From the Free Dictionary:
"whore (hôr, hr)
1. A prostitute.
2. A person considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
intr.v. whored, whor·ing, whores
1. To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.
2. To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.
3. To compromise one's principles for personal gain. "
"whore (hôr, hr)
1. A prostitute.
2. A person considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
intr.v. whored, whor·ing, whores
1. To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.
2. To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.
3. To compromise one's principles for personal gain. "
Whore is the latest word out in SoCal that is causing political shock waves. As in Meg Whitman is a "whore". This allegedly according to one of the aids of her opponent, Jerry Brown.
Tsk tsk. Jerry, your man can't do that. Didn't he know that only black women are whores in A-merry-ca? As in "nappy headed hoes"?
But I cannot condone a sexist slur coming from any quarters. (And yes, I know that there are man whores out there.) Jerry and his peeps were wrong. Although, one of the definitions of a whore is someone who "compromises their principles for personal gain". And, by that definition, all politicians are whores. That would include Meg Whitman.
On to another story: And here I thought that only Philly's finest had issues. It turns out that the "Honey Bee Killer" was a cop. Man the things folks do in A-merry-ca these days. The lawyer in me wants to know the man's motives for these killings. Hey, maybe he is just another twisted human being. There seems to be a lot of them out there these days.
Finally, a couple of things: First, I see that Glen Beckkk is sick again. (Is there another person in A-merry-ca with more ailments than Glenn Beckkk?) Don't worry Glenn, you have a lot of people praying for you, I am sure that the man up above will take care of your illness. He needs you to lead the children of A-merry-ca out of the wilderness of Obama. *rolling eyes*
And I am reserving judgement on this Brett Favre story, (Hmmm could we have another Tiger on our hands?)but if it's true, I hope that the NFL will be as tough on their golden boy as they have on other folks over the past few years. I'm out.
Not true! Brett Favre is a muslim!
Yeah, it's funny how this came out just after the revelations about Meg. BTW what is with the rash of secretly recorded convos? Damn, is that the new thing this election cycle? I thought it would be Obamacare and Muslims. Who knew?
I am sorry to hear Glenn Beck is sick. I sincerely hope he will be ok. A-merry-ca needs a man with God-consciousness who feels and reflects as deeply as he does. Like all of us, he a child of God.
Field, i am very surprised that you would stoop so low as to title your post in such a demeaning and degrading manner! Just because Jerry Brown's aide did it doesn't mean that you should join in the filty parade.
Politics in A-merry-ca has gone to hell. I don't have much faith in the country or the American people or bloggers anymore.
Low down name calling in a so-called advanced civil society called America is disgusting, uncalled for, and quite frightening. It's as if people think heaping harsh slanderous mean-spirited words on another fellow being is 'good'.
It really feels like A-merry-ca is imploding the end is approaching at a rapid rate--but no one seems to notice....
"Glenn Beck Reveals He’ll Undergo Medical Tests for Combination of Conditions"
My first guess would be Narcissistic personality disorder and an enthusiasm for meth.
gregorbachev, "My first guess would be Narcissistic personality disorder and an enthusiasm for meth."
That is not funny. This could be of a very serious nature and you are making fun of him. How cruel and inhumane.
Mr. Field said, "Don't worry Glenn, you have a lot of people praying for you, I am sure that the man up above will take care of your illness. He needs you to lead the children of A-merry-ca out of the wilderness of Obama. *rolling eyes*"
you should not make such fun of Beck and his followers. that is a lot of karma you are creating for yourself.
Hope you get out to see a game in the series.
Aloha from Makaii
anon 10:41
And what about the karma Beck is creating? I believe the saying is, " You reap what you sow."
Newman, "anon 10:41
And what about the karma Beck is creating? I believe the saying is, " You reap what you sow."
Whatever bad karma Beck may have accumulated, it is between him and God, nobody else.
We Nappy-Headed Hoes say "Strangy" (not Stringy) Headed Hoe.
then maria must be a strangy headed ho.
Well...I think I'll just borrow one of the Fox We Make Up Lies crew lines that they used when Imus did the same thing to those young black girls in my comment about the Meg Whitman so-called slur. "Meg is overreacting."
Sounds like Glen Beck might be diabetic and has nerve damage.
"Well...I think I'll just borrow one of the Fox We Make Up Lies crew lines that they used when Imus did the same thing to those young black girls in my comment about the Meg Whitman so-called slur. "Meg is overreacting."'
Ladies, send your e-mails to granny. :)
Sup Makaii? Yes, hopefuly we will make it to the next round so that I can catch one of the games. I am afraid I couldnt't make any for this series. (I am hoping that they don't come back to Philly for a game five) Looks like your homie Shane is doing his thing and batting lead off.
"And what about the karma Beck is creating? I believe the saying is, " You reap what you sow."
Honestly, I am not sure there is anything wrong with Beckkk. My man tends to be somewhat of a hypochondriac (sp?) it goes with his personality disorder of always wanting attention.
But I am praying for him. :)
Let's pray for Beck. God please give the man his sanity back after years of not having it. Take the wine of hatred and the hallucinogenic of racism out of his tiny alcohol and cocaine shrunken mind. Dear Lord, have him leave that racist network and do your bidding of spreading love and tolerance throughout the world, and get me a Maybach, Amen.
I think that I'll get a Maybach first before Beck stops being a bigot.
Beckkk is going out west. Out west to Utah. He's going to meet with his church elders to come up with the next phase to bring people to the Mormon church.
ditto fn!
all sexism always offends all true men like you
this is a ruthless politrickal season within a wicked shitsym indeed!
and whores come in both genders
that HO HObama is the biggest whore of all!!!
kid, I will pray with you. Can I take your Maybach for a spin when you get it. ?
Kid, "Let's pray for Beck. God please give the man his sanity back after years of not having it. Take the wine of hatred and the hallucinogenic of racism out of his tiny alcohol and cocaine shrunken mind..."
Kid, that prayer is one that YOU need for yourself.
Dear Mr. Field, I hope you will speak to this article regarding Mr. Beck and his attraction to certain 'types' of people, esp. in places like Oakland. Thank you.
I'm sure Mormo will save old Glenn. Not sure I like the Mormon religion. I think they believe Yeshua came to amerikkka to lead Whatshisname Smith and the good white folk to Utah. While he was here why didn't he slip down to Mississippi to free a few slave? Just wondering. Oh yeah, that's right.......
Will Beckk be able to broadcast from the looney bin?
Wow, some blog. Looks like Beck haters are here. How sad....I hope I never hate.
PilotX, "I'm sure Mormo will save old Glenn. Not sure I like the Mormon religion. I think they believe Yeshua came to amerikkka to lead Whatshisname Smith and the good white folk to Utah."
I hope ALL religions save souls and teach 'forgiveness'.
Smith got the will of his ego mixed up with God's Will. It's a common 'human' error in religions, esp. in the black community.
At least Smith recognized and admitted his error while some in other religions don't. So you might as well let go of your self-righteousness and work on forgiveness. Your soul will feel freer and lighter.
Jim Jones and David Koresh were Christians. Are you against Christianity because of what they believed? How about Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? Buddhism?
Wherever humans are, you can be sure there will be some misunderstanding and crap, whatever the field may be.
Pilotx, you shouldn't be making fun of Beck's mormon religion. It's not his fault that the mormon God turned our skin black because we are evil people.
You better be glad he's not in that Scientology cult.... um, I mean religion. Beck would have contacted Xenu from outer space a long time ago to punish us black folk here on earth.
LAA, "You better be glad he's not in that Scientology cult.... um, I mean religion. Beck would have contacted Xenu from outer space a long time ago to punish us black folk here on earth."
Oh my! There are all kinds of gods against me that I don't even know about. It's tough being Black...got to stay on top of every fucking thing.
Will somebody please tell me who the hell is Xenu?
Nappy n Proud said...
We Nappy-Headed Hoes say "Strangy" (not Stringy) Headed Hoe.
11:36 PM
Anonymous said...
then maria must be a strangy headed ho.
12:41 AM
i am not either, but i am not posting here anymore. i am tired of the disrespect and racism. as i said earlier, the sidebar about races coming together to talk is BS.
"Wow, some blog. Looks like Beck haters are here. How sad....I hope I never hate."
Me too.
Awww, why don't y'all leave the pizza lady alone.
If sal's closes, where else are we gonna get our pizza from?
Oh yeah,fuck glen beckkk
that racist piece of rat pizzle will get his just desserts soon enough.
Barack Obama Swagger
Pure Hotness!
maria, "i am not either, but i am not posting here anymore. i am tired of the disrespect and racism. as i said earlier, the sidebar about races coming together to talk is BS."
Maria, I hope you don't leave, but I agree with you. Some here are every bit as racist as the people they call racist. They say ugly and mean-spirited things, and engage in racism to feed their own sick dark hearts. Some of these people come from the bowels of hell.
You once said that you wouldn't let those sick jealous asses drive you away. Have you changed your mind? Why not just ignore them?
Barack Obama Swagger
Pure Hotness!
"They say ugly and mean-spirited things, and engage in racism to feed their own sick dark hearts. Some of these people come from the bowels of hell."
Shabazz fits this description. He is a racist and a poor excuse for a human being. He belongs in the jungle where he is more suitable to the wild life there.
Be careful with the door on your way out.
Just scroll past the bs. Tune it out!
LAA, "Be careful with the door on your way out."
I am surprised that you don't care. I thought you loved Maria and one of the most liberal persons on this blog. I am shocked.
"I am surprised that you don't care."
I do care about Maria. That's why I don't want her to get hurt by the door on her way out.
"Shabazz fits this description. He is a racist and a poor excuse for a human being. He belongs in the jungle where he is more suitable to the wild life there."
And you belong in the caucus mountains you fucking savage.
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