissed from your job. Smh!
One of Rand Paul's supporter who happens to be a man stomped a woman's head because they disagree politically. They had to take her to the hospital. Judging from the picture it was more than on man attacking her. That's taking it little bit too far! Some of these women activist need to start learning self-defense because this is a sign of things to come from those crazy teabagging folks.
"One of Rand Paul's supporter who happens to be a man stomped a woman's head because they disagree politically. They had to take her to the hospital. Judging from the picture it was more than on man attacking her. That's taking it little bit too far! Some of these women activist need to start learning self-defense because this is a sign of things to come from those crazy teabagging folks."
Goes to show how rabid these Teabagger creatures can get. Next time, I'd have some big guys running blocker for her.
Granny, "Juan may have been voicing his honest opinion of his fears, but it did not take long for Fox to sign him up. See...Fox is seeing this as an opportunity and I do not trust them far as I can see them. People are handing them over too much power and can't see it. Smh!"
Yes, Fox moved swiftly to sign Juan on, thanks to NPR. You see, most know Juan as an accomplished journalist, writer, and commentator. He is one of the best...Fox would be a fool NOT to hire him. Fox rarely misses an opportunity to strengthen itself and increase its audience. That's how good they are. But this opportunity was handed to them on a silver platter by an incompetent lilly white NPR.
Fox appeals to most Americans, because they appeal to Americans' sense of debate and opinions. They are very good at what they do...a real powerhouse.
I don't know what you would call NPR with Schiller and Weiss except two inept women who shouldn't be in the position they are in. Hopefully NPR will step up their game from less than mediocrity to at least mediocre by firing them, and getting some real executives in there. Of course, they will have to pay for them like Fox does all of its brilliant talent.
Hennasplace, I love your comments but you must be one of those lone viewers without a life because that is the nature of NPR's audience. I bet you weave baskets and make jewelry.
Even Granny watches Fox more than anything else. You can tell by how much she talks about Fox...it is always on her tormented biased mind.
Anon4:52am, you are very right. Even the folks on FN watch Fox regularly. With Juan now working exclusively for Fox, the network has now become even more exciting and more of us will watch it more.
That means more viewers and higher ratings! Thanks to Juan and NPR. Go get 'em brother Juan.
Field is obsessed with Juan. That's good. It shows his fears and projections. Work with those projections and experience growth and broaden your inner life.
Anonymous I hate to be the one to tell you this but I do not watch. Nope! I don't have to because I let the Newhounds do it for me. Besides which I do not want to have to keep replacing any TVs around my house.
Fox does not by no means hire the best talent. Puleeze! They hire other folks leftovers and people from the bottom of the low-lifes barrel. Hannity was an ex-bartender, school dropout, and has some psychological issues from when he was a Catholic choir boy. O'Reilly is a news reject with an overgrown ego, Glen Beck is a drug/alcohol addict. Mergyn Kelly is a married woman who is in an adulterous affair with Humne who is a married man. Greta, she is secret neo-nazi... Now Fox has added another negro minstrel(Juan) to their show for their own entertainment.
"That means more viewers and higher ratings! Thanks to Juan and NPR. Go get 'em brother Juan."
"brother Juan"? Okaaay. :)
"Then they are going down to the local library to have the librarian show them how to send an email to NPR saying they aren't going to listen anymore."
Now now Val, to use a library you actually have to be able to read. There is no need for reading when you have FOX NEWS.
Anon 4:52a:
Actually, I do make jewelry, knit, crochet, and cook while listening to public radio or tv. I have also been known to skip my ass over to the library every now and again. Do you have a problem with people who have hobbies working with their hands? I attend jazz and classical concerts, and the theatre. I do what want with my life and one of things is not to watch Fox News because it is not the news.
Thrasher--is the reason you post stuff from your blog word for word over here is because no on reads your blog?
A "deadline?" You mean, from that treatment program/jail you're in, they give you 10 minutes of internet access every few days? LOL.
Sorry, but no one gives a fuck what the ladies on the View think! Listen to their comments...do they have any idea what happened and why?
None are real journalists but has-beens who have a daytime talk show that usually operates on a 6th grade level.
Juan Williams was talking about HIMSELF. You aren't allowed to do that as a journalist, PERIOD.
you are absolutely right about juan...
but it was STILL absolutely wrong to fire him for telling a racist truth
and i think it is his really his truth and a shared truth by many who fly daily...
no one should ever be fired for an opinion...especially a tv pundit paid to share them
as long as pat b and rush l have media jobs NO ONE should ever be fired!
every one of my s/heroes has been called "crazy"
i am honored to wear that label as proudly as malcolm x, harriet tubman, huey newton, rosa parks..
and ALL of my s/heroes would hate hobama!!!
martin king is also my hero...and he too would hate hobama!!!
Anon 8:12am:
The View is an opinion format, and Barbara Walters is a journalist who stopped being a one upon doing the show. I do not have a problem with the View. Juan Williams was not just talking about himself, but mentioned that many people felt as he did. Now I don't know how true that statement is since he probably has not spoken with many people. He didn't seem to have a problem with Muslims within the black community as Field and I have mentioned before, but what about the Muslims who worked at NPR. He has lost his crediability as a journalist when he stepped into the commentator role. When he accepted the job at Fox, he should have stepped down from his position at NPR. It wasn't ethical for him to do it in the first place.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"Anonymous I hate to be the one to tell you this but I do not watch. Nope!"
So then where do you all those crazy ideas about the Fox News personalities and their psychological problems, sexual behaviors, and secret Nazi affiliations? Just make 'em up?
hennasplace said...
Anon 8:12am:
The View is an opinion format, and Barbara Walters is a journalist who stopped being a one upon doing the show."
Thanks, but I am fully aware of who Barbara Walters is and what the format of the show is. Unfortunately, it's often stuck on the TV in front of me when I am at the gym. I would never watch it voluntarily.
Barbara Walters is a hack and her opinion, and those of the women on the view, are meaningless. They are not informed or educated voices that have any integrity to weigh in issues. No one takes them seriously beyond them having a big audience of who knows what (people in gym hell like me, maybe). They're best at doing fluff.
So when someone says the ladies on view think...to support their position, I just go "whatever."
And they're going to debate whether Williams broached NPR's ethics policy? PULLLLEEEEZZZEEEE.
Mack Lyons said...
"Goes to show how rabid these Teabagger creatures can get."
Although most moveon.org types deserve to get stomped, I cannot condone violence, especially against a woman. But if this incident is true, it certainly does not reflect on Mr. Paul.
The truth is that the vast majority of political violence has been perpretrated by leftist punks and SEIU/Acorn goons sent out by the democrats to disrupt the large, extraordinarily peaceful Tea Party rallies and Town Hall Meetings.
Hey Field, I'm sure you must have read George Orwell's 1984 at some point in your life.
Isn't it interesting how today's liberals engage in their own practice of the "Two Minutes Hate"? This site is a good example. Lefists always need a personification of their inner resentments to hate on, their daily Emmanuel Goldstein. Be it George Bush, Dick Cheney , Karl Rove, or this week, Juan Williams, there's always a designated scapegoat for y'all to express your hatred for.
The President likes to do this too, although as a big proponent of collective guilt and salvation, he tends to focus on groups: Insurance companies, oil companies, the Chamber of Commerce, the "Rich", Wall Street, nefarious Republicans, etc.
Anyway, it's good to step back once in a while and make sure you are not engaging in reflexive and programmed responses to the world around you. Carry on.
Anon 10:37a:
You are the person who brought up that none of the women on the View are journalist, and when I mentioned that Barbara Walters, you come with some emotional argument. This is the problem I do not have a problem with your opinion, but you cannot not make up your own facts. If you think, Barbara Walters is a hack, fine, but it does not negat the fact that she is a journalist and gave up the role to do the View show. Most rallies are generally peaceful, but you have to give me evidence that someone came and disrupted the Tea Party rallies and town hall meetings. You should also ask yourself who is funding the Tea Party. I am just asking a question because if they are billionaires and large corporations, then you should ask yourself if they are the people's best interest. It is a good thing to be cynical some things. Giving human nature for what it is everyone has an agenda that is self-interest.
there are no "2 minutes hate" as rabid or potent as the syndicated 24 hr hatred aired by rush limbaugh and his countless national clones...
their syndicated hatred rules all national talk radio and has done so for decades since colon powell's son michael silenced all liberal talk radio!!!
Liberal talk radio was silenced by the fact no one listened to it, because A) It sucked; and B) Liberals already have NPR.
and the deepest hatred in america now has nothing to do with paid tv pundits like jw...
the hottest hatred in america is not contained on blogs/the net...
it lives in the angry streets of america and rages on within a fiery global war of race and class that is more hateful than ever before due to the rabidly elitist agendas of hobama and his international bankster cronies who hate poor people!!!
assnons tell blatantly revisionist lies about why neocons rule all radio so they can ignore the truths about how neocons own all radio empires
Read what I actually wrote:
I said she wasn't a "real" journalist. And she's not.
And she wasn't ever respected as a journalist.
There's a difference. And she's one of five. Again, who cares what she thinks?
1000s of hypnotic liberal hosts like mike malloy and myself are FAR better than rush et al...
and we were silenced in the 80s!
rush and his cloned drones have been solo gods of talk radio ever since....shame!!!!!!!
it is akin to saying:
cowboys slew the indians because none of the indians listened!
africans were enslaved by white invaders because they did not listen!
study mike powell's reign at the fcc u moron
then try again fool
"neocons rule all radio" because liberals owned all print and broadcast media except AM Radio, which nobody wanted. When the Orwellian "Fairness Doctrine" was ended, pent up conservative voices found an outlet on the dying AM stations, reviving the industry and becoming a huge success.
but why begrudge liberals any equal bastions????
there must be some balance by any means necessary!
that is also why i refuse to whine about fox when all other tv media adore hobama!
You still didn't answer the other questions I asked. I have long since moved on from Walters, and it's not about her. It still has nothing to do with the fact Juan Williams being a journalist while giving commentatory. You either do one or the other, but you cannot do both. There is a conflict of interest and the line becomes blurred. Walters may be a hack, but she isn't doing two jobs. It's like being a Mayor of a city, and a state senator at the same time.
aninny-ass said:
"The truth is that the vast majority of political violence has been perpretrated by leftist punks and SEIU/Acorn goons sent out by the democrats to disrupt the large, extraordinarily peaceful Tea Party rallies and Town Hall Meetings."
You lying bitch, prove it or stfu.
Oh, yeah, teenagers with carvings and missing white kids don't count.
"Isn't it interesting how today's liberals engage in their own practice of the "Two Minutes Hate"? This site is a good example. Lefists always need a personification of their inner resentments to hate on, their daily Emmanuel Goldstein. Be it George Bush, Dick Cheney , Karl Rove, or this week, Juan Williams, there's always a designated scapegoat for y'all to express your hatred for."
Because there's so many of them...
ALL journalists have become unprofessional grossly biased fans/foes/celebs/chatterers...
unbiased tv news died long ago.
alicia banks said...
"1000s of hypnotic liberal hosts like mike malloy and myself are FAR better than rush et al...
and we were silenced in the 80s!"
Hypnotic? I'll bet.
I'm sure there are millions of whackjobs out there who would rather listen to you and Malloy, and the only reason Rush has a big audience is some neocon conspiracy.
The only reason no-talent hacks like Malloy had radio shows in the 1980's was that government enforced ideological control of content. Remember, no one listened to AM Radio until after the airwaves were opened up to free and fair competition.
You want a show? Get out there and beat Rush Limbaugh's ratings.
i miss the vintage 60 minutes shows and newscaters like carole simpson at nbc etc
the only real news now is online
which is why hobama is shutting down the net via verizon/tom j etc asap!
hey anon:
do bet!
mike malloy and george noory are my mentors...rush l is unfit to make our coffee!!!
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
Shabbazz, are you really that stupid? (I'm guessing yes).
Why don't you ask Kenneth Gladney about SEIU thugs?
when liberals own every radio empire in america...ONLY then can any of us compete
ditto for tv news/black anchors etc
"Alicia Banks has no Radio Show" ....FN Blog 10/26/2010.
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions"
Tribal songs, fictional readings, and erotica? How could that formula have possibly failed?
faceless hater assnon:
u will never have a radio show!
where is anything you have EVER had???
even a face???
michael powell was to radio what hobama is to banksters
like liberal radio,
america is gone 4ever...beware!
illiterate neverwas assnon:
that was my fm show
and BOTH my shows were unique legends
miss it all?
your lifeless loss!
"Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy"
Let me guess, "controversy" meant crazy-ass paranoid conspiracy pseudo theory masked as brave expose?
controversy = rebel truths
as always
nothing is as controversial now as those online who dare to tell truths about hobama
catch up asap u blind envious mongrel
"miss it all?"
Yes, I missed it all, as did almost everyone else, which is why no one has let you on the radio since the 1990's.
you are arrogantly ignorant
and you are arrogantly projecting
both flaws are equally revealing
fix both asap
Henna's place,
You are clearly not a journalist, and can't understand how reporters act and what they say in various situations. You are failing to see any nuance and lumping everyone and everything together. can't tell if this is purposeful or sincenre.
You're not getting how journalists act in various situations. I think maybe you haven't read any articles defending NPR's action, or any comments from NPR itself about why i did what it did. There was a reason, and it was a valid one. It appears to be getting lost in the fray.
Here's a column from the NPR ombudsman. All other major news organizations even have such a position.
"It's not about race. It's also not about free speech, as some have charged. Nor is it about an alleged attempt by NPR to stifle conservative views. NPR offers a broad range of viewpoints on its radio shows and web site.
Instead, this latest incident with Williams centers around a collision of values: NPR's values emphasizing fact-based, objective journalism versus the tendency in some parts of the news media, notably Fox News, to promote only one side of the ideological spectrum.
The issue also is whether someone on NPR's payroll should be allowed to say something in one venue that NPR would not allow on its air. NPR’s ethics code says they cannot.
Many emails asked for an explanation of how these latest comments were specifically outside NPR's rules and expectations – especially since Williams was being honest about his prejudices and fears.
(Williams also said, on a Fox News segment that aired Thursday, that he asked for, but was not given, a specific explanation of how his remarks crossed the line.)
NPR, like any mainstream news outlet, expects its journalists to be thoughtful and measured in everything they say. What Williams said was deeply offensive to Muslims and inflamed, rather than contributing positively, to an important debate about the role of Muslims in America.
Williams was doing the kind of stereotyping in a public platform that is dangerous to a democracy. It puts people in categories, as types – not as individuals with much in common despite their differences.
I can only imagine how Williams, who has chronicled and championed the Civil Rights movement, would have reacted if another prominent journalist had said:
"But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see an African American male in Dashiki with a big Afro, I get worried. I get nervous."
but rush says MUCH worse about all blacks daily and he is not fired
imus had a paid vacation then got a raise!...
chris m has said far worse about michelle o and hillary c
it is unfair that williams and even that stepford shrew "dr." laura were fired as their wm peers wild daily
Wassup, people?
I'm laughing at all the hypocritical blubbering over Juan's firing at NPR. Soo much sadness over a black man being persecuted..[sniff]..SOOOO much indignant anger over this oppressed male of color who has built his entire career on attacking OTHER black males who were nothing more than an embarrassment and objects of hate for Juan. Let me tell you, Juan's not going to be on the corner slinging rocks anytime soon behind his firing. He will find another gig with another media outlet that loves to attack some black folks: Fox News, CNN, and yes, ever NPR.
Yeah I said it; NPR has had a long history attacking black people and they never had to use a right-wing tool like Juan to do it. Read all of Ishmael Reed's nonfictional essays regarding race and the capital "L" liberals and you'll know what I mean. In the meantime, my main point is STFU all you hypocrites who want to claim racism for little Juan. What? You suddenly understand who the "Man" is? Good. Meet me outside a prison so you can further your education on racism and it's "Final Solution" here in AmeriKKA.
- Bruce Little, formerly the blogger, Brotherkomrade
dr. b
i hate jw
but righteousness has no race or color
i refuse to shed a tear over laura or juan w
but i do know the tears i shed over jimmy the greek and helen thomas and all who refuse to be censored are related to those SAME unshed tears
wrongdoing and censorship are always contagious
Anon 12:07:
I have no idea what you are writing about. I agree with the Ombudsman's position. I have been writing how there is a difference between a journalist and commentator. Did NPR poorly handled the firing of Juan Williams, yes. Did have the right to fire Williams have didn't hold up to the organization's journalistic ethical standards, yes. I was stating that Williams could not be a journalist and commentator because one has to draw the line between objectivity based on fact, and a personal opinion. There was interesting thing on the Daily Show last night when a Fox new clip was shown where Geraldo Rivera was reporting from Afghanistan, and one of the host from Fox and Friends ask him to step aside on the war for a moment and ask about his opinion of the Juan Williams's story. I could be wrong but I think war in Afghanistan is a little more important than Juan Williams getting fired. I may not be a journalist, but I certainly make discernments of what is more important to report.
Hey Field and others I saw this piece on Huffington Post and I thought it was worth passing on.
Its off topic but it shows just how culpable these corporations are in the unemployment crises. Check out the video of the 60 minutes piece which depicts middle class white folks who are unemployed and struggling.
I kept thinking if they are struggling imagine what some other folks are going through across the country.
hey mell
it is not the overexposed tea party but the HUGE unexposed pauper party that hobama should fret
Anonymous 10:36 AM:
"So then where do you all those crazy ideas about the Fox News personalities and their psychological problems, sexual behaviors, and secret Nazi affiliations? Just make 'em up?"
Unlike you I do read. I know how to research, my discernment is keen, I'm not blind, and I know a lot of people. Naaah, what I said is not any crazy idea, they are facts. Besides it's not like what I said is top secret, it is common knowledge. Oh,I forgot you're isolated from the real world and a Fox robotic zombie.
here is more
may god bless us all with some real hope & change ASAP!!!
The U.S. poverty rate has skyrocketed by a record amount under the Obama administration, with one out of seven Americans considered poor last year, according to a report Saturday.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/09/12/2010-09-12_soaring_poverty_rate_hits_dismal_high__45_million.html#ixzz13VIq0ZDK
ps mell:
poverty = crime/new pic
debts = the new crack laws
HP said: "I was stating that Williams could not be a journalist and commentator because one has to draw the line between objectivity based on fact, and a personal opinion."
That's completely false. You can just measure what you say based on the venue. Lots of people do it. Juan failed to, in effect, remember to censor himself, MORE THAN ONCE, thus he got fired.
Juan Williams is a fence sitter always has been, he jumps from side to side depending on which side serves him better.
Like many others of his ilk they proclaim to be black when it convenient (Henry L. Gates).
Because they have written several books on the African and African-American experience, this justifies their behavior.
The problem is when they are faced with a hardship, or the consequences of their improper behavior, they run back up to the house to check with Massa to find out if everything is okay. Massa can you give me another job on your plantation?
While is firing could've been handled in a more discreet fashion, it finally forced him to get off the fence. He had been straddling.
Now we will find out who the real Juan Williams is.
"Isn't it interesting how today's liberals engage in their own practice of the "Two Minutes Hate"? This site is a good example. Lefists always need a personification of their inner resentments to hate on, their daily Emmanuel Goldstein. Be it George Bush, Dick Cheney , Karl Rove, or this week, Juan Williams, there's always a designated scapegoat for y'all to express your hatred for."
Because there's so many of them..."
Yes, and Anon. left out quite a few of them.
Sup Brotherkomrade? How have you been?
"Juan Williams is a fence sitter always has been, he jumps from side to side depending on which side serves him better.
Like many others of his ilk they proclaim to be black when it convenient (Henry L. Gates)."
Hmmm, Skippy Gates. Now there is a blast from the past.
""neocons rule all radio" because liberals owned all print and broadcast media except AM Radio, which nobody wanted. When the Orwellian "Fairness Doctrine" was ended, pent up conservative voices found an outlet on the dying AM stations, reviving the industry and becoming a huge success."
Anon. I actually co-sign with you on this point. Could it also be because left leaning folks have lives and don't have tome to spend all day listening to AM radio? Just asking.
Looks like the Giants are going to the World Series.
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