Before I drop my next post, I want to give a shout out to two brothers who made my day yesterday. The first is my man Rasheen Bingham, who, to his credit, defused what could have been a deadly situation on a city bus here in Killadelphia. Please watch the video of grandma threatening to pop some young girl's top for talking too loud on her cell phone. Here in Killadelphia we have got to work on our anger management.
The other brother who brought a smile to my face was Jimmy McMillan of New York. Jimmy is running for governor of that fine state and if I lived there he would get my vote. You have got to love the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party". In this crazy political climate guys like Jimmy McMillan are actually making sense. Go figure. Maybe "O" should hire him to replace Rahm Emanuel.
Anyway, now to my post: Tonight I want to take on one of the the darlings of conservative intellectualism; the appropriately named Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Sowell recently wrote a post about multiculturalism and, as is usually the case, he doesn't get it.
In his article he praised the Chancellor of Germany for saying that multiculturalism has failed in her country, and he rips -what he calls- the "high IQ" folks for failing to see the obvious: that millions of foreign workers in Germany who failed to assimilate into that country's culture, has created problems for the government.
In truth; conservatives here in A-merry-ca are all fired up because of Merkel's recent comments. But my question to them would be this: Why? How do they equate German society to what currently exists in these divided states? Clearly they do not know the history of that country and what it represents. Here is what she said:
"We kidded ourselves for a while," ...said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
The other brother who brought a smile to my face was Jimmy McMillan of New York. Jimmy is running for governor of that fine state and if I lived there he would get my vote. You have got to love the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party". In this crazy political climate guys like Jimmy McMillan are actually making sense. Go figure. Maybe "O" should hire him to replace Rahm Emanuel.
Anyway, now to my post: Tonight I want to take on one of the the darlings of conservative intellectualism; the appropriately named Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Sowell recently wrote a post about multiculturalism and, as is usually the case, he doesn't get it.
In his article he praised the Chancellor of Germany for saying that multiculturalism has failed in her country, and he rips -what he calls- the "high IQ" folks for failing to see the obvious: that millions of foreign workers in Germany who failed to assimilate into that country's culture, has created problems for the government.
In truth; conservatives here in A-merry-ca are all fired up because of Merkel's recent comments. But my question to them would be this: Why? How do they equate German society to what currently exists in these divided states? Clearly they do not know the history of that country and what it represents. Here is what she said:
"We kidded ourselves for a while," ...said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
OK, fine. But madam Chancellor, A-merry-ca was built on principles of multiculturalism. It is what A-merry-cans will tell you makes this country great. People of different races, religions, cultures, belief systems and backgrounds, being able to live and work "side-by-side" while they pursue happiness. Did my conservative brothers and sisters forget that beautiful little sonnet by Emma Lazarus? I hope not.
But let's see what that "brilliant" conservative thinker, Thomas Sowell, has to say:
"This is not a lesson for Germany alone. In countries around the world, and over the centuries, peoples with jarring differences in language, cultures and values have been a major problem and, too often, sources of major disasters for the societies in which they co-exist.
Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult. And living in separate neighborhoods is considered to be so terrible that there are government-financed programs to take people from high-crime slums and put them in subsidized housing in middle-class neighborhoods.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult. And living in separate neighborhoods is considered to be so terrible that there are government-financed programs to take people from high-crime slums and put them in subsidized housing in middle-class neighborhoods.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
That, quit frankly, was garbage. And it is exactly why the conservative movement in this country is so intellectually bankrupt. If they consider clowns like Sowell to be a brilliant, I wonder what the not so brilliant thinkers of their ilk has to offer?
But let's dissect it a little bit: So according to the anti- multiculturalist (like Sowell) the minority in a given society should adopt the lifestyle of the majority?- Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Communism to me.- Whatever happened to individual liberties and freedom? And who said that multiculturalist objected to transplanting "hoodlums, criminals, and "dysfunctional families" away from people who want to do the opposite? By this logic he is admitting that some of these people who choose not to assimilate into the larger culture by adopting it's lifestyles are good people. So what's the problem?
He blames multiculturalism for the atrocities that took place in places like Rwanda and the Balkans; forgetting , of course, that the people who were at war with each other were natives of those very same countries.
So what exactly is it about multiculturalism that scares the right and their gatekeepers like Sowell so much? It's simple. The fear of losing political power and influence. They know that people who might look and act differently than they do will not embrace their politics of division and fear, so they must be marginalized and kept at a minimum. They know that what is happening in Germany is in no way analogous to the situation in this country, but they need something, anything, to justify their absurd and farcical positions.
Nice try Mr. Sowell, but us folks in the "multiculturalist cult" are not moved. No one denies that immigrants have some duties to assimilate if they want to live in a country, but I am pretty sure that is not what you want. You don't want them here at all. You want Lady Liberty to be much more selective with her "huddled masses." Sorry, I like my "cult". I still want a little flavor in our A-merry-ca. I hate bland stuff.
Did you hear about Juan William's comment last night to 'Masta Bill'? He said when he gets on a plane and there's a Muslim on there he gets nervous. He's got to make the house negro of the day for that.
Sowell and the rest of the please love us masta, crowd are lost causes. Your points though are well taken.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
The same argument could be made in favor of Segregation and "separate, but equal".
Dear Mr. Field, For your convenience, I thought that I would provide the 30 sec video link in which Juan Williams supported O'Reilly's stance on the View last week.
Quite frankly, Juan is telling the truth. Most Americans probably get nervous when Muslims get on airplanes...Don't you?
Field, you are attacking the cream of black intellectualism. Everyone knows that Sowell is one of the black William Buckleys of the Black Community...Shelby Steele is the other one.
Now my question to you is why are you attacking him? are you that jealous of conservative Blacks who think for themselves and NOT like you?
You really should do some serious self-analysis. Better yet, go see a therapist...you need it.
Thomas Sowell singing "Massa's" tune about the failure mutli-culturalism and the triumph of supplanting unique experiences for a sanitized Western model? Field, next you'll tell that water is wet.
Seriously, after every White conservative in College (and their handful of Step-n-Fetch-it House Negroes on Campus) reference his book "Race and Economics" as if Jesus himself wrote the damn thing, nothing he says shocks me.
The statement is utterly asinine. America's history of multiculturalism and integration are much different than Germany's. Germany has what, 10% non-whites in the whole country. It was also the birthplace of Nazism -- you can't wash that kind of dirt out of your cultural mindset with just a 50-60 year soak.
I find it ironic but not shocking of Thomas Sowell's war on Black Pride and multiculturalism. The 'multiculturalism cult' he rails against is one of the main reasons he's a Stanford Professors and not a bookkeeper at a tax office in Oakland.
But for Black and white working class conservatives to behold the logic fallacy of their own beliefs would mean that they would observe the full scope of history and economics - and would more than likely no longer be conservatives.
"Did you hear about Juan William's comment last night to 'Masta Bill'? He said when he gets on a plane and there's a Muslim on there he gets nervous."
How can the Tom identify a Muslim?
You have white, black and brown Muslims.
Is he saying that when he sees a guy in a turban or a woman in a burka it scares him?
None of the 9/11 hijackers wore religious garb.
Does he get nervous when he sees olive skinned swarthy looking people?
Hell, they could be Italians or Jews.
This is nothing but RACISM and Williams is a butt kissin TOM.
uptownsteve said...
This is nothing but RACISM and Williams is a butt kissin TOM.
Touche, Steve. Juan Williams, another self-loathing but otherwise intelligent man who shucks and jives, but should know better.
The problem I have is that these guys are cynics - they know damn well what they're saying has no reflection on facts or critical analysis, but they'll say it anyway just to keep those Fox News 'special commentator' checks rolling in.
the so-called black community DEFINITELY needs more men like the one in the video. clearly men ALSO regulate the behavior women in additon to other men.
i tried to post this link on the previous post, as just one of the reasons the naacp should be disbanded and al sharpton disappeared. lol. he and jimmy hoffa could be neighbors...somewhere... and i would ONLY feel concern for jimmy hoffa and his family. and for the racism chasers, it is NOT for the reason you might think. ALL things are NOT steeped in racism.
i am posting the link here because my comments routinely disappear after blog moderation is enabled. and i KNOW it is a coincidence. LOL!
yep...the naacp could be bombed off the map and it would not make me a bit of difference. they have outlived whatever usefulness they may have served in the far distant past...
Field, I don't agree either with America being parralled with other countries for constitutional reasons you stated. You know what they say, "when in Rome you do as the Romans do..."
And of course America doesn't have a national language, so anything goes with the influx of non-English speaking immigrants, particularly Spanish speaking immigrants and illegals. I have no problem with that, because I grew up speaking fluent Spanish as a child around my family in my household. My child is also set.
Soon, people in America are going to have to speak a second language, particularly Spanish in order to get a decent job. A lot of poor black children in America will be at more disadvantage based on the already poor curriculum in the inner city schools, much less learn another productive language.
Speaking about poor "black" inner city schools... I'm just going to copy my comment from the previous thread.
Field, are you aware that Obama just signed an executive order to enhance education for Hispanic students (ONLY). Funny, he isn't concerned about any type of racial "backlash" from the majority population for just singling-out and helping a particular "race"/community. What about the poor black inner city students who are also at disadvantage?
Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya.... LOL
In the famous play "South Pacific"
there is a song You've Got to Be Carefully Taught; I believe that is why Mr. Sowell believes the way he does. It started long ago and it is very hard for him to change.
I know Hawaii isn't perfect but we do have many cultures learning from one another and it isn't a bad thing.
Aloha from Makaii
Just what is it about the NAACP that upsets self-hating negroes like you?
It's a private organization and if you are offended by their activities then don't join or contribute.
It's amazing to me that black folks like you will make excuses for the friggin Tea Party (where is they're black advocacy LOL)but slam black civil rights groups.
I think you want a black protest group which focuses solely on black male dysfunction and misbehavior.
We already had the Million Man March.
A day of self-reflection and renewed committment.
The Million Woman March on the other hand was a gathering of valykeries ranting about how their greatness is not recognized.
Damn I hope one day you'll wake up.
"Soon, people in America are going to have to speak a second language, particularly Spanish in order to get a decent job.:
Every person in America for which Spanish is the first language knows damn well they better learn English in order to fully assmiliate, get higher eduation and good paying jobs.
Do cops in the hood have to learn Ebonics?
Be for real.
"the so-called black community DEFINITELY needs more men like the one in the video."
Yes what he did was truly commendable. It could have been tragic for him too. That's what real men are willing to do, protect women and children who like them from miscreants of all genders and race.
"Do you remember the Dunbar Village rape case? I’m not sure how you could forget; this is the case where a woman was gang raped by 10 men in her own home for over three hours, forced to have sex with her own 12-year-old son and survived an attempt to light both of them on fire. In an update that is a couple of weeks old but I’m just hearing from now via Document the Silence, Al Sharpton and the NAACP are taking to the streets to defend the four arrested rapists. This is despite conclusive DNA evidence and apparent photographic evidence that the rapists took on their cell phones during the attack."
wish the man in the video had managed to show up and help this woman and her child as well. please note that ALL have not been apprehended TO THIS DAY. wish the guy in the video was there and could have helped the woman that was beaten to a pulp by a 19 year old because she was in a fender bender with him and he valued his CAR more than her LIFE. of the 40 onlookers that stood by and watched this woman lose her life, no guy like the one you highlighted. or maybe they only show up when it is black females acting a fool and demonstrating they have no self respect or respect for others? hopefully these too went to jail, where they belong. endangering other citizens should be dealt with much more severely than it is currently.
AB, when i read the story of Deletha at your blog, i was literally haunted all day. my resolve was strengthened you are always educating, and i appreciate you.
LAA, you had me in tears on the last two posts. laughter is good for the soul and your wit always makes me laugh out loud. there is an anon on here, too, that is hilarious. the one that learned a few things a couple of posts ago. LOL.
anyhoo, i just thought i would share just one example of why the naacp should just go somewhere and stop it already! reverend hot comb sharpton as well, while we are on the subject.
One more link about "You've got to be carefully taught"; this with Matthew Morrison singing in South Pacific:
Since the one above got cut off, but anyone can google the title and get many hits.
"Every person in America for which Spanish is the first language knows damn well they better learn English in order to fully assmiliate, get higher eduation and good paying jobs."
And that's why they have another advantage. It's happening already in certain areas. I once got a stepping stone job because not only was I qualified but I spoke Spanish. The other candidate was just as qualified but she had that "disadvantage". Get a clue.
"Do cops in the hood have to learn Ebonics?"
Is ebonics a language? Even white suburban teenagers knows how to speak "ebonics", especially when they want to act the clown and play the rap crap. Get real. Mell defined your kind well on that other thread.
amen fn!
a global war of race and class is NOW!
all who are not rich are disposable
all who are awake are ANGRY!!!
uptownsteve said...
"Soon, people in America are going to have to speak a second language, particularly Spanish in order to get a decent job.:
Every person in America for which Spanish is the first language knows damn well they better learn English in order to fully assmiliate, get higher eduation and good paying jobs.
Do cops in the hood have to learn Ebonics?
Be for real.
UTS, though I agree that most immigrants realize they need to speak English in order to get a job and thrive, eventually Americans will need to learn more than one language. With the continuing influx of immigrants and international commerce, it would simply be irrational for a working American, particular Americans under 40 such as me, not to be able to hold a basic conversation in Spanish, Mandarin or Hindi.
And no, cops don't speak Ebonics - white authority figures trying to "speak jive" just look like cynical posers. But its been suggest that the reason that cops don't get cooperation from communities of color is because of they can't communicate effectively. And in cities like LA, they certainly should know conversational Spanish.
If cops can't understand a basic sentence from a community they're protecting, they shouldn't be cops.
But we do concur that the concept of brown skinned Mongrel hordes overrunning good Christian white folks is just a fantasy dreamed up by Glenn Beck and Co.
"Is ebonics a language? Even white suburban teenagers knows how to speak "ebonics>"
How it it that white teenagers are fluent in Ebonics according to you but Bill Cosby says he has no idea what they're talking about?
This after making "Hicky Burrr" and "fortyeleven" a part of the English language.
And show me one job in America where speaking Spanish is a requirement.
The more skills one has the more marketable they are.
FP, I am in total agreement with you regarding the NAACP and that Mr. Hairdo Sharpton in regards to that sick horrific Dunbar case. How some people forget. Girl, I just love you and AB so much. I miss Grata too. And yes that anony/s are funny as hell. There is another sister anony who is sharp, we have been accused of being the same, I have never been so flattered.
(And yes Steve, black women very are capable of telling each other how much they love, respect and appreciate the other).
", A-merry-ca was built on principles of multiculturalism"
No, it certainly was not. We used to have the "melting pot" ideal, where all the different cultures were forged together into a common culture. People remembered their heritage, but the best parts of what they brought were incorporated inot the whole.
American culture is not white culture. We are not like Europe, Africans have had a huge influence on what we are. This is is everyone's culture.
We can applaud diversity but we cannot survive seperatism. Multiculturalism is a leftist construct designed to weaken the common culture by Balkanizing and segregating us. We stand together or we fall seperately.
Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Ward Connelly, and now Juan Williams don't 'think' for themselves. Republicans like Colen Powell, yes they think for themselves. They don't go around trying to get love from people who shake their hands and smile in their face in public and call them all kinds of n-words in private. The others have a slave inferior mentality and they will say and do anything for their mastas love. No matter how long they try they will only get used, but no true love.
LAC, I imagine that if you are a Postal worker in Chinatown it would be advantageous to know Mandarin.
I agree that Americans should learn a second language just as in most European countries learning English is a requirement.
I'm of two minds on immigration. On the one hand, immigration has been our true economic engine for four centuries and given people who'd have never had any life whatsoever in heir homelands an unparalleled opportunity here. On the other hand, we've always attracted the cream of the crop, the ambitious and energetic (tips hat and bows in Field's direction) from the very societies who most need them. The anti-colonialist in me cannot help but see this brain drain as looting.
Wesley, your are ridiculous. Anyone who doesn't toe the liberal line is a "Tom". You are the one trying to keep everyone on the plantation.
"Hey AB, Obama just signed an executive order to enhance education for Hispanic students (ONLY). Funny, he isn't concerned about any type of racial "backlash" from the majority population for just singling-out and helping a particular "race"/community. What about the poor black inner city students who are also at disadvantage?"
dear mr. field, I found the above comment in a recent prior post. I thought it "might" be of interest to you, and your supporters.
Tell me Field, how much more slighting of Blacks must Dems and the Prez do to turn you Obamaholics away? NONE? I understand. You won't because the the Prez is Black. Yeah, that makes good sense for liberal black dems like you. You certainly know how to display your intellectualism. And you have the nerve to attack Sowell? Pease.
When it comes to thinking and being blind, you and your followers-like Granny, MackLying, Hathor and LAC-are worse off in mind than the followers of Eddie Long.
ALREADY in los angeles, in heavy mexican populated areas, they hold the school board meetings in SPANISH. lol.
in miami, they are locking out spanish speaking americans from employment, by mandating that the spanish must be of national origin.
i have ALREADY explained that sharpton and hoffa should be neighbors. when i see him standing up like a blithering, conked idiot talking about black and brown people...it only strengthens my strong desire for him to disappear. the fact that he walks around like a celebrity lends it self to the fact that black folks are happy, dancing, slow, child-like people collectively. our house is a filthy mess and burning to the ground, yet we ONLY make time to help our neighbors save theirs.
i have yet to meet a mexican that seems to think that by virtue of NOT being black they are somehow better, OR they will be ready to fight if you don't play along with their assertions that they are white. when i outright ask when mexicans became better than black folks, the stunned silence is always priceless. even the blexicans i have encountered hate black. they more fiercely in most cases.
true story:
i know a mexican man that routinely makes racist jokes in my presence. he is slick about it, because he will be saying something from a chris rock, eddie murphy, or whatever that clown from the movies with jackie chan that the chinese government banned. so, technically, if i get angry, i am demonstrating a lack of humor.
recently when az wanted to legalize racial profiling of folks that looked like they could be from mexico, he decided to vent to me about it. lol. wrong move. i politely listened to his points and conveniently tied it into the racism that black folks have consistently been on the receiving end of. i pointed out to him that now, his people were being targeted for the profiling and racism my people experience.
this guy became belligerent and SAID.out.loud that there was no such thing as "driving while black" as far as he was concerned. he got so angry with me that he even went down the welfare road like his people are illegally clogging up the works in california. i just sat there looking at him. he is a big fat mexican, so i wasn't interested to tick him off too much...just in case he is a hitter. i would sustain damage before the police arrived. lol.
so after he calmed down, in my silence, i very calmly let him know, that i have empathy for all that suffer. however, i really don't have a dog in the fight if those that would seek to have my alliance has no interest in suffering. especially when we suffer the same ills. because i was speaking so softly, he just stood there looking at me. i disengaged and went on about my business.
in my mind, i thought to myself, i would not care if they rounded you up and ACCIDENTLY sent you to mexico. IF the racial profiling and racial brutality experienced by my people is all in my head, so is yours buddy!
Whitey said: "The anti-colonialist in me cannot help but see this brain drain as looting."
What a shame, if we should attract the best and the brightest, huh Whitey? Worried about your job?
You don't need to worry. Since 1965, it's more important to have had a relative get in ahead of you than to have any skills. We are not getting the "best and the brightest" anymore.
"And yes Steve, black women very are capable of telling each other how much they love, respect and appreciate the other)."
But a lot of you aren't very good at self-reflection and accepting some responsibility for the problems in the black community.
At the Million March the men took "The Pledge" to be better men, husbands and fathers.
No such "pledge" at the MWM.
Sends a helluva signal.
typo alert. typing fast.
i have not met a mexican that does NOT think they are better...
like his people are NOT clogging up the works in...
however, i really don't have a dog in the fight if those that would seek to have my alliance has no interest in MY suffering.
"No such "pledge" at the MWM."
Beacuse the modern American woman is the most spoiled privileged class that has ever graced the planet. They have only rights, not responsibilites. The credo "To love ones self is the greatest love of all" is the sine non qua of today's female.
"i have not met a mexican that does NOT think they are better..."
You're nuts.
Are you going to tell me that the Hispanic landscapers and fast food workers whom I see everyday while driving in my late model SUV and wearing designer suits thinks they're better than us?
You have an inferiority complex and it's obvious.
"At the Million March the men took "The Pledge" to be better men, husbands and fathers."
And what, fifteen years later what happened? LOL. Didn't you catch that link the anony threw around on a previous comment section about the MMM failures? Look here cadet, I'm not in the mood tonight for your willful ignorance. Hurry find that clue.
FP, I truly enjoyed that story. SO TRUE. It's not that I don't care about others suffering (and I don't hate Hispanics or other non-black immigrants), but as you stated I too am not interested in sharing resources or giving alliance to those who are just as racist towards blacks, and would never-ever consider reciprocation. Quid pro quo.
FP, "ALREADY in los angeles, in heavy mexican populated areas, they hold the school board meetings in SPANISH. lol."
You are sooo right. I assume you read LAC's comment that it is "ridiculous" to think such realities? Everytime I read something LAC says, I want to smack him. He is a space cadet.
BTW, Al Sharpton's hair is not conked. That is his natural hair.
Field you said it as well as most could. Sowell is well paid for the selling out he does.
And who let focused purose waltz in with their light weight out of focus noise.
Got to run But I'll be back
"And what, fifteen years later what happened? LOL."
Well immediately afterward during the late 90s before Bush and the crew destroyed the economy and got us into war in Iraq, violent crime dropped to 30 year lows as did the poverty rate.
And you are still not accepting any responsibility.
As far as the OOW birth rates, they would drop by half in a year if black women will inclucate it their daughters heads that they are the bosses of their own bodies and should refuse to let a man enter them without at least one of them being using protection.
Or given you a ring.
All they have to do is say emphatically "Look at me. Do you want to be stuck with a baby and no relationship or support from the father?"
"Look here cadet, I'm not in the mood tonight for your willful ignorance. Hurry find that clue."
C'mon LAA.
I posted here tonight especially for you.
tee hee
"Are you going to tell me that the Hispanic landscapers and fast food workers whom I see everyday while driving in my late model SUV and wearing designer suits thinks they're better than us?"
You can not be this foolish and simple. Did it ever occur to you that many of them resent black Americans because they feel you should be the ones in those aprons serving them? Trust me. But it's ok, when they speak among themselves and vent in those Latin/Hispanic support organization meetings you wouldn't understand what they are saying anyway. You have no idea.
And you keep referring to them as landscapers and fast food workers, I can promise you, they don't intend on having their children and grandchildren cleaning your shit in the years to come. Steve wake up.
Good night.
yes ebonics is a formal admirable language often erroneously mistaken for mere slang
that is why the feds are hiring formal ebonics translators/spies now
Black english is a combination of African languages and standard english. African Americans should be awarded linguistic medals of honor for its creation against impossible odds. To deter rebellion and increase fear and control, slavemasters deliberately separated African slaves from fellow members of their tribes. Often, these same slavemasters were functionally illiterate and ignorant of standard english themselves. From that linguistic stew of confusion, we fashioned a FORMAL Black english.
Black english STILL merges formal rules of African languages like Ibo, Yoruba, Ewe, Tula, Mandinka, Wolof, and Mende. Just as in French, many of these languages have no "th" sound. Instead, the French speak "t". Instead, Africans speak "d". Thus, "theatre" becomes "tayatra" and "them" becomes "dem", respectively.
Many native African words are included in standard english vocabulary. For example, "goober, okra, uh-huh, and uh-uh" are all FORMAL African words. But, as Black english is slandered as mere "slang", African contributions are also ignored. In this racist America, everything "Black" is bad. (i.e. Blackmail/ Blacklist/Blackball etc...) And, everything "African" is VERY Black and VERY bad.
Black neocons and racist whites who slander and resent ebonics are only behaving as always. They always reject all that is Black. These same persons revere "differences" in other languages. Shakespearean english is regarded as theatrical and scholarly. French, Spanish, and Japanese are viewed as profitable and chic. Clearly, Black english is NOT being rejected for its difference, but for its BLACKNESS.
"Well immediately afterward during the late 90s before Bush and the crew destroyed the economy and got us into war in Iraq, violent crime dropped to 30 year lows as did the poverty rate."
That was just during the march, cause all the criminals were in DC.
The rent is too damn high!
laa & fp:
i love and revere u both like jah do
and i adore all the warrior wisdom u both post
uts is not in my tribe!!!
thank u sista!
i am haunted by lost lives of deletha and tameka young daily!
"It's amazing to me that black folks like you will make excuses for the friggin Tea Party (where is they're black advocacy LOL)but slam black civil rights groups."
what about Black folks make their own tea? THAT is what was initially meant by "DO FOR SELF". somehow folks have twisted that to mean, do for their individual selves and forget everyone else.
do you REALLY expect white men to save you? they are focused on taking care of THEIR women and children. maybe more bm could emulate THAT?
AB said you were 65ish, so all i can really say to you is this:
my grandma was right. there is NOTHING worse than an old FOOL.
you are very predictable which is why i printed a part of what i despise about the naacp. can you read? or maybe you could get your sons to read it to you. hopefully THEY will be able to see that there is something VERY wrong with the state of the so-called black community and more specificly black "manhood".
when the protectors are the destroyers, ALL are expecting TOO much, when that expect there to be silence in the fact of the suffering and destruction. what do the marching negroes like to chant? NO.JUSTICE.NO.PEACE. i can ASSURE YOU, only death will cause me to stand down or stand quietly. i owe may ancestors and descendents that much. if it offends you, that will have to be your personal issue that you work out for yourself. now shock me and say something that makes sense, sir.
"You can not be this foolish and simple. Did it ever occur to you that many of them resent black Americans because they feel you should be the ones in those aprons serving them?"
That goes for a lot of white folks as well.
What are you going to do with them?
"do you REALLY expect white men to save you? they are focused on taking care of THEIR women and children. maybe more bm could emulate THAT?"
You're a friggin wacko.
I don't need to be saved sweetheart.
White and hispanics call me sir everywhere I go.
And if you took the time to talk with a lot of white women you'll see that they don't live the Beaver Cleaver life that you ridiculously imagine they do.
White boys cheat, abandon, abuse, refuse to support and all the other transgressions that you nuts attempt to lay exclusively on black men.
The big difference is that white women aren't going to drop babies at anywhere close to the rate black women do unless they are married.
That's what you don't want to deal with.
AB sis, I am struggling to find words about Deletha Word, I had no idea. How could that have happened??
uts is an old arrogant fool indeed
another direct hit
u r on a roll queen!
i just reposted all of my ebonics info:
it happened because nigs like uts would rather protect maria than a sista who looks like them and their mamas always!!!
how many bruhs rush to defend me from slander and lies and the vdlr etc herein????
(even if i needed it???)
i am still in migration mode
so many cols
so little time
stay tuned
like bob marley sang:
"so much trouble in the world"
"u r the big tree...we are the small axe...ready to cut u down"
hey uts and sanford grady:
oh, and lest i forget. i have commented this several times and the blog fairy gobbles it up, repeatedly.
for the lost soul that asserted that women like me are "jealous" of white women.
of the deadly sins, envy is not one with which i wrestle. wrath, particularly with injustice, is the sin i have to manage daily.
but if i were to be "jealous" of anything, it would be the men of white women. not the women themselves. as i watch accounts of the jews, armenians, and others that have suffered, i am always praying that someday the black man will will tap into his manhood. and not the kind that keeps him disrespecting his women talking about "pimping" and that other craziness. but being a man that won't stop until he secures what is needed to uplift his women and children.
hey see uncle ruckus at 1928
notice how oj nigs always speak of black births as if ONLY black women impregnate themselves solo...magically squatting between tree stumps in some forest????
uts is an old foolish mongrel mf!
he effs his mothers every day all day
i cannot think of 2 people on this planet who evoke LESS envy than uts and maria
we share that dream sista!!!
that is why daddies who go off on all bullies are my heros...my dad did the same often!...mom too!
AB, "how many bruhs rush to defend me from slander and lies and the vdlr etc herein????
(even if i needed it???)"
Don't you even try. I have been standing up for you while others on this blog don't. But you seem to ignore me and give attention to those who trash you.
FP, "i am always praying that someday the black man will will tap into his manhood. and not the kind that keeps him disrespecting his women talking about "pimping" and that other craziness. but being a man that won't stop until he secures what is needed to uplift his women and children."
Maybe after this generation dies off and the next comes into view. But I don't see it happening, unfortunately.
but i cannot see u or your race or gender
how can i know u????
that is why i am out and gay and never hide my name and face
so all can know me
Germany is not the US. All of those countries in Europe are more or less ethnic homelands. They aren't necessarily overly fond of other "white" people, let alone Arabs, Africans, Turks or Asians. Generally speaking those countries do not see themselves as or have any desire to become targets of massive immigration from the so-called "Third World".
If Merkel feels comfortable saying this out loud it's because similar issues are popping all over Europe-the UK, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands etc. Rightly or wrongly those countries wish to keep their own cultural/ethnic distinctiveness. That is not possible once a certain line is crossed.
It's not an easy parallel to the US, though because the histories are so different. But nationalism and the ethno-state are going to continue to be around for quite some time.
do you know what a negrita or negrito is?
back in the day, negroes or boys as they were referred to, often called white men "sir". despite hating them with all of their being. on some level, you MUST know this...
barack obama is NOT black. he is biracial. white women are NOT the mothers of the black nation. bm sexing them and swearing the offspring is "black" are delusional at best. but heck, i have lived long enough to see folks say Kim Kardashian is black. and black women allow dominicans to do their hair. WHAT!? lol! negroes are officially insane. stark raving mad.
obama's group were formally known as mulattos. they ALSO held slaves. folks need to hurry up and get REAL! or at least read from time to time.
AB, you beat me to the punch. when i read that the government was hiring ebonics translators, i knew we had reached the end of times. lol!
AB, since none of these Obamaholics will comment on this link, would you? I think Juan has a point.
FP, "and black women allow dominicans to do their hair. WHAT!? lol! negroes are officially insane. stark raving mad."
What makes dominicans so different that they can't do black hair? Please explain.
vocab is not a language
"jive" is only vocab
ebonics is an entire language
i saw it
i hate juan
but he is being admirably honest
and all who fly often know so
it is racist profiling
but we all do it
and i just smile/greet/and pray
what more can we do?
"Got to run But I'll be back"
mellaneous, take your time. hopefully you will come back with a clue.
even if you can't see my purpose, rest assured it is focused with laser-like precision. pray to your God to help you see. i believe you will get answers. like anything else one seeks, they will find it. mmmkay?
anon, reverend hot comb's hair is not one that should be seen on a man. it may be why he is having difficulty behaving like one. but thanks for letting me know he does relax his hair chemically. lol. i like information, even of the useless variety. lol.
we think this for the same reason that whites look at me and see a turbo breeder/drug dealer/etc
too much racist tv!
i linked it
bon soir
"As far as the OOW birth rates, they would drop by half in a year if black women will inclucate it their daughters heads that they are the bosses of their own bodies and should refuse to let a man enter them without at least one of them being using protection."
and they would drop by the other half, following your logic, if knuckleheads like yourself would talk to other BLACK MALES about what it means to be A MAN. parenting one's children after they get here shouldn't be optional either. you are retired right? YOU have time to volunteer and mentor where needed uts!
for some reason, the menfolk like addressing the womenfolk instead of each other. what's up with THAT?! it smacks of cowardice as far as i am concerned. despite folks loving to scream about all the good bm, ya'll behavior says that you know you are outnumbered, and quite frankly too big of a coward to step up and get the men's work done.
uts goes back to "ignore". engaging him makes me feel like i am being mean. like picking on a disabled person. or taking candy from a baby. or challenging a paraplegic to a foot race. or challenging/demanding with alzheimer's to remember something. i am not a mean person, so i will refrain from engaging the poor soul. his third eye is blind, so he is incapable of seeing clearly what is going on around him. his entries will be treated like a bad case of tourettes.
if someone has demonstrated they hated you through their consistent behavior, would you allow them to do ANYTHING to you? quite a few bw don't like for folks to touch their hair at all. so to entrust those that disdain your blackness to do your hair is an example of lost minds. not to mention how it affects black owned and operated businesses. even going to get one's hair done is moving to OTHER communities.
dominicans don't have a history of treating their black skinned sisters and brothers well AT ALL. the individual dominicans i have met have done nothing to change my mind about my position.
earlier, i meant to say that sharpton does NOT chemically relax his hair. anon that shared it with me, i have had a good laugh wondering when that little nugget will come in handy to know. LOL!
"Quite frankly, Juan is telling the truth. Most Americans probably get nervous when Muslims get on airplanes...Don't you?"
No! I get nervous on airplanes when some stranger who I suspect might want to talk sits next to me.
Wesley R, thanks for the 411 on Juan. And Anon. thanks for that HuffPo link. Juan will be in the house forthwith.
"Germany is not the US. All of those countries in Europe are more or less ethnic homelands. They aren't necessarily overly fond of other "white" people, let alone Arabs, Africans, Turks or Asians. Generally speaking those countries do not see themselves as or have any desire to become targets of massive immigration from the so-called "Third World"."
SG, I co-sign with you on this one.
"You can not be this foolish and simple. Did it ever occur to you that many of them resent black Americans because they feel you should be the ones in those aprons serving them? Trust me. But it's ok, when they speak among themselves and vent in those Latin/Hispanic support organization meetings you wouldn't understand what they are saying anyway. You have no idea."
La~Audio, Yo hablo un poco Espanol, and that has not been my experience. Maybe it's because I know a lot of people from PR as opposed to Mexico, and it's a different issue out west as opposed to the East coast, but I am not feeling this resentment towards blacks that Hispanics have which you always seem to refer to.
"Tell me Field, how much more slighting of Blacks must Dems and the Prez do to turn you Obamaholics away? NONE? I understand. You won't because the the Prez is Black. Yeah, that makes good sense for liberal black dems like you."
I am not a dem. But you have the liberal part right. I gave your guy 8 years and it wasn't pretty. Let's see how the beige man works out. It hasn't been two years yet.
LaAudio is a black hispanic who hates white and brown hispanics, I figured that out a while now, simple put.
La~Coincidental, you nailed it at 7:43 pm! Where your church at?:)
Folks seem to be confused about the whole "melting pot" idea of America. When you put a bunch of metal in a melting pot, you get an alloy that is hopefully stronger than the individual metals. When you dump a bunch of veggies in a pot of beef stew, the veggies don't turn into meat.
The whole "melting pot" idea is that immigrants come to a country and their cultural heritage strengthens the country. It isn't the idea that people come to a country and become as white as possible.
Deletha Word.
I read about what happened and needless to say......I'm pissed.
40 people who stood by and let her get killed by some young mongrel because they didn't want to risk getting their asses kicked. Which is pretty fucking stupid, since 3 or 4 people could easily overwhelm and subdue him.
I'm only disappointed that this defective ass Negro didn't get put to death.
Anon says:
"What a shame, if we should attract the best and the brightest, huh Whitey? Worried about your job?
You don't need to worry. Since 1965, it's more important to have had a relative get in ahead of you than to have any skills. We are not getting the "best and the brightest" anymore."
Worried about my job? Well I'm disabled/semi-retired with an active professional license that attracts far more work than I can possibly accept. So no, I'm not "worried about my job" but thanks for the concern. Besides, the evidence clearly shows that immigrants bring more jobs with them than they "take" from our economy.
You're also either profoundly confused or cynically misrepresenting the '65 Immigration reforms that opened us to immigration from the 95% of the world previously deemed unworthy whose faces now greet us in every crowd.
FP, "for some reason, the menfolk like addressing the womenfolk instead of each other. what's up with THAT?! it smacks of cowardice as far as i am concerned. despite folks loving to scream about all the good bm, ya'll behavior says that you know you are outnumbered, and quite frankly too big of a coward to step up and get the men's work done."
I think you are right. BM have always been afraid. It goes all the way back to slavery. It is a paychological and emotional feeling of powerlessness-or NOT having enough power to protect his woman or family. Even with Obama one can sense this. He seems to be missing some power as a man and a President.
Remember the cop and Gates beer luncheon on the WH lawn? The cop came off as having the upper hand. That is, he appeared to have more power than he should have had with a President.
Had Bush declared that the cop was wrong in his actions toward Gates, that would have been the end of it.. and the cop would have been history...he would have been out of a job. Instead, he went back a hero.
This feeling of lack of power has been a long time unspoken issue with BM and BW- but moreso with BM. BTW, each time this issue comes up, there has to be some sense of shame in BM. And Shame keeps people from talking or admitting the truth. It keeps the truth 'hidden' within. (Adam and Eve hid from God because they were ashamed.)
All the shucking and jiving that UTS and LAC do is due to their shame! But again, they won't admit it, they will deny it instead.
Hmm...wonder how the locals in Shenandoah like having the jobs done by illegals? Yes, not only are the illegals a presence in LA, but also rural white PA. Yes, he did have a job that an American citizen would do...which one would know if they knew about the area.
Merkel has the unenviable position of speaking Truth. Europe has a Muslim problem and it needs to be addressed...or it will become worse. Applying our 'Merican Exceptionalism Fantasy Ponies to the issue only shows our ignorance and our arrogance.
FP, "dominicans don't have a history of treating their black skinned sisters and brothers well AT ALL. the individual dominicans i have met have done nothing to change my mind about my position."
Oh, I stand corrected. I was not aware they were prejudiced against their own skin color. I thought all Dominicans were dark skin. I guess I have missed something or maybe not.
They sound like some Black Americans I know. LOL
AB, "and i just smile/greet/and pray
what more can we do?"
Well, you could do what I do. Get the hell off the plane. After that Detroit incident, there should be separate planes for Muslims dressed like they are from the middle-east....No one should have to fly in a plane and be afraid of the passengers on it.
Field CLAIMS that he is not afraid but that is a lie. Most progressive liberal black dems naturally lie. UTS proves this truth everyday.
Field should do a Post about this fear of Muslims, which is an American fact. Of course, sometimes Field JUST CAN'T FACE REALITY. And that is a damn 'shame'.
Fabulous post. JW masquerades as neutral but he's not; he's to the right along with Sowell, and Steele. JW has been smoother about it.
"BM have always been afraid. It goes all the way back to slavery."
Anon, this is not a true statement. despite slave breaking, bm have stood and fought. i think THIS is why the Haitians are so despised. black men in THIS country have a long history of fighting back. of course black women do as well, however the struggle has always been recounted from a male identified point of view. which is how Kevin Powell had no idea, recently, that Shirley Chisolm had run for potus.
black americans have done more with fewer opportunities. black men have gone to their fiery death on crosses, attempting to protect their families.
it is a recent occurrence that finds the bm collective only able to "man up" and come hard when they are blame shifting. the white man has been replaced by the black woman as the reason for all of the ills. the ones responsible for the demise of the black man. it is with a sad heart that i see the day when the slave breaking seems to be complete.
lyons, you are "pissed" reading of one story. might you be "bitter", "overweight", "unable to get a man", "a man hater", or any of that other nonsense? you are aware this is what fellas like you say when black women refuse to silently grin and bear it? you regularly high five the biggest perpetrator of this fraud on this blog. what is THAT about? and that is just ONE horrid tale, that did not make the evening news because of the low societal value assigned the victim and the utter indifference of the so-called black community to the suffering/molestation/maiming/rape/murder of black women when the perpetrator is a black male. there are many, many, many, many, many more stories like this one. yet, folks want to get mad when a black woman asks, what about our daughters? your buddy and pal insists that it is the mothers that should teach their daughters, solo, what the love of a man feels like. he made no mention of the fathers- the FIRST men in their lives. the women, and children (both genders) suffer greatly when menfolk refuse to honor their roles and responsibilities.
AB, i AM on a roll sis. presently i am mentoring fifteen and twelve year old black girls born to a never wed single mother. this "woman" is of the mindset that she can do this gig by her lonesome. she has even been brazen enough to say that she has never wanted to be married. her fifteen year old cuts herself and doesn't talk much. her twelve year old BEGS me to let her live with me. it breaks my heart. this "woman" recently had another child. this is her fourth by a third male that has predictably cut and run. EVERYTHING in me wants to cut any dealings with the whole mess. it is the girls alone, that strengthen me to still have any involvement. THEY listen. i have a LOT of grrr with folks pretending that all is well, when the EXACT opposite is the truth. i don't suffer fools gladly nor patiently. i GET what you mean when you say "turbo breeders", even if others work overtime to get it twisted. it is love that makes one tell the truth.
i have grrr when i attempt to patronize black owned businesses and there is TOTALLY inappropriate "music" playing, assaulting me, calling me out of my name, disrespecting me. when i demand that the situation be rectified, as i will continue to do; there is ALWAYS some brain dead female that will spew that i am only a "ho" if i think i am. that the minstrels on the radio are not talking about all women. you know, they are talking about those "other" women. with a straight face saying that they don't even listen to the words-just the beat. as if training oneself to not pay attention is admirable. i promise to God there seems to be a script!
while folks sit over here and try to act like democrats did not put more black women and men in prison than anywhere in the world. sit over here pretending there is a tiny bit of difference between the two parties, while whining about white folks that dare to say enough! and form their own party to make sure their needs are met. ticked because these folks aren't concerned one whit with what others think about the way they go about protecting their rights. sit over here pretending there is a black man in the white house.
mellaneous, think if you must that i am not focused. i could not care less. i don't say you are unfocused. i say those like you are focused on the wrong things! begging OTHERS to consider and save you is too stupid to take seriously at this point. IF others could save black folks...they have demonstrated mightily that they would NOT...unless there was a whole lot of something in it for THEM. funny folks mentioned Rwanda. a democrat could not have cared less about those folks' suffering. remember?
folks are not afraid of multiculturalism. those folks that are obsessed with acquiring and maintaining power, understand that the name of the game is securing resources to ensure the survival and progression of their people. for the kumbayah, we's all family crowd, let me be specific and say their immediate circle/family. they are committed to feeding themselves FIRST before anyone else. what escapes them, is that there is enough for everyone, when all act responsibly and justly. what escapes them is that we are all apart of the human circle. but then you don't need to look far to see evidence of this. the so-called black community STEADFASTLY refuses to act responsibly and justly. hence the silencing tactics folks attempt with those that will stand up and call it like it is.
FN, you should read about the Rwanda a bit more in depth. outsiders convincing people that had more or less peacefully co-existed that one group was better than the other. gave the "better" group advantages. the "better" group gobbled the nonsense up and misbehaved accordingly. only to have those belgian and other outsiders put the "lesser" group in charge before vacating the country; this GREATLY contributed to the rapes, massacres, and overall carnage. but eh, who cares when one can say they were all from the same country and keep it moving?
Nice post, Mr. Field.
val is the only 1 with cents up in here shit! fp is a bloviating fucktard hey fp have ya ever heard of being *cough* to the point idgit? these buceta breaf clones up in here r tiresome!
lol @ anon 3:08am. IF i were Val i would take offense at you thinking she has sense. you have demonstrated consistently, that you wouldn't recognize good sense if you cough it up.
speaking of getting to the point, what was yours? IF you are tired and coughing by my comments, you do know you don't have to read them, right? you are NOT my target audience. but thanks for reading and commenting nevertheless. i realize you are doing the best you can, with the precious little sense you have to work with...po chile...lol!
the point eye made fp was rather clear dimwitted bloviating lizard breaf fool! val always has sense unlike ur chriflin ass ya thunderkuntmeisterin fool!
u and ur buceta breaf clones r all the same one personality retires and another shows up this occurs in intervals ya dumbassidigit! ya buceta breaf moron!
so which aspect of the lesbian avenger r we talking 2 her angry man hating long winded aspect or her jew hating aspect who takes 'vacations' from time to time? idgit!
oh 1 more thing idgit...eye never said eye read ur dumb bullshit windbag laden rantings ya coohole! eyem just sick and tired of scrolling down for five minutes chrick my wrists r hurt on account of u and that black diaspora blogger too! learn to shut the phukk up from time to time or shorten it up ya dimwitted nincompoop!
LOL! struck a nerve did i?
lol ya idgit! u struck ya own nerves ya chriflin chrick buceta breaf moron! u simply sully this space with ur rambles ya coohole! and yes eye am laughing my ass off as eye type this cuz ure easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy 2 bait ya goathorn shaped coohole! muah muah muah!
and 1 more thing that comment at 526 shows that u have taken my advice under consideration short sweet and to the point u r learning yet ya grasshopper wigglin coohole!
muah muah muah
"lyons, you are "pissed" reading of one story. might you be "bitter", "overweight", "unable to get a man", "a man hater", or any of that other nonsense? you are aware this is what fellas like you say when black women refuse to silently grin and bear it?"
Men of fragile egos do shit like that. They can't handle the rejection and disinterest from a woman and with the whole hyper-possessive "give up tha pussy or I'll take tha pussy" theme running in their heads, they take it as a form of "disrespect" and either attack the woman's character or harass/intimidate/rape the woman in retaliation. It's a pathology that borders on mental illness that needs to be addressed and treated/eradicated.
"you regularly high five the biggest perpetrator of this fraud on this blog. what is THAT about?"
Sometimes the discussion goes from raising concerns about the state of Black males in this country and the mistreatment of Black women to the full-on Black male bashing that's not only uncalled for, but often responsible for making so many Black men jaded about being with Black women. Why have a relationship with a woman who's constantly deriding and putting down others of your ethnicity? Why raise a child and have her/him subjected to such negativity about the group of men he'll eventually grow up into?
That doesn't mean I condone most of what UTS does or says, but he's not afraid to call those out who make misconceptions or go into a full-on attack.
Come to think of it, I believe most people do their best to avoid locking horns with LAA, AB and others for fear they'll end up the target of a long string of verbal attacks and character assassination. And suggesting that I'm somehow a part of the Abusive Black Male Contingent is part and parcel with these attacks. I mention I'm a college graduate with a Bachelors degree and LAA dismisses that as a lie, choosing to believe I'm one of the thugged-out baby-making examples she goes on about. UTS attempts to call out LAA and others when they're full-on over Black men and he gets verbally torn up. Maria seldom comments because her mere presence is enough to set off certain people. Engaging AB with a contrary comment is enough to set her off for pages. Other commentators seldom engage you or keep the comments innocuous. It's getting ridiculous.
The only reason some cultures have remained homogeneous is because of isolation. Cultures may not have changed overnight, but in human history, migration, war, disease, religion has changed cultures.
In a century where you can travel to the other side of the world in 12 hours and instantaneous communicate any where in the world, it is futile to fight against multiculturalism. Ideas, art and politics are going to permeate, whether you have any population of a different culture living with you. Think how popular Jazz became in Europe, even in Germany, without a significant presence of Black folk.
What Merkel doesn't understand that shipped has sailed a century ago.
"do you know what a negrita or negrito is?"
Yeah. I also know what schvartze and mulinyan are also.
What's your point? Do you even have one?
"back in the day, negroes or boys as they were referred to, often called white men "sir". despite hating them with all of their being. on some level, you MUST know this..."
Yeah. Once again the blacks couldn't call them muthaf^Ckers when they got mad at them because the whites had status over them.
Surely you must know THAT.
"barack obama is NOT black. he is biracial. white women are NOT the mothers of the black nation. bm sexing them and swearing the offspring is "black" are delusional at best. but heck, i have lived long enough to see folks say Kim Kardashian is black. and black women allow dominicans to do their hair."
Sweetie, you can deny it all you like but you have a complex as wide as the Grand Canyon and you ARE jealous and resentful as hell of women who don't look like Fantasia.
What actually constitutes "black" in your mind?
Race in America has always been a social construct, most black Americans have mixed race ancestry and come in shades from alabaster to purple.
So who exactly can be members of FP's black club?
"white women are NOT the mothers of the black nation."
So, I suppose with the one drop rule, White men were the fathers of the black nation.
FYI There were some slaves who had white mothers and were not considered to be biracial.
FP really has serious psychological issues.
She sez this:
"for some reason, the menfolk like addressing the womenfolk instead of each other. what's up with THAT?! it smacks of cowardice as far as i am concerned"
right after she says this
"i am always praying that someday the black man will will tap into his manhood. and not the kind that keeps him disrespecting his women talking about "pimping" and that other craziness. but being a man that won't stop until he secures what is needed to uplift his women and children."
I mean, wow.
The incredible arrogance, self-righteousness and cluelessness is a wonder to be hold.
She feels totally entitled to wag her finger and scold black men but she will accept nothing but homage and adulation FROM bm.
Go on with your delusion girl.
hey laa:
did u see mrs. clarence thomas pull a maria on anita hill???!!!
this gruesome brazen bitch is asking anita to apologize to ct....wtf for????
anita hill is a lesbian and she told the truth!!!
and OTHERS did too...they were all young black women who clarence harassed ALSO...they were never allowed to testify
like all lewd sexist dogs, clarence harassed anita MOST because she is gay
how brazen such shrews become when they snag a bm...even a twisted reject like ct...shame!!!!
anita called the fbi
i would have handled this myself
face to face
then filed a restraining order on that bold bitch!!!
how dare u attack anyone for saying anything u deem disrespectful about bm when you FLAGRANTLY slander and abuse black women all day every day herein...
you are the most hypocritical beta male mongrel on this blog you weaselmouse!!!
people should fear retaliation when warranted always
i have never attacked u or anyone else until u attacked me
for the record
that will NEVER change...
u reap what u sow
"how dare u attack anyone for saying anything u deem disrespectful about bm when you FLAGRANTLY slander and abuse black women all day every day herein..."
You, FP and LAA are hardly representative of "black women" and thank God for that.
I'm gonna give it back to you just the way you serve it up.
That's what you can't deal with.
i hope he is suffering a fate worse than death in prison forever...
karma is real
he is the weaker fragile prey now
we 3 queens praise black kings/real black men daily herein
as u solely praise maria
eff u mongrel weaslemouse!!!
only u hobama nazis deny hobama his white mom and elevate his deadbeat dad to solo race status
hobama is biracial
he is visibly black
his politics are ONLY green
he is not black and he has no idea what being black in america means for the avg black voter whom he is starving and robbing
more each day
u r way 2 inept to feign such bravado!
i despise u because i cannot deal with your beta male bs colorism sexism oj swag conked mind etc...
my club membership is open to anyone of any race who is not a manchurian cia agent like hobama or a sexist racist clueless snoring mongrel like u...
but now i cannot speak for fp and her own membership requirements...
i am certain u do not qualify for either club though!...bet!
This is a ground-breaking report by the NAACP on the tea party, those homophobic, zenophobic, racists who love the constitution (except the 1st, 14th and 17th amendments),
when will we brew our own tea and leave them alone to their own agendas????
what has the tea party FORCED hobama to do for/to us???????
I don't know why I bother but here goes:
I've heard you and FP talking about black people "brewing their own tea".
What exactly are you talking about given the fact that you all hate the NAACP and other black activist organizations.
Please answer the question.
why do u think the naacp is the only black org in america????
as always
u r late!
Shut up and read the report!
quote me or stfu
i have never hated the naacp or any black org
u black hobama nazis have no org to hate!!!
u r too busy bashing the tea party's SUPERIOR orgs!!!
when will more blacks publish their own reports????
there is so much to say
see superb reports on hobama etc here:
i was a 17 yr old naacp prez
i revere the org despites its flaws
ditto for the cbc
only hobama nazi nigs like u equate valid criticism with hatred
that is why u adore hobama
u better lose that apolitical suicidal blindness asap as hobama is slaying us all!!!
When will I learn?
These proto-femmes don't debate in good faith.
They never answer direct questions.
They just RANT.
quote yourself answering anyone's questions herein!!!
u r the most pathetic dumb beta male mongrel on this blog
i am a proud feminist
and that trumps being a proto-fool like u always
Yeah. Once again the blacks couldn't call them muthaf^Ckers when they got mad at them because the whites had status over them.
Yeah and now blacks call everyone muthfuckers, including themselves. How sad...
Anonymous posters are punk ass muthaf^ckers.
Someone needs to point out to Angela Merkel that Germany's experiment with monoculturalism between 1933 and 1945 wasn't exactly a storming success either.
The problem with the term "multiculturalism" is that it doesn't denote anything. It's not a philosophy, a school of thought, or a category, at all. It is neither one thing, or another, it's a catch-all term for a mass of heterogenous attitudes towards differences in society, which have in common nothing except that they are not monoculturalism.
Most rationalists among us think monoculturalism is a horrible idea. But some people of the Angela Merkel persuasion (let's call them "racist dickheads") quite like it. They find that it is rhetorically effective to defend monoculturalism by setting up a spurious binary opposition between monoculturalism and this nebulous amalgamation of all the other different attitudes one could take towards cultural difference.
Since nobody really knows precisely what it means, it's hard to defend; and since nobody knows what it means, the person who thinks, say, that the Afro-Caribbean community has given more to Britain than "reggae and goat curry" suddenly finds themselves having to defend Sharia Law and honor killings.
So it's a dumb category. Accepting it just skews any debate in favor of those racist dickheads.
Angela Merkel is very lucky in that the bar for the epithet “Worst German Leader Ever” is set ridiculously high.
uptownsteve said...
Anonymous posters are punk ass muthaf^ckers.
How mighty, ghetto of you.
Did you ever see my shoes under your mothers bed? Did your mother bang all your friends and their fathers? ...well maybe she did..but either way. If you didnt then you shouldnt be callin them all mofos.
Those with an open mind. See if this doesnt fit todays environment like a key into a lock.
In modern times multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups against another. The ensuing cultural melee serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist rulers and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the institution of a communist state. The end result of their successful takeover was the murder of thirty million humans in the Soviet Union alone. Many more elsewhere.
As a political tool multiculturalism has several applications. It is used to prevent a national consensus among the electorate. The confluence of divergent life views, cultures, beliefs, religions, ethnic habits, etc. insures a swirling river of discontent upon which the multiculturalist rides. It is a perfect method of ensuring that there can never in the future be accord, unity, and a common agreed upon destiny among those ruled. Multiculturalism represents a basic form of divide and conquer, to the benefit of corrupt government and its sponsors.
Multiculturalism is likewise a financial tool used to socially and economically level a targeted population. When implemented, it becomes in fact a battle over scarce resources and shrinking economic opportunities, with government weighing in on the side of cheap labor. A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down. For the vast majority of citizens the standard of living will not increase, but rather constantly decrease.
Anony of 12:42, I'm not surprised you post annonymously, I would if I posted such complete and utter bollocks.
There are so many lies in your diatribe it's difficult to know where to start.
But this little lie of yours...
A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down.
..has been proven to be false time after time. Immigrants do not force down wages.
And that stuff about the Soviet union is hilarious. You just made that shit up as you went along didn't you?
@ Purple Cow: So, you are a "racist dickhead" unless you ignore the problems associated with an ever growing, non-assimilationist, openly hostile sub-monoculture living along side you?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Merkel did not exactly call for a new holocaust, she simply pointed out that things were not working out as per previous assumptions.
Anon @ 12:42
Excellent post. Multiculturalism is not about "valuing" all culures; it is about tearing down the common culture.
To do this, the multiculturalists must wage constant war on the myths, institutions, and very legitimacy of the dominant culture, while glossing over and excusing any troubling aspects of all other cultures.
Anony 12:42/12:49/12:58
talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.
Oh and next time you want to post a racist diatribe on Field's website, I would suggest you come up with your own musings rather than simply copy and pasting from a deranged rant by Texan White Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Louis Beam.
[Readers may find everything Anony posted above at 12:42 here in this white nationalist diatribe -
http://www.louisbeam.com/Multicul.htm ]
Can one of the anonymous cowards explain just what exactly is the "common culture".
You don't have to be a detective to see what these racist cowards are worried about.
This is all about some white righties scared to death about the "browning" of America.
And they prop up modern day minstrels like Sowell to make their case.
The Purple Cow said...
Anony of 12:42, I'm not surprised you post annonymously, I would if I posted such complete and utter bollocks.
And the liberal not being intellectual starts off with the only tools he has, attacks and disengeniousness. Immediately losing intellectual credibility and branding himself a empty headed leftist. Ok. I will pick a ridiculous name such as yours so you can easily identify me. Will that make you smarter and not waste time on detours?
There are so many lies in your diatribe it's difficult to know where to start.
But this little lie of yours...
A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down.
..has been proven to be false time after time. Immigrants do not force down wages. Really? Have you lived on this planet long? Do you study economics? Do you have anything to back up this assinine claim?
Deborah Reed, an economist at the Public Policy Institute of California, said her research in the state -- where 26 percent of the population is foreign born -- had shown that the presence of immigrants brought down average wages, because immigrants tend to earn less. African Americans or those with African American low skills or higher dr and Hispanic workers have been especially hard hit by competition with immigrant workers, said George Borjas, whose findings were published in a report by the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, D.C., group that favors stricter limits on immigration.
"There are 16 million foreign-born workers in the United States right now," Borjas said. "What does that do to the marketplace? It creates more competition, particularly for low-skilled workers." Particularly African Americans with high rates of high school dropouts.
And that stuff about the Soviet union is hilarious. You just made that shit up as you went along didn't you?
Reading is terrific. You should try it some time and expand your mind to comprehend things normally above your race baiting abilities. You might learn about history and the techniques some leaders employed to oppress people.
So are you are saying that the ability to cut and paste other people's work without attribution makes you the intellectual?
uptownsteve said...
Can one of the anonymous cowards explain just what exactly is the "common culture".
You are such a feckless dumbass.
Everyone, even you, knows that the common culture is the sphere we all interact in. American culture is not English culture, it is an amalgam of European, African, Native American, and Asian cultures.
Culture has nothing to do with one's skin hue, uptown.
Multiculturalism is a leftist ideology that seeks to fragment the common culture and its political institutions so that it may be replaced with a collectivist technocracy.
Your feigned ignorance aside, you are squarely in the separatist camp.
Ass-non burps
"American culture is not English culture, it is an amalgam of European, African, Native American, and Asian cultures."
That sounds pretty damn "multi-cultural" to me.
Your mother know you go out in public this stupid?
uptownsteve said...
Can one of the anonymous cowards explain just what exactly is the "common culture".
You don't have to be a detective to see what these racist cowards are worried about.
Get it out of your small little head that anyone opposing irrational thought must be WAAACIST call de amber lamps.
The only coward is the man who cannot stand for himself and express his thoughts rationally to come to accord with those he may have different viewpoints. Just claim everyone who disagrees with you is a racist and attack them instead of attempting adult conversation no matter how rational and that will get you where??? You will still have people disagreeing with you only now less open to your views and you just might promote a stereotype. It is common knowledge that those constantly attacking others for things in the illogical sense are themselves projecting. I would say you are a strong projector of what you are for who better to call everyone who has a different perhaps adult view of life a racist, then a racist.
holy crap, I haven't been here for a while and now I see that a certain Purple Cow is more of a dumbass ignoramus than Stevie. Stevie must be pleased. Hey, Stevie, you anonymous coward, what is your last name and address? Ohhhhh... and where did you get that funny looking photograph? Who's the goofy looking thing?
Calm down, wipe the spittle off your mouth and explain to me what exactly is the "common culture" and who is trying to destroy it.
@ uptown
An amalgam is whole made of parts.
Multiculturalism seeks to keep the parts from amalgamting.
Are you really that stupid, or do you just think your audience is?
Well now, I see that Stevie is using Alicia's term "assnon". So Stevie is trainable after all, just like any good monkey.
In a way, Stevie has unconsciously acknowledged that uh lee see uh - meshell is the creative one here.
So Stevie's not all bad. Give him a banana.
uptownsteve said...
Ass-non burps
"American culture is not English culture, it is an amalgam of European, African, Native American, and Asian cultures."
That sounds pretty damn "multi-cultural" to me.
Your mother know you go out in public this stupid?
Thats the point you completely revolting ignoramus. American Culture is all of us being americans and not hating or trying to seperate someone because of the color of thier skin or other nonsensical thing, that our dear leaders do every day just to get a vote.
Like you do with your incessant race baiting. I challenge you to discuss any topic as an adult, any one with full responsibility for thoughts and actions without once mentioning or deflecting or finger pointing to some disconnected time in history or blaming the world for your actions and choices.
Prediction - shown as the low level thinker that he is, he will return with more mother lines or try to be witty. (not very clever so please just go with the vulgar attempts its all he knows. And even seeing this he wont be able to help himself)
The Purple Cow said...
So are you are saying that the ability to cut and paste other people's work without attribution makes you the intellectual?
I am sorry, what have you added to the discussion so far except for race baiting, name calling and now the fallicious claim that copying and pasting on the internet is bad?
Want to try the real topic and issues at hand or will you keep dancing around what might be too difficult for you?
Stevie, if you dislike white culture, then I encourage to go live in a place where Mexicans and other mestizos control everything. Then you might get a real personal understanding of what white culture was about, by contrast.
Or better yet, try to cross the border into Israel. You do know you'd be shot, right?
"American Culture is all of us being americans and not hating or trying to seperate someone because of the color of thier skin or other nonsensical thing."
Seems to me its the rightwingers who did and do that.
Why is the GOP so white?
Why did conservatives oppose Civil Rights Laws and support Jim Crow?
Why was immigration a great thing when the preponderance of immigrants were Europeans?
Inquiring minds want to know?
uptownsteve said...
Calm down, wipe the spittle off your mouth and explain to me what exactly is the "common culture" and who is trying to destroy it.
Oh. I am quite calm. Stop projecting as you do with most things. That wetness on your bib isnt from me.
I have already made three posts with specifics. Instead of asking more inane questions. How about you give us your intellectual views instead of throwing out more diversionaly questions. You do that a lot, you get nasty, name call and then dont offer any thing of substance but do ask the same question to someone else. Take my challenge. Provide something without hate, diatribes, name calling, finger pointing, just adult discussion.
Sorry PinkGoat
But you haven't answered ONCE.
You just bloviate, evade and rant.
You're getting frustrated because I've cornered you.
Now I'll try this one more time.
Please answer this question specifically.
"What exactly is the "common culture" and who is trying to destroy it."
Don't tell what's it's an amalgam of. What in your mind is the dominant American "culture"?
And who are these "multiculturalists" and how are they trying to destroy it?
Whenever uptownsteve is humbled in an exchange, he resorts to asking deflecting questions. I'll bite:
"Why is the GOP so white?"
Because most blacks are locked up on the Democrat plantation.
"Why did conservatives oppose Civil Rights Laws and support Jim Crow?"
Those weren't specifically conservatives, those were Southern democrats. And that was 50 years ago. It is a myth that those southern democrat racists became the republicans of today. The south has been transformed by norhtern migration and new attitudes.
"Why was immigration a great thing when the preponderance of immigrants were Europeans?"
Immigration has always been a great thing. Illegal immigration has never been a great thing. Can you see any benefit in having some degree of control over how many, how fast, and just who comes into the country?
Perhaps once upon a time "rightwingers" sought to segregate people because of the color of their skin. That is wrong. Today, multiculturalism, which is a liberal democrat ideology, seeks to do the same thing. Does that make it right?
Sorry PinkGoat
But you haven't answered ONCE.
You just bloviate, evade and rant.
AND he steals other people's writing and attempts to pass it off as his own.
PinkCow, have fun debating with Stevie. You are seeing why most people here find him laughable. Alicia makes a fool of him on a daily basis and he's too insensitive to ever realize it. Mazal tov.
"Don't tell what's it's an amalgam of. What in your mind is the dominant American "culture"?"
The largest ("dominant") component of American culture is of course European, in particular Anglo culture, due to the fact that the vast majority of people here derive form those cultures.
But the "common culture" is much more than its dominant element. It is always evolving, incorporating new elements; this makes it stronger.
Multiculturalism seeks to deligitimize this process by branding assimilation as cultural death. The idea is to destroy the common culture that has developed here by fragmenting it back into the constituent parts that exist in the rest of the world. It offers no real affirmation of differences, it seeks only to nullify synergy.
uptownsteve said...
"American Culture is all of us being americans and not hating or trying to seperate someone because of the color of thier skin or other nonsensical thing."
Seems to me its the rightwingers who did and do that.
Why is the GOP so white? Well this could go into a very long discussion on its own, but lets just wonder why the majority of blacks are democrats and why any who wander off the democratic plantation are slaughtered as race traitors by people like you. I never heard a republican call anyone who was a democrat a race traitor or expect a specified behaviour no matter the harm it causes them and their communities toms, or slaves or race baiters have you? Why do you do it? Were you the kid who used to make fun of and try and hold other kids down for not being black enough because they wanted to go to school and get their own? Whats more pridefully Black then a man who came from nothing and earned his way out using the system, improving himself and his skill set?
Why did conservatives oppose Civil Rights Laws and support Jim Crow?
Thats a dumbass question. First of all, there were a few. But there were more democrats that voted against it then republicans. Look it up. It would not have passed had republicans not voted for it. But what the hell does that have to do with todays leaders? Compare yes? But little flash, today is different times.
Why was immigration a great thing when the preponderance of immigrants were Europeans? To me immigration always was and always will be a great thing. LEGAl immigration. Why are you for illegal aliens invading our country without regard to laws that protect all including Black Citizens of this country? Despite race baiting spins...Illegal is not a race. Illegal is Illegal. WHy are you for more cuts in the future to needy US citizens because we are broke and taxpayers are funding so many entitlement programs for people that have invaded the country and continue to flood in taking resources that are limited in these economic times. Are you happy education bills are passed for taxpayers to provide free college to illegals while Black Single MOther programs are eliminated and foodstamp programs are cut?
Being American doesnt mean mindless support of other countries citizens without due cause.
Just becuase I walk past your house and see that you live very nicely as compared to me, does that give me the right to sneak in and move in and then have you pay my bills? Could your house afford that or would you go broke and then not be able to take care of you and your family? Would your family applaud you for inviting a few people to live with you and begin supporting them even though it endangers their way of life or degrades it due to your increased financial responsibility? If you dont want to support me, even though I broke the laws of the US, should I call you a racist to try and intimidate you?
This is a country of laws. If you start to ignore those laws you dont like, well then others can very well do the same and that may not be pretty at all.....especially if someone doesnt like a law that protects your rights.
Inquiring minds want to know?
"Because most blacks are locked up on the Democrat plantation."
Oh really?
Prior to 1964 the Republican Party got a substantial amount of the black vote. Especially Northern Republicans like Javits, Dirksen Rockefeller and Mathias.
What happened ass-non?
"Those weren't specifically conservatives, those were Southern democrats."
And Southern Democrats were CONSERVATIVES dummy.
That's why they all ran to the GOP after Nixon implemented the Southern Strategy and began race baiting and code speaking.
Contrary to your ignorant bigotry, blacks aren't locked on any Democratic plantation. The GOP turned away from the black community.
"Immigration has always been a great thing. Illegal immigration has never been a great thing. Can you see any benefit in having some degree of control over how many, how fast, and just who comes into the country?"
How come so many European immigrant came here as stowaways on ships and such and were never deported?
How come so many of the older European immigrants in places like South Brooklyn, Chicago, Cleveland spoke the old country language, never learned English and that never was a real problem?
White skin maybe?
"Perhaps once upon a time "rightwingers" sought to segregate people because of the color of their skin. That is wrong. Today, multiculturalism, which is a liberal democrat ideology, seeks to do the same thing."
You still haven't explained just what "multiculturalism" is and how it seeks to separate us?
Let me help you.
Are you offended by people wearing turbans and burkas?
Do bilingual signs in stores bother you?
Do you get pissed when you see a Kwaanza Holiday greeting on TV?
C'mon, be honest.
Perhaps once upon a time "rightwingers" sought to segregate people because of the color of their skin. That is wrong. Today, multiculturalism, which is a liberal democrat ideology, seeks to do the same thing.
Multiculturalim doesn't exist.
Just as that other far-right canard 'political correctness' doesn't exist.
They are both right-wing constructs that attempt to portray an entire set of beliefs that have nothing in common with each other, other than, that they are not right-wing beliefs, as one coherent entity to be abused.
Thank you Purple Cow.
That's why PinkGoat and his alter egos are all over the place but can't even describe what "multi-culturalism" is.
That's cuz it only exists in the recessess of stupid minds.
Oh and here...
...is an article over the results of an academic study taken over a fourteen year period, that demonstrates that immigration has no negative impact on wages for US citizens.
There are many other such studies.
Immigration has always been a great thing. Illegal immigration has never been a great thing. Can you see any benefit in having some degree of control over how many, how fast, and just who comes into the country?
Correction, illegal immigration benefits corporate oligarchs with cheap labor. If there were not benefit, my Nativist friend, Black people would still be in Africa.
First of all, our agricultural sector would grind to a halt without cheap migrant labor. Simply put, if every Mexican, Guatemalan, Peruvian, Colombian or Nicaraguan migrant suddenly went home - we..would..starve. Farmers would be forced to pay a liveable wage and legal citizens would demand basic rights as workers. They could organize, possibly protest.
So, other than making prisons pick our fields (which we do in many cases) undocumented workers are the only option for cheap, exploitable labor. Because of the fear of deportation, undocumented workers rarely stand up for their rights.
Also, brown people serve as a convenient scapegoating for politicians and corporations who wish to cover up the real culprit to working man woes. So long as people like Limbaugh and self-loathing cowards like Sowell and Juan Williams blame Mexican cleaning ladies, Black teenagers and Muslims for pretty much anything - the average (white) person is distracted from certain political realities - your job wasn't stolen by Indians or Chinese, it was sent there by American CEO's who made a killing, your schools suck because you've been hoodwinked into thinking that we can give tax cuts to billionaires while underfunding education and expect to keep up with our counterparts, your house is in foreclosure because some CEO cooked up a Ponzi scheme and used your mortgage as collateral.
No, none of this is real. Just keep blaming the Nicaraguan roofer or the Haitian farm hand for your problems. While you're at, blame the two gay married dudes down the street for your daughter watches nothing but sex and violence on TV, is knocked up at 16 and doesn't read books.
It couldn't possibly be because you're a lousy parent who doesn't pay attention to what their kids are doing.
The Purple Cow said...
Sorry PinkGoat
But you haven't answered ONCE.
You just bloviate, evade and rant.
AND he steals other people's writing and attempts to pass it off as his own.
Look, lets get this out of the way so you can stop your diversionary tactics. I copied and pasted. Yes another post specifically said that. So you felt the need to harp on this and avoid any of the specifics WHY?
I have answered you , reanswered you and answered you again. All you have done is name call,name call some more, throw in some race baiting and then divert attention with childish attempts at discrediting me by saying..oh noes, he copied and pasted. I am sure this is something you have never done right?
Ok. Now that we are past that infantile discourse. If there is something you feel I have not answered spell it out. Also, try your hand at responding to the numerous points while leaving your biased crutch on the floor. You know the four posts of items on the specific topic that you are avoiding by race baiting and name calling!
If you come back with more drivel aftr earnest effort to have a legitimate conversation with you such as nonsense about copying and pasting and more excuses. I will just ignore you for the empty head that you obviously are.
The Purple Cow said...
"Multiculturalim doesn't exist. Just as that other far-right canard 'political correctness' doesn't exist. They are both right-wing constructs that attempt to portray an entire set of beliefs that have nothing in common with each other, other than, that they are not right-wing beliefs, as one coherent entity to be abused."
Wow. How Orwellian of you to ascribe contemporary manifestations of Marxist agitprop as creations of those who criticize it.
Deep down, uptown doesn't really believe the things he writes, but you cow, are a true fool.
uptownsteve said...."You still haven't explained just what "multiculturalism" is and how it seeks to separate us?"
How typical of you, Steve. I have explained what multiculturalism is several times, yet you feign not to have seen what has clearly been written.
It is quite the weird tactic to pretend not to see what you do not wish to respond to. You are a strange bird, uptown.
This was his explanation:
"Multiculturalism is a leftist ideology that seeks to fragment the common culture and its political institutions so that it may be replaced with a collectivist technocracy."
Some bull$hit he cut and pasted from freerepublic.com.
And he still can't explain what exactly is the "common culture" and admitted that American culture was defacto "multicultural" with aspects from Europe, Africa, Asia and aboriginal America.
Lawd help these chillren.
I am not going to go through the rest of your usual talking points.
Your a racist and can not see the forest for the trees. Your too busy clouding them up with things that may or may not have happened as you see them in history and offer not one iota of a solution for todays problems.
Ok. Lets say your right. Your account of history on hmmm..illegal immigration is right. So we move past that.
Now, you are in charge. You run the country. Your people are having really tough economic times (think all citizens not your racist view). Black unemployment is through the roof. Kids cant even get a job at KFC, Mcdonalds, computer firms, factories, but there are many illegal aliens filling these positions.
So what do you do? Open the borders so anyone can come in and claim entitlement programs as they do. Eliminate the immigration process so no criminals are weeded out? How will that work out do you think? Your in charge....what do you do? Who pays to assist the illegals and the people who cant even find minimum wage jobs.....You may have to increase taxes even more for the less than half of us who pay taxes now to pay for this.this will certainly hurt the economy even more with more layoffs and downsizing, more companies will look to move offshore because they cant afford the entitelment state taxes....but thats ok. We are socialists of the world right? So what do you do? Open the borders or say, take care of US citizens for now until we can afford to keep supporting the world?
Obama was elected president of the US. Not the World with us as a bunch of serfs funding support to the world while we go broke.
"So long as people like Limbaugh and self-loathing cowards like Sowell and Juan Williams blame Mexican cleaning ladies, Black teenagers and Muslims for pretty much anything - the average (white) person is distracted from certain political realities - your job wasn't stolen by Indians or Chinese, it was sent there by American CEO's who made a killing, your schools suck because you've been hoodwinked into thinking that we can give tax cuts to billionaires while underfunding education and expect to keep up with our counterparts, your house is in foreclosure because some CEO cooked up a Ponzi scheme and used your mortgage as collateral."
I have answered you , reanswered you and answered you again.
... divert attention with childish attempts at discrediting me by saying..oh noes, he copied and pasted. I am sure this is something you have never done right?
Correct I have never copied and pasted without attribution because that is intellectual theft.
I, for one, am not a thief. Can't say the same for you.
I will just ignore you for the empty head that you obviously are.
I will take that as a craven admission of defeat from a liar, a thief, a racist and a pathetic fool.
The Purple Cow said...
You really are simple minded arent you? Read one of the half dozen posts. WHAT have I specifically not answered you dimwit? Why didnt you say that in this post to confirm your false claim..what was the unanswered question? YOu were asked to list it, but of course did not.
... divert attention with childish attempts at discrediting me by saying..oh noes, he copied and pasted. I am sure this is something you have never done right?
Correct I have never copied and pasted without attribution because that is intellectual theft.
Your like a little petulant child.
Do you feel clever that you found someone copying and pasting something, who readily admitted to it? You still focus on this but nothing ON THE TOPIC? Because you cannot. You are a child. You found the cookie jar I never hid...oh...you are so so smart and clever. Yet all you can still do is talk about this and this only. But nothing about the topic. I can show you posts where your language is clearly not your own. You dont have the intellect for it and where you copied it from. Is that going to further any discussion?
I, for one, am not a thief. Can't say the same for you.
Go suck an egg you moron. I didnt steal anything and say it was mine. I pasted thoughts I agree with for discussion and again you are so clever for finding that hidden secret that wasnt hidden....oh you must be a genius in your wittle school. Again this is all you can do as the dimwit you are and talk about something that is irrelavant. Your stealing someones oxygen right now.
I will just ignore you for the empty head that you obviously are.
I will take that as a craven admission of defeat from a liar, a thief, a racist and a pathetic fool.
Oh....look. He cant answer anything as an adult so he claims victory in a battle of wits that he is clearly unarmed for..if an unarmed man is found with an illegal gun...can he be charged for being armed??
throws more names around liar, racist, thief fool... Will you go stomp your feet now and say mommy...I called someone on the internet names now.
Everyone reading here knows who the child and empty headed fool is.
Go ahead, list one thing I did not respond too. List one clear thought you may have on the topic (feel free to ask mommy for some adult help) and I will answer you yet again.
But know that you have been judged to be not worthy in that all you can do is act as you say, cowardly by continuing your petulant childish behavior and Avoidance tactics. No matter how much you avoid the truth, it will still smack you in the face.
"Go ahead, list one thing I did not respond too.:
What is the common culture.
What is multiculturalism?
Are you offended by people wearing turbans and burkas?
Do bilingual signs in stores bother you?
Do you get pissed when you see a Kwaanza Holiday greeting on TV?
I'm all ears..
uptownsteve said...
"What is the common culture."
I told you already.
"What is multiculturalism?"
I told you already.
"Are you offended by people wearing turbans and burkas?"
No. Turban wearers are Sikhs, and Sikhs are cool. Burkas don't offend me, but I'd rather not see them.
Do bilingual signs in stores bother you?
Do you get pissed when you see a Kwaanza Holiday greeting on TV?
No, I laugh.
"I'm all ears.."
Your all sphincter, uptown.
Hey Uptown Steve.
Still awaiting your answer. On ilegal immigration. Put your talking points where your mouth is :)
Your in charge, now you cant point fingers and live in history. You have to solve the problem. What will you DO. IN case you try and skate around the scenario, I posted the specifics for your convienance below. What would you do?????
Do you continue to cut programs such as helping Black single moms with child care, foodstamps etc to open the borders and support another countries citizens with out tax dollars? What will you do?
Scenario repeated below. Educate us with your wisdom and problem solving skills.
Ok. Lets say your right. Your account of history on hmmm..illegal immigration is right. So we move past that.
Now, you are in charge. You run the country. Your people are having really tough economic times (think all citizens not your racist view). Black unemployment is through the roof. Kids cant even get a job at KFC, Mcdonalds, computer firms, factories, but there are many illegal aliens filling these positions.
So what do you do? Open the borders so anyone can come in and claim entitlement programs as they do. Eliminate the immigration process so no criminals are weeded out? How will that work out do you think? Your in charge....what do you do? Who pays to assist the illegals and the people who cant even find minimum wage jobs.....You may have to increase taxes even more for the less than half of us who pay taxes now to pay for this.this will certainly hurt the economy even more with more layoffs and downsizing, more companies will look to move offshore because they cant afford the entitelment state taxes....but thats ok. We are socialists of the world right? So what do you do? Open the borders or say, take care of US citizens for now until we can afford to keep supporting the world?
Well i've just watched Inter Milan v. Spurs, which was a great deal more interesting than talking to our new friend Pinky here.
But anyways, Pinky.
First thing, the word is you're (not your) and it is let's (not lets).
'Let's say you're right' - correct.
'Lets say your right' - incorrect.
I'm just here to educate you. But hey ho, what can you expect from a nation that still hasn't worked out how to spell colour or centre correctly?
Moving on...
1. Illegal immigration is good for the American economy. That's why you have 30 million African Americans. Their ancestors were shipped to America illegally to aid the American economy. Illegal immigrants do all the down and dirty jobs you Yanks don't want to do. (You know, like picking cotton all day in the burning sun for no money, that sort of thing.) On a more recent note, it is estimated that the net gain to the American economy brought about by immigrants (illegal and legal) is some ten billion dollars per year.
2. You('re) questions about illegal immigration are a false dichotomy. I will quote from the report I linked to earlier.
The study compared wages paid in the U.S. between 1990 and 2004. This is what the study found. Immigrants and U.S. workers do not generally compete for the same jobs. Their skills and educational levels at the lower job levels are different than those workers who are born in America. Immigrant workers are concentrated at the lowest and highest level of occupations, but have a relatively small representation among regular workers. Immigrants usually choose different occupations than the average American worker because that is the work that is available to them. These are jobs that U.S.-born workers won't take because they find those types of work unappealing. Those types of jobs include dishwashing in restaurants, farm work, landscaping work, care giving, and low- level construction work.
Immigrants do not displace American workers. Instead, they supply labor that is very much needed and help the American way of life. Go into any grocery store and look at the produce section. The prices for fruits and vegetables would be considerably higher if immigrant laborers were not available to pick those crops. In reality immigrants do not usually compete against U.S. workers, but compete against each other.
Inter Milan won 4 - 3, btw. Great game. Love to chat all night, but it's late and I'm tired.
Well i've just watched Inter Milan v. Spurs, which was a great deal more interesting than talking to our new friend Pinky here.
But anyways, Pinky.
First thing, the word is you're (not your) and it is let's (not lets).
'Let's say you're right' - correct.
'Lets say your right' - incorrect.
I'm just here to educate you. But hey ho, what can you expect from a nation that still hasn't worked out how to spell colour or centre correctly?
Part Two.
Moving on...
1. Illegal immigration is good for the American economy. That's why you have 30 million African Americans. Their ancestors were shipped to America illegally to aid the American economy. Illegal immigrants do all the down and dirty jobs you Yanks don't want to do. (You know, like picking cotton all day in the burning sun for no money, that sort of thing.) On a more recent note, it is estimated that the net gain to the American economy brought about by immigrants (illegal and legal) is some ten billion dollars per year.
2. You('re) questions about illegal immigration are a false dichotomy. I will quote from the report I linked to earlier.
The study compared wages paid in the U.S. between 1990 and 2004. This is what the study found. Immigrants and U.S. workers do not generally compete for the same jobs. Their skills and educational levels at the lower job levels are different than those workers who are born in America. Immigrant workers are concentrated at the lowest and highest level of occupations, but have a relatively small representation among regular workers. Immigrants usually choose different occupations than the average American worker because that is the work that is available to them. These are jobs that U.S.-born workers won't take because they find those types of work unappealing. Those types of jobs include dishwashing in restaurants, farm work, landscaping work, care giving, and low- level construction work.
Immigrants do not displace American workers. Instead, they supply labor that is very much needed and help the American way of life. Go into any grocery store and look at the produce section. The prices for fruits and vegetables would be considerably higher if immigrant laborers were not available to pick those crops. In reality immigrants do not usually compete against U.S. workers, but compete against each other.
Inter Milan won 4 - 3, btw. Great game.
Love to chat all night, but it's late and I'm tired.
For some reason the site wants me to cut my message up into smaller pieces - so here goes...
Part Two.
Moving on...
1. Illegal immigration is good for the American economy. That's why you have 30 million African Americans. Their ancestors were shipped to America illegally to aid the American economy. Illegal immigrants do all the down and dirty jobs you Yanks don't want to do. (You know, like picking cotton all day in the burning sun for no money, that sort of thing.) On a more recent note, it is estimated that the net gain to the American economy brought about by immigrants (illegal and legal) is some ten billion dollars per year.
Part Three.
2. You('re) questions about illegal immigration are a false dichotomy. I will quote from the report I linked to earlier.
The study compared wages paid in the U.S. between 1990 and 2004. This is what the study found. Immigrants and U.S. workers do not generally compete for the same jobs. Their skills and educational levels at the lower job levels are different than those workers who are born in America. Immigrant workers are concentrated at the lowest and highest level of occupations, but have a relatively small representation among regular workers. Immigrants usually choose different occupations than the average American worker because that is the work that is available to them. These are jobs that U.S.-born workers won't take because they find those types of work unappealing. Those types of jobs include dishwashing in restaurants, farm work, landscaping work, care giving, and low- level construction work.
Immigrants do not displace American workers. Instead, they supply labor that is very much needed and help the American way of life. Go into any grocery store and look at the produce section. The prices for fruits and vegetables would be considerably higher if immigrant laborers were not available to pick those crops. In reality immigrants do not usually compete against U.S. workers, but compete against each other.
Inter Milan won 4 - 3, btw. Great game.
Love to chat all night, but it's late and I'm tired.
(BTW, I gifted you a grammatical error. Did you spot it?
We got it Cow, YOU'RE a douchebag.
Sorry, I do believe multiculturalism is a crock. It took a long time for me to come to this conclusion....after being forced to live in a white neighborhood as a child and spend much of my adult life overseas in homogenous societies.
Everyone SHOULD have equal protection under the law and equal rights. That rarely happens to minorities anywhere. Believe it or not, a minority or foreigner has more protection under the law in America as opposed to other countries I've lived in. In other nations the judicial system will not even try to hide that they are siding with the member of the majority because you are not one of them and for that reason only...no legal basis for their ruling against you otherwise.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult...
Agreed. We didn't choose to come here for the most part, and we will never be accepted, regardless of what we accomplish.
Don't conscious black people resent having to "not be ourselves" to be accepted. i.e. relaxing hair, skin whiteners, adjusting our speech patterns. I know I would rather live in a wealthy black neighborhood than a white one.
Some of you would honestly be bothered, at least a little, if your son bought home a white girl, or your daughter decided to become a Muslim, and I don't mean Nation of Islam. Not all, of course.
I guess Sowell and his ilk is fine assimilation...at least on paper. Most of our ancestors didn't choose to be here...so the way I see it, f-assimilation as much as possible....not always possible, though.
This line below is just more evidence that you have people like Sowell, Juan Williams, Clarence Thomas who are saying dangerously strange things for a bit more $change$ (and probably affirmation from a society that reviles them.) Please someone clue them in to their identity and history before it's too late.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
I wonder how Sowell liked the teabagging he so graciously received?
PC said, "talking to yourself is the first sign of madness."
Oh Lawd! Mr. Purple Cow, please say it isn't so.
....and that Rasheen Bingham is a very handsome hero....
I said as a kid, just because you're older, doesn't make you an elder nor worthy of respect.
We wonder why the kids are messed up when so called elders are waiving guns at girls on phones.
Purple Cow said: "Illegal immigration is good for the American economy. That's why you have 30 million African Americans. Their ancestors were shipped to America illegally to aid the American economy. Illegal immigrants do all the down and dirty jobs you Yanks don't want to do."
Um, excuse me.... are you comparing African people who were brought to America hundreds of years ago against their will to be enslaved and violated in all ways possible, to the illegal immigrants who willingly smuggle into America today?
@ Smashed:
You state a cogent case eloquently, but it is a profoundly cynical and pessimistic view.
We are all here together, and nobody is going anywhere. If we cannot create some common culture somewhere in the middle ground, we will play this broken record forever.
Another thing, some of you black people who are so "open-minded" and pro for illegal immigration are just as racist and condescending as the people you chastise.
Who do you think you are to even assume the immigrant population should be/or care to be the ones to cut your grass, serve your food and mop your shit? And how long do you think they should put up with that?
Purple cow, is your black African/Caribbean behind cleaning up somebody's shit right now in Europe?
I am so offended by what you said on the two levels I stated.
@Anon 7:51
If we cannot create some common culture somewhere in the middle ground, we will play this broken record forever.
You're right, but we are bound to hear the same old tune. The song will always remain the same. Are my views cynical? Absolutely. I've seen no evidence either at home or in my travels to believe otherwise. I really wish it weren't so.
"Who do you think you are to even assume the immigrant population should be/or care to be the ones to cut your grass, serve your food and mop your shit? And how long do you think they should put up with that?"
You're the one who seems to be frightened at the notion that the immigrants will soon pass you in status and power.
I don't feel threatened by people of any hue trying to make a better life for themselves.
You, on the other hand, see boogeymen everywhere.
"Are you happy education bills are passed for taxpayers to provide free college to illegals"
What smelly orifice did you pull this nonsense from?
Let's see some evidence.
"while Black Single MOther programs are eliminated"
There was a "Black Single Mother" program?????
Lawd this is one delusional fool.
LA Audiobooks says..
Um, excuse me.... are you comparing African people who were brought to America hundreds of years ago against their will to be enslaved and violated in all ways possible, to the illegal immigrants who willingly smuggle into America today?
Nope, clearly I'm doing no such thing, and you need to brush up on your basic comprehension skills.
What I was doing is comparing the motivations of those who brought slaves to the new world, with those who turn a blind eye to illegal immigration.
Is it good for the American economy to import millions of people into the economy to do the back breaking and demeaning jobs that nobody else wants to do? Absolutely it is.
Is that also a disgusting crime against humanity? Absolutely it is.
Do capitalists care about that? Not a jot.
Sorry if this is difficult or upsetting for you - I thought I was stating the obvious.
The Purple Cow said...
Well i've just watched Inter Milan v. Spurs, which was a great deal more interesting than talking to our new friend Pinky here.
But anyways, Pinky.
First thing, the word is you're (not your) and it is let's (not lets).
'Let's say you're right' - correct.
'Lets say your right' - incorrect.
I'm just here to educate you. But hey ho, what can you expect from a nation that still hasn't worked out how to spell colour or centre correctly?
Allrigth there Purple headed monstre, <---- (look there are misspelled words in this sentence)
You really are a child arent you?
Never mind, any idiot that cant talk about anything but his view of spelling and leaving a apostrophe out a word (lets) is clearly so far out of his element he is drowning. Now go get a fag and sit on your bum while you chew on some bangers and mash, whilst you wonder to yourself (if you really arent just some pimple faced kid in your moms basement in the US lying that you are from the UK) you are spending all your time bloggin about US culture (ineffectively I might add) when the UK is exploding at this very moment.
uptownsteve said...
You're the one who seems to be frightened at the notion that the immigrants will soon pass you in status and power.
I don't feel threatened by people of any hue trying to make a better life for themselves.
UTS, you just created a strawman argument while trying to attack someone else. How in the world is comparing slavery to illegal aliens invading the US a valid argument that you support by claiming the person who is takes offense at this statement is only against the slavery vs illegal alien point is because they are essentially racist for being afraid of someone from another skin color being better then them? Not very rational at all. d
Do you think things through before you write them or are you just knee jerk anti everyone?
Still waiting for your wisdom on how to handle illegal immigration vs the impact on US citizens, hinging off your common finger pointing and talking points. Being a man who clearly has such vast knowledge and one that would certainly never engage in empty rhetoric, I look forward to your answering this THIRD request. We know you love to ask questions, so now its your turn. I will again, and again repost the entire scenario. So you are in charge. What would YOU DO???
PinkGoat said...
Hey Uptown Steve.
Still awaiting your answer. On ilegal immigration. Put your talking points where your mouth is :)
Your in charge, now you cant point fingers and live in history. You have to solve the problem. What will you DO. IN case you try and skate around the scenario, I posted the specifics for your convienance below. What would you do?????
Do you continue to cut programs such as helping Black single moms with child care, foodstamps etc to open the borders and support another countries citizens with out tax dollars? What will you do?
Scenario repeated below. Educate us with your wisdom and problem solving skills.
Ok. Lets say your right. Your account of history on hmmm..illegal immigration is right. So we move past that.
Now, you are in charge. You run the country. Your people are having really tough economic times (think all citizens not your racist view). Black unemployment is through the roof. Kids cant even get a job at KFC, Mcdonalds, computer firms, factories, but there are many illegal aliens filling these positions.
So what do you do? Open the borders so anyone can come in and claim entitlement programs as they do. Eliminate the immigration process so no criminals are weeded out? How will that work out do you think? Your in charge....what do you do? Who pays to assist the illegals and the people who cant even find minimum wage jobs.....You may have to increase taxes even more for the less than half of us who pay taxes now to pay for this.this will certainly hurt the economy even more with more layoffs and downsizing, more companies will look to move offshore because they cant afford the entitelment state taxes....but thats ok. We are socialists of the world right? So what do you do? Open the borders or say, take care of US citizens for now until we can afford to keep supporting the world?
Still waiting for your wisdom on how to handle illegal immigration vs the impact on US citizens, hinging off your common finger pointing and talking points. Being a man who clearly has such vast knowledge and one that would certainly never engage in empty rhetoric, I look forward to your answering this THIRD request. We know you love to ask questions, so now its your turn. I will again, and again repost the entire scenario. So you are in charge. What would YOU DO???
PinkGoat said...
Hey Uptown Steve.
Still awaiting your answer. On ilegal immigration. Put your talking points where your mouth is :)
Your in charge, now you cant point fingers and live in history. You have to solve the problem. What will you DO. IN case you try and skate around the scenario, I posted the specifics for your convienance below. What would you do?????
Do you continue to cut programs such as helping Black single moms with child care, foodstamps etc to open the borders and support another countries citizens with out tax dollars? What will you do?
Scenario repeated below. Educate us with your wisdom and problem solving skills.
Ok. Lets say your right. Your account of history on hmmm..illegal immigration is right. So we move past that.
Now, you are in charge. You run the country. Your people are having really tough economic times (think all citizens not your racist view). Black unemployment is through the roof. Kids cant even get a job at KFC, Mcdonalds, computer firms, factories, but there are many illegal aliens filling these positions.
So what do you do? Open the borders so anyone can come in and claim entitlement programs as they do. Eliminate the immigration process so no criminals are weeded out? How will that work out do you think? Your in charge....what do you do? Who pays to assist the illegals and the people who cant even find minimum wage jobs.....You may have to increase taxes even more for the less than half of us who pay taxes now to pay for this.this will certainly hurt the economy even more with more layoffs and downsizing, more companies will look to move offshore because they cant afford the entitelment state taxes....but thats ok. We are socialists of the world right? So what do you do? Open the borders or say, take care of US citizens for now until we can afford to keep supporting the world?
Still waiting for your wisdom on how to handle illegal immigration vs the impact on US citizens, hinging off your common finger pointing and talking points. Being a man who clearly has such vast knowledge and one that would certainly never engage in empty rhetoric, I look forward to your answering this THIRD request. We know you love to ask questions, so now its your turn. I will again, and again repost the entire scenario. So you are in charge. What would YOU DO???
PinkGoat said...
Hey Uptown Steve.
Still awaiting your answer. On ilegal immigration. Put your talking points where your mouth is :)
Your in charge, now you cant point fingers and live in history. You have to solve the problem. What will you DO. IN case you try and skate around the scenario, I posted the specifics for your convienance below. What would you do?????
Do you continue to cut programs such as helping Black single moms with child care, foodstamps etc to open the borders and support another countries citizens with out tax dollars? What will you do?
Scenario repeated below. Educate us with your wisdom and problem solving skills.
Ok. Lets say your right. Your account of history on hmmm..illegal immigration is right. So we move past that.
Now, you are in charge. You run the country. Your people are having really tough economic times (think all citizens not your racist view). Black unemployment is through the roof. Kids cant even get a job at KFC, Mcdonalds, computer firms, factories, but there are many illegal aliens filling these positions.
So what do you do? Open the borders so anyone can come in and claim entitlement programs as they do. Eliminate the immigration process so no criminals are weeded out? How will that work out do you think? Your in charge....what do you do? Who pays to assist the illegals and the people who cant even find minimum wage jobs.....You may have to increase taxes even more for the less than half of us who pay taxes now to pay for this.this will certainly hurt the economy even more with more layoffs and downsizing, more companies will look to move offshore because they cant afford the entitelment state taxes....but thats ok. We are socialists of the world right? So what do you do? Open the borders or say, take care of US citizens for now until we can afford to keep supporting the world?
The Purple Cow said...
For some reason the site wants me to cut my message up into smaller pieces - so here goes...
Stick with links.
Why is someone from the UK concerned with illegal immigration in the US? You absolutely have enough problems of your own. I mean we are all aware that due to the failing of socialism in the UK just recently it was announced:
*500,000 public sector (government) jobs are axed
*Sweeping laws are being enacted to return healthcare to the private sector.
*Welfare is being drastically cut, *Child benefits are slashed, *unemployment payouts capped
*Disability review board created to reduce those on disability
Housing benefits slashed
*Taxes raised on VAT
*Family credit taxes abolished and more....
Now, to quickly dispatch your false report on the cost of US illegal immigration. Do the math and check any state budget on the total cost of Illegal Immigration. I expect it would be too complicated for you to grasp and you will get hung up on something irrelavent such as spelling or name calling, but as briefly as possible:
Do you think there is any relation to US economics with the mass amount of illegals taking entitlement payouts? (Money taken from taxpayers by the US government.
Do you think the Black Teenage unemployment rate of 49% is at all related to illegal immigration?
Yes illegals are people seeking a better way of life. However DO get off the plantation and understand that it is not good for the US or for Illegal Aliens for us to abandon the rule of law and continue to absorb the costs of illegal immigration.
The $113 billion in outlays for services and benefits to illegal aliens and their families represents an average cost to native-headed households of $1,117 a year. Because the burdens of illegal immigration are not evenly distributed, the costs are much higher in states with large illegal alien populations.
* Education for the children of illegal aliens represents the single largest public expenditure at an annual cost of $52 billion. Nearly all of that cost is absorbed by state and local governments.
* The federal government recoups about one-third of its share of the costs of illegal immigration in the form of taxes collected. States, which bear a much greater share of the costs, recoup a mere 5 percent of their expenditures from taxes paid by illegal aliens.
* Granting amnesty to illegal aliens, as President Obama and others propose, would not significantly increase tax revenues generated by current illegal aliens. However, over time, amnesty would dramatically increase public costs as newly-legalized aliens become eligible for all means-tested government programs.
As an example Arizona’s annual cost of illegal immigration is $2.5 billion
Source Below: If you want to attack the source, then do your own research and read the Arizona State budget which is actual figures and irrefutable.
500,000 public sector (government) jobs are axed
Not true.
The coalition brought in £83bn worth of expenditure cuts yesterday that some experts fear will eventually lead to the loss of 400,000 public service jobs. Others disagree.
It's a mistake I agree. But Conservative governments tend to make a lot of this sort of error.
*Sweeping laws are being enacted to return healthcare to the private sector.
Absolute and total bollocks. No British government would dare touch the N.H.S. It is regarded as a national treasure. 98% of the U.K. population support it. Even that evil old bitch Margaret thatcher didn't have the guts to touch socialized medicine. If she did the conservatives would have lost every election for 100 years.
Thatcher is dying btw, hopefully very soon.
I have my dancing shoes at the ready.
*Welfare is being drastically cut, *Child benefits are slashed, *unemployment payouts capped.
*Disability review board created to reduce those on disability
Mostly true, see my previous answer.
Housing benefits slashed
see my previous answers.
*Taxes raised on VAT
How can you raise taxes on VAT???
You('re) completely clueless aren't you? If you are suggesting that the rate of VAT is going to be raised again, the answer is no.
Family credit taxes abolished and more....
For people earning more than £45k a year. - i.e. me.
As an example Arizona’s annual cost of illegal immigration is $2.5 billion
Not it isn't. It's $1.3 billion.
Where did you copy and paste that from?
Still, let's not allow $1.2 billion get in the way of a good racist rant hey?
Three things you need to know about illegal immigration.
1. If it wasn't for illegal immigrants doing the tough jobs that white AMericans are too lazy, or too morbidly obese to do, your economy would collapse.
2. Perhaps if your forefathers hadn't economically raped and pillaged Central and Southern America, this citizens of those countries wouldn't need to build a better life in the USA.
3. There's absolutely not a goddam thing you can do to stop it. You could build a fence a mile high from the Atlantic to the Pacific, have every meter of it guarded 24/7 (at a cost that would dwarf any alleged current costs of immigration) and you STILL wouldn't be able to stop immigration. Because those immigrants would go round it, over it, under it or take a plane to canada, and come in from there.
So whatever the true costs of illegal immigration are - suck it up, nazi boy, because you don't have a choice. Welcome to your nightmare.
Part One
500,000 public sector (government) jobs are axed
Not true.
The coalition brought in £83bn worth of expenditure cuts yesterday that some experts fear will eventually lead to the loss of 400,000 public service jobs. Others disagree.
It's a mistake I agree. But Conservative governments tend to make a lot of this sort of error.
*Sweeping laws are being enacted to return healthcare to the private sector.
Absolute and total bollocks. No British government would dare touch the N.H.S. It is regarded as a national treasure. 98% of the U.K. population support it. Even that evil old bitch Margaret thatcher didn't have the guts to touch socialized medicine. If she did the conservatives would have lost every election for 100 years.
Thatcher is dying btw, hopefully very soon.
I have my dancing shoes at the ready.
Part Two
*Welfare is being drastically cut, *Child benefits are slashed, *unemployment payouts capped.
*Disability review board created to reduce those on disability
Mostly true, see my previous answer.
Housing benefits slashed
see my previous answers.
*Taxes raised on VAT
How can you raise taxes on VAT???
You('re) completely clueless aren't you? If you are suggesting that the rate of VAT is going to be raised again, the answer is no.
Family credit taxes abolished and more....
For people earning more than £45k a year. - i.e. me.
As an example Arizona’s annual cost of illegal immigration is $2.5 billion
Not it isn't. It's $1.3 billion.
Where did you copy and paste that from?
Still, let's not allow $1.2 billion get in the way of a good racist rant hey?
Three things you need to know about illegal immigration.
1. If it wasn't for illegal immigrants doing the tough jobs that white AMericans are too lazy, or too morbidly obese to do, your economy would collapse.
2. Perhaps if your forefathers hadn't economically raped and pillaged Central and Southern America, this citizens of those countries wouldn't need to build a better life in the USA.
3. There's absolutely not a goddam thing you can do to stop it. You could build a fence a mile high from the Atlantic to the Pacific, have every meter of it guarded 24/7 (at a cost that would dwarf any alleged current costs of immigration) and you STILL wouldn't be able to stop immigration. Because those immigrants would go round it, over it, under it or take a plane to canada, and come in from there.
So whatever the true costs of illegal immigration are - suck it up, nazi boy, because you don't have a choice. Welcome to your nightmare.
Part Two
*Welfare is being drastically cut, *Child benefits are slashed, *unemployment payouts capped.
*Disability review board created to reduce those on disability
Mostly true, see my previous answer.
Housing benefits slashed
see my previous answers.
*Taxes raised on VAT
How can you raise taxes on VAT???
You('re) completely clueless aren't you? If you are suggesting that the rate of VAT is going to be raised again, the answer is no.
Family credit taxes abolished and more....
For people earning more than £45k a year. - i.e. me.
Part Three
As an example Arizona’s annual cost of illegal immigration is $2.5 billion
Not it isn't. It's $1.3 billion.
Where did you copy and paste that figure from?
Still, let's not allow $1.2 billion get in the way of a good racist rant hey?
Three things you need to know about illegal immigration.
1. If it wasn't for illegal immigrants doing the tough jobs that white AMericans are too lazy, or too morbidly obese to do, your economy would collapse.
2. Perhaps if your forefathers hadn't economically raped and pillaged Central and Southern America, this citizens of those countries wouldn't need to build a better life in the USA.
3. There's absolutely not a goddam thing you can do to stop it. You could build a fence a mile high from the Atlantic to the Pacific, have every meter of it guarded 24/7 (at a cost that would dwarf any alleged current costs of immigration) and you STILL wouldn't be able to stop immigration. Because those immigrants would go round it, over it, under it or take a plane to canada, and come in from there.
So whatever the true costs of illegal immigration are - suck it up, nazi boy, because you don't have a choice.
Welcome to your nightmare.
Purple Cow Said...
So whatever the true costs of illegal immigration are - suck it up, nazi boy, because you don't have a choice. Welcome to your nightmare.
Quite the contrary duestch nozzle. Wait a few weeks and watch my choice come to life. What state in the US are you in? Besides permanent state of mooching and disconnection you loony liberal petulant child. Your so off on the rest of your rants that it is impossible to bridge the gap between your alternate world and reality. But anywho.....remember me when it all comes down and your lies are shattered. Its very very close. Let me know what state you are attending school in so we can work on having your visa revoked, you gormless muppet.
By the way, you continue to prove you are a simpleton. Why post the same thing three times and then label each one as seperate part? You need to change the lights on those bulbs, they clearly have burnt out with all the shit you fling at them.
The problems with the multiple postings are nothing to do with me. If you had looked around you would discover other posters have had the same problem.
Wait a few weeks and watch my choice come to life.
Blah, blah blah. You don't know what your choice is do you? You('re) going to have to tool around all the neo-nazi websites looking for someone else's opinion you can call your own.
remember me when it all comes down and your lies are shattered. Its very very close.
What's very close cuntmuppet? Is it your final solution? Are you going to build camps for your illegal immigrants? You know, like Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, that sort of thing....?
When you find out what your 'opinion' is, let me know.
Let me know what state you are attending school in so we can work on having your visa revoked
I don't have a visa.
Please, Mr. Sowell, explain how the US cannot survive as a "multicultural" nation with unassimilated minorities to an American Jew.
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