It was nice to see all that diversity on display in DC today. I bet folks in red states A-merry-ca took it all in and thought to themselves, WTF? I am not sure exactly how many folks turned out, but it looked like a nice crowd. All the usual suspects were there to fire up the crowd and demand jobs and justice. But, more importantly, they encouraged folks to go to the polls and vote. Still, I think Beckkk and company had them beat. (A smaller more diverse crowd they are calling it) But hey, those folks with Beckkk are more motivated. And, let's not forget; they have more dollars.
Seeing progressives actually putting their boots on the ground is encouraging. I know that in Europe folks aren't afraid to hit the streets. They want jobs and they are angry, so they march. Unemployment is at damn near 20% for black folks here in A-merry-ca and we sit.- Should I get into the poverty disparity? Nah, I think I will save that for another post.-
If there is one thing we know for sure it's this: the folks in DC today weren't sitting:
"Soraya Gardner of Yardley, Pa., a union member, said she’s sick of “the racism, the tea party stuff.” She, her husband and her daughters stood with signs reading: “The Coffee Party: Wake up America!” and “Hey Glenn, We’re here. You’re not. Honor restored. You’re welcome.”
Peggy Brown, who lives in the Washington suburbs, said “Fox News, that’s about as bad as you can get” and that conservative personalities Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh “preach and spew out hate” and have “brainwashed” Americans.
“Are you smarter than a half-term governor?” read the poster Cornelius Boss of Columbus, Ohio, was carrying, taped to a toilet seat along with a photo of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
Matthew Leber, a member of the University of Massachusetts teachers' association, said he was rallying out of concern for his four granddaughters’ future. Their father lost his job nearly two years ago.
“The government needs to give incentives, tax breaks and whatever it takes for people to get back to work and stop giving tax breaks to the rich,” Leber said."
Seeing progressives actually putting their boots on the ground is encouraging. I know that in Europe folks aren't afraid to hit the streets. They want jobs and they are angry, so they march. Unemployment is at damn near 20% for black folks here in A-merry-ca and we sit.- Should I get into the poverty disparity? Nah, I think I will save that for another post.-
If there is one thing we know for sure it's this: the folks in DC today weren't sitting:
"Soraya Gardner of Yardley, Pa., a union member, said she’s sick of “the racism, the tea party stuff.” She, her husband and her daughters stood with signs reading: “The Coffee Party: Wake up America!” and “Hey Glenn, We’re here. You’re not. Honor restored. You’re welcome.”
Peggy Brown, who lives in the Washington suburbs, said “Fox News, that’s about as bad as you can get” and that conservative personalities Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh “preach and spew out hate” and have “brainwashed” Americans.
“Are you smarter than a half-term governor?” read the poster Cornelius Boss of Columbus, Ohio, was carrying, taped to a toilet seat along with a photo of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.
Matthew Leber, a member of the University of Massachusetts teachers' association, said he was rallying out of concern for his four granddaughters’ future. Their father lost his job nearly two years ago.
“The government needs to give incentives, tax breaks and whatever it takes for people to get back to work and stop giving tax breaks to the rich,” Leber said."
Yes, but remember Matthew, you are the government.
The wingnuts are calling what happened in DC today Left-a-palooza, and soon you will be hearing and reading about the small numbers and all the radicalism and Communism that was on display down there from all of the wingnut blogs. In fact, let me give you a little of it now to save you the trouble of having to put any millage on your mouse:
"Regular readers are also familiar with many of the “One Nation” organizations’ progressive K Street/DC roots.
Open-borders zealots will be out in full force. No doubt some of the same types of paid, non-English-speaking day laborers who’ve been hired by California Democrats will also be in attendance.
Their creed: One Nation, under government, indebted to Soros, with mortgage payments and social justice for all.
The union buses are still rolling in, but at the “One Nation” site, they’ve already posted aspirational photos of the scene at the mall:"
Open-borders zealots will be out in full force. No doubt some of the same types of paid, non-English-speaking day laborers who’ve been hired by California Democrats will also be in attendance.
Their creed: One Nation, under government, indebted to Soros, with mortgage payments and social justice for all.
The union buses are still rolling in, but at the “One Nation” site, they’ve already posted aspirational photos of the scene at the mall:"
Isn't A-merry-ca great?
Yawn..I don't march or engaged in rallys none of these activities change the situation of one Black senior under duress or one Black child's suffering...
These activities are obsolete and impotent political tatics which add little value to those of us in the trenches making a difference..
In cities like Detroit rallies are as worthless as pledges and official statements from the private sector that they are equal opportunity employers to press releases from criminal justice officials that justice exists in the courts and correctional facilities when if comes to Black folks...
No... Fuck a ralley just bring on the revolution..
I am amazed that anyone showed up for this without Beck and Palin involved. Progressives just don't have the motivation. They are known as 'actionless' people, esp. Blacks.
In any case, a progressive rally is useless with nothing much to expect as a result. Nevertheless, it's looks very favorable for the Republicans and Tea Party in November. White Americans want jobs NOW, and the Dems are going to lose their seats in Congress in November and the WH in 2012.
It is understood that Blacks will support Obama because he is Black. It matters not that 20% of Blacks(and growing) don't and won't get jobs.
In Detroit, anything that could possible done to motivate the majority population is a total waste of time.
They did not get that expected welfare check from the President so thay are not going to vote. Not that many of them ever has or would anyway.
Initiative? Doesn't exist.
Civic pride? Doesn't exist.
Understanding concepts like "common good"? Doesn't exist.
Community leaders? Don't exist.
Ministeral class involved in city? Doesn't exist. (But sticking hand out for grubbing money? Exists.
Clapping and slapping, stomping and jumping every Sunday? Exists.
High school dropout rate? 75%
Literacy rate in Detroit? 50%
Percentage of Detroit voters in 2008 election (including absentee)? approx 26%
They are known as 'actionless' people, esp. Blacks.
Well the turnout was pretty small. Even though it had presidential endorsement, most were paid Union Workers and were bussed in , given lunch and T-Shirts. Says a lot that with over 400 communist/socialist liberal groups and all of the above this was still the most they could get. Its understandable that the democrat party is rapidly shrinking. I watched and was amazed at how anyone with half a brain could still say they are liberal and not be totally ashamed. These people are literally morons and so very, very full of hate. I have never seen such hateful speech that made absolutely no sense at all. Most of the speeches were plain jibberish interspersed with catcalls of justice...gimme...gimme...gimme.....It was like watching a bunch of old woodstockers come off a 30 year acid trip and shout ...justice..justice...we hate companies but give us jobs...everything we ever did in our life failed because of the racist boogeyman.....education is no good unless someone else pays for it for me......crazy, crazy people. Radicals, extremists, delusional moonbats. True and outed racists!!!
Maybe we should divide this country. Let those who want socialism and communism have their side and those big bad capitalists get their side and good luck to everyone with your idealogy. Only when that happens, the socialist side of the country will probably starve to death with them all standing in the cart crying racism when they cant find someone else who knows how to or is willing to pull the cart and cant make them pull it by calling them names or having someone take what they have created. I wonder what they would do then? Oh, I know, organize another rally! and blame capitalist flight for their not being able to support themselves.
Only, too much hate now, no one listens any more. Take care, have a nice life and earn whatever you need.
Thank you DetroitSam for telling it like it is in Detroit. What is true in Detroit, is also true in some other urban cities. Blacks seem to have little interest in the destiny of their people. Individually, there are some corrupt politicians who are ripping off their own people. It's sad, but it's been that way for decades. It's seems hopeless.
Yep. it's feels like the end is near for the progressive liberals and dems. they never have been able to deliver anything positive anyway. it always turns out to be a mess with peope angry as hell. yet, they think they are smart...the saying, "ignorance is bliss" is very true for them.
First, Blacks weren't to slothful to attend the Million Man March fifteen years ago. Did Beck pull in half as many as Farakhan? HELL NO!!!
Second,if the Repubs have it in the bag and already planning their endzone dance routine, then why all the wishful thinking of the demise of the Dems? It should be a no brainer.
Lastly, why would anyone want to live under the Repub regime again? Surely, not to get a job. The Repubs keep the population poor and begging big corporations for a handout job at the lowest wage possible. Don't believe me: check out the poorest states in America. They all have Repub governors and senators.
Source:U.S. Census Bureau
The bottom 10 poorest states
Where median incomes are lowest
Rank State Median Income
1 Mississippi $35,693
2 Arkansas $37,987
3 West Virginia $39,170
4 Tennessee $40,034
5 South Carolina $41,548
6 Montana $41,587
7 Kentucky $41,828
8 Alabama $42,144
9 North Carolina $42,337
10 Louisiana $42,423
If you want the country to go broke-er, then be stupid and vote Republican. If not, then get off your ass and protect what you have left.
One to six. From the numbers, you'd think this blog pushed a conservative agenda, and supported the Republican party.
Sorry all you anonies, I'm still riding in on the donkey to vote...the elephant's feet are too big, and I can't get a saddle around him.
Yes America is great. Both "sides" and many, many others get to have their say.
So there are flaws? If they are fixable, we have the means to fix them. If it is so bad for us here, we can actually leave, which is hard in much of this world.
, why would anyone want to live under the Repub regime again? Surely, not to get a job. The Repubs keep the population poor and begging big corporations for a handout job at the lowest wage possible. Don't believe me: check out the poorest states in America. They all have Repub governors and senators.
Source:U.S. Census Bureau
The bottom 10 poorest states
Where median incomes are lowest
Rank State Median Income
1 Mississippi $35,693
2 Arkansas $37,987
3 West Virginia $39,170
4 Tennessee $40,034
5 South Carolina $41,548
6 Montana $41,587
7 Kentucky $41,828
8 Alabama $42,144
9 North Carolina $42,337
10 Louisiana $42,423
Where in the world did you get this list from? Its not even close to being accurate. Is this something they had at the rally?
You list southern states and dont even list cities that come immediately to mind that are dying because of being led by corrupt racial political democrats for 45 years or more. In example Detroit. Median Income in Detroit is 14,700
What about Buffalo,St. Louis, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark, five cities with the higest poverty rates have had a Democratic stranglehold since at least 1961: more than 45 years. Two other cities milwaukee and Newark) have been electing Democrats since the first Model T rolled off the assembly line in 1908 and thier poverty and crime levels are off the charts.
Twinkletows said;
Second,if the Repubs have it in the bag and already planning their endzone dance routine, then why all the wishful thinking of the demise of the Dems? It should be a no brainer.
See,I think you really highlight the difference between liberals and conservatives. Obama won and all liberals have done is dance in the endzone and point fingers while spending with reckless abandonment to bribe people.
irregardless of how damaging the things they just "WANT" are to the country.
Conservatives wont be dancing after November, they will have to roll up their sleeves and fix all the damage the out of control hateful petulant children did to the house in such a short time. Winter is here and they have to work fast before everyone freezes and ensure we are nice and safe from the terrorists who arent terrorists or the stimulus that helped the economy but didnt help the economy or the transparency that was hidden in back rooms or illegal DOJ that isnt illegal or the corruption that isnt corruption its racist and on and on!!
I am sure the democrats will keep finger pointing and being hateful and dancing all the while. But thats ok, adults do what they have to while kids are well....kids.
Obama ain't no socialist - THey are!!!
No... Fuck a ralley just bring on the revolution..
11:06 PM
You should be careful talking that revolution stuff. I am sure that there is a person on the Government payroll , who would love to get a few brownie points for flagging you. Git-mo is still open for business. Maybe they will find out were you live and send one of them drones to blow yo ass off.Do not forget that Obeeze went up to Maine not to long ago to check in with Papa Dock Bush and the the rest of the boys.
People have been told they are liberals and conservatives there ant no such thing. There is only the media driven perception of reality. Hell if you living good and you afraid a change is gonna come you a conservative. If you are wanting to see everybody (EAT) you a liberal. We just had the OK-AR fair out here and people stayed home cause ant no body got no money.The only folks out here working are illegal people from Latin America , if you are not a Spanish speaker no need to apply. Please do not get too angry with the tea party folks hell they think they are living good , and they want their country back. They seem to forget how that came about getting it in the first place.Jobs have been sent were the cheap labor is , do not be upset it is only business not personal.The last thing I would like to tell the Government to stop the madness.The HOPE AND CHANGE SHIT IS KILLING ME. Obeeze is gonna get blamed for everything that has gone wrong in Amerikkka, since its conception.
Hey Field I know this is off topic , but I know you are a lawyer. What if all the Black folk old enough to have lived under Jim Crow were to file some kind of class action suit against the individual States , seeking reparations
for the pain and suffering they had to endure during that period of Amerikkkan
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid,
but most stupid people are conservatives.
John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)
Anonymous has the brains and balls of a gnat...
My apologies to the gnat world
Senorita Bonita said...
Anonymous has the brains and balls of a gnat
Did you ever smell moth balls?
YOu did? How did you get your head between his wittle legs?
"Maybe we should divide this country. Let those who want socialism and communism have their side and those big bad capitalists get their side and good luck to everyone with your idealogy. Only when that happens, the socialist side of the country will probably starve to death with them all standing in the cart crying racism when they cant find someone else who knows how to or is willing to pull the cart and cant make them pull it by calling them names or having someone take what they have created. I wonder what they would do then? Oh, I know, organize another rally! and blame capitalist flight for their not being able to support themselves."
This isn't 1953 and the Reds aren't around anymore.
While you're busy tilting at windmills dressed up in Marx and Lenin costumes, your very own country is falling to shit. The cost of living's growing higher, your kids are growing dumber, your highways and infrastructure are crumbling to dust, job opportunities are drying up and both politicians and corporate interests are busy squeezing the life out of middle class America in order to line their own pockets.
And this is what you're worried about. Not health care, not education, not even employment, but some old "Red Scare" HUAC bullshit.
"You list southern states and dont even list cities that come immediately to mind that are dying because of being led by corrupt racial political democrats for 45 years or more. In example Detroit. Median Income in Detroit is 14,700
What about Buffalo,St. Louis, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark, five cities with the higest poverty rates have had a Democratic stranglehold since at least 1961: more than 45 years. Two other cities milwaukee and Newark) have been electing Democrats since the first Model T rolled off the assembly line in 1908 and thier poverty and crime levels are off the charts."
Funny how when conservatives use statistics, those stats are sancrosanct and treated as gospel, but when liberals use stats, those stats are either "flawed", "inaccurate" or "don't take into account factors X and Y".
The stats are for the Ten Poorest STATES, not cities. And it just so happens those states are Republican strongholds. You can stop "customising" the stats to fit your own personal agenda, now.
"I am amazed that anyone showed up for this without Beck and Palin involved. Progressives just don't have the motivation. They are known as 'actionless' people, esp. Blacks."
We all know how much you despise Blacks. No need to throw up the pretty wallpaper by hiding your contempt in codewords. "Actionless people" is a hell of a way to say "lazy Niggers".
"It is understood that Blacks will support Obama because he is Black. It matters not that 20% of Blacks(and growing) don't and won't get jobs."
And you actually believe this? And here we are thinking you actually had something that could pass for "intellect". My apologies.
Initiative? Doesn't exist.
Civic pride? Doesn't exist.
Understanding concepts like "common good"? Doesn't exist.
Community leaders? Don't exist.
Ministeral class involved in city? Doesn't exist. (But sticking hand out for grubbing money? Exists.
Clapping and slapping, stomping and jumping every Sunday? Exists.
High school dropout rate? 75%
Literacy rate in Detroit? 50%
Percentage of Detroit voters in 2008 election (including absentee)? approx 26%
A rally? Hmmmm. At least a few people went out to show support for whatever it is they support.
On the other hand, subversive dummies like thrasher want a revolution.
"Sorry all you anonies, I'm still riding in on the donkey to vote...the elephant's feet are too big, and I can't get a saddle around him."
Say hello to Newt & Sarah for me.
"Maybe we should divide this country. Let those who want socialism and communism have their side and those big bad capitalists get their side and good luck to everyone with your idealogy."
Works for me. We will keep the coasts, and you can have everything in the middle. That way, folks won't have to move too far.
Hey Field I know this is off topic , but I know you are a lawyer. What if all the Black folk old enough to have lived under Jim Crow were to file some kind of class action suit against the individual States , seeking reparations
for the pain and suffering they had to endure during that period of Amerikkkan
Interesting...do you know someone who is considering it? Shoot me an e-mail. (fnblg@yahoo.com)
"Conservatives wont be dancing after November, they will have to roll up their sleeves and fix all the damage the out of control hateful petulant children did to the house in such a short time. Winter is here and they have to work fast before everyone freezes and ensure we are nice and safe from the terrorists who arent terrorists or the stimulus that helped the economy but didnt help the economy or the transparency that was hidden in back rooms or illegal DOJ that isnt illegal or the corruption that isnt corruption its racist and on and on!!"
Did they "roll up their sleeves" to put us in this mess? It sure looks that way. I am sure they worked hard at it for the past 8 years.
@ twinkletoes
from the census bureau
Mississippi 37,757 Haley Barbour R
Louisiana 40,778 Bobby Jindal R
Arkansas 40,812 Mike Beebe D
Kentucky 41,409 Steve Beshear D
Alabama 42,021 Bob Riley R
West Virginia 42,207 Joe Manchin D
Tennessee 42,953 Phil Bredesen D
Oklahoma 43,012 Brad Henry D
North Carolina 43,676 Beverly Perdue D
South Carolina 43,942 Mark Sanford R
governors from wikipedia
might be better to check your facts before passing on stuff that is easily verifiable.
I did not look at senators but suspect there will be a mix of dems and rethugs as well.
twinkletows writes:
Source:U.S. Census Bureau
The bottom 10 poorest states
Where median incomes are lowest
Rank State Median Income
1 Mississippi $35,693
2 Arkansas $37,987
3 West Virginia $39,170
4 Tennessee $40,034
5 South Carolina $41,548
6 Montana $41,587
7 Kentucky $41,828
8 Alabama $42,144
9 North Carolina $42,337
10 Louisiana $42,423
Montana and West Virginia are the only states on the list with overwhelmingly white populations. The others are heavily black.
Interestingly, twinkletows says the preceding list is a list of the 10 "poorest" states. Inother words, twinkletows equates "median income" with poverty. While links between median income and wealth can be found, the real factors are based on individual profiles and each person's level of education.
Hence, any area home to lots of blacks is an area of low academic achievement. That equates to low or no personal savings.
Montana, on the other hand, is a state with a very low population -- maybe 800,000. Many small towns are losing population and getting smaller as the kids grow up, go to college and never return. Meanwhile, the parents become retirees living on social security. They get by, eventually they die and finally, the small towns are gone. A relatively orderly closing up of shop.
That scenario is far different from the problems faced by black cities such as Detroit. Capital goes where it is most useful. For the auto industry, that means capital is going away from Detroit to other parts of the country where unions have little power.
Capital is also going to other parts of the world as a result of the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies and restructurings.
What will be the response of Obama supporters when they finally realize his government backing of the bankruptcy filings is a key force sending more auto jobs out of the country?
Meanwhile, the cost of living in every state on the list is LOW. Hence, when it comes to rating the Quality of Life in those states, we learn little from citing the median income.
If you want the country to go broke-er, then be stupid and vote Republican. If not, then get off your ass and protect what you have left.
"Protect what you have left"? Really? How is that done?
As we know, Obama is gleefully extending the same old No-Money Down mortgages to the same old Bad-Credit-Rating and No-Job buyers as before.
In other words, Democrats are restating their belief that if a program was at first a loser, the way to improve it is to risk larger amounts doing the same thing again.
field, you wrote:
Works for me. We will keep the coasts, and you can have everything in the middle. That way, folks won't have to move too far.
Presumably, when you refer to "We" you mean those who believe in communism and socialism and "You" refers to the capitalists.
However, You can be sure if the coasts become more socialistic while the states between them becomes more capitalistic, the money-making tax-payers of the coasts would relocate to the more hospitable precincts of the inland states. Then what?
However, You can be sure if the coasts become more socialistic while the states between them becomes more capitalistic, the money-making tax-payers of the coasts would relocate to the more hospitable precincts of the inland states. Then what?"
"Then what"? You will get what you have now. Yes, "money making tax- payers" (That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one) have already relocated.
I was there...... I saw the buses lined up at RFK stadium... I negotiated the crowds in the subways... I was delighted with the diversity of the crowds. From all of the demos I have gone to over the years, It was difficult to say how many folks came because there were folks coming and going... all at the same time.... Some arrived early and left early... some arrived later as we were leaving.... I went with the health care workers of 1199C's union.
What I saw, overwhelmingly, were unions, teachers, health care workers, peace activists,youth, immigration reform activists environmentalists.. who on this day said we were all americans, and that we seek common cause with each other to keep moving us forward. My favorite sign was "The tea party says I want my country back. Well, you can't have it. We are moving forward."
That about summed up my sentiments... I have never understood what "back" meant... back to the fifties and mccarthy? back to women in the home? back to slavery or jim crow? Back to what exactly? No! we are not going back.... Moving forward.
"My favorite sign was 'The tea party says I want my country back. Well, you can't have it. We are moving forward.'
That about summed up my sentiments... I have never understood what "back" meant... back to the fifties and mccarthy? back to women in the home? back to slavery or jim crow? Back to what exactly? No! we are not going back.... Moving forward."
Jody, thanks for the the 411. I should have known you would be there.
Can of you conservatives honestly say it's a good thing that we have the widest recorded gaps between rich and poor yet? If not, then why isn't there a single Republican plan to address it? This year or next the majority of children being born will be children of color. At the same time poverty is increasing the fastest for so called "minority populations." This is a total disaster for America's future. How will a near all white party like the Republicans address that? By giving tax cuts to the rich and cutting social programs, that's how.
field negro said...
"My favorite sign was 'The tea party says I want my country back. Well, you can't have it. We are moving forward.'
That about summed up my sentiments... I have never understood what "back" meant... back to the fifties and mccarthy? back to women in the home? back to slavery or jim crow? Back to what exactly? No! we are not going back.... Moving forward."
Forward is fine, its the circles that Obama and the whacky lefties have us goin in that is killin us.
They don't know how to go forward, they only know how to blame, finger point and race bait.
Takin the country back, simply means a return to fiscal responsibility, critical thinking and a constitutionally guided republic. Not a doomed socialist society. It's not racial as the completely incompetent democrats would have you beleive in order to hide their total failure since taking the house and senate in 2006.
macklying@6:36am said, "We all know how much you despise Blacks. No need to throw up the pretty wallpaper by hiding your contempt in codewords. "Actionless people" is a hell of a way to say "lazy Niggers"."
those are YOUR feelings about Blacks, not mine.
mack @6:36am said, " And you actually believe this? And here we are thinking you actually had something that could pass for "intellect". My apologies."
no need to apologize, those are YOUR feelings and 'thinking'. maybe someday when you grow up you will be able to discern the difference between yourself and others. i will pray for you.
Umm...the teabaggers have the ability to take off 'work' without having to find sitters, set up a trade for the work or make the time up later. Must be nice to be white, retired on Disability and work under the table.
Fox sold the beck concert for Months...this Lefty get-together was on my radar only for two days before the event. So, they managed to find roughly 87,000 citizens who were massively subsidized through 'churches' and astroturf orgs....and they see this as victory?
Maybe Obama and the rest of the Village could, like, do some actual Progressive policy to invigorate the millions of literates who placed them in office.
Twinkletows, "First, Blacks weren't to slothful to attend the Million Man March fifteen years ago. Did Beck pull in half as many as Farakhan? HELL NO!!!"
That was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Furthermore, it was a waste of time as everyone, incuding Blacks have acknowledged. Nothing came out of that group of 0ne million black men. It goes to prove how "actionless" some folks can be. You just can't Handle the Truth.
Field said, "That about summed up my sentiments... I have never understood what "back" meant... back to the fifties and mccarthy? back to women in the home? back to slavery or jim crow? Back to what exactly? No! we are not going back.... Moving forward."
Oh come on. In your suspicious racism chasin mind, you have concluded that "I want my country back" as something racial against blacks. You have perceived in that self-centered fearful racist mind of yours-that they are talking about pushing Blacks back to Jim Crow and slavery. It is clear what you are implying.
Well, you need to get real and consider learning how to think clearly instead of judgements loaded with racial emotions. That will get you nowhere...which is the problem of progressive liberal race baiters.
Why not trying answering some of my questions?
How will a largely older and nearly completely white party deal with skyrocketing poverty in communities of color?
How wlll they deal with the widest gap in income equality we've yet seen?
Anon 1:43.... fiscal responsiblity? As in Bush fiscal responsibility where the wars were not funded? The tax cuts for the rich were not funded? Where cities and states have cut and cut? Where fire stations and police forces are being cut? Where the friggin infrastructure of this country is falling apart because of all of those cuts? Remember the bridge in Minneapolis? The gas line that just blew up an entire neighborhood in California? Where real wages for most Americans has gone down in the past 20 years? Where were all you fiscal conservatives during the Bush years? Really, where the hell were you? Because you sure weren't with me in the streets all those years demanding that we stop funding wars through supplementals or when I was getting tear gassed for protesting NAFTA's devastating affects on American manufacturing. Or fighting the deregulation of our banking industry or the corrupting of our constitution with the US Patriot Act.... All things pushed by Repubs and conservative Dems.... bottom line, Frat boy drove country into ditch and we voted, democratically voted, and elected a new direction. And, those of us who were at the mall yesterday said the agenda we voted for needs to be met. It was not a pro-democrat/Obama rally... it was a pro-progressive agenda....
I understand that to have a commons, things we think make our society livable, civil, it required shared resources... schools, libraries, roads, electricity, mass transit, etc... I do NOT want to live in a society where those services that serves the needs of the vast majority are sacrificed so the richest few can have more. Even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett recognize the need for the richest to pay more.... So NO, I do not want to go back to your brand of "fiscal responsibility"... we have suffered enough.
Jody, "I understand that to have a commons, things we think make our society livable, civil, it required shared resources... schools, libraries, roads, electricity, mass transit, etc... I do NOT want to live in a society where those services that serves the needs of the vast majority are sacrificed so the richest few can have more. Even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett recognize the need for the richest to pay more.... So NO, I do not want to go back to your brand of "fiscal responsibility"... we have suffered enough."
Jody, I appreciate your comment. Unike so many on this blog, you have attacked the true ideas of conservatives without making it a race-baiting issue, like some who post here do.
Poor Macklying sees everything said against his point of view as racist against him. That is a terrible place to be. I wouldn't want to be in his body...
jody wrote:
What I saw, overwhelmingly, were unions, teachers, health care workers, peace activists, youth, immigration reform activists environmentalists...
Yikes. What a list! Unions? Apparently union people were in town to bow and praise Obama for shifting the solid-gold pensions and healthcare plans of retired GM workers to the taxpayers. Peace be upon him.
Teachers? Well, they're union people who want more money from taxpayers too. At least GM workers had been supported by American consumers buying cars and trucks.
Teachers, on the other hand, get all their money -- current paychecks, solid-gold healthcare and solid-gold retirement benefits -- from taxpayers.
Healthcare workers? They're a hybrid. More than half their pay and benefits come from non-government sources. But those who serve Medicaid and Medicare and VA patients are paid by the taxpayers.
Peace activists? Who knows? Youth? Who cares?
Immigration reform activists? Them? Those are people who want taxpayers to fork over more money to those who are already bleeding too much from taxpayers.
Public school teachers in way too many cities and towns are paid by taxpayers to give the old college try to educating the children of people who slipped illegally across the border. In other words, the immigration reform people want taxpayers to reward illegal aliens with even more benefits than ever.
The new ObamaCare health plan DOES NOT exlude illegal aliens. Thus, as Tom Bodette from the Motel 6 commercials always says, "We'll leave the light on for ya."
Environmentalists? Yeah, the best friends oil sheik a-rabs ever had.
Critics of American businesses like to mention low labor costs as the reason jobs leave here and pop up in China. But oilfield service jobs are high-paying jobs. Very high paying. And the ONLY factor driving those jobs out of the US is the US government. Obama. The clown who says NO to drilling for oil in the Gulf, putting a lot of people out of work and depriving the Gulf states of big bucks.
Were any Oil Workers' Union reps in Washington to praise the incumbent?
Well said, "Anon,
Why not trying answering some of my questions?
How will a largely older and nearly completely white party deal with skyrocketing poverty in communities of color?
How wlll they deal with the widest gap in income equality we've yet seen?"
It will be better than what Obama and the Dems are doing now. Over 20% of Blacks are unemployed and that number is increasing. Hell, even Sarah Palin and Beck would have a better way than that. You are blind and drinking too much Obama kool-aid. Stop drinking that crap, and vote GOP and Tea Party. Blacks made progress under Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes...they had jobs and weren't losing jobs to such massive proportions as today under the Dems and Obama. WAKE UP!!
"The new ObamaCare health plan DOES NOT exlude illegal aliens. Thus, as Tom Bodette from the Motel 6 commercials always says, "We'll leave the light on for ya.""
This is what scares me about people like Jody. they want to make what was done illegally, legal-at every law abiding citizen's expense.
"It will be better than what Obama and the Dems are doing now"
Your argument ignores the fact that the meltdown of the economy took place under a Republican watch. It also ignores the fact that the Republicans haven't put forth a single substantive policy that would deal with the program. Income inequality has been growing under all Presidents since the 1970s. Black and white income inequality had been widening since the mid 1980s. The Democrats have not addressed the issue but neither have the Republicans.
jody writes:
Where fire stations and police forces are being cut?
Fire stations cut? Not where there's evidence of slower responses. Police? Crime is down. Of course any cuts in the number of cops means an increase is likely in black neighborhoods.
Where the friggin infrastructure of this country is falling apart because of all of those cuts? Remember the bridge in Minneapolis?
The bridge collapsed because the morons handling its renovation had supply crews load ALL the new steel and everything else onto the bridge DURING the renovation, which was occurring white the bridge was in daily use. The combined weight of the replacement steel, the heavy equipment and the cars and trucks crossing the brige snapped it.
The age, extra weight and vibration were too much. If the new steel had been stored off the bridge, it would not have collapsed.
The gas line that just blew up an entire neighborhood in California?
Where were the inspectors? This catastrophe resulted from a failure to inspect, just like the oil rig explosion in the Gulf.
Where were all you fiscal conservatives during the Bush years?
Ah. Yet another nitwit who forgot that 9/11 changed everything.
Really, where the hell were you? Because you sure weren't with me in the streets all those years demanding that we stop funding wars through supplementals or when I was getting tear gassed for protesting NAFTA's devastating affects on American manufacturing.
NAFTA? Oh. so you think Protectionism is the way to go. It never works.
Or fighting the deregulation of our banking industry...
Wrong again. Dems demanded mortgages for everyone. No downpayment money? Bad credit score? No job? Dems said -- NO PROBLEM, we'll force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy sub-prime mortgages and everyone will have a house or two.
...or the corrupting of our constitution with the US Patriot Act...
Ah. Once again, the blindspot about 9/11.
All things pushed by Repubs and conservative Dems.... bottom line, Frat boy drove country into ditch...
You appear to be a 9/11 Truther claiming that Bush was behind 9/11.
...we voted, democratically voted, and elected a new direction.
Sorry. But you were hoodwinked.
jody writes:
And, those of us who were at the mall yesterday said the agenda we voted for needs to be met.
the average annual expenditure for healthcare in the US is about $6,000. But here in New York, the per-capita cost of Medicaid is $12,500.
That's where the price of ObamaCare go as soon as it's in force. But once the non-payers get the hang of it, the price will jump a lot higher.
It was not a pro-democrat/Obama rally... it was a pro-progressive agenda...
A gathering of fiscal nitwits.
I understand that to have a commons, things we think make our society livable, civil, it required shared resources... schools, libraries, roads, electricity, mass transit, etc...
Here's a thought. In a Wired World, you need fewer schools, no libraries, fewer roads, more electricity and possibly less mass transit.
I do NOT want to live in a society where those services that serves the needs of the vast majority are sacrificed so the richest few can have more.
Have More? Have more what? More schools, libraries, roads, electricity and transportation?
Even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett recognize the need for the richest to pay more...
Pay more? Not exactly. As their creation philanthropic charities shows, they DO NOT believe the government knows how to allocate resources. If they believed the government knew how, both of them would bequeath their wealth to the Treasury. However, both decided they could do better. Therefore, they are giving NOTHING to the government.
Moreover, both Gates and Buffett earn very, very low salaries. Actually, I think Gates works for $1 a year. His spending money comes from his weekly stock sales. Thus, they pay very little in taxes.
So NO, I do not want to go back to your brand of "fiscal responsibility"... we have suffered enough.
In other wrods, you want the kind of fiscal genius found in Cuba and North Korea.
well, you wrote:
Income inequality has been growing under all Presidents since the 1970s.
As if it matters.
Black and white income inequality had been widening since the mid 1980s.
There's a reason. And it's obvious. More whites learn the facts of making more money while blacks refuse to learn the same lessons.
One of the most popular college majors among whites is Economics. Those who study it learn about MONEY.
If you want to earn more of it, then study Capitalism and learn from Milton Friedman. If you want to rant like an idiot about taking MONEY from those who have some, study Marx.
Meanwhile, the reason some people are making huge piles of money boils down to leverage. The kind of leverage that comes from operating globally. Local yokels will never make the kind of money that global entrepreneurs can make.
Not that local guys are doing the wrong thing. But with the rise of global supply chains and global industries, and with the rise of China, India, Brazil and other big players that are getting stronger every day, it's possible for Americans to become extraordinarily rich. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett owe a lot to international markets.
The Democrats have not addressed the issue but neither have the Republicans.
Neither party can force people to learn, neither party can control the US economy and neither party has any influence on the global economy -- except when directing the US military to throw a punch or two.
As if it matters.
That statement sums you up in a nutshell. Here's an article outlining research that measures the effects of income inequality.
In fact there's a variety of research that's been done that suggests income inequality effects health, levels of corruption, and worker incentive. It's no coincidence that countries with the highest quality of life indicators (Educational attainment, Infant mortality, Life expectancy) are not countries with high levels of income inequality.
Paul Krugman and others have addressed the fact that the American middle class was created in short period of time during a period when income inequality shrank enormously--the post depression years.
I know you're a supply sider too, Slapz; yet, the increase in wealth in the top marginal tax brackets has not lead to large increases in growth. In fact, while income inequality has increased since the 1970s. wages for MOST people have stagnated or declined.
According to the calculations of the Census Bureau the average "real weekly wage" [i.e. wage adjusted for inflation using the "consumer price index"] has fallen by 14 percent between 1970 and 1996. Meanwhile real G.D.P. has increased from $3.771 trillion in 1970 to $9.817 trillion in 2000.
In a consumer driven economy massive inequality leads to decreased consumer spending. The only way we've managed to avoid that reality for so long has been due to the increased access to credit, increased debt, and increased home prices that allowed people to borrow against the value of their home. That's over with now.
well, you posted:
It's no coincidence that countries with the highest quality of life indicators (Educational attainment, Infant mortality, Life expectancy) are not countries with high levels of income inequality.
In other words, it's an issue of black and white.
All black African nations have median ages of less than 20, life expectancies of less than 55 and infant mortality rates that are sky high. Moreover, virtually all the income is seized by whatever corrupt dictatorial group is in power, and none of it slips down to the general population.
On the other hand, the happy nations are small white countries including Norway, Sweden and Denmark where it's possible to achieve high levels of education with relative ease. After that, everything falls into place.
Meanwhile, the US, home to groups with different world views, has, on average, an unimpressive appearance. But if the overall population is studied by race, it's clear that white Americans are doing okay based on your criteria.
In a consumer driven economy massive inequality leads to decreased consumer spending.
False. It leads to Walmart.
In this economy everything is in reach. Some people may have little, but everyone has food, clothes and a roof.
The only way we've managed to avoid that reality for so long has been due to the increased access to credit, increased debt, and increased home prices that allowed people to borrow against the value of their home.
You'd be surprised by how many people live within their means.
That's over with now.
No it's not. Housing prices are back to 2005 levels. Maybe lower in some places. And borrowing costs are probably the lowest in US history.
It's no surprise that you and others here think the economist to quote is Paul Krugman. He's always wrong. He's been forecasting depression after depression for the last decade.
However, unlike a broken watch, he will not prove right. Not even once.
He's one of the screwball economists who has made the ultimate life for himself in the Ivory Tower, in his case, Princeton.
He then gets to rant and rave on the editorial pages of the NY Times, a newspaper that his seen its fortunes collapse because its top management believed the lunacy he spouts. Then, when management hopes no one is looking, it dumps boatloads of employees, scales back operations and shrinks it publications while raising the price.
But even the higher price barely keeps the company profitable.
It doesn't matter what you think of Krugman; the middle class as we know it was built during a time of narrow income inequality and hight tax rates on the top marginal incomes.
The matter of Africa and Northern Europe is not black and white. A multivariate regression analysis of the effect of the African slave trade on the current status of African countries has been well received. In short, African countries with the biggest slave exports are by and large the countries with the lowest incomes now.
Consumer spending accounts for something like 70 percent of the GDP. If you concentrate the wealth in few enough hands you imperil the ability of the majority of people to spend. With poverty growing among people of color--who will make the majority of the country in the not too distant future--the very foundation of America is imperiled.
Well said: "The matter of Africa and Northern Europe is not black and white. A multivariate regression analysis of the effect of the African slave trade on the current status of African countries has been well received. In short, African countries with the biggest slave exports are by and large the countries with the lowest incomes now. "
Exactly! It amazes me how so many people don't seem to take this obvious fact into consideration before they spew their ignorance.
On a side note: This is one of the reasons I've always been more impartial to most African/African slave descendants immigrants in America oppose to any of the other non-black/non-African immigrant population.
La♥audiobooks said...
Well said: "The matter of Africa and Northern Europe is not black and white. A multivariate regression analysis of the effect of the African slave trade on the current status of African countries has been well received. In short, African countries with the biggest slave exports are by and large the countries with the lowest incomes now. "
Really? Why do you think that is? So because ancestors were taken by their countryman and sold to foreigners they can't organize a succesful civilization today? How does Somalia fit into that theory? it was formed after slavery, and clearly practiced the same things most other african nations do?
Anon 8:26 is maria, we know its you, you dumb bitch.
"Anon 8:26 is maria, we know its you, you dumb bitch."
I disagree. it is just another anon. it is not maria.
"I disagree. it is just another anon. it is not maria."
Well from the writing style and the usual dimwit interpretation and analysis, it's a high possibility that it's actually Maria.
And no, I am not anony 8:854 pm.
well, you wrote:
It doesn't matter what you think of Krugman...
My opinion may not matter, but that hardly makes me wrong. Your problem is that you lack awareness of credible economists whose work actually explains why the world goes round.
the middle class as we know it was built during a time of narrow income inequality and hight tax rates on the top marginal incomes.
It seems to me you do not know the meaning of "marginal tax rate."
Moreover, the middle class was not "built." It emerged out of the growing national prosperity that followed America's major step into globalization. Following WWII, the world became a much smaller place and America took a much bigger role. Tax rates had little to do with how and why the economy grew the way it did.
The matter of Africa and Northern Europe is not black and white.
Yes it is.
A multivariate regression analysis of the effect of the African slave trade on the current status of African countries has been well received. In short, African countries with the biggest slave exports are by and large the countries with the lowest incomes now.
The slavery excuse is tired. Worn out. Useless. It's been 150 years. In Africa that's about 15generations, more than enough time to recover. But you're going to keep using that worthless excuse for another 150 years.
The sad/amusing part of your excuse is that it can't explain why Africa was nothing but a collection of primitive tribes living in a state of nature when people from Europe and Asia sailed in and began to explore and seek trading opportunities.
Consumer spending accounts for something like 70 percent of the GDP. If you concentrate the wealth in few enough hands you imperil the ability of the majority of people to spend.
From a theoretical perspective your statement is true. But here in the real world, spending power is NOT concentrated in the hands of a few.
You come across as one of the many uninformed people who think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who each have a net worth of about $50 billion are part of a small club that has all the money.
If you took all the fortunes and added them up, you would see the total dollars would power the economy for about a month. Probably less.
It is not because Bill Gates has $50 billion that millions of blacks have zero. There is simply no connection between his wealth and someone else's poverty. In fact, it is because Microsoft and other companies are successful that the government has TRILLIONS it can collect and spend.
well, you wrote:
Your love for centrally planned economies that seize personal income result in nations like Cuba and North Korea -- both broke and facing collapse.
With poverty growing among people of color--who will make the majority of the country in the not too distant future--the very foundation of America is imperiled.
No government can force its citizens to get smart. No government can create wealth. But you seem to believe a government can get money to grow on trees.
You've expressed that view by threatening America with the prediction that blacks and hispanics will destroy the country because whites and asians are not sharing access to the money tree. As though there's some trick to getting money and they're holding out.
To remedy the stinginess, you believe the government must step in and redistribute the product of the money tree. Unfortunately, that's a prescription for killing it.
It makes no difference how much Bill Gates is worth. What matters is whether Microsoft can grow. If it grows, that means there are more jobs, more paychecks, more purchasing and an aggregate increase in taxes.
Ever notice that communist countries and countries run by other forms of dictators NEVER create and market products that other nations want?
Okay. Cuba can make Cohiba cigars. That's the only manufactured product Cuba can make and export. Cigars. Sad, no? Meanwhile, it can't cough up a decent sugar harvest. Moreover, if the morons running Cuba were capable of doing anything more than ensuring their continued chokehold on the island prison, they would create an ethanol industry that would supply most of the energy Cuba desperately needs. But, that's not how things work in countries where the government is in total control of the economy.
Btw, Somalia was/is oppressed and ravished by Arab and middle eastern slave exporters, same destruction, you get the gist.
LAA, "Well from the writing style and the usual dimwit interpretation and analysis, it's a high possibility that it's actually Maria."
I think it's Hathor.
"The sad/amusing part of your excuse is that it can't explain why Africa was nothing but a collection of primitive tribes living in a state of nature when people from Europe and Asia sailed in and began to explore and seek trading opportunities."
Who said Africans (Nubians) were not early explorers of other Continents/the Americas before European explorers? The thing is, Africans didn't leave such a large destructive foot print as evidence like the Europeans.
no_slappz, I hope you are right about BP's stock. What makes you think Buffett is going to touch the stock? It would be too much of a negative for him.
LAA said, "Well from the writing style and the usual dimwit interpretation and analysis, it's a high possibility that it's actually Maria."
LOL. maria is going to get you for this.
"LOL. maria is going to get you for this."
Nah, I'm confident that won't happen. Maria can't seem to "get" anything, not even a simple sentence.
There would have been even more people there, but the 72 buses that were scheduled to leave from the Boston area were canceled by the bus company at the last minute. No word yet on why, but I'm sure we'll be hearing more in the next few days. Massachusetts Jobs For Justice is vigorously pursuing this.
"The sad/amusing part of your excuse is that it can't explain why Africa was nothing but a collection of primitive tribes living in a state of nature when people from Europe and Asia sailed in and began to explore and seek trading opportunities."
In "Guns, Germs, and Steel" Jared Diamond explained the differences in out comes for various areas of the world: Largely accidents of geography.
Eurasia had distinct advantages: A longer east to west span, which allowed for the transfer of people, plants and dissemination of ideas over a body of land that largely shared the same climate. Eurasia also benefited from having the largest assortment of animals that could be domesticated in the entire world. Eurasia--unlike Africa--also has plenty of arable land and suitable rivers for cities. The first civilzations developed around rivers.
Africa lacks large tracts of arable land. It is broken up by the largest desert on Earth. It's longer north to south than Eurasia. Civilizations like Nubia did appear in Africa; however, the climate and topography have never lent themselves to the development of large cities. Subharan Africa also has wild mammals that have never been tamed for domestic use. That in and of itself is a huge natural disadvantage. Eurasia has also made up the largest area of the human population for the last 3,000
years. Another factor making it likely that most complex civilizations would develop there.
Who said Africans (Nubians) were not early explorers of other Continents/the Americas before European explorers? The thing is, Africans didn't leave such a large destructive foot print as evidence like the Europeans.
The fact that early asian and arabic traders found them to be moronic and savage and couldnt get out of their part of the jungle, had not written language and were very, very backwards. (pretty much like they are today) .
About the only thing Africans explored was the depth of their nasal cavities and bungholes while stickin bones through their noses.
You really are delusional arent't you?
Huh? Seems like Slappy is blaming us Black folks for the economic peril this country is in. It's easier to educate white folks? From my POV that is inherently untrue. We must have gotten the rejects from the white race because if you look at the average white American you will see a large population of people who are superstitious, racist and utterly unimpressive. How many white folks believe the world was created in six days? How many climate deniers out there are white and totally duped by the Koch brothers and Rush? It ain't people of color attending the Creation Museum en mass. This country as a whole is getting dumber and the key leaders are Palin and Beck and their millions of minions. It ain't me dragging this country down Slappy, it's you and your ilk. Maybe if got the smart white folks to move here from Finland and Denmark maybe we might be able to make it. Have to wonder why many of our higher math courses and engineering courses are taught by Chinese and Indian people, you are losing your grip on education my man. Step up your game.
"One of the most popular majors among whites is economics" any data to back that statement up Slaps? There are many people of color who study economics as well as finance and many are doing quite well. I have friends that are professors of Finance at the university level and some who have written books on the topic. Your overgeneralizations are getting quite staggering as you attempt to justify your arrogant bigotry. i love the one where you equate the wealth of a state to the number of Black people as if mississippi would be the pinnacle of advanced technology if only those darned negroes would leave! True enough I did study economics in college but I also studied Marx and I am a confirmed socialist and well, I'm doing ok. I wonder how many doctors, lawyers, pilots ect. manage to get by without majoring in economics. You are an interesting fellow, hanging out with us inferior darkies and all. Where would we be without you reminding us how inferior we are to you. Oh yeah, BTW it was the Bush administration that pushed the "ownership society" and not just the Dems. And just because certain businesses are prospering doesn't mean more jobs or a better economy as many corporations outsource to make even bigger profits. For example, Walmart buys its products from China so who really benefits? Maybe I'll ask one of my Black economist friends.
The raving white folks who gunk up the comment section of this blog remind of the old saying "the white man will not let the black man have anything."
Why must you come on here and be crude, rude and disrespectful? I get Slappy's beef- after all he's a whiet man who is too poor to live at over in the Slope, so he has to carry on because he is forced to live in Yvette Clark's district.
But the rest of you bonafied AmeriKKKans? If you are so much smarter and richer, why don't you just sit back and wait for us Black folks to explode?
Or could it be that you know way down deep inside that we are just as capable as you are? That you've stolen our bodies, our property and currently our neighborhoods when it fit your fancy? Mmmm...I think your hatred of Blacks says way more about you and your kind, than me and mine.
So STFU, order up your Obama boogryman costume and go back to telling racists jokes to each other over beers/cocktails at the local tavern/ country club.
Slaps says "The others (states) are heavily Black." Really dude? Let's see Tennessee is 82% white, MS is 63% white, AL is 68% white, AR is 75% white and KY is wait for it........91% white. Wow, I bet all of those trailer parks full of perfect Aryan Teutonic people would just spring into gleaming condos if all us darkies hit the road. Seeing that WV being 96% white has the third lowest ranking in college degrees and has such dismal economic activity me thinks your hypothesis about Black people dragging economic and education numbers down is inherently flawed. 20% of the entire population of MS lives in a mobile home and that is mostly people of lesser pigmintation. The number of mobile homes is growing in every state in the southeast with the exception of Florida. Next time try to make refuting your racist garbage a bit tougher will ya? You're making white supremecists look bad.
pilotx writes:
"One of the most popular majors among whites is economics" any data to back that statement up Slaps?
Feel free to challenge my claim.
There are many people of color who study economics as well as finance and many are doing quite well.
Inasmuch as a very small percentage of blacks go to college and only a small percentage of those take economics courses, your statement is merely your dubious opinion.
I have friends that are professors of Finance at the university level and some who have written books on the topic.
Unless you are a friend of Thomas Sowell, I doubt your claim.
True enough I did study economics in college but I also studied Marx and I am a confirmed socialist and well, I'm doing ok.
YOU may think you are a "confirmed socialist" but your claim shows how little you understand about economic reality. The nation, under Obama, is moving toward more socialism. But, like it or not, YOU live in a capitalist economy. If you were a true socialist, living the life, you'd have to move to Cuba, or Venezuela.
But the joke is this: The socialistic nations like Sweden depend on the benefits coming their way from capitalist nations like the US. Without capitalism, the dream-state of socialists fails.
I wonder how many doctors, lawyers, pilots ect. manage to get by without majoring in economics.
Doctors, lawyers and pilots all prosper due to capitalism. Even the most screwball liberal lawyers in the country directly benefit from living in a capitalist society.
As for pilots, well, the opportunities and pay for pilots are directly tied to capitalism.
Oh yeah, BTW it was the Bush administration that pushed the "ownership society" and not just the Dems.
Wrong. An initial push for "ownership" came during the Carter administration, which sponsored the Community Reinvestment Act, the legislation that set the stage for the financial meltdown of the last few years. Clearly you do not know the history. But many of today's financial problems got their start under Carter.
And just because certain businesses are prospering doesn't mean more jobs or a better economy as many corporations outsource to make even bigger profits.
They outsource to Stay In Business. Again, your financial and economic knowledge is low.
For example, Walmart buys its products from China so who really benefits?
Who benefits? Everyone who works for Walmart and everyone who saves money buying goods from Walmart. Meanwhile, the percentage of Walmart's products that come from China is about 25%.
Maybe I'll ask one of my Black economist friends.
You should. And ask them about China itself. Ask them to explain the structure of the Chinese economy.
So much to say so little info. I DID in fact challenge your information about whites studying economics so where did you find you data or did you just make it up? G.W. Bush did in fact push for an ownership society so maybe you should do a bit of research there buddy or is that not your strong suit? As I have pointed out to you before we live in a hybrid economy as the U.S. is not a pure capitalist society but you should already know that. Cuba is a Communist nation which shares similarities to a socialist nation but I digress. Didn't know the Swedish economy depended on America, I'm sure they'd be surprised to find this out also. I see you didn't even touch how offbase you were about struggling states not being prosperous due to the number of Blacks that live in that particular state. Enlighten me why WV is not the utopia you talk about. FYI pilots in this country enjoy good pay and benefits, well some of us at least, due to the hard work and dedication of our unions. Yes sir, the socialistic enterprises known as unions. Say what you will but American airlines are attempting to outsource us also to make more profit but since we are not a pure capitalist economy there are still laws that prevent U.S. airlines from being owned by foreign entities and these same laws prevent foreign airlines from flying domestic routes. How socialist is that sir? Not too capitalistic huh? But of course you already knew this being such a genius based on your white genetics. Ask someone to explain cabotage laws to you. "Many of today's financial problems got their start under Carter" I guess 8 years of Reaganomics and 12 years of Bushes couldn't set us on a path to superior wealth huh? Yep we were soooo prosperous under those guys. Here's something you should also know as an economist, Wall Street does better under a Democratic administration. Nice try though. BTW if you would please explain some of these problems that started under Carter and their effect today if you can. Thanks.
Hey Slaps, I saw on your blog page you are in the financial industry. You must suck at your job. You conteNd that the CRA lead to the financial meltdown but most economists disagree. i remember reading in my university alumni magazine about the meltdown and one of our professors tied it to a lack of regulation so I did a bit of research. Turns out there was an investigation into the crash and the Federal Bank of Minneapolis as well as Fed Governor Randall Kroszner, a Bush administration official, state "only 6% of all subprime mortages to low-income households trace back to banks that had to meet CRA standards". Good god man, do you ever get tired of being wrong. Here is the link because I don't just make up stuff Mr. white students study economics. http://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2009/05/29/did-the-cra-cause-mortgage-market-crisis-nope-says-fed-report/
More fact checking. Looks like somewhere between 70-90% of Wallymart products are imported from China and as a result 200,000 American manufacturing jobs were lost. Check this out and see if you can refute it. http://walmartwatch.com/issues/supplier_relationships/
Slaps, I might have to stop communicating with you as you seem to be just a young racist with no factual information to give. Step up your game son, you're looking bad. Can't let some darkie upstage you, grand wizard would be ashamed.
Little bit more fact checking Slaps. Your observation about the I-35 bridge collapse was a bit lacking, shocking huh? NTSB report shows it was a flaw in the design of the bridge and the extra weight was another contributing factor but not the prime causational factor. Once again I provide facts. Oh yeah since you believe that only Thomas Sowell is the only Black economist go to Facebook and friend Economics Professor Aaron Johnson and while you're at it you can buy "All about the Benjamins" by Melanie Perry or go to AATBonline.com to get your copy. Maybe you can see for yourself we actually do teach economics and write books about finance. Have you?
Dammitt, forgot to include the link to the NTSB findings http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2008/01/15/prebrief/
Well, quality is always better than quantity I always say
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