Just a quick field Negro programing note before I get to my next post: I will be reviving the "COONIE AWARDS" this weekend. I know that I retired them a couple of years ago, but A-merry-ca has been struck by a wave of coonism of late, and I feel pressed to recognize those who are contributing to our coonieness. I am still trying to find a venue for an official awards ceremony, but until then, I will just have to send them out.
Anyway, tonight, once again, I want to pose a question to my black conservative friends who choose to align themselves with the republican tribe: Could one of you please explain this guy Dave Batholomew to me? And has he been denounced on your blogs and on your television station?
And, --maybe he has already, and if he has I apologize-- where is Michael Steele when you need him to come out publicly against folks like the aforementioned Mr. Bartholomew? I am just asking. Usually I wouldn't really care, but hey, it's political season, and these things tend to be kind of important around this time.
"Virginia Beach Republican Party chair Dave Bartholomew... may not be a racist, but he is certainly acting like one. Bartholomew is under fire for forwarding an e-mail comparing African Americans to dogs on welfare. I won't say another word and will let you read the e-mail yourself.
I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this a great country or what?
I would say that when I saw this e-mail I was furious, but I wouldn't be telling the entire truth. Instead of being furious, I was only surprised that Bartholomew was caught. Many of us have known that the Republican Party attracts the very worst and most racist of us and is the party that every Klansman, skinhead, neo-nazi and militia member wants to join.
Their racism is typically cloaked in creative metaphors and diatribes on personal responsibility, but the truth is that being poor and/or black is a crime in the minds of many Republicans. This e-mail doesn't surprise me one bit, and I'm sure the chair was forwarding the message to another Republican.
I look forward to seeing how Bartholomew spins this one after the public expresses its outrage. He may admit that it was a horrible mistake and pretend that he's not racist. He might try to say that someone broke into his e-mail account and sent the messages without his knowledge. He may even try to justify the horrible joke in some ridiculous way. After our recent fight in the city of Syracuse about a sheriff's candidate who appears to have sent racist e-mails, I've seen how deep denial can go in the world of politics.
Dave Bartholomew needs to resign immediately. He also needs to issue an apology to the American public for passing on such an offensive message. If other Republicans do not stand together to denounce Bartholomew's actions, we will know what they are all about." [Article]
Anyway, tonight, once again, I want to pose a question to my black conservative friends who choose to align themselves with the republican tribe: Could one of you please explain this guy Dave Batholomew to me? And has he been denounced on your blogs and on your television station?
And, --maybe he has already, and if he has I apologize-- where is Michael Steele when you need him to come out publicly against folks like the aforementioned Mr. Bartholomew? I am just asking. Usually I wouldn't really care, but hey, it's political season, and these things tend to be kind of important around this time.
"Virginia Beach Republican Party chair Dave Bartholomew... may not be a racist, but he is certainly acting like one. Bartholomew is under fire for forwarding an e-mail comparing African Americans to dogs on welfare. I won't say another word and will let you read the e-mail yourself.
I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this a great country or what?
I would say that when I saw this e-mail I was furious, but I wouldn't be telling the entire truth. Instead of being furious, I was only surprised that Bartholomew was caught. Many of us have known that the Republican Party attracts the very worst and most racist of us and is the party that every Klansman, skinhead, neo-nazi and militia member wants to join.
Their racism is typically cloaked in creative metaphors and diatribes on personal responsibility, but the truth is that being poor and/or black is a crime in the minds of many Republicans. This e-mail doesn't surprise me one bit, and I'm sure the chair was forwarding the message to another Republican.
I look forward to seeing how Bartholomew spins this one after the public expresses its outrage. He may admit that it was a horrible mistake and pretend that he's not racist. He might try to say that someone broke into his e-mail account and sent the messages without his knowledge. He may even try to justify the horrible joke in some ridiculous way. After our recent fight in the city of Syracuse about a sheriff's candidate who appears to have sent racist e-mails, I've seen how deep denial can go in the world of politics.
Dave Bartholomew needs to resign immediately. He also needs to issue an apology to the American public for passing on such an offensive message. If other Republicans do not stand together to denounce Bartholomew's actions, we will know what they are all about." [Article]
Wrong Dr. Watkins, why should he resign? He is merely expressing how he feels. I expect that from the Dave Bartholomews of the world. What disappoints me is that black folks in his tribe choose to remain silent while folks like him show their ignorance.
Hey, maybe the Coonie trophy is more coveted than I thought.
*Pic lifted from BTX3's blog.
"So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this a great country or what?"
That was hilarious! This Dave guy must be quite a character. Unfortunately, nothing much will come of this. Dave's behavior is being overshadowed by Juan, O'Reilly, Fox and NPR:
They sure have all slithered out this campaign season. White rejectionist bigots and their toadies of color. Perhaps they're like cicadas and we'll be rid of them for 20 years?
Republican congressional candidate Stephen Broden stunned his party Thursday, saying he would not rule out violent overthrow of the government if elections did not produce a change in leadership.
In a rambling exchange during a TV interview, Broden, a South Dallas pastor, said a violent uprising "is not the first option," but it is "on the table." [...]
In the interview, Brad Watson, political reporter for WFAA-TV (Channel 8), asked Broden about a tea party event last year in Fort Worth in which he described the nation's government as tyrannical.
"We have a constitutional remedy," Broden said then. "And the Framers say if that don't work, revolution."
Watson asked if his definition of revolution included violent overthrow of the government. In a prolonged back-and-forth, Broden at first declined to explicitly address insurrection, saying the first way to deal with a repressive government is to "alter it or abolish it."
"If the government is not producing the results or has become destructive to the ends of our liberties, we have a right to get rid of that government and to get rid of it by any means necessary," Broden said, adding the nation was founded on a violent revolt against Britain's King George III.
Watson asked if violence would be in option in 2010, under the current government.
"The option is on the table. I don't think that we should remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms," Broden said, without elaborating. "However, it is not the first option."
They're not even hiding it anymore if they don't win, they're going to take us out.
Get out and vote people. Remember these are the same people that put out a commercialtelling our Hispanic brothers to stay home instead of vote.
"They're not even hiding it anymore if they don't win, they're going to take us out.
Get out and vote people. Remember these are the same people that put out a commercialtelling our Hispanic brothers to stay home instead of vote."
Get guns. Lots of them. Stock up on ammo, non-perishable foods and do your best to secure a hideaway in the hills. There's no telling what these nutcases will do if they don't get their way.
Kid, "They're not even hiding it anymore if they don't win, they're going to take us out.
Get out and vote people. Remember these are the same people that put out a commercialtelling our Hispanic brothers to stay home instead of vote."
Dear Kid, don't take everything so seriously. You should be more serious about the street pirates in your community than a loony Republican. GET REAL.
Question: You said they were coming to take "us" out. Who is "us"?
MackLying, "Get guns. Lots of them. Stock up on ammo, non-perishable foods and do your best to secure a hideaway in the hills. There's no telling what these nutcases will do if they don't get their way.
Paranoid extremists like you spend their entire lives preparing for the war that never was. What a pathetic waste of personal life. I am pretty sure God is sorry He ever made you.
Most of all, I am surprised that Field would let a comment like yours to post on his blog. You sound like Glenn Beck. You are one sick fool.
Apologize? Ha! Mr. Field, this guy is probably at Fox HQ as we speak ironing out the details of his contract.
"In a rambling exchange during a TV interview, Broden, a South Dallas pastor, said a violent uprising "is not the first option," but it is "on the table." [...]
In the interview, Brad Watson, political reporter for WFAA-TV (Channel 8), asked Broden about a tea party event last year in Fort Worth in which he described the nation's government as tyrannical."
Yes, and Broden is a very good friend of Beckkk and Alveda King. Go figure. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he meant it all figuratively.
You what I think is funny, and truly sad at the same time. The NY times reported in the wake of Juan Williams's firing earlier this week, some of the most telling have been from callers describing themselves as long-time "viewers" of NPR who warn that they are going to "stop watching". Honestly, I can say that I do not watch NPR, typically listen, but details, details. Do you get the feeling that those callers were Fox news viewers?
I do agree, at least we know how Bartholomew feels. Although, I did listened and watched the news piece about his resignation, where it was stated that e-mails were sent months ago, and perhaps whoever leaked was hoping for the same reaction when George Allen had that Macaca moment. It will interesting to see if this instance has in affect on the election in a couple of weeks. I think it was more of a politically ploy than moral outrage. Whoever leaked the story got what he or she wanted Bartholomew out of his position to do some damage to the Republican party and the 2010 election. At least, that's my take on this, and I could be wrong.
Hennasplace, I hear you, but did Mr. Steele have anything to say about this gentleman?
"Apologize? Ha! Mr. Field, this guy is probably at Fox HQ as we speak ironing out the details of his contract."
Val, do you think he will pocket more than Juan? :)
As a Republican, I would insist that this Bartholomew guy resign. What a freakin idiot.
And if you are taking names, I would like to nominate uptownsteve for a "Coonie". He's the biggest partisan Coon for the demo-crats I know. Shit, he'd give Harry Reid a bath if he'd ask him to. He'll shuck and jive til he drops to toe the white liberal party line.
A few months ago Obama said we were about to enter "silly season". I bet he didn't think it would be this bad. In 2008 we thought this country turned the corner on race relations. Remember what W.E.B Dubois said about America needing to solve it's race issue? This country gets it's first non white male President which opens the door for everyone, and the conservatives have lost their minds. Their message; be afraid, be very very afraid.
Nice and subtle, Field: "he's merely saying how he feels." You are damn good and I for one really appreciate your work.
@Mr. Field
I bet Bill O'Reilly's personal assistant's personal assistant earns more than Juan. :-)
Anonymous said...
Dear Kid, don't take everything so seriously. You should be more serious about the street pirates in your community than a loony Republican. GET REAL.
Question: You said they were coming to take "us" out. Who is "us"?
To answer your second question "us" is minorities.
Now if you want to get rid of the "street pirates" stop sending those jobs overseas and destroying the unions. It's cheaper to get a brother a degree than to send him to Supermax. Now if you are serious about helping minority women I tell you what you can do. Glenn Beck and Alveda King calme that minority women are running around having babies and getting abortions. How can they do both at once and have high birth rates. If you want to lower the birth rates you can send a sista' to Wellesley, Brown, or Harvard. The higher the education, the less children a woman has. So if you want white birth rates to go up start some scholarship programs where minority women can get degrees.
I'll bet the maids at the Super 8 earn more than Val.:-)
Obama has torn this country apart with his foolishness.
Change is over.
Anonymous 12:40:
You sure do know a lot about Super 8. Do you spend a lot of time there or do you work there?
Nope, this country was already torn apart eight years ago. President Obama had nothing to do with it.
"Paranoid extremists like you spend their entire lives preparing for the war that never was."
Wait....you mean right-leaning militiamen and "survivalists" can spend years stocking up on food and ammo and be "paranoid extremists" but we can't? Isn't that what folks call a "double standard"?
"What a pathetic waste of personal life. I am pretty sure God is sorry He ever made you."
Right about now, God is looking at this post on his PC, thinking "Who told this guy to speak for Me?"
"Most of all, I am surprised that Field would let a comment like yours to post on his blog. You sound like Glenn Beck. You are one sick fool."
In Freudian psychology, Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings.[1]
Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.
Anon, I hope this will help you out. Eventually.
I know I've haven't been chiming in as much but I gotta get at least a honorable mention... I was on Glenn Beck Show
I know you're just using the above picture as an example of how some African-Americans used to play into the stereotype many whites had of them and it does make that point, but it kind of bothers me to see a Republican badge put on Will Rogers who was a life-long Democrat (and proud of it).
"He also needs to issue an apology to the American public for passing on such an offensive message."
Oh. so now blacks are finally included as the "American" public? Gee, why so vague all of a sudden?
I bet if this was an offense towards Jews or some other non-black hyphenated minority group, the above statement would have been much more specific as to who the "apology" should be rightfully directed to.
Knowing those racist, they would rather apologize to all the actual dogs in America first.
Jabreel Riley said...
I know I've haven't been chiming in as much but I gotta get at least a honorable mention... I was on Glenn Beck Show
I know you couldn't talk too much since your neck was stuck in Glenn's anus. Maybe you can get Juan's old job at NPR. All you got to do is say "yowsir boss" and "you be so smart Massa Oreilly".
"Val said...
@Mr. Field
I bet Bill O'Reilly's personal assistant's personal assistant earns more than Juan. :-)"
You're not suggesting they'd pay him a token salary are you?
And who negotiates and signs a long-term media deal in one day anyway? That's not the corporate America that know and loath.
2:25 AM
Yup, token salary is about right. After all it is Fox We Make Up Lies News. And well...you know how they feel about people of color. *wink*
if that's will rogers, then yes. poor choice of white guy, FN. Val wins the thread.
Juan is somebody i'm always confusing with another TV house negro. i don't get TV so it's only voice or blog between him and me. he has that look, you know?
and gosh, the crackers who post here really need to get some education.
I would like to add to the chorus about the picture of Will Rogers with a Republican badge. He stood for nothing that the Republicans are or do. In fact in a letter to President Harding he said "I have no Politics. I am for the Party that is out of Power, no matter which one it is. But I will give you my word that, in case of my appointment, I will not be a Republican; I will do my best to pull with you, and not embarrass you. In fact, my views on European affairs are so in accord with you, Mr. President, that I might almost be suspected of being a Democrat."
He was a great man and really doesn't deserve to be portrayed in this way.
but it is your blog and I do enjoy reading it.
kid said...
Anonymous said...
Dear Kid, don't take everything so seriously. You should be more serious about the street pirates in your community than a loony Republican. GET REAL.
Question: You said they were coming to take "us" out. Who is "us"?
Now if you want to get rid of the "street pirates" stop sending those jobs overseas and destroying the unions. It's cheaper to get a brother a degree than to send him to Supermax. Now if you are serious about helping minority women I tell you what you can do. Glenn Beck and Alveda King calme that minority women are running around having babies and getting abortions. How can they do both at once and have high birth rates. If you want to lower the birth rates you can send a sista' to Wellesley, Brown, or Harvard. The higher the education, the less children a woman has. So if you want white birth rates to go up start some scholarship programs where minority women can get degrees.
You sound like you are talking to somebody who owes you something that you are expecting to take care of you? Who might that person be? Are they related to you or responsible for you?
Mack Lyons The UNcle Tom Militia man said...
"Paranoid extremists like you spend their entire lives preparing for the war that never was."
Wait....you mean right-leaning militiamen and "survivalists" can spend years stocking up on food and ammo and be "paranoid extremists" but we can't? Isn't that what folks call a "double standard"?
So what are you saying? That you are no better then right leaning militia men? Should we be calling you Mack The Knife Uncle Tom Militiaman?
Right about now, God is looking at this post on his PC, thinking "Who told this guy to speak for Me?"
Mack, I spoke to God this morning. He said he doesn't like you.
"In Freudian psychology, Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies their own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have those feelings.[1]
Damn...If this doesnt describe you perfectly, I guess you learned something about yourself. Mr Downlow hypocrite. Lets keep this in mind next time you start throwin your shit around.
Granny, "Yup, token salary is about right. After all it is Fox We Make Up Lies News. And well...you know how they feel about people of color. *wink*"
Well at least Fox has diversity. That all White Liberal Dem show called NPR that you hennasplace folks religiously follow doesn't believe in diversity.
Juan has an agent like everyone else in his industry. Salary for talents are negotiated based on audience, ratings, etc...'draw power'. Juan commands a salary based on his draw power of viewers and popularity--name recognition and what he brings to a media company like Fox. Rest assured, Fox goes for the best. They want to remain #1, and that's why they are #1. They have great management, great producers, great writers and a great research dept. Fox has its finger on the pulse of America.
Fox is a kick-ass media company, a 'powerhouse'-- whether you can accept it or not. No one comes close in ratings and influence. Thanks to NPR, Fox is even stronger with Juan, and NPR is weaker and tarnished without him.
Anonymous 12:40:
You sure do know a lot about Super 8. Do you spend a lot of time there or do you work there?"
Granny, I think it could be both. :)
Val might be Anon. 12:40's doctor or something. Anon. this is the Internet, you never know.
"I know I've haven't been chiming in as much but I gotta get at least a honorable mention... I was on Glenn Beck Show"
Alright then, HM for Jibreel.Send me your address and your Coonie will be in the mail. :)
" know you're just using the above picture as an example of how some African-Americans used to play into the stereotype many whites had of them and it does make that point, but it kind of bothers me to see a Republican badge put on Will Rogers who was a life-long Democrat (and proud of it)."
Ted,[Dan] that's a good point. And he wasn't a Southern Dem. which, as we all know, later became repubs.So thanks for the info.[Dan, same to you] We should all make a note of that.
"Knowing those racist, they would rather apologize to all the actual dogs in America first."
Thats because dogs earn their respect, Blacks don't.
I have to say that I do not know what Steele's take is about Bartholomew. However, Steele may not comment as it would be in his best political interest to say anything. I do not think the National Republican Party will say anything as they are too busy trying to defund NPR that's gets 2% of its funding from government grants.
"Knowing those racist, they would rather apologize to all the actual dogs in America first."
Thats because dogs earn their respect, Blacks don't."
Yes, dogs are much higher up on the respect scale than us black folks with some people here in A-merry-ca.
If they only knew how to have sex with humans....wait....never mind. Forget I said that. :)
A black woman was filling out forms at the welfare office. Under "Number of children," she wrote "10," and where it said "List names of children," she wrote "Leroy."
When she handed in the form, the woman behind the desk pointed out: "Now here where it says "List names of children," you're supposed to write the names of each one of your children."
"Dey all named Leroy," said the black woman.
"That's very unusual. When you call them, how do they know which one you want?" asked the welfare worker.
"Oh, den I uses the last names."
First time poster, I got to say I love the blog concept.
If the aim of this post is to make black conservatives think twice about supporting the republican party, I think you is wasting your time. What do you have to say these black conservatives who would node their head in agreement to the email?
"Mack, I spoke to God this morning. He said he doesn't like you."
Here these anonymous idiots go again. Granny, what's your take on these guys who claim they "speak" for God?
You might want to be careful playing around with the Lord, sunshine. Not a good look on you.
OH........Satan was actually telling you all that shit. My bad. That wily Devil loves to trick people into thinking he's God, whispering all sorts of bullshit in their ears. I'm just sorry you've got caught up in his web, since he's telling you things you want to hear.
You better find the nearest bottle of holy water and start spritzing, anon.
Re: My comment on "Stand by Your Man" post.
This article on Lillian McEwens tell all which includes Clarence Thomas' proclivities.
Field, I noticed you have Kym Worthy on your sidebar as a Field Negro. While what she suggests is a pipe dream, she's a total nutjob. Besides that if we are to live in a free society who the hell is she to DEMAND that parents attend conferences or be punished? Are we all children that the government needs to take care of because we cannot take care of ourselves? What a holier than thou self righteous wannabe in control freak!
Her little suggestion does not take into account parents who cannot physically attend due to their job demands or whatever else. This is utter madness.
How an attorney could endorse her ridiculous suggestions is beyond me. Even if she suggested that parents who miss conferences should do volunteer work for the PTA, that would make more sense. But putting people in jail shows that she is simply a stooge for the elite who feel that the government knows better than the citizenry. And that...my friend is the essence of housenegrodom!
MackLying, "OH........Satan was actually telling you all that shit. My bad. That wily Devil loves to trick people into thinking he's God, whispering all sorts of bullshit in their ears. I'm just sorry you've got caught up in his web, since he's telling you things you want to hear."
Mack, you make an outstanding spokesman for Satan...Are you Satan or his right hand disciple? how long did it take you to reach the top of the 'Dark' side?
Preach on, MR!
Mack Lyons said...
"Mack, I spoke to God this morning. He said he doesn't like you."
You might want to be careful playing around with the Lord, sunshine. Not a good look on you.
Mack....Lord Sunshine? So you worship the sun god Ra. Well I guess that kind of fits. You probably have this grand idea that you are descended from Egyptian nobility, when in reality your descendants were Kenyan Goats. Not Goatherders...they were in fact Goats.
"Worthy's proposal would require a parent to attend at least one parent-teacher conference a year or face up to three days in jail, according to Maria Miller, Worthy's press secretary."
Misdemeanor or felony? What charge? Is this gonna go on a parent's record? It's already bad enough that these things showing up on background checks can keep you from getting a decent job.
I doubt anyone else would go these lengths to encourage parental involvement. Parents who want to be involved in their children's education will find a way to do just that, regardless of any incentive or punishment.
field negro said...
"Knowing those racist, they would rather apologize to all the actual dogs in America first."
Thats because dogs earn their respect, Blacks don't."
Respect is earned, not bestowed. What are you saying Field?
Why would you spend a good portion of your sad life on a website harassing people that you don't respect?
I believe Social-Psychology, Social Theory, and History explain everything.
I'm not trying to spam yet still give myself a plug with an entry ye might find interesting.
Director Ed Wood Jr. Had No Talent And Was Racist
I'm not a hit and run poster, but I apologise in advance if I'm unable to follow any potentail respeonses. This blog is too popular for me to keep up with it. Kudos to Field Negro for becoming a blogging success.
I recently got into old flicks. Too bad it's near impossible to watch any with diversity.
Sidney Poitier definitely deserves a lot of credit for breaking down stupid, race barriers. That dude had major skills. A lot of his pictures dealt with racism, but nonetheless, one could see he was as good as any whitey. I'm white, so I'm allowed to use the phrase whitey.
It's beyond crazy that all this dumbass ideology has survived. Our individual lives are but a drop in the bucket for the Earth's history. Yet, anyone can look at the Twentieth Century and see women didn't have the vote, Hollywood was censored with a closed shop, along with thousands of other examples of why this existence is mind boggling from a sociological perspective. What a nutty world we find ourselves in.
M, This is what I said, but I appreciate Ms. Worthy's effort. Making an effort to solve problems is always field worthy. (no pun intended)
Anon 4:20 p.m. I honestly think at times that there should be certain educational requrements for folks who read blogs.
Hathor, I will check out that link.
Sup Socrates?
Hmmmm, still no black conservative coming forward to denounce my man Dave?
"Hmmmm, still no black conservative coming forward to denounce my man Dave?"
When are you going to denounce NPR? why don't u practice what u preach?
First it was Tiger, now it's Clarence Thomas...This all out effort by Liberals to discredit CT as a sex addict must stop. He is a valuable BM who does not deserve this.
Mr. Field, I urge you to stand up for CT in the black blogosphere. I mean, Clarence Thomas is a Justice of the Supreme Court, for pete's sake!
This link about CT's sex life is disrespectful and is baloney:
Hi Field Negro.
I was briefly at a right wing website, because we were in the same camp on a mutual topic. It transcended right versus left politics.
They encouraged me to stick around, that they were trying to get more lefties to post on their forum.
I just can't do it. They were all over Anita Hill this week. I don't have time for such nonsense. It's boring and predictable. That was rude of Mrs. Thomas to call for an apology. Anita Hill shouldn't have had to put up with sexist behaviour on the job. She shouldn't have been victimised again by getting that unsolicited message. I don't see anything wrong with her trying to have confirmed who made the call.
Bartholomew's "joke" was pathetic and inexcusable. This is 2010, not 1810. I'm glad he got turfed and rightly so.
Tonight I went with my DH to a fundraiser for a Republican candidate who is running against a Democratic incumbent. The R is slightly up in the polls, and it would seem that the trend is in his favor.
The GOP is supporting this candidate, and there were lots of "minders" from R-HQ on site tonight, and they weren't too happy with those of us who were there to support this candidate, not because he's an R, but because he is someone who has met a payroll and has some life experience on Main Street to bring to Congress.
In the question period, time and time again, this candidate was not-too-subtly reminded that if it's "business as usual" should he get elected, then he can expect to be unemployed in 2012.
The R-mucky mucks weren't happy with that message, but it's the truth. If the R's wins the house, they have to tackle the out-of-control spending, etc.
Many people elected Obama because they were tired of "business as usual" and believed him when he said he was going to bring transparency to Washington. When he didn't post bills online 5 days before they were voted on, and Obamacare was rammed through (this was brought up MANY times tonight-- we have to vote on it before we can see what's in it -- people were ANGRY) -- he lost so much good will from the "average" lunch pail voter.
As far as NPR goes, I haven't been a fan of National Propaganda Radio for quite some time. I hope that they get defunded.
The COONIE awards? Field, that's rough.
Granny said:
"Yup, token salary is about right. After all it is Fox We Make Up Lies News. And well...you know how they feel about people of color. *wink*"
3:10 AM
You're a smart cookie, and by now you should have figured out that all the major networks have an agenda and spin the message that fits their narrative for the audience they are pitching too.
The very concept of independent journalism and impartial reportage has gone the way of the Condor and the Stilt-legged Llama. Which is why we all need to be grateful for the rise of independent blogs and the open and free community of ideas it provides. Well, at least until the Internet Czar gets involved. But enjoy it while you can.
Mack @ 4:13
Your comments speak to excessive government overreach which has many people, including me, extremely troubled.
We need to get back to a place where our policies reward good choices and individual accountability and responsibility is expected ... but criminalizing the most mundane is the very definition of over reach.
Criminal penalties should be reserved for genuinely criminal behavior.
Most of those parents who aren't involved, aren't involved because they have lost hope and have given up on the system. That holds true whether the parent is white or black. "Criminalizing" lack of interest is not the solution.
But if they get their way, I am sure it will serve to disenfranchise a whole new class of people.
We'll get back to the good old days where only the landed gentry were deemed fit enough and educated enough to vote. Just give them some time. ;)
Did something bad happen? Why did comments begin to be moderated -- that doesn't fit with the "free-wheeling" spirit of FN. It makes me sad.
why do folks, particularly demoncrats, ONLY want a great deal of government presence when it is in handout form? as SOON as folks start talking about government enforced accountability, ya'll start sounding like rethuglicans! less government, less government! lol. how convenient.
Wait wait wait, one more for next year. That Apostle Amani Claver down in Texas putting up those "MLK was a Republican" and "GOP is the new Black" billboards. Funny how he only attacks Black Democrats, accuses the Dems of racism, leaves racist behavior from Republicans alone and only has whites responding on his website. Coon of the decade!
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