So anywhoooo, today is the first day of 2009. I can't say that I am anymore excited than when it was the first day of 2008,2007,2006,2005....hell even 1999 (the Prince hit not withstanding) didn't make me feel like there was any historic or meaningful significance to the dawning of a new year.
I think New Year's resolutions are meaningless. If you have something that you want to do with your life, just do it. Don't wait for the first day of a new year to vow to do what you can do during any given day of the year to begin with. [That little Joel Osteen moment was brought to you by the field Negro]
Anyway, I was thinking; what should I post for the first day of the new year? And thanks to my hung over state of mind, I couldn't think of anything. So I decided to just let you see my favorite images from the fields from this past year. No order of significance or importance, just the ones I liked.
Here goes:

oh boy, i get to go first, thank you Field, for all that you write, and here's hoping the best for you and your family.
Happy New Year, Field! Happy New Year to all. :-)
Happy New Year FN...
Thank you! Happy NY to you all too. Kathy, I hope that biblical saying "the first shall be last" won't ever apply to you. :)
Happy New Year, everybody!
Happy first day of 2009! Let's make this year one of transformation: competence, compassion, and optimism have taken root for us to nurture.
Momo, those are words to live by.
Time to get all of your tax stuff together.
I love harshing peoples mellow...
I know you don't want to buy into into the Mr. Charlie cliches but you should have at least had one photo of Michael Phelps.
As for honorary field negro--Numero Cinco? Come on. This m-f and his fat coach are gonna break your heart soon enough. They, like the Red Sox of old, always find a way. Tell this negro to retire and become a CBS commentator.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year one and all!!!!
Happy New Year to everyone in the fields. You all rock!
Whew! Made it through 2008 and now I wish to you and all for a year that brings peace, transformation to the good... and oh yea, Field, a run on Broad Street... now if you had been smart, you would have done that run today smack dab in the middle of the Mummer's Parade... drunk as everyone is down there, nobody would have noticed!
Happy New Year to you and the Mrs. Field and all your readers.
19 days to go and the Bush nightmare is over. We survived it.
While I'm still fuming at the O-Man over Rick Warren, I still remain convinced he will be 1000 times better than the Motherfucker from Midland.
And, the sun is out today. Perhaps, portending better things to come for all of us.
Happy New Year! It's been a great year and your blog was a big part of that Field! Thanks SO much. Cheers!
May this new year bring peace and equality to this broken nation.
In the interim, rage on Field!
Happy New Year FN from Austin Texas where it is a beautiful, sunny, 60 degrees. The year is starting off with me having no serious complaints. Bush is leaving, Obama will be stepping in, and for once, I feel the Hope in this country. I know that there is a lot of f**ked up stuff he's gonna have to clean up, but I trust that he is the one to get 'er done! I hope you and Mrs. Field are having an excellent day, and Happy New Year to everyone in the fields!
Hwy there Field Negro!
{raised glass of sparkling cider}
Here's to another year of pulling the curtains up on controversy!
I also want to say "Happy New Year!!" to you and Mrs. Field!
And how about some wonderful advice from a Great Friend of mine:
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
~ God
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
*Book of Isaiah 43:18-19
Happy New Year, Field!!
Happy New Year to Field and all the contributors here...
Field, as we enter the new year, could you please have a policy in which anonymous posts are not acceptable.
It'd be a lot easier to navigate your blogs with people who have actual identities.
Just a suggestion.
Happy New Year Field
After a while the years just become a blur with one blending into the next.
Thanks again everyone! Blackwomenblowthetrumpet, congrats on your weblog nod. That's field Negro behavior.
Chris, Michael who? :)
And leave "5" alone. He is my man at least for a few more days.
And no Jody, I have not forgotten my run. And it was sooooo cold today, that I am sure my johnson would have gotten a frost bite if I did.:)
sfd928, you know you are wrong for that weather report. tjwash, you are wrong too for reminding me of the tax man. :(
Sharon from WI, I know the anon. thing can be frustrating, but honestly, I just feel really uncomfortable doing anything to make it harder for folks to express themselves. But thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully folks will read this and drop a little ID at the end of their post.
Yo Field, I've always wondered--what the hell is up with all this blank space at the end of your posts?
"Yo Field, I've always wondered--what the hell is up with all this blank space at the end of your posts?"
LOL! Me too.
Sharon From WI
Please stop trying to kiss FN's ass, he is married and is so not feeling your desperation. And just so you know a shitty nose is so very unattrative dear!
People often post anonymously because there is a glich in the system that for some weird reson will not allow a person to create an ID. This has happened to me on numerous occasions which is why I, and I assume many others post anonymously.
happy new year, field!
I wish you and your family
I agree about Sharon from Wisconsin. She is definitely an idiot. Her rants in the previous Israel discussions showed her lack of thinking. She is all up the Field Negro's backside. Worry about your own damn posts.
@ Sharon from WI
Why are you using a black woman's picture to represent yourself on the FN website when you have yourself represented as a white woman on your own webpage???? You are a fraud and need to step the
%$#@ of off of the field with that dumb ish! (I have no issue with anyone being white, but I do have an issue with dishonesty .
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Welcome 2009!":
Sharon From WI
Please stop trying to kiss FN's ass, he is married and is so not feeling your desperation. And just so you know a shitty nose is so very unattrative [sic] dear!
People often post anonymously because there is a glich [sic] in the system that for some weird reson [sic] will not allow a person to create an ID. This has happened to me on numerous occasions which is why I, and I assume many others [sic] post anonymously.
Bite me. And learn some spelling and punctuation this new year while you're at it.
Being Anonymous has helped me to wade into the blogosphere with less apprehension. Many thanks for considering people like me and giving me the opportunity to express myself.
Hopefully Sharon from WI will give us Anon's a break and STFU.
Again, thank you Field.
Why are you using a black woman's picture to represent yourself on the FN website when you have yourself represented as a white woman on your own webpage???? You are a fraud and need to step the
%$#@ of off of the field with that dumb ish! (I have no issue with anyone being white, but I do have an issue with dishonesty.
What on earth are you babbling about? I don't even have a webpage. And that is my picture.
I support Israel's right to exist and defend itself, so therefore I am a white woman. At the risk of your head exploding, yes I am black and proud--and I love Israel.
Too bad you have to resort to ad hominem attacks.
Happy New Year Field.
Anons. ease up on Sharon. And not that it matters, but I think she is a sistah :)
Still, the anon. posting doesn't bother me, And anon.11:56PM made a good point:It actually helps some folks who would usually not post at all. And I want to hear what everone has to say, that includes Sharon. Now come on fam. it's a NY, let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya. :)
BTW, Folk, I am loving the pic:)
HEADLINES: Anonymous commenters on FN blog start the new year with a bang!
I LOVE THIS BLOG! I used to be addicted to drugs but since I found Field Negro I no longer need them anymore. Thank You Field!
Anons. ease up on Sharon. And not that it matters, but I think she is a sistah :)
Really hit a nerve didn't I? :-)
The thought only occurred to me from being a poster at Deborah Lipstadt's blog, which requires posters to ID themselves.
As I said earlier, just a suggestion.
And yes. I am a sistah.
Happy New Year FN and to the readers in the Field.
FN, '09 is going to be a busier than '08 I know you will not disappoint us with your perspective on the issues :)
Happy New Year FN and to all the folks in the Fields.
Let us pray for the folks in the house (and the patio ones as well) that they may find their way in '09. ha
Field Negro,
I am a white student from Southern Europe living in the Netherlands who has been reading your blog regularly for some time now. I have just posted an essay on a student site (as well as a mirror on my personal blog) exposing a white performer who staged a watermelon rape-scene in one of his (subsidized) shows last year. This performance is supposed to be about the action movie actor Jean Claude van Damme, but instead the performer is using Van Damme as an excuse to stage what is basically a Blackface Revival (what on earth does raping watermelons have to do with Van Damme?!). It took me a while to write this essay because I had to do some research. Excuse me for using your blog to bring this to your attention, I just want as many people as possible to know about this. This performer is married to a self-styled blackman (a Maori from New Zealand), and yet he flat-out denies that the watermelon rape-scene in his performance has anything whatsoever to do with the racist stereotype of the watermelon negro. Do you believe him? Do you think that a performance of a white guy raping a watermelon is innocent just because he is married to a blackman? I certainly don't, and after researching this stereotype I believe him even less. As I explain in my essay, not many Europeans know about this American racist stereotype, which is why the German performer was able to get away with it without anyone calling him on his shit; all the German people at his show were laughing during this scene, but they didn't even realize what they were laughing at. Let's face it, this guy IS reviving the blackface stereotype of the watermelon negro, and using his marriage to a blackman as an excuse to do so.
There is even more racism in the show I haven't even had the time to discuss. I hope to write another essay detailing the rest of it, but for now, here's my first shot.
Maria Technosux
Well, I've always hated people who spell "sister";sistah, so there! :-).
Anyway, the few times I've posted on this blog, I have had a hard time managing the identity portion. I'm not sure if I've mastered it yet. I have certainly not figured out how to make my avatar show.
Additionally, that white space is puzzling the heck out of me too. LOL!
Anyway, I love Field, and all you field negros and I'm just a frequent lurker. When you got it like that, which he has, and you'll do, people are drawn. So I don't hate, I appreciate and gravitate. LOL!
Anyway, just having fun yall, and the bill goes to each of you.
Have a wonderful New Year Mr. Field and family, offline and in the blogosphere. Oh, and white folks too. :-)
now let me get this siggy thing on...
Happy New Year everyone! May this year be filled with blessings for us all!
Happy New year!
Man Jessie having to squeeze those tears out so hard that his eyes got red and bloodshot from all the effort.
Happy new year...
and, apropos of nothing, the folks over at Respectful Insolence are trying to decide if a Thai toothpaste ad is racist. They've already heard from a few Thai folks, would you guys care to weigh in?
I give that commercial a huge zero. I didn't even like the way they filmed the man climbing the pole.
Bite me. And learn some spelling and punctuation this new year while you're at it.
LMAO! "Bite me"? No thank you, I don't eat pork.
Anonymous:LMAO! "Bite me"? No thank you, I don't eat pork.
Neither do I. And I don't tolerate dogs either.
Maria, thanks for that update from the land of the wooden shoes & Ganja cafes. I will check out that link.
Thank you everyone else for posting and for wishing the kid a HNY.
Now let's kick some serious ass in the fields this year.I, for one, will have a lot more to say; I am sure of it.
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