The following story was sent to me by Dan Walter of the Center For Independent Media, and it's interesting for a few reasons:
First, there is the sensitive issue of race and journalism: Do journalist have an obligation to report the news no matter what? Or, should they show some sensitivity to certain racial groups given the history of race in this country? Second, do journalist report the news based on their own bias and fears? And finally, given the fact that we just found out that Hispanics are becoming citizens faster than any other racial group, should we pay attention whenever there seems to be a rift between African Americans and Latinos? Judging from this article maybe we should.
"By Gwyneth Doland 4/10/09 1:24 AM.
ALBUQUERQUE — Some African-American community leaders are unhappy with the way a story in Thursday’s Albuquerque Journal may unfairly affect the city’s small black community. The front-page story, which carried the banner headline “Cops Bust Memphis Mob,” featured large mug-shot images of six young black men accused of breaking “every law in the book.”
The Albuquerque Police Department worked with a consortium of law-enforcement agencies, including the FBI and U.S. Marshals Service, to arrest or charge nearly 50 members of the cocaine-dealing gang, nine of whom face federal charges, according to the story. (You can read it online here, but unfortunately the photos are available only in the print edition with the eJournal service.)
ALBUQUERQUE — Some African-American community leaders are unhappy with the way a story in Thursday’s Albuquerque Journal may unfairly affect the city’s small black community. The front-page story, which carried the banner headline “Cops Bust Memphis Mob,” featured large mug-shot images of six young black men accused of breaking “every law in the book.”
The Albuquerque Police Department worked with a consortium of law-enforcement agencies, including the FBI and U.S. Marshals Service, to arrest or charge nearly 50 members of the cocaine-dealing gang, nine of whom face federal charges, according to the story. (You can read it online here, but unfortunately the photos are available only in the print edition with the eJournal service.)
According to 2000 Census figures, Albuquerque is slightly over 3 percent black; New Mexico as a whole is less than 2 percent black. There is no mention in the story of the names of the alleged gang members pictured in the mug shots, or the racial makeup of the gang.
While few would disagree that breaking up the gang is a positive development for the city, the image of six young black men’s mug shots on the front page troubled some.
'It’s just another example of — I don’t want to use the regular words like ‘racist’ — but convoluted thinking. It’s just an absence of thought. It’s amazing how people on a major newspaper, who are supposed to be intelligent would do that, unless they’re just trying to sell papers,' Ron Hinson of the African-American Chamber of Commerce told NMI.
Hinson said the story might have bothered him less had it been published on an inside page. He also thought it ironic that the story appeared alongside another item about a bill passed by the Legislature that would create a Department of Hispanic Affairs.'
Not only are we angry, but … today I find that there’s also an article about the governor having some serious thoughts about passing a bill that’s going to make things better for a Hispanic cultural group — which is 42 percent of the population. Now what problems are they having? They just got through stomping a black guy nearly to death, who was supposed to be in protective custody,' Hinson said.
Not only are we angry, but … today I find that there’s also an article about the governor having some serious thoughts about passing a bill that’s going to make things better for a Hispanic cultural group — which is 42 percent of the population. Now what problems are they having? They just got through stomping a black guy nearly to death, who was supposed to be in protective custody,' Hinson said.
Hinson was referring to a recent incident in which an African-American inmate at the Metropolitan Detention Center was beaten so severely by another inmate that he was partially paralyzed. The accused attacker and a correctional officer who is facing charges of intimidating a witness in the case are both Hispanic. Just this week the victim’s family and community groups spoke out about the attack.
'We may have a black president, but we have not changed the hearts and minds of other cultural groups who have been misguided in their zeal to always have someone to step on,' Hinson said."
Some of you have commented on this before; ---especially you folks who live out West and in the Southwest---the tension among brown people in this country. Well here is my two cents: We really need to get a grip and start recognizing just where we (Af. Americans and Latinos) stand in this country. Because here is the deal: No matter how different we think we are from each other; there are still quite a few Lou Dobbs types in this country who still believe that we are all the same, and they will do everything in their power to keep the status quo.
Well maybe if YOU PEOPLE stop committing so many crimes, it won't be an issue. Problem solved.
A small percentage of MY PEOPLE are committing crimes. The vast majority of MY PEOPLE are decent law abiding citizens. Why can't YOU PEOPLE (your people Swiff) grasp that concept.
YOU PEOPLE (your people Swiff) are the first to say, "treat me like an individual" in one instance. But in the next instance generalize MY PEOPLE.
I honestly believe that YOU PEOPLE (your people Swiff) are pathological when it comes to race.
I used to get upset with comments such as yours. But now I don't. Once a person understands the pathology of YOU PEOPLE (your people Swiff), comments like yours just roll off my back.
Corollary: Applying your stupid logic, one could say that if YOU PEOPLE were not thieving and greedy fools, we wouldn't be in this economic crisis.
If YOU PEOPLE weren't the biggest thieves in the world (in absolute dollar terms), folks (such as former Enron employees) wouldn't have lost their pensions.
See, two can play your stupid game, loser.
Nearly half the people murdered in the United States each year are black, part of a persistent pattern in which African Americans are disproportionately victimized by violent crime, according to a new Justice Department study released yesterday.
The study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics also found that from 2001 to 2005, more than nine out of 10 black murder victims were killed by other blacks, and three out of four were slain with a gun.
We really need to get a grip and start recognizing just where we (Af. Americans and Latinos) stand in this country. Because here is the deal: No matter how different we think we are from each other; there are still quite a few Lou Dobbs types in this country who still believe that we are all the same, and they will do everything in their power to keep the status quo.
You seem a bit confused Field. The Latino community is no interested in uplifting the black community: they are interested in uplifting the Latino community. Take a look at the position blacks hold in Mexico and Central/South America. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Anon.10:28PM. Let's try a little logic: Would you agree that crime is disproportionately committed by people who are poor? And would you also admit that blacks in this country, percentage wise, are far poorer than whites? If you said yes to both of my questions then we don't need to go any further, you understand my position. If you said no, well then you aren't a logical person and it would be pointless to try and reason with you.
"You seem a bit confused Field. The Latino community is no interested in uplifting the black community: they are interested in uplifting the Latino community. Take a look at the position blacks hold in Mexico and Central/South America. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
NO, I am not confused, if that's the Latino community's position, they are the ones who are confused. Not me.
And please, let's not go down this road about Latinos in Central Am, South Am, Mexico, and god knows where else. I understand that dynamic, and the quasi caste system in many of these countries based on skin color. They are in America now, and my point is that they better understand where they fit in the bigger scheme of things.
For a single story to so dominate a front page, and for six mugshots to be so prominent, you generally would have to be a bunch of famous criminal mo-fo's (like longtime known mafiosos). So this kind of treatment is almost certainly spurred by race, whether a blatant attempt to cash in on racial fears or simple ignorant reflex fueled by the knowledge that it will sell more papers, probably.
And I say that not as a bleeding heart liberal white guy but as a 20+ year journalist who knows what SHOULD happen on the front page of a newspaper (normal rules don't apply for the New York Post, of course, which doesn't know if it wants to be a real newspaper or The Star.)
They are in America now, and my point is that they better understand where they fit in the bigger scheme of things.
I guess what your saying is Latinos and whites need to unite against whites. Well, that is a good idea... but,
blacks have to have something to offer Latinos. We don't have numbers or influence, so that's out. it seems Latinos are doing just fine on their own by flooding the country. Problem is, they are disporportionetly hurting blacks in the job market; they take jobs traditionally held by blacks. I don't see how this kind of immigration helps the AA community.
"I guess what your saying is Latinos and whites need to unite against whites. Well, that is a good idea... but,
blacks have to have something to offer Latinos. We don't have numbers or influence, so that's out."
Anon, I suspect that you meant Latinos and Blacks need to unite.. And you are wrong about not having numbers and influence. You do have numbers, and numbers equal influence.
Field; If poverty were the single driving force behind crime then Applalachia would be like Detroit....it is not. Ill let you figure out the difference there.
Do you really think that not putting pictures of young black criminals in the paper people will think differently about who is committing the most violent crimes?? PLEASE! We are not naive. We know that EVERY major city has a "no-go zone" it is ALWAYS the black part of town. Detroit, Oakland, Memphis, So St Louis, Overtown, etc..etc..etc.. They are no go zones for latinos as well as whites. I live in the southwest and believe me, latino views of blacks belong in 1920 Mississippi.
No racial group exhibits the measure of dysfunction that the black race does. People didnt get that view from TV, radio or newspapers. They got that view from seeing it themselves. Travel through poor black neighborhoods, notice the trash, the unkempt disintegrating buildings, the malaise, the crime. Walk through the barrio and contrast. The people are just as poor but their neighborhoods are clean, the families are intact and the men arent killing and robbing each other like its MadMaxs Bartertown.
Im afraid Latinos have come to America and experienced first hand the chaos of the black race and they want no part of it. And YES Im a second generation latino. My father taught me to keep distance between myself and blacks and Ive done that pretty well. Latinos will NEVER partner with you in your ridiculous war against the white man. Thats simply fantasy. Latinos value family and hard work. Completely opposite of what we see blacks standing for. Sorry to burst your bubble Field, we got no problem with white America, you fight that one alone.
Y'all Haters sound like Charlie Manson plannin for Helter Skelter...think I'll let Y'all Brown People have some Privacy...
This happens when ever a new racial or different culture moves in to the America food chain. Look at the history of Italians, Irish and Jews in America past. There was plenty of fighting going on between these groups for a long time. There seem to be still some anger at the Jews held over from generations past. But most of these groups all started calling themselves White. Thus, united against those with darker skin here in America who could blend so easily.
I understand the fear people have of Latinos taking certain jobs away. However, when push came to shove on election day they came out in droves to vote for a Black man. When I asked a couple of them why they voted that way. They simply said "Because they are following our lead". You see most the gains dark & brown skinned immigrants enjoy to day or off the backs of African Americans who fought for equal rights.
And they are well a where of this fact. So, when it came down to taking sides on election day it was due to large numbers in the Hispanic community in certain states that pushed Obama over the top. The same can be said of Asian Americans who stood for hours on end to vote for a Black man. So, yeah field your right when you say we need to unite as a people against the Lou Dobbs of the world your right. Because if Dobbs had his way none of our dark ass would be left in America.
Wait - so my serious, non-sarcastic followup comment wasn't posted?
FUCK...........WHY GOOGLE, WHYYYYY *shakes fist*
Short summary of what I was GOING to say: 1) With all the other racial issues out there, is a all-too common news story about a busted drug ring what we should be worrying about 2) Philly Daily News loves to plaster criminal faces on its front page like its tradition 3) Blacks and latinos been goin at it HARD in Callyfourneeya 4) Sharpton will be crawling all over this newspaper soon, thus providing more cover to racist whites, as per his contractual agreement with Fox News.
Also....Rudy, the "YOU PEOPLE (your people Swiff)" thing really confused me after a while.
"Walk through the barrio and contrast. The people are just as poor but their neighborhoods are clean..." HUH?
I am sorry anon.11:21PM, I thought you lived in America. Maybe we shouldn't even be having this discussion.
"If poverty were the single driving force behind crime then Applalachia would be like Detroit....it is not."
Actually, it's worse.
"Do you really think that not putting pictures of young black criminals in the paper people will think differently about who is committing the most violent crimes?? PLEASE!"
Well that's the whole chicken and the egg argument isn't it?
"Im afraid Latinos have come to America and experienced first hand the chaos of the black race and they want no part of it."
Latinos are the least educated group in this country, so maybe you should reconsider your strategy. ;)
Boy Field, you got so much hate inside you for the white man that you think any group will take up your fight. Hispanics have hurt the AA community more than anything. They came and took our jobs, they drove us out of our neighborhoods and they kill our young men more that all whites and police combined and still you have this crazy dream that they will partner up with us in the same hate that you carry. But you dont seem to get it that they just dont have the same hate that you got. They want to come here, work and raise families, they dont want to get caught up in the same shit that has brought us down for 40 years. They dont want to be like some old broken down raggety negro sleepin in a park and mumbling about how whitey did him wrong. Nevermind he got no diploma, no skill, criminal record and never busted his ass like them damn hispanics. We got to start takin care of ourselves and not let hate run our lives.
This is worth a look -
One of those machine gun shoots you might've heard about. Obama/Hitler shirts were flying off the shelves this year. One guy decided to tape the NY Post monkey cartoon to his machine gun. My favorite sign was the one that says "PREPARE FOR OBAMA'S CITIZEN ARMY - ACORN & NATION OF ISLAM"
Your dead wrong about Appalachhia Field
(Here's the link for the study: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/189560.pdf)
a majority of Appalachia’s population continues to reside in
counties characterized by economic distress and poverty. In spite of growing
diversity in the region, a majority of the population resides in counties designated
as having a distress ranking characterized by one or more of the following: at least
150 percent of the U.S. unemployment rate, at least 150 percent of the U.S.
unemployment rate, or less than 67 percent of the U.S. per capita market income.
REGIONAL CRIME RATES IN APPALACHIA ARE LOWER THAN THE NATION AT LATGE. While the social and economic distress experienced by much of Appalachia
would seem to make the region particularly vulnerable to increasing rates of crime
and violence, crime rates in Appalachia are only about 50 percent (for violent
crime) to 65 percent (for property crime) of the national levels.
This is anon 11:21
Mr. Field I invite you to Phoenix, we'll take a walk around my 80% hispanic neighborhood, you might be surprised after all seeing is indeed believing.
"If poverty were the single driving force behind crime then Applalachia would be like Detroit....it is not."
Actually, it's worse.
WRONG AGAIN. You need only to check the black male death ticker on the side of this very page...weird huh? Not close to that count in rural W. Va.
"Latinos are the least educated group in this country, so maybe you should reconsider your strategy. ;)"
My goodness, another strike. Check out the test scores, grad rates and any other study of group education level and you will see Latinos are right under whites and right OVER blacks. But thanks for proving my point. Excellent example. :)
"Boy Field, you got so much hate inside you for the white man that you think any group will take up your fight. Hispanics have hurt the AA community more than anything. They came and took our jobs, they drove us out of our neighborhoods and they kill our young men more that all whites and police combined..."
BTW, I don't need any group to take up my fight, and my fight is not not against the white man, it's against a mentality; and there are certain whites, Hispanics and yes, blacks, who have it. I will give you a hint: it starts with an "H".
Anon. sounds like you are going to end up like the guy that you talk about at the end of your comments. And all because the Hispanics took your job.:(
It appears that there is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.
Why is it when people wish to critique the black folks, they focus on poor and uneducated blacks. But when the wish to assess other races, they focus on the accomplished members of those races.
Excuse me, but I am black and I don't maintain an unkempt lawn. I work extremely hard. I have one child from my wife.
It's amazing how people can critique me without knowing me. Then again, I am not amazed as I encounter stupid people who can't think everyday.
Being a residen t of the city of Memphis, I'm a little disgusted that this mugshot and caption helps to bring down this raggedy ass city that ranks #3 in crime in the nation right now. Yes, I don't give a shit if they were green, they're making my fine city look bad. Having The First 48 for the past few seasons was bad enough that their contract was not renewed, and now this?
Ok, so I see where and what you meant Field, but maybe these cats were some pretty grimmey dudes. I mean I'm talking South Memphis grimmey. Hustle & Flow grimmey.
That's funny. I'm Token Brown at my job. Plenty of jobs for Blacks and Whites where I'm at.
Here's a thought that just crossed my mind:
When a person needs to point out the negatives of one racial group to feel better about him/herself, then that person has some self-esteem problems.
If pointing out the negatives of black folks who are poor and break the law makes you feel good about yourself, then by all means do so.
We need more pathetic people to feel good about themselves, then maybe you won't go on a rampage.
A gang of thugs come to a city and victimize innocent people and all Field can say about it is shame on others for puttin pics of these animals on the front page! How about throwin some hate on the brothas who did the shit and made US ALL look worse. How about a holla at the fathers who no-doubt abandoned these men! How about a slap at the mothers who no doubt had a trifling lifestyle and made excuses for every crime they committed on the way?
Is THAT your solution to the epidemic of black crime??? DONT TALK ABOUT IT!
Field is a supposed "educated brotha" and the best he can do is attack the messenger. SHAME ON YOU FIELD.
HELL-NO Call out the criminal muthafuckers. Let them rot. NO MORE EXCUSES. You wouldnt accept an excuse for whites that did the same yet you easily cut these dregs slack.
Yes anon, been to Phoenix; and East LA, and South Bronx, and North Philly...I could go on, but I think you get the point.
BTW, have you ever been to Ladera Heights or Baldwin Hills in L.A.? Scotlandville, LA? Overbrook Farms here in Philly? Upper Marlboro, Maryland? Dekalb County, Ga. or Fort Washington outside of D.C?
See, everyone can play that game.
"Check out the test scores..you will see that Latinos are right under whites and right over blacks..."
REALLY? I swear I must be living in some parallel universe.
Field is a supposed "educated brotha" and the best he can do is attack the messenger. SHAME ON YOU FIELD.
HELL-NO Call out the criminal muthafuckers. Let them rot. NO MORE EXCUSES. You wouldnt accept an excuse for whites that did the same yet you easily cut these dregs slack.
Anon, did you even bother to read the post before you went on your law and order rant?
Hey, I have a news flash for you: No one, and I mean no one is harder on "grimmey" (thanks for letting me use that word Rippa) low lifes than moi. So read the article again, take a bottle of those chill pills, and then get back to me.
"If poverty were the single driving force behind crime then Applalachia would be like Detroit....it is not. Ill let you figure out the difference there."-Anon11:21PM
I happen to live in part of the Appalachian area and while the population is spread more so than a Detroit-like area, there still is crime (drugs being the main source!). Don't get me started on SOME of the immigrants coming through the area. It makes this arguement silly...
"Travel through poor black neighborhoods, notice the trash, the unkempt disintegrating buildings, the malaise, the crime."
This point is baseless and narrow-minded. Its all relative to the area you are from. I can say the same about SOME of the immigrants in my area along with whatever whites and blacks you want to lump in so-called poor neighborhoods.
"Latinos value family and hard work. Completely opposite of what we see blacks standing for."
I must then be typing this from my "hood", jail cell, or 6ft under...
"No racial group exhibits the measure of dysfunction that the black race does."
If I used your stance, I'd bring up this so-called drug war at the border and throw your whole group in it...and you think we're silly with our dealings with "gringos"...LOL!!!
"Latinos will NEVER partner with you in your ridiculous war against the white man."
You must be one of those conservative Latinos without much regard to anyone besides your own culture. That leaves you short-sighted in your views and I can tell that by just reading your posts. We're not exactly at war with anyone in particular, but I think we've done just fine without the likes of your ilk for the past several centuries.
"Why is it when people wish to critique the black folks, they focus on poor and uneducated blacks. But when the wish to assess other races, they focus on the accomplished members of those races."-Rudy
It's those centuries' old fairytales that folks try to attach to humans (black=evil, white=innocent). After a while, it gets silly.
I've been lurking here for some time, and have only commented once; but I've got to speak up, now.
I am a native of Southern California; I grew up here. I am very familiar with the latino community, and I take GREAT UMBRAGE at what anonymous 11:21 pm said. He/she has got some nerve.
If that commenter can name me ONE THING that latinos have contributed to American society; ONE THING that latinos have invented that have benefitted the human race; ONE CAUSE that latinos have taken up besides that that has benefitted latinos...latinos are the most selfish, self-serving, no-contributing, ignorant, white-ass-kissing, uncreative, confused, and otherwise worthless group of humans imaginable.
If it wasn't for the sacrifices that Black Americans have made (since slavery), latinos would be NOWHERE. If it wasn't for the attention that Martin Luther King, Jr, and Bobby Kennedy paid to Cesar Chavez's campaign, NO ONE would have paid any attention. For anonymous 11:21 pm to come on a BLACK BLOG and HAVE THE NERVE to comment negatively about Black Americans takes a lot of self-centered, off-centered GALL. He/she is an ASSHOLE of the first order...and STUPID, on top of that.
Anon. 12:29AM, I feel your frustration, but you cannot let folks like anon.11:21PM get you upset. He is just one person, he doesn't speak for most of the Latinos in this country.The Latinos I know are cool people.I know that there are tensions and differences between the two groups, but we should rise above that crap. It's folks like him who cause me to catch grief from black folks when I try to advocate on behalf of my brown brothers and sisters out there.
Just remember Anon.12:29AM, every group has its house Negroes.
The dudes a troll Field, forget about him. He already has fixed in his mind what the answer should be and no one is going to tell him any different.
What pisses me off about this story overall is the attempts by some to create more tension between Black and Brown than truly exists. Are their Brown people that would hate me because of my color? Probably (I live in So cal but I’m from MI) but most of the Latinos I deal with are Middle or upper middle class. Sense I’ve been here I’ve seen more issues from people that WANT there to be a problem than there is an actual problem.
Take Ron Hinson for example:
"Now what problems are they having? THEY just got through stomping a black guy nearly to death"
Really dude? THEY did? Way to be part of the problem instead of the solution. Idiot.
If there truly IS a Black Brown issue it's more about class than anything else. If a Black person has issues with multiple Latino’s or a Latino has issues with multiple Black people (this is going to sound Jack and Jill-ish) the complainer is usually of a lower class than society in general.
I happen to live in part of the Appalachian area and while the population is spread more so than a Detroit-like area, there still is crime (drugs being the main source!). Don't get me started on SOME of the immigrants coming through the area. It makes this arguement silly...
Please see the post at 11:41; crime is actually LOWER in Appalachia than the national average.
The more I read, the closer I come to the conclusion that we are not all Americans.
Sorry O-man, there is a black America, white America, brown America, yellow America, red America, etc. And each, excluding white America, are fighting for scraps or jockeying for the position of 'model minority.' It's sickening.
There is no UNITED States of America.
We're not exactly at war with anyone in particular,
uhh yeah, is that why this blog focuses on whitey about 99% of the time.
Sorry O-man, there is a black America, white America, brown America, yellow America, red America, etc. And each, excluding white America, are fighting for scraps or jockeying for the position of 'model minority.' It's sickening.
There is no UNITED States of America.
This is probably the most obvious thing in the world; multi culturalism doesn't work. The more diverse a nation is, the more conflict therein. Why do you China, Japan, Korea, Singapore etc. reject multiculturalism? Japan has the second biggest economy in the world and they are down right xenophobic. It sure hasn't hurt them.
What's going to happen is whites flee cities (already happened) and got to all white constructs. Latinos create their own neighborhoods, as do Asians. Check out California as a good example: Whites are leaving in droves, as are blacks.
"What pisses me off about this story overall is the attempts by some to create more tension between Black and Brown than truly exists."
You hit the nail on the head with this comment because that is exactly what they are trying to do. I feel sorry for those Latinoes and blacks that fall for it because in the end they'll be in for a rude awakening.
BTW, I wish these anonymous folks would at least be kind enough to put a name or an initial so Granny can tell the difference in which one is making a comment, because the name anonymous is starting to run together and get blurry to me.
field, I am 64, white, female, I read you for a couple of yrs, regularly, until I was made "redundant" at my job of 11 yrs a couple of months ago, then stopped checking in. Checked again this eve.
WRT to Blacks vs Hispanics, all I can say is that when I was a relative sprout (11) in TX, there was always a serious diff between Hispanic and Black people. This was mainly down in the Valley of south TX. When I grew up, there were still drinking fountains in Houston that were marked "White" and "Colored", which, at the time, made me expect there would be colored water coming out of that marked fountain.
But, I digress. Main point is, the white folks made, I believe, a sport out of pitting "Negroes" against 'Spics. This is such a time-worn and old way of dividing and conquering, isn;t it? The goddamn fat white folks set the size of the "pie", and then they get to say who gets served at the table. They're still doing it, and we still fall for it.
I, like you, wish folks would "get" this and learn to get along to get the numbers to fight back against this cynicism.
Makes me tired and sad to see this still happening - same thing as when I was a kid. Damn it.
"Are their Brown people that would hate me because of my color? Probably (I live in So cal but I’m from MI) but most of the Latinos I deal with are Middle or upper middle class. Sense I’ve been here I’ve seen more issues from people that WANT there to be a problem than there is an actual problem."
That's a surprise to me because in LA there has been tension between the Black and Latino communities for a long time. SOUTHERN CA (not N. CA), New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona are states where tension between Blacks and Latinos can run high. On the other hand, in other states there is hardly any problem. Go figure.
"But, I digress. Main point is, the white folks made, I believe, a sport out of pitting "Negroes" against 'Spics. This is such a time-worn and old way of dividing and conquering, isn;t it? The goddamn fat white folks set the size of the "pie", and then they get to say who gets served at the table. They're still doing it, and we still fall for it."
Yes, Sarah it is true. Rich Whites have been causing splits between groups since America began. They caused the split between poor Whites and Blacks before slavery. It was very successful and the cause of racism in America. 'Divide and conquer' are still winners in our divided states. It's sickening. Meanwhile, the 'fat cats' are laughing their way to the bank.
Anyway, here's a brief 10 min. video about it....Everyone should view it. It's quite enlightening and explains how racism began, and continues to flourish in America today.
What are these "JOBS" the hispanics are stealin from Y'all??? Only Jobs I see bruthas workin at are the kind where you wear a Bright Orange Jumpsuit...
Y'all aughta be happy, whole new group for Y'all to Rob and Murder, and they tend to carry cash and share Y'alls distrust/gust for the Po-Po.. might wanta watch out though, some of em shoot back...
ever see "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"??? Tuco kicks Butt... made my day when I found out he's Jewish...
Anon 11:21,
Apparently you haven't watched an episode of America's Most Wanted lately? It should be title "America's Most Wanted Barrio Dwellers" because that is what the show has turned into. We don't want you to partner with us, we just want you to go home. As for latinos having family values and clean living areas, I beg to differ. Everytime latinos move into a neighborhood I've inhabited, I move out. Not only do you kill women and children, you kill innocent bystanders in your turf war with black people. You try to take over every single area you move into-kinda like cockroaches. You people bring violence to places which never had it before-the suburbs. Latinos are never going to be the model minority. You are almost solely responsible for the drug trade in this country (notice every "queen pin" in latino). You've brought gangs, violence and filth to places which have never seen it before. I know because my home state has to put up with you. I was so disgusted by your presence, I actually moved from my home state and am now contemplating a move to Vermont just to get the fuck away from you. Luckily my former home county is expelling you and making it hard as hell for you to return so, maybe eventually, I can go home again. Don't come in here on your high horse talking smack about Latinos being so much better than blacks. Blacks will always be the scapegoat in this country while people like you can commit crimes with impunity and we will never know your TRUE crime stats because for some ungodly reason, you are considered "white". Just know, whites don't really accept you-I know this because I know plenty of conservative whites who bristle at your very presence-, although they do NEED you to bolster their numbers and when you are no longer useful (like if REAL white people start to breed at a faster rate), you will be cast out like the stepchild that you are.
The Jerome said: "If there truly IS a Black Brown issue it's more about class than anything else. If a Black person has issues with multiple Latino’s or a Latino has issues with multiple Black people (this is going to sound Jack and Jill-ish) the complainer is usually of a lower class than society in general."
This is nonsense pure and simple. Class has nothing to do with it. I honestly don't know any poor people and I know only a few rich ones but I know plenty of middle class and upper middle class people-white and black. They ALL have problems with latinos-unless they are servants or gardeners or some other such cheap ass labor. Where I'm from, class has nothing to do with it. It's about the sudden invasion and decrease in quality of life when they are around.
Any and all of you that have posted above that lump an entire race of people into generalizing the behavior of some into "all" or "you people" are just plain ignorant.
You are the same people who become furious if your group is stereo-typed but cannot see the hypocracy of your stereo-typing others. STUNNING IGNORANCE!!!
If you sat back for 5 seconds and thought about the diversity of your own communities... in people, in ideas, in professions, in where and how you are living, in behaviors and how ridiculous it is when someone suggests you are "all the same"... you would see how idiotic it is to suggest that very same arguement about other races/cultures.
As some have noted, the rich and elite of this country are laughing all the way to the bank while you stand on margins sniping at each other, especially when your snipes are just friggin full of shit.
It makes me sad and angry.
The article placement was classic media shock designed to sell newspapers.
As far as getting along, don't get your hopes up. szpork
Whatever. I'll remain very happily ignorant. How people can call someone's experiencces "ignorant" I'll never know but hey, I'll take it. Sounds like a typical black person defending and protecting all others when those others could care less about you. I'm not one of those. If they talk about the bad stuff in my racial group, I'm sure as hell not going to let it go unanswered. People on Field's blog are the very hardest on other black people who speak out against other groups and shine a light on their shortcomings. No one on here is nearly as hard on people who come here constantly to shine a light on ours. In fact, the people here try to reason with, coddle and even sometimes ignore the filth coming from other people. What can I say? I'm not a "turn the other cheek" kinda Negro and someone I don't know calling my viewpoint ignorant because it doesn't match theirs is kind of akin to the whole pot meet kettle thing, I guess.
FN, about you logic proposal... You left out any consideration of culture and tradition. I always thought Jamacans would work three jobs if they were poor.
Take Back Virginia, no one is doubting your experiences or calling them ignorant. It's when you judge everyone of a racial group based on your experiences earns you the classification of ignorant.
Here is a quote that deems you happily ignorant my opinion:
1. Sounds like a typical black person defending and protecting all others when those others could care less about you.
What is a typical black person? Let me guess a typical black person based on your experiences from afar, right?
You are the typical ignoramus, which transcends racial lines.
Rudy, A typical black person is someone who defends all others to the detriment of their own race. I am not name calling you -as you did me- because I actually respect your opinion most times. I see black people doing this all the time. That's all it meant, nothing more nothing less. I thought it was obvious.
That said, I'll take the ignoramus title as well. You actually proved my point about namecalling other black people who speak up on this blog. Thanks for that. I guess everyone else will now be competing to call me worse names. Oh well.
"Take Va. Back", the host will never call you names for speaking your mind.I hope that's what this blog is about: speaking your mind no matter who you might offend,or who you make uncomfortable. Rudy is speaking his/her mind, and so are you. It's all good as far as I am concerned. We can disagree,debate,and go at each other all day long, but at the end of the day I bet we all want the same things for each other. Well, most of us. The Franks of the world are excluded from that equation, but I think you see where I am coming from.
But for this quote: "Rudy, A typical black person is someone who defends all others to the detriment of their own race"
I think you meant a typical house Negro. ;)
You have a pretty distorted view of typical black people.
Here's the skinny on me:
1. I am married.
2. I have a two year old whom I love. I read to her frequently. I don't rely on the daycare to educate her.
3. I have several conservative views. I believe in self-defense.
4. I also have some liberal views. I believe people should do what they want as long as it doesn't harm others. If a person wants to smoke pot, what business is it of mine.
5. I believe in fair law enforcement and fair application of the law. If a person does the time, he/she needs to do the time.
6. I believe in the death penalty.
7. I am a life-long learner who believes in edcuation.
8. I have been gainfully employed since the age of 16. I am 39.
9. I believe that a black person (especially a black man) has to work harder than anyone else to succeed in this country. Some black men have said, "Fuck it...I am tired of working harder and getting less" and have dropped out out of rat-race altogether.
I believe that the majority of black people are like me.
I believe your view of a typical black person is a vocal and highly profiled and dysfunctional minority.
Hey, to each his own.
Swiff, sit your azz down before I put you on my SYAD list.
Poverty is a state of mind.
I learned that POOR is an acronym for Passing Over Opportunities Regularly. Selah.
Thanks for the support,Field. I love the blog and honestly, you have some of the most insightful people (Granny, Christopher (the white one),Angry Independent and yes, even Rudy) on your blog although I may not always agree with them.
Rudy, I didn't need all of the personal info. I wasn't talking about anything PERSONAL...it's more the viewpoint that black people typically feel that they have to come to the rescue and defend people of other races. My profile matches yours almost to a tee. I'm not a man though and I RESPECTFULLY disagree wholeheartedly with #9. IMO, the black female is on the bottom wrung of society (something people never let us forget) and have had to work harder than anyone else in society. You took ONE comment about black people defending other races to their detriment and turned it into something it's not. I just don't see how what I said can be twisted into what you've twisted it into. Anyway, I guess it makes no difference how my words are twisted because I knew what I meant and obviously Field knew what I meant.
Take Back Virginia said "It's about the sudden invasion and decrease in quality of life when they are around."
POC are heavily employed in all of the menial, hard working jobs, everywhere. Field laborers, street sweepers, nurses aids, cooks, dishwashers; you name it. Where you are depends upon which people of color...
Good exposure to others leads to widening the multi culture. Bad exposures narrow it. Former slaves in the US, have had more consistent, deliberate, official restrictions and damage done to them as a individuals and a group, it has concentrated them into a separate culture. (Not that other shades and ethnicities have not had their trials. "Hey, no Irish here!" The length of time the this former slave and African group has been in this country should have assured that they were well placed here. But the ongoing consequences of deliberately denying decent education and jobs have had their effect on the generations; a great many of whom have succeeded inspite of it all.
Note: Just back from the City of Light and it is interesting to note that the cooks are frequently "black" but the waiter's out front are ethnically "French." Does that make the food I ate "cuisine de l'ame?" There are some genuinely vibrant "black" sections there also but much more ethnically diverse than usual here.
Questions: Why is it that in many colleges and universities no liberal arts degrees require logic? Why is it that logic is not taught starting in second grade?
I think it might be time for this "rainbow melting pot" to break up.
Lets be frank here. Nobody "REALLY" gets along. Weve been trying forever and only a few "pretenders" still tout the diversity mantra. We keep playing out the fantasy like a bad play. We pretend we are color blind, but we are not. We pretend we like all races, but we do not. We self segregate in our own neighborhoods yet we rail on whites when they do it.
Its time to break up peacefully before we do it another way.
Hummm all very interesting but someone answer this....
why is it that almost any city in this country you can find a corner full of hispanic men standing waiting for work?
and a corner of black men just standing not looking for work?
hispanics can recieve gov assisitance however go to any gov office and who do you see lined up? it an't hispanics
I have a bigger bone to crush when it comes to black and Latin relations in this country. Showcasing the black male criminal thugs on the front page is not my concern.
Last year I lightly presented my position on this blog with a similar topic (under La msviswan). Someone black even called me a bigot. LOL. Just wait. To hell with Latinos and any to self hating black Hispanic. Black people and obvious looking black people always have to learn the hard way. We have come to a new low since some of us seem to think every fucking leech with melanin is our alley.
Look, people are all incredibly angry and it's causing problems all over the country. it's pretty obvious multiculturalism has to be enforced to work. Whites naturally flee diverse city environments for all white neighborhoods and blacks resist Latinos coming into their neighhborhoods because Latinos favor their own when it comes to jobs and business. That's why we need forced bussing, hate crime legislation, and constant calls for "racial dialogue." If all this multiculturalism was natural you wouldn't need any of that; people would simply do it on their own. My company has to have diversity training all the time. Over and over again they try and forcibly integrate people, while the workers resist it all the way. Get ready for a second Yugoslavia here in America.
I agree with anon 10:50. Blacks will NEVER be satisfied living in this country...NEVER! There will always be an excuse for stupid behavior. There will always be someone else to blame for their current pathetic position. 72% single mothers, 50% dropout rates and blacks still whine about racism constantly. Nobody is forcing fathers to abandon their kids or their schoolwork they do it by choice yet it is societys fault for this. Give me a break.
My grandfather came to this country from Mexico and through hard work and sacrifice built a nice life for all of us. He didnt have that opportunity in Mexico, he found it here. Latinos have a pretty good view of blacks, no kidding they wont come out and say it, what good will it do to call blacks lazy whiners? We simply work hard and kick your asses off of any job were on. There is no respect for a race that abandons its children. Theres no respect for a race that had every opportunity for success and fucked it away because it required hard work.Theres no respect for a race that kills itself and others at such an alarming rate. Why should there be?
Time to give you a homeland of your own and maybe you will be happy there. Dont expect Latinos to follow you. Weve done, and are doing OK here thanks. Besides any black homeland you have will turn into Somalia in ten years anyway.
Funny how it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault ALWAYS!!!!
They stole my job, they won't give me emough assisitance, they hold me back or down, they send us to jail longer, they shoot us....on and on it really gets exhausting...
Hell, gays don't complain as much as blacks do!
Someone earlier wrote about the hoods and they nailed it, just drive through any latino and then black hood and note the differences it's like night and day!
Hispanics don't abandone thier babies like blacks, thier fathers stay in the home, kids stay in school....
you know now that i think about it there's not another race that treats thier own so poorly NOT one!
Never heard a hispanic whining about a mule and a acre...lol
they just want to work and work thier asses off, no other race (even whitey) will work as hard as a hispanic male that's why you see so many of them on construction sites, that's right just drive-by (don't shoot at them either) and see who's the majority of the hands on workers out there it an't whitey or negros....thier all brown skined...explain that FN ?
TakeVAback, now I understand where you are coming from. I apologize for flying off the handle and resorting to namecalling.
OH dont you see Mr 12:33, its evil whitey behind the curtain pullin strings and makin the poor stupid browns and blacks do EXACTLY what they want. We are all just mush-brained mules and whitey can "hypnotize" us all into acting this way. We have no free will, we have no initiative no brains at all. Its all big bad whitey.
Remember when it was whiteys fault we couldnt buy homes? Its still whiteys fault we got loans to buy we couldnt pay back. Isnt that easy?
Its whiteys fault. Whitey has to manage our lives every minute just to make sure we dont act stupid, after all, were just stupid people of color. RIDICULOUS!
Diversity wont work as long as blacks are part of the rainbow. We latinos get along fine with everybody except blacks because everybody else respects hard work and family.
I agree with 12:16. The only folks who think diversity will work are those with two "advanced" degrees in sociology and are working in a record shop. People in thereal world avoid blacks at every turn. Sad but you know its true.
Start forming families, safe neighborhoods, college graduates and THEN we'll talk about equality. Until then its just whining.
"Someone earlier wrote about the hoods and they nailed it, just drive through any latino and then black hood and note the differences it's like night and day!"
Ahhh yeah,I agree with you there. Although you would be surprised to see which one looks like night and which one looks like day. Anon. I don't know you, but I would take the bet that I have traveled more than you have, and guess what, what you are saying just ain't true.
"Lets be frank here. Nobody "REALLY" gets along. Weve been trying forever and only a few "pretenders" still tout the diversity mantra. We keep playing out the fantasy like a bad play. We pretend we are color blind, but we are not. We pretend we like all races, but we do not. We self segregate in our own neighborhoods yet we rail on whites when they do it.
Its time to break up peacefully before we do it another way."
Speak for yourself.I love a world where people can co-exist and celebrate their differences and respect each other. As long as the playing field is level, it's all good. My fight is with making sure that the playing field stays level. We don't have to hate on each other,just learn to appreciate what the other person brings to the table and we will be cool.
"Theres no respect for a race that kills itself and others at such an alarming rate. Why should there be?"
I agree. Have you been reading about what has been happening in Mexico? I think they have had more murders so far this year than all the urban areas in A-murder-ca combined. Note I said MEXICO. And the last time I checked....
All I have to say it Gwinnett County, GA. It used to be a nice area mixed with black and white, but then the browns moved in and it's now ravaged by gangs and crime.
A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), says risky behavior among teenagers continues to decline for black and white students.
The new study findings are based on a survey of 14,000 U.S. high school students, conducted every two years by the CDC since 1991.
While fewer teens today are drinking, smoking and engaging in sex than their peers of 1991, CDC officials discovered alarming ethnic and racial trends that indicate Hispanic teens are at a higher risk than blacks and whites for certain unsafe behaviors.
Anon 11:27 AM, "hispanics can recieve gov assisitance however go to any gov office and who do you see lined up? it an't hispanics
Um, let me THINK for a second. I know. It depends on which neighborhood the government office is located.
The state's Hispanic students are falling behind educationally, with high school graduation rates lower than average and college enrollment lagging that of black and white students.
Hispanics are the fastest-growing ethnic group in Texas, but they are falling behind in some measures of academic success.
Only 68 percent graduate from high school within four years, 10 points below the overall rate, and just 42.5 percent of those who graduated in 2007 enrolled in college or technical training the following fall, lower rates than black and white students.
TakeVABack, I'm with you. I'm not one of those blacks who protects and defends other races over my own. Either you are a friend or an enemy, and if you are an enemy of my race, it's on.
Granny, I made up a name just for you.:-D
The graduation rates among Hispanics at the graduate level are tragically low. The GMAC 2002 Global MBA Survey, for example, found that in 2002, only 4.5% of students enrolled in an MBA program were Hispanic - while students who considered themselves white, comprised 84.7% of the MBA student population.
According to the 1999-2000 statistics for the U.S. Department of Education, the total number of Hispanics obtaining their graduate degrees in business was just 4,241. This is in sharp contrast to white, non-Hispanic graduates, who number 73,252, African-Americans at 8,630, and Asian Americans at 7,371.
La♥Incognita, I agree with your 9:01 AM post in the link given.
I don't generally go tit-for-tat, but I'm irritated. We all have issues, and for anyone to imply that browns are somehow better than blacks gets my blood boiling. I'm not really interested in joining up with browns, but if they want to hang onto our coattails like they always do while we continue to fight for Civil Rights, they are welcome.
Why do people focus on/use/abuse statistics to put down other races?
What is REALLY happening in America is a lack of understanding. We have afflictions, which contaminate our thoughts and perceptions of each other. It's a shame because there can be no peace, happiness or security without embracing and honoring one another.
The problem isn't about race or skin color. It is the inability to see what it means to be fully human. That is, to embrace the 'human race'. There can be no peace or security until we recognize our kinship, which transcends race. We do not respect, honor, and 'support' each other. Instead, we disrespect, demean, and criticize each other because of skin tones. That is absurd and stupid.
Americans degrade, insult and kill each other "daily"...such profound arrogance, apathy and self-righteousness! This is ruining America, but we are too overwhelmed by our sick spiritual disease to notice, or care.
Americans have lost, or don't have the 'will' or 'good conscience' to purify or heighten their minds. The stupidity and absurdity of racism has defeated us.
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."--Albert Einstein
What Anon 11:12pm moron said Apalachia would be Detroit? Hey cracker--IT IS? At USDOJ Bureau of Justice stats they all sorts of data on meth labs, met use, DUIs, domestic violence, identity theft, rape, etc etc etc. Funny thing, HMDA data shows that these rednecks seem to get loans, jobs faster than MORE educated black folk or ones with slightly more income. Couple with that the Red State stimulus plan that's been in effect since--? Military bases, pork projects, subsidies and the military as employer of last resort in some of these areas, lord. So yeah dumbass--let's talk about "Apalachia" or any other area.
Anon, to whitefolks you're still a spick. Just ask the prison guards who have to hold shotguns over the armies of tattoed Latinos bulging the wals of penitentaries in Cali, Texas, Florida. Man I don't even know any Cubans who have the ball to spout the nonsense you spill.
The dirty little secret is that latinos (and that's not a monolithic community) aren't more or less hardworking than anyone else. It's all merely circumstance.
But you know what--if you're Mexican (frankly I think you're a liar--an Anglo wingnut troll and the only taco in your life is the nasty vertical one you slipped out of) then you should be mad. These cracker stole how many million square miles? You didn't cross the border. The border crossed you. Shows you got no self respect.
I just wanted to add real quick about latinos hurting blacks by taking the jobs that were traditionally populated by blacks.
We can reverse this "hurting" if we "evolve". We should not be threatened by these people because they are coming from nothing. Many of us have been living in what is considered the most powerful country on Earth. We should be at a point where if they want to do "menial" jobs, let them. We should be raiding Corporate America. It's not happening because we are not evolving.
My dos centavos!
As for the pictures, I am going with anything that is not supported by the black organization protesting it.
It's an elephant in the room. Show their faces. We should not be ashamed because those people do not reflect me. And when their pictures AREN'T shown, people still assume.
I love your blog, but I hate these trolls. Can you hand me the can of troll be gone? LOL
I would respond to them, but I laugh because everybody can be a Billy Badass on the internet, but not in real life.
And to argue with SUCH misinformation is wasteful. I mean, it's not like I argue with excrement on the street for being there. Why should we pay these human pieces of excrement any mind? LOL So foolish and so amusing they are. I just marvel at how some people can be so stupid!
I'm a black woman with hispanic ancestors (and hispanic maiden name) and I don't know where to begin my comments, so I'll start with education. The HUGE mistake hispanics as a whole are making in this country is that while they are multiplying in great numbers, they are NOT going to college in great numbers. In my field, Science and Medicine, hispanics are extremenly scarce with an exception being in places like Texas and California. And even then, their numbers in hard core science and engeinering majors/fields, are far lower overall than they are for Blacks. So being in the majority won't mean jack since for most people, education is the key to generating long term wealth/power in this country.
Finally, "Browns" may not want to unify with Blacks to support a common agenda, but it doens't change the fact that to many whites, hispanics are nothing more that ni**as with tacos.
Christopher Chambers:
"if you're Mexican (frankly I think you're a liar--an Anglo wingnut troll and the only taco in your life is the nasty vertical one you slipped out of) then you should be madif you're Mexican."
I believe that you are correct in what you have perceived about anony 11:12. I had been sitting back reading the comments and had a strong gut feeling about Anon 11:12. I believe too that he is not who he is claiming to be and only comes to stir up divisiveness between the races. There are a lot of them like him going around doing that online. They call themselves trying to drum up some support for their future race war against blacks that they want to happen so bad.
I feel ya because they gave Granny a headache. That's something even the our resident racist Frank has never accomplished.
Thank you baby! You made Granny blush.
B# 2:40:
Granny loved every single line of your comment because it is the truth and nothing but the truth.
Sarah Deere:
You told the truth and I agree with you. That game is so old and goes all the way back to slavery. Unless they take heed to what you said they'll never overcome.
"Makes me tired and sad to see this still happening - same thing as when I was a kid."
I cosign with you on that comment.
In addition, this comment made me smile, "Colored", which, at the time, made me expect there would be colored water coming out of that marked fountain," because it made me think about the innocence of children growing up in a world that is so full of hate. The hate in the world doesn't make me smile though, it is the innocence of the children that does.
I know your heart. Yes, I've peeped in it when you didn't know I was. I know without a doubt that "full of hate" jacket that anonymous person tried to put on you is a falsehood as well as slanderous. There are a few anonymous folks that have been coming on here lately with intentions of sabotaging your blog but it won't work. That's why lately there has been a series of attacks against you.
Your mind is deeper and more analytical than they could ever imagine. Their no match for you and they can't even see it because they are so puffed up in self-importance and arrogance. Your a person that challenges people to think and sharpen their critical skills. Granny loves you like I do my own.
Oops, I didn't mean to put that link in there. I was intending to go and watch it.
"...I know without a doubt that "full of hate" jacket that anonymous person tried to put on you is a falsehood as well as slanderous." --Granny
"Your mind is deeper and more analytical than they could ever imagine. Their no match for you and they can't even see it because they are so puffed up in self-importance and arrogance."--Granny
Field, I wholeheartedly agree with Granny. I am sure you know those qualities about yourself. But, I suppose it's good to hear it said from time to time?
I hope you found that video by Tim Wise on 'Whiteness' informative. I really hope many Americans will watch it.
"Granny loves you like I do my own."
Granny, I have mad love for you too. I have learned so much from the knowledge you drop in your comments. Thank you!
"But you know what--if you're Mexican (frankly I think you're a liar--an Anglo wingnut troll and the only taco in your life is the nasty vertical one you slipped out of) then you should be mad. These cracker stole how many million square miles? You didn't cross the border. The border crossed you. Shows you got no self respect."
Put it pon dem yawdie. :)
"I agree with 12:16. The only folks who think diversity will work are those with two "advanced" degrees in sociology and are working in a record shop. People in thereal world avoid blacks at every turn. Sad but you know its true.
Start forming families, safe neighborhoods, college graduates and THEN we'll talk about equality. Until then its just whining."
How about we black people talk among ourselves about DOMINATION, and forget about "equality"?
La incognita, tell us how you really feel (lol)... I'm with you girl.
"Please see the post at 11:41; crime is actually LOWER in Appalachia than the national average."-Anon@1:26AM
I WAS responding to the post at 11:41AM. Of course the stats are going to point to low numbers: not as many people concentrated in one specific area and too many rural areas for law enforcement to clamp down on all the drug abuse. We're talking multiple states in the Appalachian region and while we're not a haven for this nation's crime rates, we have just as many drug addicts and poor folks as anywhere else.
Christopher Chambers@3:00PM-
Co-sign and very good point! A few years back, all you'd hear around these parts were the number of meth labs busted. The numbers reportedly went down, but the drug makers just either moved or got smarter in the cooking process.
I'm not trying to give the area a bad rap as it is pretty quiet. I just don't like them one-sided arguements that portray one group bad while the other one is perfect without looking at ALL groups/individuals...SMH!!!
@Christopher Chambers:
the only taco in your life is the nasty vertical one you slipped out of)
Also, I was thinking the same thing-Sure there are racist, ignorant Latinos who could find their way here. But I don't think any of that la raza garbage would believe the crap this fool is spouting with that all poor Latino neighborhoods are clean and shiny...
Aside from him/it: I will say there are a lot of Latinos/Hispanics who are believing the myth that they are favored by White America (as if this is some prize), and that this is a new frontier for them where they can do whatever they want. I was turned down for an apartment rental by a South American who made the mistake of telling my broker he didn't want Black people living on his property. My broker (a verrrrry liberal White woman) scared the shit out of him by threatening to report him to HUD, and she asked him why do so many Latinos who come here think they are above the law. Anglo racist trolls aside, it sure is a valid point.
Once again this proves that black people are more concern with the way the media covers black crime than they are with black crime itself.
Hispanics are hardworking good natured people.Just like white people.Thats why we can live in the same hoods,work together,worship together, and watch baseball together.
The same can't be said for black people.Thats why very,very, few white or hispanic people want to live or work around blacks.
Calling whites "crackers" and hispanics" spics" are prime examples of why very few hispanics and whites like black people.
There wil always be more whites and hispanics in this country[thanks Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood] so blacks need to understand that and do more reaching out.
But change is in the air.The yes we can feeling is all arounds us.I would say black people stop being so angry and violent.Take the time to smile and say hello to your white or hispanic boss.
Stop embracing violence.Stop praising blacks who attack,rape, or murder whites and hispanics.
Stop rapping about killing cops and killing white people.
Stop embracing gangs.
The most imporant thing blacks need to do is SMILE :).
Its interesting, I live in Phoenix which also has a small black population, but, here the black criminals couldn't get on the front page if they tried, the crime rate here is out of control due to one group, Hispanics who are killing each other in numbers than would make Philly seem like fantasy island while they are about 40% of the population, they make up almost all the murders here and in Tuscon, and, the Sheriff lets the public know almost every day with his raids on them. And don't get into the hatred that these white folks here feel about them, they would make a klansman blush with the racial slurs they use.
As for blacks and Latinos uniting, never going to happen, I grew up in San Diego, and, the divide is as big as the Grand Canyon and always has been and it gets bigger every day, just like it is in this city and almost all of California.
Just keeping it real in the Southwest.
"Calling whites "crackers" and hispanics" spics" are prime examples of why very few hispanics and whites like black people"
Actually, Whites invented the word "spic". Blacks don't use the word much but Whites use it regularly. As far as the word "cracker", you are the first white male whose feelings are feelings are bothered. Why is that?
"But change is in the air.The yes we can feeling is all arounds us.I would say black people stop being so angry and violent.Take the time to smile and say hello to your white or hispanic boss"
Hi Whitey!
Okay, so how many personalities do you have Anonymous alias whitey loves you?
I know you have a couple more.
Go ahead and tell yourself that any post that slams blacks is a white troll. IF YOU SAY IT ENOUGH..IT WILL BE TRUE.
Typical black behavior.
You want soooo bad for us to be on your side against whitey. AINT GONNA HAPPEN. You need to get out in the real world. If you REALLY knew what Latinos think of blacks you would the Revs to picket in front of LaRaza. I worked in construction after high school for a few years and saw how most recent immigrants feel. Lets just say it would make the grand wizard blush.
Tell me how many blacks work for Latino-owned businesses? Ill help you out...NONE! Walk into a Latino owned store and see the owners hover over blacks in the store. See how many blacks work alongside Latinos in construction sites.
Immigrants see the way blacks are here and act accordingly.
Once again, how about we black people talk among ourselves about DOMINATION, and forget about "equality"? In other words, why don't we recognize how the world works, and always has? If our motivating goal as a people was to get as much as we can for ourselves, everybody else be damned, we'd be a lot better off in a whole lot of ways. "Equality" is a silly-ass goal for any people to have. Our goal should be to WIN. As a people.
"Immigrants see the way blacks are here and act accordingly."
The immigrants that I know, see there are Blacks in high places all the way to the Presidency, and appreciate that. It inspires them and gives them hope against racists like yourself.
Anon12:25AM, your hatred runs deep. Does hatred help to temporarily relieve your low-self worth? As a psychologist, I know it's tough for you, living in a world where people don't take you seriously, and your own family probably is ashamed of you.
By any chance did you come home from work one day and find your spouse in bed with a black person? Or maybe left you for someone who was Black?
Kind of late in the game but i wanted to add two more cents for all those who cant help but point out the problems of other ethnicity's:
We need to start becoming the positive change we want to see in our communities. I might not believe anything else Obama said, but that shit right there, was the truth.
Folks, stop looking for reasons for the "other" to piss you off. If you are Black and you wake up in the morning checkin' for when Latino's do dirt to Black folk, then i swear to you, thats all you will ever see. The same goes for Latino's and Whites too. Because if thats the reality you want and expect, then thats all your going to realize until you change how you view your fellow human beings.
And you can change THAT, my friends, when you change how you view-your-Self. I swear to god. When you change yourself from within and are prepared to become part of a human community then people regardless of ethnicity will be prepared to be part of a community with you.
Start the change within you and i promise you the majority of people you'll ever deal with are people that are cool.
That's how i can be from Detroit, move to LA and have only ONCE had an issue with a Latino person that was anything other than the normal comings and goings of life. And the issue i had wasn't even a big deal.
I'm a black male who's out here trying to handle his business and enjoy his life! And for the most part I'm surrounded by people who are trying to do the same thing. That did not happen by any organizational choice. But i know who i am and what i want out of life and like minded people gravitated towards me. All you folks with these race issues should probably try doing that sometime. It would be better for you blood pressure.
Anonymous 12:25:
"You want soooo bad for us to be on your side against whitey. AINT GONNA HAPPEN."
Where you get the notion blacks need you or your race for anything, I really don't know other than your head is swollen because you were able to get a job that you more than likely bargained and promised to work for minimum wages that are typical of a part time working students. For a race that has always rode on the coat-tails of the black race, you are pretty assumptive.
"If you REALLY knew what Latinos think of blacks you would the Revs to picket in front of LaRaza."
To tell you the truth, I really think blacks could care less what you think about them their existence doesn't depend on you and they don't breathe because of you.
"Tell me how many blacks work for Latino-owned businesses? Ill help you out...NONE!"
Well, this is something we both agree on. However, there are no whites or any other races working for you either. You have a habit of discriminating against other races and it's obvious, you break the discrimination laws left and right, but you don't think anyone should discriminate against you.
Nevertheless, I think you for sharing that bit of information on how they feel about black people. It will come in handy the next time one of your people comes around with another petition to sign so they can stay in our country.
BTW, let me enlighten you concerning a statement you made right here, "why is it that almost any city in this country you can find a corner full of hispanic men standing waiting for work?and a corner of black men just standing not looking for work?" .
Those black men you see standing are elderly men who have retired or young kids. You don't see any black MEN who are able to work standing on the corner because their at WORK and even they are entitled to a day off or vacation time because that's the law.
Can't say that I'm impressed by your intellect because so far you haven't shown any. The only thing you've demonstrated is that you have a heart full of hate, which speaking for myself, I could care less, because I sleep good when people don't like me. I hate to see you delude yourself and think the way you do, because it will turn into cancer and consume your body.
Well I'm not going to lament how bad it looks for 6 criminals to have their photo blasted on the front page. If they were so concerned about the image of other Blacks they wouldn't be committing crimes. As for the Black/Brown relations isn't a 2-3 tiered one? There are the Afro-Latinos and the ones that identify as white. There are certain cities like Miami where the Cubans in hiring positions are requiring applicants speak Spanish and barring non-Spanish speakers. There seems to be a grooming of a permanent lower class earning workforce where positions that were being held by Blacks have now been replaced. As well as some union jobs. I had to call Verizon for a relative when I was visiting and all the CSRs were Latinos who spoke heavily accented English. My frustration grew as our communication barrier was evident. Now I would feel the same way if the call had been with someone from India....or Ireland as well. But that isn't happening. To deny there are huge concessions being made for the growing Latino population that includes a lot of people living here illegally would not be wise as they gain enough political clout to replace Blacks and move into areas formerly populated by Blacks which will result in redistricting and the loss of seats in the House & Senate. Every group (except Blacks) fight for their own and to elevate the group so they're not going to join in some rainbow coalition with Blacks as equals to take on the struggle of Blacks. That's for Black people to do. Which we're not doing anymore - not when women and children have been abandoned by the men. So it doesn't matter if the majority have low graduation rates when the minority are advocating on their behalf and seize the political power to do so. Many Latinos don't respect the contributions Blacks have made in building this country and seeing how many of us act today neither do we.
[quote]Or, should they show some sensitivity to certain racial groups given the history of race in this country? [/quote]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Filled Negro - YOU are a danger to the hopes and dreams that the Black Community will one day be made CONSCIOUS and WHOLE.
As we celebrate Easter today your views are quite interesting. Where as the Christian received SALVATION FOR ALL OF HIS SINS BY BELIEVING THAT JESUS CHRIST IS HIS SAVIOR.......in the perverted world of Filled Negro - a Black Thug receives permanent immunity for his future sins and assaults against THE BLACK COMMUNITY If he believes that he is still 'damaged goods' from America's slavery past.
You are a despicable character sir. You are an attorney. (Sorry I repeated myself)
Street Scenario Of A Thug Who Buys Into Filled Negro's Consciousness
Black Thug: "Bytch give me your money!! This is a stick up don't turn it into a murder scene"
Black VICTIM who is also a descendant of Slavery: "All that I have is $50 and I was going to the store to purchase food for my children. I worked hard for this money and now you want to steal it? How could you be so cruel?"
Black Thug: "Bytch I need this money to buy diapers for MY kids. I've been telling my babies mommas that I AM A VICTIM OF AMERICAN SLAVERY and that the WHITE MAN doesn't want to give me a job. As soon as I go into a place to apply for a job. I see the White folks watching the Fox News channel on television and I can read between the lines. I immediately walk out, why waste my time?"
Black VICTIM who is also a descendant of Slavery: "I see why these women aren't buying this story. It's lame. YOU didn't have this concern when you had them on their backs making these babies. They fell for your game once and look at what it got them. A baby and a sorry M.F. like you.
Now they are all alone having to feed YOUR KIDS while YOU are out being irresponsible."
Black Thug: "Bytch I told you to give me the money. You like to talk down on me JUST LIKE my Babies Mommas and the Black Conservatives DO. You Black women are all the same.
The White man forced me into to doing this to you. HE is the one who made this gun that I hold in my hand. I don't own no gun manufacturing plant. I will shoot you knowing that Filled Negro will simply blame the Conservative Whites for allowing me to have a gun. Now give me the money."
Black VICTIM who is also a descendant of Slavery: "If you kill me you will be locked up and the Prison Industrial Complex will make a profit off of you. Is this what you want? You are of more value to the system as a prisoner than you are of value to your babies mommas as a responsible father for your kids. You don't need to do this man.
I tell you what I will buy you a box of diapers and you can take it to your girls houses and front like you actually worked to provide for your children? How about it?
Black Thug:
All right. Its a deal. Besides these two White cops are rolling up on us right now. I need to put this gun away because they have a habit of harassing Black males. Pretend that you are my girl and we are just walking into the store about to purchase some diapers for our son.
Good day officers. How are you all doing?"
(Stay tuned for the next episode of "Short Stories In The Parallel Hood" )
(Note to self - Lou Dobbs is now a 'bad guy' in their view. He was a good guy when he was attacking evil Bush. Now that things have CHANGED - if he remains consistent in his attacks, despite the change in administrations he is a "Fox News type bigot)
[quote]No matter how different we think we are from each other; there are still quite a few Lou Dobbs types in this country who still believe that we are all the same, and they will do everything in their power to keep the status quo.[/quote]
My good friend Noah The African used to frequently say "As the grasshoppers fight the belly of the crow becomes full".
Both he and my friend Filled Negro seem to believe that if Black and Brown simply focus on the threat from WHITE FOLKS that this would be enough to span our differences and our VARIED INTERESTS.
If Filled Negro were to ever talk to the CRIMINAL defendants that he was unsuccessful at springing from prison he would know that in PRISON there are TRIPOLAR loyalties based on RACE - BLACK, WHITE, HISPANIC. In the prison system where everyone is guaranteed free housing, free food and free medical care - a socialist dream - there exists ENFORCED LOYALTIES to one's racial group lest you DIE as an individual.
There IS NO hope that Black and Brown will unite against White and thus be saved. Instead there will only ever be ORGANIC efforts to make one's own group more SELF SUFFICIENT and to suppress the dysfunction that is allowed to fester.
Filled Negro's notion of Black/Brown unity against White shows his spirit of protest and activism. Even though he is "all alone" in SouthWest Philly, where ON PAPER a favorable political climate exists - his disposition prevents him from actually FIELDING A SYSTEM that indeed carries forth the benefits that he actively campaigned for as he convinced those who were desperate would come to fruition IF they did not ask questions but simply continued to march forward in UNITY.
The STRUGGLE milieu is so important to Filled Negro. When he is all by himself he will seek out his long time enemy and fight against them where they have departed to rather than build up the lands that he now has control over and its institutions.
Can I just say I don't really give a damn what other people of another race think about me. I live in Ohio. The majority of the people here are white. It's 7-8 percent black and I have no idea what the Latino population is actually. Stop giving a damn what people think about you and worry about yourself. I'm black and I feel no connection to any person because of race at all. I'm not more inclined to like anybody because of race. All humans are liars and cowards. You can read most of the comments here and tell. There is always other human trying to keep another human down. Who cares about race? The human species if flawed. Period.
Mr. Constructive Feedback, you are a gem on a sandy beach.
You are a voice of sanity in a lost and barren wasteland. Most here will read the first bit of your post, see quickly their arguments are being shredded, ignore the rest and either dismiss you as a white troll or call you nasty names. Such is the blogosphere.
Understand Mr. Feedback there are those out there who read you and feel you
**...ponders RainyOH's comments.**
Day-um Y'all Mud Peoples still carryin on????
Keep it down or I'll call the MAN and I ain't talkin bout' Johnny Cash...Seriously, maybe one y'all can tell me...what is it that keeps y'all out of Vermont??? and don't give me that too cold crap, its colder in Michigan, and there's plenty of bruthas/hermanos there... is it the whole SSM thing?? I haven't been to the Green Mountain state since the 80's and it was Queer as Folk back then...Blacks and Hispanics fightin...just like Charlie wanted...
"Day-um Y'all Mud Peoples still carryin on????"
I see you read the White Man's Bible Frank. I read it too, in fact, I have a copy of it. What tipped me off that you read it is the reference to "Mud People". Yup!
Did you know that the man who wrote it used to be up in the USA Congress? Did you, also, know that he committed suicide?
"Blacks and Hispanics fightin...just like Charlie wanted..."
Priceless! This is one of those comments straight from the horses mouth.
You know Frank, I'm beginning to like you because you are good for something. (smirk)
How about we just round up all black men in America and execute them? Would that make you feel safer or better?
You know what I'm beginning to see how jealous you are of Field. It is sort of sad though because you're putting out false and deceptive thoughts about him and that are not true. I know you were taught better than that.
I never liked Lou Dobbs even when he was talking about Bush or any other topic, because I look at him with a Spiritual eye. He is a bitter, vicious, poisonous, racist, and hateful man who has a few skeletons in his closet that he wouldn't want to get out. Hot dog, I can't even say ruin his image, nope, can't say that about him. He has none!
One more thing this is not a fight against White Folks, it is a fight against injustice, unfairness, and inequality. You see, that is where some of you see the picture wrong at. Again let me repeat myself, the fight is not against White folks, it is against injustice, unfairness, and inequality.
The prison system is a whole nother ballgame. Prison mentality stems from being caged like animals. If you've ever studied animals that is the way they act.
doncha be dissin my doggies...last time I went to the Pound I didn't notice them sittin around liftin weights and effin each other in the Ass...
Y'all be alot better off if you took their advice... listen to your master and don't go out of the yard without your leash...
Is there something wrong with doing things legally? I don't understand when people complain/deny what acts were done. Selling drugs if you're not a pharmacist is illegal. Operating an unlicensed business-illegal. Killing people outside of the military/self-defense-illegal.
When pulled over by a cop, do it. Don't run? Don't refuse to show your hands? Don't pull out a dart/paint gun and then cry you were 'unarmed? Don't pick that moment to reach for your 'phone' or object in glove compartment? There are plenty of law abiding citizens/immigrants that don't get shot by the police, aren't arrested for breaking the law or committing crimes.
The logic of criminals and the large amount of supporters/protesters that 'demand' justice when these losers are commiting crimes is nauseating... I don't give a fuck about these people. They'll still from me just as well; or assault someone I know; there's no allegience form me.
If you don't follow the 'rules' you deserve the consequences. This isn't a game this is life.
You so silly! LOL!
"last time I went to the Pound I didn't notice them sittin around liftin weights and effin each other in the Ass..."
Granny wishing she had a bar of soap. Did your mother teach you any manners?
So, being here illegal or driving without a license or smuggling drugs into this country is not breaking the law? Strange because when our city had one of those checkpoint roadblocks checking for just those same things, the sidewalks were lined for blocks and blocks with people holding their signs up and protesting the police stopping them and they weren't black either. Therefore, does this apply to this comment you made too?
"If you don't follow the 'rules' you deserve the consequences. This isn't a game this is life."
Black businesses are under attacked not only in Barbershops, but auto repair shops, nightclubs, grocery and convenient stores, restaurants, Barbeque take outs, and even gas stations.
Anon 12:25
You keep going on proudly about how Hispanics like to separate from Blacks, but you are shouting it repeatedly on a BLACK MAN'S BLOG. And oh yes, an educated BM at that who probably pays more in taxes than your entire orange picking family made last year.
Do you not see the irony in that? Mogente.com (if it's still around) is that way. Take your ass over there, maybe you will impress someone.
Better yet, start a thread on Blackvoices.com about how Messicans are so superior to Black people, you will get a warm welcome there.
Mr Anon 6:07. Why would I go to a place and preach the truth to those who already know it? I know you like these race-exclusive circle-jerks but what good do they do? Blacks sit around and whine and whine and whine with nobody telling them to get off their asses and do for your own fucking selves.
WOW! an educated BM (btw, "bm" means different things to different people) and you cant handle differing views? OH, your THAT "BM". Makes sense now.
"...Every group (except Blacks) fight for their own and to elevate the group so they're not going to join in some rainbow coalition with Blacks as equals to take on the struggle of Blacks. That's for Black people to do. Which we're not doing anymore - not when women and children have been abandoned by the men. So it doesn't matter if the majority have low graduation rates when the minority are advocating on their behalf and seize the political power to do so. Many Latinos don't respect the contributions Blacks have made in building this country and seeing how many of us act today neither do we."
Well said, ActofFaithBlog...you nailed this one.
Y'all want somethin else to get outraged about???
"Black Male" and "Bowel Movement" share the same initials..."BM"
Y'all got a BM as President now, why doncha y'all change that???
Gotta go have a BM..
I also have Latin American roots and have been active in the Latino community off and on for years. I embrace my Latino roots but everyone knows I identify with Black folks primarily.
I live in an area with a mixture of Asians, blacks, Latinos and whites. Every ethnicity/racial group has engaged in disgraceful behavior and is well represented in the anti social/ignorance category.
Right now, the biggest pains in the ass around here are represented by southeast Asians, Latinos and blacks. The white people who live here are mostly professional people with no kids. The last large white family left some years ago and they were a three-generation pain in the ass and everyone was glad when they left.
I'm hard pressed to say which group gets on my nerves the most because representatives of all these groups have the capacity to be a giant pain in my ass from the childless white people who think they know everything to loud obnoxious southeast Asians who flaunt their material wealth.
Most Latinos I know don't consider themselves white and would be insulted by this. (By the way, outside of black folks, Chinese and Southeast Asians talk about white folks like a big dog. Latinos just don't care about white people). The most racist (against blacks) Latinos I know cut across socio ecnomic lines.
Black people don't like Asians, Latinos, whites, Africans (arrogant), Jamaicans (arrogant--no offense Field but I know you've heard it) and in fact don't like other black people whose hair is too straight/kinky; whose skin is too dark/light; who act to ghetto/boughsie; and black people really hate people who are mixed race--black and something else.
Black folks don't care for much of anyone, particularly themselves. The whole slave brainwashing thing has messed us up so badly we don't even have a natural sense of who we are in the human chain of existence.
It's sad. And also really boring.
Thanks for the advice. I don't know who started using "BM" for black male. That was stupid shit in the first place, esp. when it was already taken by everyone's anuses on an EEOC basis.
You add a 'special color' to Field's blog. I rush here everyday, wondering "what erudite and challenging thing is Frank going to say next?" You have never disappointed me. I bet others secretly feel the same way, too.
Thanks again for looking out for 'the folks'. Sometimes I think you really care about us. You are beginning to feel like a country cousin from a forgotten part of Louisiana who means well, but just never overcame the effects of Jim Crow days...Keep up the good work, country bro!
Gee Golly Willikers Annonymous, hope you'll call me in the mornin'...
And like I always said, I'm Black from the waist down...
Keep it Real,
"Black folks don't care for much of anyone, particularly themselves. The whole slave brainwashing thing has messed us up so badly we don't even have a natural sense of who we are in the human chain of existence."
"It's sad. And also really boring."
I know what you mean. That's why African Americans, in particular, need psycho-therapy. But most Blacks wouldn't be caught dead in a therapist's office.
Frank, I'll be glad to call you in the mornin...What's your number?
[quote]How about we just round up all black men in America and execute them? Would that make you feel safer or better?[/quote]
Granny - I was about to make a joke about your ridiculous question but I think you'd buy into it.
Why would you suggest a thing Granny? Would this be JUSTICE or in line with the Constitution?
[quote]You know what I'm beginning to see how jealous you are of Field.[/quote]
How did you guess? My goal in life was to allow CRIMINAL defendants to go free by lying for them. Instead I got side tracked into a rather productive and lucrative corporate career. I am such a loser.
HEY FILLED NEGRO: There is a show that you must see. But it is going to cause you to violate your ANTI-NEWS CORP protest. On "Fox Reality" channel there is a show called "The Bronx: Crime and Justice".
It follows around CRIMINAL defendants and their liberal scumbag defense attorneys.
I just watched a young male MAKE A VIDEO CONFESSION to a murder and then have the criminal defense attorney successfully get the confession thrown out and the KID WALKED FREE.
I can just image what the family of the MURDERED TEEN must think. Oh well.
This is a must see show.
[quote] It is sort of sad though because you're putting out false and deceptive thoughts about him and that are not true. I know you were taught better than that.[/quote]
Granny - I like to tweak my friend Filled Negro. But could you detail for me where I have misrepresented any of his viewpoints?
[quote]I never liked Lou Dobbs even when he was talking about Bush or any other topic, because I look at him with a Spiritual eye. He is a bitter, vicious, poisonous, racist, and hateful man who has a few skeletons in his closet that he wouldn't want to get out.[/quote]
So you get these vapors about Lou Dobbs but the fact that Filled Negro told you that HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN GOD did not cause you to LOOK AT HIM WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL EYE?
Might you have a cataract on your spiritual eye that causes selective blindness Granny?
West Coast Story:
You nailed it with your post 8:09. I agree. BTW, my neighbors are the same identical makeup as yours. I truly know what you talking about and can relate. Only the our white neighbors haven't moved out, so far they don't plan on it, and they are pretty cool. One is an electrician and the other one at the corner is involved in civic politics. Two of the Latinoes neighbors on my block like to party, one of them sometimes plays their music loud, but they usually turn it down at night. One of them stop by my house the other day to tell me they were bringing me a cheesecake tomorrow. (I can't wait, he works at the Cheese Factory) Our Asian neighbor is very friendly, but then so are our other neighbors too.
Let me explain something to you and then I'm through talking to you. It is better to obey God than man,you are not my God, and you are not God. Therefore, I do not take my guidance from you on how to handle a situation or treat anyone and that includes you. BTW, there is nothing wrong with my spiritual eye and you can bet life on that.
Prophetess Wallace had you pegged right!
Anyone who identifies themselves as Hispanic are the equivalent of the house negroes you identify as such in my mind. Latinos are an ambivalent group.
Chicanos on the other hand view you as a brother in the struggles against the white cancerous policies that seek to enslave yet.
Anonymous 11:37:
We not looking to start a race war on this blog. Us folks is just trying to find ways to live in peace with one another.
Chicano is a term to describe Mexican Americans and Latino refers to people with roots from all over Latin America. But you knew that, right? Or maybe you really are saying that people with roots in Central/South America and parts of the Caribbean are all house negroes.
Me shaking my head.
@ Anon 6:54
I am Anon 6:07 (And that's Ms. Anon to you)
Can't handle differing views, huh? Your views are incorrect and your own bitter opinion, you sound like one of those bitter whites who is pissed off when you realized you weren't superior to anyone.
In other words, you are too much of a punk to go to a Black message board that won't tolerate you, as Field does. And gee, I didn't know my MA (another acronym for the English impaired) obtained while I worked full time meant I was adhering to some stereotype. Guess I will go ask one of the messicans/central americans (or whichever roach motel they crawled out of) who hang out around the subway smoking weed how i should better my life, but oops-those lazy fukkers never learned how to speakadaenglesh. And I'm sure their spanglish is spanish ebonics, so maybe they are not the best source of information.
It's too bad BM whipped your ass/stle your girl/took your job/all of the above, but before you implode in your own stupidity you should try to find the source of your anger and move on. As I am now, getting back to my job that my advanced degree helped me to obtain while your dumb ass looks up Black websites to spew venom.
Anon pot meet Anon kettle.
This sounds like psych 101 but spouting off about the inferiority of others is really a statement of your own lack of self worth.
Furthermore, there is a certain kind of racism that teeters on the edge of mental illness. You both are sick people who bravely, and anonmously talk smack about people you know nothing about. It makes you look small, hateful, ignorant, and mentally wanting.
WCS,or Granny, can you someone explain the difference between Hispanic and Latino? I know Chicano is related to Mexicans; Latino is South America. Hispanic is?
I thought I had this all nailed down. This reminds me of all the terminologies for Blacks. First I was Negro, then colored, then Black and now African American...It's hard keeping up with all this shit. Now Latinos, Hispanics, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Spanish...WTF?
Who the hell is doing this anyway? Must be the white man.
I'm not the expert but...
I think this might be regional but the people of Latin American descent in these parts prefer to be called Latino. I can't remember the last time I heard someone Mexican American make a chicano reference. And hispanic seems to be a term out of favor. I have heard Latinos on the east coast (Puerto Ricans and Dominicans?) refer to themselves as Spanish, which could get you hurt out here.
Here's something to consider. The term Latino encompasses dozens of Latin American cultures that are very different from one another. When I hear people lump all these cultures together, it is so profoundly ignorant. I've been to latino cultural events where dialects indigenous to parts of Mexico and Central America were spoken in addition to Spanish.
Latin America is complex, just as Africa is. Both have diverse cultures rich, fascinating histories, and a shared experience of colonization and exploitation. There are similarities but major distinctions.
By the way, the first blacks to come to the Los Angeles area were from Mexico and had Spanish last names. I learned that at LA's Afro American Museum in an exhibit about the origins of blacks in southern Cali.
This Indigenous woman advises Blacks and Browns STOP falling into the divide and conquer tactics of the "man". No good will EVER come of it.
"This Indigenous woman advises Blacks and Browns STOP falling into the divide and conquer tactics of the "man". No good will EVER come of it."
What do you suggest?
You blacks better not trust them damn latino's they got the dog hair & the flat butts,need i say more?
West Coast Story:
I've been meaning to ask you what was the Chauncey Bailey Project?
The Chauncey Bailey Project is a group of mostly local journalists who have been been conducting investigative reporting on Bailey's assassination and how the police have investigated it. The project has come up with some rather damning information about the Oakland Police Department's handling of the murder investigation and discovered the raid on Your Black Muslim Bakery was delayed because two police brass were on vacation and wanted to be there for the raid. The raid ended up being one day after Bailey was murdered. What a coincidence.
Bailey was doing a story on possible corruption of the Bakery while he worked for a local black weekly newspaper. Bailey used to work for the Oakland Tribune and on a local black cable network.
Journalists have been covering this story like white on rice. Black folks don't seem to care about it.
The latest thing that was reported last night is that the key detective on the murder case was removed and suspended. This detective had a close relationship with the Bakery person accused of being the mastermind behind the killing, Yusef Bey IV, but who has never been charged.
If you go to the Chancey Bailey Project website, it will spell out the details.
This case has really been a reflection of everything that is wrong with Oakland. From the politicians who covered for the Your Black Muslim Bakery going back years, to the way the police treated Yusef Bey, IV (and going back to his old man, Yusef Bey) with kid gloves. Check out how many warrants he had on his head, and how many other crimes he was linked to, and was never busted by the police.
This is what happens when black people decide that being true to your race is more important than dealing with organized black crime in your midst.
Anon 5:46 - I suggest cross cultural communication that leads to coalition building. Will it be easy? Likely not. Will it be worth it? Definitely (IMO).
Frankly, there are more POC than White folks and our numbers are rising while theirs are declining. Let's harness those numbers and make it work for all of us.
Someone way up-thread is tired of equality, as am I, but I NEVER tire of striving for EQUITY.
West Coast Story:
I am going to let you in on a little secret that I've kept to myself and why I never commented on conversations concerning Chauncey. Chauncey Bailey was kin to me. Chauncey, Edmond Hall, and Lawrence Duhe, the two jazz musicians that I mentioned on another post were all my grandmother's first cousin's children and great grandchildren. (I'm not gone get into what number great granchildren they are, because it would be confusing) Their great grandmother and mine, father's were brothers. Chauncey and Edmond's mother's Marie and Caroline were Duhe. I didn't know Chauncey and vaguely remember his mother from when I was younger. Chauncey is the spitting image of one of his great uncles that lived back in the late 1880s up the mid 1900s who was a teacher in 1900
and a doctor later on. I have a picture of him in my family album.
We had and have a lot of family members that were and are musicially inclined, in the teaching professions, and medical profession. Those were not all of the occupations that are a pattern, there were some more. I guess you could call it an inherited trait. The reason I say this is there is a pattern with the ancestor and the descendants in our family in occupations that I've noticed throughout my family tree on both sides of my family.
Thank you so much for that information. Anyway, I'll pass this information on to one of my other cousins that is, also, doing family research so that we can add it to our family history.
Granny: My condolences. I did not know Chauncey but he was a constant presence in Oakland and really tried to inform black folks about their community.
West Coast Story:
Thank you! I was reading this morning about that investigator who was on the case being fired because of his ties with Bey. He was something else and calls his self suppose to be upholding the law, but whose law was he upholding--Bey? Smh!
The day Chauncey was killed, my granddaughter I had drove by the crime scene and saw some flowers when we were passing by and saw the police raiding the Bakery too. However, when I saw all the police cars and police blocking the street, I said to my granddaughter out the blue, "Their probably raiding that Muslim Bakery."
My granddaughter laughed at me and said, "Granny, why would they be raiding a bakery? What are they raiding it for some bean pies?" My granddaughter started teasing me and we both were laughing. We did not know at the time what was going on, until I got home later on that evening and my cousin called me.
There's a Merritt Bakery in Oakland. I have heard that it is also a well-known bakery. Any connection to the Muslim Bakery?
"Do journalist have an obligation to report the news no matter what? Or, should they show some sensitivity to certain racial groups given the history of race in this country?"
Absolutely not. I ahve seen no sensitivity FROM african americans towards other minorities, women, gays. I believe journalists should not give in to black anger which is often used manipulatively to curb free speech. I went to college at a time when black student unions were successful in blocking any free speech when it comes to questioning affirmative action, then the would turn around and invite Nation of Islam to speak.
This is abhorent and rarely talked about.
If journalists need to curb free speech to show sensitivity to persecuted groups the African American media (Amsterdam News, Farrakhan's Final Call, BET, Ebony, etc, etc) would also be required to submit to this rule. And that would NEVER happen.
Merritt and YMB are not the same bakery. YMB was in North Oakland and is closed. The site is being or was already converted to a new function. Merritt Bakery is by the Lake and is still open.
Granny: The cops raided the bakery the day after the shooting and very early in the morning. Since we are a high crime city, it's possible you saw something different. :)
I dunno West Coast, it could have been. I just know that it was a memorial set up on that street.
Anonymous 6:20:
"If journalists need to curb free speech to show sensitivity to persecuted groups the African American media (Amsterdam News, Farrakhan's Final Call, BET, Ebony, etc, etc) would also be required to submit to this rule. And that would NEVER happen."
Oh, so, are you saying that their inferior because they are not into the petty gossip or trying to compete with the National Enquirer or nitpicking, or see don't see African Americans as invisible unless they've committed a crime, or they research and double-check before reporting something as facts? Is that it? I got it, they didn't report on Michelle's Obama's biceps and make it a headline story and gasp...Michelle touching the Queen. Datnabbit! The African American media needs to get on their job.
Correction to prior post.
*or don't see African Americans as invisible unless they've committed a crime*
to the mexican prick that said they work hard and kick our asses off the job,more like you work for peanuts and have your nose up the bosses crack all day long,you sleep in the parking lot and are never late but you stink like a dirty sponge.you do a half assed job at whatever job you are stealing and the quality of american homes and construction is at an all time low.look at the rafters in a new house sometime in the garage,you will notice shoddy wetback work. they suck at building pools too,they are usualy crooked and leak after about a year.they take away any future jobs for americans too by kissing the bosses white ass lrtting them know i have many friend who work for cheaper than gringo.and the piece of shit ho hires them gets rich,usually they are chicano cause they speak spic.violating laws on both sides of the coin.you dont kick anybody off anything whites are tall and strong you ae fat and ugly and shortand you smell like farts.you could never be better at us at anything ,we proved that on the soccer field when america kicked your wetback asses.
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