I have a news flash for republicans: The 14th Amendment pretty much did away with Dred Scott v. Sandford. For those of you not familiar with the Dred Scott case, it is one of the many dark spots (no pun intended) in A-murder-can jurisprudence. That case basically said that us black folks were not humans but mere chattel. Property. No more important than the cotton we picked out of the ground or the animals we worked alongside.
Anyway, apparently conservatives didn't get the 14th Amendment memo. If they did, one of their most respected writers, Byron York, wouldn't be making the type of declarations that he did while writing for the Washington Examiner.
"On his 100th day in office, Barack Obama enjoys high job approval ratings, no matter what poll you consult. But if a new survey by the New York Times is accurate, the president and some of his policies are significantly less popular with white Americans than with black Americans, and his sky-high ratings among African-Americans make some of his positions appear a bit more popular overall than they actually are. [emphasis added]"
See, it's all so simple when you break it down: Obama's 62% job approval rating is primarily because of his high approval rating among black folks. But among white folks, whose opinion really matters, Obama's is "significantly less popular". See niggers, it's like this, when you are just three-fifths of a man or woman, your opinion only has three- fifths of the weight. So Obama being popular among you niggers means nothing. Wow! Byron York doing his best Chief Justice Taney imitation.
I love how Steve Benen writing in the Washington Monthly breaks down York's article:
"For crying out loud, what the hell does that mean, exactly? I read the rest of the piece, hoping to see York explain why the president's seemingly popular positions are exaggerated or inflated. Why, in other words, these positions "appear" more popular "than they actually are." But all the piece tells me is that African Americans tend to support Obama in greater numbers than white Americans.
The problem, of course, is that damn phrase "than they actually are." York argues that we can see polls gauging public opinion, but if we want to really understand the popularity of the president's positions, and not be fooled by "appearances," then we have to exclude black people. "
Steven, that is exactly the point Mr.York wants to make; "we do have to exclude black people". Because, let's face it, when did they ever matter.
Read Byron York's article here, and please note some of the comments that follow.
Big hat tip to my girl, Lynne Adrine, for hipping me to this story.
These polls just go to show how brainwashed black folk are.If Obama signed a bill saying Friday was slap a black person day 90% of black people all over this country would support him and the bill.Black people would be happy their getting some attention from the O ness.
So goes life on the Democrat plantation.
On the other hand white people are free thinkers and can't be herded around like black folk can.We have different opinions,we like different things,we don't laugh at each other for being different.
If black people would leave their Democrat masters plantation they would realize what power they have in this great country.
Til blacks learn to do that they will be left with"if only "x" happen we could take dis b*tch from whitey.
"On the other hand white people are free thinkers and can't be herded around like black folk can."
Two words. Nazi Germany.
It's not about race, Field. Obama is a liar when he says he doesn't want to increase the size of government. I understand his intentions and might respect them if he was more honest about it. But I can't support that.
There's a poll out that says non-support for obama is unmeasurable, maybe that's what they meant.
How are AA's "skewering" the polls if they only amount to just under 13% of the A-merry-can population? That doesn't take into account the ones who actually vote. Is it an undercount or something? They make it seem like we're at around 35-40% (you never know, it might be true!).
Obviously some folks aren't going to be happy about some of his actions since this mess that's currently being paraded about isn't liked either. The comment about being herded is comical!
Well Field.........
Based on your angry some posters here, I would say that white folks are probably in the majority of liking his O'Ness and the grand dame Michelle in the WH. Me, I don't understand. But, me, I am only a dumb left-handed red-headed stepchild.
I say this article and its backing are truly false. It is not only black folks, but us white folks, who are truly glad to have an intellectual, compassionate and guarded leader of our great nation. Only that we are great once again in the eyes of the rest of the world. I mean, even Chavez and Castro and other guys (the little Korean feller) who might want to open talks with us again. Imagine?
Oh lawdy, I never thought I could be so proud of my country again!
Most of the white folks I know are "amazed" by Obama. Cracker-asses though they may be. So, this cannot be true. It is not black and white, but grey, grey, grey. Bunk, as per usual, on the media. They sing it, they own it.
And, doncha all believe a word of it.
And, WE SHALL OVER COME someday,
Two words. Nazi Germany.
Wow, going back 60-70 years for that one.
Kinda hard to dissent when you know your gonna be murdered.But not all the German people were nazis.
You know what the messed up thing is? There are black conservatives out there that really do wonder why blacks vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
When i'm drivin though poor sections of Atlanta or Detroit i often find myself wanting to stop and ask some of the poor blacks i see "what has voting Democrat all your life gotten you?"
But by looking at them i could already tell.
What's up? Are you takin' yer meds?
For a while you were fer us, now again yer again us.
Pork is good. I love pork...
chops, tenderloins, ribs, blood, sausage, boudin, you name it!
I'm in 'Sippi now. Email me again:
I'll come visit over there in Ark and we'll eat some lovely piglets. Yum!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When i'm drivin though poor sections of Atlanta or Detroit i often find myself wanting to stop and ask some of the poor blacks i see "what has voting Democrat all your life gotten you?"
But by looking at them i could already tell.
Well in the 80's when King Klan Ronald Reagan got elected he had the CIA dump crack into the hood.
then for eight years Shrub blew $1 trillion dollars to kill one guy for dissin' his daddy. Don't forget about Shrub Sr.Democrats only had eight years to fix the crap the Republiklans did.I glad we finally got eight more.
"Kinda hard to dissent when you know your gonna be murdered."
So now you're saying white people are all free thinkers only when it's safe?
Allrighty then.
Where is the great and glorious Alicia weighing in on this? We all await the princess's answer! Ugh! How's your blog doing dearie?
I read some of the comments (as much as I could stomach) at the link provided.
Let me get this straight, the haters say that blacks voted for Obama because of his color and we are racist, dependent on the goverment, and the usual stereotypical thoughtless talking points.
If that is the case, the if John McCain were black, he would have gotten over 90% of the black vote, right? RIIIIGHT.
I believe any Democrat running in the general election would have received the majority of the black vote, PERIOD.
When it comes to social issues and civil rights, Republicans are mean-spirited and ugly, PERIOD.
And they wonder why blacks do not want to enter their fucking tent.
Hey Kid,
Right on! You said a mouth full.
Whitney B.
The CIA dumping crack and guns in black neighborhoods is conspiracy theory folklore.
Good point. I have made that point in political circles, yet no one wants to answer it. Bravo on you!
Night, night.........Whit
These idiots bore me. I am far more interested in anyone that has ideas for what will work toward resolving the problems of this country. People that want to waste my precious time attacking Obama on BULLSHIT arguments can promptly go sit in a corner, suck their thumbs and engage in their mental masturbation to their little, bitter, hearts content. That would be you Anon and all the anons here that have nothing to offer but criticism.
Me, I am gonna keep working with others in my community to support those projects that will benefit the community and challenge those that will not.
And, for those that are slinging bullshit saying that Obama has done nothing to assist the poor or no one but the rich. Do your homework and look at the stimulous package that got passed. Funds for HUD, clinics, extended unemployment, child healthcare, and finally tax cuts for all who make under 250K was implemented as of March 1st. And that is JUST in the first 100 days..... Is it enough? Not yet, no... but it is a good start.
And finally, calling Obama a homophobe is crap. Sorry Alicia, you are not the voice of the gay community, and this lesbian is not feelin ya on that bullshit. Obama has spoken out for gay rights and protections and VOTED for them. And, he has included us in his appointments, as well as his speeches as being a part of the fabric of this country.....
So, polls can say whatever.... the rightwing can say whatever.... I am pleased with the direction we are heading, for the most part, and for those parts where I am not, I will continue to organize and speak out. But, I am not gonna dismiss everything he has done because I don't agree with some things....
Sorry for a couple of misspelled words there folks, I published this post before I got a chance to spell check. (Got caught up in the C's v. Bulls game)Not that it really matters, you all know how I feel about spelling.:)
Wow! I see there are still some really strong feeling out there against his O ness. It's just been 100 days folks, let's give him a chance. I guess this is why repubs will try and find any reason to discredit his 63% approval rating. Even if it means blaming it on black folks. :(
And where is Granny? I need some wisdom.
Field, if you think the conservative Hate-O-Rade was strong before, wait until they realize that this "Black Socialist Kenyan" will appoint a Supreme Court Justice shortly:
Anonymous Rudy said...
The CIA dumping crack and guns in black neighborhoods is conspiracy theory folklore.
No It's called Iran/Contra. Read the court transcripts.Ollie North makes Frank Lucas look like a joke.I'm not a conspiracy nut. It's well documented. It's in a place called The Library of Congress.
"Field, if you think the conservative Hate-O-Rade was strong before, wait until they realize that this "Black Socialist Kenyan" will appoint a Supreme Court Justice shortly:"
Field, it's all part of the white derangement. hell that Fox "News" clown "Judge" Andrew Napolitano even wrote a book "laying bare the truth about slavery" called, get this, "Dred Scott's Revenge." (hey, no fair, he copied).
Whilst Anonymous pussies post, well, anonymous tripe in your comments rather than reveal their identities, people like York (and Andy Nappy) try to spin new pseudo intellectual underpinnings for their positions. But it ain't working. Hell I even saw Dr. Drew Pinsky tear Glenn Beck a new one over science issues. If Dr. Drew can get burly and rough up a wingnut, you know things are bad for them. Ultimately, they simply are preaching to an increasingly ignorant, surly choir in order to hold them. Without the Pavlovian responses, O man might just pick up more allies.
Bottom line, they are throwing up any outlandish crap they can in the hope that the average white dullard with latch onto it. Yep, all 100 million or more of niggers are skewing it. Must be a BIG Democratic plantation--with even Colin Powell picking cotton. Ha! How many of us are there of voting age anyway--maybe 6 million if that? And WE can shoot these number that high? Hmmm.
It's not even worth debate anymore, as I don't debate my five year old when he insists Optimus Prime is living on our roof...
"Ultimately, they simply are preaching to an increasingly ignorant, surly choir in order to hold them. Without the Pavlovian responses, O man might just pick up more allies."
Co-sign 100%. Chris,your Princeton cred is showing.:)
@ field,
I think at this point in time, there is nothing under the sun or in the toxic Venusian atmosphere that most White conservatives and right wing republicans can say about Black folks that we've not heard before. I think we waste our time by pointing out this nacent hatred. These folks really believe what they say. You should read the follow-up article Byron put out yesterday defending the earlier garbage he wrote.
I think I was polled once and I did not like the multiple choice. Life is too complex for multiple choice and to ask if the country is on the right is a duncial question because no one knows the answer. We need to wait and see what happens. Who could have possibly thought that change would occur in a 100 days? Well damn, did I vote for a magican by accident, I thought I voted for Obama. The NY Times probably conducted the poll to see the divide between black and white respondents and those individuals that participated obliged. I would told the person to call me back in another 18 months when the questions make better sense.
Does illiteracy follow innumeracy?
well, let's see. You can't get PRESIDENT Obama on patronizing hookers. You can't get him on trying to sell someone's seat. You can't get him on tape doing blow, or buying the drugs and then flushing it down the toiler (a la Haggard), he wasn't caught in the men's bathroom brushing his foot up against an undercover cop, he didn't father a child out of wedlock. He hasn't accepted bribes, kickbacks. He hasn't ABSCONDED with people's money. He hasn't killed his wife, kids and himself. His wife was able to penetrate the Queen of England's icy facade and reciprocate a hug. They encourage interactions between the white house staff, their kids make up their own beds. Why in the hell would anyone want to vote these people as popular is beyond me. There are some ignorant ass people who are so damn desperate to find a reason to not LIKE these people it's laughable. It was McCain/Palin who made a COMPLETE mockery out of the RNC. Hell, Republicans who intended to vote Republican changed their minds so quick it was shocking.
Stop trying to figure out why Obama's popular and analyze what's really going on in the Republican camp. No one's taking you guys serious anymore. Your shit's a joke-you know and we do too.
And as far as commenting on the blight of the inner-city: The suburbs in MI (birmingham, west bloomfield, bloomfield twp etc)aren't fairing well either. What with community leaders being indicted on child porn charges, daddy taking out the whole family and himself because he stole investors' monies/is destitute/mad bcuz wife left his retarded ass and was too cowardly to face the music, pregnant suburban wives coming up missing, teachers sleeping with innocent children and crossing state lines, kids shooting up schools, children stealing parents prescription meds and vice versa, desperate housewives getting their trick on, cowards beating THE HELL out of their wives, driving to the inner city for drugs/prostitution (with she-males, no less) (white suburban men are their biggest 'clients') and bringing diseases back home to wife cuz their nasty ass won't protect themselves, and these are the same people who spout homophobic bs in church and to anyone else who'd listen. I'd rather interact with those who are true to themselves, then deal with cowardly liars on any given day. Suburbanites are QUICK to down those in the city-you WISH you had the fortitude in your pinky finger to face adversity as those in those very areas you spoke of (Detroit etc). But you'll claim Detroit when it comes to Red Wings, Tigers or Pistons...idiots.
Oh yeah living in the suburbs is a no-brainer.
OT: Souter is retiring.
It's time for a BLACK Justice on The Supreme Court.
York can kiss my Black Ass.
I have a very important question (important to me anyway). How of all of the people polled, how many were black? Because if the number was large enough (which it rarely ever is) to skew a poll a certain way, then it is a bad poll. I find it hard to believe that the MSM would poll a large number of black folk, simply because (to them) or thoughts on Obama don't really matter (or to clarify, they can be taken for granted). I mean, remember the polls during the campaign?
OT: Souter is retiring.
It's time for a BLACK Justice on The Supreme Court.
There was on his name was Thurgood Marshall.I know of a excellent lawyer who's quite familiar with the court and would be excellent on the bench...Anita Hill.
After Byron York is done kissing Rikyrah's ass, he can kiss my brown ass, too. He wrote for the National Review and is the author of The Vast Leftwing Conspiracy, so has absolutely no cred with me.
Mz.Bria2U said... "Suburbanites are QUICK to down those in the city....
Oh yeah living in the suburbs is a no-brainer." LOL!
Yes! Lets get some more discriminating, divisiveness going out here in the hills! It has been way too long since the Hatfields and McCoys.
The first Seder in the White House. Was that to offset President Obama's Muslinness?
Someone came up with some contemporary addons to the readings
A black justice or how about a black jewish justice? It is gonna be a long year.
"Kinda hard to dissent when you know your gonna be murdered.But not all the German people were nazis."
Germans followed Hitler without a second thought. No free thinkers there. At the time, they were the smartest Whites on earth, and proud of what they did! 60-70 years later, you are proof that kind of thinking has not changed.
When Frat Boy had 25% approval rating he thought he had all the approval he needed to do whatever the hell he & Torture Master wanted.
The demographic breakdown of Obama's approval, he's got almost all the Hispanics, Jews (remember when Jews were supposed to hate him?), & under 30 year olds; he has wide margin of ALL women, a majority of Catholics. Of course, measured against conservative Deep South white protestant males, what has he got?
Who are these crazy right wing nuts? Have they no concept of what has been going on for the last 8 years under Bush/Cheney? Or just don't care.
Obama is driving them nuts because he doesn't fit into any of their stereotypes.
"Obama is driving them nuts because he doesn't fit into any of their stereotypes."
True. Also, they have lost their own identity because of him. Republicans don't know who they are anymore. All they have left is that fat swine Limbaugh, Mr. Neurotic Glen Beck, and lipless-dickless Sean Hannity and help from Fart News. And they have Blacks like Steele and crazy-man-Keyes. Looks like the intellectual brain power is on the black side. Keyes might be crazy, but he ain't stupid.
Now that would be the laugh of the century if Steele and Keyes ended up running the Republican party.
Anonymous said...
On the other hand white people are free thinkers and can't be herded around like black folk can.We have different opinions,we like different things,we don't laugh at each other for being different.
I spoke in the last post about the dangers of monolithic thinking in the Black community. But now that someone who is presumable white has said it, maybe now some black folks will listen.
kid said...
Well in the 80's when King Klan Ronald Reagan got elected he had the CIA dump crack into the hood.
I lived 2 blocks from one of those neighborhoods that crack was supposedly "dumped" into. And my Mama would have whooped my a$$ for smoking it.
In other words, it's highly unlikely "the man" was there holding the craking pipe while people made the DECISION to smoke it.
kid said...
There was on his name was Thurgood Marshall.I know of a excellent lawyer who's quite familiar with the court and would be excellent on the bench...Anita Hill.
This is a DUMB IDEA!!!! Have you lost your mind? You know dam well Obama isn't going to appoint her because of her history.
I do believe Thomas harassed her, but I also think she had an affair with Thomas prior to that (he obviously didn't respond well to being told no).
Glad to see life on the Democrat plantation is so good.
Who cares about -
historic deficits
sinking GDP
historic unemployment
rising utility rates
Least pedophiles are protected in the new Democrat hate crimes bill.Pedophiles are a imporant voting block for Democrats.
Yeah life in the suburbs is really bad.Low murder rates, even lower rape and robby rates.We can open our windows and see the sun and smell the fresh air.
We don't have to put bars on our windows,we don't have to board our windows,we don't have to put barb wire up in our yards.
Life just really sucks here.
Anon.... first you cite how horrible it all is and then you paint the picture of rosiness.... which is it? And, no pedophile is protected. There is nothing in any bill anywhere in any local, state, or national law that protects pedophiles. I have not heard one person state support for pedophiles.
Name me one person, elected or otherwise that has advocated for protecting pedophiles.
C'mon Field my Brutha...that 3/5 of a person thang was a YANKEE idea...the South wanted y'all counted just like anyone else, true, just for determining congressional seats, but still, we did enough to y'all not to take the blame for that one...
And the dirty little secret, well not so secret, is nooone wants to be around Y'all, not even Y'all!! Show me one decent black neighborhood, and don't tell me how rich Prince Georges County Maryland is, its a Ghetto with a capital GET and a capital TOE...Got a Nigerian Radiologist lives down the Cul-de-Sac, sounds like friggin David Duke with an English Accent...
Anon.7:33AM,you know what must really suck?Regardless of where you live,you still have to live with yourself.
And Jody,why did you let the facts get in the way of his/her argument?
Frank.....crap on what you say. I, a white girl, lived in a great black neighborhood in Philadelphia!
As for suburban Anonymous, what was the purpose or meaning of your rant?
Too funny! Got into this a bit yesterday at my joint.
Fly effuses -I spoke in the last post about the dangers of monolithic thinking in the Black community. But now that someone who is presumable white has said it, maybe now some black folks will listen.Now Fly - you know that hypothesis doesn't hold together even under casual observation - so why are you fronting it?
I didn't notice white folks talking about the "dangers of white approval ratings" back when the Bushit had sky high approval ratings after 9-11...
So what's so special and different about black folks approving of someone?
Or is it only when the person being "approved of"... Is black?
Further - I didn't see anyone accusing white folks of "monolithic thinking" when Bushit's approval numbers hit 90%...
Monolithic thinking must just be a black folks disease... Sort of like Sickle Cell Huh?
btx3 said...
Monolithic thinking must just be a black folks disease... Sort of like Sickle Cell Huh?
Why do you "no" called young "intellectuals" go after people with dumb a$$ comments?? And the fact that I'm a Scientist who used to do sickle cell research, makes you look sillier than already do.
First, Sickle Cell disease/trait is NOT a black disease, nor does it ONLY affect Black people. Since you obviously don't know, the trait originated in 3 places, Africa, India, and parts of the Middle East. WHITE PEOPLE carry the trait/have the disease too. Now that's due genetic admixture but I'm assuming I'd have to thump you upside yo' head with a genetics book for you to fully understand what I'm saying.
Second, Thallesemia runs in my family NOT sickle cell, and I ain't white, neither is Thallesemia a "white" disease.
Class dismissed, now sat down somewhere, LOL!!!
Hate crimes bill, HR 1913, the term 'sexual orientation' includes pedophilia.
An amendment by a Republican to define the term `sexual orientation' as used in the bill to explicitly exclude pedophilia. Defeated 13 to 10.
A amendment to protect veterans was defeated 11-9.
pedophiles a protected class?? Yes
veterans a protected class?? No
Bush's ratings went up and down depending how white people liked his policies.White people were free to change their minds.
Blacks living on the Democrat plantation are taught to support their Democrat masters no matter what.And you support Obama no matter what.
Fly tries to dazzle with bullshit with -
And the fact that I'm a Scientist who used to do sickle cell research, makes you look sillier than already do.Which doesn't either address my questions - nor provide an answer to the issue of why you would advance such intellectually bankrupt trash...
I usually only have to ask a question twice of a) really stupid people, or b) folks who know they've been exposed...
Which are you?
And, in my field of expertise I find I can talk over the heads of 99.9% of the folks who aren't in my field of study...
Small accomplishments being the focus of small minds... Indeed - being the reason I don't go there.
Now - you want to answer the questions, or get into a tete a tete...
You will lose?
If voting Democrat most of the time places me on the Democratic plantation, then so be it. I'd rather be on a plantation that is inclusive of ALL AMERICANS than to be "the help/wait staff" on the Republican plantation.
Soon enough, the Republicans will suggest that black votes be tabulated at a rate of three-fifths of non-black votes.
I am off to puke up my breakfast now.
Speaking of analysis of voting patterns, check this one out:
"White evangelical Protestants were the religious group most likely to say torture is often or sometimes justified -- more than six in 10 supported it."
Don't hold your breath waiting for Bryon York to write a column about the cruelty of white evangelical, Bible-flinging Christians.
Field I posted this in the other thread. What do you think of Eric Cantor (who I think is absolute pond scum) and the restructuring of the Repuclican Party. It looks like some of their ideas are taken straight from the Obama's team innovations. Blacks cannot be faulted because many groups must have a herd mentality if so many are seeing fit to abandon bankrupt republican ideas:
The effort, called the National Council for a New America, will hold its first town hall in Arlington, VA on Saturday, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Other key movers and shakers are Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. McCain also said that his former running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was contacted to participate.
On the conference call, Cantor and McCain stressed that the council isn't a re-branding effort for the GOP. "This is not a Contract with America," the senator from Arizona said. "This is a conversation with America."
Cantor, the driving force behind the council, said its other purpose is to have this conversation outside of Washington (although the first town hall is just a few miles away) and to have Republicans, independents, and Democrats all participate.
"We don't have to put bars on our windows,we don't have to board our windows,we don't have to put barb wire up in our yards"
There's always people who hate cities, afraid to go near them. They think cities are just huge, dangerous ghettos. Of course, cities are dangerous. Always were. (read The Bible). But they're also where the interesting culture is, where the artists live. All through high school I thought, "I gotta get outta this stupid little town." I was always going to New York, or down to Atlantic City to stay with my gramma. You have to be halfway smart to survive in a city, but any old idiot can hide in the burbs.
anon 11:40,
I am assuming you are talking about a subcommittee vote (judging from your count of votes)where some right-wing wacko tried to introduce the idea that pedophilia was synonymous with sexual orientation and that ridiculous assumption was shot down, as well it should be...
The Hate Crimes cover:
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Disability, and Sexual Orientation (LGBT)
The above classes of people have a history of discrimination because they are a member of said class... discrimination and violence directed towards them.
There is not now nor has there ever been a history of discrimination and or violence directed at Veterans as a class of peoples. So, trying to "protect them" in this bill is absurd.
And, just to be clear, research and crime stats show that most pedophiles had public displays of hetro-sexual men. But in fact, a pedophile is a predator who preys on children. It has nothing to do with orientation, either hetro or homo....
Why on gods green earth would someone suggest the need to exclude them from a bill that has nothing to do with pedophilia? Unless of course the person suggesting it is a sick-fuck homophobe, right?
Dark Moon,Cantor is just the flavor of the month;he too will pass.
Jody, again,why are you giving anon.facts?
He don't need no stinking facts.:)
Bob,fear is a mother isn't it?If some people could get over their fears and ignorance they would be so much better as human beings.
Anonymous 6:12:
"they have lost their own identity because of him. Republicans don't know who they are anymore. All they have left is that fat swine Limbaugh, Mr. Neurotic Glen Beck, and lipless-dickless Sean Hannity
Now that would be the laugh of the century if Steele and Keyes ended up running the Republican party."
Baby, nah, they haven't lost their identity. That was their identity all the time, it's just finally coming to the surface for all to see how they really were all the time. People's eyes opened up during the last eight years. Nixon was the first to let it all hang out in a sense. Bush in some ways used him as model to govern by. Nixon said, "It's legal if the President does it." (might be paraphased a little bit) Does that sound familar?
I'll be glad when some real investigative journalist start digging into Sean Hannity and Jesse Lee Peterson BOND, Inc. ties, the Freedom Concerts funding, and Sean's business association with Turbo Tax cheat Robert Allen Stanford. Or go down to Cobb County in Georgia and dig up the stuff on Hannity, it's public informatiom. That journalist would be guaranteed a Pulitzer Prize. I'm just saying...hint...hint!
Anonymous 10:38:
"When i'm drivin though poor sections of Atlanta or Detroit i often find myself wanting to stop and ask some of the poor blacks i see "what has voting Democrat all your life gotten you?"
But by looking at them i could already tell."
Yeah, yeah, there some blacks that are poor, true. However, I guess you don't drive through the poor trailer parks too often because you're afraid you might see the same thing. As for the surburbs, well, like Mz.Bria2U said:
"The suburbs in MI (birmingham, west bloomfield, bloomfield twp etc)aren't fairing well either. What with community leaders being indicted on child porn charges, daddy taking out the whole family and himself because he stole investors' monies/is destitute/mad bcuz wife left his retarded ass and was too cowardly to face the music, pregnant suburban wives coming up missing, teachers sleeping with innocent children and crossing state lines, kids shooting up schools, children stealing parents prescription meds and vice versa, desperate housewives getting their trick on, cowards beating THE HELL out of their wives, driving to the inner city for drugs/prostitution (with she-males, no less) (white suburban men are their biggest 'clients') and bringing diseases back home to wife cuz their nasty ass won't protect themselves, and these are the same people who spout homophobic bs in church and to anyone else who'd listen. I'd rather interact with those who are true to themselves, then deal with cowardly liars on any given day."
It's getting harder and harder to keep the light from shining in those prissy surburban areas because everything is out in the open and still coming out in the open. What's done in the dark is sho nuff coming to the light, huh? I guess she straighten you out on a few misconceptions you have concerning the surburbs. Oh yeah, btw, that should be Ms. Mz Bria2U to you from now on, got that?
You must be related to Granny. I can see your eyes are wide open. When I read the comments you posted, I felt like telling them to pass the collection plate because you was preaching the truth and nothing but the truth. Granny can rest a little bit now. Thank you Jesus!
Granny has been knowing Kid now for a number of years. In fact, Kid was the one who turned me on to Field's blog and started me posting on here. One thing, I can say about Kid is that if he tells folks about something, you can put some money on it, because he deals with true facts that can be backed up, researched, and are well documented. He is, definitely, not no conspiracy freak. Kid is not a person that makes up stuff or gives out false information.
"You have to be halfway smart to survive in a city, but any old idiot can hide in the burbs."
Tell them Bob! And judging from Anonymous comments he must be one of those idiots hiding in the burbs. He should get out more often.
Granny will be later on tonight. Bye Bye!
Anonymous 6:12:
I almost forgot to add, Jesse Lee Peterson and Alan Keyes would be more of the Republican's style.
Make sure you read amendment 15
15. An amendment by Mr. King to define the term `sexual orientation' as used in the bill to EXPLICITLY EXCLUDE pedophilia. Defeated 13 to 10.
So if pedophilia isn't protected under "sexual orientation" than why was there a amendment to exclude it??And why was that amendment defeated?
"You have to be halfway smart to survive in a city, but any old idiot can hide in the burbs."
Judging by the murder rates theres not a lot of smart people living in the cities.
I can't think on the rest of this because I have Supreme-itis at the thought of an Obama appointee!
Time for a Black Supreme? YES.
Time for a Black Female Supreme? HELL YES!
Kid get outta my head with Anita Hill.
Sooooo racial profiling done by the po po is wrong and racial profiling for the Supreme Court is ok?
Anita Hill or Alcee Hastings would work.
Ahhh, as I surmised... a sick fuck homophobe, Steve King, R Iowa, introduced the amendment... He is opposed to gay rights, in fact arguing AGAINST equal rights for gays and lesbians, he proudly proclaims far right, christian fundamentalist values..... Enough said.
Anon... Pedophilia has NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING! to do with homosexuality. NOTHING! So, there is NOTHING to exclude.... and to suggest that it needs to be excluded as though somehow a part to be excepted is bullshit.
Field, the insideous and oft perpetrated lie of pedophilia is one of the uglier lies directed and me and my community. Sorry, just cant let it go without comment.
"Field, the insideous and oft perpetrated lie of pedophilia is one of the uglier lies directed and me and my community. Sorry, just cant let it go without comment."
Jody, speak your mind!
HI GRANNY!!!I missed you. :(
H.R. 1913 (Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009)
The bill does not place any limits on what sexual orientation is or what gender identity is.
According to the DSM IVR [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual]
There are more than 30 different sexual orientations and gender identity issues.Pedophilia is recognize has a sexual orientation.
What King tried to do was have pedopilia EXCLUDE from the bill.Democrats voted to keep it in.
So yes this bill does protect pedo's.
Aaannndddd, there it is:
Well, maybe you can try to lie your ass out of this you fuck, but that is exactly what King was suggesting, which is why it failed, and rightfully so.
Everytime you homophobes try to make the suggestion that LGBT is a mental disorder, or link it with pedophilia or other mental disorder, you back track when called on it.
Context is everything asshole. This bill is about addressing classes of people who are targets of violence and discrimination.
Pedophilia is illegal, harmful and involves predator behavior. It is not and never will be a protected class because it is illegal activity, and rightfully so.
Byron York's "argument" is absurd on its face unless the group of people sampled in the poll was disproportionately black. That's just simple math. Of course he's implicitly making an argument that only the opinions of white people count. Field is bang-on about that.
All I wanna know is...
how come all the black people polled had phone service. I thought the economic meltdown hit us harder. I know everybody doesn't have their phone in just one person's momma's name.
I missed you too! Granny had to take a break, catch up some reading, relax, and get a few things done. I'm still a little tired and my body is telling me to rest these old bones so I can rejuvenate and get back to raising you know what with the party of hate. So I'll probably take another short break for a few more days.
I read an interesting comment on Huffingtonpost that I wanted to share with folks in the field.
"The country is divided between those with a FRONTIER mentality and those with an ISLAND mentality.
For better or worse, America was founded with a FRONTIER mentality (Manifest Destiny, Individualism, Genocide of Indians for the greater good of the (white) society, etc.) It implies constant linear movement forward...and away from responsibility for one's individual actions. There is always another horizon ahead.
An ISLAND mentality position is that the good of the whole is paramount and BECAUSE WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT, individual rights are less important than the functioning of the whole.
What the FRONTIER types call "socialism", ISLAND types call practicality, or "pono" (doing what is right or just).
People on the Mainland have much to learn from this approach... the Earth is increasingly an ISLAND"
Anonymous 5:20:
"Judging by the murder rates theres not a lot of smart people living in the cities."
Most people learned how to connect the dots in the Kindergarten. Were you deprived of that learning experience? Okay, let me see if I can break it down for you in simpler terms. There are a hundred thousands people that live in a city. Only a few hundred of them kill people.
A few hundred does not equal a hundred-thousands, there are three more zeros added on the back of that, that makes them different from each other. Hundreds are less than hundred-thousands. Do you get it now?
BTW, I know that you are more than likely Anonymous 6:05 too. It looks like something asinine you'd say.
Got to give it those Republicans a little credit, they are, definitely, the party of uniters. Yup, I totally agree with that...the uniters of Hate.
Those folks up on the hill that do not have the interest of the people at heart and only have their own self-interest at heart are being flushed out up on Capitol Hill along with those greedy folks in the banking industry. Yup, and so are those corporations/industries that don't care about health or safety or environment as long as they can make a profit.
Change is coming to Washington D C with a big broom, mop, and some serious sanitizing. Yup, and the people are going to grab their scrub brushes and get involved in helping clean it up. Fox news, Glen Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and all other spewers of hate won't be left out of the clean up process.
We gone see some new faces up on Capitol Hill in the future. Out with the old and in with the new, so to speak. "And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins."
Granny thinking outloud--->hmmm...I wonder if they make cheerleading suits ankle length??? If they do I might go out and buy one so I can do this cheer...One...two...three... what would we appreciate. Rah...rah...rah...Fox News would disintegrate! Yea! Okay, maybe, I need to go back and work on it just a little bit. You know fine tune it. I'm open for suggestions. (wink)
Granny, glad to see you are rested and taking care of you. That is serious field Negro behavior. :)
Just knowing that you are around, _--even if you are not posting-- makes us all feel better.
On the other hand white people are free thinkers and can't be herded around like black folk can.We have different opinions,we like different things,we don't laugh at each other for being different.You have got to be kidding.
Hell, white people have committed genocide(read Armenians Jews and Gypsies) against people for being different.
Long before Pol Pot, Rwanda and Darfur.
White folks set the template long before these more recent atrocities, so please don't go there.
Kinda hard to dissent when you know your gonna be murdered.But not all the German people were nazis.
10:23 PMAnd not all Nazis were German. So, what's your point? This sh!t happened within living memory. It was not so long ago.
A black justice or how about a black jewish justice? It is gonna be a long year.Lady Cracker,
Cool. And anything that would cause Pat Buchanan and Rush Limbaugh's heads to explode.
Hate crimes bill, HR 1913, the term 'sexual orientation' includes pedophilia.
An amendment by a Republican to define the term `sexual orientation' as used in the bill to explicitly exclude pedophilia. Defeated 13 to 10.
11:40 AMThe recent Congressional vote on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act concerns enhanced charges against pinheads who beat the crap or murder someone for being gay, which is what happened to Sherry Shepherd's son Matthew 10 years ago.
Despite your twisted (and the religious right's expectations) the law certainly does not protect pedophiles. Nor does it open the door to pursuing preachers who weigh in from their pulpits their views on homosexuality.
A amendment to protect veterans was defeated 11-9.Veterans and their families have a friend of record in the White House. Her name is Michelle Obama.
Now, I am not familiar with this allegation (and believe me, I am going to look it up), but you are leaving something out through ignorance or intent.
But I do know that Sen. John McCain voted against a revised GI Bill that would increase benefits for our veterans. And this was just last year.
You folks think that banking mess was something, wait until the all the mess and whose tied to what and so forth and so forth in the medical and pharmaceutical industry start unraveling and coming to the light. Someone just might have to call 911 for some of them folks up on Capitol Hill.
I know one thing, Granny plans on getting herself a ringside seat to watch the fireworks, stocking up on some popcorn, peanuts, diet pepsi, BonBons, and get my DVD recorder set to record. Yup, some folks is really gone come unglued and us Americans is gone find out why they've been stalling on fixing health care.
We might get to see the Fourth of July before the Fourth of July. Whelp, by now everyone should be aware of how a certain party is gone cut a fool but now there might be a few on the other side might act up too--backstabbers. Our politicians are wrapped up in so many layers of mess until it might take eight years just to untangle all of it and bring back some integrity to up on that hill. Yes, indeedy!
I'm glad they passed that hate bill, because folks need to leave the LGBT community alone and keep their hands and ugly remarks to themselves. The LGBT have a right to live in peace just like anyone else on this earth. Ain't no one on earth got no heaven or hell to put folks in and God is not dead.
I hate that Matthews mother had to be subject to those insensitive remarks made by that Congresswoman. That was so cruel and ugly but then you have to look at the source whose mouth it came out of. Their party seems to be a master at making insensitive and cruel remarks to those they deem as undesirable. Sometimes I wonder do they even like themselves seeing how their list of folks they don't like seem to cover about every American citizen and other human being around the world.
Polls...don't believe in them. Can't see them and besides no body called me. Forget the polls; it's a shell game. Just judge a person by "what you see". Polls are the reincarnation of the Tuskeegee experiment...think people!
Ir is a relief to see Ms. Alicia gone. Hateful woman.
Field in the blog post:
See niggers, it's like this, when you are just three-fifths of a man...How much longer do you think your avg AA is going to misunderstand this '3/5 of a man' crap because you don't understand it, field?
Esta es una muy buena historia que querÃa leer algo como esto aproximadamente hace dos meses, por favor, seguir poniendo en artÃculos como los de aquÃ.
abanicos para boda
Hey su sido en realidad un mensaje muy bueno e informativo a seguir leyendo. Voy a seguir estos puntos en mi mente a partir de ahora, espero no cometer errores
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