So now that the tea party protests are behind us, conservatives are scrambling to try and figure out how to make it a springboard for a viable grass roots movement. You know, kind of like their arch enemy , "The One", used to propel himself to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Now let's be clear; in my humble opinion the tea party numbers were not impressive, a few thousand here, a few thousand there does not a "Million Man March" make. If you want to see numbers watch the crowd at one of "The One's" speeches leading up to the elections. Or the sea of humanity that greeted him in Europe. Now those numbers were impressive. The conservatives, of course, think otherwise, and they are calling on those who participated to keep fighting the good fight. (Oh they are getting ready to fight the good fight alright, unfortunately they believe that shit in the literal sense).
When you get a chance please look at the pictures of these tea protesters again. And if you can, please do me another solid: If you see a picture or video of one person of color at one of those rallies please send me a link. I am sure there must be one person. So if you spot one, it will be like a sighting of the rare atala butterfly, consider it a hell of a find and enjoy the moment.
Now I know that a grass roots movement doesn't have to be multicultural, but it would lend some legitimacy to it. Say what you want about his O ness, but he had all different types of people on board with his movement. There was black;white; brown; rich; poor; man; woman and all those in between. That was a real movement, and every group in A-murder-ca was caught up in it. It wasn't just for a certain shade of folks. Hell these tea parties looked more like vanilla milk shake parties to me. Sorry, no real movement for change in A-murder-ca can be effective if it's that homogeneous. That would only be possible in places like Japan or North Korea. Say what you want about us A-murder-cans we like to think of ourselves as inclusive, and we like to believe that we embrace diversity. Seeing that very pale protest reminded us of places that we don't want to revisit. It was kind of like watching television circa 1955, if you get my drift.
And for the record; I know that there are some folks working on getting us to the Japanese model right now, but thankfully, we are not at that place just yet. Sorry, I think us other folks are going to be around for awhile.
I kid I kid.
You have scolded a black person for showing up at a tea party I'll bet. I think the park service estimated the MMM at 450k. The tea parties didn't hit that I'm pretty sure. Did you read where some networks were joking about how it's hard to talk when you're teabagging, just sad.
ot... There was a race war at a high school in AR this week in Gurdon. After the fight, they raised the con flag. Crazy. You might find this at kthv.com
Actually the Japanese model works pretty well; however, the Yugoslavia model does not. We are headed right for Balkans part Deux. But it works for the elite of the country very well. As long as the country is multi ethnic, multi lingual, and multi polar, no effective challenge can be mounted to the plutocrats running the show.
"Million Man March" did not equal a million but hey who's counting?
How many white people where at the million man march?? It looked like a chocolate milkshake to me.
Using your logic than the million man march wasn't effective either.
Off topic for this post, although I did talk about the tea party at my blog, I wanted you to read why I've awarded you the Noblesse Oblige AwardBut I did read the post. Similar opinions were expressed in a post by a person not of color joking about the TEA party. Well actually, the similar opinion was in comments by Gena near the end.
Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the &*^%$#@ over at WABC radio have been stirring up trouble and trying to "rabble rouse" the slave masters back into action. Keep an eye and an ear on them. Seems like his book "Liberty and Tyranny" is the red neck "Kool-aid"
Obama needs take his Presidential Appology Tour to tea protesters all over America.
Using your logic than the million man march wasn't effective either.
Well, actually the million man march didn't accomplish jack shit as far as I remember.
I see a few here.
Anon @10:11PM
I'd die of embarrassment if I ever said that fecking dumb, joke or not.
"How many white people where at the million man march?? It looked like a chocolate milkshake to me."
What the hell does that have to do with anything?
The TEA Party protests are in essence a large group of predominantly white people protesting taxes that are in fact not being raised but being cut for most Americans.
It's all bullshit. It's mainly anti-Obama people who forget about the whole municipal services and protection of a gigantic military force.
You don't like it, leave it. Don't want to pay taxes? Fine. Don't. And you no longer receive the services then either.
Ungrateful, spiteful, prejudiced.
I'm having a hard time seeing straight, so I'll leave it at that.
Mask out.
Aww Anon 10:11
Its just killin ya that we no longer have a foreign policy that drunkards can yell "fuck yea" to.....
Welcome to the adult world where being able to admit mistakes were made is a sign of maturity and reflection, not weakness. And, where acknowledging that we can learn from each other and not just dictate (re:bully) the world is how you get cooperation and respect.
These tea party goers are sad.... how else to explain people protesting a tax cut THEY got and being upset because the rich finally have to pay a fairer share...
I KNOW it can't be about government spending and debts cuz surely they would have been partying since oh... I dunno 2001 if it were that....
There was one dude in Fresno holding a sign on HuffPo, but we all know every crowd has its token person of color whether its black or brown.
"The TEA Party protests are in essence a large group of predominantly white people protesting taxes that are in fact not being raised but being cut for most Americans." That is such bullshit. O'man has not changed the taxes at all. Your utility bills, your gas bill, and your taxes will be jacked up in two years, and your dollar will buy less because of inflation. You are believing a politicain, dude.
"Using your logic than the million man march wasn't effective either."
VP, thanks for the love! I just checked out your blog, and as you know I think you have some skills yourself. Thanks again for taking the time to write about a brotha.
"Obama needs take his Presidential Appology Tour to tea protesters all over America."
Why? What does he have to apologize to them about? Being their president?
"These tea party goers are sad.... how else to explain people protesting a tax cut THEY got and being upset because the rich finally have to pay a fairer share..."
Jody, I hate to use the "R" word, but....
Hathor, thanks, I will check out that link. How many did you see? Did they look scared?
Seriously, I hear that there was this Jamaican lady at one tea party who was actually a speaker. (Yes I am embarrassed)I swear some HN's will never learn.
Yes Hathor I spot one. Looks like a bald headed brotha with a wack sweater. Is that who you were thinking of?
More like "politi-McCain" amirite? amirite?
See what I did there? I made fun of your mispelling by referencing another politician that I'm sure you'd prefer.
Some taxes will go up, but most are going down. In reality, it will probably even out. There's been a 3% increase overall. Izzat enough to piss and moan over? Is 3% the difference between good ol' American tax system and communist-fascist (you people can never decide on which it is) Obamanation tax system?
Your reasoning is faulty. I'm fairly sure no one here likes you. Please go away. We'll be okay without the input of alarmist imperialists.
Mask out, hopefully for the last time goddammit.
You almost made me spill my wine when I read your last comment about the CC (Catholic Church).
You are bad (if you were Catholic you'd be at risk of going to hell).
Actually i didn't go to a tea party,nor do I condone them. What exactly would your white ass know about the million man march? All that march did was give a bigger public platform to Farrakhan:it didn't uplift our community at all. we are still killin each other, callin our women bitches etc. All the things that Calypso Louie made us pledge against doing. Since your down with the cause though Jody, why don't you try and go to a Nation meeting, see if they let you in!
Uh, most recent Anon, Jody wasn't the Anon bashing the Million Man March. Just FYI.
+Brother Field..."television circa 1955" made me smile. There were NO BLACKS on television,period. When one came on the tube, everybody in the neighborhood ran to someone's house who had a television to see a black face on the T.V.. Little did I think that one day we would be on. We have come a long, long ways in one aspect...but have gone back in some areas that have caused the present plight. Still smiling because the first black man I saw was Nat Kimg Coles. Then Amos and Andy. Look at some of the archaic television films and the genesis of Blacks on America television shows a giant step. PS.. I don't know if this is a positive or negative. That majority of non-color people is raising that ugly head.
StillaPanther2... if it's any consolation... that ugly head is not being raised by the majority of non-color people, it is a small minority. Scary though they are, they do not reflect a majority anything.
Yes that the one. I thought there was one behind him, but I wasn't sure if he was a homeless bystander. Then there is that out of focus curly haired person.
To Anon in regards to MMM. One thing about the Black Muslims and Black Nationalist is that we don,t care about your assessment of this abd any other event. One thing that you naysayers and ...... must realize is that your time is over. When I say over, you will feel how we felt for centuries. So relax and sat back..the medicine is not going to kill you.
I was at the MMM. I was waiting at the Capitol South metro statoion w/25 boxes of doughnuts and four gallons of coffee for our Urban League affiliated young professional group and their guests coming off the train, 7am. I saw white dudes...and I don't mean mixed fellas, nor light skin-DED folk like me hahaha. There were five priests from some mission in Louisiana--young guys so I guess they were novices, and some counselors for a youth group from CT who taken a bus down to RFK stadium all the way from bridegport and then the subway down to the Mall. The two white guys--young clean cut dudes--carried the banner for the smaller African American boys.
So, yes, there were white people there. People with character. I didn't come for Farrakhan. I came for the moment. So did a whole LOTTA men. And that scares you, don't it you troll f*cks? It all come down to fear. Fear of losing power and thus fear of retribution. Sorry if I'm not my usual jolly self but me and Mrs. Nat Turner just came back home from "American Violet."
@anon 11:08.... Huh??? Ok.... I'll bite....you are suggesting that somehow I would be treated badly by members of the Nation of Islam or Black Nationalists.... sorry to disappoint, but that has not been my experience.... See anon, I find that if you treat people with respect, dignity and kindness, that is usually what you get in return. Not rocket science pal, just decency.
Hi Field,
I found a pic of one misguided fool over at the HuffPost. Poor thang.
Here's a sista who attended one of the "Tea Parties". Let us join hands and pray for her.
anon 11:08 and 10:05:
"How many white people where at the million man march??"
Whelp, I hate to disappoint you but not only were there some white people at the MMM, there were Indians, Asians, and Hispanics.
"Since your down with the cause though Jody, why don't you try and go to a Nation meeting, see if they let you in!"
You must live on a deserted Island far away from civilization because not only, would the Nation of Islam let Jody in through the door, she could join if she wanted to. Or didn't you know that they have white members in the Nation of Islam now? In case you didn't, that's ancient news.
it could be just me, but i think the point fn was making about the mmm was that some people continue to downplay the number of folks who attended while they overstate the number of the teapartiers
"your taxes will be jacked up in two years, and your dollar will buy less because of inflation" first of all, most economists are worried about deflation, and in fact, some small deflation was recorded this past week. second of all, why protest something that may/may not happen 1-2 years from now?
And someone made a statement I'm gonna enjoy repeating and may even visit a few conservative sights just repeat it - as far as the protesters are concerned - this is American. love it or leave it
LOL! Whew! That felt good!
Is that the same black man that was at the McCain and Palin rally slobbering on McCain's boots?
One more thing, you folks is really overloading my brainwaves with all these darn initials. I'm about to blow a fuse trying to figure out all these initials that keeping popping up on the screen. I feel like a kid trying to figure out what my momma and daddy was spelling out and didn't want me to hear. (smile)
"... do me a solid..." Field, I've not heard that phrase in a thousands moons. OMG! Where'd you pull that one from?
That is hilarious! Where was that?
Chris, I was at the MMM as well. And you are correct, I saw quite a few white folks there. And as no1kstate said: This was not just about the diversity of the crowd, I was referring to the crowd,period.
tjwash,now that is funny! Folks,please go that link for a good laugh. :)
"Yes that the one. I thought there was one behind him, but I wasn't sure if he was a homeless bystander. Then there is that out of focus curly haired person."
Hathor, LOL at the lone brotha. Isn't the entire exercise sad? I mean the fact that we can pick him out.
Laurel, joining hands with you, and my eyes are closed and my head is down.
Jody, don't worry about the haters. I know you, you are one down ass white girl. You rep.Philly to the fullest. Folks just dont know.
"To Anon in regards to MMM. One thing about the Black Muslims and Black Nationalist is that we don,t care about your assessment of this abd any other event. One thing that you naysayers and ...... must realize is that your time is over. When I say over, you will feel how we felt for centuries. So relax and sat back..the medicine is not going to kill you."
StillaPanther2, see what I just told Jody: Don't worry about the haters.
Anon.3:02AM, I swear I don't know what comes over me sometimes when I am writing.:)
I loved the picture of this Negro in the link below. A friend of mine asked me to caption it...
"He must belong to the non-racist 2% of Blacks that voted for John McCain."
ah yes .. the 1995 million man march .. the energy was wonderful, as i recall the minister speech had a little something for everyone. The discussion of the capital, designed by benjamin banneker (history will not give this brother his due) the secret societies involvement (conspiracy), how brothers need to be more responsible for their families and each other (potus gave a similar speech on father day 08) .. it’s funny.. for twenty five (25) years those guys from chicago have used the same theme of coalition building, hope, love, and change .. fourteen (14) years after the million man march, a person of color is the potus .. (i wonder if he was there).
the self-hate/violence in our communities cannot be solved by the million man march or the potus. someone who studies human behavior can provide a root cause analysis and solutions ..
hijacking ron paul tax day protest.. people need to express their frustrations and if the tea party protest works..for those who are not in a good space at this time.. i’m all for it.
my speculation, people are intertwine with each other on so many levels what happens to one of us happens to all of us (do you think the universe .. nah) .. unless there are real issues, not alarmist issues .. the tea (what’s your brand) movement will fail because the perception is you guys do not want the black guy as potus.
faux news attended the million man march (they said they were there) ..
Field, is this one troll prick commenting under a lot of anon or made up names?
When you look at the signs it is evident that they do not have coherent message or know what one would say. One blogger noted that the counter protesters had better signs and it must be because they had ACORN print them. The Teabaggers have no idea how to organize a protest, unless it is a militia:) I guess it is because they have nothing to lose, their is no risk of being beaten by the police or have dogs or fire hoses released on them. They are not putting themselves in jeopardy of starting a war or being imprisoned as the participants of the Boston Tea Party. They even have representation that gave them lower taxes than when their idol, Ronald Reagan was President. It is a feigned hostility to give those protester a feeling of empowerment.
You Negros just don't get it... White People don't show up en-mass for sumthin unless it's somethin good, you know, like a Nuremburg Rally, Stockcar Race, or a Public Hanging... and check your schedules...last few weekends have been taken up with College Football Spring games... I know y'all don't play that up North, but its a big deal here...just yesterday yew had sum 250,000 fans at Tusculoosa, Auburn, Oxford (Mississippi, not England) and Starkville to watch a glorified practice... its like that Chink Sun Tzu said
"when your opponent kneels to take off flip flop, have highest anxiety"
i know, doesn't make any sense...
Jody 10:32 said: These tea party goers are sad.... how else to explain people protesting a tax cut THEY got and being upset because the rich finally have to pay a fairer share...
I KNOW it can't be about government spending and debts cuz surely they would have been partying since oh... I dunno 2001 if it were that....
Well said, Jody.
Anon 12:34, I saw that one too. Sign reads "Black people Against Obama." Did you notice the fool off to his right laughing at him. Not the sign. Him. I've noticed that racists love when the object of their hatred embraces their views.
I'm not trying to say that to be Black one must support Obama. That's the same water from the well of ignorance. My point is simply if you are black and disagree with the Pres why would you choose a venue with overt racial overtones to express your displease with him.
J said...
My point is simply if you are black and disagree with the Pres why would you choose a venue with overt racial overtones to express your displease with him.
And what kind of venue would ever be "appropriate" for a Black person to express displeasure with Obama's policies? As I see it, any Black person that opposes Obama in anything is labelled an Uncle Tom or Aunt Tomasina, so what's the point?
I'm a conservative, I voted for McCain voting republican for the fisrt time in my life, but I did/do not support the Tea Party antics. However maybe I'm missing the "overt" racial undertones that people are complaing about.Then again, perhaps after years of being the first black to do this or that with very litle help from Black people who more often than not caused me more problems than all the collective white men I've ever met, I simply don't give a dam about racial over or under tones anymore.
Do black people drink Kool Aid? ALL the Black people I grew up with and around certainly did. However, I don't think I've made a picture of Kool Aid since just before I went to college in 84. Black people eat fried chicken too, I LOVE it but because I'm trying to keep it tight in my middle age, I keep this indulgence down to a minimum.
My point is that I think some of you are being overly sensitive about this Tea Party thing.
I did see a picture of a black person participating in the tea parties over at Huffington Post. In fact, he appeared to be a young black male holding up a sign that said "Blacks against Obama." I looked at the picture closely to see if there might have been a whole contingent of "Blacks against Obama," but he appeared to be the only one.
The tea these tax protesters are drinking wasn't grown in China - it was steeped from fungi found in a cow pasture.
It's about time we increased taxes a bit on the rich. But really, tax rates for incomes over a $million or so should top out at 70%. Obama's off to a good start, but nowhere near far enough.
So let me get this straight: these people who probably don't make more than 250K a year are protesting eventhough they got a tax cut? Something just isn't adding up. I could understand protesting income tax period because of what I've seen about the Fed, but complaining when you get a little more money a year is the height of stupidity! Are they trying to speak for the rich? I mean Obama himself had to pay almost a million in taxes when he made 2 million in a year. That's almost half. But then again when you can pay a 800k in taxes and still have a million left, I'm not crying over you. So what are these people crying over?
I'll betchu if they were Blacks protesting (teabagging) they would've been arrested, it would've been on msm every 5 seconds, they probably would've been arrested for tax evasion, and the really sad part about it is Obama would've "cracked down" on them , and he would've been praised as a hero for the moment by Blacks and whites. I respect Mr. Obama as a fellow black man, and nothing more. Remember people, he's still a politician. I'm still waiting for the part where he addresses the black community. I'm still waiting, still waiting like a hurricane katrina "refugee",It'll never happen.
Frank, How could you leave out Arkansas? They won by 28 points yesterday. September 19th deep in the Ozarks, dead dogs...
That was funny! Hey, but did you guys notice that he on a Bob Marley tee-shirt?
It may be because you are not old enough.
You see some of the content on those signs do degenerate in to overt racism when you confront them on blogs. It doesn't take much. Also from my experience with Jim Crow, you know when it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, that it is a duck.
I don't read an awful lot of blogs, but I do read blogs with a variety of political thought.
did you guys notice that he on a Bob Marley tee-shirt?
AWWWW,granny you beat me to it.
I thought I posted that comment, and it didn't post!
Watchoo Talkin'bout Willis?? Y'all carry on all the time without arrests... heck Rodney King made a few million out of a richly deserved Tazin'.. Only reason Atlanta got rid of Freak-nik was it was in Y'alls own neighborhood...and Michael Vick's back in the A-T-L..Federal Prison that is... if he'd only played Cornerback like I recommended...
Hi Campo,
Just found your site, you're right about the color of the teaparty crowds, like viewing Reagan's funeral. seeing the funeral motorcade with the miles and miles of White people watching it, I wondered who was flying the planes and minding the store. Kinda like for a brief couple hours they left us unsupervised !
east austin:
"people are intertwine with each other on so many levels what happens to one of us happens to all of us"
I'll be glad when people get that through their head because that is a truth wrapped in wisdom.
Whelp, looks like the Supreme Courts are getting ready to work on the Civil Rights Laws. I wonder if Uncle Clarence had anything to do with it? (that was my own thoughts) Discrimination against whites--reverse discrimination case coming up. We all know how that is gonna to turn out so why even bother to pretend that Justice will prevail.
The "million man march" was mentioned. What was that about?? OH YEA it was protesting the 50% illigitimacy rate among blacks. Its 72% now. Lets have another and get it up to 90 huh? might want to leave that one well enough alone.
BTW, this case is going to affect even those blacks that voted for McCain, Latinoes/Hispanics, The Voting Rights Act, the need to provide English classes for immigrant children and, more tangentially, discriminatory mortgage lending.
Whelp, we all should know what that truly means. East Austin, looks like that little quote of wisdom you posted is the word for today. People better take heed!
First, Granny, justice WILL prevail. Discrimination is wrong regardless of color.
Im just curious. How many educated people here can tell me where the two trillion dollars that Dear Leader has spent the last few months will come from? ( and "the printing machine" isnt correct")
Tell me what will happen in a few years if the economy DOESNT turn around like Dear Leaders' drones say it will? Add to that the coming Social Security and Medicare insolvency on track for five to ten yrs away?
Who will pay THAT? Or does it really matter because its not really about the country and its future, its about Dear Leader.
If we print a couple of trill with nothing to back it up,believe me, were closer to Zimbabwe than we think.
Strange how the firefighter's lawyer wouldn't allow them to talk to any other reporters or new media outlets, except Hannity. That right there ought to tell you something.
Anonymous 3:58:
Did you ask Bush what happened to those millions of dollars that were unaccounted for that was sent to Haliburton? Or what about what happened to that millions of American money that found in a suitcase hidden over in Iraq? Or what about the 2 trillion that Bush squandered? Or what about the mess that Bush got us into in the first place? What happened to the surplus that Clinton left?
When you answer those questions I'll answer yours.
FlyNMy40s - You're conservative? Why didn't you vote for Bush, Reagan, Bush? Honestly asking, are you really conservative? Cause it kinda seems like you're just tired of black folks.
What you say about your relationship to the black community saddens me. I've been in your position, though not as long (I'm not yet 30), and we're supposed to lift people up, not turn our backs on them. The way to diffuse a lot of black angst towards you is to serve the community. And the ones who're just plain jealous? Lata for them. That's their issue. They'll be all right.
I'm just saying. Don't turn your back on black, as it were.
to the most recent person who's either too lazy or too scared to post under a real tag (anon) - The money will come from China, so we're not like Zimbabwe who's just printing money from nowhere. Where does this "dear leader" angst come from? This isn't N Korea. We voted on Obama. Nobody calls him "dear leader" or "the messiah" but conservatives. Hopefully, his plan will work. The truth is, it's not big enough. But, yeah, it's not 100% certain that his plan will work. What is 100% is that doing nothing will be disastrous.
And by the way, Dear Leader probably gave you a tax cut. And what we're seeing isn't the doings of the Messiah, but the result of almost 30 years of conservative financial policies. Even the Clinton administration was conservative when it comes to regulating the financial market. For the last 8 years, this country was run solely on conservative economin policy - tax cuts for the rich, little regulation in the markets. This is the result.
Granny - I'll have to read the NY Times article again. But from what I've first read about good test scores being thrown out . . . I don't know.
Anonymous 3:49:
Whelp, I guess they're doing what they were put on earth to do, "Be fruitful and multiply." Strange but you didn't complain when the Fox News commentators told white folk they needed procreate and have more babies.
Yeah, it is something about the test are not fair to either one of the races. I was thinking that it probably would be easier to revise the test and let them both take it again, it would save a lot of court cost, but I guess that is not complicated enough. The article was three pages long and I usually read all of it because they usually put some stuff you need to know at the end or in the middle. Don't you just hate that. (smile) A lot of people only read some of an article.
Granny thinking to herself, where is Christopher at? I miss seeing his face and reading his post.
no1kstate said...
FlyNMy40s - You're conservative? Why didn't you vote for Bush, Reagan, Bush? Honestly asking, are you really conservative? Cause it kinda seems like you're just tired of black folks.
I didn't vote for them because I didn't want to, ya dig? And yes I AM conservative, because that's how I define myself. Not you, not the right wing of the republican party, ONLY I define myself and my views.
no1kstate said...
What you say about your relationship to the black community saddens me. I've been in your position, though not as long (I'm not yet 30), and we're supposed to lift people up, not turn our backs on them. The way to diffuse a lot of black angst towards you is to serve the community.
First, you've made some unfounded assumptions with this comment. What makes you assume I don't participate in activities in the Black community? You don't know me, my history or my background yet you have done what so many so called forward thinking, educated Black people do and assume my political views prevent me from being a part of the Black community. That's plain and simple ignorance in it's highest form IMHO. Black people really need to get over this idea that just because other black don't share the same political views, we can't/aren't working for the same causes.
no1kstate said...
I'm just saying. Don't turn your back on black, as it were.
You may want to fact check folks before you make yourself look like an illformed fool again. As a matter of fact, when I do breast cancer outreach, most of the folks there are providing services/volunteering are white NOT black, so where's your banner for Black pride then knowing that Black women are diagnosed at later stages, wiht higher grades, with breast cancer and are more likely to die form the disease?
My advice to you, get some facts and a few more birthdays before you step to me again with assumptions and inuendo again. Or as Madea would say, you really need to "sat down somewhere, 'cause you don't know what the hell you talkin' 'bout".
Hathor said...
It may be because you are not old enough.
I'd say that 42 is plenty old enough. I've been called the n word a few times in my life and had more racist encounters than you can imagine while I was an undergrad at the University of Florida. I WAS angry until I realized that anger is a waste of time. My best reaction to racism is: 1) Education and 2) Action in my community 3) Accountability through my actions to myself, my family and my community.
You know this debate reminds me of a party I attended in PG County, the richest Black county for Blacks in America. While there among these uppity, wealthy, well educated Blacks we had a discussion about politics. Of course, I was the only Black in the room willing to admit to being conservative which resulted in a pretty ruthless attack on me and my views. But when I tried to change the conversation from the latest CoCo Chanell shoes out and best hotels along the Italian rivera, to activites in the Black community, you could have heard a church mouse urinate on cotton. At which point, I really let them have it.
Bottom line and this isn't directed at any particular person unless the shoe fits is, don't come at me with this I'm not down because I didn't support Obama or because I refuse to scream racism from the rooftops at every opportunity when then fact of the matter is that the ONLY thing many well off, educated Black have done to help anyone other than themselves, is vote for Obama. And that makes whomever this applies to triflin!
The money will come from China???? THATS YOUR ANSWER?? China buying our bonds with their currency is a viable model? You are an idiot who knows nothing about economics. China will be paid back with interest..OOPS did you forget that?
Bush2 spent much of our childrens' productivity during his reign. Dear leader just spent the rest. It was wrong when Bush2 did it and it is wrong now. Where was I 5 yrs ago? Saying the same thing. Surprise, nobody listened.
The "HE DID IT TOO" argument is too stupid to respond to.
Im not worried about a tax cut, doin fine thanks. Im worried about the economy five years from now with trillions of debt that we will need to pay back to the chinese..WITH INTEREST. Im worried about the trillions in trade defecit and budget defecits. All these things will lead to currency devaluation and runaway inflation. You can bet that income wont keep pace with inflation, people will make the same but become poorer and poorer. You think things are bad now, try 20% inflation rate and Dear Leader will preside over a boiling kettle. REMEMBER...we have guns! NOT a good scenario.
With a high percentage of GDP going to pay INTEREST on our debt all these nice entitlement programs will have to be cut bigtime. Want to trade your section 8 voucher for interest on your Chinese debt? Thought not. Taxes will need to be raised yet again and the cycle continues.
THAT is what the Tea parties were about. But hey, it aint happenin now so why worry?
FlyNMy40s -
I didn't say you aren't active in the community. All I said is that in my experience, being active in the community diffuses a lot of angst.
What you did say still saddens me.
"perhaps after years of being the first black to do this or that with very litle help from Black people who more often than not caused me more problems than all the collective white men I've ever met," - That is you, right? That saddens me. What trouble did black people cause? And just wondering - did the trouble arise because they're black or did they just happen to be black? Just wondering, trying to discover what happened.
What does the black attendence at breast cancer outreach have to do with anything? And clearly, in regards to working with the community, we don't have the same definition. I didn't mean working with a group that does outreach to the black community, I meant working with other black people to serve the black community.
And as far as being conservative, I wasn't trying to define you. I was using the word you used to describe yourself. Sorry, it's just odd to me that after not voting for the conservative candidate the last several elections, that you decide to vote for McCain, who seems to me as bad if not worse. Maybe it's just because you were afraid of the direction Obama would take the country in. Whatever. No judgement. Just curious.
Here's some advice for you - stop with the name calling and assumption making. It's actually kinda juvenille.
Anonymous 5:09:
"REMEMBER...we have guns! NOT a good scenario."
Is that a threat? I'll say! I heard that!
Granny, justice WILL prevail. Discrimination is wrong regardless of color.
Yes, discrimination is wrong and it's nice to hear you admit that because minorities have experienced discrimination all of their natural born lives. However, when minorities are experiencing discrimination it is considered "playing the race card." by the same people calling it discrimination, now. Nevertheless, I was referring to the Voting Rights Acts and Civil Rights Act. Those are my main concerns.
Maybe, he is going pay it with some of that Bush/Cheney and their crew stole.
Obama is an african,africans hate african americans.why? african americans are not african,they are the True Hebrew Isrealites of the bible.They sold us into slavery becuase we are not thier people.You black folks are def dumb & blind & when yahweh returns your gonna burn with the edomites!fuck barak,michelle is all we have sons of slaves.
FlyNMy40s - Oh, and by not turning your back on black, I meant not making negative assumptions about black people based on their blackness as well as working with black people in the black community. I wasn't make a judgement or assumption, just a wish commonly stated in the form of a demand. Don't give up on your own people.
And since you asked, if a group of black people want to protest Obama without protesting with white supremacists, who have been very open with their support of the tea parties - have a tea party with just minorities. Or, since from what I know, most conservatives don't like such group distinctions, tell your white counterparts to bring signs that address Obama's actual polices and not the fear of white slavery, or white people being the new Jews for Obama's ovens.
Oh, by "actual policies" I mean those things you can go to whitehouse.gov or congress.gov ect and see he's done. Not the accusations made by Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.
But FlyNMy40s, if you really do work in the black community with other black people, I have to ask what has caused you to become conservative. Not because you have to be liberal to be "down." But because I think conservative policies hurt the black community and am curious as to your opinion in regards to the affects of conservative policy on the black community.
anon - I still see you're too much of a coward to identify yourself. But be that is it may -
My answer in regards to China was to make the point that we're not printing fictional money, which is what Zimbabwe is doing.
Again, most economists are worried about deflation, which was recorded last week.
We're having to dig out of an economic crisis. Experience has shown that actually, we're not doing enough.
In regards to tax cuts - I just find it interesting that the protesters felt that had been "taxed enough already" when the majority of them will be receiving a tax cut.
My question to many protesters that has never been answered, and perhaps you can help me out, is what do you want the govt to do and how do you expect that to work? What do you expect to be the outcome of your economic plan?
no1kstate said...
FlyNMy40s -
I didn't mean working with a group that does outreach to the black community, I meant working with other black people to serve the black community.
.............Here's some advice for you - stop with the name calling and assumption making. It's actually kinda juvenille.
Fist, I didn't call you any names but what's juvenille is making assumptions on what believe a person's motives to be. Second, you ARE being judgemental. When was the last time you asked someone voted for Obama to defend THIER vote? Never I'm sure.
And why on earth would I be "afraid" of the dierction Obama would take us in? Now that I think about, if you aren't concerned by the billions in bail outs being given to private companies then you need to take an Econ 101 course. Having said that, the primise of voting based on "fear" is ludicrious at best, and once again, reminds me of statements by the far left to conservatives.
And what exactly are you basing this McCain is as bad as the others on? Can you not think for yourself? Anyone that has been paying attention to politics in the last 10 years knows that the mistake McCain made (besides picking Palin as a running partner) was in changing from the person he was in the 2004 election to appease the far right wing of the Republican party. I no more believe McCain is like Bush than I think Obama is like Al Sharpton. But you can believe the hype all you want, YOUR choice.
Finally, if I had to depend on Blacks alone to get ANYTHING done, it wouldn't get done. Ever deal with financial aid at an HBCU?? Well I have and it's usually pretty dam inefficient. Now I know some of you don't want to here me talk about this, but let your mind marinate on the title of this blog, Field Negro. Meaning the House Negroes are a complete seperate group of negroes. So you can spend/waste YOUR time trying to work with ONLY Blacks in the community, but I'm going to spend MY time working with ANYONE who shares my mission in the Black community, little green men included.
no1kstate said...
Or, since from what I know, most conservatives don't like such group distinctions, tell your white counterparts to bring signs that address Obama's actual polices and not the fear of white slavery, or white people being the new Jews for Obama's ovens.
White counterparts? WTF are you talking about? See now YOU need a tongue lashing, but I'm gonna do one better than that and just ignore your ignorant a$$.
You called me an uninformed fool. That's name calling.
I'm not being judgemental. Maybe you're just reacting to what you "presume" to experience as opposed to what's actually happening. And making assumptions about a person's motives, isn't that what you're doing? I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from but you keep responding with anger. Calm down and just answer the questions. Generally, when I insult someone, it's nothing you have to read between the lines to get. So, take my questions and comments for what they actually say, not what you presume I mean. See, part of what I mean by not turning your back on black is assuming up, expecting something positive from the black community. You've been assuming down in your comments with me. As someone who spent the large part of her academic career being the only black person in the class, and negotiating the line between being perceived by my teachers as "too black" and by my black peers as "too white" I do have some taste of what you may have experienced. I grew up being teased just because of my family's name. I know how black people can be. What has worked for me to end some of the angst coming from black peers is working with other black people. Then they see that I'm just doing what I gotta do to get where I need to go. So I was politely offering a suggestion.
Like, presuming I can't think for myself. Yes, by catering to the far right, McCain showed 2 things. Either 1) his policies would be worse than Bush's or 2) it really doesn't matter what his policies are cause he'll change with the wind.
I don't vote in fear. I was just wondering what had changed that you voted for McCain and not Bush.
And actually, in my community, we get a lot doing working with just black folks. Though, I understand that may be an exception. But again, you misunderstand the point I'm making. Serve the community however you wish. If you volunteer, volunteer however you wish. Just be aware that the way to end angst coming from the black community, you have to work with black people.
Admittedly, I forwent taking econ 101. But the current crisis has caused me to do some quick study. From what I've come to understand, and I could be wrong, is that what we are experiencing is a 2 part problem. 1) A contraction in demand that can only be met by lots of spending by the fed govt, the last spender of resort. 2) The banks have debts they need to pay. The way to fix that is give them the money to balance their sheets enough to go back to lending. Of course, I could do without the bonuses, and the banks' snotty attitude, but from what I've learned, Obama is heading down the right track. If anything, the problem is that he's not doing enough, not that he's doing too much. One of the first things I've recently learned is that Hoover's attempts to balance the budget in the midst of the declining economy is what led to the great depression. And FDR would be doing great until he pulled back and began following conservative economic advice. The same with Japan - the reason they lost a decade is because they never acted strong enough fast enough. Keynesian policy works.
white counterparts - As in fellow conservatives who want to protest the Obama admin policies without resorting to overt and covert racism.
My goodness, Lady! Calm down!
This is certainly entertaining...more Bitch Slaps and N-words than a night at Whitney Houston's place...
any y'all catch Manny Ramirez in Left Field today?? Boy looked like he was on Roller Skates...
Frank, "T-Bone" Drackman
Can anyone explain to me what I've done that has offended FlyNMy40s? I think I've been rather patient in my responses to her. What am I missing?
Anonymous said...
Obama is an african,africans hate african americans.why? african americans are not african,they are the True Hebrew Isrealites of the bible.
I think the fact that Obama is African and not African American is the reason why his position on affirmative action is nonexistant. Of course, he forgets that his wife likely needed AA to get into Princeton undergrad.
Filled Negro:
Since you purport to seek to advance the interests of the Black community - WHY do you focus so much on Republicans and Black Conservatives?
The favorite sport of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers is to put CONSERVATIVES ON TRIAL but never THEIR OWN.
Filled Negro - today there are more People of our own choosing in charge of places where African Americans live in our highest concentrations. Hell - there is even a BLACK PRESIDENT NOW!!!
Despite all of this - instead of detailing the BENEFITS you now expect to see from this favorable arrangements on paper - you continue to primarily focus on your enemies.
This is quite telling of you.
I'd say that 42 is plenty old enough.
Nah, sugar you still have milk on your breath as far as I'm concerned. You still just a baby under Hathor and me. I have kids, nieces, and nephews your age. By the time you were old enough to go high school the Civil Rights Bill had been passed for about twenty years, which made it possible for you to be that "first in everything" you brag on so much. Before that you couldn't have even attended college and become all those "first in everything" that you love to laud over. Instead your opportunities would have been limited to cleaning someone's toilet.
You were a toddler when black folks was marching in the Civil Rights Movement, getting sprayed with water hose, dogs sicked on them, being beaten, lynched, and had to sit at the back of the bus. Were your momma, daddy, and grandparents so privileged that they were not subject to any of that? If I were you I wouldn't brag on being one of the token few.
Do you really think that you are the only black person that has taken advantage of the opportunities given to you through the Civil Rights Movement? Do you really believe that you are the one and only "first black" to accomplish anything first? Do you realize that all of the opportunities that you brag about were made possible by other blacks that died and fought for your right to get those privileges?
BTW, I'm one of those trifling people who voted for Obama and that worked for the Office of Civil Rights when you were just a baby fighting for you to have the right to go to school and get a job, and my cousins was another one of those trifling people who was one of the Little Rock Arkansas Nine that integrated Central High who fought to enabled you to have those opportunities to be the "First black to do anything."
Not all Africans hate African Americans. And they certainly don't hate us because "we're the true Hebrews."
And Obama supports affirmative action.
no1kstate said...
See, part of what I mean by not turning your back on black is assuming up, expecting something positive from the black community.
If this is what you meant, then why didn't you just SAY that instead of trying to be insulting on the sly? Saying one thing, but menaing another is a pretty poor way to communicate.
Allow me to be clear. Narrow minded Black folks like you work my last nerves however I apololigize if I've offended you. Preaching about how blacks should think, vote, volunteer for crying out loud? You've been on the planet a hot minute yet you presume to be able to tell someone like me who's done more, seen more, why MY polotical views don't meet your standard of being "down" for the 'cause?
Your idealism while admirable, is extremely naive and unfortunately, you haven't lived long enough to realize that yet. You're going to quickly learn that the Kumbaya attitude you have won't amount to much "change you can believe in" unless you have a multiracial, multifacited approach to solving problems in the Black community. Furthermore, many of the problems in the Black community weren't created by Blacks alone, so how in the world can Blacks alone solve the problems? The answer is they can't!
I never tried to be insulting or sly. I knew "don't turn your back on black" was a bit creative, that's why I added "as it were." But I thought the meaning was pretty clear - don't feed a bad attitude towards the black community.
I haven't told you how to vote, how to volunteer, or how to think. I haven't said you're not "down" with me because of you're political views.
All I said, and didn't use any cute creating writing, was from my own personal experience, the way to diffuse angst coming from black people is to work with black people, especially to work with black people to serve black people. I said nothing about solving community problems.
Like I said before, stop trying to read into what I'm asking and just answer the question. You don't know anything about my idealism or any "kumbaya" feeling.
Hey Fly in My 40's why didn't you go to the rally in Washington ? They wanted to beat "Niggers " at the one in Texas. They even had their Nazi and Klan uniforms on. You don't get it do you. There's a shortage of bullets ,I wonder why. You need to read Gretawire sometimes where they post assassination jokes up . Wake up !
Hey kid:
Granny good to see you posting. I love you!
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I'd say that 42 is plenty old enough.
Nah, sugar you still have milk on your breath as far as I'm concerned..........................
Let the party begin................
First, one persons "bragging" is anothers "stating facts" so I don't care much that you see what I said as bragging.
Second, I grew up very near the 'hood and made the decision to have a better life for myself. Unfortunately, many of the people I went to high school with didn't make it out despite all the "rights" Blacks now enjoy. So I blame YOUR generation for dropping the ball where it comes to raising folks born in the 60's. And honestly, I think integration was the worst thing to happen to blacks and that we were better off with Black teachers who cared about our success. So please don't talk to me about how your generation paved the way for me to have the right to go to school with white folks, because I'm not convinced doing so has benefitted us as a race all that much.
Third, you need to reread what I wrote about Obama and triflin negroes because you have obvioulsy misread what I wrote.
Fourth, both my great grandfather and grandfather, decendants of Jefferson Davis non the less, were beaten to death by angry white mobs for standing up to white folks, so I guess you can say that I have a little of that Malcom X thing going on in my blood. Success by ANY means necessary!!
Fifth, my parents were some of the first Blacks to attend Cal-Berkeley so it's highly unlikely I would have ended up cleaning up ANYONES toilet. Even if white colleges weren't any option HBCU's were/are available, besides the fact that in my parents house, going ot college was NOT optinal, it was required/ Bottom line, the desire to want something better for your kids and fight for it wasn't started by your generation and won't end with your generation. In fact, I'd say that because the fight against racism is so insidious these days, that's it actually MUCH worse these days than having a water hose turned on you becasue you can see the person with the hose. In fact, give me the dam dogs and waterhoses, rather than me having 45 minutes of extra questions to defend my thesis because my white prof "felt" like it, or having a racist white prof tell me that I'll never be a Scientist or Doctor because of a "C+" in general Chemistry.
Finally, it's an indisputed fact in the lives of MANY of the Blacks in my inner circle myself included, that we WERE many firsts because of our decision to attend majority institutions. However common sense and my 20/10 corrective vision tells me that we're NOT alone in this nor was I trying to imply that we were. And to be honset, this verbal tirade about tokens, bragging and such reeks of house negro behavior IMHO. Or as the young guns would say, "hateration" on it's highest level.
kid said...
Hey Fly in My 40's why didn't you go to the rally in Washington ? They wanted to beat "Niggers " at the one in Texas. ........Wake up !
Why didn't I go? I didn't go because I don't support the tea party or whatever it was. Once again, an ASSumption, emphasis on ASS, made about me based somebody bullShit liberal agenda about what conservative blacks do and don't support.
So you say the Klan and the Nazi's were there too? Boo fkcuing hoo!!! In my best Nelly voice I ask, "are you scurred (ie scared), LOL??
I have a better question if you're such a bad ass, why weren't YOU there protesting and what not, screaming at the Neonazi's, shaking your afro pick, with your red, black, and green scully cap on?
And honestly, I think integration was the worst thing to happen to blacks and that we were better off with Black teachers who cared about our success.You think that was always the case. When one lives in a state where the education resources for whites was 50th in the US. What do you think black folks got? As someone interested in science I needed more than goodwill? You can't do Chemistry experiments with no gas in the Bunsen burner and substitute teachers. You see I paid dearly for that when I became one of the first black undergraduate freshmen at our state university. In fact we all did poorly, because you can't make something from nothing. Separate but equal is never equal unless you have the money and the power to control it.
putting on armor.... here goes....
I am a little shock at the disrespect that you just showed Granny..... it certainly reflects on just what kind of person you are... you state you are all that and a bag of chips... but, when you disrepect your elders like you just did, well,
all it shows me is that you is you have no class at all.
I know you probably could care less what I think. That's fine. I just felt the need to put it out there.
Hathor said...
In fact we all did poorly, because you can't make something from nothing. Separate but equal is never equal unless you have the money and the power to control it.
No offense, but not having has NEVER been a legitmate excuse for not getting IMHO. Black people have since we came to this country ALWAYS had to be resourceful. In fact, I think our existance today is a direct result of that. My mother who is now in her mid 60's was rasied in rural North Carolina, but she made up for what she didn't have when she went to nursing school at age 16 by working harder than everyone around her. More important than that, she spent an enormous amount of time in the library, reading up on those chemical experiements she needed to know but that her high school and nursing school didn't have the proper equipment to teach her.
As for seperate but equal, we all know that was a fallacy but I'd choose moral support over having access to a bunsen burner ANY day. I can learn chemical experiements in a book, but unfailing moral support hasn't always been that easy for me to come by.
someone has been chewing some bitter cola
Jody said...
putting on armor.... here goes....
I am a little shock at the disrespect that you just showed Granny..... it certainly reflects on just what kind of person you are... you state you are all that and a bag of chips... but, when you disrepect your elders like you just did, well,
all it shows me is that you is you have no class at all.
You're shocked? Then that makes two of us. Granny didn't show me one ounce of respect with her recent post and where I come from, respect is MUTUAL, irrespective of age. But I didn't see you addressing HER now did you? That makes you a hypocrit incapable of being honest and fair, but it's OK. I don't think much of people like you either.
And as for me thinking I'm all that and a bag of chips, obvioulsy YOU think that of me otherwise you wouldn't have come at me with that junior high bullcrap. But since I'm not a lesbian I learned in junior high incidentally, not to put too much stock in what women think because types like you will ALWAYS poor on the hateration on someone who isn't as obviously insecure as you are.
The mark of a real woman is someone who can consistently stand behind their views but equally important, know when to apologize. I've done that a few times, so if that isn't satisfatory to you, then so be it.
And no1skate wonders why Black people can't work together always? Harumph!!!!!!!
yup, yup
Being called a token Black is the ultimate in disrespect given how hard I've had to bust my ass to get this far in life. And to be real, a few choice explicatives were the first words that come to my mind, but out of RESPECT I decided not to go there.
For the record, I'd rather be called a nigger 1000 times by a klansman that a token Black by another Black person. The fact that Granny felt the need to call me that is absolutely, unequivocally disgraceful and so typical of the reason why Blacks continue to struggle as a race. Is Obama a token Black? Dr. Condy Rice? Colin Powell? Dr. Ben Carson? Eric Holder? Every Black conservative on the planet? I mean how far does this house negro line of thinking go?
And then people have the nerve to question the antics of Frank Drakeman? Negroes Please!!!!
FlyNMy40s said,
“Being called a token Black is the ultimate in disrespect given how hard I've had to bust my ass to get this far in life.”
For what it’s worth, I admire everything you have accomplished, especially your skillful ability to stand up for yourself. That is a precious gift, and I am glad you are a member of the Black race. I also admire your strength, self-integrity, intelligence and heart.
I learned a few things from you today. Others too. Thank you.
FlyNMy40s - funny that you should mention me in the context of respect, seeing that you've yet to show me, or anyone else really, any. You still haven't answered my questions - what made you decide to vote this time? What economy policy do you suggest Obama take?
And again, read what I write for the words on the screen. I never said I wonder why blacks can't work together sometimes. In fact, I said I know how black people can be. So please, please don't misquote me or misread me.
No1kstate, no you didn’t do anything, it is what it is.. when the energy around me goes crazy.. I reread the four agreements by don miguel ruiz.. you’ve may have read it .. my favorite agreement is the second agreement " don’t take anything personally" .. you stay strong and positive and you will go far. .. besides we need you in the land of mike and honey.
Thanks east. I just had to be sure.
Hey Fly in My 40's let me break something down to you.I'm from Cleveland a city only second to Boston in terms of the racist treatment blacks experienced during busing.My schooled MLK Jr. High was bombed.You blame blacks for the condition that we are in. Whites in America haven't experienced COINTELPRO . Ronald Reagan had drugs dumped into South Central to finance Iran/Contra.We are the only people who had the government to keep us from our destiny.Read about it. BTW, if it wasn't for the people with afros and the other Afrocentric things you despise you might not be free to Tom and kiss white peoples asses.Next time go to a Tea Partty and protest with them and when they start chasing you don't come hollering to me.Go read Stormfront and Gretawire and see how some on the right are planning to KILL black people.Like I said you don't get it. Did you see Pittsburgh ? The shooter's cousin blamed the Jewish controlled media and the President trying to take their guns. They want you DEAD and you want to praise the right.They call the President the anti-Christ.Glenn's 9/12 project are planning riots.Is that what you support ?
You know, this all reminds me of Barbershop where you had the conservative black guy, the hood dude, and the white guy who was down. The conservative's biggest mistake wasn't in the side he was taking: people just didn't like him because he took the attitude of being right all the time. That was till the hood dude showed he had the same idea of how black folks should be and even corrected the guy's mistake he made earlier. Then the white guy basically told him he was going to live how he wanted. Stupid movie example, I know, but it showed how things are: blacks folks ain't ever going to be unified on anything. Never were and never will be. Best to lower your ego enough to know you're not the only one who's right and know that you don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself when you wake up in the morning. And so you won't think I'm only attacking you 40, it goes for both sides. But I also warn my "conservative" brothers and sisters( did it because blacks really seem to be more conservative than anyone at times) that when the hammer falls, they won't care how you've made it; it's just going to be that they want something that they think you don't deserve to have. And Constructive, anybody will tell you it's best to never get complacent. You make friends where you can, but when some will just go against you period, watch them because they are surely watching you. But hey, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about...
kid said...
Hey Fly in My 40's let me break something down to you.I'm from Cleveland a city only second to Boston in terms of the racist treatment blacks experienced during busing.My schooled MLK Jr. High was bombed.You blame blacks for the condition that we are in. ..........BTW, if it wasn't for the people with afros and the other Afrocentric things you despise you might not be free to Tom and kiss white peoples asses
You and people like you, who misread into what people are saying, can kiss my Black, no scratch that, my yellow ass to hell and back Ok, pumnkin?
This ignorant litte diatribe of yours leaves only two words left to say: FUCK YOU, I got your uncle tom! So next time, don't let my career as a Scientist or the 4 college degress fool you, 'cause it don't take much for me to go back to my 'round the way girl background.
Don't disrespect Granny! We ain't having it.
Sorry it took so long for me to reply to you Ms. Descendant of Jefferson Thomas. It must not have been meant for me to give you the reply I intended to give and that you so rightly deserve, before the power went out.
"Let the party begin"
So, you think this is a party all fun and games? And you don't think too much of the Civil Rights Movement and you believe that my generation is to blame for your generation is that correct? In addition, you'd rather have the firehose, dogs, etc.?
B#, thanks for the props. It's greatly appreciated!
Tell you what I've seen of MOST liberal Blacks, especially since moving to metro DC 10 years ago. I WHOLE lotta air and little action, the same Blacks who are too chicken shit to go to SE DC and do a little community outreach because they're scared of having their BMW's get scratched or worse stolen. The same Blacks who live in million dollar homes in PG county Maryland, complain about how bad the schools are, then send THEIR kids to private school, leaving the poor minority kids left in the school system to fend for themselves. The same Blacks who only show up at the Susan G Komen race for the cure because their Mama, wife, or daughter had/has/or died from breast cancer. Yet they weren't concerned in the least before, when they were using those black breasts to get their collective grooves on.
At some point Black folks need to stop bitching about racism and go DO something about it!
Btw, Ms Jefferson Thomas descendant:
"don't let my career as a Scientist or the 4 college degress fool you, 'cause it don't take much for me to go back to my 'round the way girl background."
Could that be from the hood instead of near by the hood? Oh, yeah, and that's degrees, not degress.
"can kiss my Black, no scratch that, my yellow ass to hell and back Ok, pumnkin?"
It is pumpkin not pumnkin. I pass on this, "can kiss my Black, no scratch that, my yellow ass to hell." smh! Just trying to help you out a little bit. No harm intended.
Hey 40 you said why I wasn't at the rally ? I didn't want to beat the shit out of those assholes.Read Stormfront and Gretawire ,they want to KILL black people. Some showed up at a few rallies. Usually they scream Nigger like they did at the Palin rally outside Cleveland. They brought stuffed monkies on nooses. They screamed KILL him and terrorist. I wouldn't even recommend you go to one. The right is trying to start riots.Please read the racist language they use.The photo on Field's sidebar of the sister is of a rally that did not take place on the 15th, she would have been killed.Please by all means go to some Republican functions. How many times do they have to call you a savage before you get their point ? Sister I feel sorry for you . Try reading some Franz Fanon, get the truth.
Oh my dam, the spell check police are out and about (roll eyes). Granny, this is my LAST address to you EVER so don't waste time addressing me again, because as far as I'm concerned you're just as bad as the Klansman, Neonazi's and all the others put together. I EXPECT THEM to minimize my achievements but I expected more coming from someone who claimed to have done so much for Black folks. Calling me a token is EXACTLY what the racists wanted you to do, yet you consider yourself a revolutionary? Hope you're proud of yourself.
Kid said...
Hey 40 you said why I wasn't at the rally ? I didn't want to beat the shit out of those assholes.
Yeah right?!! You're too dam sensitive based on all that stuff you wrote to kick anyones ass, LOL. Man up, ignore the antics of racists, and you'll live much longer.
I guess you could develop the Therory of Relativity with Arithmetic.
Your mother probably learns differently than I do.
I know enough about Chemistry now that actually doing the experiments, teaches you that in the real world those experiments are not always so easily reproducible. You also learn how to determine error and some measurements may be dependent on a series of measurements. Those lessons, as with Physics are very important if it is your actual job or when you were pursuing a degree in those sciences.
Are you a scientist as you say you are?
"Yeah right?!! You're too dam sensitive based on all that stuff you wrote to kick anyones ass, LOL. Man up, ignore the antics of racists, and you'll live much longer."
One question , why do you hate yourself so damn much ? If something hurts a black person you are for it.You are fake as hell.You can't be a Virgo.The bloodletting by white supremacist HAS started.
Since you love them more that you love yourself go to a teabagger rally and support them. They will call you Nigger and might beat the shit out of you. Read their sites. Read Stormfront and tell them that you hate Obama. They will tell you thanks and go to hell.You say don't listen to white racist ? Well why do you listen to them and do what they say ?There's a blogger in your town who's blog you might like to read. Her blog is called Sugar and Spice. She a so called black blogger that hates black people.She even made fun of the President's African Grandmother. She made jokes of his deceased white Grandmother.
You can say whatever you want and roll your eyes all you want doesn't bother me one bit. You dissed the very same people that died and fought for you to have some of the rights you have now. That's what pisses me off.
I could care less about what your political beliefs are or who you voted for because that is your right as a citizen of the USA. A right to vote that you didn't have until the very same folks that you've dissed fought for, died and bled for it. However, you've let us know that you what you think about them.
As for your accomplishments I think that's great but what I don't think is great is the fact that you came on here and insult others about their accomplishments. To be honest, I have a few doubts in my head that you really are a scientist. As if their accomplishments are nothing and everyone on here is beneath you.
You see, that hurt your feelings when I called you a token, but after observing you for a while and some of the unnecessary insults you were hurling at others that were uncall for you deserved it. I really was being nice because it could have been worse. You can dish out but you can't take it.
I watched that young lady ask you a simple question in a civilize manner and you went off half-cock and got real nasty with her. You did a few others like that too.
I could care less if you don't speak to me again. Trust me I won't lose any sleep over it. After some of the things you've said to others on here, I'm glad you don't want to speak to me again because I got to see the real you and it's not a pretty picture. You can take a negro out the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of a negro and you've demonstrated that today. We all saw it for ourselves.
The Klan and nazi hung and killed black folks and other minorites, I've never hung or killed anyone in my life. Yet, you compare me to them. Smh! In a way, I feel sorry for you.
Hathor said...
Are you a scientist as you say you are?
No, I'm not a Scientist. I've just published a few papers, the most significant of which during my stint as a fellow at the NIH. I've had platforms at major scientific meetings and won awards there because I really know how to hang an Anne Klein suit. And I'm convinced that the ONLY reason I have two degrees in Chemistry from a top 5 program is because I took a cute picture for my school ID.
So no, I don't think any of that qualifies me to be a Scientist but thanks for reminding me of the white prof who wrongly thought I would never be a Scientist or Doctor. Actually, he's right I won't be either, then plan is to be BOTH which I imagine is as much of a suprise to you as it would have been to him, may he rot in peace.
Now see, who needs Neonazi's and white supremists when I have you guys, LOL??
Then I supposed with two degrees in Chemistry you have done many experiments and research at that. So why didn't you do as your mother and get your PhD by only reading Chemistry books.
Being the first in 1962 in the south, meant that the majority of professors I had were racist, not just one.
"Now see, who needs Neonazi's and white supremists when I have you guys, LOL??"
Now, see there you go again comparing the people that post on here to white supremacist and Neonazi's but not one person on this blog has ever committed murder or hung anyone. If you need encouragement that is definitely not the way to get it from anyone on here. Smh!
Kid, thanks so much for for the heads up on the Sugar and Spice Blog. Honestly, I don't now if I laughed harder reading some of her comments or some of the posters from the Tea Party demonstrations, LOL!!
Either way, I'm sure my ability to laugh in the face of wackos is the reason I'm aging so dam well, LOL!!
Hathor said...
Being the first in 1962 in the south, meant that the majority of professors I had were racist, not just one.
I went to undergrad in the deep dirty South 24 years after you did and guess how many of my Chemistry professors were racist?? ALL of them, so I fail to see your point.
Life for minority science and engineering majors hasn't changed all that much with the exception being those students at HBCU's and the numbers graduating from these institutions don't lie. IMHO, I think the best place for minority science and enginering majors is at HBCU's, so we're back to the so called benefit of Blacks being educated with whites.
Hey Fly it's no joke .The guy in Pittsburgh said Obama was going to take his guns and put him in a FEMA camp. He believes it because Glenn Beck told him. There's is a ammunition shortage.Recruitment in racist groups has went up.Whites are arming themselves to ATTACK black people.Since you went to Sugar's blog take some time to go to Jack and Jill Politics.
You aren't going to see any Blacks at these "Tea Parties". They're just Klan rallies without the hoods.
Amen Francis!
This whole affair reminds me of Tulsa Ok., when they killed those black people and burned down all of the black businesses and black's homes. I was reading an article on John Hope Franklin and discovered that his father lived there during that race riot.
They had thriving black businesses there from around 1900 to 1921. They had hospitals, movie theaters, hotels, drug stores, grocery stores, newspaper companies, real estate, and practically every other business you could think of there all owned by black people.
The same thing that is happening now is similar to what happened back then, the newspaper reporter were pulling some of the same stuff Glen Beck and Hannity are pulling and caused a race riot. I don't think those black folks were ever reimbursed for their houses or businesses,which is a disgrace. The police and national guards helped them destroy those folks homes and businesses.
One thing I learned is that whenever the economy gets bad the first scapegoat is always us. We're the last hired and always the first to go on jobs. Blacks usually suffer more from bad economies in more than one way. The news will concentrate on problems in our neighborhoods to build a foundation to justify murder in the planned race riots. I've been trying to get that point across to people for years but just like other things I've warned folks about they ignore it until it happened. Maybe, I'm just not expressing it right.
In Gurdon AK. police arrested 16-30high school students and two parents in fights between Blacks and Whites. The American flag was taken down and the Confederate flag was hoisted up the school flag pole. I guess Whites wanted to display a symbol of 'white power'.
Do some of you still think celebrating Confederate month is harmless? As I have warned before, that Confederate flag is going to be trouble. It's a potent symbol of White Supremacy; and it's going to spread across America during the Obama Administration. Stay alert folks, the worst is yet to come.
Check it out. http://www.todaysthv.com/news/news.aspx?storyid=83612
I don't think no one thinks it's harmless, and yup, you right, there is more to come. These folks are something else and they are consumed with hatred. The thing is that they've been planning this race war way before Obama became President.
Him winning the elections is just what tipped the scale and made them come out in the open with it. All you have to do is go back during Bush/Cheney's reign and watch all of the old Hannity's segments and listen to his comments about black folks, especially, when they had that incident in Ohio with the white supremacist and blacks.
He blamed the blacks for defending themselves against white supremacist coming to march in their neighborhoods spouting out their hatred. Black folks didn't go to the white supremacist neighborhoods bothering them, but yet and still, Hannity blamed the blacks for the incident.
Whelp, the white supremacist didn't come out to good in that incident. Hannity didn't like that, so he labeled the blacks thugs, etc. If someone comes to someones house and tries to pull what they did, I don't thank they'd be pulling out a welcoming mat.
*too* and *think*
Granny- "I don't think no one thinks it's harmless...".
Then why did most of the comments in Field's post "Dixieland" seem to support it, or make light of it? Imo, most supported the idea. If you get some time, take a look and let me know what you think.
She's a virgo! I was just thinking that she reminds me of my virgo sister, same age too, only prettier and with a cleaner mouth :-)
The government of Oklahoma made it impossible for the Tulsa residents to collect on their insurance and refused any Federal aid.
Hey not-so-fly,
You ever notice how a pretty face is always ruined by a bitter, nasty attitude? And a humble one can shine like a diamond when you discover that person's inner beauty?
You need to work on your inner beauty, baby. Your attitude stinks.
Education doesn't mean a damn thing if you aren't working on being a better human being.
Every time you open that mouth of yours you make that racist professor look better and better in the job he did on you.
Well said J.
not- so- fly, you are a token and a troll. You are a real aunti annie! We don't disrespect Granny on here, as most rational human beings don't disrespect older people. They built the playground were playing in. your insensitivities towards others speak volumes about yourself. You like to flash your fancy degrees and belittle others that you feel are beneath you. It's ok though, your kind always comes home, whether it's by choice(disgust)or by force. Either way, that's the way it is princess!
People like you make me vimit in my mouth.
J said...
Hey not-so-fly
Unfortunately, you have blocked your proile from view (for reasons I could guess) so there's no way for me to deal with you privately on your post so I'll just say this.
Jealousy is a terrible thing, sweetie, and the fact that 99% of these types comments directed at me come from women, reiterates that very point. Between the username, my education, and my pic, I never really had a chance with women like you, but that's kool. It's not I've never dealt with jealous, hatin' females before so I guess I'm quite fortunate I don't deal with very many women like you in my professional life.
Now if you or anyone else want to continue along these lines, why don't you all grow a pair, confront me more indirectly, and send me an email so we can keep the men who are probably laughing their asses of at your behavior, out of this. My email is listed in my very OPEN profile. Toodles!
^She's trying to get more flies to buzz around her shitpile^
Shabazz, then I guess you feel right at home then since it appears that YOU seem to like my shitplie a lot. But then, it appears based on your posts that you're real good at kissing ass.
Sorry, fly.
I am that man laughing his ass off. Not at the comments directed towards you but to your egotism. It is astounding.
How's the phrase go? Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I think I'm starting to understand the flavor of regular posters of this blog. It's OK for old Black democrat to say something disrespectful and crass especially to a middle aged black conservative or ANY black conservative for that matter. But that Black conservative had better not defend themselves. Got it!
Foolishness begats foolishness, and respect begats respect.
Some one open a can of Tuna??? Jeez you Fe-males are Cattier than a "the View" marathon... Take a Premarin and get Field a "Fawty" outa the Fridge... We're only pretending to pay attention while we admire your Ta Ta's...
"Foolishness begats foolishness, and respect begats respect."
Which is why you have yet to get any. The problem with people who are always shouting that they don't get their due is that they never humble themselves to give it first.
You want respect? Let your intelligence that you are so proud of speak for your views and sideline your anger. It's hard to convince someone when your anger is shouting over your point.
You still haven't answered no1kstate's question as to why you voted for John McCain. It's a question. Not an interrogation. If you would have answered the question perhaps you wouldn't be on the receiving end of the vitriol. Not saying people would have agreed with you but dialogue is always better than what you've offered up so far.
Anyway, a true lady is trying to tell me she wants her bottle.
J said...
I am that man laughing his ass off. Not at the comments directed towards you but to your egotism. It is astounding.
And if I were a man, I'd simply be seen as rightly defending myself. I'd also be seen as confident instead of having an ego, so you can take that gender discriminatory crap some place because I don't buy into that bull$hit line of thinking. I also find it strange that as I assend the educational ladder, NO ONE with more diplomas/status than me, sees me as bragging about my degrees and that is telling. Don't hate, EDUCATE because I simply tell it like it I-S is!!
Now I've made it clear a couple times now. I don't post here to kowtow to anyone, I state my opinions and I back them up when necessary. I've been called names and I proceded to give it back to the name callers no matter how old they are. That's problematic for many of you. Too dam bad. All these references to how I look is pathetic as if my opinions would be easier for some of you to take if I were less attractive. I inherited great genes, I exercise, and I eat right, significant emphasis on the last two, so I don't apologize for looking like I'm in my 20's. Hate my username because it sounds arrrogant? Get over it and do something to make yourself look/feel better. Some of you here have obviously pussyfooted throughout your entire lives and you hate to see someone confident enough in their own skin to dance to their own drummer. Well get a life! While you're here trippin' on what I type on blog, I'll be off somewhere counting the numerous blessings God has given me and my family and continues to give me and my family. And while I'm a litle peeved that my household taxes have been targeted by the Obama administration, I'm smart enough to reconize the blessing of being in that position in the first place.
"The government of Oklahoma made it impossible for the Tulsa residents to collect on their insurance and refused any Federal aid."
Yeah, I know, I had read a couple of books on the subject and the case on it. What had struck my interest in it was how prosperous they were,the type of businesses they had for that time period, and the nickname "Black Wall Street". It was proof that blacks were not lazy and that they sought the American dream just like all other races but their dreams were burned down and destroyed by those that didn't want to see that happen. There were other incidents like Tulsa in other black communities. Wilmington and Rosewood come to mind.
If I remember, correctly, I believe the people that lived in Rosewood were reimbursed. I'm not quite sure but I believe it was Rosewood. I know that it was one black community that was reimbursed, but not all of of them were because the majority of them had died. I think it was only two or three that got reparations.
"Then why did most of the comments in Field's post "Dixieland" seem to support it, or make light of it? Imo, most supported the idea. If you get some time, take a look and let me know what you think."
B#, sometimes it's better not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Nice play of the gender card. Always an excuse in your bag, huh.
I work with men AND women like you all the time that think a couple titles can substitute for good manners and a little humility. Good genes certainly do not guarantee a emotionally/mentally stable adult.
And thank you for finally answering no1kstate's question as to why you voted McCain/Palin this last time around. Clearly you and your family make over 250K/year.
While I applaud your success recognize that not everyone earns that kind of money and people are struggling to get by and have been for a long time now with failed economic policies that have seen wealth trickle up and poverty trickle down.
Not everyone has the advantage of living "near the hood" and having parents that stress higher education let alone the means to send them on to go college. Further kudos if you got some scholarships too.
A lot of Americans have seen inflation on a steady climb these past eight years. Many can agree with me when I tell you that I've received one shitty cost of living increase in my wages in nearly 5 years.
You haven't once yet offered an opinion as to how your conservative view of the world will be a better alternative than the shit sandwich we've been eating the last eight years.
Money truly does change one's perspective doesn't it. Now that you have some and it places you above the 95th percentile of wealth you're suddenly conservative?
It's so tiring to here people of means whine about taxes and how "hard" life is for them when some people in this country have to decide whether they will starve or freeze to death. Think I'm being hyperbolic? http://www.themudflats.net/2009/01/14/a-cry-for-help-from-rural-alaska-is-anyone-listening/
It's great that you recognize your blessings but unless you offer up a better reason other than your expanded salary for voting for John McCain 2008 (not 2000) then your suspect.
not-fly-at-all, you pompous self centered little bitch, I hope you lose your token status so you can feel like a second class citizen like the rest of us. Let your socioeconomic status drop a few points, and see how many "conservative"[closet racists] are still your friends. Your self hatred is sad and appalling. I suggest you get some professional help.
BTW- I don't have to kiss ANYONE'S ass. I am very confident with myself, I know who I am.
PS- not-so-fly:
Answer the question already
The love of money is the root of all evil. I Timothy 6:10
"B#, sometimes it's better not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
Maybe so, Granny. But somehow that metaphor isn't cutting it for me, in this case. Anyway, it is what it is.
Have you seen this?
I don't owe you bullying jackass motherf***** an explination about jack shit! The opportunity for an intelligent discussion ended when the first of you so called revolutionary militant well informed blacks started with the name calling.
And J, I'm glad to know theres a real woman in your life and it says a LOT that your "real lady" needs a bottle.
And Shabutch, the B-word really, is that the best your punk a$$ could come up with because I take it as a compliment.
I've read it already and visit that site often and read their articles. I know someone who works for them who blogs sometimes as well on another blog.
Shabazz said...
I hope you lose your token status so you can feel like a second class citizen like the rest of us.
So you feel like a second class citizen and this blog is filled people who like you, feel like second class citizens too? Well that's explains a LOT about how you came at me.
Here's the deal. Don't get mad at me because I overcame all the games white folks played in my life and succeeded anyway. Don't get mad at me because I had the audacity to work 3 jobs so I could complete a double major in college. And don't get mad at me because I made a conscious decision NOT to get pregnant until I was married AND had a good job myself. Get mad at your dam self for where your life is because YOU are the only one who has the power to do anything about it!! "Da white man" doesn't have to do anything because you've already done it to yourself by thinking you're a seon class citizen. And you think I need professional help? Negress please! Read the book by Carter G. Woodsen and free your mind so that you ass can follow.
Now is there anything else this Bitch can assist you with?
J said....
And thank you for finally answering no1kstate's question as to why you voted McCain/Palin this last time around. Clearly you and your family make over 250K/year.
If you want to believe that my VERY blessed financial family income is the reason I voted for McCain, then so be it. I just hope for heavens sake that you're not an attorney by trade, because that's some illogical bullshit thinking right there.
J said...
You haven't once yet offered an opinion as to how your conservative view of the world will be a better alternative than the shit sandwich we've been eating the last eight years.
I voted for Kerry, then Gore the previous 2 elections so you may want to talk to somebody who didn't. Now, how long is it going to take you to get the egg off your face?
J said...Money truly does change one's perspective doesn't it. Now that you have some and it places you above the 95th percentile of wealth you're suddenly conservative
Or is it because you don't make 250K+ that you're hatin' and still looking for a government handout? My husband busted his ass off serving this country as an officer in the military, in school through to graduate school, and now as a business owner. Are you naive (or stupid) enough to believe that just because we are in that 95%, we don't both still have battles in our lives or that life is all rosy? Wake up dude! It's not about the battle, never has been. It's about how you react to battles in life and I, being the proud daughter of a Vietnam Vet Marine, know nothing other than how to fight for what I want and what I think is right.
J said...
It's great that you recognize your blessings but unless you offer up a better reason other than your expanded salary for voting for John McCain 2008 (not 2000) then your suspect.
Like a said before, being suspect doesn't mean a hill of beans to me or are you too thick to have gathered that from my numerous posts? Obviously, God approves or else I wouldn't continue to be blessed.
fly, you bore me.
J said...
fly, you bore me.
Good now lets get back the topic!
not-fly-at all:
First off, I am a man, a BLACK man
You know absolutely nothing about me, so don't come at me with your prejudice assed, republican out-of-the box descriptions about me.
You know, it's funny, scientist bitch, that you can sit on a blog all day, playing tit-for-tat. I know what your rebuttal is going to be (they're so predictable), so let me save you the trouble: I work for myself, I have been doing so since dec.2008, as a result of losing my job (that I worked for for almost 6 years) thanks to george fuckin bush. I have a newsletter in print, as well as a spoken word/conscious hip hop cd, I am also a licensed contractor.I take care of my children and I'm happily married, so keep your stereotypical "blacks ain't shit"assumptions to yourself, better yet, why don't you express your hatred for blacks at the next klan rally. PS- If you survive, be sure to let us all how it went, and if your college degrees allowed them to look you in the eye like a fellow human bieng.
But like I said b4 princess, you WILL come home, whether it's through disgust or by force.
Shabazz said...
not-fly-at all:
First off, I am a man, a BLACK man
You know absolutely nothing about me, so don't come at me with your prejudice assed, republican out-of-the box descriptions about me.
You know, it's funny, scientist bitch, that you can sit on a blog all day, playing tit-for-tat.
Ooooo, girl, I guess you just told me! Did you do a Z-Snap after posting all that, LOL??? How about a neck roll or did you say honey chile'?
You know going off on me, in no way improves where you're obviously lacking. Cialis or Extends? Both?
Lawd Jesus! Smh!
West Coast Story:
Are you signed on? Have you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory?
You dumb bitch, are you retarded or did you not understand I am a man not a woman
Why do you think I'm a woman???
Are you a lesbian or something???
And BTW-princess, "fly" is played out , nobody says that anymore
I don't care how many degrees you claim to have, you are ignorant as shit!
Now, FUCK YOU, and crawl back into your cave troll!
While Y'all are bustin each others chops for usin out of date slang terms would y'all stop talkin about the "Klan"?? Aint been no Klansmen around for 80 years, unless you talkin bout the Wu-Tang-Klan...and MJ was right to support Jesse Helms. Harvey Gantt was a no-good-tax-raisin-reverse-discriminatin-Barney Frank lispin scalawag, you look up "house negro" in the ebonics dictionary and you see his picture...went to Clemson and MIT instead of Grambling and Tuskeegee...Day-um do y'all do any readin except Ebony or Jet???
Field - thanks for the shot out. Oh, and thanks for listing my blog!
Lynne - the simplest answer is that there's difference between in-group and out-group use of words and imagery. And it's clear that thrilla, Manilla, and gorilla all rhyme. I hear your argument, but I just don't think it's the same. Black people can take that risk and be given the benefit of doubt, especially Muhammed Ali who definitely participated in the struggle. But a couple of white editors and a white cartoonist don't get that same consideration - especially since it appeared in a newspaper owned by Ruport Murdoch.
Double standard? Yeah. But black people don't have a history of dehumanizing each other in America for four centuries by use of the monkey imagery.
Frank - Affirmative action doesn't equal "reverse discrimination." That's just a myth white men have used to try to maintain their privileged position. That fact is demonstrated by Helms' use of the white hand black hand commercial, and there's no question than Helms' was racist. And depending on whom, raising taxes is not a bad thing. Barney Frank is right about a whole lot of stuff. I don't know how he figures into the bailouts and bonuses such that conservatives are screaming that he should be investigated, though. If you could explain that to me, that'd be great. Cause it kinda seems like republicans are just pointed and screaming at Frank to deflect attention from their own on the record support for not changing executive contracts.
Shabazz - and this goes to J, too, to some extent. It's been clear to me that Fly, and you have to agree that was the word in her day, isn't interested in having an intellectual exchange. I'm sure it's clear to you, too. Could you please stop engaging her?
Fly - I've come to my conclusion based on the fact that you jump at any slight, real or the first dozen or so were perceived, to go on some profanity-laced, name-calling, attempting to belittle the other person rant and never respond to whatever the initial question(s) was(were). And trust me, it is possible to insult someone AND answer their question. If you're offended, feel free to prove me wrong. And using a string of profanity and declaring that you don't have anything to prove to anybody because -fill in the blank-, or that you won't answer to someone as young and "naive" as you think I am will just prove me right.
FLyNMy40s....(wow...that's really 90s)...you lack self-esteem. Who are you trying to convince that's you're so "fly"? Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.
Carlton went to sleep, then prolly went to work for the man,never fear, she'll get back to you shortly to tear you a new one!
"Carlton went to sleep, then prolly went to work for the man,never fear, she'll get back to you shortly to tear you a new one!"
LOL. That's true. And she did whup a lot of heads, by herself. ROFL. Funny thing is, they keep coming back for more. How dumb can you be?
What's even funnier is how some people cheer themselves on. Ego is something else.
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